Britain’s standing in the world has been reduced [BBC fact] and we may lose our place on the International Court of Justice the BBC informs us….the unspoken term? #duetoBrexit. Note in the video Dimbleby once again denying that the BBC uses the term ‘inspite of Brexit’ or other forms of implying that. Charles Moore also got similar treatment….and Guido has helpfully listed many examples where Moore and JRM are proved right and Dimbleby wrong.
Loads more BBC bias out there…..list it all here……
Not bias as such but one of those ‘drip, drips’ that slip into BBC programmes:
For thousands of years the winter rains have fallen on these green and pleasant lands, for hundreds of years farmers have taken the crop and ploughed their fields in autumn. Now, on every BBC gardening programme, I learn that bare earth over winter is a crime, the rain will leach away the ‘nutrients’.
Where did these nutients come from in the first place, where do they go and, seeing as my lawn doesn’t stand six inches deep in water, how does ‘covered’ land retain these nutrients that can be lost in a single careless winter, having survived millenia of ‘weather’?
Unfortunately I have been working at home today and all I have heard on BBC R4 is doom and gloom. If they could find a negative they have…not a single positive statement abut the budget…or the economy…..we are all doomed if the BBC attitude spreads….
Purely on the basis the BBC does feature, I share:
Bill Quango MP
Have the BBC statrted their deeply dull winners and losers yet?
That’s so tedious.
Ben and Gemma are middle managers, with a mortgage and an electric car and a puppy. They will be £2.09p a week worse off because she don’t half knock back the wine of an evening.
Guy and Eli are both working. But Guy has a medical condition and Eli commutes to Berlin each week. They are insufferable at the best of times. But now they’ve got a rail discount they will packing those fold up bikes off to interail and bore us all shitless with their selfies.
Amifata and Hassan are on UC and will be £2.07p worse off a week. But still £845 a week better off than if they’d stayed in Kandahar.
So, no need to feel too sorry for them
‘it’s possible for a rich Anglo-Saxon Radio 4 ‘satirist’ to call a black American Trump voter a White Supremacist, without irony jamming up the processes of instant justice or the currency being devalued’
They’re just bidding the time until some Islamic fruitcake shouts “ali s snackbar “ before killing kids or anyone else he doesn’t like .
Then it will the “ community coming together”- our thoughts are with – he was a quiet lad who wasn’t like a terrorist
Sent for Myrie, huw, or some other autocue reading and ending with “enough is enough”.
“we are all doomed if the BBC attitude spreads….” I just had to:
It all smacks of desperation coming from Al Beeb. Remember, “the closer to the target the more the flak”.
Just look at all Al Beeb’s headlines – nothing but doom and gloom, they are doing their best to wreck our economy in order to stop Brexit .
The Swiss find their own Anjem Choudary … The trial of a Muslim preacher accused of promoting violence at a Swiss mosque begins on Thursday. The 25-year-old Ethiopian is alleged to have called for the burning of Muslims who are not devout enough in their worship. {swissinfo 23nov2017}
“He is also charged with distributing pictures of executions online and of violating labour regulations by working without a permit.”
French banks – crucifying Marine Le Pen and her party. This is what happens when the elite close ranks and target those they do not like. All part and parcel of ‘democracy’ at work………………
Tell me that there is no conspiracy against those opposed to the third-World invasion/islam.
“Brexit scuppers Dundee’s 2023 European Capital of Culture bids”
Big Deal! “European Capital of Culture 2023”
Lets have our own a celebration of a United Kingdom & Great Britain week. These islands of ours are steeped in a culture that is by far richer and prouder than anything the ‘so called’ EU ever has to offer.
Its time that we, England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales took pride in our nations again and celebrated the patriotism that has been wiped out from us in the last forty years by a liberal education system and broadcasting corporation.
And perhaps the ‘Oldest’ in the world…………………………….
We sell ourselves short . We are not called ‘Great’ Britain for nothing .
didums snowflakes its only a stupid take turns trophy anyway its meaningless
and surely the correct title is
“EU or prospective members City of the year”
Sorry that you lot above me don`t see the import of this epoch-shattering event. Who of us will ever forget the day that the EU booted us out of grubbing back a few poplars and a bouncy castle for wankers like Tom Paulin to spout their “art” from?
As long as we`re still allowed into Eurovision though eh?
How many sharks away from reality does this story take us re the desperation and idiocies of Brexit Bashing Clownship?
Maybe Jon Venables could be the Liverpool City of Culture rep-seeing as they were the last city to get this eternal accolade, and there`s just been riots there-maybe we can do without another bloody Beatles topiary, and try to save what`s left of this countrys perspective and sanity instead.
Maybe half an hours silence from the Now Show could get us all to mourn the end of International It`s A Knockout in its place-mind you nobody laughs during it anyway except for the writers and the nannies in the audience. Silence.
The ever impartial BBC just now:
BBC News
Britain is in danger of losing almost 20 years of earnings growth, an economic think tank says.
Off now to see what the actual headline could be.
There’s an HYS.
The highest and lowest:
17. Posted by NO1U12NO
Easily solved – cancel brevet
New entries coming in:
1303. Posted by Bill Somebody Else
1252 Eatonrifle
‘Has anyone suggested the IFS is biased too’
This isn’t a report from the IFS (who may or may not be biased’.
It is a vox-pop from the director of the IFS who is an ex-Labour policy advisor and who is therefore definitely biased.
Funnily enough, the BBC didn’t think it newsworthy to report his time as a Labour policy advisor.
#Fake News
Not ‘independent’ at all.
Ah but Guest Who!
The Resolution Foundation-who are TWICE the experts as the IFS, and who are TWICE as independent as -even- the IFS…they TOO agree that we need to splurge all future generations tax take to pay for Eddie Mair, Paul Johnson, Kamal Ahmed and Thosten Bell! So no more hair splitting.
As for austerity being due to incompetent labour dweebs like Madelson, Kinnock and Blair?…nah, we need to learn from Venezuela and Zimbabwe instead.
Tell me-did EITHER of these independent “agencies” call Brexit correctly, or were they merely channeling Starmer and Shami as per? If they didn`t-then why the hell do they get on them media to lie for posterity and STLL get away with that?
…aaaand… the there is the well paid ‘talent’ that is Laura…
Luckily all Newsnight staff are equally remunerated market rate talents.
As an aside, whenever I suggest the best thing is to close the BBC down or send it sub, those disappointed from other corners suddenly decide it needs to be kept, but just be more ‘them’.
We made a mistake in our piece last night. We wrongly used a clip of Jeremy Corbyn responding to this year’s Spring Budget. Here’s the clip from yesterday that should have appeared: {BBCNewsnight}
. . . .
1. Newsnight says it was a ‘mistake’, without an explanation. 2. No apology given. 3. What will @BBCNewsnight say and do tonight as a follow-up? {MediaLens}
Aled Jones and Reggie Yates. Could this be prejudice against the Welsh?

Non – women are more important than Jewish people – er – except Jewish women people . Er – think I have a reasoning problem – but I do have an iPad and advisors so it’ll be okay.
The difference is: Reggie is a vibrant individual whereas Aled isn’t.
can someone tell me how this british productivity lark is actually calculated
Kaiser –
How thick can you be – it’s simple – take one Dimbleby , a John snow , a corbynite, 2 Diane abbots and a sacrificial brexiter and there you have it – British productivity .
I think it might be the gdp ( whatever that is ) divided by the number of people working .( not including Friday afternoons when they’re all on the lash)
cheers fedup next question
how does the bloated public sector contribute to this exactly ?
Simple Kaiser. Every Friday afternoon all the tally-sticks from all over the country are delivered to the Ministry of Tallying, the nicks are added up and if there are enough, people get paid.
Obviously anything to do with computers: consoles, i-pads, robots, CNC machines – anything associated with working practice that can impinge on direct earning capacity, is discounted and sent by carrier pigeon to the Ministry of Mumbo-Jumbo, Islington branch, where it is analysed separately and filed under ‘Pending.’
right that clears it up for me no end , I can now make a real value judgement ta 😉
im gonna ask how they know what GDP is , when they have no idea about how much tax all our luvvies are avoiding and ergo how much they earn
and seeing how much they are all hiding surely productivity is massive lol
it all sounds pretty much like a government estimate to me and we all know how good the government is at estimating
GDP is the number of full containers of stuff imported into Blighty minus the number of containers full of wonderful Blighty air exported out again. Some empty containers actually have stolen cars in them. Like mine.
If you’ve got a container with a stolen car in it Fedup, you really must report it to the police.
Then the police give you a ‘crime number’ and tell you to go away and don’t bother them.
As a taxpayer I felt truly impressed by the speed at which they rang me and gave me a crime number. The drones, helicopters dogs and marine division still haven’t found it. I was gonna put it on al Beeb crime watch but apparently it wasn’t diverse enough any more ….. funny there was never a Rochdale special though….
Bedfordshire council ‘runs out’ of storm drain covers
We can all guess who is nicking these? Answers on a postcard please.
How long will it be before a major road accident is caused and when the plod does something about it.
Lets learn the lessons now before they ‘need to be learned’.
Bedfordshire police spend half their time dealing with Islamic Terrorism from Luton and the other half dealing with Traveller crime.
Maybe the police should just wait at the scrap yard and see what arrives?
Maybe the police should just wait at the scrap yards and see what arrives?
“Maybe the police should just wait at the scrap yards and see what arrives?”
What if the scrap yards are in Europe ?
Taff – they are not being stolen because they would turn up in the crime figures. They are being recycled. It is only a crime if hate is involved. Got the makings of an excellent panorama special where a beeboid is sent overseas – say to Australia to show how much better other countries are than Blighty at protecting their precious person hole covers
Besides – removing man hole covers is part of the traditions of some ethnic groups and should be respected.
The simplest way to stop that is to take away the licences from any scrap dealers found to be buying them and so put them out of business. That way there won’t be a market for these covers to be sold in any more.
Luckily I’m not a pessimist, but with this latest breast-beating and ‘all is lost, woe, I say again woe’ news being regurgitated on productivity and the parlous state of the economy, it does make you wonder. I mean, there was our impregnable government, headed by Maggie MkII which managed to get itself into negative equity against all the odds, while Labour gained a new lease of life. Then there’s months of non-negotiation in which the EU derides, belittles and sniggers with apparent impunity – coupled with a near total embargo on real news from the Economic Utopia, which might lift the corner of a curtain to expose just what is actually going on, over there – and we all know it’s not pretty – but nothing is done.
As I said, it does make you wonder, despite not being a pessimist. They couldn’t engineer the whole farce so people say ‘Well, maybe we were wrong. Maybe all those experts were right. That bloke Carney looks honest, doesn’t he? Maybe we should think again, have another go?’ They couldn’t do that….could they?
“Always look on the bright side of life “…………………
😀 Despite Brexit
Is there anyone out there in the wide, wide world that has some evidence of Al Beeb’s right wing or even ‘middle of the road’ Bias ?
Over to our main man at the desk – Maxincony
Maxi is too busy blacking up for Friday in his Argos / amazon warehouse to read our comments. He is very good at cut and paste though and writes like an a level English lit student if he is a he or her or charmingly fluid.
Come come now , you are winding him up.
Damn was I that obvious . I’m waiting for his summary of the never happened debate about al beeb in the House of wasted air in the week.
Don’t stay up waiting for the shift to start!
Some of ‘us’ have work to do on shift.
How about it Maxi ?
Has Al Beeb covered this yet –
From the FT “China stocks suffer worst one-day sell-off in 17 months”
And then this …………………..
Is Brexit to Blame? …………..
nice picture on breitbart of 70,s britain under labour control and these buggers were not half as mad as jezzbola and his comrades

In reference to Labour (Socialist) control, I have just watched “Gulag” on the iPlayer.
It is one of the best documentaries about the Soviet Union I have ever seen. It shows the use of prisoners as slaves and the almost unimaginable conditions in which they lived and worked. The death toll is virtually impossible to calculate with accuracy: the number who perished is so high; over such a vast area and the system operated for so long.
I believe it was made in the late nineties and I can’t think of another al Beebus documentary made in the last decade which is as powerful. It is available until early December I think, it is almost three hours long but doesn’t waste a minute. It is such a shame when you can see what level of programmes they are capable of producing, yet don’t.
I cannot recommend it highly enough and would urge everyone to watch it, which is not something I thought I would ever find myself posting on here about one of their programmes.
Agreed-everybody needs to see this.
This is where Corbyn takes us. It could never be made again, Putin wouldn`t allow it and all those so affected are dead no doubt.
As has been said-this programme alone is worth the £150 as long as we`re smart enough to draw the big lessons. Noted that Anna Pomerantsev directed.
Her son Peter is interviewing in the film-and his book from last year about how the Russian media and gangster cartels run Russia today is the best book you`ll read on how hypercapitalist lies and media games leads to a Fake News Fascism.
Every word applies to our Freeview , BBC and CNN etc-the Russians are only shameless and openly doing what Soros and Osborne try to cover with “cultural sensitivity” and “affirmative revisions of history”. Brilliant book, and all you need to know about the global media.
05Oct2017 … 2017

Rubbish piled up on the streets of Alum Rock in Birmingham during the dispute { 05oct2017}
Anybody else remember Nazanin then?
Asked a load of dopey church lefties this morning-the name was familiar, but nobody could be specific.
If anyone ever doubted that her case was used as some pool balls in a sock to assault Boris Johnson last week?…well, there`s my proof.
Now that Johnson didn`t go-she can rot in her cell once more until the BBC choose to resurrect her case-probably when Brexit looks a bit nearer on the day when there`s no “features” or “drive-bys for Jezza”.
Anyway-she`s been incarcerated now for 600 days…this is “Beyond 100 days” for the benefit of Labours illterate and numerophobic Shadow puppets.
But the BBC won`t dig too deep in case their role in the Iranian Green Revolution of 2009 crops up. Think we should remind them-a sob story is for life, not just for Alastair Campbells Satanic filofax, or for his Excaliber appointments grid on the BBC.
Scum. Keep on praying-the BBC will try and keep her in for as long as we`ve not left the EU.
BBC TV Southeast news this evening included:
* a massive plug for Virgin airlines who have modified their in-flight entertainment system to help the visually impaired;
* a 12 year old boy from BBC TV Southeast’s catchment area has won a trampoline competition in Bulgaria. Live interview with the lad and his proud mum in the studio.
Hats off to Virgin’s PR team and the bouncing boy, but should I really be obliged by law to fund this pap?
I am afraid you have to pay for this pap as well……………………………..
“Is it because I is black?”
: – D
Thanks Taff
Well worth doing “analysis” about the BBCs efforts at news shows.
Most of their news is
a) speculation
b) quango press releases from Blairs sleepers
c) emoting features about the hard cases-never the crims or creeps
d) Retrospective framings of Tory/Trump features that could yet cause damage-and when it runs out of steam it`s removed(Namazin, Clintons Golden Showers dossier etc)
e) Hypochondia in the service of NHS public sector wide mouthed frogs like junio doctors
f) Sports bollox and
g) EU/UN/One Love-One World fillers to keep their motors running.
My BBC Parliament sampling has an inordinate amount of grasping Jocks from the SNP, Labour victims who double as MPs with noserings-and then more Scots, more Labour.
In short-by my reckoning news starts at about 10% of Red Button stories in the morning(as in NEW)-and it goes up to about 25% by 6pm. But it`s NOT news-it`s waffle, gossip, bitchings and agitprop for Corbyn or Barmier.
If it called itself a pork sausage of news, it would have to be a cereal salty horsemeat substitute in a pigskin condom-news it is not!
No EC. EU kitemark here eh?…but isn`t that the whole point of this shit getting taken seriously.
Dundee no longer an embryonic Duisberg-oh the horror!
And at least half the “news” is occupied by “comment” and “analysis”.
BBC R4 Today this morning: interview with the Chancellor followed immediately by piece from la Kuennsberg to tell us what he really ought to have said. They always give themselves the last word.
Never quite understood that technique Tom – it’s as though al Beeb think we are too thick to listen to an interview and draw any conclusions from it – the McDonald line about iPads and advisers was a beauty though. A shadow chancellor who can’t remember his key numbers ain’t worth do do – whatever his political complexion .
BBC R4 PM this evening: half a dozen UK cities bidding for “European City of Culture 2023” award have been told that they have been ruled out due to Brexit.
Much wailing and gnashing of teeth from a predictable cast of troughers.
Basingstoke-City Of English Garden City Splendour 2023. No objections?
Right then-give me a few millions and that`s me sorted for Yule.
BBC R4 PM this evening: half a dozen UK cities bidding for “European City of Culture 2023” award have been told that they have been ruled out due to Brexit.
Much wailing and gnashing of teeth from a predictable cast of troughers.
“Apprenticeship numbers fall by 59% after levy imposed”
The real reason is because the education system encourages them to go to ‘Yooni’ where they have their brains scrambled into mush and are turned into wimps.
Also many of those who do not go on to uni are unemployable.
I write as a former employer of apprentices, who would now hesitate to employ anyone under the age of 30.
“Also many of those who do not go on to uni are unemployable.”
They are unemployable because of the liberal education system the country has been operating in the last forty years .
how does this work out, the levy isn’t on apprentices its on your payroll
since the levy our places is awash with the buggers cos the gov gives you your own money back to pay them
and their a damn sight cheaper than the graduates we supposedly needed before
BBC News @20:40 “How Mugabe ruled …or mis-ruled Zimbabwe ..” – the BBC language is changing, no more Katty Kay’s “…a great tactician ..”, now we are hearing the terrible deeds.
Also, local BBC news said that Europe City of Culture awards no longer available in the UK – stopped by the European Commision, but did not mention that Istanbul hosted it – who are not in the EU. When is Theresa May going to highlight these petty things to the UK public in front of No. 10?
. . . .
It doesn’t matter that Istanbul won European capital of culture. UK is no longer in Europe. However it could be if they give us more money. #Brexit
I remember when Milton Obote took over from Idi Amin in Uganda and the replacer turned out to be almost as bad as the original, it will be interesting to see what happens when Gabriel’s replacement takes power in the former Rhodesia.
Ripping hearts out and roasting to ward off the ju ju man like amin spose
Just heard both parts of the World Services “Illiberal Democracies”. Great stuff-and , try as the BBC do to be “balanced”-too many years on the Eurocruise has addled their eustachians.
Poor old Beebette can`t see that how the Poles are “marginalising” the likes of her on their media and judiciary is EXACTLY the mirror of what she`s doiung with her mates here in the UK. In the UK-WE are the marginalised, those in danger of losing jobs and who get no chances to talk freely and equally on her beloved BBC.
Worth a listen-the BBC lack so much self awreness and irony that they are a laughing stock-even when they TRY to be less rabid that their telly and home services like Radio 4.
Mind you-Radio 3 has a use-when they started with Shostakovich a few minutes ago, my cat got off my lap and finally went out…
From TWLLV 201711-23.
“We needed a housing revolution. The chancellor gave us a Band-Aid Miatta Fahnbulleh”
Female. Black. Foreign born. Lefty. Singer (allegedly). Fat. Ugly. And, as ever, talking 100% lefty nonsense.
The UK needs fewer house.
What we need is repatriation of unwanted, unneeded, benefit claiming/cheating, crime committing, terrorism planning, moaning, non Europeans. Especially muzzies.
Then we can knock some houses down, and have more countryside for British people to enjoy.
Meanwhile I notice that it is ten minutes to Friday and we are still on the start-the-week-open-thread. Some sites I visit (not about TWMTB) have a new thread every 30 minutes. What is the problem?
Come now TS,
The Government coffers are overflowing with the extra tax paid by the Europeans working in the UK. Not to mention that tax paid by the rest of the World and Glenfell Tower inhabitants. With all the tax taken, there’s more than enough to build houses and hospitals and provide all the other services the foreigners need. Oh, hang on though, I seem to recall that Migration Watch has done some research which shows that all the immigrants are, in total, a net loss to the economy and the existing taxpayers i.e. you and I et al.
Quite so on the loss – off the books cash going back to mamma in Lagos, Warsaw or Islamabad – give me that national insurance number and a flop address in newham and a Ryanair ticket….
They are a net loss in every way, not just economically.
Culturally, aesthetically, olfactorily, etc.
Impoverishment of every type, from the world’s least developed peoples and countries.
They’re just generally a dead loss.
We refer to, ‘Brexit’; they refer to, ‘Bregsit’. Can we read anything into this?
You say Brexit and I say Bregsit
You say Bureaucrat and I say Eurocrat.
Brexit. Bregsit. Bureaucrat. Eurocrat.
Let’s call the whole thing off !!!
I see the UK is now not allowed to bid for the European City of Culture award in 2023, ‘because of Brexit’
Can we assume therefore that we will be getting back any UK cash that has been hypothecated to this activity?
No city of culture award? OMG OMG! What will we ever do without the superlambananas?
Not particularly interested in having a City of Culture here, but it is worth pointing out to the EU that they have no more right to designate anything as “European” than I do. They do not speak for the whole of Europe. If the UK wanted to appoint a European City of Culture in 2023, it would be just as entitled to do so.
Also worth noting that the EU committed to having a UK City of Culture before the referendum. If the outcome of the referendum means they are not obliged to honour that commitment, then by the same token, we owe the EU nothing.
I think the more the EscUm do petty and vindictive things such as this, the more they show themselves in their true colours.
I just hope they carry on doing more of the same.
In response, our government should announce a new competition between ourselves and cities in the U.S.; Canada; Australia and New Zealand for Anglosphere City of Culture.
An interesting point of cheer.
Went to a dinner and sat next to quite a senior civil servant at DEFRA.
They are all working like mad to create a Fisheries Bill to take effect after Brexit. But it is all hugely problematic because there is no negotiations progress and no idea of the likely outcome so very hard to plan.
The civil servant was quite open that no deal and a clean break was a perfectly reasonable outcome!!!!
It has the advantage of costing nothing, is simple and clear, and allows for progress to be made against a clear outcome. This from a civil servant who was not a Brexiteer but just a sensible, logical, person.
Such common sense. I nearly choked on my Americano. Oh that there are more people like that in positions of influence.
Lord Digby Jones tells us what the BBC won’t on Brexit.
“Irish deputy PM no confidence motion could force election”
Any chance of an Irish Brexit ? They nearly went for it last time.
The EU could be the border enforcers .