The BBC whines constantly that the DUP are disproportionately influential due to their alliance with the Tories. Of course this is because the DUP in the main supports Brexit. The BBC shows no such distaste for a small group of Tory rebels who betray their country and party and ally themselves to the Marxists of Labour in order to appease their foreign masters in the EU. The BBC was also not concerned that the LibDems had too much influence in the coalition, nor that the SNP abused their position to malignly influence events in Parliament even on purely English matters. Only the DUP gets the BBC’s thumbs down.
BBC bias…it’s out there…list it all here…..
It does make you wonder doesn’t it regards how the EU and its lackeys are working together in which to keep the Uk within the EUSSR:
“A good day for democracy”. I don’t think so when a small number of Remoaners are able to defeat the public who, in the main, supported leaving the EU. For me, that included all the EU’s dangling entrails.
Who are these people who hold the public to ransom?
When immigration is too high, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society! {06jun2015}
*not actions or plan followed*
I will back the people’s decision! {23jun2016}
I quit! {24jun2016}
Enough is enough! {04jun2017}
*no actions or plan followed*
#1. If the so-called ‘rebels’ win again next week (on the fixed date for EU departure) the EU may well point to the Lisbon Treaty (hooray, I remembered and got the name right!) and say “Non.” “The date of departure is fixed by Article 50.”
#2. Keep an eye on the oil price. Should there be a bit of a cyclical downturn or an economic crash, if the oil price collapses, the UK economy may again become the strongest in the EU. That might just add a bit of muscle to Mrs May.
#1. If you read the books of Exodus, Leviticus & Numbers less so (lots of legal bits, The Law, in there), and Deuteronomy in the Bible you will see that in the 40 year journey, Moses faced all sorts of opposition, including from his own family.
Never before has a statement so illustrated the EU’s inability to understand what democracy actually means. A great day to celebrate that the elite’s are one step closer to ignoring the wishes of the majority of the British voting public.
I know the term disgraceful is used a lot but this really is truly disgraceful and all the proof needed that the EU and political intelligentsia regards their people with complete and total contempt.
A story from Australia that I doubt the BBC will cover:
‘Islamophobic Santa’ stuns Perth shoppers –…/18670de17151e0a3c084952fcc1e40f2
8 hours ago – Three women wearing black niqabs and a man dressed as Santa Claus marched through the Floreat Forum just before 10am on Tuesday morning singing “Jihad Bells” before being escorted out by security, WA Today reported. The “Taliban Tarts”, who have recently pulled similar stunts in Melbourne and .
The very politically correct and multiculturalist Aussie press have been most disapproving. However, as Mr Hand-Basket has pointed out, they would have found it hilarious if anyone had pulled a similar mocking stunt dressed as nuns.
‘Jihad Bells’ is up on Youtube, and is quite amusing.
Soubry , Clark , grieve and the other traitors said when the result can in that they would do all they could to stop brexit .
So that’s what they are doing with the aid of al beeb. I hope they pay a price .
Hmm. So 50.3% of MPs voted for the amendment (actually just 47.5% of those eligible). Are we about to hear, ad nauseum, that this is more significant than the Brexit result?
Its all pretty academic anyway now.
We either get brexit that is so watered down it as about as potent as a castrato in a whorehouse
Or no brexit anyway because it offends the “honourable” members rights
And of course none of this is Theresa s fault. She was just doing her job Guv – honest!
Glad you said this. I was beginning to think I was losing it. May is being depicted as a champion of Brexit being defeated by a handful of traitors.
Give me a break.
May wants a deal which means Remain.
These rebels just want to remain.
GWF – I predicted sonmthing similair would happen back when Theresa was elected as PM. The language she was using about leaving the EU such as “brexit means brexit” with no explanation of what she considered brexit to be, was deliberately opaque to re-assure both sides that they were getting what they wanted.
And of course even forgetting the fact that what she has negotiated is surrender not a deal. If those nasty MPS (some of whom she could easily have de-selected before the election) piss all over the meager strawberries that Junker has granted her- Then she can walk away with a clean pair of kitten heels saying “if it wasnt for those nasty traitors it would have been ok.”
Interesting how some people have separations from twitter, whilst others go to jail.
Oh it wasn’t me it was my assistant.
Oh it wasn’t him, someone picked up his phone and decided to send just ONE tweet story
\\In May, Cooper talked about Trump taking a dump “on his desk” on live TV. //
The elite will do anything to prevent Brexit. The vote last night in the Hof P to give MPs the final say on any deal that is negotiated is just a ruse to ensure that under a cloak of sham democracy the elite can overturn the referendum result. As I have said before the GE result effectively meant that we will never leave the EU in any meaningful way. So those who voted Leave in the referendum but didn’t vote Tory have only themselves to blame. Only a strong majority for a party which stood on a platform of fully implementing the referendum result would have been enough to keep the pro Remain MPs , and therefore the pro Remain fanatics in the HoL , on side with the will of the people argument.
The elite are softening up the people to accept Remaining in the EU , the BBC being a key element in this. They will test the waters with the argument that it is democratically right and proper that MPs should decide . if that doesn’t seem acceptable to the people then they will have a second referendum which they will win by fair means or foul. We are watching a whole country being manipulated by its elite. The views of the people count for very little in this system. But NIgel Farage won us a chance to force our views on the elite and we later threw away what he had achieved. I think he must be very disappointed in us. We will never gat another chance, the elite will see to that.
Al beeb has demonised mr Farage so it will be difficult for him to return to the fray . I think he needs to become more public than LBC or being an mep.
He has to channel our frustration and get a full on brexit . Not sure what J RM is up to .
BBC News – You can’t make this stuff up. ?
Rather clearly, the bbc can. Eh, Kamal?
Toady watch
Comrade Welby – who is the arch bish of cantab
– not sure if he believes in Jesus or God – had a nice chat with our Comrade Nic about Grenfell and sinning companies – those which obey the law and pay tax .
When I studied tax law it was drummed in that directors are under a duty to minimise tax payment within the law . Therefore amazon inc – which Robinson named- is not a sinner .
There was no challenge to welby s prejudice about Grenfell – which he blamed on mistreatment of the residents by the state – before the facts come out .
When you listen to him you can understand why his organisation is dying – along with al beeb.
Fedup – Is al beeb dying? I wish.
Vlad –
I think – secretly – it is. The kids like their sky , Netflix and face thing so I think there isn’t the inbuilt emotional affection which aunty once bred into kids through Blue Peter and the like .
I haven’t got contact with children due to bail conditions but what I read suggests they are all sending pictures of their body parts to each other or questioning the fluidity of their sexuality – whatever the hell that means .
Nah – al beeb – toast soon .,
Stirrer James O’Brien is broadcasting live from the Grenfell community centre
And there is Amol the Merrier:
Rather screwing things up as a media editor by not crediting the creator (if staying safely with the girls on who is nice and who is naughty in bbc eyes).
The BBC seems not to have mentioned any Labour MPs who voted with the government. I’d be interested to know how, for example, Kate Hoey, Frank Field, Roger Goodsiff, Kelvin Hopkins, Ronnie Campbell, John Mann etc. voted. I dare say Guido will have the information soon, but will BBC News cover it, or quietly censor the information?
2 of them voted with the gov, but most somehow changed their mind during the debate.
“Brexit-supporting Labour MPs Ronnie Campbell (Blyth Valley), John Mann (Bassetlaw) and Dennis Skinner (Bolsover) voted in favour of the amendment.
Frank Field (Birkenhead) and Kate Hoey (Vauxhall) were the two Brexit-backing Labour MPs who voted against Mr Grieve’s amendment”
Meanwhile Breitbart has
Just 12 Per Cent of Brits Would Abandon Brexit
Gisela Stuart?
Banania, Gisela Stuart retired from the House of Commons at the June Election with, in my view, full service honours. And she was a Labour MP!
Funny how my Parliamentary heroes are not Ken Clarke (Con) or Anna Soubry (Con) but Kate Hoey, Frank Field and Gisela Stuart and I’m a conservative – generally, but please note small c – voter.
brexitcentral have published a full list
This includes 18 MPs who didn’t vote.
Thanks StewGreen and the island. I had not previously come across, and henceforth I shall doubtless become a frequent reader!
Archbishop is an poor example of a Christian. He makes too many political statements and what he fails to see is the decline in church attendance is a reflection of people like him not seeming to understand the very people the Christian church should be helping and valuing. He is not in Quentin Lett’s top 100 Patronising Bast..ds but he should be.
Part of his job should be protecting and strengthening Christian values in the UK – he doesn’t. I am not religious but I am a Christian – and I know a lot like me. In fact I suspect there are a lot of non ‘religious’ Christians – because values underpin all religions – It is just that some religions focus on their own values at the expense of others whereas people like Welby focus on other people’s values more than he should…
James – strange eh? We were writing at the same time – similar view except I’m an active Christian being a Roman Cat .
James, the denominational churches are not truly representative of the Body of Christ. They can be very worldly. Not that there aren’t real Christians within the CofE or The Catholic Church (etc) but concerning much of the leadership I believe we are witnessing an apostate church in action. Jesus, the apostle Paul and some of the OT prophets foretold of a time in the latter days of a falling away from the faith and counseled us not to be deceived.
JA, he did make a very good point about taxation in the 8.10am TODAY Prog main interview to Nick Robinson of the uniquely funded BBC.
I wonder if Nick’s conscience was in good enough shape to feel a bit of a tweak at that point?
Toady 2
Our Justin continues to milk Grenfell – they’re having a ruling class binge at a Service today. Al beeb will crucify some one for not turning up .
Blighty has come a long way from 3000 Londoners dead in one night in the blitz to 71 dead in an apparently accidental fire . Some lives matter
Anyone going to the Socialist Workers Party meeting in St Pauls Cathedral this morning?
Aka Grenfell Tower memorial service ( Tories not welcome)
You can watch it live on our fine impartial state broadcaster’s main channel.
Prizes will be awarded for the best fingers-down-throat moment of virtue-signalling.
I’m sure if our immigration police turned up at this service they’d be able to bag themselves a bus load or two of illegal immigrsnts I’m sure.
The BBC managed to do an interview with a young chap this morning ( the chap seemed like a nice guy) outside St Pauls and as they do, they failed raise the issue that no Tories from the council were allowed. In fact gave the impression that everyone was welcome ..another lie by omission. Now can you imagine how the script would have gone if some minority group had been excluded.
“which will also be attended by Theresa May and Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, bereaved families and survivors will leave the cathedral in silence, holding white roses.”
It’s to remember the victims and thank the emergency services.
Has their been something imilar to remember npn-London disasters ?
Stew, it’s what Jo would have wanted.
(barf barf ugh barf)
The artists turned up to do their bit for the thousands who died
Why is Robbie wearing Elton John’s wig?
According to the Grenfell Muslim Support Unit – I kid you not – 80 per cent of the tennants in Grenfell were Muslim .if that’s the case maybe they should have held the memorial in a mosque ?
It would show the reality of what our political class has done to Britain – bringing these people into our country without our consent .
And if I were accused of being extreme my words are nowhere near that .
It’s worse than extreme, it’s the truth.
Oh, the irony!
(top right v. inside top right ‘boxes’ or items)
Oh well, there you have it, the BBC condemned by their very own words.
Maxi! Where are you?
The whole Brexit scenario is thoroughly depressing for me. So far we haven’t had the beatings and the torture but I’m starting to feel like Winston Smith. I posted elsewhere that HMG need not bother to send me any future ballot papers as it is becoming clearer by the day that democracy (as we know it) is dying a slow and painful death and the BBC is the main overseer of palliative care.
Great isn’t it ? Vote for brexit and land up with the euro by 2022 . Democracy is alive and well eh?
Synch, it will be a long tough road. David Cameron realised this after a few days thinking about it (and probably being informed of some realities by Civil Servants after 23 June 2016) and chickened out.
Beatings and torture? Seems to me at times like the whole of Hell is against us EU-sceptics and Brexiteers.
Keeping faith is going to be key.
Christmas appears to be peculiarly well-timed this year! 😉
Synchronised – yep I feel that way too. It does seem like all those votes that reflected democracy are being floated in the wind. The ‘establishment’ are slowly clawing their way back because they are in the positions of power. The Brexit movement does need a new leader – who is the question and how do they motivate the masses to fight back?
There has to be a way to mitigate the undermining….I am a Brexiteer not because I don’t like Europeans – I have friends from all over Europe and speak 3 other languages (some worse than others) because I chose to learn them not because I was born into them. The EEC was a good thing generally – it made trade easier, everyone benefited. Social and political integration benefits the Elite alone…
I am a Brexiteer because I do not want to be ruled by the Elite in Europe I want to live in a Sovereign State and be capable of electing MPs that stand a chance of representing me – of having our own laws and definitely our own army and to stop ploughing money into EU projects that enable other countries to compete against us on an unfair playing field. Simples…
Good news we are still in the EU and so you are paying for its gimmicks
Beijing (China) has proven itself rather shrewd (Dishonest? Liars? Frauds?). At home it has been steadily reducing its reliance on coal (meeting it’s international obligations!), replacing it with renewable energy. Yet all the while — it has been happy to invest in dirty energy abroad (so China does not care about the environment?), with profits returning to boost the domestic sector {dailytimes aug2017}
– I like the use of the word ‘shrewd’ for China’s behaviour – having or showing sharp powers of judgement; astute.
– I wonder what Al Gore would say?
Until recently, only developed countries were obligated or encouraged to provide climate finance for developing countries. But several countries classified by the UNFCCC as developing — such as Qatar and Saudi Arabia — have the financial capacity to contribute. { dec2015}
– Saudi Arabia defined as a developing country, in what sense?
– ‘U.S. would double its annual grant-based contribution to adaptation in developing countries by 2020’ – that is, it will pay more money to Saudi Arabia?
So in the space of what-? one week? we’ve seen our government attempt to overturn British Independence, [again] turn on the leader of the free world, and fail to support the only democracy in the Middle East.
I am starting to change my mind about P Trump’s visit to the UK. Perhaps he shouldn’t come. Most of our government are not fit to wipe his boots.
Lucy Pevensey
Agree. Trump could out do them. He could make it clear that he won’t accept an invitation to the Royal Wedding because of our media and politicians. But then offer the Royal couple a fantastic royal holiday in one of his hotels.
What a Blighty , cricketers on booze and cyclists on drugs . Lucky we have democracy and albeeb eh ?
‘Hate Speech’ – I submit that a good definition would be: that which is, ‘in the eye of the beholder’. It’s as simple as that really. Many of the words or abbreviations deemed to be ‘hate speech’ are in my vocabulary since childhood. Now in my seventies I have to change and control my speech and use of certain words in case they offend someone?
Question: if ‘someone’ took exception to my utterance of such words as, “Taffy” or “Welsh” (now living in Wales) would the Thought Police (i.e. Stasi) prosecute the likes of the Oxford English Dictionary et al. under one of the accomplice offences? Of this category of offences, I suggest that, ‘Counselling’ would be the appropriate one with a fall back on ‘Procuring’. ‘Counselling’ is seen as encouraging the principal to commit the crime before the crime takes place. So, being my age and possessing a large copy of the Oxford English Dictionary from which my vocabulary is derived would that suffice as, to ‘counsel’? I am informed by a person in the ‘Hate Crime’ industry that use of the word ‘Foreigner’ would even fall within the category of ‘hate speech’.
“Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible………..By 2050-earlier, probably-all real knowledge of Old-speak will have disappeared. The whole literature of the past will have been destroyed. Chaucer, Shakespeare, Milton, Byron-they’ll exist only in Newspeak versions, not merely changed into something different, but actually changed into something contradictory of what they used to be.” – Syme to Winston – ‘1984’ – George Orwell.
I don’t like what you said thus ‘Hate Speech’. I think what you said hurts me in someway thus ‘Hate Speech’. Better not to speak than be caught speaking Hate Speak. Hate is Crime. Crime is Hate.
We won’t laugh anything off anymore – straight onto the TellMAMA site …
What is an anti-Muslim incident? {}
TELL MAMA classifies an anti-Muslim incident as any malicious act aimed at Muslims, their material property or Islamic organisations and where there is evidence that the act has anti-Muslim motivation or content, or that the victim was targeted because of their Muslim identity. This also includes incidents where the victim was perceived to be a Muslim.
– ‘victim was perceived to be a Muslim’ – for real. Aren’t we all Muslims but we just don’t know yet?
G and Marky Mark
Thinking of GK Chesterton
‘This man has insulted me!” said Syme, with gestures of explanation.
“Insulted you?” cried the gentleman with the red rosette, “when?”
“Oh, just now,” said Syme recklessly. “He insulted my mother.”
“Insulted your mother!” exclaimed the gentleman incredulously.
“Well,anyhow,” said Syme, conceding a point, “my aunt.”
“But how can the Marquis have insulted your aunt just now?” said the second gentleman with some legitimate wonder. “He has been sitting here all the time.”
“Ah, it was what he said!” said Syme darkly.
“I said nothing at all,” said the Marquis, “except something about the band. I only said that I liked Wagner played well.”
“It was an allusion to my family,” said Syme firmly. “My aunt played Wagner badly. It was a painful subject. We are always being insulted about it.”
“This seems most extraordinary,” said the gentleman who was decore, looking doubtfully at the Marquis.
“Oh, I assure you,” said Syme earnestly, “the whole of your conversation was simply packed with sinister allusions to my aunt’s weaknesses.”
“This is nonsense!” said the second gentleman. “I for one have said nothing for half an hour except that I liked the singing of that girl with black hair.”
“Well,there you are again!” said Syme indignantly. “My aunt’s was red.”
“It seems to me,” said the other, “that you are simply seeking a pretext to insult the Marquis.”
“By George!” said Syme, facing round and looking at him, “what a clever chap you are!”
(From, The Man Who Was Thursday)
“or Islamic organisations” ISIS then
DO keep your eyes on South Africa. It is not inconceivable that the next great genocide will take place there. Perhaps it has already started, at a slow pace, but nobody is looking?
The BBC is looking. Radio4 this week has a ‘letter from South Africa’ week at 9.45 am. So far, it has not been illuminating. Today’s contributor bewailed the collapse of facilities such as schools, water, electricity etc in his area – the Eastern Cape.
His solution is that everything ‘might have to be taken apart’. I agree with him that the country is collapsing. I suspect his remedy, which does not go into detail, is going to be very destructive, rather than creative.
There is a remedy, and that is to put the expertise back in to rebuild. But that would require white skills, an admission that ‘Black Economic Empowerment’ (THE WAY IT HAS BEEN IMPLEMENTD) has failed.
And that would be ‘racism’?
I heard another of these letters, fakenewswatcher. Some interesting facts and admissions came out, such as the fact that there is a lot of black on black violence in South Africa, especially towards black migrant workers from Zimbabwe and elsewhere, whom the black natives refer to disparagingly and bizarrely as “Africans”. Of course the writer attributed this to the legacy of white rule.
If the BBC truly wants to improve the lot of black Africans, they should ditch the refrain of colonialism and racism and focus on the unpalatable truth – sub-Saharan Africans are the most backward of all the sub-species of homo sapiens. Because their average IQ is so low, they don’t have enough competent or conscientious people to run modern societies. Left to their own devices these societies descend into inefficiency, disorder, corruption and lawlessness. The big question for black Africa is can they face up to this central fact about themselves? Can they ask whites for help and work with them to create functioning democracies? Or do they kick all the whites out, revert to tribal warfare and turn their countries into basket cases?
The rebel “Tories”just couldn’t find it in themselves to take one for the team i.e the Government/Party/Country
This is unusual and goes against the grain when faced with difficult choices in the business world, or world of sport, for example.
But when you look at the rebels and , in particular, Grieve and Clark you see quickly that their team is not the Conservative Party, the Government or the UK.
Their team is the EU.That is why the word rebel should really be replaced by Traitor.
And the bBC role will be to have this bunch paraded around every Disc Jockey,s show available to the maximum.
I think that you are not being entirely fair to Clarke and Grieve. I am sure that They regard themselves as true Brits aa well as part of the liberal left establishment ( I’m not sure that true Brit and liberal left are not now becoming mutually exclusive) who know what is best for the British people. They believe it is their duty to ‘correct’ the people ,when the people have made the wrong choice. In their superior minds all this is done in the best interests of the people . It just so happens in the case of Brexit that they believe that best interests of the people lay in remaining in the EU. It is pure coincidence that the best interests of the liberal elite lay with the EU too. Of course had this happy coincidence of interests not occurred then these two doughty warriors would have willingly died in defence of Brexit.
I’m sure Vidkun Quisling also thought he was acting in the best interests of the Norwegian people, particularly when he also saw what he thought was his own self interest enhanced. You could say the same thing of Oswald Moseley or Kim Philby. By definition, treason is acting in the interests of a foreign power against the interests of your own government or people. If the electorate is I”self-harming” in the case of Brexit, why would its judgement be any better when it comes to electing MPs? ” What then is the point of democracy?
There is clearly an anti-democratic mood amongst the self-enchanted “great and good”. The Today programme on R4 seems to have created a platform for luvvies and opiniated intellectuals to proffer forth on the inadequacies of the electorate on the pretext that they have been awarded some prize or other that celebrates their immense talents. Dame Judy Dench expressing her concerns about Brexit, Richard Dawkins complaining that the plebs were not “rational” enough when considering Brexit The demi-god Hawkins comes out against Brexit -who dares disagree with the genius-saint? The latest was Kazuo Ishiguro, winner of the 2017 Nobel prize in literature, who warned against the dangers of populism – in other words, the lower orders voting for Brexit against the wishes of their intellectual superiors. At least that old progressive the Duke of Wellington expressed what he really thought when he said “For the mob, use grapeshot”. I suspect that this is what the mealy-mouthed weasels that prattle away on the Today programme really think.
ID, “There is clearly an anti-democratic mood amongst the self-enchanted “great and good”.” and among the young Democrats across the Atlantic and among our young Socialists here in Momentum, Labour, Green and LibDem Parties.
If the Conservative Party loses the next Election that may be the end of the Party and democracy, at least for some while. I cannot see Corbyn & McDonnell being around for much longer and their successors will be desperate to hold power, nothing else. Forget good policy or the national interest, it will all be about divide and control as we saw from 1997-2010 … but different.
Seen any fracking protesters injured on TV ?
Question: How many muslims are in Europe?
Answer: apparently the statistics are wrong because the baseline is incorrect.
No sign of any of this on BBC wales news web site.
So, go for it Guido! The assembly is a corrupt, nasty institution that spent 2/3rds of the 6 billion from the from the first two EU Objective One payments on itself. It was supposed to be money for jobs for the peoples of wales and to encourage private companies to set up and expand. Private companies only received 5% of it.
Guido doesn’t have time to run through the controversies of Deryn, where money given to it by the state had to be returned.
There was something recently about the Assembly numbers being raised by > 90 at some stage in the future. It could have something to do with electoral boundaries?
Yes G. Apparently, there are insufficient people to soak up tax payers money in the assembly.
Not only has the assembly trousered the first 2/3rds of the £6 billion from the EU, aimed at helping businesses, but it has created a deficit of terrifying proportions.
“The report, from Cardiff University’s Wales Governance Centre, finds that Wales had a net fiscal balance deficit of £14.7bn, equivalent to around 24% of estimated GDP.
This figure compares with a deficit of 4.9% of GDP for the UK as a whole and £14.9bn (9.7% of GDP) for Scotland.”
What should we do is something is failing on a massive scale/ Yep: make it bigger!
Tulip Siddiq: Questions over links with Bangladeshi ruling party {13dec2017}
This reporting must be enough to put Tulip Siddiq on the list with Keith Vaz … good reporting by Channel 4.
BBC hang your head in shame.
Maybe she is breaking Rules of Conduct 14 and 16 and 10?
10. Members shall base their conduct on a consideration of the public interest, avoid conflict between personal interest and the public interest and resolve any conflict between the two, at once, and in favour of the public interest.
14. Information which Members receive in confidence in the course of their parliamentary duties should be used only in connection with those duties. Such information must never be used for the purpose of financial gain.
16. Members shall never undertake any action which would cause significant damage to the reputation and integrity of the House of Commons as a whole, or of its Members generally.
Rules of Conduct
Credit where it is due c4 did a proper hatchet job on sweet little tulip and let the evidence speak for itself . No coverage on al beeb of course . Too busy letting the Iranians husband get his wife another 5 by mouthing off . Again.
Also with reference to Guido’s :
The article appears to name 2 bullying lobbyists at the centre of the Carl Sargeant suicide scandal.
Interestingly they are women. I know the BBC would say I am misogynist, but all the women I know who have been subjected to work place bullying, blame women managers. This is true in areas where you have a high percentage of women working, such as NHS, schools etc.
Many years ago, the TV magazine, Broadcast was taken over by a rabid feminist who turned the publication from being about TV to being about women’s issues. She had the magazine do a survey of women in the BBC, (yes just women, no men allowed to voice their views). The results showed women had more bad female bosses than males. She described this as ‘surprising’, clearly not the result for which she had hoped.
Perhaps Radio 5 live will do an item on female bullying in the work place?
What do you mean, only in your dreams Scribbling!
The hijabi circus girl { 14dec2017}
22-year-old Maty Niang is a law student living in Senegal with a passion for the circus, an art little known in her country.
Some of her relatives think this activity isn’t compatible with her faith (faith not mentioned), but she advocates that she can do both and won’t give up on her passion. (her dad is an imam and she has to request to train)
– How to not use the words Islam or Muslim. Use ‘ hijabi girl’! Nothing to do with religion – it’s about head dress.
Typical useless in interview by Jo Coburn on the Daily Politics.A far left Labour MP Wilkinson claimed that Corbyn was never given a fair deal by the MSM and not once did Coburn point out that nobody ever asks Corbyn and his Mexican wife never went to live in Venezuala when they cheerleading the far left revolution there?
If you consider what presenters could ask Corbyn and don`t then he is mostly given a soft ride?
So how many people have heard about this story:
Chris Williamson Labour MP was a guest on the Dailty Politics programme today moaning about the fact that there had been no coverage from the MSM/BBC concerning Corbyn receiving the Sean McBride Peace Prize.
Sean Mcbride was a former Chief of Staff for the IRA.
Awarded to one of their own I see.
McBride himself was the recipient of the prestigious Lenin Peace Prize. I’m really impressed.
Williamson is too thick to realise that the BBC was doing Corbyn a favour by not mentioning his links to people whose only contribution to peace is to stop murdering innocent people by the score in return for political concessions. The sinner repenteth after achieving all he wants by his sin. Hardly consistent with Corbyn’s support for “Gandhian nonviolence”. He was also the proud recipient of the 2013 Gandhi International Peace Award.
You failed to mention Paddy also got the Nobel Peace prize.
Just one of a series of Criminals, and criminal organisations [EU], who turned the prize into the joke it is.
Doctors One of the staff is dealing with a pregnant fgm rape victim illegal immigrant (I think I don’t normally watch this crap). She can’t go to hospital despite her baby probably going to be breech birthed. The staff member has looked it up if she was Syrian she would be ok she exclaims . Click…..
Looking at the comments, Danny suffering from bbc ‘lack of space’ integrity:
so what happened to we have the power to remove eu nationals if they are a drain on us
it s a lie always was
I like this bit
PILU said the High Court had shown itself willing to protect the rights of a vulnerable group of workers, adding: “Homelessness cannot humanely be dealt with by detaining or forcibly removing homeless people.”
And Keith Vaz and Gary ‘£1.75m Wages Paid Under Threat of Prison’ Lineker have offered their many homes to be used to rehouse these people as dedicated socialists …. waiting ….
“♫♫Tis the season to be jolly Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la ♫♫”
Australia: The Taliban Tarts and Santa escorted out of Perth Shopping centre for singing Jihad Bells
#3. The London Stock Exchange appears to be a bit underwhelmed by the result of last night’s House of Commons vote. To be fair, the market has been a bit bouncy of late but both the main FTSE indices were close to all-time highs.
WTF is all I can say….another reason to get out of the EU! Add window cleaners at traffic lights to the list of removals too.
Although you have to ask why would somebody from outside UK sleep rough in the UK as opposed to Spain or the South of France where it is generally warmer and quieter? There has to be a reason and I am guessing earnings is the answer. I accept I am cynical…
When the trade talks start I wonder if our prize team of negotiators will do us proud just as they have with the negotiations so far.
On the fishing, I think they will manage to give free access to all our waters and get nothing in return.
In fact, I’ll not bother carrying on.
All they will do is ‘negotiate’ away everything and get nothing back.
They have form (100% so far) on this.
What they should do is agree to every single eu demand immediately and that will save time rather than go through the charade of pretending we are getting something in return.
Whatever deal they present to ‘our’ politicians to vote on will be all for the eu and nothing for us (give and take again)
A year+ time saved.
For me.
Completely out, as we voted for, not just a bit.
If they want a border in Eire, they can put one up.
Eu citizens get same rights as our own.
Same (if any) tariffs for imports and exports.
We decide our immigration policy.
This could be agreed in an hour or so.
I’d do the job for half the rate May is getting and finish it all in hour or walk away with no deal (my preferred option)
Finally, I think Philip Davies should get some part in the Brexit process. He’s telling it as it is and is up there with Bone and Redwood.
JRM is keeping quiet. Is there something brewing?
UKIP MUST get themselves up and running again, we need them as there is no viable alternative (unless the DUP put up candidates in England)
“JRM is keeping quiet. Is there something brewing?”
Cometh the hour…..
We can but only hope
Jacob Rees-Mogg tops next Tory leader poll with LANDSLIDE victory | Politics | News | –
If he is, as rumoured, to be offered a ministerial job, it will be difficult decision for him, as he will become muted – not to say, neutered!
F1 ‘grid girls’ under ‘strong review’ – have your say in our vote { 14dec2017}
Silverstone boss Stuart Pringle says his personal view is the practice is “outdated”, adding “lycra can stay in the 1970s and 80s for me, I don’t want any of that tarty nonsense”.
*sigh* using attractive girls to add glamour to a something boring must stop – it must be filled with …. equality.
Germany: Muslim migrant who raped and murdered EU official’s daughter is 33, not a teenager as he claims
BBC fails to follow up on a refugee related News story … BBC £3.5bn Search for ‘Maria Freiburg’.
The Trial of Hussein Khavari (murdered Maria Ladenburge) Becomes Even More Sordid { sep2017}
Apparently he thought that he had already strangled her to death. The judge questioned him concerning “sex with a dead girl,” and the offender said:
“It didn’t bother me to have sex with a dead girl.” (Hussein K.)
Was the father of this girl the dhimi who requested donations rather than flowers. And said that he would donate all moneys to a “refugee” charity?. Obviously not content with his daughter being raped and murdered he obviously wants to spread the love to the daughters of other fathers.
This stupid and misguided idiot I suppose is the perfect “Euro Man” willing to sacrifice his daughter to the most degrading and violent of deaths in order that he can virtue signal his dedication to Merkels Madness.
It is a true perversion of everything a father stands for – And the fact that organisations such as the BBC in all likelihood probably think he is quite noble – should be a terminally damming indictment of the whole liberal consensus. I just hope that one evening (maybe in the quiet middle of the night) this moron realises what in fact his naive and childlike “faith in human nature” has helped to inflict on a once great society, accepted morality. And in particular – his own child.
Then again I suspect that this diot would not have the imagination to realise what in effect he is making excuses for.
Still at least Mutti would be pleased . “wir schaffen das”
Part and parcel of living in a town with a Muslim Mayor
Nazareth cancels Christmas celebrations.
The Israeli town of Nazareth has cancelled Christmas celebrations, with the Muslim mayor saying the end of festivities is due to President Trump. Mayor Ali Salam, who presides over the town in northern Israel of mostly Muslims and Christians, announced Thursday that planned events such as a Christmas market and festival were called off. He cited the U.S. decision directly and said that it had taken the “joy” from the celebrations in the hometown of Jesus Christ.
Can you assist Five Minutes for Israel with some research on the BBC and Hanukkah?
Some BBC programmes are unavailable outside the UK. If you are a resident of the United Kingdom could you check out CBeebies (Give me the child for the first seven years and I will give you the man — attributed to Ignatius of Loyola) for me? It might be possible to download and send me the file. If not a summary would be very helpful. A transcript WOW!
Please respond on the Five Minutes for Israel Facebook page if you can help and I will find a way to get in touch.
CBeebies: My CBeebies Special Day – Hanukkah
Do you understand Scots Gaelic? Five Minutes for Israel is researching the BBC and Hanukkah and would like to know at least in summary what was said in this podcast.
Rev. Ruairidh MacLean ‘supposedly’ explains the Jewish Hanukkah Festival. Given that the Reverend is a representative of ‘Christian Witness to Israel — Telling Jewish people about Jesus’ he wouldn’t have been my first choice. Perhaps finding a Hanukkah expert who speaks Gaelic was a bit of a stretch?
Please respond on the Five Minutes for Israel Facebook page if you can help and I will find a way to get in touch.
Coinneach madainn Diciadain
David Cameron used to work in the PR dept of ITV so he’s got to protect his media chums.
David Cameron:
“When Donald Trump uses the term ‘fake news’ to describe CNN or the BBC, that is not just a questionable political tactic, it is actually dangerous.”
. . .
I will back the people’s decision (as written in leaflet costing £9 million)! {23jun2016}
I quit! {24jun2016}
. . .
BBC Fake News …. hiding a refugee throwing a pregnant refugee holding a child to the floor, forcibly – which is cut out by the BBC’s Gavin Hewitt – sep2015.
Chaos as police stop Hungary migrant train – Gavin Hewitt – BBC -Sep 2015 @53s
Watch the FULL (not BBC edited) video and the male refugee (companion trying to help?) drags the pregnant women and baby to the floor by force.
David Cameron – is this just bad editing or fake news from the BBC?
Incestuous BBC luvvies on Radio4
4pm Film Prog
4:30pm Inside Science presented by Adam Ruthford guess who film who’s on the film prog now for 10 mins reviewing the Star Wars movie ?
…. Adam Rutherford of course
…He’s Anglo Indian so they get their BME points.
Now on Inside Science, Samira Ahmed the presenter of R4 Front Row is now a guest.
A so-called Afghan so-called child so-called refugee was arrested by the German so-called police and is being tried by a so-called judge for rape and murder.
You couldn’t make this one up: every aspect of the case illustrates precisely the sort of dangers whistle-blowers have been warning about and for which they’ve been roundly pilloried, insulted, slandered, sneered at and abused by liberal-fascists such as the maggots who infest our very own beebistan.
Hussein Khavari entered Germany as an asylum-seeker.
Claimed to be a minor.
He had a previous conviction for attempted murder in Greece but WAS RELEASED AFTER JUST 2 YEARS!
His 19 year old victim was a volunteer helper in refugee shelters and homes.
Her father was a EU ‘legal adviser’.
And is there outrage over at the world’s most trusted broadcaster? What do you think – NOT A TWEET!
Metro article:
While I digest Vlad’s news above…… about this.
A friend tells me over lunch that over at I think Kings College London, in order not to cause offence to any religion we might think of, the authorites announced ‘Happy Campus’ instead of ‘Happy Christmas’.
Wait. I haven’t finished.
This was denounced as racist!!!!! Why? Because Happy Campus INFERS Happy Christmas and this inference is clearly deemed an affront to certain religions.
Send in the men in white coats. What’s that? The expression is no longer allowed?
We can all see where it is going, thanks to Orwell …
‘You haven’t a real appreciation of Newspeak, Winston,’ he said almost sadly. ‘Even when you write it you’re still thinking in Oldspeak. I’ve read some of those pieces that you write in The Times occasionally. They’re good enough, but they’re translations. In your heart you’d prefer to stick to Oldspeak, with all its vagueness and its useless shades of meaning. You don’t grasp the beauty of the destruction of words. Do you know that Newspeak is the only language in the world whose vocabulary gets smaller every year?’
Winston did know that, of course. He smiled, sympathetically he hoped, not trusting himself to speak. Syme bit off another fragment of the dark-coloured bread, chewed it briefly, and went on:
‘Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it.
– 1984, Orwell
Apparently it took the German so-called police 7 weeks to arrest the pile of shit murderer from Afghanistan.
I wonder why the delay?
“German police officer: ‘We can’t arrest refugees without being accused of racism’ ”
But at least they caught and prosecuted him. In the Uk, he would be given a million pounds for hurt feelings, the victim would be classed as a slag who was a racist and the bbc would post articles about what a wonderful person. He is.
Vlad – I suspect the EU sees the death of this girl to be a minor inconvenience – nothing more.
I reckon there may well be lots of minor inconveniences to come.
8pm R4
“David Aaronovitch asks experts on Russia what the Kremlin is trying to achieve by hacking emails and spreading fake news.
Guests include the Gordon Corera, the BBC’s Security Correspondent, Kimberly Marten of Columbia Uni”
Apologies if asked elsewhere.
Please could the BBC ask the Remoaners who successfully ensured the Brexit defeat the other day the following questions.
“Why are you opposed to parliamentary sovereignty for the UK in the UK?
“And given that you are opposed to parliamentary soverignty, why exactly do you wish to be an MP.”