Guido has been highlighting racist comments by a Labour MP for some time now….did this appear on the BBC main news? I can’t say….it has appeared on the BBC local radio with Vanessa Feltz questioning the MP…..the story doesn’t make the BBC front page, UK page nor the England page…you have to go to the London page to find it…
Emma Dent Coad MP apologises over ‘racist blog post’
A Labour MP accused of writing a “racist” article about a London Assembly member has apologised for “any offence caused”.
Emma Dent Coad wrote a blog piece in 2010 in which she labelled Shaun Bailey a “token ghetto boy”.
Ms Dent Coad told BBC Radio London she had been quoting “an Afro-Carribean” constituent in her blog.
Can’t imagine such reluctance to splash such a story on the frontpage for days on end if it had been a Tory or UKIP politician.
The nasty party? Dent Coad calls a Black Tory racist names and wants to hang Tories…and Dennis Skinner (H/T StewGreen) wants to take an axe to Brexiteers….
Reason,logic and persuasion isn't working.
Thinking about 'burying the hatchet' with some of the MP's on the opposite benches.
— Denis Skinner (@BolsoverBeast) November 14, 2017
Ms Dent Coad is, like many extreme leftists, utterly deranged.
She thinks that black people “should” support Labour, and is therefore completely outraged when a black man uses his own judgment to support the Conservatives.
She then acts like a plantation owner confronted with an “uppity” slave. The black man is meant to be her creature, to be patronised and infantilised in return for his loyalty. A black man who thinks for himself and decides not to follow Labour is seen as a personal affront.
Hence, possibly without realising it, Ms Dent Coad begins to act and write like the worst sort of racist. In her tiny mind, however, she cannot be racist, because she is a left wing socialist, and only people on the “right” can be racist. They really do think like this.
Ms Dent Coad revealed herself as a race hustler after the Grenfell Tower fire. Now she is acting in a vicious, racist way towards a black man who does not agree with her. Yet in her own mind, she clearly sees no contradiction.
The only conclusion we can draw is that leftism is a mental illness. If you are not mad when you become a leftist, you soon will be.
She will probably get away with it, of course, because the BBC has no enemies on the left. I doubt she has much to fear from Newsnight or even the Now Show. You have to understand that, for the left, only the right can be bad people. QED.
Top post. It really is deep racism because the implication is that blacks are inferior to whites. If this is not a “hate crime” , I do not know what is. Surely this is a police matter.
Coad did a pretty good job at side stepping any responsibility for the Grenfell thing – she was on the management board for a while – but was quick to pour buckets of blame elsewhere.
Perhaps she is the mirror image of Soubry – someone who has a path need for attention so has to engage mouth or Twitter or both . Our rulers / law makers really are something eh?
Yes, we have been discussing these comments for a couple of days on Guido – and the fact that the B-BBC never reports Liebour racism or antisemitism. So here they are – reporting an apology as news, never having reported the original facts.
The bBBC loves Ms Coad, a perfect example of Labour buying votes, importing countless immigrants and giving them free homes in one of the richest parts of London.
You’ll notice she didn’t apologise for what she said because she finally acknowledged it to be wrong, she apologised if she upset anyone.
And with that she demonstrates her wickedness.
The DEgeNeraTe Toad
Yes, it was a classic non-apology apology. She does not apologise for what she said, only if it hurt the feelings of the Uncle Tom she insulted. Since she clearly sees the man she insulted as an Uncle Tom, then she meant to insult him, and she has apologised for nothing. An utter creep, and typical hard left racist.
As usual, all we hear from the BBC is the sound of silence.
Just been discussed on LBC, Labour think they own certain kinds of people such as blacks, and they shouldn’t work for the Tories, or vote for them.
Wild ,
It seems strange that this lady’s attitude hasn’t been reported or reviled by al beeb compared to the aftermath of a Labour MP getting topped . What happens now if someone targets a conservative me and kills them citing Coad saying it was good to do so .
Tory aid is about to get busted for breast grabbing
Guido put a post about Daniel Korski ..he’s got hands
coincidentally someone tweeted this
Dear Jeremy,
We write to you as former members of the London Assembly, friends and colleagues of Shaun Bailey AM, and Members of Parliament.
The comments made by Ms Dent Coad in relation to Mr Bailey are unacceptable in any circumstance and particularly so from an elected representative. Your failure to condemn her comments is both disappointing and concerning.
Your silence is disappointing because it gives the impression that you are comfortable with the comments Ms Dent Coad made. It is concerning because it reinforces our belief that there are too many people in the Labour Party who see Conservatives from BAME backgrounds as “traitors” and, therefore, legitimate targets for abuse.
During the 2017 general election campaign, you claimed that “only Labour can unlock the talent of BAME people” a claim that was as inaccurate as it was insulting. This claim also betrays a belief that BAME people should feel indebted to the Labour Party. Indeed, just last night another of your MPs, Clive Lewis, claimed that you can’t be a Conservative and tackle racism – once again inaccurate and insulting.
Ms Dent Coad’s comments were made on social media and raise a number of questions that must be urgently addressed:
* Will you condemn the comments made by Emma Dent Coad?
* Why was Ms Dent Coad selected as a parliamentary candidate given these comments were made publicly before her selection?
* Will you now investigate this matter and do you intend to remove the whip from Ms Dent Coad during such an investigation?
Your party’s condescending attitude to BAME voters and candidates really must be addressed. Now is the time to do so.
Kemi Badenoch MP
James Cleverly MP