Newsnight’s James O’Brien, he’s everywhere, you can’t take a step without finding him underfoot….no wonder his friends call him Jobby. Here he is talking to the Great British Conscience herself….a cross between Anne Frank, Mother Theresa and a gender fluid Jeremy Corbyn. It’s, as you might imagine, very hard work, the decor is lively compared to the chat…not exactly challenging…Jobby admits to ‘feeling protective’ towards Allen. He admits that he used to be a showbiz journo but he was rubbish at it….he’s not a showbiz journo anymore but what else has changed? Not a lot really. Naturally it’s all the usual targets that Allen is either a victim of, the Right-Wing Press, or a champion of…such as Grenfell. Hmmm…where 71, not the 150 claimed by Allen, were unfortunately killed. Oddly despite all her sound and fury about the numbers, and indeed the mention in this interview, we have no comment from Allen now that real figure has been released….just a retweet of someone else’s comment…which of course tries to cast doubt on the figure…you just can’t trust The Man…er…man.
These numbers could well be correct. But it's the lack of faith in the authorities, based on real history, that means it's so difficult to take anything at face value.
— Pilgrim Tucker (@PilgrimTucker) November 16, 2017
Perhaps Pilgrim Tucker and Lily Allen should take this wise advice……
Conspiracy theories (if false or not leading to concrete benefit) can act as dangerous distraction and waste of limited time and energy that could be spent on real issues
— Pilgrim Tucker (@PilgrimTucker) November 16, 2017
This was her immediate reaction to hearing of the Grenfell Tower figure….
Surprised face???? : Theresa May's husband's firm named in the Paradise Papers leak via @BIUK_Finance
— Lil Yellin (@lilyallen) November 16, 2017
I guess she never learns….her latest conspiracy theory….120,000 killed due to austerity…and it might be the BBC’s fault…maybe that’s why she’s on ‘Joe’….
Please retweet this if you think 120,000 deaths linked to government austerity policies should be thoroughly reported by @BBCNews
— Rachael (@Rachael_Swindon) November 17, 2017
I don’t think she has caught onto this one yet but it can’t be long…the Tories want you to change sex because they all have shares in the drug companies that make the drugs that can help you down that yellow brick road:
Big big money to be made in transgender politics ???? Any coincidence that Tories so happy to support changes to gender recognition act?
— Pilgrim Tucker (@PilgrimTucker) November 18, 2017
Total testosterone sales in 2013 totaled 2.1 billion, and is projected to jump to 3.8 billion by 2018. Tell me again how the surge in teen girls coming out as trans is about civil rights.
— Jennifer Bilek (@bjportraits) November 18, 2017
Allen treading carefully? Jennifer Bilek [why @bjportraits and not jbportraits?] is a self-described radical feminist…and they are apparently ragingly opposed to men who change gender calling themselves women…hence Germain Greer is no-platformed at university for saying something along those lines…..triggering the safe-place zealots etc.
“I don’t believe a woman is a man without a cock,” she said. “You can beat me over the head with a baseball bat. It still won’t make me change my mind.”
Identity politics…oh what fun. They all want a slice of the pie for themselves…except Lily…..who is above all this….
Can i get a slice of absolutely nothing to be gained pie please ? And a side of just trying to make the world a safer place for my children
— Lil Yellin (@lilyallen) November 4, 2017
The BBC is all for gender fluidity and children making those decisions early doors judging by the frequently expressed positive views on the subject…maybe Lord Hall Hall has shares.
Can’t say anything about Mr O brien as Newsnight is on my getting longer al beeb banned list – won’t watch even out of duty.
Isn’t Lily Allan another one with issues like alistair Campbell and Peston ?
Can’t in all honesty get excited by Allens twittersphere. Her specialist knowledge apparently is pop music – hardly qualifying credentials to comment on Grenfell/Jungle (the Calais camp one)/Brexit et al. She fits the progressive mould like a well worn hair shirt and is genuine in her neediness to be genuine. Air time is the only oxygen that keeps her going methinks.
Exactly…why does the BBC give her so much airtime to vent her own views about politics? Guess they think she will catch some of that ‘youth’ vote and they can channel that towards Corbyn. Suspect Allen is not all that current these days with the youth though….having said that….was Corbyn? Allen for PM in 40 years time?
Alan, won’t be here in 40 years – thank f**k!
having had my ears assaulted by the drivel she passed off as pop music I would suggest she has zero “specialist knowledge” of any subject
Allen is good at re-tweeting conspiracy theories and parrotting childish leftist mantras.
Anything else?
Oh, yes – getting cushy interviews with sympathetic leftist twats like O’ Brien.
She and Katty Kay should get a room.
Mystic Jim also does weddings and Bar Mi… oh, maybe not.
The left are all for pushing transgenderism and persuading children that it is better than staying as you are until you are old enough to really know your own mind.
The Conservatives, belatedly, jump onto the band-wagon and are accused of doing it for mercenary motives. Basically if a left-winger supports a policy it’s for altruistic reasons, if a Conservative supports the exact same policy then it’s for evil reasons.
You couldn’t make it up. Basically because the left have done so already.
Yep, you can’t mention stuff that actually happens involving I**** without the BBC accusing you of stirring up hate, but when it comes to Grenfell Towers – where there has been actual violence and attacks on innocent people – the BBC is happy to push deranged conspiracy theories.
Meanwhile, we can but wonder why the daughter of a senior BBC producer and a Alternative Comedy luvvie (and step daughter of Harry Enfield) gets so much airtime.