The other night they were trying to spin it as some cataclysmic disaster for the arts. Who cares? That somewhere twice voted Britain’s crappest town could win it shows what a joke it is.
25% of professional footballers – everyone’s dream job – are BAME.
Why not have a BBC special celebrating this monumental achievement? It is beyond the wildest dreams of black players who were racially abused in the seventies. They could do a proper celebration of diversity, showing people of all races and creeds united – as football unites people like nothing else.
Of course that will never happen. We will instead have negative programmes about not enough black students at Cambridge; how there will never be a black Prime Minister; and how not every single organisation has an exactly proportional representation of all minorities, which is both impossible and undesirable.
When progressives whinge about a group being under represented in something or other, do they ever consider highly paid fields like football and medicine where they are massively over represented?
BBC afraid to talk about diversity of footballers, cos so few are gay.
They think that by rights 15% should be gay.
And do not accept that the 3% of people who are gay, go into other careers.
I used to act in plays. Every summer the Premier League would start when we were up at the Edinburgh Festival. Asking a gay cast member if they wanted to go and watch a game was like asking if they wanted to go our baby stabbing. Not once did I have someone to watch a match with!
Out of the total of approximately 500 players in the premier league I wonder how many have BAME wives or girlfriends ?
Anecdotal evidence of news reports etc would suggest very very few
I’d bet money on 1 or 2
Maybe WAGS are not covered in the Kick Racism out of Football legislation..
Saudi Arabia
Palestinian National Authority
Vatican City
Puerto Rico
South Korea
Remember, British diplomacy?
We used to do it well but rabid politicians and an infantile media constantly vilifying Trump is not diplomatic, quite suicidal in fact.
– The liberal-leftie-pc-beeboid mindset totally dominates the political classes, the media, and most ‘mainstream’ opinion formers.
– Trump re-tweets some pretty mild vids of islamic violence. (There is much much worse out there in cyberspace.)
– The Establishment turns its sanctimonious fury on the messenger instead of the perpetrators, and all the bien-pensants go ballistic with self righteous indignation.
– Spineless Treezer gets bounced into rebuking the POTUS. (If she hadn’t she’d have been endlessly questioned why not, and herself accused of supporting fascism by association.)
– Trump replies with a pretty mild tweet: “Don’t focus on me, focus on the destructive Radical Islamic Terrorism that is taking place within the United Kingdom…”
– Now everybody goes ballistic, not least little Sadiq Khan who demands Trump be dis-invited (the Emir cares nothing for the welfare of the UK, only virtue signalling, grandstanding and playing to his constituency).
So now we face the very real risk of the POTUS’ visit to UK (with all the benefits such state visits bring) being cancelled, so a few creeps can feel good about themselves and virtue signal their holiness. At a time when the UK desperately needs important friends and trading partners.
Well done Beebistan, well done Sadiq, well done Burk-o, well done Brendan Cox and all you other traitors.
P.S. As MarkyMark posted above, a long list of countries have received Trump and the world did not come to an end.
Many won’t realise what this actually means – that last year it was over 300 000 arriving this year over 200 000.
Al beeb makes it sound like good news . But if it carried on we would be talking a million people every 4 years .
We don’t know what these people are . But you can be there’ll be plenty applying for an NI number before you can say “free healthcare” in whatever language they use.
Aaronovitch in Times calling Project Veritas “Project Falsitas”
Totally not acknowledging their previous work.
The Washington Post was digging up victims of Senator-candidate Roy Moore.
PV sent an undercover victim who was followed to their office and exposed.
Aaronovitch says PV were trying to discredit the credible victims.
After yesterday’s “when in doubt, interview Brendan Cox” jerk-fest on ‘PM’, today it was that poor, blameless, sensitive soul Alastair Campbell, who also described Trump as narcissistic and unpredictable.
Does anyone at the appalling BBC have the intelligence to see just how ridiculous this seems? How is Campbell not completely discredited? And if Britain First are ‘far Right’, why are Corbyn, McDonnell, Abbott and co. not ‘far Left’?
Had a look at the Britain First website to see what a demon looks like . Not exactly covered in Swasticas or got pictures of Adolf . Mainly about being against multiculturalism – as am I .
So I guess I am far right? I don’t feel far right. Maybe being concerned about the identity of Blighty makes me far right .
Al beeb msm will not discuss this calmly . Career interests demand violent verbal response to non multicultural views. It’s in the national blood stream .
Fedup, yeah, probably not that unreasonable but now – thanks to Trump’s re-tweet – they are branded as total fascists and far-right Nazis by lots of people and groups, including those who are the real fascists. They can now go further under the radar to perpetrate their hatred, disruption and power grab.
Thank you, Mr President. Thanks for nothing!
I’m hopping mad at these Britain First people anyway for using that name. It is quite clear that for many decades our political representatives (of many different political colours) along with our Civil Service have been increasingly disinclined to put Britain and its peoples first in all their policies and actions taken in our name.
Now, should we call for them to reform and start to do that, we cannot say “Please put Britain first in this ……” because we will immediately be linked with the BF group and branded in a similar way to them as fascists and far-right Nazis.
I think a lot of folk commenting on here do not fully, or even partly, realise the damage to us that President Trump has done with an ill-considered re-tweet.
The great moderate mass of people who sit between the so-called ‘Far Left’ and ‘Far Right’, and always get lumbered with clearing up the mess they cause – and paying for it – have been really disadvantaged by all of this.
In time it will blow over but it may take many years, assuming years of peace and quiet are to be accorded us. If they are not, things may be worse than need be thanks to that re-tweet.
Meanwhile, the anti-British globalist BBC puts propaganda into its ‘news’ bulletins to try to show us Britons in a bad light.
This evening’s drop of poison (one of many, no doubt – I hardly listen any more, as the bias has got so bad) was in the short Radio 4 news at 9 pm. A French worker who has been over here for about a decade is now going back to France. People are, he said, making more open comments against foreigners that they would not have made … drum roll … before Brexit. “Don’t get me wrong”, he continued, “there is racism in France too but …” people are blaming things on foreigners.
There was so much wrong with this short propaganda piece that I could write an essay on it. One swallow doth not a summer make: I’m sure it would be possible to find any number of European workers in Britain who have noticed no change at all in the way they are treated after last year’s EU vote; but the traitor BBC wouldn’t look for them. In any case, if they are so thin skinned and EU-brainwashed that any discussion about British self-determination upsets them, then perhaps it’s better that they leave. Racism, of course, has nothing to do with his case at all: a White French person is the same race as me, so I can’t be racist against them, only xenophobic or nationalistic. As for blaming foreigners, you can see why people might, in the light of the Manchester Arena attack, the Rotherham and Rochdale cases, Westminster Bridge, London Bridge, etc, etc. The deliberate confusion of White Europeans and Muslims or Third Worlders misses the point about people’s justifiable fears.
This piece might be true or partly true, probably not invented. The problem lies in the editorial decision to give it a big portion of a very short news bulletin, with no counterbalancing arguments. This is not news reporting, it is propaganda; and the BBC should be ashamed of itself (but it won’t be!)
The BBC are loving it…..Eddie Mair…Diane Abbot talking for all decent British people who don’t like what DT did – hmm so that makes most of us non decent British people ….Alex Forsyth from BBC news stirring it up when asking question in Saudi….what a cow – Now the Sun “is DT a fit person to meet the Queen? Guardian….”Do you think DT is a supporter of Far Right Groups? ”
Who cares if they are ‘verified’? That is typical deflection tactics. Is this bomb exploding red or blue? Who cares – it is still a massive bomb which is clearly lethal.
Pres Trump’s mistake, as far as our politicians are concerned, is that he tweeted the videos from “Britain First” website, thus informing Britons that there is a political party that puts Britons first as fundamental.
Corollary to this is that “Britain First” does not subscribe to multicultism. In present day Britain, this amounts to heresy.
If Britain First posted “2+2 = 4”, “progressives” would claim it was fake news. The left cannot make objective judgements about fact. All that matters is the “ideological purity” of the person stating the fact. Nothing Britain First or Brexiteers say can ever be true because they are evil.
Farage on LBC is saying that theTrump re-tweets are in “bad taste”. What is the man talking about?
Most of the activities of muslims, such as familar gang rape, are far from being savoury topics of conversation ,but that is the very reason why they should be exposed. Farage also seems to think you cannot condemn all the members of a religion for what they believe. Why can’t you? No one hesitates to condemn anyone who calls himself a Nazi. All Tories are supposedly evil. Is it because muslims have a supernatural Führer, that Nigel is such a fan of Islam. More likely, he does not want to be chased round his home by an axe-wielding muslim, incensed that the religion of peace has been maligned.
Apart from anything else, what this so neatly exposes is the rank stupidity of the far Left BBC and its cronies. As many of us warned at the time, demonising Nigel Farage would inevitably lead to someone with more forthright views emerging – and that will happen. Farage now looks positively centre ground compared with what is likely to emerge in the next few years.
Still, the luvvies can’t pretend they weren’t warned.
Farage on his LBC programme (Thursday ) stated THREE times that Tommy Mair shouted ” Britain First!” as he shot Jo Who? thereby perpetuating the lie that he was a neo-nazi. There is no evidence Mair shouted this. The comment was introduced by a so called witness who was two streets away from the crime scene at the time and was an ex-BNP member known to have issues with the rival group. Even the Asian cafe owner who witnessed the attack said on a number of occasions Mair didn’t shout anything as he attacked Cox. Farage, I’m afraid, has always been a bit flakey on Islam and its danger to a Judeo-Christian society.
JA, I think President Trump is rather more subtle than we give him credit for. If he tweeted something that everyone agreed was 100% accurate the media would ignore it and his message would only reach very a limited audience. When he tweets something 90% accurate the media goes into a frenzy about the 10% and forgets that they are also spreading the 90% story. He understands how to play them, and they fall for it every time.
We saw something similar here last year with the £350 million per week claim on the side of the bus. If Leave had painted the net figure on the bus it might have made the BBC news that day, but would then have been supressed. By using the gross figure the media was trolled in to running the story day after day, and they still can’t let it go. They thought they were telling everyone that we were paying less than £350 million per week, but in reality they were telling everyone that we were paying eye watering sums of money to the EU.
He did the same when he claimed Arabs were celebrating on the streets on 9/11. In their rush to prove him wrong they had to relive the events of that day, which of course brought back the memories of that terrible day.
People forget he is a New Yorker who was in the thick of that atrocity. Think what it was like picking through those piles of rubble. They honestly expect him to now just suck up to the ideology which brought such horror to his door step? It was bad enough watching on television. One can only imagine how bad it was being there.
A Pakistani was sacked after throwing a paper plane and making a song and dance during a minutes silence after 9/11 at rover in Birmingham. He took the company to court for wrongful dismissal and he won. He was back by UNITE.
Watched the Trump documentary (which is actually quite balanced – C4) on tv last night and made that point to my wife – he was in his office watching as the planes flew into the twin towers…yep we would all probably feel the same.
I suspect that your first sentence hits the spot. President Trump is playing the media like Yehudi Menuhin played the violin, i.e. absolutely brilliantly. He’s been involved in the media long enough to know exactly how they operate so it’s small wonder that they see him as a threat. I think it ill serves Britain for our politicians to bad mouth him.
RJ, you are stretching a point I think. As far as the bus is concerned a net £200m per week is just as eye-watering as £350m pw.
Think you overlook that through that silly piece of sloganising, the Remain campaign have been able to brand the Leave campaign as liars in the eyes of those who do not bother to check facts and also to underline their case for a Referendum re-run or a binding Parliamentary vote at the end of the Article 50 period on whether to cancel it and seek to stay in, if the offer from the EU can be made out to be poor.
As I have posted above & on the dedicated ‘Tweet’ Thread, President Trump has made life really difficult now for the moderate middle. This is actually being played out right now on The World Tonight (BBC R4 10-10.45pm at 10.18pm approx.) with Leave voters being branded in part (unfairly) as racists and xenophobes.
I doubt if ‘the bus’ made a difference either way. Most people haven’t got a clue what gets spent on what, they know the price of four pints of milk and the income tax rate that they pay and that is that.
Certainly the ‘remainers’ make a lot of noise using the gross versus nett argument but it didn’t change their minds so why do they think that it mislead ‘leavers’? Indeed while they argue about the actual figure they fail to give any positive reason for ‘remaining’, something that was completely missing during the referendum too.
For me the ‘remain’ campaign can be summarised by “the EU is bad but leaving will be worse”, which was hardly inspiring.
If Britain continues insulting Pres Trump, even as he tries to help Britain, it might well trigger a reaction. Britain really has no place to go. Even our most faithful allies, such as Canada, Australia and New Zealand, will not dare to antagonise the USA. We would be out of Europe, out of the Security Council, and even have trouble getting a fair seat in world trade organisations. The EU will make it a point to grill us over a fire, till we crawl back on our knees.
These politicians of ours are really very very stupid. This same stupidity has allowed millions of Muslims to settle in the UK, thus assuring Britain will be Islamic in less then 50 years. An unimaginable catastrophe.
The bBBC have a lovefest with public transport. Which we expect from the Guardianistas and Corbynites that make up their numbers. But for some reason, so do the Tories.
On The news, we have had the HS2 head honcho telling us the virtues of new railway investment and of course why the £50 bn on HS2 is money well spent. A big factor is apparently to improve productivity ( the current economic buzzword) by shortening journey times. Just park that thought.
Today I drove on the A40 between Gloucester and Oxford. It is by any definition a key arterial route but it consists of a winding busy road, often with slow lorries and nowhere to overtake. Approaching Oxford, we see wall to wall traffic for about 6 miles between the Oxford interchange and the dormitory town of Eynsham. The local traffic report talks of a 20 minute delay. Now we drove along that section and there was no accident or other temporary holdup. The queue was due to a ridiculously tiny roundabout followed by traffic lights. Are road users not also entitled to an ‘increase in productivity’ that is, by spending less of their lives on pothole infested underinvested roads?
Why oh why do we put up with this total politically correct nonsense that values ludicrously expensive train services that will never ever pay their way over the roads?
PS. On the entry to Oxford they proudly announce ‘Oxford- a cycling city’.
We saw precisely four as we transited across on the A40, usually at a near standstill, amid the thousands of our fellow vehicle users.
The first thing people will do is watch the videos Trump has tweeted, and the recordings are damning. All the ‘offence’ and ad hominem attacks are essentially fake news.
Eddie is very smooth and very manipulative: loves ‘leading’ rather than ‘open’ questions. One guest who is entirely predictable and one who is been there and done it, but can’t afford NOT to criticise Trump on the BBC.
So Campbell loves Merkel’s values? Which would they be? A desire to stick to power at all costs? Breaking German and international laws? (I could list them, but don’t want to put readers to sleep; the list is LONG. Breaking laws: a very dangerous precedent to set. Who knows where that road will end?) Democracy? Can’t be that, Trump was democratically elected. Merkel’s CDU got about a third of the vote, less if you take away the CSU share. Very democratic.
Trump is ‘far right’? A term of abuse, cosy cos u can get away with it but sound virtuous and are never called on to define it.
Would that be like Hitler? Giovanni Gentile? Attila the Hun?
No, Campbell tells us, like Putin. Again: lots of not nice things to say about him. Still, saw pieces of a video on YT where Putin describes the self-destruction of the West by the West: spot on! No Russian tanks needed.
I don’t particularly like Trump or Putin. But they have ideas worth contemplating. Actually, we all know what game MSM are playing here, and if damaging relations between the US and the UK is collateral damage, why not? Makes a good story, eh?
Such an inept bunch, aren’t we? Apparently we let fake and far-right videos affect us so much we become the catalyst for anti-Islamic incidents, resulting in racist over-reactions, all around the UK. So all the dead in the Manchester Arena and the lives lost in three major rampages in London this year had no effect? And if they did that simply proves how intolerant, vile and prejudiced we are. As Brendan and Alistair have said, we should be thoroughly ashamed of ourselves.
No Action? Just say the protection officer is LGBTQRSTUVPQRSTUVWXYZ and watch the wheels turn! Ask to use the trans-gender toilet in the police station as well!
There was an hilarious Tucker about this the other day with one of a seemingly leather bottomless chaps pit of bozos eager to get on his split screen and be humiliated whilst destroying the thing they are so keen to advocate.
I now read that the poor schmuck has been kicked whilst down for letting his side down.
Which is not nice. Well, for him. Unless he enjoyed it.
Apparently when President Trump visits the UK Jeremy Corbyn wants to take him to Finsbury Park Mosque to introduce him to some of the peace loving brethren. He wants to show The Donald how inclusive, tolerant and generally lovely ROPers are. Well, good luck with that!
Now, I’ve never reckoned Jezza had much of a sense of humour, but…Isn’t this the mosque that gave us the hate preacher Abu Hamza, the one eyed, one handed Egyptian parasite that ponced off us for years while loathing everything we stood for? Yep, that’s him!
Oh, and don’t forget that well adjusted lad, Richard Reid, the notorious “shoe bomber” also went there.
Some of the members were also followers of al-Qaeda and they had sessions in the basement teaching the righteous how to dismantle Kalashnikovs. Well, let’s be honest, we’ve all done it.
I’m beginning to wonder if Comrade Corbyn has lost his marbles?
Or perhaps more to the point…
Did he ever have any?
It was also the one which the Metropolitan Police gave advanced notice of a search they were going to carry out there, took their shoes off whilst they were conducting the search inside it and also put little rubber booties over the paws of the dogs they used there too; needless to say they didn’t find anything.
I am sure many individual Nazis were not so extreme, but the minority who were extreme managed to quite a lot of damage. Just 19 flew the planes on 9/11.
‘Although his main Twitter account has nearly 44 million followers, President Donald Trump chooses to follow just 45 other Twitter users – all of whom agree with him, most of the time.’
She can’t call off the state visit but she can postpone it. But what about the Royal Wedding? Will he be invited? Who will sit next to him? It can’t be a woman or he will grab her pussy, it can’t be an ethnic as he supports the Klan, it can’t be a Moslem because he is Islamophobic, and it cannot be an MP because they made it clear they don’t want him here.
Perhaps he will sit next to a European leader. Merkel is the boss European leader but she does not like him.
I guess he will have to watch it through the window like Stella Dallas.
If it is in St George’s, Windsor Castle, I can suggest a secret passage of which I am aware. Queen Victoria used it when she did not wish to be seen and would hustle long it and look down on the service through a little window. The BBC could aim their cameras up at him looking lonely and sorry for himself.
Saudi Arabia
Palestinian National Authority
Vatican City
Puerto Rico
South Korea
I wonder how many in the UK would agree with these statements by Canadian war time prime minister Mackenzie King? Would a any of our politicians dare say such things?
With regard to the selection of immigrants, much has been said about discrimination. I wish to make it quite clear that Canada is perfectly within her rights in selecting the persons whom we regard as desirable future citizens. It is not a “fundamental human right” of any alien to enter Canada. It is a privilege. It is a matter of domestic policy. Immigration is subject to the control of the parliament of Canada. This does not mean, however, that we should not seek to remove from our legislation what may appear to be objectionable discrimination.
There will, I am sure, be general agreement with the view that the people of Canada do not wish, as a result of mass immigration, to make a fundamental alteration in the character of our population. Large-scale immigration from the orient would change the fundamental composition of the Canadian population. Any considerable oriental immigration would, moreover, be certain to give rise to social and economic problems of a character that might lead to serious difficulties in the field of international relations. The government, therefore, has no thought of making any change in immigration regulations which would have consequences of the kind.
In passing ‘some’ may like to know that Pat Condell has a new video (at last!) on ‘hate speech’
Do our politicians represent the wishes and views of the majority of the people Great Britain?
“Net migration falls by more than 100,000 after Brexit vote”
Just look at the ‘Highest rated’ HYS.
At least there will be less demand on housing and services.
It is clear that President Trump has no intention of coming here any time soon. Think of the latest tweets as a probing of our real feelings about him and the USA.
The left here has always been hostile to the US and Corbyn’s lot doubly so. Sadly the so called Conservative party apparatchniks are of the same mind and now stand revealed.
The French visit showed us the way things are going to be. France always putting real politik ahead of emotional indulgence. Not that the USA has any real interest left in Western Europe .
Nett migration down to 230,000.
Queue interview on the bBBC with a Polish mathmetician thinking of going back to their homeland.
PS. Just remind me of current housing poliicy and new build targets?
So we’re concreting over our land to build houses for mass immigrants. But not factoring in the cost of new roads, schools, hospitals etc. Which will become even more stretched and harder to use for existing citizens.
So the rights of new immigrants are more important than the quality of life of existing residents.
Just wanted to make sure I understand.
I thought the BBC had grown tired of the maudlin EU migrant shtick. Lachrymose Pole whining that things have changed since the Referendum – all those “hate crimes”. He does not really want to go and how we lazy, stupid Brits will regret it when he takes his vast skill set and entrepreneurial genius elsewhere. Why Poland is not paradise on earth by now when all this hardworking talent is available is beyond me.
Orban says that the best type of migrant is the one who never sets out. The second best type of migrant is the one who self-deports., It’s a pity Orban isn’t on twitter. The self-enchanted commemtariat would self cull.
The Andrew Neil show had some Russian scientist droning on about the perils of Brexit for science.
He showed his true colurs when in reference to Brexit he said “the wish has to be granted”. He obviously sees himself as a Tsar magnanimously nodding assent to a petition from serfs prostrating themselves before him.
Watching the German media, I have never ever seen a British expat claiming that the German economy would collapse if the British contingent was deported post Brexit and that German workers were too lazy or stupid to fill their places afterwards.
Of course, you might think that in the “heiligen Hallen” of the new moral superpower such beastliness is unthinkable or that it is just too insulting to the German worker.
Why EU citizens think the UK government would or could deport them when the powers that be cannot deport muslim terrorists and reward Big Beards returning from Syria with council houses is difficult to comprehend. Unless of course they are just stooges pushing misguided BBC anti-Brexit propaganda.
‘Polish mathmetician’ – did they interview any criminals that no longer feel that the UK is an easy place to practice their trade? Works in other areas as well!
Something not mentioned by anybody is how all the Eastern European states had housing problems when Blair opened up the UK to them. At a stroke he relocated the problem over here.
Not only was theirv housing problem solved, but also their unemployment problem and their balance of payments problem thanks to remittances from the UK.
I heard a news bulletin (forget which channel) but is was the sort of slight of hand the BBC are good at. It was trying to link the murder of Jo Cox with Britain First. So it was with sadness that I hear Nigel Farage is doing it too. I think the man is past his use-by date.
Britain First are not a nice group. I don’t know if they are really ‘far right’ but their tactics of mosque invasion and other provocations certainly don’t help anyone. They seem to be more like leftists in their actions.
But to link them with a murder is a disgusting tactic. The group that the murderer Mair is linked with is quite different. Loathsome would be a good word. But the issue still is why the MSM and Lib/Lab/Con establishment choose to cover-up Islamic atrocities and crimes and increasing Islamization. What I would like to know is how long do they really think they can keep it doing it, and what are they going to do when the dam breaks, as it undoubtedly will.
Thing is Yasser, if you voted Brexit, didn’t vote Labour and are ethnically British you are by definition Far Right according to the beeb and the rest of the MSM. That means in the eyes of the crazies that about 40% of the nation are far right extremists. So in essence there is more than enough people to find a pitchfork. Perhaps a British Spring or a UK Uprising will emerge. Maybe not yet, but all the ingredients are now there thanks to the MSM and Government.
Shell politely explains to the BBC that their ‘pay gap’ is due to a skills gap. I note a distinct lack of feminists working on freezing cold, dangerous oil rigs in the middle of the North Sea. If they are serious about ‘equality’ they should campaign to have more women working on those God-forsaken places, as that heinous gap can never be closed unless we compare like with like. Of course a bloody receptionist on dry land should get paid less than a chemical engineer on a f**cling oil rig – it is so moronic.
The speaker on prayer for the day says we should be welcoming of people who have come from elsewhere and ‘different views.’
What if someone’s ‘view’ is that it is ok to rape school children? Or hit his wife! Or lie to anyone who is from outside his group? Or become a criminal if his ideal career choice does not come about? Of course I should not ‘respect’ those views. We have seen so much this year what terrible results this pathological ‘respect’ of others’ views can have. Neighbours knew the Manchester bomber was extreme but they were so indoctrinated in the ideal of ‘respecting’ his views that 22 had to be murdered.
You need a common set of core values or you have chaos. This extreme liberalism really is akin to a mental disorder. It so obviously does not and cannot ever work.
So reading up on the terrorist attack on the Islamic holyday in Pakistan (On a college) and the newspaper article I have has a livefeed and the all the adverts have very white skinned people , no blacks, no hijabs and this is a Pakistani news site:
Al beeb broadcast the interview of a retired detective who says he found soft legal porn on the work computer of an MP who is now a minister.
I think they have played it three times now with over 90 mins to go.
If I had put porn on my work computer I would have been sacked . Full marks for stupidity . But al beeb really wants the head of Damien Green . They want two bites because they criticised the copper for disclosing information too.
I noticed that story, and by reading between the lines that no actual pictures were downloaded into a folder, but rather they were found in the history of internet wed sites searched , explains the thumbnail images. However one thing did catch my eye, the statement about about how some porn sites were looked st for several hours. That to me looks like a browser hijack . Happened to me about the same time, due to a file I received from a friend and I found all my searches redirected to porn sites. I had to reformat my computer, and since then have never used IE since. I also run 2 different AV programs. Which compliment each other and I run a security scan every day.
The thumbnails in question were not downloaded into a folider for later use, but rather were part of an internet history search.( tempory internet files), which explains the thousands of photos , but that actually doesn’t mean anybody looked at them all, Anybody half competent around computers running XP/ Vista would know that., but it appears that copper or the BBC isn’t.
this one has me seething the organisation that provided a safe space for peados, spends its time saying its fine to dump your load up another mans hairy ass, be a rug muncher or a chick with a dick or march thru a city centre waving a rainbow flag wearing chaps and a gimp mask is morally outraged by a middle aged man allegedly looking at pictures of naked ladies
I dont care if he’s superimposed Mrs T’s head on to a naked kim kardashians body and jacks off in the house of commons toilet to it , I really dont care
really so fuckin what, who cares it aint news and paying some retired ex cop with an axe to grind to whisper it on the radio sounding shocked as if he has never seen worse is nothing more than the so called BBC attempting a POLITICAL ASSASSINATION
what kind of news service is this
get a fucking grip and report some crimes you sanctimonious bunch of marxist hypocrites
I was shocked to discover that I had a picture of Lord Steel in my browser’s cache once. Honest guv I hadn’t been anywhere near him!
(Some years ago I had a mobile dongle with a ‘credit’ data download allowance. The idea had been to give myself the means to get my email when away from home. Each email would only be a few ‘k’ so the credit would last for ages. Ha! The credit disappeared like snow off a dyke as ‘predictive caching’ grabbed stuff totally outside my control).
I found the largest women’s segregation event in the World and not one media has reported on this injustice. The BBC is silent. The feminists are silent. The Churches say nothing. The Government sit idle. United Nations have not mentioned it. Where is the justice?
Millions of people visit a building in Mecca and are segregated based on their sex – men at front and women behind. This is an outrage for the feminist movement. That’s 15 million people every wear at the beginning of September travel vast distances and then are split into groups of men and women – feminists this is your calling … stand strong … be outraged … you can stop this injustice that has been going on since 7th century.
Whilst women protest in the USA against Trump and walls and segregation, where is the protest against this mass imposed sex segregation that takes place every year? Where are the feminists?
As we know Marky, all islamic practices are immune from criticism, no matter how barbaric, retrograde, medieval, discriminatory, misogynistic, racist, anti-Semitic, homophobic, xenophobic, absurd, cruel, violent or downright murderous: we must all bow down to the Great Faith, the Religion Of Murderous Peace. On pain of vilification, imprisonment, fatwas, possibly murder, or at the very least being pilloried by the media (yes, you Beebistan).
Ask Trump.
Religion has the answer to everything … Mecca is for men {guardian 11sep2006}
“Women, it seems if we follow the news in Saudi Arabia, are always in the way. They are always, or so we are told, causing problems of one sort or another. Even in the holy city of Makkah, they have to be pushed to the side…so that their presence does not irritate, annoy or distract.
Should Corbyn become the British Prime Minister will America ban him from visiting due to his terrrorist links to Hezbollah? I think they should.
I am more disappointed in Theresa May cheapening her position as Prime Minister in using twitter to respond to Trump. She has shown a distinct lack of British class.
This week we have had the Muslim schools misogyny report, President Trump’s videos and the projection that the Muslim population of the UK will be 17 million by mid century. The reaction of the liberal left , led as usual by the BBC, has been entirely predictable.
On the misogyny report they immediately seek to muddy the waters by calling for all faith schools to be closed down , totally ignoring the fact that only one religion teaches misogyny and a whole host of other foul ideas. Then when DT retweets some video of Muslim violence they just pile into him because he told the truth and they think that telling the truth about Islam is not in the public interest. Presumably they think that teaching misogyny is in the public interest or at least much less of cause for concern than truth telling!
Then on the Muslim population projection the delusion is total. They say that there is no need for alarm because the Muslims will soon assimilate and drop all the unpleasant bits of Islam. Or they say that exposure to a decade or two of Western science will do the trick and convert Muslims into peace loving atheists. Or they say that Islam is just another religion like the C of E , it’s just a minority who cause trouble, so why worry. By the way no one seems worried about adding at least 10 million to our tiny country’s population . Let’s just concrete over the whole island.
This week has exposed the total moral bankruptcy of the liberal left . The way they cling to absurd positions even when the facts overwhelm them. The lies they will tell and expect normal people to believe them. The dumb idiots cannot hold out much longer can they? Well yes they can because they hold the levers of power and until they are removed they will be able to continue to thrust their crazy ideas down our throats and implement them. They have to go.
They can only call people names, which is always the lowest form of attack. They shriek ‘Far right’ without ever daring to consider the underlying issues.
The media do all the heavy lifting for Trump. I love how he never apologises. If they could just stop shrieking his message would not reach so many people. They can keep quiet when other groups do questionable things.
As for cancelling the state visit, do you think she gives a sh*t? We need them a whole lot more than they need us. Who cares about jobs lost when Muslim feelings are involved?
It is so poignant that the heinous group is called ‘Britain First.’ Clearly the idea that we should do anything but accept defeat is unacceptable to the elite.
Prominent and determined Remainer Hilary Benn is awarded complete free rein this morning to pose as honest broker, with only our best interests at heart, mind you, as he filibusters and scaremongers with our BBC’s Naga Munchetty acting as little more than compare on a subject about which she is quite obviously uniquely oblivious – the flavour-of-the-moment favoured Brussels best anti-British bargaining chip – the post-Brexit Ulster border. Meanwhile some ex-cop heads the BBC headlines in a state of “Shock” at the quantity of porn found on a prominent Tory’s computer. One can derive three conclusions from the prominence in BBC news given to this hullaballoo: the BBC are rather thrilled at the revelation; the modern Policeman has become somewhat of a shrinking violet if this stuff “shocks” him; hundreds of MPs of all sides will be putting in a requisition for new hard drives – as always, the Tax Payer will pay the price.
Beeb website. Business section reporting a top economist Joseph Stiglitz interviewed on R4 Today programme says President Trump is not to be trusted on trade talks and they would be a waste of time. This chap is also a former World Bank chief economist. Nothing against the banking system generally as its an essential part of the workings in the western world but I would take his comments as nothing more than politics and naff all to do with trade talks. Yet more drip, drip, drip anti Brexit propaganda from our state broadcaster.
The BBC campaign to get rid of Ministers, and ultimately May herself, is going full steam. This morning Damian Green is the target in the lead story on Today, for watching porn. Not nice if proven, but the combination of police and BBC needs to be approached with caution: think of the hounding of Cliff Richard: BBC helicopter on hand to film police raid of his home. Then, oh dear, innocent.
The BBC has successfully led the charge against Fallon and Patel. Two down. They’re working on Boris and Damian. Hidden under the Trump tweet attacks is also an implicit attack on May. If they can discredit Trump ( much of their time spent doing this), they can discredit early visiting, hand-holding Theresa.
We know that the BBC are entirely virtuous and only doing this is a public service? Well, no. Would dodgy Labour figures of power receive the same treatment? Having a laugh, aintcha? Take Keith Vaz, chairman of the Select Justice Committee. Lots to investigate there, BBC? We all know though, why that will never happen, and why he, like many other top Labour figures who need closer scrutiny, will be left in peace.
Bias? That is far too nice a word to describe the attitude of the publicly-funded BBC. And that is the BIGGEST SCANDAL of all.
The campaign against Green was Today’s top story/feature. Their star witness was a retired police officer, who told Today’s reporter about what he had found on Green’s confiscated computer, after a raid on Green’s office in the HoC in 2008 (which was controversial at the time, I recall) in connection with leaks of Home Office documentation, including thousands of pornographic images. Yes, it’s unpleasant. However:
1. Green has denied any wrongdoing.
2. It appears as though there is no suggestion that if Green had viewed/downloaded these images, such actions were illegal.
3. These allegations relate to a period nine years ago.
4. The retired police officer has breached his duty of confidentiality and, it appears, has behaved in the most crassly unprofessional manner in divulging this information now. The BBC is complicit in behaviour which even the most scandal driven red top would think several times about before engaging in the same.
Compare this witch hunt with the BBC’s coverage of the suicide of a Welsh Labour minister, the death of a senior Labour party official after another sex scandal was being made public, Labour MP Tulip Siddiq apparently threatening a pregnant C4 producer, etc., etc. The list of Labour scandals is huge. If they are reported at all by the BBC there is a perfunctory mention, nothing like the in depth reporting of a man allegedly watching mucky videos on his work computer almost a decade ago.
Incidentally, Green was arrested in November 2008, thrown into a cell and questioned for 11 hours by police. An opposition frontbencher was treated as a common criminal by the State. Now that’s a scandal.
#1 “thousands of pornographic images”
The expert referred multiple times to “thousands of pornographic thumbnails”
ie not a huge collection of porn, but a thing that could occur within 10-15 minutes of browsing porn sites.
A single “tube” page can often have a hundred thumbnails to tempt you so once you’ve clicked a few then yes your browser cache will have “thousands of pornographic thumbnails”
The nutty beeboids can do all they like to discredit ministers and ultimately Tweezer. In their own stupid way they are doing our bidding. They are bringing forward the day when The Mogg takes over.
The BBC campaign to get rid of Ministers, and ultimately May herself, is going full steam. This morning Damian Green is the target in the lead story on Today, for allegedly watching porn. Not nice if proven, but the combination of police and BBC needs to be approached with caution: think of the hounding of Cliff Richard: BBC helicopter on hand to film police raid of his home. Then, oh dear, innocent.
The BBC has successfully led the charge against Fallon and Patel. Two down. They’re working on Boris and Damian. Hidden under the Trump tweet attacks is also an implicit attack on May. If they can discredit Trump ( much of their time spent doing this), they can discredit early visiting, hand-holding Theresa.
We know that the BBC are entirely virtuous and only doing this is a public service? Well, no. Would dodgy Labour figures of power receive the same treatment? Having a laugh, aintcha? Take Keith Vaz, chairman of the Select Justice Committee. Lots to investigate there, BBC? We all know though, why that will never happen, and why he, like many other top Labour figures who need closer scrutiny, will be left in peace.
Bias? That is far too nice a word to describe the attitude of the publicly-funded BBC. And that is the BIGGEST SCANDAL of all. Also, someone needs in our ‘democracy’, to investigate the close link between the police and the BBC. I don’t think the strong and stable Theresa will do it. She’ll ‘be clear’ about that.
The BBC have been very deficient on the question of pornography being found on Damien Green’s computer and have now prejudiced the investigation. That, according to the BBC’s new definition of FakeNews and FalseNews (more on that later) makes the BBC guilty of FakeNews.
In the post 8.10am TODAY (BBC R4) interview with the policeman, the BBC journalist (David Shaw? am posting from memory) missed asking a key question. He also asked a leading question at the end that in a Court of Law would be disallowed by a Judge.
The key thing now is for an independent forensic computer expert to examine that computer.
In the meantime, in the court of public opinion (ie. mine) the BBC is guilty of promoting a smear against an MP – almost as bad as killing an MP?) – and also broadcasting FakeNews.
My complaint about this story has been put in to the BBC…they have deliberately distorted the headlines to sensationalise a non -story. The interview with the ex police man does not support their own headlines
Notice also how the ‘narrative’ has as suddenly changed from not being about porn but honesty…
So you accuse somebody of something that is legal….then when they deny and you still have no proof it was them doing something legal, you accuse them of being dishonest….is any of this news? The BBC are showing themselves to be a blatantly bias news outlet
Palestinian shot dead by Israeli settler in West Bank
The piece pretends there is a dispute over the facts yet the headline and the first paragraph report it as if the shooting was the story and not an Arab attack on children with the shooting as self defence.
Wahay! Net immigration stands at a ‘mere’ 246,000 for the year ending March 2017, a “drop” of more than 100,000 from the previous years total. What’s going on? Well, for certain, it was not, “the Sun wot did it”. And neither was it the Government. It seems to me that it was the UK voters, ‘wot done it’ more narrowly, the 52%. It seems that the mere act of successfully voting for Brexit discouraged many potential immigrants. Or did it?
A women wielding some power, once said some wise words … but did nothing.
“Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society. It’s difficult for schools and hospitals and core infrastructure like housing and transport to cope. And we know that for people in low-paid jobs, wages are forced down even further while some people are forced out of work altogether. … So there is no case, in the national interest, for immigration of the scale we have experienced over the last decade.”
Theresa May as Home Secretary // Speech to the Conservative Party Conference – in full / 06.10.2015
Chaos as police stop Hungary migrant train – Gavin Hewitt – BBC -Sep 2015 @53s
“… then a really distressing incident happened. A women who was carrying a small baby began crying for help (photo of lady carrying baby). One of her companions tried to help her (photo of man with women on track, riot police reaching towards them) Somehow there became a push and a shove with the police. She ended up on the railway lines (by the male refugee dragging her and the baby to the floor, but this is not said) with the riot police trying to pull her back, and this of course inflamed all the other people…”
-Gavin Hewitt – Sep 2015
“Hague and Cameron couldn’t detoxify the Tories – May has no chance Martha Gill” In the Guardian.
The British Labour Party is the most treasonous organisation in British History. A history which TWLLV and TWMTB have taken it upon themselves to re-write.
Doubt this Martha? Well list all the Conservatives who were Soviet sympathisers. List all the Conservatives who were Soviet agents. List all the Conservatives who were crypto-communists. List all the Conservatives who imported millions of enemies into the UK. List all the Conservatives who idolised and praised Stalin and Mao AFTER their mass murdering hobbies became public knowledge. List all the Conservatives who view Venezuela as a success. List all the Conservatives who supported, nay glorified, the IRA.
The history of the left is basically evil. Your idols Lenin and Stalin ensconced themselves PDQ in the dachas of the Romanovs with servants and all the traditional trappings thereof.
“Martha Gill is a freelance political journalist and former lobby correspondent. She has worked as a staffer at the Economist and the New Statesman”
For staffer read trougher.
If any detoxification is required in the UK the proscription of the Labour Party and the execution of its leaders would be a good start.
Having lived and worked in four continents for many decades there is not a lot that surprises me. However I took the opportunity to have a look at the “Britain First” website(partially disabled now) and I was surprised to see how many of the views expounded on their website coincided with the views of many of my acquaintances and myself. I consider myself apolitical, having never voted in any election. Nobody tells me what to think and I form my own views. However I am surprised at the level of opprobium levelled at President Trump for what he has apparently tweeted and for which he is being excoriated. Nobody is forced to read Tweets or look at other social-media outlets like Facebook. Whatever happened to free speech? Every commentator on TV (I am abroad and do not have access to UK radio) is critical of President Trump, but I am not sure if this is a UK-wide dislike or whether the talking -heads are chosen specifically because of their opposition. No alternative view has been expounded and there is an inherent assumption that the views given out on TV are universally held by all viewers .They most certainly are not. Does this constitute bias by omission or am I alone?
When the stop talking about things, a big hole appears – just like conspiracy fills holes left by good reporting and facts … “When the speech goes wrong, the ideas go wrong, and when the ideas go wrong the politics goes wrong. ” -Douglas Murray
David you are not alone by any means. I took the time a few weeks ago to look at Britain First and thought their policies were merely traditional. They would have not looked out of place a few decades ago. i notice that since i last searched for their website Google has made it very difficult to find and the googlebot no longer spiders their content. I also noticed that many browsers will try to tell you the content is unsafe. The bias by omission has become a cancer across the world. It is a very disturbing situation when our freedom of information is being denied by governments and powerful corporations.
Cops were shocked I tell you, shocked, when they saw Damien Green’s porn.
‘A former Scotland Yard detective has told BBC News he was “shocked” by the amount of pornography viewed on a computer seized from the Commons office of senior Tory MP Damian Green.’
Wonder what it was. Perhaps he was checking out some mucky pictures of Keith Vaz’s antics.
So what can we conclude about Green?
He’s a wanker
Fedup2Mar 9, 14:20 Weekend 8th March 2025 The threshold for ‘horror’ or ‘something must be done ‘ seems to be rising by the month . The murder…
GMar 9, 13:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 I thought the Home Office banned guns, like knives. Oh! silly me, I forgot the foreigners have their own laws…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 Christmas has become “holiday season” Easter has been turned into “egg hunt” Lent doesn’t even get a mention – it’s…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:35 Weekend 8th March 2025 Omar Prempeh, 32, of Stanstead Road, Forest Hill, was charged on Saturday, March 8, in connection with the death of…
Fedup2Mar 9, 13:24 Weekend 8th March 2025 Third world action in londonistan – Omar Prempeh 32 charged with shooting dead a 16 year old called Lathaniel Burrell.…
KinellMar 9, 13:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Reading through the shocking posts on ‘In their own tweets’ and ‘In their own words’ on the home page on…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:11 Weekend 8th March 2025 King Charles has appointed a homeopath. Why do the elite put their faith in snake oil? This article is more…
pugnaziousMar 9, 12:50 Weekend 8th March 2025
Still trying to come to terms that we have been banned from participating in the, “European City of Culture”.
Oh the humanity!
The other night they were trying to spin it as some cataclysmic disaster for the arts. Who cares? That somewhere twice voted Britain’s crappest town could win it shows what a joke it is.
Istanbul? European?
25% of professional footballers – everyone’s dream job – are BAME.
Why not have a BBC special celebrating this monumental achievement? It is beyond the wildest dreams of black players who were racially abused in the seventies. They could do a proper celebration of diversity, showing people of all races and creeds united – as football unites people like nothing else.
Of course that will never happen. We will instead have negative programmes about not enough black students at Cambridge; how there will never be a black Prime Minister; and how not every single organisation has an exactly proportional representation of all minorities, which is both impossible and undesirable.
When progressives whinge about a group being under represented in something or other, do they ever consider highly paid fields like football and medicine where they are massively over represented?
And rappers!
BBC afraid to talk about diversity of footballers, cos so few are gay.
They think that by rights 15% should be gay.
And do not accept that the 3% of people who are gay, go into other careers.
There’s no disabled footballers either!
You haven’t been watching West Ham Utd this season.
Or Everton.
Or West Brom!!
I used to act in plays. Every summer the Premier League would start when we were up at the Edinburgh Festival. Asking a gay cast member if they wanted to go and watch a game was like asking if they wanted to go our baby stabbing. Not once did I have someone to watch a match with!
25% seems wrong … over by 10% for the BBC …. “By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.{ 14sep2017}””
And 52% people who supported Brexit?
Out of the total of approximately 500 players in the premier league I wonder how many have BAME wives or girlfriends ?
Anecdotal evidence of news reports etc would suggest very very few
I’d bet money on 1 or 2
Maybe WAGS are not covered in the Kick Racism out of Football legislation..
I would say Sadiq Khan and Theresa May put the UK to the back for the queue, without Obama’s help.
List of presidential trips made by Donald Trump ….
Saudi Arabia
Palestinian National Authority
Vatican City
Puerto Rico
South Korea
#LondonIsOpen ???
Maybe TM knows/hopes there will be no brexit thus no need for a trade deal with US. Otherwise she should have shut the fµck up.
Remember, British diplomacy?
We used to do it well but rabid politicians and an infantile media constantly vilifying Trump is not diplomatic, quite suicidal in fact.
That’s because she’s a cunt, who is more than happy to sell the country out.
Strong language, and yet how can one argue?
I wonder how many trips – not so sprightly -Hilary would have managed?
Trump is draining the swamp, Al Beeb and the MSM are getting desperate .
How politics works:
– The liberal-leftie-pc-beeboid mindset totally dominates the political classes, the media, and most ‘mainstream’ opinion formers.
– Trump re-tweets some pretty mild vids of islamic violence. (There is much much worse out there in cyberspace.)
– The Establishment turns its sanctimonious fury on the messenger instead of the perpetrators, and all the bien-pensants go ballistic with self righteous indignation.
– Spineless Treezer gets bounced into rebuking the POTUS. (If she hadn’t she’d have been endlessly questioned why not, and herself accused of supporting fascism by association.)
– Trump replies with a pretty mild tweet: “Don’t focus on me, focus on the destructive Radical Islamic Terrorism that is taking place within the United Kingdom…”
– Now everybody goes ballistic, not least little Sadiq Khan who demands Trump be dis-invited (the Emir cares nothing for the welfare of the UK, only virtue signalling, grandstanding and playing to his constituency).
So now we face the very real risk of the POTUS’ visit to UK (with all the benefits such state visits bring) being cancelled, so a few creeps can feel good about themselves and virtue signal their holiness. At a time when the UK desperately needs important friends and trading partners.
Well done Beebistan, well done Sadiq, well done Burk-o, well done Brendan Cox and all you other traitors.
P.S. As MarkyMark posted above, a long list of countries have received Trump and the world did not come to an end.
Immigration is falling according to the Ministry of Truth. Looking around you would not think that, but noticing anything at all now is ‘Far Right.’
“The heresy of heresies was common sense.”
George Orwell, 1984.
“Common Sense” was described to me as a far right construct, by a Guardian Reading, Corbyn loving colleague.
Many won’t realise what this actually means – that last year it was over 300 000 arriving this year over 200 000.
Al beeb makes it sound like good news . But if it carried on we would be talking a million people every 4 years .
We don’t know what these people are . But you can be there’ll be plenty applying for an NI number before you can say “free healthcare” in whatever language they use.
BBC = Church of Social Justice Worryology
Aaronovitch in Times calling Project Veritas “Project Falsitas”
Totally not acknowledging their previous work.
The Washington Post was digging up victims of Senator-candidate Roy Moore.
PV sent an undercover victim who was followed to their office and exposed.
Aaronovitch says PV were trying to discredit the credible victims.
Alistair Campbell, on PM claiming Trump is a “psychopath”; I suppose if anyone knew one it would be him.
Agree, Al. You beat me to the keyboard.
After yesterday’s “when in doubt, interview Brendan Cox” jerk-fest on ‘PM’, today it was that poor, blameless, sensitive soul Alastair Campbell, who also described Trump as narcissistic and unpredictable.
Does anyone at the appalling BBC have the intelligence to see just how ridiculous this seems? How is Campbell not completely discredited? And if Britain First are ‘far Right’, why are Corbyn, McDonnell, Abbott and co. not ‘far Left’?
Had a look at the Britain First website to see what a demon looks like . Not exactly covered in Swasticas or got pictures of Adolf . Mainly about being against multiculturalism – as am I .
So I guess I am far right? I don’t feel far right. Maybe being concerned about the identity of Blighty makes me far right .
Al beeb msm will not discuss this calmly . Career interests demand violent verbal response to non multicultural views. It’s in the national blood stream .
Fedup, yeah, probably not that unreasonable but now – thanks to Trump’s re-tweet – they are branded as total fascists and far-right Nazis by lots of people and groups, including those who are the real fascists. They can now go further under the radar to perpetrate their hatred, disruption and power grab.
Thank you, Mr President. Thanks for nothing!
I’m hopping mad at these Britain First people anyway for using that name. It is quite clear that for many decades our political representatives (of many different political colours) along with our Civil Service have been increasingly disinclined to put Britain and its peoples first in all their policies and actions taken in our name.
Now, should we call for them to reform and start to do that, we cannot say “Please put Britain first in this ……” because we will immediately be linked with the BF group and branded in a similar way to them as fascists and far-right Nazis.
I think a lot of folk commenting on here do not fully, or even partly, realise the damage to us that President Trump has done with an ill-considered re-tweet.
The great moderate mass of people who sit between the so-called ‘Far Left’ and ‘Far Right’, and always get lumbered with clearing up the mess they cause – and paying for it – have been really disadvantaged by all of this.
In time it will blow over but it may take many years, assuming years of peace and quiet are to be accorded us. If they are not, things may be worse than need be thanks to that re-tweet.
Meanwhile, the anti-British globalist BBC puts propaganda into its ‘news’ bulletins to try to show us Britons in a bad light.
This evening’s drop of poison (one of many, no doubt – I hardly listen any more, as the bias has got so bad) was in the short Radio 4 news at 9 pm. A French worker who has been over here for about a decade is now going back to France. People are, he said, making more open comments against foreigners that they would not have made … drum roll … before Brexit. “Don’t get me wrong”, he continued, “there is racism in France too but …” people are blaming things on foreigners.
There was so much wrong with this short propaganda piece that I could write an essay on it. One swallow doth not a summer make: I’m sure it would be possible to find any number of European workers in Britain who have noticed no change at all in the way they are treated after last year’s EU vote; but the traitor BBC wouldn’t look for them. In any case, if they are so thin skinned and EU-brainwashed that any discussion about British self-determination upsets them, then perhaps it’s better that they leave. Racism, of course, has nothing to do with his case at all: a White French person is the same race as me, so I can’t be racist against them, only xenophobic or nationalistic. As for blaming foreigners, you can see why people might, in the light of the Manchester Arena attack, the Rotherham and Rochdale cases, Westminster Bridge, London Bridge, etc, etc. The deliberate confusion of White Europeans and Muslims or Third Worlders misses the point about people’s justifiable fears.
This piece might be true or partly true, probably not invented. The problem lies in the editorial decision to give it a big portion of a very short news bulletin, with no counterbalancing arguments. This is not news reporting, it is propaganda; and the BBC should be ashamed of itself (but it won’t be!)
With all the airtime covering Trumps tweet I’ve yet to hear 1 person supporting him yet I believe a majority of us do support and agree with him.
We see 2 people being interviewed and both of them are saying the same thing as well as the presenter.
Bbbc and sky trying heroically to get Trumps visit banned.
Where is our voice?
The BBC are loving it…..Eddie Mair…Diane Abbot talking for all decent British people who don’t like what DT did – hmm so that makes most of us non decent British people ….Alex Forsyth from BBC news stirring it up when asking question in Saudi….what a cow – Now the Sun “is DT a fit person to meet the Queen? Guardian….”Do you think DT is a supporter of Far Right Groups? ”
Ha Ha – all this fake anguish about videos is just another example of the Left to stop his visit.. this is an interesting link on this subject
Personally I think DT did make a mistake – not by tweeting , but by not making sure the videos had been verified…
Who cares if they are ‘verified’? That is typical deflection tactics. Is this bomb exploding red or blue? Who cares – it is still a massive bomb which is clearly lethal.
Pres Trump’s mistake, as far as our politicians are concerned, is that he tweeted the videos from “Britain First” website, thus informing Britons that there is a political party that puts Britons first as fundamental.
Corollary to this is that “Britain First” does not subscribe to multicultism. In present day Britain, this amounts to heresy.
If Britain First posted “2+2 = 4”, “progressives” would claim it was fake news. The left cannot make objective judgements about fact. All that matters is the “ideological purity” of the person stating the fact. Nothing Britain First or Brexiteers say can ever be true because they are evil.
Farage on LBC is saying that theTrump re-tweets are in “bad taste”. What is the man talking about?
Most of the activities of muslims, such as familar gang rape, are far from being savoury topics of conversation ,but that is the very reason why they should be exposed. Farage also seems to think you cannot condemn all the members of a religion for what they believe. Why can’t you? No one hesitates to condemn anyone who calls himself a Nazi. All Tories are supposedly evil. Is it because muslims have a supernatural Führer, that Nigel is such a fan of Islam. More likely, he does not want to be chased round his home by an axe-wielding muslim, incensed that the religion of peace has been maligned.
Apart from anything else, what this so neatly exposes is the rank stupidity of the far Left BBC and its cronies. As many of us warned at the time, demonising Nigel Farage would inevitably lead to someone with more forthright views emerging – and that will happen. Farage now looks positively centre ground compared with what is likely to emerge in the next few years.
Still, the luvvies can’t pretend they weren’t warned.
Farage on his LBC programme (Thursday ) stated THREE times that Tommy Mair shouted ” Britain First!” as he shot Jo Who? thereby perpetuating the lie that he was a neo-nazi. There is no evidence Mair shouted this. The comment was introduced by a so called witness who was two streets away from the crime scene at the time and was an ex-BNP member known to have issues with the rival group. Even the Asian cafe owner who witnessed the attack said on a number of occasions Mair didn’t shout anything as he attacked Cox. Farage, I’m afraid, has always been a bit flakey on Islam and its danger to a Judeo-Christian society.
The Donald’s mistake so far as the BBC is concerned was to get elected .
JA, I think President Trump is rather more subtle than we give him credit for. If he tweeted something that everyone agreed was 100% accurate the media would ignore it and his message would only reach very a limited audience. When he tweets something 90% accurate the media goes into a frenzy about the 10% and forgets that they are also spreading the 90% story. He understands how to play them, and they fall for it every time.
We saw something similar here last year with the £350 million per week claim on the side of the bus. If Leave had painted the net figure on the bus it might have made the BBC news that day, but would then have been supressed. By using the gross figure the media was trolled in to running the story day after day, and they still can’t let it go. They thought they were telling everyone that we were paying less than £350 million per week, but in reality they were telling everyone that we were paying eye watering sums of money to the EU.
He did the same when he claimed Arabs were celebrating on the streets on 9/11. In their rush to prove him wrong they had to relive the events of that day, which of course brought back the memories of that terrible day.
People forget he is a New Yorker who was in the thick of that atrocity. Think what it was like picking through those piles of rubble. They honestly expect him to now just suck up to the ideology which brought such horror to his door step? It was bad enough watching on television. One can only imagine how bad it was being there.
Good point. I remember seeing film of Pakistanis celebrating 9/11.
A Pakistani was sacked after throwing a paper plane and making a song and dance during a minutes silence after 9/11 at rover in Birmingham. He took the company to court for wrongful dismissal and he won. He was back by UNITE.
I agree Beeb Brother
Watched the Trump documentary (which is actually quite balanced – C4) on tv last night and made that point to my wife – he was in his office watching as the planes flew into the twin towers…yep we would all probably feel the same.
I suspect that your first sentence hits the spot. President Trump is playing the media like Yehudi Menuhin played the violin, i.e. absolutely brilliantly. He’s been involved in the media long enough to know exactly how they operate so it’s small wonder that they see him as a threat. I think it ill serves Britain for our politicians to bad mouth him.
I think Trump is playing the media like Sam Burgess deals with the Melbourne Storm.
He knocks them off balance, and lets them make mistakes while they are still groggy.
RJ, you are stretching a point I think. As far as the bus is concerned a net £200m per week is just as eye-watering as £350m pw.
Think you overlook that through that silly piece of sloganising, the Remain campaign have been able to brand the Leave campaign as liars in the eyes of those who do not bother to check facts and also to underline their case for a Referendum re-run or a binding Parliamentary vote at the end of the Article 50 period on whether to cancel it and seek to stay in, if the offer from the EU can be made out to be poor.
As I have posted above & on the dedicated ‘Tweet’ Thread, President Trump has made life really difficult now for the moderate middle. This is actually being played out right now on The World Tonight (BBC R4 10-10.45pm at 10.18pm approx.) with Leave voters being branded in part (unfairly) as racists and xenophobes.
I doubt if ‘the bus’ made a difference either way. Most people haven’t got a clue what gets spent on what, they know the price of four pints of milk and the income tax rate that they pay and that is that.
Certainly the ‘remainers’ make a lot of noise using the gross versus nett argument but it didn’t change their minds so why do they think that it mislead ‘leavers’? Indeed while they argue about the actual figure they fail to give any positive reason for ‘remaining’, something that was completely missing during the referendum too.
For me the ‘remain’ campaign can be summarised by “the EU is bad but leaving will be worse”, which was hardly inspiring.
If Britain continues insulting Pres Trump, even as he tries to help Britain, it might well trigger a reaction. Britain really has no place to go. Even our most faithful allies, such as Canada, Australia and New Zealand, will not dare to antagonise the USA. We would be out of Europe, out of the Security Council, and even have trouble getting a fair seat in world trade organisations. The EU will make it a point to grill us over a fire, till we crawl back on our knees.
These politicians of ours are really very very stupid. This same stupidity has allowed millions of Muslims to settle in the UK, thus assuring Britain will be Islamic in less then 50 years. An unimaginable catastrophe.
But isn’t that what a remainder PM wants
Exactly, she wants to distance us from the US so we will turn to Eurabia
“Exactly, she wants to distance us from the US so we will turn to Eurabia”
Agreed. I was just about to type exactly that but you beat me to it.
I am struggling to keep listening to Eddie Mair… is truly a love fest of anti Trump…..
These lot are going to have problems if the new Austrian government tweet anything because – they have been labeled far right.
James, Eddie will have another 7 years of it!
Unless Trump cucks on DACA, in which case he’ll be a one term charlie.
The bBBC have a lovefest with public transport. Which we expect from the Guardianistas and Corbynites that make up their numbers. But for some reason, so do the Tories.
On The news, we have had the HS2 head honcho telling us the virtues of new railway investment and of course why the £50 bn on HS2 is money well spent. A big factor is apparently to improve productivity ( the current economic buzzword) by shortening journey times. Just park that thought.
Today I drove on the A40 between Gloucester and Oxford. It is by any definition a key arterial route but it consists of a winding busy road, often with slow lorries and nowhere to overtake. Approaching Oxford, we see wall to wall traffic for about 6 miles between the Oxford interchange and the dormitory town of Eynsham. The local traffic report talks of a 20 minute delay. Now we drove along that section and there was no accident or other temporary holdup. The queue was due to a ridiculously tiny roundabout followed by traffic lights. Are road users not also entitled to an ‘increase in productivity’ that is, by spending less of their lives on pothole infested underinvested roads?
Why oh why do we put up with this total politically correct nonsense that values ludicrously expensive train services that will never ever pay their way over the roads?
PS. On the entry to Oxford they proudly announce ‘Oxford- a cycling city’.
We saw precisely four as we transited across on the A40, usually at a near standstill, amid the thousands of our fellow vehicle users.
The first thing people will do is watch the videos Trump has tweeted, and the recordings are damning. All the ‘offence’ and ad hominem attacks are essentially fake news.
And as memory is principally visual they will remember the videos but not all the kerfuffle around them.
Eddie is very smooth and very manipulative: loves ‘leading’ rather than ‘open’ questions. One guest who is entirely predictable and one who is been there and done it, but can’t afford NOT to criticise Trump on the BBC.
So Campbell loves Merkel’s values? Which would they be? A desire to stick to power at all costs? Breaking German and international laws? (I could list them, but don’t want to put readers to sleep; the list is LONG. Breaking laws: a very dangerous precedent to set. Who knows where that road will end?) Democracy? Can’t be that, Trump was democratically elected. Merkel’s CDU got about a third of the vote, less if you take away the CSU share. Very democratic.
Trump is ‘far right’? A term of abuse, cosy cos u can get away with it but sound virtuous and are never called on to define it.
Would that be like Hitler? Giovanni Gentile? Attila the Hun?
No, Campbell tells us, like Putin. Again: lots of not nice things to say about him. Still, saw pieces of a video on YT where Putin describes the self-destruction of the West by the West: spot on! No Russian tanks needed.
I don’t particularly like Trump or Putin. But they have ideas worth contemplating. Actually, we all know what game MSM are playing here, and if damaging relations between the US and the UK is collateral damage, why not? Makes a good story, eh?
Such an inept bunch, aren’t we? Apparently we let fake and far-right videos affect us so much we become the catalyst for anti-Islamic incidents, resulting in racist over-reactions, all around the UK. So all the dead in the Manchester Arena and the lives lost in three major rampages in London this year had no effect? And if they did that simply proves how intolerant, vile and prejudiced we are. As Brendan and Alistair have said, we should be thoroughly ashamed of ourselves.
No Action? Just say the protection officer is LGBTQRSTUVPQRSTUVWXYZ and watch the wheels turn! Ask to use the trans-gender toilet in the police station as well!
There was an hilarious Tucker about this the other day with one of a seemingly leather bottomless chaps pit of bozos eager to get on his split screen and be humiliated whilst destroying the thing they are so keen to advocate.
I now read that the poor schmuck has been kicked whilst down for letting his side down.
Which is not nice. Well, for him. Unless he enjoyed it.
Apparently when President Trump visits the UK Jeremy Corbyn wants to take him to Finsbury Park Mosque to introduce him to some of the peace loving brethren. He wants to show The Donald how inclusive, tolerant and generally lovely ROPers are. Well, good luck with that!
Now, I’ve never reckoned Jezza had much of a sense of humour, but…Isn’t this the mosque that gave us the hate preacher Abu Hamza, the one eyed, one handed Egyptian parasite that ponced off us for years while loathing everything we stood for? Yep, that’s him!
Oh, and don’t forget that well adjusted lad, Richard Reid, the notorious “shoe bomber” also went there.
Some of the members were also followers of al-Qaeda and they had sessions in the basement teaching the righteous how to dismantle Kalashnikovs. Well, let’s be honest, we’ve all done it.
I’m beginning to wonder if Comrade Corbyn has lost his marbles?
Or perhaps more to the point…
Did he ever have any?
It was also the one which the Metropolitan Police gave advanced notice of a search they were going to carry out there, took their shoes off whilst they were conducting the search inside it and also put little rubber booties over the paws of the dogs they used there too; needless to say they didn’t find anything.
1. After Manchester attacks … man on BBC finds evidence of hate of Western Ideals in a Mosque “Direct from Didsbury mosque this is a leaflet that I was given on an open day and this says living in a society in which people have accepted Western lifestyle as their way of life brings immorality at every step” – [BBC Question Time 25May2017 @ 25m49s]”
“What more do you want?” – the evidence is there if you want to see it, the BBC presenter shrugs it off
2. Brave girl speaks out on BBC in 2017 “I myself am a Muslim…I’m also a realist, there is an Elephant in the room here…we have Saudi trained clerics coming in (to the Mosques) speaking to children as young as seven … I would say, for now stop, close down all Saudi financed Mosques.” [BBC Question Time 25May2017 @47m12s]
“I would say, for now stop, close down all Saudi financed Mosques”
Well, there is nothing more peaceful than death.
I am sure many individual Nazis were not so extreme, but the minority who were extreme managed to quite a lot of damage. Just 19 flew the planes on 9/11.
‘Although his main Twitter account has nearly 44 million followers, President Donald Trump chooses to follow just 45 other Twitter users – all of whom agree with him, most of the time.’
In a word –
Trump follows Piers Morgan, an ex Daily Mirror leftie, so the above claim is clearly wrong.
And the journalist who wrote it probably knows it’s wrong.
But hey, don’t let the truth get in the way of a narrative, BBC!
surreal isn’t it they say “black is white” and people believe them.
Theresa May: Trump was ‘wrong’ to retweet far-right posts { 30nov2017} … article refers to man who has previously mislead the press … “Khizr Khan, the father of US soldier Humayun Khan who was killed in the Iraq war, told Today”.
It sure looks like Khizr Khan lied {washingtonexaminer 21mar2017}
“A Gold Star father misled a lot of people this month when he claimed his travel rights were being reviewed. Whether it was on purpose is yet to be determined.”
– BBC check your sources – promoting opinions from people who have mislead the press?
How will May manage Trump? asks John Pleenair
She can’t call off the state visit but she can postpone it. But what about the Royal Wedding? Will he be invited? Who will sit next to him? It can’t be a woman or he will grab her pussy, it can’t be an ethnic as he supports the Klan, it can’t be a Moslem because he is Islamophobic, and it cannot be an MP because they made it clear they don’t want him here.
Perhaps he will sit next to a European leader. Merkel is the boss European leader but she does not like him.
I guess he will have to watch it through the window like Stella Dallas.
If it is in St George’s, Windsor Castle, I can suggest a secret passage of which I am aware. Queen Victoria used it when she did not wish to be seen and would hustle long it and look down on the service through a little window. The BBC could aim their cameras up at him looking lonely and sorry for himself.
But managing a calm and stable relationship with a president like Donald Trump looks like a task that’s well beyond Theresa – and arguably – anyone else. { 30nov2017}
. . .
List of presidential trips made by Donald Trump ….who seem to want to work with him … not against ….
Saudi Arabia
Palestinian National Authority
Vatican City
Puerto Rico
South Korea
#LondonIsOpen ???
I wonder how many in the UK would agree with these statements by Canadian war time prime minister Mackenzie King? Would a any of our politicians dare say such things?
In passing ‘some’ may like to know that Pat Condell has a new video (at last!) on ‘hate speech’
I am on the Left, so I have to be Right!
Do our politicians represent the wishes and views of the majority of the people Great Britain?
“Net migration falls by more than 100,000 after Brexit vote”
Just look at the ‘Highest rated’ HYS.
At least there will be less demand on housing and services.
Samira Ahmed :
\\ Who’s afraid of diversity in education?
There appears to be an old-fashioned backlash against any challenge to a lack of diversity in academia//
It is clear that President Trump has no intention of coming here any time soon. Think of the latest tweets as a probing of our real feelings about him and the USA.
The left here has always been hostile to the US and Corbyn’s lot doubly so. Sadly the so called Conservative party apparatchniks are of the same mind and now stand revealed.
The French visit showed us the way things are going to be. France always putting real politik ahead of emotional indulgence. Not that the USA has any real interest left in Western Europe .
Nett migration down to 230,000.
Queue interview on the bBBC with a Polish mathmetician thinking of going back to their homeland.
PS. Just remind me of current housing poliicy and new build targets?
So we’re concreting over our land to build houses for mass immigrants. But not factoring in the cost of new roads, schools, hospitals etc. Which will become even more stretched and harder to use for existing citizens.
So the rights of new immigrants are more important than the quality of life of existing residents.
Just wanted to make sure I understand.
I thought the BBC had grown tired of the maudlin EU migrant shtick. Lachrymose Pole whining that things have changed since the Referendum – all those “hate crimes”. He does not really want to go and how we lazy, stupid Brits will regret it when he takes his vast skill set and entrepreneurial genius elsewhere. Why Poland is not paradise on earth by now when all this hardworking talent is available is beyond me.
Orban says that the best type of migrant is the one who never sets out. The second best type of migrant is the one who self-deports., It’s a pity Orban isn’t on twitter. The self-enchanted commemtariat would self cull.
The Andrew Neil show had some Russian scientist droning on about the perils of Brexit for science.
He showed his true colurs when in reference to Brexit he said “the wish has to be granted”. He obviously sees himself as a Tsar magnanimously nodding assent to a petition from serfs prostrating themselves before him.
How many British are in Poland thinking of returning to the UK because of the EU Referendum?
If guest workers want to return to an extension of the Reich then good luck to them. After all – it’s what frei movement is all about isn’t it??
Watching the German media, I have never ever seen a British expat claiming that the German economy would collapse if the British contingent was deported post Brexit and that German workers were too lazy or stupid to fill their places afterwards.
Of course, you might think that in the “heiligen Hallen” of the new moral superpower such beastliness is unthinkable or that it is just too insulting to the German worker.
Why EU citizens think the UK government would or could deport them when the powers that be cannot deport muslim terrorists and reward Big Beards returning from Syria with council houses is difficult to comprehend. Unless of course they are just stooges pushing misguided BBC anti-Brexit propaganda.
‘Polish mathmetician’ – did they interview any criminals that no longer feel that the UK is an easy place to practice their trade? Works in other areas as well!
Something not mentioned by anybody is how all the Eastern European states had housing problems when Blair opened up the UK to them. At a stroke he relocated the problem over here.
Not only was theirv housing problem solved, but also their unemployment problem and their balance of payments problem thanks to remittances from the UK.
I heard a news bulletin (forget which channel) but is was the sort of slight of hand the BBC are good at. It was trying to link the murder of Jo Cox with Britain First. So it was with sadness that I hear Nigel Farage is doing it too. I think the man is past his use-by date.
Britain First are not a nice group. I don’t know if they are really ‘far right’ but their tactics of mosque invasion and other provocations certainly don’t help anyone. They seem to be more like leftists in their actions.
But to link them with a murder is a disgusting tactic. The group that the murderer Mair is linked with is quite different. Loathsome would be a good word. But the issue still is why the MSM and Lib/Lab/Con establishment choose to cover-up Islamic atrocities and crimes and increasing Islamization. What I would like to know is how long do they really think they can keep it doing it, and what are they going to do when the dam breaks, as it undoubtedly will.
Thing is Yasser, if you voted Brexit, didn’t vote Labour and are ethnically British you are by definition Far Right according to the beeb and the rest of the MSM. That means in the eyes of the crazies that about 40% of the nation are far right extremists. So in essence there is more than enough people to find a pitchfork. Perhaps a British Spring or a UK Uprising will emerge. Maybe not yet, but all the ingredients are now there thanks to the MSM and Government.
Shell politely explains to the BBC that their ‘pay gap’ is due to a skills gap. I note a distinct lack of feminists working on freezing cold, dangerous oil rigs in the middle of the North Sea. If they are serious about ‘equality’ they should campaign to have more women working on those God-forsaken places, as that heinous gap can never be closed unless we compare like with like. Of course a bloody receptionist on dry land should get paid less than a chemical engineer on a f**cling oil rig – it is so moronic.
The speaker on prayer for the day says we should be welcoming of people who have come from elsewhere and ‘different views.’
What if someone’s ‘view’ is that it is ok to rape school children? Or hit his wife! Or lie to anyone who is from outside his group? Or become a criminal if his ideal career choice does not come about? Of course I should not ‘respect’ those views. We have seen so much this year what terrible results this pathological ‘respect’ of others’ views can have. Neighbours knew the Manchester bomber was extreme but they were so indoctrinated in the ideal of ‘respecting’ his views that 22 had to be murdered.
You need a common set of core values or you have chaos. This extreme liberalism really is akin to a mental disorder. It so obviously does not and cannot ever work.
So reading up on the terrorist attack on the Islamic holyday in Pakistan (On a college) and the newspaper article I have has a livefeed and the all the adverts have very white skinned people , no blacks, no hijabs and this is a Pakistani news site:
Don’t tell the bBC
Just found this cartoon on a Pakistani news site:
Do you think anybody in the UK would do likewise?
Mmm.. the kid with the Knorr soup looks a bit BAME – I wonder where mum gets her milk?
Al beeb broadcast the interview of a retired detective who says he found soft legal porn on the work computer of an MP who is now a minister.
I think they have played it three times now with over 90 mins to go.
If I had put porn on my work computer I would have been sacked . Full marks for stupidity . But al beeb really wants the head of Damien Green . They want two bites because they criticised the copper for disclosing information too.
Couldn’t happen to a nicer fellow.
I noticed that story, and by reading between the lines that no actual pictures were downloaded into a folder, but rather they were found in the history of internet wed sites searched , explains the thumbnail images. However one thing did catch my eye, the statement about about how some porn sites were looked st for several hours. That to me looks like a browser hijack . Happened to me about the same time, due to a file I received from a friend and I found all my searches redirected to porn sites. I had to reformat my computer, and since then have never used IE since. I also run 2 different AV programs. Which compliment each other and I run a security scan every day.
The thumbnails in question were not downloaded into a folider for later use, but rather were part of an internet history search.( tempory internet files), which explains the thousands of photos , but that actually doesn’t mean anybody looked at them all, Anybody half competent around computers running XP/ Vista would know that., but it appears that copper or the BBC isn’t.
this one has me seething the organisation that provided a safe space for peados, spends its time saying its fine to dump your load up another mans hairy ass, be a rug muncher or a chick with a dick or march thru a city centre waving a rainbow flag wearing chaps and a gimp mask is morally outraged by a middle aged man allegedly looking at pictures of naked ladies
I dont care if he’s superimposed Mrs T’s head on to a naked kim kardashians body and jacks off in the house of commons toilet to it , I really dont care
really so fuckin what, who cares it aint news and paying some retired ex cop with an axe to grind to whisper it on the radio sounding shocked as if he has never seen worse is nothing more than the so called BBC attempting a POLITICAL ASSASSINATION
what kind of news service is this
get a fucking grip and report some crimes you sanctimonious bunch of marxist hypocrites
Welcome to the Weimar Republic of Great Britain.
I was shocked to discover that I had a picture of Lord Steel in my browser’s cache once. Honest guv I hadn’t been anywhere near him!
(Some years ago I had a mobile dongle with a ‘credit’ data download allowance. The idea had been to give myself the means to get my email when away from home. Each email would only be a few ‘k’ so the credit would last for ages. Ha! The credit disappeared like snow off a dyke as ‘predictive caching’ grabbed stuff totally outside my control).
So far all BBC efforts I have seen are pretty light on validation (not the Twitick kind) and heavy on claims, allegations and ‘quotes’.
Which, IIRC, is now a hate crime somewhere or other.
Certainly, at the moment, standard BBC fare and why the BBC is no more than an ideological PR unit.
Speaking of the BBC and its always unique use of quotes, this from Facebook:
The Today Programme
We want reassurance there won’t be “regulatory divergence” on the island of Ireland.
Tánaiste (Irish deputy PM) Simon Coveney lays out what guarantees the Irish government want on NI border post Brexit
That ‘we’ seems awfully inclusive given the only bit actually in “quotes”.
I found the largest women’s segregation event in the World and not one media has reported on this injustice. The BBC is silent. The feminists are silent. The Churches say nothing. The Government sit idle. United Nations have not mentioned it. Where is the justice?
Millions of people visit a building in Mecca and are segregated based on their sex – men at front and women behind. This is an outrage for the feminist movement. That’s 15 million people every wear at the beginning of September travel vast distances and then are split into groups of men and women – feminists this is your calling … stand strong … be outraged … you can stop this injustice that has been going on since 7th century.
The rows of men should not mix with those of women during prayer nor should there be women or men praying in the same row. In fact, the normal and correct situation is that men should be in the first rows and women behind them. {islamweb}
Whilst women protest in the USA against Trump and walls and segregation, where is the protest against this mass imposed sex segregation that takes place every year? Where are the feminists?
As we know Marky, all islamic practices are immune from criticism, no matter how barbaric, retrograde, medieval, discriminatory, misogynistic, racist, anti-Semitic, homophobic, xenophobic, absurd, cruel, violent or downright murderous: we must all bow down to the Great Faith, the Religion Of Murderous Peace. On pain of vilification, imprisonment, fatwas, possibly murder, or at the very least being pilloried by the media (yes, you Beebistan).
Ask Trump.
It should not be immune from stupidity – facts should force it’s hand.
Tell you what, that women on the right looks a right c…..
Since when has the word cunt had six letters?
It’s dots, not asterisks.
Religion has the answer to everything … Mecca is for men {guardian 11sep2006}
“Women, it seems if we follow the news in Saudi Arabia, are always in the way. They are always, or so we are told, causing problems of one sort or another. Even in the holy city of Makkah, they have to be pushed to the side…so that their presence does not irritate, annoy or distract.
Should Corbyn become the British Prime Minister will America ban him from visiting due to his terrrorist links to Hezbollah? I think they should.
I am more disappointed in Theresa May cheapening her position as Prime Minister in using twitter to respond to Trump. She has shown a distinct lack of British class.
Wronged, “She has shown a distinct lack of British class”
Crikey dick, that’s an understatement to be treasured!
She has shown a distinct lack of British everything! On every flaming front.
This week we have had the Muslim schools misogyny report, President Trump’s videos and the projection that the Muslim population of the UK will be 17 million by mid century. The reaction of the liberal left , led as usual by the BBC, has been entirely predictable.
On the misogyny report they immediately seek to muddy the waters by calling for all faith schools to be closed down , totally ignoring the fact that only one religion teaches misogyny and a whole host of other foul ideas. Then when DT retweets some video of Muslim violence they just pile into him because he told the truth and they think that telling the truth about Islam is not in the public interest. Presumably they think that teaching misogyny is in the public interest or at least much less of cause for concern than truth telling!
Then on the Muslim population projection the delusion is total. They say that there is no need for alarm because the Muslims will soon assimilate and drop all the unpleasant bits of Islam. Or they say that exposure to a decade or two of Western science will do the trick and convert Muslims into peace loving atheists. Or they say that Islam is just another religion like the C of E , it’s just a minority who cause trouble, so why worry. By the way no one seems worried about adding at least 10 million to our tiny country’s population . Let’s just concrete over the whole island.
This week has exposed the total moral bankruptcy of the liberal left . The way they cling to absurd positions even when the facts overwhelm them. The lies they will tell and expect normal people to believe them. The dumb idiots cannot hold out much longer can they? Well yes they can because they hold the levers of power and until they are removed they will be able to continue to thrust their crazy ideas down our throats and implement them. They have to go.
They can only call people names, which is always the lowest form of attack. They shriek ‘Far right’ without ever daring to consider the underlying issues.
The media do all the heavy lifting for Trump. I love how he never apologises. If they could just stop shrieking his message would not reach so many people. They can keep quiet when other groups do questionable things.
As for cancelling the state visit, do you think she gives a sh*t? We need them a whole lot more than they need us. Who cares about jobs lost when Muslim feelings are involved?
It is so poignant that the heinous group is called ‘Britain First.’ Clearly the idea that we should do anything but accept defeat is unacceptable to the elite.
Prominent and determined Remainer Hilary Benn is awarded complete free rein this morning to pose as honest broker, with only our best interests at heart, mind you, as he filibusters and scaremongers with our BBC’s Naga Munchetty acting as little more than compare on a subject about which she is quite obviously uniquely oblivious – the flavour-of-the-moment favoured Brussels best anti-British bargaining chip – the post-Brexit Ulster border. Meanwhile some ex-cop heads the BBC headlines in a state of “Shock” at the quantity of porn found on a prominent Tory’s computer. One can derive three conclusions from the prominence in BBC news given to this hullaballoo: the BBC are rather thrilled at the revelation; the modern Policeman has become somewhat of a shrinking violet if this stuff “shocks” him; hundreds of MPs of all sides will be putting in a requisition for new hard drives – as always, the Tax Payer will pay the price.
Beeb website. Business section reporting a top economist Joseph Stiglitz interviewed on R4 Today programme says President Trump is not to be trusted on trade talks and they would be a waste of time. This chap is also a former World Bank chief economist. Nothing against the banking system generally as its an essential part of the workings in the western world but I would take his comments as nothing more than politics and naff all to do with trade talks. Yet more drip, drip, drip anti Brexit propaganda from our state broadcaster.
The BBC campaign to get rid of Ministers, and ultimately May herself, is going full steam. This morning Damian Green is the target in the lead story on Today, for watching porn. Not nice if proven, but the combination of police and BBC needs to be approached with caution: think of the hounding of Cliff Richard: BBC helicopter on hand to film police raid of his home. Then, oh dear, innocent.
The BBC has successfully led the charge against Fallon and Patel. Two down. They’re working on Boris and Damian. Hidden under the Trump tweet attacks is also an implicit attack on May. If they can discredit Trump ( much of their time spent doing this), they can discredit early visiting, hand-holding Theresa.
We know that the BBC are entirely virtuous and only doing this is a public service? Well, no. Would dodgy Labour figures of power receive the same treatment? Having a laugh, aintcha? Take Keith Vaz, chairman of the Select Justice Committee. Lots to investigate there, BBC? We all know though, why that will never happen, and why he, like many other top Labour figures who need closer scrutiny, will be left in peace.
Bias? That is far too nice a word to describe the attitude of the publicly-funded BBC. And that is the BIGGEST SCANDAL of all.
The campaign against Green was Today’s top story/feature. Their star witness was a retired police officer, who told Today’s reporter about what he had found on Green’s confiscated computer, after a raid on Green’s office in the HoC in 2008 (which was controversial at the time, I recall) in connection with leaks of Home Office documentation, including thousands of pornographic images. Yes, it’s unpleasant. However:
1. Green has denied any wrongdoing.
2. It appears as though there is no suggestion that if Green had viewed/downloaded these images, such actions were illegal.
3. These allegations relate to a period nine years ago.
4. The retired police officer has breached his duty of confidentiality and, it appears, has behaved in the most crassly unprofessional manner in divulging this information now. The BBC is complicit in behaviour which even the most scandal driven red top would think several times about before engaging in the same.
Compare this witch hunt with the BBC’s coverage of the suicide of a Welsh Labour minister, the death of a senior Labour party official after another sex scandal was being made public, Labour MP Tulip Siddiq apparently threatening a pregnant C4 producer, etc., etc. The list of Labour scandals is huge. If they are reported at all by the BBC there is a perfunctory mention, nothing like the in depth reporting of a man allegedly watching mucky videos on his work computer almost a decade ago.
Incidentally, Green was arrested in November 2008, thrown into a cell and questioned for 11 hours by police. An opposition frontbencher was treated as a common criminal by the State. Now that’s a scandal.
#1 “thousands of pornographic images”
The expert referred multiple times to “thousands of pornographic thumbnails”
ie not a huge collection of porn, but a thing that could occur within 10-15 minutes of browsing porn sites.
A single “tube” page can often have a hundred thumbnails to tempt you so once you’ve clicked a few then yes your browser cache will have “thousands of pornographic thumbnails”
The nutty beeboids can do all they like to discredit ministers and ultimately Tweezer. In their own stupid way they are doing our bidding. They are bringing forward the day when The Mogg takes over.
The BBC campaign to get rid of Ministers, and ultimately May herself, is going full steam. This morning Damian Green is the target in the lead story on Today, for allegedly watching porn. Not nice if proven, but the combination of police and BBC needs to be approached with caution: think of the hounding of Cliff Richard: BBC helicopter on hand to film police raid of his home. Then, oh dear, innocent.
The BBC has successfully led the charge against Fallon and Patel. Two down. They’re working on Boris and Damian. Hidden under the Trump tweet attacks is also an implicit attack on May. If they can discredit Trump ( much of their time spent doing this), they can discredit early visiting, hand-holding Theresa.
We know that the BBC are entirely virtuous and only doing this is a public service? Well, no. Would dodgy Labour figures of power receive the same treatment? Having a laugh, aintcha? Take Keith Vaz, chairman of the Select Justice Committee. Lots to investigate there, BBC? We all know though, why that will never happen, and why he, like many other top Labour figures who need closer scrutiny, will be left in peace.
Bias? That is far too nice a word to describe the attitude of the publicly-funded BBC. And that is the BIGGEST SCANDAL of all. Also, someone needs in our ‘democracy’, to investigate the close link between the police and the BBC. I don’t think the strong and stable Theresa will do it. She’ll ‘be clear’ about that.
The BBC have been very deficient on the question of pornography being found on Damien Green’s computer and have now prejudiced the investigation. That, according to the BBC’s new definition of FakeNews and FalseNews (more on that later) makes the BBC guilty of FakeNews.
In the post 8.10am TODAY (BBC R4) interview with the policeman, the BBC journalist (David Shaw? am posting from memory) missed asking a key question. He also asked a leading question at the end that in a Court of Law would be disallowed by a Judge.
The key thing now is for an independent forensic computer expert to examine that computer.
In the meantime, in the court of public opinion (ie. mine) the BBC is guilty of promoting a smear against an MP – almost as bad as killing an MP?) – and also broadcasting FakeNews.
My complaint about this story has been put in to the BBC…they have deliberately distorted the headlines to sensationalise a non -story. The interview with the ex police man does not support their own headlines
Notice also how the ‘narrative’ has as suddenly changed from not being about porn but honesty…
So you accuse somebody of something that is legal….then when they deny and you still have no proof it was them doing something legal, you accuse them of being dishonest….is any of this news? The BBC are showing themselves to be a blatantly bias news outlet
Palestinian shot dead by Israeli settler in West Bank
The piece pretends there is a dispute over the facts yet the headline and the first paragraph report it as if the shooting was the story and not an Arab attack on children with the shooting as self defence.
Check out this report New Blood Libel: The Case of the “Murdered” Palestinian Farmer The Palestinians posted a video confirming in all details the Israeli version but the BBC, surprise, surprise, missed it.
The BBC may believe that Jews take their children for the express purpose of murdering some innocent farmer but do you?
Wahay! Net immigration stands at a ‘mere’ 246,000 for the year ending March 2017, a “drop” of more than 100,000 from the previous years total. What’s going on? Well, for certain, it was not, “the Sun wot did it”. And neither was it the Government. It seems to me that it was the UK voters, ‘wot done it’ more narrowly, the 52%. It seems that the mere act of successfully voting for Brexit discouraged many potential immigrants. Or did it?
A women wielding some power, once said some wise words … but did nothing.
“Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society. It’s difficult for schools and hospitals and core infrastructure like housing and transport to cope. And we know that for people in low-paid jobs, wages are forced down even further while some people are forced out of work altogether. … So there is no case, in the national interest, for immigration of the scale we have experienced over the last decade.”
Theresa May as Home Secretary // Speech to the Conservative Party Conference – in full / 06.10.2015
Theresa May,
Should the leader of the free world hide Islamic violence?
Should The British Prime Minister hide Islamic violence?
Nine [NINE!] nine directors of The BBC. 9!
Should The BBC hide Islamic violence?
Is The BBC using my £147 this year to aid them in hiding Islamic violence?
(I think I may withhold my licence payment on the grounds that it is against my religion, where are the lawyers?)
The BBC hid migrant violence in 2015 …
Chaos as police stop Hungary migrant train – Gavin Hewitt – BBC -Sep 2015 @53s
“… then a really distressing incident happened. A women who was carrying a small baby began crying for help (photo of lady carrying baby). One of her companions tried to help her (photo of man with women on track, riot police reaching towards them) Somehow there became a push and a shove with the police. She ended up on the railway lines (by the male refugee dragging her and the baby to the floor, but this is not said) with the riot police trying to pull her back, and this of course inflamed all the other people…”
-Gavin Hewitt – Sep 2015
Watch the video and the male refugee (companion trying to help?) drags the women and baby to the floor, by force.
…. videos, words, pictures … you don’t get to choose the arrangement …the BBC does.
If would be ironic if the soft porn found on MP Damian Green’s computer are from GQ!
Damian Green computer porn claims: ‘Thousands’ of images viewed { 01dec2017}
“Hague and Cameron couldn’t detoxify the Tories – May has no chance Martha Gill” In the Guardian.
The British Labour Party is the most treasonous organisation in British History. A history which TWLLV and TWMTB have taken it upon themselves to re-write.
Doubt this Martha? Well list all the Conservatives who were Soviet sympathisers. List all the Conservatives who were Soviet agents. List all the Conservatives who were crypto-communists. List all the Conservatives who imported millions of enemies into the UK. List all the Conservatives who idolised and praised Stalin and Mao AFTER their mass murdering hobbies became public knowledge. List all the Conservatives who view Venezuela as a success. List all the Conservatives who supported, nay glorified, the IRA.
The history of the left is basically evil. Your idols Lenin and Stalin ensconced themselves PDQ in the dachas of the Romanovs with servants and all the traditional trappings thereof.
“Martha Gill is a freelance political journalist and former lobby correspondent. She has worked as a staffer at the Economist and the New Statesman”
For staffer read trougher.
If any detoxification is required in the UK the proscription of the Labour Party and the execution of its leaders would be a good start.
Having lived and worked in four continents for many decades there is not a lot that surprises me. However I took the opportunity to have a look at the “Britain First” website(partially disabled now) and I was surprised to see how many of the views expounded on their website coincided with the views of many of my acquaintances and myself. I consider myself apolitical, having never voted in any election. Nobody tells me what to think and I form my own views. However I am surprised at the level of opprobium levelled at President Trump for what he has apparently tweeted and for which he is being excoriated. Nobody is forced to read Tweets or look at other social-media outlets like Facebook. Whatever happened to free speech? Every commentator on TV (I am abroad and do not have access to UK radio) is critical of President Trump, but I am not sure if this is a UK-wide dislike or whether the talking -heads are chosen specifically because of their opposition. No alternative view has been expounded and there is an inherent assumption that the views given out on TV are universally held by all viewers .They most certainly are not. Does this constitute bias by omission or am I alone?
When the stop talking about things, a big hole appears – just like conspiracy fills holes left by good reporting and facts … “When the speech goes wrong, the ideas go wrong, and when the ideas go wrong the politics goes wrong. ” -Douglas Murray
David you are not alone by any means. I took the time a few weeks ago to look at Britain First and thought their policies were merely traditional. They would have not looked out of place a few decades ago. i notice that since i last searched for their website Google has made it very difficult to find and the googlebot no longer spiders their content. I also noticed that many browsers will try to tell you the content is unsafe. The bias by omission has become a cancer across the world. It is a very disturbing situation when our freedom of information is being denied by governments and powerful corporations.
ditch Google..use DuckDuckGo as your search engine.
what’s not to like?
Cops were shocked I tell you, shocked, when they saw Damien Green’s porn.
‘A former Scotland Yard detective has told BBC News he was “shocked” by the amount of pornography viewed on a computer seized from the Commons office of senior Tory MP Damian Green.’
Wonder what it was. Perhaps he was checking out some mucky pictures of Keith Vaz’s antics.
So what can we conclude about Green?
He’s a wanker