The EU benefits from being one of the most open economies in the world and remains committed to free trade.
Over the next ten to 15 years, 90% of world demand will be generated outside Europe. That is why it is a key priority for the EU to tap into this growth potential by opening up market opportunities for European businesses abroad. One way of ensuring this is through negotiating agreements with our key partners.
Odd, Big Pharma makes a big investment into the UK despite the BBC telling us that Brexit means science and R&D investment will be history and the BBC hardly mentions Brexit at all in its report…merely a snide, off-thread comment…this is happening ‘despite Brexit’…please note Dimbleby…
Of course, all of these new initiatives are being born under the star sign of Brexit which makes them children of uncertainty.
And that’s it….no indepth analysis of why we get this investment even as the ‘catastrophe’ of Brexit looms, no big cheer for Britain, no analysis that suggests this might bode well for the future and that Britain may not sink into economic obscurity and cultural isolation after Brexit….but no…..the BBC’s approach is still to sneer [very quietly in this case] and warn of hard times to come because of all that uncertainty…#duetoBrexit.
Odd also that though the BBC is keen to publish anything said by bankers about fleeing Britain for the Continent they don’t seem too keen to report this double whammy for their worldview…From the Telegraph…
Corbyn more dangerous for markets than hard Brexit, warns Morgan Stanley
The prospect of a radical Left-wing lurch under Jeremy Corbyn is a more serious threat to British asset markets than Brexit and risks setting off a drastic repricing of UK plc, a leading US bank has warned.
In the Guardian too…Corbyn becoming PM is ‘worse threat to business than Brexit’, says bank
You may also remember the BBC totally ignored this warning during the election instead telling us what a champion of anti-terrorist action Corbyn was…despite him being, in essence, a terrorist himself such is his open support for such groups and methods….
The once head of MI6, Sir Richard Dearlove, said:
Jeremy Corbyn is a danger to this nation.
Today, Britain goes to the polls. And frankly, I’m shocked that no one has stood up and said, unambiguously, how profoundly dangerous it would be for the nation if Jeremy Corbyn becomes Prime Minister. So let me be clear, the leader of the Labour Party is an old-fashioned international socialist who has forged links with those quite ready to use terror when they haven’t got their way: the IRA, Hizbollah, Hamas. As a result he is completely unfit to govern and Britain would be less safe with him in No 10.
If you have been listening and watching widely on the BBC recently you will have noticed a very constant theme…that Capitalism is dead, we need a new economic model, and, of course, that Brexit is a disaster. It seems the BBC is loading many of its programmes with some subtle, and not so subtle, pro-Corbyn messages, never missing a chance to slip in some cheerleading for the thought that the old ways are dead….we need a radical new solution.
On Sunday we had Will Self wheeled on for his thoughts….Will Self reflects on the epidemic of sleeplessness. …harmless enough no? Ah but…you’re sleepless because you’re a voracious consumer, never happy unless you’re buying something, a victim of a capitalist plot to keep you on the hamster wheel and under their thumb. I might suggest the biggest leech on the consumer society is the like of Self who produce complete twaddle and still get paid for it by gullible hacks at the BBC.
Then we have something like today’s effort on Start the Week about Finland….a happy, multicultural, wide open place before it sought independence [geddit?] and we hear that the West’s economic system is broken and needs to change [geddit?] and there is talk of the ‘rise of the Populists’…naturally the evil populists are all right-wing….why is Corbyn not a ‘populist’?
Whilst neither Brexit nor Corbyn were mentioned directly they lurked in the shadows unsaid…apart from an outburst from one speaker who told us that ‘the European Union is one of Man’s greatest creations!’.
There there’s the likes of this little comment from Kamal Ahmed [a Remain supporter and possibly somewhat inclined towards Labour]…
Analysis: Kamal Ahmed, BBC Economics Editor
What is the point of capitalism?
That might seem like a pretty big question, but one answer could be “to provide people the opportunity through work to become richer”.
What, though, if the economy fails in that endeavour?
If the system leaves you – despite all your efforts – worse off in December than you were the previous January?
Or worse off now than you were a decade ago?
If a system does not deliver increasing wealth – even if it is a modest increase – then people, quite naturally, begin to wonder what is the point.
During the referendum Ahmed was very easy going on the Remain camp as he ‘fact checked’ their claims….the worst he’d say was that maybe a bit exaggerated but, you know what, the gist is right….yeah…post-referendum we’ve had that emergency budget, the economic disaster, the never ending dole queues, the rush to the exit of banks and businesses…and oh yes…world war 3.
He also seems to be a long term pal of pro-Remain Alistair Campbell……
Ahmed latched on to Tony Blair’s spin doctor, Alastair Campbell. As a result, Observer readers were “slowly soaked in disinformation” as Ahmed became a “conduit for government announcements”. When The Observer supported the decision to invade Iraq, Davies recounted how colleagues feared Ahmed had crossed the line between dispassionate journalist and government aide.
In fact, senior staff at The Observer did approach Ahmed with their concerns. One says he did believe Ahmed had become too close to Campbell, and told him so. “Kamal would go around calling himself ‘Campbell Ahmed’,” he recalls. “A joke’s a joke, but at the same time, never a truer word was said.”
Ahmed spreading Labour disinformation in the Observer…who’d a thunk? Not much seems to have changed. Ahmed like the BBC prepared to hold his nose about Corbyn as long as Labour win?
The BBC is definitely laying the groundwork for the Corbyn narrative on the economic system, that it is broken and needs replacing. Just a shame it is all so simplistic, idealistic and completely lacking in thought….for instance if we buy nothing then we don’t need all those factories, shops, and transport systems to move the goods…and of course we don’t need the jobs that go with them. Maybe we can all be poets or ‘thinkers’ like Self…but of course he only eats because he leeches off the system he hates….and if the system isn’t there?….oh….he didn’t think of that. Never mind, we can all eat grass as they do in North Korea. Happy days ahead.
Blighty has the second biggest GDP in the EU – you’d never think it being dictated too by minnow countries like Ireland and the Dutch and Belgium. Every day that passes gets us nearer to the exit.
Al Beeb is starting the news that corbyn is changing into a remainer – so it will be official just after parliament rises for Christmas . I’d bet on it .
Unlike the BBC I’m not too worried about Britain’s ” place” in the world . I couldn’t be bothered if we have the top five universities in the world or none at all , or if we are in the G7 or G8 .
I realise that other countries will have better in some aspects and do better in others . I’m not bothered if a league table shows that Botswana has hotter weather or that Denmark has less gaps in income distribution . It doesn’t faze me in the slightest to know that we lock up more criminals in Europe other that Turkey . I don’t care if we are the leaders in tropical medicine or not .
What I want is good government and good GOVERNANCE .
A strong defence via good armed forces , good law and order , no mass immigration because we protect our borders , no parasites on the welfare system , look after our old folk and the Powers That Be realise that they owe us their loyalty .[ that especially means in Brexit negotiations now ; chuck out EU nationals if the Eurocrats want to impoverish us ] .
Whether we have a left or right government , I want good governance .
Nibor –
You simpleton – how can we get good governance when these rather thick members of the political class spend their time on self advancement
Private school , PPE 2-2, spad ,dodgy seat ( lose ) safe seat ( win) brown nose back bench ( junior minister – Cabinet – House of Lords . Career done. Nice pension . Joke
A few care but not enough
If a system does not deliver increasing wealth – even if it is a modest increase – then people, quite naturally, begin to wonder what is the point.
Ahmed should go talk to the likes of India and China where that ‘system’ is delivering unprecedented growth, prosperity and wealth.
The fact that capitalism in the West had one massive hiccup in 2008 – the first major crisis since the 1930s and caused by lax supervision of financial institutions (that includes you, Brown) – compared to the Marxist/socialist disasters that have been ongoing across the world for decade after decade and the failure of socialist controlled economies everywhere they have been tried, shows that Ahmed has an agenda. He should read ‘The Road to Wigan Pier’ then reflect, for the listeners’ benefit, on the massive growth in prosperity in the decades since which has been delivered by CAPITALISM and only CAPITALISM, citing examples of poverty then and what we consider now to be ‘poverty’.
The ‘something different’ is talked about on the BBC as though there is some magical economic alternative that has never been tried before in the course of human history.
There isn’t. It has all been tried before, it has all failed before. Capitalist systems recover, whilst Marxist/socialist systems only ever go in one direction – down.
Ahmed, like much of the BBC reporting, tells only half a story. And that would be the half that fits their eco-socialist agenda. They should give it a name – something like Agenda for the 21st Century, or Agenda 21 for short.
nibor and jonny the fish
this is part of the reason we want out of the EU
the EU is not capitalism its a slow creeping marxism in a flash suit
“If a system does not deliver increasing wealth – even if it is a modest increase – then people, quite naturally, begin to wonder what is the point.”
The capitalist system increases wealth around the world. Simple truth is that a lot of people in the rest of the world have a lot of catching up to do, and in doing so they put a lot of downward pressure on salaries in the richer countries, but in total the wealth of the world goes up, and even in the richer countries where growth is slower, the growth that they do have is far more than they would get under any other system. In a capitalist system the workers are free to seek out the most remunerative occupations. That is what makes them richer.
“If a system does not deliver increasing wealth – even if it is a modest increase – then people, quite naturally, begin to wonder what is the point.”
The capitalist system increases wealth around the world. Simple truth is that a lot of people in the rest of the world have a lot of catching up to do, and in doing so they put a lot of downward pressure on salaries in the richer countries, but in total the wealth of the world goes up, and even in the richer countries where growth is slower, the growth that they do have is far more than they would get under any other system. In a capitalist system the workers are free to seek out the most remunerative occupations. That is what makes them richer.
Agree with all you say but it does not address the Religious and Cultural differences that exist in the world. This may be a problem that Economics cannot solve.
If a system does not deliver increasing wealth – even if it is a modest increase – then people, quite naturally, begin to wonder what is the point.
And socialism has such a wonderful record of increasing wealth, hasn’t it, Ahmed? Tell that to the Russians, the East Germans, the Poles, the Hungarians, etc, etc. Just visit those countries, Ahmed, and see how many people you can find who are desperate to go back to the days of socialism.
But it must be very frustrating that after the deepest recession in the post-war period (2008-09) the British voters chucked out the socialist government of Gordon Brown. After that recession the British voters definitely wondered what was the point of a Labour government.