‘Exodus’...the BBC’s name for its new programmes about the flight of Muslim immigrants to Europe….
Exodus: Our Journey
In 2015, we gave cameras to some of the people who smuggled themselves into Europe, to record where no-one else can go. The result is a terrifying, intimate, epic portrait of the migration crisis.
Across the whole of Europe, the rhetoric of the right is increasingly influential.
The ‘rhetoric of the right’?….’rhetoric’ chosen deliberately as it raises images of unfounded, extremist, irrational speech designed to stir up hate and anger….and ‘the right’? Not the ‘Far Right’? Just the usual casual dismissal by the BBC of any rational debate on immigration as nazi rhetoric and merging in all those on ‘the right‘ together whatever their views. Somehow the ‘right’ is a problem, an illegitimate voice, an unacceptable voice that shouldn’t be allowed to be influential ‘across Europe’.
And why ‘Exodus’? Clearly usually linked to Jewish history….so why link it so deliberately to Muslims? The BBC trying to equate the two? Muslims the ‘new Jews of Europe’? Except of course Jews didn’t try to massacre their way to domination over Europe as Islamists do.
And just why did Merkel open the borders to so many millions of Muslims? Remainders like to tell us that Brexit would never have happened if it hadn’t of been for the flood of migrants into Europe because of Syria….So why? Did Merkel open the borders on Putin’s orders?
Russia and Syria ‘weaponising’ refugee crisis to destabilise Europe, Nato commander claims
Russia and Syria are indiscriminately bombing Syrian civilians to drive the refugee crisis and “weaponise migration”, a Nato commander has claimed.He told the Senate Armed Services Committee that the destruction formed part of a deliberate strategy to “get them on the road” and “make them a problem for someone else”.
“Together Russia and the Assad regime are deliberately weaponising migration in an attempt to overwhelm European structures and break European resolve.”
We know Putin saw the surge of migrants as a weapon to destabilise Europe, costing it a fortune, causing massive disruption to society, causing endless conflict with terrorism and crime, and he knew the British antipathy towards the EU was in a major part based upon immigration…thus more immigration would help the Brexit cause….Merkel flung open the borders without any consultation with any other EU leader, it was completely her own decision….why? She must have known the consequences, the massive upheaval it would cause…and yet she did it….just months before the Brexit vote.
The BBC can’t have it both ways….claiming the Russians influenced Brexit with massive propaganda about immigration and then discount the effect Merkel’s decision had…and the reasons for that decision.
The more you look the more it appears that the girl who lived her early life in Eastern Europe with Putin living and working nearby for the KGB as she enthusiastically peddled propaganda for the Young Communists is the Russian’s most successful plant.
Consider even the BBC was reporting that Germany was struggling under a wave of migrants in 2014…a year before Merkel fully opened the borders for one and all….“Wir schaffen das”….
Germany struggles to cope with asylum surge
The old army barracks in Munich is a bleak place. Under a grey sky, uniform concrete buildings line a main street, fenced off at either end with barbed wire.
This is one of a number of refugee camps in Germany, set up in response to an overwhelming influx of people fleeing from violence in countries such as Syria.
Germany receives more refugees and asylum seekers than any other EU country.
Numbers have risen sharply in recent years. The government here estimates that up to 200,000 people will seek asylum in Germany this year. They have been housed in schools, tents, warehouses, even empty shops. In Berlin the authorities plan a “city” of shipping containers.
How could Merkel ever imagine Germany could cope with millions when hundreds of thousands were swamping the system already? Maybe she didn’t care.
Germany: 200 churches damaged and Christian symbols destroyed in just one region
In a rare candid moment, German media reported at least 200 cases of damaged churches in the region of Bavaria alone every year.
In addition, attacks on summit crosses are also increasing in the region’s mountains. Crosses on several mountain tops have been toppled and destroyed with axes or saws.
There’s a growing anger among the indigenous German population over the attacks. Some people think Islamists are behind it.
But the attacks on churches and summit crosses are not isolated cases; for months, attacks on Christian symbols have been reported from several Bavarian cantons.
There have been reports of desecration from Pentecost, Längental and from the “Prinzkopf” which lies between Sylvensteinstausee and Tyrol.
Some repairs of historic churches can cost tens of thousands of euros. It’s an attack on people’s faith and communities suspect there is a religious motive behind it, e.g. Muslim migrants might be trying to sow fear in the population.
The signs of a threat are increasing. When will we speak of the fact that the visible Christian character of our homeland, of our whole native culture is in serious danger?
I feel we live in a crazy world where every word is now supposed to mean the opposite of what it used to.
The original exodus was the escape of the people of Israel from slavery in Egypt, i.e. people trying to get out, whereas now, for the BBC, it is people trying to get in. Similary the old Jews of Europe were Europeans persecuted within the countries in which they were born and who, if they had the chance, sought to escape. Now the new Jews are aliens who seek to impose their culture and beliefs on Europe. We used to call that invasion or colonisation, a ‘bad’ thing when Europeans did it 200 years ago we are now told, yet a ‘good’ thing now when carried out by Asians or Africans.
It is one heck of a crazy world when invaders are now called the new ‘victims’.
Newspeak. The old left wing tactic of changing the meaning of words to aid their cause. Western Civilisation is heading for another dark age and goodness knows how long this one will last. It either has to be defended at all costs or lost. Which is it to be?
Its Orwell doublespeak nightmare come true I’m afraid. We live in dark times and our leaders are taking us further into the darkness.
Russia didn’t have to do anything regarding the massive movement of people from Africa to the European continent. We did this to ourselves, our bleeding hearts sucking the life from countless sub African countries and promising something that we cannot deliver. This will impoverish us all and the resentment it causes will eventually be difficult to contain and then we will all suffer.
Honestus – Credit should probably also be given to Saint Bob the Guilless via diverted funds (see Andrew Gilligan article in the Telegraph 2010) for indirectly helping to support some of the more unpleasant sub Saharan regimes -which probably ensured that the famines had gone on longer than necessary, and probably made the region more aid dependant.
Saint Bob really is a modern day marvel. Jesus turned loaves into fishes it appears that Saint Bob may have been able to turn aid into Kalashnikovs.
These days he has changed his tune from “give me your forkin money” to give us your “forkin refugees” I expect after redecoration his mansion must be full of them by now which is he must want us to help him out.
Of course they focus on a translator. At least it was a man – if you believed the Beeb you would think migrants were exclusively women and children, when of course in reality about 90% are men. And they have the nerve to hammer Trump for misrepresenting the numbers present at his inauguration.
There is never any focus on the difficult for host communities having to house someone from a completely different language and culture. If the BBC cate so much why don’t they all have a refugee stay in their spare rooms? Of course they never will, whilst telling us we are Nazis for not doing so. What ever happened to do as you would be done by?
The ‘rhetoric of the right’ .
I object to what I consider to be the constant misuse of the word ‘rhetoric’ by the left. From Ancient Greek persuasive oratory it seems to have been redefined, certainly by the serial misusers, as ‘hate speech’.
My 1907 Chambers’s Twentieth Century Dictionary defines rhetoric as ‘the art of speaking with propriety, elegance, and force’. The OED now adds that it is ‘often regarded as lacking in sincerity or meaningful content’.
Whilst accepting that language changes over time, and notwithstanding philosophical arguments about whether rhetoric can be used to deceive or not, if I say ‘too many immigrants drain public resources’ surely I am merely giving an opinion or stating a fact – not using ‘rhetoric’.
“In 2015, we gave cameras to some of the people who smuggled themselves into Europe, to record where no-one else can go. The result is a terrifying, intimate, epic portrait of the migration crisis.”
Let me get this straight, BBC: you gave cameras to illegal immigrants? You are now using their output, their pictures? Is there not a media convention that that is a red-line the media should not cross, even if no money changed hands?
Have you notified OFCOM of this breach?
Good point snuff. It sounds criminal. Hardly in the public interest.
Perhaps someone should have given BBC cameras to three real girls in Rotherham a decade ago.
To record where no one else would go.
It wasn’t Syria and Putin but the the West that destabilised the ME. The chaos in the ME is part and parcel of an ongoing planned campaign that kicked off after 9/11. It is lead by the USA, and supported by NATO and the West. Even neutral Switzerland joined, but had to leave when the Swiss threatened a referendum.
As for Africans pouring in to Europe – Gaddaffi warned that he was holding back the tidal wave. But France and Britain, with America’s ( Obama and Hillary) support toppled Gaddaff. I suppose it was America that sanctioned, and probably leaned on France and Britain to do the “destabilising”, as Americans were was getting increasingly chary of further military engagements.
So comes Pres Trump in response. Just as Obama, he promised to bring the boys back home. The reverse has happened. Obama approved increased drone attacks all over the ME, Africa and Asia. Pres Trump too promised to bring the boys back, but has increased troop levels in Afghanistan. As Afghanistan cannot be destabilised any further, I surmise the real goal is Pakistan, and its mentor China. And we are not even in the second year of the Trump administration.
What I surmise from this is that there is a long term strategy, possibly a 50 year plan, to totally reorder the world order. This is probably a response to two phenomena
1. The rise of militant Islam
2. The rise of a genuine China threat.
The West has agreed to it. Even neutral Sweden is involved.
The rise of the above two is the first time in 300 years, that there is a direct challenge to the hegemony of the West. It wont be left unchallenged.
Meanwhile, major towns, and even small towns in Italy are under a sea of Africans. I don’t see how Italy is going to recover.
Russia is on our side, but for political/strategic reasons is made the stage villain for the moment. The two real threats are not mentioned, and that says it all.
Where and when will it stop? Not for a long time – say around 40 years.
The West in it’s madness destabilised the Middle East. Yes indeed and that is surely why so many of the inhabitants of that region hate us. It could be argued justifiably so, after all apparently millions of them died as a result. Surely the very fact that they hate us makes it the height of stupidity (or treason) to invite them to come and live among us and a sign of wisdom to stop the flow and return all the “refugees” to their native lands. After that we could make sure our traitors get a fair but far reaching trial, as what they did should not go unpunished.
This series is just one small part of the long softening up process that the BBC embarked on years ago aimed at slowly bringing the British public round to acceptance of mass migration and the consequent destruction of their culture and homeland. It’s being repeated right across the Western world. Our hard won civilisation , which is generous , compassionate and peaceful, is being given over to these barbaric immigrants by our leaders. I am still searching for a logical reason as to why the elites are doing this to their own people.
I used to think that self gain by the elite must be the driver but I am moving away from this view because they would have to be supremely stupid not to realise that , given events of the last decade , any personal gain they may make will be transient and last a few years at most. So why have they not stopped the process of immigration? I think the explanation is that the elite political leadership were and remain very stupid and shortsighted ( but not supremely stupid) and that several decades ago they thought that mass migration was a good thing . They believed in its moral virtue and that they wanted to polish their little halos by being associated with it. Now that the awful reality of what it actually means is being spelt out by the actions of these barbarian immigrants on a daily basis they simply cannot bring themselves to admit that they were disastrously wrong in their initial assessment. This is the view of Douglas Murray and I used to think that it was far to flimsy to hold water but I search in vain to find a better one.
Perhaps they think that white skin is the root of all evil and once it has been eradicated from the earth all will be well and the killing will stop. Oh dear, Oh dear Oh dear Oh dear ———–