If so called white terrorists are supposed to be white nationalist, white supremacists etc.
then why do all their kill targets seem to be white ?
the National Action attack was supposed to Target a white MP
Jo Cox was white
Breivik’s victims were white.
So non-whites seem more likely to be killed in Islamist attacks, cos they are pretty indiscriminate
Chukka Umumu always claims that the right “blame” immigrants for our housing shortage. No one attributes moral blame to immigrants for increasing the demand for an already scarce good. It’s Chukka party that is really to blame for boosting uncontrolled mass immigration for various reasons, one of which was to “rub the right’s noses in diversity”. As far as I can remember, Breivik’s rationale was that murdering young leftist activists who had the usual leftist views on mass immigration would be more effective than murdering random foreigners in stopping this policy. I think you are making the assumption that all white supremacist/neo fascist violence is based on a pathalogical personal hatred of Jews, Blacks, etc.
@ID hopefully I am not making any assumptions
It’s libmob reporters who assume “all white supremacist/neo fascist violence is based on a pathalogical personal hatred of” non-whites
See how they throw words around as if they are equivalent
Far-Right= White-Supremacist= Fascist= Nazi
Well the Nazi’s didn’t run around killing German administrators
..They went out and killed 6 million Jews + gypsies etc.
Just been reading a blog on the subject of how some civilisations lag behind others and there was this post which I thought I’d share :
When I was at primary school, we British were taught how far our ancestors – head-hunting woad-bedecked cannibals – were behind the civilisations of Mesopotamia and Egypt. Imagine my surprise when, as an adult, I was told that we had always held a profound, racist belief in the inferiority of all foreigners at all times. Funny, that.
Apparently, in the eyes of the BBC, those who want Catalonian independence are beyond the pale because they have violated the Spanish constitution and held a hideously illegal referendum. The IRA on the other hand, who murdered thousands of ordinary citizens and twice attempted to liquidate the goverment, were such models of constitutionalism and respect for the law that the BBC took it on themselves to act as Adam’s mouthpiece by using voice overs when direct statements by him were banned. I can imagine how eagerly the current Spanish government would offer the state media to seditious Catalonians to get their messagae over.
The Beeb sneeringly demand an apology for Gove’s joke about Weinstein.
Could the BBC apologise to us for their joke about multiculturalism? So the English culture which gave us the Magna Carta, Shakespeare and habeas corpus is not even equal to but is inferior to all other cultures? So no more free speech, respect for the law and protection of women and instead thought Police, a crime epidemic and gangs raping children.
What sort of sick joke is this? We demand an apology to us, our children and our forefathers who fought to protect this great country only for them to destroy it from within.
Have they stopped apologising for Jimmy Savile, let alone Stuart Hall, John Peel or Chris Denning?
To name just a few.
Have they properly apologised yet to Nigel Farage, to Cliff Richard. Lord Bramall, Greville Jenner or Harvey Procter, let alone Lord MacAlpine?
And where is that apology for letting Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross destroy the last years of a gentle comedy legend like Andrew Sachs? Poor lad escaped Kristallnacht as a boy-but got pretty much the same ritual humiliations and violence done to him, but by other means?
No-the BBC needs to go. And WE should get every overpaid “talent” money back before they are liquidated in a firesale for REAL broadcasting talent to come through, once we`ve scorched the foul earth they`ve been squatting over since 1967.
Why bother with more focus on women’s football? I’m sorry but you cannot polish a turd. It will not get much more popular if they promote it more as it is aesthetically so much worse than the men’s game. It has no cultural significance and history like the men’s game. Also, part of analysing and enjoying football is criticising poor play. The BBC coverage is so patronising as any criticism of poor play is off-limits; you can see how terrified the pundits are of committing thought crime.
“…part of analysing and enjoying football is criticising poor play.”
Watch out, that comment could be construed as ‘Hate Speech’. Remember it only needs someone ‘offended’ by a comment who forms part of a group.
Next? – ‘Slant eyed’ looking at a person (with a hateful expression)………………
Rather than a break at half-time there should be a short interval every 15 minutes, without the teams leaving the pitch. During the interval the teams could swap shirts.
Beeb – as the general secretary of the National Union of Turdpolishers ( NuTs to you) – I demand an immediate apology for your distasteful attempt at humour at the expense of my members- further none of us are queer and am proud to say we are regularly accused of looking at ladies .- which of course is about to become a hate crime
I have an idea about the Wimmins – best league in the world – footy game …. how about al beeb putting a sexist commentary on the red button ( image ) with that nice Mr Inversale and is “ never gonna be a looker” lines
I look forward to a reply from a miss sogeny at the al beeb department of good ideas ….
What’s happened to BBC men? Has masculinity become a sin? We have the promotion of presenters such as the drippy semi-matinee idol Christian-I like carrot cake-Fraser. We have surely more BBC personnel thrilling to the women’s cricket ashes than there are spectators in the actual crowd. By the way, what precisely are the women’s ashes? Did they burn a male chauvinist of the Freddy Truman era at the stumps and gather his pipe ashes in an empty stick of lippy? I wouldn’t put it past them, given the propensity for the stomach-churning celebration of women’s boxing. I recall some sword and sandal tv drama depicting Roman decadence – a motif of depravitity was a camp George Osborne hair do look-a-like forcing prostitutes to fight as gladiators. I digress. Some good news though – the arab women of Raqqa are now free to put on make up and have a good old ululation. Makes me want to ululate with so-called joy. The gnome-like grand idol one Nicola McSpurtle is now worshipped for her embrace of all the buggery of past ages. The BBC movie review lingers longingly over the Oscar-bait (post-Weinstein) euro movie of 17-yer-old Emilio meets the handsome Oliver (scores 5 out of 5 from the Guardian) – I kid you not. Duty of care anyone? #MeToo? Seventeen, eh. Consent, yes. But not old enough now to be named in law. So many unanswerable questions. Does the BBC seem to fiddle as Barcelona burns?
I think a big part of Trump’s appeal is his masculinity. He is funny, offensive and never apologises for being offensive.
Political correctness is like a lot of women I have known: overly emotional and sensitive – you can rarely take the p**s out of a female friend the same way you can with a bloke. They whinged about the patriarchy but sometimes you need a man to be ruthless and make tough decisions.
Bit unfair BB.
My friends and I share rose wine regularly at a posher type of Wetherspoons when we can. ALL of us laugh at the new culture, rest assured that none of our girls are anything like the media show ponies and students.
The BBC feeds them, the Guardian types seeks them and rewards them.
Most of us are not like that at all. Danger is that it`s a tempting line of income for the coming women who can play the pink card, the red one if they`re having a period, say.
Needs squashing. The BBC caricature of women is as lazy and offensive as that of the white van man who voted for Brexit.
They simply hate the REAL people who keep this country from a collective nervous breakdown, we need to hate them back-and terrify them.
Thank you for the above comedy series idea . Here at al beeb we always welcome fresh comedy ideas. Which is why we commissioned a truly awful porridge series with fletch the kaffer banged up with the boys from Isis after being found guilty of eating a bacon sandwich without reasonable excuse and in a hateful way.
You may be pleased to know you made my assistant – fedup2- chuckle merrily . He has been sent to the children’s tv gulag .
The third item on Five Live ‘news’ bulletin is gay people getting an apology in Northern Island. Someone received an apology, is that news?
If only they could not talk about race, gender or sexuality. We have equality of opportunity now and you never meet ANYONE these days who is genuinely sexist, racist or has a problem with homosexuality. I wish they could give us the news service we pay for rather than virtue signalling in a circle amongst themselves about issues which stopped being issues decades ago.
Good morning on the first day of GMT.
Completely off topic (or, depending on the answer, possibly not).
Let us first accept for the sake of argument, that the clocks need to go back in Autumn and forward in Spring.
Why then do the clocks go back at the end of October, 7 weeks before the Shortest day, but not go forward until the end of March, 13 weeks after the Shortest day? Why such asymmetry?
I am totally stumped on this. Is it the result of an EU quid pro quo, as those on the East fringe have to be taken into account overall? If so, the weird thing is the asymmetry is also true for the USA.
Any answers would be genuinely welcome.
One might only wonder (if psychologically prepared) what processes were involved in the romantic coupling between the youthful Di and Jez, which resulted in their ‘Two go wild in East Germany’ jaunt.
And if any aspects entirely normal then may see one or other moved to the twitter outrage step.
Listen GW, I’ll ‘ave you know she did not have sex(ual) relations with that bloke ( steptoe) all he did was ask her round to sit naked on the floor, legs open, so he could see ‘ow his new brown sofa would look with pink cushions.
The BBC’s hate campaigns know no bounds. It is evident from the BBC’s output that the BBC hates India and hates hindus. So on their news homepage, their World news page, their Asia news page, their India news page, they are running a story headlined “Nazi in a Sari” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-41757047
The BBC would never run a story headlined “Nazi in a Hijab” et cetera. The BBC are on a par with Nazi Germany and Islamic State when it comes to relentless propaganda and relentless hate.
I thought this represented a new high for the BBC, referencing in a single article: Nazism; Trump; Breitbart; the Far Right (sic); a Holocaust Denier; denial of a real holocaust affecting the Greeks; the Ku Klak Klan; Hitler; Swastika earrings; Nazi cats; the Tea Party; British policy in India; Islamophilia and anti-Hinduism. About the only thing missing is how Harvey Weinstein fits into it. In many ways, it is a true analogue to the theories of how ‘The Jews’ are responsible for everything, or ‘The Bourgeoisie and Capitalists’ were.
P.S. Can’t do a ‘Nazi in a headscarf’, but how about the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem with Hitler? https://www.timesofisrael.com/full-official-record-what-the-mufti-said-to-hitler/
“Hate Speech”? It really should be reported to the Police (sorry, stasi).
Remember CPS Guidance:
“Any incident which is believed to be motivated because of a person’s religion or perceived religion, by the victim or any other person”. A ‘whistleblowers charter’.
Well there is no doubt she wore a sari and supported the nazis
The strange thing is narrative the BBC is trying to construct
“‘ah there is is the woman who is the doyen of the alt-right”
OK the other day was her 130th birthday, but before that there was like 1 tweet per week about her
And one strange thing is a newspaper back in March ran almost exactly the same story that the BBC just ran now
..even the same photo
The BBC on their Cbeebies “Make and Colour: Easy Craft Activities for Kids” webpage, are still headlining – MOON & STAR TOAST – food to celebrate the Islamic festival of Eid Al-Adha – the Islamic festival of SACRIFICE that was TWO MONTHS AGO. The BBC continue to pour out Islamic activities for British kids. British kids are being brainwashed by the BBC and at School (halal food etc) at an age when they are simply unable to recognise it.
The Guardian have a narrative about a conspiracy theory with Assange Farage Trump Look at the dates of their articles#FarageOnLBCpic.twitter.com/nN8iUELwIZ
Am guessing that the Hillary , Democrats and Christopher Steele story is not enough of a conspiracy for them.
Or else, it puts the wrong side in the frame.
To accuse Trump of getting Russian prostitutes to piss on him is just about as evil as it gets.
And then to be found out as paying Russians and MI6 goons to leak this before Trump gets elected-and THEN blaming Trump for colluding with Russians and foreign agents like Steele?
Well that`s a new level of nasty evil that dwarfs all their Watergate hoopla. Then Uranium sold to Russia?…then Benghazi?
Hells bells. This ought to end in treason and a Rosenburg hot seat for most of Obamas goons from 2009-16, surely? Come on Trump. Pull the plug and drown them.
“11 months into Donald Trump’s new world order,”, it is the new world order kind of thing that it seems to me is what Trump, Farage etc., are trying to stop.
Dangerous talk from the Guardian, desperate to stop BREXIT.
BBC Jubilant about Al-Jamboree
BBC Inside Out South East have gone all ging gang goolie over the first Muslim Scout Group.
Don’t say Boy Scouts – this BBC report drops the bombshell that more girls are joining the Scouts than are boys. I don’t doubt it. There’s stereotypes to trash and middle class parents with virtue to signal while the boys are left to cower at home playing with the toggle on the Play Station.
“I promise to my duty to Allah and the country in which I live”
Doesn’t that just bring a lump to your throat.
You know I think I’d rather admire political figures if, when they’ve made a clumsy joke, stuck two fingers up at the howling mob and said, “Oh, go and boil your head!” But they never do.
Michael Gove’s latest quip seemed harmless at the time. The audience liked it, Neil Kinnock was chuckling and no-one thought anything of it. And then the pc mob got involved and we were told that this joke was “offensive” “outrageous” “misogynistic” and encouraged men to behave appallingly, blah, blah, blah.
As usual first out of the blocks was Tory fifth columnist, Anna (sour faced) Soubry. God, what a truly ghastly creature she is. She was also first to call for Boris to resign during the Conservative conference, even though he was the only Tory to make a halfway decent speech.
Soubry was quickly followed by the perennially miserable Shami Chakrabarti. I think if this woman smiled her head would fall off. God’s teeth, can you imagine being stuck at a Christmas party (oops, sorry, I mean winterval festival) with these two?
Like most sane, rational, sensible people, I’m not remotely offended by Gove’s spontaneous and innocent quip.
I am however offended by his gutless capitulation to the pc mafia. These people will never be content until we live in some joyless dystopian, puritanical hellhole.
Mind you, come to think of it…
Have to agree with you Jeff. We live in a world where Data Protection and Privacy Laws are shouted from the ceiling, AND YET where’s the privacy when iPhones are videoing our every movement and Twitter is releasing every word uttered ?
Has it been noticed that we are subliminally edging towards an Islamic way of life ? No humour, women are covering up more in head to toe clothing, halal meat, and promotion of Eid wherever possible.
I had my fair share of ‘propositions’ in the 60’s and 70’s, – but we were mature and worldly enough to tell the proposer to get lost, and that was enough. I think today’s younger females are at school for so long its making them immature (mentally) for so much longer, and haven’t a clue how to deal with unwanted attention. Of course any bloke who forces himself on any female needs castrating, but men will always chance their arm, and females need to toughen up and deal with it. Its life. Weinstein and those in power are a different entity, and do need locking up if the threat of ruining a career for lack of sexual favours is the deal.
(as a P.S. we DO get to an age where any sort of sexual harassment would liven up the day !!!)
You`re right Brissels.
I`d guess that half the BBC stories push for taking on alcohol, pork, Muslim rights, fashionable hijab awards-that kind of thing.
Already they`re softening us up for polygamy via benefits and “feminist communal living”, and doubtless paedophilia will soon get a genetic excuse they`re already searching for. So it`ll be OK.
My main hope here is how does “animal rights and vegetarianism” square with halal?
Can`t please both the Greens and the Muslims on this one.
The report also mentions how the school had books (note plural) on a man being able to beat his wife. Imagine if a free school had a book saying that a man can beat his wife? It would be all over the BBC, News, The One Show, Radio 5 live etc.
When she was chosen to go around the Olympic Stadium carrying the torch in 2012?
That was one of the days that satire had trumped reality, but-as ever-no comedy or ridicule allowed.
All in the name of ‘democracy’. You know the sort of ‘democracy’ that outmoded concept. It works on the basis that the likes of Bliar, Peter Sunderland, Merkel and our own jewel of a PM dictate solely what’s best for us with the stern follow-up – ‘it will be good for you’.
The rolling immigrant disaster moves on, unaffected by negativity from anyone. In fact, the ‘powers that be’ are so devoted to their multikulty plan that, somewhere, this moment, someone is planning more legislation to halt any dissent.
Books with which liberal hegemony disagree, will be removed from library shelves, else have warnings attached to them. We can’t have the left having their views challenged, what ever next. In the below section, please note how left wing, feminist, thinkers have been relegated from the library sheleves as the left now disagree with them.
The Times writes:
‘The director of library services at UCL, Paul Ayris, revealed the decision to move the Irving books was based on “contemporary thinking among librarians”. This included a study “of the sometimes complex ethical issues of library neutrality, in relation, for example, to climate-change denial, and questions of equality and diversity, as well as Holocaust denial”.
Ayris also referred to a campaign directed at Vancouver Women’s Library to ban 20 feminist titles including works by Andrea Dworkin and Catharine MacKinnon on the grounds they might offend transgender people and sex workers.
Academics said controversial titles included Nigel Lawson’s book An Appeal to Reason: A Cool Look at Global Warming, and The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, which hypothesised that the children of Jesus and Mary Magdalene have a claim to the throne of France, inspiring Dan Brown’s novel The Da Vinci Code.
The debate is being led by a group called the Radical Librarians Collective, which argues that pretending that libraries are “neutral” in the way they display books “maintains the status quo of white supremacist capitalist patriarchy”.’
Ban anything connected with Darwin I say. After all, the theories conflict with islam. Thinking about it, Hawking as well since he advocates theories which cannot and will not be accepted by islam. Thinking more about it lets eliminate physics, chemistry and all the physical sciences…………an so on. Anybody have any experience of wallpapering cave walls or can recommend a good guide book (if it’s not already banned)? I know, lets have a bonfire and burn books. Hm, where have I seen that image before. um um.
I sense that unrest is seething. Dangerous times.
Hi G, fundamental Islamic theology is not in conflict with the theory of evolution – at least with regard the Quran, as far as I am aware of the matter – having read two different English translations of the Quran.
The Quran states that all natural processes occur through Allah’s will, that all must submit to Allah, that all must submit to the prophet of Allah (Muhammad), that all must lay down their worldly possessions and their lives for Muhammad in the service of Allah (when called upon), that their ultimate reward will be in the next life (heaven), that unbelievers and those acting against Allah (i.e. those acting against Muhammad) will be punished in the next life by eternal pain in hell – where even sleep, unconsciousness or “death” will not be given to them to stop their eternal punishment.
Hi G, thanks for that, but theologically the Quran is consistent with evolution. Islam can be critiqued in many ways but saying the Quran is inconsistent with Darwinism is not one of them.
I would be interested in the views of Pounce and Lucy P. who I think have some expertise on Islam.
There is no creationist theology within the Quran.
What the Quran says about the religious scriptures of the Jews and the Christians – is that originally it was the word of Allah, but later the Jews and Christians contaminated them with their own words.
So the old testament, new testament etc are completely unreliable because according to Islam it is unknown which is Allah’s word and which is the contaminated words of Jews and Christians.
Only the Quran, according to Islam, is the unpolluted direct word of God (Allah).
From the Wikipedia page you referenced: The only explicit reference to the creation of life in the Qur’an appears in the aforementioned Sūrat al-Anbiyāʼ, which Allah proclaims “We made out of water every living thing.”
Completely separate to this – what does “We” mean. This is a reference to Allah’s helpers. According to the Quran and the hadiths – Muhammad was reciting the words of the Archangel Gabriel – so the “We” is supposedly from the point of view of Archangel Gabriel – so it refers to all of Allah’s servants (angels etc).
My mother said that at four years old I was such a pain in the head, that she bought be the massive 12 volume Children’s Encyclopaedia of Arthur Mee, to stop all that questioning. After that it was Libraries, and after that it was the Internet. Censorship and Book burning was associated with foreigners, especially the National Socialists in Germany.
Burning a book appealing to reason, written by a Jew, seems an ironic mark of the times as regards BBC policy.
The Sunday Times (pay-walled) has a story of a Pakistani Christian man who was beaten senseless for having two poppies on his car. He was taken to hospital unconscious having suffered internal bleeding to the head.
The attackers were Pakistani muslims who objected to him showing support for our armed forces.
He had already been forced to flee from Pakistan, having been shot for being a Christian and, when interviewed said, “they see that I am Pakistani and they see I am a Christian man, and when they see the poppies on my car they don’t accept me like that…….If I am not a brother, I am a kaffir. They left me for dead. They hit me as if they were playing on a football pitch,”
Derbyshire police did absolutely sweet FA and did not respond to questions about the assault, including whether it was being treated as a hate crime – probably too busy painting their nails and raiding the houses of someone who dared to use the term “muzzie” on twitter.
He called her SUGAR TITS, never have gotten away with that in Rotherham where Labour, cops and social workers know how to treat women.
BBC reports
Conservative MP Mark Garnier is to face an investigation into whether he broke ministerial rules after he admitted asking his secretary to buy sex toys.
The international trade minister also confirmed calling her “sugar tits,” according to the Mail on Sunday, but he said it did not amount to harassment.
Garnier has to go if he called her sugartits.
To get his jollies from watching Gavin and Stacey reruns where Dave Coaches called `Ness the same thing only shows he`s not fit to hold office.
Come up with your own terms Garnier, you don`t need a scriptwriter-just some originality.
That said, O Donnell needs to go for wanting Esther McVey lynched, he called her a bitch as well.
Sackable-need 1:1 Tory :Labour wipeouts, so the BBC don`t see it as a Tory thing….surely a Tory would know THAT.
Sugar tits is also the term Mel Gibson used to insult a female police sergeant when he was arrested for drink driving in 2006. The same incident when he was supposed to have said, “F*****g Jews… The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world.”
Still, Mel is back on top now, directing films again. If sacked, I wonder how long it would take Garnier to rise again?
Would they even be bothering with this stuff at Westminster if the Weinstein scandal hadn’t blown up? If they’re really taking their lead from Hollywood, it just shows yet again that politics is just showbiz for ugly people.
Referencing the Michael Gove ‘Harvey Weinstein’ quip, Dianne Abbott is quoted by the BBC as saying ‘I heard it and I didn’t think it was funny’.
Which is interesting because the mass of the audience clearly did as they laughed heartily and some applauded.
Tells us all we need to know about the Leftmob’s humourless hatred of anyone and anything that dares not to conform to their right-on stereotype.
What would you say to the islamic under/graduate types referred to in the Telegraph article? Would you try and convince them that evolution is a natural component of islam?
Creationism is spreading rapidly within the islamic world (and others) so I conclude there is a movement to utterly destroy evolution. Probably the same ones that now promote non-genders simply ‘moving on’ to pastures greener having wound up most people.
The Quaran predates any thoughts of evolution. Put simply, as you say, it merely states that Allah is dominant in every respect. No room for evolution there. Whichever way you look at it, we are kafirs and anything we do or say it will be condemned in any event.
1) If you want to develop a critique of Islam beyond the insulating confines of THIS website you need to focus on the indisputable core of Islam, not on disputable variants or “denominations” of Islam.
2) If I was paid to teach evolutionary theory, then I would teach evolutionary theory without engaging in any religious objections that might appear from students (or the physics teacher – I wish the Telegraph article had expanded on that – was he a Christian fundamentalist or something else?). Teaching evolutionary theory necessarily focuses on the hard evidence. If the student decides not to attend the classes and subsequently fails the course, then that is their own business. If the student further objects I will ask them to talk to whoever is running the degree programme, or higher up – the dean of studies.
3) When engaging in discussion it is necessary to be aware of time wasters and people unwilling to engage in a two way interchange of ideas. The best one can do with those people is to allow them to state their own view, to question them on their own view, and then move on with something more productive.
Now here’s an interesting quandary brought about by the Beeb and its ilk. I was approached this afternoon by what I assumed to be a Romanian family in a rather battered old white van. They asked me the way to the local community/shopping area where tonight there is a firework display. The area is very well known (it’s in Hampshire) and to not know it (and it’s also well signed) meant they had to have come some distance. But the display is nothing special really and certainly not worth travelling any distance to see. My quandary? Do I tell the police that I suspect that they may be indulging in a well-known Romanian pastime or do I keep quiet? I strongly suspect that there is a chance I could be accused of hate crime, racial profiling and stereotyping. But how would I feel if there were to be a spate of pick-pocketing that I could have prevented. That’s what the likes of the Beeb and the virtue signallers has brought about in this wonderful country of ours.
PS – I’m going to tell a local bobby that if there were to be any incidents I have a dash-cam video they might be interested in
I was interested to read Hitchens column in the MoS today, part of which is about the al Beebus historical drama “Gunpowder”.
He refers to the pro-Catholic and anti-Protestant prejudice shown by the author, which has been discussed on here by various people, and the IRA sympathies he also held (holds?) detailed in a solid post by Thoughtful.
Hitchens is critical of the programme’s historical inaccuracy though of course not the overt; ludicrous; racial anachronisms about which several BBBC posters commented. This, presumably, is because he wants to maintain the highly remunerative sinecure he has at the paper, that would be jeopardized should he make mention of them; for which he can’t really be blamed I suppose: most journos, like politicians, are cowards after all.
On Saturday the BBC showed a documentary about the history of magic in which we saw many very dangerous pseudoscientific medieval books on alchemy and astrology. So as with Dan Browns “The Da Vinci Code” I now wonder if the JK Rowling Harry Potter Books and those medieval books in the British Library, shown on the BBC, are going to be the next victims of the book burners. Sad for our civilisation if so.
GWPF have an article on the issue
\\ The debate is being led by a group called the Radical Librarians Collective,
which argues that pretending that libraries are “neutral” in the way they display books
“maintains the status quo of white supremacist capitalist patriarchy”.//
Similar in Telegraph : Students claim they feel pressured to pander to anti-Brexit bias in essays
\\undergraduates studying law, politics and PPE degrees,
who claim their faculties have created a “hostile” environment which is deterring some with dissenting views from speaking out. //
I’m really impressed by those who claim that there is no Brexit bias in our universities. Students and staff are all ultra intelligent, highly knowledgeable and open-minded individuals who have studied Brexit objectivity and come to the conclusion that it will be a disaster. Like a mathematician proving a theorem, they have deduced the only correct answer. When I was at college many decades ago, all the intelligensia, bar one or two, were equally dogmatic about the “science of history” or Marxism. They were eagerly waiting for capitalism to collapse because of its “internal contradictions” and of course conceded that Stalin had made some mistakes. One of the last lectures I attended was about the “Third Way”. This was not Blair’s “Third Way”, of course, but some visionary intellectual suggesting that Titoism was the way forward for Britain. It was funny then, but the idea is absolutely hilarious now when you consider what actually happened. Someone else also claimed that the DDR wss the 10th richest economy in the world. He based this on DDR statistics and his razor-sharp mind saw no reason to doubt them!!! I suppose the vast majority of the students and staff at the higher institutions of learning in Hitler’s Germany also based their belief in Aryan supremecy and the “Thousand Year Reich” on similarly rigorous methods. That went well too!
????‼️???????? There were some changes to the "Dublin procedure" of the EU, not everyone has noticed this! I have noted the most important points! pic.twitter.com/7XtJdPPA9V
????‼️???????? There were some changes to the "Dublin procedure" of the EU, not everyone has noticed this! I have noted the most important points! pic.twitter.com/7XtJdPPA9V
The BBC reposts certain stories over and over again in a process of vox-trawling; waiting until only the dedicated remain and then use their comments as representative.
This story has been around for ages:
‘Better educated people voted Remain’ in the EU referendum says Labour MP Barry Sheerman. #Brexit
(via BBC Look North (Yorkshire))’
Yet the BBC is still recranking it out as if fresh.
Here’s the top comments, and doubtless those they think will serve as representative:
Jon Roberts Brexit will damage Britain and a sizable percentage of people who voted for it knew it. People who chose to damage their country in my day were called traitors.
Philippe Bazin
Philippe Bazin This guy is right. Only the uneducated and the fools would want to vote for a future of isolation and economic misery for their own country. Geographically, historically and economically, Britain is part of Europe!
Allan Guest
Allan Guest Ignorant, unBritish, unpatriotic selfish people voted remain!
People who only care about their personal wealth and circle and who see no further than their own little bubble!
Pick the bones out of that!
This is however not the reaction I have seen from the vast majority initially.
Only a properly educated person would know about these pieces of Knowledge.
(1) Read a book about European Union Governance, and therefore dislike the undemocratic white supremacist idea of a superstate.
(2) Read a book about the Commonwealth, and therefore love the idea of promoting self governance for sovereign independent nations of many different races.
(3) Know that territories similar to Britain but not in the EU, have a much higher standard of living.
(4) Know that free trade is much cheaper than being trapped in a protectionist single market.
(5) Know that a traitor is a Briton who loves a country called Europe more than a country called Britain.
(6) Know that the English language is a global language because Britain has been Geographically, Historically and Economically a global sea faring Nation.
(7) Know that people who only fear about their personal wealth, because of ignorance and fear of the unknown, due to dumbed down education. Are the people who talk doom about the economy, and voted Remain.
I think the difference is that “well educated” people are educated by dumbed down pro-EU progressive Blairite education, while “properly educated” people are self educated people both inside and outside of the universities. People who have successful dodged through education without letting the propaganda damage the brain, causing what’s left of the brain to vote yes to staying in the EU.
@GuestWho Our MP friend makes a logical fallacy
‘Better educated people voted Remain’
Firstly he means
Of educated people MORE voted Remain than Brexit (UGov poll 68/32)
#1 People were arguably BETTER educated in 1950 when 3% of people went to uni, rather than this century when 40% are crammed into classrooms and handed a certificate whether they are any good or not.
#2 So there we have our “all other things being equal fallacy ”
You can only compare a variable if all other things are equal, but all other things were not equal
cos “having a degree” doesn’t equal being in the more intelligent part of the voting population
– In our group of 100 millenial voters 40 of them voted Brexit and 60 voted Remain, but since 40 of them went to university of course we can say a good number of degree holders voted Remain
– But in our group of 100 pensioners ALL of the degree holders could have voted Brexit and it hardly makes a dint in the over stats for degree holders. https://yougov.co.uk/news/2016/06/27/how-britain-voted/
Now I quite like live sports and I tend to listen to BBC Radio 5 Live for that (although I am thinking of switching to TalkSport – any suggestions?).
Anyway BBC Radio 5 Live seems to have a LOT of female presenters. There seems to be a regular female reader of the News on the hour and half hour. And they also have a lot of female lead presenters in various sports discussion.
Now the female that reads the News does my head in – she speaks in a soulless shallow robotic voice – it is like she is reading from an autocue or a piece of paper. It seems like she is reading the news while thinking about what she is going to make herself for dinner or something. There is no passion. No evidence that she is engaging with what she reads.
To a lesser extent the other female presenters – seem to have a similar, distant, unengaged quality to their voices. I tend to find the mens’ voices more passionate, more engaged, more believable – like there is a thinking brain behind the voice, rather than a rotating hamster wheel without the hamster behind the voices of the women.
Does anyone else get this same impression?
By the way I can’t be sexist because I have decided to be gender fluid for this comment.
You are not wrong. I just really edit listening to it. Footy commentary and that’s it from radio 5. If anyone designed software to filter the crap out they’d make a lot of money but there’d be a lot of silence unless the software switched the channel to something better – which means non al Beeb.
I heard some male announcer with a lisp on al Beeb the other day following on from the gimmick c4 started. I’m waiting for one with a stut stut stut stutter.
@Cali we won’t shout “Racist” or “Sexist”
cos we practice “Listen don’t judge”
…. that’s unlike on lefty forums where they immediately try to judge people.
And that’s the problem with sex crime reporting in society, cos people in the leftysphere are afraid to speak up for fear of being judged as being not one of the gang.
Here’s another fine example of how the BBC goes about its vile business.
A Greek far Left political activist, so-called journalist and regular on the BBC, Maria Margaronis, has made a Radio 4 programme about the Nazi supporting French-Greek-British philosopher, Savitri Devi. It was broadcast on Friday, is available via the iPlayer and was puffed in a lengthy article on the BBC’s ‘magazine’ website section today.
In her article and, one assumes, her programme, Margaronis examines the work of this extraordinarily strange woman (she genuinely was a Nazi – openly the real thing) so one supposes a complaint that she is being written about by a near Communist is pretty pointless, but in passing she manages to link her subject with the US Tea Party, Breitbart Chairman Steve Bannon and, by association, Trump and anyone on the Right of US politics. This is a disgusting smear and if Bannon has good lawyers may even be actionable, but whether he decides to go after the broadcaster or not, it is an example of how the BBC does its dirty work, linking an open, active admirer of Hitler to anyone Right of the US Dems, using a far Left political hack, hoping that the listeners won’t know who she is and will simply accept her disgraceful implications.
Do you ever think that parliament really just isn’t worth it ?
They have their internal problems like the actual building being not fit for anything apart from being a museum.
Bogged down with made up traditions
Misbehaviour of its members – expenses and now alleged sexual harassment
Fighting between factions against the interests of the voters – of any colour
Passing laws like a fad – hate crime – gay marriage – now talking about unrestricted abortion
And don’t start me on the 800 plus peers –
China road and CPC’s governance. Funny how China meetings don’t mention freedom of speech or the heavy handed approach to society. Banning books and wanting to ban internet vpn (anonymous) systems.
This is for the younger viewer
Sugar tit is a folk name for a baby pacifier, or dummy, that was once commonly made and used in North America and Britain. It was made by placing a spoonful of sugar, or honey, in a small patch of clean cloth, then gathering the cloth around the sugar and twisting it to form a bulb.
Sugar tit – Wikipedia
At last a sign of movement about the halal slaughter scandal, Lancashire is banning non stunned slaughter meat now others may follow, of course it is ‘islamophobia’ say muslim groups.
Let’s hope the RSPCA grow a pair and do their job?
Why can’t we at least have big labels on meat for sale telling us if it is Halal, so we can make the choice?
From Telegraph comments…”Why should anyone be forced to support the sale and use of halal meat, especially if they do not adhere to the Islamic ideology?
Well done that council. This is still Britain, not Pakistan. “
@Caliphate mentioned the BBC News Facebook page
Look what they CHOSE to illustrate the top of it
..to give their message this is the BBC’s world
#1 EU flag
#2 Pakistani bicycle boy
#3 Union Jack headscarf woman
In Malaysian Singapore they would not put their flag on an item of clothing cos it’s considered disrespectful
#4 Hand Heart symbol white woman
#5 Guy at gay festival ?
#6 Feminist symbol woman
..White straight man is absent ..as symbolising Britain with that is a bad idea
Countryfile Charity edition Children In Need Ramble
and it’s “look at the little kiddies” * emotional blackmail *
I happen to think charity TV is a con
An evenings TV costs a £1-2million to make, cos of all the salaries pensions etc.
Yet on a charity prog, all the staff are paid like normal, but then they ask us to send in more money.
I’d rather just just rather cut out the middlemen of the Charities staffed by media mates, as pay extra tax.
And you could leave the screen blank and send the entire TV staffs daily pay and pension in as well.
This prog had the same format as last year
It’s a PR trick that charities use.
You create a narrative of one person you are trying to save rather than say all the kids in the UK.
The pick a sad case and focus in on them, so disanled they are not going to make it to the top of the mountain, but the TV people push and push and build up a story where they do indeed get to the top.
And I’m screaming leave the poor kid alone you exploitative bastards.
Last year it was a boy
and this year it was Cancer girl Georgie who I think is 19
The head of BBC Children in Need
“Simon Antrobus last November – had seen his wages go up from around £111,000 to nearly £120,000.”
You see the BBC charity eats up £4.4million in salaries ie about 10% of income
And all this charity does is hand over money to other charities !
The grocers don’t think we will buy into Christmas unless we are seen as black, the furniture manufacturers don’t think we will buy sofas unless we are seen as black and the burger bars don’t think we will buy ‘fries with that’ unless we are seen as black.
BBC R4FooC banging on about the joys of solar panels in Nicaragua
There is the land of obejective truth
and then there is BBC land where they walk down the street and keep bumping into to noble causes like Trans children, oppressed black people , a feminist fighting against Trump etc.
“In the mountains of Nicaragua, Margaret Ward goes off grid but also sees the progress has made in using renewable energy.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b099v3dw
Poor village woman , not connected to the grid
…. but an Irish charity fixes her up with a solar panel
joy she has electric light.
But someone has sold her dream cos she’s already bought an iron and of course this does not work off just the power of one solar panel.
Even this the BBC reporter manages to turn into a positive ..cos the woman will be saving for a few years and will buy another panel.
The reporter enthuses Nicaragua has solar, 20% wind and geothermal.
Plucky little Nicaragua is the only country apart from the US outside the Paris Climate agreement
It refused to sign, cos the Paris Agreement is not strong enough
(This is true cos Paris is just virtue signalling , if you add up all the measures it still allows for massive increases in global emissions)
I’ve been in there cos I was 2 years in Central America and been up the volcano
Stats from gov show me that wind/geothermal generate 31% of power, solar practically nothing.
(The BBC woman said 30% just wind, but she’s wrong)
so most electricity comes from burning stuff 60% and hydro 10%
Robert Peston: ‘I don’t appear to be living in the same Britain as much of the rest of the country’
\\ In Leicester, I assumed it was a collective wind-up when almost every Asian I met said to me that they would be voting for Brexit, in part because of their concerns about what they perceived to be excessive immigration //
\\ Whereas from the other side, the Stronger In camp,
it was all dire warnings from David Cameron and George Osborne that things would only get sh***** if we left the EU.
It was hope versus fear //
\\Dad, we would not be in such a mess if your voice, and others like yours, warning that you can’t allow millions of people to be left behind and then expect them to feel grateful, had been heeded. I wish you were here to help me solve the puzzle of what needs to be done to restore the march of progress, rather than fatalistically accepting fracture and managing endemic failure.//
\\ Dad, you would be shocked, appalled, by how fragile it all feels.
So, tell me please, what the f*** do we do now? //
Your free Telegraph account gets you one free article per browser per month
It's been the post-war socialist consensus that has delivered Peston's divided and unhappy Britain. Robert Peston: https://t.co/FVkK6jOX7u
“May urges reform of procedures to tackle Commons abuse” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-41796477
This is all about diversionary and delaying tactics from the important EU negotiations.
More importantly, its about time that May tackled Brexit and got us out of the ‘super state’ without a so called ‘deal’. Its the only way she can remain in power and got some credibility.
Roll on Rees-Mogg to rescue us from Al Beeb and the EU.
What on earth has happened to the Torys?
Where is Essexman when you need him?
Just a thought. When lefty mobs shout ‘Racist Scum’ at people like Tommy Robinson, will it be considered a hate crime?
Maybe a police spokesman could give us an answer, once their nail varnish is dry.
JohnCMar 4, 03:17 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WTF is Trudeau doing in there ?. That is just a TDS convention. There is a LOT of hate, spite…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Germans knew this was coming. They just did not know what city would be hit first. Here is Nuremberg…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The roof looks in good nick. Just like the cathedral at Notre-Dame in Paris.
tomoMar 4, 00:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We absolutely need some British judges subject to this sort of challenge. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/9VZN2jTwxKc?feature=share
Van HelsingMar 4, 00:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I rather think their ambition is loftier than their reach. Trump holds the cards in this one.
JohnCMar 4, 00:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 This sounds like what that talk about Obama and the Logan act was really about. ‘ a United States federal…
JohnCMar 4, 00:22 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 taff, the usual BBC response is to simply not report it. A search with Google shows several UK sites reporting…
JohnCMar 4, 00:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think you overcomplicate it there Zelazek: Trump is outspokenly right-wing. And the Left absolutely hate people like him with…
If so called white terrorists are supposed to be white nationalist, white supremacists etc.
then why do all their kill targets seem to be white ?
the National Action attack was supposed to Target a white MP
Jo Cox was white
Breivik’s victims were white.
So non-whites seem more likely to be killed in Islamist attacks, cos they are pretty indiscriminate
Nobody believes any of this ‘Far Right’ nonsense. The MSM just puts more nails in their coffins by lying about it.
Chukka Umumu always claims that the right “blame” immigrants for our housing shortage. No one attributes moral blame to immigrants for increasing the demand for an already scarce good. It’s Chukka party that is really to blame for boosting uncontrolled mass immigration for various reasons, one of which was to “rub the right’s noses in diversity”. As far as I can remember, Breivik’s rationale was that murdering young leftist activists who had the usual leftist views on mass immigration would be more effective than murdering random foreigners in stopping this policy. I think you are making the assumption that all white supremacist/neo fascist violence is based on a pathalogical personal hatred of Jews, Blacks, etc.
@ID hopefully I am not making any assumptions
It’s libmob reporters who assume “all white supremacist/neo fascist violence is based on a pathalogical personal hatred of” non-whites
See how they throw words around as if they are equivalent
Far-Right= White-Supremacist= Fascist= Nazi
Well the Nazi’s didn’t run around killing German administrators
..They went out and killed 6 million Jews + gypsies etc.
I am relieved to learn that these assumptions are not your own.
Knowing the tenure of your previous posts, I was somewhat puzzled.
I would extend your equivalence equation
Christian democrat = conservative = UKIP = right wing = AfD = far right = neo nazi = white supremacist = pogromist
The nazis certsinly eliminated German administrators who were as Aryan as they were but did not agree with them to facilitate mass murder
Just been reading a blog on the subject of how some civilisations lag behind others and there was this post which I thought I’d share :
When I was at primary school, we British were taught how far our ancestors – head-hunting woad-bedecked cannibals – were behind the civilisations of Mesopotamia and Egypt. Imagine my surprise when, as an adult, I was told that we had always held a profound, racist belief in the inferiority of all foreigners at all times. Funny, that.
Since the BBC is all for a two state solution why aren’t they supporting Catalan’s declaration of independence?
Sorry for the messy linky thing.
Apparently, in the eyes of the BBC, those who want Catalonian independence are beyond the pale because they have violated the Spanish constitution and held a hideously illegal referendum. The IRA on the other hand, who murdered thousands of ordinary citizens and twice attempted to liquidate the goverment, were such models of constitutionalism and respect for the law that the BBC took it on themselves to act as Adam’s mouthpiece by using voice overs when direct statements by him were banned. I can imagine how eagerly the current Spanish government would offer the state media to seditious Catalonians to get their messagae over.
The Beeb sneeringly demand an apology for Gove’s joke about Weinstein.
Could the BBC apologise to us for their joke about multiculturalism? So the English culture which gave us the Magna Carta, Shakespeare and habeas corpus is not even equal to but is inferior to all other cultures? So no more free speech, respect for the law and protection of women and instead thought Police, a crime epidemic and gangs raping children.
What sort of sick joke is this? We demand an apology to us, our children and our forefathers who fought to protect this great country only for them to destroy it from within.
Have they stopped apologising for Jimmy Savile, let alone Stuart Hall, John Peel or Chris Denning?
To name just a few.
Have they properly apologised yet to Nigel Farage, to Cliff Richard. Lord Bramall, Greville Jenner or Harvey Procter, let alone Lord MacAlpine?
And where is that apology for letting Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross destroy the last years of a gentle comedy legend like Andrew Sachs? Poor lad escaped Kristallnacht as a boy-but got pretty much the same ritual humiliations and violence done to him, but by other means?
No-the BBC needs to go. And WE should get every overpaid “talent” money back before they are liquidated in a firesale for REAL broadcasting talent to come through, once we`ve scorched the foul earth they`ve been squatting over since 1967.
Why bother with more focus on women’s football? I’m sorry but you cannot polish a turd. It will not get much more popular if they promote it more as it is aesthetically so much worse than the men’s game. It has no cultural significance and history like the men’s game. Also, part of analysing and enjoying football is criticising poor play. The BBC coverage is so patronising as any criticism of poor play is off-limits; you can see how terrified the pundits are of committing thought crime.
“…part of analysing and enjoying football is criticising poor play.”
Watch out, that comment could be construed as ‘Hate Speech’. Remember it only needs someone ‘offended’ by a comment who forms part of a group.
Next? – ‘Slant eyed’ looking at a person (with a hateful expression)………………
“It will not get much more popular”
Rather than a break at half-time there should be a short interval every 15 minutes, without the teams leaving the pitch. During the interval the teams could swap shirts.
Beeb – as the general secretary of the National Union of Turdpolishers ( NuTs to you) – I demand an immediate apology for your distasteful attempt at humour at the expense of my members- further none of us are queer and am proud to say we are regularly accused of looking at ladies .- which of course is about to become a hate crime
I have an idea about the Wimmins – best league in the world – footy game …. how about al beeb putting a sexist commentary on the red button ( image ) with that nice Mr Inversale and is “ never gonna be a looker” lines
I look forward to a reply from a miss sogeny at the al beeb department of good ideas ….
What’s happened to BBC men? Has masculinity become a sin? We have the promotion of presenters such as the drippy semi-matinee idol Christian-I like carrot cake-Fraser. We have surely more BBC personnel thrilling to the women’s cricket ashes than there are spectators in the actual crowd. By the way, what precisely are the women’s ashes? Did they burn a male chauvinist of the Freddy Truman era at the stumps and gather his pipe ashes in an empty stick of lippy? I wouldn’t put it past them, given the propensity for the stomach-churning celebration of women’s boxing. I recall some sword and sandal tv drama depicting Roman decadence – a motif of depravitity was a camp George Osborne hair do look-a-like forcing prostitutes to fight as gladiators. I digress. Some good news though – the arab women of Raqqa are now free to put on make up and have a good old ululation. Makes me want to ululate with so-called joy. The gnome-like grand idol one Nicola McSpurtle is now worshipped for her embrace of all the buggery of past ages. The BBC movie review lingers longingly over the Oscar-bait (post-Weinstein) euro movie of 17-yer-old Emilio meets the handsome Oliver (scores 5 out of 5 from the Guardian) – I kid you not. Duty of care anyone? #MeToo? Seventeen, eh. Consent, yes. But not old enough now to be named in law. So many unanswerable questions. Does the BBC seem to fiddle as Barcelona burns?
I think a big part of Trump’s appeal is his masculinity. He is funny, offensive and never apologises for being offensive.
Political correctness is like a lot of women I have known: overly emotional and sensitive – you can rarely take the p**s out of a female friend the same way you can with a bloke. They whinged about the patriarchy but sometimes you need a man to be ruthless and make tough decisions.
Bit unfair BB.
My friends and I share rose wine regularly at a posher type of Wetherspoons when we can. ALL of us laugh at the new culture, rest assured that none of our girls are anything like the media show ponies and students.
The BBC feeds them, the Guardian types seeks them and rewards them.
Most of us are not like that at all. Danger is that it`s a tempting line of income for the coming women who can play the pink card, the red one if they`re having a period, say.
Needs squashing. The BBC caricature of women is as lazy and offensive as that of the white van man who voted for Brexit.
They simply hate the REAL people who keep this country from a collective nervous breakdown, we need to hate them back-and terrify them.
Beeb Bro.
Mother Nature knows best. The Lady is a fucking genius.
Dear m(r/s/?)asiseeit
Thank you for the above comedy series idea . Here at al beeb we always welcome fresh comedy ideas. Which is why we commissioned a truly awful porridge series with fletch the kaffer banged up with the boys from Isis after being found guilty of eating a bacon sandwich without reasonable excuse and in a hateful way.
You may be pleased to know you made my assistant – fedup2- chuckle merrily . He has been sent to the children’s tv gulag .
Any beeboid lefty luvvy
The third item on Five Live ‘news’ bulletin is gay people getting an apology in Northern Island. Someone received an apology, is that news?
If only they could not talk about race, gender or sexuality. We have equality of opportunity now and you never meet ANYONE these days who is genuinely sexist, racist or has a problem with homosexuality. I wish they could give us the news service we pay for rather than virtue signalling in a circle amongst themselves about issues which stopped being issues decades ago.
Beeb ,
Are they getting an apology for being in northern island ? Some good soul should bake them a cake – or maybe best not ..
Not enough popcorn.
She still waiting for the pay rise?
She retweeted the BBC FlakeNews story aboutGove’s 2 second joke
She did not retweet the news story about George Riley being suspended
The Times article say group warned about “two men”
and source close to them said “this may be the tip of the iceberg at the BBC”
Good morning on the first day of GMT.
Completely off topic (or, depending on the answer, possibly not).
Let us first accept for the sake of argument, that the clocks need to go back in Autumn and forward in Spring.
Why then do the clocks go back at the end of October, 7 weeks before the Shortest day, but not go forward until the end of March, 13 weeks after the Shortest day? Why such asymmetry?
I am totally stumped on this. Is it the result of an EU quid pro quo, as those on the East fringe have to be taken into account overall? If so, the weird thing is the asymmetry is also true for the USA.
Any answers would be genuinely welcome.
I’d like the clocks to go back to 1966 . Good Ammo for our pet Beeboid Maxi eh?
Can’t remember the exact details but, yes, it used to be earlier in October but was moved to the last Sunday to fall into line with the EU.
Peter Hitchens is good on this subject but I don’t have his writing to hand right now.
BBC bias over Moslem rapes of children
Is there an archive edit of Paxman in full ‘seriously believe’ mode?
Be useful to have handy if redeployed.
Paxman should delete every account he has.
Interruptions, patronising, straw men… all designed to steer away from facts.
Does the bbc seriously believe they were not and remain part of the problem?
Marr asks Diane Abbott if she were ever sexually harassed in Parliament! Of course not, what a stupid question!
One might only wonder (if psychologically prepared) what processes were involved in the romantic coupling between the youthful Di and Jez, which resulted in their ‘Two go wild in East Germany’ jaunt.
And if any aspects entirely normal then may see one or other moved to the twitter outrage step.
Listen GW, I’ll ‘ave you know she did not have sex(ual) relations with that bloke ( steptoe) all he did was ask her round to sit naked on the floor, legs open, so he could see ‘ow his new brown sofa would look with pink cushions.
They had to throw a large net over her to give her a flu jab – does that count?
Beeb Bro.
I asked all my mates if she gives them the horn. 100% negative replies.
Beeb – I don’t know – she d polish up well Add s bit of lippy …. must ok after a few ( not counting) bears . Have to ask our Jeremy .,
“After a few BEARS?” Well I know some of us have some rather exotic preferences but are we talking Grizzlies or Koalas here.?
Lefty – sorry that was a bit of regional prenuciation – the correct version is – laaaaggerrr
There literally isn’t enough beer in the world…
Try Jungle Juice.
The BBC’s hate campaigns know no bounds. It is evident from the BBC’s output that the BBC hates India and hates hindus. So on their news homepage, their World news page, their Asia news page, their India news page, they are running a story headlined “Nazi in a Sari”
The BBC would never run a story headlined “Nazi in a Hijab” et cetera. The BBC are on a par with Nazi Germany and Islamic State when it comes to relentless propaganda and relentless hate.
I thought this represented a new high for the BBC, referencing in a single article: Nazism; Trump; Breitbart; the Far Right (sic); a Holocaust Denier; denial of a real holocaust affecting the Greeks; the Ku Klak Klan; Hitler; Swastika earrings; Nazi cats; the Tea Party; British policy in India; Islamophilia and anti-Hinduism. About the only thing missing is how Harvey Weinstein fits into it. In many ways, it is a true analogue to the theories of how ‘The Jews’ are responsible for everything, or ‘The Bourgeoisie and Capitalists’ were.
P.S. Can’t do a ‘Nazi in a headscarf’, but how about the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem with Hitler?
“Hate Speech”? It really should be reported to the Police (sorry, stasi).
Remember CPS Guidance:
“Any incident which is believed to be motivated because of a person’s religion or perceived religion, by the victim or any other person”. A ‘whistleblowers charter’.
Well there is no doubt she wore a sari and supported the nazis
The strange thing is narrative the BBC is trying to construct
“‘ah there is is the woman who is the doyen of the alt-right”
OK the other day was her 130th birthday, but before that there was like 1 tweet per week about her
And one strange thing is a newspaper back in March ran almost exactly the same story that the BBC just ran now
..even the same photo
The BBC on their Cbeebies “Make and Colour: Easy Craft Activities for Kids” webpage, are still headlining – MOON & STAR TOAST – food to celebrate the Islamic festival of Eid Al-Adha – the Islamic festival of SACRIFICE that was TWO MONTHS AGO. The BBC continue to pour out Islamic activities for British kids. British kids are being brainwashed by the BBC and at School (halal food etc) at an age when they are simply unable to recognise it.
Farage on now LBC
BBC sml is rubbish
“That Guardian article is complete #FakeNews”
Farage presenting on LBC just said
“LBC organised for me to go see Assange so I went with LBC producer”
Guardian have a conspiracy theory narrative
Am guessing that the Hillary , Democrats and Christopher Steele story is not enough of a conspiracy for them.
Or else, it puts the wrong side in the frame.
To accuse Trump of getting Russian prostitutes to piss on him is just about as evil as it gets.
And then to be found out as paying Russians and MI6 goons to leak this before Trump gets elected-and THEN blaming Trump for colluding with Russians and foreign agents like Steele?
Well that`s a new level of nasty evil that dwarfs all their Watergate hoopla. Then Uranium sold to Russia?…then Benghazi?
Hells bells. This ought to end in treason and a Rosenburg hot seat for most of Obamas goons from 2009-16, surely? Come on Trump. Pull the plug and drown them.
“11 months into Donald Trump’s new world order,”, it is the new world order kind of thing that it seems to me is what Trump, Farage etc., are trying to stop.
Dangerous talk from the Guardian, desperate to stop BREXIT.
The BBC seem to have forgotten all the violence by the Spanish Police against the Catalans.
The BBC rarely forget anything. Well, except directors, heads of and DGs when faced with ricky inquiry questions.
However, their editorial integrity does mean they run out of space or time to include things that don’t suit the BBC narrative.
BBC Jubilant about Al-Jamboree
BBC Inside Out South East have gone all ging gang goolie over the first Muslim Scout Group.
Don’t say Boy Scouts – this BBC report drops the bombshell that more girls are joining the Scouts than are boys. I don’t doubt it. There’s stereotypes to trash and middle class parents with virtue to signal while the boys are left to cower at home playing with the toggle on the Play Station.
“I promise to my duty to Allah and the country in which I live”
Doesn’t that just bring a lump to your throat.
On another thread I wondered what their pledge was.
Well, now we know.
And anyone can join!
BBC yesterday “LOOK, LOOK, look at Michael Gove’s 2 second comment”
= “don’t look at George Riley ”
You know I think I’d rather admire political figures if, when they’ve made a clumsy joke, stuck two fingers up at the howling mob and said, “Oh, go and boil your head!” But they never do.
Michael Gove’s latest quip seemed harmless at the time. The audience liked it, Neil Kinnock was chuckling and no-one thought anything of it. And then the pc mob got involved and we were told that this joke was “offensive” “outrageous” “misogynistic” and encouraged men to behave appallingly, blah, blah, blah.
As usual first out of the blocks was Tory fifth columnist, Anna (sour faced) Soubry. God, what a truly ghastly creature she is. She was also first to call for Boris to resign during the Conservative conference, even though he was the only Tory to make a halfway decent speech.
Soubry was quickly followed by the perennially miserable Shami Chakrabarti. I think if this woman smiled her head would fall off. God’s teeth, can you imagine being stuck at a Christmas party (oops, sorry, I mean winterval festival) with these two?
Like most sane, rational, sensible people, I’m not remotely offended by Gove’s spontaneous and innocent quip.
I am however offended by his gutless capitulation to the pc mafia. These people will never be content until we live in some joyless dystopian, puritanical hellhole.
Mind you, come to think of it…
Have to agree with you Jeff. We live in a world where Data Protection and Privacy Laws are shouted from the ceiling, AND YET where’s the privacy when iPhones are videoing our every movement and Twitter is releasing every word uttered ?
Has it been noticed that we are subliminally edging towards an Islamic way of life ? No humour, women are covering up more in head to toe clothing, halal meat, and promotion of Eid wherever possible.
I had my fair share of ‘propositions’ in the 60’s and 70’s, – but we were mature and worldly enough to tell the proposer to get lost, and that was enough. I think today’s younger females are at school for so long its making them immature (mentally) for so much longer, and haven’t a clue how to deal with unwanted attention. Of course any bloke who forces himself on any female needs castrating, but men will always chance their arm, and females need to toughen up and deal with it. Its life. Weinstein and those in power are a different entity, and do need locking up if the threat of ruining a career for lack of sexual favours is the deal.
(as a P.S. we DO get to an age where any sort of sexual harassment would liven up the day !!!)
You`re right Brissels.
I`d guess that half the BBC stories push for taking on alcohol, pork, Muslim rights, fashionable hijab awards-that kind of thing.
Already they`re softening us up for polygamy via benefits and “feminist communal living”, and doubtless paedophilia will soon get a genetic excuse they`re already searching for. So it`ll be OK.
My main hope here is how does “animal rights and vegetarianism” square with halal?
Can`t please both the Greens and the Muslims on this one.
And what about curry and climate change?
In The Times yet, oddly not yet on the BBC .
Poppy wearing Christian Asian says he was beaten up by Muslims who have previously threatened him.
Jeremy Corbyn, the man who says we must talk to those groups who want to kill us and destroy our way of life, will be snubbing the centenary of the Balfour Declaration.
State funded Muslim school is still seeking action through the courts to allow it sepertae boys from girls at all times within the school, which is illegal under UK law for sex discrimination.
The report also mentions how the school had books (note plural) on a man being able to beat his wife. Imagine if a free school had a book saying that a man can beat his wife? It would be all over the BBC, News, The One Show, Radio 5 live etc.
Silly moo actually dobs herself in.
Not sure that ‘it’s only a ‘decent’ allegation if the BBC tells me it is’ really works post-McAlpine.
Andrew is not there, in any sense to give Labour a hard time.
About facts.
Which the BBC does not know about either.
Moving on.
When she was chosen to go around the Olympic Stadium carrying the torch in 2012?
That was one of the days that satire had trumped reality, but-as ever-no comedy or ridicule allowed.
All in the name of ‘democracy’. You know the sort of ‘democracy’ that outmoded concept. It works on the basis that the likes of Bliar, Peter Sunderland, Merkel and our own jewel of a PM dictate solely what’s best for us with the stern follow-up – ‘it will be good for you’.
The rolling immigrant disaster moves on, unaffected by negativity from anyone. In fact, the ‘powers that be’ are so devoted to their multikulty plan that, somewhere, this moment, someone is planning more legislation to halt any dissent.
Sorry, left out:
Books with which liberal hegemony disagree, will be removed from library shelves, else have warnings attached to them. We can’t have the left having their views challenged, what ever next. In the below section, please note how left wing, feminist, thinkers have been relegated from the library sheleves as the left now disagree with them.
The Times writes:
‘The director of library services at UCL, Paul Ayris, revealed the decision to move the Irving books was based on “contemporary thinking among librarians”. This included a study “of the sometimes complex ethical issues of library neutrality, in relation, for example, to climate-change denial, and questions of equality and diversity, as well as Holocaust denial”.
Ayris also referred to a campaign directed at Vancouver Women’s Library to ban 20 feminist titles including works by Andrea Dworkin and Catharine MacKinnon on the grounds they might offend transgender people and sex workers.
Academics said controversial titles included Nigel Lawson’s book An Appeal to Reason: A Cool Look at Global Warming, and The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, which hypothesised that the children of Jesus and Mary Magdalene have a claim to the throne of France, inspiring Dan Brown’s novel The Da Vinci Code.
The debate is being led by a group called the Radical Librarians Collective, which argues that pretending that libraries are “neutral” in the way they display books “maintains the status quo of white supremacist capitalist patriarchy”.’
Ban anything connected with Darwin I say. After all, the theories conflict with islam. Thinking about it, Hawking as well since he advocates theories which cannot and will not be accepted by islam. Thinking more about it lets eliminate physics, chemistry and all the physical sciences…………an so on. Anybody have any experience of wallpapering cave walls or can recommend a good guide book (if it’s not already banned)? I know, lets have a bonfire and burn books. Hm, where have I seen that image before. um um.
I sense that unrest is seething. Dangerous times.
Hi G, fundamental Islamic theology is not in conflict with the theory of evolution – at least with regard the Quran, as far as I am aware of the matter – having read two different English translations of the Quran.
The Quran states that all natural processes occur through Allah’s will, that all must submit to Allah, that all must submit to the prophet of Allah (Muhammad), that all must lay down their worldly possessions and their lives for Muhammad in the service of Allah (when called upon), that their ultimate reward will be in the next life (heaven), that unbelievers and those acting against Allah (i.e. those acting against Muhammad) will be punished in the next life by eternal pain in hell – where even sleep, unconsciousness or “death” will not be given to them to stop their eternal punishment.
“And the heaven We constructed with strength, and indeed, We are [its] expander.
— Quran 51:47” – “We”?
“Islamic views on evolution are diverse, ranging from theistic evolution to Old Earth creationism.[1]”
Unless something profound has happened since 2011 to change views –
Hi G, thanks for that, but theologically the Quran is consistent with evolution. Islam can be critiqued in many ways but saying the Quran is inconsistent with Darwinism is not one of them.
I would be interested in the views of Pounce and Lucy P. who I think have some expertise on Islam.
There is no creationist theology within the Quran.
What the Quran says about the religious scriptures of the Jews and the Christians – is that originally it was the word of Allah, but later the Jews and Christians contaminated them with their own words.
So the old testament, new testament etc are completely unreliable because according to Islam it is unknown which is Allah’s word and which is the contaminated words of Jews and Christians.
Only the Quran, according to Islam, is the unpolluted direct word of God (Allah).
From the Wikipedia page you referenced:
The only explicit reference to the creation of life in the Qur’an appears in the aforementioned Sūrat al-Anbiyāʼ, which Allah proclaims “We made out of water every living thing.”
Completely separate to this – what does “We” mean. This is a reference to Allah’s helpers. According to the Quran and the hadiths – Muhammad was reciting the words of the Archangel Gabriel – so the “We” is supposedly from the point of view of Archangel Gabriel – so it refers to all of Allah’s servants (angels etc).
My mother said that at four years old I was such a pain in the head, that she bought be the massive 12 volume Children’s Encyclopaedia of Arthur Mee, to stop all that questioning. After that it was Libraries, and after that it was the Internet. Censorship and Book burning was associated with foreigners, especially the National Socialists in Germany.
Burning a book appealing to reason, written by a Jew, seems an ironic mark of the times as regards BBC policy.
I also got the Arthur Mee children’s encyclopaedia.
A wonderful mix of a bit of everything.
You just brought back a whole load of memories Richard.
“Beaten up for poppies on his car”
The Sunday Times (pay-walled) has a story of a Pakistani Christian man who was beaten senseless for having two poppies on his car. He was taken to hospital unconscious having suffered internal bleeding to the head.
The attackers were Pakistani muslims who objected to him showing support for our armed forces.
He had already been forced to flee from Pakistan, having been shot for being a Christian and, when interviewed said, “they see that I am Pakistani and they see I am a Christian man, and when they see the poppies on my car they don’t accept me like that…….If I am not a brother, I am a kaffir. They left me for dead. They hit me as if they were playing on a football pitch,”
Derbyshire police did absolutely sweet FA and did not respond to questions about the assault, including whether it was being treated as a hate crime – probably too busy painting their nails and raiding the houses of someone who dared to use the term “muzzie” on twitter.
He called her SUGAR TITS, never have gotten away with that in Rotherham where Labour, cops and social workers know how to treat women.
BBC reports
Conservative MP Mark Garnier is to face an investigation into whether he broke ministerial rules after he admitted asking his secretary to buy sex toys.
The international trade minister also confirmed calling her “sugar tits,” according to the Mail on Sunday, but he said it did not amount to harassment.
Garnier has to go if he called her sugartits.
To get his jollies from watching Gavin and Stacey reruns where Dave Coaches called `Ness the same thing only shows he`s not fit to hold office.
Come up with your own terms Garnier, you don`t need a scriptwriter-just some originality.
That said, O Donnell needs to go for wanting Esther McVey lynched, he called her a bitch as well.
Sackable-need 1:1 Tory :Labour wipeouts, so the BBC don`t see it as a Tory thing….surely a Tory would know THAT.
Sugar tits is also the term Mel Gibson used to insult a female police sergeant when he was arrested for drink driving in 2006. The same incident when he was supposed to have said, “F*****g Jews… The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world.”
Still, Mel is back on top now, directing films again. If sacked, I wonder how long it would take Garnier to rise again?
Would they even be bothering with this stuff at Westminster if the Weinstein scandal hadn’t blown up? If they’re really taking their lead from Hollywood, it just shows yet again that politics is just showbiz for ugly people.
Referencing the Michael Gove ‘Harvey Weinstein’ quip, Dianne Abbott is quoted by the BBC as saying ‘I heard it and I didn’t think it was funny’.
Which is interesting because the mass of the audience clearly did as they laughed heartily and some applauded.
Tells us all we need to know about the Leftmob’s humourless hatred of anyone and anything that dares not to conform to their right-on stereotype.
Perhaps she’s a bit slow?
Funny that-she`d have laughed at the news of Mrs Thatchers death I bet?
Not a sexist anti-women thing either eh Dianne?
Gwf –
Stop me but I find that quite sweet.
Bloody hell is that why he’s gonna get the reshuffle to fish and ag or the home office where he ll be under a woman ?
“Brian Cox Tour announced”
At £50/ticket inc booking fee
and his standard of Pop-Physics is dreadful
More like ie Brian Quacks
“Brian Cuax”
That’s quite reasonable if it includes flying around the world sixteen times to look wistfully up at the sky.
Stew –
He was very good in that Scottish play about the detective .
And The Bourne Supremacy LOL. And Manhunter.
Oh, If only, if only this could happen here. Or, at least, the arrival of a strong party that respects the wishes of the majority of the population. Dream on…………..
What would you say to the islamic under/graduate types referred to in the Telegraph article? Would you try and convince them that evolution is a natural component of islam?
Creationism is spreading rapidly within the islamic world (and others) so I conclude there is a movement to utterly destroy evolution. Probably the same ones that now promote non-genders simply ‘moving on’ to pastures greener having wound up most people.
The Quaran predates any thoughts of evolution. Put simply, as you say, it merely states that Allah is dominant in every respect. No room for evolution there. Whichever way you look at it, we are kafirs and anything we do or say it will be condemned in any event.
So is the Emir of London a creationist or does he reject the teaching of the Koran?
Hi G,
1) If you want to develop a critique of Islam beyond the insulating confines of THIS website you need to focus on the indisputable core of Islam, not on disputable variants or “denominations” of Islam.
2) If I was paid to teach evolutionary theory, then I would teach evolutionary theory without engaging in any religious objections that might appear from students (or the physics teacher – I wish the Telegraph article had expanded on that – was he a Christian fundamentalist or something else?). Teaching evolutionary theory necessarily focuses on the hard evidence. If the student decides not to attend the classes and subsequently fails the course, then that is their own business. If the student further objects I will ask them to talk to whoever is running the degree programme, or higher up – the dean of studies.
3) When engaging in discussion it is necessary to be aware of time wasters and people unwilling to engage in a two way interchange of ideas. The best one can do with those people is to allow them to state their own view, to question them on their own view, and then move on with something more productive.
Now here’s an interesting quandary brought about by the Beeb and its ilk. I was approached this afternoon by what I assumed to be a Romanian family in a rather battered old white van. They asked me the way to the local community/shopping area where tonight there is a firework display. The area is very well known (it’s in Hampshire) and to not know it (and it’s also well signed) meant they had to have come some distance. But the display is nothing special really and certainly not worth travelling any distance to see. My quandary? Do I tell the police that I suspect that they may be indulging in a well-known Romanian pastime or do I keep quiet? I strongly suspect that there is a chance I could be accused of hate crime, racial profiling and stereotyping. But how would I feel if there were to be a spate of pick-pocketing that I could have prevented. That’s what the likes of the Beeb and the virtue signallers has brought about in this wonderful country of ours.
PS – I’m going to tell a local bobby that if there were to be any incidents I have a dash-cam video they might be interested in
I was interested to read Hitchens column in the MoS today, part of which is about the al Beebus historical drama “Gunpowder”.
He refers to the pro-Catholic and anti-Protestant prejudice shown by the author, which has been discussed on here by various people, and the IRA sympathies he also held (holds?) detailed in a solid post by Thoughtful.
Hitchens is critical of the programme’s historical inaccuracy though of course not the overt; ludicrous; racial anachronisms about which several BBBC posters commented. This, presumably, is because he wants to maintain the highly remunerative sinecure he has at the paper, that would be jeopardized should he make mention of them; for which he can’t really be blamed I suppose: most journos, like politicians, are cowards after all.
Anybody know why the bBC hasn’t reported this violent assault in Luton which just happened to be caught on Camera:
Man attacked with a crowbar in Luton
Isn’t that some kind of intragroup contretemps?
The letters B, B and C may well have something to do with it…
Orwell Corporation : Orwell Universities
On Saturday the BBC showed a documentary about the history of magic in which we saw many very dangerous pseudoscientific medieval books on alchemy and astrology. So as with Dan Browns “The Da Vinci Code” I now wonder if the JK Rowling Harry Potter Books and those medieval books in the British Library, shown on the BBC, are going to be the next victims of the book burners. Sad for our civilisation if so.
GWPF have an article on the issue

\\ The debate is being led by a group called the Radical Librarians Collective,
which argues that pretending that libraries are “neutral” in the way they display books
“maintains the status quo of white supremacist capitalist patriarchy”.//
Similar in Telegraph : Students claim they feel pressured to pander to anti-Brexit bias in essays
\\undergraduates studying law, politics and PPE degrees,
who claim their faculties have created a “hostile” environment which is deterring some with dissenting views from speaking out. //
News on survey of Brexit bias in teaching

I’m really impressed by those who claim that there is no Brexit bias in our universities. Students and staff are all ultra intelligent, highly knowledgeable and open-minded individuals who have studied Brexit objectivity and come to the conclusion that it will be a disaster. Like a mathematician proving a theorem, they have deduced the only correct answer. When I was at college many decades ago, all the intelligensia, bar one or two, were equally dogmatic about the “science of history” or Marxism. They were eagerly waiting for capitalism to collapse because of its “internal contradictions” and of course conceded that Stalin had made some mistakes. One of the last lectures I attended was about the “Third Way”. This was not Blair’s “Third Way”, of course, but some visionary intellectual suggesting that Titoism was the way forward for Britain. It was funny then, but the idea is absolutely hilarious now when you consider what actually happened. Someone else also claimed that the DDR wss the 10th richest economy in the world. He based this on DDR statistics and his razor-sharp mind saw no reason to doubt them!!! I suppose the vast majority of the students and staff at the higher institutions of learning in Hitler’s Germany also based their belief in Aryan supremecy and the “Thousand Year Reich” on similarly rigorous methods. That went well too!
Breitbart has a new long article
Infowars too
Anybody know why the bBC hasn’t mentioned this:
MEPs approve Dublin regulation overhaul
Anybody know why the bBC hasn’t mentioned this:
MEPs approve Dublin regulation overhaul
Secret tip for good news snippets
shush , so not to spoil.
Thanks stew – it doesn’t exist …. apart from for we few ( I left the’ happy’ out ) good old smug Peston eh?
The BBC reposts certain stories over and over again in a process of vox-trawling; waiting until only the dedicated remain and then use their comments as representative.
This story has been around for ages:
‘Better educated people voted Remain’ in the EU referendum says Labour MP Barry Sheerman. #Brexit
(via BBC Look North (Yorkshire))’
Yet the BBC is still recranking it out as if fresh.
Here’s the top comments, and doubtless those they think will serve as representative:
Jon Roberts Brexit will damage Britain and a sizable percentage of people who voted for it knew it. People who chose to damage their country in my day were called traitors.
Philippe Bazin
Philippe Bazin This guy is right. Only the uneducated and the fools would want to vote for a future of isolation and economic misery for their own country. Geographically, historically and economically, Britain is part of Europe!
Allan Guest
Allan Guest Ignorant, unBritish, unpatriotic selfish people voted remain!
People who only care about their personal wealth and circle and who see no further than their own little bubble!
Pick the bones out of that!
This is however not the reaction I have seen from the vast majority initially.
BBC jobbie done.
Only a properly educated person would know about these pieces of Knowledge.
(1) Read a book about European Union Governance, and therefore dislike the undemocratic white supremacist idea of a superstate.
(2) Read a book about the Commonwealth, and therefore love the idea of promoting self governance for sovereign independent nations of many different races.
(3) Know that territories similar to Britain but not in the EU, have a much higher standard of living.
(4) Know that free trade is much cheaper than being trapped in a protectionist single market.
(5) Know that a traitor is a Briton who loves a country called Europe more than a country called Britain.
(6) Know that the English language is a global language because Britain has been Geographically, Historically and Economically a global sea faring Nation.
(7) Know that people who only fear about their personal wealth, because of ignorance and fear of the unknown, due to dumbed down education. Are the people who talk doom about the economy, and voted Remain.
I think the difference is that “well educated” people are educated by dumbed down pro-EU progressive Blairite education, while “properly educated” people are self educated people both inside and outside of the universities. People who have successful dodged through education without letting the propaganda damage the brain, causing what’s left of the brain to vote yes to staying in the EU.
@GuestWho Our MP friend makes a logical fallacy
‘Better educated people voted Remain’
Firstly he means
Of educated people MORE voted Remain than Brexit (UGov poll 68/32)
#1 People were arguably BETTER educated in 1950 when 3% of people went to uni, rather than this century when 40% are crammed into classrooms and handed a certificate whether they are any good or not.
#2 So there we have our “all other things being equal fallacy ”
You can only compare a variable if all other things are equal, but all other things were not equal
cos “having a degree” doesn’t equal being in the more intelligent part of the voting population
– In our group of 100 millenial voters 40 of them voted Brexit and 60 voted Remain, but since 40 of them went to university of course we can say a good number of degree holders voted Remain
– But in our group of 100 pensioners ALL of the degree holders could have voted Brexit and it hardly makes a dint in the over stats for degree holders.
Link to BBC FB post
Hi, I am canvassing for opinions.
Now I quite like live sports and I tend to listen to BBC Radio 5 Live for that (although I am thinking of switching to TalkSport – any suggestions?).
Anyway BBC Radio 5 Live seems to have a LOT of female presenters. There seems to be a regular female reader of the News on the hour and half hour. And they also have a lot of female lead presenters in various sports discussion.
Now the female that reads the News does my head in – she speaks in a soulless shallow robotic voice – it is like she is reading from an autocue or a piece of paper. It seems like she is reading the news while thinking about what she is going to make herself for dinner or something. There is no passion. No evidence that she is engaging with what she reads.
To a lesser extent the other female presenters – seem to have a similar, distant, unengaged quality to their voices. I tend to find the mens’ voices more passionate, more engaged, more believable – like there is a thinking brain behind the voice, rather than a rotating hamster wheel without the hamster behind the voices of the women.
Does anyone else get this same impression?
By the way I can’t be sexist because I have decided to be gender fluid for this comment.
You are not wrong. I just really edit listening to it. Footy commentary and that’s it from radio 5. If anyone designed software to filter the crap out they’d make a lot of money but there’d be a lot of silence unless the software switched the channel to something better – which means non al Beeb.
I heard some male announcer with a lisp on al Beeb the other day following on from the gimmick c4 started. I’m waiting for one with a stut stut stut stutter.
@Cali we won’t shout “Racist” or “Sexist”
cos we practice “Listen don’t judge”
…. that’s unlike on lefty forums where they immediately try to judge people.
And that’s the problem with sex crime reporting in society, cos people in the leftysphere are afraid to speak up for fear of being judged as being not one of the gang.
Those robot voices are really believably human notadays aren’t they?
And they don’t complain about pay gaps or lack of sexual advances either.
Here’s another fine example of how the BBC goes about its vile business.
A Greek far Left political activist, so-called journalist and regular on the BBC, Maria Margaronis, has made a Radio 4 programme about the Nazi supporting French-Greek-British philosopher, Savitri Devi. It was broadcast on Friday, is available via the iPlayer and was puffed in a lengthy article on the BBC’s ‘magazine’ website section today.
In her article and, one assumes, her programme, Margaronis examines the work of this extraordinarily strange woman (she genuinely was a Nazi – openly the real thing) so one supposes a complaint that she is being written about by a near Communist is pretty pointless, but in passing she manages to link her subject with the US Tea Party, Breitbart Chairman Steve Bannon and, by association, Trump and anyone on the Right of US politics. This is a disgusting smear and if Bannon has good lawyers may even be actionable, but whether he decides to go after the broadcaster or not, it is an example of how the BBC does its dirty work, linking an open, active admirer of Hitler to anyone Right of the US Dems, using a far Left political hack, hoping that the listeners won’t know who she is and will simply accept her disgraceful implications.
Truly, the BBC is beneath contempt.
see my comment further up the page
October 29, 2017 at 12:11 pm
Do you ever think that parliament really just isn’t worth it ?
They have their internal problems like the actual building being not fit for anything apart from being a museum.
Bogged down with made up traditions
Misbehaviour of its members – expenses and now alleged sexual harassment
Fighting between factions against the interests of the voters – of any colour
Passing laws like a fad – hate crime – gay marriage – now talking about unrestricted abortion
And don’t start me on the 800 plus peers –
And they can’t even control al Beeb
China road and CPC’s governance. Funny how China meetings don’t mention freedom of speech or the heavy handed approach to society. Banning books and wanting to ban internet vpn (anonymous) systems.
Cabinet to investigate Mark Garnier who called a woman SUGAR TITS
Is this ‘sugartitsgate?
This is dirty. Stop it!
This is for the younger viewer
Sugar tit is a folk name for a baby pacifier, or dummy, that was once commonly made and used in North America and Britain. It was made by placing a spoonful of sugar, or honey, in a small patch of clean cloth, then gathering the cloth around the sugar and twisting it to form a bulb.
Sugar tit – Wikipedia
Is that a representation of Call-me-Dave on the packet?
Namby pamby rubbish. A teaspoon of brandy in the baby’s milk always does the trick.
Or a stiff gin in the mother if it is breast fed.
If the Garnier story turns out to be true I shall be boycotting Garnier Old Git Crotch Sweetner Spray from now on! Such goings on!
At last a sign of movement about the halal slaughter scandal, Lancashire is banning non stunned slaughter meat now others may follow, of course it is ‘islamophobia’ say muslim groups.
Let’s hope the RSPCA grow a pair and do their job?
Why can’t we at least have big labels on meat for sale telling us if it is Halal, so we can make the choice?
From Telegraph comments…”Why should anyone be forced to support the sale and use of halal meat, especially if they do not adhere to the Islamic ideology?
Well done that council. This is still Britain, not Pakistan. “
A nice large WARNING: HALAL label should do the trick.
BBC Christmas walk-out fears as stars ‘in tears’ over tax change.
Oh goody goody. We shall have a Happy Christmas after all!
@Caliphate mentioned the BBC News Facebook page
Look what they CHOSE to illustrate the top of it
..to give their message this is the BBC’s world
#1 EU flag
#2 Pakistani bicycle boy
#3 Union Jack headscarf woman
In Malaysian Singapore they would not put their flag on an item of clothing cos it’s considered disrespectful
#4 Hand Heart symbol white woman
#5 Guy at gay festival ?
#6 Feminist symbol woman
..White straight man is absent ..as symbolising Britain with that is a bad idea
Countryfile Charity edition Children In Need Ramble
and it’s “look at the little kiddies” * emotional blackmail *
I happen to think charity TV is a con
An evenings TV costs a £1-2million to make, cos of all the salaries pensions etc.
Yet on a charity prog, all the staff are paid like normal, but then they ask us to send in more money.
I’d rather just just rather cut out the middlemen of the Charities staffed by media mates, as pay extra tax.
And you could leave the screen blank and send the entire TV staffs daily pay and pension in as well.
This prog had the same format as last year
It’s a PR trick that charities use.
You create a narrative of one person you are trying to save rather than say all the kids in the UK.
The pick a sad case and focus in on them, so disanled they are not going to make it to the top of the mountain, but the TV people push and push and build up a story where they do indeed get to the top.
And I’m screaming leave the poor kid alone you exploitative bastards.
Last year it was a boy
and this year it was Cancer girl Georgie who I think is 19
The head of BBC Children in Need
“Simon Antrobus last November – had seen his wages go up from around £111,000 to nearly £120,000.”
You see the BBC charity eats up £4.4million in salaries ie about 10% of income
And all this charity does is hand over money to other charities !
The Sunday post recently did an expose

Sorry SG. you said, “And all this charity does is hand over money to other charities”
Not quite true; every year it puts more funds into its reserves than it gives out to other charities.
Why does any charity need massive reserves? Especially why does a meta-charity need any?
Thanks so it collects £44m , wages £4.4m..banks £20m+ and gives out £20m
So it’s something like it’s admin costs are 20% on what it gives out
The grocers don’t think we will buy into Christmas unless we are seen as black, the furniture manufacturers don’t think we will buy sofas unless we are seen as black and the burger bars don’t think we will buy ‘fries with that’ unless we are seen as black.
Didn’t Country File get the memo?
BBC R4FooC banging on about the joys of solar panels in Nicaragua
There is the land of obejective truth
and then there is BBC land where they walk down the street and keep bumping into to noble causes like Trans children, oppressed black people , a feminist fighting against Trump etc.
“In the mountains of Nicaragua, Margaret Ward goes off grid but also sees the progress has made in using renewable energy.”
Poor village woman , not connected to the grid
…. but an Irish charity fixes her up with a solar panel
joy she has electric light.
But someone has sold her dream cos she’s already bought an iron and of course this does not work off just the power of one solar panel.
Even this the BBC reporter manages to turn into a positive ..cos the woman will be saving for a few years and will buy another panel.
The reporter enthuses Nicaragua has solar, 20% wind and geothermal.
Plucky little Nicaragua is the only country apart from the US outside the Paris Climate agreement
It refused to sign, cos the Paris Agreement is not strong enough
(This is true cos Paris is just virtue signalling , if you add up all the measures it still allows for massive increases in global emissions)
I’ve been in there cos I was 2 years in Central America and been up the volcano
Stats from gov show me that wind/geothermal generate 31% of power, solar practically nothing.
(The BBC woman said 30% just wind, but she’s wrong)
so most electricity comes from burning stuff 60% and hydro 10%
Click to access generacion_neta_2010-2016-actsept17.pdf
Robert Peston: ‘I don’t appear to be living in the same Britain as much of the rest of the country’
\\ In Leicester, I assumed it was a collective wind-up when almost every Asian I met said to me that they would be voting for Brexit, in part because of their concerns about what they perceived to be excessive immigration //
\\ Whereas from the other side, the Stronger In camp,
it was all dire warnings from David Cameron and George Osborne that things would only get sh***** if we left the EU.
It was hope versus fear //
\\Dad, we would not be in such a mess if your voice, and others like yours, warning that you can’t allow millions of people to be left behind and then expect them to feel grateful, had been heeded. I wish you were here to help me solve the puzzle of what needs to be done to restore the march of progress, rather than fatalistically accepting fracture and managing endemic failure.//
\\ Dad, you would be shocked, appalled, by how fragile it all feels.
So, tell me please, what the f*** do we do now? //
Your free Telegraph account gets you one free article per browser per month
“May urges reform of procedures to tackle Commons abuse”
This is all about diversionary and delaying tactics from the important EU negotiations.
More importantly, its about time that May tackled Brexit and got us out of the ‘super state’ without a so called ‘deal’. Its the only way she can remain in power and got some credibility.
Roll on Rees-Mogg to rescue us from Al Beeb and the EU.
What on earth has happened to the Torys?
Where is Essexman when you need him?
“Cross-party group of MPs accuse BBC of ‘Brexit bias”
“JACOB Reese-Mogg has accused the BBC of having a “deep-seated bias” amid claims the broadcaster gives Remain backers more airtime than Brexiteers.”
When is the government going to act on this petition?
Just a thought. When lefty mobs shout ‘Racist Scum’ at people like Tommy Robinson, will it be considered a hate crime?
Maybe a police spokesman could give us an answer, once their nail varnish is dry.
Haven’t seen this on bBBC or Sky
Of national importance I’d have thought