Nothing has changed in 25 years to ease my concerns about Islam
It seemed to me that most Muslim leaders saw their role not in integrating Muslims in Britain, but in asserting difference and increasing their muscle. Many favoured sharia law trumping British law. They would not support Muslim membership of the Armed Forces if those forces were deployed against Muslim countries. They wanted it to be illegal to attack Islam, let alone denigrate its prophet; and they waged constant “lawfare” to try to silence their critics. They tended, I thought, to see the advance of their cause as a zero-sum game in which the authorities had to cede more ground (sometimes it is literally a matter of territory) to Muslims.
[Ironically after saying on the video that he couldn’t be charged with hate speech Twitter has moved to sideline him…his response…he Tweets….The truth is now hate speech…..curiously the terrorist supporting Jeremy Corbyn still has his blue tick]…and I see the BBC are still labelling Tommy ‘Far Right’ as they gloat over this. I’m looking for their coverage of Nasreen Khan’s resignation from Labour…oddly can’t seem to find it.
One thing missing from Tommy’s analysis…the massive Muslim drive, how much funded by the Gulf states?, to normalise Islam, to make every part of Britain ‘Muslim friendly’, ie Muslim, and the determined effort to silence anyone who dares to suggest the Islamisation of Britain might not be a good idea…..note the recent Runnymede Trust [which seems to have been hijacked by Muslim activists for their own ends…a practice becoming more visible everyday as we get more and more people who work on the basis of doing so ‘as a Muslim’….Sadiq Khan for instance…ran for mayor ‘as a Muslim’, and note how many Muslims the BBC puts on air….far more as a ratio than their population merits along with the huge number of programmes designed to make Islam seem nice] that wants to make any criticism of Islam a hate crime….Islamophobia is ‘racing’ away in Britain apparently….the BBC always gives the Muslim spokespeople from the Runnymede Trust lots of unchallenged airtime to spread their propaganda…
Islamophobia: Still a challenge for us all
Islamophobia is any distinction, exclusion, or restriction towards, or preference against, Muslims (or those perceived to be Muslims) that has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life.
The original Islamophobia report states that the termrefers to three phenomena:•Unfounded hostility towards Islam;•Practical consequences of such hostility in unfairdiscrimination against Muslim individuals andcommunities;•Exclusion of Muslims from mainstream politicaland social affairs.
Note how the first, hostility towards Islam, becomes the basis for claiming discrimination against Muslims. What is ‘unfounded hostility’? What would qualify….if you criticise Islam for promoting Anti-Semitism? Violent Jihadism? Misogyny? Killing apostates? Defining white women as slags and prostitutes? Calling non-Muslims kafirs, immoral, unclean, unintelligent cattle? I would think many people have very justifiable qualms about Islam…is that ‘hostility’?, it’s certainly not unfounded….as David Goodhart tells us:
The gulf between conservative Islam and secular liberal Britain is larger than with any comparable large group….for those of us who value an open, liberal society it is time to explain why it is superior to the alternatives.
Some claim that if people understood Islam more everything would be fine, they would be more tolerant, I think quite the contrary….the more they understand about it the more alien they would find it…authoritarian, collectivist, patriarchal, misogynist…..all sorts of things that Britain might have been 100 years ago but isn’t now.
As the good Mo Ansar suggests:
The Mirror says:
AS the country vexes itself over how to deal with the radicalisation of British-born Muslim youths, it’s revealing to know some of their leaders believe they have the answer.
The introduction of Sharia Law in Britain along with important religious days in the Muslim calendar becoming public holidays for followers of the faith should do the trick, or so claims the secretary general of the Union of Muslim Organisations in the UK and Ireland.
As Dr Syed Aziz Pasha says: “If you give us religious rights we will be in a better position to convince young people that they are being treated equally along with other citizens.”
This sounds perilously close to blackmail. Thus far the British people have shown exemplary tolerance in the face of terrorist threats.
There has been no widespread backlash against the Muslim community. Quite rightly, the majority of us can only extend sympathy to those who must feel mortified that, within their vast numbers, lurks a bunch of lunatics with one shared ambition – to bring about the destruction of our democracy.
Except, of course, that many Muslims are in an even greater state of denial than the rest of us about terrorism: “It’s hyped up”, “The government hates Muslims and so does Tony Blair” and “Muslims feel like there is an underlying agenda against us,” are a selection of comments from Walthamstow in East London, the neighbourhood targeted by anti-terror raids last week.
Anyone would think they’d forgotten the banners at a demo, just a few miles down the road, last February which read: “Europe You’ll Come Crawling When Mujahedeen Come Roaring”.
I find it hard to believe any decent Muslim shares such extremist beliefs but it’s equally hard to argue these views aren’t held by “radicalised” youths or whatever name you want to give the murderous minority who preach jihad.
God knows, we must bear the burden of the BNP but we are, at least, prepared to acknowledge their existence, vile though it is, without blaming it on the government.
It’s unfashionable to say it, but some of us are beginning to find the Muslim victim culture a little tiresome.
And Dr Pasha’s words have not helped. If you were cynical you might even believe he was trying to provoke a fight.
Ditto the group of prominent Muslims who penned an open letter suggesting Muslim youths are alienated by Britain’s foreign policy, so it should be changed.
Why exactly? To placate a handful of home-grown terrorists and terrorist sympathisers?
In other words the rest of us can only be safe if THEY get a foreign policy that suits them. The Mafia would call this extortion. Give us what we want and we’ll do our best to stop the baddies blowing you up.
Muslim leaders should know better but let me remind them: Britain’s foreign policy is decided by a democratically-elected government (a rarity in the Muslim world).
If the public does not approve of this policy, it is perfectly free to vote one lot out and put another in. In short, we favour the ballot box over the bomb. And let’s not forget, Tony Blair’s party won an election after the decision to invade Iraq.
Just as Islamic fundamentalism had taken root before 9/11. Back in 1994 Massoud Shadjareh of the Islamic Human Rights Commission, spoke on a platform bedecked with a banner proclaiming: “Death To The Enemies Of Islam.”
That sentiment is as true now as it was then, the borders have allowed more preachers of sedition to infiltrate Britain with the consequence that some mosques have been run by fundamentalist clerics.
If this government can be accused of anything – apart from a ludicrously out of control immigration policy – it is permitting, in the name of multi-culturalism, ghettos of hate to flourish in our inner-cities.
Ghettos which embrace mosque schools where Muslim pupils spend much of the day learning the Koran and Islamic tradition, but little of British values.
There are enough wedges between us without introducing more in the form of Sharia Law or Muslim Bank holidays.
Nor should we feel it necessary to beat ourselves up because willing recruits, who happen to be born here, have signed up to become human bombs.
Some people, John Reid reminded us last week “just don’t get” the seriousness of the threat facing the West.
What will it take to understand? Ten planes destroyed and thousands of innocents dead while the family of the perpetrators weep into the cameras and say, “he wouldn’t do a thing like that”.
Oh yes he would. And believe me, he will.
We have already seen that once a Muslim population reaches a majority status – such as tower hamlets in London things go rapidly down hill .
Part of the wahabi doctrine is to infiltrate instutions and take them over – hopefully without the innocent non Muslim punters noticing – that’s happened to al beeb and going on throughout our country – a true enemy within.
The only hope we have left is the rise of Right Wing Governments.
Any preference for a particular UK Right Wing party of the many available……………….?
How long before Amazon stop selling books such as “The Strange Death of Europe” and “Tommy Robinson Enemy of the State” ?
Bill, it would be prudent for many of us to save electronic copies of certain works.
The written piece from the Daily Mirror above originates from 2006. The Mirror of late seems to criticise less and promote more anything to do with Islam/Muslims. As far as I can see, the only thing that has changed in the intervening period is that the tolerance levels, in the face of murderous provocation have increased in line with the Islamic influence now prevalent throughout much of our ruling class and MSM – especially BBBC. The reference to the BNP still stands and the right wing organisation are still held in much contempt – however – they and their vehicles do not regularly mow down innocent people nor are they in the habit of strapping on suicide vests to kill and maim as many as possible. My fear is, that unless somebody (I am talking government here) comes to terms with the current direction of travel and reverses the current march toward Islamification – then the extreme will no longer be considered extreme and the consequential speed of escalation should come as no surprise to anybody.
“within their vast numbers, lurks a bunch of lunatics with one shared ambition – to bring about the destruction of our democracy.”
So the Mirror had the bbc sussed back in 2006 then!
It was all entirely predictable. I blame British Government Policy and the so-called experts paid at public expense at our Universities. I do not blame Islam.
Why do I not blame Islam?
Because it is behaving exactly as predicted. You just need to read the Quran. It is all there. But modern day “post-modernists” deny knowledge in this new age of stupidity and consumerism.
Pakistani and Bangladeshi communities were imported large scale into Britain by our betters for cheap labour. They were sold the idea of multi-culturalism as was the indigenous English population. The English were told it would be racist of them to deny multi-culturalism. So Pakistani and Bangladeshi communities got organised, with external support, and started asserting their right to live by their own culture, as part of the multi-cultural promise they were given. That means the right to fight for their own culture (Islam) and their own Islamic laws and their own leaders …
Read the Quran. Learn history. This was all predictable.
Once, there were Persians.
“More Moslems came, and soon a small mosque was built, which attracted yet others. As long as Zoroastrians remained in the majority, their lives were tolerable; but once the Moslems became the more numerous, a petty but pervasive harassment was apt to develop. This was partly verbal, with taunts about fire-worship, and comments on how few Zoroastrians there were in the world, and how many Moslems, who must therefore posses the truth; and also on how many material advantages lay with Islam. The harassment was often also physical; boys fought, and gangs of youth waylaid and bullied individual Zoroastrians. They also diverted themselves by climbing into the local tower of silence and desecrating it, and they might even break into the fire-temple and seek to pollute or extinguish the sacred flame. Those with criminal leanings found too that a religious minority provided tempting opportunities for theft, pilfering from the open fields, and sometimes rape and arson. Those Zoroastrians who resisted all these pressures often preferred therefore in the end to sell out and move to some other place where their co-religionists were still relatively numerous, and they could live at peace; and so another village was lost to the old faith.”
Boyce, A Persian Stronghold of Zoroastrianism, pp. 7-8;
This is a must watch.
Identity politics and the Marxist lie of white privilege by Professor Jordan B Peterson in Vancouver on Friday November 3rd.
He takes apart post-modernism like an Orca toying with a baby seal.
Flere Imsaho: He takes apart post-modernism like an Orca toying with a baby seal.
Apt analogy- like chimps and the colobus monkey.
Brilliant. Thanks for posting it.
Prof Peterson advises restraint
As I’ve maintained for a long while, Western civilisation came about when Christians did not apply the “tooth for a tooth and an eye for any eye” principle . That is excercised restraint, and let the law take its course. That was the beginning of the Western civilisation, and it started in the so-called Dark Ages.
This is very different from Islam, where you get your revenge in first. No wonder Muslim societies are dysfunctional
Why do I not blame Islam?
Because it is behaving exactly as predicted. You just need to read the Quran. It is all there. But modern day “post-modernists” deny knowledge in this new age of stupidity and consumerism.
My views exactly opt the last 30 years.
I view Islam as a far greater civilisation destroyer then Nazism. In any case, Nazism would not have lasted but Islam is a present and growing threat.
There is no option but to Separate from Islam peacefully or via a gruesome civil war.
by Lawrence Auster
To deal with the crisis facing our civilization, we must be both realistic and imaginative. The realism part consists in recognizing how bad our situation is. The entire Western world is at present under the grip of the modern liberal ideology that targets every normal and familiar aspect of human life, and our entire historical way of being as a society.
The key to this liberal ideology is the belief in tolerance or non-discrimination as the ruling principle of society, the principle to which all other principles must yield. We see this belief at work in every area of modern life. The principle of non-discrimination must, if followed consistently, destroy every human society and institution. A society that cannot discriminate between itself and other societies will go out of existence, just as an elm tree that cannot discriminate between itself and a linden tree must go out of existence. To be, we must be able to say that we are us, which means that we are different from others. If we are not allowed to distinguish between ourselves and Muslims, if we must open ourselves to everyone and everything in the world that is different from us, and if the more different and threatening the Other is, the more we must open ourselves to it, then we go out of existence.
I dont blame Islam, as it is doing what it has done for 1400 years.
Neither can Islam be blamed for hiding its agenda, as the Koran etc has made the goal absolutely clear. Even some imams, have warned us. Even too Anjem Chaudhary. But instead of listening, he languishes in prison.
I dont blame the BBC either, as it is beholden to the government for funding.
The fault, if there is, lies at the heart of government. It is successive governments that have made it a policy to destroy historic Britain. First by denying then destroying its Christian roots. Then to negate the received history of Britain, again using the BBC..
When it was revealed, at last, of the rapes of thousands of young girls by “British” Muslims, it was only reluctantly so. The scope, too was limited to Rotherham. But the reality is that the rapes were going on for decades. And the figure was likely to be around 30,000 to 50,000 or more.
The sheer horror of this mass betrayal of the vulnerable children of Britain has no parallel in history. Even Quisling would not stoop such betrayal.
Assuming a mere 10 Muslim men per young girl, we arrive at a figure of 300,000 to 500,000 Muslim men involved in the rapes of young girls, while the police, social security and other offices of state, knowingly and willingly turned a blind eye. Certainly all the imams knew. But why would they reveal such an appalling state of affairs?
This was known to the government. Such a scale of violence against the young native female population of Britain by an immigrant horde constitutes an act of war. If the government had so wished, it could banish the entire Muslim community under that very reasonable reason. It didn’t. It hid it. Which tells me that this catastrophe that is facing us, is a political elite driven. Hence the behaviour of BBC , the incarceration of T Robinson etc and the ” 1 hour of Hate Trump” ritual on the BBC since November 2016.
So the question. Why is the elite so driven to destroy Christendom, even though Europe is Christian only in name due to the laws that bind it?
Do the elite really want an Islamic Europe, easy to rule over, as the state and the religion are one? But such a state would be regarded as an enemy by the USA and Russia, and would be militarily crushed in short order.
Is Europe, and Russia and the USA, looking for a fight with Islam to destroy it wholly for good. The argument could simply be that Islam, unlike Christianity, is a religion of war and conquest. Its total defeat in war, would lead to the collapse of the cult. So they are egging Muslims ON, in the West and in Muslim countries. hoping that Muslims will overreach.
Or is the political elite just dumb.
I really cant pin down in my mind which of the competing theories is correct
1 Cultural Marxist destruction of society, using islam as the useful idiots, so they can rebuild it in their image
2 Globalists creating a slave society destroying the independent free thinking European in favour of a subservient low IQ sub race
3 Globalist Bankers having run out of europeans to push into debt slavery needing new clients
4 a mixture of the above
5 6 7 8 9 ……. ad infinitum … lizard people and other wild conspiracy theories
I would settle on dumb as fuck
Thanks for your reply.
Note that the West knowingly supported and even armed ISIS in its setting up the caliphate. They supported the Muslim Brotherhood takeover of Egypt, until they had to admit the reality of the military coup that drove out the Muslim Brotherhood. They continue to try and destabilise Syria – the only state that is secular and allows religious minorities to exist.
In every way, the West has supported true Islam. It does so even now. Why? This cant be just stupidity but well thought out action based on long term strategy. Why, because it has stayed constant no matter who was in power in the West. From Clinton, Bush, to Obama, and now Trump. The policy continues. Any who question it, are brought back into line. This happened to Obama, and now to Trump.
yes i realise those things NCBBC
and I agree ” Islam, unlike Christianity, is a religion of war and conquest. Its total defeat in war, would lead to the collapse of the cult”
“So they are egging Muslims ON, in the West and in Muslim countries. hoping that Muslims will overreach”
but what kind of crazy battle plan brings millions of enemy combatants and embeds them in urban areas, where they are most difficult to shift, and will also cause the death of millions of europeans.
are you suggesting it will lead inevitably to civil war (im with you there) and people will finally have the stomach for the fight at that point, and give Europe, Russia and the USA a reason to finally act
I really wish i had the same faith that when it happens they will have our backs.
Personally I would have thought it easier and better to keep them all out and let Iran and Saudi kick the shit out of each other until there is nothing left
Should have kept them out. I agree. But that horse has bolted.
“Do the elite really want an Islamic Europe, easy to rule over, ” I find it impossible to believe that those that rule this country (and previous) are that naive to think they can have any control over islam. Just plain and simple stupidity and mismanagement for decades I would agree with.
G K Chesterton did think that the elite were in love with islam and its rigours. In the book, he writes of a conspiracy to install Islam in England.
The Flying Inn
Pubs are banned in Islamic Britain, and hence a clandestine Flying Inn.
Its amazing that Chesterton could have imagined such an eventuality more then a hundred years ago.