The Balfour Declaration….67 words that destroyed the Middle East, enslaved and ruined the Palestinians and all because Britain saw ‘Israel’ as a useful colonial outpost to control the Arabs who were not fit to rule themselves…you can always trust the BBC to come up with the most negative, false and dangerous version of history that it can invent. The UN created Israel and the Muslim Zion of Pakistan at the same time…curious the BBC ignores that, and ignores the far more dangerous and unjustified creation of Pakistan….why did Indian Muslims need a ‘homeland’ when so much of the world is already Muslim? The Jews had nowhere.
Just one example of lethal BBC bias. Any more out there?…list them here…..
Toady watch
New presenter called Gita – Nuf said – level 10 beeboid. Must do a wiki.
Class interview about the position of Eire – clear anti Brexit anti hmg bias. No ones says to the Irish – since we are going – why don’t you have a referendum on leaving. I know the country is covered in yellow rings saying this that and the other was paid for by the EU but there are more things than money – like freedom – which I hope one day the country will experience again.
Gita is the sister of the smug channel 4 fella – who is the brother of the fella who works with Miliband in the so called international rescue charity – which seems to be a charity outfit to boost the ego of its staff.
In short it’s a media dynasty in the making. – they just need to marry into the Dimbleby s and the crown is assured. Love a bit of media incest.
Incredibly al Beeb interviewed a citizen who used to be an mp for a small party until he lost his seat last time – a certain mr Clegg. Mr Clegg was asked about this nonsense theme of social mobility – which actually translates into non white non British people getting the ‘ whip hand’ as Enoch Powell would have said.
Geeta Guru-Murthy, BBC World Service regular, Fedup? Not a good radio voice, too squeaky.
All sorts of folk being drafted in for a day or three on TODAY this year. Is an announcement of the retirement of The Humph coming soon to a broadcaster near you, which you trust? (Perhaps/maybe/not at all – delete that which does not apply)
Yes -up – that’s the one – a Gita. Sounded very promising and could soon challenge the ubiquitous Amyl Nitrate for the “ive done every show on al beeb “ award . It’s about time he stood in for the Walkers Crisp guy who reads the ‘cue on the cheap footy highlights show ( part from the salaries).
I don’t normally listen to Radio 4 and five minutes in the car this morning was enough to convince me I’ve made that choice correctly.
Owen Patterson, I think, leading questions, interrupted answers and warned off discussing the Labour Party in a how-dare-you-dare-to-criticise way followed by a piece on migration, really immigration into Britain, blamed on war, poverty and climate change. Climate change? Where? Afghanistan and the Balkans? Nigeria? If only there wasn’t so much rain in Myanmar.
I don’t know how or why those of you who listen to it put yourselves through it, this shower really are extracting the urine.
Rich, Paterson was impressive. At present, he appears to be getting stronger and stronger with every BBC appearance. Some of the Beeboids dislike him intensely from his time as Environment Minister. Think there may not be too much love from the other direction.
Thanks – I do it out of duty – but perhaps my blood pressure might be suffering .
The ever ace Laura seems quite smitten with the ever ace Katya that the ever ace EU is chipper.
Given they supposedly work for the British national broadcaster, spiffy.
GW, you would think that after last week the Beeboids would be very careful about tweeting ….. and re-tweeting
Wonderful moment on TOADY this am (R4 6-9am – in the last hour), Nick Robinson is interviewing, I think, the Bishop of Armagh. He asks a very leading question of the contributor – in fact Nick really was putting words into his interviewee’s mouth – and the churchman calls him out in a very gentle, Irish way: “I couldn’t have said it better myself.”
BBC trustworthiness!
They are discussing fewer teenagers having jobs. My first job was working in the kitchens at Pizza Hut, a job now done by a Polish man. The sorts of jobs you used to get will often be done by immigrants now, espcially Eastern Europeans. Of course the BBC do not mention this hate fact at all.
JHB on TalkRadio
“… Women need more (pay than men). Our (women’s) haircuts are more expensive (than men’s haircuts)…” @3:27
Competing marches for Donald’s visit 26/27 Feb 2018.
One organised by Little Owen and the SJWs, another by @IamBritishreal (re-tweeted by DV, Tommy, AMW etc.)
see also on youtube
Will enough people turn up?
What will the ‘authorities’ do to scupper it?
How will the BBC cope?
Surprisingly today Radio4 is low on SJW virtue signalling stuff (outside the normal bonkers news/magazine progs)
Even Woman’s Hour went with this
“How women are being helped to talk to their children if they have concerns about radicalisation or grooming. Sofia Mahmood director of an organisation called ‘Empowering Minds’ gives advice and support to groups in the community. Reporter Catherine Carr meets some of the women on a four-week course in Bradford.”
– Autobiog of Giles Fraser the lefty reverend is this weeks lunchtime book
– 4pm : “Following four distinguished photographers at work on four very different photo shoots”
Photos don’t work on the radio you twits
– 4:30pm Time to take God out of The Courtroom ? : The prog features Christians, Sikhs, Quakers faith is obviously missing
– 8pm : Special Operations Executive in wartime Gibraltar
– 8:30pm Palestinian and Jews mixing at Israeli horse shows
7:30pm BBC1 Panorama is about British Aid money intended for the Free Syrian Police Force ..ending up in the hands of Al Qaeda
10pm BBC2 Bet you are surprised that Ed Balls is a panelist with fellow lefties in a “comedy” panel show presented by a BBC lesbian favourite.
Is there a ‘Man’s Hour’ Programme to offer balance? No? Oh, ok …
Lucky there isn’t one cos it would be
How sexy are small boys – by C of E vicar
The snip
House husbands
How many wives is enough
How to get more benefits
Jerking off – yes or no
Why are there more male illegals?
Do I get the job ?
Ah, how not to be a man. Job is yours if you dare take it…;-0
Hey PizzaHut : Pizza is really very expensive cheese on toast
.. I know your tricks about thinning the dough
..And I’ve got a toaster and a microwave, so I’ll make my own …with blue cheese
Judging by the initial msm reaction to the brexit talks it’s a complete sell out to the EU . Will the government split and Corbyn government for 2018 having said he ll keep us in and withdraw A50???
I don’t know why our ‘negotiating’ team didn’t just say on day one “you can have everything you want” to the eu.
It would have saved time.
Instead, we have total capitulation from our ‘negotiators’
What a mess they’ve made of it.
yes what a mess they are deliberately creating, inventing problems that dont exist, inventing bills that dont exist
Article 50 is quite clear , we dont owe them anything , the EU gets 2 years grace notice of us leaving to make its adjustments.
I know May is dumb but surely surely even she can see she is suicideing the tory party, surely tory MPs can see this?
I’m finding it difficult to believe it’s true. The DUP would go mad, Nicola Sturgeon would demand the same for Scotland with the threat of a referendum she might well win if she were told to piss off. Not even this craven government is that stupid.
may will give us a fake brexit which will be as soft as a mascarpone cheese and which she will impose by threatening a second ref on the deal that would hijack the first ref result and by the threat of a corbyn government due to her deliberately lost majority. all planned. job almost done.
may will give us a fake brexit which will be as soft as a mascarpone cheese and which she will impose by threatening a second ref on the deal that would hijack the first ref result and by the threat of a corbyn government due to her deliberately lost majority. all planned. job almost done.
her priorities appear to be:
1) Worldwide Common Purpose
2) The EU
3) Being liked by the MSM
4) Her job
5) The country
The party is not in them
Not sure the country is either…
Dr Who writer says he delayed having a female Doctor as he had to “retain viewers who voted for Brexit.”
Typical sneering Beeboid. Anyone with a different opinion to you is a white supremacist, sexist monster. Nothing at all reductive about that.
Well, he needs to retain viewers who liked the old format which has worked so well up until now. If it it is not broken do not fix it; often just a slight tweaking of a successful dynamic can ruin a show. Red Dwarf used to be my favourite show but then they kept changing the winning formula and it became painful to watch.
Female superhero films have done badly at the box office; the whole knight in shining armour archetype is deeply wired in us. Good luck to him but I like my superheroes male.
Too late. He lost me at the start of the Capaldi era, and I should have gone before that. Instead I hung on for old times sake.
Beeb is that true?
How can there be a connection between the PC dr who and Brexit . Do they think Dr Who is of any importance ? Trivial bubble gum tv with no meaning? At least some of Terry Nations’ script were challenging but now it’s all jeopardy and running about.
I really hope these talks fail but I thing May would sell her mother . What a let down.
How low can you go? NOW STOP FUNDING HATE TARGETS NSPCC {order-order 04dec2017}
BBC Search ‘stop+funding+hate+nspcc’ .. nothing appears yet 04dec2017@13:13 … let’s see how the BBC get around this – hate campaigners stop the funding of child protection services …. interesting.
We hear a lot about ‘fake news’ lately, perhaps there should be another category, ‘false news’?
All day the BBC has been pushing the Rowntree Foundation ‘poverty’ story. On Breakfast this morning there was an ‘economist’ telling us that absolute poverty was income compared to a historic value whereas relative poverty was in comparison to what other people were getting. This was obviously a better measure as ‘we have moved on’, ‘we progress’.
Jeremy Vine added to the nonsense by telling us that relative poverty had increased, something that is clearly impossible. Pensioners were supposed to have been better off and now were heading to be worse off.
My simple solution would be to halve the pay of all BBC presenters, that would marginally lower the average pay of all of us and would slightly improve the lot of people who are paid less than average! Really what we need is an absolute measure. Just as the consumer price index is calculated by working with a ‘basket’ of items it should be possible to agree on a basket of ‘essential’ and the price of that will define basic need and will increase/decrease over time, tracking actual costs.
Jim S
They never refer to them as “Left wing thinktank, The Joseph Rowntree Foundation” do they?
Funny that.
Psychological framing trick ..and language tricks
Standard libmob MO
“Facebook creates 800 jobs as it opens new London office”
“Julian David of techUK, which represents 950 technology firms in the UK, welcomed a world-leading c.ompany such as Facebook investing in London despite the uncertainties surrounding Brexit.”………………………………..
On the other hand the CBI talks down the economy
UK economy to remain sluggish, says CBI
Shouldn’t their job be to promote Great Britain to the outside world? What else are they for?
Despite Brexit, Pound surges to 1.14 Euro.
And how doeas our broadcaster promote or sell Great Britain to the rest of the world ? Just look at its propaganda over the last two years .
A bad day to announce good news taff
Following the fiasco the Pound dropped back to 1.13 Euro.
Nothing to do with BBC bias, so I hope you will indulge, but…
Ha ha ha ha! Mr Hoist, meet Mr Petard.
Appreciating a guest room job was beyond the pale, I wonder if her preferences in diploRachmanism extended to extra diverse tenants?
RD, Is that for real or a spoof?
Well, it has a “verified” tick, so I think it’s genuine. And shows that she’s only voiced Approved Thoughts.
RD, pardon my ignorance of Twitter but does the account holder have to retrospectively show that it was their post? I shall look for that in future, come what may, but I may steer clear of any links to Tweets before a General Election just in case the Russians influence me. 😉
You’d need a heart of stone not to laugh.
\\ @bbcPoV 23 programs on BBC this week about cooking, including repeats.
Yep real world class broadcasting! Insults intelligence. //
No obesity crisis, then?
On BBC 1 1pm news, it is announced that Facebook are opening a new hub in London and will create around 2000 jobs in total.
Strangely this news item did not end with the BBC’s usual mantra ‘because of Brexit’.
I wonder why not?
So sorry Taffman, didnt spot your superior description. I’ll ‘like’ yours.
No apologies necessary, just get on with some more bias. The more the merrier. 😀
“UK foreign aid money ‘diverted to extremists’ in Syria……………..”
Perhaps Mrs May should divert UK Foreign Aid to the people living in poverty in Great Britain ?
Charity begins at home.
Anyone who suggested beforehand that this might happen would probably have been up on a hate crime charge.
BBC fail to report rise in particular kind of Brexit “hate crime”
More specifically WHITE ENGLISH older people have been subjected to torrents of abuse since Brexit, with the BBC being at the vanguard of the abuse.
I am white, male, British born of British parents, 78 years old and the only torrent of abuse I have been getting is the never-ending one from the BBC.
Belgian MEP Philippe Lamberts told the BBC’s Laura Kuenssberg that the UK had made a concession on the Irish border.
The BBC’s political editor said Mr Lamberts said the UK was prepared to accept that Northern Ireland may remain in the EU’s customs union and single market in all but name.
But, she stressed, the BBC has not yet seen the draft document nor has it yet been signed off.
we are being held to ransom by the EU and EIRE
never mind paperchase and pizza hut, time to boycott EU and Irish goods
Hmmm maybe the DUP deal just went out the window
I really with Blighty would play as dirty as the EU – unless it’s a very clever scheme for the whole negotiation to fail without HMG being blamed for it ( I want it to fail ) .
Perhaps once we leave we can change our conditions and refuse payments . They need us more than we need them – including Eire.
Kaiser, it is strange but Laura Part-Time Kuenssberg has not been around much on Radio 4 recently. (Her predecessor was on almost every day and he did all the TV, too.) Perhaps she doesn’t like radio much because her loveliness cannot be seen by the millions of her followers?
However, today on WatO, with some possible negative side to the latest ‘advance’ in the EU negotiations, she was obviously keen to comment because she had to ‘phone in.
So keen! I wonder why?
BBC News @ 1300 R4 – Just love to refer to the referendum in Catalan as being “disputed” rather than constitutionally illegal.
Rotherham rapefests? muslims simply being sociable?
BBC reminds us of Trump’s pussy grabbing remarks of 2005.
Even BBC reporters cannot be that stupid in presenting this as news; they must have been instructed by that foolish women in No 10 who is keen to distance the UK from the US.
Meanwhile the UK have been busy voting with fellow EUers and the Arabs against Israel’s claim to Temple Mount. Nice one Theresa, Brownie points from the BBC for going against Jooos.
“UK and EU ‘appear close to Brexit breakthrough”
What worries me is that May will come back from Europe with a similar ‘Big deal’ as did Cameron and Chamberlain before him. IMHO Its all Procrastination. We should stop wasting time and just get out now.
we are being sold down the river as we speak, this will finish the tories and usher in Corbyn welcome to year 0
She ll probably be waving a piece of paper as she gets off the Lufthansa .,
I can her her paying the divorce settlement fee and staying in. I knew a couple who did that, and they are still married.
Astonishing, this article is third on the UK online website:
‘Twitter hunt for Bournemouth-Manchester train ‘love rat Ben”
– this is not news, it is tittle tattle, and promoting mob rule. I imagine it’s a pathetic attempt to include the yooth…but third article? Based on what someone ‘overheard’. Will the bBBC never learn?
How many people who are not-bots use the BBC news-site ?
bet most of its hits come from Buzzfeed staff.
I worked for quite a few years in the oil and gas industry.
Most business is conducted where the oil and gas come out of the ground.
Saudi, Russia, Qatar, USA, Australia, Norway, etc. etc. The United Nations and others produce repors on production levels, it is all quite simple really to work out.h
None of these producers you will note are in the EU.
Yet amazingly, we managed to do very good business and no-one ever, ever said “If only they were all in the EU our business would be so much easier”. Somehow we managed.
Well, actually what happens is you just create the export ‘paperwork’ once, electronically, and all subsequent orders just use the same essentially automated system. It is a bit more fiddly but a minor cost overall.
Dealing with the EU on WTO rules would be like that. A bit fiddly but no showstopper. The biggest problem would not be the individual countries that make up the EU but the arseholes in Brussels determined to punish us.
Thanks for that insight, Sluff. It is a chronic shame that the BBC are not doing that sort of research journalism across various sectors, seeking out what you have told us for yours.
I wonder why not?
“A recent survey of customs clearing in all developed countries showed that 97 per cent
to 99 per cent of all goods were immediately cleared electronically and the vast majority of the
remaining 1 per cent to 3 per cent was cleared within a day – most likely a few hours (World Bank,
Page 13 below.
Click to access EFT-Budget-for-Brexit-14.11.17.pdf
I like Moggy’s suggestion (iirc). Leave without paying a penny and let the EU build border controls between OUR NI and THEIR Eire if they want. Let them deal with it.
Eire transit 70% of their exports to the EU through NI/us. Our HMRC said in Parliamentary committee last week that current procedures were adequate (broadly that they knew Paddy did a bit of VAT fraud and smuggling but it wasn’t taking the piss excessively, I would suggest.) We introduce a law which allows spot checks on Eireann lorries going either way and if they contain contraband, human or goods, we confiscate the lorries and send them the humans after fingerprinting them.
Anyone watch Howards End?
In which a couple of intellectual left wing feminists who have never done a day’s work in their lives hit the jackpot by marrying into a rich family and getting to live in a lovely house absolutely free.
How very relevant to the modern era. Perhaps not quite in the way Forster envisaged, but the idea of the entitled left certainly aligns to the mindset of the biased BBC.
It must be so oppressive for all these feminists who marry high-earning men. They must weep about the ‘wage gap’ as all that extra money for them to spend pours into their joint bank accounts.
Is there any BBC programme Amol the Merrier is not shoehorned into with his unique blend of DNA-based impartiality?
He reminds me of one of blokes who tries to sell you a crap TV set and the overpriced rip off insurance .,
So it looks like May is doing to the North of Ireland what the Ira couldn’t – reunifying it with the south under common rules. I suppose the DUP will be bought off or bring the awful government down and replace it with an even worse one . Oh – as it is often said – the humanity
Just hope this can be sorted out once we are truly out of the EU.
The North of Ireland? That’s what the Republicans and IRA supporters in Northern Ireland call this part of the United Kingdom, many find it a particularly insulting and derogatory term used by those who oppose the existence of Northern Ireland, so bitter and bigoted that they can’t even refer to it by it’s correct name yet still willing to accept the benefits of living here. I’m not surprised if you’ve heard it used on the bBbc.
I don’t accept that the DUP will be bought off as their electorate will not accept any deal that suggests closer political ties between Northern Ireland and Eire and they are of far more importance to the DUP than the propping up of Teresa May. The DUP aren’t the real danger to Teresa May anyway, I think that she needs to be wary of the backbenchers in her own party who will be closely monitoring an ongoing situation that is at present as clear as mud although Sturgeon and Khan have already made their intentions clear, greatly aided if not encouraged by the bBbc.
The bBbc coverage of these negotiations has been awful. Speculation, wild exaggeration, and the eagerness to attack our Govt and accept the Eire/ EU shit stirring is treacherous. Their definition and explanation of language being used has been confusing and wrong. Hours of reporting a rumour and Eire/ EU grandstanding without any clarity or confirmation of facts. Awful journalism in the reporting of a supposed deal for Northern Ireland that we didn’t ask for and don’t want, in reality a deal for Eire and the EU under the premise of a ‘hard border’ that only they have ever suggested.
A supporter of ‘Britain First’ drove a truck into an Indian man and did a Nazi salute, the Beeb reports prominently on its website.
Odd how they have no space to report on the numerous enrichers ‘grooming’ school girls or commiting fraud but this exceptional case is reported on. They present the isolated events as typical and typical events as never even having happened, as we saw with Rotherham et alia.
Oh, but you can trust the BBC to say it as it is! It’s not at all deceptive to only report on things that support your ideology and ignore or downplay everything else. I will keep my eyes open for Nazis – they are lurking around every corner. God bless the noble BBC for warning me of such a clear and present danger.
Christ – I just saw an elderly white man eating fish and chips on his way to play lawn bowls! He is going to murder everyone who is not white!
Any info missing ?
#1 “Old Bailey heard that the *Polish-born* window fitter then used his white van as a weapon against Kamal Ahmed ”
#2 He admitted dangerous driving ..and the other charges were allowed to lie on file
… So hang on if he he was really trying to kill the Curry house owner he should be in jail.
Clearly the CPS have a milder opinion than the headline writers.
UKIP MEP quits ministerial job to spend more time helping re Rotherham etc.
BTW that EDL tweet is the only tweet on twitter that mentioned the story.
It’s the story that counts not who the messenger is.
I wonder if Rotherham is the workaround for the TV license. Stop paying the TV Tax and say to the BBC that you no longer believe the money is being spent correctly – social engineering, missing important stories, creating pay gaps when talent should be the driving force – and the money will go to a Rotherham charity to help the women abused and forgotten by the BBC.
If the BBC changes you might start paying again, but if the BBC comes and tries to prosecute you they are stopping the money going to charity – surely a better cause than an over paid Gary ‘£1.75m + BT Sport + Crisps’ Lineker or a Chris ‘£2.3m + CarFest’ Evans?
It seems that Treezer, in full capitulation and concession mode, failed to fool all of the people all of the time today, when she tried one clever sell-out trick too many (with Arlene this was); suddenly I feel a new appreciation for the fact that the Conservatives NEED the DUP for a majority in parliament.
Let’s hope, Fedup2, that things don’t go the way you fear in your comment on this matter. What Jeremy would do in these negotiations doesn’t bear thinking about.
WE always said that the Toried needed a slim majority to keep them on the edge , so they couldn’t easily trick us out of Brexit.
Funny listening to the prime minister of Ireland – population 3 million irish and a million EU guest workers trying to sound as though they matter to Blighty . That population is less than the 16 boroughs north of the River Thames . Someone should grab hold and remind them . Come on DUP . Stand fast.
I read that one of the Irish dignitaries was complaining that we were treating them as if they were a small country.
Willie John McBride. Legend!
A superb leader of British Lions.
Agreed, but the biggest mistake of his career was to pass up the best hooker in the UK and Ireland for the 1983 tour and put a, frankly, third-rater in his place and as captain.
Peter Grimes
Was it his decision ?
Much has been written about it, here is one example –
“However, many felt that both Peter Wheeler of England, and Scotland’s Colin Deans were actually better hookers than the Irish skipper, and with McBride emphasising that the Lions captain needed to be guaranteed a place in the starting XV, a difficult decision had to be made.
Fitzgerald got the nod, with McBride gushing in his praise of Ireland’s leader: “Ciaran’s qualities of leadership not only this year, but for the past two years, made him a pretty foregone conclusion.” But not everyone was so convinced. The Daily Mirror’s Chris Lander wrote about Wheeler’s snub, describing it as “one of the most sensational omissions in the 73-year history of British Lions tours,” with England centre Clive Woodward critical of the England set up for not selecting Wheeler as captain since Bill Beaumont’s retirement in 1982.”
You will remember the tour result.
Amazing isn’t it, the arch traitor May is prepared to sacrifice almost anything to the EU even 100 billion Euros of our money which should now be raised by levying a wealth tax. This would work on so many levels by hitting the super wealthy luvvies sho supported remain, and the other wealthy who support Theresa May, they should also extend the income tax to those living abroad retaining British citizenship, yes that means you Sir Richard!
However a line in the sand has been drawn for May, and its one she is not prepared to cross. The DUP have said they will not countenance a Brexit which is different for Northern Island to the mainland. It does appear that May was about to capitulate on this issue as well as any other – in fact if the EU had asked her to dress as a clown she’d probably have agreed.
This time though it’s different, her job is on the line and so catastrophic is her ability as PM that Corbyn is now an astounding 8 point in the lead – give May a second shot at an election and it would probably result in a 20 point lead.
Given the choice between a rock & a hard place May blinked and took the cowards option, saving her own skin. This is the measure of the woman, utterly gutless and always ready to capitulate to any request so long as it isn’t her who suffers.
Sums her up perfectly
BBC World: Tv host Billy Bush says Trump’s obscene remarks were real.
All the Left have are character assassination and name calling. Here this is reliving character assassination from a year ago. They are pathetic.
So, the BBC studio guest list is sorted for the coming week.
“Brexit: Carwyn Jones questions reported Irish border deal”
Mr Jones should be reminded that most of the people of Wales voted to get out of the undemocratic EU. While we are on the subject, let’s have another referendum to get rid of the Welsh assembly. That bureaucracy got in by the skin of the teeth. It’s costing Wales a lot of money.
There is a HYS running, only 20 posts so far, Welshmen get yours in now!
Question time
Clegg , Owen Jones ,billy Bragg, Diane Abbot, sober soubry/shami
Lefty comic – too many to think of – press delete
On the Six O’Clock News the bBbc have just presented the Irish shenanigans today as a failure on the part of our government, or the British government as they must always clarify, a political power play by the DUP and a personal sign of weakness in the PM. The Irish Teashop was allowed to act the big fella in suggesting that an agreement had been reached and then reneged upon by the British, but this was only to be expected as poor Theresa May was under a lot of pressure, ie, the Brits are a shambles. Thankfully he found it in his heart to condescendingly understand, the bBbc then highlighting on his behalf, through the useless fucker Buckler, the plight of the Irish, the real victims of Brexit.
Am I wrong in thinking that this was really a day when the EU attempted to bounce us into an agreement and the bBbc gobbled up their bullshit with gleeful relish before realising they’d been sold a pup, before initiating damage limitation in the only way they know how by apportioning blame with Theresa May and the DUP? Once again creating news instead of actually reporting it, fabricating and misrepresenting hearsay and rumour as fact as they side with those opposing the interests of the United Kingdom. Duplicitous bastards.
Only people with the shared arrogance of the EU and the bBbc would think a deal could be made on Northern Ireland without the Northern Irish actually agreeing to it and then attempt to accuse them of intransigence, of being unreasonable. Their treachery and their lack of loyalty to Britain and the British is contemptible.
Sorry for the rant, I am just really, really angry with and disgusted by the bBbc.
With the deepest respect that was in no way a rant . I don’t think these people are clever enough to deal with this . I just love seeing politicians in a mess because of what we voted – Shame we will land up paying the price for their inability to understand the real concerns of Blighty being changed by horde s of foreigners .,
Choke them – don’t pay the telly tax. It robs from the poor to give to the rich.
As much as I am against the bbbc tax, all that would happen is the government would give/loan the bbbc any monies it required.
The bbbc is part of the government bubble, all mates, just about all remainers and all looking after each other.
Stopping paying the tv tax will have no effect.
By the way, I’m disgusted at how our ‘negotiators’ have completely capitulated although it’s what I expected.
The UK political classes have rotted from the head … because the EU make all the decisions we just need to agree with all of the EU requirements because they are morally superior to everyone. The UK political class are just holding token jobs to make the country feel important. Would Diane Abbott have made it to the front bench if she had to work for a living. Maybe this is what scares the politicians … they will have to work and represent the people that vote and pay for them. It’s hard to look superior when you have to make difficult decisions.
Here are two classic examples from Labour, but the problem is cross party …
After 34 years Islington is the worst place in Britain – lead by Jeremy Corbyn for 34 years – bottom of the league table.
Diane Abbott had not read the Terrorist Harris report nor knew the consequences of it, and it is the place where she lives – Potential Home Secretary!
Our hapless Prime minister didn’t get her nickname, Theresa the Appeaser for nothing. And boy, has she lived up to it today!
From first to last this hopeless woman has been completely inadequate. During Brexit she virtually disappeared and she did the same thing during the election campaign, allowing her lieutenants to take the flak of Corbyn’s Momentum mob. Spineless, gutless, useless.
In years to come she’ll be thought of as a transgender Neville Chamberlain.
And how on earth did she think she’d slip this past the DUP? Was it a case of, “Oh, they’ll never notice…”
For the love of God surely they’d have spoken about this beforehand? Is she stupid?!
The Tories had a golden opportunity to give us a real leader in Andrea Leadsome; Someone who never ducked a debate, took on the bullying BBC and bellowing lefties, carried on smiling and helped bring us Brexit.
But no. They gave us Theresa Maybe, the doddering ditherer of Downing Street.
What a muppet…
“Oh, they’ll never notice…”
The DUP are more ‘British’ than the English are British. Well done the DUP. Now lets all get out .
Come on Arlene.
Put some spine into the jellyfish in no. 10 before it is too late.
“UK and EU fail to strike Brexit talks deal”
What happened to “No deal better than a bad deal” ?
Time for Rees-Mogg to take over and get some real Tory Brexiteer MPs into the cabinet and get Nigel Farage in as an EU advisor.
I have no love for May as Prime Minister, but we need to remember that we’re commenting on a BBC story. We all know that the BBC constantly lie in support of their political agenda. In this instance they are working to derail Brexit and undermine May, in support of a Corbin election victory.
I can believe that the EU has proposed a meaningless form of words on regulatory convergence to fudge the border issue, so that they can climb down from their refusal to proceed to talks on a trade agreement. May will have gone along with this if the words are sufficiently vague – in 480 days WE can clarify what we think they mean and tell Junker to F##k Off. May can’t go further than words that mean nothing because the DUP have a veto on any concessions involving Northern Ireland.
This doesn’t suit the BBC so they’ve spun the story as a significant May concession to the EU and a resulting bust up with the DUP. It could as easily be spun as May fooling the EU into moving on the trade talks with meaningless words of good intent – Perfidious Albion strikes again. On the same principle May seems to have agreed a sum of money to be paid to the EU when we leave; but if we don’t get a trade deal that WE think is satisfactory the cheque will bounce.
My default position is that the BBC lies in its teeth, and unless and until someone like JRM confirms the BBC version of events I’ll assume it’s just the latest fairy story from the BBC’s anti-Brexit, anti-Conservative and anti-British Fake News Department.
Seeing as the eu and it’s media cohorts have first tried to muddy the waters over Scotland, then Gibraltar and now Northern Ireland means there was never a real free trade deal on the table.
It is ironic when you think that Northern Ireland would not have been much a problem with a majority in the house that didn’t include the DUP. It is possible that a minority conservative government supported by DUP might give the us the NO DEAL we want.
Getting the idea that the BBC refuses to give us “news” as we`d once have understood it. It only gives us opinion features that hopefully will CREATE the “news” that they want us to be dragged into, Like riots, terror attacks and crimewaves. All give the BBC nice pictures and plenty chance to get the portable shrines out, or Brendan Cox back onto the screens.
Not news as I knew it, I blame Newsbeat.
The Conservative party must tell us more of what is going on and not rely on the cloak of negotiation to avoid comment. They are looking an embarrassment to us and labour is just sitting back and watching the mess as well as getting ready for a coming election . This will give them the excuse to campaign on a non Brexit ticket and use the corbyn post star fest as the vehicle to overturn our vote. He is 5/1 to be next Pm – ironically the same as JRM
My money is on Jacob Rees-Mogg
Sharia May is either a treasonous quisling or has become a silent punch bag for the fascist EU and its jumped leprechaun mouthpiece take your pick
Either way it is unacceptable behaviour from our prime minister, she should be all over the tv slagging off the EU for stirring up irish troubles, threatening to withhold EU payments , actively courting new partners and suggesting that if we have to pay a leaving bill anyone else who leaves who is a net beneficiary should be guaranteed their benefits, She should also have announced some Naval fisheries protection vessels to be built in scotland and NI just to shut krankie up
But what do we get …. fuck all … she is useless , not fit to lead a country
I dont give a flying fuck for EIRE’s problems, and I dont give a shit if losing our money costs the Germans and the French
cameron told us what voting leave meant and THAT IS WHAT I WANT
How can Labour campaign on a “non Brexit ticket” if there was an election?
When such a huge number of constituencies they hold voted, overwhelmingly, “Leave” in the referendum.
and they cant implement half their policies whilst actually in the EU
but there is the “dad voted labour, grandad voted labour, labour is the party of the working (non working) man nonsense ” this will always present an intractable problem
these people cant actually be reasoned with, her indoors gets all in a lather when you mention the words thatcher and poll tax despite the fact she now gets all in a lather about me being the only one on the block who actually pays the full monty council tax
The conservatives will never ever appeal to the plethora of scroungers afflicting this country, why should yer average doley care about the balance of payments, national debt, the deficit etc etc they dont think past the next dhss payment so why bother trying,
the only possible line of reasoning that will work is immigration steals your benefits your housing and any possible shit job you might actually want, but the the tories are importing 250k a year so they cant even play that card
This is how you do it, Treezer;
Until there is calm from this ‘storm’ expect a feeding frenzy of anti- Brexit propaganda from Al Beeb and the undemocratic ‘Remainers’.
Just got round to reading my Metro paper from this morning.
Not ONE so-called letter in there that defended Trumps video tweets of last week-just sheer bile.
I know it`s London, but even I know that 100% of us commuters don`t agree with what the BBC and Metro seem to be saying.
Either Osborne is writing these letters himself, or his fags are.
Such bias.
Then I see that a Metro hack says Farage “provoked fury” by defending Trumps tweets on telly.
Would that be the same as Marr asking him a question on his BBC show? And Farage answering it? “Provoking fury” eh?
Isn`t that what Marr did-not Farage?
Am new to all this, but this bias is unbelievable across all media outlets. The BBC is only one massive part of it, will now be looking out for this.
Nice site guys,
Holly Selassie
Welcome or Croeso! To ‘alternative points of view ‘.
Something tells me that Al Beeb don’t like Trump……………
Nice name, Holly. Welcome!
Welcome Holly – to orientate yourself may I suggest these two links …. I found them initially on this site and they really made me see that BBC can change opinion by selective footage ….
Chaos as police stop Hungary migrant train – Gavin Hewitt – BBC -Sep 2015 @53s
“… then a really distressing incident happened. A woman who was carrying a small baby began crying for help (photo of lady carrying baby). One of her companions tried to help her (photo of man with women on track, riot police reaching towards them) Somehow there became a push and a shove with the police. She ended up on the railway lines (by the male refugee dragging her and the baby to the floor, but this is not said) with the riot police trying to pull her back, and this of course inflamed all the other people…”
-Gavin Hewitt – Sep 2015
Watch the video and the male refugee (companion trying to help?) drags the women and baby to the floor, by force.
– Before Fake News was coined … there was BBC editing.
Sky used same line
..but remember libmob have FURY at the mere existence of people who don’t agree 100% with them
DV’s good point
“Don’t fall for the medias flse narrative *Trump Retweets Nazis*
that’s misdirection
when we should be talking about that ISLAMIC dogma provides the framework for actual evil deeds shown in the tweets”
4,000 live viewers David, that’s not bad
It’s worth checking his back catalogue
Looks like most products advertised on TV for Christmas are not aimed at my particular ethnic group. Looks like all my family will be getting Parker Pens for Christmas, unless of course anyone else can identify a product aimed at my ethnicity.
co-op funeral services??
Well that’s deffinetly targeting my demographic.
lol soz halifax couldnt resist
Maxincontinence .
Where are you on this ?…………………………………
“Supreme court backs Trump travel ban”
President Trump has lit the blue touch paper, stand back and wait for the explosion of tweets and fall out of snowflakes.
Media just soooo much hate his guts.
Having a leader that actually cares a stuff for the future of his country is just soooooooooooo unfashionable.
Keeping with BBC procedure they report the possibility that Donald Trump may fulfil an election promise and recognise, after 70 years, that Jerusalem is Israel’s capital solely from the P.O.V. of Arab opposition.
Jerusalem: Opposition to mooted Trump Israel announcement grows
It is illustrated with a map produced by OCHA/B’Tselem which In their own words “acts primarily to change Israeli policy in the Occupied Territories”. Needless to say the BBC ignores its guidelines and doesn’t announce the partisan position this group takes.
The article is further misleading when it states that Israel occupied the area in the 1967 Middle East war and regards the entire city as its indivisible capital. It doesn’t mention that Jordan occupied half of the city in 1948 and expelled its Jewish residents nor that the Knesset (Parliament) building; the offices of the Prime Minister and other Ministry buildings (the normal definition of ‘capital city’ are in that part of the city that Israel retained in 1948 and which had been developed by the Jews before independence.
In addition, although this is standard in BBC reporting, they never mention the rationale behind not recognising Israel’s claim is the long obsolete United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine that Jerusalem should be an international city (like no other on Earth). The Jerusalem Corpus Separatum included Bethlehem and the surrounding areas much is now in the Palestine Authority. The local Arabs and all the Arab states at the time including Lebanon, Syria and Iraq formed by the same Mandate that was the legal basis for Israel, rejected the Partition Plan in its entirety. Apparently this rationale disappears if and when Jerusalem becomes the
Araboops Palestinian capital.Re Balfour. The idea that the Arab state arguably promised “to enlist the political and military support of the Arabs – then ruled by the Ottoman Turks – in World War One” would be Palestinian is very doubtful. The McMahon-Hussein correspondence that the BBC refers to but doesn’t name was made with Hussein bin Ali, Sharif of Mecca. Hussein who would shortly be kicked out of Mecca was an Arab Peninsula (now Saudi Arabia) Bedouin not a Levantine Arab, the larger ethnic/linguistic group of which today’s Palestinians are members. The state that may have come about would have been like Jordan and for short periods Syria and Iraq have been ruled by the Hashemite family and no one could have cared less about the local Arabs.
Actual feedback!!!! I have been informed that Donald Trump wouldn’t need to recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. Both I and the BBC got that wrong. The United States did that in 1995. He would have to move the embassy to the capital.
deegee talk about a warning from history, Islam does what it does builds on someone else’s history then claims it for its own, building a mosque is no different from building a fortress they make the same statement as norman castles in britain … a sign of domination and power with the added bonus of being able to claim religious persecution to boot
ps I always love those BBC maps of the middle east that show israel to be some massive state when in reality its a tiny spec of green in the middle of a massive muslim desert
Possibly the BBC is not so perfect … Reggie Yates leaves Top of the Pops after ‘offensive’ Jewish slur { 04dec2017}
“Yates apologised last month for using the phrase “fat Jewish guy” to refer to managers in the music industry.”
– Just noticed – Reggie (of BBC) has dropped a program, but will still possibly continue to work there.