The BBC is shocked! Do you hear me? Shocked! A male looking at porn on his computer! Well I have heard of such things obviously, but to see a lying tory scum MP actually do it makes me understand why the BBC should consider this headline news.
Of course, no BBC employee has ever, ever looked at porn on their computer.
Still, I am glad the rape accusations within the Labour and Lib Dem parties are not being mentioned, nor the cover ups of those rapes carried out by the respective political parties. After all these are criminal matters and who wants to know about them?
Anthony Zurcher (Verified) @awzurcher”BBC senior North America reporter. A Texan who explains US politics to Brits, UK politics to Americans & Canadian politics to everyone. Views expressed ≠ BBC’s” (don’t see this comment about not BBC’s views on Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker’s twitter account)
– first twitter comment is ‘Almost as if this “reporter” is unaware of BBC’s Royal Charter which requires impartiality…’
I bet the families of this years 411 dead/injured in UK Islamic terrorist attacks this year wish Theresa May had spent more time tacking Far-Right tweets.
Theresa May says tackling the far right as crucial as beating Islamist terror amid Trump tweet row Wow! If the Prime Minister of any country says like this then even God can't save that country.
Stew, She is a deluded idiot, she is alienating nearly all the people who voted for her party, who are deemed far right by the msm and only voted conservative because Farage left the political scene and the alternative was Communism. Part of the reason why she keeps banging on about far right is to stop another UKIP style party stealing what she perceives as her share of the electorate. Right wing is traditional Conservative values, small government,minimal state control,low taxes and strong economy. She isn’t a conservative and needs removing quickly.
With the BBC hounding of Damian Green and the vital issue of what he watches, DON’T lose sight of events the Beeb won’t give you much about: the really vital ones. My General rule of thumb: keep your eyes on Merkel. Zimbabwe also interesting.
1 Merkel: she has been in Ivory Coast (ignoring the fact that she is now purely a caretaker, with no mandate to start new big things) arranging what could be a new flow of mass immigration into Europe. There is an EU-AU plan, together with the IOM, to move migrants who are being mistreated in Libyan camps into other countries, initially in Africa, where they hail from. But she has proclaimed that ‘we must help’ and left open the possibility that many thousands of these will be moved to Germany and elsewhere in Europe. She seems to be leaving things for the IOM to run, so we could be looking at hundreds of thousands.
Having given her CDU less than 30% of the vote in the recent elections, the German people may not be keen to hear that. But they’re not asked, and they don’t seem to keep their eyes on her anyway. So what the heck….
2. Zimbabwe: After endless pictures of celebrating Zimbabweans on the BBC, the crews have come home. So new boss Mnangagwa has appointed Perrance Shiri as Foreign minister, no coverage. President Mnangagwa was intelligence chief during the 1980s genocide of the Matabele and Shiri was apparently the leader of that operation. Another army top brass, Moyo is agriculture minister, confirming that the army and ZANU-PF are, well, very close. Maybe Mugabe was the good news? Any comments, BBC? Or are we now fully occupied with castigating the Burmese military?
Trump may come in February but they want to arrest him for waaaycist tweets about a religion that is not a race.
I suggest he either blacks up in disguise or wears a burkar
Either way, the Government and media are stoking the fire for massive anti Trump demos which will show our EU Komrads that we are more pro-European that Amerikkkan
Rihanna denies trans-genders jobs, but is given a glowing report by the BBC … “Rihanna: ‘Transgender people aren’t a marketing tool'” .. BBC then promote her makeup range which includes the words ‘diverse’, so sexualisation of young women to sell records and choosing abusive partners and keep going back are forgotten.
– ‘transgender people aren’t a marketing too’ but ‘selling your mostly naked body to the young’ is an excellent marketing tool!
Is there no end to this mans talents? Here is your host and new bBbc go to guy, Amol Rajan. Talk about overkill. Once again the bBbc attempt to hoodwink us into believing that because an individual meets their criteria and they force them upon us, they automatically become popular. That the people want more Amol. That, if you think he’s a twat, you’re missing something. No, he’s a twat.
In the past few weeks he’s been cover on Radio 2, the Daily Politics, the One Show, he presents, I’m told, a programme on Radio 4, appears on the bBbc Views as their Media Expert, at least, and last night popped up as a food critic on Professional Masterchef. Hope Clare and Sue realise there is a new kid in town that no amount of St Tropez can help them or their funsize friends Susan and Sandi combat. If only he was gay.
To tick that box the bBbc have discovered Andy West who has been an expert in the past week or so for Radio 2 on both children using showers after PE and merchant banking. Perhaps there is a connection other than his support for the Labour Party but I can’t see it.
Still not bad for someone, a lightweight regional backup newsreader, who left bBbc NI because the bBbc shortlisted the apparently homophobic Tyson Fury for SPotY . Now, via Celebrity Big Brother, he appears to make a living as a social commentator and activist, ie, a journalist, helped by the bBbc in promoting his views that everything that is wrong with the world involves the persecution of homosexuals and is caused by an intolerant society where people like him simply don’t have a voice. Has been known to cry during interview. Perfect, expect we’ll see a lot more of him. If only he could grow a personality to match that of the Mighty Amol. Or a personality of any sort would do.
There is a connection between these two as well, not the Guardian but the Independent. Just made for the bBbc.
R4 drama now is about a human rights lawyer who worked in court to help a gay refugee saying “if he is returned to his own country, he would be immediately killed”
… the paradox is in the drama the ferryman is transporting her to Hell.
If so then it seems strange – as one would never guess that was the story (StewGreen’s synopsis) from the title nor BBC’s synopsis. If anyone could provide a fuller synopsis that would be greatly appreciated.
Merkel: EUROPE could take, “..several hundred thousand places (from Africa) each year as long as those people returned voluntarily after three or four years.” Europe? Since when did any other country in Europe agree to this?
There must be some provision in the German Constitution for a leader to be removed as a result of insanity.
Nope G, it has only took them 3 generations to forget the last nutter in charge with 30% of the vote was a dangerous socialist who hoodwinked the german population into destroying themselves and the rest of europe.
I understand that the person praying for this little boy to grow up Queer is a member of some jock religion of the C of E.
No doubt religion draws its fair share of fuck ups and the devil has certainly got into this sad mans’ heart . Shame on him . I hope he repents or he is damned .
Stew/FE2 – I think the MSM might not have been quite so in favour of this story if some Bishop had said let us all pray that Prince George is not gay!
I would go a little further than PJW. I think speculating about a four year olds sexuality almost borders on the edges of pedophilia rather than just being demented. Bloody hell he is only still a tot why cant these self obsessed weirdos just let the lad to grow up as normally as possible. He will potentially have years of adulthood ahead of him where he can decide whether or not he wants to break bread with what appears to be unwholesome deviants such as this man.
So it’s happened: according to the DT, Trump’s visit is being shelved.
Well done Al Beebeera, Treezer, and all the other self-righteous snowflakes who’ve whipped themselves into sanctimonious hysterics over his tweets: a massive, unnecessary, self-inflicted blow to UK interests – economic, military, security and geo-political.
I despair.
“Donald Trump’s ‘working visit’ to UK dropped as tensions with Theresa May grow over president’s far-Right retweets”
For some light relief on the whole sorry saga of Trump’s retweets, here’s the inimitable Quentin Letts in the DM on the ‘Outrage Olympics’ as MPs ‘compete to be the most appalled’. Aw, diddums.
The astute Letts points out that “If this row was honestly about denying Britain First publicity, it was instantly self-defeating. Or was it more about Remainers trying to harm Brexit, and reduce the possibility of Mr Trump visiting Britain and agreeing to a big trade deal with post-EU Britain?”
Just seen the BBC selectively posting comments about the White House Christmas decorations. OK it does look a bit “Debenhams” but even so the anti Trump bias is there to be seen by all, it’s actually pathetic.
If any of you lot are not using an anonymous email account I would suggest you start
Dad-of-seven Stephen Bennett, 39, made inflammatory remarks on Greater Manchester Police’s Facebook page, in response to an appeal for information in a sex case with an Asian suspect.
One comment he made concerned Asian women, another was likely to be offensive to Muslims.
Bennett, of Wythenshawe, also wrote: “Don’t come over to this country and treat it like your own. Britain first.”
Anyone else think this has been one of the worst weeks ever. The relentless criticism of everything be it Brexit, Trump or trying to get ministers the sack. They are completely out of control now on every single subject that is important to the future of this country and the world at large.
Egyptian massacre = Nothing to see here.
Zimbabwe = Nothing to see here.
Merkel struggling to form a government = Nothing to see here.
President Trump = Lots & Lots to see here. (None of it relevant)
Minister entertaining himself on a computer = So much to see they don’t know which way to look.
Any Tory up to anything slightly not by the book = Lots to see here, no matter how long ago.
Any Labour MP up to no good = Nothing to see here.
Unelected EU officials trying to screw us = Lots to see here. (Little or no counter debate)
Unsavory Islamic activities = Nothing to see here.
Fluffy Islamic activities = Lots & Lots to see here.
I could go on but I’m sure you get my drift. I need to lay down and clear my head of all this. (On my own of course before I’m accused of anything. (Laptop OFF)
Establishment madness – Rowan Williams goes all Godwin in his Times letter
…. In a week in which we have seen President Trump’s Twitter account disseminate monstrous travesties of the truth to fuel cheap polemic, we need to be reminded that Holocaust denial is perhaps the most durable and best organised version of such brazen public lying …..
what virtue signalling double speak.
– Holocaust denial isn’t a problem; it’s biggest proponents are some wacky books sold in the Islamic world.
– Fallacy of false equivalence to link Trump with it.
– Trump made no attempt to deceive, the retweets were entirely factual except for the labelling on one.
The guys off his rocker. What does he think they will do with all the Cathedrals and Church’s when the religion of peace takes over. So many of these establishment figures are the ones in denial.
They’ll do what they did to the one in Constantinople once they captured the city, which prior to that event was the greatest cathedral in Christendom.
Nigel Biggar, Regius professor moral & pastoral theology Oxford "Don't feel guilty about our #colonialhistory: Apologising for empire is now compulsory but shame can stop us tackling the world's problems"
This is good news indeed. The loony left stranglehold on history is being challenged. Okay it’s early days yet but this can only get better. The narrative of British oppression that has been peddled for decades is now beginning to crack. I think it is now time to demand that the Brits get their real history back and put and end to anti-imperialist ideology as its current form is just an extension of Leninism or to put it more simply leftist junk.
We have had a type of original sin guilt foisted on us by the education authorities, Leftist film directors , Leftist playwrights and not least by the BBC.
How did it get like this? I think a kind of climate of shock set in after world war 2. British power was much diminished and the world became dominated by two superpowers the USA and the USSR. Both of them were strongly anti colonialist. The latter because it was wedded to the ideology of Leninism and the former because it’s foundation as independent power relied heavily on the myth that they were fighting for freedom against imperial oppression when the truth is they were being used and funded by the French empire against their rival the Brits.
The decisive battle of Yorktown being paid for and fought by the French.
It is somewhat ironic that both the the USA and the USSR were formed by steadily expanding their frontiers absorbing land and various people generally without much consent. Never-the -less the reality is that the seaborne empires of Spain, France, The Netherlands, Portugal and Britain became the pantomime villains of the last half of the 20th Century.
The result that we see in demoralized Britain today is that so many people don’t know who they are, what heritage they can be proud of and are not standing up for themselves against the imposition of an alien population or against the May/Rudd free speech crackdown.
Time to demand our history back folks.
The Express provided a highly inferior report on Mr Biggar’s comments in which the journalist spoiled it somewhat by adding: “the invention of the concentration camp in the Boer War”. Not only was this incorrect, they’d been around much longer, but it implied that Britain invented the Nazi style extermination camp, which was set up for a very specific purpose. I’ve heard this many times and it should be clarified.
You are absolutely right, Purdy. The concentration camp argument is a distortion. I’ve seen it used by IRA supporters in their attempt to blacken Britain’s name. I’ve always hoped that someone prominent would speak out about it on TV. But nope, it’s up to us little people to set the record right.
Good on him. I wouldn’t come here either what’s the point.
These slime balls in Government really don’t want to make an enemy of Dear Old Donald , they haven’t thought this through , the man must have access to all of their skeletons .
I personally think we will have to go through a Corbyn Government ,which will see this Country brought to it’s knees , before all the snowflakes and virtue signallers eat themselves alive. Then hopefully in 5 years time we can start to rebuild with a slightly right of centre Government .
Lock13, No mate accepting Corbyn is a defeatist attitude. 5 years of him and you’ll end up abroad if you are wise. Poverty stricken, homeless and totally down trodden if you think you can tough it out. It is far easier removing the Tweezer by telling your nearest conservative MP she has to go for being a traitor.
A Corbyn government would last only a few days and then we would have a Momentum owned government and no more elections as one party would be deemed quite enough.
Very smart of Trump to choose the very tweets that would bring her and her Remainers out into the open.
She has been non stop sniping at Trump, backed by her bosses in the BBC. So now he has reacted.
And it won’t stop here. Treezer, Johnson, and the rest of her gutless front bench are revealed as Remainers deliberately choosing the EU rather than continue a long time relationship with our best ally.
When Germany and the Arabs call the shots – and they will – don’t expect the Yanks to arrive with the cavalry to save us
Good question. I fear that the solution might emerge from something a lot more scary than Britain First.
The elites have began wrecking our country, prohibited discussion, and demonized people whose political parties tried to stand in elections, God knows what will come next
Meanwhile Johnson says it is worth paying the £ 50 billion to secure a deal. I just hope he is not thinking of borrowing it from the US
This is the best piece of commentary about the entire Trump Tweets affair that I’ve yet seen and is a great example of how to handle a Beeboid interviewer: never apologise; never back down and constantly push back against them. Great stuff.
ITV news-vert for the Labour Party
You know those centrally prepared packages that they insert into the middle of your LOCAL ITV news ?
Today’s was about a playwright mrJamesGraham and his new production in London #LabourOfLoveThePlay
They then plugged his other play #Ink about Rupert Murdoch
News : 9 scammers jailed in Hull
Looks like they took time off their careers as top doctors and engineers to scam pensioners out of their money in the telelephone/bank/courier scam
More project fear?
As I posted yesterday ‘they’ are getting desperate.
HYS ? I am sure you would like to add to the comments……………………………
“UK warned on cost of ‘hard Brexit’
The ny times today does an exam of the 3 videos posted by President Trump . The attack on the kid with a walking aid is the weakest but the other two are true and documented .
Destroying a statue of the Virgin Mary by-a member of Isis is true and happened in 2013.
Throwing people off a building was also true
So we are left in a position where a foreign leader has to show us what is happening whereas the political class here avoids the truth .
Twittergate: part of the problem is that the very same people who loathe Trump also loathe Brexit. (Beebistan, msm, many MPs etc)
So by whipping up manufactured hysteria against Trump, they deliberately jeopardise his visit to UK and post Brexit trade deals with the US, thereby, they hope, derailing Brexit or, at least, setting it up for failure.
Hey presto: 2 birds with one stone.
It used to be called treason and was punishable by death. Happy days.
Charlie Martel
I would be pretty sure that Mr Trump has his advisors incl Mr Farage, telling him that the majority of the people of the UK would welcome him here .
The UK has welcomed many despots in over the last century, but to ban the POTUS because of a twitter? Mr May is a remainer and a snowflake liberal. Always has been .
Come on Rees-Mogg, go for it ! Your country needs you now more than ever.
Taken from the Evening Gazette
* 00:00, 6 SEP 2005
Race links made stronger
A policeman is helping to boost race relations in Darlington.
Sergeant Mohammed Perwaze, of Durham Police, will spend a few days each week working along with officials from the Darlington and County Durham County Racial Equality
It is part of a drive to forge closer links between the authorities and ethnic minority communities.
“We have already made great progress but the biggest single problem facing police at local level remains one of communication,” said Sgt Perwaze, chairman of the force’s Black and Asian Police Association (BAPA).
“Language and cultural misunderstanding between staff and black and minority ethnic communities mean many individuals from an ethnic background are isolated and rely on information from specialist newspapers and periodicals produced nationally.”
He said: “By establishing what community leaders want from our staff we can build on the sometimes fragile confidence of members of these groups.”
NO photo cos trial has just begun
Hey it could be a fit up by people he convicted , but it’s a hell of a charge sheet
“Mr Perwaze is charged with;
Five counts of indecent assault, sexual activity with a young person,
four counts of sexual assault, five counts of rape, coercive behaviour,
two counts of assault occasioning actual bodily harm, and one count of child neglect”
Muslim police officers? More Muslims in positions of authority makes it easier for them to scout for vulnerable children to abuse. The whole head is sick.
I’ve been watching a quite good programme on bbc1 at 2.15 called Armchair Detectives.
Yet, strangely even in a fairly small town in the Highlands of Scotland, there just happens to be a black detective who looks like he has just stepped off a catwalk with his dreads and headband and of course the full amount of mixed race cast members.
Having said this, it is quite a good programme and a enjoyable way of passing 45 minutes by actually having to use your brain.
Not my cup of tea but it seems a harmless enough way to pass the lull after lunch. You have to admit though that the acting is awful and as for the diversity being signalled. What is going on with that detectives hair? Is it some sort of religious statement we don’t know about or is fashion the real victim in every episode?
There was a swarthy looking suspect last week called Hamish McBride who looked as if he would know more about the hajj than haggis. The actor who played him? Shaan Sharma. And the character Darren Treadwell? Atta Yaqub. Why is it that all the characters have recognisably British names, I hope it’s not because they’re frightened of offending a minority group if an obviously ethnic character is the murderer.
Maybe they do some of their castings in call centres in Delhi. Perhaps the bloke who phones me from there trying to sell me computer security really is called Kevin.
It’s an original idea all the same and glad you found something you enjoy on the bBbc, it seems to be getting more and more difficult.
\\The BBC don’t even seem to be able to get their cover story straight.
The other day we were told the QT audience bias was due to it being “self selecting”,
now we are told that “The BBC commissioned polling company ComRes to recruit an audience that is representative of the country demographically and politically.”
… Both statements can’t be simultaneously true.//
\\ // has to be used cos the original phrase contains quotations marks itself.
You second point is the “Have you stopped beating your wife?” loaded question fallacy.
“\\ // has to be used cos the original phrase contains quotations marks itself.”
Not the case, Stew. If you are quoting someone who uses quotes you should put your quote in double brackets and their quote in single brackets (AFAIK). I’ve never come across \\ // before.
“You second point is the “Have you stopped beating your wife?” loaded question fallacy.”
Erm, no it isn’t. Running back to your list of fallacies won’t help you now. What you posted;
“The other day we were told the QT audience bias was due to it being ‘self selecting’,”
Good to see the temptation to stray into the personal and robust language is a level you only stoop to when unique exemptions apply.
Speaking of which, getting involved with quotations and the BBC is quite brave, given the BBC’s use of them can be variable and, if asked to explain, they invariably head for the bunker.
@Maxi : Quoted texts may contain both sets of quotation marks, apostrophes and brackets, that is why instead of changing them all it is easiest to simply begin/end the quote with the \\ //
– I have no problem in accepting that the person I quoted had mixed up the two different excuses from the different progs presented by the brothers Dimbleby
…which despite their different systems BOTH consistently come up with audiences obviously rampantly biased to the right.
Maxincony, why do you post here? What motivates you, money, career, ambition, politics?
Can you point out any examples of Al Beeb right wing bias ?
Too many questions for you eh?
You should set up a ‘Not Biased BBC website’ and see how much traction that gets you .
Marxy-Conman said \\‘self selecting’. The “Question Time” audience on BBC 1 is not.//
Course it is partially, cos if you don’t SELECT yourself to apply for tickets
\\To a certain extent it’s self selecting, in that people interested in watching apply for places. So that means groups who aren’t interested by politics, or who can’t travel to the studio, won’t be there//
Secondary selection is via Comres
Awfully fond of the ad-hom attack aren’t you Stew?
“\\To a certain extent it’s self selecting, in that people interested in watching apply for places. So that means groups who aren’t interested by politics, or who can’t travel to the studio, won’t be there//”
You’ve just used \\ // again; are you you quoting someone else or is it you speaking this time?
It’s self selecting because people who don’t want to be there aren’t there.
I’m lost for words…
“Secondary selection is via Comres”
Secondary selection? What exactly is that?
Comres selected the audience for the Election Debates; that’s all. Trying to justifly your bizarre twisted logic by quoting an article from the Express doesn’t exactly add to your reputation, Stew.
END OF THE WORLD: KILLER quakes and volcanoes to rip Earth apart in 2018 as rotation slows
@Maxi : Who says there is a selection procedure for the Question Time audience ?
The BBC,
does it involve Comres ? ..Well they won’t say.
\\we are happy to explain that the programme ensures that there is due balance between the
main political parties, as well as minor parties and unaligned voters in the audience. //
When asked for details they denied the FOI request
“I would like to be supplied with the selection criteria the BBC use when it comes to deciding who to select from among the many applicants to participate in the ‘Question Time’ audience.”
Please note that your request is outside the scope of the Freedom of Information Act 2000
Reputation ? No I don’t need one, cos evidence stands on its own feet
It is not a question of picking a source and trusting it blindly , whilst sneering other sources are untrustworthy : On any give issue both the Guardian/Express may contain both correct and incorrect information.
It’s the evidence/logic I use that counts, not who I am.
On the contrary, Stew. As per 1984: “Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.”
The legacy media here have been giving lots of attention to the nothing burger of Flynn’s “Russian collusion” but none to the appalling ‘not guilty’ verdict in the trial of Kate Steinle’s murderer in San Francisco. An illegal immigrant deported 6 times from the U.S. but who the authorities of that city wouldn’t help the Federal government detain for deportation (again) and who randomly shot and killed a young woman just out for an evening walk in her home city.
Maxi, is what can be the result when a lonely zookeeper, who has had a few too many, is left all by himself at night with one of his favourite charges.
“…a lonely zookeeper, who has had a few too many…”
Unable to give any sort of answer, you resort to personal insult.
No doubt, Stew will quickly be on hand to decry this particlar “logical fallacy”. Or perhaps he wont. Not quite the person you like to think you are, are you \\Stew//?
Flynn also made false statements to Vice President Pence and Pence had him fired. The thing is though the words “Russian collusion” are misleading. Flynn was apparently talking privately with the Russian ambassador about getting sanctions lifted. You cannot blame the Russians for wanting those sanctions lifted. What has this has got to do with Trumps election victory?..nothing of course. Do you really think the Russians had any influence over this election county map
I was in the States for the weeks before and during the 2016 election and from my perspective Clinton lost because she ran the most disgusting, negative campaign i have ever witnessed. Every TV and Radio channel was rammed with her vile adverts. The people rejected it, just like the people rejected the nasty Project Fear campaign over here. Negative campaigns always lose.
Retweeting BNP people is much more dangerous that being a terrorist
\\ Jeremy Corbyn loudly condemned President Trump for retweeting Britian First this week.
Last night, Jezza’s eccentric brother, Piers, retweeted former BNP member Mark Collett.
Bizarrely, Piers has re-tweeted Collett before.//
Can you imagine a lib seeing a Twitter video of filippino or Israeli soldiers/settlers ruffing someone up ?
or finding an old video of racist British football hooligans ?
such things happen
Can you imagine that lib retweeting the vid ?
Would it make a great deal of difference if the label was slightly wrong
No despite the label there’d still be real victims of the violent act.
No one would say that tweeting such vids is racist against the Philippines/ Israel/Britain or or whatever country.
There might well be an autistic person who sees the tweet and shouts out at an Philippines/ Israel/Britain peoplei, but the remedy against that is not to suppress such tweets
I can imagine lib activists retweeting such vids it’s obvious to me that outrage at Trump is mock outrage targetted at unseating Trump, rather than thinking about real victims, i don’t think he would be gone within 24 hours and i don’t think there would be any BBC meltdown either. Corbyn has already done far worse by being best buddies with IRA, Islamic terrorist groups and then running the Labour party like a despot firing the most competent mps from the shadow govt and replacing them with like-minded cretins. You brought up “Jews beating people up” when the Labour party has holocaust deniers a plenty. For some reason that i cannot fathom extreme socialists for decades keep using the Jewish people as scapegoats and think it is ok. Perhaps you can enlighten us Max. Do you hate Jews as well and is that even a hate crime?
As Eddie Waring might have put it: ‘It’s an up and downunder’
BBC Breakfast sports short cake Mike Bushell boldly takes the Brisbane Times to task for their editorial decisions this morning. Very loyally on behalf of his BBC employers our Mike berrates the Aussie newspaper for relagating Rugby League coverage to page 4 of their sports section after the football and cricket stories. Of course this is all about the upcoming “BBC coverage” of the rugby and our national broadcaster’s dearth of live cricket and football broadcasting today.
I know it’s just sport but it goes to show you can’t always trust BBC editorial choices and their presenters’ opinions are not always balanced – they too often have their own corporate self-interest at heart.
The bbc’s sports coverage has slowly melted away like ice in spring. They seem to think that showing second hand football and the drawing of dotted lines on the screen by washed up cronies of an overpaid hasbeen somehow makes them an authority on football. Wrong. Also, it appears they also think audio replays of tries, goals and wickets is laudible. Wrong. They are trying to take us back to a pre-tv era when people huddled round a wireless set for their entertainment.
How the mighty have fallen.
No wonder it’s full steam ahead for women’s sport at the Beeb. It is amusing to realise that were those girl’s games ever to be really popular and not just Guardian reader fodder then the BBC would inevitably lose that those too.
Britain First – the 0810 feature had our Nick Robinson saying in the introduction –
Out of the shadows
Counter it
An al beeb journo did a piece which sounded like a grade C A level assessment of the party but not about the content of its views or the truth of the issue.
They then had a couple of compliant mouthpieces talking against Britain First. No one to speak for it. So no fairness , no balance plenty of prejudiced comment .
Any challenge to the islamisisation of Blighty is being instantly repressed by al beeb. I suppose John sweeney will be doing one of those piss poor panorama entertainment shows.
Declaration – I have never been a member of any political party.
Britain First is – for the moment – a legal organisation . I would put a bet on a law change pretty soon to suppress it. If you wonder why you don’t see many coppers these days it’s probably because they’re all monitoring Britain First .
Why do people keep on saying Mair, cox’s killer, shouted Britain First.
The person who said he did was 2 streets away.
Another person who was there said Mair did not say it.
Why don’t those interviewed reply with this instead of letting the left get away with it each time.
Only when reading the actual Mail article the witness is quoted as below,
“The words I heard him say were Britain first, or put Britain first,’ Mr Rothwell told BBC Newsnight. ”
Muddy waters indeed.
Nice to see PJW back on form (link) after his recent soyboy adventure, it’s his platform and he can do what he wants with it but I think he diminished himself with that one.
Mair didn’t give evidence at his trial, and the judge refused to let him make a statement after the verdict.
He was a law abiding man, with no history of violence, but who did have mental health problems. The police have not been able to find out how he got hold of a rifle, nor why he attacked Jo Cox. The way things are, we will never know.
To me, he sounds like a British Sirhan Sirhan. He shot Robert Kennedy, but cannot explain why, and he is in prison to this day. And a prison psychiatrist said he was unusually susceptible to hypnotic suggestion.
Mair was treated pretty shoddily when you take into account the Human Rights lawyers and supporters crawling all over Isamic extremists .And the sinister excuses given as to why its nothing to do with Islam. The Islamic Somalian who attempted murdrer by decapitation at Walthamstow shouting in the name of Allah ,had extenuating mental health circumstances .Remember the you ain’t no Muslim bruv meme.That person will no doubt be out on the streets in no time.
I don’t condone what Mair did ,but where is the enquiry into what lead up to him killing the MP?Why was his mental health not monitored more closely if he really did ask for help ?
It seems they have thrown away the key but they can keep rolling him out as the far right bogey man.
“It seems they have thrown away the key but they can keep rolling him out as the far right bogey man.”
Totally agree Deborah, the Left need people like Mair, Breivik and Dylan Roof (sp). Also that thug who ran his car into a bunch of Antifa killing one woman. The difference is that no party on the right condone these attacks, whereas the left always downplay the violence committed by their lefty allies, and excuse that committed by their islamist allies.
The other thing I remember is that, at the time it happened, people on here provided examples where a similar assassination had been carried out in other countries where the left might be losing an election. All the cases were young, reasonably photogenic, politicians and mainly women. All committed by the same type of person as Mair, i.e. mental health problems and easily suggestible. Absolutely no proof but co-incidence goes only so far. It wouldn’t be beyond belief to think that Common Purpose would be happy to bump off one of their own in an attempt to demonise their opponents and win sympathy votes. As Mair had never uttered a political word in his whole life, one must assume that someone got him to think that he had to do it.
Good work that Raheem Kasaam did on the Beeb over the Trump tweets though I wish he would have taken a moment at the beginning of the interview to question why the Beeb needed to introduce him as writing for a right wing organisation. Do they try to lead or pre warn the audience when speaking to someone from The Guardian or The Huff Po?
Jeayda Fransen of Britain First is facing a trial where it can safely be predicted that she will be found guilty of offending the religion of peace.
I wonder if her defence might mention that thanks to statements from Treezer and Amber together with the BBC, most of the media and Parliament the trial will have been compromised.
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
DeborahMar 9, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Eddy, John Campbell has a PhD in nursing. My mistake if I led people here to think he is a…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:24 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I had more than a cold the Astra Zenenca vaccine crippled me for months. Every movement was agony. There was…
Main news on BBC website:
Damian Green computer porn claims: ‘Thousands’ of images viewed
The BBC is shocked! Do you hear me? Shocked! A male looking at porn on his computer! Well I have heard of such things obviously, but to see a lying tory scum MP actually do it makes me understand why the BBC should consider this headline news.
Of course, no BBC employee has ever, ever looked at porn on their computer.
Still, I am glad the rape accusations within the Labour and Lib Dem parties are not being mentioned, nor the cover ups of those rapes carried out by the respective political parties. After all these are criminal matters and who wants to know about them?
BBC employees watching porn at work
Dawlish: ‘Britain’s bossiest town’ to review signs{ 30nov2017} … signs … bossiest .. some signs are more equal than others …
… verses ….
– ‘Britain’s bossiest town’ verses World’s bossiest religion!
Would the BBC reporters take this tone with Kim Jong-un or Mugabe or Recep Tayyip Erdoğan? Would they?
And when Donald Trump saw the breadth of his domain, he wept, for there were no more worlds to conquer… {bbc @awzurcher twitter }
Anthony Zurcher (Verified) @awzurcher”BBC senior North America reporter. A Texan who explains US politics to Brits, UK politics to Americans & Canadian politics to everyone. Views expressed ≠ BBC’s” (don’t see this comment about not BBC’s views on Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker’s twitter account)
– first twitter comment is ‘Almost as if this “reporter” is unaware of BBC’s Royal Charter which requires impartiality…’
Katty makes her emotional appeal, not really giving us news …. £3.5bn News Service … Somebody is really not going to like this photo.
{kattykay bbc}
(The National Tree Lighting ceremony was beautiful this evening – but hard not to notice the empty seats.)
I bet the families of this years 411 dead/injured in UK Islamic terrorist attacks this year wish Theresa May had spent more time tacking Far-Right tweets.
Let’s start calling Radical Islamic Terror something like ‘far-left’ terror. See how that goes.
‘Lefty-downplayed-terror” ?
Stew, She is a deluded idiot, she is alienating nearly all the people who voted for her party, who are deemed far right by the msm and only voted conservative because Farage left the political scene and the alternative was Communism. Part of the reason why she keeps banging on about far right is to stop another UKIP style party stealing what she perceives as her share of the electorate. Right wing is traditional Conservative values, small government,minimal state control,low taxes and strong economy. She isn’t a conservative and needs removing quickly.
With the BBC hounding of Damian Green and the vital issue of what he watches, DON’T lose sight of events the Beeb won’t give you much about: the really vital ones. My General rule of thumb: keep your eyes on Merkel. Zimbabwe also interesting.
1 Merkel: she has been in Ivory Coast (ignoring the fact that she is now purely a caretaker, with no mandate to start new big things) arranging what could be a new flow of mass immigration into Europe. There is an EU-AU plan, together with the IOM, to move migrants who are being mistreated in Libyan camps into other countries, initially in Africa, where they hail from. But she has proclaimed that ‘we must help’ and left open the possibility that many thousands of these will be moved to Germany and elsewhere in Europe. She seems to be leaving things for the IOM to run, so we could be looking at hundreds of thousands.
Having given her CDU less than 30% of the vote in the recent elections, the German people may not be keen to hear that. But they’re not asked, and they don’t seem to keep their eyes on her anyway. So what the heck….
2. Zimbabwe: After endless pictures of celebrating Zimbabweans on the BBC, the crews have come home. So new boss Mnangagwa has appointed Perrance Shiri as Foreign minister, no coverage. President Mnangagwa was intelligence chief during the 1980s genocide of the Matabele and Shiri was apparently the leader of that operation. Another army top brass, Moyo is agriculture minister, confirming that the army and ZANU-PF are, well, very close. Maybe Mugabe was the good news? Any comments, BBC? Or are we now fully occupied with castigating the Burmese military?
Trump has tweeted something – BBC heads have turned. On the BBC main page ”UK’s bossiest town’ to review ‘oppressive’ signs’.
Trump may come in February but they want to arrest him for waaaycist tweets about a religion that is not a race.
I suggest he either blacks up in disguise or wears a burkar
Either way, the Government and media are stoking the fire for massive anti Trump demos which will show our EU Komrads that we are more pro-European that Amerikkkan
Bigot = a person who is intolerant towards those holding different opinions. {dailymail}
. . . the problem with tolerance . . .
The paradox of tolerance, first described by Karl Popper in 1945, is a decision theory paradox. The paradox states that if a society is tolerant without limit, their ability to be tolerant will eventually be seized or destroyed by the intolerant. Popper came to the seemingly paradoxical conclusion that in order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must be intolerant of intolerance. {wiki}
but 400 returning jihadis are welcome ??
“I suggest he either blacks up in disguise or wears a burkar”. Or, in vogue, dress as a woman.
Rihanna denies trans-genders jobs, but is given a glowing report by the BBC … “Rihanna: ‘Transgender people aren’t a marketing tool'” .. BBC then promote her makeup range which includes the words ‘diverse’, so sexualisation of young women to sell records and choosing abusive partners and keep going back are forgotten.
– ‘transgender people aren’t a marketing too’ but ‘selling your mostly naked body to the young’ is an excellent marketing tool!
Leeds : Remember that ethnic Turkish PCSO Orhan Yigit ?
..he’s been cleared on both charges of sexual assault.
Fuck me…no pun intended!
Is there no end to this mans talents? Here is your host and new bBbc go to guy, Amol Rajan. Talk about overkill. Once again the bBbc attempt to hoodwink us into believing that because an individual meets their criteria and they force them upon us, they automatically become popular. That the people want more Amol. That, if you think he’s a twat, you’re missing something. No, he’s a twat.
In the past few weeks he’s been cover on Radio 2, the Daily Politics, the One Show, he presents, I’m told, a programme on Radio 4, appears on the bBbc Views as their Media Expert, at least, and last night popped up as a food critic on Professional Masterchef. Hope Clare and Sue realise there is a new kid in town that no amount of St Tropez can help them or their funsize friends Susan and Sandi combat. If only he was gay.
To tick that box the bBbc have discovered Andy West who has been an expert in the past week or so for Radio 2 on both children using showers after PE and merchant banking. Perhaps there is a connection other than his support for the Labour Party but I can’t see it.
Still not bad for someone, a lightweight regional backup newsreader, who left bBbc NI because the bBbc shortlisted the apparently homophobic Tyson Fury for SPotY . Now, via Celebrity Big Brother, he appears to make a living as a social commentator and activist, ie, a journalist, helped by the bBbc in promoting his views that everything that is wrong with the world involves the persecution of homosexuals and is caused by an intolerant society where people like him simply don’t have a voice. Has been known to cry during interview. Perfect, expect we’ll see a lot more of him. If only he could grow a personality to match that of the Mighty Amol. Or a personality of any sort would do.
There is a connection between these two as well, not the Guardian but the Independent. Just made for the bBbc.
R4 drama now is about a human rights lawyer who worked in court to help a gay refugee saying “if he is returned to his own country, he would be immediately killed”
… the paradox is in the drama the ferryman is transporting her to Hell.
I had the misfortune to listen to it. A complete waste of 45Min.
If someone could provide the link containing the details to this R4 drama I would appreciate it (title, broadcast date, writer …). Thanks.
ps Is it this one?
If so then it seems strange – as one would never guess that was the story (StewGreen’s synopsis) from the title nor BBC’s synopsis. If anyone could provide a fuller synopsis that would be greatly appreciated.
Merkel: EUROPE could take, “..several hundred thousand places (from Africa) each year as long as those people returned voluntarily after three or four years.” Europe? Since when did any other country in Europe agree to this?
There must be some provision in the German Constitution for a leader to be removed as a result of insanity.
Nope G, it has only took them 3 generations to forget the last nutter in charge with 30% of the vote was a dangerous socialist who hoodwinked the german population into destroying themselves and the rest of europe.
Prince George
I understand that the person praying for this little boy to grow up Queer is a member of some jock religion of the C of E.
No doubt religion draws its fair share of fuck ups and the devil has certainly got into this sad mans’ heart . Shame on him . I hope he repents or he is damned .
Stew/FE2 – I think the MSM might not have been quite so in favour of this story if some Bishop had said let us all pray that Prince George is not gay!
I would go a little further than PJW. I think speculating about a four year olds sexuality almost borders on the edges of pedophilia rather than just being demented. Bloody hell he is only still a tot why cant these self obsessed weirdos just let the lad to grow up as normally as possible. He will potentially have years of adulthood ahead of him where he can decide whether or not he wants to break bread with what appears to be unwholesome deviants such as this man.
R2 Yet again Vine made Jeremy Corbyn the focus of his show.
“Corbyn says it’s all the bankers fault”
So it’s happened: according to the DT, Trump’s visit is being shelved.
Well done Al Beebeera, Treezer, and all the other self-righteous snowflakes who’ve whipped themselves into sanctimonious hysterics over his tweets: a massive, unnecessary, self-inflicted blow to UK interests – economic, military, security and geo-political.
I despair.
“Donald Trump’s ‘working visit’ to UK dropped as tensions with Theresa May grow over president’s far-Right retweets”
I think the BBC would like Trump to come to Britain so that there can be lots of lovely demonstrations.
For some light relief on the whole sorry saga of Trump’s retweets, here’s the inimitable Quentin Letts in the DM on the ‘Outrage Olympics’ as MPs ‘compete to be the most appalled’. Aw, diddums.
The astute Letts points out that “If this row was honestly about denying Britain First publicity, it was instantly self-defeating. Or was it more about Remainers trying to harm Brexit, and reduce the possibility of Mr Trump visiting Britain and agreeing to a big trade deal with post-EU Britain?”
On the same page, the DM points out that the Queen has hosted far more unsavoury types:
Loved this completely impartial and carefully balanced story on the BBC website about the current democratically elected US president:
Just seen the BBC selectively posting comments about the White House Christmas decorations. OK it does look a bit “Debenhams” but even so the anti Trump bias is there to be seen by all, it’s actually pathetic.
If any of you lot are not using an anonymous email account I would suggest you start
Dad-of-seven Stephen Bennett, 39, made inflammatory remarks on Greater Manchester Police’s Facebook page, in response to an appeal for information in a sex case with an Asian suspect.
One comment he made concerned Asian women, another was likely to be offensive to Muslims.
Bennett, of Wythenshawe, also wrote: “Don’t come over to this country and treat it like your own. Britain first.”
Manchester Evening Snow Flake
‘Inflammatory’ seems to be the latest Newspeak appropriation word. Inflammatory redefined.
An example of a Newspeak ‘Inflammatory statement’ used in a sentence:
[While running away from a machete attack] Help! A Muslim is trying to kill me!
Muslims do not kill. That is an ‘inflammatory’ remark. If you are afraid, you are a racist. BB is watching you.
A Trump Christmas? Totally RACIST!!!
Anyone else think this has been one of the worst weeks ever. The relentless criticism of everything be it Brexit, Trump or trying to get ministers the sack. They are completely out of control now on every single subject that is important to the future of this country and the world at large.
Egyptian massacre = Nothing to see here.
Zimbabwe = Nothing to see here.
Merkel struggling to form a government = Nothing to see here.
President Trump = Lots & Lots to see here. (None of it relevant)
Minister entertaining himself on a computer = So much to see they don’t know which way to look.
Any Tory up to anything slightly not by the book = Lots to see here, no matter how long ago.
Any Labour MP up to no good = Nothing to see here.
Unelected EU officials trying to screw us = Lots to see here. (Little or no counter debate)
Unsavory Islamic activities = Nothing to see here.
Fluffy Islamic activities = Lots & Lots to see here.
I could go on but I’m sure you get my drift. I need to lay down and clear my head of all this. (On my own of course before I’m accused of anything. (Laptop OFF)
Establishment madness – Rowan Williams goes all Godwin in his Times letter
what virtue signalling double speak.
– Holocaust denial isn’t a problem; it’s biggest proponents are some wacky books sold in the Islamic world.
– Fallacy of false equivalence to link Trump with it.
– Trump made no attempt to deceive, the retweets were entirely factual except for the labelling on one.
Who’s the injustice denier, there ?
The vids Trump retweeted are real events
… So RW is in denial
There are victims of those 3 events
Yet the Trump haters would deny the victims the exposure of the injustice ?
Exactly Stew. Love Thy Neighbour. But only if they are Muslim- seems to be the message of the corporate [apostate] church.
The guys off his rocker. What does he think they will do with all the Cathedrals and Church’s when the religion of peace takes over. So many of these establishment figures are the ones in denial.
They’ll do what they did to the one in Constantinople once they captured the city, which prior to that event was the greatest cathedral in Christendom.
BBC Article … Sadiq Khan is GREAT .. Boris Johnson is BAD … but at the end of the article … “The mistakes belonged to Khan’s Labour predecessor Ken Livingstone and the Blair government. Signing off on a stadium fit only for athletics was a massive error. The only option for Boris was conversion to a multi-use venue.” { 01dec2017}
Mr Khan says a “catalogue of errors” by his predecessor Boris Johnson led to the costs of transforming it into West Ham United’s new ground soaring.
These instead would be paid for by the taxpayer and include policing, stewarding, goalposts, corner flags, cleaners and turnstile operators.
– Summary – Sadiq Khan is going to hide the costs by using tax payer money.
– Note that policing is included at a time when forces are stretched.
Don’t feel guilty about our colonial history
This is good news indeed. The loony left stranglehold on history is being challenged. Okay it’s early days yet but this can only get better. The narrative of British oppression that has been peddled for decades is now beginning to crack. I think it is now time to demand that the Brits get their real history back and put and end to anti-imperialist ideology as its current form is just an extension of Leninism or to put it more simply leftist junk.
We have had a type of original sin guilt foisted on us by the education authorities, Leftist film directors , Leftist playwrights and not least by the BBC.
How did it get like this? I think a kind of climate of shock set in after world war 2. British power was much diminished and the world became dominated by two superpowers the USA and the USSR. Both of them were strongly anti colonialist. The latter because it was wedded to the ideology of Leninism and the former because it’s foundation as independent power relied heavily on the myth that they were fighting for freedom against imperial oppression when the truth is they were being used and funded by the French empire against their rival the Brits.
The decisive battle of Yorktown being paid for and fought by the French.
It is somewhat ironic that both the the USA and the USSR were formed by steadily expanding their frontiers absorbing land and various people generally without much consent. Never-the -less the reality is that the seaborne empires of Spain, France, The Netherlands, Portugal and Britain became the pantomime villains of the last half of the 20th Century.
The result that we see in demoralized Britain today is that so many people don’t know who they are, what heritage they can be proud of and are not standing up for themselves against the imposition of an alien population or against the May/Rudd free speech crackdown.
Time to demand our history back folks.
Excellent comments Yasser.
The Express provided a highly inferior report on Mr Biggar’s comments in which the journalist spoiled it somewhat by adding: “the invention of the concentration camp in the Boer War”. Not only was this incorrect, they’d been around much longer, but it implied that Britain invented the Nazi style extermination camp, which was set up for a very specific purpose. I’ve heard this many times and it should be clarified.
Britain shouldn’t feel shame for colonial past – Empire brought order, says Oxford prof
You are absolutely right, Purdy. The concentration camp argument is a distortion. I’ve seen it used by IRA supporters in their attempt to blacken Britain’s name. I’ve always hoped that someone prominent would speak out about it on TV. But nope, it’s up to us little people to set the record right.
Apologies if already posted.
Good on him. I wouldn’t come here either what’s the point.
These slime balls in Government really don’t want to make an enemy of Dear Old Donald , they haven’t thought this through , the man must have access to all of their skeletons .
I personally think we will have to go through a Corbyn Government ,which will see this Country brought to it’s knees , before all the snowflakes and virtue signallers eat themselves alive. Then hopefully in 5 years time we can start to rebuild with a slightly right of centre Government .
Lock13, No mate accepting Corbyn is a defeatist attitude. 5 years of him and you’ll end up abroad if you are wise. Poverty stricken, homeless and totally down trodden if you think you can tough it out. It is far easier removing the Tweezer by telling your nearest conservative MP she has to go for being a traitor.
Agree mate – but do the real Conservatives have it in them? they need to make a move soon otherwise it is back to the 70’s until people wake-up
A Corbyn government would last only a few days and then we would have a Momentum owned government and no more elections as one party would be deemed quite enough.
i’d give it a Year David
Very smart of Trump to choose the very tweets that would bring her and her Remainers out into the open.
She has been non stop sniping at Trump, backed by her bosses in the BBC. So now he has reacted.
And it won’t stop here. Treezer, Johnson, and the rest of her gutless front bench are revealed as Remainers deliberately choosing the EU rather than continue a long time relationship with our best ally.
When Germany and the Arabs call the shots – and they will – don’t expect the Yanks to arrive with the cavalry to save us
We know we are at war on several fronts.
Whatever the solution is – it needs to be radical, and surprising.
Who will step up?
Good question. I fear that the solution might emerge from something a lot more scary than Britain First.
The elites have began wrecking our country, prohibited discussion, and demonized people whose political parties tried to stand in elections, God knows what will come next
Meanwhile Johnson says it is worth paying the £ 50 billion to secure a deal. I just hope he is not thinking of borrowing it from the US
This is the best piece of commentary about the entire Trump Tweets affair that I’ve yet seen and is a great example of how to handle a Beeboid interviewer: never apologise; never back down and constantly push back against them. Great stuff.
Telegraph says Trump’s visit is kicked into the long grass
Shame because the Trots and anarchists from Antifa to Class War were working so hard for a mass anti Trump demo.
Perhaps Brendan Cocks will organize a Street party to celebrate his non arrival here
“don’t expect the Yanks to arrive with the cavalry to save us”
They didn’t last time, an allied coalition did, but only the Yanks sent us a bill.
Meanwhile across the pond the lunacy continues
ITV news-vert for the Labour Party
You know those centrally prepared packages that they insert into the middle of your LOCAL ITV news ?
Today’s was about a playwright mrJamesGraham and his new production in London #LabourOfLoveThePlay
They then plugged his other play #Ink about Rupert Murdoch
I’ve seen ink twice and really made me a Murdock fan
News : 9 scammers jailed in Hull
Looks like they took time off their careers as top doctors and engineers to scam pensioners out of their money in the telelephone/bank/courier scam
I suppose these vermin have something in common – I can’t think what….
Your first thought is that they probably come from an ethnic gang
possibly Indonesian but the writeup just stick to “from Camden” ” from Birmingham”
Not great believers in “diversity”, are they?
More project fear?
As I posted yesterday ‘they’ are getting desperate.
HYS ? I am sure you would like to add to the comments……………………………
“UK warned on cost of ‘hard Brexit’
The ny times today does an exam of the 3 videos posted by President Trump . The attack on the kid with a walking aid is the weakest but the other two are true and documented .
Destroying a statue of the Virgin Mary by-a member of Isis is true and happened in 2013.
Throwing people off a building was also true
So we are left in a position where a foreign leader has to show us what is happening whereas the political class here avoids the truth .
Twittergate: part of the problem is that the very same people who loathe Trump also loathe Brexit. (Beebistan, msm, many MPs etc)
So by whipping up manufactured hysteria against Trump, they deliberately jeopardise his visit to UK and post Brexit trade deals with the US, thereby, they hope, derailing Brexit or, at least, setting it up for failure.
Hey presto: 2 birds with one stone.
It used to be called treason and was punishable by death. Happy days.
Charlie Martel
I would be pretty sure that Mr Trump has his advisors incl Mr Farage, telling him that the majority of the people of the UK would welcome him here .
The UK has welcomed many despots in over the last century, but to ban the POTUS because of a twitter? Mr May is a remainer and a snowflake liberal. Always has been .
Come on Rees-Mogg, go for it ! Your country needs you now more than ever.
Merry Christmas from RoP ?
Part and parcel of life in…..Europe
It will turn out to be a container left by a builder who used it to store nails. We don’t report terrorism anymore
I assume the builder was a Scandinavian with an unusually dark complexion.
Merry Christmas from RoP ?
Could be a false alarm or a hoax?
Taken from the Evening Gazette
* 00:00, 6 SEP 2005
Race links made stronger
A policeman is helping to boost race relations in Darlington.
Sergeant Mohammed Perwaze, of Durham Police, will spend a few days each week working along with officials from the Darlington and County Durham County Racial Equality
It is part of a drive to forge closer links between the authorities and ethnic minority communities.
“We have already made great progress but the biggest single problem facing police at local level remains one of communication,” said Sgt Perwaze, chairman of the force’s Black and Asian Police Association (BAPA).
“Language and cultural misunderstanding between staff and black and minority ethnic communities mean many individuals from an ethnic background are isolated and rely on information from specialist newspapers and periodicals produced nationally.”
He said: “By establishing what community leaders want from our staff we can build on the sometimes fragile confidence of members of these groups.”
BBC tees news today …….
Durham Police officer in court over sex offences
Bet they were very reluctant to report this………
Oh, and funny how they can’t find a mugshot…
Thx davylars, of local interest to me. Four rapes!!
NO photo cos trial has just begun
Hey it could be a fit up by people he convicted , but it’s a hell of a charge sheet
“Mr Perwaze is charged with;
Five counts of indecent assault, sexual activity with a young person,
four counts of sexual assault, five counts of rape, coercive behaviour,
two counts of assault occasioning actual bodily harm, and one count of child neglect”
Maybe he just ‘fell into’ them like that muslamick did when he was charged with rape.
He got off with it.
Muslim police officers? More Muslims in positions of authority makes it easier for them to scout for vulnerable children to abuse. The whole head is sick.
As Richard Littlejohn would say: You couldn’t make it up!
Flynn worked 23 days for Trump
Would the BBC have ever supported a ban on Obama visiting? Never.
The BBC hate Trump.
The BBC love Obama.
BBC alt-Left bias.
I’ve been watching a quite good programme on bbc1 at 2.15 called Armchair Detectives.
Yet, strangely even in a fairly small town in the Highlands of Scotland, there just happens to be a black detective who looks like he has just stepped off a catwalk with his dreads and headband and of course the full amount of mixed race cast members.
Having said this, it is quite a good programme and a enjoyable way of passing 45 minutes by actually having to use your brain.
No, BCW, seriously?
Not my cup of tea but it seems a harmless enough way to pass the lull after lunch. You have to admit though that the acting is awful and as for the diversity being signalled. What is going on with that detectives hair? Is it some sort of religious statement we don’t know about or is fashion the real victim in every episode?
There was a swarthy looking suspect last week called Hamish McBride who looked as if he would know more about the hajj than haggis. The actor who played him? Shaan Sharma. And the character Darren Treadwell? Atta Yaqub. Why is it that all the characters have recognisably British names, I hope it’s not because they’re frightened of offending a minority group if an obviously ethnic character is the murderer.
Maybe they do some of their castings in call centres in Delhi. Perhaps the bloke who phones me from there trying to sell me computer security really is called Kevin.
It’s an original idea all the same and glad you found something you enjoy on the bBbc, it seems to be getting more and more difficult.
Daily Express.
“”Outrageous! David Dimbleby finally ADMITS BBC Question Time audience has a pro-EU BIAS””
\\The BBC don’t even seem to be able to get their cover story straight.
The other day we were told the QT audience bias was due to it being “self selecting”,
now we are told that “The BBC commissioned polling company ComRes to recruit an audience that is representative of the country demographically and politically.”
… Both statements can’t be simultaneously true.//
I registered on the Beeb website to be in the audience in Swansea next week.
Is anybody giving me odds on a call back???????
“The other day we were told the QT audience bias was due to it being ‘self selecting’,”
Who told “us” that? Let me guess; you can’t quite remember…
The “Any Questions” audience on Radio 4 is ‘self selecting’. The “Question Time” audience on BBC 1 is not.
Unable to detect your own BS Stew?
Maxi did you See the quotation marks \\ // ?
Interesting you bring up Any Questions
cos for QuestionTime this week it was Scarborough, but there were rigged audience problems when Any Questions was in Scarborough too
“Maxi did you See the quotation marks \\ // ?”
“\\ //“ are not quotation marks, Stew. But if that’s what they mean to you, then fair enough.
So why are you quoting BS under your name?
\\ // has to be used cos the original phrase contains quotations marks itself.
You second point is the “Have you stopped beating your wife?” loaded question fallacy.
“\\ // has to be used cos the original phrase contains quotations marks itself.”
Not the case, Stew. If you are quoting someone who uses quotes you should put your quote in double brackets and their quote in single brackets (AFAIK). I’ve never come across \\ // before.
“You second point is the “Have you stopped beating your wife?” loaded question fallacy.”
Erm, no it isn’t. Running back to your list of fallacies won’t help you now. What you posted;
“The other day we were told the QT audience bias was due to it being ‘self selecting’,”
Is BS. So why are you quoting BS under your name?
Good to see the temptation to stray into the personal and robust language is a level you only stoop to when unique exemptions apply.
Speaking of which, getting involved with quotations and the BBC is quite brave, given the BBC’s use of them can be variable and, if asked to explain, they invariably head for the bunker.
@Maxi : Quoted texts may contain both sets of quotation marks, apostrophes and brackets, that is why instead of changing them all it is easiest to simply begin/end the quote with the \\ //
– I have no problem in accepting that the person I quoted had mixed up the two different excuses from the different progs presented by the brothers Dimbleby
…which despite their different systems BOTH consistently come up with audiences obviously rampantly biased to the right.
Maxincony, why do you post here? What motivates you, money, career, ambition, politics?
Can you point out any examples of Al Beeb right wing bias ?
Too many questions for you eh?
You should set up a ‘Not Biased BBC website’ and see how much traction that gets you .
maxincony ? er maxi………… ?
Marxy-Conman said \\‘self selecting’. The “Question Time” audience on BBC 1 is not.//
Course it is partially, cos if you don’t SELECT yourself to apply for tickets
\\To a certain extent it’s self selecting, in that people interested in watching apply for places. So that means groups who aren’t interested by politics, or who can’t travel to the studio, won’t be there//
Secondary selection is via Comres
Express had an article about Any Questions bias last week
“Marxy-Conman said…”
Awfully fond of the ad-hom attack aren’t you Stew?
“\\To a certain extent it’s self selecting, in that people interested in watching apply for places. So that means groups who aren’t interested by politics, or who can’t travel to the studio, won’t be there//”
You’ve just used \\ // again; are you you quoting someone else or is it you speaking this time?
It’s self selecting because people who don’t want to be there aren’t there.
I’m lost for words…
“Secondary selection is via Comres”
Secondary selection? What exactly is that?
Comres selected the audience for the Election Debates; that’s all. Trying to justifly your bizarre twisted logic by quoting an article from the Express doesn’t exactly add to your reputation, Stew.
END OF THE WORLD: KILLER quakes and volcanoes to rip Earth apart in 2018 as rotation slows
@Maxi : Who says there is a selection procedure for the Question Time audience ?
The BBC,
does it involve Comres ? ..Well they won’t say.
\\we are happy to explain that the programme ensures that there is due balance between the
main political parties, as well as minor parties and unaligned voters in the audience. //
When asked for details they denied the FOI request
Reputation ? No I don’t need one, cos evidence stands on its own feet
It is not a question of picking a source and trusting it blindly , whilst sneering other sources are untrustworthy : On any give issue both the Guardian/Express may contain both correct and incorrect information.
It’s the evidence/logic I use that counts, not who I am.
Rhif Saith – No 7
Give em stick!
I thought it was quite a normal qt.
4 remainers 1 leaver.
Biased audience.
Nothing unusual there.
I would like the intro to say of each guest if they are a remainer or leaver.
Maybe hearing the bias out loud every week would make people realise.
It won’t happen of course.
I must admit I was disappointed with Henry Bolton.
On the contrary, Stew. As per 1984: “Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.”
Non-whities get your BBC job application in by Monday

In my understanding, that is in contravention of ‘equal’ opportunities.
As in ‘Room to let – no Irish’.
I perceive this to be racist, therefore it is.
Well that’s the prevailing logic, isn’t it?
Only Committed Labour Voters Need Apply for the BBC.
No whites.
No Tories.
No neutrals.
No ex-Military.
No ex-Police.
No ex-Prison Service.
No Caravan owners. (Problems in the past with these people).
No HGV drivers.
No entrepreneurs.
No tyre fitters.
No mechanics.
No applicants from the building trade.
No Door Men. (Bouncers as they’re known).
No Scaffolders (Difficult people in the past. No BAMEs).
Some say there’s a common factor in the list. Can you spot it, children?
Would you expect to see this on a truly impartial news provider?

Disturbing. Thanks for posting.
The legacy media here have been giving lots of attention to the nothing burger of Flynn’s “Russian collusion” but none to the appalling ‘not guilty’ verdict in the trial of Kate Steinle’s murderer in San Francisco. An illegal immigrant deported 6 times from the U.S. but who the authorities of that city wouldn’t help the Federal government detain for deportation (again) and who randomly shot and killed a young woman just out for an evening walk in her home city.
Al Shubtill,
“The legacy media here have been giving lots of attention to the nothing burger of Flynn’s ‘Russian collusion’ ”
Ex-national security adviser Michael Flynn has pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI – yeah, right; a “nothing burger”
“but none to the appalling ‘not guilty’ verdict in the trial of Kate Steinle’s murderer in San Francisco.”
‘None’ apart from:
So why is this verdict “appalling” Al? Were you present during the trial or have you just read the transcripts?
You ask many questions but never answer any. You are an Al Beeb Troll. 😀
Maxi, is what can be the result when a lonely zookeeper, who has had a few too many, is left all by himself at night with one of his favourite charges.
Al Shubtill,
“So why is this verdict “appalling” Al?”
“…a lonely zookeeper, who has had a few too many…”
Unable to give any sort of answer, you resort to personal insult.
No doubt, Stew will quickly be on hand to decry this particlar “logical fallacy”. Or perhaps he wont. Not quite the person you like to think you are, are you \\Stew//?
Maxi : You’re projecting
First you say to Al Shub ” Unable to give any sort of answer, you resort to personal insult.”
And then you do that yourself…
Flynn also made false statements to Vice President Pence and Pence had him fired. The thing is though the words “Russian collusion” are misleading. Flynn was apparently talking privately with the Russian ambassador about getting sanctions lifted. You cannot blame the Russians for wanting those sanctions lifted. What has this has got to do with Trumps election victory?..nothing of course. Do you really think the Russians had any influence over this election county map

I was in the States for the weeks before and during the 2016 election and from my perspective Clinton lost because she ran the most disgusting, negative campaign i have ever witnessed. Every TV and Radio channel was rammed with her vile adverts. The people rejected it, just like the people rejected the nasty Project Fear campaign over here. Negative campaigns always lose.
Retweeting BNP people is much more dangerous that being a terrorist
\\ Jeremy Corbyn loudly condemned President Trump for retweeting Britian First this week.
Last night, Jezza’s eccentric brother, Piers, retweeted former BNP member Mark Collett.
Bizarrely, Piers has re-tweeted Collett before.//
Meanwhile Corbynista posts prejudiced room ad
#FamousLeftyTolerance … #Diversity=AgreeWithMe
Can you imagine a lib seeing a Twitter video of filippino or Israeli soldiers/settlers ruffing someone up ?
or finding an old video of racist British football hooligans ?
such things happen
Can you imagine that lib retweeting the vid ?
Would it make a great deal of difference if the label was slightly wrong
No despite the label there’d still be real victims of the violent act.
No one would say that tweeting such vids is racist against the Philippines/ Israel/Britain or or whatever country.
There might well be an autistic person who sees the tweet and shouts out at an Philippines/ Israel/Britain peoplei, but the remedy against that is not to suppress such tweets
I can imagine lib activists retweeting such vids it’s obvious to me that outrage at Trump is mock outrage targetted at unseating Trump, rather than thinking about real victims,
Where do we get this idea that tweeting is worse that real crime ?
..Oh from the obsession with Hate Speech
Pat Condell explains it’s a made up crime
“Can you imagine a lib seeing a Twitter video of filippino or Israeli soldiers/settlers ruffing someone up ?”
Stew, suppose Jeremy Corbyn re-tweeted a series of videos posted by David Duke of; “Jews beating people up”.?
Can you imagine what would happen? You think there wouldn’t be immediate outrage? That Jeremy Corbyn wouldn’t be gone within 24 hours?
That people on B-BBC would be defending him and you’d be saying, it’s no big deal; “such things happen”, it’s just; “mock outrage”.
Can you imagine that, Stew? Are you really that far gone? i don’t think he would be gone within 24 hours and i don’t think there would be any BBC meltdown either. Corbyn has already done far worse by being best buddies with IRA, Islamic terrorist groups and then running the Labour party like a despot firing the most competent mps from the shadow govt and replacing them with like-minded cretins. You brought up “Jews beating people up” when the Labour party has holocaust deniers a plenty. For some reason that i cannot fathom extreme socialists for decades keep using the Jewish people as scapegoats and think it is ok. Perhaps you can enlighten us Max. Do you hate Jews as well and is that even a hate crime?
Are Goats electric? Friends may be, but not goats. Not yet…
Playing with knives in Birmingham, is this a “hate crime” ? ……………
As Eddie Waring might have put it: ‘It’s an up and downunder’
BBC Breakfast sports short cake Mike Bushell boldly takes the Brisbane Times to task for their editorial decisions this morning. Very loyally on behalf of his BBC employers our Mike berrates the Aussie newspaper for relagating Rugby League coverage to page 4 of their sports section after the football and cricket stories. Of course this is all about the upcoming “BBC coverage” of the rugby and our national broadcaster’s dearth of live cricket and football broadcasting today.
I know it’s just sport but it goes to show you can’t always trust BBC editorial choices and their presenters’ opinions are not always balanced – they too often have their own corporate self-interest at heart.
The bbc’s sports coverage has slowly melted away like ice in spring. They seem to think that showing second hand football and the drawing of dotted lines on the screen by washed up cronies of an overpaid hasbeen somehow makes them an authority on football. Wrong. Also, it appears they also think audio replays of tries, goals and wickets is laudible. Wrong. They are trying to take us back to a pre-tv era when people huddled round a wireless set for their entertainment.
How the mighty have fallen.
No wonder it’s full steam ahead for women’s sport at the Beeb. It is amusing to realise that were those girl’s games ever to be really popular and not just Guardian reader fodder then the BBC would inevitably lose that those too.
Toady watch Saturday
Britain First – the 0810 feature had our Nick Robinson saying in the introduction –
Out of the shadows
Counter it
An al beeb journo did a piece which sounded like a grade C A level assessment of the party but not about the content of its views or the truth of the issue.
They then had a couple of compliant mouthpieces talking against Britain First. No one to speak for it. So no fairness , no balance plenty of prejudiced comment .
Any challenge to the islamisisation of Blighty is being instantly repressed by al beeb. I suppose John sweeney will be doing one of those piss poor panorama entertainment shows.
Declaration – I have never been a member of any political party.
Just to add on this
Britain First is – for the moment – a legal organisation . I would put a bet on a law change pretty soon to suppress it. If you wonder why you don’t see many coppers these days it’s probably because they’re all monitoring Britain First .
Free Country?
Why do people keep on saying Mair, cox’s killer, shouted Britain First.
The person who said he did was 2 streets away.
Another person who was there said Mair did not say it.
Why don’t those interviewed reply with this instead of letting the left get away with it each time.
Not easy to establish what was actually said by browsing is it?
“Jo Cox murder trial: ‘Thomas Mair repeatedly shouted ‘Britain First’ before shooting and stabbing MP'”
“Gas fitter insists Jo Cox ‘killer’ DID shout ‘Britain first’ as he shot the MP”
Only when reading the actual Mail article the witness is quoted as below,
“The words I heard him say were Britain first, or put Britain first,’ Mr Rothwell told BBC Newsnight. ”
Muddy waters indeed.
Nice to see PJW back on form (link) after his recent soyboy adventure, it’s his platform and he can do what he wants with it but I think he diminished himself with that one.
It’s ridiculous but I guess anything to appease saint Cox.
At least one witness denied that he shouted Britain First and posted it in his window
Did he not say it at his trial? And never contradict the claims at that trial? Or perhaps I’m misremembering.
Mair didn’t give evidence at his trial, and the judge refused to let him make a statement after the verdict.
He was a law abiding man, with no history of violence, but who did have mental health problems. The police have not been able to find out how he got hold of a rifle, nor why he attacked Jo Cox. The way things are, we will never know.
To me, he sounds like a British Sirhan Sirhan. He shot Robert Kennedy, but cannot explain why, and he is in prison to this day. And a prison psychiatrist said he was unusually susceptible to hypnotic suggestion.
Mair was treated pretty shoddily when you take into account the Human Rights lawyers and supporters crawling all over Isamic extremists .And the sinister excuses given as to why its nothing to do with Islam. The Islamic Somalian who attempted murdrer by decapitation at Walthamstow shouting in the name of Allah ,had extenuating mental health circumstances .Remember the you ain’t no Muslim bruv meme.That person will no doubt be out on the streets in no time.
I don’t condone what Mair did ,but where is the enquiry into what lead up to him killing the MP?Why was his mental health not monitored more closely if he really did ask for help ?
It seems they have thrown away the key but they can keep rolling him out as the far right bogey man.
“It seems they have thrown away the key but they can keep rolling him out as the far right bogey man.”
Totally agree Deborah, the Left need people like Mair, Breivik and Dylan Roof (sp). Also that thug who ran his car into a bunch of Antifa killing one woman. The difference is that no party on the right condone these attacks, whereas the left always downplay the violence committed by their lefty allies, and excuse that committed by their islamist allies.
The other thing I remember is that, at the time it happened, people on here provided examples where a similar assassination had been carried out in other countries where the left might be losing an election. All the cases were young, reasonably photogenic, politicians and mainly women. All committed by the same type of person as Mair, i.e. mental health problems and easily suggestible. Absolutely no proof but co-incidence goes only so far. It wouldn’t be beyond belief to think that Common Purpose would be happy to bump off one of their own in an attempt to demonise their opponents and win sympathy votes. As Mair had never uttered a political word in his whole life, one must assume that someone got him to think that he had to do it.
Free country? More like a province of Oceania. It gets more sinister every day.
Good work that Raheem Kasaam did on the Beeb over the Trump tweets though I wish he would have taken a moment at the beginning of the interview to question why the Beeb needed to introduce him as writing for a right wing organisation. Do they try to lead or pre warn the audience when speaking to someone from The Guardian or The Huff Po?
Another example of the Beebs blatant bias.
“Official: 75% of Berlin Criminals are Arabs” –
Surely it is a ‘hate crime’ to even refer to an Arab muslim as a ‘criminal’. Shame on the German Police.
Jeayda Fransen of Britain First is facing a trial where it can safely be predicted that she will be found guilty of offending the religion of peace.
I wonder if her defence might mention that thanks to statements from Treezer and Amber together with the BBC, most of the media and Parliament the trial will have been compromised.
Damien Green had thousands of porn images on his computer says the BBC
Perhaps he had been Googling for information about his party leader and spelled her name as Teresa May, without the h.

He would have found many porn images from Teresa May, a well known porn model.
for example Google Images for Teresa May Model