Katz is off and Guido lists a speculative run down of runners and riders for his job…..the last on the list is George Osborne.
Anyone have the feeling that it is not beyond the realms of possibility and parody that Osborne gets offered the job by a shameless and desperate anti-Brexit BBC?
Trump in the White House, Corbyn closing in on No10….who can say it will never happen? After all how the hell did James O’Brien get the job on Newsnight? Because he demonstrated his post-truth interview style as he set up the anti-Farage kangaroo court-come lynching….which happily Farage saw off quite easily as most of it was half truths and made up nonsense.
Could the BBC resist having a similarly machiavellian and journalistically corrupt person such as Osborne at the helm as he tries to sink Brexit?
Guido put Osborne up there as a joke…but scarily it’s one that could all too easily become real.
Andrea Leadsom a leaver deposes Fallon a leaver and a remainer replaces the leaver. Is Leadsom a cunning traitor ?
I would think with all the dirty tricks at present the odds on your prophesy being correct Alan, are pretty good!
Oh.. am I first here today ?
The Alpha. The Omega. The Omega 13.
Unlikely for comrade bitter osbourne to get the job simply because he’s both male and white…he may not be a Muslim which will also count against him. I’d put my money on that amyl nitrate fella who does everything on al Beeb at the moment or that gormless autoque reader who is the so called economics editor – camel something.
Or maybe that bloke in the albeeb documentary series WA1 who looks a bit like the one from upstairs downstairs remake . Downtown mosque.
Is that the one who starred as Frank Spencer?
OOOOH Betty.
WRT Osborne. He has already demonstrated his inability to manage (some say a w*nk) the economy of the fifth largest country in the world rankings. His petulant diatribes as editor, in name, of the Standard are doing a very good job in the further decline of said rag.
It will be an ethnic or at the very least female.Knowing the BBC probably both .No transgenders in the list so that’s out for the time being.
As for Osborne ,I think he’s probably pretty satisfied with the hatchet job he’s doing at the Standard . After all ,he’s a millionaire,he cares not if the socialists get in ,so long as Brexit is dumped .No one watches Newsnight while plenty see the Standard.
“As for Osborne ”
No need to worry about that guy as his newspaper is only read in the London area! All his efforts will fail miserably from Watford upwards!. The Northerners aren’t stupid nor deaf you know!