President Trump is right….there needs to be new thinking.
The BBC’s Chief International Correspondent Lyse Doucet around 49 seconds into this video.
It can’t be a fact because I can just as easily say, “we shouldn’t change our thinking” and there’s no way to verify the truth of either statement. But I thought the BBC didn’t offer opinions?
Over the years the foreign correspondents of albeeb have become more politicised – I think – whether they liked it or not – because of editorial pressure .
Even the more knowledgeable ones like lise will bend .
Listening to From our own correspondents now is just an exercise in liberal box ticking with that picturesque term “ fluid sexuality”!featuring every week when once upon a time it was important stuff .
It’s output is as dumbed down as the rest of the news department . Problem is finding a right wing alternative .
It might as well be called from our own little bit of free loading on the bbc license fee, liberal, anti trump, anti brexit, pro immigration correspondent.
From Our Own Propaganda Mouthpiece would be a more correct title.
‘From Our Own Commie-spondent’.
Who listens to the BBC anymore?
Trump gave us the rollcall of Fake News Stateside.
We offer the world NOTHING but Fake News these days. Thank God for our websites-but they`re not ours are they?
Might be a good idea to think on when the last time was when the BBC told us anything newsworthy, that was not told to us without their wish to be the news, or to change it for us en passant?
I honestly can`t think of one story since Blair came to power.
“When a wise man points at the moon (Islamic Dogma) the imbecile examines the finger (Trump’s tweet)” ― Confucius (self.quotes)