Cartoon news summary for the week. I can’t wait until that royal wedding next year, partly because they’ll have to talk about something other than the latest Brexit crap from a Remoan think tank, or maybe a chance to laugh at whatever republican/atheist they bring on the Today programme to complain about how the guest-list isn’t diverse enough or how Harry’s wealth (largely inherited from Diana) should have been appropriated for ‘progressive causes’
“The homeland of the Muslim, in which he lives and which he defends, is not a piece of land; the nationality of the Muslim, by which he is identified, is not the nationality determined by a government; the family of the Muslim, in which he finds solace and which he defends, is not blood relationships; the flag of the Muslim, which he honors and under which he is martyred, is not the flag of a country; and the victory of the Muslim, which he celebrates and for which he is thankful to God, is not a military victory.”
Obvious but nevertheless, an interesting perspective which I am sure Trevor Philips would identify with in view of his documentary on so-called muslim, “integration” in the UK.
Another Rotherham trial is on ?
#GateKeeperedOffBBC ?
Mail covers it cos public tried to photo accused in court..which is of course wrong and illegal
The mail publishes shots of the met outside court, whilst they try to hide their face.
Tommy Robinson is seen in shot, microphone in hand.
\\A row erupted in court today as 12 men charged in the investigation into child sex abuse in Rotherham appeared in court.//
\\The charges relate to the sexual abuse of eight girls under the age of 16 over a five-year period from 1998 to 2003.//
It may be illegal to take photographs of the defendants. But these are peculiar times. If found guilty and sentenced you can be sure they will be back on the streets within a short time. If I was a parent in this town I would want photographs in order to identify them in case they came after my daughter.
How much longer before the majority of the white British population overwhelmingly see through the trickery and sleight of hand of this and previous Governments insistence that multiculturalism is good for us just like foul tasting medicine?
I’m in my seventies and have always voted. Right now, I cannot see any leader or party I would wish to vote for.
He’s still on Classic FM though. I guess it’s the difference between a commercial organisation and the BBC, a sanctimonious entity that wants to lead the public by the nose by its virtue signals.
At work last night before six pm heard on LBC news about a German xmas market being evacuated because a bommb being found, just a year after all those people were killed by a terrorist at another xmas market, German people are on edge.
Got up this morning, watching BBC Breakfast, expecting news about it, not a sausage, seems to have been brushed under the carpet by the BBC?
My daughter and her boyfriend went to Manchester xmas market last week and I was a bit worried, she said “they won’t attack Manchester again, security is too good”, wishful thinking.
Bombing Christmas markets and killing people isn’t news unless the perp is non Muslim . Posting three videos on line takes the MSM to a new high on the moral high ground .
wild bill i went to the MEN a few weeks ago lots security a good proportion of it of the enriched nature 🙁 remember suggestions/hints that the bataclan attackers were maybe let in by security
the fact i know have to go through airport style security to go to a concert proves not that “we are not afraid”
Someone mentioned in an earlier post about the Church Minister who wanted 4 year old Prince George to be gay.
This is not the first time this so called Christian has behaved like a BBC tosser.
‘In January he invited a Muslim to recite from the Koran during a service at the Cathedral, with the passage including a denial that Jesus was the son of God.’
OK other Christians criticise him, but just how far is he from the Archbishop of Cant and the other Islamophiles and perverts in the church?
I cannot believe the lack of public revulsion to this . The Queen is the Head of C of E right? So she is this perverts’ boss right? Well i would have defrocked him by now . I don’t know much about the CofE because I am a left footer but I could not go to a Mass performed by this pervert. Smell of sulphur in the air
I don’t know if Her Majesty still has the power to order a beheading. If not she could just follow Sharia Law and get the job done that way. Myself I feel that the Church Minister is insane and should be incarcerated in a Lunatic Asylum for the rest of his days,and fed only on Tesco Value bread and water.
How does our Glasgow Provost square his wish for a gay Prince with his wish to give his pulpit over to Islamic blasphemy about the person of Jesus Christ?
Epiphany earlier in the year-he did just that, and a decent Christian called Gavin Ashenden ended up leaving his job as Queens Chaplain in disgust.
So this bloke-like Giles Fraser- is just a silverfish released into the Churches foundations and precious books, simply in order to corrode them from within.
Another David Jenkins, and with this track record of offense, he`ll doubtless be Archbishop as he`s led out to Chop Chop(Trafalgar)Square by the time that islam has taken over. Maybe he could tell the Saudis that he hopes that Prince Salman will meet a nice boyfried for a same-sex wedding in Mecca-with himself willing to preside over it as he blesses the lube and lycra.
If the Church of England had ever been worthy of attack or persecution by the Left or Islam, it would ahve been a while back-as it is, it`s their ally.
Incident in which a car runs into pedestrians in London..
Police immediately rule out terrorism.,
‘The South London road remains closed and the Metropolitan Police say the incident, which happened at around 3am last night, is not linked to terrorism.’
It probably is not terrorism.
But if it was this would be the same response.
We don’t have terrorism here no more.
I cannot see any reason to erect bollards
Two cops stabbed by a woman in Chelmsford.
No further details.
Maybe it is not terrorism, maybe she did or did not shout Allah Ackibar
I am saying that chances are we will never hear any more
The G has a columnist called Jonathan freedland .
He also does programmes for Radio 4. Today he published a column “ time to end the special relationship “
Now I only look at the G for two reasons -1 to see what the enemy are up to and 2- because it’s free.
Anyway freedland doesn’t like the current President so thinks we should distance ourselves from America . Amazing that airheads likecthis get public jobs . Must have relatives . .
Beeboids are infamous for getting mixed up with their Asians. They like to describe gigantic beards and mobile black letter boxes as Asian too, when of course they are nearly always Arabic.
lovely comments only marxists could come up with these words
“Do we know EXACTLY how these people come to be given a platform ? Surely this is naked bias ?”
is that correct snowflakes, nobody should have a platform except you!
quite what the mental state of people that follow the poisonous liar campbell is i darent think
What the hell is Farage doing on television at all? He holds no post in a domestic party and as per his own ideology, his EU role amounts to nothing
whats the point of the EU the dickhead
We Don’t Need This Fascist Groove Thang
Farage is a POI in the FBI Trump-Russia investigation. He has talked openly about “Jewish influence”. He has espoused racist memes. He is involved in dark money. This isn’t Paddington Bear the BBC has just invited onto the couch
ha ha ha this guy has gone full tin foil hat
We Don’t Need This Fascist Groove Thang
I tell you what #marr, as we had Coulter on the Today programme and JRM and Farage met Bannon earlier this week, why don’t you just take the day off and let Bannon do the show?
it would appear you are desperate , very desperate, dont want anyone contradicting your narrative do we, it would appear stalanist russia or north korea would be a more suitable place for you to live
I’ve seen the “Artist Taxi Driver” on RT. The guy is a complete left wing lunatic. I mean that seriously, he gives the impression of being mad. I wouldn’t trust his judgment on anything.
“”Stuart has been identified by multiple sources as having a hand in the @gazaboatconvoy twitter account. The notorious account, which some say is run by more than one individual, has posted a string of anti-Semitic tweets:”” :-
“”Must still be plenty of shekels to be wrung out of the holocaust account””
“”London’s green spaces must be preserved. No holocaust memorial””
The Font of Truth has been blurbing for a new series on BBC4 called “Invasions” or something similar.
“Some invasions are bloody, some bloodless. Some were by invitation, some absurd and doomed. From Barbary pirates and brutal border raids to the air attacks of the 20th century, these invasions have shaped modern Britain and made us the people we are today.”
Is this another attempt by the Font of Tripe to convince the indigenous population of Britain that resistance to islamification is futile? I suppose if you are a quisling weasel you think being invaded, massacred, pillaged, and gang-raped, outbred and maginalised is jolly good thing for building the character of the nation.
Font of Tripe – I like that one.
I think said font jumped the shark yesterday morning on Toady when John Simpson, informed the listeners that the Queen is descended from Muhammad or “The Prophet” as he described him. FFS!
I have found myself thinking on numerous occasions lately, when I listen or watch al Beebus output; it has become almost a parody of itself with its news; analysis and opinion pieces. When a “senior” correspondent states something such as that, you know that we really are in f*****g clown world!
From the Guardian, today.
“Politicians ignore the poor but love saving foxes Kevin McKenna”
A devastating analysis of lefty “thinking”.
Amazing that it got past the “facts are sacred” “journalists”.
But these are the same lefties who invaded Iraq on no evidence whatsoever after ten minutes in the HoC discussing the declaration of war.
Whereas eleven hours of lefty time in the same HoC was devoted to banning fox-hunting.
Their values, and their Australopithecean intelligence exposed for all to see.
Written Sunday in the mid week open thread. What is the problem?
I liked the accusations of hypocracy from the Hazarika Cunt.
If Farage is not entitled to his £73,000 EU pension because he opposes the EU, then all those SNP MPs should not receive their UK pensions because they want to dismantle the UK.
Apparently, Trump had made contact with the Russians during his presidential campaign – but to agree about issues such as fighting ISIS.
So ABC have suspended its investigative reporter. I am sure that now the BBC know the truth behind the headlines they will start suspending their news reporters for spreading lies about the connections.
I see the BBC’s monomaniacal and pathological hatred of Trump has even contaminated the 8’clock news on Radio 4 this morning by referring to “Trump’s retweeting far-right videos”
There is nothing intrinsically far-right, or indeed far left, about these videos.
What the Font of Truth objects to is their muslim friends being exposed for what they are.
When the BBC first broadcast documentary films showing the liberation of Bergen-Belsen, I dare say lots of Old Nazis claimed it was fabrication or Jewish or communist propaganda.
If the BBC had any credibility as a news agency, it would have given the complete providence of these videos to inform the public. The fact that they haven’t done so, indicates they cannot find any rebutal that would support their “fake news” claims., The idea that facts about muslims are “divisive” and so should be veiled or even enburkhaed, in silence is typical of twisted BBC logic.
“Dalek” – “A member of a race of hostile alien machine organisms….” – Oxford English Dictionary.
A Dalek attitude to human beings –
BBC ‘Sunday’ R4 interview 03.12.17 with The Muslim Council and their view of the Dalek –
Caught a bit of Marr with Nigel Farage on to review the papers. Wow, what a complete set-up that was – I wouldn’t bet against the BBC actually having rehearsed it in the week (without Nigel of course)
So we are going to sit him on the end of the couch farthest away . we are going to put some fat lefty bird in the middle with a loud voice (no idea who she was and no interest in finding out to be honest) and nearest Andrew Goblin features we are going to have some nasally American who loathes Trump.
Fat lefty bird comes out with the usual bullshit (not a lick of truth in anything she says but hey that’s not important.) drowning out any truth and facts that Nigel is trying to talk about- Blathering on about Saint Brendan Cox (who you will remember got kicked out of his Charity job for bothering women.) Nasally American woman talks some bullshit about the capital of Russia being Moscow so we must therefore impeach Trump.
Then Little Andy Goblin throws in a classic – apparently what Trump retweeted was yes wait for it ….. FakeNews ….. err Andy ‘FakeNews’ does not apply to things that actually happened Dear Boy that is where you have been getting it wrong Andrew– do try and keep up.
November 30, 2017 – UN Watch commended the United Kingdom for “breaking with the EU common position for the first time and opposing the UN General Assembly’s annual Syrian-backed resolution that condemned Israel for not giving the Assad regime control over the Golan and its 20,000 Druze residents,” said Hillel Neuer, executive director of the Geneva-based monitoring group.
“Today’s resolution on Jerusalem refers to the Temple Mount exclusively by its Islamic name, Haram al-Sharif. At a time when even UNESCO no longer tolerates this terminology, the General Assembly should not be engaged in the denial of Jewish and Christian heritage.”
Well it didn’t take the BBC long to use Twitter….Farage and pension hypocrisy- out of context as usual ..out of a whole programme that’s what they had to twitter…This has to stop somewhere.. It is not news, but puerile childish sensationalist media propaganda
And as for Ayesha Hazarika – I had no idea who she was – apparently she was a labour political adviser – not sure what her experience and qualifications were for this but that doesn’t seem to count these day. Apparently she was a comedienne too..not surprised she failed at that..She did not let anyone speak and wagged her finger incessantly..A left through and through – doesn’t listen to any others views and shouts at anyone who dares offer any that are different to hers…
I think Hazarika used to be a special adviser to Ed Miliband. She then moved into “standup comedy” à la BBC. Obviously, working for a clown has inspired her to bring laughter to the nation. Unfortunately her political analysis s is a lot funnier than her jokes. A possibble contender for the most stupid woman in Britain when the Grim Reaper has his wsy with the Hackney Hippo.
Melanie Phillips tries to weasel out of the criticism she has received over her attack on Trump.
She’s a BBC stooge, and belongs in their political bubble. Happy to bash Britain First for their past associations with undesirables, but gladly sits next to former IRA/Hamas/ Stalin/Mao supporting politicians in the BBC bubble.
We are not allowed a debate with or engage in a rational confrontation with Islam. Trump did it for us. Melanie has her comfortable niche knowing just how far the BBC will allow her to criticize selected forms of Islamic extremism.
Melanie, take a walk in our streets, have a look at the bollards, listen to the parents of raped children, of children blown apart by people who appeared once as moderate moslems, or piss off as liberal apologist for Islam.
Part of her response to widespread criticism of her attack on Trump
‘It is quite clear from the context and from what Trump himself has said that a) his re-tweets were reckless and careless: probably he knew nothing about Britain First; b) his target was not all Muslims but Islamist extremists; and c) his refusal to apologise and retract, while regrettable and reprehensible, signified nothing more than his unfortunate temperamental refusal ever to accept criticism and say in public that he was wrong.
Nevertheless, his actions enabled MPs to call him “Nazi”, “fascist” and “racist” at an emergency debate in Parliament. Their malice towards him is thus exceeded only by their own casual and all-too telling devaluation of what Nazism, fascism and racism actually mean’.
Melanie P- “His actions ENABLED MPs to call him “Nazi”, “fascist” and “racist” at an emergency debate in Parliament. ”
I don’t think that is a fair assessment. They don’t need enabling. They are ready to pounce 24/7 on him and anyone else outside their extreme world. We need to stop trying to defend against these “Nazi!” slanders. It’s a matter of definitions. Real Vs Irrational. Don’t defend anymore, just dismiss. The left are crying WOLF continually.
atlas_shruggedMar 10, 04:22 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Debs My 25 year-old daughter is one of those with I suspect a compromised immune system. Every two weeks she…
Eddy BoothMar 10, 00:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Investor in Alastair Campbell’s son’s football betting syndicate ‘dies before receiving his £160,000 back’ after saying: ‘Are you just hoping…
JohnCMar 10, 00:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Syria leader vows to hunt down those responsible for bloodshed ‘A UK-based monitor said 830 civilians were killed in…
JohnCMar 10, 00:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun An astonishing story of how deep the EU Leftist cancer has…
JohnCMar 9, 23:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney wins race to succeed Trudeau and vows to stand up to Trump Good God – I started…
Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
Cartoon news summary for the week. I can’t wait until that royal wedding next year, partly because they’ll have to talk about something other than the latest Brexit crap from a Remoan think tank, or maybe a chance to laugh at whatever republican/atheist they bring on the Today programme to complain about how the guest-list isn’t diverse enough or how Harry’s wealth (largely inherited from Diana) should have been appropriated for ‘progressive causes’
“The homeland of the Muslim, in which he lives and which he defends, is not a piece of land; the nationality of the Muslim, by which he is identified, is not the nationality determined by a government; the family of the Muslim, in which he finds solace and which he defends, is not blood relationships; the flag of the Muslim, which he honors and under which he is martyred, is not the flag of a country; and the victory of the Muslim, which he celebrates and for which he is thankful to God, is not a military victory.”
Obvious but nevertheless, an interesting perspective which I am sure Trevor Philips would identify with in view of his documentary on so-called muslim, “integration” in the UK.
Another Rotherham trial is on ?
#GateKeeperedOffBBC ?
Mail covers it cos public tried to photo accused in court..which is of course wrong and illegal
The mail publishes shots of the met outside court, whilst they try to hide their face.
Tommy Robinson is seen in shot, microphone in hand.
\\A row erupted in court today as 12 men charged in the investigation into child sex abuse in Rotherham appeared in court.//
\\The charges relate to the sexual abuse of eight girls under the age of 16 over a five-year period from 1998 to 2003.//
It may be illegal to take photographs of the defendants. But these are peculiar times. If found guilty and sentenced you can be sure they will be back on the streets within a short time. If I was a parent in this town I would want photographs in order to identify them in case they came after my daughter.
I wonder how many other court cases have there been where guards confiscated phones?
Brexit good news #GateKeeperedOffBBC ?
How much longer before the majority of the white British population overwhelmingly see through the trickery and sleight of hand of this and previous Governments insistence that multiculturalism is good for us just like foul tasting medicine?
I’m in my seventies and have always voted. Right now, I cannot see any leader or party I would wish to vote for.
Aled Jones axed
He’s still on Classic FM though. I guess it’s the difference between a commercial organisation and the BBC, a sanctimonious entity that wants to lead the public by the nose by its virtue signals.
Yes, his presence on Classic FM is becoming rather a thorn in the side, at the moment. You can’t escape the lad.
Don’t worry Stew, there are plenty of homos, ethnics and wimmin to choose from as his replacement. It sure as hell won’t be Jim Davidson.
At work last night before six pm heard on LBC news about a German xmas market being evacuated because a bommb being found, just a year after all those people were killed by a terrorist at another xmas market, German people are on edge.
Got up this morning, watching BBC Breakfast, expecting news about it, not a sausage, seems to have been brushed under the carpet by the BBC?
My daughter and her boyfriend went to Manchester xmas market last week and I was a bit worried, she said “they won’t attack Manchester again, security is too good”, wishful thinking.
Wild Bill,
Merkel: Damn, maybe we need to speed up the evacuation of Africa and particularly the Middle East, far quicker……..
Bombing Christmas markets and killing people isn’t news unless the perp is non Muslim . Posting three videos on line takes the MSM to a new high on the moral high ground .
wild bill i went to the MEN a few weeks ago lots security a good proportion of it of the enriched nature 🙁 remember suggestions/hints that the bataclan attackers were maybe let in by security
the fact i know have to go through airport style security to go to a concert proves not that “we are not afraid”
I’ve just realised.
The BBC is a political party.
Someone mentioned in an earlier post about the Church Minister who wanted 4 year old Prince George to be gay.
This is not the first time this so called Christian has behaved like a BBC tosser.
‘In January he invited a Muslim to recite from the Koran during a service at the Cathedral, with the passage including a denial that Jesus was the son of God.’
OK other Christians criticise him, but just how far is he from the Archbishop of Cant and the other Islamophiles and perverts in the church?
g w f
I cannot believe the lack of public revulsion to this . The Queen is the Head of C of E right? So she is this perverts’ boss right? Well i would have defrocked him by now . I don’t know much about the CofE because I am a left footer but I could not go to a Mass performed by this pervert. Smell of sulphur in the air
I don’t know if Her Majesty still has the power to order a beheading. If not she could just follow Sharia Law and get the job done that way. Myself I feel that the Church Minister is insane and should be incarcerated in a Lunatic Asylum for the rest of his days,and fed only on Tesco Value bread and water.
How does our Glasgow Provost square his wish for a gay Prince with his wish to give his pulpit over to Islamic blasphemy about the person of Jesus Christ?
Epiphany earlier in the year-he did just that, and a decent Christian called Gavin Ashenden ended up leaving his job as Queens Chaplain in disgust.
So this bloke-like Giles Fraser- is just a silverfish released into the Churches foundations and precious books, simply in order to corrode them from within.
Another David Jenkins, and with this track record of offense, he`ll doubtless be Archbishop as he`s led out to Chop Chop(Trafalgar)Square by the time that islam has taken over. Maybe he could tell the Saudis that he hopes that Prince Salman will meet a nice boyfried for a same-sex wedding in Mecca-with himself willing to preside over it as he blesses the lube and lycra.
If the Church of England had ever been worthy of attack or persecution by the Left or Islam, it would ahve been a while back-as it is, it`s their ally.
I’m sure many in the Church have been praying for lots of little gay boys for years.
Incident in which a car runs into pedestrians in London..
Police immediately rule out terrorism.,
‘The South London road remains closed and the Metropolitan Police say the incident, which happened at around 3am last night, is not linked to terrorism.’
It probably is not terrorism.
But if it was this would be the same response.
We don’t have terrorism here no more.
I cannot see any reason to erect bollards
Two cops stabbed by a woman in Chelmsford.
No further details.
Maybe it is not terrorism, maybe she did or did not shout Allah Ackibar
I am saying that chances are we will never hear any more
There do seem to be a lot of mysterious cases in the news lately, rather like this one in my local paper.
Another : One man 72 year old dance teacher
Lobster your Express and Star article doesn’t speak of ethnicities
and of course paedos are often white
but they did say this August
Guardian watch
The G has a columnist called Jonathan freedland .
He also does programmes for Radio 4. Today he published a column “ time to end the special relationship “
Now I only look at the G for two reasons -1 to see what the enemy are up to and 2- because it’s free.
Anyway freedland doesn’t like the current President so thinks we should distance ourselves from America . Amazing that airheads likecthis get public jobs . Must have relatives . .
Strange – haven’t noticed either of these obviously “despite Brexit” reports on BBC. Obviously can’t have looked hard enough.
Clearly this would not have happened on the BBC Only Asian That Matters Network:
I wonder if there were two confused cabbies of colour in reception too?
Beeboids are infamous for getting mixed up with their Asians. They like to describe gigantic beards and mobile black letter boxes as Asian too, when of course they are nearly always Arabic.
Rob Burley is so on it.
lovely comments only marxists could come up with these words
“Do we know EXACTLY how these people come to be given a platform ? Surely this is naked bias ?”
is that correct snowflakes, nobody should have a platform except you!
quite what the mental state of people that follow the poisonous liar campbell is i darent think
What the hell is Farage doing on television at all? He holds no post in a domestic party and as per his own ideology, his EU role amounts to nothing
whats the point of the EU the dickhead
We Don’t Need This Fascist Groove Thang
Farage is a POI in the FBI Trump-Russia investigation. He has talked openly about “Jewish influence”. He has espoused racist memes. He is involved in dark money. This isn’t Paddington Bear the BBC has just invited onto the couch
ha ha ha this guy has gone full tin foil hat
We Don’t Need This Fascist Groove Thang
I tell you what #marr, as we had Coulter on the Today programme and JRM and Farage met Bannon earlier this week, why don’t you just take the day off and let Bannon do the show?
it would appear you are desperate , very desperate, dont want anyone contradicting your narrative do we, it would appear stalanist russia or north korea would be a more suitable place for you to live
god i love to see lefties losing it
the quoted tweet : Farage/Mogg on Marr tmw
I’ve seen the “Artist Taxi Driver” on RT. The guy is a complete left wing lunatic. I mean that seriously, he gives the impression of being mad. I wouldn’t trust his judgment on anything.
How to make a leftie explode ! Be careful where you listen to this.
‘I take care of my kids’
‘Your supposed to you dumb mother***er’
Not mentioned by the BBC:
“”Stuart has been identified by multiple sources as having a hand in the @gazaboatconvoy twitter account. The notorious account, which some say is run by more than one individual, has posted a string of anti-Semitic tweets:”” :-
“”Must still be plenty of shekels to be wrung out of the holocaust account””
“”London’s green spaces must be preserved. No holocaust memorial””
Lot of stuff on Tommy Robinsons Twitter
I think “LET him come” is too mild a term.
Rather- Implore him to come with much groveling and many lavish apologies from our press and government.
The Font of Truth has been blurbing for a new series on BBC4 called “Invasions” or something similar.
“Some invasions are bloody, some bloodless. Some were by invitation, some absurd and doomed. From Barbary pirates and brutal border raids to the air attacks of the 20th century, these invasions have shaped modern Britain and made us the people we are today.”
Is this another attempt by the Font of Tripe to convince the indigenous population of Britain that resistance to islamification is futile? I suppose if you are a quisling weasel you think being invaded, massacred, pillaged, and gang-raped, outbred and maginalised is jolly good thing for building the character of the nation.
Font of Tripe – I like that one.
I think said font jumped the shark yesterday morning on Toady when John Simpson, informed the listeners that the Queen is descended from Muhammad or “The Prophet” as he described him. FFS!
I have found myself thinking on numerous occasions lately, when I listen or watch al Beebus output; it has become almost a parody of itself with its news; analysis and opinion pieces. When a “senior” correspondent states something such as that, you know that we really are in f*****g clown world!
As an aside,
Why no mention on Wikipedia about the anti-Brexit bias? ……………………….
Despite this……………. ………..
Or have I missed something?
From the Guardian, today.
“Politicians ignore the poor but love saving foxes Kevin McKenna”
A devastating analysis of lefty “thinking”.
Amazing that it got past the “facts are sacred” “journalists”.
But these are the same lefties who invaded Iraq on no evidence whatsoever after ten minutes in the HoC discussing the declaration of war.
Whereas eleven hours of lefty time in the same HoC was devoted to banning fox-hunting.
Their values, and their Australopithecean intelligence exposed for all to see.
Written Sunday in the mid week open thread. What is the problem?
They should have a thread for every day. Then in future we could look back at how we analysed their coverage of key events.
They keep calling Trump names on Andrew Marr. It’s almost like Socrates breathes again as these searingly insightful leftoids analyse the key issues.
Socrates: So, what is Truth?
Leftoid: You smell!
Beeb Brother
I liked the accusations of hypocracy from the Hazarika Cunt.
If Farage is not entitled to his £73,000 EU pension because he opposes the EU, then all those SNP MPs should not receive their UK pensions because they want to dismantle the UK.
“ABC News suspends reporter Brian Ross for ‘serious error’ in Michael Flynn report”
Apparently, Trump had made contact with the Russians during his presidential campaign – but to agree about issues such as fighting ISIS.
So ABC have suspended its investigative reporter. I am sure that now the BBC know the truth behind the headlines they will start suspending their news reporters for spreading lies about the connections.
I see the BBC’s monomaniacal and pathological hatred of Trump has even contaminated the 8’clock news on Radio 4 this morning by referring to “Trump’s retweeting far-right videos”
There is nothing intrinsically far-right, or indeed far left, about these videos.
What the Font of Truth objects to is their muslim friends being exposed for what they are.
When the BBC first broadcast documentary films showing the liberation of Bergen-Belsen, I dare say lots of Old Nazis claimed it was fabrication or Jewish or communist propaganda.
If the BBC had any credibility as a news agency, it would have given the complete providence of these videos to inform the public. The fact that they haven’t done so, indicates they cannot find any rebutal that would support their “fake news” claims., The idea that facts about muslims are “divisive” and so should be veiled or even enburkhaed, in silence is typical of twisted BBC logic.
“Dalek” – “A member of a race of hostile alien machine organisms….” – Oxford English Dictionary.
A Dalek attitude to human beings –
BBC ‘Sunday’ R4 interview 03.12.17 with The Muslim Council and their view of the Dalek –
Caught a bit of Marr with Nigel Farage on to review the papers. Wow, what a complete set-up that was – I wouldn’t bet against the BBC actually having rehearsed it in the week (without Nigel of course)
So we are going to sit him on the end of the couch farthest away . we are going to put some fat lefty bird in the middle with a loud voice (no idea who she was and no interest in finding out to be honest) and nearest Andrew Goblin features we are going to have some nasally American who loathes Trump.
Fat lefty bird comes out with the usual bullshit (not a lick of truth in anything she says but hey that’s not important.) drowning out any truth and facts that Nigel is trying to talk about- Blathering on about Saint Brendan Cox (who you will remember got kicked out of his Charity job for bothering women.) Nasally American woman talks some bullshit about the capital of Russia being Moscow so we must therefore impeach Trump.
Then Little Andy Goblin throws in a classic – apparently what Trump retweeted was yes wait for it ….. FakeNews ….. err Andy ‘FakeNews’ does not apply to things that actually happened Dear Boy that is where you have been getting it wrong Andrew– do try and keep up.
First time: UK BREAKS WITH EU, opposed Syrian-backed condemnation of Israel over Golan
November 30, 2017 – UN Watch commended the United Kingdom for “breaking with the EU common position for the first time and opposing the UN General Assembly’s annual Syrian-backed resolution that condemned Israel for not giving the Assad regime control over the Golan and its 20,000 Druze residents,” said Hillel Neuer, executive director of the Geneva-based monitoring group.
“Today’s resolution on Jerusalem refers to the Temple Mount exclusively by its Islamic name, Haram al-Sharif. At a time when even UNESCO no longer tolerates this terminology, the General Assembly should not be engaged in the denial of Jewish and Christian heritage.”
Well it didn’t take the BBC long to use Twitter….Farage and pension hypocrisy- out of context as usual ..out of a whole programme that’s what they had to twitter…This has to stop somewhere.. It is not news, but puerile childish sensationalist media propaganda
And as for Ayesha Hazarika – I had no idea who she was – apparently she was a labour political adviser – not sure what her experience and qualifications were for this but that doesn’t seem to count these day. Apparently she was a comedienne too..not surprised she failed at that..She did not let anyone speak and wagged her finger incessantly..A left through and through – doesn’t listen to any others views and shouts at anyone who dares offer any that are different to hers…
I think Hazarika used to be a special adviser to Ed Miliband. She then moved into “standup comedy” à la BBC. Obviously, working for a clown has inspired her to bring laughter to the nation. Unfortunately her political analysis s is a lot funnier than her jokes. A possibble contender for the most stupid woman in Britain when the Grim Reaper has his wsy with the Hackney Hippo.
“….not sure what her experience and qualifications were for this “. – A foreigner?
Yes, the game is to change the topic of the argument and make so much noise that no one else can be heard. Then behave triumphantly superior.
“To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.”
― Thomas Paine
Melanie Phillips tries to weasel out of the criticism she has received over her attack on Trump.
She’s a BBC stooge, and belongs in their political bubble. Happy to bash Britain First for their past associations with undesirables, but gladly sits next to former IRA/Hamas/ Stalin/Mao supporting politicians in the BBC bubble.
We are not allowed a debate with or engage in a rational confrontation with Islam. Trump did it for us. Melanie has her comfortable niche knowing just how far the BBC will allow her to criticize selected forms of Islamic extremism.
Melanie, take a walk in our streets, have a look at the bollards, listen to the parents of raped children, of children blown apart by people who appeared once as moderate moslems, or piss off as liberal apologist for Islam.
Part of her response to widespread criticism of her attack on Trump
‘It is quite clear from the context and from what Trump himself has said that a) his re-tweets were reckless and careless: probably he knew nothing about Britain First; b) his target was not all Muslims but Islamist extremists; and c) his refusal to apologise and retract, while regrettable and reprehensible, signified nothing more than his unfortunate temperamental refusal ever to accept criticism and say in public that he was wrong.
Nevertheless, his actions enabled MPs to call him “Nazi”, “fascist” and “racist” at an emergency debate in Parliament. Their malice towards him is thus exceeded only by their own casual and all-too telling devaluation of what Nazism, fascism and racism actually mean’.
Melanie P- “His actions ENABLED MPs to call him “Nazi”, “fascist” and “racist” at an emergency debate in Parliament. ”
I don’t think that is a fair assessment. They don’t need enabling. They are ready to pounce 24/7 on him and anyone else outside their extreme world. We need to stop trying to defend against these “Nazi!” slanders. It’s a matter of definitions. Real Vs Irrational. Don’t defend anymore, just dismiss. The left are crying WOLF continually.