The BBC were ecstatic yesterday as it thought Brexit was broken by May’s double dealing….getting a bit shriller today as the Remain joy is dashed….ironically by the BBC’s own reporting of the slippery concession May made to the IRA.
Lots to talk about I’m sure…list it all here…..
Please BBC try not to say BREXIT as often as you do!
Weekend Open Thread : By Alan | December 3, 2017 | BBC bias
Last Post from previous thread
Kaiser December 5, 2017 at 5:02 pm
MM, failing to secure Donald Trump, I want Jacob Rees-Mogg and I want him now, as I fear we are getting close to Treezers ultimate treason and treachery where she buys us a brexit in name only with lots of Euro-strings attached. Definitely something fishy with this latest Ulster debacle, but I don’t know what it is.
UK politicians are caretakers of a failing state. They have no desire to lead or protect a future for their children. They secure toilet rights for minorities and beg for tampon taxes. DUP are a strange party. Labour are an empty shell being filled with hate. Conservatives want to please everyone, and will fail everyone. Listen to Jacob Rees-Mogg and Trey Gowdy. Douglas Murray and Christopher Hitchens. I can only offer that advice … enough is not quite enough when you deal with the EU.
MM, sound advice indeed. It seems we are well aligned. In fact after seeing Ann Coulter (again) this last week I think I may apply to become a ‘Coulterette’. I think it was last Friday morning on R4 TODAY when shitbag Humphries interviewed her, and following the interview commented, ‘I know some people are offended by having such people and views aired, but we must be balanced’.
re the EU, I do believe they will have major problems next year and may well (hopefully) collapse. There is much happening which the BC do not inform us of. Brexit is a necessary first step on the road to recovery of our nation.
I keep forgetting about Ann Coulter – I think it is because her voice, to me, is a bit whiney but then I listened to hear words and wow, she is quick thinking and clever. I think this was the first time I released that words are important …. very important. Also she did what Andrew Breitbart did and speaks with people she disagrees with … check out her Whoopi interview and decide listening to the words who is being truthful and who is saying you will never understand me.
I do not get all this nonsense over Ireland. Unless May and her advisers are up to something why on earth would they have even tried to get away with a border between Ulster and the rest of the UK.
Something is not right here. Ulster is an integral part of the UK until such time as the people there vote to leave .
If ever the correct way forward is to abandon any negotiations with the EU it is now . It is pointless.
Agree a settlement of outstanding liabilities and then leave the next day .
An independent people can do exactly as they wish.
“Something is not right here” . Yeah he’s called Damian Green!
Nothing to do with Ulster at all. What is your point?
Daily anti Trump from the BBC
He has angered environmentalists by shrinking Utah’s national monuments.
Here is another point of view
Reversing Clinton-Obama land grabs
The BBC must inform its hacks to spin it as bad as possible for Trump
The key issue, I think, for we Leavers is that we have no trust in Mrs May, her government, the Leave negotiators, the opposition parties, the Civil Service and the MSM. If we did have trust in them we could just let them get on withdrawing us from the EU as quickly, completely, effectively and cheaply as possible while concluding discussions with our trading partners for our future relationship with them.
But we have no trust in any of them and we are rightly worried about what that are scheming to do to us. However, they also need to be worried; about what will happen to them if they sell us out because the 17.4 million Leavers are still here, watching and waiting.
Very true but they really think they hold all the cards- the police, the law and the propaganda outfits.
Given that they feel they can impose any policy upon us.
All ancien regimes act like this. It is an illusion of strength but always collapses when reality comes.
It will be up to all of us to hold firm whatever comes .
Reporting on the proposed, long overdue, move of the US embassy to Jerusalem. The BBC fails to do its homework on Jerusalem– yet again.

“No country has recognised Israeli sovereignty over Jerusalem” No country except — Russia!
surprised they missed that one and the chance to link trump to russia
And Czechs
. . .TURKEY – what have we learnt from TURKEY and Erdogan? . . .
Turkey’s Erdogan warns Europeans ‘will not walk safely on the streets’ if diplomatic row continues
But now that the party has risen, the story is getting darker. Early in his career Mr Erdogan made a telling remark he was later to regret. Democracy is like a train, he said; you get off once you have reached your destination. Now many of his party’s critics fear that Turkey’s president may be getting close to that goal.
Migrant crisis: Turkey (Erdogan) threatens EU with new surge (EU Tax Payers are paying Erdogan £2.6 billion) { nov2016}
“Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned that he will let hundreds of thousands of migrants travel on to Europe if pushed by the EU.
– Should we back down against a bully?
Been away for a while but good to be back. Now down to business.
Any of you ever heard of General Charles McCullough? No?
How about Peter Strzok, pronounced Struck? No?
Of course you haven’t if you rely on the Democrats mouthpiece in the UK, namely the BBC for your daily dose of news.
Lets start with McCullough. He was the former US Intel Community Inspector General. In early 2016 he became aware of one of the gravest breaches of security concerning highly classified intelligence. He found out that very sensitive methodology and, more importantly, lives were in jeopardy due to top secret intelligence being held on unsecured server operated under a false name by Hillary Clinton.
He was then subject to a campaign of vilification by the Democratic party who accused him of trying to politicise the matter.
Seven Democrat senators signed a letter led by Diane Feinstein (who later lied about it) making the accusation. He faced daily obstruction and stonewalling.
Later people at the top of the Clinton election campaign, presumably Podesta, Mook and Palmieri threatened to destroy McCullough’s career and that of members of his family if he continued with his investigation. Here is some of the damning story in his own words
Now onto Peter Strzok. Again if you rely solely on the BBC or CNN you’d say who he?
Well Strzok was until recently assistant director for counterintelligence at the FBI but has now been demoted to counting paper clips in the FBI’s HR dept. And what did naughty Peter do? Well it’s not so much his obvious deep seated hatred of Trump and his fawning adulation of Hillary as the contents of his text messages to his mistress, an FBI attorney called Lisa Page who is also a great fan of Clinton (Strzok’s wife is also a major Clinton fan).
Strzok convinced then FBI director Comey to remove the phrase “grossly negligent” from FBI reports and had “extremely careless” inserted in its place. Grossly negligent results in prosecution and often imprisonment.
Strzok interviewed, if it can be called that, Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin, both of whom should have been prosecuted.
He also oversaw the commencement of the so called ‘Russia probe’ utilising now discredited information from ex MI6 agent Christopher Steele and Fusion GPS.
He went on to be one of the main protagonist against Michael Flynn, former national Security Adviser to Trump.
Of course all of this comes on top of the fact that the (still) Deputy Director of the FBI, Andrew McCabe has questions to answer for his links to the Clintons. His wife Jill ran for a Virginia State Senate seat as a democrat and received a substantial sum of money from Democratic National Committee Chairman, Terry McAuliffe. McAuliffe is one of the Clinton’s fixers. And never forget Bill Clinton’s “chance” meeting with Attorney general Lynch on the Phoenix Airport tarmac one week before Hillary was due to be interviewed.
And what has the BBC got to say on all of this? Well nothing. Not a sausage from Zurcher or any of the other BBC drones who are currently getting hysterical because Trump has reversed one of Obama’s excesses in Utah.
The Clinton’s uranium deal with Putin and Bill getting half a million for a talk in Moscow I’ll leave for another time.
Welcome back – and thanks for details of these player. It is never going to be easy for the President to drain the swamp after years of liberal control.
Msm won’t rest until his is dead and even then they’ll go after his bones .
It must be difficult for them if he really is delivering on his campaign promises- would not find out this from al beeb.
2 years of government left before the second term campaign so I think he ll get much more done in the face of msm obstruction .
“And what has the BBC got to say on all of this? Well nothing. Not a sausage from Zurcher or any of the other BBC drones who are currently getting hysterical because Trump has reversed one of Obama’s excesses in Utah.”
TPO, be fair; if Zurcher reported any of this he’d have “committed suicide” by tomorrow morning – or perhaps shot to death in a “street robbery gone wrong”, like Seth Rich. Whatever happened to that murder investigation?
Was that the…er…”robbery” during the course of which his gold watch wasn’t taken?
Yes it is bias by omission – what the BBC is not telling us as it goes against their agenda. I know what the BBC are omitting to inform us of because I am a daily follower of George Webb utube daily webcasts. He started his webcast when the leak in the Podesta emails was actually named as Eric Braverman a former CEO of Clinton Foundation. He like a true investigator has been ‘following the money’. He was recently attending the trial of the Awan brother affair, Awan bought it from Pakistan to control the Senate and connected to the Clinton secret horde of emails. Another item not mentioned by BBC. Also attended the recent Benghazi trial, another item not told by BBC. The George Webb utube daily webcast is informative and brings information to your attention well before it is picked up by other sources and MSM. I always mention his webcast as a source.
The Radio4 Longview’s Russia Conspiracy
I just noticed that the podcast have just gone up, ONE week after the prog.
That suggests to me that it has been re-edited from the live version for some reason.
About 10 mins in an EXPERT asserted Putin was badly briefed in that he knew that the Russian gov had hacked the Podesta emails, but hought that the attackn would be untraceable.
This seems like fakenews, cos altho the Russian’s might be suspects , as far as I know there is no proper proof . US intelligence have asserted that there is, but all they have produced is suggestions that fit with some one pretending to be Russian, eg working Russian Office hours, taking off Russian holidays etc.
One again I heard the prog assert that Timeline was
– 12 years ago some recorded the Pussygate tape
– Some year ago Podesta was hacked
– Just before the election someone decided to release the Pussygate Tape, and then one hour late to cause a distraction Wikinews chose to release the Pussygate tape.
This look like false narrative to me, in that Wikileaks had trailed previously that hey would be releasing material that day
..and anyway bits of Podesta seemed to have been leaked out before then.
It seems to me that media declined to cover Podesta in favour of covering the Pussygate tape ie that was the spoiler.
I see the executive producer of the tedious Dr Who show has condescended to tell us that the show is for everyone even those deplorable Brexiteers. We are so awful that we would not accept a female Doctor was the worry of the progressive Dr Whoers.
The BBC does not half overate itself . Netflix and the rest must really worried by the BBC’s flagship boreathon.
I prefer Paw Patrol. Better storylines and better acting .
Nationalisation friendly, socialist, statist friendly BBC bigging up increase in train fares.
Maybe their investigative journalists could get down to a local petrol station. There they would notice fuel prices have increased by more in the last 6 months than the train prices.
But the private motorist is not statist, so obviously does not count.
Actually train travel is not a practical thing for most of the people in Britain
Only in the Southeast and other Metro areas are there nearby stations and frequent trains .
Most of us would have a big journey to a station and then face extortionate prices and inconvenient services
so you might as well use the car anyway .
It was only a few weeks ago that the media was full of ‘sexual harassment’ stories. By far the most serious of these was made by a Labour activist called Bex Bailey, who stated that she had been RAPED at a Labour event and then instructed to not pursue the incident . Now this was not ‘ a hand on the knee’ that lead to a Government Minister losing his job – this appeared to be a very serious crime indeed. So, I’m a bit puzzled at the apparent silence since the start of November. Maybe I have missed something – maybe, this really has been ‘swept under the carpet’. One wouldn’t expect the BBC to pursue the story, but I can find nothing anywhere on this story – not even Bailey’s own twitter feed. Anyone got any info ?
Often things are not repoted , cos it would prejudice a future trial.
But if the person concerned is a righty ..then the BBC report anyway and don’t worry about prejudicing trials.
The illegitimate sister of al beeb news al c4 news led with an attempt to demoralise state security by using spade fulls of hindsite to accuse security services of failing to stop terrorist attacks.
Naturally al c4 avoided the use of ‘Islamic ‘. Then got a next of kin -bless him – to accuse the govt. and security services of failing . Shameful – comrade snow putting words into his mouth.
maybe with a half full small spade of hindsight he wouldnt have been in the country
the expert said not to worry only a few attacks got thru last year
Hi – new to the site but this brings up something I have also noticed.
The focus on the failure of security makes the problem system-based; a failure of operations rather than something deeper. It is an excellent tactic to manipulate us into tacitly (and not so tacitly) asking for more systems-based controls without having to get our hands dirty by probing further.
It applies to the psychological level too — constant fussing around the periphery affords one the luxury of not having to face anything too close to home and too devastating. Hence the culpability ends up being with the security services, inadequate funding, too many gaps in surveillance etc etc
Welcome TM, a fine analysis.
As Eliot said-the State obsesses about creating a system so perfect that nobody need ever be good again.
Doomed to fail, of course-but we let them play toy soldiers with us all and our kids, and this cannot go on.
Heard someone say that the Jewish leaders of Jesus times were an authoritarian elite who got all permits and permissions to rule from the backup force of the Roman Occupying Army.
Our Godless leaders in the media, academia and Parliamant get all theirs from the EU, but we called time on that last June 23rd.
Thanks chris, and I didn’t know that Eliot reference but it is a good one.
Those permissions and permits sure are seductive when they’re issued from on high. Abdication of responsibility might be a step too far, but transference of responsibility to ‘those above’ is just enough to maintain the illusion of moral rectitude.
Hopefully it’s a stage we all grow out of sooner or later
I think I heard Edith Mare on PM earlier mention “four” (?) “terror attacks”, London Bridge, Borough Market, Manchester and Finsbury Park. It took a few seconds before I realized he meant the Welsh chap who drove at a group of Muzzies outside FP mosque. WTF! How is that in anyway terrorism, in the way that the other three are?
The piece afterwards involving some Q.C. who has done a (no doubt very expensive) review / report on MI5 and the anti-terrorism police following these atrocities, made no reference to the fourth incident which Edith had included; so there was no need for him to have alluded to it.
Their website leads with how the Manchester attack should have been stopped; then there is an article about a ‘hate crime’ where an uppity Muslim woman was asked to remove her hijab for security reasons. She is saying ‘an apology is not enough.’ Of course the BBC are on her side.
How can we prevent terror attacks with all this hysteria over ‘hate’ crime? You could just imagine them running a similar article about the Manchester bomber.
“A refugee is disgusted Police questioned him buying fertiliser. They suspected him of wanting to make a bomb, whereas in fact he just wanted to grow crops for starving immigrants.”,
I would rather a trillion ‘hate incidents’ than a single life lost, but the BBC creates an environment where people are too terrified of being thought, sorry ‘hate’, criminals to report suspicious behaviour.
I heard something last night about some vibrant individual on trial for planning a bombing, who’d said when interviewed that all the ball bearings he’d bought were because he was going to take up fishing (FFS!) and was going to use them for weights.
Me thinks some defence lawyer might be a bit of an angler . Get them off , get more cases, get more money – who cares if they put terrorists back on the street – they’re just doing their job..
Of course all they are all on legal aid, and their lawyers tend to be vibrant, Taqiyyatrons. They will get their clients to plead not guilt so as to drag the case on for as long as humanly possible as they are paid by the hour.
What on earth is all this about?.
It’s an animation called “BBC One Christmas 2017: The Supporting Act” but the two characters(a man and his daughter) are decidedly “non-British”(aka Muslim/Middle East) in appearance.
As for the “storyline”, answers on a postcard.
I thought we were celebrating Christmas in Britain, not Baghdad……..
It would have been nice if they could have made a small effort to include a reference to the birth of the Son of God Jesus Christ but Satan has made a profession of faith a weird thing to do unless it’s the false religion of Islam .
I wondered if the dad figure was going to fire off a suicide vest . Very seasonal
We will be the only civilization in history to wipe ourselves from the face of the earth.
Just like the Easter Islanders: destroyed through their own insanity.
“Insanity in individuals is rare. In epochs, nations and generations it is the rule.”
Mmm have you seen the Lidl ad yet?
Do they seriously expect us to believe that the people in that ad would celebrate Xmas?
Another sly BBC misinterpretation to convince us that mass immigration is normal and should be accepted today as the Eastern European and Muslim hordes continue to come in. Although about invasions, the link introduced it as about immigration . In fact there has been no mass immigration into Britain after the Neolithic incursions after the last ice age. Even the Anglo Saxons arrived in limited numbers and formed a dominant landowning class rather then driving millions of Romano Brits into Wales and Cornwall.
At least in the old USSR it was widely accepted that Pravda was full of crap. It was ignored. Do the same with the BBC. Same crap same type of people running it.
It did seem to admit that genetic evidence proves that all white people are Caucasians, or descended from the Mounted peoples of the Russian steppes, 4,500 years ago, or as the BBC program stated the “Beaker People” who then ethnically cleansed the previous native peoples of Europe, with the exception of the Basques.
But then we also found out that the presenter, Sam Willis was a Sardinian/Viking mongrel, and therefore the cherry picked narrative was created were “Sardinians are not mongrels but the British are mongrels“.
The BBC included Liberal left-wing multicultural ideology by interviewing two Black mixed race females about their ideological opinions. One of them seemed to sprout confused bullshit about her opinion about Boadiceas opposition to the multicultural Roman Empire.
In fact the whole documentary “Invasion” was a mixture of left-wing metropolitan multicultural ideology and all the new findings in Genetics that do not violate the Safe Space ideology.
In a way the Liberal fascists are similar to the Romans. Both tolerated inferior cultures, as long as they were subservient to the culture of the elite. And they both used divide and rule. But the only difference is I don’t think the Roman elite had a suicidal cultural war with its citizenry, but not with its subservient peoples.
Like BBC News on occasion ‘reporting’ on BBC news, BBC staff bitching about BBC policy always seems unique.
Only the Elite should talk down to the the non-elite. And only the Elite should be given a voice. Let people talk if they want to – it should be a free marketplace of ideas. We gave Choudry the freedom to speak – the problem was we never listened….
“… they may say one thing to you in front of CNN, but I can assure you behind your backs in every Masjid* (Mosque) and Community Centre. They are standing with their Muslim brothers and sisters saying ‘we hope the Americans and British are pushed out of countries and we can implement the Sharia’. This is an Islamic obligation for us to support our brothers around the world. Our land is one. Our War is one. Our Peace is one. Our honour is one.” – Anjem Choudary
And who better to “understand us” than a pimply scruff with the dullest of voices, no personality and who can`t even grow a beard fit for Anjem Choudhry?
Maybe he understands us as he cycles into work from Notting Hill, and sees us looking longingly at his poincetta squash pods(organic, £120 a lick).
The lefty elite are still outraged, because we all failed to see that virtue should never be subject to common referendum-but when it is, we are to follow their lead and not make them look the self righteous thickotwatz that they always were.
This supine submission(Islam) to Junckerbotties is a weird deviant religious cult like their slavish devotion to their NHS.
We didn`t follow the script, let alone the plot-we failed to watch with Auntie, and refused to learn the Big Lesson of Davos.
And now the arsiest of us have maybe sat at the back of their sinkschool sump stump for too long-time to take them on, they`re gutless fuxx.
What JOB is saying is
” you shouldn’t ‘balance’ people who DON’T understand stuff (like me and my libmob mates)
……. with people who demonstrably DO
.. instead non-libmob should be segregated and made to ride at the back of the bus.”
“So, Brexit negotiations yesterday – what happened?!
Laura Kuenssberg explains in this week’s #Brexitcast…
?️ (via BBC Radio 5 live)”
Have to love that ‘explains’. Uh-oh.
Just heard a journalist on the TV news ask, what the relatives of those who died in the Manchester bombings must now make of the fact the security forces were aware of the bomber.
I wonder what the bereaved make of a government that allowed murderous people into our country without vetting them.
I wonder what the bereaved would make of the fact that security services are monitoring 23,000 Muslims who are seen as a potential threat to our lives.
And finally, I wonder what the bereaved make of BBC/SKY news encouraging mass unvetted immigration, and calling anyone who challenged this view, a racist. All while squealing about Trump’s ban on people coming from countries who wish to do harm to the west and the minimising of all Muslim attacks.
A long list, but this is high on why I loathe the media we have now.
Had a hint of any measure been instituted to intercept this atrocity, and succeeded, those who saved those concert goers would be hounded out of careers and lives by the same journalists.
Almost as bad, the whole thing is utterly polarised such that if…. BIG IF…. there were significant professional failings at any level, those actually accountable will inevitably suffer no consequence, unremarked again by these self-same holders of power to account.
Yes, our wiseacres libtards are very good at getting out the Jif after an atrocity aren`t they? Quick to blame everyone in a police uniform, an army detail or a hapless admin monkey with no tags to dish out. But they NEVER put the blame where it lies-with traitorous Muslims with good lawyers, the ear of the BBC and Guardian and the scummy immigration laws , EU and grievance seeking Muslim apologists like themselves.
Lawyers and media suckups are nearly as guilty as the saps that let this bomb boy into the country, onto the dole and into our yooneez.
And never a hope that we can hang this kind of creep before a load of innocent kids, mums and passers by get killed either is there?
Jon Snow would never ask if the death penalty abolitionists are “partly to blame” would he?
if 1 in 130 muslims is a person of interest to the security services
its fairly logical to assume 1 in every 130 that find there way in will also be of interest to them too
and thats only if your stupid enough to believe only 23000 hold these dangerous views
Bet the BBC is thrilled with this one.
No, really, he’s on again. And the BBC can’t get enough.
This Kelly-killing, Maxwell-munching, Blair bombing trud was also on Channel 4 tonight.
Got way too much time, allowed to spout over Owen Paterson, by dint of the fact that he was on Krishnan GMs knee in the studio. The media always put their faves in the studion and banish the oppos to outer darkness and those “interruptions” of theirs.
Campbell is on his meds tonight I think, or else he`s got no hold over Paterson as he has over ex labour types like Gisela(PBUH).
If Campbell doesn`t threaten to top himself over or leaving-then it`s a shit deal.
Has there ever been a lower form of pondlife with such an evil trail of slime than this pill rattling scumbuck?
The BBC seems determined to force Green to resign because he’s alleged (no proof offered) to have looked at pornography, but they are totally unfazed by the fact that Campbell used to write the stuff.
For the BBC Conservative politicians like Green are considered guilty without evidence while Labour politicians like Campbell are innocent no matter how much evidence there is.
sssshhhh keith vaz sssssshhhhh
Photoshop “Proper Tw*T ” across that sweatshirt
Local news at 10.30 full of glee about the older black woman who won the Turner Prize tonight. Well she ticked lots of boxes, especially as in her interview she explained her work highlighted the benefit black people brought to the economy of this country. It’s like the Oscars, or even black actors or actresses getting work in the adverts, a black orchestra at this year’s proms, etc, etc. At some point blacks are going to realise they got the work/won the prize because they are black. (And the BBC are trying very hard for Alex Bourke to win Strictly even getting Chris Evans to tweet that everyone should vote for her). At some point the black community are going to realise that the champagne socialists are just being condescending and what happens then?
“This year’s #TurnerPrize2017 winner is a coloured woman who made card board cut outs of a coloured woman watching a white man catch his dick in a vacuum cleaner pipe.”
The Turner prize? Of no interest to the vast majority at all. Self indulgent garbage for the the virtue signalling classes.
Dave, my favourite comment on modern art comes from the old BBC sci-fi sitcom ‘Red Dwarf’. Lister recalls vomiting off the top of the Eiffel Tower during a school trip. The mess landed on Montmartre, and somebody bought it as a Jackson Pollock.
Ah, but much has changed since the series started in 1988! (a) The BBC could still be funny and original; (b) The black actor Danny John-Jules was hilarious in the character of Red Dwarf’s Cat. In those days, an ethnic minority performer could take pride in knowing he’d secured a role or prize because of talent – not box-ticking.
That’s the thing isn’t it. Stuff like Red Dwarf (when it was good) didn’t make a song & dance about whether it had such-and-such ethnic actor. They were there to play a part and it was no big deal. Red Dwarf (as an example) never drew attention to such stuff. It was all about the stories and characters, as it should be. What’s more, these were original characters in original material; no piggybacking on existing franchises and changing ethnicities, genders, sexual orientation etc. in order to politicize things. I don’t care if something is a work of fiction, I don’t expect James Bond’s ethnicity to suddenly change anymore than I would Shaft’s ethnicity to change.
Rimmer: How did YOU get into art college?
Lister: The normal way you get into art college. The same old usual, boring, normal way you get in. Failed my exams and applied. They snapped me up!
re: At some point the black community are going to realise that the champagne socialists are just being condescending and what happens then?
Of course plenty of blacks have realized it, Like this 52 seconds of Morgan Freeman Wisdom
Here’s another speech on Europe which May might like to take note of, and this Woman is still remembered to this day with warmth and affection for it:
My loving people
We have been persuaded by some that are careful of our safety, to take heed how we commit our selves to armed multitudes, for fear of treachery; but I assure you I do not desire to live to distrust my faithful and loving people. Let tyrants fear. I have always so behaved myself that, under God, I have placed my chiefest strength and safeguard in the loyal hearts and good-will of my subjects; and therefore I am come amongst you, as you see, at this time, not for my recreation and disport, but being resolved, in the midst and heat of the battle, to live and die amongst you all; to lay down for my God, and for my kingdom, and my people, my honour and my blood, even in the dust.
I know I have the body of a weak, feeble woman; but I have the heart and stomach of a king, and of a king of England too, and think foul scorn that Parma or Spain, or any prince of Europe, should dare to invade the borders of my realm; to which rather than any dishonour shall grow by me, I myself will take up arms, I myself will be your general, judge, and rewarder of every one of your virtues in the field.
I know already, for your forwardness you have deserved rewards and crowns; and We do assure you on a word of a prince, they shall be duly paid. In the mean time, my lieutenant general shall be in my stead, than whom never prince commanded a more noble or worthy subject; not doubting but by your obedience to my general, by your concord in the camp, and your valour in the field, we shall shortly have a famous victory over these enemies of my God, of my kingdom, and of my people.
May I ask again?
Why is the boss of the BBC Lord Hall, paid far more than the Prime Minister?
Both are paid from taxation. It doesn’t seem quite fair to me.
Dover Sentry
Because they are worth it?
She should have got us out of the EU by now.
23 June 2016, Vote for freedom , independence and democracy.
Heard Andy-capped-Marrs Start the Week on iPlayer.
Good theme, some interesting guests-but boy, was he badly researched? ALL his guests gainsaid his highlighted researchers take-home points that Marr and the BBC were intent on giving us all. Embarrassing if you`re supposed to know the thrust of what your guests have just told you-but he got it all wrong at least once with all of them.
Poor bloke no longer able to follow the dense arguments that were raised.
And-to be fair-the differences between a totalitarian state verus a totalitarian society-WERE subtle but vital to Mishas book title. Poor Andrew was shown to be the Green Room SEN candidate as lots of clever people said thinsg beyond his pay grade of £700,000.
Good programme though, if the BBC think you`re right-then you`d best find another role, because you`ll be found out and dumped into historys recycling bin.
Gorbymania begat Cleggmania…and poor Gorby is reviled now as the clown who let Bush Snr make an arse out of him, as only Putin could remedy.
Could have had the Russians in NATO for just a few sops-but we took the easy money instead. No wonder ther Russians back Putin.
The failure by the West to convene a European Peace Conference after the fall of the Berlin wall will be seen by future historians as the major blunder of the post war era. We could have settled borders and wound down Nato.. Russia would have welcomed it but we were so cocky at the end of history ( our end our way) that we missed our chance.
It is sometimes hard not to think since the re-unification in 1989, the common market ceased to exist and instead the Nazis are back hiding in the shadows of power within Brussels,Strasbourg and Berlin running a 4th Reich of bureaucracy, propaganda and protectionist economics.
I did read somewhere about german plans during the war if they failed the military option. The plan was to economically take over europe instead. They had plans for each country, the german plan for Great Britain is that we would become a tourist destination and have no more engineering.
In my eyes that plan has pretty much come to fruition.
Dave S, you are so right. I’ve have long felt that way. I’m not an expert on the topic but I cannot for the life of me understand why that opportunity was not taken. The West’s attitude to Russia was not just to kick a fellow when he’s down, but to repeatedly kick as if the war cold war hadn’t stopped. It would seem that our crooked Western leaders were, for reasons known only to themselves, determined not to let a beaten enemy retire with any dignity. This stupidity led to the situation we now have in Ukraine. Europe should not be facing the force of a revived Russian nationalism. It’s a ‘phoney’ cold war. A distraction.
For Western Europe the real enemy is now embedded within.
Well done Dave S for bringing this up.
Pot, Kettle, Black?
just now R5 News about children not being interested in news cos they can’t tell what’s real and what’s fake.
Thanks to you #BiasedBBC
The BBC just don’t do irony.
Reported by Sky:
“”A terror plot to assassinate Prime Minister Theresa May has been foiled, Sky sources have confirmed.””
Sky’s Crime Correspondent Martin Brunt said: “It’s the latest in a number of terror plots that police and MI5 believe they’ve foiled this year.
“I understand that the head of MI5, Andrew Parker, briefed Cabinet ministers today, such is the seriousness of what they believed they have uncovered.
“It is in essence an extreme Islamist suicide plot against Downing Street. Essentially police believe that the plan was to launch some sort of improvised explosive device at Downing Street and in the ensuing chaos attack and kill Theresa May, the Prime Minister.”
No mention by the BBC at this point.
Dover Sentry
Perhaps they think its fake news ? Or is maxincontinent sleeping again ?
Understanding libmob thinking is the key to understanding Beeboid mentality
– ‘That Tim Marin from Wetherspoons was on, but I boycotted the programme, cos I hate him, he’s a Brexiteer
Brexiteers are horrible, they’re ll Xenophobes:Angry little Englanders’
Then they gave a secondary reason for not liking him
Actual quotes : “there’s the closure of all the old locals nearby coz they can’t compete with the cheap shit that he churns out!!”
“Why is rejection of parasitical big chains and preference for small independent local business bad Stew Green?”
and they continue ANGRILY explaining that OUTSIDERS like Martin are horrible cos their TRADITIONAL LOCAL pub.
Got that ?
They FEAR OUTSIDERS coming in and changing LOCAL TRADITIONS
..whilst at the same time they call Brexiteers Xenophobes.
Look there is something going on here
I switched on the 2pm News and the headline was that “20 Islamist attacks have been foiled in the last 2 years
and I thought ‘wow that sounds like real news unspun.. and no banging about far-right’
By 4pm news it had become not about the attacks that had been actually foiled
but rather ” the Manchester attack might have been prevented with better intelligence luck” ,(cos they had been earlier monitoring the guy , but had stopped )
Now I see from others posting here that BBC continued to construct ALTERNATIVE NARRATIVES
Could this be true?
“Counter-terror police have foiled an alleged plot to bomb Downing Street and murder PM Theresa May.”
Lucy reports above how the big story at the moment (As reported all over the world) is the foiled attempt to murder the British PM:

Yet the bBC which has a budget others can only dream about and is based a few miles from 10 Downing st omits a key point about who the target was:
Two men charged with terror offences
Yes the same news ord which can give you hours of coverage on how porn was found on an MPs computer, which pushed out days worth of crap about a tower block fire, or even how a Muslim girl was asked to remove her hjab at a fast food joint in North london cannot report that the above was a plot to murder the British PM:
Now if the people in the US/India/Israel/Russia, and China (as per the links above) know who these thugs were targeting, why can’t the bBC do likewise with the British Public? Its not as if they are worried about any backlash as currently the PM is the most reviled person in the UK.
The bBC, the publicly funded apologist for radical Islamic terrorism.
Truly disgraceful.
The bBBC are an utter disgrace. They are probably crying into their champagne flutes in utter dismay at the failure of the plot to murder the PM.
They need closing down NOW before they do irreparable damage to this country. They are traitors. Time to grow some balls and withdraw their funding Mrs May.
The bBBC are the enemy within.
It’s very odd… Fox News has just had a ‘breaking news’ interruption to give us that headline, but nothing on the web page. And when you see what other crap they have all over the web page it makes them a joke.
At time of writing still no mention on beebistan website that the thwarted muslim plot was to target the PM. (And it’s tucked away under Regions – London, obviously of no interest to the rest of the country that muslims tried to murder their PM.)
But it is all over the papers; hopefully some at least of the sleeping masses will scratch their heads and notice the discrepancy: “Funny, they tried to murder the PM yet our most trusted broadcaster doesn’t see fit to mention it.”.
WAKE UP SHEEPLE, they’re lying to you day and night on a colossal scale!
Charlie – “Some people are saying” that the BBC is still busy just fact checking to get their story right and will soon release a full exposure soon about “alleged links” between “British Men” Naa’imur Zakariyah Rahman, 20, from north London and Mohammed Aqib Imran, 21, from Birmingham with Britain First and other “white supremacy” groups.
This obviously conflicts with the Breitbart “fake news ” story
Apparently to complete the story they will have to create a a new post ” Creative Narrative Reality Director – (whites need not apply) Apparently Tony B liar is said to be interested.
STOP PRESS – Nick Robinson has offered to do the job for no extra cost! Remember good things are always worth waiting for!
So there you have it British Broadcasting at its very best, 1st with the edgy stories and saving money all at the same time – truly a broadcaster to be proud of.
“BBC to help students identify ‘fake news’ ”
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Hi Charlie, although I can understand your reaction, this is no laughing matter. The BBC must be awash with so much taxpayers money, plus moneys from overseas, that it can spend money producing an Online Filtering and Mentoring service for Schools & School Children, to ensure they receive only the news as approved by the BBC, with everything else being labelled fake news. This is an extension of what they do on their various children’s channels (cbbc & cbeebies). The BBC’s influence and monopoly continues to grow.
The list of names being sent out to indoctrinate is even more alarming. Yet more merging of politics and the media to ensure future generations are kept under control. The articles headline gives the impression of helping the poor innocent ones but we all know who its helping. After all, it is our STATE broadcaster.
Wry grin.
This clearly is Fake News within itself. Probably the Russians at work I suppose…………..
as friends here are reporting – arrests over terror crime- but no mention of Muslim terrorists – the only clue is that one is called Mohammed . Al Beeb assumes people are thick or don’t want to know. The longer this poison goes on the more alienated decent people will be against a foreign false religion like Islam.
Al Beeb will kill coverage of this by 10 am today and find something about a paki immigrant who bakes things.
I’m waiting for Sadiq Khan to chime in and tell May to get used to it, it’s just ‘part and parcel of living in a great global city’. ….So not the right wing again. The US President tweeted: “, don’t focus on me, focus on the destructive Radical Islamic Terrorism that is taking place within the United Kingdom. We are doing just fine!”
The irony of the opprobrium heaped onto Trump after he tweeted that to May, in the light of subsequent events, will be lost on al Beebus I’m afraid or ignored by it.
Toady watch 2
Al Beeb made a terrible mistake . It interviewed a man who makes money by running businesses who has bought Brighton pier. When asked about Brexit – he agreed with it , get it done , get away from the EU and trade free..the poor beeboid had nothing to say – so used to the consensus nodding donkey analysts and bubblers that all he could do was close the interview down.
We won’t hear from that chap again.
More BBC fake news :
Trump-Russia probe: Mueller ‘demands Deutsche Bank data’ –
Denied by the White House : White House Denies Reports of Deutsche Bank Subpoena of Trump Records –
But still a headline on the BBC US News page half a day later….
How they must regret starting the whole ‘fake news’ meme. Trump turned it back on them and how they hate it!
Frosty reception…
…but normal service will soon be restored
BBC Breakfast for some reason best known to themsleves decide to interview a chap injured in the Manchester bombing. His girlfried only just now got out of hospital and is still in a wheelchair. So far so good, we are on familiar Breakfast territory as the victim is asked about his mental state. Think of the red sofa as a cod-pyschiatrist’s couch. Suddenly Walker and Minchin cut short the niceties as in reply to a loose question about anti-terror security the guest says “we should forget all this PC..” Walker and Minchin are more familiar with the noddy-dog style of agreement with their lefty-minded guests so they go quiet and move swiftly on to another item.
AsISeeit.. I noticed that – as soon as he mentioned forget all the PC.. they shut down, couldn’t respond….and essentially said bugger off – as opposed to how they normally treat victims – what they wanted him to say is yes the security service should have done more it’s all the fault of the nasty Tories and their cuts…
I hate how when they interview a Tory they are given both barrels but any protected group like Baroness Warsi is allowed to spout the most ridiculous nonsense and is never called out on it. The bias is never more blatant than when you see how they interview different sides. They would never interrupt or talk over a ‘community leader’ like they do Farage, let alone hurl ad hominem attacks.
“Muslims face a daily loyalty test,” she whined. “It is so unfair!”
Well, nine terror plots thwarted since Westminster – there is kind of a good reason for the suspicion. We Brits are tolerant to the extreme but even we have limits. So it becomes almost mundane that someone is in court for trying to blow up the Prime Minister. The likes of Warsi should be given both barrels and asked what the hell her ‘community’ is doing to sort out this heinous problem. Instead the feeble liberals at the Beeb give her a free pass and we sleepwalk into another tragedy.
Search BBC for ‘fake news’ {} and we find as above (Charlie Martel) they are so worried about losing 50%+ domination of the media (news + entertainment) and will be forced down the subscription route they need one last push to say … please watch the BBC or else you will be misinformed. { 05dec2017}
– Note that this BBC fake news detection article is in the entertainment and arts section – not the news section. Is fake news just entertainment then and has no real consequence on our lives?
– Note the release of the story is at 11pm, so this story will be hidden by more important news. Timing is everything.
– Note how the quote from the BBC Director says news from other sources will be old,half lie or a complete lie ,
he does not say it could be true. An example of using omission.
“I think that people are getting the news all over the place – there’s more information than ever before. But, as we know, some of it is old news, some of it is half truths. Some of it is just downright lies…” – BBC Director of News James ‘£340K + £340K Pension – wages paid uner threat of prison’ Harding
BBC Fake News Examples:
BBC keeping a pedophile in its organisation and stopping reporters from revealing the truth
BBC Failing to report on the Sadist Rape of Children, using weasel words like grooming to describe it.
BBC Using the word divorce to describe a demand from the EU, now they started putting ‘so called’ in front of the word. Not one person questioned this word and how it reflects the EU Brexit Demand.
BBC Showing Diane Abbott walking off a stage at Police Conference and cutting it just before it shows her going the wrong way, looking stupid and having to walk across the stage. In the same BBC news show it showed Theresa May as idiot robot dancing (just incase you didn’t get the message).
BBC with Gavin Hewitt 2015 Replacing videos with still photo footage so not to show a migrant being violent to a female migrant, dragging her to the floor whilst she was pregnant and had a child in her arms.
BBC Cropping an image of the President on the USA writing a executive order and comparing it to a room full of men only Saudi Arabia meeting on women’s rights. The original photo had a women in it but was cropped out.
BBC Showing a picture of Jeremy Corbyn on a Christmas Jumper saying is Christmas getting earlier. I complained about this and they said the BBC is not political or biased! So why choose a political and bias picture? Jerry Christmas from the BBC.
BBC Keep showing stories about the £350 Million Brexit Bus – but they produced a fact article which said it was correct, just that there are two values – before rebate and after. The BBC never used their own information to correct other people on shows or panels.
BBC Lets presenters send political messages via twitter which breaks the guidelines of impartial and don’t care – Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker and his ‘no positive in Brexit’ and linking to The New European website (anti-brexit) and full of hate.
I could go one and don’t have time to add links … again, I would suggest a section of the website that shows the latest top 5 examples of BBC £3.5bn paid under threat of prison impartial but very, very bias!
Good post Markymark
I would like to send it to the BBC and ask them to justify their actions. Would you mind if i copy your post under my name and send it?
I also copy my complaints to MP’s.
Please check for spelling mistakes. Feel free to link back to the article and add my username as well. I’ve given up hiding my opinions. All I want for Christmas is the BBC to report news … not much to ask.
. . .
To keep giving a fraud a platform to sell more fraud (Geller), to give a pedophile a safe-space (Savile), to pay opinionated people large wages who are supposed to be socialists but thrive on capitalism (Lineker), to forget the 71 genders when drawing contracts (Lord Hall), to pay grown ups who phone people and talk about having sex with their granddaughter and then invite them back for more pay (Brand & Ross), to let Directors claim £34 pounds on expenses when they earn 450k (Lord Hall), to give these people on high wages free pass to opera and nights out, to write news that hides details (Hewitt), to over use a term like right-wing and forget the left-wing, to give Labour an easier ride (Jerry Christmas), to drop the term Islam and Muslim (various), to forget Roy Larner, to make everything political, to be a social engineering project and not give the consumer the chance to avoid the BBC because of a threat of prison on prosecution. That is the BBC in my view.
{old post}
Sent. Keep posting. I protected your username. Also forwarded to the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee which includes the Tory sell out’s Damian Collins-Chair (surreptitious Blair supporter and very anti Brexit) and the very Pathetic Brady.
Don’t worry about permission in the future – feel free to argue or add if required. The idea is a market place of ideas – right and wrong.
“…you know what happens when you are insulted? You become more dogmatic in holding your (possibly) incorrect belief before you were insulted…” Trey Gowdy Pin Drop Speech Persuasion -@5:08
This site needs to direct a lot more anger at the Chair of the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee.
No one seems to recognise his importance, as Chair he has the ability to effect change, to use his influence. He does nothing.
He Chairs the very Committe that could change the BBC but instead,from what I can see, does nothing. He is the problem. There needs to be more pressure put on the Tory party to be rid of this evil pro BBC incompetent idiot.
His constituency party must feel very ashamed of him.
I rarely, if at all, hear his name mentioned on this site yet he is in effect the leading enemy of this site, strange. Damian Collins is the person who Chair’s the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee. The Committee of ineffectiveness.
He needs to be more named and shamed.The anti British, pro muslim,anti Brexit Damian Collins. I never hear of his concerns about the BBC.
Forget Lord Hall, he is the self confessed supporter of the BBC. Damian Collins is in a position to effect some change and does nothing.
Start directing your ire at pro muslim,anti British,anti Brexit Tory Damian Collins,you are firing at the wrong target.
They work for you, like hell they do.
Often the devil is in the detail with BBC fakery, subtle spins such as the nonsense that Boris was only supporting Remain to become PM. This totally undermined his strong presence on the Remain side. He had been against the EU for decades. “Radicalised on the internet” is my personal favourite. What absolute b**locks that narrative is.
Some of their fakery with Trump was obscene. He never mocked that disabled reporter though they cleverly edited it to make it look like he did; he often does that odd gesticulating tic when someone asks him an annoying question. I remember another story on the World Service about a clearly staged event where some ‘Nazis’ spray painted grafitti on a black people’s church saying they loved Trump. It was so obviously fake it was farcical.
‘ This totally undermined his strong presence on the Remain side’
Have I misread this or did you mean Brexit side?
I’ve upticked your post all the same.
The BBC are running as their lead story on their CBBC children’s channel:
Fake News: Should you learn about it in school?
This is in conjunction with the BBC unveiling their new Online News Filtering and Mentoring Service to Schools and School Children (see Charlie Martel’s comment above).
BoBotC, I watched this segment shaking my head. The BBBC clearly do not do irony. To my view this is subversive stuff, presenting themselves as exposers of fake news infers that they are on the side of the truthful (in fact being name checked by one of their guests as an accurate source).
Using a child to illustrate fake news (saying something is true when it is not) oversimplifies the issue and disregards the many subtle ways in which information can be misrepresented and distorted to present a particular viewpoint. They are disgusting in their arrogance and condescension that they can present themselves as paragons when they are so blatant in their propaganda and are deserving not of our trust and respect but of our heartfelt contempt. All this is on account for when the day of reckoning arrives.
Today R4 excels itself this week. The house Muslim is running a series to tell us ignorant Brits what Islam in Britain is all about. It’s all nice and progressive. This morning it’s all about how halal is progressive in its care for the environment and it’s killing of animals. How sweet! Elsewhere I read that a couple of ROP members have been plotting to blow up Downing Street and knife the Prime Minister. MI5 tell us that an active pool of 20,000 are sympathetic to/ prepared to assist terrorism in the UK. My guess is that you could double or treble that. Islam is the host and while we have so many Muslims , no matter how nice and peaceful most are, terrorism will never go away.
The brainwashing by the BBC goes on and on.
“…The house Muslim..”. Sorry EE, rather that’s, “one of the prominent house muslims”. There’s an ever increasing army of them in the BBC. The burning question is, is the ‘Quiet Room’ they have for praying, large enough or will licence payers money need to be spent on enlargement?
I’m wondering (and did so while listening) if the lying and disingenuous BBC are actually talking about ahmadhi Muslims who are regarded as heretical, but do fit what was being described on the program. If this is the case then it is yet another lie by omission. They moan like billyo when people ‘tar all Muslims with the same brush’ but it seems it’s fine for them to do it.
I heard it too. A leetle bit awkward, as the previous news headline was about a muslim plot to blow up Downing Street and murder the Prime Minister (well, I think they were muslims, unless they were Catholics called Mohammed, triggered by watching “Gunpowder”), but basically all was well.
Apparently, halal meat is stunned before being slaughtered by a kindly muslim farmer muttering some gibberish over the corpse, and a nice Americann girl of mixed Sunni and Shi’ite heritage (how does that work) is busy developing a Koran app.
Nothing to see here. people of Britain. Apart from the hundreds of people killed and maimed by muslim terrorists in Britain in the dreadful year of 2017. But let’s not dwell on that. Look, a muslim squirrel!
“ …no matter how nice and peaceful most are…”.
Not criticising your comment but I genuinely wonder if ‘most’ is now accurate: “52% of British Muslims in poll think homosexuality should be illegal”
(It’s CNN so it can’t be ‘fake news’.
BBC Radio 4 Today program this morning, and I thought I’d tuned into the Asian channel with it’s shameless propagandising and lying for Islam.
We have a piece on a Muslim who had moved to the UK from the USA, she commented on how hard she found it to integrate with British Muslims, there was no real questioning as to why.
Then there was the issue of Zakat, and how great the Muslims are at giving, but there was nothing about the fact that to qualify as Zakat money can only be given to other Muslims.
It was an appalling one sided biased piece the kind the BBC specialise in.
The new BBC obsession with discrediting Brexit?
Just before 0800 this morning R4, Toady, the balanced and objective Mishal confronted the Chairman of the Electoral Commission. Every discrete subtle effort was made by our Mishal to steer the conversation toward obtaining an admission from the Chairman that the Russians were involved in hacking the Referendum. As it happens, he was having none of it but it would have, in my view, been preferable to put the little cow in her place by replying, ” I know what you are trying to do but I will not imply that the Russians were involved in hacking because there’s no evidence of that”. And, perhaps, for good measure, “why is the BBC obsessed with finding any hint of suggestion that the public may in some way have been adversely influenced in their decision? The latter? Only the likes of J R-M could have pulled that one! The rest simply don’t have the balls to reply in that confrontational manner. All too nice and polite when they’re being pissed upon.
Ok I admit it I was influenced by a foreign power
as soon as Obama opened his gob I became VIRULENTLY pro brexit
so far as I can remember Vlad was the only foreign leader not to actually express a preference
Obama – let the people decide! But if you decide incorrectly you lose your special relationship (which Theresa May is destroying by herself) and go to the back of the queue (which Sadiq Khan is doing with his #LondonIsOpenExceptToLeaderOfLargestWorldEconomy).
We live in stupid times – not fake – not post truth – just plain stupid times.
Or treasonous and corrupt times.
Stupid times – I really think we are in Unicorn land. If you believe it enough it will happen … such as illegal immigrants become dreamers!
I’m going to ‘Start The Week’ (Wednesday!) with an impression. No, not a touch of the Mike Yarwoods, despite an Ashes Series being in progress.
On awaking, I didn’t bother looking at the clock and switched on R4 and the TODAY Programme. In Mishal Husain’s voice I sensed unhappiness.
It was between the hourly/half-hourly News bulletins so I had not heard the news from Washington or from the UK Security Services & Metropolitan Police. She may not have been too pleased that although the BBC’s standard disguise ‘Man’ is used, the names of the accused appear to indicate that they were not leading members of Britain First.
Meanwhile, in other news, young voters were deceived into voting Remain in the EU Referendum by FakeNews. The true result could and should have been 60% Leave and 40% Remain in all four home nations of the UK*.
I now understand Mishal’s unhappiness.
(* I’m sure some bozo will claim that that is FakeNews. I suggest they re-read the paragraph several times and carefully note the words ‘could and should’.)
G: I listened to that one as well. It was pretty outrageous. There was much else to explore, but M wanted her Russian connection and she wasn’t going to explore anything else. But she DID want confirmation of Russian involvement.
Lesson1: The BBC are determined to start up the narrative that, not only were those who voted for Brexit too thick to know what they were doing, but now also Russia helped shape the referendum outcome.
Lesson 2: Having found their new slant, the BBC are simply going to continue pushing the Russian angle until they do find someone who will oblige, even if they have to interview Tony Blair or Peter Hain.
Lesson 3: It is possible that other MSM will take this up with enthusiasm, allowing Labour and LibDums to jump up and down in Parliament about Russian involvement. I can hear them already.
Lesson4: We could soon find ourselves awash in this Russian interference stuff in the same way the US has been.
We would not be surprised, would we?
The BBC are like a dog with a bone. But in a roomful of bones, they are interested in only a few – the ones marked ‘Trump’, ‘Brexit’, ‘May’ and ‘Conservatives’. From gently gnawing away at the scraps on the outside to full on marrow fest (i.e., when a Tory is on the ropes), snarling and vicious as they get closer to the marrow. How can such creatures be impartial when they have such bones to chew over?
fnw, no – not surprised but they are as thick as planks. Actually no, they would be proving themselves to be less brainy than amoeba. Or are amoeba more intelligent than planks?
If the claim is for a fresh EU Referendum, they are standing a chance of losing it big time. If it is true that the bulk of the Leave vote came from over-35s, then that is unlikely to change much. The most likely change will come from the under 35s Remainers, switching to vote Leave. Any thinking and vaguely politically aware voter will not have been surprised by the EU’s negotiation tactics or the feeble generosity of the UK. If they voted Remain for pragmatic reasons – kids coming up to University age, wanting to travel, family holidays in Euroland, etc. – they may well switch to Leave. Those who rely on a Party guide before voting will have to be LibDems or Greens. Labour, representing the bulk of the non-Conservative, vote will still be split on the EU.
Then, if it is re-run, what will be the issue? You cannot realistically have a Referendum on the negotiations as completed so far, or at the end of them, unless you are willing to accept a multi-question paper with the result on a nationwide, first past the post, basis. It will not be possible to set a threshhold in those circumstances. I really cannot see intelligent Remain campaigners in Parliament accepting and voting that through as it would be ‘suicide’ for their cause.
If the Remainers succeed in getting the EU Referendum re-run on a binary Remain/Leave question, even with a threshold of 55% or 60% for the winning vote, they will still start at a disadvantage. Remember, in 2015-2016, David Cameron held all the good cards. And lost.
They cannot campaign on the £350m pw slogan – although they will try – because it will be out of date. They might also risk splitting Leave voters from other Parties other than the Conservatives into a proper Independence Party or into the remains of UKIP. It could be enough to start a UKIP revival with a GE manifesto launched early with specific ‘out of EU pledges’ and the commitment to go on fighting for independence from the EU. In addition, they would find it hard to run Project Fear again because PF v1.1 is now proven bust. What would they put in PF v1.2?
It is the Remain side who would have to come up with positive inducements instead of PF v1.2 a.k.a. bribes (similar to Corbyn’s in the GE17) to get people to vote Remain. What could they offer? What would the EU help with? The EU might be a bit less stupid second time around but I wouldn’t count on it.
This week has left me feeling – EU Referendum re-run? Yeah! Bring it on. The result may be a shock to the Remainers.
Anyone know of any recent polling?
One further point: as far as can be known, a majority of Parliament’s members voted Remain. A Referendum re-run risks prominent Parliamentary Remainers switching to Leave far more than the reverse. That could embarrass the Remain campaign in a re-run.
Mischel ‘useless’ Hussein on form again today on Toady.
Interviewing two ladies in the wake of the death of Christine Keeler.
An easy one, surely. But no. We had the usual pregnant pauses, stutterung, and that rabbit-in-the- headlights feeling that someone is out of their depth.
What talent! Surely worth a giant pay rise if only she can get through the performance review.
Reads autocue. Tick.
Female. Tick.
Non-white. Tick.
Job done. An extra £200k is yours.
Sam Kiley, that man with his finger on the button of UK politics has launched a nasty scurrilous attack on people who supported Brexit.
Apparently, we didn’t vote Brexit because of the lack of democracy, The CAP budget which moves 44% of EU spend into the hands of people who are obscenely wealthy, the nasty way the EU has crippled the economies of Europe, creating unemployment on a level not seen since the 1930s.
No, here are the reasons feels folk voted for Brexit:
“voted “out of the EU” over a rose-tinted bogus nostalgia for a Britain that never existed”
“It would avoid turning the country into the unregulated brothel that some Brexiteers secretly hope will be the only way to rescue the nation from penury.”
He litters his piece with other Guardian/BBC nonsense: “Most scientists seem to blame pesticides.”. No Sam, read what the actual scientists say, not environmentalist groups.
“Global warming looks like it is accelerating”. No Sam. According to the scientists we are in the second coldest period known to man in the last 10,000 years. And the world did not warm between 1996 and 2016, thus the theory of forcing has turned out to be an environmentalist fantasy.
‘unregulated brothel’ big words! Here is transparency and value for money from Utopian world of the EU …
UKIP MEP Nigel Farage, whose own expenses claims have come under scrutiny in the past (BBC investigate this? What did they find?), said Mr Juncker’s use of a private plane over a commercial option was “outrageous”. { aug2017}
– EU is not that transparent, took campaigners 2 years to find out this information
Juncker slams ‘totally ridiculous’ EU Parliament in extraordinary row … after most MEPs failed to show up for a debate on the EU presidency {sky 04jul2017}
– Can Juncker show attendance records for all MEPs, including his own attendance – so we can work out value for money.
Having not read through the thread, my apologies if this has already been mentioned. I happened to be near a radio as the bBCR2 8 o’clock newz was spouted out this morning. Apparently the bBC are sending some of their churnalists out to schools to show pupils how to discern between news and fakenews. I couldn’t hear much more than that as my irony klaxon went off.
Will the Dept of Education now compel schools to buy copies of ‘The Graudian’ to help with their dwindling sales? Will the schools block all websites except for the bBC newz site? I think we bBC taxpayers should be told.
I imagine Alan will do a separate post – would be good to add a history of BBC reporting failings, a big task but worth it. Here is my list Note that the article itself uses omission itself – there is no truth in other peoples sites and reports.