Britain’s standing in the world has been reduced [BBC fact] and we may lose our place on the International Court of Justice the BBC informs us….the unspoken term? #duetoBrexit. Note in the video Dimbleby once again denying that the BBC uses the term ‘inspite of Brexit’ or other forms of implying that. Charles Moore also got similar treatment….and Guido has helpfully listed many examples where Moore and JRM are proved right and Dimbleby wrong.
Loads more BBC bias out there…..list it all here……
Wheeeeeeee first. So excited, don’t know what to write !!!!!!
Congratulations to Brissles
Statue to Brissles in cyberspace somebody?
I`d have thought a five minute long list of people who set you off along your journey to this peak of achievement!
You didn`t do this alone-plenty of us out here played a big part I`m sure. But of course it was YOU that dared to dream! Your Audacity to Hope, despite Brexit?
But no mention of Weinstein eh? Maybe a teary piece to camera about Trump or the end of Nandos following Brexit…happy to duet with you on kazoo, if it needs music.
Brissles at 20/1 to win the next one-taking bets already!
I used to do BBC phone in competitions, so trust me!
Brissles – The first shall be last and the last shall be first (Matthew 19:16–30)
Thats the important stuff out of the way – Got to say that smug, elitist little bar steward Dimblebore had me shouting at the pc now. The number of times I have lost count hearing that superior sounding newsreader on R4 giving some piece of economic good news and the adding the “despite brexit” rider. You just know that what she really wants to say is when it all goes wrong it will be your fault you horrible little proles.
As for that snivelling little creep dimblebore – he really thought he had made some sort of really clever point because JRM had not written down the exact time and date of the numerous occasions that then BBC had come out with this – He actually thought it was quite funny that JRM was concerned about it.
Still I guess this brilliantly sums up these elitists view about the rest of us . Democracy maybe should only be given to the very best of people (such as the BBC) lest it becomes a tyranny! And if the the “right sort of people” do not like the result they can use any unfair method they want to undermine it.
Gratuitous plug for the “Abolish the TV licence” anti-BBC-bias government website petition.
Can you help it get above 13,000 signatures before this afternoon’s BBC licence fee debate in parliament?
Just looked. 13,001.
Most people polled say Arabs have failed to integrate, and support racial profiling against them by police {theguardian 25sep2017}
The scale of hostility in Britain towards Islam and Arabs is revealed in a YouGov survey showing most UK voters believe Arabs have failed to integrate themselves into British society, and their presence has not been beneficial.
– Interesting the article spells ‘Islamophobia’ as ‘Islamophopia’ in one place.
Asked if migration from the Arab world has been beneficial to the UK, only 23% agree, 41% say it has not been beneficial and 32% say it has been neutral. Asked if Islamophopia is a growing issue in the UK, 72% agree.
MM, I note the continual reference to “Arabs” just to avoid, ‘muslims’ or ‘islam’.
Yes, words matter – you can even get people to say ‘grooming’ instead of ‘rape. Just keep repeating …
Was the mis-spelling quote from the Grauniad by any chance?
Relating to subject …
“..I think you (Mark Carney) have become politically involved (UK’s EU Referendum), in a way, you have quite clearly said you would not in a General Election…” – Jacob Rees-Mogg – {independent – may2016 @0:50}
“I don’t think it’s worth a reply.” – Mark Carney’s response
If national pissing contests are based on whether some judge is appointed to the lefty UN let’s lose.
The UN can play it’s games but we want a country and couldn’t give a fig for the games the FCO play with themselves .
We are being groomed to accept a £40 000 000 000
Bribe to get out of their club and then get fucked over on trade talks
Unacceptable . The NHS costs 116 000 000 000 so
That’s a third of the cost of s year running out wonderful perfect international health service .
Excellent wording using ‘groomed’, it is the word used incorrectly by the BBC to describe the following …
They were raped by multiple perpetrators, trafficked to other towns and cities in the north of England, abducted, beaten, and intimidated. There were examples of children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone. Girls as young as 11 were raped by large numbers of male perpetrators. {Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation in Rotherham – 1997 – 2013 – Jay OBE –pdf}
.. along with words ‘Divorce’ which really means ‘Demand’!
Political language, which, according to Orwell, “is designed to make lies sound truthful (Divorce) and murder respectable (Grooming), and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind. (Divorce Bill)”
Yes.I never thought of it that way before but you are right. Our National Health Service has in many ways become an International Health Service. Well put.
Marky / Lefty
I chose the word “ groomed” on purpose because we are being prepared for the bad news- they’ll make it sound like a good thing in the way they spin.
As for International Health Service – not my words but I think derived by others here or perhaps UKIP. Go to your local A and E and count the English speakers on your fingers -you might not need too many . One of the many reasons we voted “out”.
I congratulate you on using the word correctly, as opposed to the BBC which uses terms like ‘3 Girls’ to wash away the fact that 1400 kids raped in same area.
Whoever thought of sanitizing rape, torturing children, by calling it grooming were masters of propaganda.
Rather like honour killings which covers honorable acts like pouring petrol over your daughter and burning her alive.
Maybe we have the equivalent UK version of it in brackets to help the BBC focus on wrong and right …
‘honour killings’ (Murder)
‘Grooming’ (Sadistic Rape of Children)
‘3 Girls’ (1400+ child rapes and still happening)
‘Divorce Bill’ (Demand for money without list of demands)
In yesterday’s Sunday Times – “Emma Thompson leads march to free Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe”
“On Saturday, the Oscar winner will lead a march of families in Zaghari-Ratcliffe’s neighbourhood in northwest London, and is supporting a “mothers’ letter” to be sent to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s supreme leader, urging him to free her”
I suspect the Ayatollah will double the woman’s sentence once he receives a letter signed by the champagne guzzling, multi-millionaire socialist, Emma Thompson.
Apparently, he can’t stand her.
Yeah, don’t think the Ayatollah’s really like art and things like that … I wonder where Emma Thompson sits on the Salman Rushdie events and the Fatwa that was renewed in 2016?
“Allah did not create man so that he could have fun. The aim of creation was for mankind to be put to the test through hardship and prayer. An Islamic regime must be serious in every field. There are no jokes in Islam. There is no humour in Islam. There is no fun in Islam. There can be no fun and joy in whatever is serious.”
—Ayatollah Khomeini, jan1980 (80 million Muslim people follow this man’s beliefs and ideas in 2017).
Well at least Radio 4 and Citizen Khan now show that the BBC is halal-compliant.
All ready for the slaughter in Trafalgar Square then,
Do you have a link?
To R4?
I thought both sides were letting the dust settle before Boris bought her home for Christmas in proper daily mail story book fashion .
Darling Emma might put a spoke in that wheel. Must be looking for a job – maybe she should declare how she was fondled by a film or tv type to get a part.
‘Exploratory talks to form Germany’s next coalition government collapsed shortly before midnight on Sunday when the pro-business Free Democratic Party (FDP) walked out of marathon negotiations.’
Now going by the BBC playbook, Kuntsberg or Katia Adler or some of the other useless nonentities should be in Berlin jamming a microphone under Merkel’s nose and insisting –
‘Is the German Parliament finished Frau Merkel? ‘
‘Does this mean the end of your party Frau Merkel?’
‘Will the Brexit negotations now favour the British Frau Merkel?’
You know, they way they do with the British Government every day.
Maybe Merkel will look to foreign affairs to distract from home trouble . Poland again or the Von shiffen plan sweep through the Low Countries ? ( I know they have Europe anyway through their EU)
thatch ,
It’s a shame that because of the way the EU negotiators are preaching to us our animosity ( mine anyway) is deepened and anything bad in euro land starts looking good – the Krauts unable to organise a beer in a November fest or being lectured at a gay foreigner who has became the PM of Eire – presumably by mistake ( withnail misquote)
Blimey mate the daft buggers have appointed a brown hatter as Taoiseach? Well the Paddys always could take a joke, but surely taking a joke and being a joke are two different t’ings? Bless ’em.
Didn’t we help to bail out the ungrateful b@st@rds during the financial crash too?
Al Shubtill
“UK cuts interest rate on Republic of Ireland loan”
The Celtic Tiger …………..
“Barnier challenges UK on post-Brexit border proposals”
What about the border? If the EU want a border, let them man and pay for a border . Simples
BBC Still likes the word ‘Divorce’ rather than ‘Demand’ … Brexit divorce bill (would demand be a better word?): Theresa May to hold ‘inner cabinet’ talks { 20nov2017}
But there has not been much of a breakthrough so far, with the “divorce bill” proving to be one of the key sticking points.
Part of the problem for Theresa May is that while the EU wants the UK to offer more money, some of her MPs say this would be unacceptable and that the UK should just walk away and leave.
– BBC uses divorce all over the place, why not replace with demand? Or invoice with any substance or detailed list of items?
I think the problem for our Prime Minister is that some of her MP’s want her to just walk away and leave but our state broadcaster wants us to remain in the EU, giving them quite an advantage with their daily drip,drip,of subtle and not so subtle pro EU propaganda. Perhaps the best course for Mrs May would be to say if no agreement is reached by a certain specified date she will indeed walk away and let the chips fall where they may. I personally look upon the European Commission as the equivalent of the Mafia.They seem to run a protection racket but it is a protection you cannot refuse. If you DO refuse and try to leave the organization, something rather nasty will happen to you. All very sinister.
The Beeb pushed the narrative that our supposedly weak government was detrimental to Brexit negotiations, yet is silent about the fact that the Germans cannot even form a government.
I read yesterday that the media has crossed the Rubicon and can never be trusted again, no matter how hard they try to silence ‘hate speech.’ And trying to silence certain platforms will only make them cooler and more attractive.
Trust is like a vase: it can be pieced together again if it is broken but it will never be the same again. Clegg was rightly punished by the electorate for his disgraceful lie about tuition fees. I am sure many feel equally insulted by the BBC’s treachery.
That poor girl Gaia Pope may have committed suicide; she was suffering from PTSD after an attack by a ‘group of men’ who were due to be released from prison. We know one ‘group of men’ who tend to be especially attracted to young blonde girls. This might be another one for the Ministry of Truth’s gargantuan memory hole.
Not bBC related directly. But here is the website for the European Air Quality Index which if viewed goes a long way to dispelling that liberal view that the UK has the most polluted air in the UK and that we should all be taxed more to combat it:
In the Beeb website report on the collapse of German coalition talks there is a link to another article “Just how far to the right is AfD”
Then asking the question “Is it far-right?”
“Yes” is the answer apparently! The reason from the Beebs view point is mainly due to its anti mass illegal immigration stance, which is pretty much the same as socialist Czech President and Slovak Prime Minister, erh….
But the most slippery part of the article is how it tries to link Nigel Farage/UKIP via the AfD to a “far right” political block.
“They sit in the same political family as France’s far-right National Front and Austria’s far-right Freedom Party – as well as the populist, anti-Islam Dutch Freedom Party (PVV) of Geert Wilders. Nigel Farage, former leader of the UK’s anti-EU party UKIP, took part in their election campaign.”
The ad hominem attack of ‘far right’ is always bandied about, but we never hear ‘far left.’
Is the BBC far left? Definitely. They are dangerous extremists. They were happy to sacrifice thousands of innocent girls in Rotherham and elsewhere to protect their patently ludicrous religion of multiculturalism. I would sooner believe that Christ walked on water than accept that ‘all cultures are equal.’
Noted that Alastair Campbell commented on Sarah Smiths tramp stamp on her ankle off camera , whilst gurning and doing his Roland Freisler off his meds tribute act yesterday on the Sunday Politics.
Isn`t that sexual harassment and patronising objectification of a BBC journalist?
Seems to have a problem with women doesn`t he?
Englands Dreaming
The BBC world view:- Far Left = Good Far Right = Evil. Simple.
A simple world view for the simple minded.
“The state-owned British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) is editorially independent and competitive with its counterparts in the commercial market”. But who, objectively, could ever assert this and purport to be a ‘honest broker’? – Freedom House, purveyors of ‘Freedom in the World 2017’ with its clear liberal/globalist opinions –
Does this show that the BBC employees do after all have a sense of irony? I think not. It appears that they really do believe their own bullshit. Except that is for their top brass who I’m sure know exactly what their agenda is.
Another significant aspect of JR-M’s contribution to QT was the number of intrusive and disruptive interruptions from Dimbleby – who would without a doubt bridle with faux umbrage at any suggestion of bias or inept chairmanship, no matter how justified and well-documented such criticism of his performances would be. As a BBC patrician he is, of course, above such petty opinions. Sad-faced little Chuckingbutty can only live in hope of similar deification.
Odd you should point that out as I stopped watching QT some years ago in disgust at Dumbleby’s asking supplementary questions, often more than the BBC selected “Audience” questions,and sometimes quite irrelevant.
I note the Twitter feed being endlessly used during programmes, by way of “what people out there are saying”.
Who still believes that they`re not Corbyn kind of set ups?
More likely to be interns and off screen Beeboids singing the company songs of austerity, Fatcha and Nandos now leaving the country because of Brexit.
No-don`t believe a words they say. Analysis-comment-features.
But never new-never news.
Not so much bias as terrible English on the BBC main headline.
“Three face no action over Gaia Pope death”
How can someone face no action?
“Three people who were held over the death of teenager Gaia Pope will face no further action, police have said.”
Surely this should have read that the three will have no further action taken against them, or three people are no longer under investigation, or suspicion.
No doubt this is headline writing by someone who has been suddenly awakened from sleep at their desk, or it’s a recent graduate of our substandard universities !
I should also point out with this that yet again the hopeless incompetent excuse for Police we have in this country arrested three people, one of whom was a 71 year old with an oxygen bottle, and a man who was working 30 miles away of a murder, when they didn’t even know the supposed victim was even dead !
How can you arrest someone on suspicion of a murder when you don’t even know there’s even been a murder ? She could have just run away at that point, and as it turns out now she wasn’t murdered.
No wonder they’re suing the Police !
Remember ,
” if the referendum result goes wrong ”
Said by Nick Robinson DURING the referendum period .
On CNN during election night, the anchor keeps saying ‘we need’, then correcting himself by saying ‘Hillary Clinton needs.’ He does it over and over as the pressure gets to him. It is glorious to see the bias so flagrantly exposed!
Do you have a link to that video? Would be interesting to see it and use it.
Happy to oblige! Breitbart has it as item no. 4:
Jake Tapper is the culprit! However, this clip is very short, it doesn’t catch him repeating it over and over.
Hope it still helps!
Nick had a softball interview on Today this morning with Tina Brown, the uber liberal editor of Vanity Fair back in the 80s, and wife of Dame Harold Evans.
Apparently Tina is publishing her diaries from the 80s (not that we have advertising on the BBC, oh no no no). Most of the “interview” was her being nostalgic about all the high end advertising glossy mags used to get back in the day. Then Nick thought he’d ask her about “Trump”. Perhaps to his surprise, she thought he’d be re-elected. They both then seemed to go into shock at that thought, and the advertorial dribbled to an end.
Just another day in the office at Today: a free advert for a rich liberal, and a passing sneer at Trump. The right wing bias must be out there somewhere…
Another little habit. Nick Saviny is the political editor for BBC Wales and dismisses anything he disagrees with using the derogatory comment “Be that as it may” followed by his own view of the truth.
CB, Just doing things the ‘company way’…………….
Just to keep people in the loop about the Earths climate, just take a look at those sea temperature anomalies
I started posting on this site about five years ago I think. For about twenty years before that I had been growing more and more angry with the left leaning bias of the BBC. Even in the 80’s I was becoming suspicious of the true motives of the BBC . They seemed to favour the IRA over Brits and they seemed to disapprove of our regaining the Falklands. But in the past five years their bias has increased dramatically and has now penetrated just about every aspect of their output, from news to drama and through to documentaries. The majority of their programmes are unwatchable , overwhelmed by political propaganda. Clearly they believe their mission is to campaign relentlessly for the leftist world view and to stifle any other view. They suppress, they distort , they mislead and they lie . They are the biggest purveyors of fake news in the world. They disgust me. I am certain that the very first step that must be taken in order to save the country from becoming initially a socialist basket case followed shortly by an Islamic hell hole , is to get rid of the BBC and its 24/7 fog horn propaganda.
Great post Double … succinct and to the point … I applaud you 🙂
Hear hear!
Hear hear x2
But I would like to add all BBC editors, journalists and “managers” should be given manual jobs for a while and forcibly made to move from Islington to Luton/Bradford where they too can enjoy some of the vibrant diversity that they have been wishing upon the rest of us for the last few years.
Brilliant! May I use in my forthcoming book about BBC, ‘Brainwashing Britain?’
thanks, David
Not mentioned on the BBC but
‘Gangs are using tassers on schoolgirl rape victims as Birmingham faces tsunami of child sexual exploitation’
The usual excuse for police inaction is fear of being accused of Islamophobia or racism
I suggest we consider another reason.
This is payoff or Danegeld to placate the invading enemy – authorised by a Quisling government
In the delightful bit of Londonistan where I live three black teenagers 17,17 and 18 have been stabbed in street incidents in the last 3 days. Police are appealing for a fresh supply of that tape they use to shut down streets and screw up the traffic .
Naturally President Trump, Brexit , Austerity and Yoof Clubs are responsible – not the animal who did it . Needless to say – it’s not racist – but perhaps tribal – it won’t be on al beeb unless someone uses the N word making it a hate crime…..
Cities fight to win key EU agencies from London
BBC trying not to gush too much…
How come the EU can plan for its future like this, but UK seemingly cannot negotiate and sign any trade deals until AFTER we have left?
Or am i missing something?
”A decision on the future location of two key European agencies will be made on Monday through a complex voting process.
London is losing the European Banking Authority (EBA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) because of the UK’s decision to leave the European Union.
Nineteen cities are bidding for the EMA, while eight want to host the EBA.
More than 1,000 people work for the two agencies in London.
Ministers from the 27 EU countries remaining in the bloc after the UK departs in 2019 will take part in the secret ballot.”
Sophisticated BBC then wheels in their new favourite expert:
”UK betting company Ladbrokes makes Milan the favourite to win the medicines agency, followed by Bratislava and Amsterdam. It has Frankfurt – which produced a glossy video – as the frontrunner for the banking authority, followed by Vienna and Dublin.”
How come the EU can plan for its future like this, but UK seemingly cannot negotiate and sign any trade deals until AFTER we have left?
Because that is the legal framework of the EU which our idiot politicians signed up to. You can enter into any kind of discussion, but not finalise it until we leave.
It is understandable that the EU wants to relocate its agencies back inside its area, but what you haven’t picked up on is how few there are, and the fact both have been placed in the most expensive place in the UK. They could have made a damn sight better use of their buying power locating them in the poorer cities crying our for jobs and investment, but then EU fat cats couldn’t have an easy night out in Soho.
BBC London News is just stories. Today we hear of a man running football practice and a couple who have been married a long time. What a cop out.
BBC reports outrageous behaviour of an Indian Government Minister who peed in a field,
Shocked I tell you
That’s true – old couple married a long time – Welch man gets job in Sunderland . Promised end of world yesterday is late – cos of Brexit.
A great many comments on here compare and contrast the BBC’s attitude and presentation of what is the major world problem of Islam and Islamist atrocity. What gets similar yet an even less critical degree of BBC coverage is currently Africa and the Mugabe/Zimbabwe scenario, yet there are many other examples from recent history equally capable of critical analysis.
Mugabe, his politics and his political opponents are presented as though they are, if tentatively, democratic. In fact they are tribal, as is all African politics. Tribalism applied in every conflict in Nigeria, Biafra, Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, Ghana, Ruanda, Namibia, the list is endless because it applies universally – in fact with the exception of the northern coastal area, Africa is a continent controlled and scarred by tribal factions, confrontations and contests and has been for centuries despite the best efforts of David Livingstone and his ilk.
The BBC fails to make this plain because, of course, tribalism suggests backward behaviour and an immature failure to embrace Western values. African politicians embrace Western values all right, they just don’t like the responsibilities that go with them.
They let a man run the country into the ground – how did he manage to rule a country at 93 whilst sleeping through most of those years? Fixed terms focus the minds of politicians.
As the BBC does not report on reality and only on sharing toilets we are in a sad state.
I could find £3.5bn for the Police? Can the BBC guess where it will come from? Can Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker or Chris ‘£2.3m’ Evans disagree that what I am about to propose should not happen? Should the wages of Gary and Chris be paid under threat of prison or should they go to the police ….
Not even a real police officer. How DARE he wear the red shoes!
I thought that was photoshopped at first. How can this shit be real?
It looks as if Common Purpose has won, the police are now some sort of politically correct enforcement arm of cultural marxism. They won’t be on the side of the British people when the time comes.
Howth thith for a thithe 12 ducky? Pride of the Forthe me you know . No thtop taking the pith I’m theriouth. I’m tho upthet. MUM!! Make them thtop. POLEEETHE!!
You Nazi! That is a Far Right hate fact.
Our country has been turned by the left into some weird decadent, Caligula type society where every weakness/distortion/deviation from the commonly acceptable norms has become a thing of virtue.
This bizarre PC obsession is turning police forces into a laughing stock. How can you do what is a difficult job when criminals do not respect you. I wonder what sort of copper a North London liberal would like to come to his rescue if he got attacked by a thug in the street. A large burly bloke with tattoos and truncheon at the ready or some effete sensitive constable (looking like Conchita Wurst) in stilettos and a blue cocktail dress who is more as concerned about what life experience has given the street thug so much hostility than protecting the victim.
Actually dont answer that if he was a BBC executive he would probably go for copper No 2 particularly if he had his truncheon out!
I would never be hostile to a transsexual – but it does not mean I would want to dress like one. Yet again this is just another blatant example of the left trying to weaken and undermine the very fabric of our society by using “sensitivity to minority issues ” as cover.
As Rob said lets hope this image is photo-shopped – but these days life seems to becoming much weirder than fiction.
God help us all!
Wonder if that SJW upset about the hysterical airplane! scene will huff and puff until this is banned?
The video I mean. She clearly would have no issue with the practice.
I assume it is acceptable as they were legally married before he legally hit her.
I wonder if Coronation Street could build a storyline around this. I’m sure a lot of our ladies would feel the benefit. Maybe even a few gents. Just a thought.
BBC does not mention illegal … but promotes a criminal site … Businessman’s second wife website ‘benefits women’ { 23oct2017 – 7 days old} … Amber Rudd needs to close this site down that promotes illegal behaviour. Amber Rudd the is promoting activities that go against the UK law and moral codes and is using it’s site to promote a story that is 7 days old. It also fails to write about the negative aspects of sharing women …
The acceptance of polygamy seems to be gaining ground here in America. It’s a bankrupt marital arrangement that hurts everybody involved. May we who are salt and light spread truth so that men and woman can enjoy the blessings of biblical marriage! { 12oct2015}
A serious question if I may. Assuming Muslims give birth to the same ratio of males and females that other humans do, If one man has five wives and keeps them monogamous what do the other four men do ? Don’t tell me, they come over to Europe and rape away to their hearts content whilst protected by the police .
Well yes. If the officer pictured above is an example of today’s lawmen. Rape away boys because I’m off for a steaming hot buggery session.
‘And it is the crazy welfare system that encourages it all to happen.’ – it’s never the people’s fault for being lazy.
Israel seems to have the balls to do what is necessary with Africans. We need someone here to have the balls to get going on deportation. Clearly possessing ‘balls’ is not one of Treezers attributes.
Theresa is a woman and the last time I looked women do not have balls. What some of them do have is courage. I’m willing to hang fire and see how everything pans out. The MSM largely wants her to fail.
I would submit that President Trump also faces similar problems and I can see that we really cannot judge him after just a year in office. Let’s see what the situation looks like in 2 or 3 years time. It could be worse it could be better but I say give them a break for at least a year or 2.
Ffs, she’s got yet another show.
Susan Calman introduces a new bBbc programme, Armchair Detectives. That’s 5 on Bbc television, not including whatever radio she does.
What is it I’m missing about the Tartan Toksvig?
we should run a sweep stake on how long it takes its to say the words “MY WIFE”
I’ll take 2
They’re looking for a format with the right camera angles to show heer in a flattering light. Watch out for UV and infra-red……
Well Nadya appeared out of nowhere and held up the end for the female Muslim (Celebrity Antiques Road Trip next ???), so next out of the box is the married Scottish Lesbian to push an ‘agenda’. Hope I’m wrong, but the highly Ambitious Alexandra seems set to win (rigged ?) Strictly (she who won X Factor in 2008 if you’re into such things) – so Calman may have to make the most of her time in the spotlight as the Burke could be lined up for everything after the 6 pm news !!
Brissles, BBC highly secretive about voting numbers for each contestant – they ought to be independently audited to ensure the BEEB don’t nudge in a politically correct direction – but of course that won’t happen.
“Britain First deputy leader Jayda Fransen charged.
The deputy leader of the far-right group Britain First has been charged over speeches made in Belfast.
Jayda Fransen, 31, was arrested in London by Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) detectives on Saturday.
She has been charged with using “threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour”.
The charge relates to a speech made at a “Northern Ireland Against Terrorism” rally at Belfast City Hall in August.
Ms Fransen will appear at Belfast Magistrates’ Court on Thursday 14 December.”
“The deputy leader of far-right party Britain First has been arrested in England by the Met police acting in liaison with PSNI in relation to speeches made at a rally in Belfast. The arrest relates to speeches made at the “Northern Ireland Against Terrorism” rally at Belfast City Hall on August 6.
The rally was organised in part by independent unionist councillor Jolene Bunting and among those who spoke at the event, alongside Ms Fransen, was Britain First leader Paul Golding.
Jayda Fransen, 31, was arrested by police in Bromley, London, on Saturday and is to be flown to Belfast to be interviewed by detectives.
Counter protests were held over the rally, which many accused of “promoting a dangerous ideology”.
A PSNI spokesperson said: “A 31-year-old woman has been arrested by PSNI Criminal Investigation Branch detectives in London today.
“The arrest was made in Bromley by PSNI detectives working with detectives from the London Metropolitan Police Service.
“The woman is being brought to belfast to be interviewed under section 9(1) of the Public Order (NI) 1987 in relation to speeches made at the Northern Ireland Against Terrorism Rally on Sunday 6th August this year.”
Paul Golding and Jayda Fransen are currently on bail awaiting trial for allegedly inciting religious hatred.
The charges against them relate to the trial of a group of men who raped a teenager above a takeaway in Kent.”
Anti-terror and anti-child rape = Far right. Got that class?
Is there a video or a transcript of Jayda Fransen’s unlawful speech on line? I would be surprised and disgusted if she called for the killing of anyone. That kind of language is usually reserved for our human imports.
I just watched DV’s periscope and someone posted this link to Jayda Fransen’s speech
It’s strong stuff, but no worse than what they are allowed to say.
No mention of killing anyone, just defending ourselves.
Thanks for the post. Haven’t got round to watching yet but I will.
Just rewatched that.
Loved Baroness Shami nodding away in the background like she was on a parcel shelf.
Half expected a dainty hand to tap DA’s sleeve and a quick word in his shell like to stop the geezer with facts spoiling the performance art.
When did the usual polarity become reversed? Time was when the likes of Kier Starmer and Shami Chakhrabati would have started as MPs before going into loaded areas like law and quangos. Seems to me in recent times that Labour finds these public sector faces and then picks them for safe seats or to do their dirty work for them in the Lords.
And what kind of country are we when our quango queens and grievance mongers are far more politically charged and primed than are our politicians?
Has the “right” EVER had a consistent clear media profile in our lifetimes?
Thatcher probably thought that reason and money would tame the left, but they re desperate for money, power and influence-and will stop at nothing to get them, seeing as they can do damnall else. She seemed a bit naive about evil and how it operates.
We lost the culture wards both sides of the Atlantic in the seventies. The elites need to be terorised in the public square as we have been.
I was on the other side until the mid 90s, so can see hoe clueless the Tories are. They don`t want to fight, but that means that we will have no other choice.
Starmer (now age 55) is just posing as a Labour MP to mask his real aim of a fat ECJ-related pension.
At the same time he has got his domestic bases covered, just in case the EU goes belly-up.
Love that picture of Shami the Shi-tsu, nodding away in the back window.
A google search for Britain First…… after various news links & the BF Facebook page link there is this:
No information is available for this page.
Lucy Pevensey
Britain First exist primarily on Facebook and can probably bring out about a dozen supporters. But their videos are well made
link to facebook site.
Here is a you tube video of one of the many Britain First arrests, The government are obviously trying to break them
They won’t be around for much longer
Don’t put money on it.
Surprise, surprise. We do not even need to ask the question WHY?
Apologies if this has been posted earlier, and further apologies for short notice…
The TV Licence will be discussed today at 4:30pm in Westminster. You can see it live here: The transcript of proceedings will be published at tomorrow.
Gracias Senor/Senora. Eres de Espana No? Sorry I’m shit at Spanish.
Calls to an organisation dealing with child transgender issues are up 700%, thanks to all the publicity from the liberal elite.
Why could they not just leave us alone? Why must they ‘campaign’ over non-issues like this? Now they have created an even bigger problem. Children probably think it is normal to question your gender when of course it is not.
The powers that be absolutely do not care about the welfare of our children. They use them like a tradesman uses a spanner or a screwdriver. Just a means to an end.
Excellent – why bother with elderly social care for the poor devils with dementia when you can spend nhs taxpayer cash making people feel better by cutting willies off (was going to write cock but thought some might be upset ) or putting willies on.
What a joke .
Anyone interested in a redundant cock? Free to collector. Don’t all rush at once. I know it’s Black Friday but fuckin’ ‘ell ————————–
Lefty – are you referring to a mr a Campbell formerly of 10 downing st londonistan..?
Well If the cap fits. Yeah. Why not wear it?
Oh look. Bedtime already. Goodnight each.
Cloward-Piven Strategy, something readers might not have heard of, but that they need to clue up on.
“Cloward and Piven had determined that many people in the U.S. were eligible for welfare, but were not receiving it. They believed that if all these people were to apply for welfare all at once, the local welfare offices would be overwhelmed and the states would be threatened with bankruptcy.
In advocating such disruptions, Cloward and Piven were making a deliberate attempt to incite racial, ethnic, and class tensions, setting whites against racial minorities and middle class liberals against working class immigrant groups. This would weaken the already fragile New Deal liberal coalition and threaten the Democratic Party politically, which would cause the Democrats to institute a new welfare scheme in an attempt to maintain the cohesiveness of their coalition (and thus remain in power). ”
In a more modern context mass migration puts such strain on the government finances that the welfare state which people have become reliant on collapses and the old order is overturned in favour of a new Socialist one.
The fact that Socialism is bound to fail, and has never worked wherever it has been tried seems to have escaped the vision of the authors.
“Richard Wilson is the director of Stop Funding Hate”
– Tabloid hate is damaging our society. The Sun’s advertisers must help stop it
“It should go without saying that it’s possible to discuss – and address – the appalling crimes committed in Rotherham, without implying that the Muslim community as a whole is at fault.”
. . . . .
A training package in CSE was designed for Muslim community leaders; and the Safeguarding Board provided a training course in the identification of indicators relating to CSE.
– No such training pack for Christians or Buddhists? Odd?
So far unwatchable!!!
I’m giving up!!!!
I await on catch up.
Anticipate endless efforts by various folk who depend on the BBC to say how the BBC is great, citing BBC polls (even old ones, amazingly re-released as new) to support various beliefs and speaks for the nation.
It’s a broadcaster, you weasels. It is not essential. And not necessary in this form in this new era.
It is a tax sink money pit to give the dishonourable members a nice little propaganda tool on the backs of those it is being used against, staffed by too expensive to fail pension pot addicts and ideological kindergarteners.
Sadly, having watched the last of these efforts where the Tory Mr. Whippy Chairman intercepted a sensible point about BBC editorial accountability on the basis they had run out of time (metaphors abound) having allowed hours of waffle from BBCphiles old, new and awaiting knighthood, I have long understood it is a stitch up from bunker to top floor of W1A across to Westminster.
However, the days of such cosy cabals prevailing are coming to an end.
My view as well. I skimmed through the contributions and it appeared that the speeches had been written by BBC staff. In fact, minus the personal abuse, they could have been written by Maxicony
Conclusion – to achieve reform of the BBC will require a new Parliament. One where the MPs are not under the control of the state broadcaster.
As usual, Al Beeb spectacularly misses the point…houses are in short demand because of a huge increase in population…hmm wonder what could be causing that?
oh, and a few upvotes for Liarbour and downvotes for the nasty party etc etc
All from the publicly funded propaganda arm of the Labour party.
Absolute drivel.
OT, but as this lady and her outfit are regular BBC experts on matters ‘green’, worth sharing:
does it have a thousand little gimmegrant sex pest figures
I spit upon train stations – we invented railway stations you dumb colonial!
Anyway Hamburg is better!
Long live railway stations! I have never used, will never use, ‘train station’.
Until today, Jim S, I thought I was alone in the universe on that one.
What puzzles me though is how that dreadful new term caught on so damn quickly.
Another irritating new term is ‘reaching out’ to someone. I’m a dinosaur, I still ‘get in touch’, but reaching out, is the new Americanism so prominently used in the House of Cards !!
I correct anyone who says ‘train station’. This embarrasses Mrs Stubber, but it can’t be helped.
There’s actually nothing wrong with the phrase ‘Train Station’. Train comes from the French word ‘trahiner’ or Latin ‘trahere’ which means ‘to pull or draw’. Train is an accepted word in the UK rail industry. The word ‘train’ is actually defined in the Railways Act of 1993.
I would draw the line at anyone using ‘railroad’ in a UK context though!
Source: I’m a Rolling Stock Engineer.
The French for railway station is La Gare! Source = Miss Thurman who taught us French in 1962 in Ottery St Mary.
I’m pleased you don’t like ‘railroad’ Mr Penis, I’ll support you on that. But no more about ‘train station’ please! That is not alright. Be warned, no good will come of it!
I gave up trying to understand the French language a long time ago, it makes almost as much sense as English!
I like the fact that the Russian word for a railway station is “voksal”. That’s because the first railway station a Russian delegation to Britain saw in the 19th Century was Vauxhall, and they got the idea that that was the term for every railway station.
I must say, I find that “train station” does grate with me, almost as much as starting every sentence with “so”.
“Railroad” was common in the early days of railways.
Must be very draughty inside German rooms if wind turbines work inside! Get Natalie to work on the insulation.
‘Complete with wind turbine for power.’ – which does nothing as the train runs on electricity from burning coal?
From burning filthy brown coal, to be precise. However, we don’t need to labour the point that Natalie Bennett is an absolute moron, she does such a good job of making sure everyone knows as soon as she opens her mouth.
“………..Natalie Bennett is an absolute moron, she does such a good job of making sure everyone knows as soon as she opens her mouth.”
Natalie Bennett is a useful idiot if she helps split the left vote. But why anyone would want to vote Green is beyond my comprehension!
I remember before the referendum regularly using the divorce analogy to get across our reasons for wanting to leave and how to frame the actual leaving if it happened. I was always poo poohed on doing that because it wasn’t a marriage that we were in, it was a partnership.
Nobody wanted to use marriage before because that implied collective decision making, a shared outlook and affection towards each other. And they were right, it wasn’t a marriage, it was a one sided bullying relationship replete with threats from our ‘partner’ that if we left no one would love us, no one would talk to us, we’d never make it on our own and we would be lonely for ever more. The kind of language that if it was uttered by a spouse would be more than enough reason to understand how toxic the relationship had become.
Yet the Beeb now love framing it with that narrative. Suddenly we are the cheaters, the home wreckers and hence we have brought upon ourself this punitive sum that just HAS to be paid even though it was never, ever part of the deal. Suddenly we were in a relationship, suddenly we have commitments and responsibilities as if the remaining EU countries are our children that cannot be left alone.
The word Divorce implies blame and the blame is squarely levelled at the stupid British public who voted for it. Hence they can proclaim with glee that we are getting rightfully ‘hit’ for leaving our family and shirking our responsibility. Suddenly the BBC can frame the EU as the ‘victim’ (something they love doing) and we are the consummate bad guys that deserve to be financially and emotionally flogged.
Whilst I appreciate the double standards it’s not a divorce – in a divorce both parties receive a chare of the assets, and what are we going to receive from the EU. Even in this insane country which has the most biased divorce courts in the world, and where women travel from all over to take advantage of that bias, Men still walk away with a share of the marital assets.
The issue the EU has is that it is desperate to fund its budget which it doesn’t want to tell Eastern Europe it’s not going to get as much as promised, nor the contributors that they will have to pay more. It is the EU which is over a barrel here not us in the UK.
What we are being asked to do is to hand over a huge chunk of money before the EU will even talk about a free trade agreement.
The reason they want to do this is because their rules preclude any country getting a better deal than another unless it agrees to future funding, so we are stuck with WTO rules unless we agree to pay them.
Even if we do agree to pay them the EU has to get any trade agreement past the remaining 26 members which is a non starter.
Why are we not being told all this? The BBC certainly know this and it would take an insane person to agree to give hundreds of millions of pounds in exchange for nothing.
The mythical better deal simply doesn’t exist – at least not without the UK being ass raped by the EU and that for most people is a deal far too far.
Payne/Thful – In effect it is a marriage but a very one sided one. What started as a business partnership only – through the Machiavellian manipulations of lying and cowardly politicians has changed into an abusive relationship. If you look at it closely it has become a marriage under “sharia” rules where only one side is allowed to make the decisions, punish the lesser partner if they think they have deserved it, the lesser partner is always expected to “please” the husband at his whim and divorce is practically impossible. And even if achieved the wife will come away with very little and be shunned.
And of course if any sort of “honour killing” takes place – no one in the “family” saw anything.
And why are some people so desperate to stay in this destructive relationship?
Some are just greedy troughers, some are weak and feeble with no pride and some are just sad masochists who want to feel guilty about everything and enjoy playing the victim in all things even if it affects us all.
You all know the sort of thing – East Enders style “Ooh that Michel , hes such a bastard to me – but I cant help loving him!”
Anyone watching the parliament debate on BBC licence? I have never heard such wishy washy speeches and they have brought in the BBC luvvies…..Nobody has mentioned the bias directly and apparently they (BBC) are so trusted…
There is no will to change anything..none of speakers has raised the amount given to BBC…and what could be done with that..
It’s all just platitudes and yes in the future we should look at changing….It hasn’t finished but don’t get your hopes up.
Chaos as police stop Hungary migrant train – Gavin Hewitt – BBC -Sep 2015 @53s
“… then a really distressing incident happened. A women who was carrying a small baby began crying for help (photo of lady carrying baby). One of her companions tried to help her (photo of man with women on track, riot police reaching towards them) Somehow there became a push and a shove with the police. She ended up on the railway lines (by the male refugee dragging her and the baby to the floor, but this is not said) with the riot police trying to pull her back, and this of course inflamed all the other people…”
-Gavin Hewitt – Sep 2015
Watch the video and the male refugee (companion trying to help?) drags the women and baby to the floor, by force.
Least we forget how it all works … videos, words, pictures … you don’t get to choose the arrangement … but the BBC does!
BBC very keen to promote the misinformation that Merkel’s popularity remains enviably high – inferring that our politicians, they mean Treesa, would give their eye teeth for such adulation. Sadly, German polls, the valid ones that aren’t created at Guardian, ‘Independent’ and W1 newsdesks, tell a different story but that might suggest the EU hegemony is not displaying strong and stable government.
Hopefully the longer the Islamic Army has been in the Reich the more pee d off the krauts will be so if the haus Frau goes to the country again it will extinguish her and give the Reich more well deserved problems. And more time on the article 50 clock will thankfully have passed… 494 days
Has anyone noticed the parallels between the characterisations on the BBC adaptaion of Howard End and certain modern narratives beloved of our state broadcaster?
We have a very rich person (boo, hiss) who runs a business and has a direct style showing, mostly, an accurate understanding of the human condition.
We have a lower working class person who works as a clerk and has some cautious ambition to do better.
These sound like classic and modern working class Tories to me.
And then we have the Schlegel family (cheers, hoorah). They are very intellectual, metropolitan, live on money provided by others, and seem to feel a strong sense of entitlement as none of them has a job, nor seems to be looking for one, But we are supposed to admire their ‘free spirits’ and feel sorry for them because the money is drying up and they are having to downsize. Oh dear, how sad.
How very modern day leftmob Corbynista.
And how very bBBC is the whole narrative.
Whilst the Schlegel females are attractive the Schlegel brother is an irritating arrogant left wing student type .Howards End is a very enjoyable programme and recommended to anyone who has not seen it yet.
True 7Clubs, good dialogue and presentation – provided you are prepared to ignore the absurd and anachronistic diversity inserted for purely political reasons.
All drama’s on the BBC feel like being slapped across the face with a wet Guardian.
No wonder the average age of BBC viewers is 62, anyone younger is watching dramas from overseas.
I went and saw a bit of bard last week – correiolanus ( spelling – tired ) . The lead was black – fair enough – all races represented – tick box – including a black girl who forgot her lines – but there were male characters portrayed as women and probably visa Versa.
Now I hope it gave the people involved a warm feeling of inclusion. I had no idea before seeing this play what it was about . Hard to follow made even worse by this adhesion to diversity where common sense might have been better. The a level kids in the theatre were to busy to notice as they were all off the face book and twittering. Wonder what the bard would of thought.
I’ll be glad when Howard Ends .
BBC Radio 4 7:00 O’clock news and they’re giving Euro Sceptic Bill Cash a chance to speak when suddenly the volume drops to inaudible levels & doesn’t come back until into the next article.
Probably the BBC would pass this off as a ‘technical issue’ but it’s not the first time that these ‘technical issues’ have masked the views of people whose views the BBC don’t want you to hear
I noticed the same during the referendum when ever Nigel Farage was interviewed .
Come to think of it , when did he last appear on Al Beeb ?
This ‘bias by decibel’ as I call it has been a notorious BBC ploy for many years. It happens only with Conservative speakers and others the BBC producers do not favour. I remember some 15 years ago noticing that, when interviewed, John Redwood’s voice was always strangely muted and at low volume, whilst Humphreys voice (or another) was at full volume. And this is carried forward in the same way with him and many others who the lefty, vile and biased BBC consider shouldn’t be heard. Of course, they are well aware that this trick can serve to diminish in the minds of the listener the authority of whoever is being interviewed.
Yes they do it all the time …. I remember when John Major was making a speech in Birmingham against the Scottish Independence vote (he didn’t want the SNP to win). About 10 mins into the speech the whole thing went down and we went back to News 24 .. “sorry about that but we have lost the line to Birmingham” .. never showed anymore of the speech, which went on for quite a while.
Lost the line to Birmingham!!!
They are the most disgusting subversive propagandist blockers of the truth in the whole of the MSM.
**I** can see that .. how come our politicians can’t? There **must** be something in it for them surely ????
Just caught the end of Radio 2’s seven o’clock news. I hear that the lady who worked on the Doctor Who theme has been awarded a posthumous doctorate.
Her achievement had been to speed up and slow down music, we are told. Isn’t that just the same as changing the frequency, the same as changing the length of the string or pipe in a conventional instrument?
A bit too dumbed down for this poor bear.
I just watched the Londonistan programme on the BBC. The main feature was about modern day
slavery in London. A terrified Moroccan lady told how she had been kept in slavery working at
least 18 hours a day. Does anybody know who is responsible for this type of slavery. ? I
don ‘t think anybody from the Londonistan programme is going to tell us. Or to be honest
I expect not a single soul from the BBC.
I can’t recall all this “modern day slavery” here in Britain in the 1950’s, 60’s, 70’s, or 80’s?
What’s changed since then, I wonder?
Al S….. does running errands for my Mum in the 50’s count as modern day slavery ?
Today Brissles, who knows?
Modern slavery? I though that was getting a wonga loan for that new IPhone 666 or whatever consumer junk you can’t live without.
I have noticed a dearth of HYS on Al Beeb over the last 48 Hrs. Is it because they are not getting the results the propaganda was meant to achieve? Well one bit of negative Brexit news comes along and hey presto! up pops a HYS.
Do your damnedest! ……………….
taffy, they tend to restrict everything to 48 hours now so unless a HYS Thread starts on Saturday, there may be nothing available on a Sunday. It would be great if this was Sabbath Observance by the BBC but I suspect they have cut back on moderators in order to pay lots of money to Chris Evans, the Dimblebys, John Humphrys & Jeremy Vine.
Not BBC but frightening audio of how a Canadian university, Wifred Laurier, operates a kangeroo court when someone dares to show there is an alternative to the ‘narrative’.
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
BBC Parliament. Anna Soubry … customs union, single market, immigration. All good for her.
Looking forward to the footage of the inevitable Level 4 Chimpouts at various shops in towns and cities throughout the land, on the upcoming “Black” Friday.
As the old song said “That’s entertainment”
Interesting enthusiasm on display.
Isn’t it about time that Al Beeb be put before “democratic scrutiny”?
If someone sent a notice to my office on Friday it wouldn’t have been unusual for me to have not seen it until Monday at the earliest. (Haven’t most MPs already made ‘a bolt for the door’ by Friday?).
I don’t understand exactly what the chairman thought he achieved by this seven minutes of demonstrating his authority. He and we learn nothing, (except Rajan’s opinion of Brexit?).
Mr. Rajan might ask Lord Hall about his reluctance to appear before HoC committees too.
Not sure why you posted this because of the trivial nature of the tiff of which very few people outside the bubble will have the slightest interest. The taxpayers money the conservative government is about to send to the EU is far more importance. Career politicians like tyrie are of no value or interest to anyone but himself and his parliamentary pension.
Amol seems delighted though.
Good, everyone should be roasted and toasted. When does David Cameron appear to say why he spent £9m on a failed project to get the UK to stay in the EU, without consent of the people to spend such money?
Relates to … “This clip deserves a broader hearing. If you’re fanatical about democratic scrutiny you’ll be delighted by the forensic questioning of Vote Leave’s boss by Andrew Tyrie MP. Very impressive {BBC Amol}“
Glad you posted this. I have lost count of the number of times that Remainers claim that the referendum result was only advisory and that the final decision as to whether or not we leave is one for Parliament alone. No matter how often you remind them of the above leaflet they keep on insisting that it was advisory. This post gives the lie to that argument.
No problem. I do feel like being in an echo chamber having to repeat these things … but it needs doing.i wonder if these leaflets went to mainly leave areas? Would the government have recorded this data? Interesting ….
Worth sitting through the 11+ seconds of advertising to get to a chilling recording of the Thought Police going about its business.
Brexit: Broad agreement to pay more as UK leaves, the BBC understands
Operative word “understands” – who is tipping them off ?
Is this how we negotiate these days ?
O.K. Sounds promising but what will be the next MAFIA demand?
To the bBC this is f-ing news:
US singer Khalid claims he was groped by a fan
Singer Khalid has used Twitter to claim he was sexually assaulted by a fan. “I go to talk to a fan and she grabs my ass, how (sic) old are we??? Spoke about it because it can happen to anybody!” The teenager posted the messages hours after performing at the American Music Awards in Los Angeles.
He’s 19 and 20 in a couple of months.
SHE? repeat SHE? Grabs my ass? Why, the ungrateful cunt. But that spelling “ass” is deceiving. Did he mean she grabbed his donkey or did she mean she grabbed his bum? Either way what’s the big deal? If only I had a female fan to grab my bum I would feel blessed indeed, depending on looks and age of course. At my age I probably couldn’t stand anything too shocking so a well preserved female pensioner would hit the spot. Oh on second thoughts forget that last statement. I am married to a well preserved pensioner. Sorry Dear.
I thought we were ‘post-Christian’ now?