Just lie back and think of the EU Anna…and don’t worry the BBC’s working on the fix……May out, Corbyn in and Britain’s problems will be over….coz we won’t be ‘Britain’ anymore…..just a region of the EU being milked of its riches to pay for the failed states that only joined to get the freebies…and of course keeping the unelected Eurocrats in the style to which they have become accustomed….and no doubt richly deserve.
If anyone should spot, in the unlikely event that it should occur, any BBC bias propagandising on behalf of the EU superstate please note it here…..tick tock tick tock….Brexit is coming and they’re getting a little bit frantic…..the rules will go out the window and all effort and resources will be targeted at stopping it impartiality be damned….they think themselves untouchable or that Corbyn will ride to the rescue…he might but there will be a price to pay….CBC…..having said that it’s pretty much there already.
Note the bias here….
Lefty bias in press regulator Impress
They are supposed to be investigating false claims in the Canary that Laura Kuensberg was to speak on platform as part of the Conservative Conference
.. but then it turns out 2 of the Impress panel had tweeted Mad conspiracy stuff about her being a government propagandist.
Confusion over Zimbabwean parties’ social media accounts {bbc.co.uk 16nov2017}
“Many media outlets, including the BBC, reported posts by the unverified Twitter account @zanu_pf which claims to be “the only official handle” for the Zanu-PF party.”
“Multiple accounts, some switching their messages, many accused of parody, international journalists uncertain which can be dismissed, local journalists hesitant, and a lack of verification on African Twitter: Who to believe on Zimbabwean social media remains unclear.”
– BBC £3.5bn (paid under threat of prison) News Service or a £3.5bn Twitter Recycling Service?
Maybe they need a green and yellow tick?
“BBC £3.5bn (paid under threat of prison) News Service or a £3.5bn Twitter Recycling Service?”
So says MarkyMark our own threepence-happeny Twitter Recycling Service!
Cheap at half the price. I can give a Pidgin version as well … Woman claim say George Bush Snr touch her ‘bum-bum’ … I will never ask you to go to jail if you report one of my comments!
D*ckhead Eddy Mair on R4 PM is doing some ridiculous symbolism showing respect to Grenfell dead by reading out a long list of seemingly immigrant names.
.. How is that news ?
Notice how many even he couldn’t pronounce?
Perhaps some psychologist in academia could do a study on this strange behaviour, i.e. we used to be bothered about family, friends, neighbours and countrymen in that order yet ‘Grenfell’ has seen that concern reversed, it was a supreme tragedy because it wasn’t about ‘us’.
‘Loyal listeners’ of More Or Less will recall that their ‘Grenfell’ story was unique in having ‘sad’ background music throughout the item.
Any idiot can emote over the loss of kith and kin.
It takes a super-empathic, cosmopolitan sophisticate to emote over the passing of strangers whose names he can’t even pronounce.
Virtue signalling, innit?
Eddy Mair – the learning disabilities version of Jeremy Paxman.
perhaps he will read out the names of the victims of islamic terrorism tomorrow ………………
Hi StewGreen, can you or some other kindly post this list here or provide a link to the list. This would provide much useful data.
Has there been any development with regard the allegation Grenfell was well over its safety capacity for housing people, and included many illegal “aliens”?
And where is the “green lagging” investigation into the fact that the lagging was an EU and Green idea to gentrify the area?
This one lies squarely with the EU, Labour, Lib Dems and Green Party creeps-Dent Coad as well. Any Tory should be able to skewer the Grenfell opportunists.
But they`re useless, clueless and punchy sandbags for the Fascists. Masochism I s`pose.
list from the Met
I’m wondering if there are earlier lists of people which names on that have been removed.
“eight people were being investigated for possible fraudulent financial claims for non-existent victim”
one man convicted so far.
The Guardian list has more biography
So 1400+ raped children need their names read out by Eddy Mair? All those molested by Savile under the watch of BBC? Those killed by terrorists in the UK? Is this something new? Has it been done before?
That was when I switched off.
BBC Radio 4 PM Mair has read out the list of the dead of Grenfell tower, nearly every one of them a Muslim and some of the names so alien to the British tongue that even Mair with the ultra PC BBC coaching had some difficulty pronouncing.
There was of course not a single comment about the number of clearly migrant populace dead and yet it was extremely striking.
No wonder then that the Fascists have taken this disaster as their own, if it had been white people, which they HATE so much they would probably have been throwing the survivors back in.
Alas that May immediately caved to all their demands thank God she wasn’t ever a PM at a time of crisis like in the past.
What’s that? Hitler has invaded Poland and Corbyn is calling for us to turn a blind eye to any criminality, yes of course we’ll ignore it all, peace at any price.
Yet another precedent that can only go sideways.
Yesterday I watched a programme on Prime about Gettysburg.
Abe would still be addressing today if he had gone such a route.
Still, new meaning to ‘dead air’.
Mair finished his show with a sob pice about some mixed race gay who insulted nearly every minority that he didn`t belong to.
Nasty stuff, vicious tweets when in a dark place and not on his journey apparently. But Eddie understood-and Gay News has lost its Sexual Racial Generative trailblazer with a transatlantic drawl, and lots of camp emotings with seismic gulps.
One therapeutic pill popper with a mentor who feels his pain.
Utter crap-took twenty minutes too. No news then Mair?
Still-Eddie now has a houseboy to deliver Gay News to his mews, should he want one.
Jobs for the victims eh Eddie?
We pay fot all this.
I’m looking at the tweets
he was catering to his tiny bubbleworld audience on both
– 71 names gimmick *
– and “gay says sorry for racism” interview
(A mentally or stressed person should not be doing a radio interview. It echoes the sleazy way BBC try to get victims to reveal past sexual abuse live on air)
..* emotional blackmail
and anyway its not respectful when you pronounce the names wrong, nor does it help the healing process.
\\So Josh made all those hideous Tweets and you just repeated them live on public radio! Just as offensive//
\\ Pretty gratuitous @eddiemair! On the one hand we complain about the state of mental health stigma and then this support of public shaming? //
Just 2 gay guys talking.
I happened to hear an interview on Today this morning with some Guardian hack who has written a book about President Trump’s “links to Russia”.
It sounded like a real cut & paste job, no actual research, just a rehash of the Democrat Party’s hit job re “Russian hacking” and the Pissgate Dossier they bought and paid for.
Naturally, the hack was listened to respectfully, with no interruptions or searching questions. You can always tell when an interviewee agrees with every prejudice of the BBC hive, they forget entirely that they are meant to “interview” the person.
Obviously, there was no-one on to counter any of the tired and, I would say, false arguments put forward by the Guardianista. There mustn’t have been a single person available in the entire world willing to put up a case defending President Trump. Maybe Sebastian Gorka’s phone is out of order, or then again, perhaps the pathetic Beeboid scum got tired of him handing them their arses time after time.
I don’t get £4 billion a year in taxpayers’ money, I don’t get paid £700,000 a year. But even I know that the DNC refused to let the FBI examine their computer server, but instead had it examined by a private company called Crowdstrike. And even I know that the DNC and Hillary Clinton funnelled over $10 million through a law firm to another company called Fusion GPS, which paid for the ex-MI6 spy Mr Steele to go to Moscow and write down every rumour that several million dollars will buy. Oh yes, and that Donald Trump Jr’s “secret meeting” with a “Kremlin connected lawyer” actually took place in Trump Tower, and turned out to be with a lawyer trying to get the Magnitsky Act overturned.
The thing is, I rather think the Beeboid interviewer knew all this too, but that’s not the party line, which is that Trump is an evil, deranged, puppet of Putin, who must be impeached. And that’s the thing with the BBC; you don’t get the truth, you get the party line.
Now over to our friend Max for some examples of right wing bias on the BBC…
Funny because I thought CNN or the New York Times had broadcast it & the BBC just repeated what they’d said, there was no warning that the Democrat they brought on had a massive vested interest in this issue
I listened to that interview too.
The allegation is that Trump colluded with the Russians, who interfered in the US election by facilitating the revelation of authentic emails that were sent from / to members of the Clinton campaign.
Yet again Al Beeb failed to quote or even describe what was actually said in those emails that would have gone down so badly with US voters.
Surely whoever was involved in bringing these emails to light – Russians or anyone else – did US voters a favour?
“It’s not a dossier, it was just a folder full of s**t!”
Marcus Halberstram.
He also wears Oliver People’s glasses but has a slightly better haircut than me.
Degrees of separation from reality also available.
FFS! Who cares what the controller of the giant vampire octopus thinks?
In any other context the head of Goldman Sachs would be Public Enemy No 1 for the BBC. Of course, the moment he opens his trap and starts shilling for his client state (the EU) he’s the second coming.
Nice go see the HYS oddly not mirroring the latest BBC poll about how trusted the BBC is.
Heard the BBC moaning that the European Medicines Office and its Banking Forum are now getting bids to be housed by other countries than ours after Brexit. But no numbers on the mass exodus and brain drain that will surely break our feeble nation in April 2019.
How many jobs will be lost? My guess will be fifty at tops.
But it won`t stop the BBC letting me think it`ll be thousands. Might be able to get my Nux Vomica and other homeopathic remedies once more when they`ve gone.
Al Shubtill,
“FFS! Who cares what [Goldman Sachs] the controller of the giant vampire octopus thinks?”
Ah, yes, “the giant vampire octopus”, where have I heard that before…
FFS who woke you up ?
Do you enjoy supporting an organisation that robs from the poor to give to the rich ?
Up tick here if the ‘telly tax should be abolished’.
Have you heard the phrase ‘ vampire octopus ‘ used before as it is a new one on me.
I think Al meant to say squid instead of octopus, as vampire squid is a derogatory term used to describe global mega-banks, but most frequently Goldmans, and I have heard that used, I think it’s pretty common in the financial media.
It was first used by an American journalist called Matt Taibbi in a ‘ Rolling Stone ‘ article in 2009, it’s all to do with their grasping, strangling and bloodthirsty business methods, it’s not a term connected to their cultural or religious origins. That picture seems much earlier and looks like anti Jewish propaganda, I don’t honestly think it’s relevant here.
Anyway, it’d be silly to use the comparative term ‘ vampire octopus ‘ on purpose as there’s no such thing, but there is a species known as a vampire squid that is found in American coastal waters. Someone from Boston like Taibbi could well have heard of it.
Saw a ‘ River Monsters ‘ about them recently. Nasty little bastards, feeds on detritus in the dark, no real threat to anyone. Not like Goldman Sachs.
Still, easy mistake to make.
“I think Al meant to say squid instead of octopus, as vampire squid is a derogatory term used to describe global mega-banks, but most frequently Goldmans…”
I disagree ‘Rich’; I think Al meant to say “fluffy little kittens” instead of “octopus” (probably, as you say, just a slip of the tongue) and it’s entirely coincidental he mistakenly used a popular anti-semitic trope to describe the Jewish banking dynasty, Goldman Sachs.
Such an easy mistake to make…
An easy question?
Do you support an organisation that robs from the poor to give to the rich ?
An easy question?
Do you support an organisation that robs from the poor to give to the rich ?
An easy question?
Do you support an organisation that robs from the poor to give to the rich ?
An easy question?
Do you support an organisation that robs from the poor to give to the rich ?
I didn’t see Judaism mentioned in Al’s post just Goldman Sachs and I’ve never heard of the octopus used like this. Can’t imagine it’s popular as you say though unless you’re of a certain mindset which sadly seems to be gaining momentum in some quarters. I suppose it’s up to you how you interpret things.
Rich is my name you don’t need to use the inverted commas, not everyone may agree with what I say, but I’ve no problem taking responsibility for my comments and, if someone has a better argument, accepting theirs.
Hi maxi,
Here’s a para from a post of mine from yesterday:
“Up2snuff November 16, 2017 at 3:23 pm
That premier news organisation, that gets everything totally & scrupulously correct all the time (maxincony, where are you?) has been telling me at regular intervals from summer 2016 onward that EU workers have been leaving the UK in droves since the result of the EU Referendum was known.”
Would you care to apologise for the obvious BBC errors (some might call them lies) now revealed by the latest employment statistics?
And would you care to apologise to Alan for your personal attack over what you considered to be an inaccurate post that was later verified, the tragic murder of the Altrincham surgeon?
Look on this as a BOGOF offer, maxi. A real opportunity for you to acquire something of value, a bargain.
Goldman Sachs is well known colloquially as the “Great Vampire Squid”. In fact, I think they rather like the notoriety of their nickname.
But you knew that of course.
Still, I congratulate you on your knowledge of ancient political posters from the 20s and 30s. They are often so very useful when seeking to trip up someone who uses the word “octopus” instead of “squid”.
Now you can get on with finding all that right wing bias on the BBC.
“the tragic murder of the Altrincham surgeon”
Don’t encourage him, the doctor in question sustained a minor wound to his neck in that notorious non-racist attack. He is absolutely fine.
Oops, sorry Rob, did I get that bit wrong? Funny, maxi was quick to slag off Alan for something that turned out to be correct, but he is not so keen to sort out other things. As he doesn’t work for the BBC and doesn’t really engage here, he may be worthy of leaving alone. Above is one of the rare occasions he has strung more than two posts together.
Perhaps the Wild Woman will be a better debater.
I think the cartoon first appeared in ‘Volksischer Beobachter’ in the 1930s – some time before it metamorphosed into the Guardian.
Didn’t we warn you about the consequences of bowing down to the rainbow fascists:
According to some latest reports the rainbow warriors/storm troopers have now been promised by the FA and All English football clubs that on their agenda next are rainbow corner flags, goal posts etc etc!
I suggest they wouldn’t be satisfied until they demand and get “Rainbow Coloured Grass”
Football is going the way of the arts. A trivial virtue signalling irrelevance whose only significance lies in its media coverage, it`s hysterical promotion of its own soclai fascism-and its unaffordabliity to those who now have voted with their feet and long left the grounds.
Only millionaires money and publicly backed funding keep the whole shebang going.
The People no longer give a stuff.
Who cares about any sportsball anyway? It’s all just part of the bread and circuses.
Al Shubtil: “Who cares about any sportsball anyway?”
Advertisers. English football, especially the English Premiership draws in huge numbers of supporters and interest both at home and abroad.
This is all part of the drip drip drip transformation of English and British institutions (of which sporting institutions have a large following) to act as flagships for cultural change with the introduction of what are called “progressive” values. Schools and Universities have already been taken over, now it is the turn for English Sport.
Mass supported sports exist to try to distract the masses from what’s happening to their nation and society.
Politics by another name. It used to be said that it was war by another name.Take your pick.
Alicia, I started to consider football corrupt some time before various revelations were made by players, campaigners, journalists, etc..
It is a sport that at the higher levels takes excessive amounts of money from people, many of whom are on low incomes, and hands vast amounts to groups of individuals who pay relatively little tax on their incomes (and even seek to reduce those liabilities via legal but perhaps aggressive avoidance or even illegal evasion) and enjoy a great deal of continual lauding and interest by the media, some (many?) politicians and, of course, much of the general public.
Remind you of any other organisation … ?
It is no surprise to me that the gloss is wearing off football in the UK.
We know where the rainbow ends already, it is not in a pot of gold …
Ooh matron
Better be renamed Queer Times as they really are eh?
498 days.
I thought that there weren’t any white police officers in Zimbabwe. So I guess this picture proves that they are not entirely racist.
Another racist article from the BBC. Check out comment number 20 and comment number 18. Unfortunately the BBC censored comment number 19. The BBC stopped the comments once it turned against them as people began to realise what the BBC were doing: “Africa’s top 10 Premier League moments”
Ah Marc Viviane Foe beast of a player RIP my good man
BBC beyond 100 days …. “Mugabe a master tactician….” katty Kay @ 19:15. Wonder why cannot call evil out in the world … look no further than the BBC.
Wasn`t this apology of a programme meant to end after 100 days of Hillarys reign? So how come after a year, are these two oafs STILL peddling their anti-Trump, pro EU guff?
Who let these two hang around to continue this nonsense on our tab?
This space could be far better used with endless reruns of Top Of The Pops. Would rather Dave Clark got the money than these two Beeb poltroons.
The BBC’S news at 6PM has a had a theme on diversity this week. This evening it was a bit of a circus
because one of the features was on a bearded lady. It made me think that wouldn’t it be a good idea to
have a bearded lady being the presenter of the news. Now wouldn’t that be diversity and positive
discrimination!! It shouldn’t be too much of a challenge for you, diversity department at the BBC.
So then we went on to the Londonistan Programme with Assad Ahmed. It started by showing us a
room of women which could of been taken in Rabat , Morroco . But this was at a meeting
of Moroccan women who were survivors from the disaster of Grenfell Tower. Apparently a lot of
the poor people who perished in Grenfell Tower were Moroccan’s. I didn’t know that. We then had
the nightly political broadcast on behalf of the Remoaners, in the guise of Peter Mandelson. I don,t
know who the editors of the programme are going to get tomorrow night.
I just don’t know how the BBC is going to present the World Cup in the frame of mind they are in now,
Teams of men , will be playing teams of men and all of them will be wearing shorts. Perhaps they should have
a lady pundit with a beard in the studio with Gary Lineker. Or better still taking the place of Gary.
Just one long freak show isn`t it? As if Conchita Wurst winning Eurovision now meant that we`d all be on board with this parade of self absorbed deviants.
Meanwhile, back on planet earth….
Radio Four PM and at 5.35 Eddie Mair sys the rest of the programme is going to be an interview with one person .
Who is this important person that takes up such an amount of time on a news and current affairs programme ?
Is it the Queen , Prime Minister , the President of the United States , perhaps not one quite so portentous to our future , Juncker , Mugabe , the ambassador of Germany , or one of the leading inventors such as Bill Gates or Zuckernberg , remember this is twenty five minutes of prime time commuting time ?
It’s the ex editor of the Gay Times .
I couldn’t believe they would go all the way to six o clock talking to this person , whatever he’d done , unless it was to wheedle out of him where he’d hidden the bodies or stashed the cash . I stuck ten minutes and yup , they WERE going to interview him for twenty five minutes . I switched off and tried again at five to , and they were still there , God knows what about .
Well , that’s the Beeb for you .
I listened to that interview from start to finish, as I was stuck in traffic.
Gay Times’ circulation is 68 000. Its sacked black editor wrote nasty things about Jews, fat people and lesbians on social media some years ago – which have just recently come to light – and as a consequence has been sacked.
I’m glad I listened though. The chaps in my local have been talking of little else this evening. Well done BBC & PM.
Bbc beyond 100 Days. Single market cannot be destroyed. Twitter from goldman Sachs blankfield second referendum needed.
BBC Beyond 100 Days. Now making fun of President Trump having a drink, when Trump joked about Rubio.
“No one drinks water like that. Brings attention to his hands.” – Christian Fraser
Katty is just drinking water from a cup with a straw.
This is a 5 second piece at most, and holding up real news. The comedy and sport are normally for distractions.
All this after Katy Kay calls Mugabe a “… a master tactician….”, not an authoritarian brutal leader that dragged it’s economy into a black hole.
Will Katty Kay now hit twitter with £3.5bn News Service some insight such as … ‘Wow…’
An except from the BBC website ‘Katty Kay in Washington and Christian Fraser in London report on the events that are shaping the world.'{bbc.co.uk}
– ‘events that are shaping the world’ – President drinks water carefully
mugabe is a a master tactician and trump is literally hitler that should sum up the so called bbc for everyone in this country
Just watching Celebrity Antiques Road Trip (yes, I know), and one of the participants is the insufferable Ore Odube, – what an embarrassment the man is, he’s so awful I cant stop watching !!!! never failing to mention he’s the Strictly Champion, and even offered to give an antique shop owner 17 dance lessons for a reduction in price – she was not impressed. He’s competing against the trim but dim Joanne Clifton. Good job she has work as a dancer, cos she’d struggle as anything else. Dumbing down at its best.
Farage just played Noel Gallagher calling asking for a second referendum fascism
“In England, the Brexit thing, it’s like, I can’t believe there’s so much noise about it,”
he told Noisey. “You know what I mean?
It was put to the people as a vote, the people voted.
That’s democracy. F*cking get over it.”
The other day half in jest I mentioned that the Uk government would be sending relief to Iran for their excellent earthquake in order to save borisavich career. How wrong i was – it wasn’t relief – it was half a billion dollars?? Worth of money we owed them since 1979. That’s not bad to save one politicians lousy career and getting a spy released on humanitarian grounds ( non existent illness).
On the upside at least we won’t have hear her husband bleating on after seeing his wife off to that lovely country – eye ran.
Fedup – Its always the same
These bleeding hearts/idiots go to these places that they know they shouldnt – then get kidnaped/imprisoned and the British Government then have the problem of having to sort the problem out. I remember a situation back in the 1990s when a couple of girls got busted in – I think Malaysia or similair for smuggling drugs. John Major flew straight out and returned a tabloid hero having got them released. Personally I would have let them stay incarcerated as a warning to other UK idiots, that these countries (unlike the UK) have laws that have to be respected.
These people are like a load of naughty kids who trespass into a farmers field with a “beware of the bull sign” They get chased and injured by the bull and everyone blames the farmer not the kids or their parents for allowing their offspring to think that trespassing is ok. Sorry but if you put our head into the crocodiles mouth – why act surprised when it snaps shut.
We certainly seem to be in the age of the permachild. Act how you want because mummy will always sort it out.
Side effect of the welfare state. Brits abroad ? Problem – Fco will sort it out.
When Boris does his highly publicised arrival heathrow with the “rescued” “Brit” he ll be thinking that 500 million dollars if tax money was well worth it. Wait- see
Jonathan Maitland in The Spectator shares a teeth grinding fact.
A manager at the BBC, who Maitland describes as decent and would have made a competent teacher, was on a salary of half a million quid. He retired on £300,000 per annum plus a redundancy payment of £1 million pound.
And there you were thinking all the licence money that goes to the BBC simply to pays for the likes of The One Show and Match of the Day.
I remember some years back there was a big fuss about the level of pays offs to BBC managers including Mark Thompson .There were appearances before committees etc.
But in the end the BBC carries on splashing the cash.It was all so much hot air .
Russia 1963 vs USA 2017
Hi MarkyMark – did you assemble this image? It is certainly a powerful “message” but you have to have a certain level of intelligence to discern the message. So it probably needs some text to direct the thoughts for the slightly stupid, or hardly curably brainwashed, for them to get the point.
“So it probably needs some text to direct the thoughts for the slightly stupid, or hardly curably brainwashed, for them to get the point.”
Why ask MarkyMark? Why don’t you explain “the point”? I’d love to hear your explanation…
Why don’t you answer ?
Do you support an organisation that robs from the poor to give to the rich ?
You let your employer down.
Hi Maxincony, do you see yourself falling into the slightly stupid category or the hardly curably brainwashed category, in requiring direction to recognise that one woman achieved her own identity through her own efforts and talents, taking full advantage of opportunities available to her, while another achieves her identity by parading publicly as a vagina?
The first lady is a role model for women’s social and intellectual progression, while the second lady is a role model for those wishing to identify women to fannies.
Now that I have answered your question, maybe you could now answer a question from me? Without giving away your identity – can you tell us whether or not you work, or have worked for the BBC? It seems to me that either you work of have worked for the BBC or that you have some personal vendetta against David Vance and his various projects.
“The first lady is a role model for women’s social and intellectual progression…”
Erm, no; she was used purely as a propaganda tool for an oppressive soviet regime. But you know that right, because you’re not “slightly stupid”?
“…can you tell us whether or not you work, or have worked for the BBC?”
No, I do not and have never worked for the BBC. Try taking the tinfoil hat off once in a while.
Maxincony: “Erm, no; she was used purely as a propaganda tool for an oppressive soviet regime”
So you think that anyone that achieved distinction under the Soviet Union should not be applauded for their achievements but lambasted for being tools of the country of their birth? So you think that the science and engineering undertaken within the Soviet Union and the scientists and engineers that worked under that system, are entirely without individual merit?
The level of your thinking here I find astounding. It seems to show that you think in terms of broad stereotype and prejudice – a feature of someone of limited intellectual ability.
So clearly you don’t even get the point when it is explained carefully to you – and we can see this is due to your inviolable stereotypical and prejudicial thinking that says that space science and engineering of the soviet union was entirely without merit for the reason that it came from the soviet union – because everything that came from the soviet union must have been bad because it was an oppressive regime.
This tells me you are neither knowledgeable in science nor knowledgeable in engineering. It is also just a very low standard of thinking. Of course a low standard of thinking does not exclude from having gone to university.
ps maxincony – I prefer all commentators to be civil with each other – but robust challenge on assertions and viewpoint are warranted on occasion. I apologise for the suggestion that you might have worked for the BBC and do not wish to have your character maligned by such a suggestion.
This is propaganda that can be used against the original meanings. It was probably meant to laugh at the USA, but has shown equality is possible. It also highlights what is possible – with thinking and courage.
Believe me ,it needs no text.At least not for anyone with a uterus.These people are totally nuts.
Yes I do, I simply used Google Docs / Slideshow to add the images and text.
I think a better image would be a comparison with religion I will also try and include the … “In 2013, she offered to go on a one-way trip to Mars if the opportunity arose”
“She (Tereshkova) landed in the Altay region near today’s Kazakhstan-Mongolia-China border. Villagers helped Tereshkova out of her spacesuit and asked her to join them for dinner. She accepted, and was later reprimanded for violating the rules and not undergoing medical tests first.“
The girl on the right has made a proper cunt of herself hasn’t she?
EU commission wants your opinion on FakeNews
FWIW I’ve completed this. It’s a pathetic power grab by the Commission to control the news we get, under the guise of protecting us against fake news.
It certainly is a power grab but one which is supported and replicated by liberal left governments right across the West which are using government agencies against any political opposition or dissent by ordinary people. What we are seeing and experiencing is the illegal take over of democracy by a global liberal left elite who will brook no opposition. The entire West is becoming a one Party state dedicated by its leaders to globalism and all the other policies that go with it. They already control the MSM and now they want control of the internet.
Time to have our say I think .Start with the BBC.
Welcome to our new Ministry of Truth.
Fake news is constructed by the BBC by censoring most of the facts to produce a fake narrative.
This is used by the BBC to produce a Misleading headline.
The alternative facts produced by the BBC are not facts but assumptions and speculation. This is so that these fake facts cannot be proven to be false because they are in fact, not facts but disinformation in the form of assumptions and speculation.
Possible future actions against the BBC are Judicial Reviews and legal action, but the only date I have been given by my sources is this Monday. But the BBC has been told that legal action is due on Monday, so the BBC may produce deflecting propaganda on that day, so the legal action could be delayed until the BBC is taken off guard.
These actions against the BBC are due.
(1) Legal action from OFCOM.
(2) Legal action from Cliff Richard.
(3) Legal action from Nigel Farage.
(4) A Judicial Review of the BBC,s currant Anti-Brexit policy.
(5) A Judicial Review of the BBC,s Climate Science Censorship policy.
(6) Revelations about the investigations by the secret services into a murderous Paedophile ring at the BBC.
It looks like the BBC is undergoing a massive increase in complaints, caused by the BBC refusing to apologise for fake news stories about Russia, Trump, Sexual abuse, Project Fear, a Brexit hate crime incident, its climate science censorship policy and many other complaints about fake news on the BBC.
How the bBC covers for intolerant Islam:
Funny how the bBC didn’t mention this:

Accused bBC???
Accused = Caught
Leave = Remain
48% is greater than 52%
and I do not think she was dropped. As I understand it she resigned before facing a committtee.
Should not the ‘housing shortage’ be framed as an ‘immigration excess’? Typically they blame the nasty Tories whilst advocating for open borders. In the next breath they will be emoting about the homelessness problem, which is linked to mass immigration.
RICHARD LITTLEJOHN in today’s Mail, sums it up beautifully………… (and not forgetting that 8 out of 10 occupiers of new homes are immigrants. Why are we not protesting on the streets at this ???)……..
Toady watch
The outgoing head girl had a chat with some kraut from their cbi or similar who naturally decided exiting the Eu was a bad thing. They got to talking about money. It seems that the EU initially only demanded £6000 000 000 bribe but was not dropping it to £5000 000 000 made up of the original £2000 000 000 which May has offered and then maybe £1000 000 000 each year for the two year extension – bringing it down to only a 40 billion pound exit fee or bribe. Bargain.
Any that’s we’re the chat ended. No discussion of the source of this demand – no discussion on the effect on our economy – nope – the chat stopped there and they switched to wimmin in space – and the off switch.
Earlier that fool – frank gardiner – sounded incredulous that Christian Coptic s subject to murder by Islam were turning the other cheek for real – as they say. Frank made it sound like Christianity was a foreign concept to him rather than being the State religion – the same State as his employer. Al Beeb must be about to do a big thing on Islam ( for a change..) if they spend even 5 minutes talking About Islamic attacks on Christian churches.
Thank goodness the BBC have at last seen sense and started to offer value for money.
Next Friday night they’ve cancelled both Mastermind and Only Connect and are dedicating the whole of the evening to woman’s football.
An added bonus is that it’s presented by my favourite TV pundit and multi-millionaire champagne guzzling, virtue signalling snowflake, Gary Lineker.
I can’t wait.
TOpt: Value for money. That’s great news!
However, considering the current BBC output I was hoping they were going to switch everything off and bring back the test card. Surely more value than all the programming put together!
Actually, just switching everything off would be the best value for money.
Who comments on these female football matches, men or women? Or a bit of both (the BBC’s speciality)?
I would imagine it’s a commentator’s nightmare, trying not to emit a gaffe equivalent to the man who referred to Peter Schmeichel “making himself big” in the penalty area.
Nov 19th is International Men’s day
..are the BBC having any special events ?
This is what your licence fee is paying for:
No doubt sleeping off the after effects of the drugged up gay sex orgies the corporation encourages them to enrich themselves with !
Worse than that the BBC actually endorses their inaction:
“Its official press office twitter account retweeted an article by the Huffington Post claiming BBC workers who slept on the job were actually doing the right thing. “
If you can run a country whilst asleep, why not a BBC corporation?
Mugabe caught sleeping…{google search}
Old Robert has a pretty severe rodent ulcer, under his nose, above his upper lip. Maybe time to seek medical treatment in Singapore although probably no need to worry too much as he is in his 90s.
They’re amateurs. The trick is to put your elbows on the desk and lean forward. When you wake up you immediately say “Amen”.
It was just an extra long prayer and you were breathing deeply during it.
RJ, but, much as I enjoy ‘Sailing by’, Radio 4 doesn’t finish with a prayer or the National Anthem.
The genetically impartial blonde bombshell ‘analysing’ away like a trooper again:
Boom! Apparently.
A completely inane tweet but they all are. Politics by numbers and nobody counts past ten.
Guest, Leo is a bit late to that party. I’ve been hearing that endlessly since 24 June 2016 on another forum, so much so that I have given up on it.
It is strange that, post result, hardened Remainers consider that all Brexiteers and many others should bow to their wisdom, insight and wishes. Some, but nowhere near so many, were like that before the Referendum. Sort of a political form of ‘droit de seigneur’.
Interesting, especially once you get to the comments:
And continuing the theme of the BBC on rare occasion being dodgy territory for sacred cows:
That FB quote is from the Islamic missionary
\\ Ustad Reyhan, from the Islamic missionary group Hidayatullah, has stayed to make sure the new faith is practised.
“For now we are focusing on the children. It’s easier to convert them – their mind isn’t filled with other things. With the older ones it’s harder,” he says.
** “Before Islam they just believed in spirits, gods and goddesses, not the supreme god Allah. **
“When someone died, they didn’t even bury the dead, they just would leave the body in the forest.
Now their life has meaning and direction.” //
He would not have used the words “gods and goddesses”.
I’m guessing it’s a poor translation from the original Indonesian.
In English it’s confusing cos we use god as a word for Allah or The God
Questions are now sexist … see how we can’t even talk about problems … “When it comes to sexism, some Sky news presenters need to look at themselves to. (I’m a victim) ” {youtube – @2:23 – Emily Thornberry}
What really upsets (emotion) me, about your attitude to me (asking a question), you do this with me (victim). I don’t remember you doing it with anybody else you know (I’m a victim)” {youtube – @0:19 – Emily Thornberry}
Shock horror:
Brexit: Davis says the UK has compromised in talks
European Army formed in the EU last Monday. Pretty significant news I would have thought. Did I nod off in my chair again and miss this important news on the BBC news? I don’t recall hearing it.
BBC is the Labour Party Press office.
Channel 4 is the Muslim Brotherhood Press Office
Both funded by the taxpayer.
Taxpayers who earn over 23k per year begin contributing to the National pot. Those earning less than 23k receive benefits of some kind.
Labour voters are overwhelmingly the young and immigrants. These tend not to be large contributors of tax.
The BBC does not support the country’s paymaster, the taxpayer.
The media have been deliberately ignoring the EU army issue.
The UK hasn’t signed up to PESCO yet as far as I know, but Veterans for Britain are still concerned.
See also
Christ she sounds just like a programmed drone and is she reading a script the way her eyes are darting off to the side. Norman ‘but labour says’ smith sounds like hes pleading to her for anything to stop brexit from happening
From Katty by Name,…
Distasteful though he may have been, wasn’t Trump’s boast about what women LET him do, rather than taking advantage of a sleeping lady?
It seems consent isn’t important to the BBC when there’s an agenda to follow.
I now believe Hillary Clinton has visited every media outlet and stadium so everyone is complicit in her version of events. Not one called her out on the bad things … not on BBC Website, BBC Graham Norton chat show, the BBC One Show or the BBC Marr Show. Now they, and those who watched are all complicity in what she believes happened. We are all now part of the lie – and because we didn’t raise any serious issues we agree with everything she said. Also, as public we could not defund the BBC to stop this madness!
“This matter (releasing man fluids over a young intern in the White House and other sexual advances on other ladies) is between me and the two people I love most. My wife and our daughter and our God.” Bill Clinton – @2:39
Not one person raised this issue ….
(‘No one left to lie to {amazon}‘)
Just finished reading this book. Brilliant, the Clinton’s suitably filleted. Lying bar stewards the pair of them.
Billary: – ‘Don’t let it all come out’…
Man: – ‘My lips are sealed’…
Man: – ‘Don’t let it all come out’…
Billary: – ‘My lips are sealed’…
#GrenfellMoreImportant : Leeds crown court murder trial
: Yasmin Ahmed and Akshar Ali deny murdering his wife Sinead Wooding in May
.. Neighbour saw body being carried away.
Deep joy.
It’s the annual sanctimonious nonsense called Children in Need.
The ultimate abuse of power and statist warping of a market.
I mean, maybe a few cancer charities could do with a bit of support, not to mention hundreds of other good causes.
But sadly they never made it onto the BBC do-good list all those years ago, so their public profile is, ahem, ‘under-represented’.
The biased BBC plays on charitable lethargy, getting a sadly gulliblle public to feel warm about themselves supporting CiN and then think they’ve done enough charitable giving until next year.
Me? Think I’ll donate to the British Hedgehog Preservation Society, if they are still going.
Now, what channel is the paint-drying on tonight?
CiN would make more money if gave BBC staff the day off and donated their money straight to charity.
As it is its PR virtue signalling in the guise of charity.
But you @Sluff are ungrateful
Last night the TV gave you
– BBC 1 drama : immigrants getting illegally married for visas.
– BBC 2 – Doco about immigrants travelling from safe Turkey, thru EU states to get handouts in Germany.
– C4 – doco giving the narrative that immigrants are hard working and ‘Brits’ lazy.
Sluff – whenever I hear of this annual ego trip for beeboids I can but this of our Terry taking £58k for the night for presenting it. I reckon I’m not easily appalled but that one appalled me. But then I thought – well it is the business of show after all.
I wonder what the wage bill for this nights’ luvvie orgy will be ?
God knows Fedup – But it it must certainly be the favourite night of the year for much of the BBC “talent” Who can use their appearance on this unfunny/uninteresting guilt trip laden bilge to justify their ridiculous salaries. But no one dares critiscise this TV Bollox extravaganza because its for the kids innit.
Personally I would much prefer cutting foreign aid going to developing countries for circus skills training for blind hand amputees and similair and use this to help the kids (and why not adults in need too) rather than letting “charity works” being yet another reason to justify supporting this bloated, dishonest and treacherous organisation.
I may well be a “miserable bastard” But I like to support the charities that I believe in rather than the ones the BBC tell me I should. As for Pudsey I would sell him to China for bear bile extraction and with any luck Chris Evans would be occupying the costume as the jet lands at Bejing International airport.
Oak, never fear, it’s nearly panto season, when all the failing dross of the ‘actor’s’ guilds scramble around to get enough dosh for the winter.
There are so many weirdos and ‘acting’ flotsam doing this! The tacky cheap flyers pouring through the doors for the local flea-pits just accentuate what rubbish the bbc shoves out these days, and who in their right mind wants to waste time, money and energy seeing these sad individuals trying to ‘act’ without the autocues and crap they usually need to get through their poor performance.
I suppose if the bbbc brought back Chipperfields Circus, they’d get more intelligent delivery skills than the miserable lot they pay for these days, and that’s just the newsreaders and ‘journalists’!
We’d never give a penny to CiN, as it’s all fees to the already-well-off, weeping into their Toynbee Villas, and pretending to be sad. Chris Evans can just piss off too, hopefully tomorrow.
I’d pop a few bob to the Sally-Ann and the Kent Air Ambulance, because I’ll probably need both of them at some stage…
What a contrast.
BBC London showcases the 30th anniversary of the Kings Cross fire, which killed 31.
The focus was on learned experience to prevent future incidents.
Contrast that with Grenfell Tower.
The focus is on ‘greedy Tory council’ (conveniently forgetting the £8million+ only just spent on renovations) and ‘justice for Grenfell’ (whatever that actually means) not to mention the thousands of ‘traumatised ‘ residents.
What a truly pathetic country the snowflake lovers have let us become.
A couple of other points
1. Apparently Grenfell Tower used to be colloquially known as Morrocco Tower, and last night on BBC London we saw coverage to prove it, of a women’s meeting. All non-white, all wearing, shallwe say Muslim attire. Multicultural? Err, monocultural I think. But crucially it was non Anglo Saxon, so its OK in bBBC land.
2. I am reliably informed Kensington and Chelsea is struggling to find a new Finance Director. No sensible professionals seem to want the job. I wonder why?
BBC News Channel are most anxious to inform us that Australia have retained the “Women’s Ashes”
Perhaps the BBC will get back to us so as to explain what precisely it is of which the Women’s Ashes consist ?
We all know people often possess the ashes of departed relatives – I recall an episode of Only Fools and Horse where the plot revolved around Delboy, that loveable Cockney wheeler dealer’s, deceased grandmother’s ahes.
Then again there is the famous England Australia cricket trophy – legend tells us the tiny vase for which the two nations compete in a series of test matches contains the ashes of some ancient burned cricket stumps.
The notion that national sports teams might play for the ownership of some “Men’s” or maybe “Man’s Ashes” seems somewhat unpleasant if not abhorent.
I have heard of a novel titled “Angela’s Ashes” by Frank McCourt. The fictionalised memoir of an Irish American family, it received critical acclaim and won literary awards. However, some were concerned the book exaggerated the family’s impoverished upbringing.
Wiki tells me : McCourt’s own mother had denied the accuracy of his stories shortly before her death in 1981, shouting from the audience during a stage performance of his and his brother Malachy’s recollections that it was “all a pack of lies.”
Angela’s Ashes – perhaps a fitting title for what the BBC wants to call The Women’s Ashes
AISI – Read this book years ago on of the first of the “misery genre” One of those books I thought would be good because of the hype. I persevered because I thought it would get better – but it didnt. All in all a total waste of my time. I didnt even charity shop it afterwards – I put it straight in the bin feeling that humanity would be far better served that way.
Good to see that the liberal Germans are slowly bur surely getting their comeuppance
Could the principle of increased knife crime account for the similar rise in Londonistan as another melting pot of low-life?
A “dark-skinned” man (dunklem Teint) drew a knife on a 54-year-old female train conductor when she asked him for his ticket. {gatestoneinstitute 17nov2017}
Is it just me?
So much EU concern over the border between the EU and Northern Ireland. This from those who simply encouraged the third World to invade Europe by passing through their borders without any checks thus facilitating the ongoing destruction of Europe.
Good question …. does the EU want a border or not?
Production Credits .. “Europe without borders” @ 1:31
“I really do need you” – Recipent
“Thank you. And long live Europe.” – Refugee
“Europe protects its borders (by opening them up). Europe welcomes refugees (without consent of the European people). What about you? (are you good tor evil?)” – fairy
– Which is it ‘Europe protects its borders’ or ‘Europe without borders’?
Marky – EU only wants borders when it suits them. They get away with this in the UK because they know that the EU propaganda Dissemination Corporation (otherwise known as the BBC) for some strange reason only seems to be stirred if they think they can damage the “leave” cause. Obvious policy contradictions like this by the EU are obviously very difficult for the BBC to detect. I suppose they must be concentrating on much higher levels of thinking (macron style)
BBC causes even more outrage over the sleeping staff in the newsroom by making jokes about it.
BTW did you know that the staff in the news room are paid an astonishing £450 per shift ? An astonishing £115 000 per anum? No wonder the licence fee is so bloody high !
Now there are calls for a commons debate into the story – not that it will go anywhere with we haven’t got a clue what to do in charge though.
‘Outrage’ is true tabloid territory, if also embraced often by the BBC. Ironically.
At least Emily is on parity now, quip-compo wise.
Be funny if Jr. also petitions hapless Hall to be on the same wedge as Mum and colleagues for his polling expertise, which surely can only be destined for quoting soon by BBC Press Office and the next Boom! from Rob Burley.
LBC/Times : “Children are being forced into prostitution in Govanhill, Glasgow. Investigation reveals Roma kids being sold for sex by parents & it’s claimed, like in Rotherham, officials turn blind eye for fear of being branded racist.”
Full long article in Times behind the pay wall ..Half page in print edition
‘Police told her they were satisfied that the abuse of Roma children was no more than an urban myth’
BBC look over there at Grenfell & Elon Musk
1. After Manchester attacks … man on BBC finds evidence of hate of Western Ideals in a Mosque “Direct from Didsbury mosque this is a leaflet that I was given on an open day and this says living in a society in which people have accepted Western lifestyle as their way of life brings immorality at every step” – [BBC Question Time 25May2017 @ 25m49s]”
“What more do you want?” – the evidence is there if you want to see it, the BBC presenter shrugs it off
2. Brave girl speaks out on BBC in 2017 “I myself am a Muslim…I’m also a realist, there is an Elephant in the room here…we have Saudi trained clerics coming in (to the Mosques) speaking to children as young as seven … I would say, for now stop, close down all Saudi financed Mosques.” [BBC Question Time 25May2017 @47m12s]
“I would say, for now stop, close down all Saudi financed Mosques”
. . .
“A great deal would be improved in this country. If people like you (Mr Islam) came into studios like this, and admitted there is a problem. And admitted that you wanted to join in to find a solution to that problem. Instead of pretending that the problem doesn’t exist.” – Douglas Murray {@3:52}
Nothing is ever going to be done about this because even on these forums there is an utter & total inability to face up to even the possibility that our politicians might be corrupt and taking money from hard line Islamic countries.
All people like Douglas Murray are doing is bemoaning the symptoms whilst totally ignoring the causes.
On top of that are the 20 countries which have banned the Salafist ideology which all happen to be Muslim ! If they can do it why can’t we? The Didsbury Mosque referred to here IS a Salafist mosque.
Nothing is ever going to be done about this because even on these forums there is an utter & total inability to face up to even the possibility that our politicians might be corrupt and taking money from hard line Islamic countries.
All people like Douglas Murray are doing is bemoaning the symptoms whilst totally ignoring the causes.
On top of that are the 20 countries which have banned the Salafist ideology which all happen to be Muslim ! If they can do it why can’t we? The Didsbury Mosque referred to here IS a Salafist mosque.
That is why the Saudi Report was cancelled and never revealed (I believe) …. it would show what is happening in an instant.
Amber Rudd, are schools teaching “Islamist extremist material” being tracked?
A DEGREE OF INFLUENCE: The funding of strategically important subjects in UK universities
“What is noticeable from the research undertaken in this report is the disparity
in the levels of funding from the countries studied. There are huge amounts
of cash currently being donated by Arab and Islamic sources (University of Cambridge / £1.2m / UAE / Appointment of a full-time lecturer specialising in Islam / 1996), and this has undoubtedly
led to a degree of influence in the oversight of UK universities. China,
however, while donating only a relatively small amount of cash, has managed
to gain a disproportionate amount of influence in UK higher education via its
Confucius Institutes. What is also clear is that, in terms of money donated, the
likes of Japan and Russia do not appear to have the desire to influence higher
education in the same way as China or certain countries in the Muslim world.”
Remember when the BBC actually chased the story …
“…birthdays, remember, are the practices of disbelievers and immoral people. {bbc panorama video 2010}” @8:33
“… the books (supposed to originate from London) turn out to be the Saudi Official National Curriculum. {bbc panorama video 2010}” @22:13
ah the saudi report, that ones gone down the rabbit hole with absolutely no fuss from our MP,s
not a squeak
And that is where the £3.5bn news service should kick in and keep nagging …
Behind a paywall.
The independently minded, sports reporter, Matt Dickenson has questioned the decision to sack Mark Sampson.
Had you read the Guardian or watched the BBC at the time, you’d know Mark Sampson is a racist bigot and a bully. His career has been been destroyed and the left will certainly ensure he never again wins gainful employment . And I’ll just point out he was actually sacked because of a previous relationship, not because of any of the Eni Aluko/BBC complaints.
Sampson was accused by Eni Aluko, an England woman football player of racist remarks. She had over twenty complaints of racism, of which they nearly all found to be nonsense. However, Sampson did say “F**k off Ani” after she lost the ball once and apparently didn’t meet Ani’s brother after a match. He also used a mock Caribbean voice to her.
She made the racist protests after she was pulled from the team. However, she was dropped because the other players in the team didn’t like her attitude. It was apparently difficult to find anyone to room with her.
More fake news from the BBC.
It’s also worth noting that the ‘earlier’ transgression for which he lost his job, was known to the football authorities when they hired him…AND it was a transgression for which he had already been penalised.
I hope that the FA have got good lawyers – they’ll need them.
I also note that the BBC, was despairing that Aluko still hadn’t made it back into the England team…but how do they expect her to be re-integrated when as the Telegraph reported, she criticised her fellow players following what was to be Sampson’s final match in charge;
Telegraph: ”Chelsea forward Aluko was angry that Nikita Parris led her team-mates to the bench to celebrate with Sampson after scoring the opening goal in England’s 6-0 win over Russia in their opening Women’s World Cup qualifier at Prenton Park…She posted on Twitter: “For the most together team in the world, tonight’s ‘message’ only shows a level of disrespect that represents division and selfish action.”.”
Remember to dig deep today when this lot are pleading for your hard earned..
Since that only includes big PAYE earners, it misses out a large chunk of the BBC top earners and their money, as they earn it via production companies
… Bet the top gear woman makes good money , never mind Anne Robinson’s £40m.
Swindlers list then.
Celebs- In-Greed
The lineup for R4 Feedback at 4:30pm seems boring, but they’ll probably stick in a surprise SJW issue
– A 17 part series inside the lunchtime news, following 2 children through the adoption process.
– The Food Programme’s report on Catalonia’s cultural identity.
– Radio 4 comedy Commissioning Editor Sioned Wiliam, in the first instalment of a two-part interview.
Did you think that attacks couldn’t get any more troubling? Meryl Streep has revealed she has twice dealt with violent incidents, adding that the experience was so profound it changed her “on a cellular level”. {telegraph 17nov2017}.
– profound it changed her “on a cellular level”!
Sounds like a case for Fantastic Voyage 2 meets Hugs Does DNA.
Blame was thrown squarely at the feet of the British government and what its Dutch neighbours described as the UK’s “unrealistic expectations”. {bbc.co.uk 17nov2017}
They include the 20,000 extremists who have appeared on the security services’ radars but are not deemed to be a sufficient risk for round-the-clock surveillance – the category that Westminster attacker Khalid Masood, Manchester bomber Salman Abedi and London Bridge ringleader Khuram Butt fell into. {independent 31oct2017}
– Watch out for Operation Constrain, NO results on BBC website on 17nov2017…£3.5bn service lagging again …
caught radio 4 feedback roger bolton actual disagreed with the other beeboid namely that bbc comedy was biased against brexit
and actually said most of the content is left of centre
stunned i tell you, STUNNED
Kaiser – I was stunned as well….but she didn’t exactly agree did she (didn’t get name)…in fact she went to great lengths to list at least 3 Brexiteers they had on the show…I think she lives too much in the bubble if she really doesn’t think jokes on the BBC are bias against Brexit….They never agree with listeners – unless it’s a compliment
Sioned Wiliam was the lieing ostrich lady apparently
Lord Hall Hall may demand he loses the order of the blue tick.
Not al Beebus, but I caught an M&S Christmas ad which reinforced my opinion that there appears to have been some collusion to ensure as many ethnic minorities; mixed-race couples and their offspring, as possible, appear in the Christmas TV advertising this year.
They must have multiples.
The one I saw was just food and drink, nicely shot.
And had my vote.
What a classic moment at the end of the BBC 1 news at 6 pm.
They had been talking about the celebrity antics of Children in Need and some event where women could dress up in period costume to meet Aiden Turner, dressed up as Poldark.
Cue swooning. Fiona Bruce and Louise Lear then, well, leered, wishing it could happen to them. Phoarhhhh.
Now personally I have no problem with this.
But just imagine if it had been a male newsreader and male weather forecaster discussing the merits of an attractive female. There would be apoplexy. Outrage. Male chauvinist dinosaurs. Wimmin’s equality groups going ballistic. Resignations would certainly be required, after a full enquiry, of course.
The BBC. World class in hypocrisy.
Shirts on. Shirts off.
Girls, multiply your standards.
And, of course, the BBC women.