Not content with giving us ‘the news’, the stories that suit the agenda, told in that special BBC way with all the ‘some says etc.’, and with all those ‘editors’ on hand to ‘explain’ the story to us, just in case the headline writers hadn’t done their job properly, we now have From Fact to Fiction, where a writer gets to make up a story based on the news.
They just need to do a TV version so that the newreader on Sunday doesn’t need to worry if Andrew Marr didn’t quite get his captive politician to say the headline that they have alrady written!
Having said that I have no idea what today’s story was about. Possibly the young versus the old? Was it significant that youth was able to libel the whole of the old whereas old didn’t want to apply the general to that particular youth? Anyway they got in a little dig about Trump, (the oldest president), which would almost have worked for Clinton too, (could have been the second oldest?). We had the lie that the old got their university education for free, (and a grant!), most of the old didn’t get a university education, (a small matter of actually passing exams when an ‘A’ was for rhe few not the many), and grant was means tested. But then “it’s fiction” so no need to be balanced or even true, ‘win-win’.
Given the BBC’s commitment to civilised, impartial debate and low tolerance for intolerance, maybe Newsnight should get James in to knock a few rants around with YAB and Ali the Pyscho?
I am an occasional follow of the BBC soap EastEnders, having watched it during parts of my childhood. I will now from time to time follow it when an episode appears on youtube and scan watch it. So imagine my consternation when I unearthed two bits of social justice warrior-hood propaganda rhetoric inserted directly into the episode that aired this Friday 24th November 2017. The fact I spotted it was down to chance and suggests there are many social justice warrior-hood themes and rhetoric in the programme that I miss.
What follows are the approximate times within the episode the rhetoric appears, the context, the characters talking, and what they said:
16:04: Repairman doing work in rented home. Neighbour, Joyce Murray bringing in two mugs of coffee into living room where Karen Taylor is sitting.
• Joyce Murray: “Well he seems to know what he’s doing, well he’s Polish, in’t he?”
23:55: Context: Barmaid Whitney Dean, talking to “Moose”, a friend of Whitney’s husband who is in the process of divorcing her. Moose is in the army and has returned from serving in Afghanistan. They are in the Queen Victoria pub and there are many people in the bar overhearing the conversation. There have been signs that Moose has been trying his luck with Whitney.
• Whitney: “Funny ain’t it, how you only ever turn up out of the blue to talk about my divorce. Trying to catch me at a low point, are ya? Well I’m telling you & anyone else that might be listening, I think your views on women ain’t that far off the Taliban you’ve been fighting“.
• Moose: “That’s a bit steep“.
• Whitney: “Yea, it might be, but it’s true“.
I used to be an avid Eastenders and Holby City fan ,but driven away now by the politicisation .
Seems to me Ted and Joyce Murray were shoe horned into the soap to be the elderly bigoted couple.i dipped into the Tuesday show and Ted was going on about Brexit.
Holby City is in full on cuts restructuring due to the nasty government storyline and again elderly whites seem to be portrayed as racists.
I notice not much criticism of Magbes reign of terror and bloodshed on the BBC but people delirious when the new president says they had to take back their country and so called land reforms stand.
Funny that .When I say I want to take my country back ,I get branded a racist ,bigot and right wing nationalist.
On Late Night Women’s Hour a diverse woman was talking for twenty minutes about problems with her Afro hair; it was an extreme level of navel-gazing and whinging even by the epic standards of Women’s Hour. The young lady had nothing funny, relevant or interesting to say.
Of course she was on air not due to the content of her character but because of the colour of her skin. The presenter almost orgasmed as she thanked her at the end; one can picture the producers patting one another on the back for this flourish of ‘diversity.’ That the actual content of the programme is dire is of no concern to them.
A while back research showed that mostly white people listen to radio 4. So what? I thought diversity was our strength? I imagine mostly black people listen to radio 1xtra – what is the problem with different groups liking different things? So they nobly vow to make radio 4 more ‘diverse’ to supposedly attract more BAME listeners, because of course people can only relate to people who have the same skin colour as themselves. The result is garbage like this, which totally alienates their core listeners and is hardly going to steal any audience listening to the drum and bass on 1xtra.
“That is a sick tune, geez. Hold on! Some black girl is talking about how her hair cut was mocked on Twitter and it upset her! Turn those killer beats off!”
And what definite evidence do they even have that ‘diversity’ is even a such a good thing? It sounds cool but so did communism and national socialism. There certainly was not much to ‘celebrate’ about Rotherham, Borough Market and countless other vibrant incidents which would have been unimaginable 60 years ago, back in those monocultural, pre-diverse days.
Ideas such as ‘diversity’ are sometimes called ‘social engineering’, which is an insult to real engineers.
Can you imagine what would happen if it was decided that there wasn’t enough diversity/equality in the use of materials? “Lead is under-represented in aircraft construction, there are no sodium water pipes or mercury bridges” and so on. But even when an idea might be practicable no self-respecting engineer would put it into use without at the very least constructing a prototype, yet ‘social engineers’ conduct no experiments, it is all done ‘live’ and then backed up by ‘policy-based evidence making’.
“Ah yes” I can hear the social engineers retort, “but people are not materials” Really? There was a time when people were “personnel” now we are “Human Resources.” Resources as in materials.
I read a book by the man who was in charge of the ‘nudge’ unit inside Downing Street. He said the dirty secret about policy is that nobody really knows if a policy will work or not. You can only know for sure once you see the results, by which time the horse has bolted.
I’m ashamed of you giving something called late night wimmins hour listening figures. Al Beeb used to have comedy in that spot but run out of it – unless you count yesterday in parliament.
al beeboids have problems understanding the concept of ‘n e g o t I a t i o n s’ And faithfully report every outburst or fart by the opposition to Blighty as evidence of failure by this country. If it wasn’t so serious it would be funny.
There also seems to be a fixation of accepting time limits imposed by the EU as though they are real. I would not like to be a remainer listening to this as it don’t sound very friendly announcing demand after demand. It does enable hmg to look reasonable when we walk away. 489 days to go
PS – Humph ridiculed people in oxford stree running for their lives – maybe he he should go watch some of those tapes of London Bridge Ot ask the survivors or relatives of those murdered by damned Islamic killers …he really is a smug fucker these days
My mum was very annoyed about them using the phrase “propping up the UK government.” Total bias, she says. You have to go some to wind up my sweet mum like that! She says she may not pay her tv licence anymore!
Yes, even my husband noticed that one about the DUP “propping up Mrs Mays minority government”. Propping up?…Minority government?
Classic FM ever since, until Lisa Tarbuck tonight.
Beeb Bro…… a diverse woman was talking for twenty minutes about problems with her Afro hair……
I didn’t think they had a problem – most of them wear wigs ! All black women presenters and newsreaders invariably have long straight hair, but none wear it swept off the face. June Sarpong in particular who prattles on about heritage and diversity, yet rarely, if at all shows her own hair in public. Makes me laugh it do.
Good one Beeb,
I was thinking of campaigning for al Beeb black channel because apparently black people have so many other needs from others ( never got that one by hey I’m a whitee and my lot have in London for a v long time) . Then I suddenly remembered that there is ‘radio london’ where they just list the latest stabbings, teenage murders and IPCC investigations against coppers trying to keep a lid on the shit hole.
Listening to TMS this morning and I was astounded to be informed that 5 live have a full team there as well. WTF for. Another bunch on a jolly at the license payers expense.
And they had the cheek to say recently that they do not have enough funding to make good programmes! If they are so hard up they could just watch the footage on Sky and commentate on that. I am sure few listeners would notice any difference.
Beeb Bro
What, they actually admitted that they make bad programs? If that is the the case wouldn’t it be better to make none at all? Call me old fashioned but to me near enough is not good enough.
Who on Earth is watching doctors at 1.45 weekdays, when you could just type whatever takes your fancy into YouTube? There must be so many similarly awful shows which could be wound up to save money.
Guest Who
These brave reporters always seem to return home safe and sound from the war zones but some of the soldiers come home in body bags. I shouldn’t imagine the hacks put themselves in too much danger.
Bowen was a notorious suck arse for the Moslem Bro whom he repeatedly described as a benign charity. He was never in danger.
But most BBC hacks do their war reporting from the Salford studios with local actors as fighters.
Quote from Nana to Mike Bushell ‘ ….. you try sports that you are not necessarily good at’
Nana , Darling, Mike is not good at a single sport on Earth -we have watched him for the last I don’t know how many years. He can’t even do f£@cking Cheese Rolling.
There in a nutshell you have the hiring mandate for the BBC .
Sports Presenter – needs to know nothing about Sports and preferably be of foreign descent .
Newsreader – totally vacuous , able to read an auto cue and preferably be of a foreign descent
Weatherman – trans or gay preferred , make sure you get climate change into every sentence and preferably be of a foreign descent
Good general trend Lock13.
Would-be Chancellor-brazenly saying that he needs to know nothing because iPads and advsiers now do the projections. And, as we saw with Corbyn and Abbott-there is a hell of a trend here to be unaccountable, to be bare faced in your lies and plucked up numbers. And to simply assume that the Lefty Mob and Brwonshirts will carry you into power so you can forever roll over on your Great Leaps Forwards and Five Year Plans-with no elections to halt the progress.
Paul Mason is right to say that capitalism and neoliberalism has failed plenty people-but Trump got ELECTED to correct that, yet Mason prefers Venezuela or Cubas way of addressing these issues.
The left are cluless and dangerous-the no longer think, check or care-just hope to phone it in for Fascism, but rebadged as “Antifatchism”…fat checks, fact chicks…all the same to them.
It’s ok, that uniquely swift public service news correction service has again kicked in…
Translation: We made McDonnell look like the lying thick twat that he is. This upset the Corbynistas who love our Communist news programme so we've toned it down. Tory bashing by Jon Snow will resume later.
A fairly innocent sounding tweet by POTUS results in much ire from Time magazine folks
Trump :- Time Magazine called to say that I was PROBABLY going to be named “Man (Person) of the Year,” like last year, but I would have to agree to an interview and a major photo shoot. I said probably is no good and took a pass. Thanks anyway!
Response:- “A former editor of the magazine, Richard Stengel, said the use of the word “probably” meant Mr Trump had missed out on the accolade.
In June, The Washington Post revealed that several of Mr Trump’s golf clubs prominently display a framed copy of a fake Time cover featuring several positive headlines and Trump as its cover.
Richard Stengel referenced the report when he retweeted the president on Friday, adding the comment: “Hate to tell you but that probably means you’re not Person of the Year. They just wanted a photo shoot. But I’m sure you still have that fake Time cover somewhere in storage.”
The BBC does not miss the opportunity to add an extra swipe, headline – “Donald Trump says he shunned Time over Person of the Year” – where does he say “shunned”, a strong word?
“The magazine’s tradition – begun in 1927 as “Man of the Year” – recognises the person who “for better or for worse… has done the most to influence the events of the year”.
“Theresa May is thinking of handing the European Court of Justice a role in post-Brexit Britain. The Sun today reveals reports that she has held talks about a referral system to the ECJ for EU nationals who stay here. UK judges would refer a case to Luxembourg if a query arose on a point of law that has not previously been addressed during our time as a member state. The idea was debated during a meeting of Theresa May’s inner Brexit Cabinet on Monday, James Forsyth reveals in his column today. A senior Government figure believes the solution is a “good compromise” that could represent a major breakthrough in the Brexit negotiations. The source claims it would be acceptable to Brexit-backers as the decision to refer would “still be a UK court decision” and the “numbers would be very small.”
“Perpetuating ECJ jurisdiction after Brexit. Sir Keir Starmer’s obsessive love affair with the Luxembourg Court
By Martin Howe QC (14 Nov 2017)
Under the EU treaties, Judges and Advocates-General who serve on the ECJ and the EU General Court at Luxembourg must be nationals of a Member State. So when we leave the European Union just before midnight on 29 March 2019, the British nationals who are currently serve in these roles will cease to hold office.
As a result, what is currently a multi-national court in which we participate will become an entirely foreign court.
But strangely, Labour’s Brexit spokesman Sir Keir Starmer QC is seeking to perpetuate in every conceivable way the jurisdiction of this foreign court over the UK after we have left the EU. He wrote to the Prime Minister demanding that the ECJ should continue to exercise jurisdiction over the UK during any transitional period, and threatened an amendment to the EU Withdrawal Bill to make this happen if the PM does not agree. And on Monday 13 Nov 2017, in a BBC interview he argued that the ECJ should have jurisdiction over the UK for the indefinite future where we wish to enter into arrangements with EU agencies.
But it is virtually unheard of in international relations for an independent sovereign state to agree to subject itself to the jurisdiction of a foreign court. One has to go back to the 19th Century to find examples such as the (British) Supreme Court for China sitting in Shanghai, which exercised jurisdiction over British subjects in China and over their disputes with Chinese nationals to the exclusion of Chinese courts.”
What has JRM got to say?
Who is ‘blackmailing’ who?
The political elite seem to wantonly put “compromise” over “what it was we voted for”.
This is NOT Parliamentary Business of politcs as usual.
This transcends all that crap-and if we do NOT get what we want, well they will have to accept that extra-Parliamentary action is not solely the bullying tactics of McDonnell etc.
The Left have been bossing us for too long-we now know what THEY are scared of, and we will get REAL leaders to get us out, not milksops like May and Hammond.
Take heed Tories-this is OUR revolution, not yours to neuter.
The technical name for giving a foreign cout juristiction is “capitulation”.
From Wikipedia:
“A capitulation (from Lat. caput) is a treaty or unilateral contract by which a sovereign state relinquishes jurisdiction within its borders over the subjects of a foreign state. As a result, the foreign subjects are immune, for most civil and criminal purposes, from actions by courts and other governmental institutions in the state that makes the capitulation.”
If the FCO would like to check its archives it will find how the capitulations made life difficult for the British authorities in Egypt, because non-Egyptian could demand to be tried in their own national court; and then change nationalities as required.
It would be interesting to listen to a JRM speech on how we had incorporated capitulation into our negotiating strategy – not that the BBC would report it.
Just an altercation caused the Oxford St panic. Perhaps we shall never know the facts. Management of news regarding potential terror threats is well established. Londoners have nothing to fear.
This has inspired quite the thread. Including many bonkers attempts at misdirection from other media Remainers, swatted out the sky with simple facts by author or contributions from such as Guido.
At this rate Tony Hall will need to get out there and tell everyone how trusted the BBC is again.
Those intellectual bien pensants, at 38 Degrees are shocked. Shocked! Do you hear me? Apparently, some tory scum MPs are blocking the delivery of 38 Degree’s incisive blathering about this that and the other. Can you believe it? Someone has more important matters to attend to than listen to the wild hysteria of the left?
One suspects that quite a few people block the inane emails that carry such questionnaires as, “please tick this box if you think our NHS is only one of the worst performers for health care in Europe because people on Quangos aren’t getting paid enough. We must get the evil Tories to pay them more.”
But help is at hand. 38 Degrees are looking to outwit those who don’t give a monkey’s about their 5th form nonsense and seek financial help to get their message through.
So, there you have it, the left block the likes of great thinkers such as Germaine Greer or Richard Dawkins from speaking to us but won’t allow us to choose not to listen to their nonsense.
Just listened to Radio 4 Any Questions. Note that the discussion on housing, as usual, left out any reference to immigration. I wonder if this is because anyone wanting to mention this refrains because they know it would be toxic to their career?
No one on Any Answers has made reference to immigration either so far as I am aware. (I’m reading BiasedBBC at the same time and I can’t read and listen at the same time). Just heard someone blaming old people sitting on housing wealth.
This week Any Questions came from Bath. Audience very noisy in support of EU. Is this typical of Bath I wonder.
Yes an apology from a beeboid . Money box . Used to be for people complaining about savings rates . Now it should be called benefits weekly .
The presenter – Mr Lewis – a true lefty – got a mention for getting his numbers wrong on universal credit benefit whatever that is – in both houses of wasted air . He apologised for over estimating the number who will not be getting as much tax cash as thought and got caught out . Apology – lessons will be learned. Very rare as al beeb never gets things wrong – right?
A BBC editor is leaving Glasgow Airport for Harare to speak to the ninth President Abbott, and will be stopping off to wish the Queen happy silver anniversary and to tell Samira that they simply get it right.
Despairada, Bath is a Yooni town but quite Liberal anyway. I liked way that Dimbleby Minor’s usual audience disclaimer was greeted with some laughter.
Answers to questions were remarkable. No one pointed out that there’s no point in subsidising the housing market if it is too expensive to travel to work to buy the things and if you do, you are taxed out of them by the Local Authority.
The Labour bloke was a complete weed and trotted out the usual spend, spend, spend line. He obviously was schooled by David Willetts in that he believed you could borrow billions and not pay it back: “It’s not like a credit card debt or mortgage debt.” (Yes, David and Peter, all debts are the same, they are exactly like each other. Sooner or later the lender will want their money back with interest added.)
Peter Dowd (Labour MP) was also oblivious to the fact that his Party spent a fortune on education from 1997-2010 and he spent his time on the Panel saying “We haven’t got the young people with skills.” and “We are less productive than other countries.” (Yeah, right. Why is that, Peter? After all that educayshun?)
He also thought the EU was wonderful. But he then pointed out how Britain was a basket case. (So membership of the wonderful EU hasn’t done much for us, has it Peter? Good reason to leave, perhaps?)
I wish someone on the panel had offered all the ‘EU whoopies’ in the audience £10. The deal would be that first they have to hand over £20 and then a year later they get their free £10, as long as they spend it on blue and gold flagged projects.
BBC have covered the shootings in Egypt.
When they cover mass shootings in the US the topic of gun control is always discussed at length.
Egypt has gun control laws, with no opposition from Republicans and the NRA.
The principle legislation relating to firearms control in Egypt is Law No. 394 of 1954. The Law prohibits the acquisition or possession without a permit of smooth-barrel guns, pistols, and shotguns. It also sets forth exemptions from the need to obtain a permit to acquire or own a firearm for specified categories of persons, and forbids the licensing of firearms in some cases. Furthermore, Law No. 394 prohibits the manufacture, import, trade, and repair of weapons, firearms, and their ammunition without a license
I don’t think a US / Egypt comparison is fair . Al beeb will never understand that America is different to Blighty because of the common language issue . I can never understand why they spend so much time criticising a foreign leader .
Never been to Egypt but I get law is an optional extra .
If I was in the Egyptian government I would be looking to make sure more money was available for city centre lorry driving training, which as we know has been quite a problem in many European cities.
Beeb website reporting Emma Thompson on a demo telling the foreign secretary to get on a plane to Iran. Apparently she’s not feeling very well so I suggest a bit of Iranian sunshine would do her the power of good.
Watch Merkel. She could be in for 4 more years despite her party having won only about a third of the vote. She has left the socialist SPD considering a return to a ‘grand coalition’ with her CDU, after they had said they WOULDN’T do it. And after fruitless negotiations with smaller parties. In truth she is more socialist than the SPD could ever be. (She is also more Green than the Greens, but that was last week’s little show).
How was it all set up? Well, the SPD recently provided the President. So SURPRISE, he is trying to wangle the SPD back in, even though they only got around one fifth of the vote. More ‘talks’. If it works, the Germans will again get two (smallish) socialist parties in power, one hiding under the Christian Democrat label.
With the AfD the largest opposition party. WOW! The BBC last night brought on a correspondent from ‘Die Welt’ to tell us it’s not really so, cos the FDP (Liberal) and the Greens (Refugees welcome) are also there, in opposition. MSM always bring on other MSM, and they all LOVE MUTTI.
What a cosy little label that is! How well it has served her to befuddle the little people. Who else is watching and learning?
Will we get mommy May? Doesn’t really work, does it? And as for Merkel cunning, we’re talking Tony Blair stuff, at the very least. The smoke and mirrors you need here much bigger than a battle bus with your name all over it!
I do enjoy watching Merkel magic. Will it work? Nobody does it better…
Yes it is looking very likely to be a Liberal, Green and Socialist coalition for our German friends. The stuff of nightmares. Full blown immigration, state control, more censorship, more wind farms, more taxes and the destruction of profitable industry. Looking awfully close to National Socialism now.
I was talking to a German last week and he showed me how brainwashed many are now, he had no idea who i was, where i was from or what my views were but immediately came out with “Dictator Trump”, “AFD want to kill the Jews”, plus a whirlwind of anti Brexit and anti -Thatcher comments.
I was born and raised in the same town as Mrs T and he soon went on the back foot when he realized all he was doing was insulting me. It didn’t occur to him that i might not be of the same hive mind.
In The Times today the case of women’s footballer Eni Aluko is discussed. Several have testified that she had a negative impact on the team – undermining the manager and once pulling another player’s hair then refusing to apologise. Other players had also asked to not have to share a room with her when on tour.
Just as Enoch Powell warned, Race Relations laws would be exploited by provacateurs and opportunists. Here a nasty, vindictive individual has been able to ruin a successful team and several careers by playing the race card. She claimed ‘bullying’ on the basis of one poor joke about Ebola. She just happens to be a trained lawyer as well.
She is £80k up though so it worked out well for her. Of course the BBC have been on her side as she is a black woman and thus incapable of ever doing any wrong in their eyes.
You might be interested in a talk I had this week with a 30ish man from North London who had moved out to our shire area because of the increasingly dangerous law and order situation in areas of London.
He was not at all one of your millenial snowflakes. Quite the reverse.
Now maybe there is some exaggeration but he said the level of crime is very much downplayed and at night whole areas are very dangerous. Knives in particular . The media is either not interested or more likely not reporting for other reasons.
Even in daylight there is considerable danger in some places. In addition the rich are doing what the rich always do and that is looking after themselves and there is a rapid growth in ” security guards” who , he said, operate much as they like in their clients’ areas because the police have given up and are scared .
I have heard other things recently and little on our MSM.
The guards come from a variety of backgrounds but are hard men with hard ways .
The progressive elites have every incentive to cover up the decline in civilisation in the cities. In the end though reality will make it’s usual presence felt.
I’m a cliched born and bred east ender. I have always lived in a E number . People don’t report crime anymore . My borough sees stabbing s shootings and killings on a regular basis as well as the fashionable acid attack and tube assaults .
You are more likely to encounter a parking warden than a copper . The smell of herbal cigarettes is a constant 24/7. Road rage is common .
I write this as a fact of life here – not over egging or whinging . I’m used now to seeing out of Towners trying to guess who speaks Anglo .
“I write this as a fact of life here – not over egging or whinging.”
Fed, I moved from my home town to London thirty years ago. I remember when there used to be a “Sex Shop“ on the corner of the Strand & Whitehall in Trafalgar Square. I remember being thrown around by potholes on the top deck of a Routemaster (infected with Greenfly) going past Downing Street. I remember the Starlings in Leicester Square, and also the rats. I remember my neighbours installing wrought iron security grills on the inside of their windows and outside their front doors.
And yet the most dangerous place in London has always been Charing Cross Road at 3am on a Saturday night.
I kind of miss the dirty, seedy, slightly decrepit London I knew, but it has changed beyond recognition. Anyone claiming it is more violent or “dangerous” than it used to be; either has a very short memory or is deluding themselves.
Thank you for your comment – everyone s experience is different – I’m just saying what I see- I don’t think there is a memory or delusion issue on my part.
I notice you only ever respond to other commentators . I’m guess from what write is that you are over 50
maxi, thanks for a positive view of London, my home city. I don’t recognise the perfect road surfaces (one thing Bojo promised to fix as Mayor was the atrocious roads – he managed to make them, and the congestion, worse) but a lot has changed and improved.
The thing I learned as a teen was that people have very selective views of parts of London. I knew Arsenal supporting kids who were terrified of going to Tottenham, even without any club regalia on show on a non-matchday. The same was true for TH supporters who wouldn’t dare go anywhere in Highbury for fear of the residents.
It is almost unbelievable how our government can spend billions of pounds sending troops and materiel to Iraq and Afghanistan, yet cannot maintain law and order on the streets in areas of the capital or other major cities and towns throughout the UK.
“Now maybe there is some exaggeration but he said the level of crime is very much downplayed and at night whole areas are very dangerous. Knives in particular . The media is either not interested or more likely not reporting for other reasons.”
To your credit, at least you are able to acknowledge; “maybe there is some exaggeration”. But in reality it’s nothing but exaggeration. He was most probably “self-justifying” his decision to move house and almost certainly telling you what you want to hear.
I had a similar conversation with a colleague twenty years ago, who said he felt scared every time he drove through Brixton on the way to and from work (he would lock all the doors, try not to look left or right). When I told him I lived in Brixton, and perhaps if he parked the car and went for a walk around he wouldn’t feel so scared anymore, the cognitive dissonance was astounding to behold.
The suggestion that the media is “not interested” in constantly whipping up a fear of crime is laughable.
“…there is a rapid growth in ”security guards” who , he said, operate much as they like in their clients’ areas because the police have given up and are scared.”
Your friend is correct that there has been a rapid growth in ”security guards”, however it’s not because; “the police have given up and are scared”. It’s because previously owned “public space” has been sold off to private companies to control on their own terms.
“The progressive elites have every incentive to cover up the decline in civilisation in the cities.”
“He was most probably “self-justifying” his decision to move house and almost certainly telling you what you want to hear.”
Hi Max:
Yes, I am sure you are right. This man no doubt sold up in London and moved out on a whim, and then decided to lie to his new neighbours about his reasons for so doing. That makes perfect sense to me. Thanks for hitting the nail on the head as usual. He was probably a racist anyway, and would have well deserved a stabbing, if such things ever happened in London, which of course they don’t.
Why on earth do you bother to reply to me?
Twenty years ago? London has certainly changed a bit since then. It bears little resemblance apart from the buildings.
I suspect I mix in very different circles to you and far rougher as they say. The young man in question is mixed race and a self confessed hard case but in his district of North London it was just getting too dangerous for him. He is not a family man .
Security guards. You are being naive. These are not your friendly supermarket minimum wage boys but serious well paid men who will do what they have to . They exist because the police are no longer coping and are better at protecting their clients than the police now can be.
AS for knife crime even the BBC carries the figures and the stories. 18 young men killed so far this year alone. It varies from borough to borough but if the BBc cared to really investigate it might find out the true extent.
Yes the progressive MSM will suppress because it is unable to face reality in this as many other matters. Not deliberate suppression but bias by omission. Anybody who grew up in London in the 50s and 60s knows the score. It is nothing like the place it was and barring a miracle has had it unless the government and police get a real grip.
BY the way look at Bristol. Problems mounting there .
Jihadi Christmas carols you won’t be hearing on the BBC:
Dashing through the sand
with a bomb strapped to my back
I have a nasty plan for Christmas in irag
I got through checkpoint A
but not through checkpoint B
that’s when I got shot in the ass by the us military
oh jingle bombs jingle bombs
mine blew up you see
where are all the virgins that bin laden promised me
oh jingle bombs jingle boms
your soldier shot me dead
the only thing that I have left is this towel upon my head
I used to be a man but every time I cough
thanks to uncle Sam my nuts keep falling off
my bombing days are done
I need to find some work
perhaps it would be much safer as a convenience store night clerk
oh jingle bombs jingle bombs I think I got screwed don’t laugh at me because I am dead or I kill you
Nothing on Al Beeb about the most important duty of any British Government.
The Defence of the Realm.
Support Tobias Ellwood.
Jacob Rees-Mogg ‘Nows your chance , up and at them!’
Taff, i was in Gib a few months ago and it is an interesting territory. That Express column suggests the Spanish living close to Gib want it to remain British. I have to agree that is the impression i got as literally hundreds of Spanish go in and out of the Rock every day for well paid work that they cannot get within Spain.
The Rock is positively buzzing with activity, lots of construction going on and booming tourism. The Spanish government is clearly jealous of such a prosperous town on their doorstep, even the Spanish police have been shooting at Jet skiers in the water between the airport runway and the mainland. Hardly very EU friendly of them.
I recommend Gibraltar to all British people for a few days in the sun. British flags everywhere, Military Hercules landing at the airport, great restaurants, bars and casinos at very reasonable prices. Overall it made me feel very proud of our continued heritage and prosperity in the straits.
Yes been there. Closing the border was not in the interest of the Spanish . As was when the border was closed under Franco. GB kept its side open.
Given another vote and the Republic of Ireland would vote out. If the Republic of Ireland want a border let them put one up. See how that one runs?
We voted out. Simples.
A no brainer ?
Yes all proud British voted to leave the eu. It is remarkable that the spaniards enforce such a draconian border between the dump and the Rock. I have read many horror stories of British being held overnight by the spanish police for having a couple packs of fags too many at the border. So much for european unity and freedom of movement. If anyone should visit just fly in and there is no border.
The notion of a border in Ireland is just another EU attempt to derail a pleasant Brexit. I see they are now demanding a 10 day deadline. Please, HMG Just walk away and send them a cheque for 1p.
“I recommend Gibraltar to all British people for a few days in the sun. British flags everywhere, Military Hercules landing at the airport, great restaurants, bars and casinos at very reasonable prices. Overall it made me feel very proud of our continued heritage and prosperity in the straits… Yes all proud British voted to leave the eu.”
Yes Max i do know that, they also voted numerous times to remain British in similar fashion. They knew they would be used as a pawn by the spaniards and the eu if the status quo was broken. They are between a Rock and a hard place so to speak. Since the referendum the eu has been politically attacking the UK with issues of Gibraltar, Scotland and Northern Ireland. They have shown their hand in public now, they are not our friends, never were and never will be.
It might be fun to draw the Germans into the argument.
We can have a new rule that after Brexit all SEAT cars will be inspected to ensure conformity to specifications. To make life easier for the Spaniards we’ll allow them to use a land border and so the inspection post will be in Gibraltar.
If the EU insists on playing silly buggers we can all join in.
Seat, just crush them all. yes RJ you raise a good point of drawing the Germans into the argument especially over territory and borders. Perhaps we should have a say over East Germany and Berlin,over iron curtains, concrete walls and reintroduce checkpoint charlie. The people of Eastern Germany must be extremely disappointed with their massive support of the AFD being undermined by new National Socialist policies being reintroduced, Merkel clinging onto power with only 30% of the electorate. It’s looking a bit deja vu.
If I hear one more bit of Euro cringe about “not wanting to undermine the EU”-think I`ll scream.
We compete with nation states,not bureaucratic fascist constructs.
When asked, most of our European chums want the EU parasitic class off their backs-so as they walk away with their lottery festooned quangos-we need to offer the Chnese and Singaporeans, Americans and Russians a rented trojan horse to stuff the EU into historys recycling bin.
And then we can deal with our trecherous filth columnists within.
Alastair Campbell first among weeevils.
It was the van that drove at the policeman.
A man was arrested, but it does not say why he was arrested.
Was it anything to do with deliveries to Allan’s Snackbar?
We shall never know
Shocking article which shows the complete lack of balance that the BBC keeps displaying.
The article is one sided, racist and totally wrong, the historical facts are clear and show that Army Mutineers would be hung, they got hung, yet the BBC is portraying the murderers as innocent bystanders.
News briefing on radio 4 this morning: they mentioned Rod Liddle’s wonderfully right wing column in the Sunday Times; today he opines that the ‘housing crisis’ is in fact an immigration crisis as we let in 250,000 people a year. Spot on. Of course it is an immigration crisis. The term ‘housing crisis’ is so devious.
I thought I was hallucinating.
Was that so hard? Maybe just let the other side have a say without condemning them as thought criminals? Perhaps question us fairly without interrupting and sneering?
It’s only about fifty years too late to start talking about the issue, but I will still take that. Well done BBC.
Why can’t Liddle have a half hour show a week? Just a tiny bit to counterbalance the relentless SJW offensive.
BBC Weird Service is now doing 10 mins on
“Wow this Dutchman is extracting used toilet paper from. sewage and turning it into cellulose”
..yeh like Drax takes new cellulose and burns it.
So its not “hey wow” it’s inefficient
.. waste organics can be burnt as fuel and clean fresh organics can be used in manufacturing.
BBC always sends dizzy art grads to cover science/engineering.
Not really BBC – yet but it looks as if the ghastly Amber is up to all of her usual tricks again
“LAST WEEK, on Remembrance Sunday, Home Secretary Amber Rudd warned that the key symbols linked to our memory of the wartime fallen – the poppy, the Union Flag – had been hijacked by Far Right groups.”
Blah, blah, blah swastikas on University campas
Blah blah blah anti semitism
blah blah blah need mentors to teach us about war
blah blah blah – “far right” groups.
Whilst I agree that anti semitism is disgusting and should not be tolerated in any civilised society. Maybe Amber should be a bit more honest about who is responsible for all of this recent anti semitism.
Is it because the swastika has become a symbol of “casual fun” Or is it all the fault of the Labour party? Who could it be? mmmmmmmm – I know it must be the likes of Tommy Robinson and the “far right” Nothing of course to do with some followers of a religion whos name the BBC told us means “peace”
I guess she has some good historical precedents to the follow. When the Reichstag was burnt down in 1933 it was the commies wot did it. When hundreds of members of the Polish army were massacred in Katyn Forest it was the Germans and now of course all of our societal ills are because of the “far right”
It looks like Amber and her liberal friends are doing the usual liberal trick of blaming it on all these “far right” groups yet unwilling to look at any of the real causes of what is going wrong in society. Maybe what we need now in our society to stop all of this is some sort of purge on the “far right” which pretty much means anyone who doesnt agree with Amber.
It appears to me that in the best traditions of the tinpot tyrant she is deliberately conflating similair but slightly different issues to justify some sort of crackdown on those she sees as political enemies.
If she does it correctly the only people who will be allowed to wave the union jack will be Amber, Jeremy Corbyn and Amir Khan. The rest of us are obviously “far right and should be exterminated.
And how long has HE been in office then?
Like Macron and Trudeau-these pretty boys are Twitter totty without any experience ijn anything but male modelling.
Unlike POTUS45, who is our leader of the free world.
Who gives a stuff what the plastic paddies of Patsiville think?
He represents Ireland as the Asian Nutwork does for me here, He doesn`t.
In its main evening so-called News last night the Beebistan utterly failed to mention that the ‘mosque’ attacked in Egypt was in fact Sufi, a sect considered heretical by mainstream islam, therefore fair game for butchery by the so-called Religionists of Peace.
I now systematically mistrust every utterance by the Evil Beebistan, and even more so every omission. So what might their motivation be in this case, what their subliminal message?
“See: IS murder fellow muslims, thereby proving they’re not real muslims.”
WRONG you cnuts: IS (or whoever did it) murder so-called heretics and infidels, thereby carrying out their deranged leader’s instructions to the letter, and his example; thereby proving they’re very real muslims indeed.
Monsieur Martel,
I have to agree. Evil. BBC crossed the line from mere bias a long time ago. They are waging war. It’s quite obvious where they stand and it isn’t with forces of good.
Yep, Charlie-noted that in the Telegraph yesterday that it was a Sufi mosque that had been attacked.
Don`t the BBC ever think what our collective view IS on what they`re doing?
We all go to other sites for news and vow not to ever take a word from the BBC unless checked first.
Lying mediacrats and moochers for Muslim mendicants(ooooh!)…as Leonard Sachs would say before he was hounded out of any Labour meeting.
Airlines have been issued a “red warning” about the danger of volcanic ash in the skies close to Bali after Mount Agung emitted a thick plume of smoke reaching 4,000m (13,100 feet).
It is the second major emission from the Indonesian island volcano this week, and flights have been disrupted
This is how the Sidney Morning Herald reports the situation 3 hours ago:
Most flights between Australia and Bali resumed on Sunday after eruptions from Bali’s Mt Agung volcano grounded flights on Saturday, with ash descending on nearby villages.
For the second time in a week, the volcano sent plumes of grey-black ash and steam at least 2000 metres into the sky prompting a number of airline to cancel services on Saturday.
By Sunday morning, Qantas, Virgin and Jetstar announced that they were resuming flights to and from Bali, having decided that conditions had improved and it was safe to fly.
The BBC so hopelessly behind the news that they are reporting something incorrect, given the income they have this is just inexcusable, but who is ever going to hold them to account.
Terrible news from the Egypt. Remember that Israel used to control the entire Sinai peninsula but gave it to Egypt in exchange for peace, and now it's lawless.
Jeremy Corbyn's fans turn a blind eye to his association with violent racists. Imagine if a Tory leader was "accidentally" photographed in front of Nazi flag. Baffling.
All this fuss about NI and borders…there already exist examples of Countries and Micro states that are not in the EU and don’t have hard borders… that came to my mind – “San Marino is not party to the Schengen Agreement, however it has an open border with the EU (although some random police checks are made) ….”
“In November 2012, after the Council of the European Union had called for an evaluation of the EU’s relations with these microstates, which they described as “fragmented”,[13] the European Commission published a report outlining options for their further integration into the EU.[12] Unlike Liechtenstein, which is a member of the EEA via the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) and the Schengen Agreement, relations with these three states are based on a collection of agreements covering specific issues”
Key point here is that the EU, when it chooses, bases things on a collection of agreements covering specific issues..
So there already exist situations where non EU countries have no hard borders and others whereby separate agreements are made … what is the problem with NI?
Hopefully the Irish will scupper any watering down of brexit and we leave without paying the 50 000 000 000 demand .or we are being used as a lever in internal Irish election shenanigans …
Al beeb remainers don’t wish to explain what is happening because of their bias and just report every thing as a “crisis”
Fraid not at this stage. The Irish are now a milksop bunch of same sex fops who want their island as a tax haven, but seek to rip off the tourists with Pork Schnitzels in a Guiness batter.
You SEEN their little President called Michale O Higgins? IS must be laughing, like the rest of us.
No-Ireland is a broken backed Euro cuck, whatever rebellion and comedy there was once died with Mary Bloody Robinson and her gombeen heel dealers.
Two Referendums-politely vote the “right way” in both events, once they can`t lick the Liffey pipes unless they do.
Stag Night Pontins-from the Wolfe Tones to Boyzone within twenty years.
And I`m of radical Irish stock-can`t bear to see what they`ve become since 1973.
Blimey Chris,
Being a bit on the green side as well I’m saddened by what I read in the Irish Times. The republic doesn’t really get covered by al Beeb unless it’s terrorist related and not been there for a while – it does sound like a mess and they sold their soul to the EU – as did we- but at least we re getting a country back – just not sure it’s ours any more.
Nice to hear Liam Fox telling the EU what’s what with the border though. May will give in though. Wonder if DR Fox could be next PM?
My late parents would rage-and when I go over it`s very much like a ghost town, but with really sinister unsafe bits as they pretend they`re still that Celtic tiger they imagined for themselves. Used to be a great country.
Our polictial elite are awful-but the Irish equivalent are truly rotten and corrupt.
Irredeemable hog washers, Brian Cowan always reminded me of the Eurovison Song Contest roughneck in Father Ted. “Shave A Bullock” indeed!
But Ireland wont have any land border with the EU once Northern Ireland leaves the EU. As far as I know it wont even have a ferry service with the EU, as all the ferry services are to UK ports. So only Airport links will exist between Ireland and the EU. Therefore free movement between Ireland and the EU will be impossible once we leave the EU, as the Irish would at least have to show their identity and be stopped and searched by security at the Airport. Because even if they look like ginger haired Sinn Fein supporters, Airport security cannot trust the ginger hasn’t converted to Islam and is trying to carry a bomb onto the airplane.
On the Sunday politics did you watch the mairead mcguinness and Owen Patterson ‘debate’?
The one where mcguinness spoke uninterrupted for about 80% of the time and Patterson got about 20% including many interruptions.
The end came in the tried and trusted bbbc way, after a long uninterrupted mcguinness speech, just as Patterson should have been given the chance to answer the rubbish spouted we got the “We’ll have to leave it now as we’re out of time” and then we went back to the panel of 2 lefties and 1 possibly representing the right.
Owen surely knows better. Just leave gaps in your answer with a “have you finished”….do you want me to go or to answer what I think was something resembling a kind of question in your rant to camera?”.
Too bloody polite and ineffectual-don`t they yet KNOW the effect of putting a spoke in the lefties badwagon live on air…we put it up on YouTube-and you`re a hero.
Rees Mogg is a fine man-but hardly Nick Ridley is he?
Let`s find an Alan B`stard to do this for us,before we get somebody who will NOT be having fun about getting abused as the maoschistic Tories are…I want an end of the Piers shows.
Happened upon coverage of Southampton v Everton on Radio 5 live Sport.
Commentators can be superfluous if you’re watching a match so it doesn’t matter what they sound like, they don’t really add anything to the experience and so the volume can be muted. You expect them to speak clearly though and on radio, obviously, you need to be engaged by the commentary.
The female commentator, whose name hasn’t been mentioned the whole of this half, on this game has a lisp. I think it’s a lisp, I can’t really work it out ,but it’s distracting and although she may well know her stuff I find myself listening to her style rather than the substance and I’m now only listening to find out who she is.
Just got her name, Vicky, probably with an i. Yes. It’s Vicki Sparks, of David Moyes slap non-news, possibly promoted to match commentary on the back of it although I’m sure she’s bBbc compliant and had plenty of the correct and necessary training . I think however she’s only on the bBbc in this role because she’s female and because they can. I’ve no idea at all why Alan Green is still employed by them.
Southampton-Everton eh?
Maybe Ronald Koeman could manage one of these deadbeat teams in the first half-and the other no hopers in the other.
And we could laugh along, along with that speado Scouser who looks like a rum un to me, although-as ever-it`s always for cheridiee.
I love listening to football commentary on radio 5 live. Today a woman was commentating. With all the sudden exclamations and cut and thrust, a deeper voice simply sounds so much better and is much gentler on the ears. It annoyed me so much I turned off.
Needless ‘diversity’ once again spoils a programme. How many listeners were clamouring for a female commentator? Close to zero. And how many women want to grow up to commentate on football? It would be most women’s idea of hell. Yet our liberal superiors have decreed that we must have ‘diversity’ even when it makes things worse.
Does it matter if some occupations are better suited to different genders? So what if the people who take your bins are men and midwives are women?
The lunatic left explain all disparities by ‘oppression’ but we have been dealing with gender differences for thousands of years. Certain outcomes have resulted for different genders as they better suits their aptitudes and proclivities.
Work this one out. If Vicki Sparks was commentating on the match mentioned above for the bBbc why was there a bloke commentating on the same match in later coverage for the bBbc?
She was on radio, he was on MotD2. Didn’t see either commentator, we only heard their voices, I’m assuming they were reporting from an area reserved for press. Possibly sitting beside each other, Steve Claridge, the pundit present, between them.
Same match at the same place at the same time. How many bBbc employees does it take to do the same job and how much does this cost? This must happen every week across every sport that they broadcast, how does that make any sense at all?
If it were private money, you would look to do things as efficiently as possible so as to maximise profits. A manager would never let such blatant waste like this go on.
As it is someone else’s money, they just look to spend whatever they are given each year. Then the same next year. And when it is poor and vulnerable people paying through threat of prison it really is not on.
Why not have the man on the radio and the woman on Match of the Day later? It is the prolonged female voice through headphones I find so grating.
Mail is carrying story that the lady detained in the Islamic republic of Iran had a bbc pay stub and they have a copy of an email where she was involved in training Iranian journos – poor devils if being trained by a beeboid.
Bought a ‘Daily Mail’ today. Wow! Did mine eyes deceive me? Saturation coverage: it was Boris and the Russians wot done it.
That thing, you know: Brexit. I thought it was just us really stupid little people wot voted for it, not knowing of course, wot we were doing! Thinking there were just Brexit wot meant Brexit, not hard or soft or nuffink, a delusion dreamt up by ….well, you tell me?
Now I find out it were Boris! And those Russians, just like they voted in Trump! It’s them wot done it! That Putin fellow: moaning about how the West is destroying itself! I knew all the time he were lying! Now I find Nick Robinson of the kindly BBC telling me (in the Daily Mail!) its Russian fakenews and guns and stuff. Well, thank goodness for you Nick! I thought it were mass migration and various perversions (can’t mention them by name cos Amber and her thought police will lock me up for fifteen years).
It all fits now. That Putin fellow were on you tube saying that those unmentionables ended up with us not reproducing, or believing in our heritage or any of that stuff! And so, as Pvt. Frazer might say, we were doomed! DOOMED I tell you!
Now I learn it’s all Boris, all along, being told wot to write to the PM by some Russki. Yay, were all saved, now we know. Well, I never… One more thing: this Russia stuff is yet another thing Boris should be fired for. No longer Ms Whatsit in Iran? How truly desperate someone must be to get rid of him! Wonder WHO?
The Mail on Sunday is the opposite of the Daily Mail on Brexit but so many readers don’t seem to realise it, if they did sales would plummet. The key point is that sales don’t matter online and so the Mail Online is able to get away with being absolutely atrocious and blatantly pro-Remain as there is no paywall to worry about, so people visit anyway.
I don’t expect much journalism from it as it’s filled with American c-listers bikinis and Twatter fuelled nonsense, even more so on a Sunday as the first drafts could have been written in crayon by what seems like an increasing number of plastic Corbynistas. Politically I don’t know what to make of it as it spreads itself across the UK, US and Australia, seemingly trying to appeal to everyone. There is even a page hidden in the Australia section solely about Trump, probably anti.
With regards to Robinson and the bBbc however the comments section on his article seem unaminous in calling bullshittery, not the response the MoS or Robinson were expecting at all.
The disparity is all down to a hissy spat between the two editors, MoS taking the opposite line to DM out of spite, not conviction. In journalistic terms, almost as pathetic as a Guardian editorial comment.
Are they Beltane? Or are they just trying to increase sales among Remainers? I know a bunch of lefties who viciously hate the Daily Mail. They love the Guardian to bits.
The viewpoint that the Mail on Sunday is taking on Brexit must be giving them a nervous breakdown. They cannot disagree with it but they hate the owners as well as the Editors and the papers themselves.
Newspapers always have had a ‘party’ line, usually dictated by their owners, assisted – perhaps – by a perceived gap in the market.
I think the disparity and spite between the Mail and MoS started long before Brexit, or the referendum. It’s certainly confusing – but in a petty way, not based on politics.
It’s a given that lefties love the Guardian, it tells them precisely what they want to believe and it’s all done on borrowed money.
It’s funny how the bubble spends so much time investigating “interference” when a result goes against they’re views . Time and again polls have misrepresented what actually happens – same with influence – or lack of it – of advertising . Treating people like fools doesn’t help though – like keep on saying ‘strong and stable’ .
The bbc does not like answering questions or facing up to legitimate criticism for professional failures in accuracy, objectivity or impartiality, And has with CECUTT/CECUO created a vast but effective labyrinth to dissuade all but the most persistent from even trying to get them to admit they get anything other than about right.
The new Ofcom totem toppers seem to have rattled that cosy cage a little bit, so it may be worth reminding the national disgrace what its obligations are, and to whom, and allow them to regain some of the trust and transparency they may have lost by being anything but.
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Not content with giving us ‘the news’, the stories that suit the agenda, told in that special BBC way with all the ‘some says etc.’, and with all those ‘editors’ on hand to ‘explain’ the story to us, just in case the headline writers hadn’t done their job properly, we now have From Fact to Fiction, where a writer gets to make up a story based on the news.
They just need to do a TV version so that the newreader on Sunday doesn’t need to worry if Andrew Marr didn’t quite get his captive politician to say the headline that they have alrady written!
Having said that I have no idea what today’s story was about. Possibly the young versus the old? Was it significant that youth was able to libel the whole of the old whereas old didn’t want to apply the general to that particular youth? Anyway they got in a little dig about Trump, (the oldest president), which would almost have worked for Clinton too, (could have been the second oldest?). We had the lie that the old got their university education for free, (and a grant!), most of the old didn’t get a university education, (a small matter of actually passing exams when an ‘A’ was for rhe few not the many), and grant was means tested. But then “it’s fiction” so no need to be balanced or even true, ‘win-win’.
They seem impressed.
Given the BBC’s commitment to civilised, impartial debate and low tolerance for intolerance, maybe Newsnight should get James in to knock a few rants around with YAB and Ali the Pyscho?
A little Friday fun. Seems Emily M is on weather forecasts and traffic reporting now too:
O Bollux!
I am an occasional follow of the BBC soap EastEnders, having watched it during parts of my childhood. I will now from time to time follow it when an episode appears on youtube and scan watch it. So imagine my consternation when I unearthed two bits of social justice warrior-hood propaganda rhetoric inserted directly into the episode that aired this Friday 24th November 2017. The fact I spotted it was down to chance and suggests there are many social justice warrior-hood themes and rhetoric in the programme that I miss.
What follows are the approximate times within the episode the rhetoric appears, the context, the characters talking, and what they said:
16:04: Repairman doing work in rented home. Neighbour, Joyce Murray bringing in two mugs of coffee into living room where Karen Taylor is sitting.
• Joyce Murray: “Well he seems to know what he’s doing, well he’s Polish, in’t he?”
23:55: Context: Barmaid Whitney Dean, talking to “Moose”, a friend of Whitney’s husband who is in the process of divorcing her. Moose is in the army and has returned from serving in Afghanistan. They are in the Queen Victoria pub and there are many people in the bar overhearing the conversation. There have been signs that Moose has been trying his luck with Whitney.
• Whitney: “Funny ain’t it, how you only ever turn up out of the blue to talk about my divorce. Trying to catch me at a low point, are ya? Well I’m telling you & anyone else that might be listening, I think your views on women ain’t that far off the Taliban you’ve been fighting“.
• Moose: “That’s a bit steep“.
• Whitney: “Yea, it might be, but it’s true“.
I used to be an avid Eastenders and Holby City fan ,but driven away now by the politicisation .
Seems to me Ted and Joyce Murray were shoe horned into the soap to be the elderly bigoted couple.i dipped into the Tuesday show and Ted was going on about Brexit.
Holby City is in full on cuts restructuring due to the nasty government storyline and again elderly whites seem to be portrayed as racists.
I notice not much criticism of Magbes reign of terror and bloodshed on the BBC but people delirious when the new president says they had to take back their country and so called land reforms stand.
Funny that .When I say I want to take my country back ,I get branded a racist ,bigot and right wing nationalist.
Dat’s becus u iz whiat innit.
We never had that trouble when we used to watch the Groves and the Appleyards back in the 50’s !!!
Eastenders & Holby are my favourite African soaps.
On Late Night Women’s Hour a diverse woman was talking for twenty minutes about problems with her Afro hair; it was an extreme level of navel-gazing and whinging even by the epic standards of Women’s Hour. The young lady had nothing funny, relevant or interesting to say.
Of course she was on air not due to the content of her character but because of the colour of her skin. The presenter almost orgasmed as she thanked her at the end; one can picture the producers patting one another on the back for this flourish of ‘diversity.’ That the actual content of the programme is dire is of no concern to them.
A while back research showed that mostly white people listen to radio 4. So what? I thought diversity was our strength? I imagine mostly black people listen to radio 1xtra – what is the problem with different groups liking different things? So they nobly vow to make radio 4 more ‘diverse’ to supposedly attract more BAME listeners, because of course people can only relate to people who have the same skin colour as themselves. The result is garbage like this, which totally alienates their core listeners and is hardly going to steal any audience listening to the drum and bass on 1xtra.
“That is a sick tune, geez. Hold on! Some black girl is talking about how her hair cut was mocked on Twitter and it upset her! Turn those killer beats off!”
And what definite evidence do they even have that ‘diversity’ is even a such a good thing? It sounds cool but so did communism and national socialism. There certainly was not much to ‘celebrate’ about Rotherham, Borough Market and countless other vibrant incidents which would have been unimaginable 60 years ago, back in those monocultural, pre-diverse days.
Ideas such as ‘diversity’ are sometimes called ‘social engineering’, which is an insult to real engineers.
Can you imagine what would happen if it was decided that there wasn’t enough diversity/equality in the use of materials? “Lead is under-represented in aircraft construction, there are no sodium water pipes or mercury bridges” and so on. But even when an idea might be practicable no self-respecting engineer would put it into use without at the very least constructing a prototype, yet ‘social engineers’ conduct no experiments, it is all done ‘live’ and then backed up by ‘policy-based evidence making’.
“Ah yes” I can hear the social engineers retort, “but people are not materials” Really? There was a time when people were “personnel” now we are “Human Resources.” Resources as in materials.
I read a book by the man who was in charge of the ‘nudge’ unit inside Downing Street. He said the dirty secret about policy is that nobody really knows if a policy will work or not. You can only know for sure once you see the results, by which time the horse has bolted.
A ‘diverse woman’
I’m ashamed of you giving something called late night wimmins hour listening figures. Al Beeb used to have comedy in that spot but run out of it – unless you count yesterday in parliament.
al beeboids have problems understanding the concept of ‘n e g o t I a t i o n s’ And faithfully report every outburst or fart by the opposition to Blighty as evidence of failure by this country. If it wasn’t so serious it would be funny.
There also seems to be a fixation of accepting time limits imposed by the EU as though they are real. I would not like to be a remainer listening to this as it don’t sound very friendly announcing demand after demand. It does enable hmg to look reasonable when we walk away. 489 days to go
PS – Humph ridiculed people in oxford stree running for their lives – maybe he he should go watch some of those tapes of London Bridge Ot ask the survivors or relatives of those murdered by damned Islamic killers …he really is a smug fucker these days
Yeah – I sort of listen in an ironic way. I kind of enjoy being annoyed by it. I think last night was the last straw though.
Amol goes deep.
My mum was very annoyed about them using the phrase “propping up the UK government.” Total bias, she says. You have to go some to wind up my sweet mum like that! She says she may not pay her tv licence anymore!
Beeb Bro
I think your mum should be the D.G. of the BBC. I might start viewing and listening again.
Yes, even my husband noticed that one about the DUP “propping up Mrs Mays minority government”. Propping up?…Minority government?
Classic FM ever since, until Lisa Tarbuck tonight.
Beeb Bro…… a diverse woman was talking for twenty minutes about problems with her Afro hair……
I didn’t think they had a problem – most of them wear wigs ! All black women presenters and newsreaders invariably have long straight hair, but none wear it swept off the face. June Sarpong in particular who prattles on about heritage and diversity, yet rarely, if at all shows her own hair in public. Makes me laugh it do.
Good one Beeb,
I was thinking of campaigning for al Beeb black channel because apparently black people have so many other needs from others ( never got that one by hey I’m a whitee and my lot have in London for a v long time) . Then I suddenly remembered that there is ‘radio london’ where they just list the latest stabbings, teenage murders and IPCC investigations against coppers trying to keep a lid on the shit hole.
And probably play a lot of that C Rap. I was going to say C Rap music but no way can that be considered music.
Listening to TMS this morning and I was astounded to be informed that 5 live have a full team there as well. WTF for. Another bunch on a jolly at the license payers expense.
And they had the cheek to say recently that they do not have enough funding to make good programmes! If they are so hard up they could just watch the footage on Sky and commentate on that. I am sure few listeners would notice any difference.
Beeb Bro
What, they actually admitted that they make bad programs? If that is the the case wouldn’t it be better to make none at all? Call me old fashioned but to me near enough is not good enough.
Who on Earth is watching doctors at 1.45 weekdays, when you could just type whatever takes your fancy into YouTube? There must be so many similarly awful shows which could be wound up to save money.
In which the brave, professional BBC hacks pat each other on the back about how brave and professional they are.
Guest Who
These brave reporters always seem to return home safe and sound from the war zones but some of the soldiers come home in body bags. I shouldn’t imagine the hacks put themselves in too much danger.
Bowen was a notorious suck arse for the Moslem Bro whom he repeatedly described as a benign charity. He was never in danger.
But most BBC hacks do their war reporting from the Salford studios with local actors as fighters.
To be fair the military would not allow any civilian to be in real danger. The BBC edit the footage to look as though they are.
Quote from Nana to Mike Bushell ‘ ….. you try sports that you are not necessarily good at’
Nana , Darling, Mike is not good at a single sport on Earth -we have watched him for the last I don’t know how many years. He can’t even do f£@cking Cheese Rolling.
There in a nutshell you have the hiring mandate for the BBC .
Sports Presenter – needs to know nothing about Sports and preferably be of foreign descent .
Newsreader – totally vacuous , able to read an auto cue and preferably be of a foreign descent
Weatherman – trans or gay preferred , make sure you get climate change into every sentence and preferably be of a foreign descent
Good general trend Lock13.
Would-be Chancellor-brazenly saying that he needs to know nothing because iPads and advsiers now do the projections. And, as we saw with Corbyn and Abbott-there is a hell of a trend here to be unaccountable, to be bare faced in your lies and plucked up numbers. And to simply assume that the Lefty Mob and Brwonshirts will carry you into power so you can forever roll over on your Great Leaps Forwards and Five Year Plans-with no elections to halt the progress.
Paul Mason is right to say that capitalism and neoliberalism has failed plenty people-but Trump got ELECTED to correct that, yet Mason prefers Venezuela or Cubas way of addressing these issues.
The left are cluless and dangerous-the no longer think, check or care-just hope to phone it in for Fascism, but rebadged as “Antifatchism”…fat checks, fact chicks…all the same to them.
BBC Radio 4
Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18 – performed in Pidgin…
Luckily with no cultural appropriation issues.
Ex bbc Economics Editor accuses Ch4 of being Tory stooges. All is relative, one supposes.
Still, he can explain. Though I doubt now at the Jon & Krishnan public sector Xmas party.
It’s ok, that uniquely swift public service news correction service has again kicked in…
“That page cannot be found.
Either the address is incorrect or the page is no longer available.”
What is it they say about the cover up being worse than the original story?
A fairly innocent sounding tweet by POTUS results in much ire from Time magazine folks
Trump :- Time Magazine called to say that I was PROBABLY going to be named “Man (Person) of the Year,” like last year, but I would have to agree to an interview and a major photo shoot. I said probably is no good and took a pass. Thanks anyway!
Response:- “A former editor of the magazine, Richard Stengel, said the use of the word “probably” meant Mr Trump had missed out on the accolade.
In June, The Washington Post revealed that several of Mr Trump’s golf clubs prominently display a framed copy of a fake Time cover featuring several positive headlines and Trump as its cover.
Richard Stengel referenced the report when he retweeted the president on Friday, adding the comment: “Hate to tell you but that probably means you’re not Person of the Year. They just wanted a photo shoot. But I’m sure you still have that fake Time cover somewhere in storage.”
The BBC does not miss the opportunity to add an extra swipe, headline – “Donald Trump says he shunned Time over Person of the Year” – where does he say “shunned”, a strong word?
“The magazine’s tradition – begun in 1927 as “Man of the Year” – recognises the person who “for better or for worse… has done the most to influence the events of the year”.
“Theresa May is thinking of handing the European Court of Justice a role in post-Brexit Britain. The Sun today reveals reports that she has held talks about a referral system to the ECJ for EU nationals who stay here. UK judges would refer a case to Luxembourg if a query arose on a point of law that has not previously been addressed during our time as a member state. The idea was debated during a meeting of Theresa May’s inner Brexit Cabinet on Monday, James Forsyth reveals in his column today. A senior Government figure believes the solution is a “good compromise” that could represent a major breakthrough in the Brexit negotiations. The source claims it would be acceptable to Brexit-backers as the decision to refer would “still be a UK court decision” and the “numbers would be very small.”
“Perpetuating ECJ jurisdiction after Brexit. Sir Keir Starmer’s obsessive love affair with the Luxembourg Court
By Martin Howe QC (14 Nov 2017)
Under the EU treaties, Judges and Advocates-General who serve on the ECJ and the EU General Court at Luxembourg must be nationals of a Member State. So when we leave the European Union just before midnight on 29 March 2019, the British nationals who are currently serve in these roles will cease to hold office.
As a result, what is currently a multi-national court in which we participate will become an entirely foreign court.
But strangely, Labour’s Brexit spokesman Sir Keir Starmer QC is seeking to perpetuate in every conceivable way the jurisdiction of this foreign court over the UK after we have left the EU. He wrote to the Prime Minister demanding that the ECJ should continue to exercise jurisdiction over the UK during any transitional period, and threatened an amendment to the EU Withdrawal Bill to make this happen if the PM does not agree. And on Monday 13 Nov 2017, in a BBC interview he argued that the ECJ should have jurisdiction over the UK for the indefinite future where we wish to enter into arrangements with EU agencies.
But it is virtually unheard of in international relations for an independent sovereign state to agree to subject itself to the jurisdiction of a foreign court. One has to go back to the 19th Century to find examples such as the (British) Supreme Court for China sitting in Shanghai, which exercised jurisdiction over British subjects in China and over their disputes with Chinese nationals to the exclusion of Chinese courts.”
What has JRM got to say?
Who is ‘blackmailing’ who?
The political elite seem to wantonly put “compromise” over “what it was we voted for”.
This is NOT Parliamentary Business of politcs as usual.
This transcends all that crap-and if we do NOT get what we want, well they will have to accept that extra-Parliamentary action is not solely the bullying tactics of McDonnell etc.
The Left have been bossing us for too long-we now know what THEY are scared of, and we will get REAL leaders to get us out, not milksops like May and Hammond.
Take heed Tories-this is OUR revolution, not yours to neuter.
maybe we should rename things as they really are to reflect reality
the supreme court should be hence forth known as the referral tribunal
and members of parliament just as MEMBERS
we want what we voted for we know what we voted for and woe betide any party which sells us out again
I dont remember any complications when they happily gave it all away
The technical name for giving a foreign cout juristiction is “capitulation”.
From Wikipedia:
“A capitulation (from Lat. caput) is a treaty or unilateral contract by which a sovereign state relinquishes jurisdiction within its borders over the subjects of a foreign state. As a result, the foreign subjects are immune, for most civil and criminal purposes, from actions by courts and other governmental institutions in the state that makes the capitulation.”
If the FCO would like to check its archives it will find how the capitulations made life difficult for the British authorities in Egypt, because non-Egyptian could demand to be tried in their own national court; and then change nationalities as required.
It would be interesting to listen to a JRM speech on how we had incorporated capitulation into our negotiating strategy – not that the BBC would report it.
Was the no x3 a Thatcher remark? If so very good.
Just an altercation caused the Oxford St panic. Perhaps we shall never know the facts. Management of news regarding potential terror threats is well established. Londoners have nothing to fear.
Not terrorism.
Seems it was a reprise of The Taking of Pelham 124, thwarted by Jeremy Bowen and Orla Guerin.
According to Justin Webb.
Just a tiny correction: “Pelham 123”
The sequel to the sequel 😉
All I can find out is that it was caused by this 21 year old.
Ooh its Dindo
nah..all part of the programme. Just a useful practice run for the (real) future a couple of years down the road.
This has inspired quite the thread. Including many bonkers attempts at misdirection from other media Remainers, swatted out the sky with simple facts by author or contributions from such as Guido.
At this rate Tony Hall will need to get out there and tell everyone how trusted the BBC is again.
This may need a bit of suppressing. Especially the one that is redacted.
Views are split (c) BBC Editorial Guidelines
Those intellectual bien pensants, at 38 Degrees are shocked. Shocked! Do you hear me? Apparently, some tory scum MPs are blocking the delivery of 38 Degree’s incisive blathering about this that and the other. Can you believe it? Someone has more important matters to attend to than listen to the wild hysteria of the left?
One suspects that quite a few people block the inane emails that carry such questionnaires as, “please tick this box if you think our NHS is only one of the worst performers for health care in Europe because people on Quangos aren’t getting paid enough. We must get the evil Tories to pay them more.”
But help is at hand. 38 Degrees are looking to outwit those who don’t give a monkey’s about their 5th form nonsense and seek financial help to get their message through.
So, there you have it, the left block the likes of great thinkers such as Germaine Greer or Richard Dawkins from speaking to us but won’t allow us to choose not to listen to their nonsense.
Not on the so called BBC
The Labour Party representing the working man lol
Mervyn King and the labour party need to deny this or appologise.
Just listened to Radio 4 Any Questions. Note that the discussion on housing, as usual, left out any reference to immigration. I wonder if this is because anyone wanting to mention this refrains because they know it would be toxic to their career?
No one on Any Answers has made reference to immigration either so far as I am aware. (I’m reading BiasedBBC at the same time and I can’t read and listen at the same time). Just heard someone blaming old people sitting on housing wealth.
This week Any Questions came from Bath. Audience very noisy in support of EU. Is this typical of Bath I wonder.
An apology
Yes an apology from a beeboid . Money box . Used to be for people complaining about savings rates . Now it should be called benefits weekly .
The presenter – Mr Lewis – a true lefty – got a mention for getting his numbers wrong on universal credit benefit whatever that is – in both houses of wasted air . He apologised for over estimating the number who will not be getting as much tax cash as thought and got caught out . Apology – lessons will be learned. Very rare as al beeb never gets things wrong – right?
A BBC editor is leaving Glasgow Airport for Harare to speak to the ninth President Abbott, and will be stopping off to wish the Queen happy silver anniversary and to tell Samira that they simply get it right.
“Dimbleby was forced to explain that all audiences for BBC’s Any Questions were self-selecting and not reflective of the UK population.”
Now the BBC has told it often enough, I can at last clearly see this can only be true. Trust them.
Despairada, Bath is a Yooni town but quite Liberal anyway. I liked way that Dimbleby Minor’s usual audience disclaimer was greeted with some laughter.
Answers to questions were remarkable. No one pointed out that there’s no point in subsidising the housing market if it is too expensive to travel to work to buy the things and if you do, you are taxed out of them by the Local Authority.
The Labour bloke was a complete weed and trotted out the usual spend, spend, spend line. He obviously was schooled by David Willetts in that he believed you could borrow billions and not pay it back: “It’s not like a credit card debt or mortgage debt.” (Yes, David and Peter, all debts are the same, they are exactly like each other. Sooner or later the lender will want their money back with interest added.)
Peter Dowd (Labour MP) was also oblivious to the fact that his Party spent a fortune on education from 1997-2010 and he spent his time on the Panel saying “We haven’t got the young people with skills.” and “We are less productive than other countries.” (Yeah, right. Why is that, Peter? After all that educayshun?)
He also thought the EU was wonderful. But he then pointed out how Britain was a basket case. (So membership of the wonderful EU hasn’t done much for us, has it Peter? Good reason to leave, perhaps?)
I gave up after hearing all the lies by Peter Dowd that if it hadn’t been for the EU Liverpool would have been doomed.
From our own BBC:
Lord Heseltine honoured for ‘sowing seeds of Liverpool renaissance’. But then he was a minister in the ‘Thatcher’ government , something Dimbleby is old enough to remember.
I wish someone on the panel had offered all the ‘EU whoopies’ in the audience £10. The deal would be that first they have to hand over £20 and then a year later they get their free £10, as long as they spend it on blue and gold flagged projects.
Heseltine is an old Marxist so would be welcomed to the 1980’s Liverpool.
BBC have covered the shootings in Egypt.
When they cover mass shootings in the US the topic of gun control is always discussed at length.
Egypt has gun control laws, with no opposition from Republicans and the NRA.
The principle legislation relating to firearms control in Egypt is Law No. 394 of 1954. The Law prohibits the acquisition or possession without a permit of smooth-barrel guns, pistols, and shotguns. It also sets forth exemptions from the need to obtain a permit to acquire or own a firearm for specified categories of persons, and forbids the licensing of firearms in some cases. Furthermore, Law No. 394 prohibits the manufacture, import, trade, and repair of weapons, firearms, and their ammunition without a license
I don’t think a US / Egypt comparison is fair . Al beeb will never understand that America is different to Blighty because of the common language issue . I can never understand why they spend so much time criticising a foreign leader .
Never been to Egypt but I get law is an optional extra .
If I was in the Egyptian government I would be looking to make sure more money was available for city centre lorry driving training, which as we know has been quite a problem in many European cities.
Beeb website reporting Emma Thompson on a demo telling the foreign secretary to get on a plane to Iran. Apparently she’s not feeling very well so I suggest a bit of Iranian sunshine would do her the power of good.
Watch Merkel. She could be in for 4 more years despite her party having won only about a third of the vote. She has left the socialist SPD considering a return to a ‘grand coalition’ with her CDU, after they had said they WOULDN’T do it. And after fruitless negotiations with smaller parties. In truth she is more socialist than the SPD could ever be. (She is also more Green than the Greens, but that was last week’s little show).
How was it all set up? Well, the SPD recently provided the President. So SURPRISE, he is trying to wangle the SPD back in, even though they only got around one fifth of the vote. More ‘talks’. If it works, the Germans will again get two (smallish) socialist parties in power, one hiding under the Christian Democrat label.
With the AfD the largest opposition party. WOW! The BBC last night brought on a correspondent from ‘Die Welt’ to tell us it’s not really so, cos the FDP (Liberal) and the Greens (Refugees welcome) are also there, in opposition. MSM always bring on other MSM, and they all LOVE MUTTI.
What a cosy little label that is! How well it has served her to befuddle the little people. Who else is watching and learning?
Will we get mommy May? Doesn’t really work, does it? And as for Merkel cunning, we’re talking Tony Blair stuff, at the very least. The smoke and mirrors you need here much bigger than a battle bus with your name all over it!
I do enjoy watching Merkel magic. Will it work? Nobody does it better…
Yes it is looking very likely to be a Liberal, Green and Socialist coalition for our German friends. The stuff of nightmares. Full blown immigration, state control, more censorship, more wind farms, more taxes and the destruction of profitable industry. Looking awfully close to National Socialism now.
I was talking to a German last week and he showed me how brainwashed many are now, he had no idea who i was, where i was from or what my views were but immediately came out with “Dictator Trump”, “AFD want to kill the Jews”, plus a whirlwind of anti Brexit and anti -Thatcher comments.
I was born and raised in the same town as Mrs T and he soon went on the back foot when he realized all he was doing was insulting me. It didn’t occur to him that i might not be of the same hive mind.
In The Times today the case of women’s footballer Eni Aluko is discussed. Several have testified that she had a negative impact on the team – undermining the manager and once pulling another player’s hair then refusing to apologise. Other players had also asked to not have to share a room with her when on tour.
Just as Enoch Powell warned, Race Relations laws would be exploited by provacateurs and opportunists. Here a nasty, vindictive individual has been able to ruin a successful team and several careers by playing the race card. She claimed ‘bullying’ on the basis of one poor joke about Ebola. She just happens to be a trained lawyer as well.
She is £80k up though so it worked out well for her. Of course the BBC have been on her side as she is a black woman and thus incapable of ever doing any wrong in their eyes.
There seems at least a few at the BBC prepared to ask questions the BBC would prefer not posed.
You might be interested in a talk I had this week with a 30ish man from North London who had moved out to our shire area because of the increasingly dangerous law and order situation in areas of London.
He was not at all one of your millenial snowflakes. Quite the reverse.
Now maybe there is some exaggeration but he said the level of crime is very much downplayed and at night whole areas are very dangerous. Knives in particular . The media is either not interested or more likely not reporting for other reasons.
Even in daylight there is considerable danger in some places. In addition the rich are doing what the rich always do and that is looking after themselves and there is a rapid growth in ” security guards” who , he said, operate much as they like in their clients’ areas because the police have given up and are scared .
I have heard other things recently and little on our MSM.
The guards come from a variety of backgrounds but are hard men with hard ways .
The progressive elites have every incentive to cover up the decline in civilisation in the cities. In the end though reality will make it’s usual presence felt.
I’m a cliched born and bred east ender. I have always lived in a E number . People don’t report crime anymore . My borough sees stabbing s shootings and killings on a regular basis as well as the fashionable acid attack and tube assaults .
You are more likely to encounter a parking warden than a copper . The smell of herbal cigarettes is a constant 24/7. Road rage is common .
I write this as a fact of life here – not over egging or whinging . I’m used now to seeing out of Towners trying to guess who speaks Anglo .
It’s just the way it is.
“I write this as a fact of life here – not over egging or whinging.”
Fed, I moved from my home town to London thirty years ago. I remember when there used to be a “Sex Shop“ on the corner of the Strand & Whitehall in Trafalgar Square. I remember being thrown around by potholes on the top deck of a Routemaster (infected with Greenfly) going past Downing Street. I remember the Starlings in Leicester Square, and also the rats. I remember my neighbours installing wrought iron security grills on the inside of their windows and outside their front doors.
And yet the most dangerous place in London has always been Charing Cross Road at 3am on a Saturday night.
I kind of miss the dirty, seedy, slightly decrepit London I knew, but it has changed beyond recognition. Anyone claiming it is more violent or “dangerous” than it used to be; either has a very short memory or is deluding themselves.
Thank you for your comment – everyone s experience is different – I’m just saying what I see- I don’t think there is a memory or delusion issue on my part.
I notice you only ever respond to other commentators . I’m guess from what write is that you are over 50
“I remember being thrown around by potholes on the top deck of a Routemaster (infected with Greenfly)”…OMG..that’s awful!
.. infected?.. greenfly! LOL!
maxi, thanks for a positive view of London, my home city. I don’t recognise the perfect road surfaces (one thing Bojo promised to fix as Mayor was the atrocious roads – he managed to make them, and the congestion, worse) but a lot has changed and improved.
The thing I learned as a teen was that people have very selective views of parts of London. I knew Arsenal supporting kids who were terrified of going to Tottenham, even without any club regalia on show on a non-matchday. The same was true for TH supporters who wouldn’t dare go anywhere in Highbury for fear of the residents.
It is almost unbelievable how our government can spend billions of pounds sending troops and materiel to Iraq and Afghanistan, yet cannot maintain law and order on the streets in areas of the capital or other major cities and towns throughout the UK.
Dave S,
“Now maybe there is some exaggeration but he said the level of crime is very much downplayed and at night whole areas are very dangerous. Knives in particular . The media is either not interested or more likely not reporting for other reasons.”
To your credit, at least you are able to acknowledge; “maybe there is some exaggeration”. But in reality it’s nothing but exaggeration. He was most probably “self-justifying” his decision to move house and almost certainly telling you what you want to hear.
I had a similar conversation with a colleague twenty years ago, who said he felt scared every time he drove through Brixton on the way to and from work (he would lock all the doors, try not to look left or right). When I told him I lived in Brixton, and perhaps if he parked the car and went for a walk around he wouldn’t feel so scared anymore, the cognitive dissonance was astounding to behold.
The suggestion that the media is “not interested” in constantly whipping up a fear of crime is laughable.
“…there is a rapid growth in ”security guards” who , he said, operate much as they like in their clients’ areas because the police have given up and are scared.”
Your friend is correct that there has been a rapid growth in ”security guards”, however it’s not because; “the police have given up and are scared”. It’s because previously owned “public space” has been sold off to private companies to control on their own terms.
“The progressive elites have every incentive to cover up the decline in civilisation in the cities.”
Now you’re just being silly.
“He was most probably “self-justifying” his decision to move house and almost certainly telling you what you want to hear.”
Hi Max:
Yes, I am sure you are right. This man no doubt sold up in London and moved out on a whim, and then decided to lie to his new neighbours about his reasons for so doing. That makes perfect sense to me. Thanks for hitting the nail on the head as usual. He was probably a racist anyway, and would have well deserved a stabbing, if such things ever happened in London, which of course they don’t.
Why on earth do you bother to reply to me?
Twenty years ago? London has certainly changed a bit since then. It bears little resemblance apart from the buildings.
I suspect I mix in very different circles to you and far rougher as they say. The young man in question is mixed race and a self confessed hard case but in his district of North London it was just getting too dangerous for him. He is not a family man .
Security guards. You are being naive. These are not your friendly supermarket minimum wage boys but serious well paid men who will do what they have to . They exist because the police are no longer coping and are better at protecting their clients than the police now can be.
AS for knife crime even the BBC carries the figures and the stories. 18 young men killed so far this year alone. It varies from borough to borough but if the BBc cared to really investigate it might find out the true extent.
Yes the progressive MSM will suppress because it is unable to face reality in this as many other matters. Not deliberate suppression but bias by omission. Anybody who grew up in London in the 50s and 60s knows the score. It is nothing like the place it was and barring a miracle has had it unless the government and police get a real grip.
BY the way look at Bristol. Problems mounting there .
Sorry Dave, who are you going to believe, Max or your lying eyes?
BBC News, 21 September 2016: “London knife crime rises to four year high”:
The Guardian, 19 October 2017: “Police data shows crime rising at increasing rate in England and Wales””
Jihadi Christmas carols you won’t be hearing on the BBC:
Dashing through the sand
with a bomb strapped to my back
I have a nasty plan for Christmas in irag
I got through checkpoint A
but not through checkpoint B
that’s when I got shot in the ass by the us military
oh jingle bombs jingle bombs
mine blew up you see
where are all the virgins that bin laden promised me
oh jingle bombs jingle boms
your soldier shot me dead
the only thing that I have left is this towel upon my head
I used to be a man but every time I cough
thanks to uncle Sam my nuts keep falling off
my bombing days are done
I need to find some work
perhaps it would be much safer as a convenience store night clerk
oh jingle bombs jingle bombs I think I got screwed don’t laugh at me because I am dead or I kill you
O come all ye ungrateful,
Lazy and aggressive!
Deck the hills with mosques and rapists.
Bomb, bomb merrily on by.
Nothing on Al Beeb about the most important duty of any British Government.
The Defence of the Realm.
Support Tobias Ellwood.
Jacob Rees-Mogg ‘Nows your chance , up and at them!’
I wonder how much the armed forces could save by returning to the UK all personnel and equipment currently east of the Channel?
If the EU wants a border let the EU put one up and man it ………………………..
This is what would happen ……………………………………..
Taff, i was in Gib a few months ago and it is an interesting territory. That Express column suggests the Spanish living close to Gib want it to remain British. I have to agree that is the impression i got as literally hundreds of Spanish go in and out of the Rock every day for well paid work that they cannot get within Spain.
The Rock is positively buzzing with activity, lots of construction going on and booming tourism. The Spanish government is clearly jealous of such a prosperous town on their doorstep, even the Spanish police have been shooting at Jet skiers in the water between the airport runway and the mainland. Hardly very EU friendly of them.
I recommend Gibraltar to all British people for a few days in the sun. British flags everywhere, Military Hercules landing at the airport, great restaurants, bars and casinos at very reasonable prices. Overall it made me feel very proud of our continued heritage and prosperity in the straits.
Yes been there. Closing the border was not in the interest of the Spanish . As was when the border was closed under Franco. GB kept its side open.
Given another vote and the Republic of Ireland would vote out. If the Republic of Ireland want a border let them put one up. See how that one runs?
We voted out. Simples.
A no brainer ?
Yes all proud British voted to leave the eu. It is remarkable that the spaniards enforce such a draconian border between the dump and the Rock. I have read many horror stories of British being held overnight by the spanish police for having a couple packs of fags too many at the border. So much for european unity and freedom of movement. If anyone should visit just fly in and there is no border.
The notion of a border in Ireland is just another EU attempt to derail a pleasant Brexit. I see they are now demanding a 10 day deadline. Please, HMG Just walk away and send them a cheque for 1p.
Do Beeboids Dream of Electric Goats,
“I recommend Gibraltar to all British people for a few days in the sun. British flags everywhere, Military Hercules landing at the airport, great restaurants, bars and casinos at very reasonable prices. Overall it made me feel very proud of our continued heritage and prosperity in the straits… Yes all proud British voted to leave the eu.”
Gibraltar EU Referendum result:
Leave the EU – 823
Stay in the EU – 19,322
Yes Max i do know that, they also voted numerous times to remain British in similar fashion. They knew they would be used as a pawn by the spaniards and the eu if the status quo was broken. They are between a Rock and a hard place so to speak. Since the referendum the eu has been politically attacking the UK with issues of Gibraltar, Scotland and Northern Ireland. They have shown their hand in public now, they are not our friends, never were and never will be.
maxi, “Gibraltar EU Referendum result: Leave the EU – 823 Stay in the EU – 19,322”
UK join the EEC (EU) 1 January 1973
Spain join the EEC (EU) 1 January 1986
Border problems for Gibraltar: pre and post 1972 until 2019 and maybe thereafter.
maxi, do you really think the EU is wonderful and we should remain in it?
by the way Max, thank you for highlighting all those very valuable words
A proud British Macaque, not afraid of heights and didn’t vote to stay in the EU.
It might be fun to draw the Germans into the argument.
We can have a new rule that after Brexit all SEAT cars will be inspected to ensure conformity to specifications. To make life easier for the Spaniards we’ll allow them to use a land border and so the inspection post will be in Gibraltar.
If the EU insists on playing silly buggers we can all join in.
Seat, just crush them all. yes RJ you raise a good point of drawing the Germans into the argument especially over territory and borders. Perhaps we should have a say over East Germany and Berlin,over iron curtains, concrete walls and reintroduce checkpoint charlie. The people of Eastern Germany must be extremely disappointed with their massive support of the AFD being undermined by new National Socialist policies being reintroduced, Merkel clinging onto power with only 30% of the electorate. It’s looking a bit deja vu.
If I hear one more bit of Euro cringe about “not wanting to undermine the EU”-think I`ll scream.
We compete with nation states,not bureaucratic fascist constructs.
When asked, most of our European chums want the EU parasitic class off their backs-so as they walk away with their lottery festooned quangos-we need to offer the Chnese and Singaporeans, Americans and Russians a rented trojan horse to stuff the EU into historys recycling bin.
And then we can deal with our trecherous filth columnists within.
Alastair Campbell first among weeevils.
Do Beeboids etc
That’s not a proud British Macaque , that’s Maxincony on his perch wondering why he posts here.
I don’t think he knows himself?
Gibraltar ? when I visited 3 weeks ago it was shut – apart from the overpriced duty free shops. Not a place I’d want to visit again.
“Liverpool police officer hit by van in Norris Green”
Ban all vans! Simples.
It was the van that drove at the policeman.
A man was arrested, but it does not say why he was arrested.
Was it anything to do with deliveries to Allan’s Snackbar?
We shall never know
Out on rounds ,It’s bloody cold this evening.
Global warming. Freezing ?
Your call marxi cony.
Shocking article which shows the complete lack of balance that the BBC keeps displaying.
The article is one sided, racist and totally wrong, the historical facts are clear and show that Army Mutineers would be hung, they got hung, yet the BBC is portraying the murderers as innocent bystanders.
News briefing on radio 4 this morning: they mentioned Rod Liddle’s wonderfully right wing column in the Sunday Times; today he opines that the ‘housing crisis’ is in fact an immigration crisis as we let in 250,000 people a year. Spot on. Of course it is an immigration crisis. The term ‘housing crisis’ is so devious.
I thought I was hallucinating.
Was that so hard? Maybe just let the other side have a say without condemning them as thought criminals? Perhaps question us fairly without interrupting and sneering?
It’s only about fifty years too late to start talking about the issue, but I will still take that. Well done BBC.
Why can’t Liddle have a half hour show a week? Just a tiny bit to counterbalance the relentless SJW offensive.
R4 Sunday Papers @7am didn’t cover Liddle
BBC Weird Service is now doing 10 mins on
“Wow this Dutchman is extracting used toilet paper from. sewage and turning it into cellulose”
..yeh like Drax takes new cellulose and burns it.
So its not “hey wow” it’s inefficient
.. waste organics can be burnt as fuel and clean fresh organics can be used in manufacturing.
BBC always sends dizzy art grads to cover science/engineering.
Not really BBC – yet but it looks as if the ghastly Amber is up to all of her usual tricks again
“LAST WEEK, on Remembrance Sunday, Home Secretary Amber Rudd warned that the key symbols linked to our memory of the wartime fallen – the poppy, the Union Flag – had been hijacked by Far Right groups.”
Blah, blah, blah swastikas on University campas
Blah blah blah anti semitism
blah blah blah need mentors to teach us about war
blah blah blah – “far right” groups.
Whilst I agree that anti semitism is disgusting and should not be tolerated in any civilised society. Maybe Amber should be a bit more honest about who is responsible for all of this recent anti semitism.
Is it because the swastika has become a symbol of “casual fun” Or is it all the fault of the Labour party? Who could it be? mmmmmmmm – I know it must be the likes of Tommy Robinson and the “far right” Nothing of course to do with some followers of a religion whos name the BBC told us means “peace”
I guess she has some good historical precedents to the follow. When the Reichstag was burnt down in 1933 it was the commies wot did it. When hundreds of members of the Polish army were massacred in Katyn Forest it was the Germans and now of course all of our societal ills are because of the “far right”
It looks like Amber and her liberal friends are doing the usual liberal trick of blaming it on all these “far right” groups yet unwilling to look at any of the real causes of what is going wrong in society. Maybe what we need now in our society to stop all of this is some sort of purge on the “far right” which pretty much means anyone who doesnt agree with Amber.
It appears to me that in the best traditions of the tinpot tyrant she is deliberately conflating similair but slightly different issues to justify some sort of crackdown on those she sees as political enemies.
If she does it correctly the only people who will be allowed to wave the union jack will be Amber, Jeremy Corbyn and Amir Khan. The rest of us are obviously “far right and should be exterminated.
The death of Brexit by a thousand cuts?
Is the UK perceived to be so weak that the Irish Premier can jump on the bandwagon and declare that they would veto any ‘deal’ between the UK and the EU?
Seems to me the strength we have in our bargaining position is being eroded daily by Treezer et al.
And how long has HE been in office then?
Like Macron and Trudeau-these pretty boys are Twitter totty without any experience ijn anything but male modelling.
Unlike POTUS45, who is our leader of the free world.
Who gives a stuff what the plastic paddies of Patsiville think?
He represents Ireland as the Asian Nutwork does for me here, He doesn`t.
Emily offering views that are her own. Impartially.
In its main evening so-called News last night the Beebistan utterly failed to mention that the ‘mosque’ attacked in Egypt was in fact Sufi, a sect considered heretical by mainstream islam, therefore fair game for butchery by the so-called Religionists of Peace.
I now systematically mistrust every utterance by the Evil Beebistan, and even more so every omission. So what might their motivation be in this case, what their subliminal message?
“See: IS murder fellow muslims, thereby proving they’re not real muslims.”
WRONG you cnuts: IS (or whoever did it) murder so-called heretics and infidels, thereby carrying out their deranged leader’s instructions to the letter, and his example; thereby proving they’re very real muslims indeed.
Monsieur Martel,
I have to agree. Evil. BBC crossed the line from mere bias a long time ago. They are waging war. It’s quite obvious where they stand and it isn’t with forces of good.
Quite so Lucy.
Yep, Charlie-noted that in the Telegraph yesterday that it was a Sufi mosque that had been attacked.
Don`t the BBC ever think what our collective view IS on what they`re doing?
We all go to other sites for news and vow not to ever take a word from the BBC unless checked first.
Lying mediacrats and moochers for Muslim mendicants(ooooh!)…as Leonard Sachs would say before he was hounded out of any Labour meeting.
From the BBC newsroom where the employees are either asleep at their desks or drugged up, or even both at the same time.
Reported one hour ago:
Airlines have been issued a “red warning” about the danger of volcanic ash in the skies close to Bali after Mount Agung emitted a thick plume of smoke reaching 4,000m (13,100 feet).
It is the second major emission from the Indonesian island volcano this week, and flights have been disrupted
This is how the Sidney Morning Herald reports the situation 3 hours ago:
Most flights between Australia and Bali resumed on Sunday after eruptions from Bali’s Mt Agung volcano grounded flights on Saturday, with ash descending on nearby villages.
For the second time in a week, the volcano sent plumes of grey-black ash and steam at least 2000 metres into the sky prompting a number of airline to cancel services on Saturday.
By Sunday morning, Qantas, Virgin and Jetstar announced that they were resuming flights to and from Bali, having decided that conditions had improved and it was safe to fly.
The BBC so hopelessly behind the news that they are reporting something incorrect, given the income they have this is just inexcusable, but who is ever going to hold them to account.
All this fuss about NI and borders…there already exist examples of Countries and Micro states that are not in the EU and don’t have hard borders… that came to my mind – “San Marino is not party to the Schengen Agreement, however it has an open border with the EU (although some random police checks are made) ….”
“In November 2012, after the Council of the European Union had called for an evaluation of the EU’s relations with these microstates, which they described as “fragmented”,[13] the European Commission published a report outlining options for their further integration into the EU.[12] Unlike Liechtenstein, which is a member of the EEA via the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) and the Schengen Agreement, relations with these three states are based on a collection of agreements covering specific issues”
Key point here is that the EU, when it chooses, bases things on a collection of agreements covering specific issues..
So there already exist situations where non EU countries have no hard borders and others whereby separate agreements are made … what is the problem with NI?
Maybe its the fact they just want more money…
ANYTHING they can come up with to use as an excuse to claim that British Independence is too complicated to deliver and so must be abandoned.
Hopefully the Irish will scupper any watering down of brexit and we leave without paying the 50 000 000 000 demand .or we are being used as a lever in internal Irish election shenanigans …
Al beeb remainers don’t wish to explain what is happening because of their bias and just report every thing as a “crisis”
Fraid not at this stage. The Irish are now a milksop bunch of same sex fops who want their island as a tax haven, but seek to rip off the tourists with Pork Schnitzels in a Guiness batter.
You SEEN their little President called Michale O Higgins? IS must be laughing, like the rest of us.
No-Ireland is a broken backed Euro cuck, whatever rebellion and comedy there was once died with Mary Bloody Robinson and her gombeen heel dealers.
Two Referendums-politely vote the “right way” in both events, once they can`t lick the Liffey pipes unless they do.
Stag Night Pontins-from the Wolfe Tones to Boyzone within twenty years.
And I`m of radical Irish stock-can`t bear to see what they`ve become since 1973.
Blimey Chris,
Being a bit on the green side as well I’m saddened by what I read in the Irish Times. The republic doesn’t really get covered by al Beeb unless it’s terrorist related and not been there for a while – it does sound like a mess and they sold their soul to the EU – as did we- but at least we re getting a country back – just not sure it’s ours any more.
Nice to hear Liam Fox telling the EU what’s what with the border though. May will give in though. Wonder if DR Fox could be next PM?
My late parents would rage-and when I go over it`s very much like a ghost town, but with really sinister unsafe bits as they pretend they`re still that Celtic tiger they imagined for themselves. Used to be a great country.
Our polictial elite are awful-but the Irish equivalent are truly rotten and corrupt.
Irredeemable hog washers, Brian Cowan always reminded me of the Eurovison Song Contest roughneck in Father Ted. “Shave A Bullock” indeed!
But Ireland wont have any land border with the EU once Northern Ireland leaves the EU. As far as I know it wont even have a ferry service with the EU, as all the ferry services are to UK ports. So only Airport links will exist between Ireland and the EU. Therefore free movement between Ireland and the EU will be impossible once we leave the EU, as the Irish would at least have to show their identity and be stopped and searched by security at the Airport. Because even if they look like ginger haired Sinn Fein supporters, Airport security cannot trust the ginger hasn’t converted to Islam and is trying to carry a bomb onto the airplane.
There is a ferry between Cork and Roscoff but Roscoff is right out on a limb.
On the Sunday politics did you watch the mairead mcguinness and Owen Patterson ‘debate’?
The one where mcguinness spoke uninterrupted for about 80% of the time and Patterson got about 20% including many interruptions.
The end came in the tried and trusted bbbc way, after a long uninterrupted mcguinness speech, just as Patterson should have been given the chance to answer the rubbish spouted we got the “We’ll have to leave it now as we’re out of time” and then we went back to the panel of 2 lefties and 1 possibly representing the right.
Owen surely knows better. Just leave gaps in your answer with a “have you finished”….do you want me to go or to answer what I think was something resembling a kind of question in your rant to camera?”.
Too bloody polite and ineffectual-don`t they yet KNOW the effect of putting a spoke in the lefties badwagon live on air…we put it up on YouTube-and you`re a hero.
Rees Mogg is a fine man-but hardly Nick Ridley is he?
Let`s find an Alan B`stard to do this for us,before we get somebody who will NOT be having fun about getting abused as the maoschistic Tories are…I want an end of the Piers shows.
McGuiness was appalling – any relation?
We desperately need a Geert Wilders in the UK never mind about the rest of Western Europe.
Happened upon coverage of Southampton v Everton on Radio 5 live Sport.
Commentators can be superfluous if you’re watching a match so it doesn’t matter what they sound like, they don’t really add anything to the experience and so the volume can be muted. You expect them to speak clearly though and on radio, obviously, you need to be engaged by the commentary.
The female commentator, whose name hasn’t been mentioned the whole of this half, on this game has a lisp. I think it’s a lisp, I can’t really work it out ,but it’s distracting and although she may well know her stuff I find myself listening to her style rather than the substance and I’m now only listening to find out who she is.
Just got her name, Vicky, probably with an i. Yes. It’s Vicki Sparks, of David Moyes slap non-news, possibly promoted to match commentary on the back of it although I’m sure she’s bBbc compliant and had plenty of the correct and necessary training . I think however she’s only on the bBbc in this role because she’s female and because they can. I’ve no idea at all why Alan Green is still employed by them.
Southampton-Everton eh?
Maybe Ronald Koeman could manage one of these deadbeat teams in the first half-and the other no hopers in the other.
And we could laugh along, along with that speado Scouser who looks like a rum un to me, although-as ever-it`s always for cheridiee.
‘speado Scouser’? Who?
There`s an Everton fan who goes around with the club in his speedos, getting money for charity in a bucket.
Puts himself at risk I`d say-creepy looking in a Lyon street I`d say. But charity allows for this, can`t say I`d be happy myself.
Just seen him, ‘ Speedo Mick ‘.
Sounds like an alias Varadkar could use on his Grindrr profile in the same vain (sic) as the honorable handbag Bryant.
Her screeching nearly made me crash the car. Painful and unnecessary .
I love listening to football commentary on radio 5 live. Today a woman was commentating. With all the sudden exclamations and cut and thrust, a deeper voice simply sounds so much better and is much gentler on the ears. It annoyed me so much I turned off.
Needless ‘diversity’ once again spoils a programme. How many listeners were clamouring for a female commentator? Close to zero. And how many women want to grow up to commentate on football? It would be most women’s idea of hell. Yet our liberal superiors have decreed that we must have ‘diversity’ even when it makes things worse.
Unless we get lots of masculine, hetrosexual males commenting on cake shows, dancing and dress programs.
BB i feel your pain i did the same
Does it matter if some occupations are better suited to different genders? So what if the people who take your bins are men and midwives are women?
The lunatic left explain all disparities by ‘oppression’ but we have been dealing with gender differences for thousands of years. Certain outcomes have resulted for different genders as they better suits their aptitudes and proclivities.
Work this one out. If Vicki Sparks was commentating on the match mentioned above for the bBbc why was there a bloke commentating on the same match in later coverage for the bBbc?
She was on radio, he was on MotD2. Didn’t see either commentator, we only heard their voices, I’m assuming they were reporting from an area reserved for press. Possibly sitting beside each other, Steve Claridge, the pundit present, between them.
Same match at the same place at the same time. How many bBbc employees does it take to do the same job and how much does this cost? This must happen every week across every sport that they broadcast, how does that make any sense at all?
This is a blatant waste of money.
“how much does this cost.”?
A lot of the TV Telly Tax payer’s money . Robbing from the poor to give to the rich.
If it were private money, you would look to do things as efficiently as possible so as to maximise profits. A manager would never let such blatant waste like this go on.
As it is someone else’s money, they just look to spend whatever they are given each year. Then the same next year. And when it is poor and vulnerable people paying through threat of prison it really is not on.
Why not have the man on the radio and the woman on Match of the Day later? It is the prolonged female voice through headphones I find so grating.
Hate to tell you this but its no better on Screwfix Radio. Liverpool v Chelsea had Joey Barton on giving us his wisdom.
Now noticed in typically more forensic detail elsewhere:
Mail is carrying story that the lady detained in the Islamic republic of Iran had a bbc pay stub and they have a copy of an email where she was involved in training Iranian journos – poor devils if being trained by a beeboid.
Bet we won’t see that covered on al Beeb news….
If true… almost certainly not.
Obviously fake news, the monthly pay stub was only £22k.
Blimey Fedup ! if Emma Thomson reads that, she really will take to her bed !
Yes bris she ll be coughing and spluttering over this one if there’s truth in it . Poor poor luvvy huggs.
Maybe she’ll march on al beeb next time but I doubt it.
Bought a ‘Daily Mail’ today. Wow! Did mine eyes deceive me? Saturation coverage: it was Boris and the Russians wot done it.
That thing, you know: Brexit. I thought it was just us really stupid little people wot voted for it, not knowing of course, wot we were doing! Thinking there were just Brexit wot meant Brexit, not hard or soft or nuffink, a delusion dreamt up by ….well, you tell me?
Now I find out it were Boris! And those Russians, just like they voted in Trump! It’s them wot done it! That Putin fellow: moaning about how the West is destroying itself! I knew all the time he were lying! Now I find Nick Robinson of the kindly BBC telling me (in the Daily Mail!) its Russian fakenews and guns and stuff. Well, thank goodness for you Nick! I thought it were mass migration and various perversions (can’t mention them by name cos Amber and her thought police will lock me up for fifteen years).
It all fits now. That Putin fellow were on you tube saying that those unmentionables ended up with us not reproducing, or believing in our heritage or any of that stuff! And so, as Pvt. Frazer might say, we were doomed! DOOMED I tell you!
Now I learn it’s all Boris, all along, being told wot to write to the PM by some Russki. Yay, were all saved, now we know. Well, I never… One more thing: this Russia stuff is yet another thing Boris should be fired for. No longer Ms Whatsit in Iran? How truly desperate someone must be to get rid of him! Wonder WHO?
The Mail on Sunday is the opposite of the Daily Mail on Brexit but so many readers don’t seem to realise it, if they did sales would plummet. The key point is that sales don’t matter online and so the Mail Online is able to get away with being absolutely atrocious and blatantly pro-Remain as there is no paywall to worry about, so people visit anyway.
I don’t expect much journalism from it as it’s filled with American c-listers bikinis and Twatter fuelled nonsense, even more so on a Sunday as the first drafts could have been written in crayon by what seems like an increasing number of plastic Corbynistas. Politically I don’t know what to make of it as it spreads itself across the UK, US and Australia, seemingly trying to appeal to everyone. There is even a page hidden in the Australia section solely about Trump, probably anti.
With regards to Robinson and the bBbc however the comments section on his article seem unaminous in calling bullshittery, not the response the MoS or Robinson were expecting at all.
Quite true. A glance at the comments (if you can bear it) under any political article in the MoS will demonstrate this, and the colour of the ticks.
The disparity is all down to a hissy spat between the two editors, MoS taking the opposite line to DM out of spite, not conviction. In journalistic terms, almost as pathetic as a Guardian editorial comment.
Are they Beltane? Or are they just trying to increase sales among Remainers? I know a bunch of lefties who viciously hate the Daily Mail. They love the Guardian to bits.
The viewpoint that the Mail on Sunday is taking on Brexit must be giving them a nervous breakdown. They cannot disagree with it but they hate the owners as well as the Editors and the papers themselves.
Newspapers always have had a ‘party’ line, usually dictated by their owners, assisted – perhaps – by a perceived gap in the market.
I think the disparity and spite between the Mail and MoS started long before Brexit, or the referendum. It’s certainly confusing – but in a petty way, not based on politics.
It’s a given that lefties love the Guardian, it tells them precisely what they want to believe and it’s all done on borrowed money.
It’s funny how the bubble spends so much time investigating “interference” when a result goes against they’re views . Time and again polls have misrepresented what actually happens – same with influence – or lack of it – of advertising . Treating people like fools doesn’t help though – like keep on saying ‘strong and stable’ .
The bbc does not like answering questions or facing up to legitimate criticism for professional failures in accuracy, objectivity or impartiality, And has with CECUTT/CECUO created a vast but effective labyrinth to dissuade all but the most persistent from even trying to get them to admit they get anything other than about right.
The new Ofcom totem toppers seem to have rattled that cosy cage a little bit, so it may be worth reminding the national disgrace what its obligations are, and to whom, and allow them to regain some of the trust and transparency they may have lost by being anything but.