It’s not just that the BBC is biased but that the bias is profound, insidious and damaging to our Nation state. A daily anti-Brexit story a day is de rigeur. One could be forgiven for thinking that the EU entirely funds the BBC output such is the globalist spin it puts on every major issue. Anyway, here is where you detail the bias!
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Southampton Live event
Is migration changing the UK as we know it?
Wednesday, November 8, @7:00 PM
Part of ESRC Festival of Social Science:
Over two engaging nights, research scientists from the three ESRC-funded centres at the University of Southampton will share their research and expertise into two challenging issues of our time:
Wednesday 8th November: Is migration really changing the UK as we know it?
Thursday 9th November: Will welfare and pensions really ensure we have a happy and healthy retirement?
Each event is FREE but registration is required at the address below:
Russia’as first Gulag was not made by Stalin
..It was created by the British …says BBC
The Deir ez-Zor camps (1915-1916) were concentration camps[1] in the heart of the Syrian desert where many thousands of Armenian refugees were forced into death marches during the Armenian Genocide. The United States vice-consul in Aleppo, Jesse B. Jackson, estimated that Armenian refugees, as far east as Deir ez-Zor and south of Damascus, numbered 150,000, all of whom were virtually destitute.[2] {wiki}
The memorial and museum were destroyed by ISIL in 2014.
– History erased by ISIL.
Ottoman Empire – also historically known in Western Europe as the Turkish Empire, Ottoman Turkey or simply Turkey
I think the first Russian gulags long pre-dated Stalin or the Communists, it was just that they took it to an entirely different level.
“…throughout the turbulent nineteenth century the bestial tsars murdered all of 997 criminals, including murderers. By contrast , during the five year reign of Lenin, 1,861,568 were judicially shot by the Cheka – on top of the millions murdered extra-judicially. This before the advent of Stalin whose monstrosities Krushchev had just exposed in his ‘secret session’ speech of 1956.”
Alexander Boot – ‘How The Future Worked’.
This was one of the first British Concentration Camps.
Or it would have been if I could have incorporated the picture.
Just Google Lizzy van Zyl, and cry.
The worst thing is the Government, our Government, tried to blame the girl’s mother.
Hang on, that’s just ‘Hate Speech’. I imagine that if the Visegrad 4 lose in their efforts to overcome the EU’s demand that they, ‘take their share’ of invaders, that’ll be another four lining up to say, ‘Goodbye EU’.
It’s not hate speech per se that is evil. It’s all a matter of who is doing the hating to whom. Obvious.
Not directly BBC-related, other than symptomatic of their agenda-led reporting, but this is what Scottish politics has become.
Didn’t the Royal Mail rush around repainting post boxes which had been unofficially painted gold after the 2012 Olympics, in tribute to British gold medallists in places where they lived?
I think it was official.
Royal Mail’s gold post boxes remain a lasting legacy to London 2012
There were some official ones but there were also some which folk painted as their own local recognition of local medal winners which the Royal Mail took a disliking to.
I demand they cover one in black leather and chains im triggered by being excluded from expressing my sexual preference
A pillar box has a hole that things can be put in, but does not itself have something that it can put into another hole. This is therefore sexist, transgenderist and homophobic, and I demand that all pillar boxes be removed, and anyone who disagrees is a Hate Criminal, so there.
I wonder how long it will be before the Black Dyke Brass Band is forced to change it’s name? Not to mention piano player Charlie Kunz R.I.P.
Surprising, isn’t it? On the other hand, it’s one of those genres, like folk music, which is so un-cool that it’s virtually invisible. I don’t recall any BBC coverage whatsoever.
This offers a degree of protection but I often wonder if people who like it feel cheated by the BBC. They pay their BBC Tax just like everybody else. At least I assume they do.
BBC is now JK Rowling’s sole advertiser .. nothing else is happening in the book world.
#LovetoRead section on BBC …
Quiz: How well do you know Harry Potter?
What real magic inspired JK Rowling?
Were you afraid to say Voldemort?
Could you create a magical world?
Pure coincidence that Rowling donates millions to the Labour Party.
What a waste of money.
What a waste of skin.
Sorry mate but “What a waste of skin”? Please translate for thick bastards. What have I missed -AGAIN?!! I’m sure that if you explain I will curse myself.
No. Never mind I’ll only feel a right tunc.
“Could you create a magical world?”
Don’t be silly. It’s Harry Potter not Jeremy Corbyn!
100 Women Challenge fighting sexism in sport and 100 Most Influential Black People. Do they not think it is a tiny bit patronising and dehumanising to make lists of individuals like this?
What next, an SJW Top of the Pops where every week minorities compete to earn top victim points?
“A new entry at number 7 with ‘Bullied by Whitie’ is woman footballer Eni Aluko!”
I watched Quatermass and the Pit last Saturday. At the very end of the si-fi, the public were controlled by an illusion that they were insects and the herd instinct prevailed. They slaughtered en mass everyone that ‘wasn’t like us’.
I hear that was a fantastic programme.
Quatermass, rubbish.
Each programme cost about ten shillings to produce, which explains why the props, scenery etc. looked just like an end of term school play created by eight year olds.
View it for yourself, I will not be offended if you tell me I was a year out.
You was a year out you fucking stupid arsehole of a motherfucking cunt. So prosecute me you fucking son of a shirtlifting twat of a rug munching nigger. Apologies to all those I have left out.
Knock! Knock! Fuck me who’s that knocking on my door?
LW… anger management issues ?
Just testing. xx
By the way, what is anger management? Is it another of Nanny State’s “treatments”?
Beeb, and even more galling and laughable is that Gina Miller has been named as the most influential black person ! (must make an appointment at Specsavers).
How patronising is it though? It was at primary school we stopped getting ranked on how high we were in the class.
I’m surprised that your school took just a liberal outlook to the use of narcotics . I’m sure very few al beebers would not have partaken of Wakky bakky or whatever it is called now .,
I saw that in the Evening Standard on the train last night! Influential, wot? Influential must be the Newspeak word for NOTORIOUS.
Our politicians have led us to the top of the slippery slope and, increasingly, they are legally pushing us over. ‘Hate Speech’ crime – how long will it be before a case comes before the court when a muzzie alleges, ‘he looked at me with hostility in his eyes’ or, ‘I could tell by the way he looked at me, he hated me’. A court would have to consider the mens rea of the defendant and decide whether he had, despite no words or action, intentionally or recklessly donned an expression of hostility. The multikulty zealots in the UK would love that one.
It could be, in an effort to disguise the beginnings of thought crimes, the ‘crime’ could be legislated for as a Strict Liability offence. That would figure so as to avoid the courts having to make any sensible analysis. Strict Liability is equal to, ‘there is no defence so you are guilty whether you like it or not’ e.g. speeding, having drugs in one’s possession and so on. It doesn’t need the CPS but perhaps the police to simply record and process the crime. All for their statistics you know. On that scenario, a bus driver could don a hostile expression if a passenger alighting offered a £20 note for a £1 journey. You get the point. A wonderful way to criminalise all white elderly males.
I blame this on Blair and his sofa-government nonsense, as learned in Brussels no doubt. When you turn laws into suggestions or decide that murder is not as bad as hate crimes that may yet end in murder, then you end up with all this nonsense.
We used to have Common Law, based in reality and history. It`s Europe who has all this emoting under Roman and Napoleonic codes that used to be so alien to us here.
Witness things like the Paris “concords for climate change”, or the Iran “agreement.
Both are suggestion boxes and not laws at all-thank God Trump treats them both as such. Not that the BBC would tell you that. Luckily we have Tucker Carlson to do this(for now)
If we can’t Hate stupidity and ridicule it, then stupidity will get a jackboot on our intelligence.
Why do 48% of the electorate hate the 52%? If they don’t want to hate they should accept and move on as the 48% have better values than the racist 52%, but they hate to the point where the decision is wrong and they are called stupid. So who are the haters?
The result will be that people will do everything humanly possible to avoid interactions with any minority group who could accuse them of a hate crime. What a triumph for integration.
“HATE SPEECH is the most Orwellian concept to emerge from the twentieth century twilight. It is especially deceptive because it hides behind a Happy Face mask. Most people want to be on the side of love, right? Like all dangerous ideas, the notion of hate speech sounds good until dismantled piece by piece.
The first problem is with the term’s vagueness. Hate speech, apparently has become anything THEY hate. Through relentless exposure to well-meaning, soft suds imagery, otherwise intelligent people have been brainwashed to believe that “hate” is a satisfactory explanation for any human action. Reducing complex sociopolitical struggles to a matter of “hate” is as simplistic as blaming it on “sin”, but they fall for it.”
“The MOST important type of speech to protect is hate speech, because it often contains desperate truths that would lose their urgency if expressed calmly. Most revolutions throughout history could hardly be called acts of love.”
‘The Redneck Manifesto’ Jim Goad.
Had to listen to a few minutes of Eddie Mair and his awful PM.
1. He was banging on about “no-disclosure agreements” with that awful Vera Baird, Beaker lookalike from Redcar or what have you.
Labour developed these agreements( or compromise ones) to shut up embittered ex NHS or Council staff during Blairs Reign of Idiocy-and yet Eddie and Vera seemed not to know of them, unless a Weinstein can be put in the stocks.
Careful BBC. Andrew Marrs super-injunctions are not so far away from these. Not that either Labour or the BBC will be pressing onto all THAT unpleasantness.
2. This was followed by an Obama holdover who was telling us all why Trump had some soldiers die in Chad recently. Our Obama wing lady did her job at the African State Dept for him-yet we didn`t hear if she was in post in September 2012, as Libya fell to the flames, and the US Embassy staff were killed in Benghazi.
I mean- the only reason why the USA are in Chad now, is because Obama and Cameron made such a mess in Libya on her watch.But Eddie was happy not to ask any questions that might embarrass the lady.
As ever. Imagie that she`s on a “journey”, so best not to pry.
How much do we pay Mair not to ask questions? Just to defend his colleagues and bat for the Democrats?
Scandalously stupid.
Harry Stiles – some infant who belonged to a pop group and managed to get himself a bit part in a recent war film (or so I’m told), appears to have a programme dedicated to him this week called …. Harry Stiles at the BBC. Er, WHY ? does he have a teenybopper fan club at Beeb Towers ?
Dear God, I watched another afternoon offering where one of the Contestants chose the Famous People section – this included the likes of Winston Churchill, the Pope, Barack Obama etc. What did the contestant say “oh I thought it was celebrities like Gerri Halliwell”. This is the level of intelligence our population has become.
Pointless was no better. Contestants had no idea of the greatest jazz musicians – stood like the dummies they were when Duke Ellington, Dave Brubeck were amongst the answers. Pretty boy Harry Stiles ? of course, he’ll be remembered in 50 years wont he.
Apparently Harry is against Brexit, which obviously transformed my understanding.
I wonder if ‘Harry Stiles’ has replaced ‘Nobby Stiles’ as cockney rhyming slang for a certain rather painful condition in the nether regions.
A Conservative MP attempts to discover how many Communist professors are indoctrinating their sociology students with an alien creed which killed 100,000,000 people in the twentieth century.
Naturally The Treason Party and TWMTB, both being long time supporters and advocates of the mass-murdering ideology, are outraged.
TBLP and TWMTB both describe it as “McCarthyism”, and an attempt to create a “hit list”.
albeeb explains to the uninitiated that “McCarthyism refers to US Senator Joseph McCarthy who led attempts to purge alleged Communists in public life the 1950s.”
Which is an outright lie. What McCarthy did was expose genuine traitors in high places in the US government.
Traitors who had bent every rule in the book to supply the USSR with everything they could, including Atomic secrets, to stop the Russians collapsing during WW2. The same traitors who then ensured that all US help to China went the loveable Mao Tse Tung, to enable him to become the biggest mass murderer of them all. The same traitors who were intending to install a Marxist Government in the USA.
Who are still conspiring in the UK and USA. Look across the channel, I expect criticising the totalitarian EUSSR will also be defined as McCarthyism.
Personally I am in favour of hit lists, the sooner the traitors described above start being hit the better.
McCarthy in depth
the china details are truly chilling
Just a question here, has anyone by chance, gone into I’ve actually been forced to many a time, while I’m living in Europe temporarily (though this is now solved via a VPN). Believe me, it’s WORSE than propaganda. But also, I can now tell why the fascist, left simply love the Beeb, if that’s what they have as a choice. Earlier today, it was literally a Democratic Party advertisement.
It may have been posted here , but BBC website annonunces UK’s most influential black person. Step forward , Gina Miller. I wonder who the most influential white person will be. You couldn’t make it up. Impossible to parody.
Do keep up Grant – I posted this 12 comments ago !!!
the “most” influential black person in the country is hated by at least 17.2m people, im not sure thats the kind of influence most black people want
Kaiser, I do not hate Gina Miller. Yes, she wants to overturn the EU Referendum decision and cancel Brexit and I want to be out of the EU, like, yesterday.
What she has been suckered into doing in her dislike of democracy is getting the supremacy of the UK Parliament endorsed and enhanced in UK Law and the Article 50 notice’s filing through Parliament with only very limited opposition.
Had it not been for Gina Miller, we might – even now – still be waiting for the Article 50 notice to be filed in Brussels & Strasbourg.
“I do not hate Gina Miller”
I’d find her a lot easier to like if she were 6,000 miles away.
Up2snuff, indeed. And Mrs May’s decision to scupper Gina Miller by putting Brexit to the vote in Parliament (making any high court challenge irrelevant) was the last time she seemed to display courageous leadership.
BBC News 24oct2017@20:00 – Donald Tusk – Brexit is EU’s toughest stress test. EU cannot be divided at any cost. UK can still stay in London wants to.
Cameras: Notice that in the headlines show close up of all talkers. Now they show a side shot of the EU Parliament in progress with hardly anyone there (money well spent?) 28 people in photo, 140 seats available. This is not full seating but you would have thought a talk by Donald Tusk would have been important. The BBC did show the whole EU Parliament is mostly empty.
BBC Damian Grammaticas – “I think* this was a very clear message that the EU is all united around, being sent to the UK today.”
* Tusk said they should be United. As there was no one in the actual EU Parliament it’s hard to know if he got agreement with that. How can the EU be United if they aren’t in the Parliament to say they are United. But the BBC report seems to think that saying you should is the same as everyone agreeing.
** ‘I think’ – BBC talk for you should think!
Reminds me of “Jean-Claude Juncker tells near-empty EU parliament: ‘You are ridiculous’ {independent 04jul2017}
Three observations;
YERP. Where the hell is YERP! Just listening to Hestletine, that’s where he wants us to go. Him and old Clarke are so old they fart dust.
I fancy the recent Wienstien storm of sexism & misogyny, will be marshalled by the MSM into a hurricane then centred back onto Trump to see if they can ruffle him some more.
I note that the recent rainbow post-boxes have a black band at the bottom. Racist surely. You see I’m now self censoring.
Hate crime detected – please find a rainbow car or paint your toenails bright pink and say ‘Hate is Crime, I will do the Time’. ‘Hate is Crime, I will do the Time.’ 1000 times.
“Man filmed grinding on police officer at Notting Hill carnival {metro 31aug2017}”
BBC News @ 20:00 “It’s quite divisive (BREXIT) in the Conservative party.” – but fails to mention that Labour are divided as well.
MSNBC attacked Trump’s proposed border wall and during their (TV) segment, illegal aliens jumped over border fence proving the need for the wall. @1:23
BBC News – Dictator of China writes himself into the constitution so he can be dictator forever. Not one person in the Chinese house stands up for their citizens because the dictator declares he’s dictator. 2000 communists vote for dictator. 100% dictatorship achieved!
Mao United. Successor made it Rich. Xi Jinping will make it strong, a super power.
Film – Chinese people in theme park on rollercoaster. No mention of deaths only the word misery by old leaders. Xi is the savior.
“His comrades are all ready calling him the new Emperor, and saviour of Socialism.”
“Mao’s one man rule bought only China misery. But this time it’s different. If Xi fails we are all poorer (the world? china?). And if he succeeds his drive for control will reach us all.”
BBC 5 Live are running a 11-15 aged commentator of the year competition . However if you looked
at the pictures advertising the event it looks like male white boys ,need not apply as the BBC are looking
for” diversity”. As I have written before It’s just a matter of time before Gary Lineker loses his job as presenter
of Match of the Day. Due to diversity and positive discrimination.
Which is, hilariously, exactly what happened to Mitch Benn, absolutely liberal to the core (complete with a brief appearance here, telling us what Neanderhals we are) only to be kicked off The Now Show because he wasn’t sufficiently ‘diverse’!
It was the funniest gag he ever managed.
Quote of the day from the Facebook BBC News page comments section:-
“Hi, I am from Asia. I used to like your news alot but nowadays with your clear leftist bias and Islamic appeasement crap, I doubt you people have the credentials to report world news.”
Spoken like a true English Patriot. Thank you if you are for real.
Actually most of the comments on the Facebook BBC News page in response to the homepage photo montage are pure gold. It’s almost like the BBC are deliberately parodying themselves.
Is that the one that looks like someone pushed over the BBC Diversity Ditector’s filing cabinet?
Good interview here with Julia Hartley Brewer…BBC bias noted at around 10 mins in.
Also good point made at 20:57 re freedom of speech..
Comment in youtube “I don’t know this woman from a bar of soap. But ………I absolutely love her.”.
Good find!
An excellent interview, thank you for posting. Intelligent, cultured people with views such as Ms Hartley-Brewer are so hard to find these days – I’m sorry to say that women like that are even rarer than men.
Tonights BBC2 dose of nausea is about Calais invaders. It’s absolutely sickening propaganda, esp, the self righteous charity workers who absolutely love it there – an endless Festival with drugs and sex a plenty no doubt.
Woodstock 2 then. Just what our youth need.
Was it just coincidence that they all had the ‘alternative’ fashion style of drug taking crusties?
“When it can be said by any country in the world, my poor are happy, neither ignorance nor distress is to be found among them, my jails are empty of prisoners, my streets of beggars, the aged are not in want, the taxes are not oppressive, the rational world is my friend because I am the friend of happiness. When these things can be said, then may that country boast its constitution and government. Independence is my happiness, the world is my country and my religion is to do good.”
– Thomas Paine, Rights of Man
“Society is indeed a contract. It is a partnership . . . not only between those who are living, but between those who are living, those who are dead, and those who are to be born.”
– Edmund Burke, Reflections on the Revolution in France (1790)
Reading that lot makes me think my dear old mother was right. She told me ” Son, there are only two kinds of people in this world. The quick and the dead.” She ain’t proved wrong yet!
Did you get your personal letter from Colin Tregear, BBC complaints director ?
All you need to do is make ONE complaint about Lord Lawson and he’ll be on his knees with tongue out and hand on your zip
says Telegraph quoting “a letter seen by the Guardian has now revealed”
Nasty little defamation report by Newsnighht on Aaron Banks. Nothing definitive but much borderline libelous mud slinging.
I don’t know if anyone else noticed this one today as Vanessa Feltz is covering for Mr Charisma on the Swine show on Radio 2.
They were discussing the Scots fella who got into a bit of bother in Dubai simply, it seems, for touching another man on the hip to avoid spilling some drinks. The first two callers told of experiences while visiting Dubai that would make you think twice about going there again, not as severe as imprisonment, but being detained for no apparent reason, and yet they didn’t say they wouldn’t go back or advise others not to as I would have thought most would do.
The next two callers related tales of slavery, abuse, wrongful arrest and blatant corruption and favouritism towards UAE natives over westerners and also expressed relief that family members who lived there have returned home to Britain. The brutality of the regime there was touched upon by the callers but wasn’t pursued by Vanessa as she steered around it.
Only once was Islam referred to and only in passing when the male second caller said he knew about sharia. This was glossed over and Islam, the reason for the ban on alcohol, for the discrimination against non-Muslim westerners and the inhuman treatment of women and guest-worker slaves was ignored and passed on. Onto another discussion based around Islam then, only the first one wasn’t really, was it?
This next topic was about the close, and seemingly genuine friendship between an elderly Jewish woman and a younger Muslim man in Blackburn, who I’ve seen are the two who showed up in Manchester together after the bombing, suggested at that time by the media as spontaneously. It wasn’t, they’ve been friends for years after meeting through inter-faith work. Fair play to them, both came across sincerely.
However, despite Vanessa trying to make their religions and religious differences the reason for their friendship, continually prompting and prodding with Islam and Muslim tolerance and in wonder as to how they dealt so admirably with public reaction and hostility since atrocities like Manchester, their friendship seemed to stem from the fact that they were decent people regardless of faith, not because of it. This of course doesn’t really suit the bBbc.
In the same hour, on the same programme the bBbc first set out to and ignored Islam as a malignant and spiteful dogma and then attempted to promote it as a tolerant and noble virtue. They succeeded in their first aim but failed in the latter. This showed only unbalanced and lazy journalism at best, biased and manipulative at least.
I apologise for being a little long winded but haven’t described the awkwardness of the debating of the first topic, God knows how Vanessa and the elephant both fitted into that studio, and then the faux enthusiasm and cheerleading of the second.
So obvious in their attempts at bias and yet still so inept, just another example of the bBbc tying itself in knots, misleading by omission and driving agendas that aren’t even hidden anymore.
I’m sorry, I have to make an apology, the pressures of post-Brexit Britain have got to me, another victim of the ghost of Farage.
These topics were actually discussed on separate days, first on Monday and then on Tuesday, not on the same day as I suggested. The Vine Show just makes it feel as if everyday is the same because on the bBbc it is.
In the spirit of the Clinton / Russian leaked emails however it’s what is actually in the programmes that count and for that shit it’s the bBbc that has to apologise.
I can’t link the tweet as I’m on my mobile at the moment (my tablet died a few weeks ago) but if you want over wrought hand wringing the may I suggest checking out John Humphries twitter feed and especially the tweet about since the referendum, what a horrible place England has become to live in.
Predictably, the snowflakes are out in abundance on the thread saying how true it is and anyone over 25 is a horrible old racist, thankfully a few do call him out on his nonsense.
It makes my blood boil when I see things like that, how the older generation, which at the age of 51 I must now incredibly be are so racist and disgusting to vote out.
I come from a extremely working class area near Birmingham that forany, many years was almost entirely dependent on heavy industry, and immigration started here in the late ’50’s early ’60’s.
My generation were probably the first who had black and Asian kids at school with them and played out in the street with them, I’m happy to say I still have a lot of friends of all colours from those days and we basically consider ourselves members of my town and most of us WBA supporters!
Even after heavy industry closed in the late ’70’s and’80’s, and unemployment was high here we really were the One in Ten my favourite band UB40 sang about, we still all mixed together, went out, went to matches etc, and it was, even with the economic problems, a ok place to live.
Fast forward to 2017, most of the shops run by Indian schoolmates dad’s have gone, replaced by fast food takeaways run by Muslims and of course halal food, Polish and formerly Eastern European countries encouraged here by Blair and our useless Borough Council, shops full of Islamic books and stuff and the latest, African shops. It takes ages to get through to our local doctor’s who now call you back and decide by speaking to you if you are ill enough for them to see you. Last month I had a severe stomach bug, I had paramedics come out to me (who were wonderful I may add), yet I was td when I rang my doctors, there were no call back appointments left and to consider going to a walk in centre.
I have been spat at for daring to talk my lovely Westie who wouldn’t hurt a fly out and called a white bitch because I wouldn’t stand up to let a young man sit down on the bus.
Is it any wonder that me and my friends consider ourselves not to belong here any more and that Brexit is our only chance of things improving a little?
The BBC and any political party do not speak for us any more, working class people of all colours, and take pleasure in poisioning younger people’s minds against us.
Sorry for the length of the post.
The UK has become a horrible place to live if you are a white Brexiteer…The BBC definitely doesn’t speak for us…
The UK has become a horrible place to live if you are a white Brexiteer…The BBC definitely doesn’t speak for us…
BlackCountry….. It was interesting reading your comment, and from the perspective of being the first generation to have schooled with ethnic minorities. Clearly you all integrated together, but now being older you see how different our country has become from the one you grew up in. I am 20 years older than you, so the view from my generation is even more acute of the change. l do wonder what happens if one admits to being ‘racist’ – (I’m sure most are actually, if not in deed but in thought), is being imprisoned the norm ? If one was to mouth off in a public place, then of course there would be looks of horror with camera phones being activated quicker than you can blink. But its frightening now to live in a society where even having a rational debate on migration can still emote cries of racism.
I think someone mentioned on an earlier thread – ‘Where is our Israel’ ?
We aren’t permitted to have one.
BCW No apologies necessary. These things need to be talked about. Often.
“I will return Saudi Arabi to moderate Islam” says a Saudi Prince in the cover of the Guardian.
BBC ignore the story on the papers review webpage. But it suggests Islam is not moderate, so is extreme, so we should worry, so islamophobia is justified! Bingo!
The statement by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is remarkable, and worthy of serious attention by the BBC. Also remarkable is, as you say, that so far the BBC has ignored it. We shall wait to see whether his statement that “Saudi Arabia will return to a moderate Islam that is open to all religions” is what it is seems, or simply a ploy to divert attention. But if SA does indeed open up to Christian churches, then that would be a world-changing event.
Martin, they did cover it last night on The News Tonight on Radio 4 @ 10pm. They were much more exercised by ‘that letter’, though.
It was a remarkable piece of news from Saudi and will deserve ‘watching’ by the BBC and more follow-up and investigation as to how it works out. Will the BBC do that? I doubt it. They are only interested in campaigning for ‘their own pet policies & places’, not serious news gathering and good journalism.
Haven’t heard a squeak of note from BBC R4 about Syria for days, weeks even.
“Peace process? What Peace Process?”
Let us see how Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabi copes with books of fiction, cartoons, homosexuals, employment discrimination in the slaughter houses, dogs, pigs and freedom of thought.
1. Islam asks for one simple thing. Islam asks for everything – finance, religion, police, morals, schools, law, food, science, clothes, art and your body to be Islamic.
2. Islam only has two problems – Muhammed and Mohammed. Once the first problem has been solved then the second one can be solved easily.
3. Islam offers three things. In the Koran it offers Peace, War and then a Continuation of War. In your life Islam wants you to subjugate yourself, subjugate your family and then subjugate everyone else.
Toady alert
1. Robinson describes Sebastian Gorka who formerly worked for president trump as a ‘ cheer leader ‘ for him.
2 piece on poles leaving uk because of Brexit . Described as brain drain
3. Article of bias of al Beeb saying interview with Nigel Lawson ( anti global warming) breached guidelines
And that was in about 20 minutes. So glad I don’t pay for this poison.
Fedup – thank you for posting that – you saved me a job!
Pleasingly Gorka made mincemeat of Robinson during the interview.
We assume the Chancellor is concerned about reducing the public spending deficit – well, that’s supposed to be his job.
He might consider selling off the BBC.
He might if he watched and listened to the BBC. They broadcast a constant unrelenting drumbeat of demands for more spending.
This morning the BBC campaigns for more money on the Probation Service and for water sprinklers in schools.
Tomorrow there will be another clutch of pet subjects.
Phil the Spreadsheet ought to tune in and take notice.
They love to preach about how some service or other is not up to scratch and needs more money.
What about their ‘news’ provision? They totally gave up on actual reporting of real things happening that normal people care about because it is too much hassle and might ‘offend’ someone. Why not just close down their entire news organisation? They provide nothing one cannot get elsewhere. With all the billions saved they would have plenty of money for all their pet projects.
Beeb Brother, I know I keep mentioning Jacob-Rees Mogg on LBC the other day, but one thing that I really liked was his response to a caller who brought up what I call the ‘goverment orter’ argument. Eg, if there’s a problem, the ‘government orter spend more money on it’. (This was I think to do with traffic congestion in London) Mr Rees-Mogg replied something like ‘But the government doesn’t have money itself. What you are saying is that taxpayers should pay for it through increased taxes. That means that less money will be spent by those taxpayers elsewhere, affecting another part of our economy’.
The caller seemed rather stumped by the argument. Decades of socialism and spending other peoples’ money like water seems to have removed the connection in most peoples’ minds between government spending and taxpayers’ money. Whenever the Beeb calls for more funding of some particular public service, this connection should be rammed home instead of being ignored!
Jeremy Corbyn to appear on Gogglebox
Islington is still the worst place to live under 34 years of Jeremy Corbyn as Labour MP. Will they report on that?
Max Hill QC talking a little sense for once?
New terror laws ‘would criminalise thought’, watchdog warns – BBC News
Toady update
Why do conservative MPs go on Toady? Joe Johnstone was put on today to be used as a punch bag by comrade Robinson about some nonsense concerning an mp asking universities what they taught about Brexit.
Was it a sinister threat to academic freedom.
Robinson spent 13 minutes punching, accusing , ridiculing and anything else. No one said even if there was an attempt to change views about Brexit it is too late . There is only 12 months to closure of negotiations .
Listen not for information but out of duty now – it is so unrepresentative of so many people in Blighty and just smugly sneers at the like of me. Don’t pay for it.
Maybe Nick ‘In my DNA, at the door’ Robinson might like to get his mighty dome around the other side of the coin?:
JJ started well, Fedup, but then in his sleepy state he couldn’t see the line of attack that Nick Robinson was taking and meekly surrendered. I suggest that he be demoted to a Whip and Chris Heaton-Harris is promoted to a Ministers job, maybe Universities Minister. Seems like a good idea to me.
How about it, Prime Minister?
Feeble performance from Johnstone which – once again – raises the question “Why doesn’t someone give MPs and Ministers some good media training?”
Only caught a bit of R4 this morning but made me laugh that they announced with great gusto that the BBC were apologising for letting Sir Nigel Lawson – ” the anti climate change advocate” make an incorrect statement during his discussion about global went against their policies…..funny though how when one of their own does it – that’s okay…no apologies needed.
Also nice anti Trump fest….I just hope the growth figures are better than anticipated…..they will have to alter the anti Brexit headlines
I would just like to add that in my opinion The British Broadcasting Corporation is an incorrect statement. I detect very little that is British in their agenda.
BBC R2, Chris Evans interviewing producer type about the new Blue Planet II, almost the first question was along the lines of “tell us about the fantastic fish you discovered like THE TRANSGENDER FISH”, it’s relentless
Transgender fish? They are probably like their human equivalent i.e. one of Mother Nature’s little mistakes.
Clownfish, wrasses, moray eels, gobies and other fish species are known to change sex, including reproductive functions. A school of clownfish is always built into a hierarchy with a female fish at the top. When she dies, the most dominant male changes sex and takes her place. {wiki}
Spoiler: Humans are not fish! Evolution is about adapting to the environment.
– I would expect more from Chris Evans who is paid £2.3million under threat of prison!
Clever fish. But do they indulge in buggery?
Not knowingly!
Talking of fish, Fishing for Leave is still campaigning to ensure we leave the CFP in March 2019 and take back full control of all waters and resources in our Exclusive Economic Zone under a new UK policy that benefits only British fishermen.
Why can’t the media talk about something important like this?
Bad news
The uk economy is doing better than expected .
Spin that al Beeb
Other countries are doing better
Overall this should be seen as failure
Bad times ahead
It’s not real because the pound is weak
Eu tourists who won’t be able to come here anymore
Seasonal average
Worse than last time
Bank jobs leaving ( I thought al Beeb hated banks )
And now for the good news. The BBC announced today that due to lack of interest it will be closing down all of it’s facilities before Christmas. And it’s goodnight from them and a Crappy Histmas to you all.
Fcuk this. I really must get out more.
Well who would have thought it?
Half a decade or so back, I wrote: “It’s a good basic axiom that if you take a quart of ice-cream and a quart of dog feces and mix ’em together the result will taste more like the latter than the former. That’s the problem with the U.N.” {steynonline 24oct2017}
“Absolutely right, if I do say so myself. When you make the free nations and the thug states members of the same club, the danger isn’t that they’ll meet each other half-way but that the free world winds up going three-quarters, seven-eighths of the way.”
“Whether or not Mr Mugabe has no penis, the free members of the UN have no balls.”
‘Half of women’ sexually harassed at work, says BBC survey { 24oct2017}
“My ultimate goal is to make sure this is not just a moment, that this is a movement, and we will continue to raise our voices, we will continue to disrupt, we will continue to tell our stories until we are heard and until we move the needle.”
-”Half of women’ sexually harassed at work’ BBC Survey – is this within the BBC mainly?
– How do the other half avoid sexual harassment, what is their secret?
– Does this mean that not all men are nasty – if they where it would be 100% harassment!
– Is ‘harassment’ defined as perceived harassment just like ‘hate crime’?
A survey of 1,500 women saw 52% cite the problem and also found a third had been subjected to unwelcome jokes and a quarter experienced unwanted touching. { 10aug2017}
– If we ignore the jokes and just concentrate on unwanted advances then we get 12%(quarter of 52% is 12%). Now work out who these people are and the problem is easier to handle. Is it just in the BBC?
And is there just one G.Roper To service them all. As for the BBC I should think the women there are safe. They would all be too old or the wrong gender.
What happens when people have NO place to run to? What happens then? A Pakistani blogger who went missing earlier this year has applied for asylum in Britain after alleging he was tortured by a “state intelligence agency” during his disappearance. { 25oct2017}
I hate all the fluffy non-stories they run, like a woman being the only person on a plane or a wrestler saving a woman from a bridge. The internet has countless sites which deal with such inanities, most of which do it better than the Beeb. THEY ARE NOT NEWS STORIES!
They always moan how the Police or whoever are not doing their job well enough. Well their ‘news’ service is dire and we pay a fortune for it. It is like paying for a meal at a restaurant and getting served a turd on a plate.
If you rely on the bbc you’ll be completely unaware of the massive breaking stories in the US ie: Clinton, Holder, Mueller, Podesta, Obama, collusion, corruption, criminality and treason but hey, it’s the bbc. They’re still plugging the two failed, bitter Senators slagging off Trump. And that’s news because?
And the old Goebbels thing does work – even heard some AI Professor on ‘Hard Talk’ referring to Russian hacking of the US election.