The BBC still bashing Trump….yesterday Today wheeled in an Obama official to get her opinion on Trump [08:40]…
At least eight people have been killed and 11 seriously hurt in New York after the driver of a truck mowed down people on a cycle path in Lower Manhattan. Juliette Kayyem is former US assistant secretary of Homeland Security.
John Humphrys asked her what she thought of Trump’s reaction to the attack….apparently his reaction is ‘troubling and dark’ and is solely aimed at whipping up anti-Muslim hysteria with his base….as we can see from the countries he targeted for a travel ban.
Humphrys allowed her to rant away and said nothing at all…..never mind the countries chosen were the same countries Obama, with possibly her advice, named as ‘countries of concern’ and Trump’s wish to ban or double check certain people seems ever more justified.
Just listening to ‘Up All Night’ now and Trump is under attack again….he has brought corruption to the White House…how?….some of his ‘oligarch’ appointees have used private jets….er….so did Obama’s…
Flight furor: Obama officials also took pricey, non-commercial planes
The use of private planes by President Trump’s Cabinet has come under intense media scrutiny in recent days, but officials in the Obama administration also took pricey flights on the government’s dime, including for personal trips.
Top figures during President Barack Obama’s tenure who used non-commercial planes for travel included then-attorney generals Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch, then-FBI director Robert Mueller, and then-CIA director and defense secretary Leon Panetta.
Who knew Obama was therefore so corrupt?
We then heard that there was great shock that Shia Iran has been found to fund and support Al Qaeda, a Sunni organisation, as the CIA releases AQ documents captured from the raid on Bin Laden. Just how far behind the news are these people the BBC wheels in to bring us ‘up to date’?
Iran has long been labelled a terrorist sponsor and has been supporting the Sunni Taliban against British troops for years and Shia groups in Iraq. But it has been known to harbour Al Qaeda since at least 2011…
Since July 2011, the US Treasury and State Departments have repeatedly stated that the Iranian regime allows al Qaeda to maintain a key facilitation network on its soil. This formerly clandestine network is the result of a specific “agreement” between the Iranian government and al Qaeda’s leadership.
On July 19, the State Department once again pointed to the relationship. “Since at least 2009,” State’s Country Reports on Terrorism 2016 reads, “Iran has allowed AQ facilitators to operate a core facilitation pipeline through the country, enabling AQ to move funds and fighters to South Asia and Syria.”
Iran has been supporting Hamas, a Sunni group, for a long time…so why the big surprise about Al Qaeda?
They are still smarting from that wonderful moment when Trump asked for a question from John Sopel.
TRUMP: “BBC – that’s another beauty.”
SOPEL: “Free, fair and impartial.”
TRUMP: “Yeah, right. You’re worse than CNN.”
Hahahahah….Aye, that was a classic….
Did John Sopel really say ‘Free’ in response to Trump? At no cost? But the BBC TV Tax is paid under threat of prison and is not free to those who are being prosecuted for not paying the wages of John Sopel.
8.45am Nov 3rd, it gets worse : front page “news” on the BBC News website, headline “The Time When America Stopped Being Great” below a portrait of Trump, with a picture of Reagan in the background for good measure.
The BBC does not speak for me. They are a national disgrace. Time to defund them.
Please sign, tweet, email and generally publicise the new petition :
When did the BBC stop being great? Probably when it became infected with the virus of political correctness.
Of course with Hillary she would just be doing nothing whilst enjoying all the trappings and luxuries of power: contempt for the white working class; refusing to even acknowledge Islamic terrorism exists; lying compulsively. Yet the Beeb would say the US now had paradise on Earth as they had a female president; endless nauseating narratives of women and minorities who feel so enpowered by her election they have actually sprouted wings.
Personally, I hardly noticed the BBC until 1997, when some catastrophic event happened. Then everyday they kept kicking the Conservative body, which was pretty much down and out at the time, whilst never questioning what Labour was up to and treating all their spokespersons like gods.
20 years later and here we are…and I’m sick of their endless ‘opinions’ 🙁
If the BBC could be truly impartial perhaps they might just offer this nation a service?
I don’t think that any state funded organisation can ever overcome the self interest in promoting a large public sector. There is just too much self interest at stake. Broadcasting should be just like newspapers , plenty of choice and you take what you like. For a truly healthy democracy this is essential. That the BBC has been allowed to grow and grow under successive conservative governments proves to me that the conservatives are weak and Lean to the left , just a bit less than Labour. Otherwise they would never tolerate its abuse of the massive power that it has due to its state funded near monopoly status.
“Of course with Hillary she would just be doing nothing”
Hillary would be fulfilling her patriotic duty to get rich.
If I can offer my vote for a ‘time when America stopped being great’ I would wholeheartedly propose the point at which Nancy Pelosi – then Speaker of the House in the US, and a rabid Obama-supporting Democrat, announced that the ‘Obamacare’ Bill would have to be passed first before elected representatives would be allowed to examine it.
That is just so un-democratic as to deserve a place in the eternal Hall of Shame in US politics. And the primary culprit, of course, is the anointed one, Obama himself.
Can you even begin to imagine the reaction if President Trump sought to do anything remotely like this in the current administration – I expect BBC, CNBC, CNN and MSNBC, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and almost all of the other US mainstream media would all have a complete and co-ordinated mental breakdown as they rushed to condemn and pour scorn on any such approach – to anything, far less the most expensive and unworkable piece of crap to hit the US !
It’s ridiculous isn’t it? Their desperation is so much that they think reporting that Trump’s Twitter account went down for 10 minutes is actually news worthy!
Yesterday they waffled on about something Trump called St Hilary . Never mind what Hillary called half the Americans ~~ deplorables .
Al beeb doesn’t see itself as British – it is global because believes in globalism and multicultural in its host nation. It’s a parasite living off the taxes you feed it and then pumping out left wing liberal anti Christian poison. I would call it godless but it’s support for the false Religion of Peaceful suicide bombers dispells that.
If you question this view go listen to the World Service where presenters who can barely speak English begin their careers before being plonked onto al beeb news and the mainstream .
Many years ago I depended on the world service in uk for grown up, objective news as the domestic output was steadily being poisoned . Now I can’t listen – I’d also need a bloody interpreter.
“Now I can’t listen – I’d also need a bloody interpreter”
You lacist.
Ha ha – I had to looky uppy what a lacist is in case it’s a new form of abuse / endearment . Disappointed .
It’s not so much the Asian accents it’s the bloody africans and paki types I can’t understand .
Having missed Toady I dived into al beeb news. Two Wimmin talking about President Trumps Twitter . Needless to know the content you can guess.
Anyway on the more substantive issue – how can the state funded ( your money) al beeb go on about the leader of a foreign country so much? Who are they talking too?
Maybe they think Americans pay attention to al beeb .i m sure they don’t .
This was followed by an al beeb propaganda exercise to get the voting age dropped to 16. I disagree . If they can put an x in the box with a crayon let em have a go . As I live and breath – I’ve turned the teli off now. At Dads Army is on tomorrow night.
The left hates Trump with a passion not reserved for anyone else! And of course Al Beeb are merely reflects the lefts opinion of Trump. It is utterly lost on these idiots that Trump is mirroring what the American public is actually feeling!
Yes by way of example the BBC & others were yesterday stretching the truth claiming, censoriously, that Trump had called for the execution of Bergdahl. The media interpret Trumps remarks over literally when it suits, but in this case him stating that back in the day Bergdahl would have been summarily shot was reported as him demanding that course of action. The BBC’s etc disgust at Trump’s barbarism would not have over concerned his audience. It is the sort of thing ordinary old men say.
The liberal left’s non stop attacks on President Trump and their very obvious plans to have him impeached are exactly paralleled by the liberal elite on this side of the Atlantic trying to stop or neuter Brexit. Of course they are trying to find ways of presenting both of these campaigns as having the cloak of democratic justification but everyone outside of the liberal left knows exactly what they are up to and understands that if either campaign succeeds then the self serving elite will have overthrown a democratic decision of the people.
My questions to this elite are , firstly, have they considered what will be the reaction of Trump supporters and Leave voters and all those who thought that they lived in a democracy will be if they , the elite, succeed?. Does the elite arrogantly assume that ordinary people will meekly shrug and carry on as though nothing had happened ? I don’t think so , there will be mass and prolonged protest.
My second question is , even if the elite manage to survive the initial resentment and unrest that their victories , perhaps even coup d’etat is not too strong a word, will generate , have they thought about the impact that their undemocratic actions will have on all manner of democratic institutions that are reliant on the consent of the people . This impact will last for many years, mistrust of politics will be total. How will they attempt to gover without the consent of the people.
It seems to me that the Trump impeachers and the Remaniacs are playing with fire and that they might provide the spark that hoists them on their own petard so to speak.
Day in, day out, the BBC (elite) hammers away at Trump and Brexit and assumes people will eventually come to their senses to view the world as ‘they’ see it. They ridicule Trump endlessly and don’t believe for one second that he could be re-elected, should he last that long (as they say). It’s just a mad blip and the world will return to normality when he’s gone as far as they’re concerned. As for Brexit, only the old and thick voted Leave and so they will either die soon or be shown the error of their ways.
I think that they imagine a world returning to their ‘normal’ if somehow Trump and Brexit should disappear.
I don’t know what’s going to happen in the UK but, I think big trouble is heading our way. Judging by the last election results we are more than ever splitting into two tribes where Labour supporters will only accept the next election result if they win. I don’t believe they care about Brexit…just power.
As for the US I hope that Trump last 8 years and that the BBC can change their ‘beyond 100 days’ rubbish to ‘beyond 4 years’. It’ll be worth it…watching them suck lemons 😉
What happens when Trump is gone? 🙁
Watch and learn why people voted Trump – and we are very lucky they did!! –
Enough is Enough! En Marche! Forward! We can do this! For the Many, Not the Few.
“I’m gonna bomb the shit out of them (ISIS)”
One sign of how much the British liberal left loath President Trump are the cartoons in the Times . I think that lurid , grotesque images of the President must make up 25% plus of all the cartoons since he was elected. Why are the Times of London so obsessed with the POTUS ? Well the clue is the old RAF saying ‘that the flak is always heaviest when you are over the target’. The liberal left across the western world know that if the President succeeds in draining the Washington swamp , the job the American people elected him to do, then the people will be coming for the elites of other countries . So for the international elite it’s a case of all hands to deck to repel borders. If the Presidents does drain the swamp and particularly if he wins a second term, they know they are toast. So expect a long dirty fight from the so called liberals , they are fighting for their lives.
The Daily Telegraph is also fixated on cartoons of President Trump. It’s very boring for readers.
Stateside one truly obsessed title is The New Yorker.
I know this because a friend on my timeline keeps sharing them.
Thing is, while many New Yorker cartoons are great, these are utterly pants.
I delight in posting alternative viewpoints to see how long it is before I get unfriended.
The BBC is not alone in being obsessed with Trump, it’s Trumpophobiamania.
Meanwhile, far more dangerous characters with much less liberal leanings or respect for law are ignored …
I give you the world’s leading dictator … (though if you use Google you won’t find him with ‘Chinese dictator’, use ‘Chinese leader’ instead). According to Ni Lexiong, a military affairs expert, Xi “not only controls the military but also does it in an absolute manner, and that in wartime, he is ready to command personally”.
Nothing to worry about there then.
Or this guy, keeping it civil in the Middle East?
According to the TeleSUR, “King Salman’s net worth is estimated at US$17.0 billion.” Nice.
In February 2012, Ali Mohammed Baqir al-Nimr was arrested for participating in, and encouraging, pro-Democracy protests, when he was either 16 or 17 years old. In May 2014, Ali Al-Nimr was sentenced to be crucified, despite the minimum age for execution being 18 when a crime is committed. Ali Al-Nimr has reported that he was tortured during his detention. As of 23 September 2015, the sentence awaited ratification by King Salman. Not so nice.
When there are real dictators in the world, why does the BBC pretend that Trump is one?
Trump has been warned time and time again about how rude it is to refer to senator Elizabeth Warren as ‘Pocahontas.’ So of course he hilariously refers to her as Pocahontas is his Tweets today, like the naughty adolescent every man remains deep down. He is so funny – people don’t talk enough about how funny he is.
Liberals predictably whine about him being ‘racist.’ They always take the bait – don’t they get it that he is trolling them? Someone called someone a name, so what? It must have made millions crack up laughing which is surely more useful than someone pretending to be ‘offended.’ If he had sent that Tweet here he would have been arrested by now, isn’t that ridiculous?
The media is determined to refuse to see any of his jokes. For example after Tillerson reportedly called him a moron, Trump joked that he & Rex should take an IQ test. This produced headlines such as “Trump challenges Tillerson to ‘compare IQ tests’ after reported ‘moron’ dig” (theguardian)
BBC report today on Trump’s westward trip. The BBC “reporter” decides & informs us that Trump finding fault with the terms of trade with China is not the way to curry favour with Beijing. Obviously the BBC “reporter” is a frustrated Talleyrand or Metternich. Despite that shouldn’t he keep his opinions to himself?
Notice on Channel 4 that Gary Younge-fat, black cliche ridden Leftie from the Guardian is about to go over to the USA to “investigate” why Trump is still President one year on. Good gig Gary-do surprise us and tell us if you`re for him or against then?
Who could possibly guess?
Imagine Matt Frei left him some research room…Trump really needs to get that wall up and ban Channel 4/BBC as Muslim aides to terror.
Christmas shopping in Times Square paid for by us as per then?
PS-Last Thursday John Humphrys promised us all a view from the Arab Palestinian about the Balfour Declaration after the 8am news. Hope somebody listened, couldn`t possibly guess what he`d have said.