Britain granted nearly 900,000 resident permits to non-EU migrants in 2016.
The 865,894 who were given residency was a 52% INCREASE on 2015.
This made up 25% of ALL residency permits issued to such migrants by countries in Europe and was more than ANY other nation.
This is where you realize that with the sort of cr@p like Ma May etc in charge of the country, it won’t matter a damn whether we are in or out of the EU; as long as they will allow immigration of vibrant individuals at this rate into our country.
Prepare to get angry and take a look at the official EU stats linked below.
Do I recall correctly that by the end of 2016 the BBC were informing us that post-Referendum vote to leave in June 2016, EU citizens who were not British were leaving to either return to their home country or to live & work elsewhere in the EU?
That is right, isn’t it, or am I imagining that?
If I do remember that right, then the BBC – who only today were pointing at ‘Social Media’ as purveyors of FakeNews and FalseNews – are themselves guilty of doing exactly the same.
Moments ago I was listening to Five Live, where they were discussing the trial of Ratko Mladic for war crimes. A guest was the Guardian jounalist Ed Vulliamy, who had covered the Yugoslav Civil War. However, that was obviously a bit boring for Mr Vulliamy, because within seconds he had steered the topic on to Brexit, and how the attitudes of Brexit were the same as those which led to the Yugoslav genocide. That’s right, Brexit is on a path which leads to genocide.
I honestly don’t know if Peter Allen pulled him up on this, because I was so angry at this odious turd’s comments that I just had to switch the radio off. I have become used to the bile and hatred directed at Brexit voters (the majority of the country, don’t forget, even if no BBC employee has ever met one), but to up the ante to accuse us of complicity with the views which lead to genocide is just too much.
I have just Googled this bastard Vulliamy, and to my great surprise, not only is the fucking creep a Guardian journalist, but he was born and raised in Hampstead. What a shock. He is a walking, talking, shit stirring caricacture of the typical sneering left wing elitist that you might associate with the privileged life of a Hampstead Guardianista. And a nasty piece of shit to boot.
Damn him, and damn the BBC for having him on. I am used to being insulted by those left wing bastards, but this time they have gone too far. It is a complete disgrace.
Did they discuss the atrocities carried out by Muslims in that conflict?
Or how about the historical reasons why there are Muslims in the Balkans in the first place – the mass forced conversions under the rule of the Ottoman Empire?
If he’s so fearful of what’s coming post Brexit: Danelaw; genocide; burning crosses etc maybe he should just “refugee” himself off into the EU (of which you could bet your life he’s a big fan) before we leave and so avoid any of the unpleasantness he foresees and of which, presumably, he’s so anxious.
Now I think this is an excellent idea. It supports the idea of our empire and enables Blighty to reward citizens in our colonies for their outstanding contribution towards our game.
I’m sure African countries will be voting on European player of the year or best al beeb sports person .
Al – I apologise for not reading any of your above postings because I did not want to as it is Sunday night and I want to keep my blood pressure low!
What I cant understand about these “economists/politicians/great thinkers” is at what point do they say “enough” with regard to immigration.
Surely it is obvious to even the most unimaginative and uneducated mind that there must come a point when someone has to say STOP! You turn a tap on in a sink and unless you pull the plug out or stop the tap it overflows and ruins the bathroom. Does that point comes when we have collapsed economically? been reduced to a third world nation status? or just plain run out of land? – I dont know. But logic dictates this cannot carry on the way it has.
I suppose what has happened is that these political and moral cowards have created a system where anybody who speaks the truth which contradicts the current groupthink has both their integrity, personal and political reputation destroyed. In effect these morons have created a machine that they cannot switch off. And no-one wants to be the first over the parapet.
As a result of this All these weak politicians can do is tinker around the edges and blow smoke up our arses rather than grasp the nettle and tell the truth. The only thing that will lower the demand for public services and housing is to reduce immigration/start de-portations – nothing else. So dont bullshit me Hammond and dont get Theresa to say “enough immigration is enough” because we dont believe you anymore. Because just like your reaction to terrorism you are full of shit and seemingly will be quite happy to see this country and our society destroyed providing you get stay in office for a few months longer.
They say we are in a”post truth” era. I dont know about that but I think these days “post logic” would be nearer to the mark.
Oak, the leaders of this country are all talk and have been for a very long time.
I see that in response to the terrorist attack in Egypt, their president said they would take action against those responsible and launched air strikes against suspected enemy camps.
I recall Cameron stating that action would be taken against those who were behind the terrorist murder of all those Britons on that beach in Tunisia and he did f**k all, even though similar terrorist camps existed which were connected with that attack.
When all has been said and done, you can always guarantee, there will have been a great deal more said than done.
Area cordoned off, reporters kept away. It was the car that crashed into the tree. No indication of whether it was being driven.
News being controlled?
Durham Yoonie students ticked off for preparing to do a re-enactment of the miners strike. Some were going to play strikers, others Thatcher, the cops and her Tory Government.
I wonder if the students planned to march through Durham shouting ‘Get yer tits oot for the lads’?
The Left is not mocked is it? But we know its soft spots and “will be back next week”. Hello Hooray as the song goes.
Typical rugby banter, glad there are still outposts. But Weller wouldn`t find it funny, so we need to encourage them.
Is our defence spending so low that we have a shortage of warships and a shortage of soldiers that we have the Royal Navy performing this ?………………………………………….
A weak nation is a nation that will be under threat of attack from hostile countries.
Spend the EU and Foreign Aid money on our security.
“Brexit: Irish border won’t be resolved until EU-UK trade deal struck – Fox”
Time to get a move on and go for a ‘crash out’ . If the EU want a border let them run and finance it .
Dont forget , we bailed out the Republic of Ireland………….
“He said Ireland was a “friend in need”, a major trading partner with a banking sector closely linked to the UK’s.”
So much for the “friend in need”.
I can see the Republic of Ireland going for their own Brexit if we get out quick enough. They were conned in their EU referendum vote for freedom.
I think for sure once we are gone, as Farage said “we will not be the last country to leave”.
I reckon eventually it will be the Germans, French, Belgies and that economic powerhouse called Radio Luxembourg on their own.
A child of ten can understand that it is completely impossible for there to be a border between Ulster and the rest of the UK. It would bring about a political storm and a crisis possibly civil unrest . The posturing is meaningless and more than tiresome. The border has to be between Eire and the North . How it will work is up to negotiation but it is that simple and to deny it is to deny reality.
Ireland has done nicely enough since the Civil War of the early 20s.
Certainly, trade survived even the nastiness of the Ulster conflicts that we all grew up with.
No E.U input wanted, required or ever used-when we lost soldiers, there were no wreaths or sad emojis from Brussels.
And the Peace Agreement had f***all to do with the E.U.
So -tell me this-how have the E.U jemmied themselves into any talks between us and the Irish, unless the Irish are getting played by Sinn Fein, Junkcer and the likes of Leo?
As for the REAL emerging wars in Catalonia and Spain-have the E.U any “role” in THAT? Course not. No political stirrings to be had there.
March 29th 2019. Can`t wait.
Gert Wilders on Gatestone Institute today. Read it and make up your own minds if he is the hate figure of the progressive bodysnatched or a real defender of the European spirit.
I know what I think.
His main point . Only in the old east is the European way of life safe now. Our Western politicians have sold us out and are at war with us.
This is going to end badly.
DS – the Japanese have the right idea, they’ve taken in of 3 “refugees” in the first 6 months of this year and 28 in total in 2016; hopefully in future they can get that down to a more manageable level.
The UN are unhappy of course, there is nothing they like less than an ethnically homogenous nation that wants to stay that way.
Give them the UN building in New York for three years.
The UN can then find somewhere that is more suited to their worldview,like Lagos or Sao Paolo.
And definitely no offer of a place in Tokyo, no matter how many UN chumps beg to be allowed to go there, once they suffer the consequences.
Gert Wilders on Gatestone Institute today. Read it and make up your own minds if he is the hate figure of the progressive bodysnatched or a real defender of the European spirit.
I know what I think.
His main point . Only in the old east is the European way of life safe now. Our Western politicians have sold us out and are at war with us.
This is going to end badly.
Geert has been right for so long now that he gets a free pass now. Like Ayaan Hirsi Ali-these people were fighting on the new frontline as we scratched our heads about Luton schoolgirls demanding hijabs and Izzadeens ranting at John Reid at a Leytonstone centre in 2006.
That said, like Trump-strange hair, guess that this makes the right stand out.
How I divorced Islamic State { 27nov2017}
The British ex-wife of an American leader in the so called Islamic State describes her journey out of extremism.
Tania Georgelas met her husband John, an American convert to Islam, online and they connected over their Islamist views. After John moved Tania and their children to Syria, she decided to escape. Now she wants to dedicate her life to countering extremism and rehabilitating ex-jihadists.
Turned the telly to BBC News this morning, Jeremy Dustbyn on screen.
Immediately switched to Sky. Images of Grenfell tower. (blah blah blah)
Immediately switched to RT. Migrant has killed someone with a truck in Calais. “Saudi Prince leads Time reader’s poll for person of the year.” There is a woman in leather trousers & high heels interviewing someone.
I wished we had Fox. Turned telly off. Thank God for the off switch.
Is the bbc yet interested in the latest from Jeremy’s Jezebels in the form of the twitter goldmine that is Emma Dent Indahead or Mutti’s new Grun belt strip mining plan?
Been far more fun to feed the old their breakfasts, do their sheets and toilet stuff than to suffer the BBC.
Just finished-and note that I`ve missed nothing-now am I missing anything but tittle tattle and Remainers groomings.
Cat litter duty soon-and all is better than the BBC.
#HateNotHope – The New European … stop funding hate, don’t buy this paper …
The New European Covers filled with such hate and nasty sentiment.
Gary ‘£1.75m BBC Wages Paid Under Threat of Prison’ Linker promotes The New European paper via his BBC 100% approved twitter feed with 6.77 Million Twitter Followers, who want to hear football not politics …
Sign me in Marky Mark.
A petition and
a) boycott of anybody selling it.
b) threats of boycotts for all who write for it, and particular targeting of Alastair Campbell for his role in bringing this hate-filled snuff rag into this country.
About time this lefty scum got a taste of what their hatred leads to. We`ve got plenty power ifwe use ours like the Left uses theirs.
Aaron Banks exempted, he wrote one thing in it-but he`s fine.
R4 this morning has managed to get Brexit into virtually every interview and Breakfast managed it quite well. It’s like they have had an order to promote Brexit as a huge problem. They even changed the title of the Government’s industrial strategy to the industrial strategy post Brexit..
And Amol Rajan , standing in for Marr managed to say he thinks “the EU is one of Man’s – ah hum and woman’s greatest achievements” and he finds it “painful” in the UK..talking about education , life – why can’t we be like Finland? Apparently he doesn’t accept the argument that it’s a small country (5m people) with loads of money..and in 2016 only 5621 immigrants with the highest number from Iraq, followed by Syria, Afghanistan Somalia and Eritrea…Does Mr Rajan really think Finland’s situation is the same as the UK’s? If so he really is an overpaid idiot (sorry for language)..
I thought BBC presenters were not supposed to express their views on political issues – like how great the EU is…?
I heard there is minimal Islamic immigration due Finland because their periods of prolonged darkness render Ramadan impracticable. Not sure if that is true.
“Why are people leaving one of the richest places on earth containing minerals that the modern world needs”?
Oh boy, what a question but it is a question to which everyone knows the answer but dare not speak it’s name in public for fear of arrest on the orders of Big Brother. However I think the “refugees” are answering the question with their feet
It’s all academic, anyway – the more CO2, the better for all life. So, come, you volcanoes, spew your hearts out. And whilst you’re at it, spew out enough other stuff to worsen the winters, and perhaps all and sundry will wake up to the fact that whatever the globe may be doing, it ain’t warming.
Switched on the tele to be bombarded by the ‘unexpected’ news of the engagement. Now where can I go to evade this bloody onslaught of the images of Kensington Palace ??????? Fatty Boulton already asking the inane questioning of ‘are they really suited’, ‘ what about her background’. Personally she looks the glamorous and ambitious ‘sort’, who’s finally grabbed the top prize.
if true the tory party might as well start selling off the buildings, fixtures and fittings and anything else they can because they wont be needing them ever again
To hit someone unnecessarily – because it’s for entertainment and gambling, normally drinking is involved by those taking part in watching. And women in Haram clothing glide across the ring …
#WhichIsit … One says dress modestly and remove adverts the other one says hitting other people whilst people gamble and drink and they share the stage with ladies in few clothes.
There must be some sad scheming would be mother in laws depressed in the shires tonight .
I can hear them “lawd he’s marryin a dusky yank divorcee” bang goes the hood .
Seriously from one chap to another chap – good luck . ( I’m sure he’s on here – that you max?)
It’s OK, MM, to be honest, I’ve often needed a widdle after several pints, but that’s not really newsworthy to good people like you an’ me… And I wouldn’t really want to have witnesses either, it’s bad enough getting it all going these days, there’d have to be an interval with ice-cream and ten Gold Leaf!
The only time I’d need to use a knife is carving the beef/lamb/chicken etc. at home, but that’s not newsworthy either!
Perhaps I should try and become a sleb chef, and do that stupid affected rolling chop they do on some veg which looks like a Tesco carrot, but probably is some African dumpling flavoured rissole… (never could spell)…
We are not going to be able to move forward with the BBC controlling 50% of the news … Has voodoo been misjudged? { aug2017}
While many African traditions and cultures are under threat from modern life, there is one which is holding its own – voodoo. It has suffered from a bad press internationally but is an official religion in the West African country of Benin. … The Regional High Priest (special person, no complaints allowed, special privilege) of Voodoo Daagbo Hounon is presiding over the day’s rituals. … With the government supporting it at home and the descendants of slaves embracing it abroad (Government backing suggests it will not survive on it’s own merits?), the ancient voodoo tradition has found a place in the modern world, where other African belief systems are often struggling for relevance.
MarkyMark quoting the BBC “where other African belief systems are often struggling for relevance“.
That’s bollux, they are not struggling for relevance, they are struggling against militant Islam, which is fighting for control in sub-Saharan Africa, with North Africa and East Africa already being largely under the thumb of Islam.
Indigenous African cultures are being wiped out, one by one. And all this is being approved by the BBC, because the BBC doesn’t think these cultures are relevant compared to the “Religion of Peace”, which it constantly promotes and defends.
The blindfold goes over our eyes … “Islam is peaceful. Just ask Rafiqi Islam, a loving husband, who told his wife that he had a present for her, blindfolded her to make it a surprise and then cut off her fingers. Then the rest of the Islam family mopped up the blood, while Mr. Islam threw her fingers into the trash, and after a few hours took her to the hospital where they warned her to tell the doctors that she had an accident.”
“Either we go on playing the game of blindfold and machete, or we take off the blindfold, take away the machete and show Mr. Islam the door.”
We are making so much progress … thanks to empowerment and the BBC.
1963 ….
“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”
– Martin Luther King’s I have a dream speech August 28 1963
This is the s-s-s-s-econd time – second time you’ve posted this picture of a woman making a c-c-c-cunt of herself – cunt of herself. Sorry, I have a bit of a s-s-stutter—stutter.
It’s one of my best productions … enjoy using the c word!
After Christmas Amber Rudd will stop all Hate using her Hate Crime Hub – you will be directed to a rainbow car, asked to wear high heels to walk as a women and paint your nails to stop slavery throughout the world (please don’t use nail varnish that is produced by slaves, that would be counter productive).
Hi MarkyMark – you could try turning it into a meme. You could swap Valentina Tereshkova, for various other women who are role models for achievement rather than todays feminists that define themselves by their own gonads and who demand positive discrimination because they possess a vagina.
Thanks for the advice. I’ll try to bear it in mind but my formative working years were spent at a tender age on a building site so sadly, I think I can already hear the rainbow car siren and feel the bracelets on my wrists. By the way, just out of interest, all the girls in my village bar one at that time used to call me Clitoris because they thought I was a bit of a cunt. Oh bollocks, there I go again.
She asked the question: What does being British mean to you?
a) Having a British passport. It doesn’t mean anything else.
b) Being multicultural. British culture may have been different 300 years ago, but that has long gone. Now it is about being tolerant and multicultural.
c) It means not standing near a Mosque frightening the British Muslim congregation with your uncovered female kuffar head. Now please move along – there is a Tescos over there, you can stand in front of that.
The most perplexing questions of 2017 ready to be answered by BBC Panorama …
a. If a man writes a piece of fiction, should he have a death contract put on his life?
b. If a man declares he is homosexual should he be shunned?
c. If a man draws a cartoon should he be sent death threats?
d. Do you think you should be given a job based solely on your religion?
e. Do you think you should discriminate against animals?
f. Do you think UK Tax Payers should support and pay for Sharia to operate in the UK?
g. Should dogs be shunned from society, considering they have helped mankind a lot?
a. If no, then please write to Iran to remove current death sentence for Salman Rushdie. (Fiction)
b. If no, then please ask for it to be stopped in Majority Muslim Countries. (Homosexuals)
c. If no, then please ask this to be stopped in Majority Muslim Countries. (Cartoons)
d. If no, then remove the restriction that only Muslims can recite from the Koran and slaughter the animals for Halal food. (Positive Religious/Employment Discrimination)
e. If no, then start using pork products in your baking. (Animal Discrimination)
f. Halal food, bought, enforces the Sharia laws as it conforms to Sharia doctrine.
g. If no, then every Muslim should adopt a dog for the family to break this barrier. (Animal Discrimination)
When Britain left India in 1947, I don’t think we expected that they would come back to Britain with us. Parts of Britain now are like the Raj with bad weather.
Move on please. Someone is upset … so if I’m not breaking the law why do I have to move?
No police at this little rally … in Luton …
“What’s the solution? If Muslim people are in the wrong and they are committing crimes… you know, no one is above the law.” – Stacey Dooley
“If the law of the land is Islamic, we will respect the law of the land. If it’s not Islamic (the law) then the law of the land, and those who make them, can go to hell quite honestly.” – anjem choudary
“Oh my God!” – Stacey Dooley
“Because Allah says in the Koran Q33v1 ‘Fear Allah, and do not obey the disbelievers and the hypocrites. Is David Cameron a Muslim of a disbeliever? Guys?” – anjem choudary
“Disbeliever!” – mumbles crowd of 5 other Muslims
“So you (a Muslim) can’t obey him. So he (David Cameron) can go to hell.” – anjem choudary
– Is ignoring the law of the land, breaking the law?
Tonight the BBC brings us a documentary about the work of the Syrian Civil Defence (aka the White Helmets) (10pm BBC4). From the Radio Times’ write up there is nothing to suggest that the programme will find them less than saintly. But then the doubts about their predecessor , green helmet of Lebanon 2006, never troubled Orla or Lyse.
This sounds nice and fluffy in the article by Dr Shuja Shafi (MCB Member) Q5:32 …
“…Whosoever kills a human being, it shall be as if he had killed all mankind..” Q5:32
But don’t stop there! Because if you carry on to read Q5:33…
“The only reward of those who make war upon Allah (does that include ignoring him?) and His messenger (does that include drawing him?) and strive after corruption in the land will be that they will be killed or crucified, or have their hands and feet on alternate sides cut off, or will be expelled out of the land (other options include just laughing at them or debating them). Such will be their degradation in the world, and in the Hereafter theirs will be an awful doom; ” Q5:33
That youtube video is the most depressing video I have seen for a while. What is most telling is that of the people that expressed an opinion the overwhelming answer was having a British passport makes you British…(she cleverly made the point that if she had a chinese passport would that make her Chinese and the person in question said no)….but somehow you can come here, not speak the language very well and have no insight into the country’s history, no give a damn about the laws, want to change things to how they are in the motherland(s)- spout multiculturalism (they all said that) yet be British
….and as for the attitude the police had – which was please don’t film here it is upsetting the Imam…please move down the road..what a crock of S…Te.
Truly depressed…and again we’re all doomed
Another depressing video…unfortunately she could be talking about the UK (and London has already been lost to multiculturalism)…I really don’t understand why the ‘intelligent’ people in power can’t see what ordinary indigenous British/Canadian/Austrian/German/Swedish etc who care about their history and values can see.
If multiculturalism is so great why isn’t it happening in India/Pakistan/China/Africa/Saudi or anywhere but Western civilisation…? It isn’t racist to care about your culture, your values – in fact it is what all of the previous list bang on about themselves
Anybody got an idea of how many journalists work for the Guardian?
It’s because every time we get a couple of guests on the tv to debate and comment on anything one of them is always from the Guardian.
With the representation it gets on tv I must assume it is the UK’s biggest selling newspaper and must account for almost half all newspaper sales in the UK because I rarely see journalists from the Express, Mail, Telegraph, Sun or Mirror.
Most would be embarrassed being so blatantly biased but it doesn’t seem to affect the bbc.
If there ever happens to be a question time when the leaver(s) outnumber the remoaners I think I would feel a bit sorry for the remoaners so I think the constant pro remain loading of every program and every audience is actually working against the bbc agenda to go against Brexit.
There was originally a link to it on KH’s twitter, but she has now been dumped by the Mail Online by and most of her twitter posts seem to have been deleted.
Katie Hopkins is leaving the Mail Online by ‘mutual consent’. Here's a quick reminder of what she thinks about that phrase.
Katie can be kicked out, but the BBC is paid, under threat of prison, by the public. Which means we cannot punish or stop such an organisation …
To keep giving a fraud a platform to sell more fraud, to give a pedophile a safe-space, to pay opinionated people large wages who are supposed to be socialists but thrive on capitalism, to forget the 72 genders when drawing contracts, to pay grown ups who phone people and talk about having sex with their granddaughter and then invite them back for more pay, to let Directors claim £34 pounds on expenses when they earn 450k, to give these people on high wages free pass to opera and nights out, to write news that hides details by showing still images rather than the video, to over use a term like right-wing and forget the left-wing, to give Labour an easier ride, to drop the term Islam and Muslim, to pay a person who backed a religious bounty to kill an author of fiction, to not report on updates on news because it is awkward, to forget Roy Larner, to make everything political and minority driven. To give everyone a “Jerry Christmas”.
Yes this of course is the most important issue for the BBC. So no more Harry the Nazi, its gonna be from now on Harry the SJW – hip hip hooray. Given his Father’s panache for wacky concepts and reality defying ideas this is a distinct possibility, but fingers crossed…..
“Arry’s Grandad recently lost his rag with a dithery photographer and told him to “just take the fucking picture.” I don’t think he got any warning about verbal abuse. So there’s hope for us all yet.
The BBC are incredibly racist – turning everything into identity politics. They accuse others of being racist, but they are the biggest racists of them all, showing a venomous hatred to English white people and their traditional culture.
BBCnews virtue signalling like mad about Meghan Markals black relatives, her social justuce work for UN and the Obamas coming to the wedding. Its going to be a long 6 months until they tie the knot.
Sky seem to be a bit more joyous and less lecturing .
The BBC do let slip their racist side from time to time, Da, and you have spotted it.
Some people got very cross over the way they kept refering – endlessly – to Lewis Hamilton as the first black Grand Prix driver. Apart from the fact it was sort of not true (there had been BAME predecessors in ‘F1’ but pre-WW2, before the official F1 era), far more interesting was the ‘apprenticeship’ (ho ho! how topical?) Hamilton had served with McLaren and Ron Dennis. The interesting debate about ‘born’ v. ‘made’, and in an extreme environment, was completely blotted out by the BBC’s shallow racism.
I think many people would not know about Meghan Markle’s racial background or care until the BBC started labouring over it. She appeared in pictures as an actress with a tan. Par for the course for Hollywood as far as I am concerned.
I keep visiting Bollywood sites to see if they are 50% European and 50% Indian but still no progress, I hope the BBC offices in India reflect the BBC diversity requirements as per the UK … …
I had to switch the radio news off several times today – Shes a feminist! shes half a person of colour! shes spoken to the United Nations on wimmins issues! Harry knew she was the one for him the first time they met!!
I for one will not be rushing out and buying myself a new “Fascinator” (only to be worn on my bi days of course). And probably will not be staking out my letterbox in expectation of my invite.
As that dirty old Digger, Kevin Bloody Wilson would say D.I.L.L.I.G.A.F. I will be enjoying the next six months with the TV power switch turned to the off position. Perhaps you could do the same. You know it makes sense.
Oh, in case you’re wondering about D.I.L.L.I.G.A.F. just punch it into YouTube and ‘ave a laugh.
This has surely been covered but cant find it, so apologies.
Two pharma companies have today announced a billion pounds of investment in UK R and D creating hundreds of high tech jobs.
Yet this seems to be a long way down the bBBC news agenda and strangely the bBBC do not seem to have lined up a series of Remoaners to tell us how good this news is.
Prince Harry has got engaged. Could this be a neat excuse for the bBBC to bury good news?
Hilarious article in the Guardian about the ‘gender pay gap’ in football. I wonder if the BBC runs with it.
It is like complaining that shares in Poundland are worth less than Apple. People spend so much money on watching men’s football because it is so fantastic. Women’s football is not as good so there is no money in it. Football is a business. If few want to pay for your service then you will get paid less.
There is never any clamour for male models to be paid the same as their female counterparts, but the argument is always reversed by SJWs. Women generally dress so much better than men and are more interested in looking good, hence the disparity. You can tell single men by how badly they are dressed – a woman would never let them go out like that.
To play football well you need aggression and spatial awareness. Men have higher testosterone levels which makes them more aggressive and generally prefer spatial tasks, which explains their over-representation in fields such as computing and engineering.
Do they honestly think these men who have gone through the gruelling and ultra competitive world of football to then play under intense pressure to an audience of millions should give half their money to a bunch of butch women kicking a ball around in empty stadiums?
Surely this can be settled easily, get the two top football teams to compete. Weight the wages based on the final scores e.g. A score of 2/2 would mean an equal split. A score of 100/1 would mean the side what won got 100x wages. Do this every year, an interesting game indeed. *
It is commonly believed that a screw-propeller for ships is more efficient than a paddle wheel. Have there been any experiments under properly controlled conditions?
Beeb Bro
When it comes to talented people I prefer to watch and listen to the very best on offer. Where sport is concerned the best male player will always get the better of the best female player. Second besters just do not hold my attention, even when they are playing against each other but then I’m just an ignorant bigot. Maybe one day we will get a Wimbledon final that pits a female No1 seed against a male No1 seed and may the best player win.
Why don`t we have mixed teams?
Each city having to have the requisite number of disability dollies, wheelchair wingers and intersex inside forwards calculated by demographics.
AND weighted for prison and offending rates, tag curfew chaps and chubbies as told us by the NHS and local Houses of Munch occupancy.
Yeovil for Europe now!
No kit-everybody to wear what they like but with a city theme-ram raids, kiddie porn or Lefty Pilgrimage status like Hull(slavery) or Leeds (Savile Central).
I`d watch it, as long as the blind have strips to run along and Prince Alberts are not confused with the bell in the ball.
Drugs give to teams playing the Scousers , so both teams are equally maudling or turbo charged by the pitch as they waddle out.
Works for me-tramlines for the disabilty scooters to be restricted to the wings only for now.
Sports Monkey Number 1-that`s me that is!
David not so Meek!
Nice story in the D Mail today.
On BBC Moneybox a little while back, a resident alarmist spoke of ‘up to 100,000’ people who would miss out on Universal credit in December because of it being a 5 week month.
The DWP were not consulted and insiders at the Beeb apparently queried the story but, surprise surprise, it was allowed to run. It was, of course, a load of tosh.
So the disgusting biased BBC have had to apologise.
Naturally the apology has nothing like the coverage that the original story had.
So the evil Tory narrative is preserved due to bBBC fake news.
She`ll get reheated either when Boris is threatening the elite with a popular take on Brexit-or when the BBC are bored and remember that victims and families are good for Remaining. Brendan Cox.
That really annoys me, just sayin’. Is that a hate crime?
Same over here – article on CNN last night, about a beauty queen…..close up given, I thought ‘she looks a bit odd…’ yes, 5,4,3, 2,…’s a man. Click.
An amusing thing about this royal wedding is that President Trump is bound to be invited…the Loony Left won’t know what to do..a big protest from the fascist Antifascist will make them look so bad.
It isn’t just the left that hate Trump, it includes the Prime Minister who never misses a chance to distance herself from his policies, and then the tiny Speaker of the House, and the Emir of London and RoPers of all shades.
If he refuses it will look bad, if he comes there will be trouble at Mill.
It is most likely that the greatest US President of all time San Barack will be there, and probably Mr and Mrs Clinton
I’m in a bbc black out area ( not a hate crime ) so I wondered if they are covering the conviction of a 17 year old is terrorist – who – cannot – be – named – shitty -legal – reasons who planned a terrorist attack a month after Manchester . Since all terrorists are entitled to a defence he was defended by a mr Delroy Henry of a Chambers in Birmingham. Mr Henry quite rightly earns his living defending alleged gang members, rapists and others. He has all the makings of an ideal MP . This was reported in the printed version of albeeb and i am citing from the chambers website.
These days I suppose the conviction of a 17 year old convert to the cause – for plotting mass murder on a computer in his bedroom in the valleys doesn’t count for much. If only he’d have stuck to porn like any self respecting 7 / 17 years presumably does these days. As if clearing the history really does…
Oh yeah – part of his defence was that he eats ham sandwiches and doesn’t have a copy of the Islamic hate book called the coran .nice try though.
Seems to ignore tax avoidance – being domiciles in a tax haven or living in America – do both sir Mohammed and lord Lewis of Stevenage/ Geneva are on the list . Personally peaty deserves it but he’s not diverse enough for al beeb and hideously white
Yep the report on the beebs news page had a nice big picture of the spoilt brat Justin Beiber ( the attack was planned for his concert) – maybe the Beeb were hoping a lot of the great unwashed up north would think this was the 17 year old who was convicted!
How do they do all these things … “@chelsealfc⚽️@England centurion. Founder @crescendasport | @underarmouruk athlete @unwomenuk ambassador | Sports lawyer | Media @tonguett Commercial @mishasher” EniAlu (Eniola Aluko)
Time for someone to change the picture and add all the jobs and finances and wages and houses gained from working at the BBC. Still no report from the BBC on how much they gave to Sir Jimmy Savile.
Is there a bigger oxymoron that “Sports personlity”?
These are public school airheads or thick numpties who chose to play games instead of learning things. Good move maybe?…but let`s not pretend that they picked up a personality with the jockstraps?
Charisma free oafs-Princess Anne apart! Botham, Bristow or Steve Davis
seem exceptional.
How come there is no “globalisation” in the case of overpaid ninnies like Lineker?
Couldn`t we get Roger Milla or Mario Kempes for £17, 500 instead of paying for this liberal crock.
You know-people that won things or lit up a World Cup.
Talk about overmanning too.
Derek Dougan could do the whole show on his own not so long ago.
No-way too many non-achivers, liberals and lesbians on the make at our expense. Where`s ONE Tory who`ll get them raging…Trump and his Twitter is needed here to mock these creeps.
Oscar Pistorius on Skype? Better value.
How the bBC promotes fake news , it own liberal agenda and gives out the PMs home location
So, the 4 legs good 2 legs bad bBC has aired a video of the PMs convoy leaving her home location where the driver behind is allowed to vent her spleen about “Can I have a Police escort” And cheeky beggars at how the convoy cut out a choke point of a mini roundabout by cutting across it. (Choke points are places where you are vulnerable to attack,) To the bBC this is news. It isn’t, its simply yet another example of the bBC playing identity politics in which to promote their child buggering leftwing agenda. Prime minister’s convoy goes wrong way at roundabout
… Amber Rudd needs to close the site down that promotes illegal behaviour. Amber Rudd the is promoting activities that go against the UK law and moral codes and is using it’s site to promote a story. The BBC also fails to write about the negative aspects of sharing women and does not offer women the ability to have multiple men … what about equality in Islam?
Last year, the BBC’s Director-General Lord Hall agreed to review the BBC’s complaints procedures after a cross-party group of parliamentarians challenged him to name a single programme which has been enthusiastic about Brexit since the EU referendum on June 23. Lord Hall was unable to do so.
The parliamentarians included UKIP peer Lord Pearson, Labour’s Kate Hoey and Tory Philip Hollobone.
Lord Pearson hailed Lord Hall’s decision to review the BBC’s anti-Brexit bias as a significant blow against ‘those at the top of the BBC who wish to see the referendum result reversed’.
No change in anti-Brexit BBC bias since.
“We sleep safely in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would harm us.” [Edmund Burke]
Eddy BoothMar 10, 00:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Investor in Alastair Campbell’s son’s football betting syndicate ‘dies before receiving his £160,000 back’ after saying: ‘Are you just hoping…
JohnCMar 10, 00:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Syria leader vows to hunt down those responsible for bloodshed ‘A UK-based monitor said 830 civilians were killed in…
JohnCMar 10, 00:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun An astonishing story of how deep the EU Leftist cancer has…
JohnCMar 9, 23:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney wins race to succeed Trudeau and vows to stand up to Trump Good God – I started…
Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
Britain granted nearly 900,000 resident permits to non-EU migrants in 2016.
The 865,894 who were given residency was a 52% INCREASE on 2015.
This made up 25% of ALL residency permits issued to such migrants by countries in Europe and was more than ANY other nation.
This is where you realize that with the sort of cr@p like Ma May etc in charge of the country, it won’t matter a damn whether we are in or out of the EU; as long as they will allow immigration of vibrant individuals at this rate into our country.
Prepare to get angry and take a look at the official EU stats linked below.,_2016_MI17.png
That’s interesting, Al.
Do I recall correctly that by the end of 2016 the BBC were informing us that post-Referendum vote to leave in June 2016, EU citizens who were not British were leaving to either return to their home country or to live & work elsewhere in the EU?
That is right, isn’t it, or am I imagining that?
If I do remember that right, then the BBC – who only today were pointing at ‘Social Media’ as purveyors of FakeNews and FalseNews – are themselves guilty of doing exactly the same.
hmmmm what exactly is the 294k OTHER figure if its not work, family or education
and why does this 865k not tally with migration figures
When immigration doesn’t come down after we leave the EU, this will be among the reasons why.
Moments ago I was listening to Five Live, where they were discussing the trial of Ratko Mladic for war crimes. A guest was the Guardian jounalist Ed Vulliamy, who had covered the Yugoslav Civil War. However, that was obviously a bit boring for Mr Vulliamy, because within seconds he had steered the topic on to Brexit, and how the attitudes of Brexit were the same as those which led to the Yugoslav genocide. That’s right, Brexit is on a path which leads to genocide.
I honestly don’t know if Peter Allen pulled him up on this, because I was so angry at this odious turd’s comments that I just had to switch the radio off. I have become used to the bile and hatred directed at Brexit voters (the majority of the country, don’t forget, even if no BBC employee has ever met one), but to up the ante to accuse us of complicity with the views which lead to genocide is just too much.
I have just Googled this bastard Vulliamy, and to my great surprise, not only is the fucking creep a Guardian journalist, but he was born and raised in Hampstead. What a shock. He is a walking, talking, shit stirring caricacture of the typical sneering left wing elitist that you might associate with the privileged life of a Hampstead Guardianista. And a nasty piece of shit to boot.
Damn him, and damn the BBC for having him on. I am used to being insulted by those left wing bastards, but this time they have gone too far. It is a complete disgrace.
RiC – Glad I missed that.
Did they discuss the atrocities carried out by Muslims in that conflict?
Or how about the historical reasons why there are Muslims in the Balkans in the first place – the mass forced conversions under the rule of the Ottoman Empire?
If he’s so fearful of what’s coming post Brexit: Danelaw; genocide; burning crosses etc maybe he should just “refugee” himself off into the EU (of which you could bet your life he’s a big fan) before we leave and so avoid any of the unpleasantness he foresees and of which, presumably, he’s so anxious.
or how Germany’s unilateral recognition of kosovo help kick start the crisis
a bit like Germany’s unilateral decision to open europes borders kick started some other crisis
Strange how no media luvvie actually left the UK after the Brexit vote despite promising to do so. Graham ‘BBC Top Earner’ Norton, anyone?
Just shows that life here isn’t so bad and about to get better.
Vote now for BBC African Player of the Year.
Now I think this is an excellent idea. It supports the idea of our empire and enables Blighty to reward citizens in our colonies for their outstanding contribution towards our game.
I’m sure African countries will be voting on European player of the year or best al beeb sports person .
Nice to see al beeb still thinking of empire .
The only Empire that Al Beeb is still thinking about is the EU. That is the reason for its bias fo the super state.
Al – I apologise for not reading any of your above postings because I did not want to as it is Sunday night and I want to keep my blood pressure low!
What I cant understand about these “economists/politicians/great thinkers” is at what point do they say “enough” with regard to immigration.
Surely it is obvious to even the most unimaginative and uneducated mind that there must come a point when someone has to say STOP! You turn a tap on in a sink and unless you pull the plug out or stop the tap it overflows and ruins the bathroom. Does that point comes when we have collapsed economically? been reduced to a third world nation status? or just plain run out of land? – I dont know. But logic dictates this cannot carry on the way it has.
I suppose what has happened is that these political and moral cowards have created a system where anybody who speaks the truth which contradicts the current groupthink has both their integrity, personal and political reputation destroyed. In effect these morons have created a machine that they cannot switch off. And no-one wants to be the first over the parapet.
As a result of this All these weak politicians can do is tinker around the edges and blow smoke up our arses rather than grasp the nettle and tell the truth. The only thing that will lower the demand for public services and housing is to reduce immigration/start de-portations – nothing else. So dont bullshit me Hammond and dont get Theresa to say “enough immigration is enough” because we dont believe you anymore. Because just like your reaction to terrorism you are full of shit and seemingly will be quite happy to see this country and our society destroyed providing you get stay in office for a few months longer.
They say we are in a”post truth” era. I dont know about that but I think these days “post logic” would be nearer to the mark.
Oak, the leaders of this country are all talk and have been for a very long time.
I see that in response to the terrorist attack in Egypt, their president said they would take action against those responsible and launched air strikes against suspected enemy camps.
I recall Cameron stating that action would be taken against those who were behind the terrorist murder of all those Britons on that beach in Tunisia and he did f**k all, even though similar terrorist camps existed which were connected with that attack.
When all has been said and done, you can always guarantee, there will have been a great deal more said than done.
What kind of a flipping headline is this?
“Five killed as stolen car crashes into tree in Leeds”
People are dead. But it was just a “dangerous driving” accident with a tree?
It sounds sanitised. Two 15-yr old M̶u̶h̶a̶m̶m̶e̶d̶s boys are being held.
Area cordoned off, reporters kept away. It was the car that crashed into the tree. No indication of whether it was being driven.
News being controlled?
Durham Yoonie students ticked off for preparing to do a re-enactment of the miners strike. Some were going to play strikers, others Thatcher, the cops and her Tory Government.
I wonder if the students planned to march through Durham shouting ‘Get yer tits oot for the lads’?
The Left is not mocked is it? But we know its soft spots and “will be back next week”. Hello Hooray as the song goes.
Typical rugby banter, glad there are still outposts. But Weller wouldn`t find it funny, so we need to encourage them.
Is our defence spending so low that we have a shortage of warships and a shortage of soldiers that we have the Royal Navy performing this ?………………………………………….
A weak nation is a nation that will be under threat of attack from hostile countries.
Spend the EU and Foreign Aid money on our security.
Will Maxincony, Al Beeb’s drone, have “to sit safety tests”?……….
“Brexit: Irish border won’t be resolved until EU-UK trade deal struck – Fox”
Time to get a move on and go for a ‘crash out’ . If the EU want a border let them run and finance it .
yes it doesn’t look like there will an Irish government though. Which is a shame. Never mind, let’s getting crashing.
Dont forget , we bailed out the Republic of Ireland………….
“He said Ireland was a “friend in need”, a major trading partner with a banking sector closely linked to the UK’s.”
So much for the “friend in need”.
I can see the Republic of Ireland going for their own Brexit if we get out quick enough. They were conned in their EU referendum vote for freedom.
I think for sure once we are gone, as Farage said “we will not be the last country to leave”.
I reckon eventually it will be the Germans, French, Belgies and that economic powerhouse called Radio Luxembourg on their own.
All the uncertainty and delay is not helping our economy, British businesses can not make plans for the future.
A child of ten can understand that it is completely impossible for there to be a border between Ulster and the rest of the UK. It would bring about a political storm and a crisis possibly civil unrest . The posturing is meaningless and more than tiresome. The border has to be between Eire and the North . How it will work is up to negotiation but it is that simple and to deny it is to deny reality.
Ireland has done nicely enough since the Civil War of the early 20s.
Certainly, trade survived even the nastiness of the Ulster conflicts that we all grew up with.
No E.U input wanted, required or ever used-when we lost soldiers, there were no wreaths or sad emojis from Brussels.
And the Peace Agreement had f***all to do with the E.U.
So -tell me this-how have the E.U jemmied themselves into any talks between us and the Irish, unless the Irish are getting played by Sinn Fein, Junkcer and the likes of Leo?
As for the REAL emerging wars in Catalonia and Spain-have the E.U any “role” in THAT? Course not. No political stirrings to be had there.
March 29th 2019. Can`t wait.
Gert Wilders on Gatestone Institute today. Read it and make up your own minds if he is the hate figure of the progressive bodysnatched or a real defender of the European spirit.
I know what I think.
His main point . Only in the old east is the European way of life safe now. Our Western politicians have sold us out and are at war with us.
This is going to end badly.
DS – the Japanese have the right idea, they’ve taken in of 3 “refugees” in the first 6 months of this year and 28 in total in 2016; hopefully in future they can get that down to a more manageable level.
The UN are unhappy of course, there is nothing they like less than an ethnically homogenous nation that wants to stay that way.
Give them the UN building in New York for three years.
The UN can then find somewhere that is more suited to their worldview,like Lagos or Sao Paolo.
And definitely no offer of a place in Tokyo, no matter how many UN chumps beg to be allowed to go there, once they suffer the consequences.
Might as well move UN to Dubai – everyone gets a holiday and more money goes into the Middle East.
Gert Wilders on Gatestone Institute today. Read it and make up your own minds if he is the hate figure of the progressive bodysnatched or a real defender of the European spirit.
I know what I think.
His main point . Only in the old east is the European way of life safe now. Our Western politicians have sold us out and are at war with us.
This is going to end badly.
Geert has been right for so long now that he gets a free pass now. Like Ayaan Hirsi Ali-these people were fighting on the new frontline as we scratched our heads about Luton schoolgirls demanding hijabs and Izzadeens ranting at John Reid at a Leytonstone centre in 2006.
That said, like Trump-strange hair, guess that this makes the right stand out.
How I divorced Islamic State { 27nov2017}
The British ex-wife of an American leader in the so called Islamic State describes her journey out of extremism.
Tania Georgelas met her husband John, an American convert to Islam, online and they connected over their Islamist views. After John moved Tania and their children to Syria, she decided to escape. Now she wants to dedicate her life to countering extremism and rehabilitating ex-jihadists.
In which Dynamic Norm ‘reports’, impartially…
Turned the telly to BBC News this morning, Jeremy Dustbyn on screen.
Immediately switched to Sky. Images of Grenfell tower. (blah blah blah)
Immediately switched to RT. Migrant has killed someone with a truck in Calais. “Saudi Prince leads Time reader’s poll for person of the year.” There is a woman in leather trousers & high heels interviewing someone.
I wished we had Fox. Turned telly off. Thank God for the off switch.
Is the bbc yet interested in the latest from Jeremy’s Jezebels in the form of the twitter goldmine that is Emma Dent Indahead or Mutti’s new Grun belt strip mining plan?
Been far more fun to feed the old their breakfasts, do their sheets and toilet stuff than to suffer the BBC.
Just finished-and note that I`ve missed nothing-now am I missing anything but tittle tattle and Remainers groomings.
Cat litter duty soon-and all is better than the BBC.
Katty Kay has much to answer for.
Ah, OMG! wtf and ‘Wow…’ as per Katty Kay tweeting.
#HateNotHope – The New European … stop funding hate, don’t buy this paper …
The New European Covers filled with such hate and nasty sentiment.
Gary ‘£1.75m BBC Wages Paid Under Threat of Prison’ Linker promotes The New European paper via his BBC 100% approved twitter feed with 6.77 Million Twitter Followers, who want to hear football not politics …
‘Mustn’t groan about Brexit with democracy and all that. Most don’t want to hear it anyway, but this is spot on { @GaryLineker 02jul2017}‘
– The New European as promoted by Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker’s BBC Twitter Feed
– Stop funding Hate – don’t fund the BBC, Gary or The New European!
Sign me in Marky Mark.
A petition and
a) boycott of anybody selling it.
b) threats of boycotts for all who write for it, and particular targeting of Alastair Campbell for his role in bringing this hate-filled snuff rag into this country.
About time this lefty scum got a taste of what their hatred leads to. We`ve got plenty power ifwe use ours like the Left uses theirs.
Aaron Banks exempted, he wrote one thing in it-but he`s fine.
R4 this morning has managed to get Brexit into virtually every interview and Breakfast managed it quite well. It’s like they have had an order to promote Brexit as a huge problem. They even changed the title of the Government’s industrial strategy to the industrial strategy post Brexit..
And Amol Rajan , standing in for Marr managed to say he thinks “the EU is one of Man’s – ah hum and woman’s greatest achievements” and he finds it “painful” in the UK..talking about education , life – why can’t we be like Finland? Apparently he doesn’t accept the argument that it’s a small country (5m people) with loads of money..and in 2016 only 5621 immigrants with the highest number from Iraq, followed by Syria, Afghanistan Somalia and Eritrea…Does Mr Rajan really think Finland’s situation is the same as the UK’s? If so he really is an overpaid idiot (sorry for language)..
I thought BBC presenters were not supposed to express their views on political issues – like how great the EU is…?
Overpaid idiocy has/d him in the frame for either Katz or Harding’s role.
The bbc are unique like this.
I heard there is minimal Islamic immigration due Finland because their periods of prolonged darkness render Ramadan impracticable. Not sure if that is true.
Enough unique funding and the bbc can take over every classroom. Today Noddy, tomorrow ze werld!
Why are people leaving one of the richest places on Earth containing minerals that the modern world needs …

EXCLUSIVE Picks, pans and bare hands: How miners in the heart of Africa toil in terrible conditions to extract the rare minerals (coltan) that power your iPhone {dailymail 22oct2015}
Ironically, the coming month is when the most bbc iPhones get ‘lost’.
“Why are people leaving one of the richest places on earth containing minerals that the modern world needs”?
Oh boy, what a question but it is a question to which everyone knows the answer but dare not speak it’s name in public for fear of arrest on the orders of Big Brother. However I think the “refugees” are answering the question with their feet
Do we need to readjust the Paris Climate Agreement every time there is a volcano eruption? Mount Agung: Bali volcano eruption photos explained { 27npv2017}
. . . .
According to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the world’s volcanoes, both on land and undersea, generate about 200 million tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) annually, while our automotive and industrial activities cause some 24 billion tons of CO2 emissions every year worldwide.{scientificamerican}
It’s all academic, anyway – the more CO2, the better for all life. So, come, you volcanoes, spew your hearts out. And whilst you’re at it, spew out enough other stuff to worsen the winters, and perhaps all and sundry will wake up to the fact that whatever the globe may be doing, it ain’t warming.
Old Goat
Absolutely Sir and our trees thrive on all that lovely Co2.
Switched on the tele to be bombarded by the ‘unexpected’ news of the engagement. Now where can I go to evade this bloody onslaught of the images of Kensington Palace ??????? Fatty Boulton already asking the inane questioning of ‘are they really suited’, ‘ what about her background’. Personally she looks the glamorous and ambitious ‘sort’, who’s finally grabbed the top prize.
Why can’t they all share Buckingham Palace? There must be plenty of room. What family needs more than one Palace?
Now this is something the BBC should be actually digging into
if true the tory party might as well start selling off the buildings, fixtures and fittings and anything else they can because they wont be needing them ever again
“I’m a Muslim, my religion teaches me not to hurt people (Khan is a boxer) or upset people, and to be a good person. Obviously I go into the boxing ring it’s my job to hit someone, so that doesn’t rally matter. I know I’ve got God on my side … ” – Amir Iqbal Khan {nov2014}
To be fair, he does seem to have taken more blows to the head than is safe.
No contradiction there then.
To hit someone unnecessarily – because it’s for entertainment and gambling, normally drinking is involved by those taking part in watching. And women in Haram clothing glide across the ring …
Legally, I believe it is ok for followers of a more aggressive form of Islam to punch others if they are bladdered.
#WhichIsit … One says dress modestly and remove adverts the other one says hitting other people whilst people gamble and drink and they share the stage with ladies in few clothes.
There must be some sad scheming would be mother in laws depressed in the shires tonight .
I can hear them “lawd he’s marryin a dusky yank divorcee” bang goes the hood .
Seriously from one chap to another chap – good luck . ( I’m sure he’s on here – that you max?)
As an aside, we now know that bush tucker must be Halal. How do they work it out?
Stop using the knife word … Woman suffers ‘slash wounds’ outside Birmingham bar { 26nov2017}
“Two men, aged 25 and 20, arrested on suspicion of affray on Saturday were released on Sunday pending further investigation.”
“Police have appealed for witnesses. It is not yet clear what was used as a weapon.”
– BBC now using the wounds to describe the attack – can’t bring themselves to use ‘knife’!
It’s OK, MM, to be honest, I’ve often needed a widdle after several pints, but that’s not really newsworthy to good people like you an’ me… And I wouldn’t really want to have witnesses either, it’s bad enough getting it all going these days, there’d have to be an interval with ice-cream and ten Gold Leaf!
The only time I’d need to use a knife is carving the beef/lamb/chicken etc. at home, but that’s not newsworthy either!
Perhaps I should try and become a sleb chef, and do that stupid affected rolling chop they do on some veg which looks like a Tesco carrot, but probably is some African dumpling flavoured rissole… (never could spell)…
We are not going to be able to move forward with the BBC controlling 50% of the news … Has voodoo been misjudged? { aug2017}
While many African traditions and cultures are under threat from modern life, there is one which is holding its own – voodoo. It has suffered from a bad press internationally but is an official religion in the West African country of Benin. … The Regional High Priest (special person, no complaints allowed, special privilege) of Voodoo Daagbo Hounon is presiding over the day’s rituals. … With the government supporting it at home and the descendants of slaves embracing it abroad (Government backing suggests it will not survive on it’s own merits?), the ancient voodoo tradition has found a place in the modern world, where other African belief systems are often struggling for relevance.
MarkyMark quoting the BBC “where other African belief systems are often struggling for relevance“.
That’s bollux, they are not struggling for relevance, they are struggling against militant Islam, which is fighting for control in sub-Saharan Africa, with North Africa and East Africa already being largely under the thumb of Islam.
Indigenous African cultures are being wiped out, one by one. And all this is being approved by the BBC, because the BBC doesn’t think these cultures are relevant compared to the “Religion of Peace”, which it constantly promotes and defends.
The blindfold goes over our eyes … “Islam is peaceful. Just ask Rafiqi Islam, a loving husband, who told his wife that he had a present for her, blindfolded her to make it a surprise and then cut off her fingers. Then the rest of the Islam family mopped up the blood, while Mr. Islam threw her fingers into the trash, and after a few hours took her to the hospital where they warned her to tell the doctors that she had an accident.”
“Either we go on playing the game of blindfold and machete, or we take off the blindfold, take away the machete and show Mr. Islam the door.”
Breaking up with Mr. Islam by Daniel Greenfield {sultanknish jun2016}
AI working at eleven chez Aunty….
“Jezza said “Harry and his brother” – the Beeb’s subtitler heard “Harry and Hezbollah”
Was the subtitle written by Stanley Unwin?
We are making so much progress … thanks to empowerment and the BBC.
1963 ….
“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”
– Martin Luther King’s I have a dream speech August 28 1963
Last week the BBC also revealed it would be removing qualifications from new applicants’ CVs in a bid to increase their social diversity. { 21sep2017}
This is the s-s-s-s-econd time – second time you’ve posted this picture of a woman making a c-c-c-cunt of herself – cunt of herself. Sorry, I have a bit of a s-s-stutter—stutter.
It’s one of my best productions … enjoy using the c word!
After Christmas Amber Rudd will stop all Hate using her Hate Crime Hub – you will be directed to a rainbow car, asked to wear high heels to walk as a women and paint your nails to stop slavery throughout the world (please don’t use nail varnish that is produced by slaves, that would be counter productive).
Home Secretary announces new national online hate crime hub … It is expected to be operational before the end of the year. (2017) {} …
Hi MarkyMark – you could try turning it into a meme. You could swap Valentina Tereshkova, for various other women who are role models for achievement rather than todays feminists that define themselves by their own gonads and who demand positive discrimination because they possess a vagina.
Thanks for the advice. I’ll try to bear it in mind but my formative working years were spent at a tender age on a building site so sadly, I think I can already hear the rainbow car siren and feel the bracelets on my wrists. By the way, just out of interest, all the girls in my village bar one at that time used to call me Clitoris because they thought I was a bit of a cunt. Oh bollocks, there I go again.
See who the British cops work for.
Thank you Treezer and Amber
She asked the question: What does being British mean to you?
a) Having a British passport. It doesn’t mean anything else.
b) Being multicultural. British culture may have been different 300 years ago, but that has long gone. Now it is about being tolerant and multicultural.
c) It means not standing near a Mosque frightening the British Muslim congregation with your uncovered female kuffar head. Now please move along – there is a Tescos over there, you can stand in front of that.
The most perplexing questions of 2017 ready to be answered by BBC Panorama …
a. If a man writes a piece of fiction, should he have a death contract put on his life?
b. If a man declares he is homosexual should he be shunned?
c. If a man draws a cartoon should he be sent death threats?
d. Do you think you should be given a job based solely on your religion?
e. Do you think you should discriminate against animals?
f. Do you think UK Tax Payers should support and pay for Sharia to operate in the UK?
g. Should dogs be shunned from society, considering they have helped mankind a lot?
a. If no, then please write to Iran to remove current death sentence for Salman Rushdie. (Fiction)
b. If no, then please ask for it to be stopped in Majority Muslim Countries. (Homosexuals)
c. If no, then please ask this to be stopped in Majority Muslim Countries. (Cartoons)
d. If no, then remove the restriction that only Muslims can recite from the Koran and slaughter the animals for Halal food. (Positive Religious/Employment Discrimination)
e. If no, then start using pork products in your baking. (Animal Discrimination)
f. Halal food, bought, enforces the Sharia laws as it conforms to Sharia doctrine.
g. If no, then every Muslim should adopt a dog for the family to break this barrier. (Animal Discrimination)
When Britain left India in 1947, I don’t think we expected that they would come back to Britain with us. Parts of Britain now are like the Raj with bad weather.
Move on please. Someone is upset … so if I’m not breaking the law why do I have to move?
No police at this little rally … in Luton …
“What’s the solution? If Muslim people are in the wrong and they are committing crimes… you know, no one is above the law.” – Stacey Dooley
“If the law of the land is Islamic, we will respect the law of the land. If it’s not Islamic (the law) then the law of the land, and those who make them, can go to hell quite honestly.” – anjem choudary
“Oh my God!” – Stacey Dooley
“Because Allah says in the Koran Q33v1 ‘Fear Allah, and do not obey the disbelievers and the hypocrites. Is David Cameron a Muslim of a disbeliever? Guys?” – anjem choudary
“Disbeliever!” – mumbles crowd of 5 other Muslims
“So you (a Muslim) can’t obey him. So he (David Cameron) can go to hell.” – anjem choudary
– Is ignoring the law of the land, breaking the law?
Tonight the BBC brings us a documentary about the work of the Syrian Civil Defence (aka the White Helmets) (10pm BBC4). From the Radio Times’ write up there is nothing to suggest that the programme will find them less than saintly. But then the doubts about their predecessor , green helmet of Lebanon 2006, never troubled Orla or Lyse.
The White Helmets …
This sounds nice and fluffy in the article by Dr Shuja Shafi (MCB Member) Q5:32 …
“…Whosoever kills a human being, it shall be as if he had killed all mankind..” Q5:32
But don’t stop there! Because if you carry on to read Q5:33…
“The only reward of those who make war upon Allah (does that include ignoring him?) and His messenger (does that include drawing him?) and strive after corruption in the land will be that they will be killed or crucified, or have their hands and feet on alternate sides cut off, or will be expelled out of the land (other options include just laughing at them or debating them). Such will be their degradation in the world, and in the Hereafter theirs will be an awful doom; ” Q5:33
That youtube video is the most depressing video I have seen for a while. What is most telling is that of the people that expressed an opinion the overwhelming answer was having a British passport makes you British…(she cleverly made the point that if she had a chinese passport would that make her Chinese and the person in question said no)….but somehow you can come here, not speak the language very well and have no insight into the country’s history, no give a damn about the laws, want to change things to how they are in the motherland(s)- spout multiculturalism (they all said that) yet be British
….and as for the attitude the police had – which was please don’t film here it is upsetting the Imam…please move down the road..what a crock of S…Te.
Truly depressed…and again we’re all doomed
Yes depressing. The death of London, death of Britain, and those interviewed thought it was the right way for us to understand our country.
when did the weasel word “tolerance” become the only claimed british cultural value
Canadian culture dies under the multiculture. Worth watching. A world wide movement of self destruction A world of post nationalist values
Another depressing video…unfortunately she could be talking about the UK (and London has already been lost to multiculturalism)…I really don’t understand why the ‘intelligent’ people in power can’t see what ordinary indigenous British/Canadian/Austrian/German/Swedish etc who care about their history and values can see.
If multiculturalism is so great why isn’t it happening in India/Pakistan/China/Africa/Saudi or anywhere but Western civilisation…? It isn’t racist to care about your culture, your values – in fact it is what all of the previous list bang on about themselves
Right wing women are prettier than left wing women. Perhaps it’s a case of jealousy breeds hate.
There’s a fine line between tolerance and cowardice.
Spending our tax on our behalf – this is how it’s done, democratically. With Dick Turpin at the wheel of No 10 I would not doubt anything.
Anybody got an idea of how many journalists work for the Guardian?
It’s because every time we get a couple of guests on the tv to debate and comment on anything one of them is always from the Guardian.
With the representation it gets on tv I must assume it is the UK’s biggest selling newspaper and must account for almost half all newspaper sales in the UK because I rarely see journalists from the Express, Mail, Telegraph, Sun or Mirror.
My analysis of Andrew Marr would agree. In the last year, media commentators on show: 14 Guardian, 4 Daily Mail, 4 Sun, 3 Sunday Times
There must be loads of them 🙂
Most would be embarrassed being so blatantly biased but it doesn’t seem to affect the bbc.
If there ever happens to be a question time when the leaver(s) outnumber the remoaners I think I would feel a bit sorry for the remoaners so I think the constant pro remain loading of every program and every audience is actually working against the bbc agenda to go against Brexit.
Journalists? None.
Earlier today I watched the video of KH’s speech from the David Horowitz Freedom Center’s 2017 Restoration Weekend.
Well said Katie.
There was originally a link to it on KH’s twitter, but she has now been dumped by the Mail Online by and most of her twitter posts seem to have been deleted.
Katie can be kicked out, but the BBC is paid, under threat of prison, by the public. Which means we cannot punish or stop such an organisation …
To keep giving a fraud a platform to sell more fraud, to give a pedophile a safe-space, to pay opinionated people large wages who are supposed to be socialists but thrive on capitalism, to forget the 72 genders when drawing contracts, to pay grown ups who phone people and talk about having sex with their granddaughter and then invite them back for more pay, to let Directors claim £34 pounds on expenses when they earn 450k, to give these people on high wages free pass to opera and nights out, to write news that hides details by showing still images rather than the video, to over use a term like right-wing and forget the left-wing, to give Labour an easier ride, to drop the term Islam and Muslim, to pay a person who backed a religious bounty to kill an author of fiction, to not report on updates on news because it is awkward, to forget Roy Larner, to make everything political and minority driven. To give everyone a “Jerry Christmas”.
Katie Hopkins. Now that’s what I call a woman!
The bBBC website is ecstatic at Prince Harry’s forthcoming interracial marriage – ‘A real representation of society’.
At least their children will be able to feature in supermarket TV advertisements.
Yes this of course is the most important issue for the BBC. So no more Harry the Nazi, its gonna be from now on Harry the SJW – hip hip hooray. Given his Father’s panache for wacky concepts and reality defying ideas this is a distinct possibility, but fingers crossed…..
“but fingers crossed…..”
Try telling that to his dad and granddad! Both have made an art of pointing at people!
“Arry’s Grandad recently lost his rag with a dithery photographer and told him to “just take the fucking picture.” I don’t think he got any warning about verbal abuse. So there’s hope for us all yet.
The BBC are incredibly racist – turning everything into identity politics. They accuse others of being racist, but they are the biggest racists of them all, showing a venomous hatred to English white people and their traditional culture.
BBCnews virtue signalling like mad about Meghan Markals black relatives, her social justuce work for UN and the Obamas coming to the wedding. Its going to be a long 6 months until they tie the knot.
Sky seem to be a bit more joyous and less lecturing .
The BBC do let slip their racist side from time to time, Da, and you have spotted it.
Some people got very cross over the way they kept refering – endlessly – to Lewis Hamilton as the first black Grand Prix driver. Apart from the fact it was sort of not true (there had been BAME predecessors in ‘F1’ but pre-WW2, before the official F1 era), far more interesting was the ‘apprenticeship’ (ho ho! how topical?) Hamilton had served with McLaren and Ron Dennis. The interesting debate about ‘born’ v. ‘made’, and in an extreme environment, was completely blotted out by the BBC’s shallow racism.
I think many people would not know about Meghan Markle’s racial background or care until the BBC started labouring over it. She appeared in pictures as an actress with a tan. Par for the course for Hollywood as far as I am concerned.
I keep visiting Bollywood sites to see if they are 50% European and 50% Indian but still no progress, I hope the BBC offices in India reflect the BBC diversity requirements as per the UK … …
By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.{ 14sep2017}
Lewis Hamilton’s white mother doesn’t count for the racist BBC, so they always label him a black man.
I had to switch the radio news off several times today – Shes a feminist! shes half a person of colour! shes spoken to the United Nations on wimmins issues! Harry knew she was the one for him the first time they met!!
I for one will not be rushing out and buying myself a new “Fascinator” (only to be worn on my bi days of course). And probably will not be staking out my letterbox in expectation of my invite.
As that dirty old Digger, Kevin Bloody Wilson would say D.I.L.L.I.G.A.F. I will be enjoying the next six months with the TV power switch turned to the off position. Perhaps you could do the same. You know it makes sense.
Oh, in case you’re wondering about D.I.L.L.I.G.A.F. just punch it into YouTube and ‘ave a laugh.
All, “part and parcel” of living in a glorious multicultural society. Don’t you just love the ‘togetherness’ our cultural equals display?
This has surely been covered but cant find it, so apologies.
Two pharma companies have today announced a billion pounds of investment in UK R and D creating hundreds of high tech jobs.
Yet this seems to be a long way down the bBBC news agenda and strangely the bBBC do not seem to have lined up a series of Remoaners to tell us how good this news is.
Prince Harry has got engaged. Could this be a neat excuse for the bBBC to bury good news?
Hilarious article in the Guardian about the ‘gender pay gap’ in football. I wonder if the BBC runs with it.
It is like complaining that shares in Poundland are worth less than Apple. People spend so much money on watching men’s football because it is so fantastic. Women’s football is not as good so there is no money in it. Football is a business. If few want to pay for your service then you will get paid less.
There is never any clamour for male models to be paid the same as their female counterparts, but the argument is always reversed by SJWs. Women generally dress so much better than men and are more interested in looking good, hence the disparity. You can tell single men by how badly they are dressed – a woman would never let them go out like that.
To play football well you need aggression and spatial awareness. Men have higher testosterone levels which makes them more aggressive and generally prefer spatial tasks, which explains their over-representation in fields such as computing and engineering.
Do they honestly think these men who have gone through the gruelling and ultra competitive world of football to then play under intense pressure to an audience of millions should give half their money to a bunch of butch women kicking a ball around in empty stadiums?
Surely this can be settled easily, get the two top football teams to compete. Weight the wages based on the final scores e.g. A score of 2/2 would mean an equal split. A score of 100/1 would mean the side what won got 100x wages. Do this every year, an interesting game indeed. *
It is commonly believed that a screw-propeller for ships is more efficient than a paddle wheel. Have there been any experiments under properly controlled conditions?
THE event that settled the argument took place in April 1845. The screw-driven Rattler and the paddle steamer Necto , both ships of similar size and power, were joined stern to stern and engaged in a bizarre tug o’war in the North Sea. The winner was the 200 hp Rattler (screw design), which towed the Necto (paddle design) backwards for 5 miles at 2½ knots {theguardian 2011}. – Julian Frost, Leighton Buzzard, Beds
insist that sides pay them the same money I say
end of wimmims football, bankrupt overnight, kaput
and then they can stop bothering our tv screens with the crap
Good post, Beeb Brother.
Beeb Bro
When it comes to talented people I prefer to watch and listen to the very best on offer. Where sport is concerned the best male player will always get the better of the best female player. Second besters just do not hold my attention, even when they are playing against each other but then I’m just an ignorant bigot. Maybe one day we will get a Wimbledon final that pits a female No1 seed against a male No1 seed and may the best player win.
Why don`t we have mixed teams?
Each city having to have the requisite number of disability dollies, wheelchair wingers and intersex inside forwards calculated by demographics.
AND weighted for prison and offending rates, tag curfew chaps and chubbies as told us by the NHS and local Houses of Munch occupancy.
Yeovil for Europe now!
No kit-everybody to wear what they like but with a city theme-ram raids, kiddie porn or Lefty Pilgrimage status like Hull(slavery) or Leeds (Savile Central).
I`d watch it, as long as the blind have strips to run along and Prince Alberts are not confused with the bell in the ball.
Drugs give to teams playing the Scousers , so both teams are equally maudling or turbo charged by the pitch as they waddle out.
Works for me-tramlines for the disabilty scooters to be restricted to the wings only for now.
Sports Monkey Number 1-that`s me that is!
David not so Meek!
Nice story in the D Mail today.
On BBC Moneybox a little while back, a resident alarmist spoke of ‘up to 100,000’ people who would miss out on Universal credit in December because of it being a 5 week month.
The DWP were not consulted and insiders at the Beeb apparently queried the story but, surprise surprise, it was allowed to run. It was, of course, a load of tosh.
So the disgusting biased BBC have had to apologise.
Naturally the apology has nothing like the coverage that the original story had.
So the evil Tory narrative is preserved due to bBBC fake news.
BBC a bit quiet on the Nazanin double-barrel name front though…convenient ‘good news’ day.
She`ll get reheated either when Boris is threatening the elite with a popular take on Brexit-or when the BBC are bored and remember that victims and families are good for Remaining. Brendan Cox.
“Men in Women’s clothing is teaching kids as young as two – including one who dressed as Alice in Wonderland – at seven Government funded nurseries to stop them (kids aged 2) committing future hate crimes.” @4:11 *sigh*
– How do you prove future hate crimes being stopped?
WTF is wrong with these people
They are real life Zombies and they have the full support and protection of our ruling class.
That really annoys me, just sayin’. Is that a hate crime?
Same over here – article on CNN last night, about a beauty queen…..close up given, I thought ‘she looks a bit odd…’ yes, 5,4,3, 2,…’s a man. Click.
An amusing thing about this royal wedding is that President Trump is bound to be invited…the Loony Left won’t know what to do..a big protest from the fascist Antifascist will make them look so bad.
Wild Bill
Thanks for your post. In view of the Left’s hatred of President Trump I find that prospect quite interesting. Something to look forward to.
Mind you Prince Harry’s bird is a feminist so she probably hates Trump, so won’t want to invite him, should be interesting?
It isn’t just the left that hate Trump, it includes the Prime Minister who never misses a chance to distance herself from his policies, and then the tiny Speaker of the House, and the Emir of London and RoPers of all shades.
If he refuses it will look bad, if he comes there will be trouble at Mill.
It is most likely that the greatest US President of all time San Barack will be there, and probably Mr and Mrs Clinton
I’m in a bbc black out area ( not a hate crime ) so I wondered if they are covering the conviction of a 17 year old is terrorist – who – cannot – be – named – shitty -legal – reasons who planned a terrorist attack a month after Manchester . Since all terrorists are entitled to a defence he was defended by a mr Delroy Henry of a Chambers in Birmingham. Mr Henry quite rightly earns his living defending alleged gang members, rapists and others. He has all the makings of an ideal MP . This was reported in the printed version of albeeb and i am citing from the chambers website.
These days I suppose the conviction of a 17 year old convert to the cause – for plotting mass murder on a computer in his bedroom in the valleys doesn’t count for much. If only he’d have stuck to porn like any self respecting 7 / 17 years presumably does these days. As if clearing the history really does…
Oh yeah – part of his defence was that he eats ham sandwiches and doesn’t have a copy of the Islamic hate book called the coran .nice try though.
Sports lack of personality of the year is out.
Seems to ignore tax avoidance – being domiciles in a tax haven or living in America – do both sir Mohammed and lord Lewis of Stevenage/ Geneva are on the list . Personally peaty deserves it but he’s not diverse enough for al beeb and hideously white
Yep the report on the beebs news page had a nice big picture of the spoilt brat Justin Beiber ( the attack was planned for his concert) – maybe the Beeb were hoping a lot of the great unwashed up north would think this was the 17 year old who was convicted!
radio 5 tonight some woman digesting the ashes first test, ok not that big a cricket fan so let it ride
then they said drinking for cricketers is not a allowed any more because it alienates “ASIAN” cricketers and fans
starting to slowly seeth …
then they promote upcoming article, the manager crisis at everton, complete with the bbc’s new goto subject expert
yep you guessed it Eni Aluko …. lucrative business this victimhood lark aint it
radio OFF
Beats working for a living.
How do they do all these things … “@chelsealfc⚽️@England centurion. Founder @crescendasport | @underarmouruk athlete @unwomenuk ambassador | Sports lawyer | Media @tonguett Commercial @mishasher” EniAlu (Eniola Aluko)
I guess Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker is going to earn his money … doing something a female could do at half the price …..

“BBC Sports Personality of the Year 2017: Shortlist of 12 revealed for award”
I didn’t know a bucket could hold so much refuse.
Time for someone to change the picture and add all the jobs and finances and wages and houses gained from working at the BBC. Still no report from the BBC on how much they gave to Sir Jimmy Savile.
Is there a bigger oxymoron that “Sports personlity”?
These are public school airheads or thick numpties who chose to play games instead of learning things. Good move maybe?…but let`s not pretend that they picked up a personality with the jockstraps?
Charisma free oafs-Princess Anne apart! Botham, Bristow or Steve Davis
seem exceptional.
How come there is no “globalisation” in the case of overpaid ninnies like Lineker?
Couldn`t we get Roger Milla or Mario Kempes for £17, 500 instead of paying for this liberal crock.
You know-people that won things or lit up a World Cup.
Talk about overmanning too.
Derek Dougan could do the whole show on his own not so long ago.
No-way too many non-achivers, liberals and lesbians on the make at our expense. Where`s ONE Tory who`ll get them raging…Trump and his Twitter is needed here to mock these creeps.
Oscar Pistorius on Skype? Better value.
How the bBC promotes fake news , it own liberal agenda and gives out the PMs home location
So, the 4 legs good 2 legs bad bBC has aired a video of the PMs convoy leaving her home location where the driver behind is allowed to vent her spleen about “Can I have a Police escort” And cheeky beggars at how the convoy cut out a choke point of a mini roundabout by cutting across it. (Choke points are places where you are vulnerable to attack,) To the bBC this is news. It isn’t, its simply yet another example of the bBC playing identity politics in which to promote their child buggering leftwing agenda.
Prime minister’s convoy goes wrong way at roundabout
The bBC, the biggest hatemongers in the UK
At work and looking through the new benefits rates set for next tax year and there’s a whole section for polygamous marriage ??? What’s the matter with this country and our Government, it’s bloody illegal FFS {twitter kazmc39}
BBC does not mention illegal … but the BBC promotes a criminal site … Businessman’s second wife website ‘benefits women’ { 23oct2017 – 7 days old}
… Amber Rudd needs to close the site down that promotes illegal behaviour. Amber Rudd the is promoting activities that go against the UK law and moral codes and is using it’s site to promote a story. The BBC also fails to write about the negative aspects of sharing women and does not offer women the ability to have multiple men … what about equality in Islam?
The acceptance of polygamy seems to be gaining ground here in America. It’s a bankrupt marital arrangement that hurts everybody involved. May we who are salt and light spread truth so that men and woman can enjoy the blessings of biblical marriage! { 12oct2015}
How much ARE we paying out to the Mormons now?
Last year, the BBC’s Director-General Lord Hall agreed to review the BBC’s complaints procedures after a cross-party group of parliamentarians challenged him to name a single programme which has been enthusiastic about Brexit since the EU referendum on June 23. Lord Hall was unable to do so.
The parliamentarians included UKIP peer Lord Pearson, Labour’s Kate Hoey and Tory Philip Hollobone.
Lord Pearson hailed Lord Hall’s decision to review the BBC’s anti-Brexit bias as a significant blow against ‘those at the top of the BBC who wish to see the referendum result reversed’.
No change in anti-Brexit BBC bias since.
“We sleep safely in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would harm us.” [Edmund Burke]