Talking of the BBC inventing’s another example….the BBC is often keen on using the ‘Justinian’s Flea’ method of ascribing runs of history to very specific, singular events…such as the invention of the plough. This apparently kickstarted civilisation and led to the misery we all have to suffer now with its capitalism, inequality, war and oppression…. and bad food.
The plough was a simple yet transformative technology. It was the plough that kick-started civilisation in the first place – that, ultimately, made our modern economy possible. But the plough did more than create the underpinning of civilisation – with all its benefits and inequities. Different types of plough led to different types of civilisation.
So not fire or the domestication of horses for transport and freight, dogs for hunting and herding, sheep, goats and cattle for food, not hand tools or weapons that improved hunting and war, not the wheel, not the science of the seasons, not water management such as dams, canals and terracing, not stone-working, not metal-working that made the dreaded plough, not science and knowledge passed on and developed continuously throughout the millenia that helped the spread of ‘civilisation’ then, or even, God help us, the rise of religion? Just the plough.
Apparently we would all be much happier as hunter gatherers…you’d be nuts not to prefer a handful of wild nuts and berries to a toxic, sugar-filled Mars Bar practically force fed to you by the evil capitalist sugar industry that profits so grossly from feeding you this poison.
Just more anti-capitalist student tosh from the BBC…..and undoubtedly anti-Christian as well….
I want to interject that the (Bible) verse quoted above is from Isaiah Chapter 2 verse 4. It’s a Messianic prophecy (there is a lot of that in Isaiah) It goes:
” He will judge between the nations
and will settle disputes for many peoples.
They will beat their swords into plowshares
and their spears into pruning hooks.
Nation will not take up sword against nation,
nor will they train for war anymore.”
I would like to highlight that the prophet declares in the future Messianic kingdom –
“He will judge between many NATIONS” Yes Nations. This as well as dozens of other verses which speak the same way indicate that (according to Bible prophecy) in the future there will still be NATIONS. Hopefully our own among them.
The Messiah (The real one, not Brian ;)) will judge the NATIONS. Which means, the globalists LOSE & lose big.
Hear this oh Gina Miller & Tony Blair!
The Prophet Joel uses the same language in reverse. Plowshares into swords. Joel Ch3 Vs10
” Beat your plowshares into swords
and your pruning hooks into spears.
Let the weakling say,
“I am strong!”
Come quickly, all you nations from every side,
and assemble there.”
(This verse is speaking of Armageddon. The end, and again there are many NATIONS.)
The Globalists appear to be mounting a desperate bid to lose. There will still be nations.
Someone tell Juncker.
Excuse me but it is Sunday. I know not everyone who posts here is Christian but thank you. Because no one here gives me any grief for rabbiting on about Biblical text. It just happens to be an interest to me and a subject I have studied for a long time. These days there aren’t many secular places on the internet you can bring these things up without being told off. It works well in the company of libtards. Quoting Bible verses at them is like throwing holy water at vampires 😉
I am of the opinion that globalism tends to be a left wing idea and I can’t imagine that Christian values will have much influence on the ambitions of a Marxist, although they will cynically use Christianity if they think it supports their dogma. They seem to me to think that the Bible preached against the freedom of the individual.
In other words I am my brother’s keeper.
Is ‘plowshare’ a disgusting americanism ? Shouldn’t it be ‘ploughshares’ ?
I think you are right. I was using plough to start with but was getting the red-squiggly spell check warning until I changed it to plow.
Ploughshare is English and correct (the OED will confirm). Plowshare is US English and sadly reflects the fact that most computer software has spelling checkers (or ‘spellcheckers’ as they will have it) written for US users.
Lucy, I generally ignore the red squiggly unless it is an obvious typing error. If a bit uncertain I open up another page and type it into Google – it is then fairly easy to confirm the correct (English) spelling. My grandson was picked up a school recently for using the word ‘trash’ instead of ‘rubbish’. I would bet the teacher has no problem seeing this word in her email settings. We will know the end is finally nigh when our beloved broadcaster starts calling Film Review….. Movie Review.
““He will judge between many NATIONS” Yes Nations.”
As you will already know. These nations were formed by Almighty God at the construction of the Tower Of Babel by confusing their languages to deter those nations from forming one world wide political/religious group that was about to rise in anger at the Judeo-Christian God!
And they will continue as nations as long as God permits society to exist! .
Then at Pentecost, God gave the gift of foreign languages to every visiting Jew in order that when they return to their own adopted nation they would be able to communicate the Gospel message in the language of their adopted nation!!
Indeed they seem to think backwards about pretty much everything. Redefining everything. Back to Orwell again-War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is strength. They think the most oppressive religion in the world equals religious freedom. We know Socialism is all about collectivism. I think the extreme leftists must be the last people who could rightfully claim to understand what freedom is.
Free will is a recurring theme in the Bible, God’s expressed goal for man is to make us sons not slaves. Of course that doesn’t mean there won’t be any rules or responsibilities in the Father’s house. It seems a following of mindless automatons would have been far easier to create but much less pleasing to the creator.
You used the word “responsibilities” which I think is the key word. With individual freedoms come individual responsibilities for ones actions and that’s what the Left doesn’t seem to like. It’s always someone else’s responsibility preferably Nanny State. Well, Nanny State ruled Russia for 70+ years and I think the Russian people must have been pretty smart because they rejected her.
Maybe I’m a little bit simple, but I can’t see why we can’t have some form of global agreements on:
1. Trade
2. Healthcare
3. Birth Control
4. Pollution
5. Warfare
6. Nuclear Proliferation
7. Education
8. Environmental Protection
Which nations can sign up to, if they want to.
That’s what organistations like the UN and WHO are supposed to be about, right?
What I can’t figure out is how anyone goes from that, to thinking we all ought to be merged into one superstate controlled by dictators, I mean it’s not really a logical step, is it?
Anyone with any sense can see that having a cup of tea with your neighbour and mowing their lawn now and again is not the same as having them (and their 26 kids) living in your house with you.
TWMTB has been inventing history for decades.
Connections from 1978 is a prime example.
In this series James Burke (born, according to TWMTE*, in Derry, albeeb will like that) started in the then present with an artifact or technique, selected some earlier artefact or event related, often with the tenuousness of Gleipnir, to the first eventifact. Burke then repeated the process until had travelled widely at our expense and acquired enough film for a programme. A programme created by simply replaying the film in reverse order (earliest event first). Nice work if you can get it.
Better work if you can write a book about it. Better still if you can persuade your employer to fund some more holidays, sorry, programmes.
* The world’s most trusted encyclopedia.
Wikipedia, read “Euromyth” for a good example of lefty bias and bollox in a NPOV product.
No, read any Wikipedia article beginning with “Euro” and you are certain to discover the bias layed on with a trowel. The Wikidiots love the EU so much it is frequently described as a country.
Actually, I thought it was a good series. And, the book was better – more in-depth. But, as you say, the links were a wee bit tenuous…… And, he did get to travel a bit….
I recently bought the DVD of the CONNECTIONS series. James Burke in that TV series sought to provide a history of technology. The connections idea is mainly just a way of presenting the material. But his emphasis on the unpredictable way that innovation takes place, and that it requires wealth and liberty, not totalitarian control, is very Anti-Leftist.
Burke is more interested in posing questions than providing answers, which again is very non-BBC way of doing things. He examines the importance of technology in our lives, and is mostly an enthusiast, although he also draws attention to some of the problems.
The BBC answer to everything is a Big State employing lots of Guardian readers, who tell you what to do and think, all paid for by heavy taxation. It is the conclusion to every single one of their arguments, and is the constant whining note of every BBC broadcast, do nothing, be passive, just do what Guardian readers (namely themselves) want you to do.
The BBC has a negative impact on almost everything it touches. It is propaganda by parasites and drones and is a cancer in our national life. Just as the Reformation got rid of the Catholic Church, the Information Revolution will get rid of the BBC.
It was funded with American money after the success of the CIVILIZATION series. It dates back to a time when the BBC still had a few people who didn’t read The Guardian. If they made it now it would be about global warming and fracking and the dangers of the Internet and bourgeoisie capitalism, and how much better it would be if we returned back to the Dark Ages, except this time with Marx as our saviour, and preferably with Western civilisation completely destroyed.
If the plough led to all the misery we all have to suffer today then logically Marconi, John
Logie Baird and John Reith should be strung up if they were still alive for their inventions and in the case of Reith, presiding over the birth of the BBC in its early days. Maybe pull down any statues celebrating them! Perhaps the Luvies at the BBC will make programs on the misery it have caused by their bias reporting and a 12 part hour long series on how their complaints department actually works.
True, but it should be ‘biased reporting’ not ‘bias reporting’.
It is driving me crackers seeing this all over the Internet. I have no idea where it originated but it’s horrible to behold.