Katty Kay, always worth a watch. Today she reported on Republican Roy Moore and looked like someone had just shoved a pineapple up her backside and she was desperately trying not to let on as she tried to control the pained surprise with tightly shut eyes, puffed out cheeks, a strangely immobile face, speaking through a mouth shut tight giving us her impression of a white person acting as an ‘inscrutable Oriental’.
After having done the obligatory pronouncement that Moore is basically guilty of historic sex abuse and then the obligatory link to Trump and the implication that he is also guilty of such things Kay then delved deeper to try and damn Moore for his personal opinions…he thinks homosexuality should be made illegal and that Muslims who refuse to accept the US constitution should not be allowed to serve in Congress.
A curious paradox…she, and her BBC anchor, railed against Moore and defended Muslims and yet most Muslims would have the same view on homosexuality as Moore….and of course see the Koran as a higher authority than any man-made law…such as the US constitution…so there is a question over where their loyalty would lie if it was a question of compromising their Islamic beliefs in order to comply with the Constitution. You can see that same conflict here as even ‘moderate’ Muslims say they will of course comply with British law…as long as it doesn’t conflict with their beliefs. The BBC of course saw little of concern when Tim Farron was pressured to leave the LibDem leadership due to being a religious ‘extremist’…or a Christian. If he’d been Muslim?
Here’s Katty moving on to be impartial elsewhere:
I’m old enough to remember when a US Senate by-election wasn’t headline news in the UK. Heck, I can remember when the US Presidential Primaries weren’t worth a mention. It was a simpler time, a better time, when the UK was more internationally minded and tolerant.
Anything to push the narrative,Megan by tenuous association.
Here’s Laura, full of longing, closer to home:
Sky did a hatchet job on Moore last night, describing his views as “controversial” (subjective of course) and stated that he “didn’t play by the rules” which of course has connotations of illegality. His views on Christianity and Islam were of course trashed.
He gave his interview to sky but sky continued to harass him by following him like ticks after the interview whilst he was looking for a lost glove. Even this was used as ridicule as to why he would bother looking for a glove.. why not if you like it and have more than one hand!
for anyone who hasnt followed the story the bit the beeb are remarkably quiet about seems to be as soon as a conservative candidate is available to vote for accusations of historic sexual abuse suddenly surface
in this case the first and main accuser has quite obviously faked the so called evidence,
add to that the sheer amount of money they are prepared to spend to keep real conservatives out .
troubling times ahead if the Elites are prepared to go to these lengths
The problem with people of a conservative disposition is that they see things as being true or false. Given the amount of BS spouted by progressives this will always make social conservatives the enemy.
BBC Facebook has about ten separate pieces on a US state election.
Not so many on the findings here that those politicians who suffer the most abuse are Tories.
BBC, you are unfit for purpose.
The BBC has a blanket ban on employing anyone who does not accept their unwritten constitution , that the person has to be a Gramscian liberal/left progressive .
100 million deaths later the left are still progressive, nothing to apologise for, the rest of us are wrong.
If they write the “histories”, that is.
As deluded as the Muzzies, and as evil.
Oh and the Beeb employs members of the NUJ , which has a constitution banning any favourable reports about right wing ( for that read Most People ) rallies , marches , meetings , organisations etc .
“London chose me as their mayor, not just an ethnic minority, not just a religious minority, but a Londoner of Islamic faith.” – Sadiq Khan, {cnn.com sep2016}
– Ethnic minority – tick
– Religious minority – tick
– Londoner of Islamic faith – tick
– Being a good decision maker and being able to run a large city (5th Largest Economy) – not mentioned
– Very odd that Sadiq Khan’s London Manifesto 2016 does not mention voting for him because of his Islamic Faith? I might be wrong – but could not find a sentence saying ‘Vote for me because I believe in Allah’.
“Trump falls to ground with a bump “
Lead headline for the poisonous al beeb online . Now my understanding is that the vote was 49:51.
To me that is a loss – but by no means an overwhelming one . I’ll guess the liberal media – even in good ol’ Alabamy – poured poison on the republican candidate . So it shows that the American President isn’t as unpopular as portrayed .
Al beeb is totally fixated on a foreign country – it acts as though independence never happened . Sopel and Katy will be jerking off in public to say this is the beginning of the end . Meanwhile the markets keep climbing
According to the BBC it’s a thumping victory, even if the margin was less than that for er … Brexit.
According to the BBC it’s a thumping victory, even if the margin was less than that for er … Brexit.
Alan writes “Katty Kay, always worth a watch. Today she reported on Republican Roy Moore and looked like someone had just shoved a pineapple up her backside and she was desperately trying not to let on as she tried to control the pained surprise with tightly shut eyes, puffed out cheeks, a strangely immobile face, speaking through a mouth shut tight giving us her impression of a white person acting as an ‘inscrutable Oriental’.”
Alan .. it’s called Botox. 😉
Ha ha Botox – I’d crease up if I could…
Very sad news for Katy’s brother – peter – who , according to al Beeb, has had to abandon his come back tour. I guess it’s because he’s about as funny as a road accident – but different tastes I suppose .
Watching parliament channel live the labour bench has an I D parade of remainers who look as they are all filling out their expenses claims . Sad that their career progression to a job in Brussels on the gravy train
On the side Ken Clarke sitting with soubry – looking unusually sober….
BBC appearing to be both real & fake news. The online report tells us, quite properly, that “In his first reaction on Twitter, Mr Trump congratulated the victor Doug Jones. But he went on to remind his followers that he had initially supported Mr Moore’s opponent, Luther Strange, as candidate in primaries.. But the BBC1 6pm News report manages to ignore Trump’s Tweets, must be a first, and emphasises that Moore was Trump’s man, whom he had backed strongly.
Farage on LBC last night had a local Kentucky Talkshow host on who said
‘I as a Republican won’t be voting for Moore , cos he is too tarnished, so if the Democrats can get enough voters out they will win’
So just now Farage just brought him back on
Farage then pointed out, that thank God, Moore hadn’t won, cos if he had then he would have been an obvious target for Democrats to attack.
The DJ agreed saying that after the proper election in 2 years time, he’s sure another Republican will get in for the full 4 year term.
As people here said , Moore was not Trump’s first choice, but a fait acompli cos he was selected by the Republicans over the other Republican.
“Farage then pointed out, that thank God, Moore hadn’t won, cos if he had then he would have been an obvious target for Democrats to attack.”
Farage being as duplicitous as always:
“A curious paradox…”
A curious paradox indeed. Donald Trump, Steve Bannon, Sebastian Gorka, Nigel Farage and our very own David Vance, all support; a neo-Confederate, racist, anti-Semitic, Islamophobic, child molesting homophobic bigot.
But rather than attempt any sort of justification of such; here you trundle in your sad, “But, But, Clown Car”. But, but, the MUSLIMS.
So when a far-right extremist murders Jo Cox; But, but, the MUSLIMS.
So when neo-nazi Anders Breivik murders 77 people; But, but, the MUSLIMS.
So when Ratko Mladić and his Christian friends massacre 8,000 men & boys in Srebrenica; But, but, the MUSLIMS.
It’s truly pathetic, Alan; but along you go, Poop-Pooping your hate-filled little horn.
So Mxincontinent/Tony Hall, we are still waiting for to tell us the real reason why you post here? What motivates you?
“So when Ratko Mladić and his Christian friends massacre 8,000 men & boys in Srebrenica; But, but, the MUSLIMS”
That is retaliation, with one thousand years of justification in the history books. The real history books, not the juvenile fiction adhered to further East.
When are you going to dispute my most recent contribution addressed directly at you?
In which I claimed hundreds of millions of Hindus were murdered by Muzzies in the last thousand years.
In which I claimed that several millions Europeans, and a greater, but unknown, number of black Africans were kidnapped, and sold as slaves, in Muzzie cattle markets for 1500 years. As approved of by the flying horse jockey.
Slavery which is still happening today in areas currently controlled by the loveable IS, with their monopoly of the truth.
Meanwhile try a dictionary to increase your repertoire of insults for Alan from one to two. Clown is getting boring.
For everyone else reading, please feel free to use the term Maxincontinent, which I believe I created, for this apologist for the unparalleled scope in both time and space of the history of Islamic depravity.
Islam is going the way of the Dodo, and about time too. Have you noticed the decline in the attendance at
Christian Churches in the West Maxi? Falling off a cliff. None of the mass murder from the mass murdering
lefty atheists in the USSR and its emulators. Just people like Charles Darwin with better explanations, which educated people are accepting en masse.
Hence the attempts to eliminate education by Boko Haram and similar Muzzie organisations. When given the choice between a scientific, Western, explanation and the Palaeolithic Koran it is no contest. The intelligent races, which excludes Muslims, have no problem with accepting, adopting and improving Western Science and technology, without adopting other attributes of Western High Culture.
“That is retaliation, with one thousand years of justification in the history books.”
So here you are, on BiasedBBC, justifying genocide.
“The intelligent races, which excludes Muslims, have no problem with accepting, adopting and improving Western Science and technology,…
Muslims are a race now?
You do realise that Roy More is a Creationist who rejects the scientific theory of evolution and doesn’t think it should be taught in schools?
Look – you post at 4 am. It’s a tired time of day . But rather than attacking why not debate? Do you think it wrong for Blighty to interefer with other peoples’ Wars? We did it twice last century and lost twice.
The next time the Europeans have a civil war we ll be expected to send kids to die again and a further erosion of our nation . Maxi – argue that with me please
I know this isn’t Strickly al beeb land but I’d also argue that their anti Christian pro Muslim stance ( such as failing to mention the Islamic motivation for terrorism ) contributes to the weakness of our country .
We all know by now what a great fan of Islam you are Maxiboy, so what would be your Muslim country of choice to spend the rest of your days?
Quick ! Quick !
He spelled ‘Moore’ as ‘More’ – need to go on about that for days
What is Bitcoin?
A pyramid scheme? There will be trouble ahead …………………