If you have been following the Rohingya story, you will have heard how the Myanmar army cleared itself of wrongdoing this week. Jonathan Head, BBC South East Asia correspondent tells us:
To no one’s surprise, the army has exonerated itself of pretty much all blame. But its findings lack credibility, both because the inquiry was solely carried out by the very institution accused of committing the abuses, and because of the overwhelming testimony of so many Rohingya, detailing appalling atrocities.
If you have been following the accusations of BBC bias during the last few decades, you will have heard how the BBC cleared itself of any wrongdoing on numerous occasions. But its findings lack credibility, both because the inquiry was solely carried out by the very institution accused of committing the abuses, and because of the overwhelming testimony of so many viewers, detailing appalling bias.
Who says BBC comedy is not as good as it used to be?
Excellent read across VX.
We`re now in a post truth era as far as the BBC are concerned. Just seen an appalling Sunday Politcs segment with John Smiths daughter sanctioning a punishment beating of Gisela Stuart by Alastair Campbell.
Campbell is the Labour Party in all its sneering sexist bullying ways and means. Stuart the coherent elected and well loved woman who bravely risked a lot to back us.
Are we REALLY going to allow our supporters to be so bullied and knocked about by a psychiatric community casualty who sent kids to die for his mate Blair, whilst using a lifted and made up dossier to excuse himself? And what of his Maxwell stuff, his porn writings and all the rest? Who the hell is letting this psychic sociopath off his meds and into our public life to gurn, interrupt, abuse and bully one of the few Labour people who KNOWS what the E.U is doing?
Disgusting interview-Gisela needs protecting and Campbell needs to get his head from up Brussels rectum, and go and bully others who are not on screen.
He seems to be able to walk onto Channel 4 to lie at will-so why does the BBC continue to ask his opinions? He`s playing with fire, don`t keep on giving him oxygen.
Campbell is a godless creep-and as near to 666 as I think you can get, and still not be locked away.
You echo my thoughts precisely Alicia, and put them rather more meaningfully. BBBC is always the better for your opinions.
Another top post. I , like Fedup below , no longer watch the SP.I wonder how Brillo would have handled the sneering Campbell. I am certain that he would made sure that the debate was evenly balanced. But it was exactly his lack of leftist bias that got him the sack from the state funded broadcaster.
It does beg the question, quite why the BBC continue to use the tainted opinions of such comprehensively discredited people as Campbell, Mandelson and Brown. Allied with ‘hardish perennials’ like Toynbee, Jones and other fellow travellers, anyone would think the corporation wasn’t really interested in mature debate at all.
What about the ubiquitous Anna Soubry ? She was a totally anonymous MP prior to Brexit. But now she is on speed dial whenever the BBC want a conservative to provide balance to the labour guest (who is pro brexit).
What about the ubiquitous Anna Soubry ? She was a totally anonymous MP prior to Brexit. But now she is on speed dial whenever the BBC want a conservative to provide balance to the labour guest (who is pro brexit).
Thank you for the brief about the Sunday biased politics show which I won’t watch any more.
That nut job Campbell was having a good Twitter battle yesterday because he was supporting the Irish against us over the border.
He’s morally inert and it’s shameful of a person with self confessed mental issues – nut job – to be given publicity again. Why doesn’t he go back to “The Thick of it”?
Fortunately that programme is Westminster bubble job with no authority now- bit like the ego show earlier in the day – on my banned list too
As for the difference between al beeb and the manyania Army -the latter used land mines to get rid of their Muslims whilst the former uses the financial land mines known as the tv tax
It’s a sign of how deep in the bubble they are. I mean, Alistair Campbell. Really? Did Ian Huntley turn them down?
Everything you want to know about why the Remoaners lost is contained in their failure to understand that Alastair Campbell is rightly-regarded as toxic by normal people.
The obvious first question for Jonathan Head is “How difficult is it to acquire some Myanmar Army uniforms, put them on a gang of people, give them weapons and tell them to impersonate soldiers and clear people out of a village before setting fire to it?”
The next question is “In the recent history of the world, has this ever been done before?”
Yep, almost certainly in Europe, Africa, south-east Asia, in the past 80 years. Latin America, perhaps, before that or more recently?
Dear old BBC: sending its highly paid, credible yet investigative journalists on Gullibles Travels.
Waste of global warming gases, in my view. Might as well stay home and speculate. I’ll do it for them for half the salary.
And don’t forget Operation Fortitude and other little WW2 ‘stunts’ in the Middle East.
The Rohingya muslims have been given all that they deserve. They’re better off back in banglaland and away from normal people.
Don’t be daft an innocent child doesn’t deserve any punishment whether they are Muslim or not nor what matter their father did.
Osama Bin Laden, Joseph Stalin, Adolph Hitler and Jonathon Dimbleby were once innocent children.
jic, except the problem is they have been made none too welcome there.
They wouldn’t be trouble makers, by any chance?