Wondering how many Brexit voters are no longer with us. And what a bad winter might mean for for the wall of gammon 🤔
— Mike Hind (@MikeH_PR) November 12, 2017
Leave voters are all old, white males…and thus their votes don’t count….and with luck they will all die off soon….let’s hope for a harsh, cold winter eh? Don’t forget to have your grand kids spit on their graves!
This report gives the lie to two lies of the Remainder camp…..they are driven by the young and diverse…and that Alistair Campbell’s EU propaganda rag, the New European, is a great financial success drawing in a rich selection of advertisers.
The paper currently sells around 20,000 to 25,000 copies each week – on top of its 5,000 subscribers, which Kelly says are growing at several hundred a week.
Given its steady circulation and affluent, AB-heavy readership – 70% are male, 75% are over 45 and 25% earn more than £60,000 a year – it is perhaps surprising that it has struggled to attract attention from advertisers.
So the New European is read by what are most likely old, white, rich men…go figure….Heseltine, Clegg, Clark, Mandelson, Adonis, Lord Hall Hall etc etc….these are the people who run ‘Remain’ and drive the campaign to reverse Brexit…old, rich, white men who are at the heart of the Establishment that Brexit was such a protest against.
Craig Nayman, our chief commercial officer, who had the tallest order, selling advertising into a newspaper nobody had ever seen, with a circulation nobody could know and with a polarised audience which might deter some brands. In the event, it was job he managed to carry off and The New European had paid-for advertisers from day one and continues to attract premium rates in the market.
Except that doesn’t seem to be the case….
It is perhaps surprising that it has struggled to attract attention from advertisers……n August 2016, as it entered its second month on newsstands across the UK, The New European opened up its pages to auction and invited media agencies and brands to bid for commercial space – but to little enthusiasm. “We dropped the bidding model because it didn’t work,” Kelly says. “The advertising market is in such a state of flux that it was a good try to be innovative but the reaction was disappointing.
The BBC must be gagging for a ‘La Nina’ cold winter.
1) It kills off the brexit voters
2) It can use their deaths to attack the Government ‘Tory Cutz’ on the NHS.
Defintely a win-win position.
The to Leave voters are all here fit and well-many that I know of who were between the ages of 28-50 and voted to Leave the EU had taken a little time to acquaint themselves with what a future inside the present EU would mean and what a controlling past the European Union had imposed on the citizens of Europe mostly without their consent-how can you honestly expect 28 countries to be under the control of a group of self seeking monkies and still be democratic-the answer is you can’t. The real worry to me and no doubt others who voted to leave is that we are being presently led by a REMAIN Prime Minister with an almost Remain Cabinet-what are our chances I hear you cry? Limited and evasive as this government without the publics OK commits us to giving those B’……..ds in Brussels £ 40 odd billion, so badly needed in the UK. Well I think if it gets worse and with an abounding Sharia Law hot on the heels, I’m offski to the Sun.
Plus a Remainer majority Brexit Committee.
Yep, indeed. The BBC is supposedly the Most Loved Corporation In History, but when people get the chance to buy the BBC in newsprint form none of them actually do. What can it all mean?
Apparently, we need a BBC that ‘looks like Britain’ but reads like 0.04% of Britain.
“Wondering how many Brexit voters are no longer with us. And what a bad winter might mean for for the wall of gammon”
Hate Crime!