It’s not just that the BBC is biased but that the bias is profound, insidious and damaging to our Nation state. A daily anti-Brexit story a day is de rigeur. One could be forgiven for thinking that the EU entirely funds the BBC output such is the globalist spin it puts on every major issue. Anyway, here is where you detail the bias!
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I’m first!
Oh, bugger! I must reset my underwater alarm clock!
… the early Crustacean gets the urchin, as we say on the ocean floor.
Lobster wrote:
“Oh, bugger! I must reset my underwater alarm clock!”
Weekend Posts – Page 1
Weekend Posts – Page 2
Weekend Posts – Page 3
Weekend Posts – Page 3 – LAST POST
GuestWho – “The comments suggest BBC semantics as ‘news’ seen more as attempts at stretching credulity than journalism.”
(refers to “Thousands (no number given 2 or 99 thousand?) march in Berlin against far-right partyBerlin sees protests against the far-right Alternative For Germany days before they enter parliament.”)
Doctor Who has got new assistants, which one is the gay one?
Perhaps the correct questions are – which one is not queer? Which one has a disability ? Why no China person ? No burkas ?
Trick question? They all are?
The problem is old white men.
As always.
Is it not racist to have a black assistant, somewhat evocative of slavery? Microaggression alert!
Did Nadiya Hussain go to Mecca paid for by the BBC? Paid for by the TV License payer, under threat of prison, to support religious intolerance?
Why does the Hajji and Nadiya support intolerance?
Only Muslims can go to Mecca for the Hajji, so the BBC crew must all be Muslims, not homosexual or apostates or Jewish.
Maybe the BBC can Nadiya, Dr.Who and Mecca it into a new Dr.Who series ….
Nadiya “the Doctor” Who can Tardis into Mecca with her Transgender-Apostate-Muslim-Non-Binary-Coloured-Gay sidekick and their pet pig Percy. Then the Tardis malfunctions due to a time distortion generated from a strange black rock that’s shaped like a ladies body part.
They must now escape, knowing that it’s the Haji with 14 million visitors and non-Muslims aren’t allowed in Mecca.
What will Nadia do? Will the sidekick wear the full face veil or learn the Shahadah in time to conform or will she say who she is, and stand her ground as a Transgender-Apostate-Muslim-Non-Binary-Coloured-Gay?
What about Percy the pig who was just reading the requirements for Halal?
{old post}
Does Nafiya know that all the cakes that she and her competion make, only end up in the swill of the BBC executives farming buckets?
What does Allah-let alone the imaim-say about that?
We know what the green, badgering of supermarkets types think of all that pointless expensive and wasted food make of it…they say nothing, and hope we don`t comment on it.
Could feed Bangladesh for a week on all that the BBC throw out in their pathetic shows like Bake Off-but cue tumbleweed, Quentin dearie…
Nadiya Hussain has spoken out to defend the cake she made for The Queen’s 90th birthday.
While the Queen seemed impressed with Hussain’s effort, many viewers took to Twitter to brand the three-tiered cake ‘wonky’.
Speaking on Loose Women on Friday, the Great British Bake Off winner insisted that she ‘couldn’t care less’ about the criticism. {standard 26apr2016}
She clearly realised it was a bloody disaster, and certainly not good enough as anybody’s celebration cake, let alone the Queen. Who in their right mind would want THAT as a centrepiece on their table ? The sort of cake that’s used in slapstick comedy. No wonder it didn’t get much publicity at the time, but hardly any criticism by the media at the time I noted.
On behalf of my Chinese, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean & Malaysian friends, may I enquire how many assistants to the Doctor have been of Chinese or ASEAN origin?
Is it because there are no actors and actresses of those ethnicities? Or no good actors and actresses of those ethnicities?
Bollywood looks empty of all sorts of people … let diversity rain down upon the whole acting world … it knows no boundaries … from Hollywood to Bollywood to Japan!
– BBC, time to hunt diversity failings across the World with your £3.5bn News and Social Corrections Service!
“Is it because there are no actors and actresses of those ethnicities? Or no good actors and actresses of those ethnicities?”
Well that’s not accepted as an excuse when it comes to a shortage of blacks in any particular field.
It’s because you’re a racist! (or have a different opinion)
Remain, because the EU is good
Remain, or the UK will lose influence in the EU
Remain, because all major political party leaders are backing the EU
Remain, because the Government shows why in a £9m leaflet campaign
Remain, because all the high paid actors believe it’s for the best
Remain, because the high paid actors will take in refugees to help out
Remain, or there will be an economic crash
Remain, or else you will lose your job
Remain, or you will see more terrorism
Remain, or there will be war
Remain, or you will see migrant children washed up on our shores
Remain, or you’re a bigot
Remain, or you’re Xenophobe
Remain, or you’re a racist.
Remain, or you’re an Islamophobic
Remain, or you’re stupid
Remain … won’t you think of the future children
You really wanted to Remain because in the year 2016 the result 48% is now greater than 52%!
I’ll take the chance. BREXIT NOW!
That’s the basis of a book…..I have yet to hear any of my remoaner friends and colleagues actually go into the detail of any of their arguments….hilarious
Beeb Bro.
Yes they more and more resemble the staff at GlobeLink on Drop the Dead Donkey. What a bloody farce.
You’re right. If that ever happens they soon nip over to the Dark Continent and drag ’em out of the Bush
Who’s old enough to remember Bert Kwouk ? – the go to baddie/goodie oriental in most 60’s films.
No. Far Eastern ppl are not seen as a ‘victim’ group.
Of course there are oriental actors but this group don’t seem to play the race and diiscrimination cards like certain others.
Jackie Chan is on of my favourite movie stars, and I first encountered Chow Yun-fat in those Tartan cinema films where he looks totally dreamy in his swirling black mac (John Woo films I think). I’m not putting these gents forward as candidates for Dr Who sidekicks, just reminiscing a bit. Still, why not Jackie Chan for Dr Who.
… it is unclear whether the mix reflects Britain today, lads …
Is the 2nd from left Bradley Walsh? I didn’t know he was a shirtlifter.
Let’s be a little more politically correct. “Shirt elevator” I believe is the term.
Let’s be a little more politically correct. “Shirt elevator” I believe is the term.
Anyone noticed the general under-representation of females on the BBC that are not in some way physically attractive. Its almost as if the females were interviewed by some fat bloke smoking a cigar, licking his lips as the interviewee pirouetted, going “yup, you’ll do me”, in a strange Jimmy Saville/Harvey Weinstein style hybrid accent….
I completed some quantitative research / did a scan here –
…. and noted that there were few “8/10s and above” but very few “5/10 and belows”. Clearly this fat, cigar smoking, vibrating pervert HR director is somewhat tolerant, though, in the name of equality and inclusivity, I have to ask, “where is the female Nick Robinson or Adrian Chiles?”. Am I seeing the glass half empty? Or half full? (Do you think my protest has a chance of getting on “Points of View”?)
I looks like the new Doctor Who has gone for the jackpot with the new cast.
I suppose Davros counts as the one in the wheelchair.
Edit – Cassie you just beat me to it! Great minds etc …..
I haven’t watched it for years. I used to be a fan of the original series. But the BBc managed to transform it into an unwatchable steaming pile of PC shite. I’ve also seen the BBc advertising it’s Friday evening music show which looks f**king awful I don’t expect to see any acts on there I would want to see.
Dave666 – al Beebus has transformed its entire self into that, it permeates 99% of their output.
Perhaps they put their hands over their eyes so they can’t see us then imagine that because they can’t see us we can’t see them which is what all small juveniles do at times.
Dr Who is the perfect metaphor for the whole of the BBC. Originally one of my favourite programmes, and still watchable when it came back with Christopher Ecclestone, though already permeated with PCness. Increasingly it became more unwatchable, though I stuck with it for old times sake but the truly memorable episodes became fewer and farther between. I can still recall what I regard as the last great episode, even down to its title, “The Girl Who Waited” but despite persevering for some time after that, it soon became apparent there was no hope. I watched on despite it all until admitting to myself it was time to give up when lesbian veiled lizards were given starring roles. The show has now become a parody of right-on PC attitudes, to the complete detriment of anything approaching entertainment or coherent story-telling and needs to be put out of my misery.
The BBC has killed one of its flagship shows by applying its own PC Agenda and inflicting us viewers with gay kisses, lesbian monsters, black actors in historical episodes and now finally a female Doctor.
Give me a good script, wobbly scenery and rubber monsters anytime.
“Give me a good script, wobbly scenery and rubber monsters anytime.”
How about Eastenders ?
Stop me if you’ve heard this one before. BBc Breakfast returns like a boomerang to one of it’s favorite subjects alcohol. Yes it’s minimum alcohol pricing time again. Expert tells us a similar scheme was run in Canada and transformed the country into paradise. OK I made that up but apparently crime dropped because the price of booze went up. Expert apparently tells us the bigger the drinker you are the more you will give up with the price rise..Really? I’ve got no axe to grind on this one as my current alcohol intake runs t about two pints a year and a glass of port at the Regimental reunion.
I doubt if Juncker is in favour of minimum pricing. Mind you, I suppose his mammoth intake is all at our expense.
Nice Toady spin – getting foreigners to pay for use of the NHS . They got a lefty doctor to say ‘ it’s only .3% of the nhs budget”. Not the cash number. Her quote was repeated in the main news. Not the 2 billion which a retired consultant said it was. Whether it is 600 million or 2 000 000 000 it’s to much.
The other claim was that it would disturb the doctor – patient relationship. — well that’s very 1960s but these days the doc is either writing notes to cover their arse or tapping on the puter,
If governments had been more strict about use of public services, border control and less adherence to pronouncements of the Eu we might still in it to change the monster. I’m an outer but see my point ?
Yes I heard that and thought exactly the same…it amounts to £400m based on the 112bn…so quite a lot…Typical dumb comments using percentages and not figures…
If you go for treatment in any EU country they still ask you to pay up front or want your insurance details. even if you have the European health card why don’t we?
Fedup……”They got a lefty doctor to say ‘ it’s only .3% of the nhs budget”.
I didn’t hear the programme, but I wonder if it was the same doctor who was on SML yesterday morning. She looked vaguely familiar – like the type who screamed down a megaphone outside hospitals when the doctors went on strike.
Medics cannot whinge that they work long hours and are under pressure, when they put up a fight at reducing their workload by not treating overseas patients.
(Incidentally, I don’t know about anyone else on here, but its pretty evident at my local hospital who the main users of the NHS are, judging by those in the waiting rooms – and it aint white elderly !!!!)
Doctor Who was quite multicultural in 1975, as you can see from from this rarely seen clip the BBC broadcast about a certain Pakistani dalek…
Cassandra ,
Made my Monday morning . Thankfuk terrible , domestic abuse , elder abuse , rspb , rspca , environmental health , promoting hate crime . Racism . They don’t make em like that any more. In fact they don’t do funny at all . Priceless
Brilliant I remember watching this at the time. I wonder if the BBc will be making an updated rebooted version.
The gay daleks
I wonder when posting links such as “Spike Milligan – Pakistani Daleks” will be constituted as a ‘Hate Crime’? Once the Hate Crime Hub starts end of the year by Amber Rudd?
Eating will soon be an ‘ate crime!
Totally off topic, but worth a heads up.
Winter 2017/18 is shaping up with all the precursors of the very coldest ones we have had (47, 63, etc) and although there are a few mild winters in the comparators there are an awful lot of cold ones too.
We are in for a cold snap next week with the start of November looking like it’s going to be very cold indeed if a predicted high over the Arctic blows over the UK.
Siberian snow cover has rapidly advanced and is now covering most of Northern Russia:
If you like a bet on a white Christmas now might be a good year for a punt !
Yes indeed , Thoughtful. Roger Harrabin somehow forgot to mention that in his propaganda slot this morning on the Today programme. However he did mention the ‘fact’ that CO2 was ‘dissolving’ into [what he always says are the warming] oceans making them more acidic and threatening the ecology. Question for you, Roger (since no BBC journalist will ask): Warming causes liquids to de-gas, so how can more CO2 be absorbed? I shall wait for a proper analysis from Paul Homewood and WUWT of the German research that Harrabin described.
Yep it’s Monday and the normal BBC Brainwashing shows piled in on T-charge & Ocean
: BBC brAINWASHfast Show and the R4Today
The Daily Express, super reliable purveyor of information (not unlike the BBC) are betting on a slightly warmer mix of some snow and some storms, eleven of them apparently. As they are a national newspaper I assume they will all be national storms and national snow.
A safe bet is usually the opposite of a Daily Express front page.
Agreed, it’s atrocious. But enjoy it while you can. Dirty Desmond has been in talks to sell it to Trinity Mirror, which means it will be a Leftist rag the day after it changes hands. Max Aitken (aka Lord Beaverbrook) will spin in his grave.
Stew – I can’t win . All those years of taking my plastic bottles and throwing them in the sea because al beeb wanted to cut down on land fill . Next they’ll be saying my 1995 diesel 4×4 is making the air in my home town of Londonistan toxic . As if
Martin, “Warming causes liquids to de-gas, so how can more CO2 be absorbed? I shall wait for a proper analysis from Paul Homewood and WUWT of the German research that Harrabin described.”
Yes but I would have thought that to do that significantly, very high temperatures must be reached, ie. closer to boiling point. More significant is there appears to be no mention of melted ice ie salt-less cold water, which surely must dilute any CO2 acidity. Come on Roger and David! You were getting very exercised about that ice-melt quite recently.
As usual, the BBC try to have it both ways.
I tuned in just after 0830 to Toady to catch the headlines expecting to hear a lengthy report on the “incident” in Nuneaton. Nothing. But really, nothing. Visited the BBC News Website: a short, curt item simply confirming there had been an, “incident”. Automatically, I think the BBC are into ‘cover-up’ mode. Found another item searching Google only to see the “incident” caused by, a man, described by eyewitnesses as “in his 40s” with a gun “slung” over his shoulder” is over. Missing the part we want to know? Perhaps the BBC are into ‘cover-up’ mode on any and all instances such as this? – ‘don’t tell the plebs’ and heighten concern?
Emphasis on the next series of David Attenborough’s Blue Planet starting next Sunday. ‘Many shots of those, ‘never-been-seen-before’ instances like, “two squids tearing themselves apart” (in combat). Really? are we saying, the squids are, ‘just not integrating’? Shocking. Even more shocked if they are two separate species or ‘race’ of squid…………. Perhaps the BBC should enquire why this is happening after all, both squids occupy the same watery habitat. It couldn’t have anything to do with nature and natural racial discrimination could it? We humans cannot understand whats in our genes but luckily the police can.
Today is the emirs day on the beeb as his T Charge scam kicks in. Congestion charge goes up to 21.50 for cars older than 2006 and thats before parking charges. No opposition is allowed at all to him across all networks just soft chats and him allowed to pontificate. You would think they would drag on a few businesses for their view but nothing.
Blink and you will miss nuneaton on the beeb
The BBC really should not be telling me what is coming up in the next hour, just before the 8am news headlines.
Every day now, I can see what and why they`re setting up these silly and conniving stories-so hop over to Classic FM or Heart.
ANYTHING, but Radio 4s effluent as influence.
Example-if I want to know about science or climate change-I go to Nigel Lawson.
I do NOT bother my arse with a superannuated naturalist like David Attenborough. Who is a population control Remaining misery with no real qualifications apart from a posh BBC family and some stiff`kits from Bristol Polys ciggie cards of nature studies.
He`s just a paleo relic of when the BBC mattered-like Brucie without the Sammy Davis chops.
Johnny Morris and Graham Dangerfield wiped the floor with Mr Air Miles, and Terry Nutkins far surpasses Asparagus Syndrome drones like Packham. Me?…when it comes to science, I tend to call a seance and contact Sir Patrick Moore for some sense…
Fuck Off Attenborough, you miserable misanthrope-you should be condemned to planting trees until you peg it, given the useless air miles you`ve been wastingon our tab. Since the bllody fifties too!
Less a naturalist like Peter Scott, more a naturist with a toe curling fig leaf that is doubtless at risk due to unmended weather stuff….twat!
I hate how on BBC news they show that buzzing office in the background, with banks of computers and important-looking people going to and fro. They take themselves so seriously, which is why they can’t stomach Trump’s attacks.
Yet the quality of news is dire: PR puffery masquerading as news; SJW inanity; bashing Trump. BBC London cannot even be called news – it is generally just a fluffy story about something interesting happening in the capital, like a book launch. How can they report news having gone all in on this ‘hate crime’ nonsense? They have essentially declared reality illegal, so why all those computers and important-looking people? If they did any proper journalism they would lose their jobs.
Agree Beeb Brother- how much of the licence payers money has been spent on this ludicrous expedition to the bottom on the world’s oceans as heard on the news this morning-why? what benefit is this to any of us? Just something else David Attenborough can waffle about. Fluffy stories, is just about right as you say. The lefty BBC desperately looking for another support factor to their hate of the UK leaving the EU to inform us that one of Rothschild’s financial buddies Goldman Sachs is about to re-locate to Berlin-expect they will be back into the UK in a few years when the EU crumbles, but meanwhile that is not the news this nation wants or needs, its much more serious to note that Lee Rigsby’s killer is being moved from prison to a soft psychiatric department at a cost of £ 250K to the tax payer per annum-an out and out murderer why is he still alive? to taunt the parents of this young soldier-no deterent = mayhem.
They love someone plugging a book or show as it is such a safe subject. It’s not news, though, is it? And it costs nothing to have someone come on and plug whatever they are selling. We are not getting value for money.
“Lee Rigsby’s killer is being moved from prison to a soft psychiatric department at a cost of £ 250K to the tax payer per annum”
On eBay you can get a nice length of strong hemp rope for well under £50 one-off, plus it can be used repeatedly.
B Brother, “They have essentially declared reality illegal”
You have summed up the problem of our age in one sentence!
Beeb Bro.
Yes they more and more resemble the staff at GlobeLink on Drop the Dead Donkey. What a bloody farce.
They called for Trump to be arrested for hate speech the other day, though all he is was state facts about crime and rising Islamic terror. There was no hatred involved.
Even if hatred were involved, you must be free to hate; often love and hatred are two sides of the same coin. I absolutely hate rudeness and when any of my children is impolite I hit the roof. I have strong standards and expectations of my children, which will be good for them in the long run. I would be an awful parent if I just ignored bad behaviour.
Equally, you cannot build a cohesive society without shared values: do as you would be done by; tolerance; protect children. It is absolutely unacceptable to rape school children – what right-minded person could fail to feel utter contempt for anyone who thinks that is ok?
Alas, the days of strong values and expectations have been heaped onto our funeral pyre.
Beeb Brother, whenever anyone supports ‘hate crime’ now I say ‘hate is a thought, not an action. So what you are supporting is the criminalisation of thoughts, or simply ‘thought crime’.
The other quote i like is from the psychologist Skinner, who said, {words to the effect of} ‘people try and control others’ behaviour when they can’t control their own emotions.’ The response to accusations of causing offence should long have been something like… “.. well in the case, I’d suggest you need to develop a greater emotional maturity and resilience, as this is an important discussion which needs to be had.’ In my humble (and probably deluded) opinion, the West was lost in the 3 seconds after a racism/hate crime accusation, when there tended to be concession rather than unified unyielding defence or rapier-like counter-attack.
It’s almost as if a threat to the BBC is a threat to the Graun, and vice versa.
Change mobile to www and the tweet displays inline here
Guardian journo tweets assertions to Emily Thornberry that the BBC doesn’t use FAKED Syria footage
.. after Thornberry wroted a letter
Guest Who
I religiously read the Groiniad and the Obsurder for more than 40 years until my epiphany. Oh deep joy!
Mogg’s on in a minute
10am LBC
“… it works (Democracy) because of the wisdom of crowds, and lots of people who believed in the wisdom of crowds until they lost, suddenly only believed in the wisdom of themselves.”
– Jacob Rees Mogg
. . . .
“Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society. It’s difficult for schools and hospitals and core infrastructure like housing and transport to cope. And we know that for people in low-paid jobs, wages are forced down even further while some people are forced out of work altogether. … So there is no case, in the national interest, for immigration of the scale we have experienced over the last decade.”
– Theresa May as Home Secretary // Speech to the Conservative Party Conference – in full / 06.10.2015
. . . . .
“..but I don’t want to be part of a Country called Europe. I want to be part of a Country called Great Britain. {youtube – D.Cameron sided with Remain in EU (2016). Why was this not repeated on a loop during the referendum?}”
– David Cameron on the David Letterman Show, USA, 06.05.2014
Interesting. I may check out the catch up.
Nasty moment when they announced the news’ from Global, but pulled the plug in time.
Thanks for letting me know about that Mr Green! Mr Mogg demolishes an annoying caller in this clip. The caller keeps banging on about how the CBI receives ‘only’ 1% of its funding from the EU. But Mr Mogg’s point is not the amount, it’s the fact that if it receives ANY funding it has to sign a contract not to produce anti-EU material.
Ha Ha.The BBC had to appoint a white ,popular actor /comedien/quizmaster as the assistant to the PC female Dr Who.They had to ,because they know no one will watch it after the first Episode.
I haven’t watched it since Christopher Ecclestone .Too tedious .At least he was fit.
Roll on the first transgender Dr Who…….
In hindsight although the Tennant Dr Who series was openly promoting Gay issues, it did also openly celebrate some of the most loved aspects of British culture.
Of particular note is the ‘Family of Blood’ set in an English Public School at the turn of the century with WWI looming; ‘The Impossible Planet’ with it’s classic depiction of the Devil
The episode with John Simm as the Master was a blatant swipe at a sinister and evil Tony Blair with a hidden agenda.
I thought overall it was pretty reasonable with Russell T Davis carefully avoiding overt political messaging the other way from the usual BBC bias.
But surely this is mere detail. If Dr Who really existed – put yourself in his shoes for a minute – would you not programme the tardis to “avoid the crime ridden ghetto hell hole called London 2017” at any human cost possible. Personally, I’d be settling for a spot in Lancashire around 1860s. Interesting period when railways and canals, agriculture and industry, all co-existed. And not a Harriet Harman anywhere, let alone a million of them. I’d eat hot pots and take my tardis for a ride to Skipton on Sundays.
Surely that would have to be ‘Dr Which’?
Or Dr. WTF.
Dr Why?
Dr Who cares.
Doctor World Health Organisation Goodwill Ambassador. The first Black Doctor. No white Rhodesian assistants, only black Zimbabwean assistants.
This is concerning. Why do our media ignore this important issue? Because it is not in the Remainers’ interests? They can’t be bothered with, and/or are incapable of, all the tedious research?
Veterans for Britain have been trying to highlight the dangers of the EU Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) military integration and the EU DEFENCE UNION generally. I would urge everyone to look at Veterans for Britain tweets for this month, particularly those since Oct 14.
In a nutshell it looks like a covert operation to keep us integrated with the EU post Brexit (if indeed we ever get there!) and unable to act unilaterally in terms of defence.
As an example here is a recent thread Veterans for Britain @VeteransBritain Oct 21
You won’t see PESCO military integration in UK media, even though the UK is so far as much part of it as all these [screenshots of other countries’ newspapers]. 1/
Noticeable that PESCO military union is being sold in these member states via a commercial deception but more prominently than in the UK. 2/
The few MPs who know of PESCO military unification are confused about a. Why UK would join b. How an exiting UK could be committed to it. 3/
Answers: a. Ministers are being sold spurious financial reasons to agree to PESCO military union and its resulting lost defence autonomy. 4/
b. An exited UK would be committed as Norway is via bilateral treaty, false promises of influence, protection, industrial benefits… 5/
…but requiring membership of CSDP, EDA, EU Defence directives, PESCO, EU Council agreements as 2nd Country Status. 6/
Like other-EU, UK govt was lobbied following EU Commission-UK defence industry liaison, but UK Parl’t input was zero ahead of agreements. 7/
I can’t find anything recent or intelligible on the MOD website but here are two of the many other links available:
“The European Court of Justice began to interpret services as including those that, we believed, were protected, especially our national health service. The NHS is the pride of our country and embodies British values of fairness. However, the European Court of Justice, working on the basis of the Bolkestein directive, began to rule that health (including NHS) was a tradeable commodity and should fall within the remit of free and open competition principles, which would fundamentally undermine the way in which our NHS works.”
Jon Trickett Labour, Hemsworth
Jon Trickett Labour, Hemsworth { – (Citation: HC Deb, 4 March 2008, c1627)}
Not directly BBC bias, but this video made by the cops seems to endorse the Islamophilia.
Cops have gone overboard on Islam
Video from Lincolnshire Police
Published on 20 Oct 2017
Cops have resources to make pro Islamic videos but cancel poppy day parades through lack of funds.
Bloody collaborators.
Well this is 1984 you know.
I think they must have some sort of ‘right on’ competition to get a promotion for an easier life and a bigger pension. Painting nails? Singing YMCA in uniform in a carnival ? Not exacting the forces of law and order.
Whatever happened to Gene Hunt?
“The final prophet has said…” @11:38 … final, no more to come, this has to be the truth, whatever you say cannot be said because we had the last word …
Why are the Police wasting taxpayer’s money on such videos, what a disgrace, couldn’t watch after 1.40 ?
Listening to R4 before switching to LBC….talking to US NBC journalist who has been on campaign rail with Trump…the interviewer Jane Garvey is determined to knock Trump…unfortunately she didn’t get much help….it’s funny how the way an interviewer says something can betray their contempt for someone (Trump) .. she does a good job at that but did make a joke about being balanced ….
Saturday 21 – Sunday 29 October 2017
Norwich Science Festival 2017 events-list
Heavily sponsored by BBC Focus Magazine (a commercial venture)
Mostly aimed at half term kids
BUT Thu 26 Oct
An Evening with Johnny Ball 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
£8/ £4 gets you a drink and £5 off his book
Meanwhile current Beeboids keep the highground
It may be all good having a female Doctor Who, but what if the episodes are rubbish? Or is that a hateful thing to say?
Well.They are already rubbish so not hateful at all.
“Culture is the variable in success. Which means conversely, culture is the variable in failure. ” {@2:20 – Thomas Sowell youtube}
“Be it so. This burning of widows (India/suttee) is your custom; prepare the funeral pile. But my nation has also a custom. When men burn women alive we hang them, and confiscate all their property. My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned when the widow is consumed. Let us all act according to national customs.”
– Charles James Napier on the subject of suttee {wiki}
Rees Mogg just said that any org receiving money form EU for research ( like the CBI etc) must sign a contract agreeing not to criticise the EU.
..Well BBC gets funds from EU
He added: “The vegan activism we’ve seen on a UK level in recent months represents an extremist view of dairy farming which portrays a completely inaccurate image of the UK dairy industry. { 23oct2017}
. . . meanwhile in the year 2017 farming standards are slipping. . .
* * * NASTY IMAGE * * *
Eid-Al-Adha Slaughters: The Law and the Ground Reality {sep2017}
Eid-Al-Adha Slaughters: The Law and the Ground Reality {sep2017}
There is nothing dearer to Allah during the days of Udhiya than the sacrificing of animals. The sacrificed animal shall come on the Day of Judgment with its horns, hair, and hooves (to be weighed). The sacrifice is accepted by Allah before the blood reaches the ground. Therefore sacrifice with an open and happy heart. (Sunan Tirmidhi and Sunan Ibn Majah)
Every adult Muslim, male or female, who owns 612.36 grams of silver or its equivalent in money, personal ornaments, stock-in-trade or any other form of wealth which is in excess of one’s basic personal needs, is under an obligation to offer the ritual slaughter (Udhiya).
Each adult member of a family who owns the above-mentioned amount must carry out his or her own Udhiya separately. If the husband owns the required amount but his wife does not, then slaughtering will be obligatory on the husband only, and vice-versa. If both of them have the prescribed amount of wealth, then two separate Udhiyas will need to be performed.
If the adult children live with their parents, Udhiya is obligatory on each one of them possessing the prescribed amount. The ritual slaughter offered by a husband for himself does not fulfil the obligation of his wife, nor can the Udhiya offered by a father discharge his son or daughter from their obligation; rather, separate sacrifices will have to be carried out for each individual possessing the required amount. A husband or father, apart from offering his own ritual slaughter, may offer another on behalf of his wife or son, with their permission.
Glad you cleared that up, I was in doubt what to do with my 612.36 grams of silver and where to spend it.
Once you have spent your silver …. You are not allowed to enter the toilet carrying anything bearing the name of Allah, such as the Quran or any other book containing the name Allah, or jewelry engraved with the name of Allah. Or, at this point, a printed copy of this page.
Step into the toilet area left foot first.
Looks like the aftermath of a Cruise Missile hit…………………….
G – I wish a volley of Cruise missiles HAD been fired into the midst of that shambles.
Looks like the aftermath of a Cruise Missile hit…………………….
What is it with Muslims and blood?
More of it, the better it would seem. Not a good role model for future children or behaviour.
Here are two dots:
Guest Who
Now know how Margot from “The Good Life” felt. What’s funny about 2 dots Jerry? Why is everyone laughing? I must have missed something here. I’m probably just a cupid stunt.
Apologies. It was meant to follow a post further up (by StewGreen about the BBC getting funding from an entity whose funding to the BBC depends on the BBC not reporting on them adversely. Some may feel this is a conflict of interest and failure to hold power to account and not very trustworthy or transparent) where connecting certain dots by £4Bpa news entities seems outside their remit, especially when they ‘report’ two things without realising they may be related.
I was going to explain further, but the colon alone followed by empty space seemed eloquent enough. However not if separated like this.
My bad.
Guest Who
Thank you. Apology accepted. Good post too.
I have been banging this drum for some time now.
I agree Stewgreen, it is appalling that EU financial beneficiaries like Clegg, Mandelson, Neil Kinnock,BBC, Channel 4. CBI etc are not made to reveal their personal self interest before any media interview takes place.
I don’t profess to have any real knowledge of climate issues but know enough from reading here to realise that the bBbc might have an agenda and seem to have quite a limited knowledge themselves.
Today they’re running with the dangers of increased levels of CO2 in our oceans. The language they used this morning just after 6 really amused me. Dan Walker said that ‘infant sea creatures’ were at the greatest risk and Roger Harrabin warned of the threat to ‘baby cod’.
Surely the newsround generation were still tucked in bed at this time so who was this language aimed at? Any opportunity to introduce emotive language, no matter how subtle they think they are, just can’t be wasted by them.
Also shown in Harrabin’s report were naturally occurring volcanic sources of CO2 on a sea bed apparently deadly to sea life although no-one had obviously warned those fish swimming nearby. Lightweight crap, so I turned it over.
Your friend and mine, Jeremy Vine, was doing the voiceover for a programme called Real Lives Reunited.
A fireman meets a child he saved 20 years ago? No. A passing stranger who plucked a lady from a lake before disappearing unheralded? No. Another tale of bravery or heartwarming reconnection?
Nicholas Witchell reunited with the lesbian he sat on when she and her pal invaded the live news 30 years ago.
Who gets paid to make this rubbish? Value for money? Oh, come on.
And the lesbian? Here’s a comment on our modern British establishment. The said lesbian, a Ms Booan Temple, is now a practising barrister with Matrix Chambers, ex home of the lovely Cherie.
The Witchell prog is a repeat. It was shown 2years ago
I knew it wasn’t new Stew, but the fact that they reheat this shite makes it even worse.
Is she a practising lesbian because she is not vert good at it?
Lover of Truth
It takes years of dedicated study to become proficient in the noble art of Strapadictomy.
The Oceans dominate the system with a mass 275 times that of the Atmosphere, so the ratio of CO2 in the Atmosphere/Oceans is dependent upon the heat in the Oceans. If the water gets colder, it absorbs more Atmospheric CO2 than it did in the summer. Man-made and Volcanic CO2 does not have the Carbon-14 Isotope. Levels of this Isotope show that 4 percent or 16ppm of the increase in CO2 in over 100 years is due to Man-made or Volcanic CO2, this is also confirmed by the ratio of Carbon-12 to Carbon-13 in the Atmosphere. So if you use facts instead of assumptions, then only a maximum of 16 percent of the increase in CO2 could be man-made.
The BBC,s more acidic claim could be either a case of blowing up a frivolous story about what always happens in autumn, or they have gone to an area with a fault line were the CO2 acidity is above normal because of localised volcanic outgassing. A case of BBC journalists with inferior intelligence and irrelevant qualifications, producing fake news from a carefully selected location.
The poor pay £21:50/day to drive in London
The already rich in Bath get get a free £31K car loan
BBC Deputy Director goes to Paris and stays at Eiffel Hotel and spends 51 pence on expenses in feb2017 … mystery and intrigue! { –expenses for Graham Ellis}
Maybe she’s off to London?
The bBC promotes its side of the story over that kill ISIS statement:
About the right expression on his face for such a mother afforded airtime by the VD infection.
The baseball cap says it all. Anyone wearing one should be given a wide berth anyway.
Shhhhh! Don’t tell the P.O.T.U.S.
good riddance to bad shit as they say
“He was fighting for what he thought was the right thing to do” – bad research into your future life has consequences. That is the real story here – ISIS very bad. Staying in the UK and working hard means the prospects of a better and longer life. This young man possibly found out that when he got to ISIS his choices became limited …
1. Islam asks for one simple thing. Islam asks for everything – finance, religion, police, morals, schools, law, food, science, clothes, art and your body to be Islamic.
2. Islam only has two problems – Muhammed and Mohammed. Once the first problem has been solved then the second one can be solved easily.
3. Islam offers three things. In the Koran it offers Peace, War and then a Continuation of War. In your life Islam wants you to subjugate yourself, subjugate your family and then subjugate everyone else.
Hope he died slowly
So was Heydrich.
If only HIS mum had been able to get onto the BBC eh?
11:30 Who’d be listenstening to Rees Mogg, when Radio4 are putting on a repeat of their favourite lesbian Susan “My Wife” Calman ?
Since you asked…
I may not await the return of Mr. O’brien though.
Sadly, being outside London it is an online option that is struggling live.
But I see they are cached for later listening.
Channel 732 on Freeview or similar on Sky
or try DAB where also 10-1pm weekdays Julia Hartley Brewer is the antidote the BBC’s 3 sets of Woman’s Hour
Calman is now banging on about her wife and playing clips of her.
Hi Guest Who ,
If I have understood correctly yes I couldn’t get them online direct from outside London but its okay if you use this
Works perfectly. Tx.
The difference is that Jacob Rees-Mogg listens and answers the question. He does not try and turn the question into his own question.
The Day | interview with Jacob Rees-Mogg
He’s the only ‘Statesman’ we have.
JRM for Prime Minister. Our only salvation. And I am a former labour voter.
He is currently engaged in a polite discussion with a listener about Boris & Brexit.
I haven’t been on the site for a while and hadn’t realised the “my wife” thing was a thing, I thought it was just me!
Perhaps I’m picking up on it too much or perhaps it’s how it is but the only person on Strictly who refers to their wife/husband/significant other or has the presenters refer to their wife/husband/significant other all of the time is Susan Calman.
She seems likeable enough, having said that I’ve never seen her doing stand up or a panel show so I wouldn’t be surprised if her act consists of exactly what I think it does.
I turned off Radio 4 this morning after one too many ‘my wife’.
If someone you had invited to your home for a party, dinner, etc carried on like that you would be embarrassed for them and that would be the last invite they’d get. This would be the case entirely regardless of their sexual orientation. The fact that she is so thrilled with being able to say ‘my wife’ just adds an extra yuk factor.
Like most of the population, I’d never heard of Calman until she popped up as an afternoon quiz host – (conveniently just before Strictly began). In her daytime job she wears manly clothes, a Hitler haircut and no make up. Being ‘strictlified’ she is infinitely more attractive with longer hair, a frock and a touch of lippy, which begs the question, why do lesbians feel they have to take on the appearance of a man ?? I know of 2 lesbians who live together, both are extremely pretty females who dress fabulously.
She’s been the presenter of a kid’s quiz, Top Class, for a couple of years now and has some other regular slots on CBBC.
That’s how Sandi Toksvig started as well, No 73, a Saturday morning show for children on ITV in the 80s, before she remodelled herself as the female raconteur/ intellectual that she sees herself as now.
An easy way in then, Children’s TV, which probably would bring something strange up if I googled it now. Might well show a picture of both.
It’s just struck me that although Susan Calman did look more feminine than usual on Strictly she, and Sandi Toksvig, both normally dress in shirts and ties, little jackets, always trousers, occasionally waistcoats. Very similar to Ken Dodds Diddy Men, sans big hat.
As diddy is a term used by Celtic kids for the female breast, would these ladies, being out and proud, if we used BBC Pidgin, be referred to as ‘ diddymans ‘?
Why do lesbians feel they have to take on the appearance of a man? Ask any electrician and they will tell you “because they are wired up wrong”.
R4 8pm Mike Wendling has travelled to America’s west coast to talk to underground
antifa* organisers and find out what they want – and what they’re prepared to do to achieve their aims.
* He pronounces it Antee-fa
Once again we have the craven BBC endorsing the snowflake establishment policies of Mayor Khan’t in the new Toxicity Charge.
This policy , while addressing less than 5% of the ‘bad’ emissions occurring in London ,punishes the old and the poor in that it means that they will now have to put themselves at risk on public transport or take on huge loans to purchase more up-to-date vehicles. Whilst this policy is cheered on by the motor trade ,and conveniently shifts attention from the latest ROP exremist outrage , and the snowflake apologists are calling for ‘scrapage’ allowances ,it effectively limits the mobility of the old and poor in London as they can’t afford the loans necessary to purchase replacement vehicles.
How much longer must we endure this establishment poison ,pimped out by the bought-and-paid-for BBC???
JRM “You should call the London car things the C-tax and T-tax
not charge cos that word implies they give you something in exchange”
… Yep it should be called the central London car-POLL TAX
Next it’s the U tax then the N tax and you’ve got the set . Apols it’s crude and off subject but I’m still chuckling at the Pakistani dalek mentions elsewhere here . Genius. Have a laugh Maxi for a change
… the BBC is now so brazenly biased that the listener can understand at once which side it favours in all situation :
– Roth Stewart’s realism on protecting the realm ? Anti
– ‘toxic’ car tax ? Pro
– EU ? Pro
– Trump ? anti
– gender ‘fluidity’ ? Pro
– abortion ? Pro
– mayor of London Khan ? Pro
– nuclear weapons ? anti
– Clinton female ? Pro
– Dianne Abbott ? Pro
– islamics ? Pro
… and so on.
Usually a state broadcaster is thought of as neutral, in the West …
The BBC can never be unbiased because it employs people. The best the BBC can hope for is honesty.
Fat chance of that.
But still a chance! Even if it’s a fat one!
Aha Daily Politics did Toxicity charge with a PROPER MATHS expert
“So you won’t see any tangible change from this T-charge. ”
was the money quote
from Professor Anthony Frew: Respiratory medicine specialist, Royal Sussex County Hospital
All the amount of rubbish that media have aired TODAY about diesels and the T-charge
We worried about Andrew Neil retiring and the Daily Politics declining
but no here we have proper journalism.
Instead of letting the Dramagreens have a free platform or letting then run away from questions
The DP used the proper technique of putting the proponent on against a proper expert.
Here the DramaGreen was Simon Alcock Head of UK Public Affairs, ClientEarth
Alex Cull supplies the full transcript
Switch off the Internet NOW! Or wait until Amber Rudd’s Hate Crime Hub opens Dec 2017 – the blackhole of debate and discussion will be activated.
Websites allowing illegal activity ‘complicit in crime’ { 23oct2017}
– If the BBC show fake news like Gavin Hewitt’s report sep2015 – are they “complicity” with fake news providers?
Mark, BBC image “Reporter Jonathan Gibson, left, meeting with a cocaine dealer in Derby”
How did Beeby know where to find a cocaine dealer?
So that’s why so much goes on taxis.
OFCOM will probably tell them to use one closer than Derby or perhaps try to use the in-house services that I’m sure exist.
Taxis I mean. Of course.
Diesel cars cannot be THAT toxic if the payment of a mere £10 suddenly makes the toxicity go away and the vehicle is now mysteriously OK to drive in central London for one day only.
Ah, money, taxation and fines are the answer to everything nasty – make e’m pay, and the problem goes away…
‘Thousands march in Berlin against far-right party’ the BBC proudly trumpets on its fake news website.
Do they, now? Well what about the estimated 30-70,000 ‘football lads’ who marched through London a couple of weeks ago to protest about Islamic extremism? How is it that an event in Berlin is worthy of coverage but a far larger one in our own capital can be ignored?
The BBC – the envy of Radio Pyongyang.
Off bBBC topic, but has anyone heard this?
Bugger all to do with budget cuts. This is political. Police trying to blame the government. The senior officers are an embarrassment. If this was USA, where sheriff had to be elected, we could kick them out for incompetence. Here, like the bBBC, they are safe in their cushy jobs.
Look, they need time to preen and pamper themselves, apply nail varnish, and rainbow makeup, and strut their stuff amongst the gheys, give ’em a break…
Old Goat…. don’t forget how they always have a substantial presence at Notting Hill Carnival too !
I try hard to forget that…
In the USA they call it ‘Washington Monument syndrome’. Whenever budget cuts are mooted , the authorities say they are so strapped for cash that they are going to have to close access to the Washington Monument. Cue massive outcry, sales of Kleenex up by a thousand percent…
The same happens here with local councils. Threaten them with reason and they sob about closing libraries and reducing school facilities – never about reducing the salaries and pensions of their SJW staff.
So it is with the old bill. They are shroud waving and the only way to deal with it is to sack every single Chief Constable, close down cozy their little trade union and eradicate the influence of the Marxist secret society Common Purpose with the ferocity once showed to the Freemasons. No more ‘fast tracking’ ‘minorities’ infected with sociology degrees and put police services under proper local control.
I remember when it was a Police Force and not a Police “Service”
Spot on.
When will we just march and sod the “police” and “costs in managing the traffic”? The Brownshirts never did this-and today, neither do Notting Hill marchers, Grenfell must Fall or Occupy Uncut…that rabble of mix and matching pastel nartzeez?
Just get out for the day, it`s all 20mph and endless water pipe chaos anyway.
Bring a gimp on the end of a leash if you need a pet-someone will defend your right to do that, if you`ve got a naked cyclist in the march.
We`re past legal exuses now-time to storm the bastards.
Free admission for diesel owning old cars and tractors too…charge the Prius pansies ten times what they think is steep.
And don’t forget your rainbow thong.
joe, there P&C Commissioners who should take up your complaint.
Joeadamsmith, the Trafalgar Day march of sailors in Birmingham, which apparently has taken place since 1809, did not take place this year. The Birmingham papers said it was because the organiser had retired and no replacement had been found. I do wonder though – bear in mind Birmingham is where a group of Morris Men got harrassed by some ‘enrichers’ because they thought the black face makeup was racist.
“That big Hollywood night out is paid for with physical assaults on young women (by Harvey Weinstein) all over the planet going back to 1982” @3:40
(An Angry) Mark Steyn: The Weinstein Company Is Dead {youtube}
BBC anti Israel bias.
They never miss an opportunity to support Israel’s enemies
Listening to JRM on LBC.He is a good debater.He admits when he agrees or disagrees and says why.No histrionics.or virtue signalling.
I loved it when he thanked a caller for reminding him that the CBI and others are EU funded and should highlight this conflict of interest. . The caller had rung in support of the CBIs stance.
Heard Carolyn Fairbairn ringing into TWATO to tell us what the CBI thinks of Brexit. Rather thought we`d already know that, seeing as she was on Any Questions on Friday saying the same stuff.
Must have plenty time on her hands, can only assume that Tim Martin and James Dyson are at work-you know-not bloviating for Soubry . Remind me again-who voted for Martha Kearney or Carolyn Fairbairn? Not me.
I voted to leave the EU, so people like Carolyn might get off the drugs from Brussels, and learn to sell stuff and make things once more . Milk cows as opposed to a Commissioners prostate.
Funny too how the “needs of business and services like banks” are a worry to the BBC-thought Corbyn regarded them to be sharks and tax dodgers.
Sorry ladies-Wetherspoons carpets will still be getting a Dyson vacuum on March 30th 2019, bet you licensed traitors will STILL be heard above the noise, whining away as per.
Time to lop them off-I care FAR more for my vote to be respected than I do for Fairbairns wine cellar, or Kearneys jaunts to Ireland on our tab.
Where ARE the big cartels for our right to leave the E.U-who is speaking for we 17.4 million these days, except for Rees Mogg and Ann Marie Waters?
Sovereignty or death!
Suella Fernandes MP was very sharp on WatO. She firmly but generously & gracefully opened a door for Martha Kearney, who walked straight through, tripped and fell flat on her face. Oh Martha!
It really gave the game away: the BBC is there to keep Project Fear active following the EU Referendum. Oh, Martha! What have you done? Revealed all on WatO. Well, at least you don’t have to fear the sack – there are diversity quotas to be maintained.
No word from the BBC about how Islamists control our prisons.
How did Kevin Crehan die?
This is another of the great scandals currently hanging over the BBC. You can be absolutely certain that were a muslim to have mysteriously died while in custody, the airwaves would have been filled with little else until the case had been investigated and a full account released. Then, had there been even a scintilla of evidence that the killing had been racially or religiously motivated, it would have had the full Lawrence treatment.
Shame on you, BBC. Again.
The Trump phone call to the widow of Sgt La David Johnson is the gift that keeps on giving for the BBC. It’s back again today as “BREAKING NEWS!”. Extracting every ounce of this minor foreign story.
Who knows what to believe NISA as last week she had supposedly put the record straight by quoting what the President said. Now she seems to be criticising his tone and delivery. Anybody here think she’s been got at or put under some pressure.
P.S. This is in no way a criticism of the soldiers family, I would just like to know the truth. Something we are unlikely to get from the MSM.
On Breitbart these is a report of Identitarians unfurling a banner on Westminster bridge this morning which said ‘ Defend London Stop Islamisation’ . These folks are to be applauded for their commitment. No doubt they will be pilloried by the likes of the BBC. Either that or they will suppress any news about it. The police will probably arrest them for hate crimes and attacking so called social cohesion. The stupid Home Secretary will no doubt appear on television saying that we cannot victimise the entire Muslim community because of a few bad apples, blah blah blah. The identitarian movement is made of mainly young people and is strong in France. We can only hope it grows stronger here.
A picture is worth a thousand words. Much better .
DATELINE LONDON – BBC every Saturday, almost invariably a 100% Remain panel. All complaints are brushed-off. Imagine if they’d ‘just happened to have had 80-100% pro-Brexit panels over the last 24 months, the Remoan Cult would be calling for heads to roll.
I gave up with it a couple of months ago. I started wondering if Polly & Owen gave their fee to their beloved Guardian to keep it propped up.
A new ‘refugee’ scam in Germany (compliments of the German Government) –
Times : Matt Ridley accuses BBC of a coverup cos it refuses to cover news of The UN sexing up a report against glyphosate, which Reuters unearthed.
wonder why that tweet didn’t embed.
I changed it from https : to http: and now works
The BBC is a shambles. James Purnell has been a disaster as Director of Digital. I have just been checking to see if we are to be enduring a two week absence of a Book at Bedtime. Apparently, from tonight, the new Philip Pullman book – broadcast last Saturday afternoon – is being repeated. In abridged form? I go to check the schedule for week ending Friday 3rd November. Radio 4 is shown as being off air from 10am, as it is for the two previous days.
Before a panic in the streets of the UK commences, this has been a regular occurrence on the BBC web-site. No, it isn’t a ‘shut down’ for transmitter maintenance which can happen every quarter of a century or so.
It is just that someone at the £3.8bn funded BBC hasn’t got around to updating the Radio Four schedule for the next month.
It will, no doubt, be full of repeats.
Director of Radio and Education, now, if you don’t mind. Promoted to do Helen Boaden’s jobs
Failure doesn’t come without it’s benefits.
ISLAMIST TERRORISTS – Known to authorities 88.06%
“Table 30.1 Known to authorities prior to arrest or suicide attack”
Sums up the BBC as well … if there wasn’t so many distractions we could look at the real stories, or at least see if they are real stories …
The current threat level for international terrorism in the UK is SEVERE. {23oct2017}
What the threat levels mean
Threat levels are designed to give a broad indication of the likelihood of a terrorist attack.
LOW means an attack is unlikely.
MODERATE means an attack is possible, but not likely
SUBSTANTIAL means an attack is a strong possibility
SEVERE means an attack is highly likely
CRITICAL means an attack is expected imminently
– By posting this am I creating hurt and anger or hate?
– “Terrorists have also conducted attacks in response to international political or social developments, for example the release of films and cartoons that are considered to be offensive.”
– ‘cartoons that are considered to be offensive’! In 2017 terrorists attack us because of cartoons!
They are still reporting on the Trump/war widow story four days on. It was not even a story in the first place. #Fakenews.
Merkel is the key to the Brexit divorce. The EU want money from us Merkel will find it difficult to provide as much as she normally does. The reason being is that she has to acquiesce the needs of the shared powers of the Greens and the AFD. France are mired in debt. We are in an increasingly strong position. We just need our leader to be stronger.
Remainers like Ed Vaizey, Dominic Grieve, etc are threatening us with flights across the EU being cancelled. Greece is a country in serious economic trouble, as a holiday destination the Brits make up 10% of their main source of income, tourism. 5 million Brits to Spain, their economy would implode without tourism. Believe me flights will happen. There will be a massive run on the Euro. The EU states would be severely hit.
How will the EU bail them out! The EU is in phenomenal debt. The EU is bankrupt. Only Germany and maybe France (minimal) will be contributing. Italy are about to elect the Five Star Party, they want EU free trade with us. Ireland will go completely bust if Britain withdraw from a deal.
Everything comes down to money and the EU want ours. If we have something they want we are in control. I only wish Theresa May knew this.
I believe it is only the threat of the city saying it may move to Frankfurt that is weakening our position. Sadly, they have a powerful voice which it seems often outweighs the democracy enshrined in the vote of the people..
Wronged ,
A good post. The EU is in a predicament , perhaps not yet desperate but steadily getting worse following the German, Austrian and Czech elections , with Catalonia posing a different kind of headache. Italy is next up in the Spring. I agree with you that our hand is strengthening and we just need to hold our nerve to get a reasonable deal . But I’m not so sure that the ex Remainers in the cabinet really want a decent deal , and Labour certainly don’t. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Remainers are actually telling Brussels to hold THEIR nerve because the Remainers are still hell bent on stopping us leaving and the worse the deal on offer is the more likely they are to get their way.
From the ‘Integration only works in one direction’ club
Today’s Yorkshire Post has a whole page on the Muslim girls cricket team, which the Times covered last week.
Surely the one with the bat isn’t a woman!
BTW where are the headbags?
There was an extensive report on Look North a while back about them, with the al Beebus drones, Harry Gration et al, fawning over them in the studio.
The Bradfordian Gration, always makes a great show of how wonderful Bradford is yet oddly enough chooses to live in “appallingly White” York; funny that.
“threat of extremism, and its main building was crumbling and dilapidated. To top it all off, the college’s girls’ cricket team was absolutely awful.” – introduce English Cricket and everything is fine – I await the next report!
“To top it all off, the college’s girls’ cricket team was absolutely awful.” – forget ““threat of extremism”.
Pressure has been exerted by some governors to restrict the curriculum and change the nature of collective worship. A proposal by teachers for a mixed residential trip to London was refused by governors and boys were excluded from this visit. Over time, some governors have exerted pressure on headteachers to seek a Determination from the Department of Education exempting the college from having a broadly Christian act of worship. Some governing body members have also pushed for the narrowing of the geography curriculum and restricting religious education courses to the study of Islam.” – Inspection report: Carlton Bolling College, 19–20 June 2014
Carlton Bolling College: Unique Reference Number (URN): 107413
All cultures are equal, but some are more equal than others.
Some cartoons are funny, but not all cartoons are allowed.
Beeb Bro.
Well of course. hasn’t it always been thus? If we equalized them all equally then they would all be equally equal. What sense is there in that?
For the Many (40 BBC staff at £200K), Not the Few (Chris ‘£2.3m’ Evans)
deception by omission
It claims to tell of “BBC stars gender paygap”
Yet it is merely the PAYE from a small select group of 184 stars.
It omits all other benefits, all people/income from outside PAYE like shell companies.
+ Misses data from thousands who earn less than £150K
Multiple houses. Tax evasions. Pensions. Those under this wage threshold. Family working for the BBC (household income).
Tonight BBC 7:30pm Muslim Scout Group in Gillingham (SE region channel 964 or something on Sky)
I’m serious I wasn’t looking for either of these 2 items, the first in the paper, the second is the first item I spot while checking the lineups for Inside Out
NE edition has “We meet the Sunderland man running a dating site for polygamists,
+ ask whether rural Cumbria is a gay-friendly place to live,”
‘only Muslim Scout group’ { 21oct2017} – integration with word ‘only’? Cultural appropriation?
Men with more than one wife will get extra benefits under new rules {dailymail 24jan2016}
“Under universal credit, polygamous marriages will not be recognised”
“That amounts to £317.83 a month for each wife in polygamous household”
“In the UK, it is illegal to marry more than one person.”
– “We meet the Sunderland man running a dating site for polygamists” – so a criminal?
Looks like young Jihad training. What is happening to our country? Why should there be special scout groups for Muslims? Why can’t they join in with everyone else? Do we have Hindu Scout groups? Or Jewish? Never heard of such a thing. I thought the scouts were an international movement, not in need of any diversification.
I understand that there have been Jewish scout troops in the UK for many years. I think it is probably just that a troop tends to be linked to a place of worship. I’m not sure if a Jewish scout troop (or a Muslim one for that matter) could exclude someone from joining if they were not of that religion.
Yes there’s been Polish scout groups in UK for 50 years.
In Indonesia all kids seem to wear a scouts uniform to school on Fridays.
I dont think it is “probably just that a troop tends to be linked to a place of worship”, its because minoriity ethnics like Jews and Poles are allowed to huddle together and pursue their ethnic interests without being criticised for racism, only the natives are forbidden that.
In practice, is anyone likely to tell a Muslim scout group to change its admission policy?
“In Indonesia all kids seem to wear a scouts uniform to school on Fridays.”
I suspect that quite a few BBC employees do the same, only not at any school and not during the day.
I wonder what their ‘pledge’ is.
– East Mids has : “And do potential pet owners discriminate against black dogs and cats based on their colour”
– Polygamy story is also in in Yorkshire region
BBC Inside Out South East
– the murky world of online classified
ad crime.
– How will the scrapping of nurses’
bursaries affect Canterbury Christ Church
– And we meet Gillingham’s Muslim Scout group
BBC Inside Out London
– investigates the classified ads websites where criminals trade and illegal activity is rife.
– why record numbers of women are putting their eggs on ice.
– why shire horses are becoming an endangered species.
(I pass 8 in a field every day)
– We meet the Sunderland man running a dating site for polygamists
– ask whether rural Cumbria is a gay-friendly place to live
– investigate the classified ads website providing rich pickings for crooks.
BBC Inside Out Yorkshire & Lincolnshire
– meet people whose lives have been changed forever when antibiotics failed to work
– The entrepreneur whose website promises to find men up to four wives
– the French Cold War jet which has landed in Yorkshire.
BBC Inside Out North West
– online classified ad crime
– Four months on from the Grenfell Tower disaster, we meets the residents of a Salford tower block who are living in fear as they continue to wait for the cladding which has failed safety tests, to be removed.
– behind the scenes to the Lake District stables going from strength to strength in the horse racing world.
BBC Inside Out East
– As the number of men receiving treatment for an eating disorder in England has grown twice as fast as women in the last three years, we spend time with Jamie from Norfolk. He has overcome anorexia and now talks to young people in schools about eating disorders.
– In 1941, 400 members of the BBC Orchestra and its singers were evacuated to Bedford on a
special train. Until the end of the war, Bedford became known as ‘Somewhere in Britain’. They performed concerts with Vera Lynn and others. A 91-year-old remembers as a schoolboy the orchestra rehearsing and playing, and the
orchestra performs again at the Corn Exchange in Bedford.
– on patrol with Urban Street Gang Unit of @SuffolkPolice shutting down drug
BBC Inside Out East Midlands
– online classified ad crime
– Olympic breast stroke champion
Adam Peaty in Zambia, where a team are changing lives
through sport.
– And do potential pet owners discriminate against black dogs and cats based on their colour
BBC Inside Out South
– JonCuthill has come up with an
eye-catching adaptation to his bike that makes the safe passing distance crystal clear to everyone on the road – with varying reactions.
BBC Inside Out South West
– Jemma Woodman reports on the 1000mph car being put through its paces in Cornwall, and
– online classified ad crime.
BBC Inside Out West
– Distressing accounts of life
inside a children’s home
– part of the Big Apple was built on
rubble from Bristol…. S of Liberty ?
West Midlands
So #Craigslist is a place to buy
drugs, money laundering services and more
East Mids sounds like it is rocking.
Rather disappointed denizens not getting the Beeboid ‘Our Mx in East Mids’ frillies in a twist more by discriminating according to a pet’s sexual orientation.
Some just can’t help themselves though. Bitches.
Have the BBC reported on the the rape allegations about Tariq Ramadam?
They have done a lot on Harvey Weinstein.
A professor of Islamic studies at Oxford University who has advised the Government on countering extremism has been accused of rape by a French feminist author.
Professor Tariq Ramadan, 55, was said to have attacked Henda Ayari after inviting her to his hotel room following a conference on Islam in Paris in 2012.
The 40-year-old author, who spoke about the allegations on social media, claimed she had decided to “name and shame” Prof Ramadan as a “pervert guru” following the Harvey Weinstein scandal.
Ms Ayari confirmed to The Telegraph that she had filed allegations against Prof Ramadan for rape, sexual assault, violence, harassment and intimidation with the prosecutor’s office in Rouen.
On 23oct2017 let us dig into the BBC £3.5bn News and Social Justice Services for ‘Tariq Ramadam’… oh, one entry from 2009, no new BBC content The Muslim academic Tariq Ramadam says violent extremism has taken on a new form in the noughties. { 10aug2009} … no new news, finger on the pulse, wrong type of story?
– BBC fail to report on academic ‘Tariq Ramadam’ who has been using his power to get away free of charge on a possible attack of a lady – is it still Women’s week? Does the BBC care?
Perhaps maxincony hasn’t picked it up yet ?
Yesterday evening I turned on the World Service, usually I don’t bother on a Sunday as its all sport, no exception yesterday, but it was ALL women’s sport. Now I’ve nothing against women’s sport or the reporting of it, but for mainstream radio I wouldn’t think loads of prime time makes much sense given the small fan base.
First up some lady from Brazil talking about the women’s game their and how white players get paid more, hit the off button.
Try again half an hour later, this time a lady talking about women’s Irish rugby and how the sport bodies are all controlled by men, off button.
Half an hour later, now we are on to cricket and how well (I think) the Australian women’s team are doing. Off button and this time it stayed off.
I would love to see what the listening figures were for this, but I can imagine their core listeners, male football fans from Nigeria, etc must be leaving in droves.
CNN trying go the BBC route.
And working out as well as expected.
Is their audience base about six years old?
Going well for them so far:
Seems telling folk how not fake and trusted you are can hit the buffers of reality online quite quickly.
Maybe CNN should go for ‘unique funding’?
Just seen a BBC trailer for an upcoming drama /comedy (?) called The A Word (I clearly missed this on an earlier showing). Won’t be watching because every couple, be old young or middle aged, were mixed race partnerships. In BBC land this is the norm, – they don’t take on board that the UK is hugely populated with white people, so fail to portray white couples anymore. I’m not stupid enough to be against any relationship, but do object to being subliminally programmed to accept a situation that does not manifest itself outside the BBC studios. And I still don’t know of any mixed race partnerships, or see any in the area I live.
I’ve seen a few around. Almost always a black male and a white female. Read into that whatever you want. I do wonder however what all those gorgeous black girls make of that.
LW – They f*****g hate it!
Well I did wonder. Could spell trouble ahead. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.