It’s not just that the BBC is biased but that the bias is profound, insidious and damaging to our Nation state. A daily anti-Brexit story a day is de rigeur. One could be forgiven for thinking that the EU entirely funds the BBC output such is the globalist spin it puts on every major issue. Anyway, here is where you detail the bias!
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Readers !
This is worth a “look see”……………………….
People in glass houses ? Anti-Gay rants “Sexist comments”,
If it was President Trump that had made such comments ?
“A Labour MP has apologised for a series of derogatory online posts about celebrities he made before he was elected to Parliament.
Jared O’Mara joked about having an orgy with members of Girls Aloud and claimed singer Michelle McManus only won Pop Idol “because she was fat”.
The Labour Party is wasting a lot of time and effort “investigating” this non-crime. Not that I care about them. But I don’t like how this gossipy woman sensibility – this outrage about what someone may or may not have said – seems to have taken over political discourse. It’s an “Oooh, did you hear what he said?” kind of tittle-tattle elevated to the strategy and policy level. Probably the result of too many females in public life. Politics is no longer recognisable as man’s work.
Donald Trump makes a sexist remark 12 years ago and the left go into meltdown claiming he’s a disgrace, unfit to be POTUS and organise demonstrations and riots throughout the country.
Jared O’Mara, extreme left-wing labour MP makes vile sexist and homophobic remarks 12 years ago and the left say “it was a long time ago, he’s apologised, let’s move on”
Last year sometime I just happened to see a short interview with the actress Miriam Margolyes in which she was asked her opinion of Donald Trump. Her reply was a very charming “Trump is s piece of shit”. I thought to myself then what would have been the reaction of both the actress and the MSM if Trump had spoken those words about her. So far I haven’t read or heard of any apology on her part or of any whinging complaint by The Donald. He’s probably too big a man and too busy to be bothered about such schoolyard behavior.
If I were Trump, I’d have all of these offensive remarks logged, and black mark their names for if/when they apply for a visa. That’ll learn ’em.
He, or his entourage, probably have.
Strangely enough, when was the last time you heard K’berg or Sopel allowed to ask a question at a WH press conference? I hear the WH lawn is quite nice at this time of year! 🙂
Anoyher Beauty!
Lefty Wright
Well she certainly aint pretty . Perhaps she get a real job ?
This gentleman speaks for Great Britain …………………
“Put consumers first!’ Rees-Mogg DESTROYS business leader demanding Brexit transition”
He should be our Prime Minister. A petition should be raised for that purpose .
Taffman, there is already a petition for Mr Rees-Mogg to accept the burden. There are two campaigns, and the slightly more tongue in cheek ‘Moggmentum’ campaign.
Thank you .
We must get maxincony to ‘advertise’ it .
BBC website: MP apologises for offensive comments.
I hate these SJW attacks on ‘offensive’ thought crime. Who cares? He is deeply ashamed for calling a celebrity fat? In what twisted reality would you want people to feign shame for normal behaviour?
You can only take offence – you cannot give it. Listen to music; learn a new recipe; play with your kids. There are a billion more useful and healthy things one can do than be ‘offended.’ If I ruled I would arrest anyone who whines about being offended and fine them £1000. It should be an offence to take offence – a total waste of everyone’s time and it has the most devestating effect on free speech. I am fed up of having to censor myself for the sake of morons and losers. They should adapt my worldview – it is so much better.
I generally say to those perpetually offended types ‘I am offended by your taking offence at this matter.’
It is quasi-religious, offensiveness being akin to blasphemy. I am sick of it.
Some people think because offence is free they can take all of it.
Nice one!
I maintain that my right to freedom of speech and expression trumps anyone else’s right NOT to be offended.
The subject of ‘offence’ comes up here:
Erring on the ‘damning by faint concession’ side of analysis, it nonetheless shows what come public broadcasters can manage if not totally in thrall of their mates’ prejudices.
Somebody has been digging around pretty deep here, to find the skeletons in his cupboard, and they’re not very good ones. He’s been Trumped. The sceptical part of me thinks…mmmm….it was Nick Clegg’s constituency…
Beeb Bro.
When I was a kid we had a little homily we used to chant if someone said something considered “nasty”.
“Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” Well I’ve certainly been hit with a stick (rather painful) but I’ve never been bashed over the head with a word. Words were spoken by kids one day and forgotten the next,as they should be. I think we had tougher hides in those days and I’m so glad we did because there was a distinct lack of juvenile psychiatric problems in my vicinity. Also the Church Mouse was more prosperous than we were.
Labour MP Jared O’Mara quits select committee role over offensive online comments
(made in 2002 or something)
It doesn’t bother me tht people might have said weird things in the past
Hopefully they’ve grown up now.
I don’t like to see that Guido kept his first 2 posts clean from comments.
Shoe horning propaganda into news
6pm ITV Calendar
Second item : Electric cars “First in our series of Fuel-Free-Future”
There is no Yorks/Linc’s news on pollution
i. Intro vox pop “do you think we should have a T-charge in our area”
– Every person said “no poor people can’t afford it”
ii Prepackaged item from ITV HQ
iii Clip from local electric car enthusiast
iv Interview with Electric car woman from London claiming a journey costing £12 only costs £2 in an electric car.
I don’t believe that.
Item 3 Jared O’Mara MP once said something in Facebook derogatory about Fat Women
I rarely post on here – what’s the point really, the War is lost. But even I can’t keep quiet – just seen BBC South East and they are giggly and excited about an ‘All Muslim Cub Scout Pack’ !! Racist, exclusive – it this even legal ? Further words fail me, I’m afraid…..
Oh dear, Hillbear. Don’t give up! I know how you feel though – I’m sick to death of hearing and reading about Trump – the twitter frenzy over his call to the soldier’s widow is just the final straw. I wish they would all stfu.
Regards and don’t let the bastards get you down.
@Hillbear if you look at the bottom of the page before , you’ll see I already posted it and similar items
The Muslim only girls cricket team
and the polygamy Muslim dating website
You’ve just talked yourself into defeat. Where’s your backbone? Just because the going gets a little tough does not mean all is lost. Pull yourself apart for goodness sake!
Give up Hillbear. No chance. There’s some serious momentum gathering pace in our world with more to come. Interesting times ahead and I’m not without hope.
Isn’t the Scouts a Christian organisation? And excluding anyone is racist.
RT now about dressing up as Muslim
a long interview with a young ethnic Muslim journo complaining about the Browning-up of a white woman tonight on Channel 4.
She once wore a Niqab for 24 hours “In London people just ignored me, in Brussels Airport I was racially abused byv a memeber of staff”
Let’s have some repeats of the Black & White Minstrel Show that’s what I say. They had some bloody good tunes on that. I think I’ll write to the BBC with a request. Well, you never know. At least they could put it on the wireless-couldn’t they? How would that be offensive? I’ll root out the old banjo just in case.
Lefty Wright
A long time ago they featured “Archie Andrews” and Peter Brough the ventriloquist.
Imagine, a radio ventriloquist !
Yep. what a joke. But at the time my whole family loved it. It would probably have fallen flat without Max Bygraves though. Mind you I do remember once seeing Mr. Brough performing with Archie on TV and he made no attempt to cover up his mouth action when giving voice to Archie. He was just speaking normally which is probably why he made his name and fortune on the wireless as we called it then. I still do when I’m not paying attention.
The last time I went to London they were the fashion.
I think a Radio Juggler would be quite a novelty
Did somebody say “dressing up as a Muslim”?
StewGreen…………. long interview with a young ethnic Muslim journo complaining about the Browning-up of a white woman tonight on Channel 4…………
It was a typical documentary about someone having firm views one way, then dressed up to experience another way of life, and completely doing an about turn in their thinking. The same old mantra of “I was born here, I’m British” was repeated. I find it rather astonishing that many British Jews who now feel threatened here, are considering moving to Israel, yet there is no record of Muslims in great numbers wanting to leave these shores and buggering off to an Islamic country for a more comfortable way of life. Doesn’t it prove that integration doesn’t work? when religious communities stick to their own kind; we were all much happier as societies when Christians, Jews and Muslims lived in own faith countries.
The Mike Wendling show about Antifa
Had a pretty easy time interviewing Alt-Right, yet now having a hard time interviewing antifa in Portland ..they have a black flag (like Isis !) and want to keep their faces covered
..and now they’re claiming they’ve had threats against selves and children from “white nationalists”,, “we could die”
MW is saying “for first time Antifa will be having marches off their own on November 4th ..hopefully peaceful ..but if the Alt-right show up ..don’t bet on it”
I don’t think many people would believe from the prog that Alt-Right are really out to kill antifa
Wendling didn’t ask the antifa to substantiate the threats they say they received.
I have thoroughly enjoyed Mr Jacob Rees-Mogg’s broadcast on LBC today. Why can’t we have programmes like this on the BBC?
In fact LBC is one of the few stations I listen to nowadays. Rees-Mogg was erudite, polite and faultlessly argued his corner, even when up against arch-remainers like Sir Vince Cable who was special guest. He does not talk down to people or behave in a snobbish manner. I urge you all to click here to listen, hopefully LBC will notice the large number of hits and will invite him back!
Was the on line caller our old ‘Scott’ who used to plague this website?
I thought Scott had morphed into Maxi
“Brexit: Theresa May says ‘important progress’ made at EU summit”
HYS Remoaners taking a hammering again check out the “Highest rated” HYS .
Immaculate conception?
We know the BBC would like us to believe at least a couple of unbelievable things each day before breakfast, but I’m afraid when a female guest visits the BBC tv red sofa, babe in arms, call me old fashioned, but I still reckon a chap has been involved in the process somewhere along the line – albeit perhaps tangentially.
The subject matter this morning was frozen eggs. No, not some new EU food directive – by the way, funny how news of Brussels churning out their regular regulations seems to have dried up.
Speaking of things drying up the BBC are most keen to celebrate a new (47-or-so-year-old) mother who had some of her eggs frozen some years back. Gosh our lanky sofa eunuch and his regulation feisty female presenter were chuffed. It’s almost as though the BBC were keen to advertise the services of this private clinic.
Mind you, our BBC pairing did moan about the cost of all this cryogenic fabulousness. Two grand a pop I think was the quote. You could almost begin to hear the distant drumbeat of ‘put it on the NHS’.
Free for all prior to the point of delivery – or conception – nine years not nine months later.
Luckily the BBC didn’t go there – they just implanted the idea, so to speak.
Now listen to this lady’s story. It was a doozy.
Well into her 30s and not in a long-term relationship she began to worry. She made her deposit into the egg bank (think of it as having a spare ready meal in the freezer – just in case) and she set herself a target of 45 to be settled and ready for children.
Along comes 46 and still no relationship. So she made her withdrawal of that little something she had put by for a rainy day and here miraculously she sits with hale and hearty junior. I’m afraid she glossed over who played pop in this little solo game of mummies and no daddies. Our BBC duo enforced the strict don’t ask don’t tell rule.
As much as one would like to ask about her present financial situation the BBC are hardly likely to go there. Just imagine for a moment if this treatment were widely available on the NHS – think of the on-going costs of masses of 40-year-old singletons supported on benefits of one type or another.
I’m afraid if you don’t see any problems with the BBC’s unquestioning presentation of this story then we live in different cultural places. And I’m paying tv tax to help promote a cultural mindset I do not like and I predict will be self-destructive.
Dont pay it .
I’ve mentioned it before but once again absolutely livid at the Egalitarian Women’s football stories on BBC’s page today! Four of them and a mention in the Ballon D’or story. There is a ridiculous amount of time being devoted to it now. The World’s best player is now the best men’s player… good grief. Some stupid story about a women having more awards than Messi. Yeah, I’m going to go out on a limb here and says she’s not as good. Barely anything about the Championship one of the best supported leagues in Europe. Garbage.
Please dont mock womens football. Im a Bolton Wanderers fan and at the moment watching womens football is more entertaining.
How come ITV Calendar Yorkshire had time to do an 8 minute advert piece for electric cars
but somehow didn’t time to report a 19 year old had just pleaded guilty to terrorist offences
“Ammber Rafiq pleaded guilty to four offences of Disseminating Terrorist Publications, contrary to Section 2 of the Terrorism Act 2006.”
Wonder if BBC covered it ?
click the date to get to their Facebook post
Info please.
Does anyone know anything about a demo against BBC bias on 5 November?
I’ve seen mention of it somewhere, but would like confirmation before I order my barrels of gunpowder.
It might be on the Guido Fawkes website ……..
(Sorry, couldn’t resist it!)
From Make Britain Great Again
I quote:
Jean Claude Juncker should be forced to walk past every gravestone in Normandy and say a personal ‘thank you’ to all of the British, American and Commonwealth soldiers who gave their lives so that Europe could be free.
He should also be reminded that Britain had to borrow 120 Billion US Dollars (plus interest) in 1945 to pay for our fight for European freedom.
The British tax payer took 61 years to pay this back to the US.
The EU owes us this money plus interest.
And let’s not forget that almost half a million British servicemen and civilians were killed in WW2.
The only thing that Juncker is bothered about is what time the bar opens.
…and more importantly for him, what time the bar closes.
Dover Sentry
Who knows one day he might be the prisoner at the bar. Cheers.
They shouldn’t have sacrificed themselves. If they could see what “victory” has brought us, I’m sure they wouldn’t have.
@Al I do sometimes wonder for about a microsecond, then I think about our LGBT and Jewish contributors , am I silly but there is a time coming soon or is it here where we say this far and no further. Would we have been better under German control , saving lives to perhaps initiate a resistance movement???? Herr Hitler had plans to destroy socialism and Islam. Life now seems to hold a lot of hard work.
Mrs Kitty
I read somewhere that after WW2 Sir Winston Churchill said “We slaughtered the wrong pig.” If that is true what had he in mind when he said such a thing? The implications of such a statement to the millions worldwide who lost their lives must bring tears to the eyes of even the most hard bitten among us.
If this is victory I can’t imagine what defeat must be like.
I’m being kind here, but I suspect Junkers and co genuinely believe that the EU has prevented a third world war. Despite the fact it has done things like turn Greece into a vassal state and dumping ground for refugees, and has punished countries like Hungary that attempted to uphold European law by protecting the Schengen border. They just don’t see how angry this has made some people and how this is a recipe for disaster and further conflict.
Indeed. We should all be grateful Germany has invaded anyone in Europe for over 70 years – but there again, they no longer have to.
correction!!!! I should have written …
Indeed. We should all be grateful Germany HASN’T invaded anyone in Europe for over 70 years – but there again, they no longer have to.
Cranmer, of course they do. It is a central founding lie behind the EU. No matter that they might have had a decent education at school and know from history classes that the Allies were in control of a substantial part of western Europe until relatively recently, and no war between Germany and other western States would have been possible, they have to believe it because the EU makes lies true and the truth into lies. The whole EU thing will fall apart if it was not cemented together by lies and fear.
“Did God really say that?” asked the lizard. “You are missing out – you could be just like God.” he continued.
Melanie is on Tuesday
Caught a bit of Radio 2 this afternoon, namely Steve Wright trailing his guests for the week. I had to laugh when he told his audience that on Wednesday its Nadya Hussian with her “new book for Christmas”.
Quote from his webpage “Nadya Hussian gets in there early with a Christmas recipe book called “Nadiya’s Bake Me A Festive Story”. Festive not Christmas…
You couldn’t make this shit up.
I’m waiting for some marketing association to have the courage to name her as ‘product of the year’ – which, clearly, is exactly what she is.
Have I been in a coma or something? Could you enlighten me as to who is Nadya Hussian and what is she famous for? Is she a relative of Saddam? Events move so fast these days I find it quite difficult to keep it up! Nudge Nudge Wink Wink. You know what I mean?
Geoff, Ed Reardon may have something to say on that at some point in the future.
He returns at 6.30pm Tuesday on BBC Radio 4.
Was thinking that if Gordon Ramsay, Jamie Oliver or James Martin were to do a cookbook for Eid or Ramaḍān would that be considered cultural appropriation and fatwas issued?
One things for certain, the Beeb aint gonna let Nadya go. She’s the Muslim poster girl good and proper now. Shoving her in every lightweight programme going. The BBC have done their job well, because before long, she’ll be known just as Nadya . Who remembers the last winner of the BBC Bake off ? (Candice Browne), who doesn’t get the equal publicity and benefit of tv appearances, but has to make do with fete and festival appearances.
Speaking of Bake Off, I think the programme makers really dropped a b…….k there, I watched the programme regularly but since its transference to Ch4 have never seen it, and despite the ‘trying hard’ publicity, don’t think its taken off in its new home.
What, you mean kill 3 birds with 1 book?
Owe Europe ?
What after they started 2 world wars ?
“The next time Europe is in trouble”
Europe is in big trouble- they just haven’t realised it yet.
“Equality of pay in sport is moving ‘at a glacial pace’.” Reports TWMTB.
“Does sport have a problem with women?” Again from TWMTB, on the same page, on the same day.
Ignoring the fact that the glaciers all melted years ago in the bbc version of reality, the truth is this bleating is just more examples of attempts to generate resentment and hatred in women. So it is hate speech, which constitutes an increasing proportion of bbc propaganda, which now forms most of its biased output.
It is also incontestably sexist, don’t believe it albeeb? Then contest it and see how much egg ends up on your face.
What the feminists demanded was equal pay for equal work. What they have, in sport, is equal pay for less than equal work.
Naturally the bbc concentrate on Serena Williams because she is black. Ignoring the fact that she is a foul mouthed bitch with a bad temper and a huge chip on her shoulder. As demonstrated so frequently, in her long history of outbursts against court officials, audiences and other players.
This is ignoring her connection with unusual substances including hiding when the drugs tester arrived on her doorstep.
So she is a very poor role model for sport and women.
Bur Serena Williams is also very poor at her job. If there were no sexist, women only, tennis tournaments, Williams would have to play against the men. Where she would lose to the 2000-10000 best men in the world and the top 1500 men would beat her easily without getting out of second gear. Which admittedly would not make a very good spectator sport.
But never mind about all this, the point is to encourage hatred. It’s OK to hate men, as long as they are white. In fact it should be compulsory.
If the men are white and Nobel prize winners in a real, (scientific) discipline, they must be hated even more, because they have IQs over 180 and more degrees than a thermometer. Qualities which are like hens teeth in the general population and absent in some sections thereof.
It’s also OK to refer to white men in any disparaging terms you like, you will be breaking the law, but certain laws are ignored.
For example, muslims must not be prosecuted, even if they have raped as few as two hundred white children, because white children deserve to be raped. In fact it is an honour to be raped by a muslim.
The bbc, not fit for purpose.
‘What the feminists demanded was equal pay for equal work. What they have, in sport, is equal pay for less than equal work.’
Bang on, exactly right.
On Toady they are virtue-signalling about the Police’s failure to deal effectively with the problem of modern slavery.
They can never moan at the Police again having burdened them with immeasurable hassle with all this ‘hate crime’ nonsense, putting out a prime time programme encouraging everyone to report an ‘incident’, no matter how small. I am surprised they have time to do anything else, as the threshold is so preposterously low i.e. whether or not you personally feel offended.
Secondly, who do they think might be enslaving people in the first place? It is predominantly migrants from their beloved EU and practisers of the Beeb’s favourite peaceful religion. You can be sure it is not a tea-drinking English couple from Chichester.
They want to have their cake and eat it: cause the problem in the first place through their reckless liberalism, then get virtue points for wanting it to be dealt with better. But how can we have a proper discussion of any problem now when that Sword of Damocles of ‘Hate Speech’ hangs over every exchange? Mentioning the hate fact that ‘captives of the right hand’ are permitted in the Koran would get you jailed.
Maybe to get round hate speech we say something but say it was someone else. Thus saying what we would like to say but detaching the consequences of the words from ourselves.
“The other day I heard this guy say ….”
“Sources close to me have learned this to be effective when used by certain broadcasters”.
Like when Richard Pryor attributed all his dodgiest lines to his landlord.
“I saw a man yesterday that said this (just look in a mirror whilst saying it so you are not lying) …”
‘Some people say’
BBC Version “Some people say?”!
You take your camera down the street to do a vox pop
Then back at the studio you simply edit out all those people that said the “wrong thing”
Not always successful for the BBC cos mostly there are too many people saying the “wrong thing”, so you can’t edit them all out.
What you can do is keep all the fruitcakes in the edit thus making say Brexiteers look like idiots.
1. Police patrol vehicles to be made all electric, with a dodgem rink for Moss Side, Toxteth, The Elephant and Fiveways.
2. PCs to be stationed in New Look, tattoo parlours and nail bars getting a pedi, a chance to mince about in their wives heels.
3. All crime scenes to be made segway compliant.
4. Cake runs via bungee jumping parachute queens , so the police helicopters get a run out once in a while.
Thank you Theresa May!
Manchester’s bike-share scheme isn’t working – because people don’t know how to share {theguardian 16jul2017}
“There are bikes in the canal, in bins and in back gardens. You wouldn’t blame Mobike for taking its remaining bicycles to a better behaved city”
. . . .
Why you should support the Guardian … … “The Guardian provides honest journalism, with integrity and passion. That’s rare and needs to be cherished and protected. It’s worth every penny spent, now more than ever. Independent journalism seems to be, sadly, a rare thing.” Mark H
MM – How could you omit the best bit?
Helen Pidd from your link.
“I rode a Mobike to Salford Quays, where I swam a mile in the filtered water of the glistening Lowry, reflecting as I did my backstroke that Manchester was starting to feel rather European”
“rather European”? As in full of crackpot aliens who hate us?
Salford, she probably popped over to deliver some papers (empty basket in the photo) to the bbc, stopped for six hours chat, then clocked off.
Along with ‘BBC Trust’, ‘DNA based impartiality’ and the leaving of politics at the door, ‘Open Democracy’ seems to feel self-labelling makes things true.
It seems impressive, if unsurprising, to think going after the messenger gets around addressing the message still.
From the Graun to these clowns to Flokkers here, the calibre of BBC ally and their defensive efforts is laughable.
So we have a report out today with statistics on operations in the NHS. Oh my, it’s a bit off-message. Late starts, early finishes. Efficiencies could be made if only somebody would pull their fingers out.
Can you guess how the BBC handle the report. First a longish soft interview with a shop steward for the surgeons telling us it’s all untrue and the real problem is that amorphous thing we hear so much about, namely: “pressure”. Oh , and the early sloping off home is due to the dire needs of staff for such personal issues as “childcare” – too many female doctors we wonder?
On the subject of late starts our soapbox doc rather unreassuringly is at pains to tell us that medical staff tend to have an hour-long meeting each day to plan how to be most efficient – hmmmm, that could be the problem right there.
Just to properly trash this report, which the BBC for some reason don’t seem to present with their usual gusto for NHS reports, we have the hearsay evidence of “lots of people who are working in the NHS” – no they’re not we retort, they’re probably making a late start today because they are busy texting and tweeting the BBC
Too many female doctors is such a problem that when I was at Birmingham University they introduced positive discrimination for men. Often the women look to work part-time after they have had children, having had training which costs a fortune.
Of course the BBC can never connect the dots as it is blasphemy to criticise any of their favoured groups. It’s that evil patriarchy again – giving women a better balance between work and life which most men are denied.
I thought positive discrimination in favour of men was a Capital Offence.
I’m not sure how official the policy was but medic friends would often speak about the problem. It shows how toxic the problem of political correctness is, that something as serious as not having doctors working long enough cannot be discussed openly.
Am I right….somewhere at he back of my mind, I think I saw a documentary on Beeb, not sure which channel, years ago and Gerry? Robinson was doing a report about how hospitals could become more efficient. I am sure I remember him saying in conclusion that the theatres were never used on Friday and started late on Monday, if at all. At the time I thought no wonder they are inefficient. And this prog was years and years ago….does anyone else remember that?
So where has all the money gone?
Soapbox, you are right, I remember that. It was some sort of report that showed that existing resources could be used more efficiently to cut waiting lists for surgery. I never heard any more about it. Same with the report by Lord Sugar into reducing government waste in the civil service, I seem to recall he worked out that millions of pounds a year could be saved by more efficient purchasing of stationery etc. (Hopefully it didn’t include making everyone use an Amstrad!)
Cranmer, RJ and Stew.
Thank you for that. My mind was not deceiving me then…there’s still hope!!!!
Here’s that 1 hour NHS : Gerry Robinson doco
I did like the prog from 30 years ago where Sir John Harvey-Jones concluded the NHS was wrong to close cottage hospitals and concentrate of super hospitals, due to the fact they are vulnerable to infection spread.
But strangely that video seems to have been wiped from the internet.
Except for a 1 page PDF from the BMJ
Click to access bmj00198-0040.pdf
In most hospitals Friday is considered to be a training day for doctors, so as far as patients are concerned doctors are few and far between – and those rostered for duty are very busy. You can usually track a spare one down on a Friday morning, but it’s a forlorn hope on a Friday afternoon.
The series was “Can Gerry Robinson fix the NHS”, shown in 2007. He’d made a series on turning around companies in trouble and for the second series took on the NHS. He spent time at Rotherham General Hospital. In the first programme the General Manager came across as an idiot – at least to all the NHS managers I worked with. The reason became clear in the second programme, when we were told that the hospital was applying to be a Foundation Trust – a long process that took up all the time of the senior managers, leaving them with no capacity to run their hospitals. From that point we regarded him as just another victim of the Department of Health. Every NHS hospital was told that it had to become a Foundation Trust, and we all took years to recover from the chaos.
The biggest problem in the NHS is that every few years it is re-disorganised, and every time the system is made more complex so we have to spend more on managers and administrators (and translators, but that’s another story).
The bbc media editor clearly knows what it takes to snag James Harding’s vacant slot:
Bias by one sided framing (fallacy of misrepresentation)
The article is decorated with photos of Trump
with no admission that Antifa or Greenpeace can often be fanatics
BBC “Ronaldo wins Fifa best best male player award”
Gosh, best male footballer, eh.
I’m sure if there were really any girlies out there better than Ronaldo someone managing a club based not too far distant from Salford would be falling over themselves to sign them up.
Listen, BBC, some may argue Messi or Neymar are better, but no one could seriously suggest there is a better female player – so let’s drop this best male player nonsense.
How can they seriously discuss the issue of a gender pay gap in football? If the women footballers at Spurs feel hard done by they should try marking Ronaldo in front of 80,000 at the Bernabeu on live tv with hundreds of millions of pounds at stake, rather than marking some fat dyke in front of 50 bored spectators on a Tuesday night. They are not exactly comparing like with like.
Wonder how many comments will make it through the bbc Asian network filter, and how many will be deemed ‘not helpful’ with their minions unleashed?
Do you agree with @RoryStewartUK or do you think those who join IS can be rehabilitated? Tell @NomiaIqbal your views … what could possibly go wrong ….
… Saudi Arabia – November 2016 …
Counterterrorism experts have long suspected Saudi Arabia’s “rehabilitation” center for terrorists does a poor job of de-radicalizing jihadists. But a Saudi detainee at Guantanamo Bay now reveals it’s actually a recruiting and training factory for jihad.
Lending credence to al-Sharbi’s charges, the three-month program includes a few hours a day of lessons in Islam from Saudi clerics and “Shariah specialists (can we have recordings please?).”
{nypost nov2016}
… France – February 2017 …
PARIS — A bipartisan report (both political parties) in the French Senate minced no words in describing this country’s efforts to “deradicalize” former and future terrorists.
The French government’s attempt — including the controversial opening of a deradicalization center in the middle of the countryside — was a “total fiasco,” in the words of Philippe Bas, a senator from the center-right Republicans party. {washingtonpost feb2017}
… UK – July 2017 …
Britain’s most notorious Islamist hate preacher (Anjem Choudary spreading hate 1999-2016 : 7 years of hate) has been transferred to a specialist secure unit amid fears he (Anjem Choudary) is radicalising fellow inmates.(psychiatrists didn’t see this?)
Anjem Choudary has reportedly become the first known Islamist to be moved to a “separation centre” at HMP Frankland in County Durham.
… prison staff were not able to spot or confront extremism, and in many cases were reluctant to, for fear they would be accused of racism, he said.
{telegraph jul2017}
I like that. A bloke in the pub told me Ramaddamado comes around again on May16 next year. He reckoned lots of brits will die and there is nothing can be done about it, according to him.
I would be interested in finding out what is referred to here. Impartially, of course.
TftD from a Jewish contributor, Rabbi Dr Naftali Brawer, talking about liminal space. Samira has obviously had privileged advance access as her post appears to be made late yesterday evening, just before midnight. Doing a little late night promo for “Views are her own.” ?
SA would obviously like to transition never-endingly from the EU but I heard something different from Rabbi Brawer. To me, he seemed to be warning that something like an endless liminal space for anything had difficulties or dangers.
Perhaps Samira now wants to leave the EU – I thought she was a fairly fervent Remainer.
A regular commentary on ‘Thought For The Day’ and that one in particular.
At least comedy is still safe North of the Border
Good to see the BBC getting exercised over the fate of child brides. Where? A “Muslim” country? Africa? No, don’t be silly, the USA of course.
Why does the US have so many child brides?
While countries like Zimbabwe, Malawi and El Salvador have recently banned child marriage, it remains legal in the US – and half of states have no set minimum age below which you cannot get married.
R4 Today programme giving another Democrat a platform to bash the President. If Brexit ever happens (please hurry up) and we send our expert team to the US to negotiate trade deals I hope all the recordings of the constant negativity broadcast by our media are lost. If not then if they told us to F off back to where we came from, who could blame them.
Snowflake alert !!
This morning the bBBC are running, as per usual, a programme trailer masquerading as a news story. This one is about Junior Doctors.
Apparently the poor dears are feeling traumatised when they have to go onto the wards for the first time.
And on the same theme if not bBBC did I not read somewhere that Trainee Doctors are now getting special warnings about the fact that they may have to give bad news to patients?
Pass the Kleenex.
‘PTSD’ on its way……………
The Crown Prosecution Service (and they are the prime agency prosecuting crimes in the UK), define a, “Hate Incident” (including speech) as, “A Hate Incident is any incident which the victim, or anyone else, thinks is based on someones prejudice towards them because of their race, religion, sexual orientation, disability or because they are transgender.” (
Note: outrageously, “…any incident…”; “…which the victim, or anyone else, THINKS….”
So, what qualifies as “Hate Speech”? Having just been visited by two Stasi in the dark hours to discuss the, “anyone else” scenario above, that “anyone” who heard me refer to, “muzzies”, it is just that, “any incident where …..anyone….THINKS….”.
Here’s the thing though, in 2003 the European Court of Human Rights, upholders of so-called “Democracy”, stated that the ECHR had carried out a thorough examination of the relationship between the Convention, democracy, political parties and religion, and found that a sharia-based regime was incompatible with the Convention, in particular, as regards the rules of criminal law and procedure, the place given to women in the legal order and its interference in all spheres of private and public life in accordance with religious precepts.” Islam.
top of Page 6 –
So, playing the Devil’s Advocate, I am the, “anyone else” that thinks the ECHR’s finding in this case in 2003, shows a distinct and obvious prejudice toward islam in their deliberation. What now though? Well, the CPS tell us that, “Even if you dont want the incident to be investigated, it is important that the police know about it, so that they can build up a picture of how many incidents are happening and where. This information can help police investigating other hate incidents.”. So, there you are, I should really report an incidence of a hate crime perpetrated by the ECHR. Fact: simply joining up the dot’s highlights the nonsence of so-called, “Hate Crimes”.
Will Amber Rudderless step forward please to secure a European Arrest Warrant and secure the arrest of the judges in the 2003 case referred to above? I want them prosecuted because I think I have taken offence.
George Orwell – 1984
Amber Rudd and MPs need to list what words make a hate crime or incident prior to dec2017 when debate and free speech disappear down the hate crime hub black hole …. which of the following are hate?
I hate Marmite?
I hate all white people?
I want to kill all **** people? (Insert what you will)
Using the word N-word, unless you are black?
Merkel enforced migration with any consequences to herself – I hate this!
What about the oft cited (when quoting the quaran) word, “kafir”?
Well worth studying the whole case:,ECHR,42d268a24.html
Question: (hypothetical) If I use my two minutes up addressing the local Planning Committee over an application to build a new mosque or another issue on the same subject matter and I cite sections of the Partisi ECHR judgement and a member of the public/council took offence, would I be arrested for uttering “Hate Speech”?
For a dhimmi/multiculturalists view:
I was privileged to listen to the Today programme this morning to hear James Naughtie interview the distinguished Governor of California, Mr Jerry Brown.
The lesson I drew was that Mr Brown, having been Governor of the state in the 1970s, 1980s and now, is an elder statesman of such distinction and renown that his every word must be listened to respectfully, with never a word of criticism or a single interruption.
Some people might think that Jerry Brown is an extreme left wing politician, who has encouraged illegal immigration into California so as to turn a Republican state into a Democrat one, issuing illegal immigrants with driving licenses so that they can vote, for example. However, this cannot be the case, as James Naughtie did not mention it. Other people say that illegal immigants bring gang warfare to California, but again, this cannot be true. Some people argue that it was a bad idea for Governor Brown to make California a “sanctuary state”, where state law enforcement would be ordered to ignore the immigration laws and refuse to co-operate with Federal immigration officials, but they must be bigots, because James Naughtie never raised the issue.
It was as if one had been transported back to 1947, with an interviewer asking Mr Attlee “Is there anything you would like to say, Prime Minister?”, and then listening in respectful silence as he announced another nationalisation. It is literally impossible to imagine James Naughtie interviewing any right wing or conservative politician in this way. It simply cannot happen. You will never hear a better example of the bias of the BBC encapsulated in one interview.
On another note, I believe that 23rd October, 2017, was the 75th anniversary of the start of the Battle of El Alamein. This was the turning point of the Second World War in the West. From El Alamein onwards, the Germans were always retreating. It was also the last major battle in which British Empire forces, without any Americans, defeated the German and Italian armies. As much as the Battle of Britain, it was our Finest Hour.
Did anyone hear any mention of it on the BBC? I didn’t.
RiC, no – me, neither.
Actually, I was on my feet several times during that interview “Object, M’Lud, Counsel is leading the witness” “Objection, M’lud, hearsay! The witness is being allowed to present opinion as evidence.”
Unfortunately, LCJ Hall appears to be either stone deaf or asleep or both.
I think Lord Hall also has questions to answer over the Global Warming and Climate Change aspects of flying incompetent interviewer James Naughtie to California when the BBC already have incompetent James Sopel closer at hand in Washington and a rather more competent Dave Lee based in ‘Silicon Valley’, ideally placed within California for such an interview.
Will our friend maxincony pop up with a helpful explanation?
Heard this too , RiC!
As I made the porridge, I prided myself on guessing which fatuous lefty had made it into Naughties expanding nightie.
I knew Zinn was dead, didn`t sound like Chomsky…heavens to Betsey, it could only be good old Jerry Brown-think he was one of those who`d smoke dope with Jackson Brown, scorn Reagan when I did-and had a thing with Jane Fonda…you`ll know the script if you`re one of the class of 79. Sounds old, but has learned new words like xenophobia and dreamers…those old grey lefty parrots can STILL learn new words when a Spike or a Nancy put them on cue cards.
Naughtie is the ultimate tartan greaser in the company of such underachieving spliff kings as ole Jerry-any chance of HIS sexual foibles coming out, he`s bound to have hung around Keefs back passage before hitting the stage at the Forum?
Jim hangs around any old Yank leftys back passage, we`ll lose Yentob and gain this freloading jock instead…florid fuckwit!
How much time do you want Jerry?…pathetic Beeby liars!
I predict a wicca coffin and his ashes to be moulded into a tiny lipstick to be sent in the direction of Stanford, Katy Perrys “Firework” playing softly..or else a raccoon dildo for placing in a Yogi redwood sourced picnic basket anyway,
My thoughts exactly. As I listened with a wearied disgust at Naughtie’s sycophantic treatment of the egregious and law-breaking Jerry Brown, I recalled Naughtie’s disgracefully biased reporting during the run-up to the Presidential election when he blatantly propagandised on behalf of the Democratic Party. The BBC gets away with it because it can, and it thinks it is untouchable. This blog provides an invaluable platform for exposing bias, but when our fury is vented, what is left? We also need some means of positive action against the lying, biased, vile organisation that the BBC has become.
Jerry Brown? Popular man – NOT!
Thanks for sharing that article. It sums up everything I thought about Jerry Brown, and Leftism in general. It destroys everything it touches. I expect when the Californian economy finally collapses, the BBC will blame it on Trump as usual.
Having heard the Naughtie love-in with Governor Jerry Brown, I got the feeling that it would suit them both to have California secede from the USA and leave its open border for Mexican drug dealers and cheap labour for Apple and the rest of Silicon Valley heroes like Zuckerberg. Don`t be surprised if they start to push for this.
California is gone, only 1 in 4 children are White there now; yet it used to be paradise in the late 40’s and 1950’s.
Which is incredible when you think it used to be a Red state that produced Nixon and Reagan as POTUS.
It is the same when they interview an ROP individual. They let their most outrageous views not only go unchallenged but effectively supported, my personal favourite being the veiled threat that to even mention the problem makes you more likely to be attacked; or Khan’s pathetic advice that the best way to deal with terrorism is to just join hands and cuddle until the next bomb explodes, because terrorists seek the divide and we should not let that happen.
Imagine a Conservative politician getting away with that: don’t ask us awkward questions of my mate might chop your head off. It’s so racist to not expect the same standards of behaviour from different groups.
this jerry brown 😉
Rally against BBC bias – Sun 5 Nov 1:00 pm
Holly Henderson (?) on John Gaunt show – details at 5:20 mins in.
Gerard Batten is one of the speakers – he’s usually good value.
C’mon keyboard warriors!
“do potential pet owners discriminate against black dogs and cats based on their colour? “*
Last night on BB! East Midlands
Does seem true but of course BBC probably has a #Subtext
* Yes but its all your fault whitey
Forward to 20 minutes
Do Muslims discriminate against dogs?
Are Muslims able to prevent Christians or ban Jews from their schools or scout huts. cricket teams or swimming galas?
Fuck off BBC-ask a question that DOES matter, as opposed to endlessly willing a knife to be stuck into a priest or a couple of girls waiting outside a train station, with your pastel musings.
a. If a man writes a piece of fiction, should he have a death contract put on his life?
b. If a person declares they are homosexual should they be shunned?
c. If a man draws a cartoon should he be sent death threats?
d. Do you think you should be given a job based solely on your religion?
e. Do you think you should discriminate against animals?
f. Do you think UK Tax Payers should support and pay for Sharia to operate in the UK?
g. Should dogs be shunned from society, considering they have helped mankind a lot?
h. If a man eats bacon, will he die?
a. If no, then please write to Iran to remove current death sentence for Salman Rushdie. (Fiction)
b. If no, then please ask for it to be stopped in Majority Muslim Countries. (Homosexuals)
c. If no, then please ask this to be stopped in Majority Muslim Countries. (Cartoons)
d. If no, then remove the restriction that only Muslims can recite from the Koran and slaughter the animals for Halal food. (Positive Religious/Employment Discrimination)
e. If no, then start using pork products in your baking. (Animal Discrimination)
f. Halal food, bought, enforces the Sharia laws as it conforms to Sharia doctrine. (Halal as a Tax)
g. If no, then every Muslim should adopt a dog for the family to break this barrier. (Animal Discrimination)
h. If no, then why enforce Halal on everyone? (Eating Bacon)
I have had the opportunity to examine research work on the subject of people discriminating against black dogs. It is a serious problem,as they are harder to re-home by re-homing charities and consequently more likely to be destroyed.
That’s what the prog said
Postulated that black makes them look scarier.
Big white teeth in a black mouth etc.
However their case for cats was not convincing
This lad of mine could work for the BBC
Please forgive me if this has been covered, but intermittently listening to Today this morning early on, I didn’t hear any reference to the Jared O’Mara scandal before switching to the splendid Steve Allen on LBC. Compare this with the way that the BBC rammed the Andrea Leadsom “grannygate” interview when she was set up by The Times to the top of the headlines for days on end last year in an aggressive concerted attack with the Guardian et al (Alan Duncan called her remarks “vile” FFS). A decent politician and woman brought down.
Mission accomplished by the establishment then…but imagine a Leadsom administration…Tory majority government led by a Leaver….incredible.
You are quite right, the way Mrs Leadsom was brought down was a classic dirty trick, which allowed Mrs May to be appointed Prime Minister with no sort of election at all. I think it may have been this lack of legitimacy which helped her make the disastrous decision to hold the 2017 election. If so, that dirty trick may have the most profound consequences for Britain.
On the face of it, it has always seemed absurd to have a remainer lead the government which has to deliver Brexit. Her heart cannot truly be in it, she still cannot say that she would vote Brexit in another referendum! The EU are not stupid, they can see her weakness and lack of resolve. If you go into a negotiation in that frame of mind, you will get hammered. The Brexit talks are bogged down, and the EU is openly mocking Mrs May in their leaks. Unlike Mrs Thatcher, they do not respect her. They certainly do not fear her.
Mrs May needs to publicly set out her agenda and stick to it. Mrs Thatcher did. Remember when she wouldn’t let them leave the room until she got her billion pounds back? They had to take her seriously, unlike Mrs May. They are playing her like a fiddle. I think we will get some sort of inferior Brexit deal, unless the EU have finally lost all reason, but under Mrs May we will end up paying tens of billions of pounds we do not owe to get it. If Mrs May were buying a used car she would end up paying the price of a Ferrari for a clapped out Mondeo.
That was one expensive dirty trick.
My thought that the Left shot Cox just to prevent them losing the referendum last years( by getting it stopped) was-I admit-a long shot with the local Socialist group last week. But “some people are saying” seemed to satisfy the uni tunes eejits…if not Corbyns odor eater types with their grizzly beards and Doc Martens.
Labour ladies huh?
But the blokes stroked their beards sitting nearby.
“Her heart cannot truly be in it….”. And the people know that her heart is, truly, not in it.
May was Remain Plan B after Cameron lost.
And now I fear that Boris Johnson is Remain Plan C
Head Carolyn Fairbairn getting two slots on yessterdays Marthas Muffin of a show at 1pm.
The Tory called Suella Fernandes clearly rattled Martha by knowing things-hope the Tories rein her in or replace that chip with the one that Rudd and Hammond use.
So Carolyn Fairbairn got a spot before Suella-and then was able to conclude and trash what Suella had just said…a new Beeboid tactic to me.
Carolyn Fairbairn went to Oxbridge, worked at the highest levels at the BBC, worked for Kinsey, got a masters in the USA and advised Major in the dog dying days of his godawful “government” from 95 to 97)…clearly has never run a business, nor been elected to anything of significance as far as the demos goes.
Who else to advise us on the Brexit process eh Martha?
Mass burning of TV Licenses and a guy (or is that a doll) up on the pyre-think we`ll make ours with a Lady Nugee or Lady Brook mask…who`s the prettier…Emily or Sarah….any chance of a vote for this?
No Carolyn mind…only the BBC would know what she looks like.
That`s if they can get their heads out from under her fabulosa maroon robes as a Ramona Dreamer with “the right table manner”
Brendan O’Neil on the perception of ‘Hate Crimes’.
Question: But what if a growing section of the population ‘religiously’ believe in and exercise their right to practice taqiyya?
Let’s ban taqiyya. Oh hang on: that’s a religious right is it not………………..
And so the ridiculous story goes on and on and on and on (ad infinitum)…………
The police are incentivised to find hatred, because their goal isn’t to tackle crime so much as to create a public impression of mass hatred.{spectator 06aug2016}
“Hard-right, foreigner-bashing parties may be thriving on the Continent, but they are dying over here. The likes of the BNP and EDL have withered due to lack of interest. This is a British triumph.”
And stifle any (but any) likelihood of an uprising thus contributing to the ‘them and us’ perception. Why would one wish to associate with people who are permitted to lie to the kafir and additionally, can claim a ‘hate crime’ has taken place on the basis of that lie? Wouldn’t a sane person want to walk across the road to avoid any contact that could be construed as being hostile when, if fact, the way things are moving, that act in itself could be construed as ‘hostile’?
Their website has five reasons why the war widow story supposedly damaged Trump. I can think of five reasons why it damages the BBC and the liberal media.
1. Nobody cares.
2. It is not even a news story, which makes you look bad for running with it. Someone overheard someone taking a phone call and you are still talking about it five days later? How pathetic. It is infantile. You wonder why he calls you Fake News when you have five days of coverage about him supposedly being ‘insensitive’?
3. You have tried similar tactics before on Trump and had no impact. Now you are just crying wolf and boring people.
4. There are other major things happening which you refuse to report on. It shows utter contempt for those whom you purport to serve that you continue to ignore real news and problems so you can continue this childish war with Trump – a war in which you are being pummelled.
5. He was probably trolling by Tweeting about it. Again and again you take the bait, tie yourself in knots going all-in on a poor hand then looking stupid. You are so far out of your comfort zone and you are yet to come up with any new and effective ways of attacking Trump. It is becoming embarrassing.
The President is also Commander in Chief, and he took the trouble to phone the widow of a US soldier to offer his personal condolences. It doesn’t matter if he didn’t express himself quite as she may have wanted. Maybe he did, maybe he didn’t. I wasn’t there, and neither were the press and TV. What is disgusting is that this decent gesture has been politicized by a Democrat politician and used as a weapon to attack Trump, and the MSM are lapping it up.
How dare they? They truly have no decency at all. The President only meant well by making this phone call, it was a humane gesture on his part, and a kind one. For the Democrat Party to use this against him shows them up for the dirty scum they are.
Exactly – show some respect.
In attacking Trump in this shameless way they only damage their reputations even further, if that were possible. Most decent people feel disgust that the media could exploit a tragedy like this for political capital. He does even have to fight them directly. He gives them a small bit of rope and they hang themselves.
This Gold Star family story only shows just how low the left have got, both sides of the water.
Like Millie Dowler and Jo Cox here in the UK?
The BBC and the left will cry oodles of tears in furthering their agendas, hit Murdoch and ban Brexit.
As for Keith Blakelock? Kriss Donald? Lee Rigby or any of those other David Star families butchered in their homes in Israel? Not a peep.
Mind you, now that we may get a few more IS martyrs-we can add them to the BBCs roll of honour along with Bin Laden, Duggan and Jihadi John.
Hope they`ve only enrolled Savile and Peel in rub one out pencil. Both anniversaries of Peel and Savile are coming soon.
Got my widows weeds and a cut onion all ready.
Bullying by shouting “hate crime”
Police rep speaking on live radio said colleagues had had HIV tests after being spat on.
Instead of just saying that it’s almost impossible to catch HIV thru spit, a gay rights activist made a formal complaint of a hate crime to South Yorkshire Police.
“Officer Payne told how some colleagues had to undergo HIV tests after being spat at by suspects who were in the process of being arrested.”
Clearly hate speech laws could lead to considerable injustice and wasted Police time when exploited by the dishonest and embittered. How many jilted lovers and sacked employees will use them to wreak revenge?
Interesting – what is the criminal proceedings for committing a false hate crime? Double that of the crime perceived?
I’ve observed muslims spitting at Westerners and other non muslims on many occasions while living in the Middle East.
“A test case for artistic freedom”
Or so BBC News Channel trumpets concerning a new Russian movie about the supposed love affair between a ballet dancer and the future Tsar Nicolas. Some people have opposed the film – which frankly looks to be little more than a classic Barbara Cartland. Historically dubious and disrespectful say some Russians who still hold the Tsar to be something of a Saint as this romantic flick is launched ‘amid security concerns’. Actually more of a martyr I would have thought considering the Bolshevik murder of both him and his entire family.
One has to wonder when the BBC will worry about the movie rota this week at the Riyadh Odeon? Have they got round to showing, oh I don’t know…. how about Brokeback Mountain?
A test case for artistic freedom is what the BBC claim to be their interest in this semi-story.
Here’s the BBC’s print arm on the subject
Now I’m no particular fan of Mr Putin but I do know when I’m being drip fed anti-Russian anti-Christian propaganda.
Because presumably the next time the followers of mo decide to gun down cartoonists in broad daylight on the streets of a Western European city their lefty apologists will have this little bit of whataboutery equivalence to hand care of the Beeb.
‘has faced calls for ban from religious and conservative critics’
That’s your lefty money shot right there.
The Beeb supporting artistic freedom? All their output is saturated in politically correct messages. If Shakespeare were around now the BBC would not commission any of his work.
The EU’s ‘Handbook’ for journalists when dealing with migrants and immigration matters –
Click to access Reporting-on-Migration-and-Minorities.pdf
Page 21 contains the EU’s recommendations to journalists in respect of islam.
Nice to see that the BBC are ahead of the curve in following the political dogma of the EU despite the numerically now overwhelming public concern which is, apparently, all ‘tosh’…………..
Visions come to mind of in the olden days, giving foul tasting medicine to a child………………
Above can be found by opening, ‘handbook’ on this site:
Why does the US have so many child brides? { 23oct2017}
Angel was 13 when her mother forced her to marry and start a family. “I felt like a slave,” she says of her childhood.
While countries like Zimbabwe, Malawi and El Salvador have recently banned child marriage, it remains legal in the US – and half of states have no set minimum age below which you cannot get married.
For the BBC’s America First? series the BBC’s Aleem Maqbool is exploring health and social issues where the US, the richest country in the world, does not perform well in international rankings.
Child Marriage {wiki}
– BBC use question mark again ‘BBC’s America First?’ series.
– BBC now focus on USA and question if it was ever first … here we go.
– Child marriages in the UK? A map maybe? Be careful here BBC …
Cost of policing EDL protests a ‘considerable concern’ { 19jul2013}

“The cost of policing English Defence League (EDL) demonstrations is causing “considerable concern”, West Midland Police’s commissioner has said.”
– Old BBC Article from 2013, but interesting because it only goes on about EDL and not other protests such as Al Quds and Sharia Protests and Austerity protests.
– Where is the breakdown of type of protest – the article suggests the all the costs are for EDL protests only.
Both the BBC & Sky News claiming that a Conservative backbencher, Chris Heaton-Harris is is demanding that universities provide him with the names of staff teaching “brexit”. The Sky News’ deputy assistant chief remainer (after Bunter & Islam) Jon Craig also ,thought it pertinent to inform us that the MP was a former polytechnic student).
Harris’s letter ( text here)
actully states “I was wondering id you would be so kind as to supply me …
The academic profession has gone full Olbermann/O’Donnell in response.
A few good put downs NISA on the HYS comments on the Beeb site. Why do these establishments not like questions I ask myself. They circle the waggons the minute anyone from the outside steps across the threshold. Its like an episode of Morse.
Times : Russian countess left in poverty whilst millionaire oligarch lives in luxury in France.
“If he returns to the UK he will be jailed for 2 years for skipping bail”
Hangon what happened to EU justice ? why’s he allowed to flaunt it it so easy.
“Gina’s role in ensuring a sovereignty of parliament was recognised by the courts has been monumental and has set a precedent that will last hundreds of years.” { 24oct2017}
– Didn’t Gina Miller want to stop Brexit? Re-writing history in front of our eyes.
“Everything you do is calculated to thwart Brexit, that’s what you’re about!
“There’s nothing wrong with that, it’s a democracy. You can thwart whatever you want but why not just admit it, instead of having this kind of canopies of other motives.” {express 22apr2017}
So her actions were monumental and the precedent will last hundreds of years. I tell you Mark most of the world must be off its face coming up with crap like this on an almost daily basis. A complete non entity who is famous for being famous, nothing more than that.
I demand a recount…and a second vote.
Gina clearly has been shoehorned in. Malalia has just started her course at Oxbridge, and that footy bird who screwed the F.A for sexism(and got Mark Sampson sacked) SURELY have had more impact.
One survived the Taliban-the other has made football even more of a joke that it was already.
Both are winners, compo and degrees whereas Gina lost didn`t she?
Rerun the vote. Was there even one? And who did the counting, were the UN there to validate the procedures?
What I find paradoxical in the extreme is the House of Quislings’ sudden rediscovery of the “sovreignty of parliament” post referendum – after spending the last 40 years eagerly handing British sovreignty over to undemocratic EU institutions. Of course, the only reason they want sovreignty now is to cede it again to the European Superstate. Listening to interviews with Überquislings like Heseltine, it becomes clear that the concept of “sovreignty” of a nation state has no meaning for them. Economic power, military power and political influence of international blocks are the only factors he considers. I suppose its an extension of the “contented slave” principle to international affaires. The EU has cunningly turned people into “contented slaves” by bribing them with their own money.
So what’s in the 9pm Virtue Signalling slot today ? Calais refugee camp anniversary.
You can tell the BBC’s priorities by the effort they put into their tweets, 3 tweets from 2 different PR accounts.
Has any BBC show tried to log what the cost to Calais has been, for their Jungle being allowed to be created? Time was when we`d go over there before Christmas for some pate, wine and cheeses etc-yes, I know the tunnel has taken much of the trade to Lille, but Calais, Boulogne etc surely have been hammered now that we no longer dare go over there?
Any chance of the BBC asking the Calais shopkeepers what the cost of Hollande aand Sarkozys spinelessness has been?
I drove to the port of Quisterham yesterday. Scattered enrichers were relaxing in ditches near the port and were busy with their phones. It seems that they sit in the ditches until someone comes along and offers them a lift. Perhaps – and I am guessing – British believers in open borders are helping them
This is not my picture, but it captures what I saw
BBC R4 Today this morning. James Naughtie interviews Governor of California Jerry Brown who is v unhappy with Trump’s Presidency.
Naughtie (in terms): “What would you say to people who feel that Trump’s victory proves that the American political system simply isn’t working?”
How about: “What would you say to people who feel that Trump’s victory proves that the American political system is working rather well?”
Naughtie & Co are all for democracy when their preferred candidate wins. When he / she doesn’t, the system has failed, gone “post truth” or “doesn’t compute”. He has the self awareness of plankton.
“Awarding favoured interviewee a free kick”
© Nicky Campbell patented technique
The whole ‘fake news’ meme stank. It could not possibly be that we listened to both sides and did not agree with the liberal elite? No – we must have been tricked in some way. How else could we possibly not do as our liberal superiors order?
The problem with the ‘fake news’ schtick that the MSM has been trying to peddle is that if they say to people ‘there is news, and there is fake news. What WE say is correct, what the others say is wrong’ even the dimmest person is liable to ask ‘but how do we know you’re not fake as well?’
A bit like the weather: nothing more reliable than looking out the window.
JEsus : look at the framing the BBC uses in its titling and social media
That’s not impartial, that’s campaigning
Ah, the BBC question mark in action “Jerry Brown: The man to stop Trump?” – this is what the BBC wants to happen, use the BBC question mark!
Always a joy to see “democrats” like Jerry Brown and Gina Miller go running off to the nearest court, so that those nasty voters who chose to defy them get to see who is boss.
They are-the elite, those with deep pockets and rich partners-those who can count on the courts to put them at the front of the queue, and can overturn the democratic vote.
Trump had the temerity to get voted in-and without the blessing and permissions needed from the media and the One Love World Police like Jerry, Gina and their backers. Soros and Branson maybe.
This is a good cartoon by Garrison of Jerry and California.
To view it, when the page opens click on “No Thanks” and the cartoon comes up or scroll down to it.