The BBC is in a world of its own. A liberal totalitarian one.
Yesterday the BBC pro-EU, anti-Trump bots were released into the wild once again to spread the word….Brexit bad, Trump bad. Immigration good. EU good.
We had a laughable attempt to persuade us that Prince Harry is really a Muslim. John Simpson on the Today show telling us Harry is a descendant of Muhammed…thus we should all think Islam is wonderful as it is ‘part of our national DNA’ Trouble is this is an old, old story and the claim was that everyone in Europe was a descendant of Muhammed [through the Muslim invasion of Spain and intermarriage of the royal families with a female descendant of Muhammed…who converted to Christianity…maybe that should be the lesson…..for Muslims in europe]. Believe!
So by that Harry is also a descendant of Hitler, as everyone is related to Muhammed, it must include Hitler, and Franco…and that other neonazifascistlittleenglander Nigel Farage….guess there might be a link between fascists and Islamo-fascism then…hurrah for the BBC drawing our attention to this.
Prince’s racist term sparks anger
Prince Harry’s racist remark about a Pakistani member of his army platoon has prompted widespread criticism.
The prince issued an apology after the News of the World published a video diary in which he calls one of his then Sandhurst colleagues a “Paki”.
The newspaper said the prince, who is third in line to the throne, had called the soldier “our little Paki friend”.
The prince filmed parts of the video and in another clip, he is heard calling another cadet a “raghead”.
Hmmm…Harry is also descended from Vlad the Impaler…should we thus think any Transylvanian who comes to Britain and starts impaling people isn’t so bad after all because young Harry is related to him? Why didn’t Simpson say anything about good old Vlad?
The mathematical study of genealogy indicates that everyone in the world is descended from Nefertiti and Confucius, and everyone of European ancestry is descended from Muhammad and Charlemagne
You can believe or not…Simpson doesn’t care…as long as you believe him and absorb his pro-Muslim propaganda message.
What other delights did we have?….The Now Show….blatantly anti-Brexit…it wheeled in Tim Shipman who gave us a long comedy sketch trashing Brexit, the government’s handling of it and the Brexiteers. Undoubtedly written by the Now team for him. The Now show also took a chance to display its own racial prejudice….apparently the ‘racist’ Mail is a bit gutted that a Royal is marrying a mixed-race person, though the Guardian is cock-a-hoop. Well yes, the Guardian et al are delighted….hmmm…but so is the Mail which has turned itself into the Meghan Markle paper with endless, endless coverage of the couple. Hardly gutted. Just another lie from the BBC.
Then there was FOOC….a report about Canadian football was in fact nothing less than a vehicle to seriously trash Trump….apparently everything he does is terrible…and of course he is a neo-nazi supporting islamophobe….didn’t see any of that in the blurb for the programme…
And Bill Law tries his best not to talk politics [lol] as Canadians gather for the annual Grey Cup football match or Canada’s Grand National Drunk as it’s often known.
And coming soon….yet more BBC attempts to claim we are all immigrants and there is no such thing as a British identity…thus….be happy to welcome and embrace your fellow immigrants into your home and country….
Invasion! with Sam Willis
In this three-part series for BBC Four, intrepid historian Dr Sam Willis reveals a remarkable story of invasion in Britain that spans thousands of years.From the time that continuous settlement began in Britain over 10,000 years ago, to Iron Age hillforts and Viking ships, Sam Willis explores the many invasions of Britain. He unearths hidden stories to build a vivid picture of both successful and unsuccessful invasions and examines how they have shaped our psyche – including fear of invasion.
Some invasions are bloody, some bloodless. Some were by invitation, some absurd and doomed. From Barbary pirates and brutal border raids to the air attacks of the 20th century, these invasions have shaped modern Britain and made us the people we are today.
Have no fear of invasion by immigrants…they are you, you are them.
Oh yes and what of this surely big, big story…hear much, if anything, about it on the BBC which is normally so ready to report every word from the Bank of England when they say something that is negative about Brexit?…
Bank of England warning over debt: borrowing puts UK at risk of Venezuela-style collapse, official warns
Britain cannot afford to borrow more without jeopardising the country’s financial stability, a senior Bank of England official has warned.
Richard Sharp said the Government had already borrowed an extra £1 trillion since the 2008 financial crisis.
Borrowing more could put the country at risk of suffering from a collapse similar to that experienced by Venezuela, he suggested. Mr Sharp, a member of the Bank’s Financial Stability Committee, spoke just days after Philip Hammond announced a £25 billion spending spree in the Budget and at a time when the Labour Party is advocating borrowing an extra £250 billion.
Let’s join the dots….Corbyn wants to borrow endless billions, his economic and social model is based upon the failed and ruined state of Venezuela…and the BofE says that’s where we might be heading if we follow his policies…and the Corbyn supporting BBC avoids this story like the plague.
The BBC once again holding its nose and shaping the news to gerrymander the coming election….should we have one…which we may given May’s total surrender to the Remain camp…any bets the ‘£50 billion’ or so offer to the EU was a deliberate provocation to Brexit voters who are intended to think this is costing all too much…and thus make them doubt Brexit? Add into that her acceptance of ECJ rule over us and her complete failure to take any stand what-so-ever against the EU negotiators…you have to think it is deliberate sabotage of the negotiations by Remain voting May.
Oh and Trump’s tax ‘triumph’….only of benefit to the rich and big business.
I scrolled all the way down the article, to read the sole comment, so far, only to find that you were “First”. Is that of any consequence? It’s getting more and more like other blogs, by the day. Who gives a shit who’s first?
your only peeved you weren’t first. you silly old goat….BAAAAAAAAAA
I thought Britain was first. Or is it last?
Its last as far as Al Beeb is concerned.
Only about 15 months to go until we have to decide if it’s civil war. If Mrs May allows us to exit the EU, the likes of the far-left bbc can be sidelined on the matter. If however, Mrs May betrays us, I’d be very nervous if I was associated with the far-left bbc and other destroyers of Western civilisation.
The BBC has to be got rid of,the bias is so bad its against the UK to such a extreme that it will damage our image to others in the world. The tories still think its untouchable and does a good job,well its about time the powers at be took notice of our views or else
Sam Willis wrote quite a good book about HMS Temeraire, but his television appearances are generally pretty feeble, full of errors. He follows the bizarre trend in Beebyanka history programming, which dictates that all presenters must get into fancy dress as often as possible. He also sings. Possibly, that last atrocity is what makes him “intrepid”, which is an odd selling-point for any historian.
Dan Cruickshank produced a decent programme and a book about the forgotten invasions of Britain, but he didn’t feel the need to turn it into a propaganda piece for uncontrolled immigration. I think about twenty-five thousand Norman and French invaders settled in England in the aftermath of the Norman Conquest. The UK takes in that many immigrants (net) every forty days, which is actually down from the recent times when we had a Norman Conquest every four weeks.
we used to be all descended from gengis khan remember that old bollocks
its just a maths trick nothing else a deceitful maths trick
If anyone wants to know about the benefits of an invasion they could ask the Welsh about the arrival of the Anglo Saxons. A millenium and a half later we might all be friends, but it took hundreds of years of warfare to get here. It’s just under 1,000 years since Strongbow, Earl of Pembroke, invaded Ireland, and looking at the state of the Brexit negotiations the Irish still haven’t got over that one.
And we continue to get invaded because we have gone soft. These people should be sent back from whence they came ………………
“Wiltshire Police find eleven people locked in lorry”
Trying to pin down what it is, after a few millennia, has changed such that Christmas markets need concrete blocks doled up as parcels around them.
And it also all seems so linear. Atrocity, breast-beating, pious words, defiance and anti-atrocity measures erected.
Meanwhile someone less keen on peace and goodwill looking at the defence measures loads up a drone dirigible with flèchettes.
i didn’t know one could be baptist or hindu or zoroastrian or satanist by birth. When have religions become a race?
How did Muhammad’s progeny manage to copulate with the daughters of Ireland? Or Wales and Scotland for that matter?
Had to admit when I heard Simpson saying we are all related to the false profit I realised he is in the early stages of dementia . Delusions are a common symptom and he is on his way poor chap .
I thought he was going on to say we are all breathing the air breathed by Hitler, princess di or some other historic figure
The desperation of career beeboids to bolster multiculturalism and the conversion of Blighty to an evil belief like Islam is quite something .
He’s suffering post traumatic stress disorder as remember he told us he was LIBERATING KABUL . .
“He’s suffering post traumatic stress disorder as remember he told us he was LIBERATING KABUL . .”
Or! He didn’t read this helpful tract to Swedish refugees advising them that its not advisable to Rape Young women until they have read this Swedish government tract!
“John Simpson on the Today show telling us”
Oh, that guy! Bet he won’t be reporting on one of his favourite nations, Sweden!
Get this pro-muslim shocker from Sweden guys:
There is a prevalence on tv shows for misguided acolytes performing rituals to call up sequestered dark entities to save them from the light.
BBC Jugend minions digging up Lord Simpo seems to be in keeping.
I think that is an assumption largely based on the ease with which they managed to copulate with the daughters of Rochdale.
Prince Harry being Royalty is in fact a shape shifting reptilian. That’s the big story the media ignore!