Mishal Husain called the Israeli ‘Wall’ a ‘security barrier’ [08:35] and accused Palestinians of killing Israeli civilians….men, women and children…..shocked outrage from the Palestinian being interviewed. Maybe if the BBC had adopted such a more two-sided and balanced approach in all its reporting about Israel the peace might have been given more of a chance as the Palestinians weren’t given licence to attack the Israeli ‘oppressors’…so long so labelled by the BBC.
Anyway…new open thread, I’m sure the BBC hasn’t turned over a new leaf on every subject….if not list it all here…..
Trump’s Twitter account briefly ‘deactivated’
Oh dear, oh dear. Bbbc you are an embarrassment. You are obsessed with Trump. 3rd article on web page. Really? Is this value for money?
Whilst saying how terrible it is if Russia supposedly influenced the US elections, they flagrantly attempt to influence future US elections just like they did for the last one. I thought meddling in other counties’ elections was heinous, Al Beeb?
But, of course, they had no problem with Obama sticking his oar in on the brexit vote.
Plus with Brexit they are actively trying to undermine democracy.
It is one thing to try and influence voters, but to say that democracy itself should be done away with is another dimension of unfairness. How long did we fight to get the vote and have free speech? They are against these two fundamental freedoms.
Of more interest is surely how loose the twitter security systems are?
Allegedly, an employee, on their last day of working for Twitter, decided to delete the whole account. It was only absent for 11 minutes but I expect the culprit to soon be giving interviews of how he/she/other gave it to ‘The Man’.
So it wasn’t the Russians this time?
All week the bBC has been banging on about the Balfour letter and the birth of Israel. Yet 5/8 of the area in question was handed over to the Arabs for a land of their own, that land is Jordan and when they wrote their constitution they banned Jews from living there nobody mentions that. Yet when the time for the Jews to have a land came along the Arabs said no, they had seen the worthless land the Jews had bought off the Arabs and turn it into paradise and they wanted it. The Arabs rioted and rioted and rioted. And the UK dropped Balfour in the 30s.
The left continue to scream the Jews murdered British soldiers and they are vilified for it, yet The same minded people who did likewise in Cyprus, India, Egypt, Malaysia ,Kenya and elsewhere are deemed to be freedom fighters at the Beeb, so is Israel different? The bBC loves to opine about the refugees who had to leave their homes, yet not once do they mention the equal (if not larger number)of Jews who were kicked out of their homelands. And unlike each and every Islamic land, Israel afforded them citizenship.
Finally when Isreal was born, everybody in the region invaded, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Jordan, Iraq and Saudi Arabia, the Arabs lost and the people whom they told to get out of the way as they pushed the Jew into the sea found themselves ..homeless. In other words they backed the wrong horse
Can you imagine if the Arabs had won in 1948; if anybody today asked them to compensate the Jew. What do you think the answer would be? Can you imagine the bBC taking the side of Jewish refugees, Corbyn attending a Jewish Halocaust Party,
The left parrot the line that if Isreal was to vanish all terrorism would end, as Muslims would have nothing to be angry about. Try telling that to India, China, Thailand, Afghanistan, Yemen, Nigeria, , the Philippines, Iraq, Iran,Armenia, Kurdistan, Somalia, Kenya, , Bosnia, Kosovo , Algeria, and Libya whose problems have nothing to do with Israel.
Yet the bBC promotes the view that only Isreal is in the wrong and then they remain silent on the growth of antisemtism across the land which they have cultivated in th Petri dish of their so called impartial reporting.
The bBC the mouthpiece of radical Islam paid for by you
Your justified criticism of the BBC’s coverage of the Balfour Treaty is fully supported in the excoriating article by Melanie Phillips http://www.melaniephillips.com/bbc-todays-disgraceful-balfour-travesty/
The original boundaries of Israel in 1948 were pretty modest. Imagine if the neighbouring Arab states had offered Israel the hand of friendship, and maybe even a little bit of sympathy towards the Jews who had survived the Holocaust. The Middle East and the World would be a much better place now.
But no. The muslim states could not bring themselves to do that. Hatred of Jews is written into their holy book. The very idea of living in peace with a Jewish state was an anathema to them. They decided to destroy Israel instead, and presumably destroy its people too. Such a shame for them that they willed the ends but not the means, and got beaten in the 1940s, 1950s, 1960s and 1970s.
You would think that by now the Arab world would have got the message that Israel is a powerful, successful and militarily strong state, which isn’t going anywhere. If they accepted this and made peace, it would be better for everyone. That would be logical. And yet, they have that holy book of theirs, nagging away at them. As long as the Arabs are muslim, there will never be peace with Israel. I wish it could be otherwise, but it will never be.
Hi – Can Anyone explain why the Jews didn’t take sufficient land area for their long term survival when they had the opportunity? For example why didn’t they move out the Muslim population from the Gaza strip and the West Bank when they had the chance? The two state solution was clearly then Jordan – Israel.
Later Islamic lands (including North Africa) were ethnically cleansed of its Jews – these Jews had to relocate to Israel (and elsewhere – to non-Islamic lands). As quid pro quo the Gaza strip and West Bank should have then been used as part of that movement – to create an exchange of peoples. But there was no exchange, just a one sided ethnically cleansing of Jews from Islamic lands.
Later on India had to partition with large exchanges in population because the Muslims couldn’t live with the Hindus.
The Armenian Christians were slaughtered in a wide scale genocide by the Ottoman-Turks because the Muslims couldn’t live with the Christians.
The Myanmar – Rahingya – Bangladesh issue can be explained in terms of the same problem – evident inability of Muslims to live with any other group when in sufficiently large numbers – for Myanmar it is Buddhists.
The bigger picture is beginning to emerge.
If only there was a common thread to all these problems.
Thursday evening 6pm News, Radio 4 the report on Balfour reported that the declaration stipulated that the Jewish homeland should be in consideration that it should not prejudice the civil and religious rights of the non-Jewish communities but whoever he was that was delivering the report then moved seamlessly on to the Palestinians living on the West Bank. He went on and on about their ill treatment at the hands of Israelis – no mention that for non-Jews living in Israel there are MP’s in the Knesset, freedom to be of any sexual persuasion, etc etc. No mention that Israeli controls are because those living in occupied territory keep trying to blow up, massacre innocent Israeli citizens and that not unreasonably, Israel want to keep its citizens safe.
The BBC don’t know the meaning of balanced reporting.
I wish they did not report on ‘anniversaries’ as if they were news. It is just a jumping off point for them to virtue signal and lecture us. If I wanted to learn about history I would read a history book. History is the opposite of news.
hear hear
Same as “old person dies” is an item for obituary show , not banging on in the general news.
Both are comparatively cheap, even if the latter is overseas.
Local crew or low level bimbo flown over to stand outside a hospital to pronounce ‘not dead yet’, preferably for weeks on end.
The cost does spike if the entire BBC has to decamp to wail and flail to camera for the funeral, and the recuperate around the hotel pool bar.
In perspective

When I was a youngster, I seem to recall the BBC being pretty much pro-Israel and anti-Arab.
Does my memory fail me? 🙁
Pounce – I’m no supporter of Palestinians, Arabs or Muslims but that is an almost unbelievably one sided description of the circumstances preceding and subsequent to the Balfour Declaration.
The BBC ran an article about the problem of knife crime.
They revere grime musicians like Stormzy, whose ‘ouevre’ glorifies violence – as the album entitled ‘Gang Signs’ suggests. I heard a young boy blaring such music at the park where I was with my nephews over half term; he nodded his head aggressively whilst some MC spoke touchingly of ‘jacking’ someone. All these fatherless kids looking for role models are going to be inspired by nonsense like this. The BBC should not give a platform to grime ‘artists’, but being ‘down with the kids’ and not causing offence is clearly more important to them than a few more dead black children.
I caught something on the bBC news on that subject. All I saw was the bBC promoting the view that the police are racist for trying to stop black kids from carrying knives in which to reduce the huge death toll amongst blacks. And why do black kids carry knives? Because they don’t feel safe. That is safe from been stopped by the Police.
“Grenfell fraudster found guilty of false compensation claim.”
Anh Nhu Nguyen made up the whole story about being a victim and was given £12,500. It turned out he was nowhere near the incident and didn’t even live there. He also has 28 previous convictions for GBH, arson and theft.
What on earth were the authorities thinking when they handed over £12,500 without even the most basic of checks? How many other immigrants have falsely claimed taxpayers money?
Meanwhile, at the BBC……”look, we’ve found another tory who looked at a girl 30 years ago. Make it headline news and hopefully we can force their resignation”
I would like to know what he (and others like him) are even doing living in our country, he has 28 previous convictions apparently, has he been living on benefits, he obviously knows how to milk the system?
I’m surprised he needed to commit fraud as according to the BBC’s narrative he is probably earning a fortune from being a brain surgeon.
From his name he sounds Vietnamese. He is probably one of the boat people we kindly gave refuge to in the 1970s. Nice way to pay us back wasn’t it?
Any country with an ounce of self-belief would have had him on a plane back to Vietnam after his first offence. I guarantee that the Vietnamese community in Britain would have been the most law abiding in history after that. But if you are soft with them, people just take advantage. It’s human nature, something apparently unknown to SJWs, virtue seeking politicians and left wing judges.
He’s in good company Bill…90% of moslems are on benefits..if not all…they work, if at all, in the black economy…they are, frankly, an economic liability costing the tax-payer billions…their book instructs them so…take from the kuffir…their money is for Jihad….the useless politicians just will not face up to this massive problem…and the puerile BBC just rubs salt in our wounds with a constant attack on our institutions while flagging up the moslem way of life [theft]….they are a nightmare for employers, demanding special status and provisions…i could go on..but i’ll just smash something.
“Anh Nhu Nguyen made up the whole story about being a victim and was given £12,500. It turned out he was nowhere near the incident and didn’t even live there. He also has 28 previous convictions for GBH, arson and theft.”
Arson? So did he have an alibi as he clearly had a motive ?
I have got good news for all of those that like listening to ” Women’s Hour” on the radio. BBC TV has it’s
PM own kind of version between 6 and 7 PM nearly every evening. Firstly there is the 6 PM National news
which is usually presented by one of three or four women. Then we see a plethora of women reporters
and editors giving us the fact’s about men touching the knees of the reporters “sister’s in the House of
Commons 20 years ago. To be fair we do have the occasional male weather forecaster. This ends at 630.
Then its over in London to Riz Lateef and the Londonistan programme where Riz will tell us what pigs
of the Metropolitan police have been getting up to during the day.We will then have women
reporters with a variety of different women’s topics..
.Actually I am going OTT because around 30% of the reporters are NOT women. And of course
Assad Ahmed also presents the programme, but the pigs of the Met are still a major topic for him as well.
By the way I love women. I have been married to one for 49 years. I think I can say that. And whilst Gary
Lineker is still presenting Match of the Day, there is still some hope for us on TV , brothers!
Foscari – I expect quite soon it will be a statutory requirement for all BBC male employees in front of the camera to be castrated. I expect Jeremy whine will be held up as the role model for this, since it appears that he has already successfully undergone this particular surgical procedure.
Foscari, what amazes me is that these women (so badly damaged apparently by the comments they received) can actually remember what was said to them several years ago and what their feelings were at the time (‘it made me feel violated’ seems a common one). If men have made stupid remarks in front of me, I have usually found ‘a look’ sufficient and if that hasn’t worked then a reminder of their wife, daughter, mother etc seemed to be enough.
I am still wondering about the female temp the BBC dragged up the other day (so many now that who did what to whom have all merged into one) but the BBC reported that she started to take her top off before she realised what she was doing – so she put it back on and went home. I can never envisage a situation where I would have been taking my top off without realising the implications even in my wild youth – how stupid are these women – and even more stupid to admit how stupid they are.
Who remembers the damaging photo of Sophie Windsor showing off her boobs with a grinning Chris Tennant behind her ?
I think Deborah, we were able to deal with ‘gropers’ far more maturely, and never to be thought of again, unlike some today who want to create something out of nothing (and I’m not talking here of physical assault like rape). If they can remember an issue from years ago, then it must have been a real highlight for them to do so, cos if I had a shilling for every pass and comment made to me in my youth I’d be living on a yacht in the South of France now.
BBC One Show presenter Alex Jones (who she?) has complained about earning less than co-presenter Matt Baker.
Apparently she was shocked that she was only in the £400,000 to £449,000 bracket, while Matt, 39, was a grade higher on £450,000 to £499,000 .
She said that the discrimination was hard to take and that “I assumed we got paid the same. I was quite shocked. I guess everybody else was.”
The only thing that shocks me, you greedy little woman, is that you get nearly half a million pounds a years for doing practically nothing then have the gall to complain.
If the BBC showed us the timesheets for both Alex Jones and Matt Baker we could then make a more informed decision about who deserves what. If they exposed the expenses for each presenter then we could see who claims more money via expenses than the other BBC presenter. If we showed here that a nurse works for £35K and the number of hours they work and that Alex Jone’s pay is worth 11.5 nurses which would reduce the waiting times in hospitals …. would give her some perspective?
“I assumed we were paid the same”: Alex Jones’ shock at discovering One Show co-host’s higher wages {msn 03nov2017}
It’s her voice. Imagine that giving you a bollocking some morning you woke up with a headache.
She’s just a Welsh Christine Lampard, although she comes across as being both thicker and less pleasant, and, like Matt Baker, safely asexual.
Not a fan.
Isn’t it revolting having grossly overpaid people complaining they do not have more? Especially when the money is extorted from the poor and vulnerable under threat of prison. And all this from the noble BBC, which purports to stand up for the weak and vulnerable.
Good point. Nurses are struggling. Alex Jones, why not campaign to reduce hard working Nurse’s bills by £145 per year and stop paying the BBC TV Tax, paid under threat of prison.
Exactly WHO was Alex Jones before she was picked from obscurity to front a prime time tv programme ? ( a show I never watch, the theme tune is enough to make me switch over). Here’s a bimbo head earning 3 times more than the Prime Minister, and who doesn’t have to deal with threats to our national security, sex scandals of her colleagues, taking bad advice from her gatekeepers, negotiating with idiots in Brussels, and having the most disastrous Conference speech. Yet moans at having less salary than Mr Bland on the sofa with her. Its obscene.
Don`t Alex Jones and Matt Baker only owe their jobs to Jason Manford perving away with sex text stuff -and , in getting sacked, let them two boring oafs into the One Show berth?
So-they ought to be grateful for a bit of sex pesting should they not?
Oh how I laughed – Tony Hall of the BBC is saying they need more money…they may be short of £500m over the next ten years..
If they don’t get it the “British content we value and rely upon is under serious threat” – Britshite content….sorry for language – but if the best programmes were as he claims Strictly, Britains got talent, Broadchurch, Sherlock and the One love Manchester concert – it is doomed…..
How many billions do they get each year without making any effort? If they need to save £50m a year that doesn’t take much effort – cut staff salaries and contracts…
Shutdown Pidgin site … to save BBC money?
“Twitter worker comot Trump for Twitter” {bbc.co.uk 03nov2017}
For Thursday, people wey dey use Twitter no see di account of US President Donald Trump for eleven minutes.
E shock everybody.
Rare actual comedy. On par with John Bird’s Idi Amin. And not racist so totes OK.
One person wey BBC talk to, Mirakhmat Muminov talk say im bin see small-small sign of terrorist thing for Saipov bodi wen dem bin meet before.{bbc.co.uk 02nov2017}
They could easily save a billion by applying sound business sense to the organisation. The news is nothing but plugs, churns, SJW nonsense and fluff lifted from the internet; that they even report on this PR release as ‘news’ shows how bad the problem is. There is nothing one could not obtain easily elsewhere. That fantastic newsroom they pan to at the start of the news with all those flash computers – such a waste as they have declared reality a hate crime. Just sell off all that space to a bank or something.
They could easily close the whole news operation down and nobody would miss it. In the case of Duggan and the poor crack dealer ‘Ash’ their reporting has directly led to mass civil unrest. We could all do without that.
No more pointless free holidays for staff. Why not do the disability trek in Yorkshire rather than Vietnam? Do we really need a reporter in LA to gossip about celebrities? Is Sopel’s holiday to Washington really necessary when he just says the same nonsense over and over and over?
No more staff paid via production companies. I’m sure that robs the taxpayer of millions.
BBC Deputy Director goes to Paris and stays at Eiffel Hotel and spends 51 pence on expenses in feb2017 … mystery and intrigue! Nurses struggling with food banks? Fair?
Graham Ellis – 51 pence
Cut Alex Jones salary for a start.
Wonder if BBC’s Alex ‘£450K BBC wages extracted under threat of prison’ Jones gets a haircut on the BBC expenses?
Women Should be Paid More Than Men Because Shoes {youtube – Computing Forever}
Both Broadchurch and Britain’s Got Talent are on ITV, although Broadchurch is shown on BBC America, so bBbc must pay for that. I suppose that’s the licence fee connection then, but their success has nothing directly to do with the bBbc or public money that I can see.
And why use successful programmes produced by commercial means to highlight the need for more tv tax, doesn’t strengthen their case does it? Although they don’t actually believe there’s any case to answer or value to justify so their stupidity isn’t surprising nor is the blatant attempt at success by association, allowing us to believe that in some way they are responsible for these programmes.
Using a concert supposedly arranged by an American poppette and her Trans-atlantic pals as an example of the promotion and affirmation of British values doesn’t make sense to me either. Then again the bBbc don’t really care about that, their values have long ceased to be in the best interests of Britain, and they have also failed for too long to warrant the funding they already receive, let alone the extra they expect and believe they deserve.
They really can’t hide their dishonesty and contempt for us, arrogant twats.
In effect, Rich, the viewing public would not give a tinker’s fart if such mind-numbing drivel as Strictly, together with interminable programmes on house buying, cooking and antique valuations, were available for their various delights on BBC, ITV, Channel 4, 5 or whatever. If they imagine that their absurd viewing-figure ratings are based on loyalty, this is simply another example of the catastrophic waste of our money that their so easily ‘earned’ salaries represent.
I agree, who the f#%k calls the bBbc ‘Auntie Beeb’ or believes that anyone has such a familiar and personal relationship with a faceless and feckless blob, only the self regarding bBbc themselves.
Loyalty requires trust or admiration but no -one outside their dysfunctional family is nurtured by or comforted by them, there is no encouragement or warmth, only fake bonhomie and continued browbeating, belittling at every opportunity. Everything seems contrived.
More like the failed Uncle who once read Joyce’s Ulysses, full of pomposity and port, watched but seldom heeded.
Or Uncle Monty from “Withnail & I”.
Nice one Rob!
Simple, put the whole of the BBC operation out to tender.
You wouldn’t get Crapita, or G4S, but you’d get business organisations who know a busted flush, and could halt the salary disgrace in one swipe!
Sell off the buildings where they have far too much space too.
An interesting little video on the Beeb website, nicely demonstrating the intolerance that is becoming increasingly common in Britain if you have an opinion counter to the approved MSM one.
Being the only Brexiteer on campus
It should also be a lesson to the BBC that you can make topical thought provoking programs without a massive budget and “A” list stars. However, this certainly wont register – even on this little video some berk thought it would be a great idea to highlight in red the subtitles that they think are the important points. Can’t have the proles thinking for themselves, can we.
I read that the Twitter account of Donald Trump was temporarily unavailable, for 11 minutes.
Caused, I read, according to a bbc report, by a malicious employee. An employee who was leaving that day.
How convenient.
The bbc, I am not giving enemies upper case letters in future, unless there are special circumstances.
Twitter, I suspect, is full of malicious kiddies, just like facebook. Kiddies who have never had an original thought,
and have had very few unoriginal thoughts. Just swallowed the propaganda.
“The time when America stopped being great” Nick Bryant. “BBC News”. Link on the same page.
Except there is now news at all in the article. It ia a biased, selective, version of recent US history.
Using a comparison of Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump as a pretext for the “news”.
Reagan, is a hero. He, helped by our beloved Saint Margaret, told the world the truth about “The axis of evil”,
and contributed significantly to the demise of the mass murdering USSR.
Trump is not yet a hero, but he has the potential to be one. A potential which I hope he fulfils.
Meanwhile a message to the bbc, the “leaders” of the eu, the Treason Party in the UK, and lefties elsewhere.
Billions of people experienced “the future”. It didn’t work. Those billions hated “the future”. With very good reason.
Their descendants hate and despise those who still toil for a “new” future, which promises to be even worse than the first “future”. I believe that the deaths of a few million lefties is a price well worth paying if it stops the future dead in its tracks.
Re: Twitter shut down of Trump’s account – Nick Robinson opined, in the completely unbiased Today programme, that “… a lot of people would have wanted to do that …” (or words very similar). If that’s not a case of reprimand, I don’t know what is.
Similar thing yesterday when Mishal Husain was doing the paper review. A tory MP’s wife was quoted in the Telegraph I think it was. She said the Westminster accusations were becoming hysterical. Mishal then said, I’m not sure that’s very helpful. If you wish to express opinions Mishal can I suggest you leave the BBC and write for a newspaper and not use your overpaid position to tell us what to think.
“unhelpful”…disappointing”…regrettable”…”inappropriate”. These are the code words of the nasty restricting lefties that cover all things from Cologne and Arianna Grande , through to a pen not working or losing a car park space. Via Baby P and Trojan Horse scandals.
Orwell taught us well-and I know many people here know that when language becomes a few tick box words, then England and the English language becomes more like a Soviet gulag or a Treblinka hut as night falls.
Evil Eurosoviet style imagined esperanto.
No passeran-when people talk like this, get them gone.
Jasmine Lawrence rules apply. Apparently.
He bypasses the media via Twitter, which is ingenious. Otherwise whatever he says will be twisted by those knaves to make a trap for fools, as we saw time and time again during the election.
The media hate it as it emasculates them. They like being the gatekeepers and social media throws open those gates to everyone.
If the Tweet account was deleted by an employee who had an axe to grind and was leaving that day, I should think there was no sweeter feeling.
I know, because I did something similar on my last day of an employment. Just before I left my office for the last time, I drafted a memo and my last action was to press the ‘send’ button, knowing there would be no come back or action taken, but a few of the recipients were told in no uncertain terms a few home truths. It was a moment of pure joy as I raised my arms in the air with a huge ‘YESSSSSS’ !!!! Utter bliss.
Nick Bryant once a gain proving that he’s unfit for his job as a BBC correspondent. There was a time when the BBC at least tried to hide their bias, not anymore.
I noticed that the China programmes on BBC mention – leadership, people, power. But it seems they forget the China is basically ‘Make China Great Again’ and is not about universal suffrage, freedom of speech and freedom of thought. The BBC are not speaking about their treatment of peoples in Xinjiang which is happening now … or that the Government has no dissent because of fear. Do we want a super-power that is totalitarian … BBC is fawning over China where the Government Vote was 100% by 2000 party members – not one disagreed – is this perfection or totalitarian.
BBC Search Chinese area of ‘Xinjiang ban’ …
China Uighurs: Xinjiang ban on long beards and veils
China Uighurs: Xinjiang city of Urumqi to ban Islamic veil
China bans Xinjiang officials from observing Ramadan fast
Xinjiang city bans Islamic dress on public transport
‘All-out offensive’ in Xinjiang risks worsening grievances
China police arrest Xinjiang ‘terror gang’
China sentences 55 people in Xinjiang stadium
Imam of China’s largest mosque killed in Xinjiang
The time when America stopped being great {bbc.co.uk 03nov2017} – and the BBC are building the case for China to step in with it’s totalitarian regime.
In c19 China the Dungan Revolt occured.
Muslims revolting.
The official policy of the leaders of the revolt was to exterminate the Buddhists.
In the same area where there are “problems” now.
Not only am I unconcerned about Muslim repression, I believe it should be universal, perpetual and applauded.
Harsh reaction TruthSeeker, but it would seem when tolerance meets intolerance only one will win. Tolerance without limits is destructive as we are finding out. Hate is a Crime. Intolerance is a Crime.
That is impressive, even for the BBC.
Katty Kay must now be in love.
Hello, everyone here. Sorry I haven’t posted here for absolutely ages – Twitter is taking up more and more of my time these days. But talking of Twitter, I thought you might like my latest tweet, which is about the BBC’s doublethink regarding one of its favourite expressions, “despite Brexit”: https://twitter.com/SupportOurLefty/status/926358264547119104
Hi Lefty, I regularly visit your page at https://supportourjeremy.wordpress.com and it’s always a good read, perhaps especially for those of us who don’t use Twitter ourselves. Some very amusing and insightful tweets reproduced there.
Thanks, Heisenberg! Much appreciated, and so glad you enjoy it. If you’ve seen it recently, you’ll see I now do a daily Quick Summary of some particularly fatuous article, usually from the Guardian (the most fruitful source!).
Thanks for giving the link. Hope people will indulge me also giving a link to my most recent blog entry, which can be found here: https://supportourjeremy.wordpress.com/2017/11/02/leftys-selection-of-tweets-and-quick-summaries-of-articles-29th-october-2nd-november/ (Incidentally, all my most recent tweets can be seen on the right-hand column, part way down.)
Me too-welcome home SOL, you`ve many fans!
Aw, thanks, Alicia! So kind of you to give me such a warm welcome, especially when I now see that I haven’t posted here since April. Will try to post here more often in future.
And welcome back in a most literal sense….
Thanks, DS! I do pop in here quite often but really just to keep up with posts/comments here. Twitter has almost become a full-time job for me these days!
And very amusing they are too.
For those who can figure out how to use the Twitter.
Thanks, Roland! Well, that’s one reason I do the blog: so that people who don’t want to/can’t use twitter, can easily read my tweets there.
Today’s Murder
BBC London tv news with Claudia Something-Unpronouncable mentions in passing a young lad stabbed to death in a South London park.
BBC London news on-line is a bit slow to cover the story – well, I guess my suggestion of a dedicated feature named Today’s Murder might get a little boring – other than for perhaps officianados of the movie Groundhog Day. Or maybe there are other issues which cause BBC journos to shy away from London youth crime as a story. The BBC’s print arm the Guardian do have a short report on this new one.
“His next of kin are being informed, according to the Metropolitan police, while the park and its surrounding roads have been cordoned off. No arrests have been made.”
The Police may or may not have anything to go on – but one thing is for sure – when the BBC report on our present spate of violent crime the library pictures of a youth brandishing a knife will have lily white hands.
See small linking photo for report “On a knife edge: Rising violence in London” :
“white hands”
I have raised this before. BBC cameras only function when keyboards, both piano and computer, are used by those with black hands.
Strange how intellectual those keyboard user are when all the IQ tests show they are the dimmest group on earth.
As I see it
The London standard reports 22 teenagers dead so far this year with 16 from knife injuries . Most are black / Asian I guess . If these were the children of MPs I guess al beeb would cover the issue but I think political correctness for showing coloured types in a negative way trumps the truth here.
Don’t get me wrong – a lot of feral animal deserve to be ‘offed ‘ and are excellent practice for A & E doctors for when there is some one actually worth saving . It’s just the mixed approach al beeb shows which amazes me still .
I remember after one spate of stabbings they spoke to a ‘community leader’ who said government cuts meant the youth club had to shut down, which meant the youngsters had nothing to do. Once again unintentional hilarity from the Beeb. Who goes out stabbing because the youth club has closed down?
Why not read a book? Aren’t they all desperate to study at Oxbridge? I used to run a youth club which did not run during August. None of the kids started stabbing each other because they had nothing else to do.
Pondering about where I could go for my summer holidays next year, the BBC has come to my rescue!.
What could be better than being a hostage of al-Qaeda?.
“It is a clear cold night in the Sahara desert and Stephen McGown lies on his back gazing up at the stars. Pulling his blanket under his chin he traces out the constellations he learned as a boy in South Africa”.
“Lunch is spaghetti or rice, stored in giant camouflaged bins and served with meat – goat, sheep or camel”.
The hostages spend the hottest part of the day inside their huts resting, and learning and reciting the Koran.
“The hostages spend the hottest part of the day inside their huts resting, and learning and reciting the Koran.
I would often recite in my hut because if I recited around the jihadists they would laugh, as I couldn’t get the Arabic sounds quite right,” Stephen says”. It’s a barrel of laughs folks!.
“I was also Christian and a lot of the stories in Islam are the same. Religion gave me stability in the desert,” he(Stephen)says”.
“Sjaake and Johan also converted and they all noticed an immediate improvement in their treatment.
They would pray and eat alongside their captors, who also taught them some classical Arabic to help them understand the Koran”.
Wow, and the best part is it’s free!. When can I go?.
Noted a series on “Living With The Gods” on Radio 4.
The speaker mentioned the Angelus in Ireland and a piece of art based on French villagers in last nights episode about “prayer”. Rest of the show was largely given over to the Muslim qibla and call to prayer worldwide.
One quick mention of dying catholicism in rural Ireland and a disappearing France from a few centuries ago.
But fifteen minutes free puff for Islam and its prayer rituals and certainties, very much NOT historical…very real indeed.
Bet the BBC have no balance or impartiality rules when it comes to giving publicity to differing faiths…if it`s not Corbynism, it had better be Islam.
Wonderful HYS chain of comments about bias which put Hall and his whinging about money well and truly in their place
Still open? Amazing.
Not sure transvestite dwarf throwing or synchronised gay knee touching on BBC Beware of dec Pidgin Leppid via iPlayer can really be deemed a ‘fight back’, mind.
Luckily for the BBC, they still get money no matter what.
Good luck with that Tone.
Dimbleby praised the balance of QT panels last week. Yet last night we had:
Ex communist turned labour turned SNP
Owen Jones ( enough said)
Editor of The Economist ( not conservative and very pro EU publication)
So what balance there ?
I think it must be that 1 leaver is worth 4 remainers and the bbbc then can say they are balanced and impartial.
it’s a bit like when the Israelis and arabs do a prisoner exchange.
It’s something like 1 captured Israeli is swapped for a thousand or so arabs.
They regard themselves as balanced because Chris Patten and Michael Portillo get a lanyard pass up to the higher floors.
Michael Portillo is anti-EU. In fact he is the only Anti-EU advocate I am aware of who is employed by the BBC.
Further evidence, if any were required, of Mrs Clintons Naevity………..
People are just fed up with throw-aways and platitudes.
As Mark Steyn so brilliantly puts it(with parphrasing and edits. additions)
If you shouted “Allah Akbar” in a cafe where BBC types were sipping their lattes, they`d all dive under the tables and then invite you onto Thought For The Day if you hadn`t actually killed them.
If you went in shouting “Jesus Is Lord”-you`d be sectioned after getting arrested by the police, and charged with incitement to commit a terrorisst act, or inducing hate speech or such.
An interesting bit on R4 this am to end off the Today programme: A Sophie (Women’s Equality Party) and a Petronella (Wyatt?) were being interviewed about sexual harassment. The latter tried to say that manners and gallantry (which I remember my late father drumming in to me endlessly in the sixties) were important factors that seemed to be out of fashion. I think if the Sophie woman could have strangled her legally on radio, she would have. Then she said there had been attempts to grope her and she had felt flattered. Oh the outrage! The Heresy! Well, I think she’d better watch out: the BBC will be after her for the purposes of burning at the stake. You are only permitted now to think one thing; anything else and crackle, crackle, look at the pretty fire!
I’m relieved that you said ‘burning at the stake’ rather than the more general ‘witch hunt’ as the sisterhood has declared that to be a misogynist expression, totally verboten now!
Actually ‘burning at the stake’ reminds me of Joan of Arc, (strong woman!), and widow burning, (strong British women!), so pretty (woman!) misogynist too!
There’s a women’s equality party? How much equality do they want? Do they want to actually BE men?
I think it’s not equality they want but superiority. The right to be women but be men as well. No need for men anymore, you can change your sex anytime you want anyway. What a brave new world. Take me back to the 60’s please.
Lucy, thanks for asking the question. It gives me the chance to highlight a shocking piece of inequality, covered – without comment – by the BBC on their web-site this week.
Two people were killed in the north-west of England some months ago. After due process their killers were found guilty and sentenced to 27 years (minimum) detention and 5 years.
One was a man. The other was a woman.
Can you guess which one got the 27 year sentence? I’ll give you three guesses.
PS. It could be argued that women are superior to men – always have been – in some ways. And that men are superior to women in other ways.
Absolutely – men and women have qualities which complement each other. You don’t get harmony if everyone plays the same note. My greatest friendships have been with women for this reason.
The Marxists see everything in terms of oppressor and oppressed, which is nonsense. Men and women can form the most magical teams together – it is the bedrock of our species. Most people are decent and never oppress anyone.
Wait for me!
“(which I remember my late father drumming in to me endlessly in the sixties) were important factors that seemed to be out of fashion”. Me too – But until women stopped thanking me for opening a door for them – for us, it’s all give no take.
An interesting bit on R4 this am to end off the Today programme: A Sophie (Women’s Equality Party) and a Petronella (Wyatt?) were being interviewed about sexual harassment. The latter tried to say that manners and gallantry (which I remember my late father drumming in to me endlessly in the sixties) were important factors that seemed to be out of fashion. I think if the Sophie woman could have strangled her legally on radio, she would have. Then she said there had been attempts to grope her and she had felt flattered. Oh the outrage! The Heresy! Well, I think she’d better watch out: the BBC will be after her for the purposes of burning at the stake. You are only permitted now to think one thing; anything else and crackle, crackle, look at the pretty fire!
Thoroughly recommend Woodrow Wyatts journals. I have first hand knowledge of how he ran the Tote with a great deal of sense and concern for the women who worked for them. Glad to see his spirit lives on and I may well feel obliged to write a letter of support to his daughter.
Guess they`re hoping that Petronella will dish something out to get Boris Johnson outed.
Hope she`ll resist.
Treasoner May watch and learn! If we are going to have a woman in charge she needs backbone like this:
United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley blasted the General Assembly for trying to dictate American foreign policy. A resolution condemning the United States economic embargo against Cuba passed by a 191-2 vote, with only Israel voting with Haley against the measure. Haley explained to Muslim and communist sympathizers that the American people had chosen a new president and a new path, and she would vote against any resolution that called for the lifting of the embargo “as long as the proceeds from trade with Cuba go to prop up the dictatorial regime responsible for denying [the people’s] rights.” She also, quite boldly, told the assembly that they have absolutely no power over the United States, and the “political theater” was a waste of time.
“Let’s be honest about what we really see going on here,” Haley said. “This assembly does not have the power to end the U.S. embargo. It is based in U.S. law, which only the United States Congress can change.”
Why does the American State STILL allow the United Nations to meet in New York?
That real estate wasted surely could be ripe for a Trump redevelopment, with great views of thr East River. Give them a years notice to scoot off to Lagos or Bogota.
Maybe then, they`ll see what they`ve been trashing since 1948, non-stop since 2001.
Nobody else wants the un, or at least nobody wants the bill.
Good idea for Saint Donald to stop paying for it. It would collapse inside a year.
A good example for may, she might get the idea and tell the eu no more cheques.
The eu and the un dead in one year, that would be a birthday present.
Alger Hiss, Mrs Roosevelt etc.
The founders of the un were mostly communists, the rest were doormat democrats.
Still plenty of commies in high places in the USA/un.
Which is why the bbc love the un so much.
Wilson, the brains behind the league of nations was another useless democratic US president.
Even wilson did not insist it had a home in the land of the free.
The BBC noses have been put well out of joint by Michael Fallon, a Government Minister, choosing at the age of 65 to stand down and Theresa May, as Prime Minister, having the cheek, the audacity, the sheer nerve, to appoint Gavin Williamson as Secretary of State for Defence without gaining or even seeking the prior approval of the BBC.
World at One on Thursday lunchtime (R4 1-1.45pm) was hilarious. One could note the glee in Martha Kearney’s voice as she attacked all things Conservative.
Then later in the day, Part-time (aka the BBC’s Political Editor, Laura Kuenssberg) used the opportunity to get a picture of her face and legs (as a distraction for viewers from Jo Coburn) in a video clip, no less, on her BBC Blog. BBC registered users were not allowed to comment on Part-time’s views on the appointment of Gavin Williamson. Or anything else, either relating to politics or M/s Kuenssberg or her understanding of the former.
I wonder why?
The BBC have kept the pot boiling this morning despite the fact that this resignation and appointment is old, yesterday’s news and the BBC made a firm commitment to listeners and viewers, about twelve to thirteen years ago, that they would not keep recycling old news. Mishal Husain and Nick Robinson on the TOADY Programme (R4 6-9am) were also enraged enough by Theresa May’s cavalier approach to Government and running her Cabinet that they almost beatified Michael Fallon into a Saint without even seeking the prior approval of the Pope. That Fallon has been so wronged is an offence not just to the BBC but to the whole Conservative Party, both Houses of Parliament, the Queen and the whole nation.
Disgusting! They say. I could not possibly comment.
But I do wonder how a Tory of Tories as Minister can be so beloved by the BBC, while being offensive to ‘the sisterhood’ as well as the metro-Liberal Left, Alt-Left and Socialists everywhere. I wonder whether they are upset that they will no longer be entertained lavishly by Michael Fallon when going about their supposed journalistic business and enquiring on matters governmental in relation to the military?
Is Gavin Williamson a teatotaller and also fond of a healthy salad snack instead of three course meals?
‘I wonder whether they are upset that they will no longer be entertained lavishly by Michael Fallon when going about their supposed journalistic business’
I was recently intrigued to catch some radio sports journos waxing lyrical off-the-cuff on the quality of refreshment presented to them gratis at certain Premier League stadia. And the contrasting paucity of faire on offer at other like venues. I must say it shed light on certain shades of bias I had already perceived in the tone of their reporting.
AISI, that’s interesting and …
and …
er …
…was it BBC Radio journalists, by any chance?
Afraid I couldn’t swear to them as BBCers. In the interests of honesty I won’t chance it in case someone fact checks.
We`ve not had a good defence secretary now since Lord knows when. But even the worst Tory ones have benn better than anything that Labour has offered since the days of Jim Callaghan. Needs saying-Tories at least still want a nation state, will chip in with NATO and aren`t all CND traitors. Only Dan Jarvis has seen any action in Labour these days.
Good old Eric Joyce was a good Army guy, but was a drunk who thumped the weaker kind of Tories.
Labour are a threat to this country.
Wonder why May didn`t give the job either to Penny Mordant(woman who knows something of defence)…or at least the likes of Patrick Mercer or Bob Stewart who were military men in her own party?
Alicia, I have to agree it was a strange and not obvious choice.
It was interesting, that in the midst of their ire, the BBC did not mention Fallon’s & Williamson’s positions on ‘Brexit’ despite talking endlessly on Thursday about ‘a divided Tory Party’ and ‘a balanced Cabinet’. I don’t know whether Brexit has been enhanced or diminished or balance maintained by Williamson’s appointment. I’m not too bothered.
It is down to the PM to have the final say. It is true that appointments are made for all sorts of reasons, eg. lawyer Howe as Chancellor by Thatcher, sometimes out of loyalty from the superior to the appointee. It is also true, and forgotten by the BBC (!), that Chief Whips (and PM’s PPSs) are effectively Cabinet insiders (for obvious reasons) and a move straight to a Ministerial post is quite natural for an upwardly mobile MP.
John Major’s rapid, although rather different, fast-tracking comes to mind. It attracted some comment at the time, from the BBC among others, but nothing on the scale of disapproval that the BBC are demonstrating this week.
It can be a good thing to have someone not obviously suited directly to a job going into a Ministerial post. Another thing that the dear old BBC have missed, in their desire to attack the Conservatives and the PM, is that if there is a big problem at the MoD then it is in the area of budget management, over-manning and procurement. What might Gavin Williamson bring to the job?
Some possible expertise in that area, I would suggest, from his background in business.
Not, I’d guess Alicia, since the days of the War Office, at perhaps the same time as the Constabulary was known as the Police Force. Political correctness is pernicious, designed to weaken and dissipate both resolve and character in little, nibbly, almost insignificant ways – and it’s been around longer than we tend to think.
I was intrigued this morning listening to the TOADY programme at one point, that Jeremy Corbyn was deliberately not named several times in relation to the Labour Party and their ‘abuse’ and ‘harassment’ claims and accusations. It was just “the Leader has”, “there has been no comment from the Leader yet”, “the Leader will”, etc. Very interesting.
I wonder why?
Good series of posts up2.
Particularly like that sign off ” I wonder why”?
Reckon this is your sign off signature if you want it…
Alicia, there used to be a regular BBC Blog poster – on the Political & Economics Editors’ Blogs – called Puzzled Mushroom. I knew at the time why she (I think it was a she) probably chose that name!
Think at one point, a certain Political Editor must have affected or influenced me as I noticed a certain way of thinking and ‘talking’ had crept into my posts. Prior to that I had another ‘tagline’ just as RoundRobin had a “Taxi for … {add name of relevant personage that he wanted to get rid of} as did one or two other posters, who invented their own tags or sign-offs. I wonder what happened to those two and some of the other regulars?
You could be right, ‘I wonder why’ may be here to stay.
“Hey! HEY! Let’s … be … careful …… out there, today.”
It does make you wonder though. The BBC have maybe lost a great opportunity. Firstly, to bundle up some of the comments into paperback books. Many were hilarious. Then there was the opportunity, prior to the 400 character limit, to talent spot new writers. Having said that, it could be entirely possible that all sorts of people were posting under the anonymity of their Username, including existing BBC employees and journalists and other writers. That was a beauty of the genre. Sad but those days are gone. Killed by the BBC. And yes, on that I do genuinely wonder why?
Except for here. 🙂 B-BBC keeps it going and the site continues to improve, year by year.
There are lots of interesting writers on here, your good self included, and the wit & humour all help to make my listening (and/or viewing in the case of others) to the BBC a lot more tolerable.
BBC Society 03nov2017 . . .
<3 and XOX: Celebrating 25 years of text messaging
School faces criticism after fitting toilet CCTV cameras
The case for the voting age to be lowered to 16 {NewsBeat}

See the image it shows …
Maybe one left over from the welcome booklet that advises interns on what best avoids awkward situations when alone with BBC editors?
And if that doesn’t produce a Marxist government, lower it to 13 years. Talk about using kids as a human shield. Lock ’em up!
It speaks volumes that the Left rely on children to get elected, and view adults as a threat. If voting was restricted to those who pay taxes, or have had a job for three years, the voting age would automatically rise. Even with everybody over 18 (job or no job) having a vote the population is still not Left-Wing enough for them, so they encourage mass immigration from Countries such as Pakistan and the West Indies, who vote Labour because they think it is the least likely to cut benefits. Changing this Country for ever for short term political gain. For the Marxists destruction of this Country has always been the objective. The only system they believe in is a one party state run by themselves. A perfect fit with the BBC who (if they had had their own way) would have been the sole radio and television broadcaster. The BBC is incompatible with a free society, and all its talk of providing a platform for diversity of opinion is just cant. They do their best to suppress diversity of opinion, and demonize anybody who does not follow the Party line. The BBC is as intellectual corrupt as it is financially dependent.
Probably 10 million or so, ‘Stateless’ people apparently. UN Refugee Council say, if all countries pulled together the 10 million could be dispersed. That’s right: Afghanistan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, the Gulf States, Iran…………………. all could club together to get them dispersed since its mostly islamicists and Africans and they surely love them. What’s that you say? ‘no the West has to take them’. Why’s that then?
Now why would the 10 million want to go to any of these countries when they can come to Europe and get easy money and easy access to women, neither of which they would get anywhere else.
How is it that Carney blamed Brexit for reducing interest rates last year and blames Brexit for raising them now.
Balance. Apparently. Paul Mason can explain, if they can’t find a five year old.
Its only when you have to rub shoulders with the State and its arms that you come across the inevitable adult/child. Here, probably known as a ‘Snowflake’. They’re everywhere – mid-twenties early thirties, seemingly intelligent but on closer examination not, no common sense to compensate. Determined to follow some line with which he/she is reasonably acquainted, probably from time spent in yooni learning leftie/liberal gobbledegook. Sure had my fill of them this week. Fortunately I don’t have to clear the mess up after them.
G – I reckon you may have got things wrong here. The way things are going we may ALL have to clear the mess up after them!!!
I’ve been increasingly watching PBS America just recently. Only because it has some quite interesting programmes. Last night? The story of Galileo superbly acted by (?). Sequenced his life span and particularly the problems he had with the Catholic Church not accepting the concept of planetary motions around the Sun rather than Earth. Fortunately they’re locked in a pretty tight box now but only to be replaced by an even bigger horror – islam. That’s on that will never be restrained as later generations will discover.
G – I too am fond of PBS America – The Civil War and The Great War filled in gaps in history for me.
Please don’t equate the 17th century groupthink of the Roman Catholic Church with the evil 21st century Islam which wants to take us back 900 years. I don’t feel “locked in a pretty tight box” .
I watched the BBC Back in Time for Dinner series. The series has been peculiar in that it concentrated on a middle class family who seemed to live remarkably well even when times were hard for working class families. A missed free hit there for the corporation. But There were also only a few glimpses of the BBC agenda so it was watchable. But there was magnificent example of the total lack of self-awareness of the BBC In the 1920s episode. When they were dealing with the 1926 General Strike the father in the series was reading the government produced newspaper, the British Gazette as all the other papers were hit by striking printers. I assume that this chap says what is in his BBC script and he said that it wasn’t very good when you only had access to one source of news!!! Don’t the BBC realise that in 2017 that is exactly what they are.
You couldn’t be sure that if Galileo was to turn up again to-day that the Roman Catholic church might still dispute his theories.
Talking of disputes wasn’t it revealing on QT recently that Dimbelby harangued Mr. Rees-Mogg to provide evidence of the bBC’s numerous examples of the opening gambit ” despite Brexit” in its myriad of “news”reports.
Dimbelby was openly shocked when the audience loudly applauded signalling agreement that the bBC was caught “bang to rights gov!”
The blatant attempt by Dimbelbey and the rest of the bBC news pack is that they think they are untouchable……..they are hiding behind their relative wealth knowing nothing can be done with their bias………….
£1.5 Million pounds for that R4 lead news gang makes the point.
Time this lot were served notice.
I watched a bit of the programme with Sue Perkins – she stood in some human feces on a street floor and was wanting to throw up, cry and go back home . None if this is mentioned in the BBC summary though …
Sue Perkins goes on an extraordinary journey, spanning over 1,500 miles, from the source of the Ganges high in the Himalayas to the Bay of Bengal. She travels through some of the most extraordinary, chaotic and exciting places on earth, exploring the lives and landscapes of modern India at this crucial point in its history. {bbc.co.uk 19oct2017}
Oh Dear! Beautiful Canada. Thanks UN; Thanks George Soros: You will be paying a large and unexpected bill in due course.
There are 20K teachers available in Nigeria who can’t pass a test for 6 year olds …
Nigeria schools: Kaduna primary teachers fail pupils’ exam {bbc.co.uk 10oct2017}
“Thousands of primary school teachers in Nigeria’s northern Kaduna state are to be sacked after failing the exams they set for their six-year-old pupils. State governor Nasir El-Rufai said 21,780 teachers, two-thirds of the total, had failed to score 75% or higher on assessments given to pupils (aged six). ”
Sunday Radio 5 had a prog on Diesel Particulate Filters being removed and being undetected by MOT
(it is a known problem and the gov is already rolling out a plan with the MOT rules set to change in May 2018)
The prog was full of Guardian-like sloppiness : Labour Party PR, emotional blackmail, and anecdotal hysteria against diesels.
I just put some notes in the thread where I monitor the DieselsRPaedos political campaign. You are welcome to comment there.
My new post is the sixth one on the page
It was Gordon Brown, David Miliband , Ken Livingston and-of course-Sir David King who was Labours Chief public health scientist at that time-who forced diesel onto us all “to protect the children in London etc”.
Need I add that Greenpeace, FoE, the Green Party and the EU-especially the German car manufacturers-were also most pleased with this pioneering effort to force non-diesel cars off the road, and price them out of the new eco markets.
Oh dear-never seem to hear from any of them now do we? And no consequences whatsoever-hell, Brown`s got his book coming out this week-and nobody will ask him about this. The privilege of being an eternal lefty.
Very Grenfell, very Millennium Bug
“Success has a thousand fathers, failure is an orphan”-Napoleon.
The Left don’t do self-criticism. The only reflection they allow is “Why are we not in power and what can we do to make it happen”. That is why histories of the Left (if they exist at all) are so little interested in what actually happens. That is why the BBC (which is simply a propaganda channel these days) always starts with what Guardian readers want to be true, and then builds its programmes and dramas around these assumptions.
From the BBC News Pidgin home page.
Further comment really is superfluous.
No. 7 seems oddly less Pidgen to the rest
New York attack: Donald Trump want death penalty for suspect
NaYork t’rra killin: dem Prezdent want ‘im ‘n a truck excutin if ‘im guiltee nah.
There, I think I have fixed that for you, Guest.
I honestly thought that was some sort of Twitter spoof. Jesus wept – I’ve just seen the launch announcement:
Speaking de drivel unto nation…
Louise Casey warns on Political Correctness
“Christopher Hitchens Islam is Bullshit and i am Offended”
UK has 56,000 absconders , 750 of them are crimals on report-in-frequently licences
80K are supposed to report in to authorities but 56K of them have been declared absconders now.
Illegal immigrants don’t follow British fair play rules and regularly report in? What a shock.
There really is no hope for the so called border force, the useless home office immigration people or the political elite that is responsible for this mess.
I admit I think of this every time I queue up at ‘the U.K. border ‘ on returning home at an airport and get out through an Orwellian system while blokes with long black beards plotting our doom and ex Calais stowaways in lorries seem to breeze in, however illegal.
Illegals act illegally. Undocumented stay undocumented. Jihadists welcome.
Hey nudge nudge, hear the joke about Hafriet Harman who told an offensive joke to Brillo assuming he would find it funny. He told her to be quiet
Here on Gudio
Your link was wrong but this sums it up
‘People like you Andrew like the Jews ashtray joke’
With clip & AN response:
Apparently the major problem for the thicker Corbynistas is that Neil told Harperson to be quiet, not that she both told a tasteless holocaust joke on TV or that she said beforehand that Neil considered it acceptable.
Declaration – I’m not Jewish or a member of a political organisation
I saw Hattie deliver her joke and was actually really shocked
Now Hattie and me go back a long way. I remember her as a young girl as
Mouthpiece for the NCCL defending disgusting people and organisations.
She has always been a true horror and saying that on live tv last night
Is a hate crime isn’t it ?
It’s lucky baroness Shabi didn’t find anti Semitism in the nazi – sorry Labour Party eh?
Saying that on national TV is far worse than warming hands or touching knees.
I wonder if she realises her type would have gone up the chimney in a different version of history
I hope she gives her £700 appearance money ??? To a Jewish charity . I guess the Toady programme didn’t mention it or whether she has apologised. I’m not using this to beat her or al beeb over the head for the sake of it. It’s were judgement and mindset which really worries
Great watching Van Helsing Neil – nail that sour faced, ghastly left wing night creature firmly back into her box where she belongs.
Hattie doing what the typical lefties have got away with for years namely – trying to smear anyone who disagrees with their world view as some sort evil, unfeeling monster who has absolutely no shred of humanity and is therefore an enemy of the people (the people of course being Hattie and friends).
They have also done similair take downs on Farage – but fortunately this time, an over confidant Hattie had little support from the rest of the panel so was unable to wriggle out of her self created predicament.
What is particularly ironic about all of this is the fact that the modern caring sharing Labour party is rife with anti semites and no matter how hard Baroness Chakribarty tries with her whitewashing reports the smell of hypocrisy and lies on this subject cannot be denied.
Hattie of course is blameless in all things and is allowed to change her view without any criticism from a generally servile BBC. I am sure that Wimmins hour at some point will give her the opportunity to try and dig herself out of her hole. As they have done in the past with the allegations revolving around her support of PIE in the 1970s ( According to wiki Harman urged amendments to a 1978 Child Protection Bill declaring that “images of children should only be considered pornographic if it could be proven the subject suffered”) The inference I take from this statement is that you can take whatever image of a child you want providing there is no evidence to prove they were co-erced – Still what do I know – Im not a lawyer.
Can you imagine the BBC letting any right wing politician getting away with such a statement – Me neither.
Maybe Hattie could also have told a disgusting joke on pedophilia and suggested that Andrew Neil might also like that as well.
Maybe thats it – He is obviously a paedo as well as an antisemite and by lefty implication anyone who agrees with his views are probably cut from the same sick and unwholesome cloth Brillo has obviously been formed from.
Of course,the BBC have already buried this one. Even though it`s a BBC “News Exclusive” that they alone could run with if they chose to. But it`s Hattie, Jack and the looney left who need to shelter-so the BBC will kindly let it wither on the vine in the hope we`ll forget it.
But we won`t-this Harman/Neil story is truly horrifying on so many levels that it will not be forgotten. She`s an evil cossetted lefty privileged by the BBC-and the BBC hate Israel and Jews as much as she does I`d imagine. Where`s Nigel Farages apology you BBC scum?
As for her trying to take our attention away from her Jew baiting efforts to smear Neil with some stuff about sexism in Parliament? Well, the BBC will let her give her Thoughts on This Most Pressing Topic of The Age until they think we`ve forgotten just how evil the Left and the BBC are when in cahoots.
But we won`t.
OT, but it was on these pages I learned the more pragmatic retail world was a better source for data, on such as population numbers, than our mighty national disgrace.
So I found this interesting as the BBC still wheels out Nick, Tarzan and Rumpole in a rota to tell a nodding Nick, James, Evan or country how stuffed it is unless we re-assimilate:
Brexit-must-fall campaign
..but VW has applied to start its own UK bank
But what will they do with their banking emissions?
‘You’ve got to love Tony Hall, and I don’t mean that in a condescending tone’
Most would.
R4Feedback coming up
-R4Today 60th anniversary live edition.
Did some of the presenters bray over gags about sexual harassment and assault?
– Radio 4 has been working in partnership with Dundee University to trial a new piece of technology that aims to help the listener become a more effective debater. Roger gives this innovation a try.
– behind the scenes at the Ken Bruce show to find out more about how he and his sidekick Lynn Bowles interact with their listeners.
– the first – and now former – Radio 4 Poet in Residence Daljit Nagra to find out more about the role.
+ The verbal tics on the radio that drive you mad.
“The verbal tics on the radio that drive you mad.”
That’s just about every BBC employee with a microphone.
Even CNN are carrying the news of how Hillary cheated Sanders out of the election.
They report how the left wing, feminist, Hillary supporters Elizabeth Warren and Donna Brazile now state that not only did Hillary buy the DNC and cheat Sanders out of a fair chance but she also blocked Joe Biden. Biden was the one man the Clinton campaign feared.
BBC have this buried away on their North America page. It should be front page news.
Will be interesting on the BBC spin these ‘revelations’ which have been known since the primaries began.
All together now: Crooked Hillary, lock her up, lock her up ….
I wonder what Katty Kay’s two word insight will be on this?
Or will she gently ignore it. As you do. At the BBC.
Katty Kay uses only single punctuation statements – BBC’s best. Having used ‘!’ and ‘?’ I’m not sure what will be next ….
BBC covering like mad for Harriet Paedo-apologist : http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-41863815
Here is the video : https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/4833966/andrew-neil-slams-harriet-harman-jewish-anti-semetic-joke-on-tv/
The BBC wasting taxpayers money with an extra 1000 hours a year of live broadcasting of diversity sport most people are uninterested in – including women’s football, wheelchair tennis and drag queen wrestling:
Drag Wrestling? That should provide 1,000 hrs of top quality footage easy.
And it’s not like Lord Tone needs to justify single digit audience figures at all.
I noticed that Drag Wrestler in the NewsBeat section for kids …. clever stuff!
Maybe they could air Drag-hunting?
Live from Tower Hamlets?
Good to see the left consuming itself in public. The Hollywood Trump haters, Labour feminists like Harman now apologizing for anti-semitic joke See BBC link
Perhaps this ecaped MSM attention but Trans feminists and TERFS (Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists}. had a row at the Anarchist bookfair in London last week, and one group of feminists called the cops.
Yes, anarchists calling the cops for help. This dispute has turned violent.
How to deal with BBC interuptothon/interview. More people need to do this
Lord god I wish he’d come up against humph £650k Or Robinson. He’d shred them.
And turning the racist attitude on a beeboid was priceless. Lucky the interviewer was long in the teeth because if it had Been the work experience girl -meeeshall she’d have cried.
Brilliant “Harry ” ( never knew how he got that nickname ) destroys thicko Tim ! Superb !
If only we had a Prime Minister like him instead of the waste of oxygen currently in Number 10.
The BBC says in response – Leave him alone, he bites.
Great stuff! Thanks for posting it gb123.
“Visiting Britain in 1969, the Singaporean leader Lee Kwan Yew sought a meeting with Powell, not remotely concerned that Powell no longer even held shadow office, but wanting to meet and learn from this phenomenon.”
‘Like The Roman’ Simon Heffer.
It would appear the type of people whom LKY sought out to speak with, wouldn’t include al Beebus drones; such as the likes of Tim Sebastard.
Lee Kuan Yew and Enoch Powell were both highly educated and intelligent men, it is no wonder they would enjoy each other’s company. Can you think of a modern politician who has the command of the English language shown by either of them?
Angela Rayner? John Prescott?
Rayner needs to take the gum out of her mouth before the interview.
The problem is she can’t breathe and think at the same time. Some people say she should spend more time thinking.
New media approach on it’s way … brainwashing, but by who and with what?
New York terror suspect was ‘brainwashed’, says sister {independent 03nov2017}
‘I’m sure he will come to his senses, God willing,’ Umida Saipova says
In a week where the bBC has been running itself into the ground over allegation of knee touching 10 years ago at a dinner, in the real world they continue to hide Islamic rape gangs having their day in court. Here is a story from Newcastle: Yes it is on the bBC, but for some strange reason the Plastic Muslims at the bBC feel it isn’t in the best interest to pitch this story alongside White male MPs who may have overstepped the mark when it comes to pretty young things:
UK: 4 illegal Kurdish Migrants jailed for child rape
I’ll let you find the bBC story on your own seeing as they have gone out of their way in which to bury this Halal sausage . But you’ve got to love hou they start off their article:
Four Tyneside men involved in a gang which sexually exploited vulnerable girls as young as 13 have been jailed
The bBC, still covering up Islamic rape gangs in the UK.
I saw this report on BBC Look North this evening and the reporter almost seemed apologetic when reporting they were from Iran and Iraq. It was actually reported as the leading headline. There must have been some real disappointment at the BBC tonight having to actually put this out. The producers in BBC Newcastle are so pro Muslim. They always manage to find some story to report on to prove how marvellous the religion of peace is. The funny thing is though, whenever they put out a report they always mention Islam. Not in this case though.
The BBC version
local news of course. 4 other older LOCAL stories seem to mention the same perps.
Have the BBC found the new Nadya?
But strangely I couldn’t find any mention of this on the BBC pages for Birmingham and the Black Country.
BBC Online News:
“‘Truly unique’ mother lioness nurses leopard cub in Tanzania””
This is very sexist. Lioness?? Would the BBC call a female actor an actress? Of course not!
Does a leopardess change her spots? Unless transgender?
And despite Brexit…