Mishal Husain called the Israeli ‘Wall’ a ‘security barrier’ [08:35] and accused Palestinians of killing Israeli civilians….men, women and children…..shocked outrage from the Palestinian being interviewed. Maybe if the BBC had adopted such a more two-sided and balanced approach in all its reporting about Israel the peace might have been given more of a chance as the Palestinians weren’t given licence to attack the Israeli ‘oppressors’…so long so labelled by the BBC.
Anyway…new open thread, I’m sure the BBC hasn’t turned over a new leaf on every subject….if not list it all here…..
Not al beeb related yet
But after all those years of Saudi western oil money being used to undermine and kill us – including the 9/11 monsters someone fires a mission at their home town. As ye sow so shall ye reap – as the Bible says.
8pm BBC4 they keep referring to FIVE ELEVEN the Gunpowder plot.
I’ve never heard it call 5,11 before
5,11 sounds like a verse from the Koran or something.
The BBC are deflecting away from the Nine Eleven Islamic Plot that killed 3000 by trying to establish an equivalence to a Christian plot of the historic past that killed 0 people. It is simply an exercise to diminish and justify Nine Eleven (disgruntled men critiquing US Foreign policy).
The BBC deflect away from Muslim paedophile rape gangs by calling them Child Sex Exploitation Gangs. Yet the BBC use the rape headline time and again when it is Harvey Weinstein or Hindus or Catholic Priests or Sikh Gurus or Indians or White English Men …
“The BBC deflect away from Muslim paedophile rape gangs by calling them Child Sex Exploitation Gangs. ”
I agree. Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)is the description used by the police and social services. It is never used by the press unless, like the BBC, they have an ulterior motive. When the victims are adults the professional description is Adult Sexual Abuse (ASE), but the press never use that one.
These reports from Climate Change Organisations are numerous and extensive, and are quickly forgotten, because all that is in the reports is already known. But the most interesting thing about these reports is what is excluded, or censored, to produce the fake narrative of Man-made Climate Change.
There must be hundreds of these Climate Change organisations in the world, full of the environmental activists and taxpayer funded political activists of the swamp, all trying to drown out the voices of Atmospheric Physicists and Solar Astronomers, with extensive reports about the weather, using selective censorship and adding there own pseudoscientific gobbledygook to the meteorology, but avoiding the basics of trying to calibrate carbon dioxide warming in a Planetary Atmosphere.
It seems that all but a few Independent Causational Climate scientists are now sceptics, especially after the collapse of the positive feedback excuse. Its why they don’t appear on the BBC, and why the BBC has become an echo chamber of morons telling each other what they thing a scientific genius thinks. But never inviting one on to the BBC, to freely say what they really think about the science, or the political and environmentalist Climate Change scam.
Two versions of “Project Fear”,
One from the Tory view………………………………….
“Liam Fox wants EU deal but ‘not afraid’ of not getting one”
The other from Labour 40 + years ago – Listen carefully …………………
When you watch Peter Shore’s speech, it is incredible now to think that Labour once had people of such articulacy and intellectual calibre within its front ranks; whereas they now contain the likes of: Jeremy Corbyn; Diane Abbott; the Angelas Rayner & Eagle and Richard Burgon.
How much the quality of our politicians has deteriorated since is quite something to behold.
Dead right AS.
All this crap about a “divided nation” goes back to these days.
Basically are you a patriot, indepdendent minded, believe in national sovereignty and the Anglosphere, Commonwealth and the rights in independent nations to trade honourably on a level field. Do you follow reason and experience, know your history and geography?
Or are you a spoon fed lefty who`s been in the public sector too long, who mashed your brains, buttoned your lip and made hay out of poorer peoples tragedies?
Only Brexit allows for room to think-the EU/UN and lefty Progressive Agenda will consign us to hell, or an Islamic abbatoir.
The abridged version ……………
What a absolutely brilliant speech! Apart from Jacob Rees-Mogg, I doubt if any MP today could deliver anything remotely approaching that.
All we get now is platitudes and speeches from politicians telling us what they think we want to hear. Passion and conviction such as this is in desperately short supply from our mainstream politicians. When you do hear it from someone on subjects such as Islam or Brexit they are immediately branded racists and not people who care about this country.
Heath’s affected air of aloof boredom is quite a window into that pre-programmed idiot’s soul.
I was just too young to vote in 1975. To my shame I would have voted Yes. I watched the whole debate at the time and thought Jeremy Thorpe’s speech was hilarious. My reason for believing the EEC would be good for Britain is that since the Wilson government of the 60’s we seemed in terminal spiral of decline. West Germany and the other Common Market countries seemed to be doing so well I thought they would help us recover. Not a bit of it! It was only Margaret’s monetary policies of the eighties that allowed this country to recover. Then we witnessed further integration affecting our freedom and our ability to run our economy to suit us that made me realise what a terrifying prospect remaining part of the EU dictatorship is. Mrs May you said Brexit means Brexit. It doesn’t mean half-staying in for any period. We voted for freedom. We want it now.
Who says the BBC don’t do comedy any more?
I was just too young to vote in 1975. To my shame I would have voted Yes. I watched the whole debate at the time and thought Jeremy Thorpe’s speech was hilarious. My reason for believing the EEC would be good for Britain is that since the Wilson government of the 60’s we seemed in terminal spiral of decline. West Germany and the other Common Market countries seemed to be doing so well I thought they would help us recover. Not a bit of it! It was only Margaret’s monetary policies of the eighties that allowed this country to recover. Then we witnessed further integration affecting our freedom and our ability to run our economy to suit us that made me realise what a terrifying prospect remaining part of the EU dictatorship is. Mrs May you said Brexit means Brexit. It doesn’t mean half-staying in for any period. We voted for freedom. We want it now.
I remember Jeremy Corblimey grabbing hold of Snooty Thornberry’s tit. Will he have to resign?
Wasn’t there also a story that when he had a naked Diane Abbott hiding under a sheet, that he invited some comrades round to see. if true it could be put down to sexual exploitation as well as racial.
The meme “oldies are stupid, young are smart” concerns us here
The brains of under-25’s not fully formed?
The average age of Lancaster bomber pilots was 22.
The Guardian needs to grow up.
“Young people should be treated differently by criminal justice system because their brains are not fully formed, MPs say”
Who said give 16 year olds the vote ?
Clear the average intelligence of those at the Guardian would not qualify for a place at Tumble Tots ! Twenty odd year olds with a pocketful of degrees from Yuni but haven’t a clue about World War 2 (really ? there was SECOND world war ????)
Maxi Con,
A penny for your thoughts on this, given your experience ?
Thank you for the link . I used my grade B physics A level from the late 1970s to assess the data and came up with the following—— human kind has been reliably recording the weather in a few parts of the world for about – let’s see – 50 years. So we are using other indicators to model what we think the global weather patterns on the basis of that.
As a result I will not accept that there is climate warming caused by us until there is reliable data recorded with enough value to predict the future – so – in geological terms – come back in a few thousand years or less .
Exactly, RJ.
Not al Beeb bias but c4 news – which said “ a government minister has resigned “ as breaking news. They left out the bit that it is an SNP windbag who is off to spend more time with his family – presumably because a Sunday paper is running a saucy kiss and tell – or plain grope and tell.
I suppose they’ll have run out of resignations by Christmas
The aim is that the “progressives” are going to use this “opportunity” to get rid of white Christian men (mostly) from government and parliament and have them replaced by BAME and feminists and the LGBTQ crowd.
Britain is truly sliding into the abyss as competent politicians (actually there is not that many around) will be replaced with even less competent “ethnics” and Muslims and feminist and Social Justice Warriors for Queers – all with false victimhood grievance chips on their shoulders – to force through further social and demographic change onto England and Britain.
I’m still smiling at the defenestration of Michael Fallon.
The story in today’s Daily Telegraph is that he was working to get Andrea Leadsom sacked because he knew that she would object to a UK capitulation in the Brexit negotiations. Instead she got her retaliation in first, using the “who touched what” stories as the mechanism. It’s one senior quisling less in the government. One down, far too many still to go.
RJ – If that story is correct and Leadsom was astute enough and ruthless enough to have destroyed a Tory party heavyweight (or what passes for one these days) like Fallon, occupying one of the top five jobs in HMG, in so Machiavellian fashion; the question which screams to be asked is:
WTF did that party not pick her as leader instead of Ma May, when they had the chance?
Which of the two should be expected to be more effective when negotiating with our “friends” at the EU?
Al Shubtill
Torys are not Torys any more. Bring in Jacob Rees – Mogg.
One down? Hopefully Damian Green will be the next Remainer to be jettisoned.
Hi RJ, thanks for that comment. I felt Michael Fallon’s sudden resignation highly suggestive that he himself was a weak politician.
ps I haven’t noticed your comments in the past (sorry if you are a regular) but the two comments I have seen from you that followed my posts on this page – I have found to be informative and helpful.
BBC, thank you for that. I post a few times a week, but I wach and listen to so little BBC that there are very few programmes that I can comment on. These days the closest I get to BBC programmes is “New Tricks” on Drama, but even there the politics makes some of the story-lines ridiculous.
There was a time when it was Radio 4 during the day and BBC TV during the evening; now it’s CDs during thr day and a book during the evening. I did think about watching the new Blue Planet series but the press reports of the CAGW propaganda about Walrusus make me glad I didn’t bother.
My thanks to those here who do still watch/listen and report back to us.
How typically depressing of the BBC to bemoan the lack of Western intellectuals in public life (Archive on 4, 4/11/17 Radio 4 8pm).
And to back the point? We get Baroness Mary Warnock, Simon Schama and Mary Beard cited as examples of the kind of people we seem to lack in public life today. No Bertrand Russells, no HG Wells , no AJP Taylors any more?
What a crock of lefty oafs-all deeply flawed, weird and useful idiots for the Soviets.
Their current crop of idiots are all globalising multiculti sops, happily pimping their books and prejudices for their BBC paymasters and Oxbridge sup ups.
Not a mention of Sir Roger Scruton, nothing about the likes of Thomas Sowell and their likes-no Houllebecqs either.
No…if it`s not lefty CND and Euro love-ins, or catastrophic educational disasters in “special needs education”-then the BBC won`t be giving them the oxygen of publicity. Even on a show that says that intellectuals are no longer able to get into the media to tell us of their thinking. The BBC certainly won`t be telling you-not when Mary Beard and Stephen Fry will give you the “academic excuses” for your Eurofanatic, Trump bashing, Islam excusing musings.
Spot on as ever, chrisH.
Why does Simon Schema sound familiar?
“..I’m slightly amazed at our colleagues (Simon Schama BBC@£200K) ability to get big laughs on gang rape…I’m not much of a feminist but I draw the line at the 3 year old getting raped, and the seven year old getting gang raped in a basement. (audience claps)” – Mark Steyn {youtube The Munk debate @4:46}
Simon Schama BBC@£200K – I knew I’d seen that name Schama before. This is what Simon said earlier to ignite Mark Steyn’s response ….
“…I’m just struck by how obsessed by sex these two guys (Farage/Steyn) are, it’s a bit sad really… (audience laughs, Simon smiles)” – Simon Schama (£200K BBC Salary) {youtube The Munk debate @2:00}
Suggest you watch the whole debate…to form your own opinion of Simon “BBC on 200K” Schama, whose salary is from a TV Tax extracted from people who are struggling in the UK, a license that had 180,000 (near Simon’s Wage) prosecuted due to non payment. And sent 70 people to jail.
Those three are easily disposed of – Warnock – inherited wealth.lifelong academic . Schama – us citizen by now but spending his non domicile 182 days in Blighty rubbishing it , beard – a good agent telling her to be weird, right on and sell a lot of books at Christmas . Do some al Beeb series saying we are all refugees.
Both Beard and Schama ( if I’m wrong about him being a yank ) must be top of the list for a new year peerage as they’ve both made documentaries for al Beeb and been reliably multicultural .
I used to do shift work. My test about reality was about people standing at bus stops at 0520 on a dark frozen morning going to work I wondered how many politicians had ever seen that.? I realise now, of course , that they were too busy touching up their staff .
I wonder how many Italian MPs are a bit touchy feely with the female workmates?
Not directly BBC – but I do think Hutton “nails it” on this one.
Methinks the sistas should to be careful about what they wish for. But maybe that is their secret desire.
Still like lefties everywhere – Anything these perpetual 6th form common room “revolutionaries” see as a problem they scream against it, break it down, obliterate its memory then act bemused when something infinitely nastier takes its place.
I do also wonder whether this whole ridiculous storm in a teacup is being used as yet another battering ram to break Theresas weak and discredited government and help usher in the equally weak and discredited but currently teflon coated Corbyn regime.
I know it has been said here countless times before – How can any sane person be more concerned bout an unwanted hand on a knee compared to the ongoing rape of what probably amounts to thousands of white working class girls by muslim gangs in our inner cities.
World has definitely gone mad.
“… storm in a teacup is being used as yet another battering ram to break Theresas weak and discredited government”
Yes it’s just an EU-led diversion to force a situation where Brexit is stopped or watered down even more, and to avoid tackling the real threats of jihadi terrorists and rape gangs.
If that sounds conspiratorial – well so be it.
Island – It is interesting that at this time more than any other when when the left/globalists stand to lose much and we potentially are in a position where we could shake off the yoke of the EU and finally even start to be able to regain control of our borders.
The media led by the BBC have suddenly taken a very keen interest in Hartly Brewers knee (despite her apparent indifference to it).
Certainly makes you wonder.
Crimes get reported to the police. Harassment report to employer. Stupidity is to be ignored.
A week is a long time in BBC. ‘About the BBC’ polls.
Trust them.
YES press office tweet that NEW RESEARCH yet graph says the polling for it was done in Jan-Feb 2017
& results were first mentioned in March
“New research – BBC remains the most trusted news source:” Tweet
The biggest thing is it’s the Loaded question fallacy
In all households the BBC is available
but other sources are bound to score lower, cos for example you have to buy the newspapers.
Then BBC news is ubiquitously spread through many channels/radio, so few are going to choose ITV/Sky over it
“Budget 2017: Pubs urge Hammond to cut beer duty”
Remember this ?
We get this …………………………………
BBC’s finest again leave their politics at the door:
I think you’ll find that this is a picture of Brown Rot in apples, which is prevalent this year.
Why doesn’t this irritating little git get some real information from people who actually know, rather than the Harrabin College of Liars and Assholes in Space?
Sorry, accidental ‘report’.
Actually Brown Rot seems a good description of what issues from his fuzz covered pie hole.
Ooops, so sorry, Guest, I meant O’Brian’s the git, not – never – you…!
(Note to self, take more Assam before writing posts)!
Well spotted,
Headline says “Migrant labour shortage leaves fruit rotting on UK farms”
So that’s wrong, cos it not lack of picking that is causing the rot.
But does brown rot cut labour demand ?
The treatment for it, is to make sure you remove infected fruit, so the fungus doesn’t spread to good fruit.
..”late frosts” was in the news last week for causing ring marked fruit, so I wonder if they caused brown rot ? Humidity exacerbates fungus. It might be caused by failing spray fruit early in season.
I guess if you do thinning in May you’d get rid of early infected fruit
“Green rot” is a fungus destroying the EU.
h/t @GolfCharlie
Role Models
One dips into the BBC News Channel for a few minutes to catch the headlines and chances on the red sofa double act who explain to viewers, in no uncertain terms, that ‘role models’ is what the BBC is now all about. Our Roger and Rachel are busy eulogising some young black rugby player. They like him because he has said something along the lines of : “I’m not talking about Black Power, but….” Gosh, was that a sports item, because I didn’t hear much about sport? Anyway this chap is a “British-Nigerian” Strange, I hadn’t realised there were now hyphenated categories of UK Passport. Am I now a British-Englishman? Is that official? Our breakfast time achingly politically correct pairing put all this odd new thinking into context for us – apparently, we just can’t get enough “role models”. That’s right, “whether it’s diversity or women”. It all becomes clear – think about that all you run-of-the-mill white guys when you come to renew the TV Licence – the BBC : it ain’t for you, man. Next item is about encouraging kids to read – there’s this lovely double page spread in the Guardian all about graphic novels. (Yeah, the Guardian, you could have knocked me down with a feather) Oh by the way, graphic novels aren’t explicit books, they are cartoon books. I thought they were pulpy genre things for teenagers – but what do I know! Seems to me as though putting them into the classroom is dumbing down and suggests our teachers are failing to teach kids to read. Back to that concept of role models – I wonder what the regulation BBC sofa team line up tells us about how they want our kids to grow up? Looks to me like feisty femme and wet lettuce male. I had to smile, when our Roger (who looks as though he’d rather be at home washing his dog’s hair) reveals that his own offspring’s favourite book is “Diary of a Wimpy Kid”.
AISI – One of the best things I ever did (apart from marrying the long suffering Mrs Oak) was to get rid of the telly. It enables you to instantly see through much of the white noise of celebrity powered politically correct bullshit and enables you to pick out many of the nasty little “micro” attacks that the left has been undertaking for years on our established culture.
I also take my hat off to you for watching any of this shite and reporting on it. These days I seem to be reaching more and more for the off switch (especially on R4 which I used to really like).
There is very little on the BBC these days which has not been reduced to something akin to a sloganeering excercise from Maos little red book. But I suppose with their progressive, fixed world view that is probably the best most BBC journos can manage. But at least I dont have to pay for it.
Mr O, I concur. Myself, I fled Radio 4, which had once been my happy youthfull home, because I found my culture increasingly assulted. You probably know the story. I sought asylum with BBC Radio 5 thinking that a diet of sport could not be adulterated with PC – how wrong I was. Now I find I can just about stomach a small dose of trash tv current affairs now and again. Since I’m paying for it I may as well report on it. For those who say don’t pay I caution that unlike the philosophical falling tree in the forest the BBC still goes on even if you don’t watch.
It is astonishing how many friends have now switched off Radio 4, all citing the same reasons. Political agitprop shoehorned into every programme. “Like a never-ending drone from the 1970s Marxist history teacher you always thought was a bit of a joke,” said one.
Very, very scary that these people and their acolytes are now in charge, and there is quite clearly no balance of opinion.
Wonder what the true listening figures are like, compared with five years ago – not that we can trust any that Pravda-BBC might put out.
I agree Stella – the figures just can’t be right. And looking at the schedule I listen to less and less and use the off switch far more – I never thought that would ever be the case. Luckily the new editor of the Toady show is mixing obvious propaganda with magazine segments normally about some obscure musician whose gone the the land of the self indulgent final overdose.
I too have been a listener since 1988.
I`ve given up on the BBC, unless it features someone I either respect or can be relied upon to be of independent mind.
But given the usual names from universities, labour quangos and political remainiacs being forever paraded before us…I just switch off and go online, or to Radio 3 /Classic FM or local independent stations.
Glad I have left the BBC-when I see the effect that they have on teachers and public sector types, then it`s best to let them rot from the head down.
Oh-and I refuse to go to any place where the Guardian is left out for me to read.
Jew baiting Brownshirt cat litter, and BBC Pollyfiller.
It’s one of the reasons I comment less on this site. I am simply no longer willing to have my intelligence insulted by the relentless stream of agitprop that pours from R4, so I have a lot less to remark on!
BBC TV is scanned and the very occasional programme I think might be worth watching is recorded and watched when it suits me.
The result is an almost BBC-free life which is a great relief!
Nigeria and reading. All cultures are equal. I’ve found a connection for the BBC from their own website …
Thousands (21k) of primary school teachers in Nigeria’s northern Kaduna state are to be sacked after failing the exams they set for their six-year-old pupils
It’s probably the same for medical doctors who buy their ticket in the street from the university of give me move me and then come to Blighty to be locums with no one in the nhs with the bottle to check the qualifications.
We have elevated idiocracy instead of wanting greatness … so nobody gets offended.
“We were able to be all these things and do all these things because we were informed. By great men. (link opens video)“
You’ll never guess what the million monkeys and their million typewriters in the BBC cubicle gardens have come up with now:
I earlier posted an item where I mentioned Hillary Clinton would be receiving the Wonder Woman Award.
Now that she has actually received the Award (given to her on her 70th birthday), I would like to supply an update and slight rewrite:
Sadly and surprisingly, the BBC did not cover this momentous event, but the Daily Mail (of all papers) has the full report:
President Trump was duly apprised of the news. However, in the rush to inform him, a small mistake was made, resulting in Trump issuing the following series of tweets:
Trump tweet #1: I hear Hillary Clinton has won the Wondering Woman Award. Congratulations!
Trump tweet #2: She’s still wondering how she lost! Sad!
Trump tweet #3: She should change the title of her book from ‘What Happened’ to ‘I Wonder What Happened’
Trump tweet #4: Answer: Wonderful Trump Happened!!!
Saudi princes among dozens detained in anti-corruption purge
For a long long time I have been telling anyone with an ear to listen about the way Saudi Arabia was bribing senior government ministers for the promotion of Islam in the UK. People have a deep seated resistance to even the notion that our political leaders might be in any way corrupt, which alas protects the guilty in their heinous acts of betrayal.
We know from BLiars biographers that he has benefitted from somewhere in the region of £200 Million from Saudi for work of dubious value all in return for the blatant promotion of Islam in the UK.
We know that Cameron continued this promotion, but not yet of any payments forthcoming, although there are plenty of rumours of his enrichment around.
And then there’s the hopeless Theresa May, deeply committed to turning the UK into an Islamic hell hole as quickly as her likely short term in office will allow.
She has supressed a report into Saudi financed terrorism in the UK
She has asked Mona Siddiqi of the Prince Alwaleed centre at Edinburgh university for a report on how she can incorporate Sharia law into UK law.
Interestingly Prince Alwaleed is one of those arrested for corruption.
I doubt that Saudi is going to want to publicise the bribing of foreign leaders to be released into the public domain, so we will probably never hear about the greed and betrayal of the British people by the political classes yet those reading this should open their minds at least to the possibility that this has indeed been going on.
This is the only way that the pieces of the jigsaw fit together, although if others have an explanation I’d love to hear it.
The Beeb is leading news bulletins with the shocking revelation that a Tory minister might have watched pornography, but is eerily silent about the Sun’s revelations of substantive harassment claims against their highest paid star Chris Evans.
The problem with peddling moral outrage as the BBC does is that one must be whiter than white to do so, which of course nobody is; they are throwing stones from a glass house with broken windows.
Indeed. Compare and contrast the way that Jeremy Clarkson was treated for biffing one of the protected species.
What a pack of hypocrites!
My memory isn’t what it was, but didn’t the 2009 MPs’ expenses scandal include a female Labour Home Secretary claiming for pornographic videos, allegedly for her husband to watch. That wasn’t just watching pornography, that was getting us to pay for it.
I don’t expect the BBC to remember anything about it.
The BBC tells us:
“Media watchdog OfCom recently said that Brexit was now one of the biggest challenges facing the [broadcasting] sector”.
Here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-41875853
What chance is there of impartiality when the watchdog itself agrees with the BBC’s propaganda?
This dirty swamp needs to be cleared.
That would be the Ofcom made up mainly of ex-BBC employees?
Quelle surprise then.
Typically BBC..weasel news…I have looked at all of the most recent speeches and articles from Ofcom for comment they ascribe to OfCom in that link you sent and it isn’t there… In fact in recently ( Oct) they talk more about making sure the BBC delivers new content aimed at UK viewers..Ha ha
And in a very recent speech in Brussels Ofcom’s Sharon White said of the businesses in the field of communications. “Some of them see potential opportunities, but most tell us they face challenges ahead”..Please tell me any company that at any time doesn’t see opportunities and challenges ahead – it’s called strategic thinking..obviously the BBC don’t know or care since they just keep getting billions every year regardless..
‘Brexit ‘threat to UK broadcasting jobs’, trade body warns’
Another great reason why we need a No Deal with the EU.
ON now R4 prog about the new Orwell sculpture
13:46pm They repeated the famous phrase
“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear”
13:48 the sculpturor “when the grim news that Trump had been elected came through, it made me feel down. It’s not something that Orwell would have approved of”
Stew -the sculpturor “when the grim news that Trump had been elected came through, it made me feel down. It’s not something that Orwell would have approved of”
Bloody brilliant! Shows how completely self unaware these morons are – I expect it was left in as a little “rebuke” to anyone who has even the slightest sympathy for Trump. However I see it as a vindication for those who are able to use their eyes and their brain and voted for the one person in that election who at least appeared as though he actually cared even slightly about the lives of the majority of real Americans.
Who in the real world actually gives a toss what these prima donna artistic types say or think anyway!
I claim both Trump and Farage for Orwells case.
Orwell knew where totalising , ever-so-polite fascist and controls would lead to, He wrote the texts on restricted language and euphemisms, and he`s proved right each and every day.
I used to laugh at what I thought was his trite and inane claim that “next time, Fascism comes-it will be in the guise of anti Fascism”. How banal and wrong headed like a Noel Gallagher attempt to be clever. But hats off to George-he was dead right, I was dead wrong.
All he leaves for us is to join the dots and fill the gaps.
1. Twitter, Google, Facebook will be reined into compliance, the Chinese methods they use will be extended to the rest of us.
2. Under the guise of combatting crime and terrorists, things like Brexit, Trump and Islamic critique will be banned, starting in Germany in the next few years.
3. This will sanitise and cover for any of us seeking stuff on sites like this, Wikipedia.
We`re seeing it already with Russia Today getting its Twitter feed closed down, with any anti-Clinton stuff on Facebook being seen as an attack on national sovereignty. Even though it`s a global network, true facts can come from Russia and China as well.
Sinister stuff-and sense those of us who kick up will get hard porn or scammed fraud links attached to get us incarcerated or forever fighting the Deep State on its slither of legalistic, vindictive and money/time consuming terf….
Get your contacts sorted now, whilst it`s still allowed.
I guess some of you guys are at the demo in London now
I tried to find any news on the demo but can’t. Did it happen? I couldn’t make it due to work..
I spotted an Antifa tweet photo showing a crowd,
(Their comment “no trouble so #antifa action not needed. We’ve got this under control.” Jesus everyone knows its antifa who come tooled up and start trouble. Can only guess the crowd is much bigger than the Antifa)
but nothing else neither on Gab.ai
– Social media searches might be being censored
– Possible organisers are infiltrated , so deliberately do a bad job.
Hang on stuff is appearing now
A live video feed
here’s a tweet photo
A commercial photographer somehow put up pics of a sparser crowd
Seems there was a much bigger
Demonstration in #London against #Balfour Declaration on 100 anniversary
Lefty organised ..printed signs etc.
Got to say it Stew – looks like turnout was very poor and I take my hat off to the brave few who could actually be arsed and actually make the effort to turn out and stand up for their principles..
Many of us here and myself included should hold our heads in shame over this if we want things to change it is time we started to pull our fingers out to make things happen. We knew it was happening yet we all had a good “reason” not to disrupt our Sunday and get involved.
It will be difficult weathering the sneers of the oh so superior Pestons and Marrs and other BBC sycophants of this world – but equally ignoring a subject with an embarrassed silence wont help the situation either.
If I have learnt just one lesson that would be that real action only really starts after the computer is turned off. I hope that that would have been a lesson well learnt.
What this protest did seem to lack was any sort of high profile figurehead that people could rally around.
Easy to say I know, but I for one will do my level best in future to start fighting for my beliefs rather than just typing about them from the comfort and safety of my sofa. Direct protest is always uncomfortable, cold and potentially violent – especially so since London has become a foreign country and the likes of Antifa seem to have been elevated by the powers that be to an Informal Constabulary.
However maybe now is the time to start claiming our country back………….
Don`t think it would have made the Fake News , even if thousands had attended. The Football Lads Alliance don`t get any coverage either-and there`s plenty of them.
The campaign against the license will continue to build. Online there`s loads of this. My work with the homeless, church food banks and students all leads me to think they all know the license is optional, unless you`re a single working mum in a nicer postcode…or old and white perhaps.
And if they don`t know-then we tell them. Why pay for Graham Norton FFS?
“– Social media searches might be being censored
– Possible organisers are infiltrated , so deliberately do a bad job.”
So this was the “MASSIVE RALLY against BBC bias”
40 people attending at most. Vance too busy washing his hair (singular), and not one other person from Biased-BBC who could be bothered to unpeel their arse from the sofa? What happened to all those hundreds of thousands of people ‘who think just like we do’? “Dave S” and his legions of Shire-folk ready with their pitchforks?
What a sad and pathetic spectacle this “massive rally” was; and what a perfect tribute to “biasedbbc”.
Maxi Con
I can’t see Al Beeb giving that demo much publicity can you?
So, you like paying a Telly Poll Tax imposed on the poor by force of law which contributes to the wages of overpaid prima donnas like you.
We still need your vote here, or any other person that would like to see an end of this abuse………………………………
Nice photo, which one of the Sailor Clowns is you?
Hello Sailor! 😀
I should think you have lots of er…”laughing sailor” dolls at your place maxi, along with quite a few others I expect.
What a f*****g very strange thing you are.
Al Shubtill
Maxi Con is highly motivated in supporting Al Beeb , but he never tells us why?
Discussion about Thought For The Day,
Michael Nugent accusing the BBC of bias cos atheists are not allowed on it
(from Radio Ulster Sunday Sequence this morning)
“As BBC presenters attack Thought for the Day, Audrey Carville discusses the role of religion in a secular society with Linda Woodhead, Michael Nugent and the Rev Steve Stockman.”
My issue is why do libmob voices dominate it ?
I would have thought 99 per cent of albeeb is non religious – I exclude Islam from being a religion as I consider it the devils work. So the secular mafia have all that time to undermine people who believe in God.
Thus Thought for the Day is not for them – perhaps Farming Today or Songs of Praise because there’s not much God in either of them.
The former UK Chief Rabbi, Dr Jonathan Sacks did quite a good one, IIRC, in the week past. (Was it on Thursday?) He didn’t take the opportunity to quote an apposite passage from one of the Gospels (on which I think he is a bit of an expert, IIRC) but he emphasised the importance of Truth, if not the importance of the One who is always True. (In all senses of the word.)
Highly appropriate in the week before a statue of Eric Blair (aka George Orwell) is placed outside Broadcasting House.
Would add the one on Wednesday too. In the midst of Sarah Montagues junk about The Reformation-only TFTD seemed to understand what Christianity is all about.
Rowan and Vincent seemed thick and willing to submit to the BBC agenda-for “religious leaders”-both were crap.
Sacks is the last of the line, but at least Wednesdays TFTD gave some hope.
BBC cover FBI : Martin Luther King dossier
\\secret FBI dossier on Martin Luther #King: he ‘was a secret supporter of #communism, “a whole-hearted #Marxist” //
There is nothing new in that about King, he had long being known as a degenerate but it was all covered up to try and maintain his “Magic Negro” aura. There is even a national holiday to laud him which was created under Reagan.
They missed out that on the night prior to his murder MLK was having sex with and physically assaulting White prostitutes and recorded by the FBI yelling:
“I’m f*****g for God!” and “I’m not a Negro tonight!”
Michael King (his real name) doesn’t even deserve to be called a doctor since he plagiarised much of his thesis, which a committee at Boston University (which awarded it) discovered when it looked into the matter.
Another great dubious “hero” of the Left to go with Che; Mandela and all the rest of them.
It was a different time AS.
He clearly had his pecadilloes , But -biblically-all prophets did-and still do.
In Christian terms. it may be called his “thorn in the flesh”-in other terms his “cross to bear” if you will. We Christians know he`d have been badly flawed-the great ones often are!
Suffice to say that he`s getting written out of Black History, being replaced by Muhammad Ali and Nelson Mandela-which ought to trouble anybody who`s watching.
His “Letter To The Americans” is a contemporary masterpiece in biblical terms…and , along with Enoch he`s the rarest bird…a prophet who was palpably correct in worldly terms. Nigel and Donald may well turn out to be too-God uses unreasonable, odd people to yell into the ear of a deaf world. I`d say.
God did not choose the wise to confound the world, he used the fools.
It was MLK who said: “I dream of the day when a man is judged on his character, not on the colour of his skin.”
The SJW types have completely turned that on its head with their constant nonsense about “white privilege”, “black lives matter” and the rest of the detritus of their identity politics agit-prop.
Telegraph : Attenborough wrong again on alarmism
Paul Homewood supplies introduction to Christopher Booker’s article
I saw the first episode of Blue Planet II and was despairing at the tiresome guilt laced propaganda.
Funny thing with the melting ice is that it might make Walruses more vulnerable which obviously helps the Polar Bears, which of course Al Gore cares about. Should we really be having to explain to David that in nature there are always winners and losers when things change – that’s life David.
Still it was so blatant with the delicate piano music and the desperate walrus mother simply trying to find a home for her little cub even though us nasty humans are killing the planet.
Interesting that the opening monologue from David wasn’t from a row boat or even a sailed up yacht but rather some massive gas guzzling boat.
I don’t know if anyone can help but al Beeb is leading their news with a press report that the deputy PM had naughty porn on his computer when it was examined during a police search several years ago.
Now I don’t have much regard for the average politician of any colour – but if the porn was bad surely the boys and girls in blue fingernails would have dealt with it back then . If it’s not criminal porn it’s none of their business. What am I missing please ?
My brief gleaning of this story runs as follows,
1. In 2008, Michael Martin(Labour Speaker) and Jacqui Smith( Home Secretary) sent for Ian Blaies Met to grab Damien Greens laptops-those in his office as Shadow Home Office Minister at that time. They raided Parliament and trashed all historical precedent in so doing. This was in connection with “leaks” to do with migration or crime figures, crims released-both were the responsibilty of the Home Office at that time.
2. Whatever was on the computers was then held back for the Leveson Report being compiled in 2010-absolutely nothing to do with Murdoch of phone hacking, but the likes of Bob Quick and Sir Ian Blair were able to offer this up to Leveson-wasn`t used but held over for -well you tell me!
3. Home Secretary Theresa May seems to have displeased the police since then, and Green is one of her few allies.
4. The Andrew Mitchell case showed the uselessness of the Tories in the face of leaked police hits. We`ve seen the same collusion with Cliff Richard, that nexus of media, Blair holdover sabotage and insinuations against political opponents-shit as they are.
5. So here we are-this is one liberal fatberg that would sweep Gordon Brown away in any sane world-instead he`s got a book out and(no doubt) Book Of The Weekj to follow.
For now remember this-after Walter Wolfgang, Brian Haw and readouts of the war dead getting shut down-Labour now act as Blair intended-they are now the Political Arm of the British People-well, the British Deep State anyway. Greens a tosser-but we really need to fight back, given what the Left and their Common Purpose police placemats are now doing to our country.
Thanks Chris – I thought the senior policeman had left the police . I can’t understand why he would say it now and not years ago.
Politicians must have lower standards than decent people ( with limited exceptions of people like JRM and Frank Field) because their occupation demands that they lie for the job and party as well as using every opportunity to undermine rivals and enemies . I have had heated arguments because I believe these are politicians first and human beings second. As for public service – that’s a side issue for most . If you look for evidence come to my home town – London – and see what they have done to it. Bring a phrase book though
Henry Kissinger called it the “tyranny of small differences”. When the stakes are so small and so trivial-the level of bile and nastiness between the “opponents” grows exponentially. He cited university lecturers in their wars over-say-car parking spaces.
Politically, its the same today. No MP since 1986 has really made a law that mattered( the EU has been doing this for them).
So they go ballistic at things that the rest of us don`t care about, let alone know of.
Ant and Dec, Jedward, May and Brown. All the same.
9am news R4 the porn was described as “legal porn featuring only over 18s”
They seem to making more of an issue with this than they did with the washing machine salesman’s “peccadilloes”.
Yes lob ,
I think they can smell a general election / coup attempt by remainers like that loop soubry.
Vaz seems to be Teflon coated. With at least one of the accusations against him seriously illegal, I find that deeply suspicious.
On the wider point, I’m usually dismissive of conspiracy theories but I am starting to think that the Brexit theory to this latest one might be right. The suggestion is that a list was leaked by desperate remainiacs (one name in particular has been mentioned) as part of a scorched earth policy. Targeting Tory MPs, it would bring down May’s government and Steptoe would win the ensuing election, thus scuppering Brexit for good.
Given that the Tories will most probably lose the next election anyway due to their gross ineptitude, and a Steptoe government will not last long, the plotters’ thinking is that this is a price worth paying to defeat the will of the people.
We might need piano wire. Lots of it.
Thing is that Fallon, Green and Williamson are all Remain voters and probably, with the exception of Fallon, still Remainers. So, no gains there for those seeking to subvert or overturn Brexit.
Michael Fallon, IIRC, had publicly gone on record on BBC R4 as wanting to see Brexit through. Having said that, Fallon is one of several Tories I would hear and then immediately check my hands and count my fingers and then check to see if my wallet was still intact. Not someone I warmed to.
However, there does seem to be something funny going on. It could be the confluence of several metro-Libby/Alt-Left storms all reaching a bit of a peak at the same time and washing into each other.
Donald Trump has survived a whole year as US President when impeachment was expected by Christmas, by Easter, by mid year and then, by now. It hasn’t happened. He’s apparently been fairly disaster prone in his staff selection – rather strange for ‘a skilled, experienced entrepreneur’ (although I still wonder whether there has been a little in-house mischief going on and the media & Republican/Democrat anti-Trump are being played without knowing it) but that’s about it.
The Sisterhood were recently facing obsolescence. Womens’ Lib was deemed to be over not so long ago. They needed something to revitalise their cause and now they have it in shed loads. Of course it doesn’t show themselves up in a very good light but scream loud enough and you can get rational debate and serious questions silenced. (A tactic, I note, some ardent Remoaner Remainers are using elsewhere.)
The news media are in decline as far as ‘the print’ is concerned and facing new worldwide competition as far as broadcast media are concerned. They are fighting among themselves like rats in a sack. An external ‘enemy’ is a good reason to declare a truce for a while although there will be sniping and nipping from time to time: “Russian influence!” “Parliamentary scandal!” “Government in chaos!
There appears to be a possibility, if those at the helm can plot a careful course through some ‘icebergs’ – not least a likely cyclical downturn, of a measure of economic recovery but not solidity in both the US and UK economies and in parts of the EU. This at a time when Latin American, Indian, Chinese and Oceanic economies are having a bit of a breather or facing slightly tougher going. This doesn’t suit Labour in the UK or the Democrats in the US.
They would much rather have economic disarray to beat the opposition over the head with, irrespective of the harm it causes to the people they claim to most represent. For the Labour Party especially, it will be galling if the Conservatives get unemployment down below 1m before the next Election because it is something Labour failed to do during an economic boom.
Then there is the ever increasing delay in the arrival of human-caused Global Warming, now firmly expected by 2100. That ought to be a cause for people demonstrating on the streets, demanding their tax money back. Placid folk that we are we will probably just accept things and those that can afford or out of necessity make room to afford the adjustments required for diesel charges or electric or hybrid cars will do so. Technology and consumerism are a peak that the metro-Libbies and Altie-Lefties have not, in their blinkered viewing of oil, not considered.
On that last point, the makers need a constant supply of customers but where in a world of us having it all will they get them? Even migrants and refugees turn up in Europe and the first thing they do is turn on their iPhone! It is noticeable that each month now brings news of a drug that a study and consequent media report suggests should be prescribed and consumed through a person’s lifetime to avoid ‘ABC’ or the risk of ‘xyz’. If Big Pharma needs that much State support then we are not dying as much as we thought we were from all the ills obsessing our media and politicians and campaigners. We are probably actually much healthier than is made out to be the case.
Then there is a crisis of faith in Western society, in part occasioned by the Islamic uprising, in part by our ‘affluenza’ as Oliver James surmised. The West realises without being able to describe it specifically that it is empty. There are four verses from Psalm 81 that are highly appropriate here, Brexit notwithstanding 😉
9 There shall no strange god be in thee; neither shalt thou worship any strange god.
10 I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt: open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it.
11 But my people would not hearken to my voice; and Israel would none of me.
12 So I gave them up unto their own hearts’ lust: and they walked in their own counsels.
That is my suggestion or analysis of what could be something of an imperfect storm. Please feel free to disagree, suggest additions or deletions. As exam papers sometimes instruct: Discuss.
Very frustrating that Trump continues to wade through the mud like a clueless foot soldier in the Somme, when we all hoped he`d be draining the fetid swamps that he`s bogged down in at the minute.
He`s no politiclan, which is why he won. But he is a good businessman and ought to know by now who his friends and allies are-and who is causing him grief, and setting traps and landmines for him.
He really needs to learn some history. The likes of Bannon and Gorka would return him to office, but he`s failing to use the likes of John Bolton, Pat Buchanan and Newt Gingrich, let alone Ted Malloch.
He needs to enrage his enemies by building the wall, lacking her up and making America great-not flailing around conflict zones, when his generals do that so much better.
We want CNN skewered and the BBC finished-they set the parameters, and we need some victories.
Mind you, he prayed on his mums bible at the Inauguration, so he`ll be OK.
I shouldn’t knock him too much, illegal immigration across the southern border of the U.S. is at its lowest level for 45 years; that’s just simply because of who now occupies the Oval Office and before they’ve even finished choosing which one of the different wall prototypes they’re going to go with.
Trump’s biggest problem is the GOP and not the Dems who are pretty well a busted flush due to them turning into the party for minorities. I believe Gingrich was offered a variety of roles in the administration (according to Bannon in his 60 Minutes interview) but declined and Bannon himself could be far more potent outside the WH, attacking and unseating all the Never-Trump cuck Republicans in Congress; the cr@p like Geoff Flake (who isn’t seeking re-election) and replacing them with people who will implement the programme Trump was elected on.
Trump cannot do it all by himself: anything he does by Executive Order, which is what O’Bummer was eventually forced to do, can be immediately overturned by an incoming POTUS; that isn’t the case with legislation passed by the House and Senate.
Al, agreed. For a Party that appeared to be facing extinction (although bear in mind I was told that by the BBC) not so long ago, you would think that the GOP would want to pull together, especially as they had such strength in depth among their nominees for the 2016 race.
Guess like all politicians they have their crazy rivalries and sects, as well exemplified at present by the Conservative Party here.
Alicia, I cannot help but wonder whether President Trump has also been a bit taken aback at the sudden opposition he has been facing from within the Party that nominated him.
So someone went on Xhamster for a little shuffle. If this is now considered a sackable offence, how is it that Keith Vaz is still in the HoP?
7:15pm R4 new Comedy panel show shock
..the compere Dominic Frisby is not described as rightwing ..he’s a Mail group economist writer.
I just got a newsflash from BBC news which is just a plug for their Panorama programme. This morning they led news bulletins with a plug for their investigation into how football players are treated when they do not make it. The problem of plugging their own shows as ‘news’ is getting worse.
Why is the Panorama presenter reading the papers on the beach in Bermuda? Could he not save the tv tax payer money by reading these papers in England, especially as the whole thrust of the programme is how bad it is to cheat the tax payer?
Someone close to Trump has links to Russia! The man in question is a billionaire – of course he will have his fingers in all sorts of pies. More guilt by association from the wretched Beeb.
As I write el panorama are on their high horse about putting money in overseas tax havens. If this legal – there is no issue. If it is not legal I suggest that al Beeb is under a duty to report to, and assist , the relevant investigative bodies
It seems par for the course for al Beeb to throw mud as entertainment such as door stepping people or running after them in the street.
I am not wealthy and have never used a tax haven – apart from my ISA.
World at One in emotional meltdown today with its lead item today. A lying, tory scum member of parliament was alleged by a copper to have had porn on his computer 7 years ago. He also touched the knee of a lady.
I know! Pass the smelling salts.
How can we live in a world of such horror?
What the hell would Mark Mardell make of an organization that hid a Jimmy Saville, a child rapist, whilst providing him with countless victims? An organization that sacked 2 journalists who were making inquiries into this paedophile rapist. An organization that still today employs the people who fired the journalists, referring to them as traitors?
Ah yes, I guess he’d quite happily work for that organisation, collect his pay check from it and collect his pension from it without batting an eyelid.
Bastards one and all. Shut it down now.
If Gordon Brown has a book out this week-I`d have thought that some made-up stuff re his being on a journey as he patted Cherie Blairs arm in 2003 would only boost sales.
Isn`t all publicity good then?
Talking about ‘made up stuff’.
More of the same from McBruin – Clarkson was right on the money.
Won’t be seen or discussed on the “nation’s favourite TV channel”:
From Sunday Times: Open door to migrants makes Germany terror hub of Europe
The piece centres on a ‘child refugee’ to whom the German’s gave money, a home, education and a life and then decided he needed to blow the limbs off his benefactors.
“… most of the recent cases, (of European Terrorism), are linked to the migration of late 2015, when Germany opened its borders to Syrian and other refugees to avoid a humanitarian emergency.”
“More than two-thirds of the 1.6m refugees in Germany are male and more than half arrived without any form of identification, according to official estimates. About 230,000 rejected asylum seekers have been marked for deportation, but the lack of documents makes it difficult for the authorities to remove them from the country.”
What joy awaits us all, eh?
I’m guessing…. chocolate mint chip….
Look out for Monday’s Panorama. This will be 30 minutes of tosh as the BBC tries to dish the dirt on offshore financial centres and will make all sorts of spurious accusations.
Having read the trailer on the BBC website, this is what’s on offer.
Of course, there is no suggestion that anyone has acted illegally just so why bother to run the programme. Just lots of insinuation.
Needless to say, the research for the programme is in conjunction with the Guardian – an organisation, let us not forget, run by an offshore trust!
The Sage
I think it would be helpful to both of it’s viewers if the BBC was to announce before all news and current affairs programs “There now follows a Party Political broadcast on behalf of the Labour Party,” thus giving them both the opportunity to repair to the pub.
Sage – what a surprise that these leaks were only given to two Blighty outlets – al Beeb and the guardian. The next time some lefty complains about al Beeb being bias to the right that’s one to remember.
I thought the thing about bringing the Queen into it could bring on the pains for al Beeb – it implied that she sits up all night working out ways of sending her money abroad to a tax haven. I’m no great monarchist but I thought that was just a gratuitous dig to see what the response will be.
The idea of some beeboid shit chasing Lord Ashcroft around on camera expecting him to turn and rightly deck the beeboid was just juvenile. Showed al Beeb didn’t have much material . Same with the Everton fella who they asked questions and he gave answers which floored them, in the end they couldn’t shut him up!
The BBC seem to have this open link to all the right Soros types.
Like Camerons dads affairs and Chelsea Manning, Glenn Griswald.
If it hurts the conservative side of life, it`ll get the full splash via the Guardian and Twitter types.
Less so where Dimblebys money goes, or where Norton or Evans stash their cash. That would be “commercially sensitive”. Don`t remember when we allowed the BBC to blend illegality with immorality. One show with Alvin Hall does not make you a money whizz.
Particularly when they no longer believe in morals and ethics. Unless they are deciding who goes into the dock and for what charge to answer.
Sofa style governance of our morals, changes by the news cycle. We need to lose them.
Well by the 6pm news It didn’t look like they had any UK lawbreakers.
Just legal tax avoidance on a small scale, from Queen’s trustees at Duchy of Lancaster, Lord Ashcroft, Trump long term friend on board of Russian shipping company, but that never was a secret etc.
But Liberals in Canada caught out
2017 is BBC celebrates communism year
8pm BBC4 October: Ten Days That Shook the World
October: Ten Days That Shook the World by Grigoriy Aleksandrov
“impersonal tribute to the proletariat ”
Then after that at 9:40pm BBC4
Ceremony: The Return of Friedrich Engels
About a man who “rescues an abandoned statue of Friedrich Engels from Ukraine and brings it to the writer’s former home city, Manchester, where artists and activists are waiting to put on a festival in his honour. ”
Ah then at 11:10pm There’s a 3 hour Documentary about Soviet prison camps : Gulag.
Thought you were being ironic Stew!
But there it was-a three hour programme on the BBC and about the Gulag too!
Liked what I saw, will catch the rest up.
Wonder how and why the BBC put this out-hardly helps Corbyn does it?
Grateful for these few shows of independence.
Here we go eyes down for a full house . Dave Attaboy about to show us Penguins wearing sunglasses at the Arctic due to Globull Warming.
I’m viewing it with the sound completely muted. Much better.
Al Beeb probably thinks it good old atenborough will pay the rent with the dvd s to replace top gear as the overseas earner. No doubt there will be a Christmas glossy book as well. Personally the formats a bit tired even with a bit of new techy and some poor unsuspecting little thing being gobbled up by a big nasty thing.again.
Lefty -lol best way
We could revoice the show
..with skeptical/logical voices
They certainly did this with some retro show about the trains.
That famous line “This is the Age….Of The Train!” at the end of those 70/80s adverts for British Rail DEFINITELY had those last three words edited out and replaced, with another voice. Seeing as the voice was Jimmy Saviles?
Retrofitted edits, very Soviet.
Ah well-still got Gary Glitter on my CD for Christmas compilations-won`t be getting removed either, great song!
Alicia, on R4 on Saturday on, I think, ‘Loose Ends’ the presenter was seriously asking whether people should not watch films (in this case, those starring Mr Kevin Spacey) who were known to have had a dodgy past. I don’t recall anyone on the BBC asking whether we should support socialism now that we know some of its foremost proponents were keen on mass murder.
Hi Cranmer – we could demand the same morals of the BBC when dealing with the books and cultural products stemming from a certain genocidal, slave-owning, paedophile warlord back in the day.
And another thing about Blue Planet….. Filming squid in deep water obviously no sound captured, so sound effects invented, slurping as the squid feeds. Conning the audience.
And then there is the music, surely unnecessary when live action sound is available (surface filming) and so bloody loud I can almost not hear Attenborough’s sermon du jour
Sorry if this has been mentioned before .
There is to be a statue to George Orwell unveiled outside the BBC .
Al Beebus refers to him as the author of 1984 . Not as the author of Animal Farm .
Could this be because 1984 can be any totalitarian regime , but Animal Farm is more pointedly about the hypocracy of the left ?
Do you think the statue will be detachable for the time when Orwell becomes a non person because of some yet undisclosed sin ? Or that certain lefties don’t like him? They can replace him with a venerable beeboid like humph, John Simpson , adie – there’s plenty to choose from .
Yes. Hobson’s Choice.
Clearly views his own. Or something.
Wow almost 10,000 likes
see BBC2 where there is a doco on mind control
..There are parallels
Possibly 10,000 gynophobic, xenophobic, islamophobic, homophobic, transphobic, anti-semitic, chromophobic right wingers expressing their approval and agreement with OB’s proposal that they’re scared of ‘snowflakes’?
Think they`re more scared of snowballs than snowflakes O Brien!
When you groom and mould the flakes, then pack them hard, crowd them and put them under pressure-you can make a load of balls out of them.
The throw them at the little people for fun, hurt those you`d rather not have to listen to.
Jon Snow and all those snowballs as primed for him by Soros, Juncker and fellow bullies and blowhards like O Brien…hope some girls will come out and drag them down.
Might get my poodle and clutch bag and take one for the team myself, if nobody younger or prettier will do this for “the cause”.
O Brien or Snow…some choice!
James what about people wo throw around the words “fascist” fascist playbook”, “nazi”, “bigot” ?
Do we pay O Brien so much that he can offer $5million then?
Bet we do.
Wasn`t that the name of the villain in “Big Brother”?
Funny that.
Good old Orwell eh-don`t we need a Thought For the Day from him very day on this site? He gets eerily more prescient by the day.
Yawn. Making fun of Mr Trump’s hair. How original. I clearly recall a magazine interview where Trump made fun of his own hairstyle and explained how he gets it to look like that, so it’s hardly going to touch a raw nerve even if he did read your childish ramblings.
Am I the only one here who finds making fun of people’s physical appearance childish ?
And maybe if the left didn’t reach so quickly for the labels of mysoginist, xenophobic, islamaphobe, homophobic, transphobic, anti semitic and racist to shut down any debate, we wouldn’t have to invent a word that so perfectly captures these fragile, virtue signalling bleeding hearters.
Many minutes and more of News at 10 main item devoted to appalling off-shore shenanigans involving Her Majesty and Lord Ashcroft among others – details of Blair, lady-wife, McCluskey, Macdonald and others of equally low priority are probably yet to be disclosed, if at all.
Meanwhile more than 20 shot at a Baptist church in Texas….but no details as yet. Can’t think why.
“CBI: ‘Time to stop Brexit soap opera”
The CBI – How much do they get paid ?………
Is Maxi Con emigrating or is this more from “Brexit Fear” ?
“Brexit ‘threat to UK broadcasting jobs’, trade body warns”
“TV firms may have to move some operations abroad if there is no Brexit trade deal, the body for international broadcasters in the UK has warned. ”
Over to you Maxi ……..
BBC promoting hijab emoji
Insulting to actual Swedish rape victims ?
Amazingly twisted item about new SJW book called Last Night in Sweden.
It lists hundreds of good things that happen.
“Yeah there was that ONE terrorist attack, but there was a good thing as 2 days after people came together for a protest.”
… Surely this is very insulting to the dozens of actual rape victims and gang violence victims and thousands of people that endure the no go zones every day in Malmo etc.
The item had no challenging, just 2 SJW voices.
Prog link
I see 2 months ago they covered the planning of the book.
It’s early – some might say- but never too early to spot the bias.
1. No mention of Catalonian political prisoners banged up in Belgium at all . Good to see the eurowarrang being used so well
2. Humph said President Trump has been “sounding off” about trade issues . Clearly al Beeb prefers a politician like Obama sounding like he is doing some black revivalist Baptist church which mugged so many into thinking he would change anything. President Trump is different and just calls a spade a spade.
3. The Queen took a hammering from the presenters even though an expert was interviewed who said what has happened is legal and it’s like someone putting your tax details in a lefty paper or lefty broadcaster.
4. A nonsensical piece about the need as always to spend more tax money in schools. I’m a right winger on this who would expect parents to pay. Any way it was one sided. They even got that David laws who was a lib mp who had to resign over some dodgy dealing during the expenses scandal. He , obviously is running some ngo which is always after more tax money.
5 Margaret hodge – interviewed – challenged for her family using tax havens. She invoked the ‘escaping from Hitler ‘ defence and said as soon as they were found out they closed it down – and presumably moved the cash somewhere harder to find. The ideal person to be in charge of the parliamentary tax committee.
I declare again I have never knowingly used a tax haven or avoided tax except in my ISA and not paying the tv tax.
I’m betting the 30 minutes of panorama will go back over the same ground and chuck in a couple of conservative politicians – brexiters – in order to continue to undermine our exit from the EU.
It’s easier for labour types as they spend their lives living off the taxpayer – maybe Blair and his like will show up. Nice one about st bono in the Guardian though. Apparently he is actually called Paul or Malcolm or similar.
Aah! Margaret Hodge. Tax Expert of the Year Award (or similar) winner while in charge of the House Public Accounts Committee.
The question M/s Hodge has failed to answer to me (I did ask her) is why during 13 years of a Labour Government she voted through 13 Finance Bills which maintained the tax system that she suddenly started to complain about after the Labour Party were voted out of power.
Why did they not change the UK tax rules when they were in power with substantial voting majorities?
Who says the BBC don’t do comedy. This morning we hear Britain has less forest than the rest of the EU and something must be done. Errr…. what would that be then?
At first I wasn’t quite sure why the BBC had built these gallows, the ones to hang the MP sex monsters, but I got an inkling on the Andrew Mar show yesterday morning when he asked Amber Rudd something to the effect of “just how much further can this damaged government go amid this sea of sexual allegation ?” , or some equivalent bollox. Brexit of course is the underlying answer as always. Push enough Tory MPs over the edge and we’ll need an election & if a few labour MPs go under the bus as well, then so be it. I’m surprised no one has made more of the stark contrast between coverage of working class white rape in Rotherham and political rapes (well hands on knees anyway) in Westminster. Just confirms there is a political element to it (pardon the pun).
Hilarious sequence on BBC R4 @7.52am approx on the TOADY Programme: Nick Robinson (delight & relish in voice) asks leading question of Laura Kuenssberg (who answers with delight & enthusiasm in voice) and the question relates to what?
Yes, you’ve guessed – disarray, chaos even, at the heart of the (Conservative) Government, without a House majority, who might find disgruntled Conservative MPs who have had the Whip removed (pending investigation of complaints) voting against the Government in Parliament.
Up, apart from for real victims this whole thing is a light relief for most people – in my opinion . ‘They’re at it again” will be the cry without caring about the detail as people have their own lives and the journos and politicians live in their meaningless bubble of who is up and who is down.
Personal declaration – I am male and have not recently Been the subject of a sexual assault. A bloke did try it on in a cinema when I was about 12 – wanted to buy me sweets.
Fed, when combined with the Trumpeting and ‘Paradise Papers’, I think for many it may be a “Switch that ****** thing off!” moment.
Figures for CD & music download sales for 2017 may be interesting when released sometime next year. I wonder if there will be an October and November spike?
Tories appear to be collapsing before the media onslaught on their alleged immoral behaviour.
It might be a good time for a new party to emerge – one that will stand up for Britain, Brexit, demand immigration controls and openly confront the BBC.
Has anyone heard of UKIP lately?
G.W.F. “Has Anyone heard of UKIP lately?”
Yes – they are being slowly putsched into and onto the social justice warriorhood BBC agenda:
Henry Bolton has been elected UKIP leader, Some UKIP members had threatened to quit if anti-Islam candidate Anne Marie Waters had won:
UKIP’s Nathan Gill would quit if anti-Islam campaigner Anne Marie Waters was leader:
Senior UKIP MEP has resigned to protest what he sees as support within the party for anti-Islam.
Think that Britain First has potential if they keep away from the “cargo cult of personality” that Farage has long been stuck with at UKIP-when it mattered.
They bottled it over Anne Marie. This country will vote for anything that hates the elite, even a fake Jew baiting looter like Corbyn and his Red Guard.
Unless Anne Marie gets the right structures and knows how to delegate, she`ll peter out too-and we cannot afford that.
Got our first meeting in the Malverns soon.
Anne-Marie Waters podcast with James Delingpole was a really good listen.
Fedup2, looking back over the years I have been ‘approached’ by men in public places a few times.
Mostly in my youth when I was sufficiently good looking to attract homos on the prowl.
Some were polite, others downright creepy.
Every time I simply polite and firmly told them I was not interested, and moved on.
As a heterosexual with no interest in ‘the gays’, unfortunately I have not had so many similar approaches from women, but it has happened, and most times it was welcome, but once or twice was not and again, I simply politely rebuffed them and moved on.
Up until now I’d forgotten about these incidents but I’m wondering now if there’s some way I can get compo for all this, or whether I should be holding up some sign or virtue signalling on social media in some way?
Classic FM “news” this morning – mass shooting in Texas, the perpetrator (who was white!) has killed himself. Presumably the BBC report is similar. Had the perpetrator been any other colour than white, I wonder if we would have been informed so quickly?
Global is as dire as it gets.
Maybe they need an emoji in various shades of colour for perps?
Mishal could also assist on acceptable kill rates.
In which Norm feels punctuation really gets in the way of the message he wants to promote:
#5liveYourCall: Hybrid and electric cars – are they the future?
Call ? 08085 909 693
Text ? 85058
Naive Presenter pushing dream
But public calling her out.
Just give me a big, lazy, thirsty V8 any day of the week!
Is there any difference between the BBC and other channels these days?
The reason I ask is that I’ve just been on a Rape Awareness Course, otherwise known as “Liar” on ITV. Six episodes of intensive lecturing and finger wagging, directed with a right-on feminist sledgehammer.
Set on part of the Kent cost where all the nice, responsible people (including those in authority) are black, and all the baddies are white, including a rapist surgeon (who rapes, amongst others, a gay, pregnant, darkish skinned female police officer), a disgraced groping former headmaster, a police officer suspended for abusing his authority and who has an affair with the sister of the main rape victim, destroying her marriage to a nicer-than-nice black man, and the teenage son of the rapist surgeon who gets a nicer-than-nice black girl pregnant.
I think they just about succeeded in getting their messages across.
New here, so apologies if this has already been covered.
Ah the liar course one of the many programs that are pure man hate masquerading as drama. Liar was so hyped up so i watched a few episodes hoping for something original. How wrong i was. All men(except black ones) are evil raping bastards is the message. It went into comedy territory when all of a sudden the attractive asian copper turned out to be a pregnant lesbian. Their is going to be a second series so if you havent got the message there will be more coming
The beeb had their own in the Top of the lake tv series directed and created by a man hating kiwi lesbian. The first series was the usual man hating crap showing men as vain and stupid and treating women like idiots. The male actors must have been desperate for work to have to star in this crap. The second series the man hate was screamed at you from the screen literally by the mad men actress Elizabeth moss, who was relishing it. The beeb hyped this up to the heavens as the first series won loads of awards (still trying to figure out why) but the second series was just pure comedy.
Expect more and more of this