In response to a rather hilarious story about BBC News staff sleeping on the job, the BBC put out this drivel:
Even with our eyes closed, it’s good to know the public trusts BBC News more than the Sun.
— BBC Press Office (@bbcpress) November 16, 2017
How stupid do they think we are? It’s quite clear that the question has been worded in such a way as to combine two questions “Which news source do you most use?” and “Which news source do you most trust?”. Of course it’s no surprise that most people use the BBC as their primary source of news given their massive budget which allows in-depth reporting at a local, national and international level. That certainly doesn’t mean it is also the news source they trust the most, and it is an outright lie to claim that they do. For all we know, any of those 57% may trust the Sun more than the BBC, at the same time using the BBC as their primary news source.
Perhaps the BBC will use this question in their next survey.
Which would you prefer?
A. You are forced to eat the remains of your pets and loved ones after they are all murdered by a group of illegal immigrants, and Britain leaves the EU.
B. You are given £10 billion, and Britain remains in the EU.
Kaisers survey of his friends, Kaisers friends say to his face Kaiser is the greatest friend
Proof positive indeed that I am indeed the greatest friend
any questions??? thats cos your a waysist and bigoted and too stupid to understand cos your too old to be friends with Kaiser
Turn to and trust most seems to be the same in the al beeb Press Office – personally I prefer to go to twitter which sometimes guides me to Guido and sometimes to Reuters and elsewhere .
Al beeb is habitual and if someone else such as Fox came along with a more respectable version of the news than constant al beeb bias they’d do really well . Trouble is it isn’t in the personal interest of politicians and civil servants .,
News doesn’t work that way
..You don’t just turn to one source and Trust it
..Evidence stands on its own 2 feet no matter makes it
If the emperor’s small boy points out something convincing , then that beats 1000 courtiers posturing
So this BBC survey is not truth seeking, it’s PR
“..Evidence stands on its own 2 feet no matter makes it”
I was once told that the first thing they teach you in law school is that “The truth will stand any inspection”.
And the second thing they teach you in law school is that “It is your job to ensure that the truth is not in court to be inspected”.
VX is new to me so a, possibly belated, welcome to the barricades.
typo there of course
..Evidence stands on its own 2 feet, no matter who brings it
Have noticed an increasing number of my friends say they no longer watch BBC news and indeed less and less of the BBC. Many add that they now switch off the news when it comes on and describe it as propaganda. Wonder what the real viewing/listening figures are for BBC news and current affairs?
“Commercial sensitivity” means we will never get to see how many listeners or viewers consume the BBC propaganda diet, despite the unique way we fund it ! We might find out if a programme does well, but if it’s going down the pan (e.g HIGNFY) all will be silence. I’d love to know how many times on the Feedback programme on Radio 4 the phrase “ no one was available “ has been used when justified complaints have been made and the BBC politburo have declined to put forth a representative. They really are the scum of the earth. The tragedy is up to about twenty years ago I loved the BBC – but now I no longer recognise it.
“heart braking”
Great English from TWMTB.
Wow : Beeboids promote a false narrative , turn it into a legend
..put a small correction FOOTnote and then walk away
…BTW corrections should be next to the title not buried at the end
4% trust and read the Guardian! Twice as many as the Sun and mail combined, and yet the Sun and Mail are the most read/ popular papers in the UK and the Guardian the least!
Also, the Mail has the largest online readership of any paper in the world.
… and no reference to the Mirror at all.
There is something seriously wrong with that BBC analysis/ report!
Nice to see”Baghdad Bob” is back and operational inside the bBC Press Office.