‘Omerta’…that’s a Vauxhall car isn’t it? Apparently not, it’s the vow of silence that the EU national leaders have taken so that only Barnier gets to speak as the voice of the EU [H/T Craig at Is the BBC biased?] according to Katya Adler who was explaining why her, and the BBC’s, coverage seemed so biased and favourable towards the EU’s version of events.
I heard Adler this morning giving us her best effort to convey Brexit events and I, clearly rather rashly, thought immediately how one-sided her comments were…as usual. I was being unfair…apparently…according to Adler who tells us…
As Europe Editor it’s my job to put across the European perspective. Now that might come across as anti-UK but actually it’s just putting across the other point of view.
So as an experienced and professional journalist with the ability to think, analyse and put together a coherent story linking it all together she can’t convey both sides of the story? Just the one? Surely, as ‘European Editor’, that includes reporting what the British side says as well and to do so without implying they are deluded and unreasonable?
The BBC always presents whatever the EU says as gospel, as the only reasonable view of events, their every demand presented as realistic and sober and that it is the British who are unreasonable, irrational, unprepared, led by a weak government in chaos. The very fact that Adler claims that the EU won’t let her speak to the national leaders should say something about the EU…but the BBC doesn’t notice…nor do they notice that the EU is trying to annex Northern Ireland and split up Britain….you might think they would have somethng to say about a foreign power trying to takeover British territory, they have so much to say about Russia in America, but no.
It just isn’t true that the leaders have taken a vow of silence…..the Irish PM certainly hasn’t, German politicians haven’t….Merkel continually makes comments as do her officials, not Poles, Mr Tusk was pumping out the propaganda only yesterday. And Macron was in the Spectator a few days ago with a very strange piece.…Napoleon lives on…
The EU must be reformed through sovereignty and democracy. Here’s how I plan to do it
He starts off well enough but soon reverts to type…
The European Union contributes to its own downfall when it fails to stand up for itself through an excess of conformism and a lack of vision. What can we say about the February 2016 agreement that offered the United Kingdom an ‘à la carte Europe’, yielding to its blackmail?
As for not denouncing Brexit…funny way of not doing that…
Brexit expresses the weaknesses of a political class that found its scapegoat —Europe — and failed to explain that leaving Europe would lead to disaster. Protection from a public debate in which experts’ arrogance and demagogues’ lies were lumped together indiscriminately…..We must not allow our citizens or our ideas to be monopolised by rabble-rousers or extremists.
And if you think the EU will risk the rest of Europe having referendums…maybe not….The ‘project fear’ handbook is ready to smash you…..
For countries organising a referendum, a coordinated campaign must be organised to generate democratic debate at European level.
So no….national voices have not been silenced and Barnier is far from the only voice to be heard….the EU itself has Juncker and Tusk on the airwaves all the time. Adler talks through her hat justifying her bias with complete twaddle and revealing the fact that she must be a terrible journalist who can’t access the decent sources.
I think you should award a prize to anyone who spots a pro Brexit anti EU programme on al Beeb which is in the mainstream as opposed to a set’ opinion piece’. I still watch a bit of their output but for the life of me I cannot think of a single programme.
And if you think the EU will risk the rest of Europe having referendums…maybe not….The ‘project fear’ handbook is ready to smash you…..”
I really believe that the rest of Europe lacks the balls to have a referendum, particularly because most of them, unlike us, do pretty well out of the EUSSR. That and the fact that far too many of them are spineless, as has been shown over the last century.
“As Europe Editor it’s my job to put across the European perspective. Now that might come across as anti-UK but actually it’s just putting across the other point of view.”
That’s fair enough so long as you’re the only one doing it, but when every other BBC journalist makes the same excuse then it certainly is anti UK. Nice though that she does acknowledge that the BBC coverage IS anti UK !
I shall await the political response to the European perspective from the BBC UK Editor, flying the flag and giving Adler the punchy response from team UK – er, or maybe not.
OK. She is the BBC Europe Editor, so is there to push the European, aka Remain, line. So, for balance, where is the BBC UK Editor who is pushing the pro-UK, aka Brexit, line?
Nope. The excuse for telling Remoaner lies doesn’t wash. The BBC have no intention of impartiality in anything political and don’t care who knows as their lies dominate the air-waves of the country and they can get away with anything. Scrap them NOW.
Do go to the debate on Monday in Westminster Hall, about the TV licence fee.
If it’s the European editors job to push the European line, presumably that means the US editor should be talking about how the Second Amendment acts as the final guarantor of the rights of free Americans? Right?
I would have thought that the 1st Amendment enshrining freedom of religion, speech, petition and assembly was more important than the 2nd guaranteeing the right to shoot your neighbour?