Immigration is down [to 2014 levels] and the BBC is in full-on panic mode telling us of a brain drain and a crashing economy #duetoBrexit.
The BBC’s reporting of the latest immigration stats was somewhat doomladen and negative…the drop in immigrants is bad news! We are fed a constant diet of claims that industry, agriculture, science, the arts and the banks will collapse before our eyes as EU citizens flee home from the ‘nasty and racist place that Britain has become’ #duetoBrexit and no others will want to come here to fill the gaps.
Totally untrue….
The number of people moving to the UK to take up a “definite job” has remained stable, however, fewer people were coming to the UK “looking for work”.
People are still coming for the skilled, high-end jobs as they always will….unless Corbyn manages to keep up the charade long enough to get his foot in No10’s door. [Remember Morgan Stanley say he is a bigger threat to the economy than a ‘hard Brexit’…so must be some threat!]
Speaking of Corbyn…the BBC has always used the message that he is a principled man who has resolutely stuck to his convictions…..except he hasn’t has he? He has dumped nearly all of his long professed principles in the drive for Office…not least dress wise…Corbyn obviously having ‘sold out’ and is dressing for the part rather than sticking to his own choice of clothing which he so proudly wore as a mark of his ‘differecne’….
And funnily ehough didn’t hear this when a simpering Nihal on 5 Live was interviewing Noel Gallagher….
Noel Gallagher: “Fuck Jeremy Corbyn. He’s a Communist”
Oh Noel Gallagher!!
What was it – 230000 more people in a year on top of a third of a million last year – and that’s good news. Come to London and see the effect. Tubes full all day – parking even worse than decades ago. Few English speakers. Basically using the place as a flop – guest workers who have no interest or love for our country.
The political class of all colours have done this to us. No vote, no cold discussion, and now it looks like we are to be sold down the river again on a non Brexit. And the population doing a collective shrug before seeing what on the tele for Christmas….
The biggest problem by far with London is it’s extreme overcrowding. It sucks the joy out of everything. Too much traffic, buses packed, tubes packed, ques for everything. I thought London was overcrowded 10 years ago. Now it’s even worse. I avoid going out there for evenings/ days out or weekends. I’m grateful I don’t have to go up for work anymore. A once great city, in some ways the best in the world. London is sadly overused now, unhealthy and dangerous. Not a fit habitat for humans. And there is not a hint that the government even acknowledges the problems let alone wants to do anything about it. They just intend to keep cramming in more people.