Yes Taff, East German with rumors of working as a Stasi informant in her youth but not really proven. She has been running the show over there for 12 years which is as long as the countries most infamous leader. I have always found it odd that the beeb and co. describe the CDU as center-right with conservative liberal policies. Surely that is an oxymoron, in my opinion Merkels policies have hoodwinked conservative Germans into voting for her and her party. I am sure that Tweezer thinks she emulate the German political model with a liberal conservative party that is conservative on the back bench only.
While most East Germans were trying to escape, Merkel’s parents actually volunteered to live in the DDR. Not only that but the female Merkel has chosen to police the Internet for anti-immigration and anti-government tweets is ex-Stasi herself!
“What do we do with immigrants already here? And what would reversing White genocide actually entail?
It would look like Pakistanis living with Pakistanis in Pakistan, Chinese living with Chinese in China, Africans living with Africans in Africa and Arabs living with Arabs in Arab countries. When we think about it that way – would it really be inhumane?”
As far as I can tell he is some sort of Social Justice Warrior. He just comes on here to make claims people on here are racist and bigoted – with the presumption that he himself holds the moral high ground. He seems to be a pro- open border activist for Europe and the US. Beyond that it is difficult to say because he doesn’t go into any detail apart from making repeated claims people on here are racist, bigoted, hypocritical, low in intelligence and thought. He doesn’t think the BBC is biased. He thinks the BBC is neutral and fair.
I’m not peddling anything. I just came across the video clip and liked it. It seems to me EU supporters/remainers lack any kind of real love of Europe itself. It’s peoples, cultures, landscapes, languages & traditions. It should be the remainers talking Europe up. But they don’t. If you can’t take a >3min video clip like that at face value you must have a problem with Europe being European.
Agree Lucy, that is the cruks of why all 28 nations each with its own identity with its own culture and its own ideology of how it wants its nation to proceed has been lost-these differences made up a great and interesting Europe but the introduction so stealthily introduced in the early 1970’s to eventually bring about the programme initially planned by certain evil people early in 1950’s for what we now have as the European Union-their aim to destroy all sovereignty, subjugate all the populations into following one set of rules and undermine/destroy all the countries Laws. Supress any slight disagreement by the said public or any attack verbally or physically by introduction of rigid gun laws and the development of Riot Squads-whose effect we have recently seen in Catalonia. What we have today as the EU is not what Winston Churchill et al saw as a united Europe. We have been conned, cheated whilst those controlling the EU and its policies became rich and much richer than before. Could have been a successful inclusion of Europes nations but you may fool some of the people some of the time but NOT all of the people all of the time. Other countries will eventually follow the UK and pull away from the current EU and those that sit in Bussels know it.
I agree, too, Lucy. The BBC conveyed very little news of both the EU and Europe to us (esp. on R4 where you would expect it to be) despite having full-time correspondents based in both and paid for by the Licence Fee payer.
The BBC are very quick to produce Americans (esp. squeaky voiced females), Canadians, South Africans, Australians and New Zealanders on R4 to inform or educate me. They are rather less quick to bring people from European states, together with news of their countries, their peoples and the doings & achievements of the EU, to me as a regular listener.
Most peculiar.
I wonder how much maxi knows about the EU if he is a ‘Remainer’?
I find Remainers, on the whole, know less about the EU than those advocating our leaving. They sometimes have property there or constantly travel there for recreation, but they know little about the EU and its benefits and liabilities beyond Visa-free travel and the Euro. They often appear to intensely dislike certain nationalities, too, in Europe or elsewhere in the world, which is equally amazing.
At our care home there does seem to a correlation between the full moon and its cycles-and the behaviour of one or two of our drooling(if generally benign) older gentlemen.
They can get quite grumpy and cross, not their usual selves at all.
May not be the moon that does for Maxi…but even the simplest research would surely show a pattern for when Maxi chooses to throw his fleas around on this site-and when he chooses to drool benignly and safely elsewhere.
May be linked to June Sarpongs appearances on telly-or reruns where The Buggles video is shown.
Who knows?
But worth a univeristy grant for some branch of self medding community nursing I`d have thought.
Maxi would much rather Lucy had posted THIS-a much funkier and edgier paean to the coming EU project,
I just had a look at the page you linked. What are you accusing me of exactly?
I only read the one page and did not delve any further.
You must be a BBC editor. It isn’t a very long statement. In the selections you chose to post from the page YOU linked you omitted this:
“we want to help others understand that a future for our people does not exclude a future for other peoples and races.”
“we highly believe in peaceful solutions to these challenges and we want to inspire others to take action within our Statement of Principles in order to make a better society”
So you disagree with:
1. Reversing white genocide.
2. Chinese living in China. Arabs living in Arab countries and so on.
3. Peaceful solutions to problems
4. A future for all peoples & races
And you want to vilify these ideas from the lofty heights of your self-assumed moral superiority for some reason ?
Just for clarity, I suspect that the likes for your post are from people who support the idea of repatriation of the Muslim invaders, not for your implied criticism of Lucy. Repatriation would be a far better way of spending tax payers money than giving billions to the EU. Suppose we spent the mooted 40 billion on repatriation we could offer any Muslim who wished to leave a substantial sum provided they agreed never to return. In fact as most of these folk are a net drain on our economy I suspect that we would get an immediate return on that investment and a payback period of only a few years. Lump in the money set aside for the ridiculous HS2 project as well and I reckon we could really make some headway here towards a better, safer , cleaner , more harmonious country. What’s not to like ?
I went on that link about Europa that you were promoting. I saw nothing about fisting which, I understand is your idea of diversity on BBC get familiar with you colleagues weekends.
White genocide? What about black genocide: The Sans were the indigenous peoples of Southern Africa. Then the Bantu pushed them out, for all intents and purposes….
You still haven’t withdrawn your false quoting of Alan despite being asked several times to do so. Your tactic is to run away for a week or two then pop up somewhere else here when you think we have forgotten.
You accused Alan of stating ‘ Here’s a ‘Neo European’ wishing old white men would just curl up and die in a cold winter’. This was a provably false quote like many others of yours because presumably you live in a fantasy world in your own head.
Are you happy to continuously lie your way through this blog?
It would be nice if you had the courage to defend your lies.. but you are in fact a cowardly troll.
Blast ! just missed the top spot again.
Hey ho, here’s something to ponder……
Hordes of mainly young women are screeching the place down if someone puts his hand on their knee, and yet, a Pakistani doctor – Imran Qureshi, who really did molest someone by grabbing her breasts is allowed to keep his job !
Don’t forget Lucy, the way the BBC and MSM use language to promote their aim of Cultural Marxism; for instance using the euphemistic word ‘grooming’ instead of the correct words, “rape” or “raping”. I’m sure you could make quite an extensive list, for example, the word ‘Asian’ is often substituted for ‘Pakistani’ in BBC news reports about organised Pakistani rape gangs. Many years ago BBC Midlands Today used to end reports of street robbery (muggings) by saying , “The police are looking for a man in a woollen hat.” to avoid saying the police are looking for a”black man” in connection with the crime.
Brissles, that is far, far from unusual in “our” NHS.
“The most recent government statistics indicate that around 15% of practicing doctors in Britain have been imported from South Asia (India and Pakistan) and Africa. A further 9.8% were admitted from other countries in the European Union, bringing the total proportion of non-British doctors to around 25%. This alarming figure is considerably more unsettling when placed in the context of malpractice, incompetence, and abuse. During the last 12 months a total of 281 decisions on cases of serious complaint were reached the Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service (MPTS), which, together with the General Medical Council (GMC), is responsible for registering, disciplining, and ‘striking off’ dangerous physicians working in Britain. Ignored by the mainstream media, I took it upon myself to conduct an analysis of the MPTS’s list of tribunal decisions — an analysis which revealed that non-British doctors (25% of the total) are responsible for at least 80% of tribunal cases, the vast majority of them bearing Muslim, South Asian, or African names…”
“It is a matter of documented fact that foreign doctors from India and Africa are responsible for more than 90% of tribunal cases involving incompetence. The details from some of these cases are stunning. For example, Indian junior doctor Sripathy Subramanian was struck off the medical register after it was discovered at one hospital that he was so lacking in basic skills that he “did not recognise that one patient had normal breathing,” and was unable to name any major bones or arteries. Another Indian, Vasudha Mashankar, was struck off after causing the death of a young boy by failing to identify an intracranial bleed. Nigerian gynecologist Benjamin Ogbonna botched his handling of six patients in such a fashion that he was struck off for having “an old fashioned approach to medicine; making premature judgements, overlooking relevant matters, and a persistent pattern of deficient professional performance.””
an analysis which revealed that non-British doctors (25% of the total) are responsible for at least 80% of tribunal cases, the vast majority of them bearing Muslim, South Asian, or African names…”……….
Thanks for that Al. I’m old school, and fed up to the ears when listening to the pontifications of many, that the NHS would collapse without overseas staff; and yes it would because of the amount of overseas settlers that have arrived here and make use of it. Before the obscene numbers of migration, our NHS coped perfectly well for the indigenous population from when it was conceived in 1948, and for the following 20/30 years, and in those few blissful years we had spotless antiseptic hospitals run by Matron and a few admin staff. Nurses that looked clean in their uniforms so you knew you were in good hands, doctors that were respected in their white coats, and wards that blossomed with flowers instead of kow towing to a health and safety edict. Its a pity we cannot combine the advances of modern medicine with the old ways of running a hospital.
Calm down Brissles – its just cultural relativism.
Everybody knows that if a woman goes to see a vibrant male doctor “immodestly” dressed and without a close male relative in attendance that she probably wants to have her breast felt.
Thats why Sistas these days dont seem to get bothered by this sort of unimportant trust based stuff. However real crime is when if a worldly, desperately ambitious, starlet meets a notorious Hollywood Director in private, gets abused, keeps quiet for years and then decides years later to jump onto a speeding bandwagon before it disappears off into obscurity as the next PC shock horror story gets all the limelight.
By the way does anyone know yet if international feminist – Emma Watson has revealed yet whether Harvey once looked at her and made her feel uncomfortable at a Hollywood party? Strange that this feminist “activist” kept so quiet about the scandal until the last moment. I hear though that in October she said she now stands with them all.
I dont expect Emma and her ilk will be doing much standing in Rotherham any time soon. As far as the establishment is concerned this whole story still needs to be protected by a media/BBC led “Cloak of Invisibility”
I don’t know about Emma Watson. But I did hear that other tiresome airhead Emma Thompson on the radio a couple of weeks ago or so. She seemed to admit that she hadn’t known about the goings on but that didn’t stop her blaming the whole thing ultimately on Trump. Which of course suited the BBC’s agenda just dandy.
They will use her again next time they need to blame Trump for something he had nothing to do with.
As for Rotherham, well not a squeak as far as I know.
YD – I believe Emma Thompson being “unaware” of the Weinstein goings on is about as likely Sharia May (when Home Secretary) being unaware that very special prison treatment had been reserved for Tommy Robinson when he was jailed for “mortgage fraud”
Im afraid that Emma is yet another privileged lefty with media parentage who is now only famous for her politial stunts. Big Oil/BP and Brexit-where she called us a grey and gloomy offshore cloud of misery and cake swilling chavs…akin to that anyway.
Too much money, time to stir-and not enough talent to indulge her.
Self loathing lefty discovers Nazanin when the BBC prime her.
Cultural cherry bomber, no danger of a suicide though.
Many of us knew of Zaghari-Ratcliffes case for over a year now-but the BBC were simply trying to jemmy the lid off Brexit using her sorry tale. Her case is coming up on Dec 10th-expect plenty anti-Boris bile in the lead up. It`s as if Jo Cox never died, and her poor family are way ouf of their depth in despair.
But the BBC and liberal scum for sticking with the EU have hardly started to scrape the barrel…they`d like her under a death sentence I`m sure, solely to embarrass Johnson and Brexit.
“It’s not a fantasy drama, it is reality, Winter is coming”
Nick Miller our BBC second string weatherman quips this morning as temperatures drop. Seeing as we are now firmly located in this reality mimmics fantasy world, and vice versa, does this mean Games of Thrones fans can look forward to a new character up there on the ice wall suitably dubbed, according to strict BBC warmist rules: ‘Jon Wintery Showers’ ?
Time for Sadiq Khan to invite the President of the a democratic country into London – London Is Open to All!
Time for Sadiq Khan to invite the President of the largest economy in the World – London Is Open to All!
Time for Sadiq Khan to invite the President who has visited Majority Muslim country Saudi Arabia where the holy city of Mecca resides!
Time for Sadiq Khan to put the economy of the UK before his bitter feelings towards Donald Trump.
If Diane Abbott can put her child before her Labour Party Principles … surely Sadiq Khan can but the UK economy before his anger towards a leader of a free nation.
“Everyone Welcome” is what Liberals with “Keep Out” signs on their doors, write on everyone else’s door. Its meant to create the illusion that Liberals are not selfish, but at everyone else’s cost. Liberal are always found to be living next to people that in public, they call racist.
Hi all, can people with about 5 minutes to spare listen through the following – it has a link on the BBC homepage and it is a woman’s hour interview with someone called Sue Wynne. Can someone find out who the BBC interviewer is and can someone with a bit of time find out who Sue Wynne is? There is something about this interview that seems a bit strange and I just can’t put my finger on it at the moment. I am going to have a look at it later – but would like to bring it to your attention now. Thanks.
One of the first things I noticed was the quote from the Beboidess “The people of Rotherham being complicit”.
No they weren’t. It was the police, the social services, the councillors and politicians who were complicit – and I would make a guess that many are still in position and too few (if any) prosecuted for deliberately failing to protect the victims. If the people, e.g. fathers, complained they were threatened with arrest.
The finish of the clip was to moan about “Far-right marches” coming into town. The “Far-right marches” so-called are a symptom of the problem, not the problem. To make them an issue disrespects the real victims once again.
Sue Wynne, Chief Executive of Rotherham Rise. A Charity.
“We provide help and support for survivors of domestic abuse and sexual exploitation.
Established in 1976, our experience and expertise is the key to providing the best possible support to Women, Men, Children and Partners. Our website explains what domestic and sexual abuse is, and what to do if you or someone you know experiences it”
Hi Markymark – thanks for this. Everything about this story is worrying. Firstly the article ends on the sentence “She knew she had done wrong and was very sorry”. So the journalist writing this article was already deflecting. Clearly the fault was with the “immigrants” who had started to sexually abuse her at the age of 13. That Rotherham society allowed this to happen shows that civil Christian society had broken down – the traditional society was no longer there to look out for her.
Since the post war period government policies have acted to destroy traditional British Christian Civil Society into what is called a Consumerist Mass Society. “Multiculturalism” has been part of that process, and these children are victims of it.
Maybe we need a hotline to report ourselves-and get the counsel of other self-identifying victims as we do so.
We`re all on a journey Brissels…and a lovely health spa with a re-education option with the looks of George Clooney, but the mind of Mark Steyn available on demand-that would get me out of here for Christmas anyway. Got a Christmas card ready for Ted Malloch-why isn`t HE here to lead us out of the EU and into sanity?
And David Cassidy dead as well?
Can someone explain to me what the feck Theresa May is doing making public speeches apparently promoting the notion that Russia is meddling in British and European politics.
There is growing evidence of Theresa May working closely with the BBC on occasion. There was the incident when she seemingly had a BBC reporter that was travelling with her (Laura Kuenssberg) ask her and Donald Trump an anti-Trump question in a Trump – May press conference, during her visit to the US. Trump called her out on that inferring she was duplicitous.
Beeb website reporting on continuing struggle to form a coalition in Germany. Two months since the elections. Any one else noticed how Germany seems to be functioning without an effective Government. Proves a point really that the civil service just carry on regardless of who their masters are. Its a long shot but the link to this is if Corbyn and his mate gets in power we might just be grateful for the unelected men in suits to keep them under control.
I bet they’re into doing the old Gay Gordons as well. I wonder who the twat was that stole the word “gay” and twisted it out of shape? It used to mean happy, now it means bent.
Have heard it said that we need a TFTD with George Orwell. Great though he is, he`s a bit tweedy, smells of old dog and-to be honest-not so hot with women. And out of date in some areas. But not Steve.
If there`s a more urgent prophet around in the world today, then I`ve yet to know of him/her.
This comes from a Catholic website( not too late to be a nun is it?)-called “The Church Militant”. But its a global message-the bit on China around 30 mins to the end is truly scary.
And the fact that we`ll soon be China in terms of how government and media is done is pretty brilliant.
State Funded oligarchies using massive tech companies with faux spiritualty and laoghi for those who fail to believe the BBC and Guardian sounds about right.
Good catholic boy…and one who is already altaring history.
We need better role models in this life. Steve Bannon is one that I follow, let me show you a different interview where the women shouts ‘sexist’ whenever possible ….
Thank you for posting that Steve Bannon interview. He has one of the better explanations I have heard as to why the elites don’t seem to care about the decline of our civilisation. ‘Managed decline’.
Mark. How could any politician from another country take this woman seriously. One thing I look for in anybody, let alone a politician is the ability to remain calm. I also remember her infamous resignation from the shadow cabinet in 2014, being rather high and mighty about some flags draped outside a house in Rochester. Patronising bully of the highest order.
Oh dear, poor Prez Trump couldn’t find his bottle of water … I am so pro-Trump I normally wouldn’t post a pix of him looking clueless, but sadly, the incriminating image in the Daily Mail proved too tempting:
Caption: LOOK A LITTLE HARDER: President Donald Trump looks for a bottle of water as he pauses while speaking about his trip to Asia in the Diplomatic Reception Room of the White House
The Daily Mail of course had the obligatory video:
Right Angle
I think the POTUS is just giving the MSM the benefit of a scorcher.
Farting is a pleasure
It gives the body ease
It airs and scents the bedclothes
And drives away the fleas
SPOKESHAVE circa 1600
Always refreshing when the BBC shows concern about children and sexual abuse. Especially when it gives them an opportunity to knock You Tube which, despite its many faults out ranks and outclasses the state broadcaster in news and entertainment.
… Amber Rudd needs to close the site down that promotes illegal behaviour. Amber Rudd the is promoting activities that go against the UK law and moral codes and is using it’s site to promote a story. The BBC also fails to write about the negative aspects of sharing women and does not offer women the ability to have multiple men … what about equality in Islam?
The bBbc has developed a cosy relationship with the Irish government of late, happy to help them offer opinion and advice on British foreign and domestic policy and to allow them to credit themselves with a level of influence and control over the affairs of Northern Ireland that simply does not exist.
The bBbc have allowed the Republic to portray themselves as victims of British economic aggression, their feelings hurt by Britain’s failure to consider them when deciding it’s own future and allowing them to further flirt with the idea of a renuited Ireland and to ignore a border and the sovereignty of a part of the United Kingdom.
Hard Brexit, hard border, soft Brexit, no border. There is a border, decided upon during partition when the Irish Free State became independent of Britain, at their behest, a foreign country now engaged as always in anti-British mischief making. There has never been a united Ireland and it isn’t going to happen now, but it suits the pro-EU stance of both this foreign state and our accommodating national broadcaster to suggest otherwise.
This must then be why the current constitutional meltdown in Ireland, political chaos seemingly worsening by the hour and caused as ever by their corrupt and unprincipled governing class, is hidden on the Europe and Northern Ireland pages of the bBbc website. Not enough supposition or contrived commentary available on this one to make the front page yet it would seem.
The possible collapse of this political parochial council, our moral guides and erasers elect of our only EU land border, doesn’t appear to be all that important, until that is some blame for their lack of intelligence and honesty can be attributed to Britain and Brexit.
I just don’t get the Irish stance – unless they are being driven the the evil Brussels mafia – we are their biggest exporter and culturally are very close – with out without the mad republicans and their outdated sentiment driven by killing the innocent .
If I was running Eire I’d make nice with us and say to Brussels – you sort out the border as your one track ever greater union shit has driven Blighty away .
If it were possible also beebs anti brexit anti HMG drive seems to be getting even more as the year end – 589 days on my calc.
What’s the problem with having a border between Eire and NI?
We have the same border with France, Denmark etc and life goes on.
Why is this issue such an important one.
I think it’s only a big issue because the politicians (on both the eu and our side) want to make it so.
A few farmers may be slightly inconvenienced in the same way that commuters sometimes get held up in traffic.
So what.
It’s just being used by the opportunistic EU as an emotive barrier, no practical reason why there should be any problems, but feelings and rights, real or supposed, trump any practicalities. Who gives a shit, we don’t owe the Irish anything, individually perhaps not, but as a nation they despise anything British.
The bBbc deal in this same currency, obstacles of false perception backed up by a lack of journalistic rigour and by added ulterior motives. The bBbc never highlight simple solutions or offer beneficial conclusions that do not fit their agenda. 24 hours of rolling to fill and EU approved agendas to push all the time.
As a matter of interest who will perpetrate any violence that is apparently a risk should a hard border, whatever tf that is, be required? Is someone threatening this? Perhaps too many cross border rackets are being protected by the status quo? Whatever, in amongst all this posturing on the Irish side the people of Northern Ireland do not matter in the least to either Eire or the EU or to the bBbc.
The insane thing is that the Irish will be a minority in Ireland, due to non-white immigration even before the British are the minority here in the UK; yet they fought and still fight to rid the island of Ireland of “the Brits” and have a “united Ireland”.
Good luck with that. A united Ireland where the Irish are outnumbered by all the blacks and browns they’ve taken in and who’ve bred them out; is that what they’ve been struggling for all these years?
I think there is an element of ‘my enemy’s enemy is my friend’ in those parts of the world that want ‘freedom’ from ‘the English’.
The French Canadians in Quebec probably started it first, they wanted to open the doors to speakers of French from wherever they could find them – the more they could get the easier it would be to build a French-speaking state and to hell with the descendants of the people who actually built the railways, banks and big cities like Montreal.
Wee ‘Krankie’ is another one, anyone welcome as long as they hate the English, (or are English socialists). The Irish Republic probably has politicians that think the same.
Unfortunately for the PQ lot in Canada they have now discovered to their horror that French speaking doesn’t equate to being Catholic. Not only that these non-French speakers of French do so as a result of French colonialism so have no emotional attachment to the language or the fossilised culture of 18th century France as practised by the PQ-istas! All of a sudden those (mostly bi-lingual) Anglos perhaps aren’t so bad. A lesson for the SNP and Eire perhaps?
Yesterday’s edition of “Open Country”, just happened to be about Northern Ireland’s border with the Republic. It was a recording of Helen Mark walking the border, pointing out all of its illogicalities and telling us how communities on both sides had come together once the horrible border had been reduced to a mere line on a map.
The programme outline on their website even goes so far as to point out that: “a hard border will negatively affect both the economies and relationships of the Republic and Northern Ireland.” As an aside: as the first B in BBC stands for British (no laughing at the back) shouldn’t the sequence be “of Northern Ireland and the Republic”?
How could I possibly think that this programme is part of the BBC’s effort in an orchestrated plan to sabotage Brexit? This week the Northern Ireland border, next week #####.
Fedup2, I think I get the “Irish Stance”.
They`ve swapped Maeve Binchy for Colm Toibin.
Replaced Garret Fitzgerald with a gay Indian paperweight, but one who the EU will use like the Kool Aid straw that he represents to them.
And binned Father Ted and Dave Allen for Mrs Browns Boys and Graham Norton.
In short-so self loathing, venal and corrupt in slavish obedience to the Euro that they`ll happily burn down their own barn to put the Brexit rat into a corner.
An utterly craven nation that hates Britains decision to leave the EU more than any ties that we`ve built togther since the last century and before.
Time to cut them off at the knees-and I used to be an IRA speaker and with both parents Irish immigrants.
I hate what they`ve done to my country and all my relatives there-all Stockholm Syndrome hold ups and bitter that their referendums got ignored and they were spineless and cucks for Brussels.
No sympathy whatsoever.
They chose JunckerStaat…we now bypass them and see an open sea with a mere heritage patch for organic cabbage in the way of New York.Islam will be removing their bacon very soon.
I suppose the Brussels people must fear for the future of Eire in the EU if / when we leave – with or without the North.
If brexit is a success the economic pull for Eire to leave the EU could be enough to take it out. If we have to go back in a United Eire and uk on the Euro will be on the Brussels list of punishments . Hard to look 10 days ahead yet alone 10 years eh?
Was in Ireland only three years ago.
Remember migrants from Eastern Europe going round Limerick hospitals in pyjamas pretending to be patients as they robbed the real patients from the lockers.
Remember the run from Shannon into Ennis and Limerick with all manner of fast food fronts to cover the guns, drugs and knives etc that those lovely migrants chose to deal in-and the IRA and gangland local families held tremendous Communion parties with media goons outside, but unable to get past the iron gates for their photos.
That was Ireland 2014-land of saints and scholars huh?
The Eurodream, the currency, Protestant Brit-baiting now replaced by Stab vests, opiates and a gay Indian Taioshach because they no longer have a culture or a purpose , save to host Google or Tsingtao soon.
Well done Monnet!
Can’t help noticing that the BBC (and others but the BBC in particular) have been castigating the Chancellor for not doing anything about improving productivity in the Budget.
Now, no-one here will need to be told how productivity is calculated (a division of the outputs (revenues) by the inputs (typically labour force costs, capital and other resources utilised) to get to an overall efficiency figure. Alternatively, it can be measured as a straight forward division of revenues against the total amount of hours worked.
Strangely, we are never told precisely how it is measured, just that we as a country are poor when compared to Germany (!).
We saw it again on Question Time last night, when Diane Abbott set her colossal intellect onto the subject. She advocated greater regulation in everything and seemed to be supported by Dimbleby.
To me, that is precisely the problem. If every business or public sector entity has hoards of people all focused on regulation, compliance and general box ticking, and if there are platoons of Quangos and other organisations primarily focused on that kind of activity (as there are) then by definition that means that fewer people proportionately will be spending time on proper revenue generating activity?
So when commentators suggest that low productivity is a common problem across the West, maybe they should consider the impact of all this regulation on the ability to generate actual revenue, and ultimately on the nation’s productivity level?
Nofan. The introduction of the minimum wage enabled employers to have a bench mark and has a detrimental effect on productivity in my opinion. Rather than protecting some of the more vulnerable members of the workforce it has now become the norm and is a negative form of regulation that has permeated into manufacturing, not just the service industries.
Synchronised… excellent thought also. I genuinely hadn’t considered that aspect but you are spot on. Anything that drives up the inputs (cost) is going to have a negative impact on the overall efficiency level that follows.
So, all in all not a lot that the Chancellor can do whilst the appetite for high regulation remains, it would seem.
Yesterday the BBC had a double delight as EU leaders described the British governments Brexit negotiators as ‘clueless’.
The BBC delighting in Tory Ministers being attacked, and Brexit being handled badly had a spree or interviews of foreign ministers name calling the government. Boris Johnson was called ‘unimpressive’ and the BBC was so impressed by this that they recorded the interview and placed it on the web site so everyone could have a little orgasm listening to it a second third or maybe even fourth time:
And worse than everything is that the story probably is true, with clueless Teresa about to fully capitulate to EU demand in return for nothing in return.
Could Corbyn really be any worse than this hopeless bunch of losers?
But those must all be fake news stories as Katya Adler told us that the EU are under a ‘vow of silence’, which is why she can only hold the UK side ‘to account’!
Apologies if it has already been commented on, but I notice Andrew Neil’s dissection of Uncle John Macdonnel and Jacob Rees Mogg’s similar treatment of Sakur on Hard Talk have been pulled from BBC i-player, what happened to 29 days ?
Those rivers are the Yangtze, Yellow, Hai He, Pearl, Amur and Mekong in east Asia, the Indus and Ganges Delta in south Asia, and the Niger and Nile in Africa.
The rivers of rubbish left by the masses meandering across Europe can be used as an example to show that traditional western societies, travellers most definitely excepted, have on the whole more developed and therefore conscientious ideas with regards to hygiene, environmental responsibility and maintenance of shared spaces. Circumstances may allow us this but why should we accept the disregard with which so many in the developing treat the world? Why should we accept the blame? Who created the shitholes that many of these people are fleeing?
The media driven idea that the western world is directly responsible for all of the earths environmental issues really is bullshit. We may have developed materials and methods that can cause problems but developing nations have more than enough guidance, knowledge and experience of these to manage them more effectively and with less adverse environmental impact.
There has to be a desire to do this, however, waste management is not a priority in societies and cultures, internationally or domestically, where subsistence living is the norm and corruption is expected.
I did enjoy the 10.00 news on BBC Radio4 last night (presenter, director and producer: Iqbal, Sandhu, Sidhu respectively). After educating me on Yemen in the lead item, and that Britain is not doing enough about it, there was a debate on the economy.
A Labour adviser came on to tell us that our ‘dire’ economic situation was down to two people: Cameron, because he intro- duced Brexit and Osborne cos of austerity. Giggle. Cameron was AGAINST Brexit and actually used taxpayers money to campaign AGAINST it; finally he resigned BECAUSE of it. Don’t let the FACTS get in the way, BBC! There was also the usual about the Rohinja muslims and Palestine. (What a SURPRISE it would be if one day there was something on the persecution of Christians or the murder and torture of hundreds of farmers and farmworkers in South Africa every year. (no chance: the farmers are white, so unimportant; their black workers are probably Christian, so also unimportant) I do enjoy the 10.00 news. Almost always a chance to listen to propaganda, cleverly designed to look like news. Still waiting for 1 positive or even neutral comment about Trump, by the way, since his election. Any sign of balance, news at 10.00? Ever?
Budget Strugglers
S’truth mates, how d’you go?! Bloody long time no see. Yer old cobber the Assistant to the Aussie Cultural Attaché back again. Now as per bleedin’ usual you’re probably attemptin’ to surmise the precise whereabouts of our dear friend the top knob hisself – Sir Lesley Patterson MBE (Most Bludgers are English). No, he still ain’t carked it. And as far as we know he ain’t had to go to ground cos he’s done a Rolf. Or – and I know you’re wondering – assumin’ he was barracking for the other team – a Spacey. Put Sir Les under the forensic microscope and the stains you’ll find are mostly gravy. He tells me he only ever got his donger wet when it was one hundred and ten percent consensual – and usually contractual – on account of dollars changing hands (or whatever constitutes the local currency). Last instalment was he’d gone serious walkabout on his infamous self-arranged fact-finding tour of Bangkok’s most notorious rub ‘n’ tug shops. Saucy bleeder. A right diplomatic corps-blimey. Legendary bloke, nonetheless.
Anyway, I come to praise Sir Les not bury him – as they say here in Shakespearistan or the old country as we used to call it. Now, temptin’ as it is to give you Poms the earbashing you rightly deserve over the cricket – and any team that comes to Aussie with a sports captain named Root is gonna be due some sledging.
No, what I reckon I’ll broach is your home test match over the Budget on this Radio 4 Today programme. We all know it’s a side on game – by which I mean the BBC fast attack strike bowlers will go for the Blue team with the dangerous bouncers and then try to hit them right up in the block hole. Save the slow stuff for the Red team. This bloke DJ Humphrys is a bit long in the tooth but he takes an enormous runup and uses that ‘I’ve started so I’ll finish’ spin on the Chancellor. Who plays a dull but steady straight bat. Now contrast that scenario, If you will, with the work experience girl who’s been busy like mad in the office limbering up ticking loads of boxes – Mishal. You know the one – make me a sandwich, luv, yes, I know you won’t touch the ham. She open’s up with the really slow stuff against the Opposition bloke who’s just lobbed into the studio. Course, this Shadow is such a drongo he shows hisself to be not the full quid and he’s easy caught out by the Sheila.
On 3rd November I submitted this one: Vine’s guest today in the 12:30 to 13:00 segment of his programme was Robert Peston. At approximately 13:05 Vine posted a video ( on his own personal Facebook page ( that was nothing more than an advertisement for the books that these two characters currently have for sale. While I accept that Vine can publish whatever he likes on his own Facebook page I take great exception to him recording a promotional video for two books (and for his and Peston’s personal gain) during time in which he is employed by the BBC to present a radio programme. In my workplace this would be called “doing a foreigner” and I would be subject to disciplinary action and probable dismissal. I would be interested to read the BBC’s views on such behaviour and what action will be taken.
I’ve just had the response, and it says: Thanks for your comments which have been noted.
And that’s all they wrote. It truly is their BBC now, and nothing to do with us.
For some reason they were nicknamed memory holes (Thanks for your comments which have been noted). When one knew that any document was due for destruction, or even when one saw a scrap of waste paper lying about, it was an automatic action to lift the flap of the nearest memory hole and drop it in, whereupon it would be whirled away on a current of warm air to the enormous furnaces which were hidden somewhere in the recesses of the building.
– Orwell , 1984
I received the annual email from TVL this week. “You’ve just days left to renew your TV Licence. Your TV Licence expires on 30 November 2017. Please renew now, quickly and easily online. ” (is this urgent?)
I think you’ve just provided me with an answer.
Dear TVL,
Thanks for your comments which have been noted.
The Mohammedans continue their infighting. I wonder if this is BBC Newsworthy?
Mohammed bin Salman says he is building coalition to confront Iran; ‘We learned from Europe that appeasement doesn’t work’ Saudi Arabia’s crown prince said that Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is the “new Hitler of the Middle East” and must be stopped. In a wide-ranging interview, Mohammed bin Salman, known in the region by the English acronym MBS, told The New York Times’ Thomas Friedman that he is working to build a coalition of nations to confront Iranian influence in the region.
????‼️???????? UK: How does the #BBC choose to cover a review of the sneaky Islamic terrorist bombing in #Manchester, with the tears of a hijab.
Defra is the Government Department which has responsibility for labelling products of animal
origin and it is considering this issue in the context of the UK’s exit from the EU and
possible introduction of national labelling.
On the labelling, will they show a picture of the Islamic person who slit the throat and the passage that was said at the time animal left this world listening to Arabic incantation which the animal would never understand?
I bet tesco have got a cctv camera just for the halal section just to catch the phantom bacon planter . Losing out Blighty pork scratch by pork scratch.
Wouldn’t see this on ms media as they’ll all be hamming it up .
Around 2005 the BBC infiltrated the BNP. They secretly filmed the meetings where the problem of grooming was discussed; Nick Griffin quoted the passage of the Koran which states that Muslims are allowed to have ‘captives of the right hand’ i.e. sex slaves. The material was then used in a Panorama special exposing the BNP as evil monsters; Griffin was prosecuted for trumped up charges of inciting racial hatred.
The Beeb knew all about the terrible abuse and not only did nothing but cried ‘arson!’ at people tying to put out the fire. None of their children were getting raped and tortured so they did not care.
Then when Andrew Norfolk of The Times broke the taboo years later and openly discussed the race link, they feign shock. How could the Police and social services do nothing! Nobody has more blood on their hands over this than the BBC. They had the power and knowledge to act but instead chose betrayal.
It’s more than betrayal, it’s complicity. If they moved to silence Griffin & stop exposure of the truth they were (or are) a part of the child abuse trade. BBC- enablers & protectors of criminal activity. That makes them a criminal organisation.
Stop Licence. Shut it down. Prosecute.
The defence mentality infests plenty of organisations for fear of the racist allegation who will blight a career. So corruption is unchallenged , nepotism , looking the other way , explaining things away . There have been years of this particularly after the awful Lawrence inquiry and coloured people as ‘victim of whitee’. It’s a cancer within the national body killing it bit by bit. There is a cure -but too horrible to say.
They seem to have attacked Trump less recently which is good. They never seemed to win any fights with him – o how glorious it has been!
They must have received a huge number of complaints about their coverage, which at times veered somewhat from the extreme standards of impartiality we expect from the BBC.
I’m hoping that the BBC realises it needs to report news and not generate it, or generate their feelings towards it. When BBC’s Katty Kay said on Beyond 100 Days that “Mugabe was at least a great tactician.” (paraphrased) I could not believe it. The Devil always kept a warm house. Mao solved over population problems. Let’s look into the BBC’s mental idea of the world …
An excellent piece at
Whatever happened to the presumption of innocence?………………..He’s right. In defending himself, Piven is also defending one of the core principles of an advanced society: the presumption of innocence……….
After describing the accusations against him as “absolutely false,” Piven laments the fact that “allegations are being printed as facts” and “lives are being put in jeopardy without a hearing, due process or evidence.” He wonders what happened to “the benefit of the doubt.” To “tear each other down and destroy careers based on mere allegations is not productive at all,” he says.
He’s right. In defending himself, Piven is also defending one of the core principles of an advanced society: the presumption of innocence. The great liberal English barrister John Mortimer called this presumption the “golden thread” running through any progressive idea of justice. And it’s a thread that is being weakened in the febrile post-Weinstein climate.
THE BBC has already pulled an Agatha Christie drama starring Westwick.
On the basis of what? Two accusations posted to Facebook
I reckon on the BBC anybody that does not say “The so called Islamic State” is told that if they don’t
say ” so called” they will never ever be allowed to appear on the BBC again . May I make a suggestion to the BBC.
After what we have just seen in Sinai Egypt with the death toll reaching 235. The BBC should refer to” the
SO CALLED ISLAMIC RELIGION !!”” Religion? That’s an anachronism !!!
I wish I could remember where and when I saw it but, in my mind’s eye it was this week and a white, male, Beeb sofa muppet talking to someone about something or other. The muppet said something like “…as in the ‘so-called stans’ – Tajikistan, Uzbekistan etc…”.
I’m perfectly happy to be corrected if I’m showing my ignorance but surely they are actually the ‘called stans’ because, well, that’s what they are called?
It is darkly comic how the BBC is all over fluffy non-issues like sweet machines at hospitals or ‘sexist’ adverts but is not merely silent about but actively promotes somewhat more dangerous things.
“God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh.”
On bewildering Germany:
1. The CDU of old is dead. Under Merkel it is not really Christian or even Democratic; a Union only insofar as it will Unite with anyone who will help to keep Merkel in power, no principles required. Greens especially welcome. Only the AfD excluded, for the sake of appearances; also, they HAVE principles. But, as the MSM will tell us, they are NAZIs (i.e. not socialist or green).
2. The MSM: Primarily, as far as TV goes, the ARD and ZDF. (1&2) They LOVE Merkel. How are they funded? Think BBC. Things starting to make sense? What about other parties for the Big Two? SPD (socialist): LOVELY; Linke (Communist) Fabulous; Greens (‘Refugees Welcome’) Wonderful; AfD (always Nazis – obvious since they think indigenous Germans are OK, like the German flag, feel the Christian heritage is not too bad) so: very, very bad. Yup, summink like the Nasty party. (Not that there is much about THAT party its name suggests; why else would its leader give it that label, a GIFT to socialists and greens) Print Media: Sueddeutsche? Think Guardian. Welt? Think Times. FAZ? Think Telegraph. Want something REALLY NASTY? If you read a bit of German: Compact-Online. But beware: you may see the German flag! And you may come to the attention of Amber Rudd, who could lock you up for 15 years!
Fuer Heute: Tschuess!
Since the election the bBC has parroted the line that the current government is going to fail. That Labour is ready to step in. Yet so called Stable countries such as Germany, and Ireland are seeing their governments fall. Countries such as France , Spain and Portugal are having huge problems within their parliaments. The EU as a whole has published who will get what once the UK leaves.I can assure you the Euros won’t be happy:
“Support for Germany and mainland France would be discontinued,” Benelux and Scandinavian countries, Ireland and Austria would no longer receive any money under the EU’s main subsidies regime. (French overseas regions such as Guiana would be an exception). Outside of Eastern Europe, only Cyprus, Greece and Portugal and the southern regions of Italy and Spain would continue to have access to EU “cohesion funds,” which currently account for roughly a third of the EU budget.
In light of all of the above, the Uk looks a lot stronger than what the left with their fake news stories promote.
Meanwhile, back in good ol’ Blighty, common or garden British criminals have been going about their nefarious business and laundering the stolen goods back to …Pakistan.
“The gang, who were in and out of each shop in a matter of minutes, stole to order but were undone when Three, the phone company whose outlets were repeatedly targeted, placed dummy phones with trackers in store rooms.
The stolen phones were sold on to shop owners in the East End who sent them to countries including Bangladesh and Pakistan.
Scotland Yard identified the north Londoner Courtney White, 22, as the ringleader and Mominur Rahman, also 22, as his right-hand man. White was tracked down after detectives noticed a distinctive mark on his helmet.
The pair were convicted alongside Mohammed Hussain, 24, from east London and Chang Mabiala, 22, from Islington, of conspiracy to commit aggravated burglary after a four-week trial at Blackfriars crown court yesterday.
Another man, Youssef Kaissouni, 46, was cleared of handling stolen goods. Bobby Kennedy, 22, had been released from prison two weeks earlier for similar offences before joining the gang. He and Chris Costi, 19, from east London, were found guilty of conspiracy to commit aggravated burglary after a trial at the same court in August.
Three other members of the gang including Bobby’s brother Alfie Kennedy, 20, of north London, Dylan Castano-Lopez, 19, from south London and Adam Atallah, 21, all admitted their part in the conspiracy.”
Mostly ‘British’ sounding names? Would you Adam and Eve it!!
Thought I would listen to the BBC Radio 4 drama today. It was about a time travelling English knight from the Middle Ages in present day Turkey. There was comic streak running through it and I was actually enjoying it. The knight meets another time traveller, a beautiful lady from Turkey. They run away together and with 3 minutes left of broadcasting time left, The reporter who is following them announces in her report that their bodies have been found washed up on a Turkish beach along with with the bodies of dozens of drowned Syrian refugees.
Pure unadulterated shameless BBC propaganda. It’s now in everything the BBC broadcasts, comedy, drama, current affairs, arts and news. Oh well, The Now Show is on this evening, that’s quite impartial and objective…
The BBC break new ground by recreating animated episodes of Dr Who. Apparently the script is read out and then performed by animated characters.
See here,
They can save the money ripped off us in TV tax. Just replace Bimbletrot and all the overpaid announcers with animated cartoons uttering the prepared scripts.
No mention of President Trump … Obama ignoring the problem … USA … just a brief mention of ‘US-led’ … IS conflict: Iraq begins final push to clear western desert { 23nov2017}
“IS has been driven out of about 95% of the land the group once held in Iraq and more than 4.4 million Iraqis are no longer living under its rule, according to the US-led coalition supporting the Iraqi government.”
BBC fake news
The bBC is heavily promoting the story of how a parent in Bristol took offence at how her daughter was asked to rate how she would like to live next door to a black person.
It turns out the lesson was one on diversity and from looking at the photo of the work sheet (clipped in which not to show the heading) the subject was unconscious bias which is a topic the bBC promotes heavily.
There was a programme about the blitz in the east end of London last night. It gave a small glimpse of the suffering of the people of the East End suffered during the 1940s .
I am the son of the East End and my families house has bombed by the Germans. The documentary didn’t have any black or new commonwealth people in it . It also skirted around the termed used by the authorities – bombed out people were apparently called refugees ….
The programme didn’t go down the bias road . I think al beeb realised it was very dodgy and sensitive ground .
Im all too aware of the suffering the people in my bit of London suffered. It’s sad it’s neglected and only aired in an albeeb documentary .
The maps you can find online of where bombs, v1s and v2s fell is also painful .
This shit is NOT teaching, it is prying disguised as education. It is subtle Communist interrogation of children Soviet style, and it needs rooting out and the perpetrators sacked. Whatever happened to the three R,s which are valuable lessons to take with you through life?
I read that in the Soviet Union, the education (Punishment for not ticking the correct box) would teach people to tick the correct box. Its why the Liberals/Soviets do not like the concept of the “secret ballot”. They get shocks in referendums, and would get a shock if they allowed all the PhD “Atmospheric Physicists” in Britain, to vote in a secret ballot on the existence of Man-made Climate Change.
First Twitter Comment ….
As an example I collected £30k for charity and spent it all on an awards ceremony – no money for the kids but the bash was top notch @HackneyAbbott @UKLabour @DVATW
Reports of Gunfire at Oxford Circus metro station in #London, people screaming and crying. Scenes of hysterical people running for their lives..
Meanwhile the bBC has gone into full whitewash mode: “Police have told people to take cover inside buildings, while officers respond to reports of an incident at London’s Oxford Circus Tube station. British Transport Police said officers were at the scene and warned people to avoid the area in London’s West End.”
I wonder if today as the Islamic holy day has anything to do with the above.I hope not.
It is just yards away from the BBC building. I bet they still manage to misreport it.
Don’t you just love diversity? You never know what treat lies around the corner: rape gangs in Rotherham; car attacks in Westminster; now a fusion attack – possibly ‘gang related’ and/or terrorism! So much diversity to celebrate!
Terrorism will no longer happen in the UK. Whatever is happening in Oxford Street will not be terror related or Islamic. Those days are over. Like the trucks and cars mounting the pavements and knife slashers there will be a non Islamic explanation. Britain does not do terror any more. Government, cops and media have united.
It’s just customer related. From the BBC
Oxford Circus Station is closed while we investigate a customer incident,” Transport for London said.
As I have said over a number of incidents involving police lock downs, gun shots, trucks and cars on pavement, the story is quickly killed.
Nothing happened. People just thought they heard gun shots. We are not going to see terrorism ever again in the UK. Enough is enough, as the lady appointed by the BBC and Arab dictators said.
Sky have orgasmed over what appears to be nothing. How disappointed they must be to not be counting the dead and blaming the police for doing more . – so back to slagging off Brexit and being the EUs bitch.
This story has everything you need to know about life as it was under Corbyn Labour – class hatred, the indulgence of unionised labour, and the Soviet-style handing out of favours to party loyalists on the council payrolls. Mr Corbyn often says that his political principles have not changed. Take that as a threat.
The World at One this afternoon had a fascinating guest on, a man by the name of Nick Clegg.
Some people might think he is a has-been politician who gets by on his EU pension, but they would be wrong. Nick Clegg is in fact an unbiased commentator of great merit, who was able to dissect with forensic precision the con which is Brexit, expose the lies told to us by Brexiteers in the Referendum, reveal that the EU is behaving entirely reasonably in our negotiations and prove that leaving the EU is the biggest mistake Britain has ever made.
I am assuming all this is true, because he was not seriously challenged on any of it by the presenter. Obviously, the BBC is itself an unbiased seeker of truth, and would therefore not allow Nick Clegg on air to spout his views unless they were the absolute truth.
A bit like man made climate change and the Pissgate dossier.
And the written version of al Beeb the guardian – carries a feature on one of their loves – a mr peston, son of a Labour MP and journo cum luvi celeb. He and me have tow things in common – gender and age.
Mr peston , free on his unbiased neutrality as a Beeb oid , is now free to rubbish Blighty and misrepresent things – eg he claims ‘the more cash for the nhs with Brexit ‘ was the main reason for the vote. Now he might quote polls ( rubbish) but really ? The reason was an inability to stop or control hordes of foreigners looking for a better life swamping Blighty and its organs – health housing education – because there are too many people too soon.
Mr peston has fame and fortune but admitted recently being disconnected from people in Blighty – yet the bastard still spouts anti Brexit shit. Nice hair and new girlfriend though.
“Budget 2017: Charts that explain a stormy outlook” { 24nov2017} … of course the BBC could release £3.5bn into the public domain by stopping the TV Tax, even a little equity release of £1.75m from Gary ‘£1.75m + Crisps + BT Sports Job’ Lineker could help everyone … or stop paying for subsidised gyms? Every Little Helps!
I rather enjoyed hearing Michael Gove interviewed by Justine on Toady this morning, particularly when Web said that: “We know” in reference to the increased amount of money Ma May (might) be going to offer our EU “friends”.
“I was at that meeting Justin and I don’t recall you being there.”
Al ‘ what a courteous put down. I really wish these god like al Beeb journos were bought down to a proper level . Humph has been tugged twice about smiling at interviews over serious interviews. They deserve no better. Mishal has probably Beeb put on a list after the McDonald “ iPad moment ‘ yesterday.
Roundup on the week’s news. There’s 230 dead in Egypt but let’s focus on Amazon deals and Brexit, the story that still of course has a year and a half to run…
Strange how al Beeb skirts around the exact reasons for over 200 Muslims to be murdered in a mosque by a different brand of the religion of peace . But it did get better coverage than all the Christians these devils have murdered in the name of their false profit.
It sad to have that feeling that there are 200 less Muslims coming to Blighty . But that’s what the British government / al Beeb / has done to my thought process. And I know I won’t be alone in that – as taff says over to you maxi to cut and paste and accuse me of this that and the other without expressing an view or belief of your own. And yes – you do get noticed which must add to the value you place on yourself.
I just an update from BBC news stating the London incident is over and thereby is ‘no evidence of gunshots fired.’ It is sickening how they instantly on the defensive, with their moronic and reckless ‘keep calm and carry on’ mantra. Their instinct is not to report on the facts but to see how they can spin and downplay them. What devious, treacherous b**tards they are.
QT last night.
It seems that now, whenever the ‘housing crisis’ is mentioned, nobody even pretends the incoming 300,000 have anything to do with it.
It’s as if they didn’t exist.
I bet there are lots of normal people shouting at their tv’s that the 300k need somewhere to live and building 200,000 houses a year means we are roughly standing still.
Instead, they blame people who want to live alone, old people for not dying soon enough (I thought they were all bed blocking) and the lack of tradesmen to build houses.
Not one mention of the mass immigration and this is not only the bbbc but EVERY discussion on lack of housing.
Is this NEVER going to be brought up, is it now forbidden to mention the true cause of the ‘housing crisis’
If we didn’t have the net 3 million or so immigrants over the last decade we would have had an extra couple of million houses for our own homeless and youngsters, and NO ‘housing crisis’ (as well as hundreds of other huge benefits like less overcrowding and you all know loads of other ways life would be better)
Will the 300,000 bring with them the skills that our country needs or will they mostly be Big Issue sellers or benefits claimants. Perhaps the Bum Boy Corporation would care to enlighten us. (Lie to us)
I have an IQ of 164, but the link between an immigration rate of 300,000 per annum, and the housing shortage, does not seem to me, to be all that complex, for people of average intelligence.
But from the evidence, 75 percent of the native population are intelligent enough to see the link, but about 99 percent of Members of Parliament cannot. Therefore I estimate that 99 percent of MP,s must have an IQ below 70. This is most evident whenever Theresa May makes a speech.
This would explain why Parliamentarians see third world immigrants as the “Master Race“.
It really is frightening when one realises how thick so many of them are . One labour woman was boasting about being a grandmother at an early age and the shadow chancellor and shadow home sec do not have a proper relationship with numbers . I’m sure the other side are similarly thick . People like JRM who have a command of the numbers stick out like sore fingers .
Few politicians admit that their party decisions about immigration have bought us to where we are. The first introduction of democracy to this mess was brexit .
The least that the people have done is put a few alligators in their tax paid swamp .
Sadly there are a couple of reasons why our mp’s behave as they do.
I can’t believe they are so stupid that they don’t realise the relation between 300,000 incomers every year and the housing shortage.
Therefore they must either want this or they don’t care.
They are largely unaffected by these incomers apart from when they get to vote (for the left) or cheap nannies and gardeners (for the right)
They don’t have to wait for nhs appointments, are not in competition for their jobs and the immigrants are not going to outbid them for a house.
It’s the ordinary families who are losing jobs to the cheaper labour coming in and our homeless are at the back of the queue for any social housing, behind immigrant families.
Are the mp’s really so isolated in a bubble and do they actually believe the huge lie that this mass immigration is good?
I suppose the guardian has some intelligent readers and they somehow believe in this multicultural Elysium so IQ is probably not the way to measure an mp.
Are the mp’s all scared stiff of appearing as some kind of racist or be accused of some ‘ism of which there are so many now. Are they so cowardly they play safe and avoid the truth.
I just can’t understand why the mp’s are quiet about this (and many other things)
If May were to pull out of the Brexit talks and say “we’ve made our offer and you’ve turned it down so we will leave now, if you want some trade deal you come to us” she would go down in history as a great PM. The same goes for any who will come out with the truth now.
I won’t be holding my breath.
JRM is the nearest we have in parliament.
The trouble is that if an MP dares stick his/her head above the parapet and speak the truth they are instantly vilified as evil and told to pick their cards up on their way out.
LW I once wrote to my MP ( who incidentally is a Tory in a marginal constituency) about four specific issues relating to islam.
It was back in the day when they had just banned Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller from the UK and that issue was only one of the things I raised.
A few weeks later he sent his letter of reply, without once using the word ‘islam’ .
Not once.
What a wanker, what a coward.
Thanks for watching EG.
Have now long given uip on any BBC “forums for we little people”.
We voted for Brexit-our couterparts voted for Trump. And all that we have seen in recent history is their deceit and descent into madness.
Have yet to see any news that is not cherry picked to get us to want to stay with them in the EU and to get Trump assassinated or impeached.
They`d prefer the second because it makes more non-news last for longer and so more work, more bigwigs in courts like Leveson and Chilcot.
Radio 2/3, Classic Heart and Lisa Tarbuck…but NO Radio 4 news or comment, no BBC shows with their agendas.
Much happier-and more early nights with the cat and my hot water bottle.
The picture in my mind’s eye is one of the Government as ‘bricklayer’. Now high up on the scaffolding they’re laying more mismanagement bricks on top of those that went before. How long before the whole rotten construction becomes too top-heavy much less being poorly built.
If I didn't want @BBCr4today to set agenda I'd stop publishing full running order (so hacks know which bits to listen to now or later and then recycle Today content as news stories) oh that's clever
If nothing did indeed happen at Oxford Circus tonight, it shows how the terrorists are winning: thousands screaming in abject terror. They have already hit the capital twice this year and nothing whatsoever has been done to deal with the problem; only abject curbs on ‘hate speech’ as if stopping people from pointing at a fire would help put the flames out.
We are told how good immigration is for the economy, but how badly must tourism be affected by all this? I live next to London and I am afraid to go there. I certainly would not pay to holiday there from abroad.
How many attacks next year? Four? Ten? Twenty? More buses, tubes or trucks? I am not keeping calm and carrying on. I am staying in and making sure my children never visit our wonderful capital. It is not ‘brave’ to just pretend everything is ok – it is reckless and moronic.
I think the authorities are more likely to respond by arresting white people fearful of terrorism, under the Islamophobia laws.
I learnt that they do not put images of ethnics in adverts for swinging London. This mislead Chinese tourists who were warned not to stray from the ethnically clean areas of the London tourist trail.
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Why o why was Europe was not ‘diverse’ enough for Merkel? The way it was.
Lucy Pevensey
Didn’t she come from East Germany?
Ulterior motive? – a ‘plant’, a ‘sleeper’ or a ‘mole’ ?
Yes Taff, East German with rumors of working as a Stasi informant in her youth but not really proven. She has been running the show over there for 12 years which is as long as the countries most infamous leader. I have always found it odd that the beeb and co. describe the CDU as center-right with conservative liberal policies. Surely that is an oxymoron, in my opinion Merkels policies have hoodwinked conservative Germans into voting for her and her party. I am sure that Tweezer thinks she emulate the German political model with a liberal conservative party that is conservative on the back bench only.
While most East Germans were trying to escape, Merkel’s parents actually volunteered to live in the DDR. Not only that but the female Merkel has chosen to police the Internet for anti-immigration and anti-government tweets is ex-Stasi herself!
Lucy Pevensey,
This is the stuff your are peddling.
But you know that right? And you agree with it?
“What do we do with immigrants already here? And what would reversing White genocide actually entail?
It would look like Pakistanis living with Pakistanis in Pakistan, Chinese living with Chinese in China, Africans living with Africans in Africa and Arabs living with Arabs in Arab countries. When we think about it that way – would it really be inhumane?”
Maxi Troll
Motivation ?
As far as I can tell he is some sort of Social Justice Warrior. He just comes on here to make claims people on here are racist and bigoted – with the presumption that he himself holds the moral high ground. He seems to be a pro- open border activist for Europe and the US. Beyond that it is difficult to say because he doesn’t go into any detail apart from making repeated claims people on here are racist, bigoted, hypocritical, low in intelligence and thought. He doesn’t think the BBC is biased. He thinks the BBC is neutral and fair.
I’m not peddling anything. I just came across the video clip and liked it. It seems to me EU supporters/remainers lack any kind of real love of Europe itself. It’s peoples, cultures, landscapes, languages & traditions. It should be the remainers talking Europe up. But they don’t. If you can’t take a >3min video clip like that at face value you must have a problem with Europe being European.
Agree Lucy, that is the cruks of why all 28 nations each with its own identity with its own culture and its own ideology of how it wants its nation to proceed has been lost-these differences made up a great and interesting Europe but the introduction so stealthily introduced in the early 1970’s to eventually bring about the programme initially planned by certain evil people early in 1950’s for what we now have as the European Union-their aim to destroy all sovereignty, subjugate all the populations into following one set of rules and undermine/destroy all the countries Laws. Supress any slight disagreement by the said public or any attack verbally or physically by introduction of rigid gun laws and the development of Riot Squads-whose effect we have recently seen in Catalonia. What we have today as the EU is not what Winston Churchill et al saw as a united Europe. We have been conned, cheated whilst those controlling the EU and its policies became rich and much richer than before. Could have been a successful inclusion of Europes nations but you may fool some of the people some of the time but NOT all of the people all of the time. Other countries will eventually follow the UK and pull away from the current EU and those that sit in Bussels know it.
I agree, too, Lucy. The BBC conveyed very little news of both the EU and Europe to us (esp. on R4 where you would expect it to be) despite having full-time correspondents based in both and paid for by the Licence Fee payer.
The BBC are very quick to produce Americans (esp. squeaky voiced females), Canadians, South Africans, Australians and New Zealanders on R4 to inform or educate me. They are rather less quick to bring people from European states, together with news of their countries, their peoples and the doings & achievements of the EU, to me as a regular listener.
Most peculiar.
I wonder how much maxi knows about the EU if he is a ‘Remainer’?
I find Remainers, on the whole, know less about the EU than those advocating our leaving. They sometimes have property there or constantly travel there for recreation, but they know little about the EU and its benefits and liabilities beyond Visa-free travel and the Euro. They often appear to intensely dislike certain nationalities, too, in Europe or elsewhere in the world, which is equally amazing.
As I always say, culture trumps economics. That’s why these “war on Christmas” stories aren’t small things. When you decide you need to give equal space to a cruicified skeleton Santa (as in my Christmas column a year or two back) or you’re calling the cops to bust up a performance of “God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen” (as in my 2006 column below), you’re on a slippery slope from societal decadence to dementia. {steynonline 24dec2015}
At our care home there does seem to a correlation between the full moon and its cycles-and the behaviour of one or two of our drooling(if generally benign) older gentlemen.
They can get quite grumpy and cross, not their usual selves at all.
May not be the moon that does for Maxi…but even the simplest research would surely show a pattern for when Maxi chooses to throw his fleas around on this site-and when he chooses to drool benignly and safely elsewhere.
May be linked to June Sarpongs appearances on telly-or reruns where The Buggles video is shown.
Who knows?
But worth a univeristy grant for some branch of self medding community nursing I`d have thought.
Maxi would much rather Lucy had posted THIS-a much funkier and edgier paean to the coming EU project,
I just had a look at the page you linked. What are you accusing me of exactly?
I only read the one page and did not delve any further.
You must be a BBC editor. It isn’t a very long statement. In the selections you chose to post from the page YOU linked you omitted this:
“we want to help others understand that a future for our people does not exclude a future for other peoples and races.”
“we highly believe in peaceful solutions to these challenges and we want to inspire others to take action within our Statement of Principles in order to make a better society”
So you disagree with:
1. Reversing white genocide.
2. Chinese living in China. Arabs living in Arab countries and so on.
3. Peaceful solutions to problems
4. A future for all peoples & races
And you want to vilify these ideas from the lofty heights of your self-assumed moral superiority for some reason ?
Just for clarity, I suspect that the likes for your post are from people who support the idea of repatriation of the Muslim invaders, not for your implied criticism of Lucy. Repatriation would be a far better way of spending tax payers money than giving billions to the EU. Suppose we spent the mooted 40 billion on repatriation we could offer any Muslim who wished to leave a substantial sum provided they agreed never to return. In fact as most of these folk are a net drain on our economy I suspect that we would get an immediate return on that investment and a payback period of only a few years. Lump in the money set aside for the ridiculous HS2 project as well and I reckon we could really make some headway here towards a better, safer , cleaner , more harmonious country. What’s not to like ?
I went on that link about Europa that you were promoting. I saw nothing about fisting which, I understand is your idea of diversity on BBC get familiar with you colleagues weekends.
Will the snide leftist trolls live with the snide leftist trolls?
Sounds good to me.
Actually, Maxi, if studies are correct, we’d all be living in Africa:
White genocide? What about black genocide: The Sans were the indigenous peoples of Southern Africa. Then the Bantu pushed them out, for all intents and purposes….
You still haven’t withdrawn your false quoting of Alan despite being asked several times to do so. Your tactic is to run away for a week or two then pop up somewhere else here when you think we have forgotten.
You accused Alan of stating ‘ Here’s a ‘Neo European’ wishing old white men would just curl up and die in a cold winter’. This was a provably false quote like many others of yours because presumably you live in a fantasy world in your own head.
Are you happy to continuously lie your way through this blog?
It would be nice if you had the courage to defend your lies.. but you are in fact a cowardly troll.
Blast ! just missed the top spot again.
Hey ho, here’s something to ponder……
Hordes of mainly young women are screeching the place down if someone puts his hand on their knee, and yet, a Pakistani doctor – Imran Qureshi, who really did molest someone by grabbing her breasts is allowed to keep his job !
Everyone knows Pakistanis don’t molest. They groom.
Lucy – thanks for the video above!!!…. Maxi – thanks for providing the link, I’ve just subscribed.
Don’t forget Lucy, the way the BBC and MSM use language to promote their aim of Cultural Marxism; for instance using the euphemistic word ‘grooming’ instead of the correct words, “rape” or “raping”. I’m sure you could make quite an extensive list, for example, the word ‘Asian’ is often substituted for ‘Pakistani’ in BBC news reports about organised Pakistani rape gangs. Many years ago BBC Midlands Today used to end reports of street robbery (muggings) by saying , “The police are looking for a man in a woollen hat.” to avoid saying the police are looking for a”black man” in connection with the crime.
And when they soak their daughters in petrol and burn them alive it is honorable.
Brissles, that is far, far from unusual in “our” NHS.
“The most recent government statistics indicate that around 15% of practicing doctors in Britain have been imported from South Asia (India and Pakistan) and Africa. A further 9.8% were admitted from other countries in the European Union, bringing the total proportion of non-British doctors to around 25%. This alarming figure is considerably more unsettling when placed in the context of malpractice, incompetence, and abuse. During the last 12 months a total of 281 decisions on cases of serious complaint were reached the Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service (MPTS), which, together with the General Medical Council (GMC), is responsible for registering, disciplining, and ‘striking off’ dangerous physicians working in Britain. Ignored by the mainstream media, I took it upon myself to conduct an analysis of the MPTS’s list of tribunal decisions — an analysis which revealed that non-British doctors (25% of the total) are responsible for at least 80% of tribunal cases, the vast majority of them bearing Muslim, South Asian, or African names…”
Dr Andrew Joyce.
Don’t forget we are starting to find a lot of immigrant Doctors have bogus qualifications too.
“It is a matter of documented fact that foreign doctors from India and Africa are responsible for more than 90% of tribunal cases involving incompetence. The details from some of these cases are stunning. For example, Indian junior doctor Sripathy Subramanian was struck off the medical register after it was discovered at one hospital that he was so lacking in basic skills that he “did not recognise that one patient had normal breathing,” and was unable to name any major bones or arteries. Another Indian, Vasudha Mashankar, was struck off after causing the death of a young boy by failing to identify an intracranial bleed. Nigerian gynecologist Benjamin Ogbonna botched his handling of six patients in such a fashion that he was struck off for having “an old fashioned approach to medicine; making premature judgements, overlooking relevant matters, and a persistent pattern of deficient professional performance.””
Dr Andrew Joyce (same article above).
an analysis which revealed that non-British doctors (25% of the total) are responsible for at least 80% of tribunal cases, the vast majority of them bearing Muslim, South Asian, or African names…”……….
Thanks for that Al. I’m old school, and fed up to the ears when listening to the pontifications of many, that the NHS would collapse without overseas staff; and yes it would because of the amount of overseas settlers that have arrived here and make use of it. Before the obscene numbers of migration, our NHS coped perfectly well for the indigenous population from when it was conceived in 1948, and for the following 20/30 years, and in those few blissful years we had spotless antiseptic hospitals run by Matron and a few admin staff. Nurses that looked clean in their uniforms so you knew you were in good hands, doctors that were respected in their white coats, and wards that blossomed with flowers instead of kow towing to a health and safety edict. Its a pity we cannot combine the advances of modern medicine with the old ways of running a hospital.
Calm down Brissles – its just cultural relativism.
Everybody knows that if a woman goes to see a vibrant male doctor “immodestly” dressed and without a close male relative in attendance that she probably wants to have her breast felt.
Thats why Sistas these days dont seem to get bothered by this sort of unimportant trust based stuff. However real crime is when if a worldly, desperately ambitious, starlet meets a notorious Hollywood Director in private, gets abused, keeps quiet for years and then decides years later to jump onto a speeding bandwagon before it disappears off into obscurity as the next PC shock horror story gets all the limelight.
By the way does anyone know yet if international feminist – Emma Watson has revealed yet whether Harvey once looked at her and made her feel uncomfortable at a Hollywood party? Strange that this feminist “activist” kept so quiet about the scandal until the last moment. I hear though that in October she said she now stands with them all.
I dont expect Emma and her ilk will be doing much standing in Rotherham any time soon. As far as the establishment is concerned this whole story still needs to be protected by a media/BBC led “Cloak of Invisibility”
I don’t know about Emma Watson. But I did hear that other tiresome airhead Emma Thompson on the radio a couple of weeks ago or so. She seemed to admit that she hadn’t known about the goings on but that didn’t stop her blaming the whole thing ultimately on Trump. Which of course suited the BBC’s agenda just dandy.
They will use her again next time they need to blame Trump for something he had nothing to do with.
As for Rotherham, well not a squeak as far as I know.
YD – I believe Emma Thompson being “unaware” of the Weinstein goings on is about as likely Sharia May (when Home Secretary) being unaware that very special prison treatment had been reserved for Tommy Robinson when he was jailed for “mortgage fraud”
Im afraid that Emma is yet another privileged lefty with media parentage who is now only famous for her politial stunts. Big Oil/BP and Brexit-where she called us a grey and gloomy offshore cloud of misery and cake swilling chavs…akin to that anyway.
Too much money, time to stir-and not enough talent to indulge her.
Self loathing lefty discovers Nazanin when the BBC prime her.
Cultural cherry bomber, no danger of a suicide though.
Many of us knew of Zaghari-Ratcliffes case for over a year now-but the BBC were simply trying to jemmy the lid off Brexit using her sorry tale. Her case is coming up on Dec 10th-expect plenty anti-Boris bile in the lead up. It`s as if Jo Cox never died, and her poor family are way ouf of their depth in despair.
But the BBC and liberal scum for sticking with the EU have hardly started to scrape the barrel…they`d like her under a death sentence I`m sure, solely to embarrass Johnson and Brexit.
“It’s not a fantasy drama, it is reality, Winter is coming”
Nick Miller our BBC second string weatherman quips this morning as temperatures drop. Seeing as we are now firmly located in this reality mimmics fantasy world, and vice versa, does this mean Games of Thrones fans can look forward to a new character up there on the ice wall suitably dubbed, according to strict BBC warmist rules: ‘Jon Wintery Showers’ ?
November 24th and winter is coming? Thanks, BBC, I’d never have worked that out for myself.
On the BBC it looks bad “Budget 2017: Charts that explain a stormy outlook { 23nov2017}” – time for Sadiq Khan to reaffirm #LondonIsOpenIncludingPresidentOfTheUSA.
Time for Sadiq Khan to invite the President of the a democratic country into London – London Is Open to All!
Time for Sadiq Khan to invite the President of the largest economy in the World – London Is Open to All!
Time for Sadiq Khan to invite the President who has visited Majority Muslim country Saudi Arabia where the holy city of Mecca resides!
Time for Sadiq Khan to put the economy of the UK before his bitter feelings towards Donald Trump.
If Diane Abbott can put her child before her Labour Party Principles … surely Sadiq Khan can but the UK economy before his anger towards a leader of a free nation.
“I (Diane Abbott) had to choose between my reputation as a politician and my son.” { oct2003}
Think of the Future! Think of the children! Think of the Economy! Time for Sadiq Khan to act – #LondonIsOpenToUSA!!!
“Everyone Welcome” is what Liberals with “Keep Out” signs on their doors, write on everyone else’s door. Its meant to create the illusion that Liberals are not selfish, but at everyone else’s cost. Liberal are always found to be living next to people that in public, they call racist.
Hi all, can people with about 5 minutes to spare listen through the following – it has a link on the BBC homepage and it is a woman’s hour interview with someone called Sue Wynne. Can someone find out who the BBC interviewer is and can someone with a bit of time find out who Sue Wynne is? There is something about this interview that seems a bit strange and I just can’t put my finger on it at the moment. I am going to have a look at it later – but would like to bring it to your attention now. Thanks.
What’s it like to live in a place defined by tragedy or scandal? The place in question is Rotherham.
The BBC need to update the report because it’s still happening and the number is 1400+ … “Sue Wynne continues to live and work in Rotherham, a town many now associate with mass child sex abuse – after it was discovered more than 1,400 children were abused there from 1997 to 2013.” { 21nov2017}
… plus it’s happening in different places now …. plus the BBC keep using the word ‘grooming’ to describe ‘sadistic rape’ ….
They were raped by multiple perpetrators, trafficked to other towns and cities in the north of England, abducted, beaten, and intimidated. . …Girls as young as 11 were raped by large numbers of male perpetrators. {Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation in Rotherham – 1997 – 2013 – Jay OBE –pdf}
“sadistic rape”
“muslim sadistic paedophile rapists”
there i fixed it
but your correct grooming is a nice word, like having a hairdo or a shave or brushing the dog
Two of my bitches are in season, my male dogs are howling. I think I will groom them
Is that Jane -champagne bottles- Garvey?
One of the first things I noticed was the quote from the Beboidess “The people of Rotherham being complicit”.
No they weren’t. It was the police, the social services, the councillors and politicians who were complicit – and I would make a guess that many are still in position and too few (if any) prosecuted for deliberately failing to protect the victims. If the people, e.g. fathers, complained they were threatened with arrest.
The finish of the clip was to moan about “Far-right marches” coming into town. The “Far-right marches” so-called are a symptom of the problem, not the problem. To make them an issue disrespects the real victims once again.
Sue Wynne, Chief Executive of Rotherham Rise. A Charity.
“We provide help and support for survivors of domestic abuse and sexual exploitation.
Established in 1976, our experience and expertise is the key to providing the best possible support to Women, Men, Children and Partners. Our website explains what domestic and sexual abuse is, and what to do if you or someone you know experiences it”
They Tweeted this 24hrs ago
Interesting that it was created in 1976 …
Not verified but scary if true … “So it appears Pak men have been abusing white girls in Rotherham for over 40 years and not the last 15 years as first thought. This cutting is from the Rotherham Advertiser newspaper in 1975 {order-order}
… “very well used sexually” … “he paid her £2…” …
Hi Markymark – thanks for this. Everything about this story is worrying. Firstly the article ends on the sentence “She knew she had done wrong and was very sorry”. So the journalist writing this article was already deflecting. Clearly the fault was with the “immigrants” who had started to sexually abuse her at the age of 13. That Rotherham society allowed this to happen shows that civil Christian society had broken down – the traditional society was no longer there to look out for her.
Since the post war period government policies have acted to destroy traditional British Christian Civil Society into what is called a Consumerist Mass Society. “Multiculturalism” has been part of that process, and these children are victims of it.
Oh gawd, I’ve just written a piece in response to the above, and Reported my own comment !!!! now what happens ?
Maybe we need a hotline to report ourselves-and get the counsel of other self-identifying victims as we do so.
We`re all on a journey Brissels…and a lovely health spa with a re-education option with the looks of George Clooney, but the mind of Mark Steyn available on demand-that would get me out of here for Christmas anyway. Got a Christmas card ready for Ted Malloch-why isn`t HE here to lead us out of the EU and into sanity?
And David Cassidy dead as well?
Can someone explain to me what the feck Theresa May is doing making public speeches apparently promoting the notion that Russia is meddling in British and European politics.
Is this some sort of bizarre deflection on her part? She should be focusing on Brexit not making claims it is all Russia’s fault and that Britain and Europe have to work together against Russia. She now seems to be leaking things to the BBC to big up her next public speech which apparently is going to be pro-Europe and anti-Russia.
There is growing evidence of Theresa May working closely with the BBC on occasion. There was the incident when she seemingly had a BBC reporter that was travelling with her (Laura Kuenssberg) ask her and Donald Trump an anti-Trump question in a Trump – May press conference, during her visit to the US. Trump called her out on that inferring she was duplicitous.
Beeb website reporting on continuing struggle to form a coalition in Germany. Two months since the elections. Any one else noticed how Germany seems to be functioning without an effective Government. Proves a point really that the civil service just carry on regardless of who their masters are. Its a long shot but the link to this is if Corbyn and his mate gets in power we might just be grateful for the unelected men in suits to keep them under control.
reporting without any of the hysteria which accompanied the conservative – dup deal
Yes, none of the fuss like the anti-DUP propaganda the BBC puts out. The BBC loves Mutti Merkel despite her opposition to Gay Marriage.
I bet they’re into doing the old Gay Gordons as well. I wonder who the twat was that stole the word “gay” and twisted it out of shape? It used to mean happy, now it means bent.
Have heard it said that we need a TFTD with George Orwell. Great though he is, he`s a bit tweedy, smells of old dog and-to be honest-not so hot with women. And out of date in some areas. But not Steve.
If there`s a more urgent prophet around in the world today, then I`ve yet to know of him/her.
This comes from a Catholic website( not too late to be a nun is it?)-called “The Church Militant”. But its a global message-the bit on China around 30 mins to the end is truly scary.
And the fact that we`ll soon be China in terms of how government and media is done is pretty brilliant.
State Funded oligarchies using massive tech companies with faux spiritualty and laoghi for those who fail to believe the BBC and Guardian sounds about right.
Good catholic boy…and one who is already altaring history.
We need better role models in this life. Steve Bannon is one that I follow, let me show you a different interview where the women shouts ‘sexist’ whenever possible ….
Questions are now sexist … see how we can’t even talk about problems … “When it comes to sexism, some Sky news presenters need to look at themselves to. (I’m a victim) ” {youtube – @2:23 – Emily Thornberry}
What really upsets (emotion) me, about your attitude to me (asking a question), you do this with me (victim). I don’t remember you doing it with anybody else you know (I’m a victim)” {youtube – @0:19 – Emily Thornberry}
Thank you for posting that Steve Bannon interview. He has one of the better explanations I have heard as to why the elites don’t seem to care about the decline of our civilisation. ‘Managed decline’.
Mark. How could any politician from another country take this woman seriously. One thing I look for in anybody, let alone a politician is the ability to remain calm. I also remember her infamous resignation from the shadow cabinet in 2014, being rather high and mighty about some flags draped outside a house in Rochester. Patronising bully of the highest order.
Children pretending to be adults … “Islington (Emily Thornberry, Labour MP) performed near the bottom of the distribution on wellbeing, environmental quality, housing affordability and safety. … Housing in Islington was among the least affordable in Britain.”{ 2017}
She probably introduces herself as Lady Nugee and gonna be the AG ( as I’m a barista) when Diane’s boyfriend steals the key to number 10.
Let us consider the migrants leaving Africa heading to Europe …
Oh dear, poor Prez Trump couldn’t find his bottle of water … I am so pro-Trump I normally wouldn’t post a pix of him looking clueless, but sadly, the incriminating image in the Daily Mail proved too tempting:
Caption: LOOK A LITTLE HARDER: President Donald Trump looks for a bottle of water as he pauses while speaking about his trip to Asia in the Diplomatic Reception Room of the White House
The Daily Mail of course had the obligatory video:
He rather reminds me of a goalie diving the wrong way!
He rather reminds me of a goalie diving the wrong way!
Well, he does have Scottish ancestry.
Actually, I thought he was looking for midget Russians trying to influence his speech…
He was making sure that Hillary wasn’t down there waiting to grab him somewhere personal.
Right Angle
I think the POTUS is just giving the MSM the benefit of a scorcher.
Farting is a pleasure
It gives the body ease
It airs and scents the bedclothes
And drives away the fleas
SPOKESHAVE circa 1600
Always refreshing when the BBC shows concern about children and sexual abuse. Especially when it gives them an opportunity to knock You Tube which, despite its many faults out ranks and outclasses the state broadcaster in news and entertainment.
BBC does not mention illegal … but the BBC promotes a criminal site … Businessman’s second wife website ‘benefits women’ { 23oct2017 – 7 days old}
… Amber Rudd needs to close the site down that promotes illegal behaviour. Amber Rudd the is promoting activities that go against the UK law and moral codes and is using it’s site to promote a story. The BBC also fails to write about the negative aspects of sharing women and does not offer women the ability to have multiple men … what about equality in Islam?
The acceptance of polygamy seems to be gaining ground here in America. It’s a bankrupt marital arrangement that hurts everybody involved. May we who are salt and light spread truth so that men and woman can enjoy the blessings of biblical marriage! { 12oct2015}
Relates to: YouTube failed to remove sexualised comments { 24nov2017}
The bBbc has developed a cosy relationship with the Irish government of late, happy to help them offer opinion and advice on British foreign and domestic policy and to allow them to credit themselves with a level of influence and control over the affairs of Northern Ireland that simply does not exist.
The bBbc have allowed the Republic to portray themselves as victims of British economic aggression, their feelings hurt by Britain’s failure to consider them when deciding it’s own future and allowing them to further flirt with the idea of a renuited Ireland and to ignore a border and the sovereignty of a part of the United Kingdom.
Hard Brexit, hard border, soft Brexit, no border. There is a border, decided upon during partition when the Irish Free State became independent of Britain, at their behest, a foreign country now engaged as always in anti-British mischief making. There has never been a united Ireland and it isn’t going to happen now, but it suits the pro-EU stance of both this foreign state and our accommodating national broadcaster to suggest otherwise.
This must then be why the current constitutional meltdown in Ireland, political chaos seemingly worsening by the hour and caused as ever by their corrupt and unprincipled governing class, is hidden on the Europe and Northern Ireland pages of the bBbc website. Not enough supposition or contrived commentary available on this one to make the front page yet it would seem.
The possible collapse of this political parochial council, our moral guides and erasers elect of our only EU land border, doesn’t appear to be all that important, until that is some blame for their lack of intelligence and honesty can be attributed to Britain and Brexit.
Yes Rich ,
I just don’t get the Irish stance – unless they are being driven the the evil Brussels mafia – we are their biggest exporter and culturally are very close – with out without the mad republicans and their outdated sentiment driven by killing the innocent .
If I was running Eire I’d make nice with us and say to Brussels – you sort out the border as your one track ever greater union shit has driven Blighty away .
If it were possible also beebs anti brexit anti HMG drive seems to be getting even more as the year end – 589 days on my calc.
What’s the problem with having a border between Eire and NI?
We have the same border with France, Denmark etc and life goes on.
Why is this issue such an important one.
I think it’s only a big issue because the politicians (on both the eu and our side) want to make it so.
A few farmers may be slightly inconvenienced in the same way that commuters sometimes get held up in traffic.
So what.
Exactly EG.
It’s just being used by the opportunistic EU as an emotive barrier, no practical reason why there should be any problems, but feelings and rights, real or supposed, trump any practicalities. Who gives a shit, we don’t owe the Irish anything, individually perhaps not, but as a nation they despise anything British.
The bBbc deal in this same currency, obstacles of false perception backed up by a lack of journalistic rigour and by added ulterior motives. The bBbc never highlight simple solutions or offer beneficial conclusions that do not fit their agenda. 24 hours of rolling to fill and EU approved agendas to push all the time.
As a matter of interest who will perpetrate any violence that is apparently a risk should a hard border, whatever tf that is, be required? Is someone threatening this? Perhaps too many cross border rackets are being protected by the status quo? Whatever, in amongst all this posturing on the Irish side the people of Northern Ireland do not matter in the least to either Eire or the EU or to the bBbc.
The insane thing is that the Irish will be a minority in Ireland, due to non-white immigration even before the British are the minority here in the UK; yet they fought and still fight to rid the island of Ireland of “the Brits” and have a “united Ireland”.
Good luck with that. A united Ireland where the Irish are outnumbered by all the blacks and browns they’ve taken in and who’ve bred them out; is that what they’ve been struggling for all these years?
I think there is an element of ‘my enemy’s enemy is my friend’ in those parts of the world that want ‘freedom’ from ‘the English’.
The French Canadians in Quebec probably started it first, they wanted to open the doors to speakers of French from wherever they could find them – the more they could get the easier it would be to build a French-speaking state and to hell with the descendants of the people who actually built the railways, banks and big cities like Montreal.
Wee ‘Krankie’ is another one, anyone welcome as long as they hate the English, (or are English socialists). The Irish Republic probably has politicians that think the same.
Unfortunately for the PQ lot in Canada they have now discovered to their horror that French speaking doesn’t equate to being Catholic. Not only that these non-French speakers of French do so as a result of French colonialism so have no emotional attachment to the language or the fossilised culture of 18th century France as practised by the PQ-istas! All of a sudden those (mostly bi-lingual) Anglos perhaps aren’t so bad. A lesson for the SNP and Eire perhaps?
What a coincidence.
Yesterday’s edition of “Open Country”, just happened to be about Northern Ireland’s border with the Republic. It was a recording of Helen Mark walking the border, pointing out all of its illogicalities and telling us how communities on both sides had come together once the horrible border had been reduced to a mere line on a map.
The programme outline on their website even goes so far as to point out that: “a hard border will negatively affect both the economies and relationships of the Republic and Northern Ireland.” As an aside: as the first B in BBC stands for British (no laughing at the back) shouldn’t the sequence be “of Northern Ireland and the Republic”?
How could I possibly think that this programme is part of the BBC’s effort in an orchestrated plan to sabotage Brexit? This week the Northern Ireland border, next week #####.
Fedup2, I think I get the “Irish Stance”.
They`ve swapped Maeve Binchy for Colm Toibin.
Replaced Garret Fitzgerald with a gay Indian paperweight, but one who the EU will use like the Kool Aid straw that he represents to them.
And binned Father Ted and Dave Allen for Mrs Browns Boys and Graham Norton.
In short-so self loathing, venal and corrupt in slavish obedience to the Euro that they`ll happily burn down their own barn to put the Brexit rat into a corner.
An utterly craven nation that hates Britains decision to leave the EU more than any ties that we`ve built togther since the last century and before.
Time to cut them off at the knees-and I used to be an IRA speaker and with both parents Irish immigrants.
I hate what they`ve done to my country and all my relatives there-all Stockholm Syndrome hold ups and bitter that their referendums got ignored and they were spineless and cucks for Brussels.
No sympathy whatsoever.
They chose JunckerStaat…we now bypass them and see an open sea with a mere heritage patch for organic cabbage in the way of New York.Islam will be removing their bacon very soon.
I suppose the Brussels people must fear for the future of Eire in the EU if / when we leave – with or without the North.
If brexit is a success the economic pull for Eire to leave the EU could be enough to take it out. If we have to go back in a United Eire and uk on the Euro will be on the Brussels list of punishments . Hard to look 10 days ahead yet alone 10 years eh?
Was in Ireland only three years ago.
Remember migrants from Eastern Europe going round Limerick hospitals in pyjamas pretending to be patients as they robbed the real patients from the lockers.
Remember the run from Shannon into Ennis and Limerick with all manner of fast food fronts to cover the guns, drugs and knives etc that those lovely migrants chose to deal in-and the IRA and gangland local families held tremendous Communion parties with media goons outside, but unable to get past the iron gates for their photos.
That was Ireland 2014-land of saints and scholars huh?
The Eurodream, the currency, Protestant Brit-baiting now replaced by Stab vests, opiates and a gay Indian Taioshach because they no longer have a culture or a purpose , save to host Google or Tsingtao soon.
Well done Monnet!
Can’t help noticing that the BBC (and others but the BBC in particular) have been castigating the Chancellor for not doing anything about improving productivity in the Budget.
Now, no-one here will need to be told how productivity is calculated (a division of the outputs (revenues) by the inputs (typically labour force costs, capital and other resources utilised) to get to an overall efficiency figure. Alternatively, it can be measured as a straight forward division of revenues against the total amount of hours worked.
Strangely, we are never told precisely how it is measured, just that we as a country are poor when compared to Germany (!).
We saw it again on Question Time last night, when Diane Abbott set her colossal intellect onto the subject. She advocated greater regulation in everything and seemed to be supported by Dimbleby.
To me, that is precisely the problem. If every business or public sector entity has hoards of people all focused on regulation, compliance and general box ticking, and if there are platoons of Quangos and other organisations primarily focused on that kind of activity (as there are) then by definition that means that fewer people proportionately will be spending time on proper revenue generating activity?
So when commentators suggest that low productivity is a common problem across the West, maybe they should consider the impact of all this regulation on the ability to generate actual revenue, and ultimately on the nation’s productivity level?
as someone said yesterday
you don’t fatten up a pig by weighing it
Nofan. The introduction of the minimum wage enabled employers to have a bench mark and has a detrimental effect on productivity in my opinion. Rather than protecting some of the more vulnerable members of the workforce it has now become the norm and is a negative form of regulation that has permeated into manufacturing, not just the service industries.
Excellent analogy, Kaiser.
Synchronised… excellent thought also. I genuinely hadn’t considered that aspect but you are spot on. Anything that drives up the inputs (cost) is going to have a negative impact on the overall efficiency level that follows.
So, all in all not a lot that the Chancellor can do whilst the appetite for high regulation remains, it would seem.
Yesterday the BBC had a double delight as EU leaders described the British governments Brexit negotiators as ‘clueless’.
The BBC delighting in Tory Ministers being attacked, and Brexit being handled badly had a spree or interviews of foreign ministers name calling the government. Boris Johnson was called ‘unimpressive’ and the BBC was so impressed by this that they recorded the interview and placed it on the web site so everyone could have a little orgasm listening to it a second third or maybe even fourth time:
No surprises for where the story came from either:
And worse than everything is that the story probably is true, with clueless Teresa about to fully capitulate to EU demand in return for nothing in return.
Could Corbyn really be any worse than this hopeless bunch of losers?
But those must all be fake news stories as Katya Adler told us that the EU are under a ‘vow of silence’, which is why she can only hold the UK side ‘to account’!
Good point.
Maybe the routes to the BBC for EU stories as are unique as their editorial integrity?
Apologies if it has already been commented on, but I notice Andrew Neil’s dissection of Uncle John Macdonnel and Jacob Rees Mogg’s similar treatment of Sakur on Hard Talk have been pulled from BBC i-player, what happened to 29 days ?
Just 10 rivers may be to blame for millions of tonnes of ocean plastic
Those rivers are the Yangtze, Yellow, Hai He, Pearl, Amur and Mekong in east Asia, the Indus and Ganges Delta in south Asia, and the Niger and Nile in Africa.
This seems to be snookering a few local eco-campaigns big time.
Has the BBC gone near?
The rivers of rubbish left by the masses meandering across Europe can be used as an example to show that traditional western societies, travellers most definitely excepted, have on the whole more developed and therefore conscientious ideas with regards to hygiene, environmental responsibility and maintenance of shared spaces. Circumstances may allow us this but why should we accept the disregard with which so many in the developing treat the world? Why should we accept the blame? Who created the shitholes that many of these people are fleeing?
The media driven idea that the western world is directly responsible for all of the earths environmental issues really is bullshit. We may have developed materials and methods that can cause problems but developing nations have more than enough guidance, knowledge and experience of these to manage them more effectively and with less adverse environmental impact.
There has to be a desire to do this, however, waste management is not a priority in societies and cultures, internationally or domestically, where subsistence living is the norm and corruption is expected.
All cultures are equal … but some are more unequal than others …
Is India’s lack of toilets a cultural problem? { 16mar2012}
Only just noticed this – the toilet is in the same water where the kids are swimming .. honestly …
. . . 5 years later . . .
India is in the midst of a toilet-building frenzy, the government has set aside $20bn (£15bn) for the health initiative and aims to stop people having to defecate in the open by 2019. { 14nov2017}
I did enjoy the 10.00 news on BBC Radio4 last night (presenter, director and producer: Iqbal, Sandhu, Sidhu respectively). After educating me on Yemen in the lead item, and that Britain is not doing enough about it, there was a debate on the economy.
A Labour adviser came on to tell us that our ‘dire’ economic situation was down to two people: Cameron, because he intro- duced Brexit and Osborne cos of austerity. Giggle. Cameron was AGAINST Brexit and actually used taxpayers money to campaign AGAINST it; finally he resigned BECAUSE of it. Don’t let the FACTS get in the way, BBC! There was also the usual about the Rohinja muslims and Palestine. (What a SURPRISE it would be if one day there was something on the persecution of Christians or the murder and torture of hundreds of farmers and farmworkers in South Africa every year. (no chance: the farmers are white, so unimportant; their black workers are probably Christian, so also unimportant) I do enjoy the 10.00 news. Almost always a chance to listen to propaganda, cleverly designed to look like news. Still waiting for 1 positive or even neutral comment about Trump, by the way, since his election. Any sign of balance, news at 10.00? Ever?
Budget Strugglers
S’truth mates, how d’you go?! Bloody long time no see. Yer old cobber the Assistant to the Aussie Cultural Attaché back again. Now as per bleedin’ usual you’re probably attemptin’ to surmise the precise whereabouts of our dear friend the top knob hisself – Sir Lesley Patterson MBE (Most Bludgers are English). No, he still ain’t carked it. And as far as we know he ain’t had to go to ground cos he’s done a Rolf. Or – and I know you’re wondering – assumin’ he was barracking for the other team – a Spacey. Put Sir Les under the forensic microscope and the stains you’ll find are mostly gravy. He tells me he only ever got his donger wet when it was one hundred and ten percent consensual – and usually contractual – on account of dollars changing hands (or whatever constitutes the local currency). Last instalment was he’d gone serious walkabout on his infamous self-arranged fact-finding tour of Bangkok’s most notorious rub ‘n’ tug shops. Saucy bleeder. A right diplomatic corps-blimey. Legendary bloke, nonetheless.
Anyway, I come to praise Sir Les not bury him – as they say here in Shakespearistan or the old country as we used to call it. Now, temptin’ as it is to give you Poms the earbashing you rightly deserve over the cricket – and any team that comes to Aussie with a sports captain named Root is gonna be due some sledging.
No, what I reckon I’ll broach is your home test match over the Budget on this Radio 4 Today programme. We all know it’s a side on game – by which I mean the BBC fast attack strike bowlers will go for the Blue team with the dangerous bouncers and then try to hit them right up in the block hole. Save the slow stuff for the Red team. This bloke DJ Humphrys is a bit long in the tooth but he takes an enormous runup and uses that ‘I’ve started so I’ll finish’ spin on the Chancellor. Who plays a dull but steady straight bat. Now contrast that scenario, If you will, with the work experience girl who’s been busy like mad in the office limbering up ticking loads of boxes – Mishal. You know the one – make me a sandwich, luv, yes, I know you won’t touch the ham. She open’s up with the really slow stuff against the Opposition bloke who’s just lobbed into the studio. Course, this Shadow is such a drongo he shows hisself to be not the full quid and he’s easy caught out by the Sheila.
Can the BBC explain why their boss Lord Hall earns more than the Prime Minister?
Because amazingly he’s much more competent than she is !
Dover Sentry
‘ang on, ‘ang on. The old fart don’t EARN nuffin.’ ‘e just kinda — well—receives it.
Well, he definitely doesn’t ‘get it’…
Cut backs in the BBC Complaints Department?
On 3rd November I submitted this one:
Vine’s guest today in the 12:30 to 13:00 segment of his programme was Robert Peston. At approximately 13:05 Vine posted a video ( on his own personal Facebook page ( that was nothing more than an advertisement for the books that these two characters currently have for sale. While I accept that Vine can publish whatever he likes on his own Facebook page I take great exception to him recording a promotional video for two books (and for his and Peston’s personal gain) during time in which he is employed by the BBC to present a radio programme. In my workplace this would be called “doing a foreigner” and I would be subject to disciplinary action and probable dismissal. I would be interested to read the BBC’s views on such behaviour and what action will be taken.
I’ve just had the response, and it says: Thanks for your comments which have been noted.
And that’s all they wrote. It truly is their BBC now, and nothing to do with us.
For some reason they were nicknamed memory holes (Thanks for your comments which have been noted). When one knew that any document was due for destruction, or even when one saw a scrap of waste paper lying about, it was an automatic action to lift the flap of the nearest memory hole and drop it in, whereupon it would be whirled away on a current of warm air to the enormous furnaces which were hidden somewhere in the recesses of the building.
– Orwell , 1984
I received the annual email from TVL this week. “You’ve just days left to renew your TV Licence. Your TV Licence expires on 30 November 2017. Please renew now, quickly and easily online. ” (is this urgent?)
I think you’ve just provided me with an answer.
Dear TVL,
Thanks for your comments which have been noted.
That is excellent!
The Mohammedans continue their infighting. I wonder if this is BBC Newsworthy?
Mohammed bin Salman says he is building coalition to confront Iran; ‘We learned from Europe that appeasement doesn’t work’ Saudi Arabia’s crown prince said that Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is the “new Hitler of the Middle East” and must be stopped. In a wide-ranging interview, Mohammed bin Salman, known in the region by the English acronym MBS, told The New York Times’ Thomas Friedman that he is working to build a coalition of nations to confront Iranian influence in the region.
I did see it on BBC … 2 hours old @11:57 … Iran’s supreme leader ‘the new Hitler’, says Saudi crown prince (Mohammed bin Salman) { 24nov2017}
‘”We learned from Europe that appeasement doesn’t work. We don’t want the new Hitler in Iran to repeat what happened in Europe in the Middle East,” he said, referring to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.’
– Moderate Islam faces Iran and all other non-moderate Islamic Countries.
– Irony of all this is utter madness “… the books (supposed to originate from London) turn out to be the Saudi Official National Curriculum. {bbc panorama video 2010}” @22:13
Yes. No doubt a coalition headed by Europe and America would suit very nicely thank you. Will whitey allow himself to be conned yet again?
BBC add comedy to totalitarian regime … North Korean defectors answer ‘stupid questions’
What questions do those who have escaped North Korea get asked over and over again? The BBC asked three defectors to answer some of the more stupid ones. { 24nov2017}
– do you kick rocks rather than footballs.
– do North Korean’s produce romantic films
– With the BBC in control of 50% of the news output the UK will learn nothing of the dead bodies or the reality of this world.
“Religion has got no privilege whatever.” – David Starkey @ 1:28
“Free speech, and freedom of thought, is the foundation of what we are. (Western World)” – David Starkey @ 0:28
Regarding Halal labelling
Click to access fsaresponserestunnonstunslaughter.pdf.pdf
Defra is the Government Department which has responsibility for labelling products of animal
origin and it is considering this issue in the context of the UK’s exit from the EU and
possible introduction of national labelling.
On the labelling, will they show a picture of the Islamic person who slit the throat and the passage that was said at the time animal left this world listening to Arabic incantation which the animal would never understand?
I bet tesco have got a cctv camera just for the halal section just to catch the phantom bacon planter . Losing out Blighty pork scratch by pork scratch.
Wouldn’t see this on ms media as they’ll all be hamming it up .
I don’t know about that but I definitely spied a Muslim scratching his pork in Tesco the other day.
RE: Rotherham.
Around 2005 the BBC infiltrated the BNP. They secretly filmed the meetings where the problem of grooming was discussed; Nick Griffin quoted the passage of the Koran which states that Muslims are allowed to have ‘captives of the right hand’ i.e. sex slaves. The material was then used in a Panorama special exposing the BNP as evil monsters; Griffin was prosecuted for trumped up charges of inciting racial hatred.
The Beeb knew all about the terrible abuse and not only did nothing but cried ‘arson!’ at people tying to put out the fire. None of their children were getting raped and tortured so they did not care.
Then when Andrew Norfolk of The Times broke the taboo years later and openly discussed the race link, they feign shock. How could the Police and social services do nothing! Nobody has more blood on their hands over this than the BBC. They had the power and knowledge to act but instead chose betrayal.
The BBC, who blocked her (Liz Mackean) groundbreaking investigation from airing and spent the next few years attempting to destroy her reputation, are reporting that she died of “complications from a stroke.”
“Acknowledging her life was under threat during the time she was investigating Savile and BBC elites, MacKean said her conscience left her no option but to pursue the truth and expose the culture of pedophila. The mother of two children believed it was her duty..”
It’s more than betrayal, it’s complicity. If they moved to silence Griffin & stop exposure of the truth they were (or are) a part of the child abuse trade. BBC- enablers & protectors of criminal activity. That makes them a criminal organisation.
Stop Licence. Shut it down. Prosecute.
The defence mentality infests plenty of organisations for fear of the racist allegation who will blight a career. So corruption is unchallenged , nepotism , looking the other way , explaining things away . There have been years of this particularly after the awful Lawrence inquiry and coloured people as ‘victim of whitee’. It’s a cancer within the national body killing it bit by bit. There is a cure -but too horrible to say.
They seem to have attacked Trump less recently which is good. They never seemed to win any fights with him – o how glorious it has been!
They must have received a huge number of complaints about their coverage, which at times veered somewhat from the extreme standards of impartiality we expect from the BBC.
I’m hoping that the BBC realises it needs to report news and not generate it, or generate their feelings towards it. When BBC’s Katty Kay said on Beyond 100 Days that “Mugabe was at least a great tactician.” (paraphrased) I could not believe it. The Devil always kept a warm house. Mao solved over population problems. Let’s look into the BBC’s mental idea of the world …
“By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.{ 14sep2017}”
Last week the BBC also revealed it would be removing qualifications from new applicants’ CVs in a bid to increase their social diversity. { 21sep2017}
An excellent piece at
Whatever happened to the presumption of innocence?………………..He’s right. In defending himself, Piven is also defending one of the core principles of an advanced society: the presumption of innocence……….
After describing the accusations against him as “absolutely false,” Piven laments the fact that “allegations are being printed as facts” and “lives are being put in jeopardy without a hearing, due process or evidence.” He wonders what happened to “the benefit of the doubt.” To “tear each other down and destroy careers based on mere allegations is not productive at all,” he says.
He’s right. In defending himself, Piven is also defending one of the core principles of an advanced society: the presumption of innocence. The great liberal English barrister John Mortimer called this presumption the “golden thread” running through any progressive idea of justice. And it’s a thread that is being weakened in the febrile post-Weinstein climate.
THE BBC has already pulled an Agatha Christie drama starring Westwick.
On the basis of what? Two accusations posted to Facebook
I admit we are in a mess … Man who hit wife with bat and made her drink bleach spared jail after judge says she was ‘not vulnerable’ {independent 27mar2017} … when is a victim not a victim?
I reckon on the BBC anybody that does not say “The so called Islamic State” is told that if they don’t
say ” so called” they will never ever be allowed to appear on the BBC again . May I make a suggestion to the BBC.
After what we have just seen in Sinai Egypt with the death toll reaching 235. The BBC should refer to” the
SO CALLED ISLAMIC RELIGION !!”” Religion? That’s an anachronism !!!
BBC (So called News Broadcaster).
I wish I could remember where and when I saw it but, in my mind’s eye it was this week and a white, male, Beeb sofa muppet talking to someone about something or other. The muppet said something like “…as in the ‘so-called stans’ – Tajikistan, Uzbekistan etc…”.
I’m perfectly happy to be corrected if I’m showing my ignorance but surely they are actually the ‘called stans’ because, well, that’s what they are called?
184 confirmed dead in Egypt.
It is darkly comic how the BBC is all over fluffy non-issues like sweet machines at hospitals or ‘sexist’ adverts but is not merely silent about but actively promotes somewhat more dangerous things.
“God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh.”
On bewildering Germany:
1. The CDU of old is dead. Under Merkel it is not really Christian or even Democratic; a Union only insofar as it will Unite with anyone who will help to keep Merkel in power, no principles required. Greens especially welcome. Only the AfD excluded, for the sake of appearances; also, they HAVE principles. But, as the MSM will tell us, they are NAZIs (i.e. not socialist or green).
2. The MSM: Primarily, as far as TV goes, the ARD and ZDF. (1&2) They LOVE Merkel. How are they funded? Think BBC. Things starting to make sense? What about other parties for the Big Two? SPD (socialist): LOVELY; Linke (Communist) Fabulous; Greens (‘Refugees Welcome’) Wonderful; AfD (always Nazis – obvious since they think indigenous Germans are OK, like the German flag, feel the Christian heritage is not too bad) so: very, very bad. Yup, summink like the Nasty party. (Not that there is much about THAT party its name suggests; why else would its leader give it that label, a GIFT to socialists and greens) Print Media: Sueddeutsche? Think Guardian. Welt? Think Times. FAZ? Think Telegraph. Want something REALLY NASTY? If you read a bit of German: Compact-Online. But beware: you may see the German flag! And you may come to the attention of Amber Rudd, who could lock you up for 15 years!
Fuer Heute: Tschuess!
Since the election the bBC has parroted the line that the current government is going to fail. That Labour is ready to step in. Yet so called Stable countries such as Germany, and Ireland are seeing their governments fall. Countries such as France , Spain and Portugal are having huge problems within their parliaments. The EU as a whole has published who will get what once the UK leaves.I can assure you the Euros won’t be happy:
“Support for Germany and mainland France would be discontinued,” Benelux and Scandinavian countries, Ireland and Austria would no longer receive any money under the EU’s main subsidies regime. (French overseas regions such as Guiana would be an exception). Outside of Eastern Europe, only Cyprus, Greece and Portugal and the southern regions of Italy and Spain would continue to have access to EU “cohesion funds,” which currently account for roughly a third of the EU budget.
In light of all of the above, the Uk looks a lot stronger than what the left with their fake news stories promote.
Another new(ish) Islamist group, formerly known as Ansar Beit al-Maqdis, has just murdered more than 230 people in Egypt.
Another fresh group of religious murderers, wonder if Jeremy Corbyn has shared stage with them?
bBC fake news story
Nothing awkward at all, you Buggering British Children wankers. 3 people tried to stop him and he got past them all without breaking step.
I remember when Diane Abbott of the Labour Party walked off stage the wrong way, on the BBC News the clip was cut short to remove the embarrassing moment … Diane Abbott embarrassing U-turn at Police Federation (17May17) … non-biased news?
In what world is footage of a man walking behind the PM news?
Housing problems solved in Sweden … remove the old … make way … In other migration news, a Swedish municipality near Stockholm plans to house migrants in spare rooms in a nursing home, due to an acute lack of other accommodations. {gatesofvienna 23nov2017}
“More than a thousand migrants arrived in Italy yesterday, traveling in ten separate rubber boats. Meanwhile, a group of African migrants blocked an Italian highway with large appliances to protest the living conditions at their asylum welcome center.”
Meanwhile, back in good ol’ Blighty, common or garden British criminals have been going about their nefarious business and laundering the stolen goods back to …Pakistan.
“The gang, who were in and out of each shop in a matter of minutes, stole to order but were undone when Three, the phone company whose outlets were repeatedly targeted, placed dummy phones with trackers in store rooms.
The stolen phones were sold on to shop owners in the East End who sent them to countries including Bangladesh and Pakistan.
Scotland Yard identified the north Londoner Courtney White, 22, as the ringleader and Mominur Rahman, also 22, as his right-hand man. White was tracked down after detectives noticed a distinctive mark on his helmet.
The pair were convicted alongside Mohammed Hussain, 24, from east London and Chang Mabiala, 22, from Islington, of conspiracy to commit aggravated burglary after a four-week trial at Blackfriars crown court yesterday.
Another man, Youssef Kaissouni, 46, was cleared of handling stolen goods. Bobby Kennedy, 22, had been released from prison two weeks earlier for similar offences before joining the gang. He and Chris Costi, 19, from east London, were found guilty of conspiracy to commit aggravated burglary after a trial at the same court in August.
Three other members of the gang including Bobby’s brother Alfie Kennedy, 20, of north London, Dylan Castano-Lopez, 19, from south London and Adam Atallah, 21, all admitted their part in the conspiracy.”
Mostly ‘British’ sounding names? Would you Adam and Eve it!!
Thought I would listen to the BBC Radio 4 drama today. It was about a time travelling English knight from the Middle Ages in present day Turkey. There was comic streak running through it and I was actually enjoying it. The knight meets another time traveller, a beautiful lady from Turkey. They run away together and with 3 minutes left of broadcasting time left, The reporter who is following them announces in her report that their bodies have been found washed up on a Turkish beach along with with the bodies of dozens of drowned Syrian refugees.
Pure unadulterated shameless BBC propaganda. It’s now in everything the BBC broadcasts, comedy, drama, current affairs, arts and news. Oh well, The Now Show is on this evening, that’s quite impartial and objective…
The BBC break new ground by recreating animated episodes of Dr Who. Apparently the script is read out and then performed by animated characters.
See here,
They can save the money ripped off us in TV tax. Just replace Bimbletrot and all the overpaid announcers with animated cartoons uttering the prepared scripts.
No mention of President Trump … Obama ignoring the problem … USA … just a brief mention of ‘US-led’ … IS conflict: Iraq begins final push to clear western desert { 23nov2017}
“IS has been driven out of about 95% of the land the group once held in Iraq and more than 4.4 million Iraqis are no longer living under its rule, according to the US-led coalition supporting the Iraqi government.”
BBC News … £3.5bn … Chris ‘£2.3m’ Evans presenters ….
BBC fake news
The bBC is heavily promoting the story of how a parent in Bristol took offence at how her daughter was asked to rate how she would like to live next door to a black person.
It turns out the lesson was one on diversity and from looking at the photo of the work sheet (clipped in which not to show the heading) the subject was unconscious bias which is a topic the bBC promotes heavily.
But then on following up this story at the Bristol post, I am made aware the mother works for the bBC. Funny how the bBC is promoting a story about racism regards a subject which they themselves champion.
The bBC knocking out fake racist stories
More on the mother:
There was a programme about the blitz in the east end of London last night. It gave a small glimpse of the suffering of the people of the East End suffered during the 1940s .
I am the son of the East End and my families house has bombed by the Germans. The documentary didn’t have any black or new commonwealth people in it . It also skirted around the termed used by the authorities – bombed out people were apparently called refugees ….
The programme didn’t go down the bias road . I think al beeb realised it was very dodgy and sensitive ground .
Im all too aware of the suffering the people in my bit of London suffered. It’s sad it’s neglected and only aired in an albeeb documentary .
The maps you can find online of where bombs, v1s and v2s fell is also painful .
Next week its 6th Avenue, Hull. Which was still an overwhelmingly White European Civilised Area, the last time I pasted down Greenwood Avenue.
This shit is NOT teaching, it is prying disguised as education. It is subtle Communist interrogation of children Soviet style, and it needs rooting out and the perpetrators sacked. Whatever happened to the three R,s which are valuable lessons to take with you through life?
I read that in the Soviet Union, the education (Punishment for not ticking the correct box) would teach people to tick the correct box. Its why the Liberals/Soviets do not like the concept of the “secret ballot”. They get shocks in referendums, and would get a shock if they allowed all the PhD “Atmospheric Physicists” in Britain, to vote in a secret ballot on the existence of Man-made Climate Change.
BBC promoting Diane Abbott for the weekend … “When society is driven by greed, it’s the most vulnerable who suffer”, says Labour’s @HackneyAbbott #bbcqt
First Twitter Comment ….
As an example I collected £30k for charity and spent it all on an awards ceremony – no money for the kids but the bash was top notch @HackneyAbbott @UKLabour @DVATW
“Diane Abbott Foundation spent nearly £30,000 on awards ceremony, accounts reveal” {22aug2016}
Meanwhile on Oxford street:
Meanwhile the bBC has gone into full whitewash mode:
“Police have told people to take cover inside buildings, while officers respond to reports of an incident at London’s Oxford Circus Tube station. British Transport Police said officers were at the scene and warned people to avoid the area in London’s West End.”
I wonder if today as the Islamic holy day has anything to do with the above.I hope not.
It is just yards away from the BBC building. I bet they still manage to misreport it.
Don’t you just love diversity? You never know what treat lies around the corner: rape gangs in Rotherham; car attacks in Westminster; now a fusion attack – possibly ‘gang related’ and/or terrorism! So much diversity to celebrate!
Terrorism will no longer happen in the UK. Whatever is happening in Oxford Street will not be terror related or Islamic. Those days are over. Like the trucks and cars mounting the pavements and knife slashers there will be a non Islamic explanation. Britain does not do terror any more. Government, cops and media have united.
It’s just customer related. From the BBC
Oxford Circus Station is closed while we investigate a customer incident,” Transport for London said.
The BBC will blame it on Russians, Jews or working class English people.
As I have said over a number of incidents involving police lock downs, gun shots, trucks and cars on pavement, the story is quickly killed.
Nothing happened. People just thought they heard gun shots. We are not going to see terrorism ever again in the UK. Enough is enough, as the lady appointed by the BBC and Arab dictators said.
From LBC
“A statement from The Met read: “At 16:38 hrs on Friday, 24 November police started to receive numerous 999 calls within a short space of time reporting shots fired in a number of locations on Oxford Street and at Oxford Circus underground station.”
Numerous calls, short space of time, in a number of locations.
Move along. Nothing to see here.
“Oxford Circus Tube station: Pair sought over platform altercation”
Sky have orgasmed over what appears to be nothing. How disappointed they must be to not be counting the dead and blaming the police for doing more . – so back to slagging off Brexit and being the EUs bitch.
I’ve lived under Jeremy Corbyn’s rule – it turned me into a Tory {telegraph 25jul2015}
This story has everything you need to know about life as it was under Corbyn Labour – class hatred, the indulgence of unionised labour, and the Soviet-style handing out of favours to party loyalists on the council payrolls. Mr Corbyn often says that his political principles have not changed. Take that as a threat.
The World at One this afternoon had a fascinating guest on, a man by the name of Nick Clegg.
Some people might think he is a has-been politician who gets by on his EU pension, but they would be wrong. Nick Clegg is in fact an unbiased commentator of great merit, who was able to dissect with forensic precision the con which is Brexit, expose the lies told to us by Brexiteers in the Referendum, reveal that the EU is behaving entirely reasonably in our negotiations and prove that leaving the EU is the biggest mistake Britain has ever made.
I am assuming all this is true, because he was not seriously challenged on any of it by the presenter. Obviously, the BBC is itself an unbiased seeker of truth, and would therefore not allow Nick Clegg on air to spout his views unless they were the absolute truth.
A bit like man made climate change and the Pissgate dossier.
And the written version of al Beeb the guardian – carries a feature on one of their loves – a mr peston, son of a Labour MP and journo cum luvi celeb. He and me have tow things in common – gender and age.
Mr peston , free on his unbiased neutrality as a Beeb oid , is now free to rubbish Blighty and misrepresent things – eg he claims ‘the more cash for the nhs with Brexit ‘ was the main reason for the vote. Now he might quote polls ( rubbish) but really ? The reason was an inability to stop or control hordes of foreigners looking for a better life swamping Blighty and its organs – health housing education – because there are too many people too soon.
Mr peston has fame and fortune but admitted recently being disconnected from people in Blighty – yet the bastard still spouts anti Brexit shit. Nice hair and new girlfriend though.
I bet the BBC reminded its listners how Nick Clegg trousered 2.5 million from the EU.
BBC paint a lovely picture ….

“Budget 2017: Charts that explain a stormy outlook” { 24nov2017} … of course the BBC could release £3.5bn into the public domain by stopping the TV Tax, even a little equity release of £1.75m from Gary ‘£1.75m + Crisps + BT Sports Job’ Lineker could help everyone … or stop paying for subsidised gyms? Every Little Helps!
Thats not a photo of the deck of the Titanic by any chance?
I rather enjoyed hearing Michael Gove interviewed by Justine on Toady this morning, particularly when Web said that: “We know” in reference to the increased amount of money Ma May (might) be going to offer our EU “friends”.
“I was at that meeting Justin and I don’t recall you being there.”
Al ‘ what a courteous put down. I really wish these god like al Beeb journos were bought down to a proper level . Humph has been tugged twice about smiling at interviews over serious interviews. They deserve no better. Mishal has probably Beeb put on a list after the McDonald “ iPad moment ‘ yesterday.
Roundup on the week’s news. There’s 230 dead in Egypt but let’s focus on Amazon deals and Brexit, the story that still of course has a year and a half to run…
Strange how al Beeb skirts around the exact reasons for over 200 Muslims to be murdered in a mosque by a different brand of the religion of peace . But it did get better coverage than all the Christians these devils have murdered in the name of their false profit.
It sad to have that feeling that there are 200 less Muslims coming to Blighty . But that’s what the British government / al Beeb / has done to my thought process. And I know I won’t be alone in that – as taff says over to you maxi to cut and paste and accuse me of this that and the other without expressing an view or belief of your own. And yes – you do get noticed which must add to the value you place on yourself.
I just an update from BBC news stating the London incident is over and thereby is ‘no evidence of gunshots fired.’ It is sickening how they instantly on the defensive, with their moronic and reckless ‘keep calm and carry on’ mantra. Their instinct is not to report on the facts but to see how they can spin and downplay them. What devious, treacherous b**tards they are.
QT last night.
It seems that now, whenever the ‘housing crisis’ is mentioned, nobody even pretends the incoming 300,000 have anything to do with it.
It’s as if they didn’t exist.
I bet there are lots of normal people shouting at their tv’s that the 300k need somewhere to live and building 200,000 houses a year means we are roughly standing still.
Instead, they blame people who want to live alone, old people for not dying soon enough (I thought they were all bed blocking) and the lack of tradesmen to build houses.
Not one mention of the mass immigration and this is not only the bbbc but EVERY discussion on lack of housing.
Is this NEVER going to be brought up, is it now forbidden to mention the true cause of the ‘housing crisis’
If we didn’t have the net 3 million or so immigrants over the last decade we would have had an extra couple of million houses for our own homeless and youngsters, and NO ‘housing crisis’ (as well as hundreds of other huge benefits like less overcrowding and you all know loads of other ways life would be better)
Will the 300,000 bring with them the skills that our country needs or will they mostly be Big Issue sellers or benefits claimants. Perhaps the Bum Boy Corporation would care to enlighten us. (Lie to us)
We all know it’s 300,000 Doctors (with a few Rocket Scientists in there)
We’ve been told often enough.
I have an IQ of 164, but the link between an immigration rate of 300,000 per annum, and the housing shortage, does not seem to me, to be all that complex, for people of average intelligence.
But from the evidence, 75 percent of the native population are intelligent enough to see the link, but about 99 percent of Members of Parliament cannot. Therefore I estimate that 99 percent of MP,s must have an IQ below 70. This is most evident whenever Theresa May makes a speech.
This would explain why Parliamentarians see third world immigrants as the “Master Race“.
It really is frightening when one realises how thick so many of them are . One labour woman was boasting about being a grandmother at an early age and the shadow chancellor and shadow home sec do not have a proper relationship with numbers . I’m sure the other side are similarly thick . People like JRM who have a command of the numbers stick out like sore fingers .
Few politicians admit that their party decisions about immigration have bought us to where we are. The first introduction of democracy to this mess was brexit .
The least that the people have done is put a few alligators in their tax paid swamp .
Sadly there are a couple of reasons why our mp’s behave as they do.
I can’t believe they are so stupid that they don’t realise the relation between 300,000 incomers every year and the housing shortage.
Therefore they must either want this or they don’t care.
They are largely unaffected by these incomers apart from when they get to vote (for the left) or cheap nannies and gardeners (for the right)
They don’t have to wait for nhs appointments, are not in competition for their jobs and the immigrants are not going to outbid them for a house.
It’s the ordinary families who are losing jobs to the cheaper labour coming in and our homeless are at the back of the queue for any social housing, behind immigrant families.
Are the mp’s really so isolated in a bubble and do they actually believe the huge lie that this mass immigration is good?
I suppose the guardian has some intelligent readers and they somehow believe in this multicultural Elysium so IQ is probably not the way to measure an mp.
Are the mp’s all scared stiff of appearing as some kind of racist or be accused of some ‘ism of which there are so many now. Are they so cowardly they play safe and avoid the truth.
I just can’t understand why the mp’s are quiet about this (and many other things)
If May were to pull out of the Brexit talks and say “we’ve made our offer and you’ve turned it down so we will leave now, if you want some trade deal you come to us” she would go down in history as a great PM. The same goes for any who will come out with the truth now.
I won’t be holding my breath.
JRM is the nearest we have in parliament.
The trouble is that if an MP dares stick his/her head above the parapet and speak the truth they are instantly vilified as evil and told to pick their cards up on their way out.
LW I once wrote to my MP ( who incidentally is a Tory in a marginal constituency) about four specific issues relating to islam.
It was back in the day when they had just banned Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller from the UK and that issue was only one of the things I raised.
A few weeks later he sent his letter of reply, without once using the word ‘islam’ .
Not once.
What a wanker, what a coward.
Thanks for watching EG.
Have now long given uip on any BBC “forums for we little people”.
We voted for Brexit-our couterparts voted for Trump. And all that we have seen in recent history is their deceit and descent into madness.
Have yet to see any news that is not cherry picked to get us to want to stay with them in the EU and to get Trump assassinated or impeached.
They`d prefer the second because it makes more non-news last for longer and so more work, more bigwigs in courts like Leveson and Chilcot.
Radio 2/3, Classic Heart and Lisa Tarbuck…but NO Radio 4 news or comment, no BBC shows with their agendas.
Much happier-and more early nights with the cat and my hot water bottle.
The picture in my mind’s eye is one of the Government as ‘bricklayer’. Now high up on the scaffolding they’re laying more mismanagement bricks on top of those that went before. How long before the whole rotten construction becomes too top-heavy much less being poorly built.
Comments could be kinder.
Guest Who
Surely you mean comments need to be a lot harsher otherwise the message will never get through.
If nothing did indeed happen at Oxford Circus tonight, it shows how the terrorists are winning: thousands screaming in abject terror. They have already hit the capital twice this year and nothing whatsoever has been done to deal with the problem; only abject curbs on ‘hate speech’ as if stopping people from pointing at a fire would help put the flames out.
We are told how good immigration is for the economy, but how badly must tourism be affected by all this? I live next to London and I am afraid to go there. I certainly would not pay to holiday there from abroad.
How many attacks next year? Four? Ten? Twenty? More buses, tubes or trucks? I am not keeping calm and carrying on. I am staying in and making sure my children never visit our wonderful capital. It is not ‘brave’ to just pretend everything is ok – it is reckless and moronic.
I think the authorities are more likely to respond by arresting white people fearful of terrorism, under the Islamophobia laws.
I learnt that they do not put images of ethnics in adverts for swinging London. This mislead Chinese tourists who were warned not to stray from the ethnically clean areas of the London tourist trail.
They like to arrest white people to get the stats right to avoid the racism badge attacked to all the foreign mussies.