Welcome to 2017 …. Everyone is an undocumented dreamer (under the age of 18) who can transition into a man or women or unicorn. The police will drive around in rainbow cars whilst stopping slavery by painting their nails and wearing high heels to show support for women. Hate is a crime. All supported by the BBC.
“only a tiny minority……….. not all Muslims……….. Trump is inflaming “…….. blah blah BLAH!
Muslim conference on C-SPAN 1989: "We will not be part of the great what they call American melting pot…we want to turn them [Americans] into Muslim individuals" #shariapic.twitter.com/37pGNkeKLN
I’ve just sent the form to cancel my TV Licence officially. Everything you have to do to be compliant has been a nice reminder of the oppressive, draconian force they are.
Mine lapsed end October and I’m ignoring letters and emails. I’ve disconnected aerials and connections to the dish. That’s that. And I feel that I have done something small but important. I do not want any more lies, deceit and dishonest reporting from the BBC and the flow has stopped. Permanently. I have considered how to deal with the first doorstep caller and I have a plan after all, it is a annual licence which, if ones’s circumstances change one is entitled to not renew the licence.
Re Israel : Trump spoke directly to the people on Periscope ..the first 38 mins are blank until he appears
‘The old thinking was that we solve the Middle East problem by having a waiver against the 24 year old US bi-partisan act declaring Jerusalem the capital…that didn’t work so we moved with the new plan.’
..”Israel has built a state where people of all faiths can live” he made particular reference to Muslims being comfortable there.
Can a clever person please post a link of this because I really want to post it to my naive friends? Ps I am not a stupid person and know all about this but have had to correct some friends on FB. This is the best edited clip I have found but I am not twitter.
I use Wikipedia everyday, they invite readers to donate in regular fundraising events.
The current event is, however, irregular. It has laster longer, pop up windows are more numerous, and more desparate in tone. Starting to sound more like TWLLV begging.
I have resisted the temptation to donate.
Jimmy Wales, one of the founders, advises readers that “Wikipedia is a community of people working passionately to bring you unlimited access to reliable, neutral information.”.
Correct Jimmy, totally correct. But that is not the whole story, or the whole community.
There is a second group of people working passionately to ensure that Wikipedia only contains standard lefty bollox. There is a third community of people working passionately to turn it into Muzziepedia, financed by Saudi Arabia. The activities of the second group are encouraged by the Wikipedia administrators. The activities of the third group are condoned by the Wikipedia administrators.
So the “reliable, neutral information” is a lie, like most of the lefty/Muzzie claims.
I don’t even trust Google anymore. The search results on some subjects sometimes look suspiciously like they are favouring certain sites. [Guardian]
Just as an experiment I have done searches on Boris Johnson, Michael Gove, Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn and in every case the first few links are the Guardian closely followed by the BBC. What are the chances of that?
I’ve been trying for ages to ban the guardianista bbc trashy stuff from my Google news page, and with very limited success…
So I just don’t bother reading Google News any more, I just get the headlines from a rag like The Express or the Mail, just to make sure that we still have a sane, Christian monarch alive and kicking, then I can come along here.
I’m always feeling guilty about so many – and an increasing number too – of good posters here, who brave the utterly obnoxious leftie feeble bile spurted out by bbbc autocue-readers under instructions from their under-managers. I feel bad about just dipping in for a taster on sme of the clips until I feel totally sick of their crappy, sloppy and in the case of Meeeeshal, and now the rapidly-due-for -retirement Humphrys, a tiresome ‘interview’, or airing of old decrepit opinions which real people couldn’t give a flying folk-dance for.
President Trump has introduced a great alternative medium for true people’s beliefs, and the msm are totally powerless, and can’t understand what to do. They try, and it’s so easy to get the bbbc and the guardian twonks on their side, but shrill and shriek as they do, nobody in their right mind really takes much notice, and goes elsewhere for real news.
Every day, another few hundred British citizens desert the BBC.
Congratulations to all the BBBC contributors with female pseudonyms, I assume that most of you are women, proper, real women.
You have all been very active lately, slaying the dragons of the left.
But, what is this “anymore”?
My default position is I do not trust any of them to start with and I very rarely have cause to change my position.
I remember on an earlier post you let it be known that you like to Tweet now and again. I have just had a sneaky look at your Twitter page and if the young lady shown there is really a photo of your good self then you are indeed a real female. Congratulations.
@Truthseeker Wikipedia management fails to enforce its only bias rules
..hence segregation of people with purple-political skin happens, their views being kicked to the back of the bus.
… Hence I no longer donate to WP
There are many games being played over Brexit. I think almost all readers of this site doubt if the government really wants to leave in anything other than the softest of soft scenarios. I suspect that many of the ‘difficulties’ and crisis , that seem to arrive almost daily , are created by the mutual consent of both negotiating teams in order to either convince the British people that whatever soft deal is eventually achieved is the very best that there could be, or to convince us that the whole thing is just too difficult or too costly and that we should abandon Brexit altogether. We are being manipulated by the elite . In just the same way as we are being manipulated by them over mass migration. The BBC is of course the key to this process of manipulation and for this reason it will never be got rid whilst the liberal left elite, whether the blue or red or yellow version is in power.
Sooner than we think we will have the EURO , central EU taxes and any protests will be quelled by Europol or the EU Army and all the remainers will be scratching their head wondering how we got here and why didnt someone warn them. The only thing the EU hasnt planned yet is a new salute (I think we have a few suggestions)
Personally im sick of this slow lingering death, come the next election the cat will be out of the bag, we will quickly descend into the new Greece and I can sit looking at all the unemployed transgender youth doing my best old git impression saying I told you so
Im afraid its everyman for himself now, I was brought up poor, ive been through debt, I dont have expensive tastes, I can manage being much poorer again, charity begins at home , my home and thats where its staying
time to batten down the hatches the storm(troopers) are coming.
Given the Tory Government have for many years, under threat of criminal prosecution,in years gone by, taken a large proportion of my working wages in the form of tax. Don’t I have the right to know how they are spending the money they taken from me?
I want to know, through properly audited accounts, where my money has gone in contributing to 35/40 billion pounds which has found its way into the pockets of foreigners of whom I have regard in Europe. The nearest million will do.
I don’t think I am being unreasonable in my request. I have just written to my Tory MP asking him to provide me with the financial breakdown. I expect silence to be the answer.
Remeber TheyWork For You. Or at least that’s what they say.
Agreement! Apparently we have one now. But WHO caved in behind the smoke and mirrors of the new ‘language’ that was conjured up to deceive and befuddle during the ‘negotiations’, and WHO won? Would you trust the BBC to tell you the truth?
And while you’re pondering that, who is it going to be easier to get rid of: Merkel, the teacher, or May, her apprentice, who has been a FAST learner. (Bearing in mind that the SPD in Germany has -after all- decided to negotiate with the CDU to have a GroKo, so she could have her four more years in the bag) So we have two ladies involved in ‘negotiation’ to prolong their tenure, the GROKO and the MUGCO.
The two men, Mahad Yusuf, 20, and Fesal Mahamud, 19, pleaded guilty on Tuesday at Swansea Crown Court in Wales to trafficking a young person for the purposes of exploitation under Britain’s Modern Slavery Act, and to conspiracy to supply class A drugs.
Why’s the BBC not reporting that homeless East Europeans are being deported ?
It’s reported in the Times and Mail
If we all went and camped out in Monte Carlo, we’d be expected to be deported rather than use up services that are there for the local people.
Homeless people from eastern Europe are being rounded up for deportation https://t.co/c557AP3AA1
A 15-year-old boy with Asperger’s who suffered months of abuse at the hands of his paedophile carer hung himself at his care home after his ‘cries for help’ were ignored by staff.
Aaron Leafe, who had Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Asperger’s Syndrome, killed himself just six weeks after plucking up the courage to report his former carer Anwar Ismail.
The 15 year-old was discovered hanging by staff at the Ivy Cottage Children’s Home in Tupton, Derbyshire in 2010.
He had left a note saying he could not live with what had happened to him.
Before his death the troubled teen had recorded a harrowing 93-minute police interview cataloguing his ordeal, and his testimony from beyond the grave helped jail Ismail for 18 years.
Never mind Russian interference with voting, I think JK Rowling is responsible for immobilising the 18 year old voters which could have stopped Brexit.
4:30pm R4 Feedback discusses why iPM gave a platform to a convicted sex offender
(In 20 mins he gave no contrition)
– They don’t declare what the rest of prog is about
Ah from twitter
– presenters diabetes
– “Did Gardener’s Question Time hand out the wrong advice? Absolutely, says one listener.”
They also covered why Woman’s Hour with 2 Asian guests, mixed them up and brought the wrong one into the studio, started asking questions live on air ..until the guest said ” that is not me ”
Woman’s Hour refused to sent a spokesWOMAN ..and sent just a statement.
Yep these women all look and sound the same . Slavery , Wimmins bits , nasty men , hate kids, love kids – winni- the lady – Hattie Harman – glass ceiling yawn
This could be a march against Treezer, her Tories, the Emir of London, Corbyn, St Brendan Cocks, Owen Jones, Tariq Ali, Antifa , Class War and the BBC Guardian
Brexit means WHAT EXACTLY? The Express has published part of the text, i.e. Article 49. It speaks of how the UK will maintain ‘full alignment’ with the rules of the Internal Market and the Customs Union if the EU feels Irish border issues are not to their liking (‘in the absence of an agreed solution’) i.e.UK remains IN the EU if the EU says so. Anyone else read it like that or am I being paranoid?
FNW – No you are not being in paranoid . Sharia is delivering to the masses ie us exactly what the establishment wanted her to deliver. The fact that that Guy dodgy teeth Verhofstadt, Junker and Barnier are “satisfied” that we can now move onto the next stage of negotiation tells me everything I need to know about Sharias great “Victory” over the EU. Only this time it is costing us an even bigger bag of money . All wrapped up in the typical EU semi opaque semantics.
I like think of the negotiation this way –
If I wanted to prune a tree I would employ a tree surgeon.
If I wanted to build a house I would employ a builder
If I wanted to employ a traitor I would employ Theresa May.
“Brexit: ‘Breakthrough’ deal paves way for future trade talks” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-42277040
And there’s me thinking that we voted to leave the EU?
And there’s me thinking the Tory Party was a party of patriots?
Was I dreaming? May Day, May Day, May Day.
The nation needs Jacob Rees-Mogg!
Taffy I was listening to Gove the “born again” Mayite on Toady this morning talking ten to the dozen trying to sell Sharias “great breakthrough”. He sounded like a double glazing salesman trying to sell a batch of defective windows to a hospital trust . He knows they are shite , they know the are shite – but they buy them anyway because they fall into the current budgetary requirements. If they fall out next year – no worries it will be maintenance Depts problem not the purchasing Dept
I am thinking that it is probably too late in the day for JRM to make any substantive difference. Sharia and her remain friends have proudly re-cast the whole of the Tory party in pink and yellow indicating mediocrity and surrender . I think the only hope in the long term is a split of some sort – maybe led by JRM or similair. These days the current Tory party are more in line with Merkels CDU than anything Conservative.
I agree there still seem to be a few grounded MPs out there Gavin Williamson being one of them, But I reckon it wont be long before the cynical, manipulative , bleedin heart soft Tory elements bring him into line too .
Remember Gove used to be a believer in brexit now all he seems to believe in is his career.
I hope that Tory voters will remember this black day. Who on earth voted her for PM after her poor track record as Home secretary?
I recollect a number of posters on this site predicted this would happen.
Taffman – Totally agree.
Remember the “brexit means brexit” speech. At the time I thought “these are nothing but empty words to placate us until she could work on her fudge”.
Unfortunately our idea of “brexit”(17.4 million of us) means leaving the EU
Theresa’s idea of “brexit” meant anything that does not upset Junker too much. And it looks like she has achieved that.
The trouble is who now do true Tory voters vote for? UKIP was emasculated by election rigging preventing Farage entering parliament and their current leader seems as if he needs an industrial strength charisma injection.
Words fail me – to describe how I feel about Theresa May. It was not only her obvious lack of commitment , it was the deliberate delay before triggering article 50. I think she is devious rather than weak. A deeply unpleasant woman.
From Lincs Police :
Herman Mohammed Tahir, 24, is wanted by Cleveland Police in connection with the rape of a 16-year-old girl in Hartlepool.
He could be anywhere in the Country.
Herman Mohammed Tahir, 24, is wanted by Cleveland Police in connection with the rape of a 16-year-old girl in Hartlepool. He could be anywhere in the Country. pic.twitter.com/vJsHk4vCie
Stew, that’s an inflammatory post and will no doubt cause violence to happen amongst “Palestinians”. You have earned a severe reprimand from Treasoner May and Imams everywhere.
That poor dear Mohammed is only a groomer.
Pity the Palestinians. As the BBC and other media fan the flames of a future intifada they have now got what they wanted, with a Palestinian being shot dead. That’s sad, but then he was part of a mob throwing stones at Israeli soldiers. While they gloat over the illusory wreckage of a non-existent peace process, could the BBC give us a round up of the peace enjoyed elsewhere in the Middle East? You know, the places without the pesky Jews?
Laura Koeningensberg seems quite pleased with Treezer’s deal. Will probably send a favorable end of term report to her bosses on Treezer’s loyalty to the BBC
‘One prominent Remainer this morning was frankly delighted that line was there, believing it is an opportunity to push for continued membership of the customs union for the whole UK.’
The terrorist-linked Muslim Brotherhood (MB), echoing other jihadist groups, has pledged to “shed blood” and “wage war” against the United States after President Donald Trump officially recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and directed his government to move the American embassy to the city.
In an Arabic-language statement disseminated by the Ikhwanonline.info website, MB declares, “Jerusalem is an Islamic and Arab land, for which we shed blood, freedom, and life, and we wage war against every aggressor and every supporter of aggression.”
Is this the same Brotherhood that Jeremy Bowen of the BBC repeatedly described as peaceful?
The country’s {Egypt} only properly organised mass political movement outside the ruling party is the Muslim Brotherhood, and it would do very well in any free election.
Unlike the jihadis, it does not believe it is at war with the West. It is conservative, moderate and non-violent. But it is highly critical of Western policy in the Middle East.
Let’s face it some so called al beeb reporters either spend too much time in the bar or too much time looking in the mirror. And as long as they spout anti Israel anti Jewish words to London they’re all happy .
Declaration – i am not Jewish but I had a nice holiday there once.
The London evening standard has reported that s train out of a London station has split in two . I suppose the people sitting on the left and right sides of the carriages were ok but the ones in the middle might have had issues
He is a conservative councillor but the racist pig of a woman hasn’t been identified yet and main steam seems not to care .
I learn a long time ago it is best not to speak to non whites because they are just looking for the opportunity to do down whitee – as this case shows.
Just came across this
seems like mission creep to me .
Yes it’s a terrible thing that Jo Cox was murdered (by a nutter)
..but can we say it was “for her convictions” ? That looks like embellishment to me.
The evidence that the killer said something political like ‘put Britain first’ is disputed and he wouldn’t give a motive at his trial.
(Assassinee is a false friend it just means murdered whether political or not.)
I think everyday about #1 the thousands of poor Africans drowned cos people like Cox wouldn’t crack down on the ‘pull factor’
Plus #2 the tens of thousands of Africans that die every year in wars/disputes that are mostly not even reported here in the UK
Rue Jo Cox. The word ‘rue’ has a somewhat different meaning across the Channel. Robespierre held strong political convictions. The French people eventually got rid of one man called Robespierre, but only after a long period of him executing thousands of French people.
Rejoice indeed … we have found a tunnel, someone has escaped the EU already with a 52% vote …. rejoice …. Jerry Christmas to WFC for finding this out {order-order} …. ring the bells …. Ho! Ho! Go!
Most enlightening … they had a 52% vote to leave as well! Ha! Don’t tell the BBC or the EU or the general public that a country has already escaped!
When a second referendum was finally held a decade later, 52 percent voted to quit the bloc. (1985)
This is the first time I found out a country escaped the EU with a 52% vote …. thank you UK politicians …thank you BBC … thanks for keeping me informed.
Tracy Babin, the Member of Parliament (MP) for the Batley and Spen is fast growing a reputation as one of the most useless and ineffective MP’s in Britain. She knows about the Pakistani rape gangs yet denies all knowledge when confronted with the problem. She is a frightened MP in a lawless town.
She will not defend her white indigenous constituents against Pakistani people. The Pakistani gangs police the area as the local police moved to Huddersfield and are no longer patrolling the area, after the local police station was attacked by a Pakistani gang when the police tried to arrest a pakistani thug. Batley is a no go area if you are white. The local press have stated that they are too frightened to report the Pakistani violence for fear of reprisals. Tommy Robinson is trying to bring the plight of Batley to the attention of the public through the rape and physical attack on a white girl called Nikki. I believe they badly cut her face up. The police are too frightened to take up the case.Go to a recent Jon Gaunt radio programme (last week) when he interviewed Tommy Robinson.
People wonder what would make a white person kill an MP. Maybe this partially answers that very question. Complete exasperation. The trouble is that the police and the BBC don’t deal in truths.
Goodbye Brexit, goodbye Tory Govrnment and goodbye Tory Party. They shafted us over Brexit, will lose the next election, and Labour will govern a UK committed to Remaining and mass immigration.
Good discussion in this issue of Spiked.
Looks likely. And some of the people opposing the EU might not be as friendly and jovial as Nigel Farage.
Thank you Appeaser, you have done great harm to this country
Shame the DUP blinked . They know if they stuck to their guns it would be s Corbyn majority and no brexit or hope . No wonder the beeboids were so chipper today using “we” a lot . They’re happy their E111 will still work in their villas.
It was always going to happen and in a way it is a good thing. May was always plan B and no doubt is very pleased with herself.
That the Tory party needs to be destroyed as a political force goes without saying even if it means a Corbyn government. This country needs a wake up and a chaos coming. It needs to understand that yet again the ruling elite has shafted us as it has done for centuries.
We must remain loyal to the nation that is us, our children and grandchildren not them. We must if necessary consider ourselves absolved from loyalty to the disloyal elite that has always hated and feared us while enriching themselves .
So for now as it looks as if we will be denied our will and that we stay silent but hold resentment and contempt close.
AS for the grinning media scum and that is what they are remember them and do not forgive or forget.
This is no longer about Europe but about who is sovereign in this land. We the people or an unelected entitled traitorous elite.
Jesus and Mohammed must be beside themselves with excitement. No doubt John Lewis in Kingston will be staying open late for last minute present buying. Happy days.
It’s ok; Newsnight is on it via their next medium of expression:
As Theresa May strikes a last-minute deal with the EU to move Brexit talks on to the next phase, here is our rock 'n' roll opening to tonight's programme #newsnightpic.twitter.com/KPOvsfA2Wo
We will also open immediate negotiations with our EEC partners, and introduce the necessary legislation, to prepare for Britain’s withdrawal from the EEC, to be completed well within the lifetime of the Labour government.
Buy our food where it is cheaper, on world markets, following Britain’s withdrawal from the EEC.
Britain needs a food and agriculture policy much more in line with our needs – and this is one of the prime reasons for leaving the EEC. Instead of the inflated prices of the EEC’s Common Agricultural Policy, we will support our agriculture through deficiency payments – coupled, where necessary, with limited intervention buying and direct income support.
We will give a new deal to the fishing industry. We will draw up a National Fisheries Plan so as to take full advantage of our withdrawal from the EEC. We will also provide public investment for the industry and improved conditions of employment – including safety conditions – and introduce a licensing system for registered fishing vessels and fishermen.
We will also seek agreement with other European governments – both in the EEC and outside – on a common strategy for economic expansion.
On taking office we will open preliminary negotiations with the other EEC member states to establish a timetable for withdrawal; and we will publish the results of these negotiations in a White Paper. In addition, as soon as possible after the House assembles, we will introduce a Repeal Bill: first, in order to amend the 1972 European Communities Act, ending the powers of the Community in the UK; and second, to provide the necessary powers to repeal the 1972 Act, when the negotiations on withdrawal are completed.
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 21:03 Start the Week 24th February 2025 In the lecture, Rand admonishes American businessmen for apologizing for capitalism and for, in some cases, directly funding detractors of…
non-licence payerFeb 23, 21:03 Start the Week 24th February 2025 bBC still chosing to ignore the visit you get from the Greater Manchester Police if you choae to criticise your…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 20:46 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Books for the future … [img]https://www.worldofbooks.com/cdn/shop/files/1399807447.jpg?v=1718329871&width=493[/img] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4WerEdbHxI
non-licence payerFeb 23, 20:42 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Fed that was a sneaky early bird new thread. Five weeks now before phase two of Storm Rachel (Brian Monteith…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 20:28 Start the Week 24th February 2025 wwfc – Your claim has upset me so that means I can get you arrested and then I can be…
Thank you Treezer the Quisling
Garmany are vinning
Yep – the 4th reich didn’t even have to fight this time . I wonder if the plane took the same route across the channel as Chamberlains’?
Welcome to 2017 …. Everyone is an undocumented dreamer (under the age of 18) who can transition into a man or women or unicorn. The police will drive around in rainbow cars whilst stopping slavery by painting their nails and wearing high heels to show support for women. Hate is a crime. All supported by the BBC.
“only a tiny minority……….. not all Muslims……….. Trump is inflaming “…….. blah blah BLAH!
Amber Rudd has detected some Hate on the internet …. please stop it.
I’ve just sent the form to cancel my TV Licence officially. Everything you have to do to be compliant has been a nice reminder of the oppressive, draconian force they are.
Mine lapsed end October and I’m ignoring letters and emails. I’ve disconnected aerials and connections to the dish. That’s that. And I feel that I have done something small but important. I do not want any more lies, deceit and dishonest reporting from the BBC and the flow has stopped. Permanently. I have considered how to deal with the first doorstep caller and I have a plan after all, it is a annual licence which, if ones’s circumstances change one is entitled to not renew the licence.
Congratulations .
Welcome to the club. Apparently they be opened an investigation about me . Again.
Re Israel : Trump spoke directly to the people on Periscope ..the first 38 mins are blank until he appears
‘The old thinking was that we solve the Middle East problem by having a waiver against the 24 year old US bi-partisan act declaring Jerusalem the capital…that didn’t work so we moved with the new plan.’
..”Israel has built a state where people of all faiths can live” he made particular reference to Muslims being comfortable there.
Can a clever person please post a link of this because I really want to post it to my naive friends? Ps I am not a stupid person and know all about this but have had to correct some friends on FB. This is the best edited clip I have found but I am not twitter.
I use Wikipedia everyday, they invite readers to donate in regular fundraising events.
The current event is, however, irregular. It has laster longer, pop up windows are more numerous, and more desparate in tone. Starting to sound more like TWLLV begging.
I have resisted the temptation to donate.
Jimmy Wales, one of the founders, advises readers that “Wikipedia is a community of people working passionately to bring you unlimited access to reliable, neutral information.”.
Correct Jimmy, totally correct. But that is not the whole story, or the whole community.
There is a second group of people working passionately to ensure that Wikipedia only contains standard lefty bollox. There is a third community of people working passionately to turn it into Muzziepedia, financed by Saudi Arabia. The activities of the second group are encouraged by the Wikipedia administrators. The activities of the third group are condoned by the Wikipedia administrators.
So the “reliable, neutral information” is a lie, like most of the lefty/Muzzie claims.
I don’t even trust Google anymore. The search results on some subjects sometimes look suspiciously like they are favouring certain sites. [Guardian]
Regarding Wikipedia, try this – http://www.conservapedia.com/Liberal_bias
Just as an experiment I have done searches on Boris Johnson, Michael Gove, Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn and in every case the first few links are the Guardian closely followed by the BBC. What are the chances of that?
see a whole load of vids on youtube about google manipulating results during the US elections
google is not an impartial unbiased entity
Absolutely correct mate. The Guardian, The independent and the BBC always get top billing. It’s obvious where Mr. Google’s sympathies lay.
I’ve been trying for ages to ban the guardianista bbc trashy stuff from my Google news page, and with very limited success…
So I just don’t bother reading Google News any more, I just get the headlines from a rag like The Express or the Mail, just to make sure that we still have a sane, Christian monarch alive and kicking, then I can come along here.
I’m always feeling guilty about so many – and an increasing number too – of good posters here, who brave the utterly obnoxious leftie feeble bile spurted out by bbbc autocue-readers under instructions from their under-managers. I feel bad about just dipping in for a taster on sme of the clips until I feel totally sick of their crappy, sloppy and in the case of Meeeeshal, and now the rapidly-due-for -retirement Humphrys, a tiresome ‘interview’, or airing of old decrepit opinions which real people couldn’t give a flying folk-dance for.
President Trump has introduced a great alternative medium for true people’s beliefs, and the msm are totally powerless, and can’t understand what to do. They try, and it’s so easy to get the bbbc and the guardian twonks on their side, but shrill and shriek as they do, nobody in their right mind really takes much notice, and goes elsewhere for real news.
Every day, another few hundred British citizens desert the BBC.
Congratulations to all the BBBC contributors with female pseudonyms, I assume that most of you are women, proper, real women.
You have all been very active lately, slaying the dragons of the left.
But, what is this “anymore”?
My default position is I do not trust any of them to start with and I very rarely have cause to change my position.
Yes. I’m a real one. Born female. Identify female. But I don’t “identify” with the Feminist Movement.
I remember on an earlier post you let it be known that you like to Tweet now and again. I have just had a sneaky look at your Twitter page and if the young lady shown there is really a photo of your good self then you are indeed a real female. Congratulations.
@Truthseeker Wikipedia management fails to enforce its only bias rules
..hence segregation of people with purple-political skin happens, their views being kicked to the back of the bus.
… Hence I no longer donate to WP
There are many games being played over Brexit. I think almost all readers of this site doubt if the government really wants to leave in anything other than the softest of soft scenarios. I suspect that many of the ‘difficulties’ and crisis , that seem to arrive almost daily , are created by the mutual consent of both negotiating teams in order to either convince the British people that whatever soft deal is eventually achieved is the very best that there could be, or to convince us that the whole thing is just too difficult or too costly and that we should abandon Brexit altogether. We are being manipulated by the elite . In just the same way as we are being manipulated by them over mass migration. The BBC is of course the key to this process of manipulation and for this reason it will never be got rid whilst the liberal left elite, whether the blue or red or yellow version is in power.
Sooner than we think we will have the EURO , central EU taxes and any protests will be quelled by Europol or the EU Army and all the remainers will be scratching their head wondering how we got here and why didnt someone warn them. The only thing the EU hasnt planned yet is a new salute (I think we have a few suggestions)
Personally im sick of this slow lingering death, come the next election the cat will be out of the bag, we will quickly descend into the new Greece and I can sit looking at all the unemployed transgender youth doing my best old git impression saying I told you so
Im afraid its everyman for himself now, I was brought up poor, ive been through debt, I dont have expensive tastes, I can manage being much poorer again, charity begins at home , my home and thats where its staying
time to batten down the hatches the storm(troopers) are coming.
The only thing the EU hasn’t planned yet is a new salute
For starters
Sorry I missed out green.
Given the Tory Government have for many years, under threat of criminal prosecution,in years gone by, taken a large proportion of my working wages in the form of tax. Don’t I have the right to know how they are spending the money they taken from me?
I want to know, through properly audited accounts, where my money has gone in contributing to 35/40 billion pounds which has found its way into the pockets of foreigners of whom I have regard in Europe. The nearest million will do.
I don’t think I am being unreasonable in my request. I have just written to my Tory MP asking him to provide me with the financial breakdown. I expect silence to be the answer.
Remeber TheyWork For You. Or at least that’s what they say.
Agreement! Apparently we have one now. But WHO caved in behind the smoke and mirrors of the new ‘language’ that was conjured up to deceive and befuddle during the ‘negotiations’, and WHO won? Would you trust the BBC to tell you the truth?
And while you’re pondering that, who is it going to be easier to get rid of: Merkel, the teacher, or May, her apprentice, who has been a FAST learner. (Bearing in mind that the SPD in Germany has -after all- decided to negotiate with the CDU to have a GroKo, so she could have her four more years in the bag) So we have two ladies involved in ‘negotiation’ to prolong their tenure, the GROKO and the MUGCO.
The two men, Mahad Yusuf, 20, and Fesal Mahamud, 19, pleaded guilty on Tuesday at Swansea Crown Court in Wales to trafficking a young person for the purposes of exploitation under Britain’s Modern Slavery Act, and to conspiracy to supply class A drugs.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/reuters/article-5152525/Drug-dealers-convicted-trafficking-teenage-girl-landmark-UK-case.html#ixzz50gN9Ski0
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Was it stopped by nail varnish?
“I would be very surprised if, in the wake of increased terrorist attacks, the British people would put their security in the hands of Mr. Corbyn. There have only been two groups of people in recent years who have tried to blow up the British people, the IRA and Islamists. And one of the few things that links them is the support of Mr. Corbyn.” – Douglas Murray @17:58
Why’s the BBC not reporting that homeless East Europeans are being deported ?
It’s reported in the Times and Mail
If we all went and camped out in Monte Carlo, we’d be expected to be deported rather than use up services that are there for the local people.
Times editorial diesn’t mention deportations
Are these illegal migrants? Paywall on site so could not see whole article. Should the word illegal be in there?
Illegal ? They are EU citizens, but you can only be in country so long if you don’t have a job.
read the Mil article , it quotes most of the Times but softened the headline
A 15-year-old boy with Asperger’s who suffered months of abuse at the hands of his paedophile carer hung himself at his care home after his ‘cries for help’ were ignored by staff.
Aaron Leafe, who had Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Asperger’s Syndrome, killed himself just six weeks after plucking up the courage to report his former carer Anwar Ismail.
The 15 year-old was discovered hanging by staff at the Ivy Cottage Children’s Home in Tupton, Derbyshire in 2010.
He had left a note saying he could not live with what had happened to him.
Before his death the troubled teen had recorded a harrowing 93-minute police interview cataloguing his ordeal, and his testimony from beyond the grave helped jail Ismail for 18 years.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5159063/Boy-hung-Derbyshire-care-home-carer-abuse.html#ixzz50ge0Qhip
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7 years to do the inquest !
Even tho they had to do the abuse trial first..it shouldn’t have taken 4 years longer.
Never mind Russian interference with voting, I think JK Rowling is responsible for immobilising the 18 year old voters which could have stopped Brexit.
“My 18 year old sister won’t vote because Harry Potter is on TV”
4:30pm R4 Feedback discusses why iPM gave a platform to a convicted sex offender
(In 20 mins he gave no contrition)
– They don’t declare what the rest of prog is about
Ah from twitter
– presenters diabetes
– “Did Gardener’s Question Time hand out the wrong advice? Absolutely, says one listener.”
They also covered why Woman’s Hour with 2 Asian guests, mixed them up and brought the wrong one into the studio, started asking questions live on air ..until the guest said ” that is not me ”
Woman’s Hour refused to sent a spokesWOMAN ..and sent just a statement.
Yep these women all look and sound the same . Slavery , Wimmins bits , nasty men , hate kids, love kids – winni- the lady – Hattie Harman – glass ceiling yawn
This could be a march against Treezer, her Tories, the Emir of London, Corbyn, St Brendan Cocks, Owen Jones, Tariq Ali, Antifa , Class War and the BBC Guardian
Beats ‘boom!’ or ‘wtf’ I guess…
The downmarket BBC
…evermore Buzzfeed everyday
Has the ‘impartial’ Al Beeb interviewed UKIP’s Henry Bolton for a comment on today’s Brexit betrayal?
Brexit means WHAT EXACTLY? The Express has published part of the text, i.e. Article 49. It speaks of how the UK will maintain ‘full alignment’ with the rules of the Internal Market and the Customs Union if the EU feels Irish border issues are not to their liking (‘in the absence of an agreed solution’) i.e.UK remains IN the EU if the EU says so. Anyone else read it like that or am I being paranoid?
FNW – No you are not being in paranoid . Sharia is delivering to the masses ie us exactly what the establishment wanted her to deliver. The fact that that Guy dodgy teeth Verhofstadt, Junker and Barnier are “satisfied” that we can now move onto the next stage of negotiation tells me everything I need to know about Sharias great “Victory” over the EU. Only this time it is costing us an even bigger bag of money . All wrapped up in the typical EU semi opaque semantics.
I like think of the negotiation this way –
If I wanted to prune a tree I would employ a tree surgeon.
If I wanted to build a house I would employ a builder
If I wanted to employ a traitor I would employ Theresa May.
Nuff said.
“Brexit: ‘Breakthrough’ deal paves way for future trade talks”
And there’s me thinking that we voted to leave the EU?
And there’s me thinking the Tory Party was a party of patriots?
Was I dreaming? May Day, May Day, May Day.
The nation needs Jacob Rees-Mogg!
Taffy I was listening to Gove the “born again” Mayite on Toady this morning talking ten to the dozen trying to sell Sharias “great breakthrough”. He sounded like a double glazing salesman trying to sell a batch of defective windows to a hospital trust . He knows they are shite , they know the are shite – but they buy them anyway because they fall into the current budgetary requirements. If they fall out next year – no worries it will be maintenance Depts problem not the purchasing Dept
I am thinking that it is probably too late in the day for JRM to make any substantive difference. Sharia and her remain friends have proudly re-cast the whole of the Tory party in pink and yellow indicating mediocrity and surrender . I think the only hope in the long term is a split of some sort – maybe led by JRM or similair. These days the current Tory party are more in line with Merkels CDU than anything Conservative.
I agree there still seem to be a few grounded MPs out there Gavin Williamson being one of them, But I reckon it wont be long before the cynical, manipulative , bleedin heart soft Tory elements bring him into line too .
Remember Gove used to be a believer in brexit now all he seems to believe in is his career.
a career that like many will end very soon
I hope that Tory voters will remember this black day. Who on earth voted her for PM after her poor track record as Home secretary?
I recollect a number of posters on this site predicted this would happen.
Taffman – Totally agree.
Remember the “brexit means brexit” speech. At the time I thought “these are nothing but empty words to placate us until she could work on her fudge”.
Unfortunately our idea of “brexit”(17.4 million of us) means leaving the EU
Theresa’s idea of “brexit” meant anything that does not upset Junker too much. And it looks like she has achieved that.
The trouble is who now do true Tory voters vote for? UKIP was emasculated by election rigging preventing Farage entering parliament and their current leader seems as if he needs an industrial strength charisma injection.
Words fail me – to describe how I feel about Theresa May. It was not only her obvious lack of commitment , it was the deliberate delay before triggering article 50. I think she is devious rather than weak. A deeply unpleasant woman.
From Lincs Police :
Herman Mohammed Tahir, 24, is wanted by Cleveland Police in connection with the rape of a 16-year-old girl in Hartlepool.
He could be anywhere in the Country.
Scum bag Herman will probably have sanctuary in a Mosque somewhere.
Stew, that’s an inflammatory post and will no doubt cause violence to happen amongst “Palestinians”. You have earned a severe reprimand from Treasoner May and Imams everywhere.
That poor dear Mohammed is only a groomer.
2 days ago.
It’s not only our judges that are in cloud cuckoo land.
15 years for a ‘hate crime’? That’s more than most terrorists get. But hey, a bacon crime is so much worse than murdering and mutilating people.
A bacon crime can lead to a death sentence with no questions asked
Pity the Palestinians. As the BBC and other media fan the flames of a future intifada they have now got what they wanted, with a Palestinian being shot dead. That’s sad, but then he was part of a mob throwing stones at Israeli soldiers. While they gloat over the illusory wreckage of a non-existent peace process, could the BBC give us a round up of the peace enjoyed elsewhere in the Middle East? You know, the places without the pesky Jews?
Egypt mosque attack death toll climbs above 300
Yemen’s Ex-President Killed as Mayhem Convulses Capital
UN Security Council condemns Libya slave auctions
25 victims SNHR Syria – Death Toll 3 December 2017
Saudi-Iran tensions put Lebanon, Hezbollah back in regional spotlight
Fighting in Kirkuk, unknown gunmen target Iraqi Counter-Terror post
But enough of that, let’s hear more about the trouble in Palestine …
Laura Koeningensberg seems quite pleased with Treezer’s deal. Will probably send a favorable end of term report to her bosses on Treezer’s loyalty to the BBC
‘One prominent Remainer this morning was frankly delighted that line was there, believing it is an opportunity to push for continued membership of the customs union for the whole UK.’
Terrorists threaten violence over Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem
The terrorist-linked Muslim Brotherhood (MB), echoing other jihadist groups, has pledged to “shed blood” and “wage war” against the United States after President Donald Trump officially recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and directed his government to move the American embassy to the city.
In an Arabic-language statement disseminated by the Ikhwanonline.info website, MB declares, “Jerusalem is an Islamic and Arab land, for which we shed blood, freedom, and life, and we wage war against every aggressor and every supporter of aggression.”
Is this the same Brotherhood that Jeremy Bowen of the BBC repeatedly described as peaceful?
The country’s {Egypt} only properly organised mass political movement outside the ruling party is the Muslim Brotherhood, and it would do very well in any free election.
Unlike the jihadis, it does not believe it is at war with the West. It is conservative, moderate and non-violent. But it is highly critical of Western policy in the Middle East.
Let’s face it some so called al beeb reporters either spend too much time in the bar or too much time looking in the mirror. And as long as they spout anti Israel anti Jewish words to London they’re all happy .
Declaration – i am not Jewish but I had a nice holiday there once.
They could always shed there own blood of course, do us all a favour ! Long as there close to there own whilst they do.
The London evening standard has reported that s train out of a London station has split in two . I suppose the people sitting on the left and right sides of the carriages were ok but the ones in the middle might have had issues
He is a conservative councillor but the racist pig of a woman hasn’t been identified yet and main steam seems not to care .
I learn a long time ago it is best not to speak to non whites because they are just looking for the opportunity to do down whitee – as this case shows.
Just came across this
seems like mission creep to me .
Yes it’s a terrible thing that Jo Cox was murdered (by a nutter)
..but can we say it was “for her convictions” ? That looks like embellishment to me.
The evidence that the killer said something political like ‘put Britain first’ is disputed and he wouldn’t give a motive at his trial.
(Assassinee is a false friend it just means murdered whether political or not.)
I think everyday about #1 the thousands of poor Africans drowned cos people like Cox wouldn’t crack down on the ‘pull factor’
Plus #2 the tens of thousands of Africans that die every year in wars/disputes that are mostly not even reported here in the UK
Rue Jo Cox. The word ‘rue’ has a somewhat different meaning across the Channel. Robespierre held strong political convictions. The French people eventually got rid of one man called Robespierre, but only after a long period of him executing thousands of French people.
Rejoice indeed … we have found a tunnel, someone has escaped the EU already with a 52% vote …. rejoice …. Jerry Christmas to WFC for finding this out {order-order} …. ring the bells …. Ho! Ho! Go!
Most enlightening … they had a 52% vote to leave as well! Ha! Don’t tell the BBC or the EU or the general public that a country has already escaped!
“The EU member states would not take us seriously because they were not willing to accept that you should or could leave.”
“At the time, you could become a member of the EU but you couldn’t leave,” Vesterbirk said.
When a second referendum was finally held a decade later, 52 percent voted to quit the bloc. (1985)
This is the first time I found out a country escaped the EU with a 52% vote …. thank you UK politicians …thank you BBC … thanks for keeping me informed.
Tracy Babin, the Member of Parliament (MP) for the Batley and Spen is fast growing a reputation as one of the most useless and ineffective MP’s in Britain. She knows about the Pakistani rape gangs yet denies all knowledge when confronted with the problem. She is a frightened MP in a lawless town.
She will not defend her white indigenous constituents against Pakistani people. The Pakistani gangs police the area as the local police moved to Huddersfield and are no longer patrolling the area, after the local police station was attacked by a Pakistani gang when the police tried to arrest a pakistani thug. Batley is a no go area if you are white. The local press have stated that they are too frightened to report the Pakistani violence for fear of reprisals. Tommy Robinson is trying to bring the plight of Batley to the attention of the public through the rape and physical attack on a white girl called Nikki. I believe they badly cut her face up. The police are too frightened to take up the case.Go to a recent Jon Gaunt radio programme (last week) when he interviewed Tommy Robinson.
People wonder what would make a white person kill an MP. Maybe this partially answers that very question. Complete exasperation. The trouble is that the police and the BBC don’t deal in truths.
Goodbye Brexit, goodbye Tory Govrnment and goodbye Tory Party. They shafted us over Brexit, will lose the next election, and Labour will govern a UK committed to Remaining and mass immigration.
Good discussion in this issue of Spiked.
I suppose this issue will eventually have to be settled on the streets. Shame.
Looks likely. And some of the people opposing the EU might not be as friendly and jovial as Nigel Farage.
Thank you Appeaser, you have done great harm to this country
Shame the DUP blinked . They know if they stuck to their guns it would be s Corbyn majority and no brexit or hope . No wonder the beeboids were so chipper today using “we” a lot . They’re happy their E111 will still work in their villas.
It was always going to happen and in a way it is a good thing. May was always plan B and no doubt is very pleased with herself.
That the Tory party needs to be destroyed as a political force goes without saying even if it means a Corbyn government. This country needs a wake up and a chaos coming. It needs to understand that yet again the ruling elite has shafted us as it has done for centuries.
We must remain loyal to the nation that is us, our children and grandchildren not them. We must if necessary consider ourselves absolved from loyalty to the disloyal elite that has always hated and feared us while enriching themselves .
So for now as it looks as if we will be denied our will and that we stay silent but hold resentment and contempt close.
AS for the grinning media scum and that is what they are remember them and do not forgive or forget.
This is no longer about Europe but about who is sovereign in this land. We the people or an unelected entitled traitorous elite.
Beyond belief. Our ancestors are rolling in their graves.
Jesus and Mohammed must be beside themselves with excitement. No doubt John Lewis in Kingston will be staying open late for last minute present buying. Happy days.
This simple question cannot be resolved …
Islamic World wants religion within and running the State.
Western World wants religion separated from the State.
– A simple question!
Fully costed … or … Costa Coffee’d?
To rub it in they put Gina Miller on the R4 Any Questions panel
with , David Gauke MP, Baroness Smith
.. Alex Deane was the token Brexiteer
It’s ok; Newsnight is on it via their next medium of expression:
Before May and the 52% … there was Labour …..
The Labour Party: 1983 The New Hope for Britain
We will also open immediate negotiations with our EEC partners, and introduce the necessary legislation, to prepare for Britain’s withdrawal from the EEC, to be completed well within the lifetime of the Labour government.
Buy our food where it is cheaper, on world markets, following Britain’s withdrawal from the EEC.
Britain needs a food and agriculture policy much more in line with our needs – and this is one of the prime reasons for leaving the EEC. Instead of the inflated prices of the EEC’s Common Agricultural Policy, we will support our agriculture through deficiency payments – coupled, where necessary, with limited intervention buying and direct income support.
We will give a new deal to the fishing industry. We will draw up a National Fisheries Plan so as to take full advantage of our withdrawal from the EEC. We will also provide public investment for the industry and improved conditions of employment – including safety conditions – and introduce a licensing system for registered fishing vessels and fishermen.
We will also seek agreement with other European governments – both in the EEC and outside – on a common strategy for economic expansion.
On taking office we will open preliminary negotiations with the other EEC member states to establish a timetable for withdrawal; and we will publish the results of these negotiations in a White Paper. In addition, as soon as possible after the House assembles, we will introduce a Repeal Bill: first, in order to amend the 1972 European Communities Act, ending the powers of the Community in the UK; and second, to provide the necessary powers to repeal the 1972 Act, when the negotiations on withdrawal are completed.