Britain’s standing in the world has been reduced [BBC fact] and we may lose our place on the International Court of Justice the BBC informs us….the unspoken term? #duetoBrexit. Note in the video Dimbleby once again denying that the BBC uses the term ‘inspite of Brexit’ or other forms of implying that. Charles Moore also got similar treatment….and Guido has helpfully listed many examples where Moore and JRM are proved right and Dimbleby wrong.
Loads more BBC bias out there…..list it all here……
BBC 10 o’clock news
‘Delusional young middle class people who bought into claims he is the reincarnation of Christ.’
Thought they were going on about Corbyn, but it turns out it was about Charlie Manson…
I see what you mean: a scruffy bearded man, with bizarre political ideas about creating a revolution, surrounded by brain washed supporters, who form part of his cult of personality.
Charlie Manson could certainly have picked up a few tips from Jeremy Corbyn if they’d ever met.
BBC 10 o’clock news
‘Delusional young middle class people who bought into claims he is the reincarnation of Christ.’
Thought they were going on about Corbyn, but it turns out it was about Charlie Manson…
Looks like the spineless appeasing jellyfish of a prime minister is about to cave in to EU demands and offer even more money which we don’t have. Appalling.
promoting austerity and then giving away £40-50bn and see what voters think
sharia may you are a twat
our old die on trolleys our vets are homeless on the streets our students complain about tuition fees
and you surrender to a bunch of money grabbing fascists
you deserve the marxists which you will replace you forever , you have sold out the british people for fuck all
For £40 billion you could get rid of inheritance tax, stamp duty, insurance tax and no doubt several other hated taxes. Then you could step back and watch the economy thrive, and allow the Conservatives to win the next election. They must have a death wish to let this loser stay on as PM.
The BBC understands does it?
That`ll have been a wander round the embankment and seeking out the likes of Soubry, Campbell and Juncker then…it understands nothing.
I can only guess that we`ve got such a stunted group of political inbred ectoplasts that they simply can`t envisage their having to get a grip and make some laws, account to we who vote or taking even a smidgeon of responsibility after years of kow towing to their Brussels masters.
And when you fear a Guy Verhofstad or a Hermann Von Rumpoy? Hardly talking Tojo or Putin are we? Yet quake they do.
Newsnight seemed to wallow in the all mighty and legendary EMA and EBA leaving London following Brexit-this will entail the loss of soft power, loads and loads of influence that we have fearlessly wielded-and the loss of countless jobs. What have we done?
Anybody even got a press cutting over 43 years that told us these august titans of all world trade in money and drugs were even IN this country? Who knew?
But financial services wobble worldwide and no NHS drugs for anybody ever again apparently?
Maybe Mays replacement will finally put a zip on the BBC fat and quivering cakehole-would we ever have done other that give the country to Rudolf Hess and his homeopathic quack if the BBC had been let free to stab us as ceaselessly as they`re doing now.
The EMA only goes back to 1995 and the EBA is even newer, 2011. As EU agencies the chances are that the majority of their staff aren’t British anyway.
Someone remind me, was May ‘the appeaser’ elected or appointed?
Has she been ‘taken to the cleaners’ by the EU? We need money for the NHS, Schools, and very, very importantly, Defence of the Realm.
May is an Europhile, she puts the EU before Great Britain.
Mr Rees-Mogg your time is now.
The BBC don`t of course do adverts.
But they do let some Harlem Globetrotter gumbies lie around the green Rooms all day as they top and tail their promo for some tour of theirs next year. God, they were dense and knew nothing about where they`d be “playing” next spring-their interviewers happily knew far more than they did, so we got their dates c/o the BBC suckup on Simon Mayos show.
Sport is all over their schedule and no-one is to mock.
Sense the Globetrotters have damaged the ozone layer more than Bernie Ecclestones rev ups. Win nothing, treat sport as goofy entertainment and as far removed from real basketball as it gets. Rather like the BBC and real news-freak show of showponies that divert and no longer mean anything.
Sue Johnson narrated some misery lit on the decline and fall of the docklands era.
Chippy scousers, Danny Bakers dad and Shirley Bassey cliches abounded.
“Boys For the Blackstuff”, anti-Thatcher claptrap as standard.
No mention of Labour Lord Bob Mellish( who had a very good war as the docks were flogged off by him) as London Docklands head, no blame allocated to Labours years of misrule in the 70s that decimated the dockers with a queasy mixture of appeasement and cowardly letting the docks collapse.
Thatcher was not in power when the damage was mainly done, but the BBC and Sue Johnson won`t be telling us that. No wonder our kids are so courted by Corbyn, when the BBC marinades their soft brains with gloop like this show.
You could have boiled it down to five minutes – containers were bought in to stop dockers nicking everything . If they had nicked a bit less the docks would have lasted longer.
Very true. The days when London Docks was just down river of Tower Bridge could never last. London Docks is still thriving, but it’s in Tilbury now, and doesn’t depend on day labourers unloading everything by hand.
Containerisation has done more for world trade than the WTO or any number of treaties.
Alicia, this “No wonder our kids are so courted by Corbyn, when the BBC marinades their soft brains with gloop like this show.” is brilliant. Love that, so true, so very true.
The BBC is now producing falsehoods (eg. see Pounce’s post below) and is as guilty of FakeNews and FalseNews as any other media organisation.
Maxi will be on shift shortly, but he won’t tell us why he supports an organisation that ‘robs from the poor to give to the rich’. Over to you Maxi, I am off home.
“Budget 2017: Boles advice on building affordable homes”……………..
No mention of stemming ‘the swarm’ of immigrants…………………………………………
Is the ‘open doors’ policy deliberate?
Great Britain is FULL.
Napoleon is back!
How the bBC edits the news in which to present its version of events:
Footage shows hunt saboteur being hit with riding crop
And here is how the Independent reports the same story:
Huntswoman repeatedly whips protester with riding crop after he grabs her horse on camera
A huntswoman on a horse repeatedly whipped a protester with a riding crop, video footage has shown. The rider is heard in the video shouting “get off my horse” while she hits out at a masked man who is seen trying to grab onto the reins.
Funny enough the Daily Mail version has a video which starts when the protesters are told they are trespassing on private land, where upon the bloke in the mask shoots forward and grabs the horse by the reigns . Where upon 3 people with cameras move forward to film the incident. (funny that)
Funny how the bbC version doesn’t mention any of that.
Can’t help but notice the serried ranks of the BBC’s over-manned stale and pale heading south for the winter yesterday. The goofy Ben Brown and the lyrical Fergal Keane are just two of the crowd covering the non-Coup, non-toppling, of President Mugabe in Zimbabwe. Wonder why those two were top of the ready to fly rota? Of course we all admire Fergal’s Joycean poetic stream of consciousness as deployed when the BBC turned its brief attention and Fergal’s starined blarney to the European Migrant Crisis: “And still they come… the young, the old… the able, the sick… some on a scooter, blowing a hooter…” [sorry, I got confused at the end there with some other bit of doggerel]. Careful out there, chaps. Mind how you go. Don’t say the wrong thing. Remember you can even get the sack for a fake West Indian accent these days. Well that’s half of Lenny Henry’s act gone up the Swanee [whoops – offensive Minstrel reference] So, where’s Lizo Mzimba ? Probably on red carpet celeb duty. Where’s our favourite Tulip Mazumdar? Hideously white this lot – some might say. That was our Dyke not our Yentob who, by the way, they claim has his very own lift shaft at the Beeb [Oh dear, Shaft – that was Blacksploitation, right?]
Don`t we have a World Service?
How come nobody at the BBC saw this Ebagum story coming up in Harare then?
We`re better off not payong the foreign affairs clots-they missed the collapse of the Soviets too, Gove turns out to be on the money re “expats” doesn he?
World Service is a bit of a joke if you’re a Brit abroad. You tend to see reports on wheelbarrowing in Rio de Janeiro, or sky diving in Guam, – on a loop, when you really want to know what’s happening in the UK. On my recent holiday I kept tuned to Sky News, it was current and live.
Do they ever play Lillibulero these days? It used to be played by a military band, then they changed to a chamber orchestra to sound less triumphal. Perhaps it has now gone altogether.
Classic piece of magical thinking goes unchallenged on BBC London tv news first thing. There’s a housefire somewhere within the capital last night – no green policy imposed inflammable cladding as far as we know – but it was all burny so our masters of the non sequitur rapidly segway to buzzword slogan Grenfell and up pops a local Councilor obviously filmed in daylight and ready in the film can to tell us government should pony up because kitchens need up dating and gardens need re-gardening (is your head spinning yet?) and of course completely uncountered he announces “tenants shouldn’t have to pay, it should come out of taxation”.
Toady watch
As I
Sounds like you missed the comedy debate on albeeb about some one Called “Ben” a beeboid – and some woman called ‘afra” about the colonialism, racism, ismism, of being white, stupid , male, British and getting the stupid idea of going of to New Guinea to catch a disease, get rescued , get enough material for a book contract and get fame and fortune. All without a gps or sat phone.
Anyway – ‘afra’ who sounded black ( racist of me ) is part of that new species of ‘snowflake ?’ THE BANNER. The banner wants to ban things they don’t like – statues, flags , words, behaviours, attitudes , views, beliefs, ideas .
This may not be a new idea but I have decided that’s what it is in my reading of the world. The banner is against the idea of freedom unless it’s within their version of the world . This ‘affra’ obviously is young and driven by a hatred for the country which has given her what she has -and hates this and what’s to change this country to a version she wants. I’m not sure she would be in favour of white to exist – so she would BAN them. She was worth a chuckle tho.
Fed, the woman was M/s Afua Hirsch. A lady, living in the past and fighting a battle that doesn’t really exist because it requires a warping, a telescoping, of time, among other things.
She appears to be another conflicted LeftMobbie, but probably from the liberal wing of that Party.
Consider, for a moment, education. This is something M/s Hirsch has received and benefited from and no doubt would say is valuable, should be available to everyone, especially at the best Universities in the UK. Here’s a strange thing: she would deny that very same educational opportunity to members of tribes from Papua New Guinea.
Most peculiar.
Thanks – one of the few times Toady makes me laugh out loud. This – lady – ( I know she’ll be offended by the term) was so right on liberal that I thought it might be a joke . But – no – she really did come out with all that colonial guilt crap. My god haven’t we suffered enough by importing so many children of the empire that it’s not Blighty any more when monsters like her start dictating ?
493 days to brexit
Heard this pith-artist myself,
Bournemuff Yooni-well, who knew?
Sand Sculptures get a PhD these days. Ben Fogle-if he`s not a guilt tripping white loafer from Oxbridge and private schools, then I`m Ena Sharples.
Maybe if we`d said that Fogle had come straight from the Jungle and wanted to be a migrant in PNG, then she`d have been OK with it.
She wanted no tourism, but migrants instead. People who won`t go and who clog up schools, benefits and hospitals are grand-those who pay their own way, spend money and them leave turn out to be NOT what she wants. Bizarre-and she`s yet another one eyed cultural appropriator who`s taking the mick ouf of the host country.
Only a Bournemouth Yoonibin would use our maney to pay her. What a cultural pimp.
Am guessing that the more stupid and self-serving the story, the further the uni is from UCL.
And the more likely that Montague gets it given to her to do something-anything-with.
I was thinking as she was saying —- wonder if she’d approve of western intervention the next time they get a dose of the old Ebola after eating some god forsaken jungle meat . ….
Fed, yep that’s right ” But – no – she really did come out with all that colonial guilt crap.” despite her background which you might think would provide her with a rather more balanced view of things.
But it gets worse. She’s written books on that ‘party line’. If the publishers were willing to publish them they must have some kind of market but who would read them, apart from Uni professors, Tutors and their students.
I wonder …
What did they used to say about burning books again…?
Laughably this Hirsch woman is Norwegian of Jewish heritage -to an English father and a Ghanaian mother, was raised in London and is a contributor to the Guardian.
Forget the Miss Marple image of a British woman – that’s long gone. Hirsch is the new diversity breed that ticks all the boxes.
I thought initially that it was someone who was transitioning. “Arfur” being the usual BBC pronunciation for “Arthur”. It turns out that this was Afua Hirsch who has a book coming out next year entitled “Brit(ish). She is the issue of an English father and an Ashanti mother. She has called for the removal of Nelson’s statue – no, not Mandela – and is not too keen on statues of that well-known imperialist and white person Winston Churchill.
She is offended by modern versions of those old fashioned photos of the hideously white Victorian exploroer, say Samuel Baker, surrounded by natives with bones through their noses sporting massive penis gourds, supposedly because the natives are depicted as” savages”. This merely reveals her own preconceptions and why she chooses to live in Britain rather than the native idyll of her mother. Hirsch seems to be channelling Darcus Howe who left Trinidad on a “civilising mission”, to teach Britons to live in a harmonious and diverse society. These people are essentially revanchists who spend their lives in a country they detest in the hope they can do it harm. Muslim suicide bombers are at the extreme of this way of thinking. They are willing to blow themselves to pieces if they can kill westeners. Blair may have wanted to “rub the Right’s noses in diversity” but his policy also found many new arrivals having their own noses rubbed in their own cultural inferiority, hence the bitterness and hatred of muslims and others for this country.
Shocked, I tell you; shocked:
Next up, Pudsey thinks Jezza Hunt is a NaughtieMarr.
Two lies perpetrated by the BBC TODAY Programme (R4 in its final hour 8-9am):
Justin Webb, with help from Thomas Matussek, a former German ambassador to the UK: we voted Leave to – in effect – regain our influence in the world, to be a great power.
Sarah Montague, with help from ‘Jim Hacker’: the EU has maintained peace in Europe for 75 years (give or take two – BBC maths!)
No, we did not! And no, the EU did not. It was the Allies and NATO that maintained peace – up to a point – in Europe (the EU actually disrupted it in the former Yugoslavia and in Ukraine) and the question on the Ballot paper on 23 June 2016 was just Remain in or Leave the EU.
The Remainers are becoming increasingly desperate!
Roll on Brexit!
You are right. When Germany decided to recognise Croatia unilaterally, it was a major flashpoint causing the Yugoslav civil war. The EU was as much use as a chocolate teapot.
In the Ukraine, the EU really wanted to get them into its “sphere of influence”, and ultimately to become a member. They were then shocked that the Russians had different views, and the result is yet another civil war in the east of Ukraine, which is mostly Russian speaking.
So that’s two civil wars which the EU either helped cause or did nothing to stop. Quite an achievement for an organisation which has “kept the peace for 75 years”. Mind you, the BBC think the Queen and Prince Phillip were married in 1937. History, along with reality, has never been their strong suit.
RiC – Solid post.
Quite right, Al.
RiC & Al, it still amazes me how very pro-EU people (and, I assume, also Remain voters) know so little about the EU, the EC and the EEC as well as Europe and its nations from their lifetime’s or the period immediately before, say from 1925 onwards.
I can sort of understand ignorance of history prior to that (and I have to say that I did not ‘do’ history beyond the age of 14, something I think I might now have changed, if I could go back, but science and engineering was ‘a big grab’ in my schooldays, going to the moon and all that stuff.) although the BBC has done enough in the televisual and radio stakes to at least keep its employees well informed.
Anyway, back to Sarah Montague. She would have been a Beeboid at the time of the foundation of the EU and should have been aware at least of the Treaty of Rome (1957 – not least from recent anniversary celebrations), the forming of the EEC and Britain joining in 1973 and then that organisation’s morphing into the EC. So, the only reasonable assumption that someone ‘policing’ the BBC can assume is that she was lying in order to deceive people into thinking that the EU had some wonderful effect on the warring nations of Europe and that ‘maybe we should overturn Brexit if it is so good at doing that’.
Uh uh!
Sarah, that is naughty!
Excellent post up2.
Like you, I was enticed away from history to follow the white heat notions of Heath and Wilson. Chose to drop it in favour of more employable subjects. Now spend my time catching it all up, and realise how vital history is. We gentleman amateurs tend to be bloody good too.
I`m working on some timelines to show what ,when and why-and your iron/Steel notions via Rome etc up to today is very revealing of how loose language and deceptions leads to pastel fascism like today.
Also got populism, scientism, Islam, immigration,quangos/charities,education, media and sport as well as christendoms collapse. All under Soviet, Alinsky like rubrics and false flags.
It`s all so obvious how we got to here, and it`s this simplicity that saves us-and destroys the BBC if we plant our sapper cherry bombs well.
Gisela Stuart needs her own programme.
Surely if we told the BBC that Shore, Castle, Benn, Crow-as well as Gisela, Dennis and Kate were Brexiteers from an intellectually coherent Left position-then they`d bite and actually do a decent programme on how the EU is the new coming Soviet Union, only with better jeans.
Can only dream-of course the BBC would not be allowed to do it by their EU Regulatory overseers.
Agree, Alicia, and she wasn’t given a fair go. Mind you, Justin was very interrupty this a.m., even talking over Herr Matussek.
Re Gisela – indicative of how far we’ve fallen as a nation, we even have to import folk to be our MPs now. FFS!
Actually Al, it’s worse than that. We have to import folk to stand up for Britain.
But good on Gisela. Though isn’t it a shame when so few in the House of Commons are prepared to do likewise.
Perhaps they are scared of being clobbered by the Brit Bashing Corps and outed for being a patriot on air.
Any one notice distinct lack of European news on BBC recently? It seems only today they have really mentioned Germany….fortunately other news outlets haven’t been quite so one sided. Riots in Sweden at the EU Summit about leaving EU. Norway’s ‘right wingish’ Government want a ‘Brexit’ to replace EEA agreement with free trade agreement, EU backing Spain against Catalonia, Austria recent elections suggest they will want to renegotiate with EU and possibly leave. and certainly won’t take more immigrants – so it even on the above without the Eastern European block issues the EU is up to its neck in ….
Wouldn’t think so listening to BBC
The BBC say they`re only so anti-Brexit, because the EU don`t talk to them.
Only Barnier allowed to speak to them so Katya Adler says.
Katya seems happy enough about this.
Our BBC eh?
House-trained Euro Schitzers- Pure Eurovision with Conchita Wurst mattering more than Tariq Ramadan or Catalonia.
Perhaps it’s negotiation masterclass from our Government.
All of the media abetted by the Remainers will never ever shut up about paying ‘our fair share’.
So – Agree to pay whatever they ask then simply default.
What can they do about it? Nothing. The trade deficit is in our favour.
BMW, Mercedes, Audi – strange how their opinion is never sought.
Why talk billions when we should be talking gazillion.
gazillion – a very large number or quantity (used for emphasis).
Breaking news
Germany detains six Syrian suspected of planning attack
Not good for the Beeb narrative, how long will they wait before/if they report it.
“Oops. A programme to forget last night from editor-less Newsnight, which marked the 70th wedding anniversary of HM Queen and Prince Philip by getting the date of their wedding wrong.” {order-order 21nov2017}
No OUCH! from Laura? Boom!
Envy of the wo… a very small, equally-remunerated, overpaid bubble.
2017 – 70 = 1947. I’m sure we could do sums like that in infants’ school.
WITHOUT a calculator !!!
What with all the hype and fanfares leading up to ‘Labour – The Summer That Changed Everything’ it would be perfectly understandable for those on here to have avoided another luvvie-fest from the Guardians of the Universe. And the lack of comment since would seem to support that belief, but in reality the programme came as something of a surprise.
Initially predictable, following the pre-election concerns and nerves of four non-fans of Corbyn, it wound a tortuous route through their various constituencies with pros and cons giving an air of balance. So far so turgid.
But then, towards the end, Rotherham MP Sarah Champion’s sacking by Corbyn for her ‘vile and racist’ article in the Sun on the rape gangs suddenly suggested that not all was going the Junta’s way. The final minutes were devoted to Momentum and the inescapable conclusion that the movement was just what we always knew, anti-democratic, insidious, politically and socially corrosive and deeply worrying. It gave the whole programme an air of sincerity and actual merit – or maybe that’s just the impression they wanted to give? That’s the trouble isn’t it, you can’t help being cynical when the drums just don’t stop the message.
Naturally, they didn’t cover any of Momentum’s red-shirted shultz staffeln knocking on doors with intimidation in their hearts and minds but, who knows, a sequel could cover that.
I never thought I’d feel sorry for Stephen Kinnock, but when the exit poll came out he looked like a child who’d just been told that Christmas was cancelled.
I did notice just the one brief glimpse of the sinister Commissar Seumus Milne. One look from this Beria de nos jours chills the bones.
You don’t like him for good reasons Rob.
He’s a hateful sod who blamed people who voted for Brexit for the death of Jo Cox. He lied to his constituency about educating his child at a fee-paying school – the local members said he wouldn’t have been elected if he told the truth.
No Rob, your sympathy is misplaced. Feel for the millions of labour voters who have to put up with people like him.
We were there were we not?
So what the heck happened over the summer that changed a thing?
Labour are still the opposition, only even more of a death cult like Ron Jones and Jonestown.
The BBC are still peddling fake new to stop Brexit and to get Trump assasinated. Muslims are still getting a free pass to Sharia.
Country still hates the elite as being the traitors and money grubbers that they`ve always been-but now we see it every day and 24/7 should we want to.
So what changed? Arianne Grande kids still dead and ignored,
How does the BBC get away with making free labour Party PPBs? We soft or what?
We know that Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker is untouchable! And Chris ‘£2.3m’ Evans is untouchable. That has changed!
Momentum is a grassroots campaigning network of over 31,000 members, 200,000 supporters and 170 local groups that evolved out of Jeremy Corbyn’s 2015 election campaign. Momentum is mobilising the mass campaigning movement that we need to get Labour into government.
The last election left many senior Tories with tiny majorities. We can #Unseat them. If we start campaigning now.: Stephen Crabb; Amber Rudd; Anna Soubry; Grant Shapps; Iain Duncan Smith; Borish Johnson; Philip Davis; Justine Greening
If they’d shortened their list to Amber Rudd and Anna Soubry I’d have been tempted to join.
Just one day after the ‘debate’ about how an utterly bent BBC deserves to wallow in cash via compulsion:
‘Sinister’ as in left?
Caveat emptor. More and more are not buying it.
Where is that bBC Helicopter? Surely it should be tracking Frau Merkel at this critical juncture for German/European politics.
Or is this Helicopter reserved solely for tailing Conservative ministers and Sir Cliff?
Do the BBC actually own a helicopter? If so will they let the licence payers have a go at naming it?
I could suggest Nosey McSnoop Face. Or perhaps ‘BBC Eye our job to spy’ .
Or in the spirit of gender equality = BigBadCysta.
How the BBC can combine Huffington Post (Left wing website), Bake Off (BBC Creation) and Brexit …
“The Sports Minister Tracey Crouch thinks people have had enough of the “daily commentary” on the UK’s EU departure.
She tells HuffPost UK people urge her in the street to “ask the BBC to stop reporting on Brexit”.
“They want us to do it, they want us to get on with it. I’m not sure they necessarily want the daily commentary on it,” she says.
With this in mind, she recently wrote her weekly newspaper column on The Great British Bake Off instead.
“The only Brexit they care about is getting the bread out of the oven in time,” it said.” { 21nov2017}
Just turned Jeremy Vine off after a few minutes, he has Heseltine on spouting anti-Brexit bullshit, it must be his turn this week.
It would just be so good if someone, anyone, in our controlled media could ask the question “What is there to stay in the EU for?”
Germany has no functioning government
France/ Macron are facing daily riots (not covered in the media here) and is diving in the polls
Spain is in Crisis
Sweden faces bomb attacks daily (not reported here)
Italy and Greece are bust
Poland and Hungary are at loggerheads with the EU hieracrhy
Youth unemployment is booming across southern Europe
What is there to stay for?
“… because they (EU Commission) talk in generalities. You hear it very frequently in European speeches. You must of heard it many times. I’m one of the few people who says ‘What do you mean by that?. What do you mean by European Union? What do you mean by monetary union? What do you mean by United States of Europe? What do you mean? What do you mean?’ ” – Margaret Thatcher {@00:59}
Nofan, +
‘Denmark – withdrew NATO commitment from the front line facing up to Putin: to deal with the no-go areas that the members of the religion of peace created. Police given up’.
\\ Michael Fish on Radio 2 “What makes us human” section on the Jeremy Vine show. Short sharp and to the point. Global warming is all man’s fault, sea levels are rising, food production will decline and cause mass migration, heat waves will increase and hurricanes are out of control. Nor does he want to hand the planet over to his grandchildren in a completely ruined state, naturally, the old fool had to get that line in..
And of course, Trump’s a denier.
Nor were any of his assertions challenged by Jeremy Vine!
But he couldn’t forecast a storm a few hours out.//
H/t @HotScot
News you probably wont hear or see on the BBC is that in Germany 500 police raided the
properties where six SYRIAN refugees were living in the town of Kassel, Essen , Hannover
and Leipzig.
They are aged between 20-28 and arrived in Germany between Dec 2014 and Sept 2015.
They have been arrested and are suspected of planning bombings in Germany. All are
said to be members of the” SO CALLED ISI.L” Good on yer Frau Merkel!! How about
inviting another 500,000 into your country .Or maybe a million!!
In parts of Berlin and Cologne crime has DOUBLED due to Ma Merkel’s enforced “enrichment”, though unfortunately it’s unlikely she herself will ever be a victim of this increased vibrancy.
‘ 500 (German) police raided ‘ – to arrest six. So if there were sixty (60) terrorist we would need a force of 5,000 to stop their nasty work. This is worrying … how long where they followed and could they have been stopped earlier at the border.
BBC reports Boko Haram have murdered at least 50 people in a single bomb attack. Oddly, it doesn’t say who Boko Haram are.
No-one has said they were behind the bombing but the Islamist militants Boko Haram typically target crowded places in northern Nigeria. { 21nov2017}
The BBC does supply a link … Boko Haram promotes a version of Islam which makes it “haram”, or forbidden, for Muslims to take part in any political or social activity associated with Western society.{ 24nov2016}
So BBC, that means that Boko Haram are Muslims. Boko Haram is an African movement of devout Muslims.
As we are repeatedly told, the threat from the far right is the worse, then we conclude that Boko Haram are far right under educated Brexit voting bigoted white nationalists and supremacists
BBC and pollution
‘London is terrible’ is the bbc narrative
I’m in the Costa del Sol now, and there’s a massive drought.
So unlike the UK the air is full of dust , whereas in the UK its always getting washed out by rain.
Never mind when I’ve lived near deserts like the Sahara or in Chile..where the air is always full of dust ..not caused by diesel.
I hate the desert. Living a while in a desert landscape can make one appreciate how good is this green and pleasant land. Sunny climates are overrated IMO.
Dubai SandStorm Latest Video 2017 (DUBAI7) – Pollution!
Qatar World Cup should be fun.
Can you still do “Spot The Ball” as a competition?
BBC website: Camelot launches new ‘income for life’ lottery prize.
This is just an advert, barely even disguised as news. The best public relations goes unnoticed, like the adventurer who supposedly became lost recently. I would bet my house he was fine and just gaining publicity; this stunt will certainly help draw in viewers for his next programme.
Much of the colossal public relations industry is effectively fake news; anything which is trying to sell you something or is a panegyric for some individual, show or company is not ‘news.’ You would think the BBC could afford to do some old school journalism with their money but they are lazy cowards.
Spot on Beeb. If I went AWOL for a few days the last bunch my beloved would tell is the media. I wonder how they found out. Hmmm, let me think.
They even mention in the article that he happens to be friends with a BBC journalist! How brazen can you get?
I have zero respect for all these posh adventurers. Fair enough if you’re single, but you cannot take risks like that when you have a family. A man died trying to cross the North Pole – what an idiot. He had loads of children and grandchildren as well. It is not 20000 BC; nobody needs to trek across ice anymore. It’s bad enough to lose a grand parent to illness, but to know they died just because they went on some attention-seeking adventure? Reckless idiots. Just go to the cinema or something instead.
Did you not see my post re the BBC newsroom in the last thread?
They’ve been exposed by a whistle blower for all being asleep at their desks !
Beeb website entertainment section quoting from a Radio Times interview with some bloke who cant keep his trousers on and allegedly bakes a cake. FFS, do these people take themselves seriously or what. Entertainment my arse.
Noted Emily Maitls giving houseroom to Richard Wilson of “Stop the Hate” – that is the name of that Twitchfork mob who hate the Mail Sun and Express isn`t it?
The Times deputy editor put him right over the recent “Paperchase successful campaign”.
Got to drive to Worcester now to boycott them now. Can`t be good for Gaia can it?
All I note is that Commissar Wilsons Red Guard who want the Mail gone seem not to think of what the New European is doing to our country. It`s Alastair Campbells bully pulpit-and as near to The Volkischer Beobachter as I`ve seen published in this country in my lifetime thus far.
Any chance of the New European being called out on its weekly hatefest? Or is that the right cause, so the ends justify the means?
Someone please tell me who are the big advertisers in the New European
.. So I know where NOT to shop.
I subscribe to The New European’s weekly newsletters. From this week’s:
“Grimsby, the town wanting to have its fishcake and eat it on Brexit”
“Man-frog Farage went a-courting in Brussels”
“Idiot Brexiteer of the week” (I don’t think that’s a weekly thing with them, but I’m afraid it might become so.)
“The Crazed Twins” (That’s Michael Gove and Boris Johnson)
I think they must have deliberately recruited the most unpleasant journalists in the country and told them to do their worst.
New European covers … #HateNotHope …

Just revisiting 1984, not via a time machine but the novel. Hell’s teeth, its all in there.
I know – Winston has been tortured and has seen his useless body, humanity. He is just about to go into room 101. Orwell’s 1984 is amazing, and so is this …
“Seeing Things as They Are: George Orwell {amazon}“.
… when you read 1984 first time you laugh at how ridiculous it all sounds, not possible. But come Hate Crime Hub circa dec2017, Social Warriors, Trans Toilets, the language describing 72 genders, the statues being pulled down … I like this bit as well …
The Ministry of Truth – miniTrue in Newspeak – was startlingly different from any other object in sight. It was an enormous pyramidal structure of glittering white concrete, soaring up, terrace after terrace, three hundred meters into the air.
… from the imagination of George Orwell in 1948 to the Qatar owned (95%) building ‘The Shard’ in mar2012 …
Thanks for the recommendation Mark. Have just ordered, hardback edition so it will take longer to burn when they come knocking.
Just in time for a “Jerry Christmas”
He had won the victory over himself. He pulled the “Jerry Christmas” jumper* over his head and felt the warmth that Labour would bring now and in the future, free and at no cost to anyone.
(reference to Orwell 1984)
Also worth reading Animal Farm, if you haven’t already – Corbyn’s Labour, and the Hard Left in general, to a tee.
No you’ve got it wrong I’m afraid – Orwell’s tower was 300 metres high, the Shard is 309.7 metres!
I love the hype on the Shard’s web page, the design is ‘progressive’ as it permits a range of floor plates, i.e. the floors get smaller the higher you go. That must be really useful for busineses that change floor during refurbishments/redecorating!
Amazing coincidence …×411.jpg
I have just re-read it, quite amazing the prescience of the man; particularly in light of the modern technology available to the elite today.
Jeddah Tower (Arabic: برج جدة),[11] previously known as Kingdom Tower (برج المملكة) and Mile-High Tower (برج الميل), is a skyscraper under construction in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, at a preliminary cost of SR4.6 billion (US$1.23 billion).[12] If completed in 2020 as planned, the Jeddah Tower will reach an unprecedented height, becoming the tallest building in the world as well as the first structure to reach the one-kilometre-high mark.
That presupposes that KSA hasn’t fallen apart by 2020. The way things are going, it could happen.
It’ll all crumble back into the sand when we stop buying oil.
Yes Bill, or the bigger the building the easier the target for an Iranian strike.
Do you think the 9.7meters is the ariel? That would be interesting.
Re-The Shard. A symbol of Arab dominance (you have to do something with your oil-billions beside sit about getting fat & hurting little girls). They are marking their territory while tearing ours down.
Burj Khalifa, Dubai. (I see this through spiritual eyes as the modern stepped Tower of Babel.)
“Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves” Genesis 11:4
Then there is the ………

(Muslims only) Mecca Royal Clock Tower, (In the name of Allah) which has the world’s largest clock face and is the third tallest building and fifth tallest freestanding structure in the world. It towers over that famous centre of pagan idol worship, the world’s largest mosque.
In 2002 the Saudi government demolished the 18th-century Ottoman fortress that stood there to make way for the monstrous clock tower. I don’t think the Turks were very pleased.
Wow – to dominate the sky. You also notice that films now contain these iconic pieces. Are the 100,000 Mecca tents in the background (top-left)?
“Mina is a neighborhood of Mecca in Makkah Province, in western Saudi Arabia. It is situated 5 … More than 100,000 air-conditioned tents that can house more than 3 million people provide temporary “
NoFanof………..asks what is the point of the EU?.
Seem to recall Her Majesty asked some politicians to explain that to her also……….
Maybe wrong but I dont think too many answers were forthcoming.
Here’s one area where a major dividend is lurking………..its buried deep under EU red tape which theUK Public Sector have further gold plated to the point where useful competition for the BILLIONS spent on UK third party Procurement is almost neutralised.
Women arrested for eating banana in underwear on TV …. Egypt singer held for ‘inciting debauchery’ in music video { 21nov2017}
‘Shaimaa Ahmed, a 25-year-old known professionally as Shyma, was arrested by Egyptian police on Saturday on suspicion of “inciting debauchery”.’
‘”I didn’t imagine all this would happen and that I would be subjected to such a strong attack from everyone,” she wrote on her now-deleted Facebook page.’
.. BBC are starting to connect the dots …
‘Another singer is meanwhile facing trial for “spreading provocative publicity” because she suggested that drinking from the River Nile could make someone ill.’
– But where do the ‘debauchery’ laws come from?
– BBC Article Word Search: islam x 0 ; Muslim x 0; religion x 0 ;
Tea Time Wonderland – Vintage tea sets to scrumtious treats for Mother’s Day (Emel cover story).
Mother’s Day, would that be Mothering Sunday when all good Christians return to their ‘mother’ church?
Imagine the outcry if a Muslim ‘Holy Day’ was secularised.
Who knew that you could put underpants on a banana?
Maybe a burkini or lingerie under the robes of a gender neutral imam would not have aggrieved the umma so.
“Egypt singer held for ‘inciting debauchery’ in music video – ‘eating banana in underwear on TV'”
That’s their future Eurovision entry, right there.
What faith were those Bananas in Pyjamas then?
And should we tell the Imam to take a fatwa out on Childrens BBC?
Allah Banana!
Save for the fact that dolls are haram to Muslims as they are the likeness of a living being and could therefore be an idol. They are banned in Iran, and in Saudi too !
Yet more amazing snowflake stupidity to offend both the Muslims and the non Muslims at the same time ! Well done Mattel you truly have achieved equality !
I take it this model is based on some poor white kid from Rotherham and Allah knows where – used and abused by a bunch of Muslim paedophiles
Radio 4 PM talking about Mugabe’s resignation and an amazing admission that both the British government and the BBC both conspired to cover up Mugabe’s atrocities while the British government tried to sort it all out – managing what they always manage – total failure!
It does seem however that the BBC never came out of its covering up to this day and never has fully illuminated the Mugabe murders and his other crimes.
Spose sir Lenny Henry will be cast as lead in the motion picture – The last king of nowhere. With Diane as his wife .
At the end of the film ( spoiler ) they’ll leave Rhodesia and land up in a premiere inn.
Notwithstanding the long and chequered BBC/Mugabe relationship, does it really merit the current wall to wall coverage? I’ve just had a look at the BBC website in search of some information about the potential political turmoil Germany is facing and … nothing. Granted Mugabe makes good press, but what impact does his political demise really have on us? Compared to the very real and grave consequences a troubled Germany poses both to us and the Brexit process, not a lot, which is pretty much how the licence fee to value for money ratio stands. Get your finger out newsroom.
I have a long memory and I can remember the white Rhodesian leader Ian Smith being hounded by our government and media until he resigned and paved the way for President Mugabe to wild cheers from our M.S.M. Their hypocrisy is puke making. Ian Smith was the devil incarnate and Robert Mugabe was the second coming of Christ we were led to believe.
Well we know how that turned out. It’s a funny thing is it not that all the so called refugees are non whites and are fleeing from countries that are governed by non whites in order to go to countries governed by whites. I suppose we should be flattered in a perverse sort of way because I can only surmise from that, that these people believe whites are in some way superior to blacks. Well if they insist————-!
As I remember it Smith agreed a deal with the United African National Council which resulted in an election which the UANC won. Josiah Gumede became President and Abel Muzorewa was Prime Minister. That gave the country black majority rule with guatantees for the white minority. Mugabe (Shona) and Nkomo (Matabele) rejected the settlement and continued the bush war. In an attempt to end the war the Lancaster House Agreement was signed which resulted in fresh elections, dominated by violence from Mugabe’s ZANU, which unsurprisingly won.
The BBC seem to have written Muzorewa out of history and have Mugabe taking over from a white run government of Rhodesia.
As an aside the BBC also have a memory problem with Mugabe’s use of the Fifth Brigade to massacre thousands of Matabele to ensure that Zimbabwe was run by his Shona tribe.
Spot-on analysis. Poor Ian Smith. He was 100% right about black majority rule. Look at the 1960s TV images of Salisbury and see what a clean and well ordered place it is with happy and well-dressed Africans. Compare and contrast to current-day Harare.
Thank you RJ for posting a more detailed account of the Rhodesian crisis than the rather inadequate version that I managed. I remember the deep animosity that existed between Mr Wilson and Mr Smith and, as a result of immense pressure by the British government an international trade embargo was put into force which was intended to bring down the Rhodesian government and of course, eventually, it succeeded in bringing Mr Smith to heel. I have to confess here that at that time I considered myself a strong leftie and if Mr Wilson said something then of course it had to be so. I allowed the Main Stream Media to do all my thinking for me and any amount of debate with someone of a different viewpoint would not have changed my mind. I think I was fairly representative of the younger people at that time and I wonder if we are about to see a repeat of history here with the young hanging on Mr Corbyn’s every word. The prospect does not fill me with joy but I understand from personal experience how this can happen.
Mugabe’s ninety-odd. This whole business would have been more impressive thirty years ago.
BBC website: Cycling brand criticised over ageist and sexist ads.
The offending adverts include a woman shockingly saying she finds it hard to keep up with her boyfriend and a 55 year old man saying he does not have time to work out. I can see the first is ostensibly offensive because of the biological reality that men are physically stronger than women, but I cannot even work out where the ‘offence’ is for the second.
They trawl through social media to find people who are ‘offended’ and quote their outrage. This is not news.
All this ‘offence’ taking is so pathetic. We have left the garden of Eden and we will always make mistakes. Stop trying to create a utopia where nobody ever says or does anything offensive, for it will create such an oppressive environment that it will be more like hell than heaven – a hell where nobody dare even make jokes. A hell Orwell described so terrifyingly in 1984.
£3.5 billion for this garbage? That really is offensive.
OT, and I forget where I saw it (may have been here), but on the subject of ‘offence’ I just listened to an amazing recording.
Can’t imagine the BBC equivalent, with Andrew Neil on the naughty step faced by a collection of drag queens and BBC DPA lawyers.
Yes I brought it up yesterday. It was also picked up over at IsThe BBC Biased.
I wouldn’t be surprised if this is the sort of thing that goes on at BBC editorial board meetings! It certainly isn’t much different to the reaction that Quentin Lett’s programme on the Met. Office produced, even though it was clearly part of a light-hearted series.
Universities in this country appear to be suffering from the same ‘safe space’, no dissent mentality and with the BBC recruiting most of its staff from the ‘liberal arts’ it is inevitable that these mindsets will be firmly embedded soon, if they aren’t already, (Trump, Brexit, Immigration, EU, Homsexulity, Transgenderism etc etc.).
Guest Who
But then, it is not uncommon for an Imam to wander into a lecture in a London Univ in order to monitor what is being said and be offended, and then bypass complaint’s procedures and take the complaint directly to the VC.
BBC R4 Today and BBC news website report that a US chat show host – of whom I had never heard, and whose US show I had never seen – has been sacked for sexual harassment:
“Like” this post if you give a sh*t.
Bets on hammonds budget speech Wednesday
“ we planned to give 20 billion to the NHS but because of albeeb and other pro EU propaganda bitches we’ve got to give the taxpayers cash to Brussels”
It wouldn’t surprise me if he announced we are handing over our entire GDP to the EU and the rest of the world , God forbid that a UK Government would actually try and work for its own citizens!
I sometimes suspect that many of our MPs are so terrified of being independent that they’d do anything to derail brexit, much easier to have a supranational nanny state to hide behind and to simply rubber stamp all those EU diktats.
Monday night there was an hour’ worth of light pro labour propaganda covering the goings on of the 2017 election.
I really think it is time for those who pay tax to be deeply worried – not by Brexit – but by the prospect of a Corbyn majority labour government. They are campaigning in schools and marginals whilst the conservative, naturally , are tied up in Brexit and not preparing for an election.
I am not rich. I know , though , the corbyn over the years and his hard left breeding . The kids and the benefits underclass are being groomed to vote when before they didn’t bother. The consequences will be a huge majority unless action is taken and bloody soon. May won’t do it though .
We’ve just had another half an hour of the same on, believe it or not, “The Long View” on Radio 4.
Are we are being betrayed by Al Beeb and our Government?
“Brexit: UK ‘ready to pay more to the EU”…………………….
Check out the HYS .
Our leader will go down in history as worse than Neville Chamberlain. Has anyone given thought to why Al Beeb has been given free reign by the Government?
Mugabe has resigned will our PM be next?
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Seems Norm has glimpsed his moment for glory too, and is going full retard to score a Newsnight slot.
My often repeated message to Al Beeb – You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.
Maxincony tell yer mates .
Sometimes I think left wing activists try to out do each other for making the daftest pronouncement. Perhaps there is an annual award for their musings, which they so generously share with we ignorant souls, hungry to be educated by them.
We already have a winner for 2017.
Natasha Devon, speaking at the Girl’s Association’s annual Conference, said teachers should not refer to pupils as “girls” because “it constantly reminds them of their gender”.
This wise proclaimer of all that is sagacious, describes herself thus: “Anyone who’s ever watched me on the news knows I’m notorious for being a left-leaning ‘gob on a stick’”
Damn! Those were the very words that entered my mind when I read her thoughts.
Now don’t get me wrong I am sure there are many girls who wouldn’t know they were females unless a teacher told them. So would it be worng to lecture children that they are all gender fluid? Confusing isnt it?
Just think, the prescient Natasha, like many other contenders for Left Wing Twit Of The Year, are funded by the tax payer. Dare I ask why?
No need to ask why we read of young people self harming and committing suicide. They are being deliberately demoralised so that they feel victimised and will forever become dependent on Nanny state and totally unable to form their own opinions on anything. They will be quite content to be told what to think. If a boy is told often enough from an early age by people in a position of authority that it’s possible that he may be a girl he could well develop a complex and likewise with the girls. They are very susceptible to suggestion and the adult weirdos know it.
I had never heard of her so Googled, luckily it seems she was sacked last year.
All the piddling about Mugabe, a tyrant and dreadful individual, makes me hark back to when a really good negotiator, Ian Smith, wiped the floor with Wilson and Douglas-Home.
I wish we had someone like him leading the Brexit negotiations, we’d have left by now…
The BBC of course, will continue to chuck money at the murderous, foul, insidious, ‘legacy’ of Mugabe, and probably, nobody will believe them at all, it’s all in the past already!
(Scrobs had even more discussions with local chums about the sorry state of the bbbc today. Unanimous decisions made already to ignore any ‘news’ they spurt. I reckon the whole village isn’t watching these days, except the few who like prancing about and sickly foreign cake, but they might be ill or have to stay indoors during the day…)!
BBC produce a guide for you to calculate how much you spend on tampons.
Under newly proposed legislation it will not be necessary to purchase tampons. Just go ahead and transition once a month.
For al beeb – black lives don’t matter .
As a white Londoner I once enjoyed watching an albeeboid launching the ritual attack on the police for stopping too many black yoot which upset “the community “ and rolled on a “youth worker” to say how bad tings are.
Anyway – al Guardian is saying two dead teenage boys in one day dead in London . It’s averaging one dead a week at the moment .
Now I have no love for teenagers – black or otherwise – but the level of slaughter taking place now is quite something . Al beeb will demand the police do something soon – like stop and search the yoot. Innit
Dare we say ‘Black Friday’ without fear ?
Morrisons has nudged it up to ‘Black Five Days’. So I reckon you’re good.
I caught a bit of A Good Read today. An American lady , (Meg Rosoff?), did the usual anti-Trump bit. I got the impression that no-one in the programme knew anyone who had a good word for President Trump and certainly no-one who voted for him, (Russian hacked voting machines?).
Of course this is all ‘normal’ and as has been noted many times here the same is true of the ‘Brexit’ folk too.
Surely if one was a board member of any organisation and you realised that no-one that you employed shared the views of the majority of your customers wouldn’t you be worried? Wouldn’t you be getting in your ‘Director of Diversity’ and giving them a good kicking? “How the hell are you selecting these people? Did you never hear of Gerald Ratner? Your fired!”
It is going to be pretty hard for the BBC to meet all those translesbianmuslimmonopods targets if half the population is automatically excluded. Or maybe not, they will be the ‘partners’ or children of those already working for them.
Any one else hear “The Long View” on the Home Service? I’ve just complained about it, as follows:
Did they mention Merkel as a comparison- the lady who said 1.5 million can move across Europe on her say so? Did they mention a 93 year old authoritarian who would not let go of power in the conversation? Interesting counterpoints.
SP, Well done! A superb letter.
Simon – no doubt you will get the same reply as most of us to complaints…along the lines of ‘whilst we accept there are different views we maintain balance and objectivity and cannot agree with your comment. They will however be passed onto the editorial team ” (who will throw them in the bin)
Has the BBC ever produced a pro-Brexit programme?
I can’t recall any. Could I be wrong?
DS – Never.
Not from the BBC, but along the same axis of newspeak and thoughtcrime, this comes from Canada’s Wilfrid Laurier University.
A teaching assistant (TA) conducting a course on grammar, had the temerity to explain some societal grammar issues by showing a 2-minute clip from a public Canadian TV news show featuring an interview with Dr Jordan Peterson, who explained his opposition to transgender-inspired pronouns such as ‘zie’ and ‘zer’.
Someone in the TA’s class apparently complained to university authorities about being shown this material, whereupon the TA, a 22-year-old female graduate student named Lindsay Shepherd, was hauled into a meeting with 2 professors and a university administrator and browbeaten for 45 minutes on the grounds that she was committing “gender violence”, creating a “toxic” atmosphere, and promoting the views of Dr Peterson, whom they likened to Hitler.
Shepherd stood her ground, by and large, although she became, unsurprisingly, emotional at times.
The newspapers got hold of the story, and savaged the university, which immediately stonewalled by citing confidentiality issues.
But there was one thing the university didn’t know; Shepherd had recorded the entire conversation on her phone. A very wise move, as it turned out.
Now the university really is getting flak, and if you listen to the recording, and the appalling bullying it contains, you can see why.
It’s one of the creepiest and most odious conversations I have ever heard.
(10 minute excerpt)
(Full 44-minute version)
Worst of all, I can see this kind of behaviour coming to a national broadcaster near you. At any rate, it is a horrifying look into the odious totalitarian mindset of the Leftists in academia.
Best of all is that, once the audio went public, several alumni threatened to withdraw their funding, and the main bully wrote Shepherd an apology (in the standard I-meant-well-we’re-really-on-the-same-page weasel mode of Leftists caught out), as did the University’s president.
The people causing offence and creating a ‘toxic’ environment are the totalaterian leftists.
People really are starting to kick back against this nonsense. It is only a tiny but vocal minority who purport to believe in this extremist nonsense. The internet gives us such a wonderful platform to strike back against the leftist empire.
It is so sinister I cannot even listen to it. It is like something from Kafka.
Do they ever think how ‘unsafe’ the public space is for educated, free-thinking, emotionally continent people? You permanently have to bite your tongue even when you are speaking the whole truth.
I didn’t think I could get through it, at first.
It was the courage showed by the young lady in refusing to bow down to this totalitarian assault that kept me listening.
Rick – Thanks for bringing this one up.- I would have found the whole thing hilarious except that these malign and poisonous individuals appear to completely dominate much of the higher education systems in the west.
I suspect the main odious little interrogator was probably quite enjoying his pathetic little power trip – probably felt a real “big man” after managing to reduce (what was obviously a very fair minded individual) to tears. Bastard!
What particularly sickens me is that in all likelihood these unpleasant pieces of excrement would probably be unable to hold down a real job in the real world. Instead like BBC reporters gathering around a dead brown baby on a beach (well providing its not a Christain one – yuck), These clever but lazy individuals are attracted to academia where they can be paid large amounts of money for indulging their own prejudices and destroying the tradition of free thinking which ultimately had made western civilisation so great.
I also loved the way she cut through the academia bullshit by saying – isnt exposing people to new ideas what we are here for. She certainly showed this unpleasant little turd up for the bullying parasite that he so obviously is.
Hopefully this newly opened door to what is happening in our Universities might now make society start wondering – What exactly are we paying these people to do?
Thanks Rick for showing us this article etc., very interesting and the girl was very brave in what she did. I don’t believe for one minute those apologies were sincere.
RB, this doesn’t surprise me. BBC R4’s Farming Today today tells me about a school in a relatively rural area that partners with local farms and food industry businesses, such as abattoirs, in order to give pupils a good grounding in food knowledge as well as, no doubt, to give them some ideas about their future in he world of work.
What major point does the BBC latch on to? Yes, you guessed: ‘snowflaking’. Would the pupils be distressed by thoughts that the cute little piggies and cuddly lambs would, perhaps one day soon, be hanging from a hook, dead, deceased, no more, running up the conveyor belt to snuggle with the cling-wrap eternal. These students, from the tone presented by the Beeboid, should be helped, counselled, almost protected through the brutal facts of the necessity of food production keeping us all alive.
Children have been turned into gods. This constant bowing down to them in worship by the adult world creates the problems evidenced by Wilfrid Laurier University.
Did it not mention that only one religion will be able to do the slaughtering in the future? Before the animal leaves this planet it will hear arabic whispered into it’s ear which a Muslim (has to be Muslim) slits it’s throat whilst the animal faces Mecca.
A good interview – I imagine there are others but I like Mark Steyn (future Hate Crime I Imagine to like Steyn)… The Mark Steyn Show with Jordan Peterson {youtube}
Rick Bradford
It is already here. I am aware of university lecturers in London who have had an Imam turning up to their lectures so that they can check on Islamophobic content, such as cartoons or negative references to the protected religion. If offence is detected the Imam has access directly to the VC and a bollocking expected.
If not already there, coming soon to a university near you.
I took a Honours Degree in Law as a mature student. One compulsory subject was EU law. Including our tutor, I was the only ‘elderly’ person there that actually voted in the Referendum to join in the early 70’s. All the rest could not even remember that Referendum. I was patently hostile to the EU and made no bones about my position. I suspect that had the current developing attacks on Free Speech, aka ‘Hate Speech’ been in place at that time (1996), I would have been interrogated likewise by the university. For that group of younger fellow students I was virtually ostracised, certainly ‘cold-shouldered’. Did I give a damn? No, I bloody well didn’t.
You couldn’t write it could you. I am afraid based on my quite extensive experience of further education establishments this is what you will find everywhere – more especially in the fields of politics, social science and psychology….She is a brave woman who was trying to do what education is supposed to do – challenge established thoughts and get students to develop themselves and the future…
What stuck me was the mixed and somewhat illiterate arguments they put to her…and they think they are educated..
As a study once concluded – stupid people are too stupid to realise it…