Nothing to do with BBC bias just needed noting…..’150 dead’ Lily Allen gone totally silent as the final death toll from the Grenfell tragedy is made public…….
Grenfell Tower final death toll stands at 71
Seventy one victims of the Grenfell Tower fire have been formally identified and police believe that all those who died have now been recovered.
The number of victims includes baby Logan Gomes, who was stillborn in hospital on 14 June, the day the 24-storey blaze broke out.
The final two victims to be formally identified have been named as Victoria King and daughter Alexandra Atala.
The Met said it was providing “every support we can” to the bereaved.
For some reason the BBC aired her comments about the death toll [and immigrants] and were going to have her on Newsnight…why? Just because she is a ‘celebrity’? It is the usual BBC tactic that might indicate it thinks the rest of us are stupid and that we will hang on every word of what some well known singer or comedian says about the latest geopolitical situation. The BBC wheels in endless rafts of these celebs to regale us with their beautiful thoughts and why we should hate Trump and dump Brexit. If they want to emote about these subjects and sob into their bank balances then let them write a song about it or a joke or two….don’t give them privileged access to one of the most powerful and influential news organisations in the world to peddle their crap conspiracy theories. Thankyou.
Maybe it was about BBC bias after all.
Tummy bug ????
— Lil Yellin (@lilyallen) November 16, 2017
It’s all a cover up – there weren’t 71 – there were thousands -ask David Lammy he had a friend who died in the fire so as mp for N17 he’s bound to know .
Remember when they were running out of body bags – the police are covering up – you are – they are – i am .
Send em all on holiday – whether they wanna go or not. Iran is warm this time of year .
As for ms Lily’s poor tummy bug – she must be well gutted . I apologise on behalf of my country and the land of narnia
Lily Allen bandied about her plucked up figure of 150-and Jon Snow(who else) mused along with her.
Thatchers biggest ever error was letting Channel 4 get started.
A conservative heroine,but a cultural naif.
She caused endless problems in thinking that others would be as reasoned and as moral as she had been.
Alicia ,
Ridiculous when such a sad event becomes a matter of numbers for political reasons but these days everything is a weapon – mainly – I think for the left to undermine the likes of us.
So that we are always on the defensive – aided and abetted by al beeb and it’s media bubble . Those exceptional times when we get to have an effect – brexit – Trump – they cannot wait to get their ascendency again.
the death toll was 70 people and 1 still born.
Now if they can work out the death toll can they work out how many were legally there ?
I have to warn people of a sensitive disposition that they might want to stop reading here as the following might be of an upsetting nature. (Well isn’t that the warning always put out when items may upset the Snowflakes?)
There is a very simple reason for the massive discrepancy in the numbers who actually did die and the fantasy figures claimed, and leapt on out of purely political expediency, to be the total by political activists, the bBBC and much of the media in their haste to whip up anti-Tory hostility.
Had they bothered to make even the slightest attempt to find out the reality of the situation they would have soon been able to realise where the discrepancy between the ‘official’ numbers being reported and the additional ‘unofficial’ number being claimed. That however does not fall in with the modern, visual, 24/7 news programming which needs to overdramatise things to keep up viewing numbers.
Now for the Snowflake upsetting part. Had the media made the slightest effort to find out what was happening, and I only heard the facts being explained once and long after attention had moved on elsewhere, all would have become clear.
Simply counting body bags being carried out, which is what some observers were simply doing, does not indicate anything like the number of bodies especially since many had been burned well beyond anything like recognition as well as being covered by parts of the devastated building.
Not only were full bodies placed in body bags but also any parts of bodies which had been found so some bodies may have been recovered in several parts and, especially in cases were several people died in the same place, those parts, for forensic reasons, would be put into separate body bags to prevent any evidential cross contamination and until such parts could be placed with their correct body , something much better carried out away from the original site where time could be taken ensuring accuracy. (Snowflake alarm over, oh and I don’t have any, now obligatory, phone numbers to hand out for anybody caused a tiny little bit of distress)
Surely finding out what was actually happening and the reasoning behind it was not beyond the wit of the media, especially the bBBC who never tire of telling us about how wonderful they are. I mean, it’s not as if the explanation is either so difficult or over complex for even the most dim witted reported to discover or understand but overdramatising is far more exciting and far more attention getting than engaging in simple fact finding.
Grenfell Towers was horrific enough in itself, especially for those involved and those surrounding them without the media adding their own fantasies in order to embellish the situation for their own ends.
Apparently Eddie Mair read out the names of the dead on his programme yesterday .They were all non British apart from a couple of pensioners.i didnt hear it personally but those are the reports elsewhere.
Originally 400 were reported missing .I doubt we will ever know how many were in that tower or the number of sublets/illegal activities.Unless the judge really is true to his word and uncovers stuff.
You do well to remind us of Davis Lammy’s idiocy and race baiting over this. Lily Allen is a no-mark and a gobshite, her views are of no value whatsoever. David Lammy, on the other hand, is an elected Member of Parliament. Yet in the aftermath of Grenfell he was circulating stories that 30 people had been found dead in just one flat. How did he know this? He had “heard it”.
As I often say, for the BBC, there are no enemies on the left. They will pursue Boris Johnson mercilessly over one honest mistake, even when it is counter-productive to the cause they profess to support, but this act of idiocy by a left wing MP has disappeared down the memory hole, even though it helped stir up dangerous emotions after the Grenfell fire, which almost led to riots (and of course Jon Snow and Tristan were there, ready and waiting).
David Lammy is an embarrassment to British politics. We have all known he was stupid, ever since his disastrous Mastermind appearence. Yet because he is a leftist, he gets away with spreading rumours and lies over Grenfell, and, his latest stunt, attempting to smear the impeccable liberals of Oxbridge as foaming racists.
But he is a black man, and a leftist. Ms Dent Coad is pleased with him, she doesn’t have to smear him as a “ghetto boy” for thoughtcrimes. The leftist political establishment is pleased with him. Above all, the left wing BBC/MSM will never expose him for the dangerous idiot he is.
Any self-respecting black man would despair at this level of patronising treatment. But David Lammy could care less. He is black, left wing and stupid, and he is doing very nicely indeed. Shame that Britain is going to pot, but you can’t have everything.
I disagree with you a bit on this – the likes of fuckwits like Lammy, Diane , Coad should get plenty of media coverage because even the average viewer will look and listen and say “ fuckwits” obviously there are equals and opposites on the other side like Soubry , ken Clarke and Gove.
In time the response to that fire will look embarrassing – so much false grief and false guilt and overwhelming useled donations and al Beeb outside broadcasts and St. John snow going to a council estate like it’s a fucking nature programme and getting heckled like the poisonous unearthly liberal he is. Rant done ta -497 days to go.
If Lammy had been a Conservative, he would have been hounded by the MSM for his stupidity. But he is a leftist, so this will be forgotten. Likewise, Dent Coad’s racist smears of a black Conservative will not be pursued. But the left wing MSM tried their best to get Boris Johnson sacked when he was actually trying to help the prisoner in Iran. Even her husband said it was counter-productive, but he made the mistake of thinking this was about his wife, whereas in fact it was about getting rid of a prominent Conservative and Brexiteer.
There are no enemies on the left.