The Balfour Declaration….67 words that destroyed the Middle East, enslaved and ruined the Palestinians and all because Britain saw ‘Israel’ as a useful colonial outpost to control the Arabs who were not fit to rule themselves…you can always trust the BBC to come up with the most negative, false and dangerous version of history that it can invent. The UN created Israel and the Muslim Zion of Pakistan at the same time…curious the BBC ignores that, and ignores the far more dangerous and unjustified creation of Pakistan….why did Indian Muslims need a ‘homeland’ when so much of the world is already Muslim? The Jews had nowhere.
Just one example of lethal BBC bias. Any more out there?…list them here…..
Good to see Farage on Marr. Obviously the lefties used ad hominem attacks and talked over him all the time. They have such class.
Saw part of it. When the woman in the middle ,Miss Interuptothon , started with the Donald Trump is a sexist misogynist islamaphobic etc. etc. it reminded me of Peter Pan played by Robin Williams. Obviously the Peter Pan scene showed a higher level of intellectual argument. It seems to me all these panel discussions have become talking points and interruptions. Maybe Farage could have done a Robin Williams , at least it would be entertaining!
I’m at mass when Marr is on so taped it because both Mr Farage and Mr JRM was on . Marr is embarrassing in his now overt prejudice . The images President Trump put on where not right wing. They showed what the followers of the evil Islam do .
Mr Farage shouldn’t have gone on with some dusky hysterical woman scoring lefty points and a loud yank Democrat . I wish JRM would step up – maybe it’s timing . I think Marrs’ stroke has taken his ability to even try to appear neutral .
I think President Trump did the decent world a service broadcasting those videos- I hope he does more .
Huh!? You were lucky Beeb Brother! You got Farage? Well, that is something.
On Radio 4 we had to endure Tony Blair and Mark Mardell being anti-democracy and anti-Brexit on The World This Weekend. (1pm-1.30pm). Then there was another attack on the Theresa May-led Conservative Government. And just to round it all off there was probably some other rubbish about this or that, in order to run something down. We got nuffink.
And a bad nuffink at that!
I guess Blair hasn’t lost his messianic certainty.
Fortunately for brexiters like me – every time that paid gobshite opens his mouth it hardens our cause .
It is amazing that someone responsible for our current position – including brexit through failing to restrict the new accession states free movement like sensible countries – dares to open his mouth in public .
At least his ultimate wet dream of becoming the President – of the EU – will never be achieved.
Tony Blair .
Never uses one word when three or four would would have the same effect .
Let him carry on.
He is the best advert to get out of the unelected undemocratic EU dictatorship .
Noticed Marr called Britain First ‘Fascist’. Any proof? Maybe Marr should be reported for hate speech?
Yes Twitter noticed
It’s school bully stuff that Marr thinks is OK to participate in.
The irony is looking over at a group of people and applying a universal derogatory label to them all, looks like racism.
As ever many libmobber adopt the SAME behaviour of the devil they have made up.
Very Prospero like.
Well, since Farage attacked and disabused Britain First i have no time for him anymore…long suspected him of appeasing muslims instead of standing up to them…Anne-Marie Duff has more respect from me now….The PM now joins in attacking them..disgrace. Far-right extremists are they?…do they lay bombs to kill people?….stab in random, crazed attacks?…drive vehicles into crowds of people?…throw acid in faces.?….decapitate people.?,,…….burn poppies and the Union Flag?…..solicit, rape and abuse young girls ?……stand in the streets in 1000’s, waving placards calling for death to us all?….breed like rats and claim benefits for 5..7..10 kids?…have 90% of the males un-employed, or under the radar working out of the tax peoples eyes?…am i getting through?…Jesus wept..Far right indeed…Testiculos….
The Middle East has been a running sore ever since the creation of Israel. But the reason for that has little to do with the Jews returning to Israel and everything to do with koran mandated Jew hatred. Jews will never have any peace whereever they live alongside Muslims because Islam teaches Jew hatred as one of its core values.
Muslims attack Jews in every country in the world. Iran even took the trouble to bomb Buenos Aires in Argentina killing 85 Jews:
What other reason apart from Jew hatred could explain that?
Mohammad, the model for all men (supposedly), personally oversaw the beheading of around 600 Jews. That’s detailed in Ibn Ishaq’s Life of Mohammad, the earliest biography of Islam’s founder.
In short, there will never be peace in the Middle East or in fact anywhere else as long as Islam remains intolerant and supremacist.
“..there will never be peace in the Middle East or in fact anywhere else as long as Islam remains intolerant and supremacist.” If I may add slightly to your absolutely correct assertion: ‘And if anyone thinks that after 1200 years or so, anyone’s going to change that intolerant and supremacist attitude, they will be utterly and completely deluded’.
That’s right.
As with any supremacist ideology there can never be peace with Islam. Non Muslims have only two choices: submit or fight.
The Christmas market on la Croix-Rousse hill in Lyon, France, has been cancelled because organisers cannot afford the €20,000 security budget.
This is just one of thousands of payments we will be making in years to come – in blood and treasure.
The easiest way to stop this is to convert to Islam, as Europe does not wish to listen to Pres Trump.
Agreed – not even the inevitable mushroom cloud over the Holy Land won’t end that conflict . There was a reasonable al beeb documentary Leo Amery and his role . Mr Amery apparently had Jewish blood which doesn’t support neutrality claims .
It’s a real shame the zionists and Arabs couldn’t have come to some kind of accommodation but now there are too many victims to achieve peace there .
You could have left off the last three words of your comment.
Ha Thank you! In future I leave off the last three words of deleted deleted deleted .
Islamic countries will continue to be a mess as long as they are Islamic. The trouble lies at the heart of Islam – the Koran and Mohammed.
Ann Barnhardt minces no words, since 9/11.
Islam MUST be destroyed. Anything less is suicidal, effeminate insanity. This satanic political system must be wiped from the face of the earth. Not contained, not tolerated, not quarantined, not “reformed”, not compromised with, not dialogued with, and encountered only for the sole purpose of destroying it.
“Ceterum autem censeo Islam esse delendam
A billion people will be released from its prison.
Perhaps Pres Trump will go down in history as the greatest liberator of all time – bigger then Charles Martell, King Sobieski, Churchill.
Bottom of page : “Why you can trust BBC News”
Quote “The BBC is recognised by audiences in the UK and around the world as a provider of news that you can trust. Our website, like our TV and radio services, strives for journalism that is accurate, impartial, independent and fair.”
Middle of page : “Pyongyang conducted its first nuclear test in September.”
Graduated with honours, No class of ’17:
No mention of Andrew Neil, amazingly.
Thing is – for James O’Brien to rate you highly, first you have to be an absolutely massive left-wing twat.
Patented BBC stealth edit 12 hours after publication
“first” was changed to “sixth”
Diane Abbott subbing when not in the studio?
Listened to PoV this morning, wished I hadn’t as I nearly choked on my porridge. Some non-indigenous Leftoid starts off about the London Library, an institution I know very well (and one really up itself), and an invitation to drinks which this gentleman pondered over because all of the Trustees were white. He then went through the whole gamut of the Daily Wail, Express and Brexit and how every clever person knows that Brexit is evil.
Worth a listen for the utter right-on, Leftoid, remoaner bollox he spouts!
Fascinating! What a hateful person, and so pleased with himself!
Ironically Zia Haider Rahman’s rant against critics of the BBC over bias, was immediately followed by a fine example of biased news reporting.
Ironically Zia Haider Rahman’s rant against critics of the BBC over bias, was immediately followed by a fine example of biased news reporting.
Just heard Cloggy on the Toady programme be given sitters by whichever similar-sounding Beebette was on duty today. She helpfully said that 60 out of 65 Brexit voting regions were amongst those most deprived. Along with his acceptance of that Cloggy said that one of the improvements needed in social mobility was the removal of the snobbery attached to academic rather than technical (ie trade/working) qualifications.
Of course he wasn’t asked how that sat with the oft-repeated Remoaner saw that only clever people voted to Remain because it would again imply Brexiteers were stupid and uneducated.
The ludicrous amount of manufactured hysteria surrounding The Donald’s recent tweets shows no signs of abating.
It really is rather baffling. We now know that, despite the medias best attempts to muddy the waters, these videos, essentially, show actual events. They’re not made up. However unpleasant they are, the content is, by ISIS standards, really rather nondescript.
One disabled lad being assaulted by a ROPer thug, a grinning, bearded third world half wit smashing an image of The Virgin Mary and lastly ISIS lobbing a bloke off a roof. Blimey, it’s really rather small beer.
In recent weeks alone the Egyptian mosque massacre has seen over 300 worshipers lose their lives.
Hardly comparable on any level.
Of course it’s given sanctimonious virtue signalers carte blanche to take an easy shot at Trump and Britain First.
BF is an infinitesimally tiny street pressure group, most people had hardly (if ever) heard of.
Posturing is now is so much a part of political life that these parliamentary posers vie to get on camera to vent their spleen. It’s a competition to see how “outraged” they can appear.
How many times do I need to see the incredibly smarmy Chuka Umunna before I’m taken seriously ill?
And how about that frightful little runt, Sadiq Khan? He wants to ban the American president from entering Britain. And yet, this poisonous little turd, when he was a lawyer, fought tooth and nail to allow Louis Farrakhan into Blighty. Farrakhan is a real charmer and has actually said that “Hitler was a great man,” and “white people are devils”.
This loathsome creature is a world class race hustler. A vile bigot of the first order.
And our midget, Muslim mayor wanted him here.
Tells us something…
Yes, it’s Cracked – PC Uber Alles – but it’s worth reading No 3 in the link below for some insight into what the BBC considers qualifies a guy to write for a children’s show like Doctor Who:
Help! What are the definitions of ‘Right’ and ‘Far-right’ as seen from the right? Interested to hear your thoughts 🙂
It’s an interesting question.
The fundamental problem is that there are, in my view, at least three axes of political thought:
Economic : Socialism vs Capitalism
Social : Authoritarianism vs Liberty (in the individual rights sense)
Global : Nationalism vs Globalism
The Political Compass ( captures the first two of these fairly well.
The Nationalism vs Globalism dimension seems to have been ignored until fairly recently.
[Technical note : there is a scientific way to approach this question called principal component analysis / factor analysis, which could be used to turn a large batch of questions into those few major dimensions of political thought that capture most of the variance. I’m not aware that this has been done, but if it has and anyone is aware of it, please post a link here, I’d be interested to read it.]
If there are 3 dimensions to political thought, both “right” and “far-right” become a bit meaningless on their own, as do “left” and “far-left”. On which axis are they to the left or right?
As far as I can tell “far right” is a current catch-all for anything the BBC / Guardian axis doesn’t approve of. Essentially it’s being used as a slur : the message is “stay away from this lot, they are extremists”. In practice it seems that if a group is economically right it’s called “right wing” but if it includes nationalism it’s called “far-right” even in cases where the full title is “National Socialist” which when viewed multidimensionally should be “nationalist left”.
As you can probably tell, I wouldn’t define “far-right” at all, except possibly by restricting it to the economic axis and using it to mean Ayn Rand style Libertarianism. I think it would be far more useful if political groups were described using 3 separate adjectives to describe their position in the 3D political space. So, for example :
Tories : right / authoritarian / globalist
UKIP : right / liberty / nationalist
Labour : left / authoritarian / globalist
LibDem : centre / authoritarian / globalist
Where I’ve judged the middle category primarily on their support for freedom of speech. Other people take a different view here, for example, focusing on support for the death penalty as the defining issue on the social axis.
Tories : left / authoritarian / globalist
UKIP : right / liberty / nationalist
Labour : left / authoritarian / globalist
LibDem : left / authoritarian / globalist
Greens : left / authoritarian / globalist
UKIP aren’t a nationalist party.
UKIP’s new motto is “For the nation”. I think that’s a clue.
There are different types of nationalism, see
I see this discussion could go on all day. And probably will. But I won’t 🙂
More concerned with countering federalism and putting the border back than any fervent nationalism in the national socialist sense . Declaration – I am not a member but would vote for them if it didn’t split the right wing and let a Corbynite in .
I am a bit unfashionable because I believe in Britain First – not the political party of the same name.
Jayda Fransens “Britain First” page actually contains a scripture line from Johns Gospel…word to the effect that “no matter how much they hate you-they hated me even more”.
Why aren`t Christians stepping up to the plate and checking what she`s saying? They say they follow Jesus-but they scorn the one party that openly puts a bible line up on their homepage.
I think we ought to include the Corporatists .
In the Middle Ages knights only identified with knights and above (lords , earls , counts , Dukes etc )
The peasants ( villeins , proletariat (!) , scum ) didn’t matter to the Powers That Be .
Knight fought knight and would ride over the peasant army on his own side to grapple with an opposing knight . The Knights didn’t even have the same language as the peasants .
So now we have the Corporatists , who identify more with the Corporatists in other countries than they do with the ordinary Joe ( peasant ) in their own country , if they recognise that country and its culture at all .
So politicians who are supposedly of the right like Heseltine , Clarke , Cameron and Osbourne have more in common with Blair , Clegg , Junckers , Macron , Merkel of the left than they do with politicians like Farage , Jacob Rees Mogg and the normal Conservative here in Britain .
The proof of it is in the language they use against those that stymie their globalist thinking . Fruitcase , nutters , closet racists , little Englanders you get the drift . Don’t argue , let the BBC denigrate .
I agree that the Tories have moved to the left, for example in terms of redistribution of income. However, they are not proposing the renationalisation of any major industries, as far as I’m aware, so I would find it difficult to say they are an economically left wing party.
UKIP had been around for a while (the Alan Sked days) without achieving anything politically.
The BNP began to make political headway, winning seats on various local councils etc and doing reasonably in other elections; they then had Andrew Brons and Nick Griffin elected as MEPs.
At that point everything changed for UKIP, Farage had a meeting with various senior people at al Beebus, the details of which remain private, subsequent to that UKIP’s profile within the MSM began to rise; whilst simultaneously the coverage of the BNP dwindled to nothing.
The rest is history: the BNP were crushed completely and UKIP went on to win the European elections that precipitated Cameron being panicked into promising a referendum on Britain’s EU membership. Nigel Farage was once asked on Any Questions what his greatest achievement was, his answer was basically the destruction of the BNP and not (surprisingly) the Euro election success. He referred to that again today on the Andrew Marr Show when he talked about the huge number of BNP voters who had switched to UKIP and so neutralised them.
The unfortunate thing is that UKIP are not against immigration and Nigel Farage himself (I have concluded) believes in globalism not nationalism. They are the controlled opposition, the political safety valve which people in Britain are allowed to use by voting for them. They are as far to the “Right” as it is acceptable to go in polite society here in the UK, or indeed as far as will be allowed for the electorate to go.
Hawk, that’s a helpful post. Am gald you used the word ‘globalism’. The Libbies and Lefties like to obfuscate at times by mixing in globalisation which – in my view & for I think others – is an entirely different beast.
Am not sure about your analysis of the Tories. I think they are in a total muddle. Traditionally, they would be centre right and right with some left wing (hard) worker support (people who want to get on and realise Labour Party only exists to keep most of the ‘working class’ firmly in their place) and also majored on liberty but with responsibility in return for rights. (Yeah, I know a Thatcherite line, that one!) They have become very Liberal social-democrats since at least David Cameron was elected, if not during John Major’s time as leader.
UKIP, mostly right with some gentler conservative attitudes but they had some real anti-worker, exploiter-types at one time like Godfrey (or was it Geoffrey?) Bloom. I think it’s a tragedy that that northern lad never made it to leader after those silly fisticuffs & form submission incidents.
Labour are now less diverse but still have some very conservative, social-democrats. Three cheers for Hoey, Field and others plus dear old Gisela! It was interesting that Blair on R4 today hinted that he thought the Labour Party could be returned to a social-democrat/christian-democrat {small c deliberate) model without much of the democracy, I assume. They are certainly globalist and internationalist once again, that last being a bit of an euphemism for communist/fascist.
LibDems, you are spot on except it could be argued that they are ‘leftish’ or ‘rightish’ around that new centrist branding (pre-2016 they were fairly socialist {note the small s} according to what they think people want to hear and will win them some more votes. Good luck with that one, guys.
You missed out the Greens. Guess you would put them as ‘left / authoritarian / globalist’ although I think it is starting to dawn on them that their internationalist globalist model is totally incompatible with their core founding belief.
I just turned on “The World This Weekend” to catch the headlines.
Apparently, they were going to be having an interview with the ex-Labour minister Milburn, who has just flamboyantly resigned from the “Social Mobility Commission” I didn’t know even existed, and then a long interview with Tony Blair, in which he will explain why Brexit is mad and doomed to fail. Then there will be a piece about Finland on its 100th birthday.
Sorry Finland, but I don’t plan to spend half an hour listening to this shit. A click of the off switch, and I have saved myself thirty minutes. I may watch some paint dry, it’s more entertaining that the BBC, and won’t rot my brain with left wing propaganda.
Little Milburn gets the “David Davis/Alan Johnson-“he pulled hi`self up with his bootstraps” narrative so beloved of the virtue signalling, the “personal is political” PC lobby in the media. Got a back story-but no hinterland like a Healey or a Tebbit.
Sorry-when the Tories choose lefty gargoyles and dopes like Milburn to head up their social conservative niceness ideas-then they deserve all they get.
Used to get my pamphlets at Milburns “Days Of Hope” leftie shop up in a big northern city, as I trained to be a nurse. We called it “Haze of Dope” for obvious reasons, but he was a looker and we were easily swayed.
When the Tories haven`t a clue and fear the left they co-opt the likes of Hutton, Milburn and Laurie Taylors lefty lad to “do an enquiry”-but it inevitably blows up in their faces.
Millibum brought the private sector into the NHS, so is hated by Corbyns mates-why don`t we throw him to those wolves then BBC?
Bit bloody stupid giving a socialist a job in a conservative Government . Social mobility now meaning screwing white kids and giving ethnics the positive discrimination leg up.
I too listened to a bit of this. Mark Mardell fishing for soundbites that trashed Trump being the most obvious efforts of Mardy to get the 6pm choice words from the Master. Blair not so obliging, but clearly thinks that he needs a new electorate instead of us.
As if anybody is proud to have voted for the biggest narcissist and liar who killed so many soldiers for his vanity projects? But Mardell takes the knee nonetheless.
Funny-was doing some fishermans pie, and did wonder whether Blair was the ringmaster or the seal on the drum-or was Mardell the thrower of the fish to a sleek seal?
Kept flicking over from one to the other.
Blair, Mandelson, Dubya, Osborne etc-who better to ask on morals and principles, why Farage and Trump seem to match their own former achievements as moral compasses for we the proles?
But then again, it`s Ross,Brand and Savile in the ballpool with them all c/o the BBC megaphone.
“Takes the knee”?
Think she means like the BLM football players do when they refuse to stand for the American National Anthem.
Good for you Alicia – just can’t do smug bubbles like mar dell any more – long list now – Westminster Hour – News night – Marr – daily politics – Sunday politics – London local lefty news – panorama -.week in Westminster – not a Single balanced programme between them – all bubble dwellers with the same caste .
Yes, I am staggered by the interview with Blair, & what an easy ride he had from Mardell. Why oh why does the state broadcaster constantly do their utmost to scupper the efforts of the government trying to realise the democratic decision of the British people, an effort made harder by a weak leader here & a hostile bunch of creeps in the EU doing their best to punish & humiliate Britain. The people here deserve better than the BBC taking the side of the opponents. Having Blair on is almost an act of treason!
It was painful stuff, RiC. Especially from Blair. You did well to miss it.
I found myself turned into a parody of a native American Indian: “That man speak with forked tongue!”.
Just been to a local history event, which was of course mostly old white men,. There was only about 3 women there, one who was glammed up . Then when she opened her mouth the male deep voice cane out.
No big deal , but we should be able to mention that despite dreams of sexual equality it’s often the case that they’re male dominated and half the women there turn out to be men as well.
Countryblues: Don’t make the mistake of thinking the answer to your question has anything to do with political analysis. ‘Far right’, as used by the PC mob, is a term of abuse, designed to immediately conjure up some really nasty images. They tend not to use the term ‘right’ at all, cos it wouldn’t do the same job. When they refer to the ‘centre’, what they are talking about is political correctness, which they think is where they stand. But the ‘centre’ has moved way over to what used to be ‘the left’.
So Merkel, in Germany, is theoretically the centre, cos -in theory- to the left of her are the socialists, ie the SPD.
In fact, she has skilfully outflanked them on the left to hoover up their traditional voters, as well as the those of the Greens.
Here in the UK May might be seen as the ‘centre’ and UKIP the ‘right’ But in most of the mainstream media UKIP will be given the label of ‘far right’ to conjure up those nasty images. Brexit, however, has now confused the whole issue even further.
Countryblues: Don’t make the mistake of thinking the answer to your question has anything to do with political analysis. ‘Far right’, as used by the PC mob, is a term of abuse, designed to immediately conjure up some really nasty images. They tend not to use the term ‘right’ at all, cos it wouldn’t do the same job. When they refer to the ‘centre’, what they are talking about is political correctness, which they think is where they stand. But the ‘centre’ has moved way over to what used to be ‘the left’.
So Merkel, in Germany, is theoretically the centre, cos -in theory- to the left of her are the socialists, ie the SPD.
In fact, she has skilfully outflanked them on the left to hoover up their traditional voters, as well as the those of the Greens.
Here in the UK May might be seen as the ‘centre’ and UKIP the ‘right’ But in most of the mainstream media UKIP will be given the label of ‘far right’ to conjure up those nasty images. Brexit, however, has now confused the whole issue even further. I’d be interested to hear whether anyone thinks the whole Brexit issue has made terms like ‘right’ and ‘left’ even more vague and meaningless than they already seem to me to be?
If the BBC keeps up its propaganda campaign by 29th March 2019 the divide will be between Patriots and Quislings, and it might not take until 2019.
FNW and all other responders earlier : I geddit! I appreciate the Left’s/BBC’s use of the terms ‘Right/Far-Right’ but, I wondered if viewed from the so-called ‘Right’ those terms might have a different meaning? Perhaps it would help if extra ‘Fars’ were added to genuinely right-wing groups so that their extremism could be better judged…then ‘Far-Right’ wouldn’t be so…er…far right? 😉
I just visited a ‘Far-Right’ Party site and all I found was common sense 🙁
Farage put Marr in his place today regarding ‘the tweets’ despite constant attempts to talk over him by some Asian comedienne labour hack who has a season ticket to the Marr paper review.
Instead of the faux outrage, the BBC should be asking whether these videos are representative of the Muslim cultural and terror threats that Europe faces today. The answer is a resounding yes. Who originated them or retweeted them is very secondary, yet the BBC has spent 6 days condemning the reweeting as vile and evil. Just how stupid do they think we are?
Very, EE.
But their output is not aimed at us.
It’s aimed at people who don’t have time to research issues, or find out facts, or check what facts they are given. Most people have no more than a vague feeling that the BBC might not be entirely accurate, or might be slanted in some way – they’re too busy going to work, looking after their families, paying the mortgage, planning for their retirement etc. etc. etc. Which is not to say that we aren’t doing the same things, but we make the time to find out.Thus the only things that actually register with most people are the headlines, which makes the sub-editors some o f the most powerful people in the media.
That’s why everybody “knows” that Trump tweeted far-right messages, without ever having seen them. That’s why the snowflakes and SJWs always lose to the likes of JRM and Farage: they’re armed with feelings and emotions, engendered by the BBC, starting with CBBC and running through to R4. Their only response now is verbal or physical violence, because they lack – or have been deliberately deprived of – the necessary intellectual machinery to deal with rational argument.
The truly socialist “cradle to grave” brainwashing, that started to come to the fore in the 60’s, is reaching its logical, inevitable, Gramscian conclusion.
You should be aware that the reason the Muslim destroys the statue of the Virgin Mary is not because he is attacking Christianity or the Virgin Mary, but because it is an idol and idols are forbidden in Islam. Forbidden to such an extent that it is forbidden to make the likeness of any living being, and even dolls are forbidden in both Saudi and Iran.
Lets not forget that after the Civil war ALL statues and paintings which were idolatrous and papist were destroyed by Christians.
The BBC and its host of virtue signallers could have made this point but they have two big issues which prevented them. One they know absolutely nothing about Islam – other than they believe its kewl, and b) their rabid hatred of someone who doesn’t share their twisted views is preventing them from rational thought on this matter.
Quite right-the three videos are part of a piece, only the left seem able to focus on one of them.
We need to highlight them all, as we like-they all say something big about Islam, as well as what the BBC chooses to care about, and what it doesn`t give a fig about. This means that we need to dwell on WHY the BBC cares about things, when it doesn`t.
chrisH, I think that is because that that is the video where the crime could be, and has been done by anyone, of any political and religious belief or background. The Libbies & Lefties are being very clever over this and are using those silly re-Tweets to do a big Muslim-Hug and brand anyone else who is wise enough to know we have a present and future problem as fascist, racist and on the Far Right and every bit as bad – if not worse – than Thomas Mair.
I know a lot who post on here don’t see it that way or cannot or refuse to see it that way but that is the reality.
Don’t forget, it is only weeks since our Intelligence Service released information that they have stopped over 20 Manchester Arena-type attacks in the previous twelve months.
The PR war is a subtle and complicated one. I wish it were not so, and everyone could speak plainly and honestly all the time and receive a fair hearing along with reasoned and polite counter-argument if necessary.
We need to learn two important lessons;
-The first from those devious types, Blair, Brown, Mandelson, Campbell and their backroom bullyboys who skillfully managed the media, the news agenda, to suit what they were doing even though it did, in my view, our country great harm.
-The second and most important one from Jesus of Nazareth who enjoined his followers to be “as wise as serpents and harmless as doves.” Whether you hold to His teaching or not, that is really good advice in any field of endeavou but most of all in politics and in the UK and as far as the UK is concerned at the present time and for the foreseeable future..
President Trump, Prime Minister May, please read the above paragraph at least three times before memorising it!
Point noted Up2.
That throwing a young 19 year old ladd off a tower before beating him to death is not deemed newsworthy is my point.
Didn`t happen in Holland, but the assault on a lad on crutches did.
And he`ll be Roma or Muslim, maybe both.
Let the medai gradate these nasties as they wish-we need not buy into it.
I remember Blairs QC tearing into Andrew Gilliganns filofax organistation for his rabid, unhinged search for a displacement activity for the hacks.
Majoring on minors.
Don`t think our elite “manage the media”-they are the masters as far as their mates in the press and media are concerned, so get free passes to pass bile as they wish.
Wise as serpents indeed-but gentle is rather passed as anything to assuage the elite. We need a Christain Brotherhood to match Al Bannas efforts in 1929 to scare this elite rigid. i`m sick of them hiding behing soft furnishings as provided by the CofE and Catholics.
All revolutions used to storm the media towers first, think we need to do the same-they must think we`re sleeping and stupid.
AS for Jesus-He`d have been Deplorable Brother No 1.
Why Farage didn’t turn the pension issue £73000k pay from us via the EU I don’t know . Marr must be on a good screw particularly is he in in the standard al beeb tax avoider mode .,
Over the weekend I have watched recordings of three BBC programmes from last week, How Ancient Rome was organised, Bombs that changed Britain and Brillo’s Last Week. I watched them because I was interested in the subjects and because I expected that the BBC would weave in at least one of their propaganda threads in each programme. I was not disappointed.
The Rome programme went well for 50 minutes and then the Proff who presented claimed that Ancient Rome only worked because there was mass immigration from all parts of the Empire and that many of these immigrants became Roman citizens. He then suddenly slipped into the 21st century and said that modern cities like London required ever more immigrants to provide services . Well that is extremely disputable in itself. But of course a slave had to be more Roman than a Roman in order to become a citizen of Rome. No multiculturalism in those days. This was not mentioned. No challenge to the standard BBC view that immigration is a necessary and good thing.
The Bombs that changed was supposedly about the Luftwaffe raids on Hull in 1941 but actually turned out to be an attack on the British policy of carpet bombing Germany. They cited the study conducted after the war by Solly Zuckermann who claimed that the bombing of Germany by the RAF and the USAAF contributed little to shortening the war. This study was and remains highly controversial with many historians hotly disputing Zuckermans findings and conclusions. But of course none of these historians were quoted or even mentioned. Once again the anti British BBC left the viewer with the idea that British bombing policy was a war crime which contributed nothing to ending the war. There was no attempt at balance.
Finally on This Week a Dutch Physics Professor working at Manchester University, was given free rein to predict unalloyed gloom over Brexit. His main point was that as a scientist he would always carefully consider the possible impact of any changes to experimental parameters before making them. He would have thought that before embarking upon Brexit the same careful considerations should have been made. Of course there is no real analogy between science and politics but I do agree with him about the need for impact studies to be made before major changes are made. On Brexit it seems the Cameron government refused to make any such studies. But in my opinion the impact of mass immigration on our country will be much more severe and long lasting than Brexit, and of course Blair tried to keep his open door policy secret. The Blair government also didn’t do any such studies and we are now beginning to live through the consequences of their disasterous policy.
Re-writing history is all part of the narrative.
Ancient Rome did indeed offer citizenship to people from far beyond the original boundaries of Rome or indeed of Italy. However the quid pro quo was strict adherence to Roman Culture and the Roman way of doing things. The Empire was finally destroyed when it became unwieldy and soft, in the sense that it could no longer protect its borders from mass incursions of peoples from radically different cultures. Ring any bells?
How many slaves, captives, animals slaughtered in Roman arenas while Roman citizens sat and laughed?
Take a visit to the Coliseum in Rome!
When can we Brits expect reparations for all the Brits taken and killed by Italians, and Vikings and Muslims?
Propaganda threads on one or another of the BBC’s pet subjects are now present in almost all output. Hardly any programming is free of the insidious attentions of the peddlers of new orthodoxy. I can now spot it within seconds of its appearance in a programme, giving me ample chance to reach for the remote and change channel thereby suppressing the instinctive desire to throw something heavy and damaging at the old Samsung.
The one winding me up today is Countryfile. Now delivered in a style which is closely modelled on that used in the old Playschool series for the under-fives (speak very slowly, clearly, smile throughout unless you are describing the destruction wreaked by Climate Change, when a slight furrowing of the brow and a stern voice are required).
It is tragic that quite a lot of otherwise informative programming is tainted in this way, rendering it, at least for me, completely unwatchable.
I agree Idiotboy,
Used to find it quite interesting but never watch it now as it is less about the people than the politics and it’s environmental grandstanding is all consuming yet seldom adequately explained or qualified.
Which is confusing as Tom Heap gives me the impression that he knows effin everything.
Plus I saw Helen Skelton was involved as I browsed through the channels this evening, don’t know what it is, but I can’t have her at all.
Double – did this solly zuckerman serve? Last week the 100th anniversary of the formation of the RAF . Bomber command lost 38000 men ( not Wimmin ) and even in the aftermath the surviving nazi s admitted that the resources required to fight the RAF reduced the effectiveness of the ground war against the Russians and ultimately in the West .
Al Beeb used to run with this interpretation but they much prefer the British Military as war criminals when it suits them. And carriers this tactic to present day by giving air time to corrupt lawyers stealing public tax money to pursue false Llegations from our recent wars.
Lot’s of interesting things going to happen in Europe that will bankrupt the Grand Plan (with our without Merkel) –
Another route into a EU departed UK will be, into Ireland via the porous EU borders and then a quiet stroll into Northern Ireland?
One things for sure, the UN Refugee Council and George Soros will be rubbing their hands with glee on this news.
Thanks for the link, G.
Very interesting article, and highlighting yet another reason why the EU is doing everything in their power to stop us leaving. They need our money to help pay for this lot, and they need our land to absorb all these wonderful, easily assimilated new europeans, many of whom will undoubtedly follow the religion of peace.
Thank God for the English Channel, now where’s the navy?
Oh, shit…..
Expat John
“now where’s the navy?”
Short of ships they guard the palace instead, thanks to Tory cuts .
Its all our fault for not giving the Jews Northern Ireland instead. That would have given the IRA a bit of a challenge
McGuiness and Adams vs. Mossad.
What odds would you give?
Hopefully we did for mcguiness shame Adams and his gang have gone yet
Survation reports for the Mail on Sunday that the woefully inept Teresa the capitulator May is now trailing 8 points behind Jeremy Corbyn, mainly due to her screw up on the EU payment, which the majority of people believe should have been nothing at all.
When people begin to talk of deliberate screw ups to call for a second referendum it really is time to think about whether this hopeless woman should be leading the government at all.
The Irish PM has not been very complimentary saying its a shame for her because she’s totally out of her depth, other leaders have been equally scathing.
Lets face it, Socialism (and May is undeniably a Socialist) has never worked and never will. Trying to appease people only ever ends in one conclusion.
Roll on the day May is replaced as leader.
Danniel hannan has an interesting gloss on the Teashop’s latest outburst.
Dublin: “Promise not to impose a border.”
London: “OK, we promise.”
Dublin: “Now promise that we won’t impose one either.”
London: “But that’s up to you, surely?”
Dublin: “Why are you being so difficult?”
Brussels: “Yeah! Show some flexibility!”
‘Teashop’. Very good.
And so he shall be named.
We keep hearing about a second referendum.
How about this for a question.
Should we pay £50billion (or whatever sum they end up with) to leave the eu or should we leave under article 50 and pay nothing.
If May wants to give the eu as much taxpayers money as she can then she should justify it by making a case to hand over the money. Her plan to lose the last election backfired so she’s trying to remain in by using other ways.
In or out is already decided, we voted out so out it is but a clean Brexit or total capitulation are both possible outcomes. If the remoaners want another referendum then this could be the subject of the question, pay or not.
I have just watched a clip on Breitbart of this mornings BBC Marr show. The bit was dealing with the POTUS tweets, what else, Marr said the re tweets were fake news. NIgel Farage corrected him pointing out that the videos were of real events and not fake ones. So there we have it, a liberals definition of fake news is anything they don’t like. Whether or not it is true or false doesn’t come into it, all that matters is if they approve or disapprove of the story. So it follows that their campaign against fake news is , as we have suspected all along, just a campaign to gain control of the internet and to be able to censor anything that they don’t like and to tell any lies that they wish to without anyone being able to challenge them.
Showing a video of a mussie shit breaking a statue of the Virgin Mary – the mother of God – is not extreme right wing propaganda is it?
It needs to be seen and the bubble will use any method to repress the rightful outrage of decent people seeing indecent actions.
the vid of Marr calling in FakeNews
“Labour chief whip Lord Bassam is shamed into repaying expenses”
Incredible story in the Sunday Times of a serving member of Jeremy Corbyn’s shadow cabinet having to pay back £41,000 that he illegally and fraudulently claimed in travel expenses. The full sum, when counting back the last seven years is actually £250,000.
If I was caught stealing those sums from the taxpayer I’d be going to jail.
Where is the wall to wall coverage from the BBC?……oh, sorry, I forgot, all their world-class journalists are busy ensuring that two burnt-out and discredited ex-policemen are given non-stop rolling news coverage trying to force the resignation of a cabinet member for having done nothing illegal, by illegally using evidence gathered illegally which should have been destroyed years ago but was illegally retained by two corrupt policemen.
“Coral reefs gone in 80 years, says Sir David Attenborough”
BBC favourite and national treasure David Attenborough has predicted that rising CO2 levels will lead to the coral reefs dissolving away in the increasingly acidic waters. None of us will be around to see whether he was right or not but I can point him in the direction of a quote from the LA Times as to whether we should pay any attention to his ramblings:-
“Fifth ice age is on the way…..Human race will have to fight for its existence against cold.” – Los Angles Times October 23, 1912
Thirdoption: On the great Lord Bassam ; we need to all write to the BBC to ask why there is no such coverage. I suspect I know the answer: the previous R4 midnight news contained a small item on this, tucked away near the end. Wonder if that is their way of being able to say ’twas there’?
In fact, a loud noise is required; I couldn’t care less if Green was watching porn, that’s his business. I DO care if some Labour skunk hiding away in the H o L is co-opting nearly a third of a million quid of taxpayers money. In fact, the House of Lords is an overpopulated jolly which also requires A LOUD NON-STOP noise. Non-elected peers: Democratic? I think not. The Bassam story reveals how UNACCOUNTABLE they are: no voters to worry about, so have a great time…
I mentioned in a previous post somewhere that the CDU in Germany are now waking up to the fact that Merkel kinda lulled everyone to sleep. ‘Demobilisation’ it’s called. We keep being told the HoL will be ‘looked at’, everyone is too busy with Brexit, this, that or the other. Meanwhile nearly 900 peers are set on shooting down democratic legislation and ripping off the system. Boy, have we ever been demobilised!
“TV historians’ group ‘wary’ over pro-Union cash offer”
“A pro-Union think tank set up by the television historians Dan Snow and Tom Holland has indicated that it would refuse funding from a shadowy group that channelled “dark money” into the Brexit campaign.
Snow is regarded as the BBC’s hot shot history expert and has a slot on The One Show. Holland presents BBC Radio 4’s Making History and is the author of books including Rubicon: The Triumph and Tragedy of the Roman Republic.”
Thank goodness the BBC is impartial.
Maybe Trump won’t tweet about any of these minor incidents which Islam enriches us with. But I do hope that Melanie Philips along with the likes of Andrew Marr who are complaining about ‘divisise’ tweets will do their Christmas shopping via the internet.
Following the scarce reports of a suspicious package in a German market a French market is canceled because of cost of security . Against whom? The far far far right I assume
Not noticed any comment on this elsewhere but apparently the editor of GQ – the lads mag which featured Jeremy Corbyn as its cover star – admitted that the photo shoot was ‘worse than for any Hollywood prima donna’ and that the experience of meeting the great man was ‘distinctly underwhelming.’
This, according to the BBC, resulted in a storm of twittering criticism from ‘Corbyn supporters and others’ which begs two questions. One: while it is only to be expected that Corbyn’s supporters would accuse GQ of ‘a set-up’, just who were the ‘others’ who contributed to the storm? And two: anyone who has watched the twitching uncertainty and primping vanity of Corbyn in a group photo shoot – such as the recent Labour conference, where he jockeyed embarrassingly for centre-stage – will know full well what a naïve, gauche and unpracticed performer he is.
Beltane, you have spoiled my night. I feel ill. The very idea of Corbyn on the cover of GQ.
It used to be dishy actors! Is NOTHING sacred?
Oh he’s there all right Lucy. Dressed to impress in M&S best suiting with a knitted red tie and smug ‘unholier than thou’ writ large over that scrofulous ill-shaven face. I’d guess GQ thought it rather avant garde, the reality is somewhat different.
I was trying to find out who the woman who harangued Farage on Marr this morning was. Turns out it is someone called Ayesha Hazariki, both Asian and Scottish so political gold, but not with the Labour Party in East Lothian it would seem as they didn’t select her to run for them in this years election even though she has spent 12 years working for Labour in Westminster. Was this mentioned on Marr or was she just a comedian, journalist and social commentator? She’s probably quite busy with that so probably didn’t want to give her any more work.
Anyway, sorry, Corbyn?
Don’t waste your money on GQ just have a look at the official bBbc Andrew Marr webshite and click on ‘Previous Guests’.
There he is, Jeremy Corbyn, great big picture thoughtfully framed in the team colours. He appeared on Marr in January, not a guest today, but nearly a year ago, so I don’t see why he should be given such prominence. There he is though, suited and booted, bigger and bolder than the rest, to print out and keep.
No attempt to hide their bias whatsoever, they just don’t care anymore.
The Beeb is virtue signalling about social mobility. Of course they do all in their power to give poorer outsiders a fair chance. Look at their payroll.
Dimblebey brothers – whose father had exact same job at the BBC.
Ditto the Coren siblings. They both have cushy presenting jobs and appear on panel shows like their father.
Jay Rayner, who has a cushy presenting role like his mother Claire.
Claudia Winkleman, whose mother had a similar job for the BBC.
Dan Snow, who has several relatives working in the media.
There are probably many other examples. The Labour Party is even worse.
Then there are Labour Party people who are either staffers (Purnell) or regulars (Abbott) and who I guess take large salaries and fees but the BBC’s independence is never questioned.
Mail : Lineker the Wan-eker = Gary Hypocrite
He deleted his old tweet critising Tweeter awarding world Cup to Russia .. and then took £20K for the 2 day job of comparing the FIFA draw.
Moscow in two days and then back for the essential “Football Focus”? Listen-can`t you hear Mother Gaia crying in pain at the airmiles of this fop?
Thought Russia was anti-Pussy Riot and was on Elton Johns blacklist? So why are we going to play football there then?
Cue tumbleweed and a big smoke generator Justin love…Test Card with Jimmy Savile in the meantime….
“No Brexit unless we back Theresa May, Jeremy Hunt says”
There’s me thinking that the majority of the nation voted out and we were on our way last year ? Who changed it ?
Interesting that the Beeb choose that headline, as it was taken from Hunt’s Preston interview and wasn’t really what the interview was focused on, which was ECJ position post Brexit – Hunt telling porkies and then laughably saying no Brexit unless everyone (meaning Tory MPs) back TM. The opposite is in fact true, if TM doesnt get backing for her “deal” then we crash out and get Brexit!
Funny how Toriskumm like Hunt and Osborne become great Parliamentary heroes once they choose the Reamin position, for the benedictions of the media elites and the EU that employs them in one way or another.
Enjoy it whilst you can Hunt, you nomark….
but she has one more trick up her eu sleeve. call for a ref on her deal. she would if cornered. her job is to stop us from leaving the eu. be that brexit in name alone or an eternal transition for a re-remain when the right time comes
Theresa May, may i remind you of political dedication….
I back the people’s decision (23jun2016).
I quit! (24jun2016)
Theresa May, may i remind you of political dedication….
I back the people’s decision (23jun2016).
I quit! (24jun2016)
US courts have ordered Western Union to set aside $586m to compensate victims of Nigerian email scams since 2004.
Too right since WU have clearly profited from these scams.
But golly how much have these Nigerian scams stolen ?
“None of them wants a hard border, but the EU has stressed that there will have to be some form of customs control. What is a “soft” border?”
Neither the UK or the R.o.I want a hard border. So who does want a border? Imagine all the cheap food, shoes and clothes flooding across the border to the R.o.I ? All of Ireland would benefit with no hard border.
IMHO the only people that want a border is the oligarchy in the EU?
Think of all the VAT they would lose. Let the EU man the border.
A future Brexit for R.o.I ?
Any suggestions ?
Looking forward (not!) to seeing this steaming pile of shite on the TV.
This week , the “Church” in this country
a) prayed that Prince George might turn out to be gay, so same sex mariages get performed by Kelvin Holdsworth in Glasgow Cathedral.
b) threw Aled Jones to the BBC pack over some texts from moons ago-by not defending him,one of the few public Christians still on telly.
Meanwhile Tariq Ramadan-alleged of international charges of rape, and a Muslim tayqqiya merchant of long standing-is on R&R at taxpayers expense, supported by his lefty mates at Oxford Uni.
And Labours Lord Bassam is not getting any calls to go-let alone be put in jail for systematic fraud of the British taxpayer. Presumably because he was a Labour lefty squatter , and who is “one of us”. When is the Church going to wake up? To get the likes of Fraser and Holdsworth off its back like the taqqiya ticks that they are? And when is it going to create a Christian Brotherhood that will defend Aled Jones, Cliff Richard and go for the likes of Ramadan, Brand and Ross as well as troughers like Bassam?
D666 – al Beebus NEVER fail to live down to my expectations.
The “Christmas” advert they air, represents neither the ethnic majority who fund them nor contains even a passing reference to the religion which is the reason for the advert in the first place and is also the religion of the greater number of its viewers.
It fits in perfectly with the current adverts on commercial channels in which Christianity is completely absent and which an objective viewing of, would lead to the conclusion that the UK population is majority non-White.
This country, if the Status quo remains, is irredeemable.
Fully agree Al,
As Expat John says further up, their output is not aimed at us.
They don’t seem to realise however that those they are aiming at are watching programmes from their home nations on satellite or streaming alternative content and channels through the internet. The bBbc does not matter to either our indigenous youth or to recent or not so recent immigrants of any age and yet they continue to alienate most of the rest of us and overplay the strength of their influence and prestige seemingly unaware of their increasing irrelevance.
They can present this false narrative all they like, and their contempt is infuriating and annoying and frustrating, but ultimately they’re contributing to their own demise, which can’t come quickly enough, because they garner neither respect nor affection from anyone.
I have been looking at the Christmas cards in the shops this last week and apart from Charity packs, there are very very few that have any religious connection whatsoever. Now I am not religious but I do think that traditions are important to our social fabric and sense of who we are ( now we’re) . I see the lack of religious cards as a sign that as a country we are losing all connection with our past. I’m sure that the hard left and the Globalists have been working towards this destruction of our customs and traditions for years, decades in fact. Of course they have been aided and abettted by the BBC . The institution that has done untold harm to our country.
Dave, I was just reading….,
Don’t like what you see? Just don’t pay. Simples
The more the merrier.
Country file warning
@Maxi this a quote collected from elsewhere hence the proxy quotation marks
\\If you’re a fan of BBC’s Countryfile and plan to watch it on catch-up do not have any weights or sharp objects near to hand when you do – or they shall surely end up being used to smash the TV as a proxy for Tom (Dung) Heap’s head as he bangs on about Climate Change and bird populations.
.. I have to say, this is the most concentrated level of propaganda I have seen on the BBC for quite some time.
Nearly 20 minutes’ worth, at least.
You have been warned. //Harry Passfield
Nice preview on @BBCCountryfile @tomheapmedia of upcoming The State of UK’s Birds 2017- The report is out on Tuesday 5 December! Follow #SUKB2017 to find out more //
1963 cold ?
It seems to me the highlighted cause of any potential further decline in bird populations in Britain, Climate Change, is the one that man can do least about. Manmade Climate Change is the least contentious issue in the eyes of those who the RSPB seek support and funding from as in their minds the science is settled and no personal decisions need be made or blame accepted. For the media and programmes such as Countryfile, it’s the easiest sell and suits their agreed narrative.
It’s only my opinion but there may be other contributing factors. Increasing numbers of cats, which fortunately often have charitable owners, corvids and grey squirrels that prey on birds and nests. Dramatically increased sparrowhawk and raptor numbers, promoted by the RSPB, with no predation or control. Disease spread by unhygienic garden feeders. Increased urbanisation, loss of habitat and light pollution. Changes in farming methods. Wind farms in migration corridors. Changes in farming methods in North and sub-Saharan Africa. Indiscriminate shooting in Southern European and Mediterranean countries. Disturbance of nesting sites through countryside pursuits such as rambling and dog walking. All of these can affect migration patterns, feeding habits and the subsequent breeding success of birds native to or visiting our islands.
Most of these are also things that the average Countryfile viewer might actually be able to do something about, or that the RSPB could lobby against or attempt to aid, but blaming Manmade Climate Change alone allows for more procrastination, politicking and passing the buck with blatant propaganda from the bBbc and their friends. Able as usual to grandstand and virtue signal with as little effort as possible and with the same lack of responsibility and accountability as usual.
I was scrolling down on the ” Balfour Declaration” page and came to the picture of the school girls.
Before I read the caption I thought why were nearly all the girls wearing WHITE head gear? When I
am driving my car in London as the girls are going or leaving school they are covered in BLACK head scarves.
I was confused. Then I scrolled down further and realized that they were Palestinian girls.
BBC News at 7pm – “‘So called’ Brexit Divorce” – is the language changing? ‘So called’ – does that mean it’s not a divorce? Would the BBC like to let us know who keeps the house, the children and the pensions?
Religion is special – it means you can say ridiculous things and people will just nod … An Egyptian lawyer (Nabih al-Wahsh, a prominent conservative) has been sentenced to three years in prison for saying that women who wear ripped jeans should be raped in punishment. { 03dec2017}
– All cultures are equal. All lawyers are practical men wanting to uphold the law.
Our ‘trusted news’ source has more reams on Russia, which it dubs ‘the story to end all stories.’ Yeah, right: it’s the most boring non-story ever. That the liberal elite felt the need to fabricate this nonsense and refuse to focus on why the people have rejected them is the real story.
Lies have to be believable. From the start this did not ring true. As Trump said about the dossier, he is a germaphobe so why would he pay women to urinate near him? And would a billionaire patriot with his ego honestly look to that old enemy Russia to help him out? Sounds like total bulls**t to me. Of course our trusted and impartial broadcaster has been all over the Russia nonsense.
i cant help but think day by day story by ridiculous fake story the bbc and the left are slowly ever so slowly losing both the plot and the audience
I actively arrived at biased bbc because QT affronted my sense of reason on a weekly basis and i needed confirmation that it wasnt just me
im sure im not the only one
When it turned out there was no collusion, they changed to saying Russia exploited social media. A totally different thing, but they still dig and dig and destroy any vestiges of trust they retain.
Kaiser, you are not. The BBC of 8 years ago, let alone two, three or four times that passage of time, was a very different beast to the BBC of today.
I cannot see how Tony Blair, no longer elected and now widely discredited, would have been given air time to try to overturn or undermine our democracy with the presenter, Mark Mardell, under Mark Thompson as Director General. Under Greg Dyke, Lord Birt, Sir Michael Checkland, Alasdair Milne or Sir Ian Trethowan it would never have been allowed and had it been tried by a Radio 4 Controller and Presenter they would have both been in the DG’s Office on the Monday morning to explain themselves, probably to be sacked or resign later that week, after a week of lurid front page headlines from all of the national newspapers, including the Libbie & Leftie ones.
This “dossier” began the current cycle of Fake News, was paid for by Hillary. It dragged MI6 into it via Christopher Steele. It was Hillary paying the Russians via MI6 and using Democrat lawyers.
And is the mother of all the scandals we`re seeing today as the legacy media call it.
But-as yet-no story, no outrage and no dwelling on what, where and how it all created this witch hunt and acres of verbiage and gossip.
The Legacy Elites Media outlets are deranged and incoherent now, just throwing any mud at Brexit and all things Trump. They can`t be seen to win, votes mean nothing.
Can only hope and pray that they`ll implode. Or else it will have to be civil disobedience.
Have just been on the BBC web-site main Home Page. Lots of old news. Lots of old news promoting certain things like a particular movie or musicians.
All this from an organisation that wishes to convince us how trustworthy they are.
With promos from a broadcaster that is not allowed to carry advertising?
With bang up to date – not – news?
“Wiltshire Police find eleven people locked in lorry”
What, Brits locking themselves in a lorry?
Why would they do that?
Are they so desperate with the state of immigration and lack of progress with Brexit that they are smuggling themselves out of our perfect nation, even in the back of lorries? A lorry! A LORRY FFS!!
Sorry, I’d better read the piece instead of assuming what the headline suggests.
Ah, so they’re NOT Brits! But there is nothing to suggest that they’re immigrants smuggling themselves into Britain either (well, the BBC doesn’t mention any one of the words smuggling, illegal immigrants or asylum seekers).
But they are “people”. One Iraqi and 10 Afghans. I wonder whether they have dual-nationality and why, on god’s earth, are they using the back of lorry as a taxi? Also, why has the driver been arrested? Must be the possibility of the “glue”, to seal the rear door, being illegal.
OK the words “police” and “immigration enforcement officers” encroach but the Beeb had me going there for a sec. The insidious PC b*stards that they are…
Undocumented dreamers. We are all migrants. There are No borders.
Wiltshire Police (who have been monitoring Going Postal on an occasional basis) are only interested in ‘hate crime’. I think they may have suspected that this vehicle contained a hate crime ops room, where an assortment of people were busily writing Tweets, whilst on the move…
When Winifred Robinson returns to the same old gripes about the Tories on her awful “You and Yours”-she says it`s not “campaiging”,,,for this would be wrong…not BBC at all.
So she says it`s called “persistent reporting”. There you go folks….Leveson, Green, Brexit, Russia and Trump….no campaigning whatsoever, it`s all persistence, compassionate attachment and dogged reporting.
How great to sign your own cheques, make your own rules and repert ceaselessly on your virtue and campaigning,,,sorry passionate persistence.
Whoa @ChrisH .. You picked the one prog that resists the bias.
Winfred is similar to Andrew Neil in that she researches her stuff.
She impresses me, cos she could just become a libmob campaigner like the rest, but doesn’t.
that why she mentioned the rules about NOT campaigning, a rule that everyone else ignores.
“.Leveson, Green, Brexit, Russia and Trump” are NOT mentioned in her prog.
She mentioned that since they moved to Manchester the Y&Y audience figures have gone up particularly outside the southeast.
Interesting that this out of London fig is never mentioned for other progs ..Radio4 is very very London.
Agreed, StewGreen. ‘You and Yours’ does a good job and provides a valuable service. The presenters are balanced and fair, with no discernible political or PC bias.
Here we go again
More doom and gloom from our favourite scare monger, mr David Attenborough.
The Blue Planet series is generally a good BBC production with some excellent filmography, though can be a tad trying, with the commentary sometimes feeling like stirring treacle.
Anyway, tonight we were treated to a group of sea lions herding tuna fish into rock pools. When allegedly, the sea lions disappeared for two weeks it is apparently caused by our actions and global warming.
After a quick bit of research on the Galapagos climate I found this…..
Perhaps an alternative reason…
El Niño and the Galápagos
‘Precipitous declines in the Galapagos penguin population have followed past major El Niño events, including 1982-83 and 1997-98. Penguin population collapses during or following major El Niño events are understandable from an oceanographic perspective. The Equatorial Undercurrent weakens substantially and even disappears altogether during such events (Firing et al., 1983), with dramatic consequences for the entire food web from schooling fish to penguins (Boersma, 1978 and 1998; Boersma et al., 2013, fur seals (Aurioles and Trillmich, 2008), marine iguanas (Nelson et al., 2004), and other marine predators.’
I can not watch Blue Planet anymore, its all artificial over the top sound effects and dubious enhanced imagery. Its almost as if the beeb doesn’t trust us to understand a proper documentary.
This new series is like Disney. I keep expecting Nemo to swim past .
For quite a long time now, I have watched Attenborough-hosted and other natural history programmes (and others) with the sound muted, and with subtitles on. It is a wonderful liberation from the preposterous musak that afflicts most programming, and I quickly came to realize that the enjoying the programmes is not much diminished by removing the sound. I thoroughly recommend the practice. Of course, I recognize that some viewers actually like the accompanying musak, but It would seem a simple thing for it to be broadcast on a different frequency and controlled by a different button on the bezonkerator, thus giving the viewer the choice of whether to have it or not.
Love it – “Here we go again”. I’m with you, Davy.
Sea Lions going AWOL is due to global warming? Ha. I’ll bet you posting that message on here ’causes’ global warming too? We have to laugh at these loons or we’d go insane. CO2, a trace gas, which makes up just 0.04% of the atmosphere is allegedly causing all this “hell”? It does when the funding is so good. Jeez!
If there is one good thing to arise from the Trump re-Tweet fuss, it is that the BBC has defined what is not FakeNews. If I recall correctly, Ritula Shah stated on the World Tonight either on Wednesday or Thursday last week that news that is not fake is or has to be 100% accurate.
That being so, I thought I heard Mark Mardell state, in a TWTW item on Finland that Lenin granted Finland its independence from Russia. I’m posting from memory & may be wrong so please correct me, maxincony or anyone else. Now that did not accord with the history that I, as a non-historian, knew so I have just tried to check.
Wiki, which can get things wrong, says it was a unilateral declaration of Independence by Finland. Again, if you know for sure, please post. I have a certain fondness for the music of Jean Sibelius, especially Finlandia [a very good EU Referendum tune and hymn words to go with it. 😉 ] and was always taught that that piece was written for the Finns as they fought a Civil War that was, in effect, a war of liberation – more correctly to remain liberated – from Russia.
If Mark Mardell’s statement is incorrect, then the BBC have started this week with another piece of FakeNews.
That, from a broadcaster that wants us to trust it. Will Mark Mardell resign?
I wonder …
” … the Senate of Finland declared its independence on December 6th 1917 and was officially recognised by the Soviet Russian Government on December 14th as Lenin knew he couldn’t hold the peripheral territories but hoped that soviet uprisings would occur there.”
So Mardell got it wrong, oddly in favour of a vindictive, murderous, marxist government.
Thanks, ss. That is what I vaguely recalled. That along with the fact that when the piece Finlandia was written and premiered it was a protest song. Sibelius used his music to encourage the interest of his countrymen in the place of their birth. I seem to recall that when the Finns were heroically fighting ‘the Reds’, Sibelius controversially took the piece, with others, on tour to encourage his ‘side’.
Of course, yesterday, the centenary anniversary put the BBC in a difficult position. They are opposed to the nationalism that took Finland to independence. They are opposed to the independence of the UK from the EU.
“Social mobility board quits over lack of progress”
“It said London and its commuter belt appeared to be a “different country” to coastal, rural and former industrial areas, with young people there facing lower pay and fewer top jobs.”
Yes correct, its definitely a “different country”. London is not British any more, in fact London is not Great Britain and London does not speak for Great Britain, more importantly, neither does Al Beeb.
That’s why we all voted for Brexit.
Politicians take note, you are out of touch with Great Britain!
Well perhaps things would be better now if people in the areas that voted for Brexit had not also mindlessly voted Labour for years.
I also find it hard to think of Birmingham, Bradford, Oldham, Rochdale, Rotherham etc as British.
“Schools get mental health care boost”
With all the modern educationalists with so many ideas, why have we got so many ‘screwed up’ kids?
“Supermoon’ brightening up skies for stargazers”
Despite Brexit!
2 weeks ago satire cartoon prog Family Guy predicted the SJW meltdown over tweets.
“Guilt by association” plays a strong part
In the prog just shown on Channel ITV2 Brian the family dog rejoins Twitter to get more friends and then all of a sudden his world ends as he makes a joke which is seen by SJWs as extremely racist… He’s so hounded that in the end his own family kick him out and goes off to live the rest of his life in a sad bedsit.
Here’s the tweet
Here’s an excerpt from the show
synopsis :
references :
Someone made an entire video explaning it all
The bBBC national ‘News’ is running a small series of profiles of the candidate cites of culture, starting today with Coventry. The presenter was a racist woman, whom I had never seen on the ‘news’ before, who kept telling us that the most well-known fact about Coventry was its multicultural vibrant ethnic population. No, me neither. She then interviewed a variety of black and ‘Asian’ stooges. Only at the end of her piece did she mention that there were a few other facts about the city, such as its cathedral, rebuilt after being bombed in WWII, and its car industry.
Oddly, the bBBC webpage takes a much more balanced view. Is this a new ploy by the bBBC?: archive a reasonable article whilst they broadcast more and more of their racist anti-British propaganda.
What I remember about Coventry is it took the brunt of a lot of bombing during the war and the cathedral was flattened.They built a new one .As usual these multi culti historians only go back to the very recent past.They love to rewrite history .
The wonderful British composer Benjamin Britten wrote his war requiem and I believe it was premiered at Coventry.Of course despite Britten being gay ,he might be just too British for the BBC.His music ,like Elgars oozes Britishness or more to the point Englishness.
Deborah &Sir Arthur
Re: BBC city of culture and BBC TV representation – it was so racist – in that out of everyone involved in the short profile only one active person involved was white. The BBC version of history is very short…and all that Coventry seemed to offer is modern cheap choreography and an old piece of music …given the that the latest census has only 5% of Coventry as black then a 90% Black presentation team seems a bit – well racist…it’s like going to Africa and only finding white people – which I would also be complaining about…
Or does racist only work one way?
The BBC are trying to manipulate social values and perceptions and are a disgrace to this Country
That is precisely the system they use Sir Arthur. Widespread and frequent coverage of bias and propaganda, ‘balanced’ by smaller and less accessible items on web or text pages. So if challenged they can say with what passes for their clear conscience: ‘But we did say that……’ and give chapter and verse – except that only the few who search for alternative opinions or story-lines get to choose poison or placebo.
Coventry has other claims to fame:
The most dangerous city in the UK has been revealed – and it may surprise you
I feel with Trump he is the one cool and decent teacher in a school of bullies and morons. You can just imagine him nudging you before tweeting those videos.
“I am going to show actual footage of them them throwing a gay man off a building. I bet they still manage to not talk about the issue!”
And of course they still manage to ignore the seven tonne elephant stomping through the school. So all the cool kids in the back row shake their heads and titter whilst the older, useless uncool teachers wag their fingers and disgust the pupil with their incompetence and cowardice.
Then another pupil is trampled on by the elephant and dies. Cool Mr Trump is threatened with the sack, which engenders more rebellion as he is the only one who tried to save the boy. Apparently by mentioning the elephant he emboldened it, which is nonsense.
Lessons go on but the teachers have lost our respect so struggle to control the class. And the frequent interruptions of the noisy elephant make it difficult to concentrate; some lessons are even taken off the timetabl because the emboldened elephant has destroyed several classrooms.
Amid so much incompetence the children despair, but classes with Mr Trump give them all hope. He actually knows his subject and what has to be done. He is a breath of fresh air, an oasis of truth in the desert of deceit.
BB, how does re-tweeting something that we all already know do anything, for the UK especially?
The President thought he was being clever & hip and up with the kids in passing on what is already out there. Instead, he has harmed himself in the eyes of the UK parliament and media. There is no excuse: it was stupid and wrong.
Those who are not supporters of Brexit, our present Government or the Party in power and who probably have ‘republican’ tendencies despite fawning over Royalty as much as anyone just get yet another stick to bash us and their other opponents with.
It is no help whatsoever!
Donald Trump is a media personality, made by his TV exposure. He has leveraged that (the businessman coming to the fore!) to run for and win the US Presidency. Not much different from Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon, although the latter’s legal route was a more usual, more approved standard path to the Presidency.
He (Donald Trump) is only different because of the ‘game show’ TV age in which we live. Nixon had to endure similar hostility in his Presidency, apart from that over Watergate wrongdoing.. Reagan had to endure a certain amount of scorn in the run up to and during his first year or two in office. He turned out to be not so much a wolf in sheeps clothing (as a former ‘union’ man) but a globalist who helped to enrich the elite first, everyone else second and/or last.
I hold no great liking for Donald Trump but am amused at how people misread him, especially at the BBC. I suspect he will see out his term without much really changing for the bulk of Americans and without ‘the swamp’ being significantly drained. I do enjoy the way the Libbies & Lefties get into a complete tizzy over him although it is causing some damage that a Corbyn-led (or similar) future Government here will endlessly seek to exploit. I don’t think he is brilliant or has a clever plan. The Trump-sacked Seb Gorka would, in my view, make a far better President but he’s ineligible.
OK, Mr President, please go out and prove me wrong. God bless America!
Brexit – it’s a battle of the sexes, according to the BBC
Lightweight would-be matinee idol Dan Walker on the BBC’s female-centric Breakfast tv show confirms this peculiar gender-based notion of our relationship with Brussels with his introduction of “pro-Brexit” MP Owen Patterson MP. Apparently Patterson is “one of the MEN urging Theresa May….”
So there you have it. Not only is Patterson introduced as “pro-Bexit” as though 17 million voters supported some exotic minority viewpoint but he is apparently condemned as being a “man”.
Come on BBC, time to be honest with viewers and rename BBC Breakfast as the Mad Woman’s Breakfast to bring it in line with its sister show Women’s Hour on Radio 4. Oh, and that will be the end of our Dan’s career.
Sadiq Khan will become the first Mayor of London to lead a trade mission to both India and Pakistan. { 01dec2017}
“Mr Khan has announced a six-day tour, visiting Mumbai, Delhi and Amritsar in India before heading to Lahore, Islamabad and Karachi in Pakistan.”
Will Sadiq be accepted by the Muslim community after failing to stop bikin posters on the London underground, taking in a young dog for Christmas, promoting alcohol with the opening of pubs around London, being in charge of a city known for gambling and drinking.
Will this mean UK aid can be reduced to zero and replaced with trade to these countries?
Will he ask Pakistan to stop celebrating Al Quds with burning of the Israeli and US flags?
The five biggest recipients of bilateral aid are Pakistan, Ethiopia, Afghanistan, Nigeria and Syria. When it comes to continents, significantly more gets spent in Africa (55%) and Asia (41%) than anywhere else. {fullfact}
Will Sadiq Khan raise the problem of blasphemy laws and how living in a country with freedom of speech and freedom of thought are necessary and are the reasons he lives in a tolerant country?
“Mashal Khan was shot dead by a mob (in Pakistan) after a heated discussion about Abdul Wali Khan university, and activists are pointing to archaic blasphemy laws and their frequent misuse for revenge and personal gain” {26apr2017}
Im shocked a BBC panorama investigation has found British Foreign Aid money going to jihadis in syria
yes im shocked the BBC has done some genuine investigative journalism
They need to evidence a bit of meaningless investigation every so often so that when they do their normal anti British anti right stuff they can claim neutrality .
I had always assumed that the government cares for every penny of the £ 13 000 000 000 taxpayers money we donate to worthy causes like Islamic State terrorist groups.
I would love to see how much of our licence fee is wasted.
Must be fun being him.
Given half a chance, Harrabin would be cheerfully choked by many of us, I suspect.
Sent from his iPhone – possibly one of the most environmentally destructive pieces of technology in the World .. how did he get to Nairobi? By boat? Did he swim the channel?
“Breakfast in Nairobi where #plasticbags are banned. This croissant bag is still part plastic tho. And what about the disposable cutlery? #Turtles will get choked by them both. Sent from my iPhone” roger harrabin
Here is a report the BBC could look into … and then move onto plastics in posh hotels taken with iPhones ….
In this regard, there is an immediate need to:
1. Fully repair and continuously maintain the sewage treatment facility at Kipevu.
2. Encourage a national campaign that will encourage bagging of wastes instead of flushing them to the waterways. { 22nov2010 -Sewage pollution in the Coastal waters of Mombasa City, Kenya: A norm Rather than an Exception}
Then don’t chuck it in the sea when you go to the coast, Roger, on your day off!
The politicians, environmentalists and the media (especially the BBC) are not bright enough to understand that it is not the British public and British consumers who are littering the world’s oceans with plastic.
It is the waste and recycling companies illegally dumping stuff that should be recycled or go to landfill, ideally the former. The politicians – who are meant to represent us and our interests – are passing the laws (that increase our costs) but are not then policing them properly. It is they who should be called to account.
It is another environmental scandal just like Volkswagen.
We take our culture and infrastructure as given … some cultures are not that bothered … Is India’s lack of toilets a cultural problem? { 16mar2012}
“this croissant bag is still part plastic tho. And what about the disposable cutlery?
#Turtles will get choked by them both.”
Not if the plastic garbage is burnt safely as a fuel in a high temp incinerator
Note Harra show the BBC’s “Trust” level by using a darkened steam stack photo as his twitter motif
…low classy