So the BBC is out to get Boris once again, and Priti Patel. Guess what? Both are high profile Leave campaigners with senior government jobs….Boris being the Leave campaign’s most influential voice. The BBC would especially love to take him down and discredit him and thus leave Brexit without such a motivational and inspirational figurehead.
Priti Patel has made a slight gaff but hardly a sackable offence and yet the BBC has been on her case all day….but in all the reporting they fail to reveal the whole truth, in fact they tell a rather large porkie on the radio today…that she didn’t tell the FCO about her trip at all, either during it or after the event. This is not true. She informed the FCO of what she was doing as the trip went along as the BBC would know as it has read the letter she published explaining her actions…..
The FCO were aware of the visit while it was underway, but were not informed about it in advance….The Foreign Secretary did become aware of the visit, but not in advance of it.
On her return from Israel, the Secretary of State commissioned Departmental work on humanitarian and development partnership between Israel and the UK, and on disability.
The FCO are clear that UK interests were not damaged or affected by the meetings on this visit.
No surprise the anti-Semitic Labour Party are calling for her resignation after what was a trip that was almost wholely concerned with humanitarian issues. As well as meeting with 12 charities she met three political figures and the talk was based around a ‘get-to-know-you’ family and background chat, politics in Britain and Israel, and the rise of anti-Semitism in British politics as well as sounding out further ‘prospects for closer collaboration between Israel and the UK on development and humanitarian issues.’ All innocuous and worthwhile you might think.
The BBC prefers to minimise the information of interest, ie what they talked about, and instead tries to suggest some secretive pro-Israeli plot….led by a ‘pro-Israeli Tory peer and campaigner’…
The BBC revealed on Friday that Ms Patel held a number of undisclosed meetings with business and political figures, including Mr Lapid, the leader of Israel’s centrist Yesh Atid party.
No diplomats were present at the meetings, at which the minister was accompanied by an influential pro-Israeli Conservative peer and campaigner, Lord Polak.
Here’s what Priti Patel says of her meeting with Yair Lapid:
Yair Lapid – Leader of Yesh Atid
General introduction. Discussion of backgrounds, families and careers to date. General discussion of British politics, including the growing anti-Semitism within UK politics.
Very sinister.
Can’t imagine the BBC being so upset about a Labour minister going to visit Hamas in similar circumstances.
I heard on Radio 4 this morning (possibly the Today) with horror and insinuation in their voice that Priti had met the IDF (Israeli Army) about giving financial support for the humanitarian work they were doing. Glossed over that this work is helping the Syrian refugees that the BBC is usually so keen on.
And who else can deliver aid in the Golan. Presumably the Hump and his Toady gang are happy that the single biggest recipient of UK aid is Pakistan. Wonder where that aid goes?
I kind of assumed these meeting were really about post brexit trade agreements with Israel .
I think we are getting to the stage where HMG can do nothing right. TV loves general election campaigns and change so they have decide that’s what we are in for.
No mention about the 53 billion bribe being thrown around for us to get out of the EU
And all this sex and tax stuff takes the eye of the Islamic enemy of course .
“So the BBC is out to get Boris once again, and Priti Patel. Guess what? Both are high profile Leave campaigners”
Entirely coincidental I am sure.
The BBC don’t do journalism they just do Labour Party/Guardian reader press releases. It is the same script everyday.
Wild, I cannot recall it being this bad in a lifetime of listening to the TODAY Programme and BBC R4 generally. It is totally directed at destabilising the UK Government, which surely must be a major Charter breach?
Even in the direst days of Labour, 2003-2010, the BBC did not slant their news coverage or use it to really attack the Government of the day. They even cowardly apologised and supposedly reformed* or changed their news coverage over the ‘Gilligan Affair’ when, in hindsight, we now might say they were pretty much right.
[* Very short lived, some of the reforms and promises!]
Funny that neither the Guardian or Labour-and their BBC mates-aren`t telling HMRC anything clear, or revealing anything formally. concerning their “Paradise Papers”.
Far better to get McDonnells pension out of the way, Guardian offshore sealings and Labour Party premises (and their rental structures) sanitised-and give all their plas the chance to get out before they`re rumbled. Sharon Shoesmith comes to mind as does their Panama Papers modus operandi.
Far better to smear and insinuate, and not give formal records over-which I`d have thought was acriminal offence when the HRMC request the details.
Where is Hammond, useless tosser?
I`d once have thought that the Treasury would have had the power to put wilful obstruction of its work into court as a criminal charge. But now it`s the Government who dance endlessly to the Lefts tune as bellowed out by its BBC pipes and ciphers. Very dangerous.
Priti Patel is also of a Hindu heritage and the BBC have a deep hatred for Hindus because the BBC have been overrun by pro-Pakistan islamists and their sympathisers. Week after week, month after month, the BBC run anti-hindu and anti-Indian hate stories on their Asia News section and their India News section.
Agree entirely. Their pro Pakistani/muslim output is legendary amongst those who actually read/watch/listen to news outwith the MSM line.
Knowing the FCO’s longstanding Arabist sympathies, they would have soon put the kibosh on these meetings had Ms Patel disclosed them.
Or had a minder along to take notes, along with names and addresses, and make sure nothing substantive was discussed. I suspect that Patel doesn’t trust senior civil servants from the FCO to be impartial.
I sincerely hope spineless May doesnt cave in again and sack Priti Patel. For what exactly ? For not including the useless FO civil servants .Its not as though her trips are secret Lbour are incensed because its Israel..No she has been scrutinising very effectively the Foreign Aid budget that the civil servants hand out like confetti.The FO is the problem and they would love to get rid of her.
When is May going to stand up for her ministers? The woman needs to resign herself not cling on like some limpet.
Priti Patel could be the first non white PM . Think about that Labour and BBC. surley they would welcome it with enthusiasm.
As others have said, although Patel is a woman, and non white, she is Hindu background not Muslim, so can’t look to the BBC or Labour for encouragement. Being pro-Israel and anti-EU guarantees criticism from them.
I’m all for keeping Government and its Ministers up to scratch and to call them to account when they fall short. The Up2snuff name comes precisely from that desire during a period of dire UK governance many years ago.
That Priti Patel has not followed governmental conventions, as well as being a little careless with her own physical security (the reason for at least one of the conventions), is not in doubt but leads me to wonder and speculate whether M/s Patel was in fact on Government business (note the capital letter) but for some reason, excessive secrecy had to be maintained.
We know – the public, apparently not the well-informed BBC – that the Civil Service leaks like a cullender these days.
Is it possible that Priti Patel was on a specific mission and could not risk detailing in advance where she would be and who she might be meeting because it might be leaked and her mission negated?
No one, during my lifetime of following politics, has been more incompetent, stupid, and downright dangerous than Jeremy Corbyn. His support of Islam and all of it’s extreme cheerleaders quite literally threatens our national security.
Yet here he is, on the verge of becoming our Prime Minister and bringing with him the flotsam and jetsam of a shadow cabinet that beggars belief.
If our MSM are not interested in preventing his rise to power and are actively supporting it, why would we give a stuff what they think about two ministers trying to do their job to the best of their ability, with the UK’s best interests at heart?
I detest the MSM, not just the BBC but Sky, C4, and all the pathetic newspapers out there that are deliberately leading this country to the brink of disaster.
“OK specialist Zionist department , we can kill two birds with one stone . Firstly we can get
that Tory bitch Priti Patel . We will show how pretty she aint. Now for the anti-Israel department.
We have so many operatives on different smearing jobs on the Zionists that we may need one or
two more recruits here at the BBC. Does anybody here have contacts with Farhana Ahmed? Has
she got any journalistic ability. She could make a good addition to the team!”
” Excuse me boss , wasn’t Patel in Israel to discuss how the Israel were treating badly
injured Syrians in their hospitals and how the UK can help?” “Smith your sacked. “
It being politics, Foscari-can only assume that the Tory grey clones like Hammond and Greening, Grayling and Soubry are deeply jealous and hate the very ground that Patel walks on.
In Tory land-that alone might get her sacked. Hope she refuses to go quietly, and calls an election at least.
Isn`t there a dead Welsh Mps seat to go for now as well-only being “The Nasty Party” will save you now May, you soppy thing.
I can’t believe a minister flew to places and no one connected to Theresa May knew about it.
I would have thought it would have been a deliberate backdoor diplomacy.
Seems no one knows very much… yet.
This has not stopped Norm, Nick, Pesto… and every other bubble dweller going mental.
Guest Who
What a gay day.
Sadly, I fear Priti Patel is going to be sacked.
Mrs May has hauled her back from Africa before she has even started her tour there. It could hardly be more humiliating. She does seem to have broken some sort of ministerial protocol, but I can’t help thinking that Mrs May would not have come down so hard on Amber Rudd, for example. No, this is a purge of a prominent Brexiteer. If Mrs May does not appoint another Brexiteer in her place, there will be trouble. Appointing her toady to become the Defence Secretary was bad enough, this could be the last straw.
Mrs May is on course to make John Major look like the Man of Steel.
And with no concern for the Africans who will have made arrangements . They will feel insulted and that Treezer is behaving like an African dictator. Major was not the sharpest tool in the box, but I think Treezer is the most ignorant PM in British history. She is the one who should be sacked.
Agreed Grant, it is a terrific snub to her African hosts. Where is the diplomacy in that?
Everything Theresa May touches turns to shit.
She is utterly, totally useless.
Grant – I cannot believe that May did not have any idea what Pritti Patel was up to. The press is obviously baying for her blood, probably to be replaced with a remainer or a “weak” brexiteer. Whatever – her Government will look even more incompetent if that is at all possible. Not that she cares.
I said when the Tories foisted remainer May on us (to do a job she did not believe in) she was not to be trusted and either through incompetence or duplicity (or a mix of both – though personally I favour duplicity ) any sort of meaningful brexit under her leadership would be unachievable.
Remember she said “brexit means brexit” but seemed unable to explain exactly what brexit meant to her.
Well it looks like she is close to achieving a brexitless brexit – if at all, paying the Europeans billions for what amounts to nothing. I doubt she will even get there. Instead she may just as well hand the keys to Downing street over to that dangerous little trot , at least we know what we will be getting more enrichment than we know what to do with, and a national debt to make our eyes water a country dominated by globalists posing as “the peoples” friend
I never thought we would have civil war in this country in my lifetime – but due to cowardly, lying, greedy and scheming politicians such as her – Sadly, I fear it has never been as close.
Top post ! I sometimes think that, if the British have 5 years of Marxism , it may bring them to their senses. But by then it may be too late. I still cannot believe what is happening to this once great country. So sad.
Grant – Agreed it is a tragedy and it did not have to be like it. If we had had a year or two of Corbynomics before the migrant crisis – I agree that it might have been just enough to knock some sense into our snowflakes. Unfortunately the demograpihic implications of a few years of this joker will complete the destruction of our culture and society which both parties have been complicit in.
Having said that the differences between both main parties these days on the main issues are smaller than a knats dick.
The “demographic implications” are already in full swing and Corbyn as PM or not won’t affect them. If ALL immigration from the Third World was shut down tomorrow: the British will still be a minority in Britain in 50 years time, albeit a sizeable one.
Whether we are in or out of the EU has no effect on that either, as the non-EU immigration which the UK government had control over wasn’t curtailed in any meaningful sense by May when she was Home Secretary. The elite don’t want to change course and any growing political group or party which seeks to is crushed.
UKIP is as far to the “Right” that a political party will be tolerated in Britain.
In a cynical sense, the Leave or Remain referendum result is a little like rearranging deck chairs on a certain ill fated trans-Atlantic liner.
RiC, Grant, except could it be that the whole Africa thing is part of the same mission and that touchdown in Entebbe was enough to seal the deal or, perhaps, discover that her mission was a failure.
We have now to wait and see.
Laura Kuenssberg is jolly excited that Priti Patel is going to be sacked. Could it be that those two have had a spat or two in the past?
I wonder ….
Snuff – I think the press are salivating over every little act in this depressing little side drama. Apparently in the Express on line you could even track her airplane in “real time” I expect if/when Pritti gets the boot the likes of Obrane dead and Evan Davis will have to make careful use of their clipboards for the next few days in case the British viewing public realises that they are both sporting “permaboners” Jeremy Whine wont have to worry though I think he had his surgically removed a while back.
Joe and Jill Public don’t care if Patel met Israelis on holiday. After all, what actually happened? What the public care about is an out of control foreign aid budget.
If May yields to the commentariat on this, and dances to their tune I will lose a lot of respect for her, though she retains my symapathy. She should do a Trump and defy the media – they are not her friends. If she doesn’t sack Patel, what will the BBC and Labour actually be able to do about it? Nada.
Beeboids hate anyone who is not a muslim, so why do Beeboids not convert to Islam ? Are they mentally ill ?
BBC wants Treezer to sack Patel, who is a member of Conservative Friends of Israel Appeasing th Pallies will not help Treezer. They have depicte her as a pig over the UK’s support for Balfour. Better sack Priti now eh Treezer.×400.jpg
Missed biassedbbc. We were on an extended holiday.
The fracas over Guru-Murthy is understandable, as Hindus and Hinduism are viewed with less alarm then supremacist Islam and Muslims. Thus, when K Guru-Murthy takes a swipe at the Christian foundations of Western civilisation, there is outrage. However, most Hindus, even educated ones, doing very well financially in the West, see Hinduism as superior to Christianity, just as Islam and Muslims do. However, they do respect Western technological civilisation, but attribute it to “Secularism”. Once one understands this, K Guru-Murthy’s attempt to deny the roots of Western civilisation, is understandable, and does not come as a surprise. It makes him, and other Hindus, comfortable to be part of Western secular civilisation, rather then its roots in Christianity, which he and other Hindus, have no real contact with, except the trivial of “Xmas” cards.
On a parallel track, Indian PM Mody is making overtures to Israel, as he sees Israel as any ally against resurgent Islam in Asia, as well as a fast inside track to a pro-Israel congress in USA. But the sad fact is that Mody’s India is persecuting Christians in India far worse then some Islamic states. Please see Open Doors or Barnabas Fund.
Priti Patel is a Hindu too. A Gujerati Hindu, same as PM Modi, with which she has close contact. Does she know the roots of Western civilisation, does she respect them, does she have a gut understanding of what the West is, and its Christian foundations, and abides with it.
Al Beeb is putting out 15 minute segments about religious objects. This morning 13 minutes on Aztecs cutting out hearts of prisoners with a ceremonial knife then 2 minutes comparing the taking of communion as the same thing.
If he said that about a certain other religion that chappie – neal magregor ? Might find a bit of a fatwa on his head – or a bottle of acid in his face – whatever the current cultural norm might be.
The ignorance of BBC journos is of the same magnitude as that of Ch4 ones. Brought up on a steady diet of Marxism from school to university in Mickey Mouse subjects, leading to comfortable jobs in capitalist institutions, they think they know it all.
One way to shake up the BBC without screams of “censorship”, is to use the time honoured tactic of “modernisation”. The “modernisation” tactic in this instance would be to use two primary reasons.
1. In these times of austerity, it is necessary to streamline the BBC to get more effective use of taxpayers money.
2. An information revolution is ongoing, where the public has access to a greater variety of information outlets. The BBC has to be modernised, its management structure, news and views, to reflect the greater variety in society, as well as information outlets, or else there will be calls for the abolition of the TV tax.
Under these two guises, one can do virtually anything. Just mentioning the TV tax, will silence BBC apparatchiks. Nothing hurts as much as attacks on their ill gotten money.
The conservatives are the only ones who can do this. In fact, for their very political survival, as well as offering the public a choice of sorts, it is absolutely necessary.
Any opposition from BBC apparatchiks can be dismissed as Luddite, resistant to change, old fashioned, or whatever comes to mind.
Surely by now, even the conservatives should know, that the BBC is ideologically and politically part of Labour. As such, I find it difficult to understand why the Conservatives have not taken the axe to the BBC.
WE have Amazon and Netflicks, as well as all our REAL news from Freeview and round the world internet service providers.
Why the hell are we paying a compulsory telly tax to fund Brendan O Carroll or Graham Norton-let the Irish pay for them?
There is no market for plastic paddies-let the E.U provide.
Dara O Briain need to stop sucking off the Old Colonising Oppressors, and learn some French like Eddie Izzard.
The BBC think that they are Britains “Creative Partner”-Tony hall says so. They are now the self-regarding “Political Arm of the European Union”. They hate and despise Britain and the English in particular. They need us to show them that its more than reciprocated.
NCBBC, I would be very happy if Phil Hammond made the BBC make free TV Licences available to all who receive their State Pension, not just the over 75s. And for iPlayer use to revert to the original social compact. And to make the BBC finance the former.
I would be very happy.
That would be your modernisation, my reform, a measure of European 😉 style respect for the elderly and a healthy dose of civilisation all in one go!
Would put some BBC noses out of joint, too.
Have notes on this series thus far, am teaching my LPAs about the medias ignorance over Judeo Christian heritage getting pissed away by the BBC etc(and the Church, let me add).
The eleven thus far have pranced around all other faiths but Judeo-Christianity , unless you count The Angelus on Irish telly as akin to the Muslim worldwide call to prayer.
Or you think that our religious take on water depends on McGregor flicking his ashtray into the Ganges, and not any mention of the Jordan, the Flood or Jesus walking on the stuff, or turning it into wine for example, let alone baptismal rites.
Your notes confirm the trend goes on.
I hope the government manage this resignation well – as I write I thought- no -they are unable to do the simplest things now –
Such as releasing the resignation letter in the morning so that the press and Toady have the minimum time to gloat. Please HMG – repeal that legislation about giving away money to foreigners and shut difd down. Give the money to social care and issues at home – or don’t borrow it at all.
It is not clear whether Ms Patel had informed the prime minister of her plans to look into giving tax-payers’ money to the Israeli military to treat wounded Syrian refugees in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights region – a request that was turned down as “inappropriate” by officials.
Here we go again. “inappropriate”. How was it “inappropriate”. Could it not have been “unhelpful”?
And is it appropriate for tax payers money to be given to PA to provide salaries for convicted Palestinian terrorists? The FO is quite OK with that. Nothing “inappropriate” there.
There are several sketches on YES PM about the FO. Here is one
IIRC, NCBBC, we already donate a hefty sum – via the EU – to the Palestinians. Cannot remember offhand whether it is to Gaza, the WestBank or a combination of the two but I suspect it is the first of those. It’s about Euro3bn or 5bn, if my memory serves me well. Considering that the UK is one of a handful of net contributors to the EU, then that is money ‘that COULD be spent on our NHS’ treating, say, Syrian refugees as well as indigenous Brits.
I could be wrong on all this but the more I hear from the BBC I wonder if they will end up with a massive amount of ‘egg’ on their faces over Priti Patel. There are some interesting ‘ley’ lines that might be drawn between places on the map relating to her and a variety of issues.
Thats what we give the PA via the EU. We also give a considerable amount via the UN and its multifarious agencies.
The PA is a mafia like organisation operating a Protection racket. The threat if we don’t pay up is blowing up air planes in flight.
Its worth recalling that blowing up commercial airplanes is a PA invention. The huge cost, humiliating searches, and inconvenience worldwide, is a consequence of PA, then Islamic terrorism.
Yes, thanks for straightening me out on that. The problem with funding the PA is that it has at least two competing factions and they seek to gain influence by competing over who can carry out attacks on Israel. The West Bank faction, IIRC, have been in control of one group (Hezbollah?) who have been a bit more responsibly behaved of late and some of the Hamas mobs in Gaza have been try to make a name for themselves and get one up on the WB PA with constant missile attacks on Israel.
Apparently Number 10 knew all about Pritel’s planned meetings, but asked her to keep it quiet, less it anger and embarrass Theresa May’s Islamist friends in the middle-east and at home. It seems Pritel was operating under partial conditions of secrecy by order of No. 10 and consequently thought she had leeway to adapt her itinerary to take advantage of the on the ground situation in Israel. If true Pritel could go quietly or she could go noisily. There is one thing for sure – Pritel was on government business – a government that now seems to be preparing to stab her in the back.
It seems that a Theresa May government is one sure guarantee for a Jeremy Corbyn Labour victory at the next general election, which might come sooner rather than later – May is only in power through a coalition government with the DUP. If May is later forced to resign there will be demands for a new general election. And all this while Theresa May’s focus is supposed to be on the Brexit negotiations.
ps re-reading the article I may be a little wayward with my summary – but one thing for sure is Theresa May was more interested in not offending her Islamist friends so put restrictions on Pritel.
Silly Pritti Patel.
Over one year since the Brexit vote-and like all other Brexit supporters, her cards are marked by Soros, Osborne, the BBC and the fake news industrial complex.
If she was in any kind of party that had principles or purpose-even if that is to get the Jews out of public life which is the Labour Partys current plan-she would know that being an Asian woman in International Development would make her unsackable. Especially in the pitifully weak and worthless Party that she now stays in, where even one lost seat could wreck her party.
But the Remoaners prefer to waddle through the rubble if that means we stay in the E.U and all others know not to parlay with Israel and its…er…”lobby”. She needs to play the victim card-don`t we need more real Tories like her-and less crypto Juncker bunkers like Soubry and Morgan? Is it cos I`m black kinda thingy?
May is an idiot.
Now had Patel gone to fight for I.S…to get Semtex recipes from Gerry Adams in Belfast or Tripoli…had looked into peroxide and ricin imports for Hamas or Hezbollah? Why, then Corbyn and the BBC would have been happy and understanding about “reaching out to the vulnerable and marginalised”.
But this was Israel. And dopey May refuses to see the Grand Game of Osborne and the BBC.
Talk to Israel-get sacked or threatened.
Shag a rent boy over a washing machine or order porn on our tab, get your wife to pose naked in Parliament?-what`s the fuss about then?
Like Harmans “Jewish Joke”-a sense of humour bypass, get over yourself.
I myself would go if I were her-as long as her whole rotten excuse of a department is retired by way of tribute to her. They retire the shirt in footy, why not retire the DFID seeing as she`s going?
Don`t blame the scummy low Labour Party-they`re playing politics in their fetid bubble, Patel has no need to go unless it`s to take the Tories out with her.
Labour oppose and destroy-did anbody else think that they wouldn`t?
“May is an idiot.”
I just edited it down a bit for you Alicia, but I think it conveys the gist.
Oi mate that’s an idiotist remark. Some of my best friends are idiots and they’re far from being stupid!
Some terrific sarcasm there Alicia ! I suppose the Foreign Office think that Israel and India are getting
to close for THEIR comfort. Pakistan being upset ,and all that. So let’s get our pound of flesh with Pritti
Patel “. Silly Pritti, talking to the Israeli’s behind Mother Teresa’s back. I mean isn’t it disgusting the
way that Israel is saving the livesof Syrian men, women, and children in some of the finest hospitals in the
world. BUT nobody in the world should know about this dirty little secret. Shame on you Pritti Patel.
In America, Democrat supporters think there is a Russian conspiracy.
In Britain, Labour supporters think there is a Jewish conspiracy.
But I am beginning to hear evidence that David Icke may be correct about an Alien Lizard Conspiracy.
The evidence is revealed by a hissing sound on the BBC, whenever Trump or Brexit is mentioned.
Meh. They can afford it; it’s not their money.
Well, that’s that. According to the BBC Priti Patel has resigned.
So nothing exciting going on. Shame.
Er …. ‘Part-time’ will probably be insufferable from now on.
The BBC have compromised and have given Treezer permission to allow Patel to resign. She has resigned with an apology
Here is an interesting comment suggesting that on the back benches Patel would be an advocate of Brexit. But why should that be a problem for Treezer? Doesn’t she want Brexit supporters
She must sack her’ says Tory commentator
Conservative commentator Jo-Anne Nadler has told the BBC Theresa May has to sack Priti Patel.
“You have to have collective responsibility,” she said. “You can’t have cabinet ministers going off and making policy on the hoof.
“What’s difficult of course is the possibility that in sacking Ms Patel, Theresa May puts on the backbenches somebody who is a very charismatic advocate for Brexit, and therefore she may be creating problems for herself in the future.”
Well, we are still waiting to find out Jo-Anne
Hey Theresa – How about Anne Soudbry for Prittis job – at least then you can start getting things done the way you really want!
I have to say that Patel looks Priti sackable to me. Nudge Nudge Wink Wink Know what I mean — eh? Phwooooor!
Lefty Wright
That’s it man to man, know where your coming from. A bit of Priti alright with me.
I think this proves that Theresa May is owned lock stock and barrel by the Islamists.
Theresa May’s Dealing with Israel: From what I can tell No 10 imposed restrictions on Patel for fear of offending her Islamist friends but allowed some of the meetings to go ahead – as Patel was doing back-door Governmental business. Patel acting upon the real-time on the ground situation took advantage of opportunities for discussion when she was in Israel, but the media got wind of it, so May forced Patel to resign or be sacked. I certainly won’t be voting for Theresa May at the next general election.
totally agreed
Spot on
But who to vote for? Ukip led by a charisma free ex-copper? A man who recoils from any criticism of our islamic friends? That photograph of Mrs May sucking up to muslims could just as easily be Mr Bolton if they’d have him. Where is there left to turn to?
Our “Prime Minister” really does seem to love being all demure and coy in her nice scarf whenever she is hanging out with Mo`s mates. I wonder whether she cooks a nice lemon drizzle cake as well?
After this photo shot I suspect that they all repaired to The Mosque and Synagogue public house for a pork pie and pint of Westminster Old Ale. Heavily discounted of course.
Where was the photo taken – Rotherham?
Looks like Priti was hung out to dry because she offended the Foreign Office – something to do with her visiting an Israeli hospital in Gaza where Syrian refugees were being treated to see if any of our foreign aid budget could be usefully spent there.
Silly Priti – as we have all learned from the BBC/Hard Left Labour, the Israelis only bomb and maim Arabs, especially the children.
Funny how when she gets back to Blighty she gets worse treatment than returning Jihadists. She must have committed treason against Islam, or summat.