Whilst the BBC doesn’t like to report anything that might indicate a terror attack was Islamic in nature, avoiding eye-witness reports and other news sources’ informed speculation until forced to do so, it is happy to casually assert Brexit causes Islamophobia.
This is my country, too
This year has seen a spike in anti-Muslim hate crimes, and a new survey shows women are suffering the most – so what’s it like to be a black British Muslim woman at the moment? Not great, says Muna Ahmed.
“I’ve always felt safe here in England, but post-Brexit, post the [terror] attacks, it’s getting worse and worse.”
I rather think any abuse is more to do with the numerous savage and murderous attacks by Muslim attackers on people in this country in the name of Allah.
The Muslim goes on…
After major attacks we have to endure intimidating comments and fear personal attacks, all because of the actions of a terrorist. Being held accountable for the actions of extremists is a massive burden.
Some days I want to scream at the top of my voice that I have nothing to do with terrorism but it doesn’t matter how loud I scream, I will always be tarred with the same brush.
All we want is to feel safe in our own country and to be accepted for who we are – because we are British and this is our home.
AS the country vexes itself over how to deal with the radicalisation of British-born Muslim youths, it’s revealing to know some of their leaders believe they have the answer.
The introduction of Sharia Law in Britain along with important religious days in the Muslim calendar becoming public holidays for followers of the faith should do the trick, or so claims the secretary general of the Union of Muslim Organisations in the UK and Ireland.
As Dr Syed Aziz Pasha says: “If you give us religious rights we will be in a better position to convince young people that they are being treated equally along with other citizens.”
This sounds perilously close to blackmail.
We have a right to be angry at the ideology that licences these attacks as Brendan O’Neil says in Spiked……
As part of the post-terror narrative, our emotions are closely policed. Some emotions are celebrated, others demonised. Empathy – good. Grief – good. Sharing your sadness online – great. But hatred? Anger? Fury? These are bad. They are inferior forms of feeling, apparently, and must be discouraged. Because if we green-light anger about terrorism, then people will launch pogroms against Muslims, they say, or even attack Sikhs or the local Hindu-owned cornershop, because that’s how stupid and hateful we apparently are. But there is a strong justification for hate right now. Certainly for anger. For rage, in fact. Twenty-two of our fellow citizens were killed at a pop concert. I hate that, I hate the person who did it, I hate those who will apologise for it, and I hate the ideology that underpins such barbarism. I want to destroy that ideology.
Where’s the rage? If the massacre of children and their parents on a fun night out doesn’t make you feel rage, nothing will. The terrorist has defeated you. You are dead already.
Britain is well on its way to Talibanisation in many areas...as said, the violence is not the real problem..it is the intent behind that violence, an intent shared by the ‘non-violent’ as well, that is the problem…the problem that labels white women as prostitutes and British society as decadent and tries to hijack our schools…. Islamisation….
Make no mistake, Taliban devotees are in our schools, playgrounds, homes, mosques, political parties, public service, private firms and universities.
And if we are to have any hope of combating them, we need to stop this attitude of appeasement and understand why so many Muslims are attracted to the most punishing forms of belief, suppressing women and children.
If this was happening in any other nation, we would be condemning it loudly.
Yet here, curtailed and deficient education endured by many Muslim children is seen as a religious entitlement, which, if opposed, apparently confirms Islamophobia.
Why are we fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan and indulging Taliban values here?
Even if it offends liberal principles, the powerful must find a way of stopping Islamicists from promulgating their distorted creed.
About time the BBC started asking Muslims like the one in this report what their views are on homosexuaity, apostates, a woman’s place in a Muslim society, Jews and foreign policy….find out just what she actually believes her religion to be rather than give us an extremely one-sided viewpoint that goes completely unchallenged.
If anything British people are way too supine over all these things like Muslim attacks.
How many other countries are as slow to anger as this one? I don`t count the EU ones, because they`re neutered as independent nation states?( but Eastern Europe isn`t quite dead yet).
Imagine how China, Bolivia, Angola or Belarus would behave if their priests or soldiers were beheaded in broad daylight, their girls raped and attacked in streets or childrens homes or their kids blown up at pop concerts.
Muslims seem intent on seeing how far their worst can push it-they do nothing,but see if we`re oven-ready yet.
Time to get the oven mitts on, and not put up with this any longer-once the BBC have been removed, we ourselves might tell them.
Both tapeworms need removing from our guts.
I agree. I don’t see any rampant Islamaphobia and I live in among many Muslims.In fact given what we put up with in terms of tolerance and preferential treatment of Islam ,I’m surprise its not more widespread. My area has the largest sharia court inthe country.I don’t see any demos or attacks against it ,although it breaks much British equality law and domestic violence law.
The BBC, and all the self-appointed elites, cosset Muslims (including terrorists) because they are much more scared of their other enemy — the less “progressive” working-class white people of Britain.
This is why after every terrorist attack, the BBC’s main anxiety is about the possibility of an “Islamophobic backlash“, whatever that means. The elites’ horror of the “ordinary man” (and woman, of course, but nothing in between) is profound, and only increased after they punched the elites full on the nose with the Brexit vote.
To the BBC, the ordinary working people of Britain are an embarrassing throwback, stupid beyond belief and holding fast to values which are anathema to the “progressive” movement.
But there are tens of millions of them, and the BBC’s loathing of them far outweighs their opposition to Islamic terrorism, which they calculate is unlikely to impact any of them.
Let’s puts facts in perspective
3 actual Islamic terrorist attacks in the UK during 2017 35 killed , over 150 injured.
1 white on Muslim attack 1 killed , 9 injured.
On top of that there have been numerous arrests of Muslim preparing to carry out terrorist acts
And the bBC tries to tell me hate crimes are primarily against Muslims.
Hi Pounce, here is an Islamic terrorists news story that I have seen on BBC regional news – that I haven’t seen placed any higher up the news ladder (i.e. BBC England, BBC UK, BBC news homepage, BBC homepage).
A couple who met on a dating website have gone on trial accused of plotting a terror attack using a homemade bomb. Munir Mohammed, 36, of Leopold Street, Derby, allegedly volunteered for a “new job in the UK”, via Facebook with a man he believed was an IS commander. The Old Bailey heard he met pharmacist Rowaida El-Hassan, 33, of Willesden Lane, north-west London, online and she provided chemical expertise.
After meeting on dating site singlemuslim.com, the pair “rapidly formed emotional attachment and a shared ideology”, the prosecution said. The court was told the defendants exchanged materials and views at a time Mr Mohammed was planning an attack “motivated and inspired by what he had seen and heard on social media”
Notice the line “motivated and inspired by what he had seen and heard on social media” – which deflects away from motivated and inspired by Islam – something this couple both shared.
You forgot, thousands of British girls raped by tens of thousands of muslim males. To my mind, that is just as much an act of terrorism against the British people as a suicide bomb.
“thousands of British girls raped”… I think your numbers are a bit out…
In the UK there are estimated to be up to a million child victims serial gang rape:
www. mirror. co. uk /news/uk-news/child-sex-abuse-gangs-could-5114029
Some victims have been raped more than 100 times:
www. bbc. com /news/uk-england-south-yorkshire-35115874
We are talking perhaps millions, or perhaps even tens of millions of instances of rape in total.
Sarah Champion was fired for pointing out that this is perpetrated by mainly Muslem males:
www. thesun. co. uk /news/4218648/british-pakistani-men-raping-exploiting-white-girls/
Yet in the UK there are only around 1.6 million muslem males.
Millions or even tens of millions of instances of rape, mostly perpetrated by just 1.6 million mauslem males is the reality.
I think everything the BBC put before us regarding either Brexit or”Islamophobia” should be treated with ridicule.
We can’t trust them. As Jacob Rees Mogg so amusingly pointed on QT the other night (much to Dimble’s discomfort!) every piece of economic good news is “despite Brexit”, whilst if it’s bad news (what ever it is) ie, “Hurricane Farage is entering British waters,” for instance, it’s due to Brexit, or of course, global warming…
They never want to look at the real reason some folk might just be the tiniest bit miffed with members of the ROP.
Ooh. now what on earth could that be? Hmm… How about the numerous terrorist attacks across the country.
Innocent kids blown to bits at a pop concert; coppers doing their job outside Parliament stabbed to death, tourists strolling across Westminster Bridge run down by some halfwit, drinkers enjoying a pleasant summer’s evening murdered by machete wielding third world cretins, etc, etc, etc…
Only the most narrow minded, one eyed bigots, who are so rabidly biased against the democratic wishes of our people, could possibly misconstrue these obvious correlations to manufacture another Brexit slur.
As one of our Muslim friends said, “I’ve always felt safe here in Britain…”
Yes mate, and so did I…
“About time the BBC started asking Muslims like the one in this report what their views are on homosexuaity, apostates, a woman’s place in a Muslim society, Jews and foreign policy….”
I completely agree Alan.
The BBC has an agenda (since the 1970’s at least) of shedding light on white people’s “ignorance” of ethnic minorities. The BBC “educates” us about the “misunderstandings” native Brits have when it comes to immigrants and their respective cultures.
But whilst there was much benign ignorance and misunderstanding in the 1970’s, today there is an understanding that established cultures imported from outside the UK are clashing with our democratic values and civil liberties simply because the societies they spawn from have not yet advanced to the levels of the west.
All Muslims I know are good people (I work with them daily), but I’m convinced that even they would not object to the introduction of Sharia Law into the British constitution. It’s a worrying threat that is constantly in the back of my mind.
The BBC is, either intentionally or by its own stupid ignorance, influencing minds in a very dangerous way.
I know many ordinary Muslims,one of my sons has many friends and they come to the house etc.They hate the terrorist acts but if I show any interest in their religion they don’t want to talk about it .Even if it would lead to more understanding on my part.Maybe its because I’m female.
They observe Ramadam and Friday prayers which is fine by me.But I always get the feeling if push came to shove they would be with their Muslim brethren.
Ramadan – fast all day and celebrate all night. What’s to observe?
“All Muslims I know are good people (I work with them daily), but I’m convinced that even they would not object to the introduction of Sharia Law into the British constitution.”
If they did object to the sharia, they would not be muslims, it’s as simple as that. It is the duty of the muslim to live under sharia if possible, because that is what allah told mohammed in that cave 1400 years ago. They have to believe it under pain of death if they don’t.
At the present, muslims are still a fairly small minority in our society, but even so, look how things have changed in just 20 years. In another 20 years they will be a bigger minority, 20 years after that…
You can see how this thing is going. It is an existential threat to the future of Britain.
The new tack, from Linda Sarsour to Mehdi Hasan, seems to be to get picky about the correct pronounciatition of Allahu Ackbar.
Which in the US probably equates to trying to do the same for ‘Tora, Tora, Tora’ post Pearl Harbor.
Certainly not gaining much traction outside the cheerleaders.
I wonder what the BBC narrative to take will be?
I’d cite the substantiation but, well, no point really, as some can’t read electronic information. Apparently.
GW, I think it’s pronounced, ‘Alan’s Snackbar’.
I thought it was aloha snackbar. Like a Hawaiian sweet, made of g̶r̶e̶n̶a̶d̶e̶s pineapples. Harmless & fun.
I had thought the BBC had sussed that the 3rd party/inanimate route wasn’t really avoiding their dilemma and in fact making them look stupid as well as venal. Seems not.
Here’s their email ‘summary’:
By Justin Parkinson
Eight dead in New York truck attack
New York truck attack
An attacker has driven a pick-up truck along a cycle path in New York, killing eight people. A further 11 people were seriously injured as the hired vehicle struck cyclists and pedestrians, continuing several blocks along the West St-Houston St path, in Lower Manhattan, before coming to a halt as it hit a school bus.
Officials described the incident as a terror attack, with a note referring to so-called Islamic State reportedly found in the truck. The suspect has been arrested and named in local media as Sayfullo Saipov, a 29-year-old Uzbek national who came to the US in 2010. President Donald Trump has ordered the Department of Homeland Security to “step up” vetting measures for visitors to the US following the attack.
Footage shows the suspect being tackled by police. “We are just trying to work out why a person would want to mow down some people, to drive into a school bus,” said one eyewitness. “It doesn’t really make sense. It’s crazy.”
Pure BBC in sequence. Right down to the final “quote”. That eyewitness clearly a BBC on call vox.
‘We are just trying to work out’ etc etc.. why would an eye witness in the singular say ‘we’ ? As you say a BBC stooge.
If they care to look, there is an instruction manual which explains it. It’s called the koran, and is available in all good bookshops.
After last nights attack in Manhattan, you`d think that the BBC and its idiot lefties would stop with the “return Jihad Jack to his mum” kind of thing.
But no-just heard the 8am news, and they decided to divide the story into an “alleged” attack, with plucky New Yorkers continuing to wear clown killer costumes and dole out sugary sweets( I exaggerate, assume sugary sweets and clown prejudice trumps terrorist attacks). And then came Sopel with his two cents.
Trump is controversial, vetting extreme, Uzbekistan not on his list of mainly Muslim countries and those tweets on political correctness.
Beyond the pale, especially when he wants the authorites to stop IS returning to America.
But this is the BBC-multilayering, endlessly sculpting and chipping away at truth and reality.
So Contexts, textualising, plastering and aural and visual installations are all they do.
Reality left the BBC buildings with Elvis` last Wimpy delivery.
After the second world war, British traitors were summarily hung. Today we give British ISIS traitors a council house, jumping the queue ahead of our servicemen.
Pathetic, weak Theresa again. Abandoned her primary task- to defend the people of the country. Allowing ISIS killers to walk our streets. Beyond weak.-Just stupid.
This is beyond the pale. I am completely ashamed
Why do you feel shame? The badge of shame is worn by others.
I like the Israeli suggested approach and one which has been suggested by many others.
These people have allegiance to family tribe and religion
Their punishment should have a knock on effect on the things they hold dear
“According to Levin’s plan, first reported by the daily Yedioth Ahronoth, the state will revoke the citizenship or residency permit of those convicted of terror activities, which it defines to include the hurling of Molotov cocktails, and expel them to Gaza after they’ve served their prison sentence.
In the case of terrorists who were killed during the course of attacks, authorities would not transfer their bodies to their families for a proper funeral. Rather they would bury the bodies at undisclosed locations without granting the families access to the graves.
Meanwhile, the families of terrorists would face the demolition of their homes within 24 hours of an attack. Family members who would show public support for the attack could also lose their citizenship or residency permit and be deported to Gaza.
According to the proposal, even those who do not commit offenses classified as terrorism, such as stone-throwers, “inciters” and masked participants in protests where fireworks are shot or firebombs thrown, will also face harsh penalties, including arrest and incarceration throughout their legal proceedings.
If such suspects were eventually convicted, they would lose their social security benefits permanently and forfeit their driving privileges for 10 years. ”
the time is coming here for radical solutions what seems unpalatable now, will seem enlightened and civilised compared to the future solutions
Any one convicted of /or dying whilst committing a terrorist offence should have their ENTIRE family deported
And nobody due for deportation on conviction for a crime should be kept in a UK prison at our expense for years with their family on benefits for the whole term of the sentence.
I honestly think this evil is being spread not only on the internet, but through Muslim schools and Mosques, the West needs to get a grip and stop anymore Mosque building, and start closing them down, it is obviously the way to go, there will be a backlash, but so what, they are killing innocents anyway.
Bill, it’s known that jihad is taught in most mosques. Ex-Muslims (at risk of their own lives) have come forward as witnesses to that. As long as mosques are treated as sacred places of worship, not to be touched or interfered with jihad will be taught. Mein Koranf is a war manual. To ignore it is utter foolishness.
BTW Muslim apostates who speak up get branded by the leftmob as racists & bigots along with other free-thinking people. The insanity of the left- white, brown, black, pink, you’re all racist bigots if you don’t respect Islam!
we all know blaming the internet is simply a deflection technique, its not like isis just suddenly appeared after they stuck up some crowd funding website
Its not like this shit was’nt going on before the internet
Exactly right, Kaiser. Islam has been trying to conquer Europe for 1400 years. Every British child should be taught this fact at school.
We need a Museum Of Islam, like the Museum of Communism in Prague or the House of Terror in Budapest.
Pretty obvious what they`re up to, but who`s teaching it apart from our favoured websites-and I bet that the Flake News Crews are already telling Zuckerberg and Gates etc to shut the oppostion down…some charge of being “unhelpful” probably.
The BBC has learned that 65% of all people who face criminal proceedings for knife crime in London are from ethnic minorities, and 42% are black.
The Metropolitan Police Commissioner, Cressida Dick, said tackling violent crime is her priority.
In a statement to the BBC, she (Cressida Dick) expressed her “anger” at “the apparent perception amongst some criminals that they could operate with near impunity”.
“The force says it has changed the way they use stop-and-search and complaints have fallen by over 60%.”
On a knife edge: The rise of violence on London’s streets {bbc.co.uk 01nov2017}
– UK Police are a complaints driven Police Force. Not a results driven one.
“Here we go again. ‘We stand united. We go forward stronger than ever’ Tell that to the grieving mothers of the 9.” {twitter KateHopkins}
What is being overlooked is that 9 nice people have been killed by one evil person. If this rate of attrition speeds up it means that the evil will replace the nice people, especially when the people being killed are law enforcement officers.
If you look at it this way 1 million bad people can kill 9 million good people. If you use the Twin Towers as an example then 19 men killed 3000 plus 6000 injured. So say 190 terrorists could kill 30,000 and injure 60,000 people. A worrying prospect indeed, with seemingly no cure or way to stop it happening. With the influx of ISIS jihadists this may become a problem in the real world.
Why not organise a march around London of Muslims against terror? Shout to the rooftops how against it they are and publicly shame those promoting it?
Now that really would help change hearts and minds. Wouldn’t you be itching to show your loyalty to Britain and publicly condemn those besmirching your peaceful religion?
A march of Muslims in Londonistan against terror ! .. your more likely to see pigs flying over Battersea power station.
That’s a good idea. If only there was a prominent muslim citizen in London who could organise it. Maybe a senior London politician? If only there was a muslim mayor or something like that? There must be millions of muslims eager to go on such a march, if only someone with power in the city administration could organise it. Such a shame.
I listened to BBC R2 this lunch time and they had Saint Farage on with a Guardian writer and some other NY liberal… balanced of course!
The ten to fifteen debate consisted of our Saint making logical sense and I would say that 80% of the other two twats input was attacking Pr Trump, you could be forgiven for not realizing there had been a terror attack in NY and that Pr Trump was somehow to blame for something they wouldn’t actually name, it was quite a surreal interview and confirms that in all seriousness these people are deranged and so full of hate for their political enemies they are totally blind to reality.
Saw a front page of “The New European” -yet again, piled up and about to be returned unsold to George Soros, I`d guess.
This weeks was “Hail To the Creep”-and a pumpkin nasty picture of POTUS45.
This is NOT the New American…so why(yet again) the Brownshirt tactics of Der Starmer?
Der Sturmer in the Nazi era specialised in this eveil mockery and abuse without sanction, so it became the norm.
We`re in the same arena today. Aren`t there hate speech regulations and incitement charges to be aimed at the Neue Europa Volk?
Not while die Führerin von und zu Vierte Reich rules Europe.
Trouble is that when the likes of Humphrys thinks that “Thought For The Day” is a boring irrelevance( as opposed to whether an American intern saw a Trump aide with a Russian salad dressing in 2005)-when Webb thinks that Christianity is no use because who can believe in a Jesus that`s just nice and cutesy-and when Montague gets to ask both the top Catholic in Britain(as she puts it)…and the ex- Archbishop Of Canterbury the same question “What would YOU have done if you`d been Pope in 1517”?,,,it`s safe to say that the head of the BBC sprat has rotted. And the Muslim sharks gather due to the stench of idiot lefties that WE pay for displaying a craven ignorance of all that might once have mattered.
Lose the BBC-and improve your chances of not being accused of paying zakat to Islam. Paying jizya by way of your license fee is no longer excusable-and Muslims won`t thank you for it anyway.
Stop funding the BBC….it`s not what they say that ought to upset us-it`s what we`re not doing to shut them up that is our problem.
‘This is my country, too’
This is my ancestral homeland.
The Britain-Bashing Corporation really are contemptible putting out so-called ‘News’ like this after Rotherham & Rochdale.
Its not just Rotherham and Rochdale, in the UK there are estimated to be up to a million child victims serial gang rape:
www. mirror. co. uk /news/uk-news/child-sex-abuse-gangs-could-5114029
Some victims have been raped more than 100 times:
www. bbc. com /news/uk-england-south-yorkshire-35115874
We are talking perhaps millions, or perhaps even tens of millions of instances of rape in total, yet just 1.6 million Muslem males in the UK.
Yes it is our country. And in my youth it was no-one else’s .Why did we allow this Muslim invasion to happen when the lessons from history and the contemporary middle east were so clear? Why has the elite always responded with a policy of denial? Just what has to happen before our rulers change their mind? How many deaths per annum? How many no-go areas and how close to balkanisation does England have to get?
Looks like Mishal Husain’s moral equivalence death chart has inspired many a colleague.
/ Manhattan: 8 dead, 11 injured – need immigration clampdown,
/ Vegas: 60 dead, 500+ shot – policy fine as it is {twitter @BBCJonSopel}
Piers Morgan Reply (@piersmorgan): Because the Vegas shooter wasn’t Muslim.
Note that on Jon Sopel’s twitter is his book promotion – paid by the TV Tax Payer? “BBC North America Editor. My book If Only They Didn’t Speak English is out now.”
On a different tweet Jon Sopel just adds the letters ‘wow’ and the TV Tax payer pays for each letter typed. £3.5bn News Service worth every penny. {twitter @BBCJonSopel}
The hypocrisy of the BBC and the Left are truly astounding. The BBC and its fellow travellers had no compunction about trying to link the murder of St Jo Cox to the Brexit Vote and ever since have been implying that leave voters are some how complicit in her her killing .
Any country that allows the entry of large numbers of Muslims is going to have acts of Radical Islamic Terrorism (RIT) that will kill large numbers of its civilians. That is a fact, there is no escaping it. A certain small proportion of them, from Somalia, from Syria, from Uzbekistan and from wherever, will become radicalized and will act. Whether from revenge for Western power, from personal discontent, or from religious principles, such as jihad, there will be a mass casualty attack, period.
The fact that it just happened in NYC is no surprise, it will happen elsewhere too. Until the US and the rest of Europe wizens up and stops the free entry of Muslims this will continue. In that respect I fully support Pres. Trump, positive vetting must be done, and the easiest way to avoid casualties is to stop the entry of all young Muslim men, period. I say to all those good liberals who want to help the poor, suffering Muslims, do you want your child, husband, wife, parents to be murdered by one of them? It’s going to happen. In the latest incident carried out by an Uzbeki who had been in the US for 9 years, only 8 people were killed and 6 of them were foreigners, but 11 were injured.
To those who say this was a “lone wolf” attack, that he was not part of a larger plot or organization, I say nonsense. He was radicalized by a portion of the anti-Western RIT movement, he was given instructions by Al Qaeda or IS to carry out this attack. Using a truck or car to ram people is not a new tactic, it has been used in Jerusalem, Nice, Paris, Berlin and London. Now NYC has its attack, who will be next.
yes magicoat “who will be next”
and next and next and next ad infinitum
really how big a horror does it have to be before things change
bataclan wasnt enough for the french