The BBC continues as per normal…spinning against the Tories….here trying to say the budget is being rigged purely in the Tory Party’s interest and not national interest…
Chancellor Philip Hammond plans to use “headroom” in the public finances to target spending on housing and health, a close friend has told the BBC.
Stephen Hammond – a former transport minister – said the chancellor wants to use next Wednesday’s Budget to “attack problems” that contributed to the Tories’ poor election performance.
…..the chancellor was planning to use the Budget to reach out to voters who had abandoned the Tories.
Trouble is that isn’t what he said…it’s pure BBC spin, their own interpretation….He actually said the Chancellor had been listening to criticism of his policies…..nothing about voters and using the budget to win them around to vote Tory. That might well be the case but Stephen Hammond didn’t say that in the clip or in their report…the BBC kindly provides us with his words so you can judge…
“I think what the chancellor will be doing is saying, ‘Look it would be silly to throw away all the good work we’ve done in getting down the deficit level, we’re about to turn the corner on debt but yes of course I am listening.
“‘In my autumn statement I created some headroom… and I will be looking at what… ways that headroom could be used to attack the problems that so many people have spoken to me about.'”
‘of course I am listening‘…from that they create a whole negative narrative that wasn’t intended by the speaker.
When Corbyn bought the ‘youth’ vote with promises to relieve them of their student debts where were the BBC digs that this was Corbyn buying votes and rigging the election with what were, as we now know, hollow promises that he never intended to keep? The BBC of course went out of its way to get the ‘youth’ to vote.
The BBC rigging the next election? Probably why they have been concentrating their fire on mental health services over the last couple of years after the Tories cut provision….you cannot switch on 5 Live without hearing the latest sob story about the crisis in the NHS and in particular in mental health.
Kinnock must be pleased that the BBC took his advice:
Does Mishal have a Pompous Blowhard tally running anywhere?
A comparison on relative waffle time from JRM and Lord Kinnock’s replies would be interesting.
Have said it before and as difficult as it is, the Conservatives need to carefully consider all communication with ‘the enemy’ prior to agreeing to be interviewed or taking part in any debate. They must surely realise by now that there is one sole purpose for the MSM and in particular, the BBBC in requesting comments/quotes/views (especially relating to fellow Conservatives) from Government Ministers – and it is NOT to present anything approaching even-handedness and balanced reporting. The BBC are the enemy – this needs to be understood. Contributors to this site (Maxie notwithstanding) know this and Mays government and all Tories need to wise up and be seen to wise up. JRM is one of the few to engage and is the example to follow but we need the BBC ‘Trumped’!
Have you also noticed the bbbc trick when they get an mp on, say David Davis for example, to ask about Brexit and then start with something like “Before we get on to Brexit, do you think Boris* should be sacked”
*insert whichever current Tory politician the bbbc is trying to get sacked.
I have. Also, the favourite cherry of of – ‘can you confirm or deny such and such a thing’ which is a common two way trap. Anything said to support the loaded question position are the bullets to be fired straight back. Anything approaching denial, even reasonable explanations are quoted as – ‘so and so refuses to deny/condemn/ support’ whosoever. Common chestnuts which should be spotted a mile off and BLOODY WELL called out – please.
Emmanuel ,
Apart from the need for personal advancement – i cannot understand why many politicians – of any complexion – do not go on the offensive against al beeb journos . The party staff must have filed on them ( surely) so why not turn on them?
I heard Humph questioning some one – and whoever it was said that humph was smiling and the subject wasn’t funny – humph nearly had a stroke – more offence please.
There are so many particularly within the BBC that are desperate to undermine the majority vote that was given by the public to LEAVE the EU-current Political Editor Laura Kussenberg fails miserabley to give an unbiased reporting of the current news, continually submitting a view she holds or an interpretation the BBC has instructed her to expound, expecting us the listener to accept such a proposition. For so many of us it seems incomprehensible that they (BBC et al) accept we are so easily led-but times they are a changing and their nasty policies are coming home to roost against them.