BBCers should hunker down in a safe space…Brexit poll out

Is it game over for Brexit?

Rebel MPs have defeated the government in a vote on the EU Withdrawal Bill – the bill that’ll take the UK out of the EU.

But Esther Webber (@estwebber) tells us why it’s not quite game over for Brexit.

BBC wishful thinking.


The BBC’s Rachel Burden, as do most BBC presenters, tried to push the notion that more and more people are against Brexit and certainly don’t want a ‘hard Brexit’…ie Brexit.   She stated that not only Remainers were against it but that there are many Leave voters who didn’t vote for all that is happening.  Naturally she didn’t mention that many Remain voters wanted less EU but voted to remain anyway…or that such a way of looking at things is a nonsense as she, and the BBC, don’t parse the voting after a general election and say ‘Well 4 million people voted for UKIP therefore the government must do what UKIP wants’ or that ‘Not all those who voted for the Tory government voted for every policy…therefore let’s have Labour running the government’.  The BBC doesn’t say that one party only got 52% therefore the party with 48% are the real winners as they do with Brexit [although of course Corbyn thinks he won the election…presumably going on figures supplied by the D’Abbottacus].  No sign from the BBC that the vote by the British people to leave the EU is being betrayed by the people elected to supposedly do their bidding.  Perhaps we need a clean out of Parliament of those who refuse to do their job properly…never mind the expenses scandal what about the democracy scandal?…the complete betrayal and contemptuous disregard for the democratic vote….backed of course by the EU’s propaganda mouthpiece in Britain…the BBC.

A poll released today should disabuse those in the BBC such as Burden….it shows nearly everyone wants to just get on with Brexit and do not want to see it abandoned as the BBC works towards trying to facilitate….

Just 12 Per Cent of Brits Would Abandon Brexit

Just 12 per cent of British voters want the government to “abandon Brexit completely” and keep the UK locked inside the European Union (EU), a new poll has revealed.

Even among those who voted to remain in the bloc, the proportion committed to blocking Brexit were a minority, with just 29 per cent wishing to abandon the divorce, according to the survey of 1,680 adults taken on the 10th and 11th of this month by YouGov.

In fact, in none of the demographic or political groupings surveyed did a majority want the Brexit vote “abandoned completely”.

Former UKIP leader and Member of the European Parliament Nigel Farage ironically urged opponents of Brexit to “look away” as he shared the poll results on social media.

Other options presented to respondents included “the government should continue with Brexit on its current negotiating terms,” with 45 per cent agreeing.

Ten per cent said “the government should reconsider its aims in Brexit negotiation, and seek a ‘softer’ Brexit” and 19 per cent thought leaders “should offer a second referendum to see if Britain still wants to go ahead with Brexit.”

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13 Responses to BBCers should hunker down in a safe space…Brexit poll out

  1. Guest Who says:

    Laura, and her mate Emily, suddenly find dignity they like.

    This does not seem entirely impartial, mind.


  2. Guest Who says:

    Worth watching with the sound off:


  3. Guest Who says:

    Worth watching with the sound off:


  4. tarien says:

    If more people as is proposed, want to abandon Brexit which I doubt, just have a look at this piece of blatant Bias from those same people/media. ‘ BBC-Job Title Trainee Broadcast Journalist-working for BBC location Lonodn-Salary Lonfon living wage @£ 10.20 per hour. This internship is only open to candidates from a Black, Asian, or non-white ethnic minority background.’ Is that not discriminatory and totally Bias?


  5. Fedup2 says:

    Al beeb reports that May got a round of applause from the leaders of EU . I’m guessing it was for selling us down the river

    I’m hoping that with 4 6 8 days left there will be no extension and time will run out . We ll go to the 27 and ask for an extension and they’ll say no .

    It was notable that the Irish PM who is basically a foreigner with a paddy accent – has said that the EU is the number 1 best friend and we are not . When they run out of cash and ask for a £28 000 000 000 loan we should remember that . It pains be because I am 50% Irish blood – but Blighty born .


    • Lucy Pevensey says:

      Fed up, I’m half Irish as well. My dad was from the south. He served in the British Army and was naturalised to Britain because of that. The English gave my father (and three of his brothers) work when there was none in Ireland. Why bite the hand that feeds? Have you noticed how expensive EVERYTHING is in Ireland? They have the EU to thank for that. I’m happy with my Irish heritage but when they exchanged the Punt for the Euro I gave up on them in disgust. They are on their own.


      • Pete says:

        Unfortunately Ireland is now just a bankrupt country and its Political elite can do nothing more than do as there told by there EU financial masters.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Lucy – will be interesting to see the long effect on the republic if we do actually escape the single market by putting in a border . I’m guessing that since 25 % of the 4 million population – with half the country in Dublin – the vote has an in built “remain” element – plus the EU would throw cash at them as occurred after they joined.

        I think it’s important to remind ourselves where we are in the hierarchy of populations which compose their federal state … I have us as number 2 after the krauts but we seem to be acting like equals to all countries – even if a country like Eire has the same population of 20 London boroughs. – or the north London ones.


    • Up2snuff says:

      Fedup, have we had the £20bn back that Eire owes us from 2007-2009?


  6. vesnadog says:

    “Al beeb reports that May got a round of applause from the leaders of EU ”

    I find it very disturbing that 11 or so Tory rebels can defeat the will of 17 1/2 million voters who voted leave and by their loyalty to a foreign power cause the downfall of Brexit going ahead! Surely, this is a cause for some kind of prosecution.

    This applause thing – this really worries me!


    • Fedup2 says:


      The British prime minister being treated as a kind of victim or underdog. Mrs Thatcher would not recognise Mrs May as a conservative prime minister – or a PM at all. I suppose politicians like May spend their lives trying to get power and are happy to sell out their country to keep it. – strong and fucking stable eh?


    • Up2snuff says:

      ves, while I think there may be a substantial number of Remain voters outside Westminster & Whitehall who accept the democratic wish of the majority in the UK and now support leaving the EU, I think a majority of politicians and Civil Servants wish to remain in the EU and they are unwilling to accept the Referendum result.

      For obvious reasons.

      Out of the EU, our elected Representatives and the Upper House, together with the Civil Servants, are going to have to work a good deal better and a good deal harder for the UK in future.


  7. Guest Who says:

    As ‘liked’ by the ever impartial centrist bbc Media Editor, Amol:

    Bet he and Rob Burley would get on well.