The BBC were ecstatic yesterday as it thought Brexit was broken by May’s double dealing….getting a bit shriller today as the Remain joy is dashed….ironically by the BBC’s own reporting of the slippery concession May made to the IRA.
Lots to talk about I’m sure…list it all here…..
It was wonderful to hear an interview on PM about Brexit, with a chap who owns a manufacturing company in the North East; the business was set up in 1972 by him as a sole trader and now employs two hundred and fifty people, of whom only six are from the EU.
What a fantastic, positive attitude he’d got concerning Brexit and whether we had a deal or not, I heard more sense from him in five minutes than I’ve heard in a long time and not just about Breixt but government industrial strategy too. It was good to the degree that I’m surprised al Beebus broadcast it.
It is folk like him who should be negotiating with the EUscum not Remainer diplomats or civil servants and weak; clueless; half-hearted politicians.
It is well worth listening to, it begins at 31m 25secs.
Direct link to the item, wait a sec and it will autoplay
… Do you spot the trick ?
That’s useful, thank you SG.
FLASHBACK: Obama makes a 2008 campaign promise to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. @RightlyNews
He later broke that promise, used the U.N. as a political weapon against our ally Israel, & then gave the Palestinians $221 million.
Anyone see the Hull Look North ..and the AMAZING item about a PACIFIC salmon being caught in a Hull river ?
“The first time in history such a rare fish has been caught in Yorkshire (in a river)” the reporter breathless repeated
… What happens when I look up the story and tweet @PaulMurphyBBC with evidence it’s not so amazing cos Pacific Salmon don’t only come from the Pacific and have previously been found off Yorkshire coast and rivers to the north, according to an August Mail article which quotes the Environment agency “The EA said about 200 Pacific pink salmon were caught in the Yorkshire and North East coastal net fishery” ?
What happens ?….. He blocked me
It’s not like I shouted at him with Hey Paul I think you have got carried away and constructed a false dramatic narrative, cos the headline should have been , “A rare fish previously found only on the Yorkshire coast or in rivers to the north has just been caught in a Yorkshire river”
OK if I tweet a normal person 3 times, they have a perfect right to ignore me
..but they’d be better off just ignoring me.
But when a beeboid like Musphy or Nicky Campbell blocks me, is that justified ?
… Cos they are using their Twitter as part of their BROADCAST work, their tweets should be broadcast to all excluding debunkers like me, they are putting me as a second class citizen and denying the public my help of rapid comment with valuable context.
I note the Remainers ARE now currently trying to claim that the UK is only paying £8.1bn (net) to the EU for 2016. That’s not going to work too well if Brexiteers keep pushing the Treasury/ONS figure at them for the most recent year available, 2014.
The Moral Maze gave Richard Tice of ‘Leave Means Leave’ a bit of a hard time tonight but he stood up to it well. He needs to be given more air time on the BBC.
Certainly revealed the arrogance, nastiness and sheer clueless incomprehension of the Muslim shill and Matthew Taylor. The Left meets Islam-quelle surprise that they HATE the chavs who derailed them.
Dripping with contempt for us, but we know what they used to try and hide from us. They want China-but they`ve only got us.
Lot of court artists getting a good gig at present. No photos-might tell us that they`re Muslims. So we get the court artists-now THERE`S an exhibition we`ll be needing soon.
Hate to say it-but they all look the same, only three or four different looks. And won`t Islam have something to say about those cartoons of their souljas and jihadists? Haram-were I a BBC court artist, I`d be careful, the BBC won`t cover your back-only your face with a Pringle shroud.
Still though-support the arts eh Muslims?….any career advice would tell the artists to get into this line of work, just three chalk pastels and the truth being needed.
now Russia Today : CrossTalk is about how public don’t trust MSM
already on youtube
“Brexit: PM urged not to let Eurosceptics ‘dictate’ talks”
Nineteen Tory MPs who back a “soft Brexit” have written to her saying it is “highly irresponsible” for anyone to dictate terms which may scupper a deal.
Is that “Nineteen Tory MPs” with a vested interest?
Time for a new Prime Minister. We should have walked out long ago, that’s what the majority of the people of the UK voted for, nothing more and nothing less.
Just slip out the back, Jack, make a new plan, Stan
Don’t need to be coy, Roy, just listen to me
Hop on the bus, Gus, don’t need to discuss much
Just drop off the key, Lee, and get yourself free
“Donald Trump has told Prime Minister Theresa May to focus on “terrorism” in the UK after she criticised his sharing of far-right videos”…………………..
And before it disappears from the headlines ……………………
“Man remanded in custody over alleged plot to kill PM”
Well put Taffy!
I don’t think that Sopel is very fond of Donald Trump ………………….
“Is Donald Trump winning?”
“This president only cares about the scorecard.”
Impartial ?
Has anyone seen maxincontinance ?
Who has been ‘liking’ his posts?
Scott ?