The BBC whines constantly that the DUP are disproportionately influential due to their alliance with the Tories. Of course this is because the DUP in the main supports Brexit. The BBC shows no such distaste for a small group of Tory rebels who betray their country and party and ally themselves to the Marxists of Labour in order to appease their foreign masters in the EU. The BBC was also not concerned that the LibDems had too much influence in the coalition, nor that the SNP abused their position to malignly influence events in Parliament even on purely English matters. Only the DUP gets the BBC’s thumbs down.
BBC bias…it’s out there…list it all here…..
Treezer’s cops arrest Britain First
Heading for serious jail time they will be subject to the treatment Treezer authorized as Home Secretary for Tommy Robinson.
Perhaps Trump will tweet about absence of free speech in Sharia Mayland
Note how the BBC published her address. They don’t to that with Maxi’s rapist pals.
‘Charges relating to behaviour intended to or likely to stir up hatred’
I trust this will be applied to all then? The police will be very busy around football stadia then.
Very chilling.
Make no mistake , the establishment is out to get Britain First. The comments about restricting Fransen’s access to social media are amazing and chilling . Whatever you think of Britain First, they only exist because no mainstream political party represents voters legitimate fears about the creeping Muslim takeover of Britain. Instead we are peddled lies and a deliberate incompetence in tackling the problem from every perspective – immigration control, deporting failed asylum seekers , turning a blind eye to inflamatory preaching etc etc . Our politicians want us to believe that having Muslims dominate politics, media news reports and bombing or stabbing the public is ‘the new normal’.
We all on their list for the great round up
Exactly what we all expected. The state is using the police and other agencies against its own people to enforce the official lie that ‘mass migration and Islam are good things and threaten no one.’. The majority of Brits know that this is a lie but are being frightened into silence by the threats from the state. Soon even the internet will be censored . Britain First will follow all the other organisations which try to rally resistance to government sponsored Islamification of our country . Its leaders will be vilified, their families harassed and subject to violence and the authorities will turn a blind eye. Perhaps the authorities may be complicit in it , after all publishing the address is tantamount to offering an invitation to SJW and Muslims.
The politicians of the liberal left , of all political hues , have invested so much political capital in the official lie that they cannot retreat from it . Our hope must lie outside our country. Perhaps the determined stance of the Austrians , Poles and Hungarians will provide the inspiration we need. Or perhaps it will come from a President Trump. But it needs to happen in the next ten years or it will be too late.
With leaders like ours who needs Adolf Hitler or Uncle Joe Stalin?
Shortly we may well be able add a mad mullah to your list.
Sir Cliff Richard warned finances may be made public during BBC court battle
This sounds like blackmail to me. Of course the BBC will fight tooth and nail, because they are faultless, and using other people’s money. Also Cliff is white, Christian, successful, rich, and might have avoided tax.
Quite what his financial affairs have got to do with what he was more or less accused of, God only knows.
Lawyers. From Cliff to Grenfell. Shakespeare had a sensible priority policy.
The BBC quite simply are evil. A BBC producer abuses teenage boys who visit the set of Dr Who. What happens? Nothing. A well known Christian supporter of the Conservative Party is accused by somebody of behaving in an inappropriate manner. The BBC arrange with the police to have a live broadcast of his apartment being searched by the police.
BBC Radio One DJ’s are accused of predatory sexual behaviour at BBC organised events. What happens? Nothing. A well known Conservative supporter is (falsely) accused by somebody of being a paedophile. What happens? Newsnight run it as their leading story.
Prime Minister Brown gets the police to confiscate the computer of a political opponent because he has been leaked information which embarasses Brown. Protests from BBC journalists? Nothing. The police (falsely) claim that the computer contained illegal hardcore pornography and use it to attack the reputation of a Conservative Cabinet minister. Result. The BBC make it their lead item and say that the Conservative Party is in crisis.
Yes you are forced to pay for them.
I feel very angry with the people who voted against the Government yesterday, and I am no Tory, but without UKIP I find I’m bending that way. I’ve got no choice. Where are you Nigel?
Theresa May should have had the backing of her government before going into talks on our behalf in negotiating the best deal for Britain. The rebels have undoubtedly weakened her postion.
Why don’t these rebels care about their family members. Is it fair for a son or daughter to have face abuse and possibly violence because of theri relationship to a traitor? People in the Shires are furious, livid with the rebels
They have put their grandstanding and self importance ahead of the welfare of their family.
They just don’t seem to care, I would disapprove of the violence and abuse, but I feel sure it will happen. Too late for the rebel to complain when it has happened.
The media will portray the traitors as victims so they will get plenty of support from that quarter. It will be the likes of you and me who will be portrayed as evil. It could be the poll tax riots all over again. What utter twerps these politicians are.
I can’t imagine anything akin to the poll tax riots these days. Society as a whole has been tamed/muted/bulllied into acceptance of the way things are. Nobody will stand up, speak out or fight for anything anymore. The PC brigade have created a nation of cowards and obedient idiots.
Deep joy.
Grenfell Tower memorial service rates first news item on bBBC 1 6pm news.
I wonder what actual fact-based news on the topic we will get?
Or will it be the usual stream of virtue-signalling mush?
Oh well, next week we can have a service for the 27th anniversary week.
Try these bBBC soundbites.
‘The disparity between rich and poor’. ‘Why so many feel neglected’. ‘Deep social divides’.
The council had just spent £8 million on the building FFS. That’s £80000 for each apartment. How much more were they expecting? How much? Answer please. I’m waiting. I’m still waiting.
Just totally useless broadcasting from the pathetic bBBC snowflakes. Meaningless cretinous platitudes. No rational analysis. Nothing but mush. Thank you. Mark Easton.
All yours for £4 billion.
At least we now know why the Church Of England is still allowed to exist. It is to provide a cobbled area outside a nice backdrop of an old building that might once have been a place to teach, to sing or to pray. But following Occupy, the rise of Giles Fraser and Lucy Winkett-it is now a place where the media can get full scope to film the tealights, the balloons the white suited mime artist acting out “Imagine” for the Tent City activists, just as Jon Snow shows up with his serious face.
The Church are being played for fools-doubtless their food banks were denuded earlier and the fonts have Stella and piss in them now.
Time to fold up the Church Of England…and bet no Tories were allowed to attend unless it was to face scuffles in the crypt.
When will the Church wake up to how they`re making our lives much more dangerous by their being so gutless, ahistorical and unbiblical.
Bet they`ve not even got a crib up this year-probably a load of iconic portraits of St George Michael instead.
Within 2 or 3 generations St Paul’s will either be a mosque or a museum like Agia Sophia. Remember that when listening to all the hype about Grenfell.
I’m sorry for those poor families who lost loved ones in the Grenfell tragedy but I am getting sick of the leftie luvvie brigade politicising this disaster to try and push their vile class war and open borders agenda. Where is the St Paul’s ceremony for the Manchester concert victims? I just cannot help thinking that the Left are using this as a weapon to stir up anti-Tory hatred.
By sheer coincidence LBC has decided to spend money not on victims but sponsored ads on Facebook promoting the ‘powerful’ thoughts of one James O’Brien, noted calmer of troubled waters.
Most of the MSM is saturated with left wing ideology.
The Manchester concert victims didn’t die in the Diocese of London, that’s why. There was a well-publicised memorial service for them in Manchester Cathedral.
There was no 6 month anniversary cathedral service for Manchester bomb victims..I checked yesterday.
Now there is a news report titled “Those killed in the Arena bombing were remembered at an emotional service at Manchester Cathedral”
but that is actual a charity service “Hundreds of people attended the 21st Light Up a Life service in aid of St Ann’s Hospice.”
6 o clock al beeb tv news
The glee with which the daughter of a late labour leader reported the tax changes the snp are inflicting on their population was frankly disgusting .,
It wasn’t as bad as the Grenfell “!this will change society’” nonsense . That was just cringeworthy .
Then some muddled report about Eu rough sleepers being legal as some lefty do gooder stops their deportation . – that might give maxi something to bite on.
Then we hear some of the traitor tories have received death threats . How terrible .
Love that Traitor Gieve crys our about death threats – no place in democracy and at the same time bitches about the newspaper reaction to his conduct . Suppose it’s the attitude of the ruling class writ loud
If I saw Greive in the street walking past me, I don’t think I’d be able to contain myself, I know I’m no spring chicken anymore.
But I’d have to punch him one.
I know it would be wrong, but I’d feel a bit better for it.
Be fair – it can’t be easy for him going through life looking like a cartoon version of Mr Punch.
Two things
1 Why do I get wound up when the prime minister of some tin pot EU country like Luxembourg pronounces on Blighty and Brexit as though they matter and
2 I have worked out that the reason the msm and state go over the top on the likes of the Grenfell stuff is that they know deep down that people just don’t want guest workers here and they don’t want Blighty changed into a multicultural shit hole that is even worse than it has become . They’ll label it as zen o fonbia and little ingland ( whatever that means ) and dis respect views such as mine. If they want to be guest workers / benefit claimed / full time victims who not go to the fourth Reich. ?
And listening to ken Clarke justifying his desire to reverse Brexit it’s satisfying to know that remainers die off as well as brexiters .
Apologies for the spelling in my comment – above – I was sober when I wrote it but I was fuming by the sheer anti democratic attitude of Ken Clarke , a man far past his sell by date and due for an export to the politicians retirement club of £300 a day House of peers. This is what happens when a politician stays in the House of Commons far too long. Totally divorced from the view of the voting majority and used as a welcome comfort blanket when al Beeb needs a mouth to spout about remaining.
Halt on deportation of EU rough sleepers
Just spent 5 minutes reading the Christmas radio times before throwing it away in disgust. First, Daisy Goodwin’s article on how Prince Albert was responsible for our classic English Christmas. She begins with a snide “Don’t tell Nigel Farage”. I then moved swiftly on to the movies page where Andrew Collins reviews Hidden Figures, a film about 3 black women who worked at NASA. The review ends with a “I’m sure Trump would hate it.” This lefty idiot doesn’t even call him President!
Here’s a song I think The Donald would probably like. If not I’ll post it for me and all Elvis fans. Cheers.
Hidden Figures, is actually (in my opinion) a good film – well, there’s no crash bank wallop, foul language, overbearing music, space aliens or comic book characters. The film is based on ‘actual events’, and if true, then its lunacy that the women involved weren’t recognised for their work sooner. Well worth watching.
R4 now , their expert says “Donald Trump feels insecure right from the start and that’s partially, cos he didn’t win the popular vote”
What crap, he’s just done all these big rallies … and at the lection he didn’t care about the popular vote, cos they targetted on winning the electoral colleges
… I switched off
According to that pile of tripe show, the pledge, a sort of sky version of question time without the audience, a panel comprised of a token leaver and the rest, remoaning snowflakes.
Did you know that EVERYBODY in the U.K. hates Trump. Gregg Dyke, ex head of bbc says so.
Another airhead, the dopey bird Sarpong, well, she wants Trump to visit the U.K. so that the USA will see EVERYBODY protesting against him.
Rachel Johnson says EVERYBODY hates Trump, both brexiteers and remoaners , that he unites everyone in hate against him.
Even Carole Malone, the token leaver, couldn’t say anything good about Trump.
According to them lot, half of America must be knuckle dragging nazis.
In the real world, just about EVERYBODY I know thinks Trump is a breath of fresh air and that he’s great.
I will be embarrassed though because there will be all the virtue signalling snowflakes out protesting against him to show how nice and right on they are.
Can I apologise in advance to our American friends for the useless ignorant wimps who will be herded together and manipulated by the far left into protesting against the Donald.
They really don’t know what they’re doing the little dears. They will grow up eventually but for now it’s just a game for the little attention seekers.
It is actually very serious for us. The unrelenting insults and hostility will have been noticed and I fully expect the President to start to dismiss this country as just not worth the bother. Which is really now the case. China and the ME particularly a new relationship with Saudi Arabia ( look how quickly that country has started to reform it’s attitudes ) will occupy him now.
Israel and Russia ,India , Korea and the Pacific. Honestly why should the USA give a toss about us or Europe any more. We might get a trade deal but it will be on the USA’s terms and so it should.
Once the President’s core support turns against this country – and they are already- then we have a problem .
The President made it clear some time ago that only loyal allies will get any support. He is delivering on this and we have been warned. The BBC has a lot to answer for and has consistently worked to undermine our once important relations with the world’s most powerful country. That is what comes of giving kiddies the keys.
President Trump is fully aware of feelings of the majority people of Great Britain and that the media is run by metrocentric ‘snowflakes’.
Since DT has been elected POTUS:
4% GDP, higher than what Trump’s target was.
2.2 million new jobs created since Trump’s election.
26% rise in hirings in November alone.
Unemployment within the manufacturing sector is at a record low.
Lowest illegal immigration across the southern border for 46 years.
Prototypes of the border wall currently being tested.
I have NEVER heard any of the above reported or discussed on al Beebus.
Isn’t the DOW up by 30odd% too?
There were clips of the Donald chatting to film crew and saying that folks were so pleased that their retirement savings would be up, as a result of his tax plan. He relates to ordinary folk who share his views on MAGA, and that’s why he’s in the Whitehouse.
According to the fat SNP shite Nicolson on This Week last night, president Trump had ‘achieved nothing’
An hour on Five Live sport about grid girls in Formula One being sexist. Why do they have to shoe-horn their politics into anything? I could deal with the issue being briefly discussed during a programme about the actual sport, but an entire hour of SJW posturing?
All this finger-wagging – there is no fun or humour to any of it; I have always hated so much about religion because it is so intensely serious when it’s so fun and healthy to be light-hearted. They won’t rest until every sport, programme and subject has been rendered ‘inoffensive.’ The desiccating virus of political correctness sucks the life out things: no sexy girls at sports events; no comedians free to push boundaries; news increasingly being about narratives over facts; and of course the stifling of creativity and expression, as people self-censor knowing a misplaced word could ruin your life.
If you don’t like beautiful women at sporting events then just read your book or whatever when they come out. Why spoil it for everyone else? It is the cry bully minority again. 99.9% of the predominantly male audience love seeing beautiful women.
Sorry Beeb Brother. Sport IS the new religion, albeit one with an old pedigree from classical times.
The Olympics have a noble lineage of old but were brought back at the start of the 20th Century to “bind us together”-they should have been consigned to the bonfire after Hitler showed the world how to best use sport for its political and media ends.
Football also has a noble church, local history in this country-but, again, got used for political purposes even before WW1 was over-and was hoped to compensate for the wipeout of religious faith following both world wars.
Every two years we get reminded of what toxic substitute “gods” we`ve got by way of the Olympics and the World Cup.
No surprise then that disability, feminism and the search for gay players is yet more seeking out of revenue, fake emotings and virtue siugnalling with a large dollop of homoerotic youth grmooming potential for the pervs who watch and study the stats.
Note the lack of fuss re the Russians hosting the World Cup-thought they were pariahs to the liberals, but sport is the bigger god.
I noted the Olga Korbut, Theophilius Stevenson cults in sport in the early seventies, the Communists gloried in war by sporting success. Aren`t we just the pastel tribute communists in OUR vacant worship of State globalised sport?
Alicia ,
I agree – football is the new god – I have gone from the ritual of a season ticket and a game every 2 days on sky/bt to no football at all . And it feels better
Footy is a ritual – a false engagement – an annual cycle which never stops .
Apparently sky loses 600 million a year by overpaying got footy. Long may it do so
BBC accounts not being used for political purposes
I see he also posted a video of a Bolton National Front man who allegedly failed to burn an fire resistant EU flag
but that video seems fake to me cos the only version originiates from Hate not Hope and has a bit of speech and then music. There is no clean version ..traces back to an Independent article.
quoted tweet
It was my great honor to celebrate the opening of two extraordinary museums-the Mississippi State History Museum & the Mississippi Civil Rights Museum. We pay solemn tribute to our heroes of the past & dedicate ourselves to building a future of freedom, equality, justice & peace.
Ohhhh, Diane Abbott … “6 months on from #Grenfell – lessons are being forgotten. We know fire puts out water. Sprinklers in Tower blocks now” – Diane Abbott – twitter (don’t pick on me because ….)
“FIRE puts out WATER”
..her own verified Twitter account and not yet deleted
Been on the taxpayer paid House of Commons rum and black again eh Diane ?
Do you think she represents the fire brigades Union ? You know – the outfit which told the punters in Grenfell it’s all under control – stay where you are in your flat. If that inquiry doesn’t give the LFB a kicking over this it really will be bent ( and yes I admire brave fire fighters but that’s what happened ).
I’ve never used this hackneyed old acronym before but O.M.G. There’s a first time for everything eh?
Mind you when i think about it, her statement does fit with the principles of Newspeak and she probably believes it.
11 hours that was on twitter, until she just deleted it. Shame..very funny.
one of the comments was “not the sharpest box in the tool”
I hope somebody saved the text.
“As the #grenfell debates rages on, Diane Abbott battles to extinguish an out of control River Thames, South of Hackney. #FirePutsOutWater”
Got my letter from the BBC
What changes have they buried away in the dozens of paragraphs ?
Is that actually true ?
Cos US networks have a much bigger turnover
What about the news Disney/Fox ?
ITV 10pm news
First clip “Insha’Allah, insha’Allah, insha’Allah” sang in St Paul’s probably by a Muslim choir
For greater authenticity they should have chanted allahu akbar and perhaps the ridiculous archbishop could have strapped on a suicide belt. Good riddance to the moron.
The First Holy Church Of Perpetual White Guilt.
Maastricht : At least two people were killed and several others wounded by stabbings.
The police said in a statement there were two stabbing incidents with a few hundred meters (yards) of each other in a residential neighborhood in northern Maastricht, which borders Germany and Belgium.
Maastricht attack not yet on beebistan – usually a sign that it was by their favourite religionists.
“Dutch police: No indication of terror in stabbing incident in Maastricht.”
“The police have made two arrests at a mosque”.
“An eyewitness tells De Telegraaf that the father and mother of a Syrian family live separately from each other and that the father returned to his home after a quarrel in the mosque. There a group of Syrian youths would have called and stabbed the man. Then they would have gone a mile further to the mother’s house, rang her bell and cut her throat.”
“Also the son and daughter of this family would have been (badly) injured in the skirmishes. There would also be bats and swords used in these fights. Dozens of people would have been injured at the mosque. The police can not confirm all this.”
“High Court in Britain rules British troops violated civilians’ rights in Iraq, finally. “
“Britain First’s Paul Golding and Jayda Fransen arrested.”
Quite right too, putting Britain first should be a punishable offence.
Britain should always be put last, like our favourite Broadcaster does.
It already is.
Is this worth sharing ?
Maybe it will help the SNP
How the bBC hides news which doesn’t fit in with its leftwing agenda:
Currently the bBC are reporting on the news that the US has provided evidence that Iran is supplying the Houthi erebels with weapons including ballistic missiles.
Iran supplied Yemen rebels with ballistic missile – US
The US permanent representative to the UN, Nikki Haley, has accused Iran of supplying Yemen’s rebel Houthi movement with missiles to attack Saudi Arabia.
Then in typical bBC fashion they muddy the water by digressing in every direction other than the one heading towards Iran, There is a small incursion , but the bBC manages to pop smoke by saying :
Iran’s mission to the UN said the evidence was “fabricated” to serve a US agenda.
and then right at the bottom the bBC adds this:
Separately, an arms monitoring group reported that some European-made weapons bought by the US and Saudi Arabia had ended up in the hands of the Islamic State group (IS). At least 12 cases were documented, including one of a guided anti-tank missile. Conflict Armament Research (CAR) said both countries delivered the weapons to Syrian rebels “without authorisation” and without informing the eastern European countries – Bulgaria and Romania included – where the arms had originally come from. More than half the weapons used by IS were Chinese- and Russian-made, the report said, and 3% were Nato-calibre – IS took them from Iraqi forces in 2014.
For some strange reason the bBC doesn’t link into the document where that was taken from. But hey, I’m a spotter, so here is the doc (Note its a PDF file, which I have scanned with 2 different paid for AV security programs.)
So how many times have you heard somebody say:

“The US/UK/Saudi Arabia armed ISIS.”
Here’s a couple of charts from that doc which states otherwise:
Weapons used by ISIS
Ammunitio used by ISIS
There’s a lot more, just read the document in question. However I will end with posting a summary on US weapons and the conclusion:
Considerable international attention has focused on the capture of US-manufactured weapons by IS forces from Iraqi military units, yet these weapons account for only 2 per cent of the group’s holdings in its Iraq and Syria operations. Most of the group’s weapons are Warsaw Pact calibres, which are in widespread service among Iraqi and Syrian forces and also deployed by most opposition forces fighting in the Syrian conflict. The ultimate origins
of these weapons mirror broad trends in the global market for Warsaw Pact-calibre materiel. China predominates as a producer. Weapons manufactured by EU Member States in Eastern Europe form the bulk of the remaining materiel deployed by IS forces on either side of the Iraq– Syria border. Russian-manufactured weapons are the second-most common types among IS forces in Syria, but not in Iraq (possibly due to Russian support for the Syrian regime and subsequent acquisition by IS forces)
IS forces, like most non-state armed groups, acquire significant quantities of weapons and ammunition on the battlefield. This materiel has numerous sources—ranging from weapons captured in bulk from Iraqi defence and security forces during initial advances by IS forces in 2014, to military materiel seized during offensives against Syrian government forces. If these acquisitions were restricted to old, ‘legacy’ weapons, which happened to be present in the arsenals of the two governments, there would arguably be few viable avenues available to restrict weapon acquisition by IS forces. Evidence presented in this report, however, confirms that many of the group’s weapons—and notably its ammunition—are newly manufactured, having been delivered to the region since the start of the Syrian conflict in 2011. These weapons originate in transfers made by external parties, including Saudi Arabia and the United States, to disparate Syrian opposition forces arrayed against the regime of President Bashar al-Assad. Supplied into Syria through the territories of regional proxies—notably Jordan and Turkey—this materiel was rapidly captured by IS forces, only to be deployed by the group against international coalition forces.
Good article. But, USA did provide ISIS with weapons – mainly by incompetence:
Just found this article. It is also based on a CAR report.
“Theresa May: We’re on course to deliver Brexit despite vote”
Parliament is a stage full of actors.
Our MPs are the actors.
What she really means is “I think I have played a blinder. I hope the silly little people never get to work it out”
Any of you Telly Tax payers wondered why May has not got rid of the Biased Broadcaster yet ?
I think you put the question the wrong way around.
Any of you Telly Tax payers wondered why the Biased Broadcaster has not got rid of May yet ?
Because as a BBC supporting Remainer she is driving people into the Leave camp
Airbus draws giant Christmas tree over Europe.
Ok, inoffensive article with festive cheer – surprised Airbus let this happen as it might offend some Germans! Also, the aircraft is going to be flown by Emirates….maybe not anymore!
But, my point is the last sentence
‘Last month, a US Navy pilot was strongly reprimanded for using contrails to trace a penis over the state of Washington.’ – which is blatantly another attempt to have a go at belittling the US. Admittedly, Sky did exactly the same, so the report was probably written by a common source.
Not sure why Emirates would have any objection to Christmas. Dubai is a very pleasant and generally tolerant place and the local malls and shops are full of festive cheer at this time.
That story has got to be a press release promoted to ‘news’. Most Germans and their ‘migrant’ fellows would be completely unaware of the ‘christmas tree’. Only the ‘nerds’ tracking the aircraft online would see the result, a few thousand maximum?
If nothing else though it does show that there is plenty of BBC ‘news’ space that could be used to report the stories that concern the plebs that pay for the BBC.
But then we only get told what isn’t ‘problematic’ , (thank you Prof. Herbert Pimlott!).
Migrants in Germany: Should they be paid to go home?
Interesting article, written by the beeb through gritted teeth (their answer, of course, is no). They also quote:
‘ 222 planned flights were stopped by German pilots who refused to fly failed asylum seekers back to Afghanistan shows how controversial deportation has become there.’ – the implication is that they refuse moral grounds.
Reading the linked article, the emphasis is on refusal due to security concerns, with an addendum that some pilots did so on moral grounds.
“German pilots who refused to fly failed asylum seekers back to Afghanistan “. Draw your own conclusions on the BBC’s Fake ‘news’. –
I have just read that ‘several’ women have accused Dustin Hoffman of “sexual misconduct”
And here’s to you, Mrs Robinson…
They are banging on about Russia again; apparently they are hacking underwater cables or something? It’s farcically unbelievable – did they not spend just 73p on Facebook ads? The agenda just never stops.
No BB – Its true. The “word on the street” / “some people are saying” is that King Titan of the Aquaphibians is now in league with President Putin. Apparently King Titan is employing his Mechanical Fish to interfere with underwater comms cables.
This dreadful news needs to be got out fast – “England Battle Stations – Anything could happen in the next six years ” Tell your friends! Tell your relatives! Fortunately for us Aunty will be leading the fightback against any aquaphibian/russian inspired fake news!
Because they are ignorant.
The first British naval action of WW1 was to cut German Transatlantic telegraph cables.
After WW2 the CIA had a multi-billion dollar operation called Ivy Bells which tapped Soviet cables in the far East for years.
It’s a legitimate defence concern voiced not by a politician but senior military . We need more expenditures on defence and increased capability in many areas. No major party is likely to deliver this. Priorities are misplaced as we waste billions on say foreign aid and subsidising Germany via the EU so called divorce bill.
The HoC doesn’t want to be accountable to the british public as they are all in it for the money,just let the EU make the laws.Then they can say its got nothing to do with us guv and carry on milking the system. Change the election time to every two years or one year.Might make them think.
Not all, Pete. Majority. There are MPs of principle: Rees-Mogg, Hoey, Field spring to mind. Even Skinner. (although I disagree with his socialism. But………. I do agree mainly
The way the EU is going is there going to be any reason to have these people at all?
we have further parliaments/assemblies in wales ireland scotland (spot the missing word)
and all these mayors popping up whether we wanted them or not
surely some of them are surplus to requirements
It’s a small number out of 650 something though eh?
As Jo put it – four of the 650.
Gary Lineker is turning into a regular little leftie twitter twit. If it’s not migrants, it’s the Palestinians.
He re-tweeted footage of Israeli security forces arresting stone-throwing young Palestinians with the comment ‘sickening’.
You know what I find sickening Gary? A pampered overpaid football commentator making easy, lazy, virtue signalling comments from the comfort of his safe bbc studio about a people fighting a daily battle for their very survival against enemies, internal and external, hell-bent on their utter annihilation.
But then, it’s not surprising is it? Hang around bbc studios too long and you’re bound to get contaminated with the disease of so-called ‘liberalism’. The beeb, like Labour, is full of anti-Semitism masquerading as concern for Palestinians.
He who pays the piper calls the tune.
Oh Gary: “Once kicked a ball about. Now talks about kicking a ball about. Still flogging spuds.”
‘Turning into’?
Gary is famous for having a crap himself incident on the field. He is using that experience to create the same thing that came out producing it verbally and on Twitter.
Oh how I had to laugh.. R4 John H..discussing the future of TV etc.. asks if the BBC can compete against the global giants – ” we haven’t got that sort of money” and the global giants don’t get £3.7 billion a year regardless of what shi..e they produce.
They really do live in a bubble….
And how do they manage to turn anything positive about Brexit into a is a talent..
But what I took away from that item is that the days of the BBC Licence fee are truly numbered. It will be forced, kicking and screaming, to join the rest of the commercial World in soliciting its services by subscription. It will fail. Because, it appears, a growing number of people reject what the lying deceitful propagandists at the BBC have on offer. Reminds me of times when the BT monopoly came crashing down: now they are no more than a player in a big game. Will the BBC survive the transition? I sincerely hope not.
For those criticising Putin and his alleged tapping into undersea cables etc, this is not coming onto the bBBC news pages:
The west promised Gorbachev that we wouldn’t encroach on USSR territory.
BBC Newsbeat on Facebook:
Young people ruled this year, according to Oxford Dictionaries.
‘Youthquake’ refers to them driving a big change in society – like the UK’s swing towards Labour in the general election.
Comments could be going better so far. No one has heard of this term, and the ‘big change’ seems mostly a bbc aspiration.
Maybe Huw and Kamal could hit the road again to see if they can tell da kidz how to spot da fake news, innit?
Could be going better here too:
They get a kicking in the comments
– Word of the Year? Doesn’t the Word of the Year have to have been in common usage during the year in question? I think I have heard Gadzooks more.
– .and it seems Oxford Dictionaries should not necessarily be deciding such things
…there are many words in use which are not in its reference books
– I think this choice says more about who chooses word of the year, rather than about current language usage.
Great news one ms Fran Unsworth has been appointed Head of Albeeb Propaganda . Her picture is on their website and I warn you it’s not for people of a nervous twitch . Ms unsworth has been responsible for the destruction of the World Service by making it non British – the world’s service. I gave up on listening. It used to be clever and challenging and now it’s radio bongo bongo.
She has a big challenge- can she make it worse ?
And – I kid you not – r4 is doing a wimmins comedy show each week for half an hour – it’s one for our maxi -2300.
I’m so pleased I don’t pay for it
“I’m so pleased I don’t pay for it”. Me too. My licence lapsed end October and despite letters imploring me to pay I have no intention of doing so. I have not received, ‘The Visit’ yet though but I have the means at hand to record that visit when it comes.
I get nice threatening letters too. I’m ready for the peak through the window and the visit. The inspectors are effectively agency staff given a list and they can visit when they choose. I won’t be opening the door, chatting or signing. Apparently women are more likely to get caught because they chat. Sad.
( I cheated by looking for a job with them _ my principles are important to me which is one of the reasons I visit this excellent site )
Read all about it! Read all about it! Get your Fran Un(new)sWorth(y) here …
In December 2005, Unsworth appeared on the BBC’s Newswatch programme, facing accusations of double standards in BBC News reporting of racial crimes when white people were the victims. Complainants suggested the BBC buried stories such as the racist murder of Kriss Donald, with comparable murders involving black victims given twelve times more coverage and the opening of an arts centre in Gateshead reported in preference to Donald’s murder. Unsworh admitted the case had not been covered sufficiently and that there had been space to do so.{wiki}
– Fran Unsworth has been appointed the new Director of BBC News, replacing James Harding. {order-order}
Sounds ideal for first woman dg ( whatever) or a nice Corbin New Years peerage in a couple of sad years .
I can’t find a link to insert so, this is the full text of what I received from Britain First:
Today, Deputy Leader Jayda Fransen was due to appear before the Belfast courts for a bail hearing.
A Britain First team assembled for what was supposed to be a routine 20-minute hearing, when a group of detectives swooped and arrested me!
I was held all day in a Belfast police station, interrogated and charged with the same offence that Jayda was charged with a few weeks ago.
Then, once Jayda’s bail hearing ended, she herself was arrested and carted off to the police station!
After my interrogation, I was released from the station and was able to meet with supporters and update our social media accounts.
Unfortunately, Jayda is still in custody and will probably be staying in overnight to appear in court in the morning!
The police tried to apply a blanket ban on me regarding social media use, but they backed down when I said I would fight it in court. With Jayda, however, the police have stated they will put their foot down and force it on her.
She is refusing to sign her bail sheet, which means she will be in court first thing in the morning.
The situation with the police authorities is spiralling out of control!
They are desperate to destroy us before we get too big to manage.
They are throwing everything they can at us before we reach critical mass!
Just take a moment to digest what happened today: The police arrested the leader and deputy leader of a political party and charged them with making speeches!
It’s an outrageous assault on free speech and we need to fight back with every drop of blood we can muster.
Surrender is not an option.
Both Jayda and I need your unswerving support right now to fight the police bullies!
The commissars are hoping you will ‘hang us out to dry’ but we are British patriots and we will join forces and fight them to the death!
Please show your disgust at what happened to us both today by sending an urgent donation towards our legal fighting fund.
Target: £40,000
Raised so far: £21,820
Patriot Name:
Recommended: Chip in £15
Jayda and I need you xxxxxxx, without your support, the police will send us to prison for a long time and destroy our movement:
Yours sincerely,
Paul Golding
Leader, Britain First
This is really a matter only of Free Speech. I guess the CPS believe public opinion is on their side and that if Messrs. Golding and Fransen are locked away, the public will not shed any tears. Strategically, for them the circumstances could not be better: organisation condemned by the media, Government and all those with power.
Follow up just arrived:
Dear xxxxxxx,
I have some bad news for you this morning: The police have remanded Jayda to prison!
No bail, no conditions, no tag, no curfew, straight to prison.
Thankfully, our legal reps have secured her a hearing this morning where a judge will decide if she will go straight to prison!
The hearing takes place around 11am.
If the judge rules in favour of the police, she will be incarcerated immediately.
This is is an outrageous situation.
Jayda needs your help, pure and simple.
We have run run out of time.
We need to pay our legal team to launch an immediate fight back and possible appeal if she gets sent to prison today.
Your donations are the the only thing standing between us and prison.
Please show your disgust at whats happening to us by sending an urgent donation towards our legal fighting fund.
I’ll try and get a copy of the speech that she gave for context.
New Tweet from @JaydaBF
VICTORY! Judge throws out police attempts to imprison Jayda!
@BBCMarkSimpson tweeted
Deputy leader of far-right group Britain First, Jayda Fransen, has appeared in court charged in connection with incident at a Belfast peace wall.
She’s charged with using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour.
She’s been released on bail.
Will these Stasi shenanigans be reported on the BBC? Any bets?
The police and judiciary are powers that do need holding to account, yet our ever partial and selective state propagandist seems more than variable on who and for what.
Of course as civil servants, wrongdoing requires special understanding, and the losing of jobs would set a bad example. Be it rape or free speech.
In this case, good on yeroner, but I would very much be interested who up the prosecution chain thought this worth a punt.
GW, all pretty well much down to the words she used. As above I’ll try and get a copy of the speech to see what, effectively, all of us are up against.
Jayda is facing trial for her naughty speeches.
I wonder if she can have a fair trial when pro Islamic politicians are effectively proclaiming her guilt.
Treezer doing that funny thing with her mouth. It looks as if she is a ventriloquists dummy
“Treezer doing that funny thing with her mouth. It looks as if she is a ventriloquists dummy”. I’ve pondered on this and concluded that the ‘trumpeting’ affectation takes place only in certain instances. Studying further but hampered by no TV Licence to ‘view’ right now.
“Islam has nothing to do with Islam” “Brexit has nothing to do with Brexit” “Enough is Enough”
“(S)He gazed up at the enormous face (of Tusk). Forty years it had taken
him(the UK) to learn what kind of smile was hidden beneath the dark moustache (and treaties). O cruel, needless misunderstanding! O stubborn, self-willed exile from the loving breast! Two gin-scented tears trickled down the sides of (her)hisnose. But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. (S)He had won the victory over (her)himself. (S)He lovedBig Brother(the EU).”Gordon Brown did funny things with his mouth (other than use it for “speaking”), too…
This ‘award’ is simply based on the usage of the word – not how many or which places – then decided by the President of Dictionaries…
If you look at the term it was promoted mainly by the Corbynistas and particularly the Guardian.. A quick google search doesn’t show it anywhere else to any great extent..(well, New Zealand in same context)
So no wonder the BBC want it promoted…they didn’t mention two of the other words on the short list..ANTIFA and White Fragility… I am surprised…..they did mention Broflake – which is an anti man term…Milkshake Duck which is an anti man term (that’s how it started) and Kompromat and Newsjack – both of which the word of the year board used Trump as an example ( a negative one)
All but 2 of the selected words were founded in a political left philosophy – This is just another example of how the left have taken over most of the media and academia….
We are all doomed….
JA – there is some comfort to be gained from the majority of the comments and upticks they have garnered. Though of course in Beeworld totally misreading public opinion is at worst ‘views are split’.
Scanning the ‘news’ channels last night………..they seem to be completely over staffed with either Pakistani/Indian or Sub-Saharan Africans for newsreaders and correspondents.
Given ‘diversity’ as the mantra, why do none of these channels employ those of Oriental extraction or even South Americans?
I am willing to stand corrected with an example, Marxicony.
Max is too busy going through his extensive database of white paedos to reply at present.
Brexit? I can recall my joy the morning after the referendum. Now, I realise that that joy has increasingly drained away in our so-called, ‘democratic political system’. So, Brexit?
Let’s take a look at the three people highlighted.
Ken Clarke: – take a look at, ‘Activities and Goals’. – take a look at, ‘Corporate and other Work’ and tell me how that improves the lot of his voters in Rushcliffe.
Nick Clegg: – I’ll say no more………….
I won’t sicken it any further by including his wife’s commercial activities.
Adonis:,_Baron_Adonis#Subsequent_career – in summary: a ‘think-tank’ junkie – How the country has demonstrably improved as a result of Adonis’ involvement……………………
There you have it: a fine trio of those that have, ‘worked tirelessly’ for their voters……………..
Drain the swamp!
Adonis really is the example of the limits of democracy – a friend of Blair – appointed to the house of wasted air to undermine the vote of the people because he personally disagrees… I was going to add a few more words but free speach is now suppressed by the “hate” laws .
Ken Clarke ‘forgot’ he was a member and a trustee….Forgot – it is so funny you couldn’t make it up. It’s like Mandelson forgetting he was loaned money from somebody he was investigating – he got away with it in the long term and so will Clarke now and in the long for Clegg and Adonis.. they are the worst…especially sanctimonious Clegg who changed his mind about Lord Rennard and the sex scandals.. no doubt he forgot something too..
It’s ok, the woefully underpaid Amol is on it…
BBC reporter reports on BBC person being hired on wages paid under threat of prison and to justify the pay reports on the job entails – not very independent as his wages depend on a good report (nothing negative). Bias?
Point of order : “Fran Unsworth will be paid the same as her predecessor”
In your job your salary rises over the years with your experience/competence
When your successor takes over he/she is not immediately as good as you so should not begin on the same salary as your leaving salary.
Echo echo echo echo chamber.
Guido description
see Meet the BBC drama queen laying down the law on climate change. Hardly unbiased
“True to form, her views are totally certain, totally set in stone: a consensus exists in favour of alarmism and, by golly, she and her 8,000-strong news division are going to follow it.
… her degree, according to the BBC, was in drama.
… An interesting parallel, I would suggest, comes in the history of eugenics, which I am currently studying. “
TalkRadio now Government prosecutor Jerry Hayes (former Tory MP) is explaining why he halted rape trial .
The day before trial he took over the prosecution , then during the trial the defence asked if there were any relevant phone records, he checked and was told they weren’t relevant and were private, so shouldn’t be handed
He checked and found that the police had mislead and had failed to hand over these records which PROVED the sex was consensual, with the woman sending him textx begging fo sex and sending texts to her friends saying how good it was.
The guy was held for 2 years.
Stew – on those facts some dumb copper is heading for a perverting the course of justice rap as well as a horrible civil action ….
Hilarious Marky. Love the punchline: who did I miss out?
BBC find reasons to show happy Jeremy Corbyn … ‘Youthquake’ declared word of the year by Oxford Dictionaries { 15dec2017}
Jeremy Corbyn was said to have benefited from a “youthquake” after a surge in support from millennials.
Marina Hyde in the Guardian doing her Label/Sneer/Dismiss/Runaway debate tactics,
as she labels all non-libs with the boo-word “Alt-Right”
No open comments (that’s the runaway bit).
They only open comments on stuff the flakes can do their ritual outrage – Trump- Britain First – over funded nhs doctors….
BBC Humberside hyped up the Turner Prize winner who emigrated from Arab slave trade hotspot Zanzibar, criticised Britain for our overseas slave trade.
Ollie Wright replies : What about your own country’s slave trade, Prof Hamid?
An excellent article by Ollie Wright – and it is balanced unlike anything the BBC put out. It seems as though the left liberal elite really do want to turn Great Britain into exactly the sort of place they wouldn’t survive – how dumb are they?
If you want to read a good book that puts the Turner prize into context then I recommend – Quentin Letts’ How the elites betrayed Britain – Patronising Bas..ds …
Stew ,
I’m thinking of applying for compensation because some of my ancestors were press ganged . No doubt that annoying sadstone brooks will help after ppii.
4:30 R4 Feedback
– On Monday this week, the BBC launched its first full voice app for desk tubs like Amazon Alexa
Editor of Voice Mukul Devichand describes how the new way of listening works, demonstrating how this technology will allow greater access to the BBC’s range of live radio stations and podcasts.
* FFS that’snot listener FEEDBACK it’s a BBC advert
– Also, we hear from listener Roslyn Byfield about a recent item on World at One about teenage mental health.
She discusses the audio diaries of a teenage girl suffering from anxiety.
– Tweet of the Day, is it now more about the celebs than the birds ?
– Listeners Simon Rennie and Libby Tempest tell us how an edition of In Our Time helped inspire change.
I’m looking forward to seeing the above pic on Beebistan.
Religious freedom?
(The so-called “West Bank” is Judea)
RAMALLAH, West Bank (Reuters) – Palestinians switched off Christmas lights at Jesus’ traditional birthplace in Bethlehem on Wednesday night in protest at U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.
A Christmas tree adorned with lights outside Bethlehem’s Church of the Nativity, where Christians believe Jesus was born, and another in Ramallah, next to the burial site of former Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, were plunged into darkness.
“The Christmas tree was switched off on the order of the mayor today in protest at Trump’s decision,” said Fady Ghattas, Bethlehem’s municipal media officer.
He said it was unclear whether the illuminations would be turned on again before the main Christmas festivities.
Someone ought to erect a huge tree with a dummy of Mo the prophet on the top with little childlike elves around the base
Argos page 123 in the catalogue . £. 9.99
#Merkel wins Finland gender equality prize. Germany’s chancellor has been named the inaugural winner of an international gender equality award created by the Finnish government. The jury chose her because of her “commitment to women and girls globally”
. . . in other news . . .
BBC fails to follow up on a refugee related News story … BBC £3.5bn Search for ‘Maria Freiburg’
Apparently he thought that he had already strangled her to death. The judge questioned him concerning “sex with a dead girl,” and the offender said:
“It didn’t bother me to have sex with a dead girl.” (Hussein K.)
What can they expect importing a bunch of third world peasants into their sad country . Suppose they need to breed a new army for the next time the reich wants to go for liebesroun
I don’t watch QT but just saw this clip.
Its not a clip being shown on the so called BBC’s summary
Kaiser ,
Very kind but I won’t partake . Gave up with it and the tv licence years ago. Well rehearsed anti brexit pro multicultural anti right wasted air .
Really wonder who watches it?
Kaiser – I take it back – that bloke was so strong even the self absorbed HRH Dimbleby had to stay quiet. They won’t listen.