Speaking of plugs, two “Abolish the TV licence” petitions are to be debated in parliament on Monday. One of them, which specifically mentions BBC bias, is still open for signatures:
Classic Toady this morning.
A lady from the Migration Observatory was interviewed. She pointed out that nett migration from the EU to the UK is down but still majorly positive. In other words, no Brexit-created exodus at all. Oh dear.
Then Humphries moved on to recruitment difficulties in, where else, the NHS of course. The lady stood her ground. Recruitment is comples, she said, and the statistics do not reveal the factors affecting individual sections of the workforce. With two failures to display the desired narrative, the editors had clearly had enough and the fast cut-off was palpable.
No such cut off for the next item, about post-birth depression and a leisurely interview with someone diagnosed with PSTD after birth. The narrative here of course is lots more money and blank cheques for each and every imaginable NHS related pressure group. A cosy chat ensued until the sport at 0826.
This level of ‘professionalism’ is brought to you by the biggest market share, biggest funded (on pain of imprisonment) news organisation. Who, as we now know, are literally asleep on the job.
I think al beeb is feeling even more defensive and paranoid than usual – perhaps we are having a small effect -i evidence this because Toady sent that fool Gardiner to interview Coptic Christians about the way they live and the threats to them ( Islam didn’t get much of a mention).
This feature was very unusual and strangely uncritical for the godless albeeb. Maybe they smell the writing on the toilet wall – as it were.
I don’t know if it was the same interview, but I did hear an interview with a Coptic christian who said his christian duty was to forgive muslims who had murdered his coreligionists. The interviewer seemed to be quite impressed with this attitude. Call me cynical, but the BBC is always keen to support christians in their “cheek turning” and “forgiving the murderers of christians”. This is a great strategy for eliminiting christians by encoraging them to accept passively whatever might be done to them. By contrast, the BBC happily goes along with the muslim shtick of “religious offence” that requires severe retribution. Fatso Ferrari on LBC, while prattling about Gregg’s replacing Jesus with a sausage roll in their christmas ad nativity scene, also thought christians would be showing their moral superiority by “turning the other cheek” and appreciating the joke. It’s all “banter” afterall.
Gardiner cut the interview in half and the one you talked about was yesterday where our Frank appeared to profess any knowledge of Christianity . The bit today was about Coptic Monestries.
The turning the cheek issue is a tricky one because as you say – when up against a barbaric following like Islam it would mean extinction go we Christians . Personally if they were a threat I’d waste them and have deal with my sin after….!
They are to be treated fairly if they are legal. But they can only be granted the same status as citizens when they convert to the religion of the natives, and abide by all the laws.
In todays parlance, they must have assimmilated with the cultural norms of Britain.
Yes, if your moral principles are essentially a suicide pact with muslims the instrument of your demise, something is wrong somewhere. Choose life and worry about eternal damnation at a later date.
Of course, there is always the accusation of hypocrisy that can be levelled against christians who complain. I was reading an article on line criticising Geert Wilders for wanting to ban the koran.
Apparently, he was being a hypocrite for advocating free speech for his own views (conviction for “hate speech” in Dutch courts), yet complaining about “hate speech” in the koran. Of course, the author of the article fails to mention the axe-wielding muslim who attempted to murder Wilders in his own home.
I suppose the reason we haven’t had hatred laws for the last thousand years is because of the influence of Christian forgiveness.
These hatred laws reflect the common intolerant mindset of Liberals and Muslims.
As far as “intolerant mindset” is concerned I came across this quote recently:
Mein Kampf 845
“National socialism must claim the right to force its principles on the German nation and educate it in its ideals and thoughts without regard to previous boundaries”
Substiuting “Islam” mutando mutandis, you get
Islam must claim the right to force its principles on the unbeliever and educate them in its ideals and thoughts without regard to previous boundaries”
The koran goes further than Mein Kampf and explicitly calls for the extermination of the unbeliever who does not accept Islam.
or even “BBC”
The BBC must claim the right to force its principles on the British people and educate it in its ideals and thoughts without regard to previous boundaries”
Some might consider the word “force” too extreme in the case of the BBC, but it certainly forces the agenda on certain articles of faith. The whole “transgender thing” must have concerned at most 0.001% of the population until the BBC decided to make it an issue.
Fredless2, think you are correct on that defensiveness and paranoia.
Is it because Mugabe was a sort of poster boy for those in W1A with Lime’s Grove’s disease? Although I suspect that most of ‘them’ would not count themselves as Marxists and most of those would recognise that Mugabe had, in overall terms, been a disaster for Zimbabwe, he was however THE ONE who had liberated Rhodesia from the white Imperial rule and that awful Cecil Rhodes.
Now the Beeboids are faced with scenes of jubilant black Zimbabweans (and maybe some white ones, too) dancing in the streets of Harare and other towns and cities because the rule of the despotic Mugabe over their country appears to be coming to an end.
The LibbyLeft may have a collective nervous breakdown in W1A House, and that after putting up a statue with some words alongside it. Well, well.
I think it’s more just surprise that their highly prejudiced and incorrect view of what Christianity consists of is, well, incorrect. Normally this is assuming that everyone including protestants are members of the catholic church or that the COE pushes evangelical hardline 7-day creationism. I actually love it when I encounter atheists and their supposedly killer questions about what the bible contains and they show their utter ignorance. My favourites pair would probably be:
1) Pointing out that Noah didn’t bring 2 of every animal, he brought 7 of each family of animals, not 2 of each species. The former is fairly simple, the latter not so much.
2) They’re confusing the half dozen or so different Mary’s that the apostles write about, although Dan Brown did the same (with fairly bad concluding assumptions) so don’t be too embarrassed.
It tend to finish with “did you actually read any of it yourself or are did you base all your opinions on what someone on the internet told you to think?” Though I could say the same about most topics…
Have just spent the last 10 days in a ‘hideously white’ environment, with not a mobile phone in sight (truly – no selfies, no videoing or photographing everything that moves, no heads down searching social media), utter bliss ! Maxicony will hate this, but I was transported back to an era of being amongst my own kind of 40+ years ago.
Where was I ?
On a Cunard cruise.
BAEM might inhabit in great numbers the cruise ships around the American coast line, but in my many years of cruising, ethnic minorities are conspicuously absent as passengers, as they are in Rambling and white water rafting !! I’d love to hear the liberal talking heads put a spin on the reasons why.
I have to report that I live in such an environment…it still exists in many places in Britain and we call it the countryside 😉
BAME seems to be the majority now in large towns and cities but, I think they’ll find it difficult to invade the countryside…and they’ll find many of those ‘white flighters’ who they successfully removed once from their homes and communities being very unwilling to move again! Perhaps this is where the battle lines will be drawn?
I am on holiday in the Cotswolds and it is idyllic. Everyone is polite; nobody is aggressive; you feel relaxed knowing you all share the same core values. Like you said, it is akin to travelling back in time.
Who goes to a place like this and thinks:
“What we really need here is a few mosques and ultra-aggressive grime music. All this peace and harmony is horrible!”
Variety is the spice of life, and it is indeed positive to flavour different food, clothes, music et cetera. But the societal glue is core values which must be shared by all. If, for example, one thinks honesty and respect for women are essential you will not ‘celebrate’ someone who lies compulsively and thinks it is ok to rape school children.
Uncomfortable about some of the comments in this thread – please don’t let’s fall into the trap of judging everyone.
I live in an idyllic country village and one of my most valued friends is black. She is here because she too subscribes to small “c” conservative values, traditional country life and abhors the PC collective that she should or should not do and think certain things because of the colour of her skin. She is a popular member of the community thanks to her common sense views and willingness to engage. We also have a few British Indian families and the same goes for them. It’s all about outlook and common values.
I absolutely respect the rights of anyone who does want to live in a multicultural society to do so.
That being so, they should respect the wishes of those of us who don’t.
Yeah I live and work (school) in the Lake District and it is hideously white here except in tourist honeypots like Bowness which I only drive through.
Last year at Wasdale head, putting my boots on by my car, a Pakistani (looked like) man and daughter came up to me clutching an i pad and asked if I knew the way to Scafell Pike, (FFS), there are several routes so I just said, “go down the road and turn left”, I don’t know what he expected me to do?
By the way, one of our teachers actually said that our school is ‘hideously white’ this year, I took her up on that, and she quickly backtracked.
It’s the same if you notice the spectators and those running to raise money for charity at the London Marathon. All hideously white. And this is in wonderfully diverse and vibrant London. Whereas those running to win money for themselves and, inevitably, BBC’s woeful commentary team seem to be the complete opposite.
Very dangerous words Brissles.
Even now I can feel the clamouring for public funds to support investigations into the cruise, rafting, and rambling activity areas, where BAME communities are ‘significantly under-represented’.
No doubt our fine impartial state broadcaster would want to put a news crew on the case.
‘They’ won’t allow ‘us’ to keep our rural boltholes to ourselves for long, I fear.
For example: https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/699026/Scottish-islanders-Syrian-refugees-Bute
That article suggests that the unwanted influx hasn’t been successful on either side but there are numerous other articles saying it has been a success. I just picked the first one that google threw up.
Why Bute? That’s the pertinent question.
Syrian so-called refugees have been scattered all over the place and they will become seeds for larger communities.
“Have just spent the last 10 days in a ‘hideously white’ environment, with not a mobile phone in sight (truly – no selfies, no videoing or photographing everything that moves, no heads down searching social media), ”
The air is coming out of the BBC’s climate jihad, as well.
Small steps forward at UN climate talks is the best it can do for the annual UN climate jamboree. Of course, the “historic” deal was signed in Paris two years ago, and has proved to be such a bust that they have to keep reprising it each year, at considerable cost.
They would probably make bigger steps forward if the UN stopped flying in tens of thousands of delegates and hangers-on for these giant circle jerks. People might also think they were serious about the climate.
Back to the poor ickle poley bears for the BBC, I fear.
30 years ago I went on a Greek island holiday and did a lot of snorkelling, I was shocked at the amount of plastic water bottles littering the seabed, thrown from boats no doubt, these people shit in their own backyards.
That’s interesting! I ‘bummed’ round Europe in the 60s and particularly the Med. countries including Spain, France, Italy and Greece (and Islands). I never saw any plastic rubbish in those days but, I still remember all the raw sewage flows (into the sea) every few miles and on every island 🙁
A few years later and the EU was telling the UK to clean its beaches up! I could never fathom that out because our beaches were clean compared to ones I had experienced over there. Go figure…
CB, there were probably no plastic water bottles in the 60s, just glass which was smashed or returned, the water bottles were sticking up like reeds on the seabed around Skiathos and Skopelos in the 80s.
It was depressing because it was beautiful apart from that.
The Summer That Changed Everything. Ep 1/1. Monday 20 November.
A tipping point comes at 10pm on election night as the exit poll lands and our protagonists find themselves in a changed world. Labour’s narrow election loss is viewed by many as a victory for Jeremy Corbyn and his former opponents in the Labour Party find themselves in a state of confusion.
Can’t wait for Monday night to find out just how they make a 55 seat deficit into a ‘narrow election loss’. Diane Abbott with her masterful – or perhaps mistressful – grasp of mathematics must feature heavily throughout.
Link back last thread and My post about an interesting WS radio prog where unusually it was not 3 libs vs 1 non-lib but 2 vs 2
and the non-libs were not cut off like they usually are.
The libmob were spiting
Today once again I spot libmob commenters and moderators talking about older commenters/presenters they don’t agree with
“Past it.” “senility” they shout
That’s libs being fascist against a person who doesn’t conform
: They assign a person to a group “the old” and then say that group has a characteristic
…that’s age-ist
I’m genuinely surprised there’s not a photograph of Corbyn out in Zimbabwe shaking hands with Mugabe and praising the results of his self styled “African Socialism”.
The BBC may soon regurgitate the Guardian story that UK coal power is massively up due to French Nuclear stations being off
You’ll note from the graph that the rise in UK coal output is twice as steep as the rise in electric now being exported to France.
So for November we have coal is up +2.7GW , vs -1.1Gw from France
Sizewell B 1.1GW is also off for maintenance
But that still means an extra 0.5GW is being covered ..probably cos of poor wind/solar
That’s why the Guardian article doesn’t allow comments I guess.
China “steadily reducing its reliance on coal (meeting it’s international obligations!)”
NOPE Marky you’ve been brainwashed by BBC/MSM so change a word there
“steadily INCREASING its reliance on coal (meeting it’s international obligations!), NOT replacing it with renewable energy. Yet all the while …
Building plenty of coal abroad
and 26 nuclear plants at home.
If I recall Paul Homewood’s recent blog correctly
Hang on Paul’ got a new post https://notalotofpeopleknowthat.wordpress.com/2017/11/18/fossil-fuels-will-continue-to-dominate-in-china/
The climate push is of a piece with everything else the BBC does. Identify the Oppressors (cigar-smoking plutocrats in fancy weskits exploiting…) the Victims (…infants and Third World inhabitants pushing coal carts, and the biggest victim of all, Gaia).
This is what happens with all Green/Left aktions. When Power becomes the only currency you value, Deceit becomes the standard tactic you adopt.
The Doncaster gritter snow plough competition is funny. The BBC manage to attach a short video of the person responsible for the winning suggestion. ……. WARNING For those with heart or other stress related conditions i would advise watching when your medicines kicked in.
Brexit Busting on BBC2 at 9pm “My Country: A Work in Progress”
“A TV adaptation of the National Theatre production of the same name, written by Poet Laureate Carol Ann Duffy and director Rufus Norris. Compiled in the days following the Brexit vote, using testimonies from people aged nine to 97, the play interweaves real interviews with speeches from party leaders, as Britannia – a personification of the nation itself – calls a meeting to listen to the opinions of her people. Amid passionate debate, barbed rebuttals and divided perspectives, she seeks an answer to the question of whether there can ever be a true United Kingdom”
Welcome Tim.
Tim Martin was on “Today” just before 8am getting earache from both little Justin Webb and from some City Baby Bel who seemed to think of herself as a big cheese.
The premise of the anti-Tim cabal was that he knew nothing about
a) business
b) life after we`ve left the E.U
c) why the EU have been so good to us, whilst we`ve been spitting in their faces in daring to vote to go.
A joy to hear Webb tell Tim that “supply chains” would suffer by our leaving-Tim DID try to tell him that Wetherspoons DOES have supply chains-and they`ll be fine, he`s checked like a good CEO would. But Webb would have none of it. Just talked over him. The public are NOT to know this.
You see-Justin Webb is the business expert, Tim Martin is just a jumped-up barman with an option on a hotdog stand at best.
If you want to see the BBC double handers, bias, anti-business sneering and sheer ignorance / comedic buffoonery and all in a few minutes-then this slot at 7.55 will do it.
Can`t imagine Webb or Baby Bel will be running THEIR Winterval snack runs anytime soon.
Sense supply chains are seen as paper chains that bring beer from Prague, wine from N.Z…but only when you stare and dream long enough at them, as Webb would.
Stuff the BBC-and well done Tim Martin, God knows why you put up with BBC dropsy like Webb when you could be having a lie in.
I often wonder why people go on al Beeb to be interrupted. Obviously JRM is pretty good at keeping cool but my favourite is John Redwood. I don’t know what meds he takes before being interviewed but I could do with some. He has a strange routine – listening to the question and then attempting to answer it as the beeboid cannot have the patience to listen to the answer and talks over him.?
Is it because they have to go to carrrfffii for a case study in how not to report sport or thought for the day when a follower of the religion of peace tries to explain away another terrorist attack.
Just seen Janet Daley on Dateline. Always a sound cove in most things. As ever , she was up against four Remainers(including the presenter)-and hardly ever able to give an answer or context unimpeded.
Just a blowhard Irish EU gal, a Democrat smoothie and some Ugandan-allowed to say that he`ll now be getting forcibly removed from the country if Brexit proceeds. Suppose it`d be racist to give him facts-and the BBC don`t do facts, then howl down the only woman on the panel who knows any(and has some skin in the game, being married and domiciled here) Sheer stupid cobbled together hit pieces on Brexit with too many lounging Ugandans , too much time on their hands, and a pliant editor who offers polenta if they can get a rickshaw from the World Service Green Room.
Sheer bias-again.
Didnt they used to balance shows once-or at least invite people on who KNEW things, didn`t just “feel” stuff?
Tim, you are not allowed to Hate. Especially the BBC. Please can you self-correct or contact the Hate Crime Hub (costing the tax payer £200K to arrest tax payers with different opinions). You have until dec2017 when Amber Rudd will turn the Hate Crime Hub on for Christmas …. tick tock ….
The Police became hopelessly politicised in the wake of the wretched Macpherson Report. It is quoted as if it were a cononical text – which indeed it has become – when in fact he totally messed it up. Orwell at his best could not come up with a more sinister and destructive phrase than ‘institutional racism.’
Untold amounts have been wasted teaching officers about ‘cultural awareness.’ The awareness is incumbent on all citizens to obey the law, not for the Police to treat some communities differently to others. It violates the fundamental principle that the law should be the same to everyone. It created the dystopian world where in Rotherham and elsewhere it was thought crime for the Police to stop children being raped. And all their ‘cultural awareness’ has not reduced crime – quite the opposite – and that is their raison d’etre.
BB – Copper looks improperly dressed to me – No red stilettos.
On the whole I agree with you about the Macpherson report. And whilst (after Stephen Lawrence) I think some changes were certainly in order – these should have involved mere tinkering rather than the wholesale convrsion of entire police forces into pre programmed politically correct automaton.
Stephens death and the botched corrupt inquiry were undeniably both tragic and wicked and needed to be addressed. But how many lives have been ruined/destroyed , how many murders have been improperly investigated because the boys and girls in blue are more concerned about cultural sensitivity than justice.
I think this does not bode well for the future. We need a police force we can trust not a police force that puts political considerations ahead of justice.
I doubt it was even a racist murder in the first place. The same gang had attacked whites in a similar fashion – they were just horrible people. The case was seized by left wing extremists and it became a show trial akin to something from Stalin’s Russia.
Sorry mate. We don’t do hate. I will have to report you to Amber Rudd’s anti hate cop squad and your hate will be added to post Brexit/Climate change skeptical hate statistics.
Hi Tim ,
Welcome to a civilised club. I think we tend to keep our bile for the al Beeb as opposed to dissenters . I like to hear and discuss an alternate view but Beeb supporters seem to get abusive quite quickly and are unable to give examples of al Beeb fairness.
I think this is the Conrad Black that did not like Christopher Hitchens, but a completely opposite very to say BBC beyond 100 days … that laughed at Trump drinking and reinforcing the small hands joke.
Not strictly BBC but one can imagine their sympathies.
Here’s a snowflake conundrum.
The University lecturer’s pension scheme is £7 billion in deficit. (OK so not a patch on the £340 billion unfunded Teacher Pension Scheme liability but bear with me)
The University authorities want to cap the laibility and move to a defined contribution scheme and so the Lecturers are planning to go on strike. Oh dear. How sad. Never mind.
Now there is much talk of intergenerational inequality so here is a scheme whose direct effect will be to free future students from having to subsidise the cosy retirement of previous generation lecturers.
I just wonder how the students will handle it? Obviously a safe space will be needed to protect students from any views different from the ‘official’ position.
In Nazi Germany it was young people outside of the Universities who were book burners, crystal smashers and statue destroyers.
In Britain today, the young vandals are inside the University Library. The snowflakes are also on the same wavelength as elitists such as Mr Junker and almost all members of the House of Lords.
Young people brainwashed by Mr Blairs Liberal-Elitism at Primary School, but not aware of it.?
England give Australia a good thrashing in the Rugby, beating them 30 – 6.
The BBC sport website reports it with the headline “England pull away from Australia with debated decisions”.
Completely unable to praise England – what a pathetic excuse for an impartial news outlet they are.
I watched the highlights of England v Australia and part of Scotland v New Zealand. I have not watched BBC sports programmes for some time. Noted was the use of Wimins commentators on England v Australia. The one on Eng v Aus was very partisan (for Australia) and the one on Scotland was treated with total disdain by the NZ coach as in why f*** hell are you asking such dumb questions. I miss being in Brazil where the commentators definitely know what side they are on. Would liven up the commentaries no end.
The BBC Radio 4 5 O’clock PM news reports on the air crash above Waddesden Manor between a light aircraft and a helicopter, and that four people died as a result. It went on to name three of the individuals but for some reason never named the fourth who was the pilot of the light aircraft.
That was one Saavan Mundae a 19 year old instructed by Jaspal Barha, he had just 9 weeks training. WHile there is no suggestion of anything untoward, other than a tragic accident, why does the BBC chose not to name the rookie pilot who was the most likely to have caused the crash?
Are you clutching straws?
What is your motivation in posting? You are just a Troll.
Why do you support an organisation that robs the poor to give to the rich?
Ammy the amoeba here, I just slithered across the keyboard. On part of the screen was some nonsense about one million monkeys with typewriters creating Shakespeare. I said to Newton,” I can do better than that”. He pointed a tentacle at BBBC on the screen and said “start at the bottom then, comment on this Maxincontinent dimbo”.
My guess is it probably has a problem with its circadian rhythm, it is not supposed to be out in the daylight, it casts no shadow and frightens the children.
I showed the draft to Newton and he told me to press “post” saying I would soon be up there with him and Portia.
They are salivating over their programme about how Labour romped to defeat in the election. Their relative success was aided by the BBC, whose news bulletins became little more than orgasmic press releases for their favoured party. Plus their nasty, personal attacks on May; had one of theirs been targeted in a similar fashion they would have screeched about how ‘offensive’ it was and demand the perpetrator be sacked.
Oh but Russia is meddling with our elections! We can’t have them posting a few comments on social media. Systemic, brazen and relentless subversion of our own democracy by our national broadcaster is absolutely fine though.
“They are salivating over their programme about how Labour romped to defeat in the election.”
“Salivating”, yeah, right, okay.
“Their relative success was aided by the BBC, whose news bulletins became little more than orgasmic press releases for their favoured party.”
This is nonsense. The BBC’s bulletins about Corbyn between the two years of his being elected leader of the Labour Party and the General Election were overwhelmingly and relentlessly negative. Admittedly this was helped by a large part by the critics in his own party, but the BBC eagerly lapped it up, played with it and exploited any criticism for all it was worth.
But never mind any of that. This is Biased-BBC; let’s all tell ourselves stories that make us feel gud.
“let’s all tell ourselves stories that make us feel gud.”
So tell us all what makes you feel good ?
I post here because Al Beeb is Biased . Why do you post here?
Keep it short .
They may well have been negative since Corbyn was first elected leader, but that changed when they knew an election was imminent. They unquestioningly disseminated their press releases, often enthusiastically leading news bulletins with them. Would they ever do that for Tory policies? How many former Labour politicians work for the BBC, such as James Purnell?
I think that initially the bBbc were indeed negative towards Corbyn but were never critical of the Labour Party itself and did not pursue Corbyn as they did May or allow a true picture of him to be portrayed.
In my opinion this was because that the Blairite upper management of the bBbc expected Cooper or Chuka or one of the Eagles, anyone who wasn’t Corbyn, to raise their heads above the parapets and lead Labour in the cultural marxism masquerading as soft socialism that the bBbc seem to favour. To take back control of their party.
When these inadequates showed their true colours and allowed Corbyn and his supporters to gain momentum and subsequent control of the Labour Party the bBbc had no alternative but to accept his leadership and , although still grudgingly, fall in behind him. After all it’s still the Labour Party and not the hated Tories.
They don’t like Corbyn but they arrogantly believe that they can ultimately be kingmakers and that someone more to their liking will usurp Corbyn in the relatively near future whilst they remain unchallenged by the Conservative Party, and then lead Labour back to power, their ultimate aim.
I think that the bBbc however, like the Labour Party, have allowed themselves to become infested throughout by the same type of marxist and socialist dogmatists and will eventually meet the same end that the Labour Party will, divided, ruined and consumed from within.
Maxincony, please refer us to examples of the BBC’s relentless challenge of Corbynomics and it’s £400 billion funding shortfall – surely there must be loads when the Marxist Maniacs are putting the country’s future is at risk a la Greque.
I have just received information that on Monday we could see the first of many legal actions against the BBC. OFCOM had given the BBC until tomorrow to respond to its demand about publishing fortnightly complaints data. The BBC has just published its first fortnightly complaints report, so the legal action could be called off. It shows that between 30 October and 12 November 2017, the BBC received 8,377 complaints.
These legal actions against the BBC are due.
(1) Legal action from OFCOM.
(2) Legal action from Cliff Richard.
(3) Legal action from Nigel Farage.
(4) A Judicial Review of the BBC,s Anti-Brexit policy.
(5) A Judicial Review of the BBC,s Climate Science Censorship policy.
(6) Revelations about investigations into a murderous Paedophile ring at the BBC.
It seems that from April 2015 to March 2016 the BBC received 209,387 complaints. But then OFCOM acted after it was noticed that the BBC Annual Report for 2016/17 did not include the number of complaints received in that year. That years total is thought to have been over 215,000. But now the number of complains (November 2016 to October 2017) is thought to be over 225,000 per annum.
This increase in complaints is due to Fake news constructed by the BBC by censoring most of the facts to produce a fake narrative. This is used by the BBC to produce a Misleading headline. The alternative facts produced by the BBC are not facts but assumptions and speculation. This is so that these fake facts cannot be proven to be false because they are in fact, not facts but disinformation in the form of assumptions and speculation.
The mail online ( sorry I was bored ) is carrying a story that the world will end on Sunday as a result of an encounter with the planet niriru ( or similar ) – if it happens al Beeb will blame Brexit or President Trump or Climate Change or white peoples . At least we won’t have to listen to a dreary budget of moving the deckchairs about.
I have just switched off in disgust the ridiculous programme on Radio 4 now on as I write about snobbery. It is as usual a blast from the left criticising folk who have some standards as being complete bigots. I resent being ridiculed for thinking that certain uncouth, selfish or slobby behaviour is anti-social & unwanted, but it seems by taking this attitude I am either an oligarch (?!) or a throwback to a past era when moral standards were a joke.
“I have just switched off in disgust… criticising folk who have some standards… being ridiculed for thinking that certain uncouth, selfish or slobby behaviour is anti-social & unwanted.”
Maxincony, this comment of yours is a nice example of your own lack of empathy and your own willingness to ridicule those with concerns.
In this comment of yours you ridicule “standards” and embrace “uncouthness” and “slobbish behaviour”. And since this is your position, you encourage others to be uncouth towards you – and you would be a hypocrite to then complain about it.
Phill/BBC I am afraid that our little trolling friend is just so “right on” He probably has only ever been to LSE or similair doing his “meeja” studies course and then straight after, I expect he seamlessly got a job as a coffee cup holder for one of the BBCs many “Solution Architect and Reward Project Analysts”
Most of us here with even a modicum of life experience realise that successful relationships in society generally depend on co-operation. This generally does not happen if people exhibit “uncouth, selfish or slobby behaviour”
Unless of course you work for an organisation that can churn out whatever rubbish it likes knowing that it has access to a virtually bottomless pit of licence payers money – Or you are some sort of emotional baby where people just indulge you because they feel sorry for you.
As your only point in contributing here is to ridicule – not very effective – and insult then I shall respond accordingly
I know your former identity was Zero, a person who indulged frequently in fisting whilst sneering at us less enlightened folk. I am sure that one day the BBC will include fisters in one of the groups perceived as oppressed. Please note that I think you are a bit peculiar.
I quite like using outdated English expressions that work perfectly to express what I want to say, particularly if some find them ‘comedy gold’, such people mistakenly judge me & miss the irony.
Disgust….a perfectly good word.
Standards….. they are subjective, but generally agreed upon in a healthy society.
Uncouth…..another example of anti-social behaviour
Slobby behaviour…..disregard for other people, too much of that now.
Maxicony is just our Alastair Campbell-wanders into ths studio whilst we`re talking to throw slurry and ad hominem smears around by way of “debate”. An aimless controversist, not a happy person and probably unable to sleep with the edless teaks to his medication.If he wasn`t here-he`d be giving other websites grief. Yet we indulge him, even let him bang his head against the pastel walls as we give him the courtesy of a reply.
But enough. That`s MY Nurse Ratched stint done for today.
Ah, so their anti-Brexit stance is nothing to do with the overwhelming majority enjoyed by Remainers in their studios, then, or the lack of a challenge to said Remainers to explain their rationale for staying in given the EU’s long term unification aims and total lack of democracy.
Budget 2017: Chancellor Philip Hammond ‘to target housing and NHS’ http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-42034392
“Stephen Hammond – a former transport minister – said the chancellor wants to use next Wednesday’s Budget to “attack problems” that contributed to the Tories’ poor election performance.”
Note. No mention of the fact that we are overpopulated. How about controlling immigration as per the previouse promise ? https://www.gov.uk/government/news/prime-minister-pledges-to-control-and-reduce-immigration
“Good bye England’s green and pleasant land”.
Taffy – I couldnt agree more
Interesting that the figure almost matches the “official” 2015/16 inward migration rates to the UK.
So lets get this right – Government says it still wants to reduce immigration figures down to “tens of thousands” yet plans on annually building enough houses to almost match the rate of inward migration.
Got a feeling that yet again political cowardice and avoiding the real issue yet again rule the day.
However I must say I am not in the least bit surprised.
File on 4: Radio 4: 5pm: “The Police warn about a growing threat from the far right”
But the BBC does not say what the Police think that threat is. So I will try to give ten guesses about that.
(1) An electoral threat to political parties not approved by left-wing Police Officers.
(2) A threat to the new Police enforced anti-free speech hatred laws.
(3) A threat to those naive terrorists under Police protection, who frequent Mosques.
(4) A threat to Police support for mass immigration.
(5) A threat to pink Police cars.
(6) A threat to Police support for Political Correctness.
(7) A threat to the enemies of free speech within the Police force.
(8) A threat to far left Police officers.
(9) A Political Correct need for the Police to show the Liberal Elite, that Brexit has caused a fake far right threat to Polish immigrants.
(10) A Political Correct need for the Police to show the Liberal Elite, a fake threat that the Russians are funding the far right.
IRELAND with Simon Reeve
They went to Cork. A beautiful city with Blarney Castle, Cork Gaol, Spike Island, the Fota Wildlife Park, the Ring of Kerry nearby, the harbour, and much more. So what did they visit? A food bank cum café, so they could bleat on about social injustice. The programme also had a great deal to say about English oppression.
Normally Reeve has to make a mention of climate change in every programme in which he features and where ever he is in the world. Maybe the climate in Ireland is not changing.
Reeve epitomises the anti-British Broadcasting Corporation.
What a self-regarding, virtue-signalling twat. Has he done a programme on India yet? Any mention of the centuries of Muslim oppression? Or Africa and the Islamic slave trade? No? How odd. What about the monoculturalism of Islamic countries in the Middle East? Still ‘no’? Ah well.
Still, he’s young enough to enjoy a very severe waking up moment when it finally arrives.
Radio 4 comedy commissioner claiming that the news quiz is not political and bias but a comedy show. I knew something funny would eventually come out of that department.
Did anyone listen to the Radio 4 drama ‘Tsar’? Last night was the final episode. It was about Vladimir Putin. There was a mixture of real events and imagined scenes in Putin’s life. All well and good. Then towards the end we hear the Putin character saying he doesn’t like Hillary Clinton. In the final scene, the narrator asks him if he wants to say anything about interfering in the US Election to stop Hillary. It is clear what the BBC scriptwriter thinks. Covering for Clinton and belittling the Trump victory.
Drip, drip, drip. Nothing is immune.
Da – And eef it vasnt for vees meddiling kids at ve BBC – I Vladimir would av got avay wiv it!
Some people have been saying that Vladimir said………………….!
Revenge of the Bunny Boilers
This morning BBC Breakfast use their cause for concern spot to ‘raise awareness’ of that hot button issue of domestic violence – against pets. Oh yes, take notice of this report and you’ll know abusive male ex-partners are not just taking it out on women and their children but now they are abusing the women’s furry friends. Man’s best friends – forget it. The BBC brings us the ‘inspiring story’ of Jemma and her dog Dusty who, we are told, was “locked in a shed, punched and kicked and hit with a spade” – that’s Dusty not Jemma. And throughout everything we are presented the boot is firmly on the one foot : Men = abusers; Women = victims. Dusty was in the studio lapping up our sympathy and admiration. There was a pussy there too – that was just the BBC male presenter.
Thankfully the 1984-style Two Minute Hate of the male sex only lasts about two minutes before the BBC move onto the next item – men victimising women in the workplace.
How many sharks can the BBC jump in their desperate efforts to create clickbait, and generate trends that only THEY could possibly think are “newsworthy”?
Suppose it`s as many double decker buses as Mr Knieval jumped at Wembley.
Whatver it is-that`ll be the degrees of separation between fact and BBC news stories.
Yes GW. I heard this – I think Bethany Bell was the reporter.
Conflating post war movements of Germans from Silesia to Western Germany with mass Islamic migration in the 21st century. Where to even begin with this total nonsense.
Naive or common purpose or a bit of both?
I see it is listed under ‘stories.’ At least they are honest that it is just a story. So much of their ‘news’ is just a story; they rely on narratives as the facts are not on their side.
Why send a reporter over there? It was so obvious what she would discover.
Another horrible ‘story’ unfolded in Cologne, probably the worst sex attacks on their land since 1945. Stalin had told his soldiers the German women were their ‘lawful bounty’; it was one of the worst mass rapes in history. I bet many German women ‘see themselves’ in those poor raped women from 1945.
Interesting that NagaMuncha on JugEars news refers to “Mr” Mugabe, a murdering despot, whilst President Trump who has been fairly elected to the highest position in the US, is invariably just called “Trump”.
Anyone watch the England Australia rugby highlights on the BBC?
With the female commentator !!!!!!
Shrill, trite, superficial, lacking gravitas, no pedigree.
But none of that matters. She’s a woman!
Tick tick tick.
Heard O`Connell say that his BH show would be talking to an MP who`d had 12 death threats.
Wonder how many Farage got-and did the BBC bother their arses to ask or to check?
Anyway-O`Connell seemed concerned that “public discourse” had got a bit rougher of late-he can`t think why! He`d be talking about it at 9am.
Talk about the FIrestarters wondering about how the Molotovs ended up making the place smell of petrol?…as if the BBC had had nothing to do with it. Sorry Matt-you and your ilk are the other side of the country that wilfully caused this. And as long as you`re still grossly paid to drive our majority into the grave, prisons or to the locked ward via the workhouse?-then we need you OFF the air, and something far better to speak to and for us.
The BBC ARE the enemy now-no caveats.
Just a hint of a leading question when Marr asks his panel, while attempting to stifle his natural enthusiasm, if they agree that Corbyn and MacDonald seem more ‘relaxed and confident of late……?’ Luckily, many of us can remember Neil ‘Well-Aaaall-Riiiigght!’ Kinnock’s relaxed and confident performance at a certain well televised pre-election fait accompli.
On a similar theme, isn’t it odd how the BBC continues to base its opinions and propaganda on the two national newspapers with the lowest circulations, while constantly deriding and denigrating the two which sell the most. It’s almost as though they feel superior to the majority. Even elitist.
I too can remember Mr Kinnock’s unfortunate little verbal ejaculation. I was a solid Labour supporter at the time but it made me cringe. I thought to myself “how very Prime Ministerial, he’s just lost us another election” So it turned out.
Oh well, every cloud has a silver lining eh?
The debate over the BBC licence fee is taking place in parliament tomorrow, in response to a petition to abolish it, circulated by ’38 Degrees’. It seems you can still sign. 243 038 people have signed. Have you? (According to ’38 Degrees’ you can also attend the debate at a Westminster venue at 4.30)
Since then the new petition https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/200239 currently with 12,934 sigs and 4 months left to run, has been added to tomorrow’s debate. This is the petition that specifically mentions BBC bias. It is still open for signatures.
The 38 degrees petition is the longest running petition of all, currently at 243,048 sigs, but since it is not a uk gov petition it doesn’t automatically generate a debate in parliament (as far as I know). It is however still open for signatures: https://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/end-the-bbc-licence-fee
Sometimes I think it would be useful if biasedbbc.tv maintained a list of active petitions.
This is just a reminder that TV licence will be debated at 4:30 on Monday 20th November in Westminster Hall’s Grand Committee Room. The sitting will last for up to three hours. Entry is free of charge. There is no system of tickets or advanced booking. Places are limited and visitors are admitted on a first come, first served basis.
Also, I’ve been chatting with a few journalists recently to make sure they are aware of the debate and intend to cover it. Even a TV channel producer contacted me yesterday because they want to make something special on Monday, so keep your eyes out!
Bye for now
Not really saying much about Al Beeb beyond the fact that it echos and amplifies every piece of gossip about President Trump, but if you can access the Times do look up this piece –
“Rob Goldstone comes clean over Donald Trump and dirt on Hillary Clinton
Meanwhile the BBC’s bitch, Treezer and her Government crack down on the far right. Britain First’s Deputy Leader arrested again and flown to Belfast for interrogation about a speech she made opposing terrorism.
Fortunately for them, UKIP appears to have disappeared or they would be arrested in accord with demands from the Trots and anarchists who Treezer admires
So it looks like its (2) A threat to the new Police enforced anti-free speech hatred laws, (4) A threat to Police support for mass immigration, (6) A threat to Police support for Political Correctness, (7) A threat to the enemies of free speech within the Police force and (8) A threat to far left Police officers.
Its about the violation of an anti-free speech hatred law as regarding the illegal criticism of Islam, with illegal words included, of convicted rapists Shershah Muslimyar (20) of Hovenden Close, Canterbury, restaurant owner Tamin Rahani (37) of Northwood Road, Ramsgate, Rafiullah Hamidy (24) of no fixed address and Hamid Mohamadi (18) from Wye.
In Britain today, we have illegal words and statements such as “I hate you“, which if they are used in a speech, may incite the listener to turn violent, if heard. This is why Theresa May supports the suppression of free speech under these Orwellian laws that are designed to ban the existence of hatred in society. Something Christianity failed to do but Liberals and Muslims think they can now achieve.
For instance if a teenager says “I hate you” to their Mother, these laws could instil a level of fear in said teenager, to the point of repressing said teenager, to not say “I hate you”, but may not succeed in repressing the thought, which is as Orwell indicated, is how Theresa May will progress to the next level, outlawing thought crime.
Just a thought.
What with Mugabe going-couldn`t we arrange a transfer fee to let them buy Gerry Adams from us on a trial basis?
Either that or use him to test a few driverless cars along the M4, so no plastic gets wasted in the trialling of these new cars.
Typical lefty idiots-guessing that IS have got onto them to start giving them cars and trucks that do not necessarily kill their souljas. Driverless cars and trucks?…are we thick or what?
A one party administration. A public many of whom put tribal and cultural loyalties over effective government by repeatedly voting for the party in power. A voting system riddled with dubious practices. A leader who is forced out by the political manouverings and internal power struggles within their own party rather than by the electorate at the ballot box.
Yes, many Labour councils owe a huge debt of gratitude to the teachings of Robert Mugabe.
I wonder if this will be reported on the BBC
Courtesy of AP
In the weeks since dozens of women have accused movie mogul Harvey Weinstein of rape or sexual harassment, unleashing an avalanche of similar charges against other prominent men across American life, women and men of color have been largely absent from the national furor..
Now they are screaming racism for not being sexually harassed?
MarkyMarkMar 9, 15:01 Weekend 8th March 2025 “I do not believe that the solution to our problem is simply to elect the right people. The important thing…
Fedup2Mar 9, 14:59 Weekend 8th March 2025 Rupert Lowe MP – previously of the Reform shambols – is still guns blazing on X – looks like he…
Fedup2Mar 9, 14:20 Weekend 8th March 2025 The threshold for ‘horror’ or ‘something must be done ‘ seems to be rising by the month . The murder…
GMar 9, 13:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 I thought the Home Office banned guns, like knives. Oh! silly me, I forgot the foreigners have their own laws…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 Christmas has become “holiday season” Easter has been turned into “egg hunt” Lent doesn’t even get a mention – it’s…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:35 Weekend 8th March 2025 Omar Prempeh, 32, of Stanstead Road, Forest Hill, was charged on Saturday, March 8, in connection with the death of…
Fedup2Mar 9, 13:24 Weekend 8th March 2025 Third world action in londonistan – Omar Prempeh 32 charged with shooting dead a 16 year old called Lathaniel Burrell.…
KinellMar 9, 13:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Reading through the shocking posts on ‘In their own tweets’ and ‘In their own words’ on the home page on…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:11 Weekend 8th March 2025 King Charles has appointed a homeopath. Why do the elite put their faith in snake oil? This article is more…
Too many plugs/press releases masquerading as news on their website. Such a cop out. The plugs for their own shows are especially irritating.
Speaking of plugs, two “Abolish the TV licence” petitions are to be debated in parliament on Monday. One of them, which specifically mentions BBC bias, is still open for signatures:
Classic Toady this morning.
A lady from the Migration Observatory was interviewed. She pointed out that nett migration from the EU to the UK is down but still majorly positive. In other words, no Brexit-created exodus at all. Oh dear.
Then Humphries moved on to recruitment difficulties in, where else, the NHS of course. The lady stood her ground. Recruitment is comples, she said, and the statistics do not reveal the factors affecting individual sections of the workforce. With two failures to display the desired narrative, the editors had clearly had enough and the fast cut-off was palpable.
No such cut off for the next item, about post-birth depression and a leisurely interview with someone diagnosed with PSTD after birth. The narrative here of course is lots more money and blank cheques for each and every imaginable NHS related pressure group. A cosy chat ensued until the sport at 0826.
This level of ‘professionalism’ is brought to you by the biggest market share, biggest funded (on pain of imprisonment) news organisation. Who, as we now know, are literally asleep on the job.
Sluff – how dare you cut and paste me! I heard it too and we have shared many words – my comment is on another Fred .
Thank you for noticing that one Emmanuel -.when I was teaching I sometimes did that to see if the class was watching. A plus .,
Toady watch 3
I think al beeb is feeling even more defensive and paranoid than usual – perhaps we are having a small effect -i evidence this because Toady sent that fool Gardiner to interview Coptic Christians about the way they live and the threats to them ( Islam didn’t get much of a mention).
This feature was very unusual and strangely uncritical for the godless albeeb. Maybe they smell the writing on the toilet wall – as it were.
I don’t know if it was the same interview, but I did hear an interview with a Coptic christian who said his christian duty was to forgive muslims who had murdered his coreligionists. The interviewer seemed to be quite impressed with this attitude. Call me cynical, but the BBC is always keen to support christians in their “cheek turning” and “forgiving the murderers of christians”. This is a great strategy for eliminiting christians by encoraging them to accept passively whatever might be done to them. By contrast, the BBC happily goes along with the muslim shtick of “religious offence” that requires severe retribution. Fatso Ferrari on LBC, while prattling about Gregg’s replacing Jesus with a sausage roll in their christmas ad nativity scene, also thought christians would be showing their moral superiority by “turning the other cheek” and appreciating the joke. It’s all “banter” afterall.
If tolerance meets intolerance which will win? When you run out of cheeks to turn then what?
They asked for our freedom of expression, we gave them it.
They asked us to stop drawing cartoons, we stopped.
They asked us to change out cricket team names, we said yes.
They asked for a special word to stop us criticising them, we agreed.
They asked for our food processing methods, we gave them the slaughter houses.
They asked us to finance their beliefs, we thought it would work.
They asked for the innocence of our children, we looked away.
They asked for our capital city, we gave them the keys.
They said they had ulterior motives, we thought they would change.
They wanted a political voice, we handed them Labour.
They asked for our tolerance, we submitted to their intolerance .
MM – Solid post.
Ah, you didn’t see the error “They asked us to change out cricket team names, we said yes.”. Not so solid a post – will correct in the future.
Gardiner cut the interview in half and the one you talked about was yesterday where our Frank appeared to profess any knowledge of Christianity . The bit today was about Coptic Monestries.
The turning the cheek issue is a tricky one because as you say – when up against a barbaric following like Islam it would mean extinction go we Christians . Personally if they were a threat I’d waste them and have deal with my sin after….!
im a godless heathen, so ive no need to turn the other cheek
though i doubt the turning of the other cheek actually applies when they are actually trying to kill you
The Bible is quite clear regarding immigrants.
They are to be treated fairly if they are legal. But they can only be granted the same status as citizens when they convert to the religion of the natives, and abide by all the laws.
In todays parlance, they must have assimmilated with the cultural norms of Britain.
Yes, if your moral principles are essentially a suicide pact with muslims the instrument of your demise, something is wrong somewhere. Choose life and worry about eternal damnation at a later date.
Of course, there is always the accusation of hypocrisy that can be levelled against christians who complain. I was reading an article on line criticising Geert Wilders for wanting to ban the koran.
Apparently, he was being a hypocrite for advocating free speech for his own views (conviction for “hate speech” in Dutch courts), yet complaining about “hate speech” in the koran. Of course, the author of the article fails to mention the axe-wielding muslim who attempted to murder Wilders in his own home.
I suppose the reason we haven’t had hatred laws for the last thousand years is because of the influence of Christian forgiveness.
These hatred laws reflect the common intolerant mindset of Liberals and Muslims.
As far as “intolerant mindset” is concerned I came across this quote recently:
Mein Kampf 845
“National socialism must claim the right to force its principles on the German nation and educate it in its ideals and thoughts without regard to previous boundaries”
Substiuting “Islam” mutando mutandis, you get
Islam must claim the right to force its principles on the unbeliever and educate them in its ideals and thoughts without regard to previous boundaries”
The koran goes further than Mein Kampf and explicitly calls for the extermination of the unbeliever who does not accept Islam.
or even “BBC”
The BBC must claim the right to force its principles on the British people and educate it in its ideals and thoughts without regard to previous boundaries”
Some might consider the word “force” too extreme in the case of the BBC, but it certainly forces the agenda on certain articles of faith. The whole “transgender thing” must have concerned at most 0.001% of the population until the BBC decided to make it an issue.
“Minority extremist” – bending the will of the majority for a Minority, to the detriment of the majority.
Fredless2, think you are correct on that defensiveness and paranoia.
Is it because Mugabe was a sort of poster boy for those in W1A with Lime’s Grove’s disease? Although I suspect that most of ‘them’ would not count themselves as Marxists and most of those would recognise that Mugabe had, in overall terms, been a disaster for Zimbabwe, he was however THE ONE who had liberated Rhodesia from the white Imperial rule and that awful Cecil Rhodes.
Now the Beeboids are faced with scenes of jubilant black Zimbabweans (and maybe some white ones, too) dancing in the streets of Harare and other towns and cities because the rule of the despotic Mugabe over their country appears to be coming to an end.
The LibbyLeft may have a collective nervous breakdown in W1A House, and that after putting up a statue with some words alongside it. Well, well.
I think it’s more just surprise that their highly prejudiced and incorrect view of what Christianity consists of is, well, incorrect. Normally this is assuming that everyone including protestants are members of the catholic church or that the COE pushes evangelical hardline 7-day creationism. I actually love it when I encounter atheists and their supposedly killer questions about what the bible contains and they show their utter ignorance. My favourites pair would probably be:
1) Pointing out that Noah didn’t bring 2 of every animal, he brought 7 of each family of animals, not 2 of each species. The former is fairly simple, the latter not so much.
2) They’re confusing the half dozen or so different Mary’s that the apostles write about, although Dan Brown did the same (with fairly bad concluding assumptions) so don’t be too embarrassed.
It tend to finish with “did you actually read any of it yourself or are did you base all your opinions on what someone on the internet told you to think?” Though I could say the same about most topics…
Have just spent the last 10 days in a ‘hideously white’ environment, with not a mobile phone in sight (truly – no selfies, no videoing or photographing everything that moves, no heads down searching social media), utter bliss ! Maxicony will hate this, but I was transported back to an era of being amongst my own kind of 40+ years ago.
Where was I ?
On a Cunard cruise.
BAEM might inhabit in great numbers the cruise ships around the American coast line, but in my many years of cruising, ethnic minorities are conspicuously absent as passengers, as they are in Rambling and white water rafting !! I’d love to hear the liberal talking heads put a spin on the reasons why.
I have to report that I live in such an environment…it still exists in many places in Britain and we call it the countryside 😉
BAME seems to be the majority now in large towns and cities but, I think they’ll find it difficult to invade the countryside…and they’ll find many of those ‘white flighters’ who they successfully removed once from their homes and communities being very unwilling to move again! Perhaps this is where the battle lines will be drawn?
Me too country – where I am no one speaks English apart from me sometimes
I am on holiday in the Cotswolds and it is idyllic. Everyone is polite; nobody is aggressive; you feel relaxed knowing you all share the same core values. Like you said, it is akin to travelling back in time.
Who goes to a place like this and thinks:
“What we really need here is a few mosques and ultra-aggressive grime music. All this peace and harmony is horrible!”
Variety is the spice of life, and it is indeed positive to flavour different food, clothes, music et cetera. But the societal glue is core values which must be shared by all. If, for example, one thinks honesty and respect for women are essential you will not ‘celebrate’ someone who lies compulsively and thinks it is ok to rape school children.
Uncomfortable about some of the comments in this thread – please don’t let’s fall into the trap of judging everyone.
I live in an idyllic country village and one of my most valued friends is black. She is here because she too subscribes to small “c” conservative values, traditional country life and abhors the PC collective that she should or should not do and think certain things because of the colour of her skin. She is a popular member of the community thanks to her common sense views and willingness to engage. We also have a few British Indian families and the same goes for them. It’s all about outlook and common values.
I absolutely respect the rights of anyone who does want to live in a multicultural society to do so.
That being so, they should respect the wishes of those of us who don’t.
I hear there are lots of them filling boats in the Mediterranean.
Perhaps that’s where the missing phone users are.
Emmy, Lol ! very true, that’s their version of cruising, amongst their own kind and not a ‘whitey’ in sight.
Yeah I live and work (school) in the Lake District and it is hideously white here except in tourist honeypots like Bowness which I only drive through.
Last year at Wasdale head, putting my boots on by my car, a Pakistani (looked like) man and daughter came up to me clutching an i pad and asked if I knew the way to Scafell Pike, (FFS), there are several routes so I just said, “go down the road and turn left”, I don’t know what he expected me to do?
By the way, one of our teachers actually said that our school is ‘hideously white’ this year, I took her up on that, and she quickly backtracked.
It’s the same if you notice the spectators and those running to raise money for charity at the London Marathon. All hideously white. And this is in wonderfully diverse and vibrant London. Whereas those running to win money for themselves and, inevitably, BBC’s woeful commentary team seem to be the complete opposite.
The name of the company shouldn’t put them off
but imagine an American accent
and an “AfricanAmerican” saying “Yeh, I’m a Cun-ard passenger”
Very dangerous words Brissles.
Even now I can feel the clamouring for public funds to support investigations into the cruise, rafting, and rambling activity areas, where BAME communities are ‘significantly under-represented’.
No doubt our fine impartial state broadcaster would want to put a news crew on the case.
‘They’ won’t allow ‘us’ to keep our rural boltholes to ourselves for long, I fear.
For example:
That article suggests that the unwanted influx hasn’t been successful on either side but there are numerous other articles saying it has been a success. I just picked the first one that google threw up.
Why Bute? That’s the pertinent question.
Syrian so-called refugees have been scattered all over the place and they will become seeds for larger communities.
Probably a test site for Sturgeon
“Have just spent the last 10 days in a ‘hideously white’ environment, with not a mobile phone in sight (truly – no selfies, no videoing or photographing everything that moves, no heads down searching social media), ”
The air is coming out of the BBC’s climate jihad, as well.
Small steps forward at UN climate talks is the best it can do for the annual UN climate jamboree. Of course, the “historic” deal was signed in Paris two years ago, and has proved to be such a bust that they have to keep reprising it each year, at considerable cost.
They would probably make bigger steps forward if the UN stopped flying in tens of thousands of delegates and hangers-on for these giant circle jerks. People might also think they were serious about the climate.
Back to the poor ickle poley bears for the BBC, I fear.
New one : report says most ocean plastic comes from Asian/African rivers
with US just accounting for 1%
The rule is one report doesn’t make something science.
30 years ago I went on a Greek island holiday and did a lot of snorkelling, I was shocked at the amount of plastic water bottles littering the seabed, thrown from boats no doubt, these people shit in their own backyards.
That’s interesting! I ‘bummed’ round Europe in the 60s and particularly the Med. countries including Spain, France, Italy and Greece (and Islands). I never saw any plastic rubbish in those days but, I still remember all the raw sewage flows (into the sea) every few miles and on every island 🙁
A few years later and the EU was telling the UK to clean its beaches up! I could never fathom that out because our beaches were clean compared to ones I had experienced over there. Go figure…
CB, there were probably no plastic water bottles in the 60s, just glass which was smashed or returned, the water bottles were sticking up like reeds on the seabed around Skiathos and Skopelos in the 80s.
It was depressing because it was beautiful apart from that.
I hope Hammond has got his head straight on that proposal because there are at least three pitfalls there, especially for a Conservative Chancellor
How the BBC and its legions of science wallahs address this will be interesting.
I do note many of these locations are near not unpleasant places to linger at this time of year.
One 30′ shot gurning at an aquatic garbage island usually translates into a week staring at a swirling cocktail cherry on the hotel balcony.
Ah, I have got just the video for you (Trump rally, June 2017, in Cedar Rapids, Iowa):
I would recommend listening for at least 5 minutes, as he tends to jump from topic to topic.
Enjoy the cheering!
He does a great speech I think and knows what he is talking about.
I think Pres Trump should get a concave mirror on a rotating table and place it in front of him.
The Beeb is hyping this event.
The Summer That Changed Everything. Ep 1/1. Monday 20 November.
A tipping point comes at 10pm on election night as the exit poll lands and our protagonists find themselves in a changed world. Labour’s narrow election loss is viewed by many as a victory for Jeremy Corbyn and his former opponents in the Labour Party find themselves in a state of confusion.
Not the Russia revolution, Nazis come to power, Copernicus revolution, or even The Reformation. Nope.
Can’t wait for Monday night to find out just how they make a 55 seat deficit into a ‘narrow election loss’. Diane Abbott with her masterful – or perhaps mistressful – grasp of mathematics must feature heavily throughout.
So it wasn’t the Independence referendum that changed everything then?
Link back last thread and My post about an interesting WS radio prog where unusually it was not 3 libs vs 1 non-lib but 2 vs 2
and the non-libs were not cut off like they usually are.
The libmob were spiting
The Frankfurt School : The 1950’s Marxist plan to take over the world
Today once again I spot libmob commenters and moderators talking about older commenters/presenters they don’t agree with
“Past it.” “senility” they shout
That’s libs being fascist against a person who doesn’t conform
: They assign a person to a group “the old” and then say that group has a characteristic
…that’s age-ist
I’m genuinely surprised there’s not a photograph of Corbyn out in Zimbabwe shaking hands with Mugabe and praising the results of his self styled “African Socialism”.
BoJo old article : “It was Labour’s betrayal of the Lancaster House Agreement – driven by political correctness and cowardice – that gave Mugabe the pretext for the despotic confiscations by which he has rewarded his supporters. And that is why Blair should be there: to mark Labour’s special contribution to the tyrant’s longevity in office.”
To be fair Mugabe also tricked Prince Charles into a handshake as well
And Mugabe was in a “dark corner” of the room so it was difficult for Straw to know who’s hand he was shaking… Oh….
Third Degree too, what a total tw@t Straw was / is.
Simon Heffer’s apt description of Jack Straw:
“He could do a first rate impersonation of a serious politician.” Ouch!
Will Catalan be asking Europe to hand back it’s Nobel Prize due to it’s handling of the situation?
The 2012 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to the European Union (EU) “for over six decades [having] contributed to the advancement of peace and reconciliation, democracy and human rights in Europe” by a unanimous decision of the Norwegian Nobel Committee. {wiki}
The BBC may soon regurgitate the Guardian story that UK coal power is massively up due to French Nuclear stations being off
You’ll note from the graph that the rise in UK coal output is twice as steep as the rise in electric now being exported to France.
So for November we have coal is up +2.7GW , vs -1.1Gw from France
Sizewell B 1.1GW is also off for maintenance
But that still means an extra 0.5GW is being covered ..probably cos of poor wind/solar
That’s why the Guardian article doesn’t allow comments I guess.
Despite coal being cleaner that Drax wood burning per MWh, the Guardian load the title words and graphic with brainwashing cues “Polluting UK coal plants” etc
Beijing (China) has proven itself rather shrewd (Dishonest? Liars? Frauds?). At home it has been steadily reducing its reliance on coal (meeting it’s international obligations!), replacing it with renewable energy. Yet all the while — it (China) has been happy to invest in dirty energy abroad (so China does not care about the environment?), with profits returning to boost the domestic sector {dailytimes aug2017}
– I like the use of the word ‘shrewd’ for China’s behaviour – having or showing sharp powers of judgement; astute.
– I wonder what Al Gore would say?
China “steadily reducing its reliance on coal (meeting it’s international obligations!)”

NOPE Marky you’ve been brainwashed by BBC/MSM so change a word there
“steadily INCREASING its reliance on coal (meeting it’s international obligations!), NOT replacing it with renewable energy. Yet all the while …
Building plenty of coal abroad
and 26 nuclear plants at home.
If I recall Paul Homewood’s recent blog correctly
Hang on Paul’ got a new post
The climate push is of a piece with everything else the BBC does. Identify the Oppressors (cigar-smoking plutocrats in fancy weskits exploiting…) the Victims (…infants and Third World inhabitants pushing coal carts, and the biggest victim of all, Gaia).
This is what happens with all Green/Left aktions. When Power becomes the only currency you value, Deceit becomes the standard tactic you adopt.
The Doncaster gritter snow plough competition is funny. The BBC manage to attach a short video of the person responsible for the winning suggestion. ……. WARNING For those with heart or other stress related conditions i would advise watching when your medicines kicked in.
Brexit Busting on BBC2 at 9pm “My Country: A Work in Progress”
“A TV adaptation of the National Theatre production of the same name, written by Poet Laureate Carol Ann Duffy and director Rufus Norris. Compiled in the days following the Brexit vote, using testimonies from people aged nine to 97, the play interweaves real interviews with speeches from party leaders, as Britannia – a personification of the nation itself – calls a meeting to listen to the opinions of her people. Amid passionate debate, barbed rebuttals and divided perspectives, she seeks an answer to the question of whether there can ever be a true United Kingdom”
We can be a skeptical country with freedom of thought and speech and debate.
We can be the UK 52% vs 48% or we can become a Rwanda who voted 99% vs 1% (2016), or Chechnya 99.5% vs 0.5% (2011) or China at 100% vs 0% Parliament vote (2017).
I don’t post often, but just so you all know, I love reading these threads, also hats off to our kind host.
While I’m here I oufht to get something off my chest…
My name is Tim… I hate the BBC.
Welcome Tim.
Tim Martin was on “Today” just before 8am getting earache from both little Justin Webb and from some City Baby Bel who seemed to think of herself as a big cheese.
The premise of the anti-Tim cabal was that he knew nothing about
a) business
b) life after we`ve left the E.U
c) why the EU have been so good to us, whilst we`ve been spitting in their faces in daring to vote to go.
A joy to hear Webb tell Tim that “supply chains” would suffer by our leaving-Tim DID try to tell him that Wetherspoons DOES have supply chains-and they`ll be fine, he`s checked like a good CEO would. But Webb would have none of it. Just talked over him. The public are NOT to know this.
You see-Justin Webb is the business expert, Tim Martin is just a jumped-up barman with an option on a hotdog stand at best.
If you want to see the BBC double handers, bias, anti-business sneering and sheer ignorance / comedic buffoonery and all in a few minutes-then this slot at 7.55 will do it.
Can`t imagine Webb or Baby Bel will be running THEIR Winterval snack runs anytime soon.
Sense supply chains are seen as paper chains that bring beer from Prague, wine from N.Z…but only when you stare and dream long enough at them, as Webb would.
Stuff the BBC-and well done Tim Martin, God knows why you put up with BBC dropsy like Webb when you could be having a lie in.
I often wonder why people go on al Beeb to be interrupted. Obviously JRM is pretty good at keeping cool but my favourite is John Redwood. I don’t know what meds he takes before being interviewed but I could do with some. He has a strange routine – listening to the question and then attempting to answer it as the beeboid cannot have the patience to listen to the answer and talks over him.?
Is it because they have to go to carrrfffii for a case study in how not to report sport or thought for the day when a follower of the religion of peace tries to explain away another terrorist attack.
Just seen Janet Daley on Dateline. Always a sound cove in most things. As ever , she was up against four Remainers(including the presenter)-and hardly ever able to give an answer or context unimpeded.
Just a blowhard Irish EU gal, a Democrat smoothie and some Ugandan-allowed to say that he`ll now be getting forcibly removed from the country if Brexit proceeds. Suppose it`d be racist to give him facts-and the BBC don`t do facts, then howl down the only woman on the panel who knows any(and has some skin in the game, being married and domiciled here) Sheer stupid cobbled together hit pieces on Brexit with too many lounging Ugandans , too much time on their hands, and a pliant editor who offers polenta if they can get a rickshaw from the World Service Green Room.
Sheer bias-again.
Didnt they used to balance shows once-or at least invite people on who KNEW things, didn`t just “feel” stuff?
“…some City Baby Bel who seemed to think of herself as a big cheese…”. Ha ha – brilliant, Alicia!
Tim, you are not allowed to Hate. Especially the BBC. Please can you self-correct or contact the Hate Crime Hub (costing the tax payer £200K to arrest tax payers with different opinions). You have until dec2017 when Amber Rudd will turn the Hate Crime Hub on for Christmas …. tick tock ….
“Let’s End Hate Crime. Report It!”
Hate – feel intense dislike for.
Shouldn’t the writing on the “police” car read: ‘Thought Police With Pride’?
Aren’t the Police short of money, why waste it on crap like that?
Can you imagine the uproar if the Police were patriotic and painted the Union Flag on their car doors?
The Police became hopelessly politicised in the wake of the wretched Macpherson Report. It is quoted as if it were a cononical text – which indeed it has become – when in fact he totally messed it up. Orwell at his best could not come up with a more sinister and destructive phrase than ‘institutional racism.’
Untold amounts have been wasted teaching officers about ‘cultural awareness.’ The awareness is incumbent on all citizens to obey the law, not for the Police to treat some communities differently to others. It violates the fundamental principle that the law should be the same to everyone. It created the dystopian world where in Rotherham and elsewhere it was thought crime for the Police to stop children being raped. And all their ‘cultural awareness’ has not reduced crime – quite the opposite – and that is their raison d’etre.
BB – Copper looks improperly dressed to me – No red stilettos.
On the whole I agree with you about the Macpherson report. And whilst (after Stephen Lawrence) I think some changes were certainly in order – these should have involved mere tinkering rather than the wholesale convrsion of entire police forces into pre programmed politically correct automaton.
Stephens death and the botched corrupt inquiry were undeniably both tragic and wicked and needed to be addressed. But how many lives have been ruined/destroyed , how many murders have been improperly investigated because the boys and girls in blue are more concerned about cultural sensitivity than justice.
I think this does not bode well for the future. We need a police force we can trust not a police force that puts political considerations ahead of justice.
I doubt it was even a racist murder in the first place. The same gang had attacked whites in a similar fashion – they were just horrible people. The case was seized by left wing extremists and it became a show trial akin to something from Stalin’s Russia.
BB 10⁶+
BB – VERY solid post.
It was probably a murder which occurred due to a turf war.
C’mon Tim!
Oooh, … er, … um .. thought it was summer again for a moment there.
Sorry mate. We don’t do hate. I will have to report you to Amber Rudd’s anti hate cop squad and your hate will be added to post Brexit/Climate change skeptical hate statistics.
Hi Tim ,
Welcome to a civilised club. I think we tend to keep our bile for the al Beeb as opposed to dissenters . I like to hear and discuss an alternate view but Beeb supporters seem to get abusive quite quickly and are unable to give examples of al Beeb fairness.
Positive Trump article … Conrad Black: Trump is already the most successful U.S. president since Ronald Reagan {nationalpost 17nov2017}
“The taxpayers must not be required to continue to pay billions of dollars annually to transform our universities into centres of censorship and enforced bigotry and ignorance.”
. . .
I think this is the Conrad Black that did not like Christopher Hitchens, but a completely opposite very to say BBC beyond 100 days … that laughed at Trump drinking and reinforcing the small hands joke.
Not strictly BBC but one can imagine their sympathies.
Here’s a snowflake conundrum.
The University lecturer’s pension scheme is £7 billion in deficit. (OK so not a patch on the £340 billion unfunded Teacher Pension Scheme liability but bear with me)
The University authorities want to cap the laibility and move to a defined contribution scheme and so the Lecturers are planning to go on strike. Oh dear. How sad. Never mind.
Now there is much talk of intergenerational inequality so here is a scheme whose direct effect will be to free future students from having to subsidise the cosy retirement of previous generation lecturers.
I just wonder how the students will handle it? Obviously a safe space will be needed to protect students from any views different from the ‘official’ position.
In Nazi Germany it was young people outside of the Universities who were book burners, crystal smashers and statue destroyers.
In Britain today, the young vandals are inside the University Library. The snowflakes are also on the same wavelength as elitists such as Mr Junker and almost all members of the House of Lords.
Young people brainwashed by Mr Blairs Liberal-Elitism at Primary School, but not aware of it.?
I recommend that the university lecturers all go on strike. I think we can take the risk; somehow, I think that life will go on.
England give Australia a good thrashing in the Rugby, beating them 30 – 6.
The BBC sport website reports it with the headline “England pull away from Australia with debated decisions”.
Completely unable to praise England – what a pathetic excuse for an impartial news outlet they are.
I watched the highlights of England v Australia and part of Scotland v New Zealand. I have not watched BBC sports programmes for some time. Noted was the use of Wimins commentators on England v Australia. The one on Eng v Aus was very partisan (for Australia) and the one on Scotland was treated with total disdain by the NZ coach as in why f*** hell are you asking such dumb questions. I miss being in Brazil where the commentators definitely know what side they are on. Would liven up the commentaries no end.
The BBC Radio 4 5 O’clock PM news reports on the air crash above Waddesden Manor between a light aircraft and a helicopter, and that four people died as a result. It went on to name three of the individuals but for some reason never named the fourth who was the pilot of the light aircraft.
That was one Saavan Mundae a 19 year old instructed by Jaspal Barha, he had just 9 weeks training. WHile there is no suggestion of anything untoward, other than a tragic accident, why does the BBC chose not to name the rookie pilot who was the most likely to have caused the crash?
It’s just more lies by omission.
Can’t name until relatives are informed
..in Pakistan ?
“It went on to name three of the individuals but for some reason never named the fourth who was the pilot of the light aircraft.”
It did not. The only person named was the helicopter pilot.
“It’s just more lies by omission”
The only person lying is you, ‘Thoughtful’… Saw a foreign sounding name; wondered how you could milk it.
Are you clutching straws?
What is your motivation in posting? You are just a Troll.
Why do you support an organisation that robs the poor to give to the rich?
Have you voted here yet?
If you think Al Beeb should operate as charity and not as a compulsory tax please ‘up tick’ .
Have you fallen asleep again?
Ammy the amoeba here, I just slithered across the keyboard. On part of the screen was some nonsense about one million monkeys with typewriters creating Shakespeare. I said to Newton,” I can do better than that”. He pointed a tentacle at BBBC on the screen and said “start at the bottom then, comment on this Maxincontinent dimbo”.
My guess is it probably has a problem with its circadian rhythm, it is not supposed to be out in the daylight, it casts no shadow and frightens the children.
I showed the draft to Newton and he told me to press “post” saying I would soon be up there with him and Portia.
They are salivating over their programme about how Labour romped to defeat in the election. Their relative success was aided by the BBC, whose news bulletins became little more than orgasmic press releases for their favoured party. Plus their nasty, personal attacks on May; had one of theirs been targeted in a similar fashion they would have screeched about how ‘offensive’ it was and demand the perpetrator be sacked.
Oh but Russia is meddling with our elections! We can’t have them posting a few comments on social media. Systemic, brazen and relentless subversion of our own democracy by our national broadcaster is absolutely fine though.
Beeb Brother
“They are salivating over their programme about how Labour romped to defeat in the election.”
“Salivating”, yeah, right, okay.
“Their relative success was aided by the BBC, whose news bulletins became little more than orgasmic press releases for their favoured party.”
This is nonsense. The BBC’s bulletins about Corbyn between the two years of his being elected leader of the Labour Party and the General Election were overwhelmingly and relentlessly negative. Admittedly this was helped by a large part by the critics in his own party, but the BBC eagerly lapped it up, played with it and exploited any criticism for all it was worth.
But never mind any of that. This is Biased-BBC; let’s all tell ourselves stories that make us feel gud.
“let’s all tell ourselves stories that make us feel gud.”
So tell us all what makes you feel good ?
I post here because Al Beeb is Biased . Why do you post here?
Keep it short .
Maxicony aka Zero is programmed to end its posts with an insult.
Just a sexual pervert
They may well have been negative since Corbyn was first elected leader, but that changed when they knew an election was imminent. They unquestioningly disseminated their press releases, often enthusiastically leading news bulletins with them. Would they ever do that for Tory policies? How many former Labour politicians work for the BBC, such as James Purnell?
I think that initially the bBbc were indeed negative towards Corbyn but were never critical of the Labour Party itself and did not pursue Corbyn as they did May or allow a true picture of him to be portrayed.
In my opinion this was because that the Blairite upper management of the bBbc expected Cooper or Chuka or one of the Eagles, anyone who wasn’t Corbyn, to raise their heads above the parapets and lead Labour in the cultural marxism masquerading as soft socialism that the bBbc seem to favour. To take back control of their party.
When these inadequates showed their true colours and allowed Corbyn and his supporters to gain momentum and subsequent control of the Labour Party the bBbc had no alternative but to accept his leadership and , although still grudgingly, fall in behind him. After all it’s still the Labour Party and not the hated Tories.
They don’t like Corbyn but they arrogantly believe that they can ultimately be kingmakers and that someone more to their liking will usurp Corbyn in the relatively near future whilst they remain unchallenged by the Conservative Party, and then lead Labour back to power, their ultimate aim.
I think that the bBbc however, like the Labour Party, have allowed themselves to become infested throughout by the same type of marxist and socialist dogmatists and will eventually meet the same end that the Labour Party will, divided, ruined and consumed from within.
Maxincony, please refer us to examples of the BBC’s relentless challenge of Corbynomics and it’s £400 billion funding shortfall – surely there must be loads when the Marxist Maniacs are putting the country’s future is at risk a la Greque.
I have just received information that on Monday we could see the first of many legal actions against the BBC. OFCOM had given the BBC until tomorrow to respond to its demand about publishing fortnightly complaints data. The BBC has just published its first fortnightly complaints report, so the legal action could be called off. It shows that between 30 October and 12 November 2017, the BBC received 8,377 complaints.
These legal actions against the BBC are due.
(1) Legal action from OFCOM.
(2) Legal action from Cliff Richard.
(3) Legal action from Nigel Farage.
(4) A Judicial Review of the BBC,s Anti-Brexit policy.
(5) A Judicial Review of the BBC,s Climate Science Censorship policy.
(6) Revelations about investigations into a murderous Paedophile ring at the BBC.
It seems that from April 2015 to March 2016 the BBC received 209,387 complaints. But then OFCOM acted after it was noticed that the BBC Annual Report for 2016/17 did not include the number of complaints received in that year. That years total is thought to have been over 215,000. But now the number of complains (November 2016 to October 2017) is thought to be over 225,000 per annum.
This increase in complaints is due to Fake news constructed by the BBC by censoring most of the facts to produce a fake narrative. This is used by the BBC to produce a Misleading headline. The alternative facts produced by the BBC are not facts but assumptions and speculation. This is so that these fake facts cannot be proven to be false because they are in fact, not facts but disinformation in the form of assumptions and speculation.
The days of the BBC keeping little secrets, nudge-nudge, wink-wink, may be coming to an end…
Especially in the cradle of democracy, where the BBC has to be paid first before the people can watch live debate…. About the BBC.
Oh thank you Richard!
I’d spend £147 per year for a Polish TV signal. Far better value than BBC a licence.
The mail online ( sorry I was bored ) is carrying a story that the world will end on Sunday as a result of an encounter with the planet niriru ( or similar ) – if it happens al Beeb will blame Brexit or President Trump or Climate Change or white peoples . At least we won’t have to listen to a dreary budget of moving the deckchairs about.
Get ready for Ed Balls on McIntyre BBC1
..by listening to Miliband on Hardtalk
Jezza Special on Monday BBC 2
David Milliband talking to Stephen Sackur? Surely the definition of “must see” TV.
Normally I’d love to watch it, but sadly I’m washing my hair all day.
Toenailing it?
I have just switched off in disgust the ridiculous programme on Radio 4 now on as I write about snobbery. It is as usual a blast from the left criticising folk who have some standards as being complete bigots. I resent being ridiculed for thinking that certain uncouth, selfish or slobby behaviour is anti-social & unwanted, but it seems by taking this attitude I am either an oligarch (?!) or a throwback to a past era when moral standards were a joke.
“I have just switched off in disgust… criticising folk who have some standards… being ridiculed for thinking that certain uncouth, selfish or slobby behaviour is anti-social & unwanted.”
Wahahahahaha! Pure comedy gold.
Maxincony, this comment of yours is a nice example of your own lack of empathy and your own willingness to ridicule those with concerns.
In this comment of yours you ridicule “standards” and embrace “uncouthness” and “slobbish behaviour”. And since this is your position, you encourage others to be uncouth towards you – and you would be a hypocrite to then complain about it.
“…for I do adhere to certain standards of deportment, but I will not defend you against uncouth comments from others…”
Phill/BBC I am afraid that our little trolling friend is just so “right on” He probably has only ever been to LSE or similair doing his “meeja” studies course and then straight after, I expect he seamlessly got a job as a coffee cup holder for one of the BBCs many “Solution Architect and Reward Project Analysts”
Most of us here with even a modicum of life experience realise that successful relationships in society generally depend on co-operation. This generally does not happen if people exhibit “uncouth, selfish or slobby behaviour”
Unless of course you work for an organisation that can churn out whatever rubbish it likes knowing that it has access to a virtually bottomless pit of licence payers money – Or you are some sort of emotional baby where people just indulge you because they feel sorry for you.
As your only point in contributing here is to ridicule – not very effective – and insult then I shall respond accordingly
I know your former identity was Zero, a person who indulged frequently in fisting whilst sneering at us less enlightened folk. I am sure that one day the BBC will include fisters in one of the groups perceived as oppressed. Please note that I think you are a bit peculiar.
Let me guess, Phil… your parents worked really hard, to afford the fees, to grant you the privilege of a minor Public School education? Am I wrong?
Stop liking your own comments Maxi.
I’m sure you’re like, SO totally against stereotyping Maxi?
Maxincony – how many Beeboids’ and Labourites’ offspring went to public school?
Starting with Dimbleby Minor and Abbott of the Fourth Remove, feel free to enlighten us.
And do you personally think it’s snobby to expect certain standards in public behaviour?
I quite like using outdated English expressions that work perfectly to express what I want to say, particularly if some find them ‘comedy gold’, such people mistakenly judge me & miss the irony.
Disgust….a perfectly good word.
Standards….. they are subjective, but generally agreed upon in a healthy society.
Uncouth…..another example of anti-social behaviour
Slobby behaviour…..disregard for other people, too much of that now.
And no, I did not go to public school!
Maxicony is just our Alastair Campbell-wanders into ths studio whilst we`re talking to throw slurry and ad hominem smears around by way of “debate”. An aimless controversist, not a happy person and probably unable to sleep with the edless teaks to his medication.If he wasn`t here-he`d be giving other websites grief. Yet we indulge him, even let him bang his head against the pastel walls as we give him the courtesy of a reply.
But enough. That`s MY Nurse Ratched stint done for today.
So. Apparently it’s not the BBC fault they have been so biased about Brexit.
‘We are NOT biased’ BBC blames EU secrecy for unbalanced scrutiny in Brexit coverage
Katja Adler, the BBC’s Europe editor, has spoken out against these allegations and said the reason the BBC comes across as anti-Brexit is the fault of the EU officials
So there you are we were wrong about them all the time……
“What are our completely hopeless journalists supposed to do? Investigate, or something? Think for themselves?? It’s not fair!!”
Ah, so their anti-Brexit stance is nothing to do with the overwhelming majority enjoyed by Remainers in their studios, then, or the lack of a challenge to said Remainers to explain their rationale for staying in given the EU’s long term unification aims and total lack of democracy.
Budget 2017: Chancellor Philip Hammond ‘to target housing and NHS’
“Stephen Hammond – a former transport minister – said the chancellor wants to use next Wednesday’s Budget to “attack problems” that contributed to the Tories’ poor election performance.”
Note. No mention of the fact that we are overpopulated. How about controlling immigration as per the previouse promise ?
“Good bye England’s green and pleasant land”.
Taffy – I couldnt agree more
Interesting that the figure almost matches the “official” 2015/16 inward migration rates to the UK.
So lets get this right – Government says it still wants to reduce immigration figures down to “tens of thousands” yet plans on annually building enough houses to almost match the rate of inward migration.
Got a feeling that yet again political cowardice and avoiding the real issue yet again rule the day.
However I must say I am not in the least bit surprised.
File on 4: Radio 4: 5pm: “The Police warn about a growing threat from the far right”
But the BBC does not say what the Police think that threat is. So I will try to give ten guesses about that.
(1) An electoral threat to political parties not approved by left-wing Police Officers.
(2) A threat to the new Police enforced anti-free speech hatred laws.
(3) A threat to those naive terrorists under Police protection, who frequent Mosques.
(4) A threat to Police support for mass immigration.
(5) A threat to pink Police cars.
(6) A threat to Police support for Political Correctness.
(7) A threat to the enemies of free speech within the Police force.
(8) A threat to far left Police officers.
(9) A Political Correct need for the Police to show the Liberal Elite, that Brexit has caused a fake far right threat to Polish immigrants.
(10) A Political Correct need for the Police to show the Liberal Elite, a fake threat that the Russians are funding the far right.
IRELAND with Simon Reeve
They went to Cork. A beautiful city with Blarney Castle, Cork Gaol, Spike Island, the Fota Wildlife Park, the Ring of Kerry nearby, the harbour, and much more. So what did they visit? A food bank cum café, so they could bleat on about social injustice. The programme also had a great deal to say about English oppression.
Normally Reeve has to make a mention of climate change in every programme in which he features and where ever he is in the world. Maybe the climate in Ireland is not changing.
Reeve epitomises the anti-British Broadcasting Corporation.
What a self-regarding, virtue-signalling twat. Has he done a programme on India yet? Any mention of the centuries of Muslim oppression? Or Africa and the Islamic slave trade? No? How odd. What about the monoculturalism of Islamic countries in the Middle East? Still ‘no’? Ah well.
Still, he’s young enough to enjoy a very severe waking up moment when it finally arrives.
Radio 4 comedy commissioner claiming that the news quiz is not political and bias but a comedy show. I knew something funny would eventually come out of that department.
Did anyone listen to the Radio 4 drama ‘Tsar’? Last night was the final episode. It was about Vladimir Putin. There was a mixture of real events and imagined scenes in Putin’s life. All well and good. Then towards the end we hear the Putin character saying he doesn’t like Hillary Clinton. In the final scene, the narrator asks him if he wants to say anything about interfering in the US Election to stop Hillary. It is clear what the BBC scriptwriter thinks. Covering for Clinton and belittling the Trump victory.
Drip, drip, drip. Nothing is immune.
Over to you, Maxincony….
Da – And eef it vasnt for vees meddiling kids at ve BBC – I Vladimir would av got avay wiv it!
Some people have been saying that Vladimir said………………….!
Proof – BBC style
Revenge of the Bunny Boilers
This morning BBC Breakfast use their cause for concern spot to ‘raise awareness’ of that hot button issue of domestic violence – against pets. Oh yes, take notice of this report and you’ll know abusive male ex-partners are not just taking it out on women and their children but now they are abusing the women’s furry friends. Man’s best friends – forget it. The BBC brings us the ‘inspiring story’ of Jemma and her dog Dusty who, we are told, was “locked in a shed, punched and kicked and hit with a spade” – that’s Dusty not Jemma. And throughout everything we are presented the boot is firmly on the one foot : Men = abusers; Women = victims. Dusty was in the studio lapping up our sympathy and admiration. There was a pussy there too – that was just the BBC male presenter.
Thankfully the 1984-style Two Minute Hate of the male sex only lasts about two minutes before the BBC move onto the next item – men victimising women in the workplace.
How many sharks can the BBC jump in their desperate efforts to create clickbait, and generate trends that only THEY could possibly think are “newsworthy”?
Suppose it`s as many double decker buses as Mr Knieval jumped at Wembley.
Whatver it is-that`ll be the degrees of separation between fact and BBC news stories.
Yes GW. I heard this – I think Bethany Bell was the reporter.
Conflating post war movements of Germans from Silesia to Western Germany with mass Islamic migration in the 21st century. Where to even begin with this total nonsense.
Naive or common purpose or a bit of both?
Given the top sport for many of said refugees with undefended Madchen in Koln of an evening, that caption seems brave.
I see it is listed under ‘stories.’ At least they are honest that it is just a story. So much of their ‘news’ is just a story; they rely on narratives as the facts are not on their side.
Why send a reporter over there? It was so obvious what she would discover.
Another horrible ‘story’ unfolded in Cologne, probably the worst sex attacks on their land since 1945. Stalin had told his soldiers the German women were their ‘lawful bounty’; it was one of the worst mass rapes in history. I bet many German women ‘see themselves’ in those poor raped women from 1945.
Interesting that NagaMuncha on JugEars news refers to “Mr” Mugabe, a murdering despot, whilst President Trump who has been fairly elected to the highest position in the US, is invariably just called “Trump”.
The scum in the BBC ought to refer to DT as President Trump. I bet there were very few references to Obama during the whole of his time as POTUS.
“So called” or “alleged” President Trump before too long I expect if we don`t take them on.
Anyone watch the England Australia rugby highlights on the BBC?
With the female commentator !!!!!!
Shrill, trite, superficial, lacking gravitas, no pedigree.
But none of that matters. She’s a woman!
Tick tick tick.
On the R4 ‘Sunday’ programme just now, a further episode from the SBC (Soubry Broadcasting Corporation).
Heard O`Connell say that his BH show would be talking to an MP who`d had 12 death threats.
Wonder how many Farage got-and did the BBC bother their arses to ask or to check?
Anyway-O`Connell seemed concerned that “public discourse” had got a bit rougher of late-he can`t think why! He`d be talking about it at 9am.
Talk about the FIrestarters wondering about how the Molotovs ended up making the place smell of petrol?…as if the BBC had had nothing to do with it. Sorry Matt-you and your ilk are the other side of the country that wilfully caused this. And as long as you`re still grossly paid to drive our majority into the grave, prisons or to the locked ward via the workhouse?-then we need you OFF the air, and something far better to speak to and for us.
The BBC ARE the enemy now-no caveats.
Why does the BBC/Guardian never mention the germany rebate? Or the rebate to other EU countries?
Just a hint of a leading question when Marr asks his panel, while attempting to stifle his natural enthusiasm, if they agree that Corbyn and MacDonald seem more ‘relaxed and confident of late……?’ Luckily, many of us can remember Neil ‘Well-Aaaall-Riiiigght!’ Kinnock’s relaxed and confident performance at a certain well televised pre-election fait accompli.
On a similar theme, isn’t it odd how the BBC continues to base its opinions and propaganda on the two national newspapers with the lowest circulations, while constantly deriding and denigrating the two which sell the most. It’s almost as though they feel superior to the majority. Even elitist.
I too can remember Mr Kinnock’s unfortunate little verbal ejaculation. I was a solid Labour supporter at the time but it made me cringe. I thought to myself “how very Prime Ministerial, he’s just lost us another election” So it turned out.
Oh well, every cloud has a silver lining eh?
The debate over the BBC licence fee is taking place in parliament tomorrow, in response to a petition to abolish it, circulated by ’38 Degrees’. It seems you can still sign. 243 038 people have signed. Have you? (According to ’38 Degrees’ you can also attend the debate at a Westminster venue at 4.30)
Hmm… not quite.
The debate was originally called over https://petition.parliament.uk/archived/petitions/170931 which had 125,958 sigs before it was closed due to the early general election.
Since then the new petition https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/200239 currently with 12,934 sigs and 4 months left to run, has been added to tomorrow’s debate. This is the petition that specifically mentions BBC bias. It is still open for signatures.
The 38 degrees petition is the longest running petition of all, currently at 243,048 sigs, but since it is not a uk gov petition it doesn’t automatically generate a debate in parliament (as far as I know). It is however still open for signatures: https://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/end-the-bbc-licence-fee
Sometimes I think it would be useful if biasedbbc.tv maintained a list of active petitions.
Thanks for the clarification Hawk.
https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/200239 could do with more signatures before tomorrow. I suspect most people (myself included) originally signed the 38 degrees one.
The 1630 debate tomorrow can be watched on http://www.parliamentlive.tv/Commons.
Had this one today
This is just a reminder that TV licence will be debated at 4:30 on Monday 20th November in Westminster Hall’s Grand Committee Room. The sitting will last for up to three hours. Entry is free of charge. There is no system of tickets or advanced booking. Places are limited and visitors are admitted on a first come, first served basis.
You can also watch it at http://www.parliamentlive.tv/Commons. A transcript will be published the following day at hansard.parliament.uk
Also, I’ve been chatting with a few journalists recently to make sure they are aware of the debate and intend to cover it. Even a TV channel producer contacted me yesterday because they want to make something special on Monday, so keep your eyes out!
Bye for now
Another one bites the dust……………
Where will this McCarthyism take us?
“The BBC is not commenting on the story.”
Yes, clearly.
If the lad wasn’t aware of the extent to which this country has been taken over by the inmates of a lunatic asylum perhaps this will enlighten him.
Not really saying much about Al Beeb beyond the fact that it echos and amplifies every piece of gossip about President Trump, but if you can access the Times do look up this piece –
“Rob Goldstone comes clean over Donald Trump and dirt on Hillary Clinton
In his first interview the publicist at the heart of the storm over the president’s links to Russia admits he ‘puffed up’ the key email”
Hope the US has a law about wasting police/judiciary time!
A typical leftie/liberal academics approach to the non-integration of muslims – appeasement by acceptance of the enemies ability not to integrate –
I’d wholeheartedly prefer the “remigration, forced evictions of the most radical” as a very minimal start.
Coming to a University Professor near you soon – it is a debate that the UK will not escape in the not too distant future.
Meanwhile the BBC’s bitch, Treezer and her Government crack down on the far right. Britain First’s Deputy Leader arrested again and flown to Belfast for interrogation about a speech she made opposing terrorism.
Fortunately for them, UKIP appears to have disappeared or they would be arrested in accord with demands from the Trots and anarchists who Treezer admires
So it looks like its (2) A threat to the new Police enforced anti-free speech hatred laws, (4) A threat to Police support for mass immigration, (6) A threat to Police support for Political Correctness, (7) A threat to the enemies of free speech within the Police force and (8) A threat to far left Police officers.
Its about the violation of an anti-free speech hatred law as regarding the illegal criticism of Islam, with illegal words included, of convicted rapists Shershah Muslimyar (20) of Hovenden Close, Canterbury, restaurant owner Tamin Rahani (37) of Northwood Road, Ramsgate, Rafiullah Hamidy (24) of no fixed address and Hamid Mohamadi (18) from Wye.
In Britain today, we have illegal words and statements such as “I hate you“, which if they are used in a speech, may incite the listener to turn violent, if heard. This is why Theresa May supports the suppression of free speech under these Orwellian laws that are designed to ban the existence of hatred in society. Something Christianity failed to do but Liberals and Muslims think they can now achieve.
For instance if a teenager says “I hate you” to their Mother, these laws could instil a level of fear in said teenager, to the point of repressing said teenager, to not say “I hate you”, but may not succeed in repressing the thought, which is as Orwell indicated, is how Theresa May will progress to the next level, outlawing thought crime.
Just a thought.
What with Mugabe going-couldn`t we arrange a transfer fee to let them buy Gerry Adams from us on a trial basis?
Either that or use him to test a few driverless cars along the M4, so no plastic gets wasted in the trialling of these new cars.
Typical lefty idiots-guessing that IS have got onto them to start giving them cars and trucks that do not necessarily kill their souljas. Driverless cars and trucks?…are we thick or what?
A one party administration. A public many of whom put tribal and cultural loyalties over effective government by repeatedly voting for the party in power. A voting system riddled with dubious practices. A leader who is forced out by the political manouverings and internal power struggles within their own party rather than by the electorate at the ballot box.
Yes, many Labour councils owe a huge debt of gratitude to the teachings of Robert Mugabe.
A sobering article, the content and implications of which will come as no surprise to contributors here –
I wonder if this will be reported on the BBC
Courtesy of AP
In the weeks since dozens of women have accused movie mogul Harvey Weinstein of rape or sexual harassment, unleashing an avalanche of similar charges against other prominent men across American life, women and men of color have been largely absent from the national furor..
Now they are screaming racism for not being sexually harassed?
Bill Cosby
… You’ve been a bit quiet recently Lenny
BTW Am I wrong in thinking that currently certain ethnicities seem to have a higher rape rate in the UK and US ?
Though Japan does have a particular problem with sex crime, that doesn’t show up in their stats. See the book am: A Broad in Japan.