Poor old Benedict Allen. Thought he was off to meet some old chums in Papua New Guinea and comes back to the UK branded a racist, colonialist, imperialist white man by the Guardian. Which you might think an irony as the Guardian must be the archetypal ‘white man’s burden’ model with its patronage of every ethnic, anti-white cause under the sun…..Don’t worry you little Black folks, you Muslims, you repressed Asians….the Guardian’s here to save you!
And what of Brexit and immigration? Doesn’t the BBC et al love immigration because it brings such diversity and interesting and unusual cultures to our doorsteps….we don’t even have to get on a plane or a boat…we can just import the exotic natives and watch them from our cars as we go on safari around Brixton or darkest Birmingham. An open zoo for the multicultural, metropolitan, cosmopolitan, elitist white man! The Guardianistas love it!
Today had a little discussion[08:20] on the subject with Ben ‘nice but dim’ Fogle and Charlie Brinkhurst-Cuff [I think it turned out to be …Cuff is black and female. Black or is she white? Cuff is mixed race….but ‘black’ Naturally she makes a living as a ‘professional Black’…concerned with…… race, feminism, social justice and politics. She has all the jive talk off pat and can populate her spin with all the righteous sounding phrases that have been coined by the race industry to make their case sound credible and important…she, and Hirsch, can do it without thinking…which is the problem.
Sarah Montague didn’t say much but did stick up for Benedict Allen on a couple of occasions. This might be because of the video above [sorry about the lack of quality] which is a BBC film of Frank Gardner with Benedict Allen earlier this year in Papua New Guinea.…
Thank God Ms Hirsch didn’t see this photo…King Gardner being held aloft by dusky natives ….
Hirsch complains that a photo of Allen in his western clothes alongside the native inhabitants in their own clothes is a picture of colonialist, imperialist superiority that treats the locals as interesting specimens. She is pretty ignorant of anything about Allen as she complains about his ‘colonialism’. Cuff tells us in her Guardian piece that he is “othering” foreign cultures and people with darker skin tones…..has he considered he could bring deadly diseases to an isolated tribe? That his presence might be unwelcome? Or that he is feeding into an ancient narrative of black savagery? His actions scream selfish midlife crisis.” Hirsch thinks along the same lines.
Here is Hirsch winding herself up into a frothy state of indignation…
I don’t begrudge men like Allen for their adventures, but I do wonder if they have ever contemplated the imagery and messages they are creating from the perspective of someone like me. It’s a giant act of “othering”, of placing people like the Yaifo as scary savages under a white gaze, and promoting raw colonial era ideology.
Hmmm…not really true though is it, he’s done this all his life and he was revisiting the Yaifo tribe that he met 30 years ago….and in which he participated in a 6 week initiation ceremony…or ordeal.
The initiation had been designed to make me ‘a man as strong as a crocodile’. I was thrashed every day for six weeks.
Hirsch and Cuff have no idea what they are talking about and if anything it is they who are exploiting the Yaifo tribe as they use them, without any knowledge of what they think or want, to further their own racist views…and Cuff is a racist. Her whole life is wrapped up in ‘being Black’…here’s what she thinks of Allen and Whites…
White men such as Benedict Allen should cease their meaningless, problematic “explorations” and focus instead on the ways they can counter the privileges they inhabit, at home and abroad.
She wants to ‘Black’ up Blacks…herd them into some sort of cultural, racially defined ghetto, her word…compound, in which they circle the wagons against outside influences…it’s how she makes a living…leeching off Black concerns about racism which are all too often whipped up by the likes of Cuff herself…keeping herself employed and ‘relevant’…just the usual ‘race-baiting’ agitator who want to generate the idea that Black people are oppressed by the nasty Whites….like the old joke about newspapers starting a war in order to sell more papers…except it’s not a joke here, it’s real…..a race ‘war’ in this case……
The aims of Cultural Compounds are to:
Explore how African diasporic communities can take the lead in shaping, building and safeguarding their cultural entities
Create an environment for live and online dialogue to exchange ideas and opinions and highlight urgent questions about Afro-Modernist cultural expression and inheritance in the UK and beyond.
Race card played to the full. The irony is that it is people like Allen who really appreciate and celebrate local, native culture….People like Hirsch and Cuff, who live in their modern, metropolitan ghettos and write from their ebony and ivory towers in the right-on Guardian, having probably never been to Africa let lone ever tried to live as one of their African families or communities as Allen and Bruce Parry do. They are plastic Africans…enjoying the benefits of Western civilisation whilst pretending to be African.
Racist hypocrits. On this occasion the BBC, as said, was somewhat subdued, but providing a platform for such Blacktivism is what the BBC lives for…all those privileged white middle class boys and girls who are so guilty about their place in life….desperate to over compensate and, Robert Fisk-like, offer themselves up for some righteous flagellation because of past sins of the colonialists.
Wasn’t it ‘Africans’ who populated the world by emigrating out of Africa? Colonialists? We are all African.
A Single Migration From Africa Populated the World, Studies Find
Modern humans evolved in Africa roughly 200,000 years ago. But how did our species go on to populate the rest of the globe?
In the journal Nature, three separate teams of geneticists survey DNA collected from cultures around the globe, many for the first time, and conclude that all non-Africans today trace their ancestry to a single population emerging from Africa between 50,000 and 80,000 years ago.
All non-Africans are closely related to one another, geneticists found, and they all branch from a family tree rooted in Africa.
Nothing like a bit of snowflake on SJW spatting to perk up a grey day.
Bazinga! as we cultural appropriators say.
“Be it so. This burning of widows (India/suttee) is your custom; prepare the funeral pile. But my nation has also a custom. When men burn women alive we hang them, and confiscate all their property. My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned when the widow is consumed. Let us all act according to national customs.”
– Charles James Napier on the subject of suttee {wiki}
ssshhh dont tell them the out of africa theory is cracking and we might not all be africans
see here
which would make all them black africans the colonialists
Traditional view may be correct then, Kaiser, ‘we’ originated out of the greater Middle East, as it is now known?
So would it have been ok if he’d been an “explorer of colour”, maybe young and female too? Is it only his white skin.his gender and his age that makes such trips unacceptable?
Dora just better not culturally misappropriate.
Though she is clearly of an age when the whole trans thing is a definite way to go.
Maybe catch polio due to an unguarded moment soaking up the diversity in an inner city?
I’m afraid Ben Fogle was not up to this. His problem is that he is a decent, honest sort of person who thought he might be having a reasonable discussion with a rational person. Sadly, that’s like trying to play cricket when your opponent is playing Rollerball.
It is impossible to have a sensible discussion with these leftist race baiters. That’s not what they want. I am sure Afua Hirsch would run a mile if she ever had to go into a dirty smelly jungle to meet an actual tribe in Papua New Guinea, She is more than happy to live a hip metropolitan life, hurling abuse at white men. The pay is good.
Donald Trump has the right idea about dealing with people like this. You cannot debate with them, it’s impossible. You just have to ridicule them, pour scorn on them, refuse to dignify their deranged left wing nonsense in any way. Trump knows these people are his enemies, they can never be won over by decency or rational argument, so he mocks them to their faces. They hate it, and his supporters love it.
That’s something that our pathetic Conservative government just doesn’t get. Your enemies will never vote for you, don’t waste your time sucking up to them. Instead, give the people who do vote for you an incentive to keep on supporting you. Off the top of my head, how about not wasting £13 billion a year on “foreign aid”, how about controlling immigration like you promised, how about reducing taxes on people who actually go out and work? It’s not complicated, but it seems to be beyond the wit of Mrs May and Mr Hammond. God help us all.
Donald Trump has the right idea about dealing with people like this. You cannot debate with them, it’s impossible. You just have to ridicule them, pour scorn on them, refuse to dignify their deranged left wing nonsense in any way. Trump knows these people are his enemies, they can never be won over by decency or rational argument, so he mocks them to their faces. They hate it, and his supporters love it.
Very well put.
They can’t bear to sully themselves by appearing in a two-sided debate. That would imply equivalence between the two sides, an affront to their self-granted and unearned moral and intellectual superiority
They regard debate as a “tool of the Oppressors”; they hate and fear reason and facts; they generally have no coherent arguments, because their decisions are made emotionally not rationally.
Their only goal is power; their only tactic suppression. Trump knows it.
“Through the black magic, witchcraft you are able to send a lightning bolt to strike someone, Can you explain that scientifically … ” @0:50 – one of the speakers
“It’s not true” – audience member
“I need to address you directly (audience member who says witchcraft does not work). When we started this we agreed on certain house rules. By you doing that (arguing) you are disrespecting that sacredness of this space. I would like you please first to apologise …” – another speaker
Benedict Allen is a bit of an upper class twit, which annoys me somewhat, and if I was a member of the Yaifo Tribe I’d be tempted to thrash him every day on those grounds alone, but I don’t suppose he can really help that any more than he can help being: white, male, and middle aged.
Charlie Cuff is an opinionated, arrogant metro bubble dweller with no grasp of reality outside of her tiny little, artificial ‘safe space’ who really needs to learn to live and let live, if I was a member of the Yaifo Tribe and she started rattling on like that I’d be tempted to feed her to the crocodiles.
I wish all these professional victims and ‘activists’ could just do something useful like help immigrant kids learn to read and write better. If you are paid to find racism or course you will find it everywhere.
There must be countless ways in which I am ‘othered’ by someone but I am too busy trying to be useful to complain about it.
The equalities industry is worth over a billion pounds annually. Would it not be better to spend money on hospitals than on finding things to pretend to be offended about?
I met some missionaries once who had worked in PNG. I heard from another source, that their work and that of Mission Aviation Fellowship and other Christian organisations who no doubt created the air-strip (the one that the BBC described as inaccessible! – er, no, BBC it is an air-strip) that Fogel was retrieved from, was regarded as extremely valuable by the people of PNG.
The various tribes all used to live in fear. They had no education. They had no health care. Their lives tended to be very short thanks to disease and warring between tribes. They lived in fear of the future. They lived in fear of their own ‘gods’. They lived in greater fear of the ‘gods’ of the neighbouring tribes. They lived in fear of the neighbouring tribes, too. Conflict and the injury or death from it was a continuous possibility and was required as a right of passage into adulthood, to appease the ‘gods’ and to extract revenge.
Missionaries, mostly post-WW2, take the good news to PNG about the true living God and his love for them and things start to change, slowly at first, then relatively quickly. Peace becomes a real commodity, emnity within and between tribes comes to an end. Health care is provided. Education is made available. PNGers end up in Australian universities. Lives improve all round. The PNGers start to take control of their own country. They are achieving what I and some others would call equality.
I suggest M/ss Hirsch & Cuff let MAF take them to some tribes on PNG and they can ask them themselves “Would you like to go back to the past and live without what you have now?” They may have to come home with laughter ringing in their ears. At least they will not now get a spear between the shoulders or in the heart or a close encounter with a machete.
I heard that Donald Trump is the President of Puerto Rico, and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II is Queen of Papua New Guinea.
Although its meant as an insult by lefties, it does in a way, seem to be factually correct.
I cannot remember whether it was in PNG or one of the small Oceana islands, but HM, inconversation with a native about the BBC* … er, … I mean, some tribal display and activity in which the islanders engaged was disappointed that a scheduled event was not apparently going to happen. The islander said of the BBC, er, sorry – I mean, a particular tribal activity ” im no good, ‘im no work, missus, ‘im orl buggerup!”
It was said that HRH Prince Philip was most amused, as was HM but who no doubt tried not to show it.
(*Any excuse. 🙂 + eyes raised heaven-ward emoji)