Muslim children are being spoon‑fed misogyny
In the Times yesterday….the BBC completely ignored the report.

Nick Robinson and Jayda fransen from ‘Britain First’
The BBC has gone bananas as Trump retweets some videos that appeared on ‘Britain First’s’ deputy leader’s twitter feed allegedly showing Muslims and immigrants attacking various people. Whilst Emma Barnett totally ignored a Tory MP being smacked down by the Speaker and told she was ‘disorderly’ she stopped her show for the ‘breaking news’ that Trump had been on Twitter…hold the frontpage….the BBC sensationalised all this by describing the videos as inflammatory anti-Muslim videos….were they just actual videos of real events by Muslims? And why was the BBC completely uninterested in what was in the videos?….other than to suggest the attackers may not be Muslims…despite two obviously being so…
Donald Trump retweets far-right group’s anti-Muslim videos
Donald Trump has retweeted three inflammatory videos from a British far-right group.
The first tweet from Jayda Fransen, the deputy leader of Britain First, claims to show a Muslim migrant attacking a man on crutches.
This was followed by two more videos of people Ms Fransen claims to be Muslim.
One video is clearly a Muslim smashing an ‘idol’…a statue of the Virgin Mary, another is of pro-Morsi Islamists attacking youths in Egypt on a rooftop, the third attacker is claimed not to be a Muslim nor an immigrant…but no mention in the news report either way…
The Egyptian video was widely shown years ago….here in the Daily Mail:
Islamic lynch mob waving Al Qaeda banners throw terrified
This was the moment Islamist thugs threw a teenager head-first off a roof as the vicious riots sweeping Egypt plumbed grisly new depths.
His only ‘crime’ was to have been caught celebrating the ousting of Islamist president Mohamed Morsi by the army last week.
The Telegraph has the video on its Youtube account even now.
So why are the video’s ‘inflammatory’ and ‘anti-Muslim’…they surely just depict what Islamists actually do…if that is showing Islam in a bad light who is to blame? One video may or may not show what is purported but the BBC has made far worse ‘mistakes’….such as Newsnight fabricating a completely false report about racist Britain and Poles under attack…claiming Nigel Farage had blood on his hands. If that is not inflammatory not sure what is. Naturally no apology at all from the BBC for its deliberate and dangerous dishonesty.
The BBC of course is more than ready to post videos of white people being racist to non-whites, not so prepared of course to post stories of non-whites being racist to whites. Why are these videos not inflammatory and anti-white?
Inflammatory, sensationalist, fake, dishonest, lying, anti-white BBC video…….
The ‘Ugly mood in our country post-Brexit’
People underestimate Trump. He’s the Original No.1 TROLL.
So it’s ok to commit constant acts of low or high level violence against Infidels, day in day out, but the real heinous unforgivable crime is to expose it on Twitter.
The problem is not the videos. They are in the public domain. If Pres Trump had tweeted these same videos linking them to their original address, there would be no problem.
The problem for our politicians is that his tweets linked them to “Britain First” website, thus reminding Britons that there is a party that puts Britons first.
Now that is something that will get all parties in a state of bother.
Well done Mr President. Keep the tweets coming.
BBC will never look at the actual contents. Its equvalent to BBC showing the horrors of the SHOAH and calling it ‘anti german’ propaganda! -and they cannot even see it!
The real crime apparently is letting the chavs SEE these videos-as opposed to those filmed who actually DID these barbaric things? How very BBC, how very liberal.
Of course-the BBC etc will not be letting us actually see them for ourselves-might disturb the sleeping beauties at home who still swallow their porkies( will that still be allowed when Anjem comes out?).
The BBC of course can hardly deny that these things happened-but shamelessly they do so in their snake tongued weasley way.
Utter scum-glad that Coulter sent them to Trump and he sent them back here to put his bats up the libtards nighties.
Oh look Brendan Cox-does he have his own closet to hang from at the BBC and other assorted liberals dumpsters with some news excuse?
Kylie Morris calls herself and the BBC “fact-bases media”…got to be their new mantra as their luvvie world falls flat around their fat faces.
“So why are the video’s ‘inflammatory’ and ‘anti-Muslim’…they surely just depict what Islamists actually do…if that is showing Islam in a bad light who is to blame?”
Here’s a list of “Jewish Child Molestor [sic] Rabbis”:
Here’s a link to the “Jewish Crime Report” on another popular far-right website:
Apparently in your world, Alan; such lists aren’t ‘anti-Jewish’, they are just depicting what Jews actually do. Perfectly fine, and if they encourage more anti-semitism… well ”who is to blame?”.
Maxi ,
Would you agree that evil perpetrated by people professing any religion is just wrong ? Muslim Hindu Buddhist , Christian and any other brand of religion?
If the answer is “yes” then we can talk . If the answer is “depends what you mean by evil?” You can go share a cell with any other sex offender you might like .
Where do we start with this then max?
Who else would know of such Jew-baiting sites as those you`ve oh-so-helpfullyput up for us?
That you can`t see the difference between what ended up in Brendan Cox`s lap on PM say..and what it is that you`ve just attempted to say is only equivalence? Well, it`s pretty disgusting.
You`ve basically given us a Judge Freisler list of court cases on a circuit roster, from all over Israel and over how long?
And that is the same to you as what Trump retweeeted in three brief clipswhich are film, not lists from another country?
You`re finished. Hope against hope that I never see you up on this site again, there is no longer any purpose for your baiting windups.
maxincony, or should that be ‘Marx I con ye’ ?
What motivates you? Money, career, a religious belief?
A simple question that you refrain from answering.
You are a mere Troll.
There are evil people everywhere, and they dont require a religion. But no religion apart from Islam, advocates murder, including mass murder, as a doctrinal requirement to attain Islamic paradise.
The problem here is that Islam has a central policy of Jihad. That is waging war by all means, till the Infidel converts or is killed. Jihad is the most honoured part of Islamic practice. Allah himself says that no prayer, fasting, or any ritual comes close to violent Jihad. Blood of the Infidel is a must.
That is why Islam has to be opposed, and hopefully destroyed, releasing a billion Muslims in its thrall.
I see Newsnight covered this story. Before any discussion it would seem necessary to establish whether the videos were true or false. This was not done so any discussion is then rendered useless.
You cannot discuss something which might be true or false without establishing this first or at least making every effort to do so. I would think this is a pretty basic requirement but then this is the BBC .
They sneer at Trump hitting back at May for saying she should focus on “terrorism.” They put “terrorism” in speech marks, sneeringly suggesting he is an unhinged idiot.
Just the 36 killed this year. A horrific bomb goes off unsuccessfully at Parson’s Green and it is forgotten about within minutes. This is absolute insanity. Where did the bomber worship? Should we shut that mosque down? Terrorism should be front and centre, a relentless and ruthless purging of those who seek to destroy us. But instead they just go on as normal, playing Russian roulette with our lives; pretending anyone who does not want to be conquered and blown up is a literal Nazi. All so we can go on with this preposterous facade that multiculturalism works, when in fact the heaven they promised us is starting to look more and more like a dystopia.
Trump once again exposes how appallingly dishonest and cowardly the media are. All this focus on ‘offence’ and ad hominem attacks and nothing about the substance of his concerns. He is running rings around them. A year in and still they are so far out of their comfort zone and cannot handle him. They always take the bait and do the hard work for him, bringing to the fore issues he wants discussed; as well as diminishing themselves in the process.
Seems strange to me, May says she wants out of the EU, ha ha, but the one man who could help us with free trade, she insults. I think that she rather stupid, as well as lacking manners of any kind in deliberately running down POTUS. I am sick and tired of the poor quality of our politicians, the thing they should be concentrated on is our Country, more time is spent on Scotland, Wales and Norther Ireland, when do we get our share?
Sky News at 5.45 had a Muslim / Pakistani suited and booted being interviewed as an authority on Britain First and Pr Trump’s tweets. Unfortunately I didn’t catch who he actually represented.
First he stated that BF is a terrorist organization, this is an absolute provable lie, secondly he stated that one of it’s members Thomas Mair killed Jo Cox. This again is a lie as it was proven he had no links with Britain First.
He also stated in his poshest ‘British Pakistani’ accent that they don’t represent anything British which is of course totally subjective.
Sky are as bad as the BBC in that the odious self loving Burley allowed two obvious lies to be told in the space of thirty seconds, she is intelligent enough to know these were lies.
On a separate note to those trying to debate maxincony he doesn’t do debate, he doesn’t even defend his quotes that are provable lies. The tack I would take is simply to keep repeating to him that he needs to defend his false quoting or withdraw them. Keep to this track and he’ll either disappear or actually become grown up and enter into proper civilized discourse. At present he just runs away after his false quoting and pops up tediously weeks later when he thinks we have forgotten.. don’t let him forget. He thinks he’s smart but smart people don’t run away they use their intellect, something he’s yet to prove he has!
It’s a shame he didn’t retweet this –
So where the F”’ is her MP, the actress that took over from St. Jo. If this was reversed she would have never been off the box virtue signaling and playing to her core voters. Brabin get your finger out this isn’t some sad soap you are appearing in it’s real life and it’s getting worse by the day.
TOADY WATCH last day of November
I think today we hit peak Robinson . He shouted at the nice American lady who started the tweet s from Britain First – he didn’t interview her – he just shouted. I was thinking, during this shout fest, what the piurpose of an interview is – this wasn’t an exploration of the views of the subject. It was a horror.
The interesting thing is that al Beeb has concentrated on the Dutch kid being beaten up by a dusky looking character not the destruction of the Statue of Our Lady of throwing people off a building which suggests al Beeb isn’t too concerned about either of them. Still fuming . I believe in free speach
What I find so telling is how quickly we forget the victims of terrorism these days. No sooner have we had the regular burst of “Don’t look back in anger,” we’ve swept away the heaps of rotting vegetation, disposed of the candles and plastic hearts, had the obligatory arm in arm march and listened to well honed cliches, “We’re standing together!”, than we prepare ourselves for the next outrage. We’ve had so many we’re becoming inured. That is worrying!
I think, despite all the rhetoric about “not being cowed” and “getting on with things” the truth is a lot of us feel we’re living in a semi war zone. The proof of this was seen to the reaction in London’s Oxford Street last week when a couple of “lads” appear to have let off fireworks. Scallywags! There was a stampede as people scrambled for the escalators fearing (and who could blame them?) that we were about to have another “outrage.”
Parts of London now resemble photos I’ve seen of our capital during the Blitz. Once elegant Georgian streets now defaced with hideous concrete blocks.
And continuing with my wartime metaphor, during those dark years Brits regularly tuned their wirelesses to hear propaganda from Lord Haw Haw. Now we get it daily from the BBC. It is unrelentingly pro immigration, pro Islam and anti British. The Beeb choose to ignore events in Sweden; numerous terrorist attacks, even a grenade assault on police! And they’re quick to condemn every organisation / person that brings these horrors to our attention as “far right.”
If we could rely on our state broadcaster to do its job (that we pay for whether we like it or not) there would be no need for Tommy Robinson, Britain First, Guido…even Biased BBC…
But we can’t!
Nick Ferrari on LBC this morning interviewed the BF woman but constantly talked over her as she attempted to reply to his questions, then his next two guests, at least one was a Muslim where allowed to speak clearly and fawned over.
Ferrari has gone down in my estimation.
James O’briens head will probably explode today.
Nick Castrati has always been a huge fraud. He’s even got the beating of Slippery Siddiq when it comes to convoluted explanations as to why that big grey thing in the room with a trunk and a pair of tusks is in fact a mouse.
I caught the latter half of that. I have not formed any opinion on this lady yet, as I can’t trust anything the media says about her. But I certainly wasn’t going to learn anything from this interview as Ferrari harrumphed and interrupted all over her, partly because she refused to play his game and wouldn’t answer leading questions in the manner he was clearly wanting.
For my part, I think Trump was mistaken to tweet videos whose authenticity may be questionable, as it allows opponents to concentrate on that. I don’t expect him to get off Twitter, as it’s allowed him to go over the heads of the media, hence their constant criticism. But sometimes it would do him good to think first, and run it past advisers. For once, he should apologise. And as an apology should tweet some videos whose authenticity has been verified.
yes retract the video and replace it with one of the thousands of really gruesome rop videos … daily
On five-live this morning I Heard that horrible OWEN chap threatening:
If Trump is invited over to the UK and he comes then we (just who he means here he didn’t say, but bet Anarchists and squatters are just a few) will be on the streets in the millions!
It could have been: Minnions. But I doubt it?
This is how bad it has become when a jumped up little twat like Owen Jones can use our media for his veiled threats against not only Britsh people but the President of the USA,
Don`t think so-when we wake up, we will surely anme all our towns as “Trumpton”. Wherever he goes-that will need relic hunters and Trumpton plaques on the roads into town.
We REALLY need to bring out the left and deal with them. Even I could grind Owen Jones into my compost.
jeez my dad could take owen jones down and he’s 84
I’m 60 and I would love to have a go at the little prat!
I’ve just come out of hospital with severe sepsis, had a heart pacemaker fitted, 60 next month and not a fighter. However, Jones no problem. He should be arrested for hate crimes.
It really is, wrong end of the telescope stuff and an unfunny version of Basil Fawlty and ‘For God’s sake, don’t mention the war!’ But then that was decades after hostilities ended – not so with Muslims.
Do they think by simply not mentioning it – it pleases radical Muslims and furthers their cause?
Do they think by simply not mentioning it – none Muslims will be blinded to the danger?
Do they think by simply not mentioning it – we continue to take our news only from the bbc?
Do they think we all have the brain power of a dead cat in the road?
It’s like the Clinton emails……………never mind what the emails say, somebody stole them !
The Islamic appeaser criticises Trump and gets this reply. Here is what I think. Trump knows Treezer’s treacherous position and these tweets are stringing her along to reveal just how slimy she is. Her responses to Trump reveal her true objectives.
The Times article yesterday was by liberal lefty Rachel Sylvester who was very surprised that in a high proportion of Muslims m schools misogyny was taught as the norm. The comments , of which there were many, suggested that if she was surprised she must have been living on another planet for the last twenty years. Some comments were more robust. Interestingly after a few hours the article disappeared from the electronic addition. Perhaps the comments got too hot for poor Rachel who is now seeking a safe space inhabited only by Muslim Atrocity Deniers ( MADs) and other such fools. Meanwhile today although anti Trump comments are in the majority A significant minority of Times readers are giving Trump some supportfor his tweets. Telling the truth about the parlours state of the West and its denial of Muslim aggression will not win him friends amongst the liberal elite but then who wants those clowns on your side, well Mrs May does.
The bbc is not letting this go, and has started with the big guns:
Frankly could be going better for her, Labour, the BBC. and their cause.
And it looks like only 600+ more to go as every thick hypocrite in the chamber clearly sees a bandwagon not to be missed and a BBC feature that will not be denied.
My brain slows down when Diane Abbott talks – is that normal? It’s like heading towards a cliff edge in slow motion. Sorry Diane, but that’s how I feel – I will check if Amber Rudd will let me keep that feeling!
D Abbott’s speech indicates that she may have a serious medical condition.
Jeez, just look at those three. They look like they’re in charge of the raffle at a social workers’ Christmas do and Abbott is just about to announce the winners:
‘First prize is a night out with me. Second prize is two nights out with me’.
Where is Guy Fawkes when we need him?
A mass virtue signal .Trump has certainly triggered the perpetually offended. Well I’m offended by their anti semitism on the Labour side. but that offence seems to be Ok.This country is sick.
If a BBC presenter on £1.75 million uses their twitter to promote an online paper called The New European that seems to promote hatred towards a group of people called the 52% … does that constitute a hate crime or a love crime?
“Mustn’t groan about Brexit with democracy and all that. Most don’t want to hear it anyway, but this is spot on: ” – Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker
Covers from magazine that Gary ‘£1.75m BBC Wages paid under threat of prison’ Lineker promotes under BBC banner of approval for a paper that promotes hatred towards a section of the UK population …
Is this Hate? Is Gary promoting Hate? Can Amber Rudd clarify?
I assume that the bar code strategically placed on President Trump’s upper lip is meant as a not so subliminal reference to a Hitler moustache. The more the man gets bashed the more I think he’s getting things right. Carry on P.O.T.U.S.
Good Lord Twitter is the equivalent scribble on the walls of a public convenience. Hardly the vehicle for great thinkers.
That Trump should bring about this shit storm says so much about the fearful and the appeasers. Trump is just being Trump.
gaxvil, I probably, as non-Twitterer, would like that to be true but unfortunately that is a denial of reality. The new media are here for the foreseeable future and the under-35s are completely locked in to them.
Where it will all go, eventually – who knows? But it isn’t going away any time soon. The businesses run by the grey-haired over 45s-55s are starting to plan strategies that exclude even more of the traditional media. See Martin Sorrell’s [WPP] comments, for example.
And we love him for it!
Just heard Mays Jordanian speech. She spoke of terror, of trade, refugees locally, Balfour and life after IS.
But ALL the British media did was ask her about Trumps tweets-ITV, BBC, Sky, Sun, Telegraph, Guaridan and Mail. They didn`t listen to a word that she said at all-all readin iPads from head office about who could claim bragging rights to getting her to give the most Cox-compliant “Soundbite for Six”.
She clearly noted how this might look to a Jordanain-so we DID get the one final question from the Jordan Times, re Syrian help and Kurdish issues.
But what a reveal this live broadcast was. All too clear the the Press pack get trawled around the world as do CNN for Trump-all seeking a killer bitchslap to Brexit or Trump.
Noi effort at all to aim their ammo to reflect what`s said on stage, where they ae and what REALLY matters to us-as opposed to themselves and their puppetmeisters in Brussels or Media City.
It`s all a game to them-complete colonial bubble froth who no longer can even make up a question that might tell us something new. Just bask, bitch and blather.
No wonder we all get our news elsewhere these days.
Just to keep the editorial pot bubbling, as the BBC is in the thick of fake news high horsing, it will be interesting if they leap to apology, ignore or casually sideline this one:
i reckon it’ll just get replaced just how celeb’s groping women has knocked trans genderism aside.
God help us that something relevant or important or extensional should top the news.
Tommy Robinson, Jayda Fransen, Ann Coulter, Donald Trump and Paul Weston.
Brendan Cox, Emily Thornberry, Sadiq Khan, Amber Rudd and John Bercow.
Referee-Nick Robinson.One five a side worth watching.
Well, how`s THAT going to end with the leftiscum I wonder?
Sorry…I know which side is right, which one is true news.
And which one wants me hogtied for the Brussels Halal Butchers, with sad cow eyes from the Green Room as I`m led away.
Only the idiot left think that the likes of Abbott and May speak for us…Tommy and Jayda put their very lives on the line for the rest of us. So thanks to Trump, and the glorious Ms Coulter.
Might get an Ann Coulter wig for Christmas-could do wonders for me, as well as others not too far away.
How the mighty have fallen
Nigel Farage has criticised Donald Trump for retweeting anti-Muslim videos, saying he showed “poor judgement”.
They are reporting: “At least one of the unverified videos has been found to be fake, but the White House insists the point about “border security” remains.”
I don’t think it can be described as fake.
It’s said that the one labelled “Muslim migrant beating up on crutches” comes from a genuine arrest says Der Telegraf , adding the dark attacker is a non-muslim Dutch National.
All that can be concluded is that sometimes a descendent of immigrants is prepared to beat a boy on crutches.
I agree with Farage in that any info lacking context is disinformation.
Maybe Mr Farage should understand when it is better to say nothing at all. I’m sure a Left Winger would have dodged that one a bit more astutely.
Lucy, Nigel Farage is exactly right in my view. He is a much shrewder, and I suspect much cleverer, political operator than Donald Trump.
There cannot be many people on both sides of the Atlantic who do not realise we have a problem with militant Islam. I suspect many politicians who say one thing in public that would be the complete opposite to that, will own up to the truth in private. That is, unless they are completely blinkered and also perhaps rather dim and very soft Liberal Left or harder Far Left, Hard Left and Alt-Left Lefties.
We have probably reached the point where all people of moderation know that we are sitting on top of a powder keg, with the lid partially removed leaving space for a match to be tossed in. (That is possibly true across wider Europe, too.)
If Donald Trump had had a moments regard for the UK instead of appearing to ‘be hip’ and ‘in touch’ with his followers, he would have not re-tweeted those videos. He would be even wiser to cut back – from this time last yea r- on the twittering and re-tweeting, as President anyway.
He was just starting to really make a positive turn against the very soft Liberal Left, Far Left, Hard Left and Alt-Left Lefties who have been denigrating him from before the Republican Primary season. Those same lefties also denigrate Republicanism as a whole all the time. President Trump was just starting to prove them all wrong.
He had taken successfully to the world stage when the lefties were all saying he was an isolationist and a racist. He had exercised a measure of restraint against the initial North Korean provocation when the lefties were all saying he would start WW3, WW3.5 and WW4 in his first few months in office. He had also started to come good on one or two campaign pledges after being derailed on some others by his own side. His grass roots support, especially among the BAME community was apparently still solid.
President Trump was also riding out the wild impeachment claims and Russian interference and Russian backing claims, also from the lefties and liberals among the Beltway, the media and the US population. One year in and he was looking in not bad shape to see out a first term.
Now he has blown all that away.
Very, very stupid.
As President Trump would say “Stupid is as stupid does!”
So Trump has been stupid, just like every other time when in the end he won out.
Steve, he’s just set himself back to square one minus one in the UK! Great way to win out.
And all of that after reaching the end of his first year as President in the best position he’s had all year.
Now that IS smart, not.
Maybe Trump’s intention is to throw a lit match into the powder keg, maybe not so stupid?
Yes, in the middle of the Brexit negotiations that is really helpful.
With friends like that …
….. who needs special relationships?
There may be a couple of upsides – will post tomorrow on those.
Up2snuff ,
“There cannot be many people on both sides of the Atlantic who do not realise we have a problem with militant Islam.”
No, we have a problem with Islam full stop. It is militant by nature. That is the problem.
The problem is not with militant Islam. It is Islam. When Muslims are a majority, perhaps in forty years or less, Sharia will be declared quite legally via parliament.
Catastrophe that makes occupation by the Nazis small in comparison. We wont get out of Islam for 1000 yeats, if ever.
Lucy Pevensey
Farage has never had much love for Britain First and has often distanced himself from them. But it does seem that Trump’s re-tweets have united the elites, Farage along with Treezer, Brendan Cocks, Melanie Phillips, Sadiq Khan, John Bercow and little Owen Jones.
Suppose Trump had tweeted a video from the victims of the Rotherham rape gangs, who were betrayed by cops, social workers and politicians under Treezer’s watch as Home Secretary
He might tweet this for starters
Both Fagage and May have picked the wrong side-yet again.
The Britain First lady is guilty of nothing-and what she is accused of was no crime until Douglas Hurd decided to create one in the late 80s.
Poor lady will be fearful, those videos are perfectly verifiable if anyone had ever wanted to check. But the left sure as hell would never do that. It`s hard to know where to start.
Since when was responding to a video that shows an attack a kid on crutches seen as stirring hate? Who gave a damn about the victim-was he Jewish even? How low have we sunk when we excuse this evil, filmed by sinister perps?
Farage has turned into Terry-Thomas, he bottled it over Ann Marie Waters and will be a Lord or Knight before too long-which is all he now wants,
As you say Lucy-fallen off a cliff edge in terms of my respect for him.
As to those of us who fuss over the videoe-there WERE three of them remember-why do the BBC want to druill deep intoi one , but ignore the other two?
We all know enough-this is a prechewed toy with leftie slobber on it. Don`t go fetchie-find out why the likes of Jayda and Donald are hitting nerves with the left that people like us are not doing.
When Owen Jones, Sadiq Khan and Dianne Abbott are in your corner Nigel and cult followers? You`re in the wrong corner.
Trump hits the patella again-that ought to be OUR job! FFS!
chrisH, “Trump hits the patella again”
Yup, but he hit it with the wrong thing at the wrong time and in the wrong way. It will not probably hurt him too much at home although there are bits of the US media who will, with Democrat encouragement, beat him over the head with it from time to time for ever more.
Donald Trump is now firmly back in the mire as far as the UK is concerned. Don’t know what the other Europeans make of it but it will now make life very difficult for our Government with Brexit, other foreign relations situations as well as any conflict situation that may arise. We really could have done without that bit of careless re-tweeting.
Why do say it is “careless” tweeting? All evidence shows that he does nothing without knowing the consequences. He is playing to an American audience not a British one. Again he has exposed the democrats, this time as importers of violence.
Steve in Italy, are you saying President Trump was really deliberately setting out to cause trouble with his tweets and this particular re-tweet?
The Rochdale case quickly came to epitomise the wider phenomenon of localised grooming in the eyes of many people: {Child sexual exploitation and the response to localised grooming – 05jun2013}
a) it involved a large network of suspected abusers and also a large number of
potential victims;
b) the victims were generally (though not invariably) vulnerable girls aged 12–16, a
disproportionate number of whom were looked after by local authorities;
c) victims were passed around from one abuser to another, in some cases being taken
to other towns and cities to be raped and sexually assaulted;
d) the abusers were Asian or British Asian and the victims were White;
e) the victims were not always taken as seriously as they should have been by the
police and prosecutors, who were often unfamiliar with the phenomenon of sexual
exploitation of children; and
f) prosecution was hampered by prosecutors’ assessment that these victims would
lack credibility in court.
“Newspaper articles reported that fifty-six men had been interviewed by police regarding an investigation in to the sexual abuse of forty-seven girls aged between 12 and 16.”
John Simpson seems like a senile old man that will push HnH propaganda
Page 7 of the Times
last week Simpson tweeted this.
The Unlovely Laura K stirring the $h!t again
The removal of Welby (before he finally destroys what is little left of the C of E) would seem more appropriate!
GC, there’s another beauty! (to borrow a phrase)
Talk about not learning from the inadvisable re-tweets of others, the AoC has managed to make things worse rather than better.
This may be a bit of an air-head post, but I’ve just finished reading a novel called ‘The Black Widow’ by Daniel Silva.
He’d started writing it before most of the Islamic atrocities, and decided to carry on and publish it. Hellfire – what a story, and so believable, especially as the Middle East scenes are real, sadly.
Of course it is pure fiction as far as the plot is concerned, but somehow the chimes of murderous thoughts permeate much more than the indignant squealings of politicians, and the gabbling journos working to the scripts of their undermanagers, safely in W1A.
I don’t think POTUS will give a damn about the idiots in this country………he will have drawn the conclusion (as have most of us) that May is a dead man walking, and that 98% of the media along with what appears the majority of the UK public want to reverse the decision to leave the EU and bring in as many muslims as possible. Basket case country.
The politicians are not listening to the people of this country, “Lions led by donkeys”.
Rees Mogg to replace her . Simples
I would put it to Theresa May-
Should the leader of the free world hide Islamic violence?
Should The British Prime Minister hide Islamic violence?
Thanks @Carter for that Good video from PJW
“You’ve got outrage for tweets, but where was your outrage when ..and..and .”
“YOU snowflakes are amplifying Britain First by silencing everyone else (on immigration matters)”
But our friends at SnowFlakeTube have switched on the censorship
..”This video can’t be played here” (in embedded mode)
over on YT it comes marked as
“In response to user reports, we have disabled some features, such as comments, sharing and suggested videos, because this video contains content that may be inappropriate or offensive to some audiences.”
Note the way that it comes up as a blank screen with no ads or suggested videos on the right.
PJW says : Homeland Security deem antifa ‘domestic terrorists (Strange BBC Trending have never reported this)