It’s not even the PC treatment / attitude, but the downright miss-leading tone, that the headline shows. It’s incessant. EVERYONE was told to take their head coverings off!
@Doublethinker 12pm mentioned the Delingpole podcast
Here’s the link to the mp3
[audio src="" /]
Thanks Stew. I am probably one of the biggest IT duffers around but doing this link and pictures stuff is way beyond me. If I try I just get in a right Royal mess.
Stew, since you mention it, on the BBC Political Editor’s Blog – back in the days when we had a BBC Political Editor, a BBC Political Editor who Blogged and a BBC Political Editor whose BBC Blog was open to comment & discussion – some folk on both sides of pro/against divide were suggesting financial reparations.
Especially when the likes of Thommo or Hugs deigned to share their wisdom, got pwnd, desperately had some minions try to mount a counter, failed, and had it shut down early.
GW, me, too. The BBC had a real community gathered around it and, in a way, it was pioneering something for the Internet age. Instead of keeping it going, they killed it. Got to be one of the worst decisions the BBC have made. Now, when they open a HYS on pretty much any subject they will be getting flak from some posters, many of the posters – sometimes a majority – in the comments.
You’ll have to remind me who Thommo & Hugs were. My brain has gone flat after researching Parkinson and listening to most of an hour & twenty of self-congratulation.
Some of the Eds used to read their comments & join in. I suspect some may have done so incognito, too. Wouldn’t surprise me if the Beeb had arranged – informally of course – a Corrections and Clarifications Squad.
Not BBBC. Evening Standard and George ‘traitor’ Osbourne.
Apparently – don’t laugh – Conservative europhiles have approached the EU DIRECTLY because they are concerned that May and Davis have taken the peoples vote to heart and have gone ‘off message’. The intention, again apparently, is to re-negotiate the opposite to whatever May/Davies have agreed and soften the potential hard Brexit option.
Call me old fashioned – is this not treason, or sedition? What gives these people the right to circumvent the majority vote?Is this true or Georgie boy pissing in the wind? This is very dark stuff. If true, this is provocation of the most dangerous kind.
Honestus – The likes of Osbourne along with all of the Tory and Labour Europhiles and their supporting organisations (especially the BBC) have always represented betrayal of the the British people and democracy in its most pure form.
As well as using direct lies and exaggerations of the effect of brexit they have also used a “smoke and mirrors” approach to deliberately confuse what brexit means. We now have hard and soft brexit. “Soft” brexit meaning in effect no brexit and it is just a vehicle for continuing membership of the EU with all its trappings and endless demands for money. As for the talk of “transition periods” Dont we have one anyway? In theory as soon as article 50 was triggered we were in transition.
Regarding Theresa May going “of message” she was never “on message” It was her decision to endlessly delay the declaration of article 50, which enabled “remain” to get re-organised. In some ways all this remain posturing is a win/win situation for them. Either they get their way which of course is great for them. Or if they dont it still provides cover and legitimacy for the EU sell out which I believe Theresa is working on (either through design or incompetence)
So Honestus – yes there are some very dark things going on. What we are witnessing is the slow motion mugging of this nation and the theft of democracy by those who have never cared for this country or culture but always have a handy union jack to cover up their crimes.
After months of project Fear championed by Osbourne abbetted by the BBC no one in this country could claim that they were unaware of the negative sides of brexit – yet we still voted for it.
At the end of the day the British people voted to leave – Not anything else. And at the end of the day anyone who says we voted otherwise is both a liar and a thief.
Click, the BBC tech show hosted by Spencer Kelly has become rather politicised â and you wonât need all of your traditional three guesses to discover which side of the political spectrum it leans to.
As soon as the BBC flags up the buzz word Fake News we are presented with an image of US President Donald Trump.
Immediately we hear of Fact Checking Organisations we visit the recent German elections and observe some apparently well-funded group with a pro-migration stance. Fascinatingly when they are faced with anti-migration stories circulating in the non-mainstream media they can pick up the phone and speak directly with the German Police who are more than happy to put their official spin on news events. Do we not find this just a little sinister?
We arrive home in Westminster for a new App which can instantly take a politicianâs statement of fact and check it against a database. And of course, the example used is a PMQs clip with Theresa May making some assertion about the NHS. You can almost hear the playground chant of âOh no it isnât, sussed you!â And, of course, we donât get to analyse any assertions, flip flops or U-turns made by Jeremy Corbyn â becauseâŚ. I guess because heâs the boy, right?
âI wish I had one of thoseâ enthuses our Spencer of this new fact checker App. Calm down Spencer, it can only handle single sentence fact claims at present. Plus, it all rather depends on who it is programming the database?
Then to conclude thereâs a nice little journo to journo chat about politicians having to mend their ways when this App can be taken into press conferences. But nowhere in the entire report is there ever a hint of this being applicable to Leftist politicians. So there we have that BBC office culture right there â what was the old quote from the BBC newsroom insider⌠itâs a good day at the office when we f*** up the Government. Well, when itâs a Conservative one, obviously.
You know Spencer Kelly is a tech journo – he wears a leather jacket.
Got to 0815 before hitting the off button . An interview by humph with the Welch windbag and an onanistic Tory about how wonderful Toady is .
Lord god itâs so disconnected. They even had luvvies in an audience to clap their smugness.
Hope fully the EU is about to fall apart with possible armed insurrection in a European country and all the Toady programme can do its talk about itself . Despair .
Transparency is about reducing inflated salaries beeboids pay their mates.
Only BBC could twist that , to end up paying out even more money.
What’s the cost benefit analysis for her salary ?
60th Anniversary Celebrations of the TODAY Programme have peaked this morning. In the week, Michael Parkinson was interviewed about his time as presenter.
Here’s a thing, I don’t remember that (my memory could be faulty), he is not listed on the Programme’s Wiki page as a presenter and his own Wiki listing does not appear to know about it. Yes, I’m aware of Wikipedia’s shortcomings. Yes, Parkinson’s time as presenter could have been very brief and I blinked and missed it.
“In the week, Michael Parkinson was interviewed about his time as presenter.” The one I heard included his views on the well balanced and objective Toady.
Acolytes giving unwarranted accolade…………….
The pensions may depend upon it.
G, there is a certain fondness in the nation for the Beeb & the TOADY Prog & crew. As Nick Robinson said, some of us grew up with the programme from the womb onward. But you can take that too far, and even dealing with the minor cock-ups (de Manio and time-checks) it became apparent they were not going to consider, let alone apologise, for far worse shortcomings.
I actually hit the off switch because Anish Kapoor was so obviously uncomfortable having to play the ‘Race Card’. I assume the BBC made him do that. If so, it was shameful and I felt his shame & was embarrassed for him.
They may have eventually talked about sculpture and design but I did not turn back on for several minutes.
as the spanish civil war gets going on monday morning the Toady programme will hopefully be celebrating the retirement of ÂŁ650k humphreys to be replaced by someone black -my moneys on myrie as naga isnt dark enough. or maybe a trannie as they are quite fashionable with al beeb
The Beeb do like talking up a war, and the TOADY Prog likes to do it most of all.
However, a prosecution may result over the US 2016 Presidential Election. Someone is in the frame. Leaks over the weekend? Excluded Sopel doing some journalism?
Admittedly sheâd do whatever is necessary to further her career with albeeb I never thought of her as anything other than a scatty autocue reader who obeyed the voice in her earpiece .
But if you think sheâs a trannie I wonât argue it
I have up on al beeb breky teli after Frank bouf left . That was before the climate of sex pestary
“The UK’s Independent Factchecking Charity”. See their summary of the last ‘Question Time’ –
My email to them under the subject of: ‘Independence’ just:
“I will be unsubscribing to your service. When I open up a document sent to me by you, and I see, on the Question Time portion Jacob Rees-Mogg disproportionately selected for statements he made, It is clear âFull Factâ is NOT independent. Apart from the Chakrabarti/Dimblebore statements (which you seem to have so-called, âfact checkedâ with less zeal), what happened to the other panellists âstatementsâ?”
Bit sparse for a whole prog
And fails to say that the proportion of BME at Oxford is slightly under the 18% you’d expect from 18 year old population, whilst at 21% cambridge over represents
For whatever reason the number identifying as black less than half that expected.
Will it be Spanish Civil War : part 2? Probably not, Iâm guessing before it kicks off theyâll all say maĂąana.
Funny how this seemed to come out of nowhere, news-wise. Itâs always been a bugbear of mine how little Euro news the BBC lets us have. Considering they were pretty well signed up to us being in political union with the continentals the BBC were always disproportionately keen to bring us US news. Perhaps the more we learned of political and institutional Europe the less we might like it? We love the holidays and the people, obviously.
The news from Spain falls mainly on deaf ears. I thought it was odd that the Dons decided unilaterally to take the issue of Gibraltar off the EUâs GB punishment list. A sudden goodwill gesture or a rush of Anglophilia to the head? I doubted it. More like this Cata-loonier thing was looming and they knew it would sound rum to be moaning on about Gib inter alia. Although because of the BBC we didnât know about the indy vote in Barcelona until the last minute. It would be fascinating to hear Nicola Sturgeonâs take on Gibralta and about her support for the Catalans – has she squared it with Brussels? Come on BBC, ask her!
AISI, “Will it be Spanish Civil War : part 2? Probably not, Iâm guessing before it kicks off theyâll all say maĂąana.
Funny how this seemed to come out of nowhere, news-wise. Itâs always been a bugbear of mine how little Euro news the BBC lets us have. Considering they were pretty well signed up to us being in political union with the continentals the BBC were always disproportionately keen to bring us US news. Perhaps the more we learned of political and institutional Europe the less we might like it? We love the holidays and the people, obviously.”
Hear, hear – good post.
Asking Sturgeon? The BBC’s part-time Political Editor is on half-term in Edinburgh, I guess, and could easily nip across to see wee Nicola or even just ‘phone her.
“…how little Euro news the BBC lets us have..”.
They couldn’t even bring themselves to report on the Danish army being withdrawn from NATO duties to deal with the unrest, no-go areas and muslim attacks that the police were overwhelmed by. That was 4/6 weeks ago. Since then, the Swedish army has been deployed for the same reasons following a week of bombings. Last I heard that was 8 bombings. Could there be a message here that we should spot?
To contributors here, it would probably be accepted that the UK is destined to become an islamic state. At what point so? It is likely to be when a critical mass of devotees to the cult has been achieved? What is that critical mass? When it becomes 50:50? I believe far less. You only have to witness the assertive antics of a relatively small number now to recognise that it will not need to be 50:50.
Going back to Denmark and Sweden. I can’t research this now but if islam is, ‘kicking-off’ in those two countries now, is there any correlation between similar proportionate numbers in both Denmark and Sweden? If we can assess that, we can assess when the bomb (forgive the expression) will hit the UK – when a similar critical mass is reached. However it is reached, be sure that will not be 50:50.
I was watching RT last week (I know, the FBI will be checking up on me). One interviewee, Dr Anatole Lieven as I recall, said that Britain would be 25% muslim within 30 years. If that figure is correct, we will be de facto an islamic state.
I say this because the muslims vote as a bloc for Labour. That means the Conservatives will only have 75% of the population who might vote for them, and trying to get a majority in that situation will be impossible.
The twisted plan of the Blair government, to encourage mass immigration to rub the right’s nose in diversity will have come to pass. The price Labour will pay for their muslim block vote is that all laws must be passed through the prism of islam. Gradually, sharia law will become the law of Britain, and an islamic state will have been achieved.
My only hope is that the British people wake up before this happens, and while there is still time to do something about it. The practise of islam is clearly incompatible with western democracy, and it needs to be banned for our national survival. Nothing else will do. But before this can ever happen, we have to get rid of the BBC. I truly consider that the BBC is now a major threat to the survival of the British nation.
I’m already looking forward to seeing and hearing how the BBC will report the manifestos in the next general election, when one pledge is certainly to be about scrapping the TV tax, or making the BBC subscription only.
You can already see all the progs and shows, even the ‘news’ (as they see it), being aimed at minority groups everywhere, as well as the children who will have turned eighteen soon. The lines are already drawn and in place and geared up to try and get the vote out for their party, old Labour. Their party will of course be in a total mess, as they will say they want to help the poorer members of society, but will need their votes and won’t want to upset the State Broadcaster in its final death throes.
Less than five years and counting, and the BBC can do absolutely nothing about it! This one will run and run!
Trying to be light hearted about the Catalonia situ ( I know I shouldnât)
If cat and Spain go to war – and wales has recognised the cats – but the uk government supports Spain- does that mean its war between the welch and the uk / and or England ??
Taffman – we could be about to be enemies !
Apols but Iâm still shell shocked from the Toady Love in at satdee morning . Doc says I need to get my blood pressure up – that smug crap about people getting the giggles and naughty calling a minister a c..t was worse than ever.,
Yes taff I know –
Does seem a bit mad when that nice Welch nat girl lines up with the cats . Maybe she knows more similarities between wales and Catalonia than i can see. But Iâm an Anglo so what do I know?
Thought Crime Britain 2017
#1 Sheffield Uni Social Work student thrown off course for expressing his Christian beliefs against homosexuality.
If he’d stayed in the closet about them..he’d still be in the course.
(Not that I agree with his views)
#2 Conservative MP Bob Blackman has apologized after it emerged he retweeted a legitimate news story that Tommy Robinson had tweeted (Muslim on Hindu violence )
Tory MP Bob Blackman, who hosted the anti-Muslim extremist Tapan Ghosh in Parliament, also re-tweeted an anti-Islam tweet by extremist Tommy Robinson
BTW Twitter censorship
When I search Hindu Temple Tommy Robinson, the tweet does not come up
I had to search : Hindu Temple priest stabbed.
Then it showed me the tweet.
We don’t need to go to the other side of the world for such stories. Last year a French priest in Normandy was murdered in his church by muslim terrorists. His name was Jacques Hamel and he was 85.
The attack took place in France so his two murderers were shot dead by police.
It clearly was not an “anti islam tweet”, it was simply a tweet which reported a fact about islamic violence. If you cannot accept that islam is a violent sect, which kills and intimidates through fear of death across the world, then you can hardly complain when it is your throat they cut.
Can I thank everybody above who gave us the “vibe” in regard of the Today Sleepover that was heralded this morning.
Thank God I missed it.
I see it all as one long slumber party in the dorm, fags and matrons bustling around with their private codes and jokes, blowing smoke rings and fart bubbles through the Perrier. Utterly irrelevant to the rest of us as long as we`re not paying for it. If we do-then, like “G” and so many of us who are prepared to tie them up in complaints-then we`ll paralyse them if we act like sappers on the Burma railway(none of that Myanmar stuff here-the maps need to be old).
Sabotage-major on the minors-just as Savile did and does.
Peel died on his Peruvian march thirteen years ago round about this time…Savile died six years ago tomorrow…November is the time we Catholics set aside to remember the dead and to pray for them. Savile is still the murdered creep the BBC must be made to carry around by way of penance, and if a day goes by without reminding a lefty of his/her role in paying for Sir Jim;then it`s been a waste of my day.
Got a bookgroup arguling the other day about whether Peel or Savile was the bigger Beeboid perv…THESE are those Fat Chicks we need to put out there for our pals.
Hope you`ll know how hated the BBC are now to the thinking person-if the State ain`t paying for their fealty, then they ought to be seeking out Ann Marie. She seems to upset the BBC, so she`s “one of our own”.
I happen to think that when Sir Jim was filmed putting out the lights on the last TOTP in 2006-that was our signal to tell us to do the same to the BBC that housed it-look at the history of the BBC since they last dragged Jimmy into the studio.
Post hummous pardon for Sir James-we ought to fuck the BBC as he did! Yet we seem to cover for them.
Times : The National Action court case
Additional charge mentioned : “threatening to kill a female detective”
But something fishy not only is the 22 year old not allowed to be named for legal reasons , his face is deliberately grayed out in the court sketches.
Why would that be ?
Cos his face is so distinctive and theirs another case ?
Or could he be actually non-white ?
“Tears for Fears – Head Over Heels
Roland Orzabal and Curt Smith perform their 80s smash hit for Radio 2 In Concert live from the Radio Theatre, as part of the 2017 season covering 5 decades of music”
Except it wasn’t. I thought it strange when I read this on the web-site. I did not remember that title as a hit. Sure enough, on checking, I find that it made the UK Top 20 but only as far as No.12. Definitely not a SMASH HIT, nor a smash hit. Just a hit. Or sort of hit.
Used to like Tears For Fears. Came from Bath, so local-ish.
Watched them for awhile-boy, hasn`t poor Curt aged?
Rolands hairdye was something else too.
What the heck did I ever see in them?
I’m hearing the word ‘actor’ a lot by the news channels in reference to the Weinstein debacle. The ‘actor’ is then shown as female. I’m confused (not about my gender), because we still call a female, ‘waitress’ and not a ‘waiter’; and as far as I know the head of a community of nuns is an Abbess and not an Abbot. And what about a Sister on the ward ? is she now to be referred to as Brother ? Nah, its certain sections of society being totally ‘up themselves’ as per usual.
Brissles. How do they cope with other languages. Will there ever come a point where the PC brigade cease to recognise Grammatical Gender Vs. Natural Gender
Itâs important to distinguish between grammatical gender and natural gender. Natural gender is simply the gender of a person, animal or character. Grammatical gender is a way of categorising nouns; it doesnât necessarily match up with the ânatural genderâ of the person or object being described.
Just a worrying thought……..
Oooh Davy, forgive me but I had to reread your comment more than once, I was getting heady with all the genders and grammaticals, but I got there in the end !
“And what about a Sister on the ward ? is she now to be referred to as Brother? ”
The NHS was ahead of the Trans movement on this one. The PC term is “Ward Manager”, which has the added advantage that they’re no longer a nurse but are now a manager – move them up to Band 7 on the pay scale.
It is indeed confusing, and seems to have come out of nowhere a year or two back. It’s as if all the leftists in the MSM (which is another way of saying “the MSM”) had a meeting and decided to drop the word “actress”. The only time they still use it is for the Best Actress award at the Oscars.
I was reading in the newspaper today that the Boy President Macron is working to “degenderise” certain French nouns. He really is a politically correct drip. I wonder what his granny/wife has to say about that?
I had stronger language in mind, but “drip” seems to sum him up quite well. I really hope he comes a cropper with his plans to modify French, it is getting into Newspeak territory. I believe the usual tedious language rationalists want to do away with the cedilla and the circonflex, and even that is a step too far for me. Having little hats on the letter “e” and tails on the “c” was one of the few things which made French tolerable.
I must say I am rather suspicious of any chap who decides to marry his teacher. I never found any of mine remotely attractive. Admittedly they wore tweed jackets and smoked pipes, and I don’t just mean the men.
Blast from the past re B Cox
Times Nov 2 2015
\\ The chief strategist for Save the Children has resigned amid allegations of âinappropriate behaviourâ towards women.
Brendan Cox, who was a senior adviser to Gordon Brown when he was prime minister, denied the allegations against him but quit in September, prompting complaints that there had not been a proper investigation.//
ASA where are you ?
pg 14 of Times : LBC Crawl-in
Article mocks yesterday’s Sadiq/Corbyn LBC show, but fails to mention Sadiqs Uber gaffs.
Below it is a quarter page LBC advert for the same show.
“Oxford University vice-Chancellor has spent ÂŁ70,000 on expenses since taking up post last year, figures show”
Obviously the main story is that Oxford doesn’t have enough black students.
Oxford University vice-Chancellor has spent ÂŁ70,000 on expenses since taking up post last year, figures show
I heard this woman on Today defending her rewards. Arrogant elitist of which university hierarchies are full . She must rank with the Bath Uni Dame as a blatant trougher, full of entitlement.
As unis get a staggering multi-squillion pile of dosh from ‘the EU’, (meaning us, the taxpayer), it’s not surprising that people like her demand all that money to put them on the same terms as BBC and local authority hand-outs.
When Blair and Brown were wrecking the UK, they promised thousands of starry/bleary eyed kids a life in tertiary education, with promises of a free biro, a job for life in a local authority and a book on politics. Of course, this was just to get the kids out of the unemplyment stats! Now, the money tap is going to be turned off for all the outraged unis, who may actually have to consider getting clever engineering students in for a ‘spell’. (if that isn’t a contradiction in terms).
Is the producer of Bakeoff trolling b-BBC ?
Times : Multicultural Bake Off is whipping up anti-Brexit feeling, says producer Richard McKerrow
With its gentle pace and country estate setting, the Great British Bake Off feels quintessentially English. However, the baking competition is âradically anti-Brexitâ, according to the programmeâs co-creator.
The show helps to erode prejudices by featuring likeable ethnic minority and foreign contestants, said Richard McKerrow, the producer who devised the hugely popular format.
…. McKerrow said “Friends of mine used to say ‘Oh my god, my parents who are slightly prejudiced, they love Nadiya, how have you done that ?’ You see it again this year with Yan, with Liam, with Selasi” he added.
âIt takes the prejudice out of anybody. It’s very multicultural. “
I imagine that the politicisation of the programme is why people have stopped watching it . Race not talent wins. People are so tired of this multicultural rubbish . Hope C4 find theyâve paid far too much to get the programme .
I wonder where the BBC’s tax money has all gone as they have been reduced to putting on a 1950s style hour long intermission (The Potters Wheel etc) on BBC4 all week
They have had to make economies now that they have promised to pay the female autocue readers the same as the male autocue readers. The money trees that Monty Don planted in his garden aren’t doing to well at the moment apparently.
I’d willingly double my Tax payments to the bbc to watch a programme about your lawn, Lefters!
As my local Tesco make exceedingly good cakes, I’ll bring along an assortment, ask Mrs O’Blene to pack a few bottles of Prosecco, and there we’ll have the makings of a great event, not some silly prog about crusts and smelly old tins (oops, that’s the ‘managment of the prog)…
In fact, I caught my wife watching the end of a Monty Don prog last evening, much against my strict instructions never to listen to or watch anything except ‘Lovejoy’, or Del Boy’!
She apologised, and we sadly watched the dying seconds, just before arriving back in the real world, and Del’s blow-up dolls, Denzil and co slowly brought us back to normality!
Suppose there`s no chance of Becca and the other third wave feminazis recreating that “slutwalk” stuff down Bury Park High Street, Luton any time soon now is there? I am happy to sing “This Land Is Your Land” as well as other libtard hymns as we walk along to show the Muslim blokes that “slut shaming” is REALLY unacceptable, and we now need to “begin that conversation” of ours.
Dennis McShane has a long letter in the Times denying that he knew about grooming gangs before Andrew North published in 2012
After an article last week said he was at a meeting where people knew.
He doesn’t mention that but goes on about a book claim that in 2006 he was given a file. Saying it’s untrue.
I note the Times haven’t changed the article.
Europe and the UK is screwed whether anyone likes it or not.
We don’t need ‘experts’, statisticians or anybody else telling us what we see with our own eyes is happening to our World. It only needs a level-headed mature vision of what we are heading toward.
. . . Why did it take so long for Anjem Choudary to be revealed, what did he preach that was different from when he first started preaching? What platform and payments did the BBC provide? . . .
Dennis McShane’s claims that he “knew nothing” about Muslim grooming gangs should be treated with the greatest caution. I remember a Panorama special (I think in 2004) when the Beeb infiltrated the BNP and covertly recorded some of Nick Griffin’s speeches. Muslim grooming gangs were mentioned time and again.
Of course as you would expect, with claims as serious as this, the BBC acted immediately. They handed their findings to the police, not however to try to stop the rapes, but to stop the BNP “peddling their poison”.
As we are now only too aware our hapless police are more interested in painting their nails and taking part in puerile, virtue signalling events than in investigating claims of criminal activity. They arrested Nick Griffin.
This was just a catalogue of politically correct collusion between the rapists and the authorities. They would much rather throw our daughters to the wolves than confront the rabid pack. The BBC, the politicians, the councilors and the police did everything they could to keep this unpleasant truth quiet.
Slowly the truth filtered out.
I’m damned sure if I (a working class bloke from south London) had heard about it then an MP for one of Britain’s rape capitals must have heard just the teensiest whisper.
Methinks he’s a little liar…
McShane only did 6 weeks of his 6 months false accounting conviction. I mean- believe a politician , a socialist and a criminal convicted for a dishonesty offence .
For a politician to actually be found out for fiddling – he must be so inept youâd feel sorry for him apart from his constant self belief about being on the moral high ground – which is a bit of a theme for me.
Bit like that idiot liberal who couldnt even get a speeding ticket fixed with out his missus doing time for perverting the course.
Nice to see that fuck wit gove self destruct by going on the Toady programme – shows you can be thick and have a double first
“Nice to see that fuck wit gove self destruct by going on the Toady programme â shows you can be thick and have a double first”
Didn’t someone say that he’s a first-class comedian once, and that he once sat in the Speaker’s chair and mimicked Bercow, while everyone laughed their heads off?
Perhaps, as any ‘comedian’ who is on the bbc is a lefty twonk and very unfunny, perhaps he’s being trained by Purnell, another trougher in the bbc after failing in politics!
As far as I can remember the grooming gangs only started to come to light because of BNP protests outside a Liverpool court, the court actually had a ban on media reporting the trial.
“He began his twin careers of deceit and treachery while an official at the National Union of Journalists in the 1970’s, when he was responsible for drawing up the NUJ’s ‘Guidelines on Race Reporting’, an influential document in the suppression of free speech in this country.
It stridently champions diversity and multi-culturalism, banning NUJ members from even the slightest criticism of ethnic settlers. In tone it resembles a Communist Party directive in the Soviet Union, rigid instructions more than guidelines.
For decades journalists have used their influence to manipulate public opinion and the main reason for that are these strict guidelines, which all journalists must respect and which dictate what can or cannot be written or broadcast. These guidelines imposed by the NUJ have had a baneful effect on British democracy by establishing systematic censorship.”
“The guidelines state clearly that that parties opposed to mass immigration must be reported in negative terms, that journalists must promote immigration and diversity and whenever settlers commit a crime their ethnicity should ideally not be revealed.
And these guidelines were created by one of the most despicable of all British politicians, a man who, prior to becoming a politician, was even sacked by the BBC for gross dishonesty.”
David Abbott ‘Dark Albion – A Requiem for the English’.
Beeb website headline. Just can’t help themselves continuing to make the Russian link with Trump in the election. Most of us here have been able to access alternative opinions and some would indeed say facts on this.Tucker Carlson, Mark Steyn and various others are pretty confident who the real villains are in this, but our trusted BBC seem loathed to venture in that direction.
Gove apologises for comparing a BBC interview to going into Harvey Weinstein’s bedroom. The comment had lots of applause, but now the politician cowers to the media.
He should have referred to going into a Jimmy Saville studio.
I suppose he should know by now that the only permissible jokes are about Trump, Farage, UKIP, Brexit and of course the old stalwart Fatcher. Honestly, aren’t the complainers all just a load of po-faced tossers?
What a cringer Gove is. When are our people going to further enrage the Left with REFUSING to apologise, until the brick comes in through the window? We keep on giving ground to the idiot left, we really should be slapping them around a bit.
If we don`t remind the BBC of Savile, the left of their current sucking off re Osborne-then what chance have we got when our REAL dangers come from Islam. The left are marinading us and removing our innards-and Islam knows it.
As for “clumsy attempts at humour”-has Gove even SEEN Citizen Khan or stomached the Now Show?
Gove does not extort ÂŁ145.50 for his Oxbridge Gang Show self-relief-unlike Radio 4 or the BBC.
Hop out of the dock you Tory toffs-and put the BBC in its charnel house.
“tip” and “iceberg” spring to mind. The invaders will bring islamic war in the middle east and elsewhere to Europe and, the UK. There will be wars on our soil, the sort of wars military detest dealing with: small groups hidden within the population emerging periodically at random to kill and maim (anybody) they can and the military will be unable to do anything to stop it. Of course, the inadequate police will have long gone by then or perhaps those remaining, focusing 100% on white hate crimes or hate speech.
Naturally, we should have hope and never forget the promise of more, “Refugees” –
Same here, Bill, but it’s grandchildren in my case!
A lovely friend of mine is married to a Belgian chap, and they are both charming people, as are their two children. We were discussing what will happen to their kids when they leave school, and she is determined that they get out of the UK (they all speak French as well), and work well away from this country!
What a crap legacy that poisonous Blair has left us, and what idiots we were to think that Cameron may make a difference!
Such is their hate, libmob media think it’s newsworthy that Trump said 2m15s into a video while handing out Halloween candy to little kids “Well you’re not gonna have any weight problems that’s the good news”
I just presumed it’s cos he’s handing her a small packet of non sugary candies, nothing sinister.
So this happened. And to a little girl as he handed out chocolates: âYou have no weight problems, thatâs the good newsâ
The world has an obesity epidemic and Trump gets pilloried for commenting on it indirectly . Why is this Bicker woman ( one of far too many BBC people) living it up in the US on public money, merely to abuse the US president at every opportunity? Sopel is enough for that role. And yes Bicker is yet another Scottish reporter on the BBC payroll. Iâm sick of the accent, not wishing to offend Scots on here lol but everything in proportion .
President Trump takes not a blind bit of notice of little autocue readers like Sopel and Bicker these days.
Not caring a monkey’s about the BBC is the norm for someone like Mr Trump, who is doing a great job, and who really cares what a minor tax-payer’s waster is saying anyway!
You can see and even hear the spittle of frustration on their sad delivery of drivel everytime they pop up from the back of the room, behind real reporters and cameramen (and women no doubt – phew)…
There is so much propaganda from the BBC website I don’t know where to begin.
So here is one – remember the headline regarding the “second wife website benefits women” story lauded by the BBC which is giving free advertising for an Islamic entrepreneur in Birmingham, to double the rate of Islamification of Britain. Well the BBC are recycling this five day old story and re-headlining it back on THEIR HOMEPAGE under the REAL LIFE STORIES section:
Meanwhile a church in England is dropping the hymn “Onward Christian Soldiers” because of complaints it is inherently bigoted and threatening to the wider community of diversity. The church is based in Leicester.
Re Catelonia.
1. Catalan was declared a “nationality” way back-language and all the other criteria met,#
2. But Catelonia can not be a nation although Catalan is a nationality.
3. The EU wants no nation states, but seeks regions that subvert the nation-hence the love ups for Scotland, Gibraltar. They term it subsidiarity, but only as paid for and decided upon by the Eurocrats.
4. But they only want a few big blocs and weird bureaucratic constructs to do their bidding-so don`t want little states that actually take their promises seriously.
6. The E.U rather likes Ukrainians seeking democratic mandates-but not the British and CERTAINLY not the Catelonians at this tricky time.
So -all ends up-they`re schizoid, venal and short term chancers who`ve now got themselves caught on one hell of a hook. Up to their necks.
Tumbleweed and BBC omerta vows until it unravels. Remind me again-why do we HAVE foreign correspondents when none of them ever see these things coming down the track?
We now need to screw the EU whilst their yellow back streaks are so evident-personally, I`d bring up Gibraltar now with them to screw them over, not a penny paid…maybe a peseta when they leave the EU in both Castile and Catelonia. This is war. We want out.
My reading of the situation is that Catalonia has moved 10 years too soon. The long term EU plan is for the nation states of Europe to be broken up into regions, the more easily to be controlled from the centre; but not until the EU government has been strengthened by the creation of an EU Finance Ministry to control budgets, an EU Police Force so that everyone fears arrest, and an EU Army to put down revolts.
Junker and Tusk have outlined the plan to be implemented once the UK has left (please God soon), but the new institutions are not yet in place.
In the meantime we need to consolidate whatever submarines we have left into a reconstituted 10th Submarine Flotilla, base it in Gib, and be ready to smuggle supplies and agents to Barcelona.
What an utterly pathetic society we have become, no criticism of readers here.
Michael Gove tells a rather tasteless but very funny quip, likening being interviewed on Toady to going into Harvet Weinsteinâs boudoir.
The audience laugh enthusiastically and applaud spontaneously. A few groans sre drowned out by the laughter. Neil Kinnock laughs and joins in the banter. There is no problem. Except that Humphries or someone feels the need to comment and infer an apology.
Later, the roof falls in, and Gove feels forced to give a grovelling apology for his allegedly offensive remark. (I was not offended, just annoyed I did not think of such a line first)
It is just pathetic. Snowflakes rule. Common sense is gone.
How long before we have âsafe spaceâ guards in comedy clubs?
Though not to guard against left wing ideas. Obviously.
I think we can get depressed or angered by all the pc rubbish on MSM, especially âoutrageâ but the silent majority out there can still appreciate blokey humour. Gove shouldnât have apologised, it wouldnât have harmed his career and he should simply have taken the snowflakes on. Aunt Theresa wouldnât have liked it but what the hell?
Some time ago there was phase shift……………………….
UKIP became the Tories ,
The Tories became the Limp Dems,
The Lib Dems became the Labour Party,
And the Labour Party became the Commies.
The Overton window can be moved and it has been in the UK by constant pressure from Leftist academics and journalists. They are still at it, too as recent nonsense from Rudd and Co about ‘hate crime’ and the idiocy about the Eng Lit course at Oxford both show.
We are living on dangerous times and the Right needs to hit back before freedom is entirely lost.
I watched some youth team games recently where all 10 outfield players were black (Chelsea?) and the goalie was foreign…the opposition had about 8 black outfield players. This was not untypical for some other matches. The players were all obviously very good but, not exceptional IMO. These are the players working their way through the system at the mo’ and will be our future shortly for club and country.
I played to a fairly high amateur level in the 60s and 70s and saw many potentially exceptional players…some of whom became semi-pros and pros. So, we were producing many good players back then but, we aren’t now? Meritocracy? Hmmm…something’s not right! đ
Did I hear somewhere that Sheffield United have a team made up largely of native British players? And are doing well too?
Hope they go from strength to strength, if only to anger the BBC.
Could it be the case that black folks HAVE on average got the edge over white people when it comes to running and jumping but perhaps fall a bit short in other areas of human endeavour? Maybe it’s a question of our different weaknesses and strengths. Just a thought.
LW…so, you’re saying the black folks might be superior to white folks? Surely racism? đ
But, seriously…I’ve heard that argument before and I dismiss it. England has produced white world class players in the past e.g. Bobby Charlton, Bobby Moore, Tom Finney etc. and why aren’t African nations sweeping up all the World Cups? How does Germany remain so successful with so few black players?
Somewhere along the line white boys are now being excluded đ
Point taken but I did qualify my comment by saying “on average.” I was attempting to view it fairly.
If someone somewhere could produce cast iron proof that white boys ARE being excluded then we will be in a totally different ball game–and it won’t be cricket – or football for that matter.
Mind you it’s one thing to have proof and quite another to get it publicised.
There should only have been one and three quarter black players.
We need positive discrimination to get more white players in the team.
It doesnât matter if they are not good enough, the important thing is that the team represents how our society is made up.
We might not win but the team will be more diverse.
Now there’s a novelty. Three quarters of a player on the pitch. My God the the world is so crazy that it could catch on. What position do you think he should play?
An Israeli judoka won a gold medal on Thursday at the Abu Dhabi Grand Slam judo tournament, but had to sing his own private âHatikvahâ because the organizers refused to play the Israeli national anthem. Under Emirate rules no Jewish symbols are allowed.
So this gold medalist stood there and sung his country’s anthem.
No criticism from any European country.
Imagine what would happen if a competitor from a Moslem country won a gold medal in an athletic competition held in Texas, and Donald Trump refused to allow his anthem to be played.
Protests would immediately follow via the bbc from our ever critical Treezer and her Emir.
Other Israeli medal winners have since been given the same hostile treatment. Wot. No outrage!.
Did you know that once, when Catalonia was occupied by the enemy, Admiral Sir Benjamin Hallowell Carew of the Royal Navy blockaded it, and then General Sir William Henry Clinton of the British army liberated it from the enemies of the Catalans on the 28th May 1814, 203 years and 5 months to the day. Lets celebrate this by waving British and Catalan flags outside BBC Broadcasting House.
I have to say I’m becoming quite alarmed at the furrore over Gove’s joke. With the hate crime ambassadors patrolling certain parts of our towns and villages where the hell is this going to end. Roy Chubby Brown and others had better have made their money by now as the Orwellien future is upon us. There is of course a plus side to this as someone like Frankie Boyle making jokes about Rebecca Adlington being hit with the ugly stick means he would surely have to be locked up. Oh, I just remembered he’s one of them so he gets a free pass. Bernard Manning must be turning in his grave.
“furore over Goves joke”?
Only in Beebland and associated franchising chains for fake news.
Any decent opposition would be mapping these synthetic outrages and doing the correlations.
Does it let Corbyn be seen to set that agenda to drag the Tories into?
Synchronicity and co-ordinated hit pieces , omisions and commissions will be Twitter linked, Facebook related, and put through Labour and Guardian offices.
And all to get Trump impeached, Brexit stopped and Alinsky honoured with Soros and Osborne able to get some dividends sometime hence.
Don`t the Tories do even the basics of monitoring the media-why are Clive Lewis, Ian Lavery and Jared O Mara not the story, whereas Gove is?
Wake up Tory scum!
Totally agree Chris. It’s the selectivity and the lib mob deciding what we are allowed to say that is most worrying. Imagine if the news quiz lot had come out with this comment, not a squeek of protest.
And there is, predictably, no criticism of Kinnock, Neil, who made a joke on the same programme likening being interviewed on ‘Today’ to being groped. Still he’s Labour so gets a free pass.
Have no fear, Synch, just click on a Jim Davidson Youtube prog, and be ready to laugh your socks off!
It’s all there, proper humour as we know it from pubs and clubs!
Forget all about the sad unfunny drivel on TV these days, those little ‘comedians’ will be back on smelly stages by themselves soon, when the BBC loses it’s funding.
Is there a butter crisis in France?
Plenty of trade for our farmers when we exit the EU and its Common Agricultural Policy ?
Anyone remember ‘the EU butter mountain’ – positive Brexit News ?
“A group of octopuses were seen walking along a Ceredigion beach on Friday night, surprising
experienced sea-goers. ”
I blame Brexit. They know that the EU fishing fleet are still going after them.
Shwmae taffman.
Like the Spanish/French trawlers ploughing the Carmarthen Bar.
The ‘authorities’ wonder have no idea why the Salmon/Sewyn catch on the Tywi have drpped dramatically.
Guido has republished a list of roughly 130 MPs who employ their partners or other family members
For parliamentary work on the taxpayers pound . Thatâs roughly 20 official per cent of the strength . Make being an MP work for you – thatâs the spirit .
I donât know if such a cosy arrangement applies to peers . I donât think al beeb will be looking at it either . Itâs the Westminster bubble at its best
Maybe all this palaver about “sexual harrassment in Parliament” is linked to them all employing each others wives, kids and gay partners. There`d be loads more of it were they not “keeping it in the family”.
I myself would fully support the Parliamentary staff all getting the chance to sue, besmirch and harry MPs just as we all have to risk every day as we work in the public sector.
But not now-do NOT let Corbyn set any kind of agenda , you dim Tory oafs. Only the BBC would let Corbyns goons hold forth on ” threats to women” as their own Political Editor needs security to be able to show up to Labours conference.
Where`s Goves joke on THAT then?
Happy Savile Day tomorrow everybody…maybe we need to make a card to send out there to “raise the issues and begin that conversation”.
Let Labour spount on women being threatened when their Jewish girls aren`t in terror, when Angela Eagles office doesn`t get Seamus Milne bricks through the window.
Where are the Tories who even care-let alone know-what Labour threaten, what the BBC allow them to get away with.
Not BBC, but in the same vein, ( begging for more money) I just noticed this via El Guardian.
Apologies if itâs been brought up before
âSince youâre here âŚ
⌠we have a small favour to ask. More people are reading the Guardian than ever but advertising revenues across the media are falling fast. And unlike many news organisations, we havenât put up a paywall â we want to keep our journalism as open as we can. So you can see why we need to ask for your help. The Guardianâs independent, investigative journalism takes a lot of time, money and hard work to produce. But we do it because we believe our perspective matters â because it might well be your perspective, too.
I appreciate there not being a paywall: it is more democratic for the media to be available for all and not a commodity to be purchased by a few. Iâm happy to make a contribution so others with less means still have access to information.
Thomasine F-R.
If everyone who reads our reporting, who likes it, helps fund it, our future would be much more secure.
The old rag will soon be just another leftie website, Davy, and then it’ll be largely forgotten, as local authorities will advertise in their grubby freebies plonked on station floors!
When the BBC’s funding is withdrawn after the next election, they’ll have to advertise online as well, which will be fun, as all sorts of loonies will apply for the non-jobs, before they realise they won’t get paid much…
The Observer will be next I suppose, and The independent soon after! We must thank President Trump for leading the way against all the state-paid fiddles in ‘journalism’, and expect a much fairer way to read up on proper stories.
This website is a cheerleader – and a cheerer-upper (?) every time I read it – for common sense and reality, so it’s really the way forward. (My own writings try to keep out of ‘politics’, but sometimes the smears of inadequacy have to permeate the erudite columns, so won’t really count…)!
How come Boyle is not banned after what he said about Katie Prices son a few years back.
How does what he did not somehow link to what others did to hound poor Fiona Pilkington and her daughter Fransesca to death?
Truly wicked-and only the BBC would cossett this creep.
Comapre and contrast their fawning over Boyle with their outrage over Goves daft comments.
Can only think that they know nobody is listening anymore,so might as well record their nastiness for fellow lefty media types like themselves.
Nobody but me bothers with the BBC nowadays round here. They left the building after the phone in scandals of 2006/7. Any chance of the BBC telling us exactly HOW many people still watch them-and some graphs about what the trends are?
Course not-basically it`s EU accountancy methods and a McClusky escalator calculator that multiplies Abbotts figures by a thousand.
The comments show just why the Leftoids want everyone to benefit at the expense of the State (never a query as to how the State is funded, but you can bet your boots it isnât by these grasping spongers).
Amidst the ritual abuse to Tories there are one or two posters who point out that ALL EU members have the right to request the removal of nationals of other EU states who havenât found work after 3 months and are therefore incapable of supporting themselves. Not only do they have the right, they have ALL done it since 2004 (Brownâs Treaty giveaway) bar…you guessed it, the UK.
These sponging Leftoids want to welcome the world to the UK and for the taxpaying minority here, some 44% of adult workers, to pay for them as well as our own feckless layabouts. Our âownâ layabouts then denounce the heartless Tories for not giving, giving them enough.
What a disgrace this country has become due to this cult of rights without responsibilities, taking without contributing.
Not relative either to Al Beeb or the Guardian, but earlier this morning I posted this to an article by Robert Peskon in the Torygraph –
â Dad, we would not be in such a mess if your voice, and others like yours, warning that you canât allow millions of people to be left behind and then expect them to feel grateful.â
You could also have written –
âDad, we would not be in such a mess if your voice, and others unlike yours, had been heard warning that you canât allow allow millions more low paid workers into this country and then expect those already here to feel grateful at the consequent fall in their living standards and the increased pressure on finite servicesâ
Iâm not a vote whore, but an hour or so ago it had 19 upticks, 15 minutes ago 3upticks and now just 1 uptick. The Guardian allows obscene and one-sided comments and censors, and it seems the Torygraph and/or Peskon (sic), they being the only people who can affect it, donât want contrary opinion either!
Question – is there a site similar to biased bbc, examining what is happening in Parliament and the laws that are being passed? More red-tape for business as pushed by Theresa May & co. Our government and politicians rather than trying to dig Britain out of a mess – seems to be focused on introducing socialism and bureaucracy …
ZelazekMar 3, 23:46 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Jeff – exactly. They hate Trump no matter what. Their reasons will appear illogical and contradictory over time. This hatred…
tomoMar 3, 23:39 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Still no mention on the BBC… Even given the Daily Mail’s hyperbolising it’s pretty crazy…
JohnCMar 3, 23:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Two dead after car drives into crowd in Germany Damn those cars : when will they stop driving into…
JohnCMar 3, 23:24 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think the recent statements from the EU of how they want to be the worlds leading military superpower opened…
KikuchiyoMar 3, 23:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Zelenskyy has repeatedly expressed his gratitude to the US for their assistance and opened his remarks in the Oval office…
JeffMar 3, 22:48 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I find it ironic… For as long as Donald Trump has been involved in politics we’ve been warned by the…
KikuchiyoMar 3, 22:40 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Could it be that everyone wants peace (except Putin), but that some might disagree with how Trump is going about…
It’s not even the PC treatment / attitude, but the downright miss-leading tone, that the headline shows. It’s incessant. EVERYONE was told to take their head coverings off!
@Doublethinker 12pm mentioned the Delingpole podcast
Here’s the link to the mp3
[audio src="" /]
Thanks Stew. I am probably one of the biggest IT duffers around but doing this link and pictures stuff is way beyond me. If I try I just get in a right Royal mess.
Ha ha, I knew this would happen! đ
What was the exit fee to be if Scotland left the UK ?
ÂŁ10bn, ÂŁ20bn ?
No one ever mentioned anything
You’d better ask Diane Abbott Stew, as she’ll soon be Home Secretary at this rate!
I just cannot believe how crass the Conservatives are at the moment, they really are not fit for purpose.
Stew, since you mention it, on the BBC Political Editor’s Blog – back in the days when we had a BBC Political Editor, a BBC Political Editor who Blogged and a BBC Political Editor whose BBC Blog was open to comment & discussion – some folk on both sides of pro/against divide were suggesting financial reparations.
I miss those days.
Especially when the likes of Thommo or Hugs deigned to share their wisdom, got pwnd, desperately had some minions try to mount a counter, failed, and had it shut down early.
Happy times.
There was also, of course, the mods, who had a rule for everything…
GW, me, too. The BBC had a real community gathered around it and, in a way, it was pioneering something for the Internet age. Instead of keeping it going, they killed it. Got to be one of the worst decisions the BBC have made. Now, when they open a HYS on pretty much any subject they will be getting flak from some posters, many of the posters – sometimes a majority – in the comments.
You’ll have to remind me who Thommo & Hugs were. My brain has gone flat after researching Parkinson and listening to most of an hour & twenty of self-congratulation.
Some of the Eds used to read their comments & join in. I suspect some may have done so incognito, too. Wouldn’t surprise me if the Beeb had arranged – informally of course – a Corrections and Clarifications Squad.
Mark Thompson and Helen Boaden. Didnât post often. Never ended well.
A classic of the genre:
Wild Bill,
Yes, it was absolutely destined to happen. Good to see the Garden Gnome represents the views of all Scots.
Not BBBC. Evening Standard and George ‘traitor’ Osbourne.
Apparently – don’t laugh – Conservative europhiles have approached the EU DIRECTLY because they are concerned that May and Davis have taken the peoples vote to heart and have gone ‘off message’. The intention, again apparently, is to re-negotiate the opposite to whatever May/Davies have agreed and soften the potential hard Brexit option.
Call me old fashioned – is this not treason, or sedition? What gives these people the right to circumvent the majority vote?Is this true or Georgie boy pissing in the wind? This is very dark stuff. If true, this is provocation of the most dangerous kind.
Honestus – The likes of Osbourne along with all of the Tory and Labour Europhiles and their supporting organisations (especially the BBC) have always represented betrayal of the the British people and democracy in its most pure form.
As well as using direct lies and exaggerations of the effect of brexit they have also used a “smoke and mirrors” approach to deliberately confuse what brexit means. We now have hard and soft brexit. “Soft” brexit meaning in effect no brexit and it is just a vehicle for continuing membership of the EU with all its trappings and endless demands for money. As for the talk of “transition periods” Dont we have one anyway? In theory as soon as article 50 was triggered we were in transition.
Regarding Theresa May going “of message” she was never “on message” It was her decision to endlessly delay the declaration of article 50, which enabled “remain” to get re-organised. In some ways all this remain posturing is a win/win situation for them. Either they get their way which of course is great for them. Or if they dont it still provides cover and legitimacy for the EU sell out which I believe Theresa is working on (either through design or incompetence)
So Honestus – yes there are some very dark things going on. What we are witnessing is the slow motion mugging of this nation and the theft of democracy by those who have never cared for this country or culture but always have a handy union jack to cover up their crimes.
After months of project Fear championed by Osbourne abbetted by the BBC no one in this country could claim that they were unaware of the negative sides of brexit – yet we still voted for it.
At the end of the day the British people voted to leave – Not anything else. And at the end of the day anyone who says we voted otherwise is both a liar and a thief.
Excellent post.
“Not BBBC. Evening Standard and George âtraitorâ Osbourne.”
I don’t have much time for May, but at least she began well by throwing Osborne under a bus.
I hear the bus company are suing for damages
Click, the BBC tech show hosted by Spencer Kelly has become rather politicised â and you wonât need all of your traditional three guesses to discover which side of the political spectrum it leans to.
As soon as the BBC flags up the buzz word Fake News we are presented with an image of US President Donald Trump.
Immediately we hear of Fact Checking Organisations we visit the recent German elections and observe some apparently well-funded group with a pro-migration stance. Fascinatingly when they are faced with anti-migration stories circulating in the non-mainstream media they can pick up the phone and speak directly with the German Police who are more than happy to put their official spin on news events. Do we not find this just a little sinister?
We arrive home in Westminster for a new App which can instantly take a politicianâs statement of fact and check it against a database. And of course, the example used is a PMQs clip with Theresa May making some assertion about the NHS. You can almost hear the playground chant of âOh no it isnât, sussed you!â And, of course, we donât get to analyse any assertions, flip flops or U-turns made by Jeremy Corbyn â becauseâŚ. I guess because heâs the boy, right?
âI wish I had one of thoseâ enthuses our Spencer of this new fact checker App. Calm down Spencer, it can only handle single sentence fact claims at present. Plus, it all rather depends on who it is programming the database?
Then to conclude thereâs a nice little journo to journo chat about politicians having to mend their ways when this App can be taken into press conferences. But nowhere in the entire report is there ever a hint of this being applicable to Leftist politicians. So there we have that BBC office culture right there â what was the old quote from the BBC newsroom insider⌠itâs a good day at the office when we f*** up the Government. Well, when itâs a Conservative one, obviously.
You know Spencer Kelly is a tech journo – he wears a leather jacket.
The BBC is failing to inform us about Spain .
Barca play in la liga Saturday night . The club is now in an independent country . How can the game go ahead ? Which league will Barca play in ?
We must be told . – as an aside letâs hope this is the high point of the EU and now itâs inevitable decline .
Al beeb is showing its lack of ability to report issues properly – no doubt they are more concern about sexual harassment
Toady watch
Got to 0815 before hitting the off button . An interview by humph with the Welch windbag and an onanistic Tory about how wonderful Toady is .
Lord god itâs so disconnected. They even had luvvies in an audience to clap their smugness.
Hope fully the EU is about to fall apart with possible armed insurrection in a European country and all the Toady programme can do its talk about itself . Despair .
what? has ITV or SKY come roaring in with a big offer for this poor underpayed talent
Transparency is about reducing inflated salaries beeboids pay their mates.
Only BBC could twist that , to end up paying out even more money.
What’s the cost benefit analysis for her salary ?
In the Mail , Marr says he’s not worth his ÂŁ400K
Marr’s not worth 400 pence.
60th Anniversary Celebrations of the TODAY Programme have peaked this morning. In the week, Michael Parkinson was interviewed about his time as presenter.
Here’s a thing, I don’t remember that (my memory could be faulty), he is not listed on the Programme’s Wiki page as a presenter and his own Wiki listing does not appear to know about it. Yes, I’m aware of Wikipedia’s shortcomings. Yes, Parkinson’s time as presenter could have been very brief and I blinked and missed it.
Or is there something else going on?
“In the week, Michael Parkinson was interviewed about his time as presenter.” The one I heard included his views on the well balanced and objective Toady.
Acolytes giving unwarranted accolade…………….
The pensions may depend upon it.
G, there is a certain fondness in the nation for the Beeb & the TOADY Prog & crew. As Nick Robinson said, some of us grew up with the programme from the womb onward. But you can take that too far, and even dealing with the minor cock-ups (de Manio and time-checks) it became apparent they were not going to consider, let alone apologise, for far worse shortcomings.
I actually hit the off switch because Anish Kapoor was so obviously uncomfortable having to play the ‘Race Card’. I assume the BBC made him do that. If so, it was shameful and I felt his shame & was embarrassed for him.
They may have eventually talked about sculpture and design but I did not turn back on for several minutes.
Well, I suppose he does ‘present’ an advert flogging lifetime pensions- where you don’t get out as much as you pay in, but you do get a free pen !
as the spanish civil war gets going on monday morning the Toady programme will hopefully be celebrating the retirement of ÂŁ650k humphreys to be replaced by someone black -my moneys on myrie as naga isnt dark enough. or maybe a trannie as they are quite fashionable with al beeb
The Beeb do like talking up a war, and the TOADY Prog likes to do it most of all.
However, a prosecution may result over the US 2016 Presidential Election. Someone is in the frame. Leaks over the weekend? Excluded Sopel doing some journalism?
Perhaps that will dominate the news?
Fedup2: ‘Or maybe a trannie as they are quite fashionable….’
I thought you’d already ruled naga out?
Admittedly sheâd do whatever is necessary to further her career with albeeb I never thought of her as anything other than a scatty autocue reader who obeyed the voice in her earpiece .
But if you think sheâs a trannie I wonât argue it
I have up on al beeb breky teli after Frank bouf left . That was before the climate of sex pestary
“The UK’s Independent Factchecking Charity”. See their summary of the last ‘Question Time’ –
My email to them under the subject of: ‘Independence’ just:
“I will be unsubscribing to your service. When I open up a document sent to me by you, and I see, on the Question Time portion Jacob Rees-Mogg disproportionately selected for statements he made, It is clear âFull Factâ is NOT independent. Apart from the Chakrabarti/Dimblebore statements (which you seem to have so-called, âfact checkedâ with less zeal), what happened to the other panellists âstatementsâ?”
Bit sparse for a whole prog
And fails to say that the proportion of BME at Oxford is slightly under the 18% you’d expect from 18 year old population, whilst at 21% cambridge over represents
For whatever reason the number identifying as black less than half that expected.
Seems that anything in media with the supposed function in its title is the precise opposite to that claimed.
Guest who
Oh! Yet another oxymoron.
Will it be Spanish Civil War : part 2? Probably not, Iâm guessing before it kicks off theyâll all say maĂąana.
Funny how this seemed to come out of nowhere, news-wise. Itâs always been a bugbear of mine how little Euro news the BBC lets us have. Considering they were pretty well signed up to us being in political union with the continentals the BBC were always disproportionately keen to bring us US news. Perhaps the more we learned of political and institutional Europe the less we might like it? We love the holidays and the people, obviously.
The news from Spain falls mainly on deaf ears. I thought it was odd that the Dons decided unilaterally to take the issue of Gibraltar off the EUâs GB punishment list. A sudden goodwill gesture or a rush of Anglophilia to the head? I doubted it. More like this Cata-loonier thing was looming and they knew it would sound rum to be moaning on about Gib inter alia. Although because of the BBC we didnât know about the indy vote in Barcelona until the last minute. It would be fascinating to hear Nicola Sturgeonâs take on Gibralta and about her support for the Catalans – has she squared it with Brussels? Come on BBC, ask her!
AISI, “Will it be Spanish Civil War : part 2? Probably not, Iâm guessing before it kicks off theyâll all say maĂąana.
Funny how this seemed to come out of nowhere, news-wise. Itâs always been a bugbear of mine how little Euro news the BBC lets us have. Considering they were pretty well signed up to us being in political union with the continentals the BBC were always disproportionately keen to bring us US news. Perhaps the more we learned of political and institutional Europe the less we might like it? We love the holidays and the people, obviously.”
Hear, hear – good post.
Asking Sturgeon? The BBC’s part-time Political Editor is on half-term in Edinburgh, I guess, and could easily nip across to see wee Nicola or even just ‘phone her.
I’m wondering if ‘Part-time’ is on her way out.
“…how little Euro news the BBC lets us have..”.
They couldn’t even bring themselves to report on the Danish army being withdrawn from NATO duties to deal with the unrest, no-go areas and muslim attacks that the police were overwhelmed by. That was 4/6 weeks ago. Since then, the Swedish army has been deployed for the same reasons following a week of bombings. Last I heard that was 8 bombings. Could there be a message here that we should spot?
To contributors here, it would probably be accepted that the UK is destined to become an islamic state. At what point so? It is likely to be when a critical mass of devotees to the cult has been achieved? What is that critical mass? When it becomes 50:50? I believe far less. You only have to witness the assertive antics of a relatively small number now to recognise that it will not need to be 50:50.
Going back to Denmark and Sweden. I can’t research this now but if islam is, ‘kicking-off’ in those two countries now, is there any correlation between similar proportionate numbers in both Denmark and Sweden? If we can assess that, we can assess when the bomb (forgive the expression) will hit the UK – when a similar critical mass is reached. However it is reached, be sure that will not be 50:50.
I was watching RT last week (I know, the FBI will be checking up on me). One interviewee, Dr Anatole Lieven as I recall, said that Britain would be 25% muslim within 30 years. If that figure is correct, we will be de facto an islamic state.
I say this because the muslims vote as a bloc for Labour. That means the Conservatives will only have 75% of the population who might vote for them, and trying to get a majority in that situation will be impossible.
The twisted plan of the Blair government, to encourage mass immigration to rub the right’s nose in diversity will have come to pass. The price Labour will pay for their muslim block vote is that all laws must be passed through the prism of islam. Gradually, sharia law will become the law of Britain, and an islamic state will have been achieved.
My only hope is that the British people wake up before this happens, and while there is still time to do something about it. The practise of islam is clearly incompatible with western democracy, and it needs to be banned for our national survival. Nothing else will do. But before this can ever happen, we have to get rid of the BBC. I truly consider that the BBC is now a major threat to the survival of the British nation.
I’m already looking forward to seeing and hearing how the BBC will report the manifestos in the next general election, when one pledge is certainly to be about scrapping the TV tax, or making the BBC subscription only.
You can already see all the progs and shows, even the ‘news’ (as they see it), being aimed at minority groups everywhere, as well as the children who will have turned eighteen soon. The lines are already drawn and in place and geared up to try and get the vote out for their party, old Labour. Their party will of course be in a total mess, as they will say they want to help the poorer members of society, but will need their votes and won’t want to upset the State Broadcaster in its final death throes.
Less than five years and counting, and the BBC can do absolutely nothing about it! This one will run and run!
Great non-viewing!
Trying to be light hearted about the Catalonia situ ( I know I shouldnât)
If cat and Spain go to war – and wales has recognised the cats – but the uk government supports Spain- does that mean its war between the welch and the uk / and or England ??
Taffman – we could be about to be enemies !
Apols but Iâm still shell shocked from the Toady Love in at satdee morning . Doc says I need to get my blood pressure up – that smug crap about people getting the giggles and naughty calling a minister a c..t was worse than ever.,
Wales and England are always enemies.
Enemies that is, when they play each other in that game played with the odd shaped ball.
Yes taff I know –
Does seem a bit mad when that nice Welch nat girl lines up with the cats . Maybe she knows more similarities between wales and Catalonia than i can see. But Iâm an Anglo so what do I know?
Thought Crime Britain 2017
#1 Sheffield Uni Social Work student thrown off course for expressing his Christian beliefs against homosexuality.
If he’d stayed in the closet about them..he’d still be in the course.
(Not that I agree with his views)
#2 Conservative MP Bob Blackman has apologized after it emerged he retweeted a legitimate news story that Tommy Robinson had tweeted (Muslim on Hindu violence )
BTW Twitter censorship
When I search Hindu Temple Tommy Robinson, the tweet does not come up
I had to search : Hindu Temple priest stabbed.
Then it showed me the tweet.
We don’t need to go to the other side of the world for such stories. Last year a French priest in Normandy was murdered in his church by muslim terrorists. His name was Jacques Hamel and he was 85.
The attack took place in France so his two murderers were shot dead by police.
It clearly was not an “anti islam tweet”, it was simply a tweet which reported a fact about islamic violence. If you cannot accept that islam is a violent sect, which kills and intimidates through fear of death across the world, then you can hardly complain when it is your throat they cut.
Can I thank everybody above who gave us the “vibe” in regard of the Today Sleepover that was heralded this morning.
Thank God I missed it.
I see it all as one long slumber party in the dorm, fags and matrons bustling around with their private codes and jokes, blowing smoke rings and fart bubbles through the Perrier. Utterly irrelevant to the rest of us as long as we`re not paying for it. If we do-then, like “G” and so many of us who are prepared to tie them up in complaints-then we`ll paralyse them if we act like sappers on the Burma railway(none of that Myanmar stuff here-the maps need to be old).
Sabotage-major on the minors-just as Savile did and does.
Peel died on his Peruvian march thirteen years ago round about this time…Savile died six years ago tomorrow…November is the time we Catholics set aside to remember the dead and to pray for them. Savile is still the murdered creep the BBC must be made to carry around by way of penance, and if a day goes by without reminding a lefty of his/her role in paying for Sir Jim;then it`s been a waste of my day.
Got a bookgroup arguling the other day about whether Peel or Savile was the bigger Beeboid perv…THESE are those Fat Chicks we need to put out there for our pals.
Hope you`ll know how hated the BBC are now to the thinking person-if the State ain`t paying for their fealty, then they ought to be seeking out Ann Marie. She seems to upset the BBC, so she`s “one of our own”.
I happen to think that when Sir Jim was filmed putting out the lights on the last TOTP in 2006-that was our signal to tell us to do the same to the BBC that housed it-look at the history of the BBC since they last dragged Jimmy into the studio.
Post hummous pardon for Sir James-we ought to fuck the BBC as he did! Yet we seem to cover for them.
We are now at the two-month anniversary of ‘the Birling Gap incident’. The BBC like anniversaries.
Any chance – I wonder – of a follow-up? What really happened there?
A similar incident yesterday just along the coast at Seaford.
Times : The National Action court case
Additional charge mentioned : “threatening to kill a female detective”
But something fishy not only is the 22 year old not allowed to be named for legal reasons , his face is deliberately grayed out in the court sketches.
Why would that be ?
Cos his face is so distinctive and theirs another case ?
Or could he be actually non-white ?
The BBC tell me this was a smash hit:
“Tears for Fears – Head Over Heels
Roland Orzabal and Curt Smith perform their 80s smash hit for Radio 2 In Concert live from the Radio Theatre, as part of the 2017 season covering 5 decades of music”
Except it wasn’t. I thought it strange when I read this on the web-site. I did not remember that title as a hit. Sure enough, on checking, I find that it made the UK Top 20 but only as far as No.12. Definitely not a SMASH HIT, nor a smash hit. Just a hit. Or sort of hit.
A minor piece of FalseNews/FakeNews from the BBC.
Used to like Tears For Fears. Came from Bath, so local-ish.
Watched them for awhile-boy, hasn`t poor Curt aged?
Rolands hairdye was something else too.
What the heck did I ever see in them?
I’m hearing the word ‘actor’ a lot by the news channels in reference to the Weinstein debacle. The ‘actor’ is then shown as female. I’m confused (not about my gender), because we still call a female, ‘waitress’ and not a ‘waiter’; and as far as I know the head of a community of nuns is an Abbess and not an Abbot. And what about a Sister on the ward ? is she now to be referred to as Brother ? Nah, its certain sections of society being totally ‘up themselves’ as per usual.
Brissles. How do they cope with other languages. Will there ever come a point where the PC brigade cease to recognise Grammatical Gender Vs. Natural Gender
Itâs important to distinguish between grammatical gender and natural gender. Natural gender is simply the gender of a person, animal or character. Grammatical gender is a way of categorising nouns; it doesnât necessarily match up with the ânatural genderâ of the person or object being described.
Just a worrying thought……..
Oooh Davy, forgive me but I had to reread your comment more than once, I was getting heady with all the genders and grammaticals, but I got there in the end !
“And what about a Sister on the ward ? is she now to be referred to as Brother? ”
The NHS was ahead of the Trans movement on this one. The PC term is “Ward Manager”, which has the added advantage that they’re no longer a nurse but are now a manager – move them up to Band 7 on the pay scale.
Is the term Blackbird racist or sexist or both?
It is indeed confusing, and seems to have come out of nowhere a year or two back. It’s as if all the leftists in the MSM (which is another way of saying “the MSM”) had a meeting and decided to drop the word “actress”. The only time they still use it is for the Best Actress award at the Oscars.
I was reading in the newspaper today that the Boy President Macron is working to “degenderise” certain French nouns. He really is a politically correct drip. I wonder what his granny/wife has to say about that?
I like that …..”politically correct drip” !
I had stronger language in mind, but “drip” seems to sum him up quite well. I really hope he comes a cropper with his plans to modify French, it is getting into Newspeak territory. I believe the usual tedious language rationalists want to do away with the cedilla and the circonflex, and even that is a step too far for me. Having little hats on the letter “e” and tails on the “c” was one of the few things which made French tolerable.
I must say I am rather suspicious of any chap who decides to marry his teacher. I never found any of mine remotely attractive. Admittedly they wore tweed jackets and smoked pipes, and I don’t just mean the men.
Blast from the past re B Cox
Times Nov 2 2015
\\ The chief strategist for Save the Children has resigned amid allegations of âinappropriate behaviourâ towards women.
Brendan Cox, who was a senior adviser to Gordon Brown when he was prime minister, denied the allegations against him but quit in September, prompting complaints that there had not been a proper investigation.//
Well, the PM didn’t and she won’t because otherwise her and her islamic acolytes’ conspiracy to introduce Wahhabi islam into the UK will be exposed.
ASA where are you ?
pg 14 of Times : LBC Crawl-in
Article mocks yesterday’s Sadiq/Corbyn LBC show, but fails to mention Sadiqs Uber gaffs.
Below it is a quarter page LBC advert for the same show.
Has Sopel reported on the DNC/Clinton/Russia Dossier/Uranium stories yet?
Fox : “The Russian nuclear deal continues to be kept under containment by media fearful that it might contaminate their ability to attack President Trump”
“Oxford University vice-Chancellor has spent ÂŁ70,000 on expenses since taking up post last year, figures show”
Obviously the main story is that Oxford doesn’t have enough black students.
I heard this woman on Today defending her rewards. Arrogant elitist of which university hierarchies are full . She must rank with the Bath Uni Dame as a blatant trougher, full of entitlement.
As unis get a staggering multi-squillion pile of dosh from ‘the EU’, (meaning us, the taxpayer), it’s not surprising that people like her demand all that money to put them on the same terms as BBC and local authority hand-outs.
When Blair and Brown were wrecking the UK, they promised thousands of starry/bleary eyed kids a life in tertiary education, with promises of a free biro, a job for life in a local authority and a book on politics. Of course, this was just to get the kids out of the unemplyment stats! Now, the money tap is going to be turned off for all the outraged unis, who may actually have to consider getting clever engineering students in for a ‘spell’. (if that isn’t a contradiction in terms).
Is the producer of Bakeoff trolling b-BBC ?
Times : Multicultural Bake Off is whipping up anti-Brexit feeling, says producer Richard McKerrow
“The show helps to erode prejudices by featuring likeable ethnic minority and foreign contestants”
It’s always amusing when they admit to the propaganda and agendas which they simultaneously deny they pursue.
I imagine that the politicisation of the programme is why people have stopped watching it . Race not talent wins. People are so tired of this multicultural rubbish . Hope C4 find theyâve paid far too much to get the programme .
Are there people who still actually watch it ?
maybe they could get choudry on making some porridge
I honestly have never watched it.
Bakeoff : “consolidated figs 9m”
consider that there are 63m people in the UK
So 6 out of 7 people DON’T watch it
I wonder where the BBC’s tax money has all gone as they have been reduced to putting on a 1950s style hour long intermission (The Potters Wheel etc) on BBC4 all week
They have had to make economies now that they have promised to pay the female autocue readers the same as the male autocue readers. The money trees that Monty Don planted in his garden aren’t doing to well at the moment apparently.
When The Great British Wankoff is on TV I like to spend some time usefully watching my lawn grow.
I’d willingly double my Tax payments to the bbc to watch a programme about your lawn, Lefters!
As my local Tesco make exceedingly good cakes, I’ll bring along an assortment, ask Mrs O’Blene to pack a few bottles of Prosecco, and there we’ll have the makings of a great event, not some silly prog about crusts and smelly old tins (oops, that’s the ‘managment of the prog)…
In fact, I caught my wife watching the end of a Monty Don prog last evening, much against my strict instructions never to listen to or watch anything except ‘Lovejoy’, or Del Boy’!
She apologised, and we sadly watched the dying seconds, just before arriving back in the real world, and Del’s blow-up dolls, Denzil and co slowly brought us back to normality!
Yes. The world of wit and wisdom is in remission at the the moment. I hope to stick around long enough to see it’s renaissance.
Feminists enraged about Janice Turner article saying older women are more chilled and practical about wondering hands etc.
Suppose there`s no chance of Becca and the other third wave feminazis recreating that “slutwalk” stuff down Bury Park High Street, Luton any time soon now is there? I am happy to sing “This Land Is Your Land” as well as other libtard hymns as we walk along to show the Muslim blokes that “slut shaming” is REALLY unacceptable, and we now need to “begin that conversation” of ours.
Dennis McShane has a long letter in the Times denying that he knew about grooming gangs before Andrew North published in 2012
After an article last week said he was at a meeting where people knew.
He doesn’t mention that but goes on about a book claim that in 2006 he was given a file. Saying it’s untrue.
I note the Times haven’t changed the article.
Maybe he was doing time when all that happened !!
Yes he was referred by the BNP in 2010, yet police delayed so he wasn’t jailed until 2013
he was doing Vicky Pryce, from 2012.
I’m guessing he wasn’t a regular shopper at Rotherham Market.
Europe and the UK is screwed whether anyone likes it or not.
We don’t need ‘experts’, statisticians or anybody else telling us what we see with our own eyes is happening to our World. It only needs a level-headed mature vision of what we are heading toward.
Wonder if the BBC can tell us how much they paid, with Tax Payer’s money for known Hate Preachers to appear on their shows?
. . . In France, paying for the rope that will hang Europe . . .
French government has paid nearly $600,000 in welfare benefits to Islamic State jihadis{jihadwatch 28oct2017}
. . . Why did it take so long for Anjem Choudary to be revealed, what did he preach that was different from when he first started preaching? What platform and payments did the BBC provide? . . .
BBC Search for ‘anjem choudary’ …
He’s asking, is the newspaper campaign against Anjem Choudhary unfair? The Sun newspaper has been running it’s campaign to say enough is enough – that the radical preacher should be arrested for his hate rants. … But – Anjem Choudhary hasn’t actually done anything against the law – so is the newspaper coverage of him unfair? { 06jun2013 – Nihal}
Ofcom has cleared the BBC, ITV and Channel 4 over interviews with radical cleric Anjem Choudary in the wake of the murder of Drummer Lee Rigby.
The watchdog ruled that three news programmes had not breached rules in allowing Choudary to express his views. { 20jan2014}
Khuram Butt wore an Arsenal shirt during his murderous assault on other Londoners. … He was a follower of the banned al-Muhajiroun network, led by the now-jailed preacher Anjem Choudary. { 05jun2017}
Dennis McShane’s claims that he “knew nothing” about Muslim grooming gangs should be treated with the greatest caution. I remember a Panorama special (I think in 2004) when the Beeb infiltrated the BNP and covertly recorded some of Nick Griffin’s speeches. Muslim grooming gangs were mentioned time and again.
Of course as you would expect, with claims as serious as this, the BBC acted immediately. They handed their findings to the police, not however to try to stop the rapes, but to stop the BNP “peddling their poison”.
As we are now only too aware our hapless police are more interested in painting their nails and taking part in puerile, virtue signalling events than in investigating claims of criminal activity. They arrested Nick Griffin.
This was just a catalogue of politically correct collusion between the rapists and the authorities. They would much rather throw our daughters to the wolves than confront the rabid pack. The BBC, the politicians, the councilors and the police did everything they could to keep this unpleasant truth quiet.
Slowly the truth filtered out.
I’m damned sure if I (a working class bloke from south London) had heard about it then an MP for one of Britain’s rape capitals must have heard just the teensiest whisper.
Methinks he’s a little liar…
Hail fellow transpontine.
Marquis of Granby/Lewisham Way and Childeric boy here!
I survived and got out!!
McShane only did 6 weeks of his 6 months false accounting conviction. I mean- believe a politician , a socialist and a criminal convicted for a dishonesty offence .
For a politician to actually be found out for fiddling – he must be so inept youâd feel sorry for him apart from his constant self belief about being on the moral high ground – which is a bit of a theme for me.
Bit like that idiot liberal who couldnt even get a speeding ticket fixed with out his missus doing time for perverting the course.
Nice to see that fuck wit gove self destruct by going on the Toady programme – shows you can be thick and have a double first
“Nice to see that fuck wit gove self destruct by going on the Toady programme â shows you can be thick and have a double first”
Didn’t someone say that he’s a first-class comedian once, and that he once sat in the Speaker’s chair and mimicked Bercow, while everyone laughed their heads off?
Perhaps, as any ‘comedian’ who is on the bbc is a lefty twonk and very unfunny, perhaps he’s being trained by Purnell, another trougher in the bbc after failing in politics!
As far as I can remember the grooming gangs only started to come to light because of BNP protests outside a Liverpool court, the court actually had a ban on media reporting the trial.
Well, I guess that ex-convict Mcshame has a record of being an unreliable witness
Denis MacShane:
“He began his twin careers of deceit and treachery while an official at the National Union of Journalists in the 1970’s, when he was responsible for drawing up the NUJ’s ‘Guidelines on Race Reporting’, an influential document in the suppression of free speech in this country.
It stridently champions diversity and multi-culturalism, banning NUJ members from even the slightest criticism of ethnic settlers. In tone it resembles a Communist Party directive in the Soviet Union, rigid instructions more than guidelines.
For decades journalists have used their influence to manipulate public opinion and the main reason for that are these strict guidelines, which all journalists must respect and which dictate what can or cannot be written or broadcast. These guidelines imposed by the NUJ have had a baneful effect on British democracy by establishing systematic censorship.”
“The guidelines state clearly that that parties opposed to mass immigration must be reported in negative terms, that journalists must promote immigration and diversity and whenever settlers commit a crime their ethnicity should ideally not be revealed.
And these guidelines were created by one of the most despicable of all British politicians, a man who, prior to becoming a politician, was even sacked by the BBC for gross dishonesty.”
David Abbott ‘Dark Albion – A Requiem for the English’.
Beeb website headline. Just can’t help themselves continuing to make the Russian link with Trump in the election. Most of us here have been able to access alternative opinions and some would indeed say facts on this.Tucker Carlson, Mark Steyn and various others are pretty confident who the real villains are in this, but our trusted BBC seem loathed to venture in that direction.
fake fake news the so called BBC forming wishful opinion and fair stories into fake news
Gove apologises for comparing a BBC interview to going into Harvey Weinstein’s bedroom. The comment had lots of applause, but now the politician cowers to the media.
He should have referred to going into a Jimmy Saville studio.
since when could politicians not make jokes
never apologise never,
I suppose he should know by now that the only permissible jokes are about Trump, Farage, UKIP, Brexit and of course the old stalwart Fatcher. Honestly, aren’t the complainers all just a load of po-faced tossers?
It’s strange how so many people seem to apologize for speaking the metaphorical truth these days. Very strange.
What a cringer Gove is. When are our people going to further enrage the Left with REFUSING to apologise, until the brick comes in through the window? We keep on giving ground to the idiot left, we really should be slapping them around a bit.
If we don`t remind the BBC of Savile, the left of their current sucking off re Osborne-then what chance have we got when our REAL dangers come from Islam. The left are marinading us and removing our innards-and Islam knows it.
As for “clumsy attempts at humour”-has Gove even SEEN Citizen Khan or stomached the Now Show?
Gove does not extort ÂŁ145.50 for his Oxbridge Gang Show self-relief-unlike Radio 4 or the BBC.
Hop out of the dock you Tory toffs-and put the BBC in its charnel house.
“tip” and “iceberg” spring to mind. The invaders will bring islamic war in the middle east and elsewhere to Europe and, the UK. There will be wars on our soil, the sort of wars military detest dealing with: small groups hidden within the population emerging periodically at random to kill and maim (anybody) they can and the military will be unable to do anything to stop it. Of course, the inadequate police will have long gone by then or perhaps those remaining, focusing 100% on white hate crimes or hate speech.
Naturally, we should have hope and never forget the promise of more, “Refugees” –
The Legacy of Blair, along with the rest of the Westminster traitors.
I dread to think what Europe will be like in 40 years, I worry for my children.
Same here, Bill, but it’s grandchildren in my case!
A lovely friend of mine is married to a Belgian chap, and they are both charming people, as are their two children. We were discussing what will happen to their kids when they leave school, and she is determined that they get out of the UK (they all speak French as well), and work well away from this country!
What a crap legacy that poisonous Blair has left us, and what idiots we were to think that Cameron may make a difference!
Well said.
Such is their hate, libmob media think it’s newsworthy that Trump said 2m15s into a video while handing out Halloween candy to little kids “Well you’re not gonna have any weight problems that’s the good news”
I just presumed it’s cos he’s handing her a small packet of non sugary candies, nothing sinister.
#FlakeNews LauraBicker
We pay Laura’s salary & this is how she wastes time!
Trying to spin a 5 second inconsequential comment into Trump news
The world has an obesity epidemic and Trump gets pilloried for commenting on it indirectly . Why is this Bicker woman ( one of far too many BBC people) living it up in the US on public money, merely to abuse the US president at every opportunity? Sopel is enough for that role. And yes Bicker is yet another Scottish reporter on the BBC payroll. Iâm sick of the accent, not wishing to offend Scots on here lol but everything in proportion .
President Trump takes not a blind bit of notice of little autocue readers like Sopel and Bicker these days.
Not caring a monkey’s about the BBC is the norm for someone like Mr Trump, who is doing a great job, and who really cares what a minor tax-payer’s waster is saying anyway!
You can see and even hear the spittle of frustration on their sad delivery of drivel everytime they pop up from the back of the room, behind real reporters and cameramen (and women no doubt – phew)…
There is so much propaganda from the BBC website I don’t know where to begin.
So here is one – remember the headline regarding the “second wife website benefits women” story lauded by the BBC which is giving free advertising for an Islamic entrepreneur in Birmingham, to double the rate of Islamification of Britain. Well the BBC are recycling this five day old story and re-headlining it back on THEIR HOMEPAGE under the REAL LIFE STORIES section:
Meanwhile a church in England is dropping the hymn “Onward Christian Soldiers” because of complaints it is inherently bigoted and threatening to the wider community of diversity. The church is based in Leicester.
It will be interesting to see what God has got to say about that one.
The local reverend says he works for his multicultural and diverse audience not God.
I don’t think ‘Jerusalem’ will go down very well either…
Ditto my comment above.
Re Catelonia.
1. Catalan was declared a “nationality” way back-language and all the other criteria met,#
2. But Catelonia can not be a nation although Catalan is a nationality.
3. The EU wants no nation states, but seeks regions that subvert the nation-hence the love ups for Scotland, Gibraltar. They term it subsidiarity, but only as paid for and decided upon by the Eurocrats.
4. But they only want a few big blocs and weird bureaucratic constructs to do their bidding-so don`t want little states that actually take their promises seriously.
6. The E.U rather likes Ukrainians seeking democratic mandates-but not the British and CERTAINLY not the Catelonians at this tricky time.
So -all ends up-they`re schizoid, venal and short term chancers who`ve now got themselves caught on one hell of a hook. Up to their necks.
Tumbleweed and BBC omerta vows until it unravels. Remind me again-why do we HAVE foreign correspondents when none of them ever see these things coming down the track?
We now need to screw the EU whilst their yellow back streaks are so evident-personally, I`d bring up Gibraltar now with them to screw them over, not a penny paid…maybe a peseta when they leave the EU in both Castile and Catelonia. This is war. We want out.
Is not Catelonia the wealthiest part of Spain? It’s not exactly Tower Hamlets….
My reading of the situation is that Catalonia has moved 10 years too soon. The long term EU plan is for the nation states of Europe to be broken up into regions, the more easily to be controlled from the centre; but not until the EU government has been strengthened by the creation of an EU Finance Ministry to control budgets, an EU Police Force so that everyone fears arrest, and an EU Army to put down revolts.
Junker and Tusk have outlined the plan to be implemented once the UK has left (please God soon), but the new institutions are not yet in place.
In the meantime we need to consolidate whatever submarines we have left into a reconstituted 10th Submarine Flotilla, base it in Gib, and be ready to smuggle supplies and agents to Barcelona.
Footie- The U 17’s England team has just beat Spain 5-2 to win the world cup!

Follow up to GWF at 1436
What an utterly pathetic society we have become, no criticism of readers here.
Michael Gove tells a rather tasteless but very funny quip, likening being interviewed on Toady to going into Harvet Weinsteinâs boudoir.
The audience laugh enthusiastically and applaud spontaneously. A few groans sre drowned out by the laughter. Neil Kinnock laughs and joins in the banter. There is no problem. Except that Humphries or someone feels the need to comment and infer an apology.
Later, the roof falls in, and Gove feels forced to give a grovelling apology for his allegedly offensive remark. (I was not offended, just annoyed I did not think of such a line first)
It is just pathetic. Snowflakes rule. Common sense is gone.
How long before we have âsafe spaceâ guards in comedy clubs?
Though not to guard against left wing ideas. Obviously.
I think we can get depressed or angered by all the pc rubbish on MSM, especially âoutrageâ but the silent majority out there can still appreciate blokey humour. Gove shouldnât have apologised, it wouldnât have harmed his career and he should simply have taken the snowflakes on. Aunt Theresa wouldnât have liked it but what the hell?
Dont worry about Theresa – Isnt she a Lib/Dem?
Some time ago there was phase shift……………………….
UKIP became the Tories ,
The Tories became the Limp Dems,
The Lib Dems became the Labour Party,
And the Labour Party became the Commies.
Essentially it’s the Overton window being shifted – the band of what are considered acceptable ideas by most voters ( see )
The Overton window can be moved and it has been in the UK by constant pressure from Leftist academics and journalists. They are still at it, too as recent nonsense from Rudd and Co about ‘hate crime’ and the idiocy about the Eng Lit course at Oxford both show.
We are living on dangerous times and the Right needs to hit back before freedom is entirely lost.
Now you can all see why Tory voters went for the wrong party .
We should have Brexited a long, long time ago .
Could be Britain’s “High Noon” moment is just around the corner. It’s time to decide which side we are on.
Here’s a team photo of the…er…English team.
Al, I don’t remember his name or number but did see a blond England player on the pitch. That must be because football is “institutionally racist.”
What about the Spain team? They all looked…er…horribly Spanish to me đ
If you are white you ain’t right.
I watched the game and I’m pleased they won but, on average, I would expect a few more palefaces.
Some positive discrimination will be needed soon đ
I wonder if the black players realize what is going on in this country? You would have to be very slow thinking indeed not to see it.
Country –
I am white . But I really think that was done on meritocracy . Itâs just the result of anti democratic immigration policy over the decades .
Fair comment sir.
I watched some youth team games recently where all 10 outfield players were black (Chelsea?) and the goalie was foreign…the opposition had about 8 black outfield players. This was not untypical for some other matches. The players were all obviously very good but, not exceptional IMO. These are the players working their way through the system at the mo’ and will be our future shortly for club and country.
I played to a fairly high amateur level in the 60s and 70s and saw many potentially exceptional players…some of whom became semi-pros and pros. So, we were producing many good players back then but, we aren’t now? Meritocracy? Hmmm…something’s not right! đ
Did I hear somewhere that Sheffield United have a team made up largely of native British players? And are doing well too?
Hope they go from strength to strength, if only to anger the BBC.
Could it be the case that black folks HAVE on average got the edge over white people when it comes to running and jumping but perhaps fall a bit short in other areas of human endeavour? Maybe it’s a question of our different weaknesses and strengths. Just a thought.
LW…so, you’re saying the black folks might be superior to white folks? Surely racism? đ
But, seriously…I’ve heard that argument before and I dismiss it. England has produced white world class players in the past e.g. Bobby Charlton, Bobby Moore, Tom Finney etc. and why aren’t African nations sweeping up all the World Cups? How does Germany remain so successful with so few black players?
Somewhere along the line white boys are now being excluded đ
Point taken but I did qualify my comment by saying “on average.” I was attempting to view it fairly.
If someone somewhere could produce cast iron proof that white boys ARE being excluded then we will be in a totally different ball game–and it won’t be cricket – or football for that matter.
Mind you it’s one thing to have proof and quite another to get it publicised.
There should only have been one and three quarter black players.
We need positive discrimination to get more white players in the team.
It doesnât matter if they are not good enough, the important thing is that the team represents how our society is made up.
We might not win but the team will be more diverse.
Now there’s a novelty. Three quarters of a player on the pitch. My God the the world is so crazy that it could catch on. What position do you think he should play?
Bloody disgrace – no girls – no one wearing a burka or in a chair or with a guide dog . Far from representative .,
Anyone know a racist joke to beat the FA over the head with and get the good manager sacked ?
Ha! Ha! Sweet F.A. comments about that one!
That would have been rather confusing at Rorke’s Drift, to say the least.
An Israeli judoka won a gold medal on Thursday at the Abu Dhabi Grand Slam judo tournament, but had to sing his own private âHatikvahâ because the organizers refused to play the Israeli national anthem. Under Emirate rules no Jewish symbols are allowed.
So this gold medalist stood there and sung his country’s anthem.
No criticism from any European country.
Imagine what would happen if a competitor from a Moslem country won a gold medal in an athletic competition held in Texas, and Donald Trump refused to allow his anthem to be played.
Protests would immediately follow via the bbc from our ever critical Treezer and her Emir.
Other Israeli medal winners have since been given the same hostile treatment. Wot. No outrage!.
“….if a competitor from a Moslem country won a gold medal….”. Apart from ‘our’ Mo, little chance of that in practice.
Did you know that once, when Catalonia was occupied by the enemy, Admiral Sir Benjamin Hallowell Carew of the Royal Navy blockaded it, and then General Sir William Henry Clinton of the British army liberated it from the enemies of the Catalans on the 28th May 1814, 203 years and 5 months to the day. Lets celebrate this by waving British and Catalan flags outside BBC Broadcasting House.
I have to say I’m becoming quite alarmed at the furrore over Gove’s joke. With the hate crime ambassadors patrolling certain parts of our towns and villages where the hell is this going to end. Roy Chubby Brown and others had better have made their money by now as the Orwellien future is upon us. There is of course a plus side to this as someone like Frankie Boyle making jokes about Rebecca Adlington being hit with the ugly stick means he would surely have to be locked up. Oh, I just remembered he’s one of them so he gets a free pass. Bernard Manning must be turning in his grave.
“furore over Goves joke”?
Only in Beebland and associated franchising chains for fake news.
Any decent opposition would be mapping these synthetic outrages and doing the correlations.
Does it let Corbyn be seen to set that agenda to drag the Tories into?
Synchronicity and co-ordinated hit pieces , omisions and commissions will be Twitter linked, Facebook related, and put through Labour and Guardian offices.
And all to get Trump impeached, Brexit stopped and Alinsky honoured with Soros and Osborne able to get some dividends sometime hence.
Don`t the Tories do even the basics of monitoring the media-why are Clive Lewis, Ian Lavery and Jared O Mara not the story, whereas Gove is?
Wake up Tory scum!
Totally agree Chris. It’s the selectivity and the lib mob deciding what we are allowed to say that is most worrying. Imagine if the news quiz lot had come out with this comment, not a squeek of protest.
And there is, predictably, no criticism of Kinnock, Neil, who made a joke on the same programme likening being interviewed on ‘Today’ to being groped. Still he’s Labour so gets a free pass.
Have no fear, Synch, just click on a Jim Davidson Youtube prog, and be ready to laugh your socks off!
It’s all there, proper humour as we know it from pubs and clubs!
Forget all about the sad unfunny drivel on TV these days, those little ‘comedians’ will be back on smelly stages by themselves soon, when the BBC loses it’s funding.
Is there a butter crisis in France?
Plenty of trade for our farmers when we exit the EU and its Common Agricultural Policy ?
Anyone remember ‘the EU butter mountain’ – positive Brexit News ?
“UK ‘wants to leave Common Agricultural Policy in March 2019”
Top HYS……… “The sooner the better. The EU has been propping up inefficient French farms for decades.”
Brexit: EU bank may not fully repay UK until 2054
Ok – âwhat’s good for the goose is good for the ganderâ.
“A group of octopuses were seen walking along a Ceredigion beach on Friday night, surprising
experienced sea-goers. ”
I blame Brexit. They know that the EU fishing fleet are still going after them.
Shwmae taffman.
Like the Spanish/French trawlers ploughing the Carmarthen Bar.
The ‘authorities’ wonder have no idea why the Salmon/Sewyn catch on the Tywi have drpped dramatically.
Guido has republished a list of roughly 130 MPs who employ their partners or other family members
For parliamentary work on the taxpayers pound . Thatâs roughly 20 official per cent of the strength . Make being an MP work for you – thatâs the spirit .
I donât know if such a cosy arrangement applies to peers . I donât think al beeb will be looking at it either . Itâs the Westminster bubble at its best
Maybe all this palaver about “sexual harrassment in Parliament” is linked to them all employing each others wives, kids and gay partners. There`d be loads more of it were they not “keeping it in the family”.
I myself would fully support the Parliamentary staff all getting the chance to sue, besmirch and harry MPs just as we all have to risk every day as we work in the public sector.
But not now-do NOT let Corbyn set any kind of agenda , you dim Tory oafs. Only the BBC would let Corbyns goons hold forth on ” threats to women” as their own Political Editor needs security to be able to show up to Labours conference.
Where`s Goves joke on THAT then?
Happy Savile Day tomorrow everybody…maybe we need to make a card to send out there to “raise the issues and begin that conversation”.
Let Labour spount on women being threatened when their Jewish girls aren`t in terror, when Angela Eagles office doesn`t get Seamus Milne bricks through the window.
Where are the Tories who even care-let alone know-what Labour threaten, what the BBC allow them to get away with.
Not BBC, but in the same vein, ( begging for more money) I just noticed this via El Guardian.
Apologies if itâs been brought up before
âSince youâre here âŚ
⌠we have a small favour to ask. More people are reading the Guardian than ever but advertising revenues across the media are falling fast. And unlike many news organisations, we havenât put up a paywall â we want to keep our journalism as open as we can. So you can see why we need to ask for your help. The Guardianâs independent, investigative journalism takes a lot of time, money and hard work to produce. But we do it because we believe our perspective matters â because it might well be your perspective, too.
I appreciate there not being a paywall: it is more democratic for the media to be available for all and not a commodity to be purchased by a few. Iâm happy to make a contribution so others with less means still have access to information.
Thomasine F-R.
If everyone who reads our reporting, who likes it, helps fund it, our future would be much more secure.
Support the Guardian (ÂŁ)â
The old rag will soon be just another leftie website, Davy, and then it’ll be largely forgotten, as local authorities will advertise in their grubby freebies plonked on station floors!
When the BBC’s funding is withdrawn after the next election, they’ll have to advertise online as well, which will be fun, as all sorts of loonies will apply for the non-jobs, before they realise they won’t get paid much…
The Observer will be next I suppose, and The independent soon after! We must thank President Trump for leading the way against all the state-paid fiddles in ‘journalism’, and expect a much fairer way to read up on proper stories.
This website is a cheerleader – and a cheerer-upper (?) every time I read it – for common sense and reality, so it’s really the way forward. (My own writings try to keep out of ‘politics’, but sometimes the smears of inadequacy have to permeate the erudite columns, so won’t really count…)!
The Observer has BBC restored favourite son Frankie Boyle today on why the Tories are awful and Brexit is unintelligent.
Impartially. For a change.
How come Boyle is not banned after what he said about Katie Prices son a few years back.
How does what he did not somehow link to what others did to hound poor Fiona Pilkington and her daughter Fransesca to death?
Truly wicked-and only the BBC would cossett this creep.
Comapre and contrast their fawning over Boyle with their outrage over Goves daft comments.
Can only think that they know nobody is listening anymore,so might as well record their nastiness for fellow lefty media types like themselves.
Nobody but me bothers with the BBC nowadays round here. They left the building after the phone in scandals of 2006/7. Any chance of the BBC telling us exactly HOW many people still watch them-and some graphs about what the trends are?
Course not-basically it`s EU accountancy methods and a McClusky escalator calculator that multiplies Abbotts figures by a thousand.
I looked at the Guardian for the first time in many months this morning. Top of the page is this –
The comments show just why the Leftoids want everyone to benefit at the expense of the State (never a query as to how the State is funded, but you can bet your boots it isnât by these grasping spongers).
Amidst the ritual abuse to Tories there are one or two posters who point out that ALL EU members have the right to request the removal of nationals of other EU states who havenât found work after 3 months and are therefore incapable of supporting themselves. Not only do they have the right, they have ALL done it since 2004 (Brownâs Treaty giveaway) bar…you guessed it, the UK.
These sponging Leftoids want to welcome the world to the UK and for the taxpaying minority here, some 44% of adult workers, to pay for them as well as our own feckless layabouts. Our âownâ layabouts then denounce the heartless Tories for not giving, giving them enough.
What a disgrace this country has become due to this cult of rights without responsibilities, taking without contributing.
Not relative either to Al Beeb or the Guardian, but earlier this morning I posted this to an article by Robert Peskon in the Torygraph –
â Dad, we would not be in such a mess if your voice, and others like yours, warning that you canât allow millions of people to be left behind and then expect them to feel grateful.â
You could also have written –
âDad, we would not be in such a mess if your voice, and others unlike yours, had been heard warning that you canât allow allow millions more low paid workers into this country and then expect those already here to feel grateful at the consequent fall in their living standards and the increased pressure on finite servicesâ
Iâm not a vote whore, but an hour or so ago it had 19 upticks, 15 minutes ago 3upticks and now just 1 uptick. The Guardian allows obscene and one-sided comments and censors, and it seems the Torygraph and/or Peskon (sic), they being the only people who can affect it, donât want contrary opinion either!
Ah well, another subscription I can save on!
Question – is there a site similar to biased bbc, examining what is happening in Parliament and the laws that are being passed? More red-tape for business as pushed by Theresa May & co. Our government and politicians rather than trying to dig Britain out of a mess – seems to be focused on introducing socialism and bureaucracy …