The bullying begins. We want a good Brexit not a Hard ideologically driven Brexit #standupfordemocracy
— Anna Soubry MP (@Anna_Soubry) November 14, 2017
The BBC reports:
Brexit rebels reject ‘mutineers’ attack
Pro-EU ex-minister Anna Soubry, described it as a “blatant piece of bullying that goes to the very heart of democracy”.
So Soubry wants to silence the Telegraph because she values free speech, open debate and democracy?
Question. Why does Soubry not get into a rage about being called a ‘rebel’? What’s the difference between that and ‘mutineer’? Essentially the same except one has a romantic ring to it, the other undertones of disloyalty and treachery….but rebels are acting out both those ‘qualities’ in reality as they try to overthrow whatever it is they are trying to overthrow.
Guess it depends on who the messenger is…a lefty, anti-Brexit BBC or a supposedly right-leaning paper. Which one will the pro-EU Soubry appease? Soubry is a treacherous Tory. The BBC defends her and her fellow ‘mutineers’ in its report.
Just for Soubry’s benefit…from the Oxford dictionary:
An open rebellion against the proper authorities, especially by soldiers or sailors against their officers.
So let’s have some context that the BBC doesn’t bring…and it’s all about Soubry, she’ll like that because as we know, the world revolves around her and what she wants…. but we can manage without her can’t we?….
Anna Soubry…the most pugnacious, bullying, lying, divisive Tory MP? Maybe. Crying that she is being bullied as the Telegraph outs her and her collaborators for being ‘mutineers’ on Brexit….quite happy though to name call and label Brexiteers as “ideologically driven”…seems a bit of ‘bullying’ there by her own standards….oh, and May is “very foolish” for putting a date on Brexit…despite Soubry making endless demands for ‘certainty’. She also dismisses the government position of ‘no deal is better than a bad deal’ as ‘madness’. She is also quite happy to call Brexiteers ‘Plotters’...hmmm…so accusing them of being like Guido Fawkes [the real one]?
You say mutineers, I say plotters…let’s call the Brexit thing off!
Soubry claims she is doing everything she can to bring about Brexit, to respect the will of the people, and yet everything she does and says indicates the opposite…she is out to stop Brexit in its tracks….Brexit will be ‘hugely damaging’ and a ‘serious threat’ she whinnies. Not only that but she is entirely contemptuous of the Leave voters whom she thinks are stupid, uneducated and racist…..they have been ‘been tricked, lied-to and conned’ by the ‘lies and baloney’ of the Brexiteers. Apparently she thinks ‘white working class’ Leave voters have ‘probably never even seen a migrant’ and that “we have unleashed something” through the EU referendum. Ignorant racists the lot of ’em.
Lovely woman.
She tells us ‘I am proud of my loyalty to my party and my country.’ A woman who threatened May with the pleasant prospect of her jumping ship and leaving the Tory Party if May didn’t acquiesce to her demands for a ‘soft Brexit’ [ie no Brexit]. So, ready to abandon her Party and do all she can to make negotiations with the EU extremely difficult with the intention that they fail….not much loyalty to either Party or country there…..and promising that the government will get a ‘nasty shock’ when she and her fellow mutineers vote against government policy.
So who is bullying who here?
And it was only yesterday that she monstered May yet again…
Soubry makes SHOCK claim Theresa May is ‘PANDERING’ to hardline Brexiteers in TV outburst
Her comment is no different to the Telegraph’s in effect…except the Telegraph is reporting, doing its job, and she is attacking her own PM…mutineering.
This is how much she respects democracy and the result of the referendum…
Anna Soubry: I only backed EU referendum vote because Remain was supposed to win
Anna Soubry told the Guardian she would not have supported the plebiscite if she thought it would lead to the withdrawal of the UK from the EU.
She said: “[I backed it] only because I thought we would win. Obviously I wouldn’t have been if I thought we would lose, let’s be honest.”
#standupfordemocracy my arse!
No surprise the BBC’s Times Remain propagandist, Sam Coates, is also cynically dismissive and snooty about the Telegraph’s frontpage…
Oh. Yes. Right. Fine. Good. Cool.
— Sam Coates Times (@SamCoatesTimes) November 14, 2017
Ironically Soubry is now embracing being a ‘mutineer’…it’s a badge of honour she thinks……
.@Anna_Soubry tells the House she regards this as a badge of honour
— PARLY (@ParlyApp) November 14, 2017
So she talks to the Guardian , which like the BBC believes that an elite should run the country , Europe , the world . With a smattering of democracy for forms sake .
She’s ugly with sanctimonious hectoring , and what’s worse she is two faced with her ugliness . Double the ugliness .
Actually I’ve wondered if she might have been reasonably good-looking when young. But now her face is so full of hate, spite, anger and more than a hint of madness that she is turning into Medusa.
Are we back to the Blackadder days whereby MPs get voted in when they reach a certain weight?
JR-M has drawn lines in the sand: If we still are bound to the ECJ, or we are still in the single market or we still subscribe to the free movement of people, then we are still in the EU. That is not Brexit, as voted for by the British people.
It seems to me that most of this talk about soft Brexit and hard Brexit is mostly obfuscation, designed to confuse the issue, and disguise the reality that there is Brexit, and non-Brexit, according to some hard and fast lines, which JR-M has outlined.
Interesting that amongst the (so-called) 400 amendments that have been tabled to this bill, the one that is gaining most attention in the media generally, the BBC Guardian and Sky in particular, is the one about the date of departure.
It makes eminent sense to me that if there is a date at which the Bill takes effect it should be specifically designated in the Bill.
However there is a reason why Remoaners are desperate to not reference the date, and that is because they want to extend the period of membership to the EU for as long as possible. Excluding the date helps to muddy the water beautifully, and allows the BBC and others to perpetuate the notion that we still might not be leaving.
How about changing the time from 11 to say 9.
I thought the date was agreed and that was that. A half hour or so either way is no big deal.
As far as I’m concerned they could leave at noon.
Would the lefty tories be happy with noon?
I doubt it. The likes of soubry will never be happy with anything less than full membership.
“I accept the vote and we will leave the eu but I want to be part of the customs union, the single market, the ecj, the eu Army and everything else eu”
Sound familiar?
It’s a bizarre world where on one hand the Remoaners claim they don’t have a clear idea of where we are going and lack of clarity and as soon as you give it to them they moan it isn’t what they wanted.
Anyone noticed the lack of BBC news on the problems in Germany with forming a Government…sssshh don’t want the EU mainstay looking weak…but okay to bang on about the conservatives…
Soubry just asked a Point of Order of Bercow in relation to bullying and threats she feels under after the Telegraph article. .They don’t like it up em.
However its OK for we Brexiteers to be insulted ,called racists and bigots and recently a Remainer gloating that the elderly of us will be dying out and our children will spit on our graves. Nice.
So my boys will spit on my grave. Someone has got a fevered imagination haven’t they? Still, that idea certainly chimes nicely with Communist ideology.
My boys are popping by tomorrow on route from Uni to a weekend party (yes, clearly the demands of a degree are onerous).
No spitting mentioned, but have had an advance heads up to make sure the washing machine is ready to roll.
Think soubry enjoys the sound of her own voice, the attention and self importance .
There can’t be any thing more offensive than remainers calculating the death rate of elderly people who they assume are all brexiters. That’s a step toward violence .
Soubrys constituency delivered a 55% Leave vote during the referendum on a 77% turn out of the voting population. She is not alone in wilfully ignoring not only the national majority vote but also that of the constituents she purports to represent. My question is where do these people derive their arrogance and condescension in their self belief that their way has to be the right way and that that entitles them to forgo any suggestion of democratic accountability? Is this just conceit, hubris or some form of self serving ego trip designed to create division and disunity for the cabinet and government of the women that sacked her – one Theresa May.
‘If you aren’t fired with enthusiasm, then you will be fired with enthusiasm’ (V Lombardo). Let’s hope her constituents finish the job.
If her constituents throw her out Soros will ensure that the next government (of whichever party) finds her a sinecure in an NGO
Like the W1A homage from Coates.
Extract from a letter written by a dear old lady to her friend:
Did you know that we old folks are worth a fortune.
We have silver in our hair.
Gold in our teeth.
Stones in our kidneys.
Lead in our feet.
And Gas in our stomachs.
I have become older since I saw you last.
And a few changes have come into my life.
Frankly I have become a frivolous woman.
I am seeing six gentleman every day.
As soon as I wake up Will Power helps me out of bed then I go to Jimmy Riddle, then its time for breakfast with Mr Kellogg, this is closely followed by the refreshing company of Mr Tetley or my other friend, who I only know as P.G.
Then comes someone I don’t like at all Atrhur Itis. He knows he’s not welcome but he insists on being there.
What is more he doesn’t like to stay in one place so he takes me from joint to joint.
After such a hectic day I am glad to get to bed (and with Johnny Walker too). What a hectic life.
Oh yes, I am now flirting with Al Zheimer.
The vicar came the other day and said at my age I should be thinking about the hereafter, so I told him, I do all the time for no matter where I am The Bedroom, The Kitchen, The Sitting room, or The Garden: I ask myself now then what am I here after?
Well I will close now and I hope that Will Power is your constant companion too.
But do make sure that his friend Emma Royd does not creep up on you from behind!! And watch out for that crafty Gerry Atric.
Love as usual.
# Ann who likes men who wears Hush Puppies.
# My words.
Those MPs are perfectly entitled to their view – how ever if they were elected on the basis of a Party manifesto this shows how variable their consciences might be and unfortunately either resign the whip or conform. Same on the labour side of the Joke house.
I would have thought all MPs would favour Brexit because all the responsibilities coming back from the EU will mean another generous pay and pension rise – ruled on by an independent board appointed by … parliament.
Re the Traitors.
What is their ulterior motivation? Is it a case of ‘follow the money’ ?