How can the BBC report this with a straight face?…
Mr Corbyn told the Observer Mr Johnson should be sacked as foreign secretary for “undermining our country” and “putting our citizens at risk”.
Jeremy Corbyn, the man who wants to dismantle NATO, who wants to scrap our nuclear deterrent and mothball the Army, the man who wants to put our intelligence service out to pasture, the man who has voted against just about every piece of anti-terror legislation, a man who supports Islamist terrorists, a man who supports Irish terrorists [no doubt cheering those who placed a bomb at a memorial service today], a man who has close ties to Russia and Iran, a man whose economic policies would impoverish Britain and whose fanatical followers would make it a far, far nastier place, and a man who has conducted secret negotiations with the EU in order to try and stop Brexit.
You have to ask who is it that is really undermining our country and putting our citizens at risk?
The once head of MI6, Sir Richard Dearlove, said:
Jeremy Corbyn is a danger to this nation.
Today, Britain goes to the polls. And frankly, I’m shocked that no one has stood up and said, unambiguously, how profoundly dangerous it would be for the nation if Jeremy Corbyn becomes Prime Minister. So let me be clear, the leader of the Labour Party is an old-fashioned international socialist who has forged links with those quite ready to use terror when they haven’t got their way: the IRA, Hizbollah, Hamas. As a result he is completely unfit to govern and Britain would be less safe with him in No 10.
Would that be the bBC which :
Refuses to refer to people who murder death kill in which to intimidate others as terrorists.
covered up the hundreds of Islamic rape gangs who have fucked more little girls in 30 years in the Uk, than the entire Catholic Church has in 1500 years in the UK.
Has a pro Islamic story nearly everyday
Which finds the British guilty of every thing going.
Promotes the view that every Islamic Empire going has been magmanimious and a good thing
That the entire world is built on Islamic knowledge.
That Islam means peace
That Sharia law is a good thing
Tried to inform the world that Islamic banking is the way to go.
Spends more time reporting Ramadan than Christmas
That trying to combat Islamic terrorism is offensive to Muslims
Referred to the evil bastards who blew up London in 2005 as misguided criminals
Refuses to report Islamic terrorist acts in Israel.
Silences anybody who questions any of the above by calling them …racists.
Will spend more time worrying about a backlash after every Islamic terrorist act than the poor victims still bleeding on the floor.
And you ask how can they?
Corbyn has always been a shit. The problem is that 24 hour news does not encourage any kind of memory of yesterday – yet alone how some one like him behaved across decades .
He has got to the stage of undermining HMG by doing and saying very little and just wait for them to slip up .
I think now that we are doomed to a labour government as people are being groomed by al beeb and others to see him as a rock star and not a politician . I wish he’d worn his duffel coat at the cenotaph